
Chapter One

Zevra could hear the blood curling sound of her wing crack under the force of her brother’s talons. She had fought him many times before but never was he so fierce and determined to kill her. His black wings blended with the black sky frantically pushing down in an attempt to force her to the ground; since he knew her being more slender of their kind meant she was faster and stronger in the air. He constantly clawed at her sides drawing massive amounts of blood that only stained and highlighted his black and red paws and the tips of his wings which constantly beated at her side. She was nearly to the ground when she caught a low wind with her right wing and used it to fling her brother off and flip over so that she was right side up. Zevra’s tan sides hardily shown, the red of her blood stained every inch of her fur, White feathers on her head and wings shown patches of skin where he had tried to ripe out feathers. With her hurt wing it was difficult for her to fly as fast but she knew she could still out fly her brother any day. While he tried to get himself out of the tree he had tangled himself in, she beat her wings down hard and pushed herself up and over to where he sat and plunged downward extending her talons and claws so that she could rip him to pieces. She felt as if something had just clawed her in the stomach… she couldn't finish him. She couldn't end her pain and suffering by killing her brother, but she was sure that he wouldn't give her the same courtesy. Before she realized it she had already pinned her brother to the ground his wings under masses of branches and thorns, his head in her talon and his paws to weak from his struggle out of the tree to move.

“Finnish it” he spat, she just stood there blankly at the one who used to care for her so dearly, that he would come to her side if she merely pricked her paw. “Finnish it!” he yelled more demanding this time, “Finnish it!!!”He screeched. She released her grip on his neck, and he began to prepare for strike to the head, but before he knew it she was gone.

“Venn” she mumbled to herself as she struggled to fly back to her home “your name even sickens me, so why can’t I kill you and end the misery of me and my people.”  Those were the words she repeated to herself as she passed endless fields of trees, all the way back to a waterfall that rained down into a lake that was surrounded by fifteen mountains each with many caves in them. Her’s was the cave just behind the bottom of the water fall. She flew in to the cave undetected by anyone and entered the large castle like cavern. In some places there would be grand robes hanging from the ceiling but this seine would soon fade into the cave walls that only complimented the underground castle. At times the wall would be wonderfully smooth as if it was made from the stones in a river, but other times it would seem as if there weren't a castle there at all. Every room was dressed with torches were the cave wall shown and robes were the castle wall shown as if they were both supposed to be hidden. She took special delight to her room which resembled the cave more often, it was a rounded large room with torches in every corner she often preferred to sleep in a nest but most of her kind would choose the bed. Her room opened up near the top of the waterfall just higher than all the other caves. The small landing looked like that of a castle balcony  leaning over the great mounting, and it was just far enough from the waterfall so that she couldn't feel the spray, although one of the castle robes covered the entrance whenever she wished to be left alone. Zevra pushed herself up so that she was walking strait up, and grabbed a towel to dip into the now cold water. Gently brushing her wounds with the damp rag, she screeched in pain. The cuts were deep and around them were bruises from where he had beat his wing against her side. She finally stopped brushing her side  when she could see all the white of her fur. But the towel no longer held its color it only held the color of her blood. She only noticed the silhouette of her father on her balcony after she had finished.  “how long have you been standing there?”she asked hardly looking up from her side.

“Long enough to realize, your cleaning new wounds” Her father replied in a deep voice. “What has he done this time?” he continued pulling the robes away from the cave wall so that he could walk through easily.

Zevra stood up and let her father slowly examine each scar she had, old and new no matter how much it pained her to move.  “We must stop this! His attacks on you are becoming far to frequent, he might kill you one of these days.” Her father said with worry in his eyes as he pulled away from her side.

“I will be alright father. Please stop worrying about me, I am a fine warrior and an even better flier, the fastest in all the flying worlds.” She said walking to the bowl that was full of the dirtied water and handing it to the maid who had recently entered. “Will you bring me a new bowl” she asked the young griffiness kindly.

“Yes your majesty” she replied bowing as best she could without spilling the blood water, then she left as swift she could as to not intrude on her ladies and her lords conversation.  

Zevra walked back to where she stood before her father to speak again “I was unable to kill him father” She admitted collapsing into her nest like bed.  “I had him in my paws it would have been so easy to stretch a talon and slit his throat, but I just couldn't do it.” She finished staring deep into the ground.  She listened as her father walked up to her, his talons hit the ground hard he had the warriors body his two back paws were that of a bird that way when he stood on his hind legs his steps even sounded powerful. His wings were sharp and the feathers strong, they even seemed to form a cape on his back. But the rest was very lion like, his face though the shape of a birds showed the pride of a lion, and the strength of many battles. It was easy to tell Zevra took after her mother even if you hadn't seen her. Zevra had red feathers surrounding her silver eyes. The red was around the tips of her wings, as well as the end of her tail, these red traits ran throughout her family. Her wings are very dark brown at first then ease into a nearly white brown just before the red tips of her wings. She has very sand brown fur near her torso and on her legs, and white feathers on her head and chest area. Zevra and Venn were two of a kind when it came to their paws that had red tips even though their parents remained only with their eyes, wings, and tails with the wondrous red markings.

