
The Protector

They say the memories of a Time Lord can remain inside a fob watch…until opened.

Receiving a blue badge for his first successfully completed mission on Flydon Minima. Jonah stood before the Shadow Proclamation with all his comrades as they faced the many races and alien species that made up this admirable organization.
The Shadow Proclamation is a galactic force upholding law in the universe -led by the Shadow Architect. The headquarters sits upon three asteroids, linked together by bridges.
Also receiving a blue badge of achievement was Jonah’s partner and brother -Nick.
The mission on Flydon Minima was a relatively easy achievement, but it was getting to this point, and becoming a respected asset of the Shadow Proclamation took time and training.

Found as children, an Ogron family, on the outer fringes of the Mutter’s Spiral raised both Jonah and Nick. Even though the two boys were human in appearance the family of Ogrons took good care of them, teaching them as they grew up.
When of age, the two boys enlisted in the Shadow Proclamation, along with some of their ape-like Ogron brothers.

Soon, both Jonah and Nick were assigned to their second mission.
An unidentified craft was said to have incinerated a level six planet called Crinoth. The craft landed mysteriously on Polongus. The mission was to investigate, identify, and send for back up. According to how threatening the unidentified object was, the Shadow Proclamation would send out its troops or have them stand by.
Sending out seven ships, including Jonah and Nick for the mission, they headed for Polongus.
After several hours of steady travel, Polongus was in sight. A strange noise could be heard on board the vestal.
“I’m getting a reading of sudden turbulence.” Said the Judoon pilot Rzcepous. Nick checked his readings, “Just a flare up.”
“Systems are fine now.” Said Jonah.
Looking closer at his readings, Rzcepous was still taking note of the sudden abnormality.
“Where is Deirok? He was supposed to be back after checking manifold nine,” he said, still looking fixed at the screen.
“Deirok, report on manifold nine status.” Said Jonah into the communication box.
“Deirok, please report…are you there?”
“That flare up must have stunned the communication boxes.” Said Nick. “I’ll go down and check it out.”
At that moment the doors opened. A woman with a sonic blaster on her hip showed herself.
“Identify!” Yelled Rzcepous.
“I don’t need to.” She said.
“We will assume any unidentified personal as criminal.” His tone was even louder.
“Then kill me, but I know the only way to destroy this menace you’re after.”
“How did you get in?” Asked Nick.
“Not important, you need to listen. You and all these ships are in great danger.
You need to stay away from Polongus.”
“We can’t, we have orders.” Said Jonah.
“First of all, we need to get your communications back online.” Said the intruder
“How did you know they were down?” Asked Nick.
“Because there is a very evolved Nestene, made of pure psychic energy, blocking all communications onboard.”
“Nestene, where?” Asked Rzcepous.
The woman pointed outside, where the giant blob-like organism revealed itself floating, suspended in space. It was bright like fire, and moved as if breathing.
“Crinoth was not incinerated, it was eaten.” Said Nick.
“You got it!” Said the woman as she made her way to the communication box. Opening it up she pointed her blaster at it.
“Wait! Don’t shoot it!” said Jonah.
“I’m not, it’s sonic technology.” She said as a sonic ray came out of the gun, closing the communication box she looked around and smugly announced, “Fixed.”
“You probably caused this.” Said Jonah.
“It’s still listening to everything we’re saying.” She spoke with a one-track mind. The ship was quiet. Facing the window the mysterious woman called out to the Nestene.
“You are lost, stop this and let me help you, I can take you back home. You need to stop eating these planets.”
“It can’t hear you!” Said Nick.
“Wait for his reply.” She said.
The ship was quiet again. The silence was broken when a large fire like arm extended from the Nestene. It stretched through space so elegantly. It wrapped around one of the three ships.
“What is it doing?” Asked Rzcepous.
At that moment the ship burst into flames, and in a second it was gone.
“Not the reply I expected. Tell them to fire.” Said the woman.
“Fire!” Yelled Rzcepous.
There was a reply on the intercom, “yes sir!”
All at once, the two ships fired an unexpected amplified molecular energy ray.
“Sir, we are firing some kind of strange blast.” Said a voice on the intercom as the lasers dissolved the floating Nestene.
“That’s why you need me,” said the woman, “I came aboard your ships, undetected, and modified your lasers.”
“With sonic technology?” exclaimed Nick.
“You needed something a little more powerful, than what you had, to kill a Nestene.”
The blob-like creature vanished, never to be seen again.
“Who are you?” Asked Jonah.
“I’m The Protector,” she said with a serious face, “and I’m a Time Lord.”

Learning About Life

“You’re a what? Sorry I thought you said you were a Time Lord?” Nick said sarcastically.  “I am a Time Lord. You could say I am from your past life.” exclaimed The Protector.
“Yeah right, and I’m a big blue bunny, your most likely human like us,” Nick said.
“No I really, am a Time Lord – full and pure!” The Protector insisted, this time with a pinch of irritation.  

It was unlikely that this girl was a Time Lord since that incredible species was thought to be extinct. The Time Lord planet of Gallifrey had been destroyed in the great Time war against the Daleks.  

“Find this girl’s ship.” Nick said, echoing the same irritation.
“Ok Nick.” Jonah replied as he walked over to a security-cam archive.
“You’re not going to find my ship.” The Protector said with a smug grin.
“You got on while we were docked didn’t you? Nick asked.
Interrupting Jonah said, “Nick you should look at this. You should see this footage; it’s of her coming out of a capsule.”  
“Ok were going to settle this once and for all.” Said Nick, “we’ll take her to The Shadow Proclamation and let the council decide on her fait.  
“Ok,” said Jonah as he continued, “set coordinates to home base,”
“Yes sir.” Rzcepous replied.
“Were set Nick,” Jonah said.
“Thanks,” Nick said in reply, “and in the mean time we’ve got our eyes on you.” He spoke suspiciously.  
Walking out of the control room, they followed The Protector everywhere she went. She glanced behind her each time looking at the right side of their chests. They started to wonder if she was telling the truth about being a Time Lord. If she was telling the truth then The Shadow Proclamation had been lying to them for a very long time. Then just a sudden change in her pattern, something very insignificant, but when she turned to look at the right side of their chests her eye’s traveled up towards their necks as if to be looking at a necklace. It all seemed deeply strange to the two brothers. However, their whole life had been a strange existence. Nick and Jonah had been found in the darkest part of a planet, with only one mysterious token from the past –a fob watch.
Soon they reached her quarters that were set up for her and as soon as they left her room Nick spoke up. “Don’t think I’m crazy, but did you hear anything unusual?”
In a nervous tone, Jonah told Nick, “I heard a voice… as if someone was telling me to reach for this watch that hangs from my neck.”
Nick reached down his shirt and pulled out his silver fob watch. Looking at it he asked Jonah, “how do you suppose we both ended up with one of these watches?”
“I think it was given to us by our parents, perhaps something to remember them by.”
Everything was such a cloudy memory to the brothers. Even the watch that they held in their hands seemed invisible at times. Never thinking to open it, it stayed hidden yet… close to their hearts.

The next morning The Protector was asked to join Rzcepous for breakfast. Jonah and Nick didn’t believe that The Protector was a Time Lord. Nick leaned up against the door to the lunchroom and said, “I’m going to repeat what they say ok?”
Jonah replied with a nod and Nick started to repeat Rzcepous words saying. “Why didn’t I shoot you?”
Then Jonah closed in to here the rest of the conversation himself.
The words continued from The Protector saying. “You didn’t shoot me because you know who I am. The one and only one who can save you! Aside from the oncoming storm that is.”
Rzcepous then asked, “How did you find us we are protected by a perception generator?”
“I may have not noticed you but you’re very hard to miss when it comes to my TARDIS.” Said The Protector.
Rzcepous then spoke up saying. “Ah, so you do have a vestal.”
The Protector replied “more or less a sister.”
“How could you get on the ship undetected?” The pilot asked.
“And you’d think I’d tell you.” The Protector shot back.
“I must return to my room.” She spoke up to tell Nick and Jonah that she knew they were listening.

Terror on Manifold Nine

 As the spacecraft traveled back to home base, a chill could be felt down the spine of everyone aboard. The ship had been quiet for quite some time, until a resonating scream of a crewmate echoed through the metallic halls. Rzcepous grabbed the intercom microphone in a panic in search for an explanation.
“Report!” Yelled the Judoon pilot, hoping for a response.
“This is Tarous Tecus in engineering, sir! I’m under attack! It’s Deirok…he’s gone mad!” His frantic voice was amplified over the intercom as static overtook the speakers.
Rzcepous clenched the microphone as he lost Tarous. With a blaster in hand the pilot made another attempt to call into the intercom.
“Manifold nine…report!” The sound of static hung in the room.  
Dashing into the control room, Nick stood by Rzcepous’ side.
“I heard you yelling, is something wrong?”
Yes, something is wrong in manifold nine, our engineer -Deirok has attacked one of our men.”
As Nick heard those words he felt his heart sink. It was all very wrong, Deirok would never do something like that. Nick thought to himself for a moment as he mulled over the possibility that Deirok had been a traitor all this time. However, in his mind that couldn’t have been remotely possible. Deirok had been Nick’s friend at the academy. It was unthinkable for him to do such a thing. What was going on in manifold nine?

