
Prologue (5 years ago...)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?" Aqua cried.
"I mean I don't think we should hang out anymore Aqua," replied Shay as he rubbed the back of his neck trying to soothe the ache forming there. "People are assuming we are together and I don't want that. I mean I'm older than you and all."
"You stupid jerk! You're telling me you're breaking up our friendship just because of some inferences people are making. Plus I'm only 12 and in 7th grade, while your 13 and in 8th grade."
"Listen Aqua, it's better this way..."
"Just forget about it!" Aqua screamed as she stopped him in mid sentence.
"No!" croaked Aqua on the verge of tears. I won't let him see me cry, I won't waste my tears on him, I won't risk anymore of my time with him.

I started to turn and run away. As the sight of him disappeared from my view, I let it all out. I ran and ran until I saw my big two story house come into view. I walked toward the big iron gate guarding my house and inserted the numbers in so the gate would open. The gate beeped once and the gate slowly swung open revealing my parents' black 2010 Hummer truck. I slumped and walked toward the huge wooden front door. Before I could even grab my house key, the door swung wide open revealing my parents with concern in their eyes. Only one thing was certain. Bad News.

Chapter 1: I'm Coming Home

I woke up with sweat pouring down my face. It's okay I told myself it was all just a bad dream except it actually happened.

I can't believe I would be moving back to the terrible forsaking place after 5 years. I still remember coming home with tears falling down my face from what happened earlier before the day and finding out that my parents were being transferred from Oceanside, CA to Phoenix, Arizona for their job. I gladly agreed to moving to get rid of the huge ache located where my heart is and a week later I found myself at the new Arizona house. Nowadays, I completely tried to forget about my past as much as possible, but of course the past has to catch up to you because my parents are moving me back to Oceanside, alone. They are spending too much time away on trips so they are sending me back to where they think I belong most right now and in the spring of my junior year too!
I quickly lifted myself off my baby blue queen bed, slipped into my slippers and then headed off to my bathroom. I quickly stripped off my pajamas, threw it into the hamper and walked into the glass shower chamber. I lifted the knob and warm water poured onto my tan hazel skin. I grabbed the the shampoo and quickly started to rub it into my long brownish, black hair letting it stay for 2 minutes before letting it wash off from the water. Next, I squirted the jasmine smell conditioner into my hair and rubbed it in for 5 minutes before washing it off. I stayed in the shower for another 2 minutes before walking out and grabbing my light blue and white towels. I wrapped the light blue towel over my body and the white one for my hair. I went over to the sink and squeezed the minty toothpaste onto my toothbrush. I inserted the toothbrush into my mouth and brushed for another 5 minutes. After, I opened the bathroom and walked over to my closet. I quickly opened the closet door and shuffled through my clothes that were being left behind with my parents. I put on my white panties and a matching bra and scrambled to find my green v-neck shirt. Once I found it, I put it on along with my dark blue varsity jacket with the letter A, my white ripped skinny jeans and tied it all together by slipping into my 2 inch white high heels.
When I finished, I went over to my brown vanity table and smeared my eyes with a light blue eye shadow, brushed my hair till it was straight, applied light pink lip gloss and added a quick touch of lavender blush to my cheeks. Done. I nodded at my look in the mirror before leaving my bedroom that might be mine for the last time. I shut the door of my bedroom and walked down the long hallway. I stepped downstairs and looked for my parents. When I reached them, they were leaning on the island counter with their eyes mesmerized on their iPhone 5's.
"Hi," I greeted my parents as I entered the modern sleek kitchen.
"Hi Aqua," replied my mother as she put down her iPhone 5 to look at me.
I smiled back and opened the fridge to get a glass of orange juice.
My dad interrupted by saying, "Hurry up Aqua! The stuff we bought you for your trip is in your car and the jet is about ready to take off."
With that being said, I quickly swallowed down the juice and rushed out of the kitchen. I kissed my parents on the cheek as a form of goodbye and raced down the steps to my powder blue car. My baby was all ready for me to leave. Just a few months ago I looked at my car with teary eyes and now I'm doing it all over again.
I can't believe my car is already being taken away from me. I mean I'm 17 now and I'm still that goody two shoes Asian my parents raise me to be, but I get frustrated by the fact they don't trust me driving the streets of Oceanside, California.

I heaved a sigh at the thought while sliding into my car seat and inserting the car keys. My powder blue infiniti G convertible purred to life as I sped down the neighborhood street to my family's private jet.
When I got there, I saw my butler waiting in front of the white jet ready to do anything that I please. I stepped out of my convertible and grabbed my luggage that I would need for the time being. My butler, Jonathon, rushed over to my side and heaved the luggage into the plane. I entered the jet and as usual it was the best money could buy. I went over to a seat and plopped myself down waiting for takeoff. After a few minutes of waiting, everything was ready and prepared. I text my friends and told them that I was finally leaving and they all text back 'goodbyes', 'I'll miss you' and all those farewell types of things where they promise to visit me soon. Then the pilot told me that we were about to take off, so I turned off my phone and buckled my seat belt. I laid back on the seat an pull out a magazine from the rack and started to doze off. An hour later, I woke up to the pilot informing me that we were about to descend. I put the magazine that was on my lap back into the rack and waited for the plane to land. I looked out the window and saw buildings stretching for miles and miles and the crystal clear ocean. The plane descended slowly onto runway and a few minutes later I was able to leave. I walked sleepily out of the plane and my eyes popped wide open.
My car! My baby! I rubbed my eyes to see if it really was my convertible and it was. My powder blue convertible was right before my eyes with a note attached from my parent's. The note read 'We know it's hard for you to go, so we thought something from home would make you happier. Signed, your parents'. I swiftly sat in my car and started it up. I followed my car's GPS system and I couldn't believe my eyes. I was living here! The house was amazingly huge with an iron gate protecting it. I opened the gate with the numbers my parents gave me to enter and it seemed like a fairy tale. The house was 3 stories high with a huge fountain smacked in the middle, and clear freshly cut grass stretching as far as my eyes could see. I parked my car into the front of the house and walked up the steps towards the front door. Two middle aged couple walked out of the house and introduced themselves. The man, Jesse was around 40 years old and he said he was the caretaker of the house and the butler. The lady introduced herself as Jessica and she was the cook and maid. They helped me bring my luggage in and gave me direction to my room. I walked up to the second story and I opened my new room door and was blown away. Right in the middle of the room was a seashell white colored poster bed, the walls were painted caribbean blue with white swirls. I looked around my room again and saw that the dresser had a pop out flat screen TV and my closet was about the size of my parents master bedroom.
I'm home I thought to myself as I plopped onto my bed falling into a deep sleep.

