
Happy Mother's Day

Momma, I know we don’t thank you enough

For everything you have done.

And maybe sometimes you wonder

If your deeds are even acknowledged.

Don’t ever doubt it, cuz you already know.

You see it in our actions every day.

We follow a good crowd

Because you choose good friends.

We try new things

Because that’s what you encouraged us to do.

We dream big

Because you taught us we could accomplish anything

We are not afraid

Because you made us strong

We mess up

Because you always love us anyways

You forgive us and teach us.

Over and over if that’s what it takes.

We love others

Because you love us and taught us how.

Thank you Momma

For helping us become the people we are supposed to be.

For being our role model and teacher.

For teaching us how to love.

For being our Mother. We love you!



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.05.2013

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