
No Hope.

I’ve always liked One Direction. I knew with the amount of money my family had that I’d never a chance to meet them, no matter how much I wanted to. Whenever I looked at pictures of them and read facts and act like I meet them, I would cry, knowing I would never. Why would they want to meet a loser like me anyway?
I lived in a bad neighborhood. Many crimes where commented there, but having six kids and very low income, my parents couldn’t afford to move. Whenever I heard a gun shot I would grab my sisters and brother, being the oldest, and go to the basement.
When I heard that One Direction was going to play at the local stadium that was close to my house, my heart skipped a beat. I could actually hear them from my house! I was the most happy that I have ever been at that moment.
I sat at the edge of my bed, close to the plastic covered window. I could feel the beat and hear the mumbled words. I heard the door slam and my the thirteen year old sister, Katie, scream for me and yell get down. I froze. My heart was beating fast, my hands getting sweaty. Then I heard her scream and a gun shot. My eyes dilated the biggest they ever had that night. I realized how much more furious I was than scared. I grabbed my flute, since it was the nearest thing, and ran to find a man with a gun, shooting my last sibling. He hadn’t seen me yet. My parents walked in.
The man, being much larger than my dad, snapped his neck. I let out a silent scream and tears ran down my face. My legs wouldn’t move. He then took a knife and stabbed my mom, killing her almost instantly. When I noticed I was the last one alive I ran to him. He shot me in my leg, but that didn’t matter to me. I took my flute and knocked him in the head with it as hard as I could. He pointed the gun at my head, I was prepared, but nothing happened. He was out of bullets. He grabbed the knife and tried to stab me in the middle of my forehead. I held my flute case up, and the force knocked me back.
I got up as fast as I could and kicked him in the head several times. When I noticed he was knocked out, I ran to grab a blanket, a wrap/bandage, rubbing alcohol, and wipes. I ran out of the house. The gunshot to my leg was throbbing with pain, and blood flowed out of it. I kept running, feeling woozy and numb. Not knowing where to go, I stopped near the stadium.
The concert had just ended and I sat down. I took one look at my leg and knew it wouldn’t be easy to handle. I grabbed a wipe and poured rubbing alcohol on it. I rubbed my leg with it, it stung, but at least it was getting clean. When it was as clean as I could get it, I wrapped it tightly.
I was surprised I was still conscious. I was dizzy. I was still crying. Even with the thick wool blanket I was cold. I looked around. It was so empty. Someone was walking towards me, but I didn’t pay to much attention until he talked to me.
“Hey. Take this.” Said Niall Horan, handing me money. I looked up.
“I-I cant t-take that.” and dozed off for a second “that money. It cant bring back what I want.” I was surprised he understood me behind the tears and exhaustion.
“Why? What do you want?” He grabbed my hand and made me stand. He noticed my leg and went silent. I was very, very dizzy.
“My…m-my fami-family.” Is the last thing I remember saying before falling.

In the Dark.

I could remember Niall freaking out. Why did he care so much? He picked me up and ran. I opened my eyes and looked back. I realized he left my flute.
“S-stop..” I mutter out. He looked down and stopped.
“What’s wrong?” He looked puzzled.
“My…my flute. I have to get it.” He looked back to where I pointed.
“I have to get you to the hospital though!”
“Please!” I begged, tears forming once again in my eyes. “My mom gave it to me! it’s the only thing I have l-l-left” I struggled, but finally got out of his grip.
I fell to the ground. I couldn’t stand up, no matter how hard I tried. Niall tried to pick me up.
“Come on! You…you might die!” I could tell he was about to cry, he was frantic and worried.
“No!” I screamed…tears now covering my face and the pavement. I crawled to my flute. It could have taken five minutes, fifteen, thirty, but I got there. I picked up my flute and screamed and cried into its black plastic case.
“It still smells like you, Mommy. Ill play all your favorite songs, I promise. Daddy, I’ll be good and work hard, I’ll be the best in my class, I promise, I’ll be your little girl, always. Katie, Lily, Jesse, Ginny, Fred, be good for Mommy and Daddy, okay? I’ll talk about you with all the new friends I’ll make wherever I go. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I love you. I love you all so much.”
I heard Niall crying and I looked over. Niall. He was sitting down against a light post, his hands on his head. I was still crying violently. I grabbed the blanket and forced my self to stand up and walk over. I almost fell several times, but about three feet from him I fell. I got up and crawled. I took the blanket and wrapped it around him. He looked over, he wouldn’t move. I sat on the other side of him and snuggled my face into my flute. I was freezing, but I wouldn’t let some one who had tried to help me get cold. I was still very weak, and within the next thirty seconds I blanked out.

One Direction Infection-To The Max.