“So, where are you from?” Jonah asked The Protector as they walked down one of the corridors.
“Gallifrey, it was my home…untill it was destroyed in the great time war.” Said The Protector looking down.
“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t even imagine what it would be like.”
Looking back up again she put on a smile. “Yeah well, the universe is my home now. Going from planet to planet, but jumping aboard a ship an being taken to the shadow proclamation is new for me.”
Jonah could see through her fake smile, somehow he could feel her anguish.
“So aren’t you going to ask me where I’m from?” He asked.
“You’re from the Ogron planet in the mutters spiral.” The Protector responded.    
Pointing at her, Jonah’s eyes grew wide. “Now that’s creepy. How did you know that?”
“It’s not creepy, I just know more than you think, and I also know that this is not supposed to be here.” She said pointing to an orange flower that hung on the steel wall of the hallway.
“This is very bad.” The Protector spoke as she stopped to get a better look.
Reaching to pull it off the wall, Jonah’s hand was slapped by The Protector.
“Do not touch it!” She yelled.
Suddenly, Jonah got a call on his com-link.
“Jonah, this is Nick.” The com-link buzzed. “We have a situation in manifold nine. Deirok has attacked Tarous, and we’re not sure if Tarous is still alive. Over.”
The Protector turned to Jonah, “now this is creepy. Stay close to me.”
“Deirok must be a traitor!” Yelled Jonah enraged.
“No, it’s worse than that.” Said The Protector. We need to get to the control room now –it may already be too late!” Her voice was tense as she led Jonah through the corridors. Although he did not know what was happening, his intuition was telling him that something bad was about to happen. Suddenly, the lights above them flickered until the hall was pitched black. The darkness was thick as the unknown loomed over them.

Taking out her sonic blaster, The Protector used the glowing blue beam as a flashlight in the darkness. Goosebumps rose on Jonah’s arms and down his back, as the room became ever quiet.
Suddenly, a man’s voice could be heard down the hall.
“Help!” Said the voice. “Is someone there?”
Recognizing the voice, Jonah ran down the hall.
“Wait! Jonah, don’t go!” Yelled The Protector.
“It’s ok! Its Tarous!” Yelled Jonah as he continued down the dark hall.
Turning the corner, he could see Tarous’ black figure. Sitting in the corner with his legs to his chest, Tarous starred at the wall.
Tarous! You’re all right. Are you hurt? Asked Jonah.
Turning to Jonah, he spoke slowly. “I feel better than I ever have!”
Wrapping his plant-like tendrils around Jonah, the mutant pulled him into the darkness.  
Running over to find Jonah, The Protector searched in a panic. Yelling, she tried to find him, but it was no use. He was gone.

Meanwhile Nick and Rzcepous monitored the craft as segments of code scrambled on their visual screens. Something was shutting the ship’s systems down -one by one systems went offline. Manifold nine was the very heart of the ship, it was where the power generator was located –the systems core. Suddenly, the lights in the control room switched off and emergency lights activated. Opening up the nearest override system controls, Rzcepous noticed something strange. –A flower, in the midst of controls, seeming very out of place. Reaching for it, Rzcepous motioned to grab it.  
All at once, The Protector made her way to the control room.
“Don’t touch that!” She yelled. Rzcepous stopped to look at her.
“It will grow spores in your brain and you’ll end up like Deirok and Tarous –and I don’t think you want that. Why does everyone want to touch these things?”
“It’s just a flower!” Responded Rzcepous.
“Pulling weeds out of peoples brains –not one of my favorite things to do.” Said The Protector.  
“How in the world did a flower get onboard the ship?” Asked Nick.
“These are not flowers. These are weeds. And these weeds are the problem on this ship.” Said The Protector.
“Your saying weeds are doing this?” Asked Rzcepous.
“No- Deadly, mutant weeds that grow at such a rapid speed that they could engulf the whole ship in fifteen minutes or less. And if we don’t stop them from growing we are going to be in very big trouble.” She replied.
“So what your saying is, we’re all dead meat!” Said Nick at seeing green vines emerge from the air ducts on the steel floor.
“No, I’m saying all we need is an anti-chloroplasic beam.” She responded.
“And that is?” Said Nick starting to get anxious.  
“Sorry, your right I should explain. It’s a Glutathione peroxidase catalyzesthe reduction of organic hydroperoxides, and lipid peroxides in thepresence of glutathione. Got it?” winked The Protector.
“I understand.” Said Nick Sarcastically. “So, do you have one of those...things?”
“No way, I would never carry a bulky thing like that around.” She said as she flipped her hair with her hand.
“Well that’s helpful!” Said Rzcepous.
“But I know someone who has one lying around.” Said The Protector. “Follow me!”

Turning on the blue light on her sonic blaster, Nick and Rzcepous followed The Protector to where her ‘capsule’ was located.
“I am not leaving the crew and this ship.” Said Rzcepous as he turned to go back to the control room. Putting her hand on his shoulder, The Protector reassured him. “We are not abandoning this ship. I promise we will save the crew and this ship. And I never ever make a promise I can not keep. But you have to trust me.  
Opening the doors they walked into the ‘capsule.’
“Welcome to my TARDIS!” She said as her voice echoed. “That stands for 'time and relative dimensions in space'…in case you’re wondering.”    
When they stepped in they both stopped dead in their tracks. Looking everywhere at once, Rzcepous said, “how is this possible?” Amazingly, the inside of the TARDIS was bigger than it was on the outside. The technology of the TARDIS seemed to be made from a mixture of organic looking materials. The walls of the TARDIS had a very strange looking texture for a craft of any kind -it was obviously Time Lord technology.
In the center of the TARDIS sat an eight-sided console. Lights, buttons and levers of odd shapes made up the complex controls.    
“This is what you travel in?” Exclaimed Nick.
“We always have.” Said The Protector.
“This is fantastic!” Said Nick as his voice echoed to the top of the wonderful machine which seemed to be endless.

The Protector stopped to explain the situation to Nick and Rzcepous. “Before I came aboard your ship to save your sorry backsides I was fighting off these exact same genetically freaked out flowers on New Earth with Lamora.”
“Who is Lamora?” Asked Nick.
“Lamora was part of a research team that tried to create more plant life on New Earth. Since New Earth is such a massive city the over all plant life is extremely low. In one of the largest cryogenics lab on New Earth, Lamora and the rest of the team created a super engineered plant life-”
-And things didn’t work out as planed.” Finished Nick.
“They definitely didn’t plan on a deadly mutant plant threatening the destruction of New Earth. So, although Lamora accidentally helped to create a deadly mutant plant, she is the only one who can help us now.” Said The Protector.

Disappearing from the shadow proclamation ship, the TARDIS reappeared on New Earth.
“We need to find Lamora.” Said The Protector. “However, this might be harder than I thought since she is always on the run these days.”
“Why, is she a criminal?” Asked Nick.
“There is a difference between being called a criminal and actually earning the title.” Said The Protector.

Opening the TARDIS doors, the three stepped out into the streets of New Earth. Persons flooded the dirty paved road reminding Nick of cockroaches running from the light. Bustling on the street in the great rush to arrive on time for appointments. Nick could see crafts hovering in the sky above them through the steam that rose from the sewer vents, filling the air around him with a thin fog.
“I have never been here before,” said Nick, “This is so exciting. I would like to explore this planet some more.”
“Sorry Nick, but we’re on a mission right now.” Said The Protector walking briskly. “But I’ll tell you what, I promise to take you here as soon as I can.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Said Nick.
Scratching her head, The Protector thought to herself. “We need to go to the city underground.” Said The Protector. “I have an idea where Lamora is.”

On their way, the Protector was scanning for the anti-chloroplastic beam that Lamora had. "Hello," the Protector said with a confused voice, "My sonic screwdriver has picked up a techno-psychic residue. I'm not sure what it is." "Well, that sure is something if you don't even know what it is." Said Nick surprised. "It might be a Perception genareator." She scanned more around the area. "Here," she said while pointing her sonic screwdriver towards the ground. She ran to where there was rubble all over the ground. "What's here?" Asked Nick, all the while Rzcepous was being very ancy. "I don't know," the Protector replied, "but help me clean this rubble away." They both cleared away the rubble, and underneath it was a shard of metal. "This does not belong here." She said, starring at the piece of metal, wondering where it could have come from. Then, a light caught her eye. It was white and purple, in the shape of a ball, sitting in
mid-air. "What is that?" Asked the Protector. "What is what? Nick asked back confused. "You can't see it?" The Protector said louder and more impatiently. "See what?" Nick yelled back with the same amount of impatience. Rzcepous butted in, "Protector, we must find Lamora now!" "I don't take orders!" Said the Protector, who was bent on figuring out what it was. "I must save my ship!" Yelled Rzcepous who was now in her face. "I have a time machine, do you not get it?" "Sometimes I question your ability on how to use it." Rzcepous walked away. The Protector looked back at the light, and decided what was more important. "Alright guys, lets go."