He kneeled down beside Zevra and pulled her face from the ground so that she could look into his familiar face. “Venn is your brother by blood whether I banished him from the family or not, and you two were the best of friends. It is no shame that you couldn't kill him. Your brother has lost his way and has lost the way of the kingdom, that is why he is gone, and I know that it is hard to lose your brother. It is your choice to kill him, in this battle you chose not to, and there is no shame in showing mercy to your own blood,” He said in a soothing voice.

“Thank you father,” Zevra replied with tears forming in her golden brown eyes. “You always have the best advice at the best of times.” She quickly blinked away the tears since she wasn't about to cry over something so trivial and stood up giving her father a hug.

“I’m sure your mother would have something better to say then what I had to, but I try my best,” Her father replied.

She kept her wings tucked in low as to hide her mark of which she was hidden as well as the many scares of her past, she didn't want just any random Griffin to see her as she was. She maintained a steady pace often leaving the dark brown griffin behind.  He was a strange character none like the creatures that she had been paired with on these journeys before. He seemed to never care about her safety and very often stared at her as if he did. He wouldn't let her fly for some absurd reason, and would consistently tease her about her obsession with the position of her wings.  “why must you hide behind wings?” he asked nudging her off the dirt road, “do you hide your scars… I thought you were stronger then that!” he continued mockingly. “Oh yes, you are royalty you have a mark of a royal that only her mate may see.” He said this time raising his wings and rearing up onto his hind legs, revealing a scare across his left wing that ran down to his fur, limiting his flying skills.

“I am not ashamed of my royalty. And there is no way that you could ever make me.” She said pressing her wings harder against herself.

He remained silent for quite some time after that then he finally said. “I had not meant to make you ashamed; I had meant to show you that there are others who may see you for who you are. For even most royals don’t know that the mark of a royal is not meant for her mates eyes only, it was meant for all she wished to show who she was, and so that she could hide who she was when she wished. when I reared up over you I had not meant it to mock you but to show you there is something all wish to hide, I have always wished to hide what kept me strapped to the ground.” He said looking straight ahead into the now dark forest.

“Your scar!” she said her eyes wide with realization. “I can fix that!” she said spreading her wings and bolting into the night sky. He watched as she rocketed from one end of the sky to the other, every star catching her wonderful colors that she had hid the entire trip. Finally she landed, grasped in one arm was a large leaf that bundled many other small herbs; she gently put these down on the ground. Suddenly she swatted one paw at him knocking him straight to the ground then pounced onto his wings and with a swift move tore open his scare with one of her talons. She hardly flinched at the horrifying scream that came soon after, grabbed the herbs and squeezed the juice from each leaf.

“W-What are you doing?!?!” he asked as he struggled to get free of her grasp without hurting her.

“I’m fixing your wing, now SHUT UP and stand still!”She replied concentrating on the herbs that she plunged into the open wound. He continued to struggle as she put in each herb, but now it was merely because of the sting.  After she had placed all the herbs in she released him and allowed him to sit up “why did my father pick you to accompany me?” she asked after a few moments of silence.

He chuckled to himself “Have you tried to escape me yet even though you know I can’t fly?”


“Then that’s why” he said as if it all made perfect sense. “I’m Zane by the way” he smiled and stretched out a paw two her.

She accepted his offer and stretched out her own paw and shook his “I'm Zevra, sorry for not asking your name sooner” she replied

"Yeah i know who you are, princess" He laughed.

Chapter Two

 The journey Zevra took to make it to the neighboring kingdom of her land was a long one and she was not prepared to leave her guard of whom she found may need her more then she needs him. At times she could tell he would hide the pain he felt, but the stretch of a muscle that hadn't been used in years and the sting of the herbs, was far more pain than anyone could handle so the fact that he could remain silent impressed her. Yet she had to reopen the wound every day and crush herbs into it so that it would heal properly. And soon Zevra began to fly bits at a time with her guard to strengthen his wing and stretch hers.

“How did you know how to fix a wound that was considered by all unfix-able?”He asked flexing his now healed wing.

“Simple enough, my brother Venn, knew that I would be grounded, if he scared me there, when he had done this deed he left me for dead. The thought of being grounded I despised, so I worked as hard as possible to fix my wound, it was only by chance that I actually found a combination that helped my wound let alone heal it. The scar will leave me within this year I have had it most my life” Zevra said stretching out her wing to reveal the “great warriors wound” that the brawl with her brother had left behind.

