

Look at what I can do,
I can kill a man or two,
I can make his family,
cry for years in misery.

I evolve from anger yes,
maybe sadness & depression
happiness won't take me in,
I'm with you and we shall sin.

Can't control and now your deep,
into it you fell too steep
Honesty is far from you
you are now so dark, so cruel.

I am done, I now should leave,
have you groan in misery
Regret what you have once would not,
Some things just cannot be forgot.

I am by Myself

I am by myself today,
you left me all alone .
I cried myself to sleep today,
I just want to let you know .

Today I felt like dying,
but I knew you'd get upset .
So I just started crying,
my eyes were red and wet .

I waited for a week now,
and Mom your still not home .
I hope you're doing well now,
Mom, you left me all alone .

I'm hungry and I'm freezing,
the window I can't reach .
I see my bones so clear now,
there's hardly any meat .

Where are you Mom, I miss you,
I can't be by myself .
I think I'll cut my veins out,
but I know you would be upset.

Mom, I hate you now I do,
this pain I cannot go through
you left me here to suffer,
while you have fun, didn't you?

I opened up my drawer,
and found a steel, sharp knife .
I hope that you have noticed,
You took away my life .

You Left Me . . .

I smile when I'm with you,
and cry when you're away .
Have thoughts of smiles with you,
when your gone my brain goes dead .

Emotions running wild,
can't control what you have did .
I'm asking for a favor,
don't break my heart in bits .

My phone has been on vibrate,
and never rang once,
maybe you were busy
I won't bother you tonight.

Some days have passed, your missing,
I called but no response.
You probably lost service
No problem, tomorrow will be fine .

Some months and still no answer,
what have happened here?
You promised not to leave me,
yet here I am with tears.

You used to buy me roses,
and now they all dried out.
My heart just couldn't hold this,
I blew my brains right out.

It's Raining Tears. . .

I cannot see the clear blue sky for sh*t, so I go in the house and lay down, but when I wakeup the next day it's still raining so I lay back down, when I wakeup the day after that its storming so I lay back down, the next day tornado watch flashed across my screen, while everyone was taking cover, I slit my wrists and went outside to play .


Save me, from myself .
Not from a stranger but from my own hands
They can do danger, don't you understand?
Don't leave me, I'm scared of my thoughts,
they tell me so much I don't know.
They tell me bad things about life,
about how I need to let it go tonight.

Save me please, I am dying!
I cannot hear this anymore.
There are thoughts in my head
and I don't understand why they chose me for this horror.
My life is so precious and to them its worthless
I want to live but I can't

How come they're telling me different?
Why am I so closed in?
Why when I'm reaching,
the world feels like its closing in.
I have nobody to turn to,
I turn to the voice in my head,
Make the blood trickle faster, that was all that it said.

I opened this brand new razor,
I don't even know where it's from
I slid it across my skin,
and cried out in silence, it begun
I looked at what I have done,
but realized it was too late,
it wasn't from my eyes I was seeing,
but from my Holy Spirit instead


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.12.2009

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