
First day of school and I feel so old. My birthday was last week and I promise my dad to go out for track but other then that I'm just going to get through school and hope I get a Scarler ship. "Hi" my friend Austin asks me "How was your summer! summer"he laughs "Very funny Aust" I say and then shoved him playfully "Now that You two got that out of the way! mind moving so I can get by" We nodd "Jerk".
"What was that miss?" I said out loud "Your a jerk" there was a Gasp "Come see me afther school miss?"
"Edwards! Summer Edwards" he nods and went on about his business "I wished you stayed quiet" I look out him confused "He's the new tracked coach" he explains "ughh" I say "I know" Austin says.

"So Summer, tell me about yourself" I just looked out him annoyed "Why" he smiles like he tired of smiling and his smiles slips as he see's I notice this. "Well, I see you want to sign up for track and I want to make sure your serious" I'm confused "Did you question the other people who signed up" he nods "Yes" he sighs "I want people who are serious about track not people who party or date and get distracted" I laughed at loud I try to hold it in.
"Me party,me date, what a joke. I don't have time for that coach, I'm trying to make something of myself that's why I've never been on a date, or party" he looks stunned then smiles "Well tryouts are Saturday at 5:30am don't be late. I just roll my eyes.

"Your early Summer" coach says "so are you coach" he trying to fight back a smile then freeze in mid step "Summer?" I try to understand his problem "WHAT"
"How old are you?" I so taken back from the question before a finally answer. "Eighteen (18teen)"
"Shit!" I"M so shocked I just stare out his back where he walks away "So its true, your trying out" Oh god that voice. The she devil "Well my cousin Dane won't let you" Ashley (she devil). "Who?" "the coach is my cousin Dane!" oh I just couldn't resist "DANE!" the coach turns and see's Ashely and then me and frowned "That's coach Summer!".
"Well Ashely says you won't let me on the team because she said so" he laugh "Get real ash" she stomps off. practice was rough. I realize my stepmother forgot to pick me up so I start walking home and run into the coach in the parking lot.
"Wheres your ride" I shrug "where do you live"
"1121 division ave" he laughs "I live two blocks over" he motion to his hummer "Get in I'll give you a ride home" I nod got in and said "Thanks" he taps my hand "Your welcome" then there was silence and then we pull up "You don't mind me walking you to your house and checking it to see if its safe" I shrug "OK".
He checks "All clear" I nod and then said "Well drive safe" and we both moved towards the door by accident at the same time and I stumbled by running into him. wow! his body is hard and he catches me and I'm in his arms next I know where kissing and going at each other and then he shoves into me and he breeches my maid hen and I scream and he kisses me before it could really escape my mouth and then I exploded and then he did. we were quiet for along time "Oh god what am I doing" he jumps up like I burned him and rushes out the door. There's no way I can face him or continue on track.

I advoid DANE or track. But there he is stareing at me through my window. So i go see what he wants and as soon as I was in front of him he's kissing me and making sweet love to my body in the back of his Hummer. then were done "Its time you get back to your room Summer" "Wait Dane!" I say shakeie "What are we"
"I don't know or that we can ever be anything" tears run down my face "Oh Summer your crying for no reason that tells me your to young for me" that piss's me off "Not to young to fuck me like a cheap whore!" I yelled in his faced then stormed off.

"want to go on a date?" I look up to see Dave and then I see Dane listing in "I'd love to" Dane glares at me with anger and Dave walks away "Cancel Summer"
"No!" he pleads with his eyes "Please Summer, I got feelings I don't even understand for you, that can cost me my job. just give me time to sort it" I nod and walk to my first period class. Dane was waiting for me in parking lot and fallowed me to the park five miles away. and we walk for a while on some trails. and then were kissing and making love in the grass.

I'm fat and then I realize I'm late! HOLLY SHIT. I run to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test. I'm shaken with nerves 'this can't be happening' I peed on the stick and then waited for the test finished 'TWO LINES' omg,omg,omg I'm screwed. I just keep it to myself. I get to school and the smell is just to much so I walk out with out a word.