The next day I woke up to the sound of Jessica announcing that breakfast was ready. I scrambled out of my bed and stumbled into my bathroom. Wow! It was as big as the closet with 1 huge bathtub/jacuzzi in the middle, 1 shower chamber on the left and the right, a wall mirror the size of my bed, two toilets on both side and 2 sinks for each side also. I hastily got ready and walked downstairs towards the delicious smell wafting through the air. I found Jessica setting the mounds of food onto the dining table and directing me to sit down. She grabbed a plate and scooped up some bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, pancake, toasts and hash brown and gently gave it to me. I smiled and thanked her and sat down at the table to eat. As I was eating, I admired the looks of the house so far. There was a basement that was converted into a cinema, 2 pools, a huge basketball court, a tennis court, a 6 car garage, 2 guest bathroom on each floor along with 4 bedrooms on each floor with their own bathrooms. I finished the meal and Jesse came to take it away. As I was about to head back to my room, Jesse came back and gave me a credit card.
"What's this for?" I questioned Jesse.
"Aqua, why this is yours to spend on whatever. Your parents instructed me that you shall use it to buy more clothing, school supplies and on whatever your heart desires."
"Oh. Thank you Jesse, I'll head off to the mall right now then. Also, may you unpack my luggage for me?"
Jessie smiled at my request. "Why of course Aqua. I'll do it now."
As I was about to say thank you, Jesse scurried upstairs to my room to unpack my things for me. I heaved a sigh. Might as well get what I need before school starts next week.

I strolled out of the house towards my convertible and typed the address to the nearest mall. As I drove there, my mind kept on wandering if I would see Shay again, but then again this is a pretty big place so maybe I won't.

Chapter 2: Past Catches Up With Me

I pulled into the mall's parking lot and found an empty space. I parked the convertible into the tight space and climbed out holding my magnolia purse. I wander around the outside of the mall until I found the entrance. I entered the mall and saw mobs of people rushing towards store and some teenagers just hanging around. I hastily found Forever 21 and started to wander around the store. I grabbed everything that seemed cute and rushed towards the changing rooms. In the end, I decided on 2 black and white shift dresses with a golden belt attached, 5 assorted color chiffon tops and 3 high waist shorts. I paid for the clothing and slowly stepped out of the store. As soon as I stepped out, my eyes popped out.
Why? Oh why now?

Chapter 3: Is It Really Her?

I looked up and my eyes seemed to deceive me. It can't be her, she moved away and forgot all about you I tried telling myself.

My heart told me otherwise however and WOW she has changed. She was wearing a clean white ripped skinny jean with white heels and a green v-neck shirt covered by a blue varsity jacket. Her brownish, black hair was longer that it was to her back, her brown eyes were filled with emotion, her skin was a lot tanner than I remember and her face looked perfect even without makeup. She was about 5'7 and she never looked better than she did now. She looked right at me and froze. Please tell me she doesn't remember that fight we had.

I guess she did because she gracefully hurried away from me and my group of friends. A huge smack awoke me from her trance as I looked at my friend Justin.
"Ow! What the heck was that for?" I hollered.
Justin started laughing. "Who was that chick you were ogling your eyes at?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I stammered.
"Shay. I never seen you like this, you look like a lovesick fool," exclaimed Justin.
"Okay. So remember that girl I used to hang out with when we were little."
"Dude, you hanged out with a lot of girls."
"No, not like that. Remember that girl who I always hanged out with and I mean always."
"Wasn't her name? Uhm. What was it again?" questioned Justin. "Aqua!" Justin snapped. "I knew I'll remember."
"Sure," I replied sarcastically.
"Wait! Didn't she move?"
"That's what I thought, but that has to be her. That girl I was 'ogling my eyes' at looked just like her, just older."
"Dude, I remember now. When it was her last week at the middle school, she looked so depressed."
"I remember that too. I always thought it was my fault and wanted to apologize to her but before I could, she moved away."
"Wait, what do you mean your fault? What did you do?"
"So remember in eighth grade how I wanted to do anything to be cool."
"Yeah. Of course I remember, but I always thought it was stupid."
"Wow. Thanks for the encouragement."
"No problem dude," smiled Justin.
"Okay, so the popular crowd told me I could hang out with them if I ditched Aqua just because she was in 7th grade."
"And I'm guessing you did it, huh?"
"Yeah. When I told her I didn't want to hang out with her, she got all mad about it and ran off."
"Dude, your low," croaked Justin.
"Thanks," I groaned.
"Come on Shay," Justin ordered. "You need to think about this. Alone."
Justin dragged me out of the mall towards my silver aston martin one-77 and took my car keys. He started up the car and all I could think of was her as I looked out the passenger window. Her...

Chapter 4: There He Is

Oh shoot! There he was and here I am just standing there looking at him. I have to admit he looks a lot better than he did when he was 13 years old. Who am I kidding? He looks totally hotter nowadays. Instead of his long dark brown hair blocking his eyes, he cut it a little shorter showing his deep brown mesmerizing eyes. He was wearing a striped blue shirt attached with gray long sleeves, black knee length basketball shorts and dark blue Nike shoes. He wasn't that short scrawny kid anymore, instead he looked about 6'4 and really built but not much where it looked abnormal. I think he saw me because I swiftly turned my head and dashed off into the opposite direction he was heading to. I didn't look back because I was afraid he would recognize me again. I ran until I reach the entrance I came in from and ran towards my car as fast as my little legs could take me. Once I reached my powder blue convertible, I opened the door and slumped into the seat. I threw my head back and sighed.

Chapter 5: What Is She To Me?

Justin stopped the car and I knew that we arrived at my house. We got out of the car and slammed the doors shut. We walked on the gravel path towards the front door of my 2 story house. I took the house key out of my jean pocket and inserted it into the lock. I twisted the key around and the lock snapped open. We walked inside and saw my mom cooking up a storm in the kitchen while my little brother was in the game room playing on the Xbox 360.
"Hi little bro!" I screamed at Ty.
"I'm not little," roared Ty. "I'm 16 and I deserve to be treated like one."
"Sure," I replied rolling my eyes. "Come on Justin."
We both walked upstairs into my room and plopped ourselves on the two black bean bags in the corner of my room.
"So..." asked Justin. "Tell me more."
When he said that, I explained everything to him like when I first met her and she was just in preschool while I was in kindergarten. How our friendship grew and we became best friends and how I just threw it all away in a second.
"Wow," whispered Justin.
"I know. I'm a total jerk for doing that to her."
"No duh you are!"
"Thanks," I answered back as tears rose to my eyes. I haven't told anybody about it all these years and now I see her or a look alike of her and I'm about to cry. Suck it up man!

"Dude, all I'm saying is that you practically knew her all your life and you treated her really badly. I think you should apologize to her."
"I tried man! She moved before I could though."
"Well she didn't really give you a chance then. Nobody knew she was leaving until a few days after she actually left. So how would you know?"
"Man! I'm just so frustrated right now. She brings out the soft side in me and I hate it so much."
"This girl must be something special than to make you this crazy."
Once Justin said that, he got up and left my house. I heard the front door creak open and shut and saw Justin striding towards his house which was across the street from mine. I stroked my hair with my right hand and let out a heavy sigh. Why does she make me feel like this.

I leaned back and thought about it.

Chapter 6: Back To School

I'm wide awake. Yeah, I was in the dark. I was falling hard. With an open heart

"Ugh!" I groaned grabbing my alarm clock and slamming on the snooze button. '6:00 A.M'
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Monday! First day of school as a junior.

