
Preface (Kayla)

Nobody knows my pain and suffering.Humans.I just cant grasp how they can be so cruel.I know I am one,but it feels as if,I dont belong.My soul,seems like,it belongs to the wolves.
I have no friends,I think my school only sees me as the crazy wolf girl,but this group of people sees other wise,they stare,and wonder,like I belong with them,like,like how I cant tell something,but I dont know what it is.
"But what?"I asked them one day.Their eyes were like mine,light grey,with a tinge of blue.
Do you sometimes feel like erasing yourself,literally dying for sometime,but come back?I have to,or you see,I would have no freedom.I do not live with a family.I do not live in a house.I live in a little place,just up stream from a little neighborhood.I call myself a lone wolf,because the "pack" lives in it,the little neighborhood.
One day,my foot goes numb.I know what is happening.Im dying,erasing from earth.Before I know it,my head is only still in contact.Then,it to dies.I wake up in a snowy mountain side forest.I look down,i have erased myself into a wolf.Then the flute plays,and the wolf howls.
I now know were I know this place.I was a wolf,reincarnated,into a human.

Meet n' Great(Moon)

"Moon,what are you doing?"My sister,Meadow,asked.
"Sleeping,why?"I answer.
"You do know the Arabians are coming right?Moon,you're two,its time to find a mate."She says.
"You and mom need to stop pressuring me,ill know him when he comes."
"At lea...hey,where did you go?!"
"Over here!"
"Leaves,really,why?Flowers are for our fur,not leaves silly little sister."
"I know,but leaves are the flowers of most trees."
"Aggg,no man would want to even be your friend,little own mate,Moon."
"IF I do find a mate,he will like me for who I am."
"Whatever.Listen,the guards are howling,we better go."
"COMING!"I said as the wind blowed.
The Arabians had come,some young looking for mates.
I sat by a tree looking around.I wonder if anyone would ever love me for me.I really didn't like the felling of all of the others giving me strange looks.No one would even say 'Hi' or 'Lovely weather'.They just slowed and walked on by.
It was late,my head held low,my eyes wondering here and there.
"Hi!"Says the Arabian wolf.I looked up and laughed.
"What?!"He panicked.
"No,no"I said in between laughs "I just like the leaf! Very stylish."I laugh,showing him the leaf in my fur.
"You think it will ever catch on?" He asked,now laughing with me.He had the most beautiful eyes.His fur looked like it could be a blazing field of fire,but only of gray.The leaf at his neck was an autumn orange.
"So whats your name?"I ask.
"Brave,you?"He said,smiling.
"Moon."He looked at me.
"You're Moon?"
"Ya...why"That's when it happened.
I see the soldies run to take position,I stay put.
"Moon,are you mad!Come on,hurry!"Meadow yells.
"No......I always wanted to fight with the soldiers,and now I am!"I walk up in an empty spot,and a man next to me sees.
"Well what is your name,shouldnt you be in a shelter,you're a girl!"The Arabian leader,Fire,says.
"No and yes,I should,but I would rather fight."
"That was not a question,it was a command,more or less."
"I do not care,I will fight for my pack,and yours."
He laughs "You think you can FIGHT!Just go find a shelter."
"I am not just a girl."I say."My name Moon."A light wind blows,and he looks irritated,but looks away,stunned for some reason.

The Fight(Moon)

"So they sent a GIRL to do a MANS job!"The leader of Dark Mass's son,Dark,says.Laughing,like it was the funniest thing he ever heard.
"Thats what I was thinking,I wonder why!"I say,the others,all of them,got a kick out of it,I smiled.
"SHUT UP,YOU'RE A HELPLESS LITTLE GIRL!WHY DONT YOU GO RUN UNDER A TREE!"he yells.Then charges with a water whip.
The attack approaches,and I stare at the water.What was I doing there.How could I fight benders?THUD.He slams three feet away.I laugh,yet I was just as confused as he was.
"ILL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!!!"Dark growls.I laugh again.
"You sure?" I ask.I wonder what happened.Maybe it will happen again?I was hoping that it would,if it didn't,I was screwed.A rock flung from behind me,and he obviously thought it was me.He Looked stunned.'Now is my chance.'
"Pitiful"I growl.I ran up to him and grasped his throat in my powerful jaws.He whined and got lose,then ran away.
"Glad that's done"I smile.
"Moon,where are you?"Meadow calls.
"Element Cove,why?"I ask.
"This is why."Says Brave.
"Hi Moon"he says,smiling.
"Hi?What are you doing here?"I ask.
"Dont worry.The other avatar wolves,they...we need you!You're the only one that has the power to master all the elements!We cant keep going with just the four of us!Please,we need your help!"He says.Oh hes an avatar wolf...maybe i can learn why I..
"Wait.What are you talking about?Im just an ordinary wolf,I cant even bend!"I yell.I was very confused.
"Ill explain everything!Please,just come with me!"He seemed panicked.
"Well alright,but I want to know one thing,whats going on?"
"Ill tell you when we're safe."
"Calm down!Panicking wont do us any good!"
"You're right.Come on,lets go."
I could see him smiling,but he frowned quickly.
"Tell me whats going on."I said.
"...How much do you want to know?"
"Arent you..."
"Then why do you..."
"Because I need answers."
"You sure?"
"Positive."I smile when he looked impressed.
"Well...come on.Ill tell you."He lead me to a cave.


