


I screamed. Pain filled my body, my mind. Gasping for air, I reached for a familiar face and hand. “Just breathe. You’re almost there.” They tried to comfort me. Tears streamed down my cheeks, my body was drenched in sweat. I’d never experienced so much pain in my life. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. You’re doing great sweetie,” the nurse standing beside me spoke in a soothing voice. How much longer could this go on?

Chapter One

Chapter One—

I woke from my sleep as the sunlight broke through the curtain onto my face. I slowly rose from my bed, careful not to move suddenly. I trudged to the bathroom, feeling the rush of morning sickness creep through my body. I vomited violently, hunched over the toilet. I stood, slowly moving to the sink to brush my teeth. Ugh, I thought. I hate this. My mind flashed back to the reason why this was happening to me.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. Someone as beautiful as him was holding my hand. He was kissing me. “You ready?” he whispered in my ear. What? Ready for what? With him? This was insane. I nodded. What the heck was I about to do? He led me to his Jeep. As he opened the passenger side door for me, he kissed me. He picked me up and put me in the seat. Climbing in and reclining the seat back, he gently laid his body on top of mine.

I shook my head, returning to reality. I turned the water on in the shower. As I washed my hair, I began to wonder what was going to happen when I walked through the doors of Mountain Brooks High School. What would they say about the bump forming on my abdomen? I shuddered. I grabbed the semi-soft towel, and dried off, trying to relax my mind. I went to my closet and picked out the most comfortable things in there- a pair of jeans, Rock Fest t-shirt, and black Uggs. I dressed quickly, and headed back to the bathroom to dry my hair and straighten it. I rushed through my hair contently, avoiding thought. I went down the stairs, into the kitchen to get breakfast. I grabbed three granola bars, two for later. I took my keys off the table and the money mom had left me for gas and food. My bookbag was already in the car, because Mike had insisted on carrying it out last night for me. Mike was my mother’s protective boyfriend of 4 years. He’s been keeping a close watch on me, not allowing me to lift heavy things, making sure I’m okay. It’s pretty nice of him.

I locked the door as I left, getting into my 2009 Pontiac G6. I turned the key in the ignition and my engine purred. I put on my seatbelt and shifted the car into reverse. I was 5 miles over the speed limit, trying to get to school quickly for a parking space close to the front of the building. Luckily, not many people had arrived. I parked the car, turning the air down and tuning into the radio station. I hummed the songs. A knock on the passenger window caught my attention as I began to drift. I looked up to see my best friend standing there. Nicole was a short, dark-haired girl with a sporty body that stayed tan all year. I unlocked the doors and she opened the door climbing in. “I’ve missed you so much. Why didn’t you call me? Ali, we could have had so much fun this summer.” She hadn’t seen yet. “I..I didn’t know how to tell you.” I murmured. “Tell me what? Ali, we’ve been best friends since fourth grade. What couldn’t you tell me?” I turned to face her. As she realized what I was telling her, I saw her eyes fill up with tears. She hugged me tightly, sobbing quietly. “What happened? How far are you? Does your mom know? Whose is it?” Her questions were a little overwhelming. But, I managed to answer, “Mom knows, I told her when I found out. I’m just about 4 months. It’s Brad’s baby.” She looked up at me. “Brad Ring?” She seemed confused. I nodded. “What are you going to do?” She wiped her face, clearing it of the smeared mascara. “Keep it. I don’t know what else I can do. It’s too late to do much else.” She nodded and smiled at me, “I’m always here for you, Ali. You know that.” I smiled back at her, barely. I wasn’t sure how to smile anymore. I hadn’t been able to smile all summer. I’ve been hiding from the world, afraid of what they would say. “Thanks.” The bell rang, and we got out of the car. I got my bookbag out of the back, and Nicole went to get hers from her brother’s. “Wait for me, okay?” I nodded. I defiantly didn’t want to go in there by myself. I took a deep breath as she approached my reaching for my arm. I turned toward the door, preparing myself for hell.