I started for my closet and walked right in. From a week of being here, my closet was already filled with many articles of clothing and jewelry from my daily shopping trips and my parents sending me gifts. I started to wander into the closet until I found my black waist high short and a black striped white shirt. I slowly dragged my legs towards my dresser and grabbed a matching pair of bra and panties. Then I headed to my bathroom to take a quick shower. I stripped of my clothes, tossed it into my hamper and jumped into the shower chamber. I squirted shampoo into my hair and washed it out. Then I added my jasmine scented conditioner to my hair and started to rub it in before I washed it off 3 minutes later. I grabbed a white towel that was close by and dried my hair first and then my body. I started to put on my clothes and then I opened my makeup bag and turned on my curling iron and added a clear layer of lip gloss onto my lips. I opened the compact of light pink blush and applied it onto my skin with a quick swipe of mascara. Once the curling iron became hot enough, I curled my long brownish, black hair till every strand was curly. Then I stepped out of the bathroom and roamed through the shelves of shoes and heels I own. I decided on a pair of black and white converse and then I swung my black backpack filled with my school supplies over one of my shoulders.
I hurried downstairs and strutted into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out the carton of apple juice. I found a glass cup and opened the tab and poured the yellowy liquid inside the cup. I looked at the clock located on top of the doorway to the kitchen; 7:00 AM. Shoot! 15 minutes till' school starts. I gulped the cold juice down and scurried down towards the front door. I quickly ran out of the house and threw my backpack in the passenger seat of my convertible. I seated myself at the driver's seat and started the car up. I followed the GPS system that had the private rich school address and followed it. The school pulled into view and it was remarkably beautiful. The whole school was made of glass instead of bricks and there was a huge sign that read 'Sea Breeze High School.' There was a huge football stadium that could be changed into a soccer field and an amazing track course with trees surrounding the whole school. I pulled my car over to the student parking lot and pulled out my car keys. I snatched my black backpack off the passenger's seat and threw it over my right shoulder. I exited my car and locked the door. I looked around the front of the school and girls were glaring at me with their beady eyes and the guys were gaping at me from head to toe. I paced towards the entrance of the school and a tall maybe 6'3 good looking Asian wearing a grey cardigan over a white shirt and grey skinny jeans opened the door for me.
I stared at him. "Thank you."
"No problem," he replied as he smiled his perfectly white teeth at me. He had on a black pair of nerd looking glasses while his dark brown hair flopped to his left side showing off his perfectly shaped hazel brown eyes. "My name is Andrew."
I walked through the door with him right beside me and replied, "Aqua."
"Cool. Are you new here?"
"Yeah. Can you please show me where the office is?"
Andrew drags me by my wrist and leads me to the office. I scurried inside the office and waited in front of the desk seated by a kind 30 year old lady with bright blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. She looked up from the computer on her desk and asked, "Do you need any help, sweetie?"
"Uhm. I don't know where to go, so can you please help me?"
"Of course. Name?"
"Okay then." She scooted her chair back and looked through the drawers and came back to me holding an black iPad. She handed me the iPad, a paper with my schedule on it and a slip of paper with my locker number and it's combination. She then told me the iPad will be used for work in my classes. She called over Andrew who was standing at the doorway to take me to my classes and where to find my locker. He took my schedule and looked over it.
"Homeroom: Room 105, Honors History: Room 203, Advanced Physics: Room 210, Lunch, Physical Education, Honors Calculus: Room 115, English: Room 230. Cool, I have Homeroom, English and Lunch with you." Andrew told me.
We both sauntered to my locker and I opened it up throwing my backpack in and taking my iPad with me. We walked into our homeroom and the teacher looked straight me. She was wearing a grey dark business suit with her ginger hair tied in a tight bun. Before I could introduce myself, Andrew interrupted by saying.
"Hi Ms. Shontelle. Sorry I'm late, I was just showing the new student around."
"Very well then. Get to your seat and you." She pointed her fingers at me and said, "Go find an empty seat."
I looked around the classroom and saw a seat right near a tan wavy black hair Asian girl with orange dyed tips wearing a bright orange t-shirt with brown shorts. I walked towards her and sat down at the desk on her right. She smiled at me and introduced herself.
"Hi my name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jen. What's your name?"
"Hi Jen. My name is Aqua."
Then the teacher cleared her throat and said, "Class please take out your iPad and look at the homeroom projects we will be working on."
"Hey!" whispered Jen. "Want to work on it with me?"
"Uhm, sure. Thanks."
We talked about the project together and I found out that she had her next class with me. The bell rang signaling that homeroom was over. I left the class with Jen and we headed to history. We entered room 203 and sat down at the front and went over what we will be learning this semester. After history, Jen left to her next class and I went on a hunt to find my advanced physical class. Once I found it, I stumbled into the class and plopped myself in the back. I pulled out my iPad and saw that a girl with black Skrillex type hair cut and red dyed tips looking at me.
"Uhm. Do you need anything?" I asked her.
"Oh nothing," she replied at me. "My name is Kat by the way."
"Oh. My name is Aqua."
Just as Kat was about to reply, the teacher came in and started to teach us all about matter and its motion. During the class, Kat and I became friends and we talked about our favorite music, stores, etc. When the bell rang for lunch, Kat pulled me out of the doorway as quickly as possible, we headed to our locker and threw our iPads in and Kat dragged me to the cafeteria. We shuffled through the crowds of students and finally we reached our destination. We entered the cafeteria and waited in the line. We both grabbed a red plastic tray and piled it up with food. I grabbed a light caesar salad with grilled chicken and a bottle of pink lemonade. Kat piled her tray with a big plate of macaroni and cheese with diced ham and also grabbed a bottle of sparkling water. We both paid for our lunch and saw Andrew waving at us. We both walked over to his table and saw Jen sitting there chowing down on a double decker cheeseburger with fries and a can of coke.
"Dang Jen!" screamed Kat.
"What?!?" mumbled Jen.
"Nothing," snickered Kat.
I placed my tray down and sat to the left of Andrew while Kat went to the other side of the table and sat across from me near Jen. We started to talk about random things when suddenly a short, petite dyed blonde hair Asian girl wearing a hot pink v-neck, white shorts and 2 inch white high heel walked up to the table with a tall black hair Asian girl.

Chapter 7: Cafeteria Mayhem

"Hi Andrew!" cried the blonde chick.
"Heather..." Andrew replied while rolling his eyes.
She huffed out a heavy sigh and left our table. As she was sashaying away from the table, she snapped her fingers and yelled out "Amber!" The girl wearing the purple blouse, black skinny jeans and white toms scrambled behind her and they both walked out of the cafeteria.
"Who does she think she is?" I asked the table.
Andrew spoke up and said, "Don't bother with Heather, she's just a rich snobby girl who thinks she rules this school."
"Oh. What about the other girl?"
"Her. She's just a poor unfortunate soul who follows every order Heather asks because they're cousins."
We started to talk about other things again and more of Andrew's basketball team members came and sat down at the table and introduced themselves. I started laughing at some of the stories they were telling me.

"Hey Shay!"
I entered the cafeteria with my tray of food and heard my name, so I looked around seeing Justin hollering out my name and waving me over. I walked over to the table and dropped my tray onto the spot right beside Justin and scooted my chair out and sat down. I looked around the table and saw the usual guys and girls. Football players and some cheerleaders.

I was talking to the guys about our upcoming game on Friday when suddenly I heard a familiar laugh behind me. I twisted my head around and saw a few tables away, her. Aqua!

