
Prologue: Part I

I held him tightly in my arms, knowing this would be the last time. A kiss to each cheek, and a tender caress, “Adieu, my love” I whispered as my lips met his. His breath caught in his chest, and then he let it out slowly, breathing his last. I looked at him with sadness in my eyes as I slowly let his body slump against our bed to the floor. The pained look in his blue eyes is the one I will always remember. I brushed aside his midnight black bangs from his forehead as I crouched in front of him placing a white rose in his hand as I bestowed a tender kiss. “Baiser De La Mort, my love. This love has been your end…just like you were mine.”

Prologue: Part II

It’s interesting that it has come to this point. After all, I, Nevaeh am the most beautiful girl in school. Add to that the fact I am a succubus means I am an undefeatable force of sexiness. I can have any guy I want, or girl for that matter, except Lance. But I will make him mine and not even Aislin will get in my way. After all, why wouldn’t Lance want me

over some fashion challenged punk? I have beauty and a kiss that can kill...



Chapter 1: Just great

I giggled a bit as I watched Lance gave Aislin a beautiful white rose, not knowing that to humans it may symbolize purity, but to us succubi it meant death. I watched as a look of pure happiness crossed Aislin’s face, so typical of her. I mean, hello! Lance is utterly gorgeous, just like me, which is why we are perfect for each other, whether he knows it or not.
I started seething the second their lips met. That should be me kissing him, not Aislin…never Aislin. My hands clenched into fists as I saw the look in Lance’s eyes as he took in Aislin’s appearance. Thin with brown eyes and full lips, chestnut brown hair that came down to the middle of her back in thick layers with split ends only I can see with my amazing sight. Bangs hung in front of her right eye that was outlined in black eyeliner. Faded black skinny jeans hugged her legs, an old black band tee-shirt with sleeves that hung around her shoulders, and out of date purple converse on her feet. I cannot believe she would actually walk out of the house dressed like that.

Now Lance on the other hand, absolutely salty, meaning gorgeous. Black skater hair that hung over his forehead, barely covering his ocean blue eyes. He had a delicious pare of pink lips with a lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip covering perfect teeth, and a smile that could get him anything he wanted if he just knew how to wield it as a weapon. You could see his muscled arms and abdomen through his long sleeved shirt, which was enough to make any girl drool; the perfect guy in my mind.
As Lance and Aislin ran in the park laughing and acting oh-so happy, my bottom lip began to tremble with anger. How dare he show so much love for her, when he could have me! I checked my cellphone for the time. One twenty in the afternoon. I knew I needed to head back to school fast because I am never late. I put my hands together as if I were about to pray and closed my eyes and began whispering the magical words for teleportation, a soft white light engulfed my body and disappeared as I appeared in front of the school. I giggled softly as I opened the doors and walked in, confidence radiating off of my body like heat. I walked to my locker to check on my lip gloss, smirking the entire way.

In class I watched as Aislin and Lance ran in and collapsed in laughter in their seats. Just looking at them together made my stomach twist in knots, so much so I was pretty sure my face had a look of disgust on it. Aislin saw the look on my face and looked at me with a look of confusion on her face that asked what was up. I smiled my best and most convincing fake smile at her, hoping my beauty would be enough to disarm her curiosity. I was right; she shyly smiled back, giving a slight wave before turning back to Lance. I grimaced noticing Aislin’s heart beat faster as Lance smiled at her. Just great.

Chapter: 2 My way…For once

The school bell finally rang to tell students that class was over. I was the first one out of class and Lance and Aislin were the last, which is no surprise because they are so into each other that an atomic bomb could go off and they wouldn’t notice, still taking their time as they walked. Ugh…it’s just so disgusting, I mean seriously! Lance didn’t even give me a second glance as I walked out!
I spotted Lance and Aislin walking down the hall towards their locker and decided to follow. Aislin checked her hair in her locker mirror, not that there was really any need in my opinion. She caught my reflection in her mirror heading towards her. She seemed stunned that I would give Lance the time of day so when I leaned my back against the locker next to Lance’s, her mouth dropped. Twirling a piece of hair around my index finger I assessed Lance, awarding him a whopping ten on the hot scale. I gave him my most gorgeous yet seducing smile, gazing at his luscious lips as I said hello.
“Hey, Lance.” I said as my smile continued to disarm him.
“Oh, uh, hey Nevaeh,” Lance replied as confusion lit up his face.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come to a beach party with me tonight. It’s going to be the biggest hit this year, and…I’d love to have you come along.”
Lance looked at Aislin, astonishment in his eyes as they asked her if it was ok to agree. She gave him a fake reassuring smile, one that he returned before getting lost in my eyes, bestowing a smile my way.
“I’ll pick you up at eight?” Lance said lifting an eyebrow. I knew this was him reacting to the magic I was using to seduce him.
My lips turned up in a smirk, “I’ll text you my address,” I said and with a flip of my hair, I turned and walked away, my hips moving from side to side as I walked.
I could feel Aislin’s eyes on me as I walked away, jealousy burning on her ugly little face. Just for fun I decided to listen in on her thoughts:
“Did Nevaeh seriously just ask my Lance on a date? And did I seriously encourage him to say yes? I cannot believe this!” Aislin thought.
I smirked to myself as I kept walking; suddenly interested in hearing what Lance had to think about this, but not entirely sure I wanted to know. I nodded to some preppies as I passed them, their perfectly manicured hands waving enthusiastically at me, hoping I would join their pathetic group. I flipped them off after I had passed and took joy in their shocked expressions and sighed. What a great day today was turning out to be, and in my favor for once; not Aislins.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2013

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