I woke up in a white hospital room. The sky outside was the beautiful color of dawn. My flute lay beside me on a table. Niall. He was asleep in a chair holding my hand. This couldn't be real. No one cared about me...why did Niall? I sat up, which must have woken him up.
"Feeling any better?" He asked in the most beautiful Irish accent ever. I started to blush.
"Ya I guess..can I ask you something though?" He looked puzzled.
"What is it? Do you need something?" He said looking around.
"Kinda...I want to know why you care so much about a loser like, well, me." I said and looked to my lap. He stood up and sat on my bed. I grasped my chin in his soft hand and made me look at him.
"Someone who thinks, no, knows family is more important than money is not a loser one bit. Someone who is obviously freezing but gives their blanket to someone else is not a loser at all. Someone as beautiful as you is not a loser. Never believe it if someone calls you a loser, got it? I'm not going to listen to it. You have no where else to go, right?" I was crying and blushing like a mad person, but I nodded. Where was I going to go?
"Well then come with me and the boys!" He said smiling. "I know they would love to meet the reason I didn't go back last night." He said with a smile, I laughed.
"Excuse me, you have some visitors." said a nurse with big bushy brown hair. I laughed. Then Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam walked in. I started laughing harder and Niall joined in. So did the rest.
"Why are we laughing?" asked Liam.
"Oh, when the nurse said I had visitors I thought of aliens,..then you walked in and I imagined you as should try doing that sometime, you looked very stylish."I said, still laughing. The rest of them laughed even harder.
"You have a nice mind there...umm.." said Louis.
"Oh, sorry. My name is Allie. I'd say it's kind of stalkish I knew your names already...but it really isn't, is it?" I said smiling.
"No I guess not." said Zayn. Over the next few days Niall never left the hospital.Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam did, but visited everyday. Within five days I left.
"Do you mind if we stop by the house and grab some stuff?" I asked.
"Sure! Why not?" said Harry. We got the the house. I took one look and started crying. Niall looked at me worried, so did the rest of them. I fell to my knees with my hands on my eyes. My house was gone. Burnt to the ground. Nothing left. I sat there, Niall next to me hugging me, same with the rest of the boys.
"It's going to be fine, okay?" said Niall, he was crying too. Louis, with his hand on my shoulder said "Sorry." I took my hands off of my eyes and looked up at Louis.
"Don't be sorry. You didn't do it and you didn't know." I got up and wiped my eyes. "I still have the best friends I've ever had." I said. I held up my flute. "I still have my flute and my dads blanket. I don't need anything else that I can have."
We all walked back silently.
"It's not much, and we'll be moving around a lot, but it still has the love and warmth of a home." said Liam. We walked up to a hotel with a bunch of screaming girls. They realized that the boys where upset, and somehow thought it was my fault. It was, wasn't it? They stared throwing things at me and booing. I looked around, but then ended up just looking down. I felt that no one would help me.
"Stop it, all of you." Yelled Niall. They looked surprised and hurt. I was puzzled.
"She's been through enough, she doesn't need any harassment by anyone. Im disappointed at all of you doing this." He walked up to the couple of people who were trying to stop it all. "If it's alright with your parents, you guys can come up with us and hang." Niall looked at me and smiled. I was laughing hard at all of their reactions. The ones that were throwing things at me looked REALLY mad. The ones that were coming with us looked like they were going to faint.
"You didn't have to do that Niall." I said.
"Yes I did." he said and hugged me.
"Lets go up, then, shall we?" said Harry.

Party Hard, DJ Malik, DJ Malik.

We stepped in the hotel. It was big, it smelled like a new car. It was bright, VERY bright. We walked to the elevator and I pushed the button. I found it REALLY amusing. I'm surprised I didn't brake the button! The boys and the guests were laughing almost as much as me.
"You're goi-going to brak-brake it!" Gasped Harry. I was smiling wildly.
"This is so fun though!" I jumped up. The door came down and I stopped and frowned. We walked in the doors. The music was very cheesy.
"Floor 23" I heard Liam say. I grinned a wicked grin there. I went up to the buttons and pushed them all. They all laughed, but seemed shocked.
"Why are buttons so...awesome!" I yelled and fell in the corner half laughing half crying. I stopped laughing and we were up to floor 17. It was quite. Too quite for me. I stood up and grabbed Niall and Zayn's hands.
"Ring around the rosie a pocket full of posies ashes ashes we all fall down!" I fell again laugh/crying. "'re a bit hyper there Allie!" Said Louis. I stood up got in Louis' face and poked him in the chest.
"You better prepare yourself Tomlinson...I'm like this 24/7. Yes, even in my sleep." I said seriously. Everyone else laughed. I looked around. I noticed we were at floor 22 and the door was closing.
"You better all prepare yourselves!" I screamed and at that moment the door opened and I ran out laughing all evil like. I ran to the end of the hallway and poked my head around the corner.
"Am I going the right way?" I asked. I noticed Niall was against the wall laughing the hardest.
"Yes you are don't worry." Said Harry smiling.
We all walked down the hall. I couldn't help but notice Niall was the only one not talking and he was in the back looking at the ground. I walked back to him.
"You okay Niall cake? Dont ask... I thought a rhyme might make this better but know that just seems kind of creepy, right?" He snorted.
"I'm fine. This happened all the time when I was younger." He said and looked down again. I did a thing with my eyebrows and locked our arms.
"Not any more! We shall go see the Wizard of Harry and make you all better!" I started skipping singing horribly "We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Harry!" We got to Harry.
"Harry! You're a wizard, right? Fix this anti-social penguin and make him have a conversation with a lemon pop!" He looked at me weird and I said "Fine, I'll do it myself!" I went and looked into Niall's gorgeous blue eyes.
"By the power invested in Dumbledore, I give you the courage to have an interesting conversation with this wall! Wall, this is Niall. Niall, this is a wall. You can walk away now because know I will be ignored for being weird. You can't not talk. You have fans present." I said and walked to the back as we started walking back. Niall came with me.
"Why did you do that?" He asked.
"Because im not as important to them as you are and you weren't talking or even walking with us." I said. He smiled and I swore he blushed a little.
"Don't think that you aren't important. You are the only one that isn't one of the boys that would ruin their night just for someone else to be happy. You're an amazing, funny girl Allie. Don't let anyone tell you different. Okay?" I looked down and laughed and blushed. I looked up and Niall looked pleased with himself.
We got to the door and Zayn took the key out. We all walked in it.
"This is bigger than my house...was." I said and frowned a bit. Niall came next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Ya I'm fine." I said wiping my eyes.
"I dont want to be rude" the taller girl next to Harry started to say "But what happened?" I stood there looking at the floor.
"I don't think she c-" Louis started saying.
"No, Lou. I'm fine. Long story short. My family was killed and Niall found me and took me to a hospital because I was shot in my leg. They invited me to stay with them. When I left he hospital we went to my house and it was burnt down. That's it." I noticed everyone was sad, and I didn't like it.
"You don't have to be sad. It happ-"I said but Niall took me to the kitchen and looked me in my eyes.
"Don't say it happens or life isn't fair to any one. Things like this certainly don't happen everyday. People like you, that still try to make people happy even though their slowly dying inside, do not deserve this. I can tell you were trying your hardest not to burst into tears, just to make us try to think you're okay. If you need to talk I'm here." He was blushing and I was smiling at his face expression.
"Thanks Niall, normally I'm the one saying I'm there for people." I smiled. We walked back.
We all talked about random things. Harry suggested we played spin the bottle but I said I don't think that's such a good idea.
The girls left and we all sat on the couch and watched Toy Story. I was very tired near the middle and was ready to sleep.
"Why dont me, Louis, Liam, and Zayn get some food. Allie and Niall keep this place in check." The four left. Me and Niall were alone.
"Why did they all go and leave us?" Niall asked. I was too tired to answer.
"Allie?" He said.
"Allie?!"He asked before I fell asleep.
"Allie come back! Allie!" Niall screamed chasing me.
Why am I running? Running from Niall? I was frightened and kept running.
"Allie!" He kept screaming. "It will all be okay! Come back! Please! I can't imagine my life without you! Come back!"
Niall stopped and fell crying. "Please! I need you! I love you!" He cried frantically. I stopped.
I walked back to Niall and sat in front of him and grabbed his chin.
"Im not going to run. I trust you Niall. I love you. Did you think I didn't? He leaned over and kissed me.
I was surprised, but it was perfect. Every moment. We pulled away and he was smiling.

