
Prologue: Part I - My last breath

I can still remember the day he handed me that white rose; the signal of my end. "Baiser De La Mort," he later whispered in my ear as his final kiss became my last. I could feel my breath leave my body and his hand close mine with the white rose in my palm. I remember him catching my body as it started to fall to the ground, and then slowly laying me on the ground. Before I died I watched as his body turned to black mist and disappeared.

Prologue: Part II - A Lost memory

He placed a beautiful white rose in her hand as he looked down at her. A look of pure happiness crossed her face as she looked up at him and smiled. His body tensed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. Amazement shone on his face at her display of affection before he relaxed his body and lost himself in her kiss. He closed his eyes as his fingers entwined with her thick chestnut brown locks, softly running his fingers through them, pulling her closer. He was conscious of her heartbeat against his chest as well as his own heart hammering against his ribs. A slight smile pulled at the corner of her mouth as she pulled away from the kiss and rested her head against his chest in a hug.
His breath caught in his throat as he saw how beautiful she truly was; slender waist attached to long gorgeous legs, big brown eyes and full pink lips, long chestnut brown locks that came down to the middle of her back in thick layers with bangs that hung in front of her right eye. Black eyeliner outlined her eyes; tight black skinny jeans hugged her legs, a black band tee-shirt with sleeves that hung around her shoulders, and purple converse on her feet. She looked beautiful.
She looked up at him as she noticed the look of joy on his face at being able to hold her. His shaggy black hair hung over his forehead just slightly covering his blue eyes, and a small smile played across his pierced lips. Despite his long black sleeved top, she knew about the scars that lurked on his wrist. She knew that despite his muscled arms, he was as gentle as a pup, but could easily be as protective as a pit-bull and as easygoing and fun to around as a playful kitten. She knew he was definitely one in a million; a good guy and hard worker, sensitive, understanding and patient. He had a good sense of humor with an easy smile; the perfect guy, in her mind.

Prologue: Part III - His Fall

Ah, I remember that day. It was three years ago to the day when I made that memory with Lance. A tender crush between us and a strong friendship consisting of sixteen years held us together at the seams. I honestly don’t believe he knew what he was doing when he handed me that rose, if he had then, I know he never would have given it to me. There was something about that memory though, that will stay in my mind forever. Probably the fact that that moment was our last “normal” time together makes it so memorable. After that day, everything changed. The sweet guy I once knew had vanished in a heartbeat. I’m not sure when he started to become someone else. It may have been after he met her.
Nevaeh was gorgeous with auburn hair and electric green eyes. Definitely a girl you’d give more than a second glance. She had a personality that just begged to be put in the spotlight, and a smile that could knock any guy flat on his butt in amazement. No guy could resist her charm, sadly not even Lance.
Lance was always one of those guys who didn’t just date anything that walked, in fact, he rarely dated at all. He could easily blend in with a crowd and disappear without anyone taking notice, except for me, that is. I always took notice of him because we were best friends, or maybe because I had fallen in love with him. He didn’t know about that last bit though, at least not that he ever let on. But that was fine with me. In a way, he was all mine, and nothing could separate us.
For all I know, his change could be my entire fault. Our kiss that day three years ago could very well have caused his downfall. See, what we didn’t know was Nevaeh had her eye on him and happened to be watching as he and I kissed, sparking her jealousy. Who could have guess the most beautiful and wanted girl in school would look to Lance to be her soul mate in hell. Yes, hell. The fact Nevaeh’s name is heaven spelled backwards just happens to be ironic. No one knew Nevaeh was a succubus looking to find her perfect “soul mate.”
When the relationship between Lance and Nevaeh went sour she bestowed her kiss of death to him. However, instead of just killing Lance she had opened his soul up to be turned. Turned into what, you ask? Lance was turned into an incubus, better known as a male counterpart to a succubus. So much for staying a virgin, eh Lance?
Still wondering who I am? My name is Aislin Beck. I’d love to tell you I’m just an ordinary girl and that everything I’ve already told you never happened. Sadly it’s all true. Too bad that Lance’s final kiss killed me, however the irony comes into play when I tell you that his kiss of death awakened the angel inside my soul, so I didn’t technically die. Cool, right?
Shall I, Aislin tell you the story of how my best friend and love of my life became my worst nightmare? Shall I put you through all the pain and tears mixed with the surprising, but rare moments of joy? The option is yours. Continue at your own risk, because once you turn the page, I can’t save you.
Welcome to hell.

