
She wanted to slap him. Opening, closing, tying, retying, pacing, sitting, combing, brushing, re-brushing, bouncing, sweating drinking--

"Enough! You are just meeting my mother!"

He stopped mid-bounce in the air and rested back on his heels and whirled on her. She almost laughed at his indignant expression.

"Just? There is no just to this! Your mother, you know the lady with the crown and her council of old guys that really despise me? How on Earth can you say 'just' anything? You think this is funny, risking my life for you all the time? You know some women would say you're taking me for granted."

She laughed and straightened his collar smiling at his silliness. He had a right to be nervous, but not like this. She was the princess of their world and her parents were not the most forgiving people in the world when it came to their only daughter. Wrapping her arms around him, she smiled.

"You're a hero. You saved my life and without you our planet would be lost forever... the universe would have been lost forever."

"Yeah by getting you imprisoned for treason against yourself..."

She chuckled and kissed his cheek, "You're so modest."

"I wonder who I get it from..."

Her laughter accompanied a light slap on the arm.

"Sit down somewhere while I get ready alright? Read a book or something."

"That's easy for you to say, you have that sword to protect you. I'm in dress clothes, unarmed, marching into the palace with the princess in my arms and..."

She was clearly ignoring him as he followed her to their shared bathroom and she began to undress, humming a soft melody that reminded him of Earth.

"Are you trying to distract me or make us late?"

"If we're late, I'll hurt you," She replied with a smile and stepped into the shower.

He leaned against the bathroom sink and waited for her, still talking through the shifting clear glass.

"Are you sure there's no chance of them blowing me sky high with lasers?"

"If you don't calm down, I blast you myself. Got that?"

He pouted slightly as she turned off the water and kissed him gently and headed into their bathroom he followed her still blabbering.

"You realize that I was a fugitive. You understand that right? You know? I'm the one that was sacrificed to be first when that guy came and took over."

"You realize you were also the first to break away and you protected me.” She disappeared behind the turn of the closet into their closet and threw out her towel to get dressed.

"Furthermore, go sit down somewhere alright? Putting this on takes enough of my concentration..."

"What are you talking about?” He asked and turned around as she walked out and presented herself with a hand on her hip.

She’s a goddess…

His thoughts were well justified by her appearance in a long flowing dress that hugged the curves of her body. Her hips were embraced with the metal and fabric belt of her power stones, the single slit starting from her hip gave peak of the tanned skin and power band on her thigh. The straps of her shoes hugged the curves of her feet in the same blue as the accents of her dress. She adjusted the mask covering her face and smiled at his confounded expression. Her shoulders were exposed between the leotard that extended up over her face and the off the shoulder bands of her dress. He had never seen her look so… royal.

"Why can't you dress like that more often?"
"Because I'd never get dressed," She said with a knowing tone, picking up her cloak, weapon and heading to the door.

"We should get going," She suggested as he stood there staring in wonder.

"I think I can handle your parents if you're wearing that to dinner..."

"Of course, my royal attire is meant to show off to distraction... my one goal in life."

"You've arrived," he quipped.

They stepped onto the transport and she revved the machine sending them to the palace's transport where servants were waiting to escort them in.

"Your Highness..." The tall man bowed in greeting and transferred their cloaks to the royal safe for the night.

"Please follow me..."

Closing in on the great hall, Gael'n thought he was going to melt as he was walking.

"Presenting her Highness and her Honored guest," The servants of the hall announced.

The whispers did not bother him as much as the royal glares he received from Milaina's mother, the Queen, and the High Council that were the reason for his fugitive status. He almost cowered.

Milaina nudged him gently and squeezed his hand with reassurance before turning her attention to her regal mother.

“It’s been a while hasn’t it Mother?”

“Of course, after that catastrophe of a—“

“Mother,” Milaina said with a warning glare, “I think that’s enough for now. How about we eat, hm?”

She raised an eyebrow and turned to enter the dining hall and Gael’n gulped looking up at the glowing blue ceilings of the imperial dining hall.

“Tonight’s going rather well isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” He started, for a death sentence…

She pulled him into the hall and took the seat across from him, to the right of her mother at the head of the table. He looked at her for hope and she smiled with her eyes back at him and winked in response to his fear.

“So… your name is?”

He looked up at the younger looking court official and smiled graciously. He had been the one to defend him against the entire court.