"We're back!" Yelled Harry. I heard Niall 'ssh'.
"She's sleeping! I think shes having a nice dream, she kept smiling. I blushed. I had fallen on Niall's shoulder. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"What di-" I was interrupted by a yawn "d you get?" I asked.
"We've got pizza!" yelled Louis in his high squeaky voice holding up six large boxes.
"What kind?" I asked.
"Pepperoni in these three, Extra cheese in these three. Just for Niall." Said Zayn.
"What if I like cheese?" I asked.
"Well then good luck fighting over it with Niall!" Laughed Harry. After I said that Niall grabbed the cheese ones and ran. I ran after him.
"Horan!" I yelled.
"I don't like pepperoni and for once I dont have to eat it! Ge-" I fell and hurt my arm.
"Well..That hurt" I said trying not to cry. Niall came back over and put the pizza's down. The four others rushed over as well.
"Allie are you okay?" They asked in different ways.
"Not really, I think it broke." I said. Niall took my arm. Right before he reached it I grabbed the pizza's and ran.
"I lied! It hurts like hell, but i'm fine!" I laughed like how I did when I ran from the elevator.
"This is really hot! It's burning me!" I cried, but I kept running. After this I think we were all just playing. I grabbed a piece and bite into it. I stopped. I fell to the ground.
"This pizza. This is the best pizza I have ever had." I said as I continued to eat it.
"Is it really that good to you that you had to fall?" Liam asked me helping me up with my good arm.
"Yes! I always waited for my little siblings to be done, and it was normally cold by then. It was always pepperoni, too. Never liked it." I said grabbing another piece.
We sat around on the ground eating. Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis all got up together. Liam left the room.
"Here. Hope they fit." Liam said throwing a bag at me smiling. It had three pairs of sweats and three pairs of jeans. A bunch of underwear and bras. 'Great' I thought 'They know what my underwear and bras look like'. 4 large plain white shirts and three stylish ones. There were many hair ties and a brush. I was smiling a lot.
"You didn't have to do that!" I yelled excitedly.
"Were you expecting to wear those clothes the rest of your life?"Asked Harry.
"You have a point..Im going to go change!" I said.
"If you aren't tired." Said Liam "There is a party at 12 across the hall with our mate if you want to go Allie."
"Really? I don't know..." I started to say.
"Come on Allie! If you want too, we bought you a toothbrush too!" Louis said while picking me up from behind.
"Okay okay! It's 10:30...Can I take a shower?" I said.
"Sure, it's right over there." Said Harry. The all seemed pleased.
"One more thing. Do you have a hair dryer?" I asked. Zayn got up and left the room.
"Here you go." He said smiling.
"Great." I said and headed to the bathroom. It was bigger than the room I shared with my siblings. The shower was huge. I decided to take a bath.
"Great" I whispered "They got me razors too." I picked one up.
I turned the hot water on more than the cold. Once it was about halfway full I noticed half used bubble soap on the back of the toilet open. I poured some in a got undressed.
I stepped in the hot water. It felt so good, I had never had a nice hot bath before. I lay there for about ten minutes when I took the shampoo and poured it on my head. I scrubbed it and rinsed. I grabbed the conditioner and with my hands made a ponytail and squeezed it in. I rinsed the conditioner and shampooed my use to be filthy hair one more time. After that I grabbed a washcloth and washed my body. I grabbed the razor.
"Good thing they got this" I said as I stared to shave my legs. I got out and dried my self off. I grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra and put them on. I rummaged through my bag and found jeans that had a small pattern on the back pockets and a shirt that had two pencils and one was broken saying "Oh Snap!" I laughed at it.
I took the hair drier and plugged it in and began drying it. Once my long straight brown hair was all dry, I looked at the clothes I had before this. The black shorts. The string to tighten it was almost all the way out of it. I took it. It looked like a shoe lace, but I tied it around my neck anyway. I brushed my teeth and went out of the bathroom. All five boys were staring at me.
"You know how to clean up!" said Zayn. Louis and Harry both whistled. Liam was laughing at the shoe lace tie. Niall stared at me and blushed. I laughed.
"Thanks I guess." It was 11:45 and the boys started to get ready. I grabbed the pink flip flops that had been cleaned by the boys when I was in the bath and put them on.
"We all ready?" asked Liam.
"Yup!" We all said and we left.
The walk across the hall was short,but I guess it would be, right? Louis opened the door and yelled "Guess who!".
"Hey, you guys made it!" Said a guy with a deep voice no older than Louis.
"May I ask who this pretty lady is?" He said grabbing my chin.
"I appreciate the compliment, but I prefer not to be touched, thanks" I said grabbing his hand and throwing it from my chin "I'm Allie. Nice to meet you." I said a took a short bow. They laughed.
"Normally girls are all over me. Why aren't you?" He asked "Im Tom by the way." He said and held out his hand. I took it and shook.
"I don't fall for a guy because of looks. His personalty matters more to me." I said letting go of the rough hand. Niall looked at me and smiled, but I don't even know why. We walked in. It was bigger than our room, and a lot of people were already there.