Chapter Two

Chapter 2—

We pushed through the door, our arms interlocked. I felt a sense of security beside her. I knew that if anyone said anything she’d deal with it, but I still didn’t want to hear what they had to say. My face was pale as people stared awkwardly, some giving smiles as our eyes met. A few of my friends from last year greeted me and walked behind me, smiling as if nothing was different, just like Nicole did. I retrieved my schedule from my bag, comparing it with Nicole’s. We had almost every class together, except last period. That’s not too bad. One class without her would be fine. We walked to our first class together, Chemistry with Mr. Anderson. We didn’t have a seating chart, so Nicole and I took a seat in the back. The bell rang that began first period, and Mr. Anderson took attendance. “Alison Mitchell?” I raised my hand. He gave me a quick smile and carried on with the attendance. The class passed quickly, with Mr. Anderson explaining classroom policy and expectations, and a homework assignment to write 4 or 5 sentences telling him a little about ourselves. Easy, I guess.

Second period also went fast, with the same procedure, just a different class and teacher. Ms. Manson was a young teacher, fresh out of college. She had short blond hair, about to her shoulders, kind of tall, small figure. She looked nice enough. The guys got a kick out of her. So immature. I mean, who hits on the teacher? That’s lame. Anyways, she explained to us the importance of Calculus in everyday life. I halfway listened, and drew stars on my paper. Nicole nudged my side when it was about time to go. I looked at her, and followed her gaze to the guys sitting in the row across from us. They were staring at me. I rolled my eyes at them and turned my attention to Nicole. “Don’t worry about them,” she said, “they don’t matter anyway.”

We have first lunch, and it’s pretty crowded in there. Brad is on our lunch shift too, and he came up to me. “Hey, beautiful.” He looks as good as he did last year, maybe a little better. “Hey,” I mumbled. He reached for a hug, so I stood up to hug him. As I did I saw his eyes flutter to my stomach. He hugged my quickly, and took my hand, leading me away from the cafeteria. When we were far enough that no one could hear us talking he looked at me softly, as if he were about to cry. “Is… Is it ours?” I shook my head. “Why didn’t you tell me? You could have called me over the summer. I would have been there for you.” I looked down at my feet, then back up at him. “I didn’t know what to say. I only told my mom and Mike.” He hugged me close, holding me there. My eyes began to tear. He pulled away, keeping my hand in his. We walked back to where I was sitting with Nicole. She smiled at us. “Are you hungry?” She was talking to me, but I wasn’t paying attention. I was thinking more about Brad holding my hand in front of everyone. It was different for me. Every guy I had ever dated refused to look at me in public, let alone touch me. Is he really different? “Ali,” Nicole spoke again. I looked at her. “Yeah, but I don’t want anything here.” They both looked at me wearily, then at my belly. “You need to eat,” Brad said. Nicole shook her head in agreement. “The… uh… baby needs it,” Brad said. I nodded, and said, “Fine.” We walked to the line, still holding hands. The lunch lady looked at me and smile. She said, “What can I get you sweetheart?” I looked at the food. Chicken nuggets, pizza, macaroni and cheese, salad. “Um, chicken nuggets and macaroni please.” She grabbed a plate from the stack and dipped up a hefty serving. She saw it too, I thought.