Blake must be Brave.Merica is Meadow.I couldnt think straight.It was rainging and night.I heard Blake howl.I could now recognize them.The distinct wavier of the powerful song that has no end.Each riveting melody cutting through the wind.The heart wrenching sound that people still fear.Without realizing it I ran.Ran as fast as I could to Blake.I missed him.Is Chikerie still there?Then Merica and Blu joined.I couldn't help it.I howled and all else stopped. Everything.The birds,the wind,the rain,and them.I was remembering more and more.How easy you could lose yourself in a howl.I had stopped to find that they really did stop.I ran faster.
I had gotten to the little hill and,with major relief,saw Blake.
I ran.I saw how each blade of grass went by.Each time I stepped the faint squish

of water under my boot spread water away.It was still pouring.The night birds had began to sing again.Was I crying or was it the rain?Was he crying or was it the rain?I couldn't tell about him,but I knew I as.He started walking and I stopped not two small steps from him.
"Long time no smell."He had said with the cheerfulness of that proud voice and smile that had never left.
"Indeed it has."I couldn't help but smile and fling my arms around him.
"So how much do you remember?"He asked while,to my relief,swung his arms around me.
"Up until you we're about to tell me what was going on..."I trailed off.The sound had been muffled by me burying my head into the sweet still forestry smell of his jacket.
"Not much"He sounded disappointed.
"Missed me much?"
"Time doesn't heal old wounds."Now I could tell.He was crying.I remember not seeing or hearing him cry much.Strong,proud,caring,loyal.That describes him in as little as words as I can.
"No.It doesn't.Where is everyone else?"
"I told them to."
"I needed sometime with you"That made me blush.Alone time?
"Alone time?"
"For What?"
"Reminding you of somethings."
"Like what?"
"Like this."He looked deep into my eyes and for the first time I realized he had jet black hair and the smallest sprinkle of freckles.His face was round with the pointy,jagged bangs hanging into his still wolf like eyes.He smiled the proud smile and turned.He motioned me to follow.I did.We walked down the hill to a small pond that seemed oddly familiar.
"Does it seem familiar?"His soothing voice said.
"Ya,but i dont rem-"Then it was coming back to me.'This is the sacred pond.Its still here and forever will be thanks to the all mighty avatar wolves and their leader,Moon.'
"KAYLA!"Blake shouted.I had only just relized he had been saying my name.
"Its still here?"I took a step closer.
"Ya.Was,still,and forever will be."He said prouder than ever with a smile to match his tone.
"Br-I mean Blake?"He looked startled at the mention of Brave and hesitated to answer.
"How come im just remembering?All of you,even the normal wolves,remember,but I dont..."Hesitation.An instant frown.He looked in the pond as if to find the answer then gazed up at the clearing sky.A deep,painful sigh.
"Im sorry."
"Dont be.I,I cant answer that.Not now."
I walked to the pond and sat.I gazed at my reflection in the sacred pond.My dark brown pin straight longish hair escaped its hold of behind my ear and dangled in front of my freckle full face and wolf eyes of a girl everyone thought was helpless.I thought of how much it must of hurt them.For me to walk past everyday and think of them as just normal people I didn't know.For me not to remember my place that had been so important to them and the world.They cared and I just sat in an everyday school threshold of girls,boys and teachers that cleared the way when I walked by.
"Kayla?Are you ok?"Blake had startled me.I had only just realized that I had started crying in a deep feeling of guilt and pity.'I just cant imagine how you guys felt.So hurt and angered I didn't remember.How I didn't even think I knew you when you were the most important things in my life.I just sat there unwilling to open my mind and see that I did in fact know you.'But i only managed to croak"Ya.Im fine."But I knew he knew I wasn't.
He sat next to me and put his arm around me and a snuggled in the jacket to catch the smells of the beloved forest that I kept remembering more just randomly.
"B-Blake?"We both turned around to see Marcia and Blu.I had rushed so much to stand up I nearly fell into the sacred pond but had got my balance just in time.I ran to both of them with all three of our arms out stretched wide.The collision us warm and comforting like a worn down blanket that you loved but still had all the warmth and love as it had before.Like hot chocolate on a cold winter night in front of a wood burning fireplace.It was weird.I barley remembered them but I missed them so much.
"I missed you guys."I said.They both looked at me with warm smiles and then to each other.
"We missed you."
"I know."
I howled.I missed the felling.But Blake tackled me.Startled,I got up and wiped myself off.
"What was that f-"
"Shhhhhh...just dont howl,he cant find you.Not now"
"Who?"We turned to hear a harsh,raspy voice a man in a suit with a fuzzy beard.His hair a black and short mess.Such a horrible,unsure grin."Me."


"So what's going on?" I said.
"...I'm not sure where to begin."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2011

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