I wonder where Summer's at "Hey Austin you seen Miss Edwards?" He looked a little nervous. I hope Summer didn't tell anyone about us. That's all we need. "She was talking about cramps and not feeling well, she went home!" I nod and walk away, A little worried.
On my way home I stopped by Summers house, her parents wasn't home thank god! I knocked on her front door, no Answer I go around the side of the house and see Summer on the floor balling her eyes out. I open her french door and walked in and gather her in my arms "Whats wrong baby?" I'm really concerned "I can't tell you, you'll hate me" I looked confuse and she cried harder "No baby tell me I can't help if I don't know what the problem is" so she says in a shaky voice "I'm pregnant" And I just about faint "NO! please no, can't be" and I stood so fast and left without a word or looking at her.
I drive to the mountain cliff to think and think. the next day I went to work in a daze. Austin walked in crying. "Whats wrong?" He looks at me with concerned eyes and then motion me into a corner. "I just see Summer and she's walking real slow and I wouldn't stop pestering her what was wrong. And then she broke down and said "She was pregnant, but miscarried this morning and that she was trying to move on with out breaking completely down". He said "I know how she feels my girl miscarried last year all because I didn't keep her safe" He breathes real hard "Just like this loser didn't keep her safe". And then Austin walked to his seat and then Summer walked in and fell to the floor with blood running down her thighs. "Help" I yell "Oh baby please stay with me". Austin just looks at me and then glares "It's you" and I just nod.

DOCTOR- "So whats wrong besides she miscarried" Summers parents ask. "Well she did miscarried but she was pregnant with twins and she lost one and still Has one, She needs rest and she only to go to school and back home that's it, no intercourse until I okay it"
Doctor leaves "Your going to marry her soon". Summers dad says "she's eighteen we did nothing wrong" and I take a deep breath "She wasn't my student or my track member so I broke no rules" A little lie won't hurt need my job for this family to tell the truth "Oh daddy leave him alone please" shes got tears running down her face "I can take care of me and my baby just fine!" then she rolls over and pretends to sleep. "Can I have a moment with summer please" her father stated to object but her mother leads him out of the room. "Summer? look at me baby!" she does. "I'm going to marry you because I want to and not because your parents want me to" she sadly smiles "but that's just it Dane you don't want to! you don't want me or the baby!" I shake my head sadly "I almost lost you and this baby two, and I want you more then my next breath" shes crying and then she hugs me and kiss me with happiness.

The next Friday we were married and I moved in with Dane. First day back to school. walking down the hall everyone stares at me with envy, and hate and gossiping. "Oh look the slut that took advantage of my cousin" I couldn't help to look for an escape and then Dane was there "Ashely you know that's not true, me and Summer been together way before school started, And we just married this Friday past and were yes expecting our first child. And me and summer are of age so we did nothing wrong. Besides you won't want grandma know you don't like her new favorite grandchild do you ash?" There was stunned silence then laughter. And Dane walked me to my class.
the end of school finally. "Hey sweetie you ready?" I turn to see my dad. "What are you doing here?" he smiles "Dane called and ask me to pick you up".
"WHY?" he laughs "He's got a track meet".
At home and the phone rings and I don't get to it in time so answer machine picked it up "Hey Dane baby! I'm in town and thought I swing by. I got my key so I'll Just let myself in" (the phone hung up) omg I can't be here with his mistress or sleep in a bed he's shared with another woman. so I wait in the living room.
1 hour past and I hear the front door open and then she walks in and spots me and stops. "who are you?" I gave her a look "I live here" I say with a what the hell look "Who are you?" she says "I am Danes girl friend sorta" I look at my feet "Well I'm Danes wife and soon to be mother of his child" she laughs "Yeah right! lady" That pissed me off so I stand so fast I waver on my feet and about fell but strong arms were there to catch me. "Set down baby" There was a gasp. "hi Ronnie" she looks at me and the way Dane was touching me. "Is it true?" He nods "Yes!".
"Do you love her!" he just shrugs I felt crushed. "Well then there no reason we can't still remain bed buddies" I Just stood up and said "you guys do what you want, I'm leaving".
"Summer, where would you go?" Omg really he don't care about me at all. "Don't worry about me Dane. I'll have daddy get this straighted out". He just stares at me with no feelings.

I open the door "Sign here and here!" I do "thanks" the delivery guy says. I open the envolope and pull the papers out 'Analment papers' I'm so stunned now I understood what she mint. "fuck!" and then I slamed my fist in the wall "Why damit" "WHATS WRONG DANE"
"Summer served me with analment papers, Why Ronnie?"
"well maybe because I'm here and you didn't tell her about me and because you said you didn't love her!"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.09.2011

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