Insert something here.

“Have you come here to help me?” Said Lamora.
“Actually, we were hoping you could help us.” Said Nick.
“The spores have broken out aboard a shadow proclamation vestal.” Added The Protector.  
“You spread the spores onboard a ship!” Yelled Lamora.
“It was an accident. The spores must have been in my TARDIS, and then when I opened the doors they must have got out.” Said The Protector.
“So this is all your fault!” Yelled Nick.
“Well, technically it’s Lamora’s fault, because she helped create them.” Replied The Protector with a nervous smile.
“It is because of you that we will lose our ship!” Yelled Rzcepous at The Protector.
“Listen, I promised you we would save the ship.” Replied The Protector. “But Lamora is the only one that can kill these weeds, that is… if you still have a anti-chloroplastic beam.”
“I do!” Replied Lamora.
Showing them the small gun, Lamora smiled. If what The Protector said was true, the crew and the vestal could be saved from the dangerous plants that covered the ship. With the anti-chloraplastic beam in their possession, The Protector, Nick, Rzcepous, and Lamora made their way to out of the underground. Suddenly, they were stopped by a police force that had tracked down the wanted Lamora. “Stop right there!” Said one of them, pointing a gun at them.
“Gentlemen, this is all under control.” Identifying herself The Protector pulled out a piece of paper. Showing it to the police she spoke. “I am agent Golden Cat.” Looking at the paper the authorities turned to each other.  
“Everything is under control. I’ve apprehended Lamora. However, she is carrying a very dangerous weapon –a bomb, series…5…6/943…8. The Protector stumbled over her words trying to make something up.
“I’ve never heard of that kind.” Said one of the officers.
“Well…it’s a very, very… explosive kind of bomb.” Said The Protector as Lamora rolled her eyes.
“That is why I need to be escorted to my…deactivation capsule…so that it can be neutralized.” Said The Protector. Rzcepous put a kind of shadow proclamation handcuff on Lamora to play along with the game.    
Leading them to the TARDIS, the four of them walked in.
“Alrighty then! This should only take a minute.” Said The Protector.
As the New Earth Police waited the TARDIS began to disappear before their eyes.    
“Did you just make all of that up?” laughed Nick. Lamora let out a big laugh as The Protector worked at the controls. “You never change.” Said Lamora.

Reappearing back onboard the Shadow Proclamation vestal, it had been only seconds since the three of them left the craft. However the deadly plants onboard were now growing more than ever. The ship was dark, and cold, the only way to see anything was to stay close to The Protector and her sonic beam of light.
“We have a lot of weeds to kill so lets get to work.” Said The Protector.
Activating the anti-chloroplastic beam, Lamora shot any plant life she saw.
“If we really want to get ride of these we need to start at the roots.” Said Lamora.
“And where is that?” Asked Nick.
“You tell me, where did it start growing?” Asked Lamora.
“Manifold nine.” Said The Protector.        
Just then, Jonah emerged from out of the shadows. His skin was a greenish color, and his eyes glowed orange with the spore that grew inside of him.
“Nick! Help me” He said creeping forward.
“Don’t go near him, he’s infected.” Said The Protector calmly.
“Protector, we meet for the last time.” Said the voice that came out of Jonah.
That’s not Jonah speaking, it’s the spore. It must have some kind of collective consciousness.
“I’m coming for you, you weed! And there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Said Lamora
“You will never destroy me! I will live on forever.” Said Jonah.
“Not while I’m around.” Spoke Lamora.
Blasting Jonah in the chest, he fell to the ground. As his skin began to clear up, the spore that was inside him died leaving him temporarily unconscious.
“You shot him!” Yelled Nick.
“He’s fine, in fact he’s cured.” Said The Protector.  
“Come on!” Said Lamora. “Let’s uproot this abomination.” Marching to Manifold nine, Lamora felt her anger and rage take over. She was the reason that so many lives were at stake. It was her fault, and she could not escape that fact. But she could try to destroy the evidence. Leading her to the doors Nick pointed, “this is it.” Typing in the security code, Nick scratched his head.
“The code is not working.” Turning to The Protector, she used her sonic blaster.
As the doors opened, they could see a giant yellow bulb growing on top of the power generator. At the controls, Tarous and a few crewmembers stood by the large flower’s side.
“Just think, this thing started out as a microscopic seed.” Said The Protector.
The bulb moved, as it was full of liquid. The mind controlled crewmembers turned to look at them, serving as an extension of the mutant plant. Slowly coming for them, the infected crew reached to spread the spore.
“Tomorrow I will spread to the ends of the galaxy. I will be king of the universe.” Said the crew, serving as the plant’s mouth.
“Today you die!” Yelled Lamora.
“Today you will be my queen!” Said the mutant as he launched large vines at her. Tangled in the green foliage Lamora dropped the anti-chloroplastic beam as she struggled to free herself. Out of instinct -holding his blaster- Nick lunged at the mutant. Growing sharp thorny vines, the plant lashed out at Nick. Taking out her sonic blaster, The Protector shot a blast that hit through the thorny vines and shot a control panel. A small energy leak began to commence as the mutant was stunned. Reaching for the anti-chloroplastic beam, Nick and Rzcepous were blown back by a small energy wave. Reacting to the energy leak, the mutant plant began to grow larger as it fed on the power generator. Lamora became engulfed in a green slimy cocoon.
“You fool! If the power core explodes we will die!” Yelled Rzcepous.
Grabbing the anti-chloroplastic beam, The Protector shouted to the plant.
“When something gets in the way of me and a promise…it needs to die.”
Firing at the monster, The Protector sneered at the mutant as it disintegrated. Running over to Lamora, The Protector held her as she lay in a state of unconsciousness.
“Rzcepous! Take her to the medical room please. I need to fix this power core or we’re cooked. Although the plants are dead, we’re not out of the woods yet.”
Using her sonic blaster, she fixed the power core in a matter of seconds.
“That should hold us for a while.” Said The Protector.              
The ship was in disrepair, but the worst of it was all over. Not one of the crewmembers died, and the ship was saved.

Back on New Earth, The Protector took Lamora back home.
“Thank you for everything Lamora.”
“It was good to see you again Protector, will you come back to visit?” Asked Lamora.
“I promised Nick we would.” Said The Protector.
“I want you to have something. Said The Protector. Taking off a necklace, she put it on Lamora. “Since your wanted now you’ll need this to help you hide.” The Protector pushed a button on the gemstone necklace and immediately Lamora disappeared. “This is a perception generator. It makes you invisible.”
Making herself visible Lamora hugged The Protector. “I don’t want you to leave, you’re my only friend. Can I come with you?” Asked Lamora.
“It’s to dangerous for you to come, there’s a dark force after me now more than ever. Besides, this is your home. To have a place you can call home is a great thing. I’ll be back, but in the meantime, try to make the best of things.”
Going into her TARDIS The Protector traveled back onboard the vestal that headed back to the Shadow Proclamation. She needed to speak to the Judoon counsel in order to set things straight.    

The Ship was still as both Jonah and nick slept in separate quarters onboard the space vestal. Waking up in the middle of the night they each heard a whisper -an interesting sound like telepathy. Jonah looked around but the only thing he saw was a small light. He realized that the small light was coming from the watch that he wore around his neck.

The next day, the ship’s pilot announced their arrival to The Shadow Proclamation area.
Once they reached the council to have them decide what to do with The Protector. As they were talking, to decide what to do, The Protector said a special code to the council and they immediately let her go! The code she told them only spoke of who she was and where she was from. She also added that Jonah and Nick were Time Lords. The code she spoke was top secret, so secret only the highest of rank could understand.
Hearing whispers, Jonah asked Nick, “Did you say something?”
“No,” Nick replied.
Then a few minutes later Nick asked the same thing. But what they did not know was that what they heard was a telepathic link from their unknown -mysterious fob watches that hang from their necks, the same ones that whispered untold secrets that mysterious night.
“What did you do?” Asked Nick interrupting his own thoughts.
The Protector answered with a strange silence and look.
“I have to go get my TARDIS.” Said The Protector.  
As The Protector walked down the hall -two lasers came from around the corner and hit The Protector in the chest.  
“Guys, stand back!” The Protector said putting her hand to her heart.
“What happened?” Asked Jonah.
“Can we get some medical assistance over here, please?” Yelled Nick.
They ran around the corner to find help. The hallways were empty, when they looked back she was gone!  As fast as they could they both bolted to see if she was in her TARDIS.
They saw some weird yellow dust that was somewhat glowing come out from under the door. When they opened the door they found her regenerating before their very eyes! This weird dust was coming out of her hands and face! And when it stopped she looked and sounded completely different!
“You have to show me how to do that!” Nick said in astonishment.
“It’s a Time Lord trick,” The new face of the Protector said.