“There’s a Hippogriff up ahead!” he screeched suddenly. Zevra pulled her wings into a position that was fastest for flight, and extended her talons.

“What are we to do? Flee or fight?” She asked sniffing the air to get a sense of direction and the scent of the beast.

“Were going to have to fight, the winds aren't in our favor for flying today.” Zane said looking up into the black windy sky. He continued “If you must fly princess, fly below the tree line any amount above the trees and the high wind will rip your wings apart!” She nodded in response. Under the trees of the tall wood forest it was silent the high winds couldn't puncture so far deep on the ground. The queerness of the place was unbearable while Zevra waited to meet her enemy. Every muscle on both of the griffins was tense and strained in waiting for the Hippogriff to either walk past them or find them and kill them. What little wind there was in the forest at least blew their scent away from the Hippogriff beast’s but it also blew the Hippogriffs scent towards them and one thing was for sure, the Hippogriffs were too close to miss the two griffins. There is going to be a fight.

“Zane, How many do you think there are, they always travel in packs?!” She yelled to him.

“I don’t know just prepare for the fight.” He replied going to her side.  It wasn't long before the horse like beasts came into view “Prepare yourself” he whispered. The first Hippogriff was strong it had hawk in its birds futures and a very strong stallion in its horse. It was surprised and shocked to see Zevra and Zane in his path and let out a surprised whiny like caw at the sight of them. Quickly the rest of the beast’s herd came into view. Each one seemed to echo in the same ferocious bird qualities but the horse varied, Zevra assumed it was a patrol, and that’s why they all had the strong hawk bird in them. It wasn't long before one of the horse beasts was trying to stomp down on her head. She rolled out of the way using her wings to gain speed, and dug into the creature’s side with her talons. The creature let out another half whiny half caw screech, and turned to bite at her side. Zevra was surprised at the size of the beast, it was actually a bit bigger then her! Zevra jumped of the panicky beast, and looked over at Zane who had his paws full with two of the beast attempting to grab at his weaker wing. He was swift on the ground dodging each blow professionally then returning the favor by swatting his paw with extended talons at one of the beasts face. Zevra could tell he had been practicing combat fighting on the ground to make up for the fact that he wasn't able to fly for who knows how many years. It wasn't long before he began to remember his healed wing, he knew he had to take it easy but desperate times called for desperate measures. He leaped up into the air, and landed just over the too Hippogriffs he was fighting, and went into a tree. Hippogriffs were great fliers but they had no climbing abilities being in the tree made it difficult for the beasts to get him. He took a quick glance at Zevra and dove towards her with extended talons. She quickly saw his attack and ducked for cover and Zane hit the Hippogriff behind her. “What was that for?!?” she yelled turning around to see the dead Hippogriff behind her.

“Pay more attention to your own battle, then to me and maybe I won’t have to do that!” he replied in a light hearted mocking tone as if they weren't in a battle.

“Maybe you should warn me when you do, you almost took my head off!” she shoot back then she lowered her body to the ground and got ready to pounce. She gave Zane a wicked grin and jumped with extended claws. Zane saw this as it was intended and rolled out of her way and she went strait into the side of another Hippogriff that was charging at Zane when she pounced. She jumped of the beast that was knocked over by her blow it quickly got up looked at its new wound and decided to change course for her. Zevra looked at Zane quickly before switching her focus to the beast. “Pay more attention to your own battle, then to me and maybe I won’t have to do that!” She mocked using his own words against him. Then she extended her wings lunged forward and grabbed one of the Hippogriffs by the neck which in turn bowed itself down and used its own weight to crush her. So she released its neck and switched to taking her paw and raking it down the beast’s stomach. It bolted off of her from the shock and pain it felt and collapsed under its own wait to the side of Zevra. Zevra was left breathing hard now her ribs were nearly Broken and wouldn't last another blow to them. Zevra knelled down extended her wings and bolted up into a far away tree. She nuzzled as close as she could to the trunk of the massive tree. Breathing was still difficult but her breath was returning, she was only worried of the loss of blood she was having she didn't realize until now that a Hippogriff had ripped open her side with its hoof at the time the pain was numbed by the greatness of it. She took one glance at Zane and the battle there were two left of the six Hippogriffs that had attacked, she only hoped Zane could take them, because she was starting to fall asleep. Her last view was Zane over her trying to shake her awake vigorously he said something that Zevra couldn't quite hear. Then black, darkness consumed her and she was asleep.  