We walked through the line, heading toward the lady at the end of the line. Brad got me a water bottle as I punched my number through and paid the woman for lunch. She smiled at me, “Have a good day honey.” Brad walked me back to Nicole, and pulled the chair out for me to sit down. I put the tray on the table and gently plopped down in the chair. Brad smiled, taking his seat beside me. I smiled back and began to eat my lunch. “Have you been to the doctor yet?” Brad asked. I nodded. I’ve been to there about 7 times already, and every time I go I became more amazed with the growing life inside of me. “Do you know what it is yet?” I shook my head. I’ve been anxious to know, but the doctors say that it’s too early to know. “I go back soon. You should come, both of you.” Nicole’s faced beamed with excitement, while Brad smiled. I finished my lunch and pushed the tray back. Nicole grinned with delight, and I guessed that she was pleased that I had eaten something. Whatever makes her feel better. Brad stood up, taking my plate to be returned. I thanked him quietly, and he bent over to kiss me. I kissed him back, and it was just like our first. Pure magic. My face flushed with heat and my cheeks burned. Nicole smiled. I shot her a glance, as I bit my lip. The bell rang just as Brad returned. He grabbed my hand and Nicole interlocked my other arm. They walked me to class, and Brad kissed me goodbye. Nicole took seats in the back. The teacher, Mr. Campbell, walked quietly through the desks giving each student a paper. He then called attendance. When he was finished, he went to the board and wrote 2 words: BE YOURSELF. He turned to face us, and spoke sternly, “I want you all to write a 2 page autobiography for homework. Include important information about yourself and your life. I want to know what make you the person that you are.” He went through the class speaking sternly and emotionless. Well, it was creative writing, so I guess we are the ones being creative, not him. It was just weird. The bell rang, and Nicole and I walked out quietly as people stared…

Chapter Three

Chapter 3—

Fourth period dragged on, thankfully. I didn’t want to even think about next period without Nicole. Who would be there to look out for me? What would people say without her there? My head hurt to think about it. Mrs. McDermott didn’t speak to us in English at all. She stood at the white board writing in Spanish the entire class period, occasionally pointing to what she was writing, wanting us to translate. I think she’s weird. But in a way, she’s nice. We didn’t get homework, thank goodness. The bell finally rang, and I trudged toward the gym. Nicole told me, “If you need anything, text me. Okay?” I nodded. She gave me a meaningful smile and a big hug. I walked into the locker room and took a very deep breath. Just breathe, I told myself. The teacher, Mr. Bates took one look at me, then my pregnant stomach and told me that he didn’t want me to participate. Go figure. I sat at the end of the gym and watched everyone else play capture the flag. I felt awkward sitting there alone, with my stomach popping. I sighed with relief when the 10 minute bell rang. As soon as the bell rang, I texted Nicole and Brad to tell them that I was going home. Brad replied, wait for me in your car. I walked to my car in a hurry. I put my bag in the back, got into the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition. I sat waiting for Brad, patiently humming the song playing on the radio station. When he finally came to the car, he smiled and opened the door. “Hey babe,” he flashed that gorgeous smile of his. I smiled back at him. “Do you mind if I come over, so we can talk more privately.” I shook my head. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. He got out, and climbed into his Jeep, following me home.

We got home, and I waddled out of the car, grabbing my bookbag from the backseat. I unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen, putting my bag on the floor next to the table. I went to the fridge, pulling out two Dr. Peppers. I handed one to Brad and opened mine, taking a huge sip of mine. He broke the silence first, “So when did you find out?” I took a deep breath and a sip of my drink and replied, “The end of June. I was freaking out.” His face dropped the smile he’d had all day. I could tell that he was hurt by not knowing this long. “I just wish you would have called me.” He stepped closer, wrapping me into a warm, long hug. Tears fell from my eyes again. He smoothed my hair, and whispered comfortingly in my ear. When he pulled away from me, he placed one hand on my belly, rubbing gently. Suddenly I felt a fluttering movement throughout my belly. She moved!! I thought. I smiled brilliantly. Brad must have felt it too, because he was also smiling brightly. Tears ran down my face, as I felt the fluttering continue as his hand moved across the surface. She’s moving!!

Brad and I talked until my mom came home with Mike, and we said goodbye. He kissed me, and rubbed his hand across my belly. My mom and Mike noticed, and after Brad left they asked if the could try. Just as she had done with Brad, she fluttered through my stomach. We all smiled and cried tears of joy. I was amazed by her, again

Chapter Four

Chapter 4—

After dinner, I kissed my mother and Mike goodnight, and spent the rest of the night in my room doing homework. I first did Mr. Anderson’s assignment. It sounded kind of stupid:

My name is Alison Mitchell, but everyone just calls me Ali. I’m 16 years old, and I’m a junior. My dream is to grow up and change the world in some kind of way. I just want to be different. But, soon my life is going to change because I have life growing inside of me. I live with my mom, Jenny, and her boyfriend, Mike. I don’t know my father, but I don’t think I would like to know him, based on what I’ve heard about him. I am an only child. My best friend is Nicole Kelly. My boyfriend is Brad Ring. He’s amazing. I guess that’s all I have to say.