Some one offered me a beer, but I declined. "I'm only seventeen. I don't think it's right to disobey such a simple rule." I said. She looked drunk and surprised. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer. Ya, definitely drunk. Her breath smelled like alcohol and she stammered a lot "Yo-you stupid par-party pooper!" she let go.
I looked to the ground and giggled a little. Drunk people were funny, not knowing what they said and doing stupid things. Niall came up to me.
"You don't drink?" He asked.
"No. Im only seventeen,you shouldn't either. You're eighteen." I said looking at the ground still. Niall looked at the beer in his hand and walked over to the sink and poured it out. He came back.
"You have a good point Allie." He said. I still looked at the ground. My arm hurt like hell...I held it. No one but Niall would talk to me. I was use to it though. I am weird and have abnormal ambitions. But why did Niall still talk? Why wouldn't he go and enjoy himself?
"Allie? What's wrong?" Niall asked. I had just realized I had been crying, and I quickly walked away. I fell in a corner and burst into tears. I dont know half the reason I was. It was a weird felling. Niall knelled in front of me.
"Allie?" He was surprised, I could tell. He sat next to me and put his arm around me.
"Whats wrong? Come on Allie. You can't expect people to just ignore you when you notice everyone and try to make them fell better. Now, whats wrong?"
"T-that's the th-thing Niall. I-I dont even know what's wrong. I know some is because my a-arm, and because I feel excluded, but wh-why this?" Niall looked at me and I could tell he was worried, which made me cry more. I wiped my eyes and looked at Niall.
"Im fine, go have fun." I smiled and just held me tighter.
"I wont be able to have fun until you can. Okay?"
"But nothing Allie. Come on, lets go." Lucky for me I dont wear make up, or it would be all over my face. I went to their bathroom splashed water on my face. I walked back out.
"Hey!" yelled Tom "Let's play spin the bottle, I have a nice big room in the back." he laughed. He was obviously wasted. "If you know what I mean!" A large roar came from the room. I rolled my eyes. I sat on a chair.
"Come on Allie, if you dont want to do anything in that room dont! Just play!" said Harry. He grabbed my hand and made me sit in the large circle.
"Fine" I said. "But I'm not do-" At that moment a bunch of 'ohhhhs' rang through the circle. I looked up and the bottle pointed at me.
"Come on pretty lady!" said Tom. "Lets go!" I blushed a bit and stood up. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall all hit Harry. Niall looked at me worried but I smiled and mouthed 'It's okay, I'll be fine'. He smiled wearily. We stepped in the room. Tom turned around and kissed me just as he closed and locked the door. We pulled apart and I walked away.
"I'm not doin-" I screamed. At that moment Tom closed my mouth and put duck tape all over it.
"I heard Harry tell you that. I heard you say you're not doing anything. I got fifty bucks saying I'm getting some from you, and I'm not losing that money!" I realized that the laughter from outside had been hushed.
"Allie!" Louis and Niall yelled banging on the door.
"She's Niall's!" yelled Louis. "Let her go!" I blushed, I heard Niall whisper "Why'd you say that for!"
"To bad for you Niall. She's mine tonight!" Yelled Tom. He throw me on the bed and pulled his pants and underwear down. I closed my eyes. He pulled up my shirt and pulled down my pants. When he grabbed my underwear I kicked him. I pulled my shirt down, but that's all I could do before he came back.
"What? You a virgin you something?" He laughed. At that moment Niall busted down the door. He looked away from Tom.
"Put your pants back on man!" I pulled my pants back on and covered my eyes. I cried and pulled the tape off. I ran to Niall and hugged him. He held me tight.
"Thank you!" I cried "Thank you so much" I sobbed into his shirt.
"Come on guys. Let's go. Tom goes mad when he's drunk." We left.
"Allie I'm so sorry, I didn't know.." Harry said. I stood up and went to him. I raised my hand and he flinched. I gave him a hug.
"You didn't know, it's okay, really." I said I went and gave Louis, Liam, and Zayn a hug as well. I went back and sat next to Niall.
"I'm going to go get into pajamas. I'll be right back." I left and they all watched me. I held my straight right arm in my left, which was stretched across my waist. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my bag. I took off my clothes and pulled on the sweatpants, then one of the large white T-shirts. I grabbed a purple hair tie and put my hair in a high messy bun, leaving my bangs hanging on both sides. I walked out of the bathroom.
"Wow" said Liam "Even in that you're beautiful." and he smiled at me. I blushed and giggled.
"What? Me, beautiful? Liam you might want to get your eyes checked."
"You, not beautiful?" Zayn started "Maybe you should get your eyes checked Allie." I laughed. I sat back down. Niall awkwardly stared at me and smiled. I smiled back and he turned away. 'That's right' I thought 'Louis embarrassed him by saying I'm his.' I giggled. I heard thunder and I yelped. Niall looked at me.
"What?" He said.
"Oh, I thought I heard thunder. I just have a small phobia that's all. I just hope it doesn't tonight though." I said and frowned as I looked out the nearest window.
"Well, it's two in the morning. Where am I sleeping?" I asked.
"Well, there is three bedrooms with two beds each. Me and Harry are in one, Zayn and Liam in the other, and Niall is all alone, So I guess in the first room on the right down that hallway." Louis said and hugged me "Night" he smiled.
"Night." I said to everyone as I hugged them. I went to the first room on the right and noticed the un messy bed. I laid down and tried to sleep, but I just couldn't do it.