Her eye’s shoot open and she got to her feat only to be greeted by a pounding in her head, and a sting in her side that brought her to her knees instantly. Her vision was still blurry but she thought she could make out the shape of Zane over her pushing her down. Her vision slowly returned as did her feeling and she could tell just how much pain she was in. “you opened your wound why did you do that!” he declared, raping her in even more bandages. The bandages were made from a moss and tied to her with vines, she thought it funny she didn't think of trying that earlier in her years as a warrior, it would have helped with a great many of her wounds. She looked up at Zane who had a scar on his left cheek and a great many bruises. His only serious injury was down his back, It appeared as if a Hippogriff had raked its beak down his back, but it was healed and the scar wasn't going to stay with him more than a couple of days, his fur and feathers was likely to grow over it making it invisible. “You will heal fast, if you weren't griffin id be worried but us griffins are fast healers.” He said hardily looking at her this time.

“Thank you” was her only words.

“Hey, no problem princess it’s my job.” He replied. The two griffins had prepared a burial service. He took a feather from Zevra and a feather from himself, and plunged it into the ground he lowered the beast’s into the ground and said “We all have one thing in common. Eternal wars and long lasting enemies separate us from this knowledge until it is over and we are dead. You fought valiantly and it would have been an honor to meet you as a friend, and not a foe. With every death we cause, a piece of us dies as well, so we bury our largest feather to represent our deepest regrets’. Our bird is what we had the most in common and I would have liked to learn more. Rest well warrior” He said ending with a bow which Zevra quickly fallowed. Then he buried the creatures, and the service was over. Many creatures thought it odd eternal enemies would bring to notice the honor the other shown. They thought the fact griffins were willing to bury them was enough. A being they must respect despite what its nature was. Griffins saw this though in times of Great War it was something easily overlooked.

“Peace is something longed for but at least the true war hasn't started” Zevra sighed.

“This is true.” Zane replied looking down at Zevra, she caused agonizing sadness just to look at she must have been going through far worse then she appeared.

“Now don’t be doing that!” He ordered with a grin. “Your just giving more to tease you with!” he declared again. Zevra lifted her head and gave him a warning glance. “Ha you want to fight me I could take you in seconds!” he loved to challenge her strength and authority.

“Of course you could take me, I’m Injured! No glory in a win if I’m injured!” she shoot back.

“You look fine to me.” He declared pushing her to the ground. “Ha! your injury looked worse than it was” he laughed as she unwrapped the moss from herself. She was shocked her wound had healed and left nothing but a scar that would leave no sooner then it came.

“Ok, so maybe I am well.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Still think I could take you” he shot reigniting the heat of battle. Zevra walked over “Could not” she said. Then she quickly wrapped her tail around his back leg and tripped him, and flew up into the air turning it into her battle. He saw her trick and fallowed her up into the new found air arena.

“So is this going to be… official or do you wanna play ruff?!”  Zane asked with a smirk. “I could take you even if you fought ruff! But since I cannot as a royal battle my escort in an unofficial match let’s play the rules in.” She said simply.

“Ha! If I didn't know you better princess I would think you were scared!” He laughed “But very well.  The objective is to pin down the other griffin, this will be an in the air battle so if you touch the ground in any way you are out. No aiming for the eyes, ears, or mouth. Those are the rules I expect you to fallow them.” He stated the rules loud and clear, but he smirked at the end trying to make it seem as if Zevra was going to break them. “All other rules must be verified by a griffin outside the battle and therefore those rules won’t be applied in this match.”  Zane finished. Zevra made the first move she dashed towards Zane sunk her paws into his fur and flipped him over her then she flew over him and attempted to restrain his wings. He wiggled out of her trap easily enough and returned the favor by grabbing her sides then using his wings to flip himself up and over and ultimately turning her upside down. Zane swiped a paw at her stomach and pushed her back she gave a playful smile and was ready to pounce, It was then her brother flashed to her mind, and she fell she fell fast and hard and hit the ground with a thumb, she could hardly keep her eyes open. She heard Zane yell “see I told you I could take you.” It was silent a few moments then panic rose in Zane’s voice “Zevra get up! You can’t you look like you’re about to die! You can’t die!!!” then blackness drifted to her mind and there was nothing.

Chapter Three

 Her mind jolted into consciousness rain pounded into her furs and feathers making it increasingly difficult to fly. It was storming and lightning flashed through the air it was far too dangerous to be fling but she found she was over ground Venn lunged at her throat and she quickly dodged “What’s happening I was just dueling Zane” she said aloud.