My body filled with rage as I saw her flirting with the whole basketball team. What the heck does she think she's doing?

I started to see red and my knuckles were turning white from holding the table too hard.
"Dude. Are you okay?" whispered Justin.
"Fine," I replied through clenched teeth.
"You don't look like it."
"I'm fine."
Justin turns to the direction I was looking at and replied, "Is that her?"
"Yes. I believe so." I answered clenching my fist harder than before.
"She's with Andrew and his group."
"No duh."
Before I could think of anything, I found myself taking a clump of my spaghetti and aiming it at Andrew's head. It misses him by a few inches and lands on Aqua's head instead. The whole cafeteria went quiet. She stands up and takes the clump off her head and throws it onto the ground. Andrew and his teammates gets up and looks right at me. They know I did it.

Andrew reaches for the bowl on his tray but before he could do anything else, some girl with a black skrillex haircut shouted something out.
"Are you freakin' kidding me?!? Do you want to DIE!?!" The skrillex girl screamed with her eyes wide open at no one in particular.
Andrew drops the bowl in his hand back on his tray and motion his teammates to get up like the basketball captain he was. He's coming.

Justin yelled at the football players to get up and they followed his order. The team and I walked right up to Andrew and his team and we stared at each other face to face. Football captain vs basketball captain.

The students in the cafeteria start to chant "Fight, fight, fight, fight!"
I threw the first punch and before it could hit Andrew's chin, Aqua ran up and got in the way. My fist connects with her cheek and she falls to the ground holding her cheek with both of her hands. I pulled my hand back quickly. The whole cafeteria gasps. Oh, what the heck did I just do?

Aqua rolls over and shows her bloody cheek. Two girls rushed to her side and helped her up. They took her arms, wrapped it around their shoulders and carried her out of the cafeteria. Before they left, the two girls turned around and looked at me with anger in their eyes. Oh dang, they have that devil look glistening in their eyes.

Chapter 8: Football vs. Basketball

Once the door of the cafeteria slammed shut from Aqua and her friends leaving, Andrew throws a punch at me but I managed to dodge it. I then grab him by his shirt and slam him to a table and I hear a sickening snap. Good. First blood.

After seeing me and Andrew throw the first punches, our friends decided to join the fight and after a few curse words and punches, all hell broke loose. The crowds of students started to jump out of their seats and rooted for the team they believed would win. After many punches and kicks later, the school's security finally came in and pulled us apart. I looked around at my guys as one guard pulled me away from Andrew and saw that some of my guys came out with a few bloody noses and a couple of bruises, but they looked fine. On the other hand, some of Andrew's guys were badly injured with some of his teammates lying on the ground clutching their hands and face. I was dragged out of the cafeteria and heard murmurs of the students talking about the fight. I was taken to the office and I seated myself at one of the sofas in the corner. Before I knew it, I was found in the principal's office with a very furious mother.

Chapter 9: What's Wrong With You?

Oh shoot! My mother's here and boy does she look angry.

Her blonde hair was short and messy from all the stressing out she's been doing and her crystal blue eyes were swollen and red.
"What is wrong with you Shay?!?" She half screamed half questioned.
"I don't know," I replied.
"Shay, you could get suspended from this behavior! You're suppose to be a role model to your little brother Ty and look what you gotten yourself into!"
"I know, but..."
"No buts. When you get home I want you to talk to your father."
"He's in Asia though, visiting his side of the family."
"I know, but this is far to important for him to hear once he comes back."
"Fine, I'll call him when I get home."
Just then the principal cleared his throat and looked straight at me. He rubbed his bald head and spoke in a clear thundering tone.
"Young man, do you know how much trouble you have caused today?"
"Yes sir."
"Okay. Now let's get this thing straightened up. Andrew's parents called the school already and they are not pressing charges on you or the school. However, Shay you will be spending your time in detention for the next week or so and if you show a better attitude you can play in the football game this Friday. But if you show anymore attitude like today, you will be suspended for a week. Do I make myself clear?"
"Of course sir."
"Good. Get to class then."
I walked out of the office and headed for my next class: physical education. I opened the gym door and found myself surrounded by my teammates from the football team.
"Did you get suspended? Is coach going to bench you? How will we play without our captain? What was the fight all about?" they all questioned me.
"Shush. I'm not suspended or anything like that. I just have to serve a week or so of detention and then I'm good. I can still play Friday's game but I have to keep my attitude down or I'll get suspended."
The guys nodded seemingly understanding what I just said. Then a 5'8 guy stepped closer to me. He had caramel colored eyes with a light brown 'Justin Beiber' type hair cut making his bangs flop to the left. His name was Austin, he was our school's best running back and he was one of my best friends including Justin.
"Man. What was that fight about? I mean it wasn't rough or anything for me, but we usually never pick fights with the basketball players."
I heaved out a big sigh and signal the guys to leave us alone for a minute.
"Okay, so this is what happened. I 'accidentally' threw my spaghetti at a girl sitting at Andrew's table and he got all angry and started to call up his group and that's when the fight happened."
"Wait. Why did you put curve your fingers up when you said accidentally?"
"I was actually aiming for Andrew's head, but I missed."
Austin started laughing. "So you mean I got a bruise on my 6 pack all because you threw spaghetti at this girl."
"Well it was that and also because I punched her and she started bleeding."
"Dude! That's what happened. I thought the cafeteria went quiet from Andrew's bone snapping or something."
"Where is our star basketball player anyways?" I laughed.
"You didn't hear? He was taken to the hospital. You must have injured him pretty badly because the last I heard, he broke his arm."
Before I could reply, coach whistled for the guys to huddle up. While coach was instructing the guys what to do, I jogged to the boys' locker room and open up my locker. I quickly changed into the school's gym uniform and ran out and joined the rest of the guys. We were playing soccer outside on the field when I saw Aqua sitting on the bleachers alone with an ice pack attached to her face. Why did I do that to her?

She looked up from the ground and saw me. A scowl started to form on her face but all I could do was look at her. She leaped up from the bleachers holding the ice pack to her face and left with the other girls as they started to head back into the girls' locker room.
Then coach blew the whistle and all the guys rushed quickly into the boys' locker room. I quickly changed back into my regular clothes and sprayed some fancy cologne my dad sent me from China and rushed outside the locker room. I saw Aqua sitting on the gym bleacher playing with a lock of her hair alone, so I went up to her.
"Hi, remember me?"
She scoffs at me and replies. "Of course, you're that jerk who threw spaghetti at me and left me with a bloody cheek and a huge bruise."
"Look, Aqua I'm sorry..."
"I don't care. Don't go near me, don't touch me and don't talk to me! Just stay the heck away from me, okay!?!"
She got up and left me with my mouth wide open. No one has talked to me like that in a long time. I always got my way and people just followed my orders with barely any questions asked. So what the heck just happened?

Chapter 10: Sympathy In The Air

"Who the heck punched me?" I wondered as my eyes started to flutter close.

As on cue, Kat and Jen started mumbling about plans of attacks and revenge on some football players and their captain Shay.
Shay! In all of Oceanside, why did he go here?