Night One.

I sat there. I thought about everything that happened. I was almost raped, if it wasn't for Niall.
Niall. I honestly didn't know what I felt towards him. Did I like him? Did I...Love him? More importantly, how does he feel about me?
'She's Niall's!' Said Louis high voice in my head, echoing like Zayn.
I sat there thinking. I thought of my family, and started to cry, I rolled over towards the door.
"Oh My Gosh!" I whispered. "How do I remember this song?". I started to sing.
Headin' to Nome with a wag of their tongues.
They run up to front streets a thousand miles long.
It stole the cheers and the Anchorage song.
Six teen pretty sled dogs gettin' ready to run.

And the Spirit of Balto and Seppla's team.
We go for adventure the good mushing dream!
Just like Johnny Worry 1925.
When dogs ran together to save human lives.

And It's all that we live for!
It's all that we know!
It's all that our dreams have become!
The calls of the Mushers!
The songs of the souls!
And the hearts of all dog sledding bums!


And It's all that we live for!
It's all that we know!
It's all that our dreams have become!
The calls of the Mushers!
The songs of the souls!
And the hearts of all dog sledding bums!


I laughed at my horrible singing. My face was full of tears. What can I say, this song has always tickled my soul. I laughed at that. 'I haven't said that in such a long time.' I thought of other things. They were random, and I don't remember most of it. Thats when I finally fell asleep.

"Niall loves you Allie" I heard a voice say. "He knows he feels something for you, but he doesn't know it's love." It continued "Do you love him?" It asked. "You know you at least like him. Don't deny it." I stood in a dark room, unaware of what was happening.
"Who, who are you?" I asked.
"You can't tell? Have you already forgotten the voice?" It said. Forgotten the voice? I've only heard it once... he came into sight.
"Hi Allie." The man who killed my parents and siblings said. The man who destroyed my life, who most likely burnt my house down. Who failed to kill me.
"You!" I screamed and ran towards him. I punched air. He vanished.
"You can't touch me, if you can't catch me." He laughed. It was evil, pure evil. The laugh of a man who kills for pleasure, for the fun of it.
"You're a sick horrible man!" I cried. The laugh rang through the room. Where was he? He sounded as he was the room itself. That's when it hit me.
I walked straight. I finally felt a wall. I closed my eyes. I listened. I felt. The wall seemed to to beat. The wall was ALIVE.
I walked back and listened more. I punched the wall, the laugh was silenced.
"What did you do that for?" He asked, I imagined him smiling a wicked smile, cocking is head like a puppy.
"You are, you are everything. The wall, the floor. The air itself." I said. Silence.
"You're a smart one." I yelled and laughed. Hands, HANDS, grabbed my legs and pulled me down. I screamed.
I kept falling. I heard my siblings scream, one by one. I saw my parents in a blur being killed. Then I saw my face, riddled with anger and fear, my rattling breath and the tears streaming down my face. Then I saw Niall, singing at the concert 'Close the door, through the key. Don't wanna be reminded, don't wanna be seen.' unaware that the person that he now 'loved' was hurt horrible on the inside.
"Stop it!" I cried. "Just stop!" I cried once more. I landed on a grassy surface and fell to my knees. I covered my eyes and cried. I felt a rough, large hand make me look more.
It was me and Niall. I was either laughing or just standing there, him staring at me. Smiling and blushing.
"Stop it! I can't take this any more! Just stop! Please!"
I screamed. The rattle of the laugh rang again, louder this time.
My life flashed before my eyes. When I was born. My first word 'Honey'. My first steps. Me riding my bike without training wheels. Katie being born and brought home. I cried again "Stop this!" Everything in my life I had just witnessed again from a third person point of view.
"Allie!" I heard Niall scream. I saw him running towards me.
"Allie wake up!" Yelled Liam.
"Allie it's just a dream!" Cried Harry. I looked up, a light was there.
"Allie!" I could tell Niall was crying. 'What the hell is happening?' I thought.
"Allie! Allie! Wake UP!" I heard Zayn.
"Allie! Kevin and I are worried! Awake!" Louis said. I laughed at Louis'.
There was a loud bang.

I woke up, gasping for air and crying. Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis, and even Kevin looked at me, both in fear and relief. I covered my mouth. 'What the hell?' I thought. 'What kind of hellish dream was that?'
"Allie!" The said together, except Kevin. If Kevin did, I would have screamed. I was sitting up, and I rubbed my eyes.
"I'm fine, really." I said.
"That must have been a shity dream." Said Niall.
"You can't imagine." I said. A large bolt of lightning and a loud roll of thunder. I screamed and grabbed my dads blanket and buried my face in it. I was shaking hard.
"Can I just go to sleep?" I said. They all looked at each other.
"Ya." said Louis. Zayn got up and poked my forehead. "You better listen Allie's brain. Dont do that again." He smiled, I laughed. They left, Niall went to his bed.
"Uh, Allie?" He asked. I looked over.
"Ya?" I said confused.
"If you have another nightmare, just wake me up. Okay?" He smiled. I smiled and giggled.
"Sure thing." I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sleep again that night. It was only four, I had a horrible nightmare that stared no other than the man who ruined my life, I had the bed closer to the window, and a sever thunderstorm raged on outside. I fell asleep thinking about that.