“Who’s Zane?” her brother asked, and she realized the scenery changed again she looked around she was in the well lit room of her brother. She was looking right out the balcony and saw her room’s balcony across the water fall. She turned to see her brother no longer twisted or cruel his black fur no longer stood like a cloak of darkness, but something that captured light to make it shine shades of black and blue and even red. He looked at her concerned, the dark red feathers around his eyes only highlighting the expression. Zevra began to weep she collapsed on the marble floor and began to shake of old wounds newly opened; she remembered this day this was a living memory. This was the day before he turned from her and from the family.  He walked up to her and put a paw on her shoulder “everything will be alright I’m always here for you” he whispered in the sweetest of brotherly voice. The words stung Zevra far more then the greatest pain. He repeated his words over and over again while rubbing her white pelt. She only wept harder. She didn’t even pay attention as her brother faded she still heard his words in her mind and her heart could no longer stand the pain.  A new scene opened up to her view. She was standing by her father who had his face locked up in an unbreakable barrier and his lion like head looked sad as he spoke the necessary words to banish his son she looked ahead her brother stood in front of her a wicked smile crossed over his mouth as he spoke “If I am to leave, I bring her with me.” he spoke with disgust in his words, this would be the second time she heard him request that, the first time she heard it was when he actually asked. Hearing him say these words twice she caught something else his disgust was pointed behind her not at her what was he looking at he wasn’t looking at her. She turned around in her memory, a dark figure stood behind her much taller than her and its eyes glowed red with a hatred that was far greater than any look she had ever seen. It winked, Zevra disregarded it as towards her brother because this was a memory it couldn’t have winked at her cause when it really happened she had not discovered the hidden beast. It smiled revealing large white teeth highlighted by an inner fire, and shook its head and pointed a large claw out to her. “I see you.” Its voice sounded like that of poison that sliced at Zevra threatening to steal her breath and choke her to death. It closed its glowing red eyes and the figure disappeared. She turned back to her brother now only inches from her, the day had not changed but her brother did his coat caught the light again giving him that cape of light that bathed his black fur and red/ navy blue feathers. “help me…it is not me who tries to slaughter you, something else steels me and I can’t escape long enough to tell you person” his voice was normal again to, and his yellow hawk eyes dropped to the ground making him look ever so sad “I’m so sorry, I will always be there for you even if the only way I can do that Is leaving you.” His voice was nothing but a whisper. Then the cape of light left and his yellow eye darkened but glowed with hate. The wicked smile returned and he plunged his talons through her stomach blood running down his talons and her stomach, and then he turned and fled from the castle. He escaped with ease for everyone was trying to help Zevra. She coughed blood and looked at her wound as people began to scramble to stop its bleeding. She could see the picture fading and was replaced by the real world. She sat up and looked around blinking the real world into existence. She tasted her mouth “blood!” she screeched and she realized she was still coughing heaves of the red liquid. but after her vision returned the coughing ceased and she realized Zane who was now out of his right mind with worry and her blood speckled his fur every were.  She looked at him and gave a smile then looked down at her stomach, five puncture wounds lay there as they had for so many years but they weren’t open it seemed only her coughing fit fallowed her back into reality. “What just happened?” she asked Zane who had calmed a bit. He cleared his throat “You collapsed unconscious from the sky you hit the ground hard! I flew to your side you struggled and kicked me at first but your eyes were still closed. Then you cried out and began to weep I figured it was a cry of pain and worried less, until you got an unmistakable face of fear. You looked so scared that you frightened my warrior’s spirit from me, you were silent a minute, still scared but less and then you began to cough and spit blood.” Zevra looked down her mind flowed to the creature she saw in the memory. Whatever it was it had Venn and she wasn’t going to let it have him forever. She looked at Zane gave a sigh and sat him down hoping he would believe the story she was about to tell him.

Chapter Four

 Zane stared at the ground hard, he had a look of disgust pain and hatred in his eyes, “I didn’t know you were in this too” He mumbled hardily loud enough for Zevra to hear, she knew it wasn’t meant for her but she strained to catch every word “The king asked me to bring her to a different griffin clan and introduce her and hide her, I failed I got her involved with that creature. I didn’t even ask why she needed protecting what she needed protecting from and if the king was sure he wanted me to do the job. I was carless” He mumbled even more quite. “That thing took my life from me!”Zane now made no attempt to keep quite his eyes filled with rage and pain. He bolted to his feet rose his wings high above his head and caused such an uproar of dirt when he beat the ground with them that you couldn’t see any longer. “I will gut that creature!” He continued to yell. Zevra was still weak and the dirt was now getting in her lungs her coughing fit returned scattering blood across the ground.