I started to get dizzy and the next thing I knew I blacked out. I woke up to the sounds of groaning and lifted my head up to see the commotion. I looked around the room and saw half of the basketball ball team laying on the beds or sitting on the chairs and they were all lying there and mumbling out cuss words. A white elderly lady came in wearing the school's nurse uniform and hurried to my side of the bed I was laying on. She looked at me and asked me something.
"Oh dear, do you feel any better?"
I stammered back, "Uhm, yeah. What happened while I was out?"
"Why you were first punched is what I heard and then two girls came rushing into my office holding you and said you passed out."
"Yep. Then all of a sudden a fight broke out in the cafeteria and many people were rushed in here."
Before I could reply, my cheek began to hurt. I touched it with my right finger to check and pressed lightly.
"OW!" I shouted out loudly.
The nurse rushed outside of the room and came back holding a cold ice pack wrapped in a paper towel. She handed it to me and told me that I should hold it to my cheek until the swelling went down. I got off the bed and walked outside the room with her. She asked me what class I had next and I replied gym. She quickly wrote me a pass excusing me from the activity and I gladly took it. I slowly walked to the gym and gave the pass to the girls' coach. The coach smiled at me and instructed me to sit at the bleachers near the soccer field because they were running today. I walked over to the bleachers and sat down thinking about the fight that broke out in the cafeteria. The girls then rushed out of the locker rooms and ran around the track for 10 laps while the coach timed them. The boys came out soon and they started playing soccer. I looked over and saw Shay standing there, looking straight at me. As I was about to blush, I remembered what he did to me and scowled at him. The girls' coach blew her whistle and I walked away from the guys and headed back into the gym to the girls' locker room. I threw the ice pack away and sat down on the gym bleacher waiting for the bell to signal that it was time for the next class. Then came out the devil himself, he walked towards me and said something that I couldn't quite hear. My heart was beating so loudly that his voice felt like miles away.
I couldn't take it anymore so I shouted at him. "I don't care. Don't go near me, don't touch me and don't talk to me! Just stay the heck away from me, okay!?!"
I got up and stomped towards the gym's door and left. I hurried to my locker and dialed in the combination. I snatched my iPad and slammed the locker door shut. I sauntered and tried avoiding any eye contact whatsoever in the hallway and slipped into my next class, calculus. I seated myself in the middle of the class and more kids piled in as the bell was about to ring. Kat and Jen walked through the door laughing and looked straight at me. They rushed to my side and and sat down at the two seats on my sides.
"Aqua!!!" squealed Jen. "Are you okay? Want us to beat Shay into pulp. You know we can right?"
I started laughing at her comment and she smiled real big at me.
"I know what we should do to get back at them." grinned Kat. "We should throw toilet paper all around his house!"
"I don't think that's a good idea," I replied.
"And why not?" they answered back in unison.
"For one thing, I know his mother wouldn't be so happy about that and two..."
"Wait! Hold up a second. How do you know his mother?" questioned Jen.
"Don't leave us hanging!" cried Kat.
"Fine," I sighed. "I know his mother because I used to always go over to his house and hang out with him and his brother."
"Wait. You knew Mr. Hotshot Quarterback before you came here?" Jen probed.
"Yes. But that was a long time ago and I just want to forget about it..."
Just then our teacher came and lectured us about how we needed to learn the formulas for certain shapes that would be on our test next week. After class was over, Jen, Kat and I headed off into different directions. I wandered around the hallway and stopped at the class marked '230'. Time for English.

I stepped into the classroom and heard the whole class stop talking. Awkward.

The teacher looked at me and pointed at an empty desk in the back. She then went on talking about an essay we would be working on and that we should start planning it today. I turned on my iPad and started to get to work. Once the bell rang at 3:30 p.m, the whole class rushed out. I save my draft and strolled out of the classroom. I headed to my locker and saw Kat and Jen standing there waiting for me.
"Hi guys," I greeted.
"We need to talk." They both said in unison. Creepy!

I dialed in my combination and grabbed my backpack and threw it over one of my shoulder. I quickly open the zipper and stuffed my iPad inside as I walked through the hallway with Kat and Jen. We exited the school and I told them to follow my car. We separated and went to our own car. I threw my backpack in my convertible and drove over where I saw Kat. She was leaned back and in a metallic silver Volkswagen Tiguan 2013, I drove past her and she followed. Jen followed behind Kat in a sleek silver Aston Martin DBS and we all headed back to my house. We drove up to my house and I used my remote and the gate slowly widen open. I drove up my driveway and parked in front of the garage while Jen and Kate parked their cars right next to mine.

Chapter 11: Hold That Drama

We strolled into my house and I showed them a quick tour. After the tour, we settled into the indoor cinema I had in the basement and started discussing about what Kat and Jen were going to tell me at school.
"So about you and Shay..." asked Jen.
I interrupted her and quickly said, "Here's the story okay. He and I used to be best friends and suddenly that all changed when I was 12 and he was 13. The next thing I knew, a week later I left this place and never came back till a week ago and I'm guessing I'm here to stay."
Kat and Jen stared at me with open mouth.
"Close it before you swallow a fly," I snapped.
They instantly listened to my order.
"Wait. We could use this as an advantage to get back at them." Jen implied.
"What do you mean?" Kat and I replied.
"I mean you were his best friends so he would probably jealous if you hanged out with his rival, Andrew!"
"Oh yeah. That's perfect Jen!" Kat cried out.
"I don't know about this guys..."
"Listen Aqua. We will all head off to the basketball team's territory of the beach and words will spread and of course the football players would show up to prove how stronger they are and Shay always leads this. So if he gets jealous at the sight of his ex best friend with his arch rival Andrew, he will probably lose it and it would be perfect time to prank him and his team for what they did in the cafeteria." Kat said eagerly.
"Now how do we prank them?" Jen questioned.
"We can ambush them from afar! Like half the basketball teams could play with us on the beach and the other half is actually hiding somewhere ready to attack." Kat replied.
The whole night we started planning out tactics and calling up the basketball team and telling them about our plan. They gladly agreed and the plan was to be in action this Saturday at 7 o'clock sharp.

The week went by fast and before long it was already Friday night. The girls and I decided on staying at my house so we could all get ready for the plan the next day. Already dressed in our PJ's, we pigged out on a banana sundae we made together that had 3 bananas, 9 softball size scoops of vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream and strawberry with chocolate and caramel syrup dripping down the sides with loads of candies sprinkled on top in a huge glass bowl. We ate our sundae while watching a movie down in the cinema and after the movie was over we decided to go to sleep. We quickly ran upstairs to my room and brushed our teeth in my bathroom and grabbed our own iPhone and set the alarm for 6 a.m. We settled our phones near us and found our sleeping arrangement. Jessica was glad I was having friends over so she ordered two matching sea foam green poster beds and putted it in my room on the sides of my bed. We all pulled up our cover and laid down. Jen fell asleep first and Kat followed. I just stared at my wall thinking of the next day before my vision became hazy and sleep overpowered me.

Chapter 12: Game Time

"Please don't stop the music... I told you on the day we wed... It's always a good time..." blared out of all three of our phones.
Game Time!