Suddenly, the TARDIS doors closed. Making a tremendous sound. It shook as it sent the three passengers on a ride through the time vortex.
“What are you doing?” Yelled Nick at the mysterious Protector.
“I’m not doing anything.” She replied.
“You mean, you don’t know what you’re doing.” Said Jonah.
“I’ll have you know that I have a triple first in the academy on Gallifrey.” She said angrily.
The TARDIS hurdled through space and time, knowing exactly where it was going. Finally it stopped. Nick got up right away and turned to the Protector.
“Where are we?”
“The planet Eden,” she replied as she checked the status screen.
“The TARDIS must have taken us here for a reason.”
“Let’s go check it out! I love the sound of it. Eden! I just love it.” Said Jonah.
“No, not yet.” She said. “I need to check the readings before we can go out.” But, as she was speaking Nick was already exploring outside the TARDIS.
“Does anyone ever listen to me?” She exclaimed as she threw up her hands.

Outside the TARDIS was a beautiful and vast jungle that twisted across the whole planet. It was noisy and full or life. Insects crawled on every surface as they ate the greenery around them. Large flowers gave off the most wonderful smell.
Stepping out of the TARDIS, the Protector exclaimed, “Eden, we haven’t been here in a while, and it’s still exactly the same.” Her smile became a faint frown.
Looking at Jonah she spoke quietly in wonder.
“You don’t remember this at all do you? You were here before, many times with me.” Silence filled the void as he stared blankly back at her. She turned away and continued walking.
Strange red birds flew overhead, and landed in the thorns of what looked like a tree. As the strange birds became more comfortable perched upon the sharp branches, the tree closed up and swallowed the birds whole. Nick stepped back as the plant-like creature opened it’s thorny mouth back up.    
“Did you see that?” Yelled Nick.
“See what?” Asked Jonah.
The Protector broke from her day dreaming. “Oh yeah, watch out for any plants with teeth.” She said walking casually towards them.
“I don’t like plants anymore.” Said Nick feeling a little uncomfortable. “I’ve never heard of this planet.”
“Well, this was never on the P.H.O.5. Test.” Laughed Jonah.
“What kinds of other things live here besides plants?” Asked Nick.
“Nothing too exciting.” She shortly replied, walking ahead.
“So what exactly are we looking for?” Asked Jonah.
“We’ll know when we see it.” She said.
Jonah stopped after walking in front of her. “You just expect us to trust you in everything, we only just met, and so far you haven’t told us anything. You haven’t even told us your real name. What real reason do we have to trust you?” Said Jonah.
Looking him in the eyes the Protector spoke “What alternatives do you have?”  
The noisy sounds of the jungle on Eden seemed to stop, and for a moment the air was still and quiet. Suddenly, Nick yelled out to Jonah and the Protector.
“Come here, quickly!”
His voice was heard coming from deep in the dark jungle. Running towards him the Protector called out, “where are you?”
“I’m over here.” He shouted.
As Jonah and the Protector approached they laid eyes on a giant sphere. It was three stories tall, and it was yellowish in color. Around the gigantic ball, about three hundred large, leathery, green skinned creatures seemed to be constructing it. All of them worked together in this massive project.
“Something’s not right,” said the Protector, “and I know what it is.”
“It’s a giant transporter pod.” Said Jonah.
“Yeah, but this wasn’t here before, this isn’t supposed to be here.”
“You act like you own the place.” Said Jonah.
She just looked at him emotionless.
Nick was still exploring Eden’s twisting jungle. He could see off in the distance a purple light. Walking toward it he called to the others. The light faded in and out in a great pit, as if breathing. The crater was about twenty feet in diameter.
“What is that?” Asked Nick.
“What’s, what?” Asked the Protector.
Jonah walked near the glow in awe.
“I don’t know, but if I were to take a guess I would say, that something is giving off a form of HST-1.” As he looked inside the pit.
“Close,” said the Protector, “it’s…”
“Hear that?” Interrupted Nick turning away to listen.
At that moment a great sound was heard from the hills. In the jungle, and behind the rocks, from all over. The strangest moan was amplified from voices everywhere. Suddenly, from out of the darkest parts of the jungle emerged, like stars, orange glowing eyes. The horrific moan continued, as the large leathery, green skinned creatures revealed themselves. Surrounding the travelers, the creatures held out their sharp, long, black, claws. Their heads were almost clam-shaped. Fur covered their backs and around their arms. Walking towards them in mindless unity.

The beasts were closing in. The three of them felt like prey just before the attack. Nick fired his laser, and Jonah followed his lead, but it was no use. Nick yelled out “gas bombs!” as he pulled the pin and threw three canisters into the open. Following Nick’s lead, Jonah pulled the pins on his, but just before he could throw them, the ground near the pit cracked swallowing Jonah up. The protector grabbed Nick by the arm, and the two of them made their way out of the foggy ambush. They ran until they couldn’t hear the moaning of the beasts. Stopping to catch their breath Nick sat on a large rock.
Noticing his absence the Protector asked, “where’s Jonah?” in near panic.
“Wasn’t he with us?” Said Nick looking at his weapon.
She looked away in the greatest frustration as she put her hand on her head.
“Is he back with the Mandrels?” She yelled.
“The what?”
“Nevermind, come on!” she shouted as she pulled on Nick’s arm. Running through the trees they find themselves face to face with a beast. Turning around again, they are completely surrounded.

Meanwhile, down in the pit. Jonah kept falling as if here was no bottom to the planet. The fall was becoming increasingly bright, as vibrant colors of violet transcended over blues.
Soon all he saw was white, and there was no way to measure how fast or how far he had fallen. He saw pictures in his head, pictures of times past, times forgotten. He could recall planet Eden, why, and when he was there last. It was wonderful and frightening. He could remember who he was. He was a Time Lord.

When Jonah awoke he was in the depths of Eden, he was in a fiery colored lit cave. Before he could even see, he heard a voice.
“The Stranger, Time Lord from Gallifrey, child and traitor.” Said the voice.
“Who are you?” asked Jonah.
“I am before the universe, and I will be after the universe. I am the Nestene!”
Turning around, Jonah sees the fiery colored blob-like creature, sitting in his midst motionless.
“Ego, If I ever saw it personified, or blobified.” Said Jonah.
“And you, so small. Just learning who you are, and finding that you are nothing.” Said the voice.
“Well, I can build my own transporter pod, with my own hands.” Said Jonah.
“I will eat you and this planet!” Yelled the voice.
“But you wont! Because you can’t!”
“I have eaten thousands of planets, this one is no different!”
“But this one is different, and you know it.  There’s a little chemical in this planet called  Vraxoin, and as I remember, it’s poisonous to The Nestene. But it’s everywhere, in the trees, in every living thing, in the rocks above. Leave it to you to crack open a dimensional field right on a planet you can’t eat.” Laughed Jonah. “So, you used your physic energy to control the week minded Mandrels, and use them to build you a pod, so you could fly on over to another planet and eat away. The same physic energy that gave me back my memory.”
“There are many hungry Nestene waiting to feast on this universe.” Said the voice.
“Well then, lets make sure that doesn’t happen.” Said Jonah as he pointed his laser above the Nestene. Blasting it to powered rock, it landed all over the blob. Bubbling, it became so hot that it melted. Turning it into orange, red, and yellow liquid. Jonah could almost feel the Nestene’s pain, putting his hands to his head he could feel a burning in his mind. Everything that he remembered about his past was the effect of the Nestene. His memories were dying with the creature. The pain became so great that he pasted out.          


Above Jonah, The Protector and Nick were searching of a way to discover the bright green color that shadowed the existence of the now dead Nestene. She starred down the deep hole seeming troubled as she mumbled word’s that seemed familiar to nick but he had never heard them before. The words she seemed to say seemed to be a different language. At the end of her sentence the violet light raised up and replaced by the fading yellow glow of the dying Nestene. At seeing the glow she feared it might be too late for Jonah at that moment, her TARDIS screamed in her head, the screech caused her pain through her now aching head. She ran back through the forest to aid her burning TARDIS.
“What happened?” yelled Nick as he trailed behind her stopping to see her TARDIS.
The TARDIS was changing its appearance. Seeing the many disguises that she had taken throughout the many years she stopped on a blue police box only momentarily, then flipped to a light and stopped perfectly still as if she were dead. Opening the door to get in, she saw the light, the ball. Something was not right, and Nick could still not see it. But the urgency called for a time of action, so she got into the TARDIS and tried to forget about it.