“Zane! I had not finished” she coughed her voice hoarse from its rawness “this creature, it has been tormenting me far longer than you think.” She exclaimed.  His wings almost instantly stopped beating the ground at the sound of Zevra’s weak voice, and the dirt began to drift back into place.  Zane no longer had a face of hatred he became worried, sad, and interested in what she had to say all at once. He waited a few moments for her to stop coughing and her voice to rest “The tale of my brother hiding his twisted way until it was time to chose an successor is wrong” She started. “He was taken by that beast, and turned against me, I don’t know how that monster did it, but it did. The day my brother was banished he tried to take me with him, and when I refused that monster must have tried to kill me by ordering my brother to stick his talons in me.  I don’t know why but that beast wants me either dead or with him, and I think he’s going to try to capture me again. The thing it spoke to me in my memory I don’t know how but it did it pointed a long scaly claw at me and breathed the words ‘I see you’ and he was gone I turned to my brother and he was no longer evil he told me it wasn’t his fault and that he would always be there for me even if the only way he could do so is leaving me, then he turned evil and black, plunging his claws into my stomach like he did so many years ago.” She looked hard at the now settled dirt as if there was something extremely important about it.

“The beast’s voice is that of poison, even though it’s merely a sound it threatens to steal the air from your lungs.” He had little humor in the words he spoke.  She nodded but didn’t speak another word. “He made a connection, he knocked you out and entered your memory so that he could talk to you, that beast wasn’t there when it actually happened, but he can’t talk to you in person. He must have brought your brother and released him long enough so that he could tell you that it wasn’t his fault, then the memory took place again and you started coughing blood because of the extremity of it. Bait , Zevra that’s what your brother is…he’s bait. I’m so sorry but your brother may be fighting it but he’s losing and now you’re going to walk into a trap. I think your brother was trying to warn you without tipping off that dragon” Zane said before Zevra interrupted.

“Dragon is that what he was a Dragon? My father drove the dragons away when the attempted to slaughter every flying creature” Zevra declared in confused rage. “And if there’s any chance of saving my brother it doesn’t matter if he’s bait!” She declared bolting upright. Zane caught her and firmly shoved her down

“Zevra calm down!” Zane ordered

“Why Zane why should I calm down! My brother he’s”

“He’s gone Zevra” it was Zane’s turn to interrupt “He’s just gone and there’s nothing you can do especially while you just stopped spitting blood” His voice was strained as he tried to keep it from shaking with an emotion Zevra could not determine. He allowed himself to collapse next to her as if his speaking simply that took all his energy.

“Zane what happened between you and the dragon?” she asked, suddenly very quiet.

It was quiet for quite some time, no emotion showed on Zane’s face but his body shook ever so often. After staring into open space for so long he spread his wings and broke the silence with a loud griffin’s screech and the beat of his wings. He bolted into the sky trying to escape her question. Zevra attempted to fallow but it wasn’t long before her breathing turned ragged and she had to slow her pace. She flew a distance behind Zane unable to keep up with him before her lungs heal, And watched as he flew straight into a cave at the very edge of her kingdom. It was a griffins cave from the looks of old scattered feathers and straw. Blood was smeared on the cave entrance dried red-ish brown with time and there were chips off the sides were claws and talons were dragged across the rock.  The sight was enough to make Zevra want to keep flying but she landed despite herself.  Only the sound of her steps could be heard threw the silence as she approached a light caused by torches in the cave and she cringed at the sight that revealed itself. The stench hit her first, a smell of dead bodies, and she screeched despite herself when her eyes fell on a pair of griffin corpses lying in their own dried blood. Zane was not far from them his beak buried in a nest in the far corner oblivious to Zevra’s presence. Zevra was weary to disturb him but approached tapping one talloned finger on his back lightly to let him know she was there. He made no attempt to move from his spot but his voice came to her low and hard “what are you doing here?”

“I fallowed you” Zevra’s voice echoed through the cavern sounding strange and out of place like it didn’t belong in the strange place, and Zevra was half inclined to listen to it.

“You shouldn’t have come here” He said his voice like a growl of pain and disgust, but Zevra knew it wasn’t directed at her.

“But I did and you couldn’t have helped that” She retorted matter-of-factly though she tried to keep it from her voice. Zane whipped around to face her. His face distorted with pain, tears seeping through his feathers and he growled forcing Zevra back from him.

“I did not want you to fallow me here you need to go to your neighboring kingdom were its safe away from that cursed Dragon!” He snarled.

“No” She replied hard and cold.

“What do you mean no?!”

“I mean NO! I’m not going, you’re going to tell me what happened between you and that dragon” She snapped. Zane looked as if he was going to kill Zevra but finally his expression softened and looked closer to something of dull pain as he backed away from Zevra and sat down on the large nest. Zevra softened as well sitting next to him.

