
Blood Moon
Blood Lines 1741

She closed her eyes, tightly clasping the charm around her neck. It was the blood moon of the year. She had just got home from a very important dance.
Her date was ‘scum’ according to her parents. Ha! If it wasn’t for him, she’d be dead. She looked around her room. Her vanity and washing basin sat on one wall beside her wardrobe. Her baby blue formfitting gown was hung over the side of the screen. Her garland of night glories lay on the ground, wilted.
She knew that as soon as the witching hour arrived, she’d be forced to go through the most horrible nightmare, regardless.
With only minutes left she offered up a prayer to Erzulie, her goddess. “Protect me, I pray thee. Thou knowest the intentions of the bloodlines. Don’t let me get lost there. Pray thee. Siloam, siloam.”
She held onto her talisman, and waited. She knew her mortal body’d go unconscious first. Then she’d go wherever the bloodlines took her.
She felt a sharp pain in her chest and felt herself slip away from her mortal body. All she could see was a blinding electric blue light and she felt an extremely cold wind pressing at her from all sides. Then- - nothing.
That’s when she arrived. She finally allowed herself to look. When she saw where she was, she screamed. What?! It was- -
She felt the fire licking at her and was dragged into the midst of- - whatever this mist was that accompanied the bloodlines. It felt like her whole being was being burned inside out. Her soul, her heart, her mind, everything. The pain was unbearable, unfit for any words. There was no mortal thing to compare it to. It was a supernatural burning.
After every vapor of her being was eaten by flames, the mist released her. She fell to the courtyard in the scum’s yard. She stood up quickly waiting. Then her date stepped out of the shadows and approached her. He touched her arm, and she pushed him away.
“Why, Delilah?” he asked.
“You?!” she finally let go of her talisman. “I thought you were the keeper.”
“Hmm. Yes, I suppose so.” He licked his lips and she screamed in agony. She screamed at Erzulie for betraying her when she needed her most. Micah grabbed her and shook her. “Siloam, Siloam!” he screamed.
She shoved him off of her. “You fool!” she spat. She grabbed him by the neck. “You bloody fool! You played me right into your scheme! Humph!” She spun around away from him, unpinning the dagger from inside her corset.
“Delilah, already breaking the rules? I thought you were above that.” Micah mocked her.
“Path!” She threw the dagger to the ground. “Bimetal Gila Inca!” she screamed turning to him. A blinding light flashed and a beam of ice flew at him, knocking him down.
She panted heavily as he got up slowly. He looked at her, those two dark eyes boring into her soul. She shuddered. She watched as he paced back and forth, wondering why he wasn’t striking back. Suddenly he stopped and gave a laugh that chilled the bones. He turned towards her leisurely. He held out his hands and barely audible said “Electra Firing.”
She was thrown across the courtyard by a blast of electricity. She screamed in pain but he wouldn’t stop. She knew if she didn’t do something she’d die. “Micah!!!” she yelled. He ignored her desperate pleas.
Finally she couldn’t fight anymore and she knew if she failed, the bloodlines would burn her to the soul. “Sidnea Aywa,” she breathed, accepting whatever would come.
The electricity stopped and her eyes fluttered open. She was back in her bed clutching her talisman for dear life. She had not succeeded but she had not failed.
The Blood Moon of 1741 was over.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.01.2013

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