
Without words

It all started when I awoke to the sound of water and the smell of damp wood. I open my eyes and there was nothing around me but darkness. I stood up and tried to move around and ran into something hard and wet. I felt my way around this hard wet object and found a switch and flipped the switch. The light was so blinding I cried out in pain. I stood there blinded trying to get my eyes used to bright light and realized I was in a house. I was surrounded by dolls and figures of owls and old water logged furniture. I walked down this hall way that was to my left and found another door. I stood there staring at this door wondering what could be behind it and what was going on and why I was there. I placed my hand on the door knob and was about to turn it and it opened before I could do anything. It led outside into a world that I never new existed. There was a porch and it was surrounded of nothing but water and I could see houses that were there surrounded by more water. That's when I heard the laughter. Not a cheerful kind of laughter but a dark sort of laughter. One that could break a glass if there was any around. Being as startled as I was I turned to the right and there was someone sitting there facing away from me. The person was a woman and all she said was, ''watch the child in the house and don't let her out.'' I asked her why I was there and all she replied was, ''don't let the child out.'' She screamed all of sudden '' DON'T LET THE CHILD OUT SHE IS BEHIND THE CAGE!''. I looked around and saw another hall way and then I saw the cage. All I could do is nod my head yes. Then the lady got up and stepped into a boat and took off down the water way. I walked back into the house and started to look around for a phone. That's when I heard the sweetest voice I've ever heard. It was like a a warm fire in the coldest snow to my ears. I walked towards the voice and it was singing but yet I couldn't understand the words. I saw the cage and then I saw a little girl with long black hair. The child was around eight years old , small and pale. She looked at me with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. She was smiling and said'' i am thirsty give me water.'' I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a glass off the sink and filled it up with water from the sink and walked back into the caged room. I handed the girl the glass and she said''No open the cage and give it to me.'' I then grabbed the key off the wall and opened the cage then all went bright blue like a flame and then darkness. I sighed to myself and thought finally I am away from this nightmare. Only I smelled damp wood and heard rushing of water. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a child with long black hair standing over me. She said in the sweetest voice,'' its all been done. Now get out of my cage and leave this place.''I stood up and walked out of the cage and she closed it singing in her sweet voice. I walked outside and there was not a person in sight. But for the first time when looking at the water it was rushing like a river. I saw something in the water and I bent down and grabbed it. It was a shirt soaked in red. I stood up and slipped and fell into the water and saw bodies of people. I tried to scream but the water was too thick.I pulled my head out of the water. Panicking trying to get back up on the porch. Human bodies running into me from the river. I couldn't reach the porch and was suddenly being pulled under. Further and further under into the dark abyss of blood mixed with water. That's when I heard the sweetest sound to my ears. The singing of the little girl.


Texte: Barbra Texeira
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2012

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