I closed my notebook, putting everything in my bookbag, and took my clothes off. I replaced them with my pajamas, sweatpants and another t-shirt. I pulled back the blankets and sheets, climbing in. I tossed around until I was in my comfortable position. Goodnight my little one, I thought to my baby.

The night passed slowly, and my dreams violently raged on. It was bright, and I was sweating. Pain burned through my body, and my vision was getting weak and blurry. I screamed out over and over. Someone kept dabbing on my forehead with a cool washcloth. My body jolted and I heaved out heavy breaths. My spine felt numb. The monitor hooked to my stomach beeped continually as my baby’s heartbeat was heard. It raced as I heaved. What was happening? Suddenly my eyes rolled to the back of my head and the sounds around me faded until I was gasping for air as the alarm clock rang out. I turned off the clock and lay back, attempting to catch my breath. When I was finally calm enough, I slowly rose from my bed, repeating my daily routine. I sighed after I had vomited and brushed my teeth, and turned on the water for my shower. In a daze, I rushed through the shower. I thought about what could have possibly been going on in my dream. What was happening with my baby? I mean, I didn’t know much about being pregnant and all that anyways, but I had no idea what was going on in that dream. My appointment with Dr. Redding was in 3 days, so I guess I could ask her then. Brad and Nicole had decided that they were going with me, so at least I wouldn’t be alone.

I pondered through my thoughts, barely paying attention to what I was doing. I picked out a pair of comfy light gray sweatpants and a black Aerosmith t-shirt. I grabbed my black Uggs. I threw them on, and put my hair into a messy ponytail and added a sports hair band. I put a little eyeliner and mascara on, headed downstairs where my mother was waiting to give me a hug and rub my belly. She smiled when she felt the soft fluttering. “Here’s fifty for the car and lunch. If you want, you could probably get something from a drive-thru during lunch. Here is twenty for that.” She smiled at me, gave me a hug and a kiss, then left. I grabbed my bookbag from the table and locked the door as I left. I climbed into my car, turned the keys and sat waiting for the car to warm up. It was beginning to rain as I pulled out from the driveway. I slowly drove to school, and parked my car close to the building. The bell rang, and I climbed out of the car carefully. Before I knew it, Brad had a hold of my hand and my face, kissing me good morning. He rubbed my belly, telling our child good morning as well. I smiled at him, as Nicole appeared, smirking about what she had just seen. I smiled and turned toward her, grabbing her hand and placing it gently on my belly. Her face lit up like a candle when she felt the little butterflies. She locked our arms, and the three of us walked into the school. I had a small smile on my face, and Brad ran his fingers across the back of my hand, which was still interlaced with his.

My day drug on, and everyone still stared. I left with Brad and Nicole to get lunch at Wendy’s. I returned to school, and trudged through the rest of the day. Brad came home with me again today, and this time we went through parenting websites, and ordered baby name books, along with What to Expect books. We looked at baby nurseries and lists of things that babies need. We looked up a place for pregnancy classes for expecting teen moms and made an appointment for next week. Brad insists on coming with me.

Chapter Five

Chapter 5—

When Brad left, my mother was cooking my favorite dinner- Creamy Chicken Alfredo. My mother has always been a good cook. She’s half Italian, so I grew up loving Italian foods that she cooked regularly. “This is very good, Jen,” Mike commented as soon as he swallowed his last bite. I shook my head in agreement, and my mom smile. “Mom, Brad and Nicole are coming with me to the doctor’s office on Friday. And, today, Brad and I looked up some things about newborns, and ordered some books on my card.” My mom smiled, “Good. You kids need to start getting ready for the little one. It’ll be here before you know it.” She gave a reassuring smile, and collected our dishes, going to the sink to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. “The doctor says that this may be when we find out the gender.” I mumbled. My mom and Mike smiled at me. “Send us a picture as soon as you leave,” Mike said. I nodded and got up to help my mom clean up. The rest of the night went slowly. I did my homework, found my pajamas, and climbed into the bed. I sighed, ready to fall completely asleep.