I was on a dog sled, my dogs pulling it. Niall was in the cargo bed.
"You were right, honey, this is great!" He said looking up and smiling. I smiled back, blushing.
'Did he just call me honey?' I looked at my hand which for some reason didn't have a glove on. I was married. 'Wait' I thought. My brain, my silly troll brain, had made me and Niall married. I laughed.
"What is it?" Niall asked.
"Just a perfect day." I said and smiled, watching my dogs run. He pulled up to a house, which was most likely mine.
"Mommy!" yelled a small boy who was about six "Daddy!"
"Mommy, I know daddy might say no" he whispered in my ear. 'Jason' my head said. "But can I take the dogs on the small sled if you go with me?" He asked.
"You can't whisper very well kid-o" Said Niall and pulled him onto his lap "I might have said yes, and I'm going too. If your mom does't want to go with you I will!" He said rubbing our son's head with his knuckles. I laughed.
"Well lets go say hi to uncle Greg and we can go home and hoke them up" I said instinctively and laughed at his reaction.
"Yes!" He yelled and jumped up and down. We went in and talked to Greg for a bit and left. Jason was in Niall's lap. Nothing could go wrong. But I spoke to soon.
The pull line broke, but the dogs kept running. The sled detached and we flew off a cliff. I grabbed for Niall's hand but it was gone and I was falling by myself, Niall and Jason were just skeletons. I screamed right before we hit the ground.

I woke up sweating and the thunder outside was loud. I screamed quietly, but Niall still woke up.
"Allie whats wrong?" He said sitting up. I looked at him through the blanket.
"It's just the thunder, really." I said. Niall got up and grabbed my hand.
"Come on." He said. I was confused, but I stood up with him and walked to his bed. He made me sit and he laid down.
"Well go on! Sleep!" He said smiling. I laid down awkwardly. A huge roll of thunder and I screamed. My head ended up on Niall's chest, I blushed. To my surprise, he put his arm around me and rubbed my back.
"It's okay, it's okay." He said. I burst into tears. I missed my mom and dad and sisters and brother. They comforted me when ever there was a thunderstorm. Niall held my head with his other head. He kissed me on the top of my head. I calmed down, but I still cried. I fell asleep for the third time that night.
I woke up and it was day, I was still laying on Niall's chest. The boys stood at the door and 'awwwed'. I laughed and blushed, Niall just smiled, but blushed harder than me. He rubbed the back of his head.


I sat up. The others left. Niall and I locked eyes. I blushed and looked down, he laughed. He grabbed my chin and kissed me. We kissed

. Every moment was perfect, every single moment. Louis walked in.
"I told you guys!" He yelled through the door. Me and Niall pulled apart. "I told you they'd end up kissing sometime soon!" There was a loud 'bang' and the other three were at the door. I buried my face in my hands and laughed.
"Can me and Allie talk real fast?" Niall said, blushing harder than ever before, I laughed harder.
"Go on." said Harry with a cheeky smile.
"Alone?" Niall laughed.
"'No!' Louis protests." said Lou. We laughed, and they left.
"So,uh,Allie?" Niall asked nervously. I laughed.
"Ya?" I smiled.
"I was just thinking,um. Well, Allie I really, I mean REALLY like you. A lot, and um..." He closed his eyes and looked down, blushing even harder, looking like a tomato. "Will you, I mean, uh, would you go out with me? You dont have too, just th-" I stopped it by kissing him. He was surprised at first, but kissed back instantly. We pulled apart and I laughed. He was even redder

"Yes. I will." I smiled, so did he. He looked relived.
"Phew. That was easier than I thought it would be." We laughed. We got up and left the room holding hands.
"So!?" they all asked excitedly. "Is is official?" Me and Niall looked at each other.
"Yup!" we said together and smiled.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Liam chanted, the rest joined in. Niall and I laughed HARD. Niall pulled me closer and we kissed. It was a short one, but it still felt perfect.
"D'awwwwwwww" they said together. I laughed. There was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" I heard Zayn say.
"Can I talk to Allie?" I heard Tom say, I looked at the door and immediately ran to Niall and behind him.
Niall and Liam stayed in front of me. Louis, Harry, and Zayn stood at the door.
"What do you want with her?" Asked Harry.
"I just want to apologize for last night!" he said. I looked up and smiled.
"Too bad for you." said Niall and Liam. I pushed through them and was right in front of Tom.
"Wow" he said "you even look good in pajamas." The boys tensed put I looked at them and they stopped. I laughed.
"I've been told!" Looking back at Liam and smiled.
"So, about last night. Allie, I'm sorry abo-" he stopped when I hugged him.
"It's alright. You were really drunk. No hard feelings, right?" I let go and smiled.
"Uh, right." he smiled back. "So, any new good news?" he asked. The boys all smiled. Niall blushing as well. I laughed.
"What?" asked Tom.
"In fact" I said walking towards Niall "There is some new good news." I locked his arm in mine.
"Aww! Allie and Niall? Niall and Allie?" he asked.
"Yup!" squeaked Louis.
"How cute!" he said. I blushed and laughed.
"Well, congrats you two! I have to go somewhere, see ya later!" and after we all said bye he left.
"Wow" said Liam looking to me.
"What?" I asked
"You are so forgiving. He almost raped you and you forgive him just like that?"
"Well. Look at it like this. Drunk people almost have no idea what they are doing, and thus they do stupid things. Did you see how drunk he was? Of course I forgive him!" I said smiling. Niall came and bear hugged me.
"You're so perfect!" he exclaimed. I blushed, once again.
"No, no one is perfect. If the world had perfect people, it would make it seem like some people are better than others. Every one is different, sure. But no one is better than anyone else. No one worse either. We all do stupid things. People are mean, but we don't know how they lived. I could have had the worst life in the world and no one would know that, especially if I was mean. People would just judge me, people do it all the time. They think someone was crazy, but you don't know what they've seen. How they were treated." I said and smiled.
They stared at me awestruck. I just stood there in Niall's arms.
"Awww! That was so adorable!" said Louis as he came and hugged me and Niall. I laughed. The rest came, one at a time. First Liam. Then Harry. Then Zayn. I laughed.
"Come on guys. I'ts not like no one else thinks that." I said.
"Allie stop it!" Liam laughed. "Give yourself credit for once!"
"Credit for what?" I said squeezing out of everyone's grip. "I'm hungry. Let's get or make some food!"