We lifted ourselves off our beds and fluttered our eyes open. We all grabbed our phones and turned the alarm off and slammed it back onto the bed. We looked at each other and grinned mischievously.
"Plan starts now." We all said.
Kat and Jen jumped off their beds, grabbed their overnight bags and hurried out of my room to the other guest's bathroom. I hopped off my bed and looked out the massive window overlooking my backyard. The sun was barely rising as I strolled to my closet and opened up its door. I walked into my closet and came back with a frilly white tank top and a light green waist high short. I walked out of my closet to my drawers and pulled out a green bikini with white stripes crossing horizontally. I walked into my bathroom and and locked the door. I went up to one of my sinks and looked at myself in the mirror. I moved my hand around the counter without looking and caught a hold of my toothbrush and toothpaste. I squeezed some toothpaste on my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. I turn on the faucet of the sink and filled my cup with water. I tossed the water into my mouth and started to gargle. When I felt my mouth had enough, I spitted it all out. I brushed my hair straight and I quickly took off my pajamas, threw on my bikini and then my clothes. I snatched my pajamas off the floor and tossed it into the hamper. I skipped towards my makeup table and applied a small amount of pink eye shadow and swiped my eyes with my waterproof mascara. I finished off the look by applying a light layer of slipper pink lip gloss and smacked my lips together. Done!

I unlocked my bathroom door and saw Kat already dressed in a red one shoulder top with jean shorts and had applied dark black mascara and dark ruby red lip gloss. We grabbed our own beach bag filled with the necessities for the beach like suntan oil, sunscreen, sunglasses, towel, phone and money. We zoomed out of my room and saw Jen sauntering towards us wearing a bright orange striped flowy tank with black shorts and her beach bag. She had applied a quick swipe of clear lip gloss and added a very thin coat of orange eye shadow that blended well with her tan skin. We hopped downstairs and exited my house.
Jen and I followed Kat to her car and climbed in. Jen sat in the back and I sat in the front passenger seat. Kat started up her car and we zoomed to the beach with music blasting out of the car window.
"I hopped off the plane in LAX with a dream and my cardigan, welcome to the land of fame excess... Whoa am I going fit in, jumped in the cab here I am for the first time, look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign..." We all sang out.
We arrived at the basketball territory of the beach and it was packed with a bunch of people. We all got out of the car and held our beach bags. Kat walked to the trunk and lifted it up for the whole beach to see. She had a huge stereo system built in the back of her car and she started playing 'TGIF' by Katy Perry. OMG! How did I not see that?

The crowd on the beach started cheering and shouting. A 5'4 Asian girl with purple rimmed glasses and dark shadow black hair came bouncing out of nowhere with a 5'9 blonde haired, blue eyed southern gal. They held onto my wrists and pulled me into the sea of teenagers. What the heck?

Strong hands covered my eyes and whispered into my ear.
"The plan's ready."
I quickly spun around and smiled at Andrew. He smiles back and I hug him tightly.

Ugh! My whole week had been a huge disaster. Seeing Aqua ignore me broke my heart in half. Justin and Austin decided to bring me to the beach to cheer me up but nothing could cure the ache I feel. We drove to the beach in my car and I started seeing some of my teammates' cars parked in the beach's parking lot. Justin and Austin climbed out of the car first and grabbed some towels, a football, and some folding chairs. I got out of the car and walked with them towards our side of the beach. I looked at the basketball's side of the beach and stopped. Aqua was with Andrew, again.

Chapter 13: This Means War

What the heck? Why does she keep hanging out with Andrew?

I stomped over clenching my fist into a ball. Austin and Justin see me and rush over holding me back. Then all of a sudden their side of the beach were surrounded around the border by half of the basketball team creating a human wall. What's going on?


I let go of Andrew as Jen and Kat rushed to my side.
"They're all here!" Kat screamed excitedly.
"Let's do it!" I cried out.
Jen cued the secret signal with a flick of her hand like she was shooting a basket and everyone went into formation. The other people who didn't know what was going on just stopped doing what they were doing and looked at us. Some of the basketball members formed a huge human wall around their side of the beach as the football players came towards us. Right on time!

The other half of the basketball team came out of their hiding spot carrying water guns and coolers filled with water balloons. They came over to my side and handed Andrew, Jen, Kat and I the water guns and started tossing the other water guns to the other guys.
"Go!" Kat screamed.
We started shooting the unexpected football players and they tried to tackle us. We ran around the whole beach tossing water balloons at them and squirting them with the water guns. People around us started to join and helped us throw water balloons at the football players. Then all of a sudden, warm hands grabbed me from my waist and lifted me up. They dashed to the water and threw me in. Who the heck?

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the person who threw me in.
"Andrew!" I yelled.
Andrew looks at me from the beach and starts laughing. "You needed to cool off."
"Ugh! Look what you did!" I replied. I looked at myself and started laughing also. I walked up to the beach and took off my clothes so that I was just wearing my bikini. I grabbed the wide mouth Andrew's wrist and pulled him into the water. We started goofing off and soon everyone jumped into the water.
Jen and Kat popped up out of nowhere and whispered, "Look at that!"
They pointed at Shay looking straight at me. Creepy!

I turned my back towards him and started splashing water at Andrew.
"Hey!" cried Jen. "Chicken fight!"
Andrew grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up on his shoulder.
"Hold on tightly," he told me.
I just nodded my head as Jen and Kat appeared on the shoulders of two other basketball players. Jen's partner was Chad and Kat's partner was Daniel. Chad was fairly built, had really bright blue eyes, and blonde hair that glistens in the sun. Daniel was just as good looking with deep green eyes, brown hair that looked spiky and a smile that could kill. The girls and I started trying to push each other off our partners' shoulders and in the end Kat won. The girls and I grew tired so we walked slowly up to the beach and wrapped ourselves in our towels.
We headed to the ice cream shop on the beach and ordered ourselves a sundae to share that had 3 scoops of french vanilla ice cream sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles. When we paid for the sundae, Ms. Wannabe came up to us.
"Heather..." Jen mumbled while rolling her eyes.
Kat and I started snickering and Heather glared at us.
"What!" Heather snarled.
"Uhm," Jen replied trying to make up an excuse.
"I got this," interrupted Kat. "What on Earth are you here for, Ms. Wannabe?!"
"For your information, my name isn't 'Ms. Wannabe.' It's Heather and I'm here because all the popular are here, got that!"
"Your just lucky I didn't call you something worst! Now get out of our territory!" Kat screamed.
Heather came closer to us and leaned right into Kat's face.
"Now look, you aren't that tough enough to pick a fight with me so why don't you scurry back into that hole you came from!" Heather sneered.
"That's it!" Kat yelled.
Kat came so close to choking Heather until Jen came up and pulled her away. Jen dragged Kat out of the store and back to the beach where Andrew and the other guys were. I quickly followed them out of the store before a fight broke out with Kat and Heather.
"Dang Kat! We didn't know you had it in you." smiled Jen.
"Sorry, I kinda went overboard. Heather is just so..."
"The B word." I answered.
"Yeah! She exactly like that!" Kat exclaimed.
We all walked back to the beach where our things were and sat down on some of the chairs already there. Andrew ran up to us with a fairly built tall guy that had light brown hair and hazel eyes. Why does he look so familiar?