“Gael’n, it’s nice to meet you. You are?”

“Malchivo, Milaina’s brother.”

He paled at the thought and looked between him at Milaina who had no intention on meeting his gaze.

Great… to add to the difficulty of tonight, I’m about to get grilled by her brother.

Milaina almost giggled at his pale face as Malchivo drew him into conversation. He looked about ready to throw up with anxiety and she found extremely funny. For a man with nerves of steel to be afraid of her creampuff of a brother, it did the soul good.

"Milaina, I've been meaning to address you about this point," He mother began before setting her glass down. " It's about your marriage to Valon."

She raised an eyebrow and looked at Gael’n who was far too deep into a conversation with Malchivo to hear the Queen's announcement. She sighed with relief, had he heard there would have been a blood bath and she could not afford to get anything on this dress if she wanted to live to her next birthday. Her father would kill her.

"Uhm, mother I don't think this is appropriate dinner conversation with Gael’n here," she warned softly and took another bite of the softened meat on her plate.

"On the contrary, you, Gael’n," she called and Milaina bit her lip as he looked up.

"Your Highness?"

"What do you think about Milaina and Valon, they make a great couple don't they?"

Malchivo hissed softly and turned his head away. Milaina stood up, her golden eyes narrowed at her mother as she marched around the table.

"I think we should go Gael'n, it's been fun--"

"No," he said and pulled away from Milaina's grip. "I have something to say as well."

Somewhere in her mind, the little bell that told her when things were getting dangerous rang like the sounds of earth cathedral bells. She tugged lightly on his jacket but he stood at his own pace and pulled her close. The room filled with gasps as their lips met and Gael’n embraced her.

"How dare you--"

"No, how dare you

?” Gael’n corrected and spun on the Queen.

"The last time I checked it was me who went to Earth to save her while Valon hightailed it across the galaxy--"

"He is still better than--"

"--and I'm not finished!” His voice echoed through the hall and Malchivo grimaced.

The family dinner was not exactly turning out the way he planned.

"Yeah he's a noble, and I don't care. Milaina loves me and whether you like it or not, I'm not about to push her away for the sake of this stupid empire that tried to kill me. I have no loyalty to you or your stupid crown so don't think for a minute that you can guilt me into doing anything I don't want to, starting with Milaina."

She was not sure if she should cheer or cry at Gael’n valiant speech, but she kissed his cheek instead. It was as if she took a very clean version of what she wanted to say right out of her mouth.

The Queen blinked at the outburst as Gael’n laced his hand with Milaina and kissed her cheek.

"Let's go home, hm?” He whispered and pulled her towards the exit.

"Wait," the Queen huffed and stood from her seat.

They turned to look at her over one shoulder. Gael’n and the Queen met eyes across the room and he was sure she was trying to probe his mind. He allowed it, he had nothing to hide after all. Her fists tightened and she turned her eyes to Milaina who smirked at her and squeezed Gael'n's hand.

"It seems as though you are serious about keeping my daughter by your side..."

"Well, I did die for her. I don't think it gets more serious than that.” He replied with a smug tone.

The little man in his head danced around happily. He outsmarted the Queen, Milaina's father blessed him, and Milaina would be completely his within the year.

"Fine," she said with another huff. "If this commoner is who you want, it doesn't seem that I can stop you."

"Of course not mother, " Milaina grinned, " Whatever made you think you could stop me?"

She glared with warning as Milaina hugged Gael’n tightly and he pulled her closer.

He whispered softly, "I think you owe me. Why's this the first time I'm hearing about this?"

"It's the first time I'm hearing about it too. Don't worry, I was never going to leave you."

"Yeah, I know," he replied. " I'm just too amazing."

"Yeah, about that..."

He raised an eyebrow and laughed as Malchivo approached them and extended his hand to Gael’n. They met eyes.

"I was a little skeptical about you and my sister you know?” He started with a smile, "Mil' has always been the baby of the family and as her eldest brother I believe I have the right to warn you: take care of her, or I'll break your neck."

Gael’n blinked and grinned at him.

"I'm sure she'd break my neck first, but thanks for the warning."

They shook hands and Milaina hugged her brother. As strange of a blessing it was, Malchivo approved of their relationship.

"Am I going to get that from your other sibling too?” Gael’n asked.

"Of course, but watch out for Ath'n, he's got a good right hook," she advised. "Welcome to the family!"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.02.2010

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