First Date

We walked into the small kitchen. I rummaged through the three small cupboards and found pancake mix. I looked in the fridge and noticed milk and eggs. Something was missing, then I realized what it was.
"I need like ten bucks. I need to get something from the store." I said while still pocking around for things.
"Here!" I hear Zayn say smiling. "Niall, you should go with her. We'll start making the food that we have" and he pushed Niall towards me.
"Oh my goodness." I said, smiling bigger by the second. I grabbed the card like key from the table and held it in my hands, still smiling bigger.
"What?" the five boys said in unison. I went to open the door and ran out yelling "THE BUTTONS! YES!" I heard them laughing, and Niall running after me.
"Allie! Wait for me!" He laughed. He caught up to me and tackled me to the floor. We both laughed. The elevator was right in front of us. I held out my hand to it. and said "The buttons! The call us forth!"
Niall got up, still smiling. I got up and pushed the button, once again, on the verge of braking it. I notice the door to the stairs. The doors opened.
"Come on Allie, there are more buttons in here." Niall said grabbing my hand.
"Okay Okay!" I said. I pushed the bottom floor button and stood back. Right before the doors closed, I ran my hand against all of the buttons and ran out saying "See at the bottom Niall!" He looked at me dumbstruck and I laughed.
I opened the door and ran down the stairs. I was at the fifteenth floor and needed to take a rest. I sat down gasping for air.
"Allie?" I hear Niall's cool voice through the air.
"Im,Im down,down here." I gasped through my sharp breathing.
"Allie are you okay?" He asked grabbing my hand and helping me up.
"Ya,Im fine." I said. I had finally caught my breath.
"Well come on then!" he said smiling, grabbing my hand and in tangled his fingers in mine. I smiled.
We walked down and we were at the bottom when I heard cameras.
"Just smile okay? They'll go away eventually." Niall whispered to me.
We walked outside and there was a hush. The fan girls all stared at me. Some were mad, some smiled and said 'Aw our Nialler found a girlfriend!' in different ways. I laughed and waved at them.
"Hi!" I said and laughed at the nicer ones.
"Hi! Don't go breaking Niall's heart!" I hear one say. I laughed.
"I won't! I promise!" I said. We walked by the crowd and into the streets. Niall was laughing.
"Wow! The first time paparazzi gets us and you talk to the fans and just ignore them. I should start doing that!" Niall says. I smiled and we walked.
"Here we are!" I said as we walked up to the local super market. We walked in the big doors. Everyone stared at us, but just went back to their lives.
"It should be right over...Found it!" I said, pointing by the frozen food.
"So,what were we missing?" Niall said bear hugging me. I smiled and said "Bacon, of course!"
"So, 5 for 3 dollars? Okay, so six dollars it is!" I said and grabbed ten packets.
"Hey Niall." I said, still looking around.
"Do the boys like chocolate milk?"
"Ya, actually we love it."
"Excellent!" I said and ran to get the chocolate milk. "1.50 for a gallon? Alright, Niall, can you grab two?"
"Sure thing beautiful." he said. I laughed.
I heard it, the small chimes of music run through the store. I loved this song, it was so beautiful. I stood there.

"When I was, A young boy,
My farther, took me into the city,
To see a marching band.
He said "Son when you grow up,
Would you be the savoir of broken, the beaten, and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them?
Your demons and all the non-believers.
The plans that they have made.
Because one day, Ill leave you,
A phantom, to lead you in the summer,
To join the black parade.'"