“He slaughtered them Zevra…my parents he slaughtered them when I was nothing but a chick.” He said hardily above a whisper. “One day I was playing around in this very nest, when suddenly my father was pushing me deeper into the cave his voice was hushed and desperate and scared when he spoke ‘you need to hide and you need to stay quite. And Zane, my son, don’t come out unless I come and get you’ it wasn’t long before he disappeared and the hushed voice of my mother started to speak... it was quiet for a long while. It was then I heard it a new voice, hard and venom filled, and he came just barely into view red as the blood he would soon spread his voice was as hushed as my parents were. Until my name was called I cringed the sound of my name in his voice was like death was clawing at me and I cringed further into the dark. I heard him whisper something unrecognizable, and then I heard my father ‘you won’t hurt him right?’ he asked. I’m assuming he said he won’t because I heard my father call me and I listened and walked from my place in the crevice. The dragon turned to me his strange lizard like lips curling into a wicked twisted smile… I still remember it; it still paralyzes me to think about it too hard. As if I was tied up with razors and not looking at a dragons wicked teeth gleam as a split tongue runs over them.  ‘Do you love your parents?’ he asked and it was all I could do to nod my head, he smiled wider and the imagined razor ropes tightened. ‘Do you know what I’m doing here boy?’ he continued now circling closer to my parents who went rigged as they approached fear consuming there usually gleaming eyes, I shook my head my own eyes I’m sure echoed there fear.” Zane stopped. Staring now it the corpses in the center of the room but Zevra remained staring into his golden eyes. She rested a paw on his back her talons brushing his feathers straight.

“You don’t have to continue” Her words made him tare his gaze from the corpses and look at her.

“You should know” he replied and Zevra simply nodded hiding the fear that her suspicions are right. He took a deep breath and continued his bleak story. “ the dragons next words horrified me ‘your parents there helping me destroy your precious griffin society’ it stretched out one of its horrifyingly long skin wings scorch marks and tares tattooed the wing and half way up the top of the wing three talloned fingers uncurled from the arm like wing he rested the three fingered hand on my shoulder the skin both cold as ice and hot as fire burned me  ‘they love you so much that they’d betray their king for your life’ I cringed at his touch but it was his words that caused me to shrink away but his talons dug into my shoulder as he stretched out his normal non-winged hand to my mother’s neck ‘I can’t let them betray me like they betrayed there king’ he turned his gaze back on me ‘I said id spare you I never said id spare them’ his smile grew as wide as it could and the imagined razor ropes tightened unbearably hard on me. My father practically jumped from his skin his talons clawed at the dragons face.  Three of his talons clipped the monsters eye and tore through the soft flesh just before the scales. He roared something horrid and threw my father into the dark of the cave near the entrance. I heard his body hit the wall of the cave and slump to the floor I stood there the razor ropes slithering down my skin replaced by the coldness of fear and shock. I listened hard for the ruffle of feathers but there was nothing. The dragons hand was still around my mother’s neck and his next kill was quick my mother gave me one last glance before the blood beast dug his talons in her throat and snapped her neck her body slumped down and he released her; her blood pooling around her and me. The dragon walked into the shadows were my father was and I heard another battle begin my father’s screeches mixed with the dragons roars but as quick as the battle began it ended and the dragon dragged the bloody form of what was once  my father next to my mother. He took one glance at my horrified and somewhat bloodied face and smiled satisfied disappearing out of the cave… that was the last I saw of him outside my nightmares. he taunts me using my memories to relive my pain, and I swore never to love again. No one should ever feel that pain.” he finished his voice shaking as well as his body.

Zevra looked at the dead griffins in the middle of the room the things that were once Zane’s family, it was only then Zevra noticed the trail of dried blood that must have been were the dragon had dragged Zane’s father. She sat speechless until the silence in the room was unbearable it was then she bolted upright grabbed one of the many torches that hung on the wall and headed for the entrance of the cave fallowing the trail of Zane’s father’s blood. “Zevra what are you doing?” he said shocked catching up with her before she reached the entrance. “I was ordered to bring you to a new kingdom to keep safe but it is no use now he’s coming for you and now I have to protect you I can’t let you die to… not you” He practically whispered his words. Zevra took no thought to his remark she thought it was simply him being a guard, to protect his princess. “I will get you to safety and once we have reached the safest place in all of the land you will live there and I will protect you until you rain as queen” He ordered.

“I’m not leaving my kingdom I’m not leaving my father. And, Zane!” She yelled “I’m not leaving my brother! I’m going to rescue him! And avenge the deaths of your parents” She finished with a powerful screech to the sky as she spread out her wings and bolted into the air leaving Zane in the dust.

“I’m not going to let you!” He screeched “He’s too powerful, you will die!” He continued as he also fanned his wings and bolted to catch her and bring her back down to the ground.