They came into the TARDIS and everything came into perfect order, the TARDIS shut her doors and lead them down the dark abyss that Jonah had fallen into. When the TARDIS has reached the bottom of the pit it created a bright flash of light and opened its doors. Lying just in front of the TARDIS doors -Jonah was still breathing, but barely. The Protector ran into the upper level of the TARDIS and came back with stethoscope and an oxygen tank, listening to Jonah’s hearts. One of his hearts was failing, but the other was beating hard. She gave him some oxygen and hulled him into the TARDIS. There she was to decide what she was going to do.
She only had one choice to save him, shooting him with a sonic blast so that regeneration is painless.
At that moment his heart gave out and he was dead.
Suddenly, both his hearts kicked back in, and she realized the TARDIS was flying above the pit. They were going up, and the further they got from the dead Nestene, the more alive Jonah became, and the less he remembered.
"The TARDIS must have taken us back in time to where the Nestene first opened up a dimensional crack and came to our world. So it will never eat the planet Crinoth, and the shadow proclamation will never meet this Nestene." Said the Protector.
"The TARDIS wanted to save Crinoth, TARDIS is a living thing, with a mind. It made us come here."
Soon, Jonah came through all the way and they were completely off the planet of Eden. Jonah, sitting up, looked at the protector saying. "Know any places that are not life threatening or full of plants?"
The Protector replied offering a hand and a smile. "Nope, but I know a place that has some pretty interesting monuments." The Protector as she went over to the controls and yelled. "Hold on to something!"

Invasion on New Earth

Inside the TARDIS, Jonah and Nick waited as The Protector stood at the controls. Previously landing on a new world, Nick and Jonah sat wondering where they were.
“What is the name of this planet anyway?” Asked Jonah, breaking the silence.
The Protector was quick and proud to answer saying. “Welcome to New Earth!”
“Where on New Earth would you like to go first?” Asked The Protector.  
“Um… I don’t know,” Nick said, “as long as it’s not where we went last time.  
“Well, why don’t we go to the New, New Eiffel tower? It flies now.” She said with a spark of interest.
“Sounds like a plan!” Nick said ecstatic to be exploring.
Opening the door of the TARDIS, the world outside beheld things that Nick and Jonah never had seen before on New Earth.
“Amazing!” Yelled Nick into the bright blue sky that buzzed with hovercrafts.
He was so excited that he just could not contain himself. The whole planet was a large technologically advanced city. Primarily home to a race of Human inhabitance along with other various races as well.
“I’m going to see everything there is to see in this place!” Nick smiled so big you couldn’t measure it. “Besides,” He yelled back at the Protector, “that shouldn’t be a problem sense we’ve got a time machine!”
“Correction, I’ve got a TARDIS, and at the most, you probably have fleas from the Mandrels.” She smugly retorted.
Jonah just laughed to himself, thinking as they walked through the huge city streets.
“Well,” Said Nick, “I would see the whole universe if I had a TARDIS, and I wouldn’t waste a second in doing it either.”  
“You would wouldn’t you.” Said the Protector.
“Is that what you do, or did you see everything already?” Asked Nick Excitedly.
“There is always more to see.” Said the protector. “Besides, I don’t just fly all over, wherever and whenever I want! I’m busy, and there’s a lot of things that need to be done.”
“Like saving us.” Said Nick.
“Yes, and that’s not going to be on my list of things to do today, so stay where I can see you.” She said.
Walking on the streets, they could see a mass of people everywhere. Walking was difficult, so they decided to take a transportation platform. It was a large platform where they could walk around, sit or talk with other passengers.  
“Can I ask you a question?” Asked Jonah.
“You just did.” Said the Protector.
Jonah sighed as his thoughts were weighing heavily on his mind. Many unexplained things were happening almost all at once.
“You show me all these amazing things, and look at me like I’ve seen them all. You were with me in my past life right?”
“Something like that.” Said the Protector.
“Nick and I don’t remember any of the things you say are true. We Just remember growing up with our Ogron brothers. But, it makes perfect sense. Ever sense you fell into our lives things started to get so complicated, at the same time I feel like everything is so simple and clear. We never did fit in with our brothers, back home. We knew we weren’t Ogrons, but we didn’t know what we were. We were always told that Nick and I were found wondering out somewhere together. We don’t know where our real parents are. Can you help us find them?” He said with wide eyes.
“We’ve tried already. I can’t, I’m sorry.” She said turning away.
“Then at least just tell me why I can’t remember anything.”
“Listen!” She spoke as she turned to face Jonah again. “You are not here because I want you around, you are not supposed to be here at all. So, stop asking questions and forget about it.” Her tone was tense.
“You want me to just ignore you and all this crazy stuff! You listen. You are the one who zapped yourself into our lives talking about Time Lords, and flashing your sonic blaster around!”
“You would be dead if I did not intervene!” Yelled the Protector.
A silence fell over the heated conversation, as the two of them looked away once more.
“I’m sorry, I’m just a little stressed about all this. I never did thank you for saving my life.” Said Jonah quietly.
“More than once.” She said. “You will get your old life back, I promise.”
“Old lives back! Are you kidding me? Why would I want to go back?” Interrupted Nick, hearing the end, or what was hopped to be the end of their conversation.
The Protector replied only with a fearsome look that showed the true fire in her eyes.

“This city really is amazing, I’ve read about New Earth, but I’ve never been here.” Said Jonah.
“Humans have come a long way.” Said The Protector. “The sun got bigger, and the humans decided they were going to hold it back. The sun got so big that it just exploded, taking original Earth with it.”
“That is usually when it’s time to move out of a planet.” Said Nick.
Soon they arrived at the location of the Eiffel tower. It hung suspended in mid air. Getting off the transportation platform, the travelers walked on the busy streets.
“I can’t believe people took the time to move this thing.” Said Nick.
“Hey, it’s a fine piece of human art.” Said the Protector.
“What makes the Eiffel tower fly?” Jonah asked.
“Thrusters! They liked old-fashioned things, so they put thrusters under the tower so that it flies.
“Everything else moves on and advances. Why not advance the tower with everything else?” Said Jonah.
“Because the Eiffel tower was a national monument.”

“Wow!” Nick yelled, as he gazed at a large silver aircraft that hovered overhead. The large ship cast a shadow, as it stopped suspended over them.
“What kind of ship is that? Now that’s cool!” Yelled Nick.
The Protector stood in place, frozen and unable to speak as the ground trembled.
A part of the mother ship opened up, and many smaller ships came zipping out. They were flat and had the characteristics of saw blades. A cloud of dust filled the air as panic filled the hearts of the people below. Numerous saw blade-like aircraft cut through large skyscrapers, collapsing the huge structures. The zooming disks leveled and destroyed everything in their path.
All at once the crowd of people started heading towards the underground tunnels.
“Saving you is now on my list again.” Said the Protector.  
“Come on!” Said a man who grabbed Jonah’s arm.
“It’s safe in the tunnels!” Said the man.
Swept away by the crowd, Jonah went with the man and his family without question.
The Protector and Nick were still looking at the large mother ship that released the smaller crafts.
Suddenly the mother ship landed in the area leveled by the saw blades, the giant spacecraft opened up dispersing hundreds of armored Sontaran troops.
“Were going inside the ship.” Said The Protector to Nick.
“What! Why would you say that?” Yelled Nick.
“Are you coming or not?” Asked The Protector.
“Fine.” Said Nick.

Meanwhile, Jonah was lead by the crowd underground. Everyone seemed to split up into different tunnels that were headed in all different directions. Panic was heavy in the air as people flooded the tunnels like cockroaches. Soon, New Earth military forces arrived with armored laser tanks and ground based attack units. War broke out as fiery blasts rained from the sky on the New Earth forces from the small ships above. Attacking back with their tanks they tried to stand there ground. The landed silver Sontaran mother ship seemed too well protected, as the lasers had no affect on the ship’s shields.
Watching the battle nearby, The Protector and Nick waited as the two forces fought intensely.
“Is that a Sontaran craft?” Asked Nick.
“Yes it is. I take it you had a run in with them before?” Asked the Protector.
“The Sontarans tried to take over Flydon Minima. My mission was to stop them. It was my first mission.”
“Well, good thing you could do one mission without my help. That would have been your last mission if I didn’t come and help you on your second one.”
“We just didn’t have enough fire power, that’s all.”
“Fire power! That’s it!” Yelled The Protector. “Remember when I modified your weapons on your ship?”
“Yeah, so. You can’t just go up and modify their weapons while there’re in battle!”
“No, of coarse not! I’ve got a better plan.” She said as she put she hand on Nick’s Shoulder. As soon as she did this Nick and Protector found themselves inside the Sontaran mother ship. The room they were in was dark, so dark you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.
“Standard target locked teleportation system.” Said The Protector.
Suddenly, a force field dropped over the Protector and Nick.
“Is this part of your plan?” Asked Nick sarcastically.
“It could be, you don’t know it isn’t.” Said The Protector with a look of surprise.
“I’m guessing it’s not.” Said Nick.
“The weapons must be delivered as one. You are prisoners to the Sontaran force.” Said a voice in the darkness.
“A DNA tracking system.” Said the Protector with an unseen grin. “That’s how you found us.”
“The Weapons must be delivered as one.” Said the armored figure.
“You need the second weapon. The Weapons must be delivered as one, right? You’ve only got one of them.”
“What are the weapons?” Asked Nick.
The Protector was silent. Nick repeated, “Protector! What are the weapons?”
“You are.” Said The Protector.
“What do you mean?” Asked Nick in a commanding tone.