Chapter 1: The beginning

I knew he was definitely one in a million; a good guy and hard worker, sensitive, understanding and patient. Lance had a good sense of humor with an easy smile; the perfect guy, in my mind.
I sighed pulling away from Lance and watched as he gave me a quizzical look. With a quick grin I took off running, rose in hand, stopping just long enough to taunt him into giving chase. A laugh escaped his lips as he ran after me, a sparkle in his gorgeous blue eyes. Try as I might, no matter how fast I ran, he caught up to me, grazing my side with his fingertips to show he could catch me and take me down whenever he felt like it.
I could tell he was finally ready to take that last step to cover the small distance between us and take me down when I moved to the side and stopped dead in my tracks, smirking as I watched him run past in bewilderment before I took off running again, but in the opposite direction. Laughing at my small accomplishment, I forgot to pay attention to where I was running and hit a hard, unmoving object nearly falling, but glad his hands had caught me. Looking up at Lance, my heart pounding, realizing I had been going off adrenaline until now. Now, I was in his arms, my heart unsure if it could beat out of my chest without reality hindering its goal.
Lance smiled down at me, suddenly lifting me off my feet and into his arms in one sweeping movement. Caught off guard I gasped and held onto him tight, praying he wouldn’t drop me. Instead he kissed my forehead and held me to his chest, his midnight colored bangs hanging in his face. He carefully sat on the green grass with me still in his arms, a slight twinkle still in his eye as he leaned down to kiss me, stealing my breath away once again.

Nevaeh sat in the shadows watching us, seething the second our lips met, her hands clenching into fists at the site of Lance and I together. In this moment I had no idea our kiss would turn out to be so deadly.
-Future Aislin

I looked at my cellphone and noticed the time. “Fudge!” I blurted out seeing the time was now one twenty-three. Lunch was over and we were due back in school in seven minutes. I jumped to my feet, startling Lance as I did so, showing him the time. He grabbed my hand as we bolted across the park grounds towards the school doors, determined to make it before the bell rang.
We ran into our class room, collapsing in laughter as we sat in our seats beside each other. I looked over to my left to find Nevaeh watching us, a look of disgust apparent on her beautiful face. I gave her a quizzical look, and she surprisingly returned it with a smile. Confused I returned the smile shyly and gave a slight wave before returning my gaze to Lance.

Chapter 2: Last Day Together

The bell rang signaling class’ completion for the hour, reminding all to head to the next class. Lance and I were the last ones out of the class, taking our time as we made our way to our lockers, which just happened to be right beside each other. I checked my hair in my mirror before turning away to look down the hall as Nevaeh was walking towards Lance. I was shocked speechless when she leaned her back against the locker next to Lance and gave him one of her most dazzling smiles. Twirling a piece of hair around her finger, she gave Lance an appraised look as she looked him up and down, eyeing his lips as she told him hi.
“Hey, Lance.” Nevaeh said as she smiled at him.
“Oh, uh, hey Nevaeh,” Lance replied as confusion lit up his face.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come to a beach party with me tonight. It’s going to be the biggest hit this year, and…I’d love to have you come along.”
Lance looked at me, not quite sure how to respond to Nevaeh’s offer, his eyes asking me if it was ok to say yes. I gave him a quick reassuring smile, one that he returned before looking into Nevaeh’s eyes and smiling.
“Uh, sure. I’ll pick you up at eight?” Lance said lifting an eyebrow.
Nevaeh’s lips turned up in a smirk, “I’ll text you my address,” she said and with a flip of her hair, she walked off.
I looked at Lance then at Nevaeh’s fading figure, trying to piece together exactly what had happened. Did Nevaeh seriously just ask my Lance on a date? And did I seriously encourage him to say yes? Holy shit! I stared at Lance a moment, wondering where that haughty look on his face had come from. Normally he would probably be blushing up a storm. So what was going on here?

Nevaeh had always been the type to set her sights on those unsuspecting guys who had plenty of money and time for her. Lance definitely didn’t fall under either of those categories. I remember how confused I was at seeing the look on his face as Nevaeh walked away, a look I should have taken as a clue that something was off, that something bad was going to happen since that look was completely out of character for Lance. I can’t believe I was so naïve.
-Future Aislin

“Lance?” I whispered. He turned to me, the haughty look on his face disappearing, returning his shy smile. I wondered if maybe I had been imagining the look I’d seen on his face, that maybe I was seeing things because I was slightly upset. Upset because I had given the love of my life permission to go out with another girl, and I wasn’t even sure why! The smile she gave disarmed me just as much as it had Lance, maybe that is why, against my better judgment, I gave him the go ahead.
“Wasn’t that crazy?” Lance asked with a smile playing on his lips, then catching my hurt expression tried to reassure me. He held my face in his hands and kissed me softly, as if to let me know I had nothing to worry about. Still, I couldn’t help but try to hide the worry I felt. I got the feeling that this would be the last time we would be together like this, that after today; nothing would be the same between us.
I tried to ignore the feeling and plaster a fake smile on my face that Lance saw right through, pulling me to him and deepening the kiss, his lips so soft and inviting I didn’t want to resist. I lost myself in him for a moment, allowing all the worry to melt away, to just enjoy the feeling of his body and lips pressed against mine. However, once the kiss ended, that single moment of bliss was gone and the worry was back in my head once more. Yet, instead of asking him to cancel with Nevaeh, I kept my feelings locked inside, playing along as his hand held mine and led me to our next class.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2013

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This book is dedicated to my love, Chris. :) Forever and Always.

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