“So be it, but I’ll die trying, and you’re not going to stop me!” She yelled back. Suddenly she stopped and turned extending her talons at Zane’s neck.  Zane hadn’t the time to stop since she stopped instantly and nearly ran into her talons, when he leveled out in speed Zevra already had her talons around his neck. “The way I see it you have to options try taking me down which will mean you’ll have to kill me, never return to my father’s kingdom become an outlaw and outcast for losing me, or you can come with me and protect me on my journey and avenge your parents death. You’re choice” She said then she loosened her grip and flew off no further words just a constant beating of her wings.

She flew for around an hour and became disappointed there were no wing beats. Suddenly she heard something she could hear feathers against the wind and she had to hold in a delighted screech that had built itself. “Those aren’t Zane’s wings” She exclaimed her excitement dyeing. She turned quick and smooth; she found that a large hippogriff was flying towards her with all its force. She couldn’t out fly the beast and it was almost twice her size but before she knew it the beast was knocked out of the way. “Zane!” She yelled excitedly.
“Get over hear and help me!” He yelled back. She nodded and quickly joined in the fight. Zane was on the creatures back biting into its neck, and Zevra quickly maneuvered under its stomach and racked her claws down it. The creature screeched in pain reached under its stomach and grabbed Zevra by her tan pelt.
“You will pay for that you flying rat!” the hipogriff snarled then it threw her into a tree and reared up smashing Zane into the tip of another tree. Zevra looked up Zane was unconscious but she could tell his attack at the neck was bringing some ware and tare to the beast.
“Not if I stop you first” She yelled back then she flew up and dove into the creatures back. She raked her claws down its neck further opening the wounds Zane had cause and it finally collapsed, trapping Zevra under him. And Zane was still unconscious in a tree.  
Zevra was restless under the decaying body of the Hippogriff. It was now dark and only her silver eyes were visible in the night. She tore at the creatures pelt trying to free herself and often glanced at the branch that had caught Zane trying to determine if he had waken from his cold sleep. Zane was hardily visible in the night his chocolate brown feathers hid him well making him look like part of the tree, and his black fur was invisible against the night sky. Few stars glistened against his pelt making him just barely visible. Her claws dug into the dirt and she attempted to turn but if she twisted herself any further she would surely break her leg which was nearly torn off by the way it was trapped under the hippogriff. She dug her claws in the ground and her talons into the beast and let out a high pitched shriek as the pain increased in her leg and one of her wings. She felt the wing with her talon and cringed on touch, but she was unable to move the wing, and it was in an odd position twisting in a way a wing should never be able to twist. Her wing was broken. “Curse that retched beast!” She shrieked her voice snarling and spiting the words out like poison on her tongue. “This thing should never have existed in the first place…what good are hippogriffs anyway!” She sneered insults into the open wind. She clicked her beak a few times she often had done this when she was thinking. She wasn’t fond of the habit but she didn’t care at this point. If someone heard the constant noise, they would hear the pled for help, and if no one came then no one would be bothered by her clicking and it only helped her think. “Hello, hello?” she moaned asking the air if someone was there. The noise cleared her mind and although she kept repeating those words her actual thoughts began to wander.  She moved her paw ever so slightly so that it didn’t hurt but she still felt around looking for away free “Well I can’t free myself this creatures weight is on my leg and even though I could pull it off me easily enough if my leg wasn’t twisting off already… but sadly it is and if I try to move the beast now it will surly break my leg” She thought her voice was now faint in the depths of her mind. Her clicking and hellos synced with her heart beat and breathing and a wave of tiredness over took her.  She pressed her beak into the creatures pelt trying to keep the wind from her face and brought her un-broken wing over her body allowing the massive feathers to cover her like a blanket and she fell asleep.
The next morning a wind woke Zevra up, cruelly wiping at her face. She brought her unbroken wing over her to block the wind and looked up at the branch that should have held Zane. “He’s gone!” she shrieked
“No I’m right here. You know you talk in your sleep… just constantly saying Hello? I woke up to the sound of it and saw you trapped” He replied trying to hull the beast off her without twisting her leg further. Within seconds the creature was off and Zevra pulled herself out. Her leg hurt from the damage she had done in her own struggle but she was able to stand. She folded her one wing in but her other remained lying useless on the ground, and by now the numbness of her body was fading and pain was beginning to strike her. Zane picked up her wing and tucked it under her other wing “there that should make it easier to move until we get somewhere to take care of it properly,” He said. “And now that I can’t fly away from you?” She asked with an anger at him and a sadness that she couldn’t fly in her voice.
“And now that you can’t fly I’m taking you to a different kingdom and I’m going to hide you and protect you” He stated. “But I hate that Beast as much as anyone ever could….so I’m only taking you there untill your wing heals” He finished.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2016

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