“You and Jonah are the weapons!” Said The Protector as she turned away.
“The Sontarans turned you into weapons that required Time Lord bodies, they controlled your mind and used you in war. But I saved you -I came for you and Jonah. But things couldn’t be the same until I had destroyed the Sontarans. Until then I had to keep you hidden from them.” Said The Protector
“So, we are not supposed to be here.” Said Nick.
“No, and I’m sorry.”
Meanwhile, Jonah sat with the rest of the population of New Earth in the underground tunnels, they were filled with frightened people. New Earth forces were distributing food to the survivors. Jonah was hungry and glad to see that they brought them provisions.
Everyone formed somewhat of a line to get the food.
“You look familiar.” Said a woman in line.
“No, I’m not from around here.” Said Jonah, noticing her strange gemstone necklace.
“Oh, traveling to see the sights?”
“Something like that.” He said.
“Well, this probably isn’t what you expected, is it?” She laughed.
“No not quite what I thought this trip would bring.” Said Jonah in reply.
“Well my name is Lamora. Oh, and this is my brother.” She introduced the teenage boy next to her. “I’m sorry I never asked your name.”
“Jonah, nice to meet you Lamora.”
“A battle is raging just above us,” she said deep in thought. It’s hard to believe that when I woke up today the only problem I had was the police. Now I’m under an actual battle.”
“This battle shouldn’t be much longer.” Said Jonah. “My friend is here to help, and I know it’s hard to believe but She alone can save us. They call her The Protector.”
The woman’s eyes lit up as the words left Jonah’s mouth.
“The Protector is here?” Asked Lamora.
“Yes, you have heard of her!” Said Jonah.
“No,” said the woman. “I know her. She gave me this.” She said showing him the gemstone necklace.
“How do you know her?” Asked Jonah in surprise. Just as the woman was about to answer him, a voice was heard in the tunnel that carried over all of the commotion.
“The Sontarans are in the tunnels!”
Unbeknownst to Jonah, they were looking for him.      
Back in the grounded mother ship, The Protector and Nick were still prisoners to the Sontarans.
A voice spoke from the darkness. “I am more than fully capable of finding the second weapon.”
The Protector glared in the direction of the familiar voice.
“Sartas, leader of the Unknown Sontaran Sect. Coming here to meet me makes it easier to destroy you.”
“Be civilized.” Commanded Sartas.
“And how is turning life forms into a deadly weapons by brute force civilized?” Yelled The Protector.
“How is keeping your friends in the dark about how you helped?” He retaliated.
“Yes, tell your friend how you gave him into my hands.” Said Sartas.
“I had no choice!” Yelled The Protector. “You took my TARDIS!”
Sartas spoke again. “She gave you up so easy Nick! I hardly had to bribe her.”
“Don’t listen to him Nick.” Said The Protector.
“Is it true? Did you give us up to them?” Asked Nick.
“Yes.” Said The Protector.
“Why did you give us away?” Asked Nick almost willing to kill The Protector himself.
“It was you and Jonah or the TARDIS. If I chose to give up my TARDIS it means the key as well that would give them the power of time, the power to kill every last being in existence.” She replied in a voice that showed the depth of her soul and the power she contained.

Another voice was heard inside the dark room. “Sartas, we found the second weapon.”
“Perfect!” Said Sartas. “You see Protector, now I will do what I should have done to you.”
The mother ship started to rise above the city. It hovered as all the Sontaran troops were beamed aboard, and the smaller saw-like craft retreated.
Lights came on, and The Protector and Nick found themselves in the midst of many Sontarans. Suddenly, they all began chanting, “Sontar-ha, sontar-ha, sontar-ha.”
Soon, Jonah was beamed aboard the mother ship.  
“At last, the weapons can be delivered!” Said Sartas.
 The Sontarans chanted once more at their glorious victory.
“Where am I?” Asked Jonah.
The Protector noticed that Jonah had the gemstone necklace around his neck.
She remembered that she had giving it to Lamora.
“How did you get that necklace?” Asked The Protector.
“Lamora said you gave it to her, then she put it on me to show me what it does, but just then I was beamed here.”
“Want to find out what it does?” Said The Protector. “Put your hand over it!”  
Jonah put his hand over the gemstone, and suddenly he had vanished from sight.

“Where did he go?” Asked Sartas.
“Who knows, he could be across the universe by now. Or maybe he’s walking towards the control box that shuts off this force field prison.” She said pointing to the control box in the middle of the room. “He might be putting his hand on the release mechanism to set me and Nick free. Because, that might have been… an invisibility stone around his neck.”
At that the force field dropped, and The Protector and Nick were free as they jumped out with vigor.
“I guess I was right.” She said smugly. “You see Sartas, now I will do what I should have done to you.”  
She took Nick’s blaster and dashed over to the door and opened it with a single sonic blast from her own sonic gun.      
“I never did get to see the Eiffel tower up close!” She yelled as she blasted a hole in the bottom of the mother ship. Below she could see the Eiffel tower right underneath them. Jumping into the hole, she landed on top of the Eiffel tower. The Sontarans were in a panic as Sartas yelled, “Seize them! Find the second weapon and The Protector!”
Nick was apprehended by two, large, Sontarans.
“Sartas, the systems are malfunctioning!” Said a Sontaran.
“Which systems?” Asked Sartas.
“All of them!” Replied the Sontaran.      
Sartas yelled in anger, “He’s somewhere in this room! And he’s at the controls! We must find the second weapon.” Commanded Sartas.
“What about The Protector.” Asked the armored Sontaran.
“Leave her she will die with the rest of this world along with her TARDIS. Now go and find the weapon!” Ordered Sartas.
“Yes sir” replied three of the warriors.
In the meantime, The Protector pointed out her sonic blaster at the tower and created a hallow shaft, and jumped down. Landing very elegantly even though she had fallen down all the way from the top of the Eiffel tower to the bottom, she flipped her hair away from her face and starred at the two men controlling the tower. Just by her look the two men stepped back and allowed her to point her blaster at the controls only to find out the blaster was fried.
“Guess I’m going back to basics.” She said smoothly as she pulled out a sonic screwdriver. She pointed at the control and hurried to turn one of the prized monuments of the earth into a powerful weapon that lay directly under the Sontaran ship.
Meanwhile, on the Sontaran ship, a Sontaran called out, “Sir there is no signal it’s as if the second weapon doesn’t exist.” Nick struggled as the Sontaran guards kept hold of him. “That is impossible! Find him make sure he doesn’t leave this ship!” yelled Sartas. “It must have been that necklace he was wearing. It does more then turn him invisible it will hide him from even existence.” Sartas mumbled to himself. At that a screen appeared. And on it The Protector stared face to face with Sartas. “Ah, so the one who runs finally shows her face.” Sartas began trying to distract her. Happy to see that she replied.
“And you will wish I had not.” She smugly said, as Sartas smiled.
“Nick, can you hear me?” Asked The Protector.
“Yes, I’m here.” Said Nick before the guards covered his mouth.
“I am so sorry for letting them do this to you and your brother. When this is over we are going to see the universe together. I promise. But first you need to come down here. 683-84!” She shouted the teleportation coordinates for Jonah to hear. Jonah punched them into the system. He became visible for a time as he, Nick, and the two guards that were holding Nick started to fade. Sartas grabbed on to Jonah’s arm as the teleportation was still in process.
As soon as Jonah and Nick were with The Protector she initiated an energy relay using her sonic screwdriver, making a ray of green heat shoot up through the tower, hitting the mother ship. The green laser broke through the shields and burst the hull of the ship.
Sartas yelled in anger to The Protector “You will pay for that cowardice act.”
“I think we have a bigger problem.” Said Nick. “There is a Sontaran mother ship above us about to fall.”
“What did I promise you Nick? Said The Protector. “Now, jump with me!”
“What? Jump down from here?” Asked Nick.
“I only make promises I can keep.” Said The Protector as she looked deep into Nick’s eyes.
“Jonah, Nick, Jump!” She yelled as they held hands they fell from the great tower.
This is the way it always was, The Protector, and the two brothers that put their trust in her. Falling with her yet hoping she had a plan to save them.
The travelers found themselves landed safely on a transportation platform piloted by Lamora.  
“Lamora! Just in time.” Said The Protector.
“You never fail to get yourself in deep trouble.” Said Lamora with a smile.
“I’m glad I gave you that perception stone necklace as a parting gift.” Said The Protector.
“Do I get it back?” Asked Lamora, holding out her hand to Jonah.
Putting it in her hand, Lamora started to remember the time she spent with The Protector, and what that necklace meant to her. The Protector noticed Lamora’s face and how lonely she looked -already- now that the two of them might part again.
“You can come with us.” She said.
“No, I have my brother to take care of. And I have a life here on New Earth.” Said Lamora looking down. “To have a place you can call home is a great thing.”
“I understand, we will meet again.” Said The Protector, as she turned to Nick and Jonah.