"Hey guys!" cried out Andrew.
"One, we aren't guys! Two, hi!" we three said in unison.
"Okay... Well this is Ty..."
I interrupted Andrew with a high pitch scream. "Oh my gosh, is that little Ty?!?"
Ty blushed at the sound of his nickname I gave him when we were kids and looked at me. He shook his head and blinked twice before smiling at me.
"Aqua!? Is that really you?" Ty questioned.
I smiled right back at him and rose from my seat. He was so tall now, maybe around 6' give or take a few and he was only two years younger than me.
"Yes, it's me. How have you been?"
"Me! What about you? You just left one day without saying goodbye." Ty said quickly.
"Oh, I moved unexpectedly and now I'm back so let's forget about it." I replied trying to avoid that topic.
"So when did you come back?" Ty questioned.
"Last week," I replied while twiddling my thumbs.
Jen and Kat exchanged weird glances at each other before staring at me and Ty.
"Okay then," Andrew said breaking the silent. "This is Ty and he's part of the basketball team now. Even though he's a freshman, the whole team thinks he good enough and so does coach so he's in."
"Wait! Ty does your brother know about this?" I questioned him.
"No, I was going to tell him, but I didn't know how." Ty replied nervously. "I mean he's the captain of the football team and when he finds out he's going to destroy me."
Andrew laughed at that and ran off as one of his teammates called his name. Jen and Kat looked at the football's side of the beach and then at Ty.
"You need to tell him now." They both said.
I grabbed Ty's wrist and dragged him towards the football's territory. We passes the so called 'border' and tried finding Shay. I immediately spotted Shay sporting a well defined 6 pack and white knee length trunks. I walked over there to him still holding Ty's wrist. When we finally got there, I pushed Ty's back towards Shay and Shay turned around from his group of friends and smiled at us. This isn't going to be good.


She finally came to her senses!

I turned around and saw her and my little brother Ty. Aqua looked nervously at me and lowered her head down so that she was staring at the sand beneath her feet. Something bad is about to happen.

I knew Aqua long enough to know that whenever she was nervous or afraid she looked down. Before I could ask her what's wrong, Ty spoke up.
"Hi big bro," Ty squeaked.
What's wrong with him? He never acts like this. Something major is going to happen.

"Okay then," I replied. "What's wrong now?"
"Um," Ty whispered.
"Speak up man."
My friends started staring at us and Ty finally spoke up.
"I'm on the basketball team!" Ty blurted out.
I clenched my fist and let them hang by my side.
"What do you mean?" I questioned him with anger rising in me.
"I'm part of the team now!"
"No you are not! You can't do that!"
Ty looked at me like I was crazy and spoke up. "You aren't my boss, I can do anything I want."
"I'm your older brother and what happened to playing football?" I screamed.
People started gathering around us and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.
"Let's talk about this somewhere else." I said through clenched teeth.
"Fine," Ty replied.
I stomped towards my car and Ty followed me gripping Aqua's hand.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to Ty.
He smiled showing his dimples and replied, "You're coming with me. Shay will treat me easier if you were there."
I looked at him puzzled and just followed him to a silver car. Shay opened the driver's door and got in. The car roared to life and Ty pulled me to the backseat of the car, open the door and pushed me in gently. I scooted in and put on the seat belt while Ty did the same. I just stayed quiet during the whole ride until the car stopped in front of a two story house. Shay turned off the engine and we unbuckled our seat belts and headed inside. We walked up to the porch of the house and stepped inside. A familiar looking lady with shoulder length curly blonde hair and crystal blue eyes came out and greeted us.
"Aqua! Is that really you?" Shay's and Ty's mom said excitedly.
"Um," I answered. "It's me alright."
Before I could ask how she was, she ran up to we and gave me a hug.
"Don't ever leave like that again!" She ordered holding back her tears.
"I'll never leave my second mother again." I smiled at her.
She looked at me and then at Shay and Ty.
"Well, you guys go on I won't keep you guys waiting." Their mother exclaimed.
Shay shrugged his shoulders and stomped upstairs. Ty grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs while their mother headed to the kitchen. I looked around the house as Ty pulled me upstairs to somewhere. The house looked the same with it's cream neutral walls and homey feel permeating throughout the house. We finally stopped at a door I recognize as Shay's and walked in. Shay was pacing around his room and looked straight at us.
"What the heck!?!" he yelled in frustration.
"I just like basketball better, okay? Plus I'm better at it than football." Ty screamed back.
"You can't do this. You know Andrew and I have a bad history!"
I then became interested and stepped forward holding up my hand in protest.
"Look Shay," I gently said. "I don't know what's with you and Andrew but I know that Ty really wants to play basketball and Andrew isn't going to punish Ty because you and him have 'history'."
Shay sighed and replied, "Ty get out of here. Now!"
Ty scurried out of Shay's room and shut the door. What the heck is happening? This better not be a trick!

Shay stepped closer to me that only a few inches separated us apart.
"Why'd you do that?" I questioned him.
"Because I need you to understand that Andrew is a bad guy..."
I raised my hand in protest again while stepping back a few inches and screamed, "Andrew is not the bad guy in this. You are! Andrew is the first person I could fully trust in a long time and he's more of a friend than you ever were, so don't you tell me anything about how bad he is because I'm probably sure you are worse!"
I turned around and tried to run out but I felt a strong grip on my wrist. I looked back and saw concern, sincerity and a hint of jealousy flashing in Shay's eyes.
"Aqua, look I'm sorry for what I did when we were back in middle school. I always regretted it and when I look back at it I realize how stupid I was for leaving my best friend behind." He finished his sentence with a sigh and finally let my wrist go.
I looked up at him to see any hints of mischief, but none whatsoever. His dark brown eyes were only displaying one emotion: regret. I wanted to forgive him, but I couldn't give him my trust again. Trust is like a mirror once it's broken, you can never look at it the same again and so that's what I did.
"Look Shay, I forgive you for what you did. However, I can't trust you right now. Okay?"
He nodded his head in agreement and stared at me.
"Also, I want you to allow Ty to be part of the basketball team. When Andrew told me Ty was the new member of the basketball, I saw Ty's eyes gleam with pride and I don't want you ruining it for him." I told Shay with determination in my voice.
He looked daze for a second and snapped out of it. Shay just nodded his head again and so I left him there and ran out of his room. Just as shut the door, Ty came up to me and lifted me up in the air.
"What's this for?" I laughed.
"Thanks for convincing Shay to accept that I was on the basketball team. That must have been hard considering he hates Andrew's guts." Ty responded.
"No big deal! I know you'll be great and can you please let me done?"
Ty lifted me down and my feet were finally back on the ground.
"Thanks!" I replied grinning at Ty. "Do you have Andrew's number?"
"Yea, why?"
"I just need to talk to him right now."
"Okay." He replied and then ran off to his room I'm guessing. He came back with a black iphone 5 and handed it to my with Andrew's number already on call.
"Ty, what is it man?" Andrew asked when he finally picked up his phone.
"It's Aqua," I stated. "Do you think you can ask Jen and Kat to bring my stuff home for me?"
"Aqua! Where have you been? Jen, Kat and I were trying to find you but it seemed you disappeared."
I laughed at the sight of them looking everywhere for me and said, "I'm at Ty's house..."
Before I could say another word, Andrew cried out, "I'll come and get you!"
The phone call ended and Ty looked at me strangely.
"What?" I shrieked.
"Nothing. Just that Andrew coming here and Shay's pretty much going to pound him to pieces."
"What do you mean?" I questioned him.
"You really don't know the story do you?" he asked me.
"No. Now tell me!" I ordered.
"Okay, back when Shay was a sophmore and Andrew was a freshman, they fought each other for popularity and power. Andrew and Shay tried to win whatever the other wanted and that included people's side, girls, places, and etc."
"Wait, how does this drag on to Shay pounding Andrew?"
"Well, Aqua you were Shay's best friend and now you're close to Andrew. Do you see the picture?"
"No," I replied.
"They'll fight for you."
"That's just stupid," I laughed.
"Well, it isn't going to be so funny once you see it happen," he responded.
Just then a car honk came from outside and I looked out a nearby window to see that it was Andrew. I hurried downstairs and waved bye to Ty and his mother. I shut the front door and bounded down the gravel path towards a pitch black 2012 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 with Andrew leaning on the passenger side. I smiled at him and he opened the passenger door for me. I scooted myself in and Andrew followed my going through the driver side. He started the car and drove me to my house.