I stood there singing it. Everyone stared at me and I laughed.
"What? Well, what is life without music? Without song?" I said and did a ballerina spin thing.
"You have a beautiful voice!" Niall said.
"No I dont." I said and laughed. "Come on! Im starving!"
"Yes you do!" Niall said as he grabbed my hand.
"How much money do we have left?" I asked.
"11 dollars." He said pulling out his wallet. "Zayn gave you a ten, and I have a ten. What else do we need?"
"Donuts!" I said and smiled. We grabbed two dozen donuts for 4.50. We left the store and walked back to the hotel.
"Niall. Whens the last night we're here? You've been here for almost a week."
"Actually, tonight is our last night." I stopped.
"Oh my goodness!" I said cover my mouth.
"What?" Niall said. I ignored him and ran. We stopped at a slightly bigger house than mine was. I fell to my knees but quickly stood up when I saw a girl my age swing the door of the house open.
"Oh my god! Allie!" She cried as we ran to each other.
"Mikayla I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!" I said as I cried into her shirt. Mikayla was my best friend. She was always there for me.
"Allie it's okay. Don't worry, okay? What matters is you're okay." She said, crying as well.
"Uh, Allie?" I heard Niall say as he caught his breath.
"Oh my god Allie. Niall Horan. Niall HORAN knows who you are! Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" She said while she freaked out. I laughed, Niall seemed confused.
"Niall, this is Mikayla. Mikayla, this is my boyfriend." Mikayla's reaction could have been worth all of the money in the world, yet it was priceless. She looked at both me and Niall, pointing at us. She mumbled things, her eyes twice their original size. Niall came up and held up his hand.
"Nice to meet you Mikayla." He said as he smiled. I'm surprised she didn't faint. She slowly took Niall's hand and stared opened mouthed at it. I laughed harder.
"You're kidding." She said.
"If she was kidding would I do this?" Niall said as he dipped me like those dancers on T.V. I giggled. He leaned in and kissed me. Mikayla stood there, slowly smiling bigger.
"Oh my god Allie!" She shirked as she ran and hugged me, jumping up and down.
"Niall thank you for loving my dear little Allie!" She said as she squeezed my cheeks. Niall blushed.
"I wouldn't say love yet." the words floated through the air.
"So. She isn't good enough to love, huh? Well I got news for you mister! Allie is the sweetest most awesome person I know! She deserves someone who would love her as much as she loved them!" I laughed. I kept thinking 'if only this was an anime, then it would be the perfect moment.'
"Mikayla. I wouldn't say love yet either, but thank you!" Mikayla and I laughed, Niall stood there, still thinking of the words Mikayla had said.
"Oh! Mikayla would it be okay with your parents if you came with us for breakfast with the boys?" she stood there speechless. She turned and rapidly sprinted back to the house. She came back with her mom and pointed at me and Niall, trying to make the words come out of her mouth.
"I think what shes trying to say is 'Mom! Allie has a boyfriend. A famous boyfriend. I'm so jealous of her look! Oh my god why cant I have a boyfriend like that? Mom! Are you list-'" I was stopped by Mikayla laughing and throwing her shoe at me. I laughed.
"Mom,what I really need to say is. Allie is dating and I'm just guessing this, but living with One Direction. I would love if you would let me go with my best-est sister friend ever and have breakfast with her and the boys." She said. She gave her mom a puppy face.
"Well. Call me when you get there and where you are. Let me now if you go anywhere else, okay?" She started to freak. She was so happy.
"Thank you so much mom!" She said and we started to walk.
"Oh Mikayla!" I said before we left.
"What is it my sister?" She said.
"Do you think I could get the books?"
"The...oh the Harry Potter ones? You still read them? That's for little kids!"
"But it's still one of the best books I ever read!"
"Okay! Come on! Lets get em! Niall, you coming?"
"Uhh,sure?" We walked up the stairs to the house. We entered her room and she grabbed all seven of the Harry Potter books and put them in a bag.
"You still play the flute, right?" she asked.
"Uh yeah why?"
"Good. I put some flute sheet music in there for you!" she smiled.
"Really?" I said and looked in the bag "Thanks!" I said.
We left. We walked through the streets and walked up to the hotel.
"Only fifteen minutes we've been gone. Thats surprising considering." I heard Niall say.
"Only.." I began to say but after seeing the button again, I ran, not realizing I stopped my sentence. Mikayla looked at me and laughed.
"How is it not broken?" she asked as we walked in the elevator.
"I've done this every time I've been at the elevator!" I said "Just ask Niall!" I started to laugh as Niall shook his head in an unconvinced way. We walked through the doors when it stopped at floor 23.
"Wow, all the way up here. Allie I'm going to miss you!" Mikayla said hugging me.
"Don't worry. We'll keep in touch."
"How? You obviously didn't grab your phone.." she said looking down. I looked her in the eyes and smiled.
"I'll find a way! You know, there's such as, letters I think their called. Ill just send one of those if I have too!" I laughed.
"Letters would be fun, but I'd never know where you are!" she looked down again.
"We'll find a way, dont worry."
We walked in the room. Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn stood there smiling.
"Allie we forgot to give you something last night!" said Liam.
"Here you go!" Louis said handing me a new phone.
"You're kidding!" I said taking it.
"Nope! Looks like you'll need it to keep in touch with your pretty friend" Said Harry. Harry went up and grabbed Mikayla's hand.
"Me? Pretty? You're kidding." Mikayla said.
"Oh my god!" Liam laughed "You're just like Allie!" Mikayla and I laughed.
"Well, Harry, thank you!" She said.
"Oh no problem!" He said kissing her hand.
"Hey Allie, bring the bacon in here! We still need to cook it!" Zayn said from the kitchen.
"Oh right!" I said and walked to the kitchen.
"Here you go!"
"Thanks you!"
"Hey Allie?" Niall asked.
"Ya?" Niall got on one knee and pulled out a box. I jut stared at him questionable.
"Read it!" He said. He opened the box and the was a small ring he obviously made himself and a note tied to it. I picked it up.
Allie! Go on a date with me for lunch?

I laughed.
"You could have just asked!"
"Not enough!"
"You almost gave me a heart attack I was so confused!" I laughed again.
"Well then! Will you?" All eyes were on me.
"Yes of course!"
"Foods done!" Says Zayn.
We all walked into the kitchen. The only two talking were Mikayla and Harry.
"You two be careful. You might fall in the love!" I said jokingly. "Both of you are very lovable. Deadly good match right there!"
"Allie!" Mikayla said throwing her shoe at me.
"Shut. Up."
"Come on now." Harry said. "Who knows. She might be right."
"Will lets eat...I'm starving" I said.
We all sat down and ate. We all talked, and I saw Harry look at Mikayla often. I laughed in my head, thinking it was very cute.
After breakfast we watched movies and talked. I sat next to Niall, cuddling into him slightly. Mikayla sat next to Harry after he insisted on it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.06.2012

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