“Well, now that Sartas is dead it’s time to remember.”
“Remember what?” Said Jonah, looking at The Protector as she pulled out his fob watch out that hang from his neck and held it in her hand.
The moment had come for the two brothers to open up their fob watches and remember who they were. When Nick and Jonah opened up the watches a burst of bright yellow light shot out into their head. It was beautiful to see The Protector and The Forgotten Time Lords reunited again. The three of them decided that they would travel through space and time together, saving the universe from itself.

The Good, The Bad, And The Cyber

“How unfortunate.” Said The Protector as she put down her breakfast.
“What’s unfortunate?” Said Jonah glancing over his book.  
“I can’t even finish my breakfast without the TARDIS getting a call.” Said The Protector getting up to work at the controls.
“Where’s the call coming from?” Asked Jonah yawning a bit.
“Hold on, I’m trying to find out.” She said adjusting the controls.
Suddenly, Nick excitedly came into the control room from the another room upstairs.
“I’ve finished it!” Yelled Nick. Jonah put down his book realizing reading was impossible at the moment.
“Don’t yell! You finished what?” Asked Jonah.
“I worked all night on my new sonic arm attachment.” Said Nick.
“That’s nice.” Said The Protector who was preoccupied with her set task. “The signal is coming from Earth.”
Nick broke from looking at his wonderful new invention. “We’re getting a signal?”
“Yes, and what’s more is none of us have had our brain food yet.” Said Jonah picking up his book again.
“We have arrived.” Said The Protector looking at a status screen. Briskly walking across the room she grabbed her sonic blaster.      
The Protector opened the TARDIS doors only to find that they were still moving! As they looked out they could see that they were quickly rushing backwards on a track.
“Why are we still moving? I thought we landed.” Said Jonah as he looked out at the desert plains.
“We did land.” Said The Protector scratching her head.
“Is this another transportation platform?” Asked Nick.
The Protector thought for a moment, and snapped her fingers as she remembered something. “I’ve only seen these things one time, but we landed in the back end of a steam powered locomotive.” She smiled as the words came out of her mouth.
“Is that like a transportation platform.” Asked Nick.
“Sure.” Said The Protector.
“What now?” Asked Jonah.
“Now, you wait. I’m getting breakfast.” She said lifting herself up onto the roof of the train. As the wind pulled her hair back, she cleverly balanced herself on top of the moving steam engine. A sudden rush of black smoke blocked her vision for a moment as she jumped onto another car ahead of her. Using her sonic blaster she made a hole in the roof and jumped inside the car. Many heads turned to look at her as she yelled out to them, “Is this the food car?” The traveling bystanders were in shock.
“I guess not, well, good day.” she said as she climbed back up on the roof.
Meanwhile the Time Lords, Nick and Jonah. Waited as they guarded the TARDIS. Dust was thick in the western air. Nick looked at his new sonic arm attachment. Jonah stared off into the dust, thinking he saw another locomotive following them. As the dust seemed to clear something came into view. A large, shiny, metal machine with multiple legs gained up on the train. It made a clanking sound as the metal legs hit against the steel tracks. The steam engine was no match in speed compared to the mechanized spider that came ever closer.
“I don’t think that’s a ‘loco-whatever.’” Said Jonah as he tapped Nick on the shoulder.
A metal leg clamored on to the back of the train where Nick and Jonah were. Griping the metal leg of the machine with his sonic arm attachment –Nick tried to rip the leg off the body of the mechanized creature. Failing to do so, Nick was pulled off of the moving steam engine. Grappling with the metal spider’s steel legs, Nick and the creature rolled to the ground as the train rushed away.
Feeling his heart drop –as Nick and the robotic spider became out of his site- Jonah climbed on top of the train to find The Protector.
Little did the travelers know that armies of iron arachnids were fast approaching the train.
Finally, after searching, Jonah found The Protector looking disgruntled over the fact that no one wound tell her where the food car was.  Tapping her on the shoulder for her attention, Jonah tried to tell her about the situation, but he was interrupted.
“I can’t find the food car, all I’m asking for is a nice breakfast.” The Protector complained.
“Listen!” Said Jonah. “We have a much bigger problem than breakfast!”
Looking out the window, The Protector’s eyes grew large as she saw the swarm of Cyber-Spiders.
“I just lost my appetite.” Said The Protector as the spiders made their way closer to them.    
“This is not good!” Said the Protector.
Coming closer, the Cyber-Spiders ran in attack formation.
“Excuse me, But what exactly is going on?” Said a well-dressed man. “Are we in danger?”
“Not while I’m here. How close are we to the nearest town?” Asked The Protector.
“How should I know?” Said the man.
The Protector turned to him. “Well, find out!”
“I can see a town up ahead!” Yelled Jonah.
“We can’t let these things hurt innocent people.” Said The Protector concerned as the train got closer to the town.

Panic was high as a mechanized spider rammed into the steam engine from behind.
“Let’s get back to the TARDIS and at least we could save ourselves!” Yelled Jonah.
“No! Absolutely not! There is still hope, we can save these people!” Replied The Protector. “You can’t give up. These people deserve to live just as much as we do. I promise I won’t let one of them –not one of them die.” Said The Protector as her eyes burned into Jonah.
“I’m sorry, your right.” Said Jonah looking down.

The train rushed into the town as the cyber-spiders followed behind. It seemed like there really was no hope as the mechanical spiders crawled on top of the seam engine. The legs of the spiders smashed through the walls of the still moving train. Metal of the train was pealed back as the passengers panicked -filled with fear for their lives.

Suddenly, one of the mechanized beasts attacked the other spiders. It was Nick, using his arm attachment as a sonic controller. Ridding the controlled cyber-spider, he fought the oncoming spiders as the passengers made their escape to the nearby town. “I’ve got this!” He said as he let out a laugh.
“What did they teach you guys at The Shadow Proclamation?” Asked The Protector.
“Whatever it was I obviously slept through it.” Said Jonah.
Nick made light work of the steel monsters for a while, ridding on top of the cyber-spider as if he was a cowboy. However, making their attack stronger the battle continued as more spiders approached.
“I’ve got to help him!” Said Jonah seeing the army coming closer.
“Give me a weapon.” Commanded Jonah. A man with a long coat pulled out two large pistols.
“Sling shots?” Asked Jonah sarcastically.
“They are loaded.” Said the man. “Send them back to wherever they came from stranger!”
Jumping out of the train, Jonah ran into battle. He saw Nick surrounded by the enemy. Aiming for a weak spot on the spiders, Jonah opened fire on them.  

The Protector watched as the battle continued. Jonah jumped on the mechanized spider that Nick was controlling.
The two of them rode far into the middle of the swarm of cyber-spiders. Nick and Jonah attempted to hold them back.
Jumping off the cyber-spider they fought back to back. Nick and Jonah fought off the monsters. Jonah fired with the primitive pistol.
However, noticing his hand –he stopped. At seeing his body was glowing he turned to look at Nick. The two of them were projecting a blinding light from their bodies. It was so bright that the attack stopped.
“The Weapon!” Yelled The Protector who watched from afar on board the train. “It’s been activated!”
Terror struck into her eyes, as she knew what would happen next. A rippling explosion spread across the land. The blast wiped out the entire army of spiders.  
All that could be seen was a bright light.