When Aqua left my room, I felt a great burden being lifted from my shoulder. As I was thinking about the conversation I had with Aqua, a smile formed and I finally realize I was crushing on Aqua. No! This can't be happening. Aqua is my friend, nothing more.

Just as I was saying that in my head, an image of Aqua formed. She was everything I always wanted in a girl but never had before with my previous girlfriends. Just as I was daydreaming, a car honked from the outside. I looked out my bedroom window and saw Andrew stepping out and leaning on the side of his car.
Why is he here?

I heard the front door creak open and shut. Aqua came sprinting towards Andrew and got in his car. My heads started to hurt as Andrew's car drove out of my view to who knows where. I fell onto my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 14: Jealousy In The Air

"Shay!" screamed Ty.
I lifted my head up and looked at my digital alarm clock. 9:43 a.m

"Come down and eat breakfast!"
"Ugh! I'm coming!"
I leaped out of my bed and rushed downstairs to the smell of waffles, bacon and scrambled eggs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Ty sitting on a stool at the counter chowing down on a bunch of waffles.
He looked up at me and gulped a piece of it down before saying, "I'm heading off to the amusement park, I'll be back around 6."
I just smiled at him and replied back, "You going on a date?"
His face turned slightly red and shook his head no.
"I'm going with Jen, Kat, Aqua, some of the other guys from the team and Andrew..."
I interrupted him and screamed out. "Andrew!"
"Well, he's my captain and he's friends with Aqua, Jen and Kat, so I don't get what's the big deal."
Ty got up from his stool and placed the empty plate into the sink. He walked right past me and headed upstairs.

My iPhone 5 rang out 'Please don't stop the music...'
I woke up and grabbed my phone. I opened up the phone and saw I had a text from Kat and Jen.
'Hey Aqua! Wake up were heading over there right now. We'll be there in about 20 minutes.'
I shut my phone off and shuffled to my closet. I walked into it and pulled a white low rhinestones bow tank with a black trim short and a pair of matching pantie and bra. After that I headed off to the bathroom, took off my pajama and threw it in the hamper before taking a cold shower to wake me up. I let the water run down my skin as I scrubbed shampoo and conditioner in my hair. I finished my shower and grabbed a dry, white towel hanging nearby. I quickly dried myself and put on my clothes. I finished and walked over to the makeup counter and added a swipe of mascara and a clear coat of lip gloss to show off my already pink lips. I dashed out of my bathroom and grabbed some money and my phone and stuffed it into my cream clutch. I quickly rushed downstairs and saw Jessica and Jon opening the front door. They moved aside and I saw a 6'3 muscular guy wearing grey skinny jean, a black plaid shirt with black nerd looking glasses. Andrew?

"Hey?" I questioned Andrew.
"What you're not glad to see me?" He smiled as he raised his right eyebrow up.
"Of course I'm glad to see you! I just thought Jen and Kat were picking me up and we would meet you and the other guys there."
"Yea," Andrew hesistated while scratching the back of his head.
"Are you alright?"
"Aqua, I know we haven't known each other for the longest time but I want to be more than friends!" Andrew finally said.
"Um," I replied.
"I'm so sorry for saying that." He interrupted and slowly dragged himself toward his cars.
He turned around with a down look playing on his face.
"I'll go out with you!"
Just when I said that, he hurried back to my side with a smile that could melt your heart in a second. He picked me up and twirled me around. Just then a Jen's car pulled up and out came Jen wearing white denim shorts with an orange wild spirit muscle tee and Kat wearing a fitted oscar wilde tee with light blue denim shorts. They looked at Andrew and I with a questioning look on their face. Andrew set me down and wrapped his right arm around my waist pushing me closer to his chest.
"We're dating." We both answered to their weird back and forth glances.
"Aww!" They both cried out.
They rushed to my side and pulled me out of Andrew's embrace. They started hugging me and congratulating Andrew. Then we headed off to the amusement park in Andrew's car. Jen and Kat sat in the back while Andrew drove and I sat in the front passenger seat. The whole ride to the amusement park took around 15 minutes and we kept each other busy the whole time my singing along to the radio. Once we arrived at the amusement park, Ty was already there with Chad and Daniel. Ty was wearing worn dark blue jeans and a black muscle tee shirt, Chad was wearing a light blue button down shirt and dark blue jeans, and finally Daniel was wearing a grey long sleeve shirt with black stripes and black skinny jeans. We walked up to them and Andrew hands slowly reached for mine and our fingers intertwined with each other. The guys looked at our hand with a shocked expression on their face. Jen and Kat went up to them and whispered to the guys something. Huge grins appeared on their face and they came over and slapped Andrew on the back and hugging me.
Ty leaned close to my ear and whispered, "If he hurts you, you know I'll fight for you even if he's team captain."
I smiled back at him in appreciation and Andrew lead us all to gate. Andrew went up to the counter and asked for seven all day passes. The lady gave it to him with just one quick glance and we left towards the entrance.
"How'd you get those without paying?" I asked Andrew.
"My family owns this place." He replies while chuckling.
We walked into the entrance and headed towards the largest roller coaster they had first. I looked up and saw the roller coaster surrounding the whole park. Yikes!

I guess Andrew sensed that I was nervous because his grip on my hand tightened and he looked down at me with a reassuring smile. I suddenly felt excited for the 5 loops and very high 300 ft fall of the roller coaster we would be riding on. We headed towards the front of the ride while skipping the long line of people waiting for their turn. The employee looked at us confused until Andrew showed his driver's license and the employee gladly let us on. Kat, Jen and I sat in the back of the roller coaster while Andrew and Ty sat in the front and Daniel and Chad sitting behind them. The rest of the spots filled up with other people and the countdown started.
"10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..Go!" The speakers blared.
Then the ride started moving and we slowly increases in feet until we were finally at the top. Everyone fell quiet and suddenly we tilted forward and everything felt like a blur. Screams were heard in every direction and the girls and I raised our hands up and yelled to our hearts' content. The ride finally slowed down and we


Texte: Jacque & Katie & Hillary
Bildmaterialien: DestinyIsReality Inc.
Lektorat: Hillary Ngo
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.02.2013

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Dedicated To Jacque For Inspiring Me Through All Of This

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