It was nighttime when The Protector awoke outside of the now torn apart train . A cool breeze blew across her face as crickets chirped. Opening her eyes, she could see some of the town’s people around her. The town doctor pushed everyone away upon seeing that she had come to.
Sitting up quickly, she looked around her.
“Careful there miss, you have quite the head injury.” Said the doctor. “You need to lay down for a while.”
“No I don’t! How many died?” Asked The Protector authoritatively.
Just one, miss. He died from the unearthly fire blast.” Said the doctor. A whirl of emotions took The Protector by storm.
“I would say, that considering what evils came upon us today, one death isn’t so bad.” Said the town doctor.  
“One death isn’t so bad!” Yelled The Protector angered.
She put her hands on her face as she stood up with rage.
“Miss, you should lay down.” Said the doctor putting his hand on her shoulder.
“I’m not like you!” Yelled The Protector pulling away. “I’m stronger than that! I should be stronger.
I am The Protector, but I let someone die.
“You saved us all.” Said a man.
“No! I condemned the universe by letting those weapons live.” Said The Protector “It’s my fault!
The air became silent as the town’s people starred at her. She clenched her fist as she remembered battles before, and how “The Weapons” were used to destroy whole cities.

Out in the distance the two brothers’ -Nick and Jonah- walked towards the town. On seeing them The Protector covered her face with her hands.
“Go away!” She yelled as she grabbed a bit of sand and hurled it into the air.
The town’s people stood back.
“What’s wrong?” Yelled Jonah from afar.
“Stay away from me you monsters!” Yelled The Protector.
“It’s us!” Said Nick coming closer.
Taking a gun from a man she pointed it at the two brothers. “I’m not joking! Stay back!”
Stopping, Jonah and Nick just looked at her in confusion. “Are you ok?” Asked Nick.
“Why don’t you ask that man whose live you just took!” Her eyes were again ablaze with unmeasured anger.
“That’s one more to add to the list, one more innocent soul -gone. I never make a promise I can not keep. I promised them I would not let one person on that train die! As long as I let you live more will fall. You are weapons now, I deceived myself into thinking things would be back to normal.” -The Protector said. “But it can never be.”    
 “Sartas made us this way.” Said Jonah.
“We couldn’t help it, it just happened!” Yelled Nick.
“That’s why you must be destroyed.” Said The Protector starting –again- to cry, still holding the gun at them.
“Wait!” Said Nick. “You promised! When we fought the Sontarans. You promised me we would see the universe together. You promised!”
Putting her hand on her face, she dropped the weapon. She had acted out of fear. This was a side of The Protector that Jonah and Nick had never seen before.
Walking away, she disappeared into the night.  
The air became cold -as it was silent. The two Time Lords walked into the town.
Looking at the man who gave him the guns, Jonah handed the weapons back to him.
“You can keep them.” Said the man, pushing them away. “Who are you anyway stranger?”
“I’m a stranger wherever I go.” Said Jonah. “I am The Stranger.”
It was a dark moment for the three travelers. Their Protector had vanished, and Nick and The Stranger felt more lost than ever. The battle was over, but there were so many questions to be answered.
“I’ll find The Protector, you stay here in case more spider things come.” Said The Stranger.
“I hope more do show up, they were fun!” Said Nick.
Walking into the direction she went, The Stranger searched all alone for his friend.
Finally he found her sitting with her legs crossed against a brick building.
Sitting down next to her, he thought of what to say, but before he could say anything she took his hand and put it to her head.
“See all that you have done.” She said as The Stranger began to look into her mind.
He saw so much destruction, all because of the weapon that the Sontarans implanted into their bodies. The Stranger could see why The Protector acted the way she did. Enough people had died already.
“Promise me that you will never use that horrible weapon again.” Said The Protector.      
“I never make a promise I can’t keep.” Said The Stranger.
“You and I both know how hollow a promise is.” Said The Protector. “Promise me. Just say it!”
“What does it matter? I can not control it.” Said The Stranger. “We will have to find a cure.”
“There is no cure for it.” Said The Protector.
“You are the one who always believes in hope for others. Why am I different?” Asked The Stranger.
“Because I don’t know what to do. Our people would know exactly what to do. But our home –Gallifrey is no longer.”
“That is why we need to stick together, that’s my only hope. If you leave my side I really would be lost.” Said The Stranger.
Leaning in, The Protector spoke. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too.” Said The Stranger. “I Glad we’re on the same side again.”
“Always” Said The Protector.

The Mine Of Darkness

Once The Protector and The Stranger were in the center of town, a bright purple light shot into the sky. Like a spotlight it flashed from a nearby locality. The Protector grabbed The Stranger’s arm, leading him to it. He had not seen the light and was bothered by her sense of urgency.
“What were those metal machines?” Jonah asked trying to catch up with The Protector. Running in the direction of the presumed cause of the light, The Protector got to a rocky trail. The light lit the path to an abandoned mine.
“Those machines are in Racknoss form. Giant, metal, Cyber-spiders.” She said as she made her way to the mine.
“Wait, cyber what? Racknoss? What are you talking about?” The Stranger asked still far behind The Protector.
“There’s a species called the Racknoss they look like giant spider’s, probably a lot like what you’re metal spider looks like but red. There also exist machines with human minds called Cyber-men. Normally Cyber-men take the form of a human. However, in this case we’ll call these things Cyber-Racknoss.”
Getting closer to the mine The Protector could feel coldness in the air around her. Near the mine was a white and purple dot, much like the one she saw before. Focused on the task at hand, she ignored it and continued on her course.

“It’s probable that something very bad is going on in that mine.” She stared into the glowing tunnel that seemed to have no end. At that they saw another purple light and out of the mine stepped a Cyber-Racknoss, it was twice as tall as the Cyber-Racknoss Nick had rode earlier. Lying limp in the metallic spider’s arms, Nick was being carried off into the mine. Following the creature deep into the purple lit tunnel. The Cyber-Racknoss led them to another large organic, spider-like monster -the empress of the Racknoss. She stood in front of a glowing, purple vortex. The empress must have traveled through the vortex to come to the western world.
“What is a Racknoss doing as a cyber?” Asked the protector seeing two robotic Racknoss standing next to the empress when they arrived.
“Do you think Racknoss wish to die, this way we shall live forever.”
“Now why would we want that?” Asked The Protector as she watched the frustrated empress rise to show her size.
“What are you? I have made the mistake of judging my species before my fight.”
“So you are sure there is to be a fight.” The Protector replied showing that she was no lower species.
“I am indeed. But you never answered my question, what species are you?” The Racknoss replied rising even higher now.
“I am Time Lord!” Falling down to her original height the empress replied saying. “You are The Doctor?”
“No. I am much worse and show less mercy then he. You have encountered him before?” She asked interested to hear her story.
“Indeed I have. He destroyed my ship and cast me to a planet. He must have thought I was dead, and I intended to keep it that way. Eating hardly anyone and working on my ship. I had never told to him that I had nests in other planets besides Earth. I was looking for them when I encountered the Cyber-Men.”
Looking at her Cyber-Racknoss, the blood red Racnoss empress gave the word to “attack.” As the two robotic spiders began to walk to The Protector she yelled out a code and the portal closed.
“Now I have a question for you and you’re going to answer it or the portal stay’s shut. Am I clear?” The Protector yelled with a voice like thunder.
“What are you doing here?” Asked The Protector.
“I had accepted an offer. The Cyber-men came and proposed to convert some of our warriors to make them stronger, However they started to convert more than our deal aloud. They became powerful but they still need human flesh. In my time there are very few humans, so the newly formed Cyber-men found a way to come to this world. We are here to stop them.” The empress said answering the question The Protector had laid before her.
“What about these two Racknoss? The Protector asked.
“The deal allowed me to have two Cyber-Racknoss with no emotion inhibitors of any kind. The Cyber-men were desperate and agreed to respect that request.” The empress replied.
“Then you might need my help.” The Protector said with a device look to the empress. The guard put Nick down when the empress nodded towards him. “But first I must know your name.” The Protector said turning again to the empress. “I am empress Spintrilis.” She replied as she bowed to show her respected partnership.

It was an unlikely alliance, but this was an unlikely situation. The thought of the new embodied Cyber-men able to travel through time and space brought chills to The Protector. This was something only a Time Lord should possess –the power to walk through worlds, to change lives, to defend the universe. But the Cyber-men would only have one thing on their minds- assimilation, and conquest.

“In order to stop the Cyber-men we need a plan.” Said The Stranger walking over to Nick who was in a state of sleep.
“Right,” said The Protector immediately, as the choice was obvious. “Her majesty and I will go to her world and put a stop to the Cyber-men. You and Nick can take one of her Cyber-Racnoss drones and stay here- make sure no more mechanized arachnids come through the time vortex.”
 “Wait, your leaving me hear with ‘sleepy’ and the ‘tinman?’” Said The Stranger.
“Do you need me to baby-sit?” Asked The Protector as she stepped closer to the open time vortex.
“Protector... promise me you’ll come back.” Said The Stranger with the most serious look.
Looking him in the eyes, without a word she vanished into the colorful spiraling vortex. She knew what she had to do. She could stop the Cyber-spiders from abusing the great power of time travel. However, the risks were great and no promises could be made. In a flash, the Racnoss empress –Spintrilis, her mechanized guardian, and The Protector found themselves on the home world of the Racnoss.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.03.2012

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