As soon as I did, my dream repeated itself from the night before. I awoke just as roughly. The day flew by just as it had done before. I became anxious for the doctor appointment coming on the next day. I went through the entire day in a daze, not focusing on anything but what was going to happen tomorrow. I wasn’t going to school at all that day. My appointment was at 9:30 in the morning, and I didn’t want to face the stares afterwards. I think I would be happy regardless of the turnout. I hadn’t given much thought to what I wanted. I mean, a girl would be nice, because I’d be able to understand her when she grew up. But if it were a boy, it would be a little easier for Brad to understand him. Either way, I’d love it. I also thought about what it would like. What if it looked like me, strongly? Or Brad? Maybe some of both, and our parents as well? I’ve always looked like my mom, but what if the baby looks like my dad? What would that look like? So many things ran through my head. I wasn’t afraid, but I was ready to meet my baby, unofficially. I mean of course I wouldn’t meet it really until it was born, but maybe we’d be able to see a little detail. My mind was racing all day to even concentrate on school, so I signed myself out and went shopping at Motherhood Maternity. My jeans were starting to get too tight, and my prettier shirts were all too tight. So, I figured I’d go to pick out a few things.

When I walked in, the saleswoman gave me a smile, and greeted me, making me aware of the current 60% off sale. I smiled and thanked her. I walked toward the back, where the jeans were located, trying to find something that would fit me for now. I found a few pairs, and some cute baby-doll t-shirts. I tried them on in the dressing room and walked to the front of the store to check out. The woman, named Valerie, smiled at me, looking down at my belly. “How far?” She asked. I smiled, “Five months.” I spoke softly with her for a few minutes, as she questioned me about my baby. She asked if it was a boy or girl, and I told her that I didn’t know yet. She asked if the father was around, I told her yes. She smiled at that. I guess not many fathers stick around at this age. She finished ringing up my clothes and put them in a bag as I swiped my card and signed. She told me to have a nice day, and I smiled and wished her the same. I got into my car, and drove home. As I pulled into the driveway, Brad texted me: Did you leave? I replied quickly: Yes. Are you coming over for a bit? A few minutes later, my phone vibrated: Be there in a minute. I sighed as I got out, locking my doors, and walking to the house. Mom and Mike were already home. “Hey there darling,” they called from the living room. “Hey,” I breathed. I smiled at them. There was a knock at the door, and I wobbled to answer it. I swung the door open, and there stood Brad and Nicole. I invited them in and we walked to the living room. Nicole greeted my mom and Mike with a smile, and Brad waved. We all went to my room, and I closed the door. I sat on my bed and Nicole and Brad sat in the rocking chairs parallel to the bed. “Are you excited yet?” Nicole smiled widely. I nodded. Grabbing the bag of clothes that I had just bought, I smiled at them. I tossed the bag at Nicole and she looked inside, pulling everything out one at a time. Brad laughed, “It’s cute babe.” I smiled at him and blushed. Nicole put everything in the bag, “Yes, very cute.” I walked over to the desk in the corner, and took my laptop back to the bed. Nicole and Brad came to sit next to me, one on each side. I pulled up Google, and searched questions to ask the doctor at a five month pregnancy check up. I skimmed the pages until I found one with the relevance. “Oh, you should ask about restrictions for you. They change as you get bigger,” Nicole said. “And what you can eat,” she added. I nodded. I skimmed the page, occasionally writing down good questions. I closed my laptop when I was finished, and walked downstairs. I went to my mom, and sat beside her. “Mom, can Nic and Brad stay tonight?” She looked at me, and sighed. “Of course, honey.” I smiled at her. “Ali?” I looked up to her, and her expression changed to a softer emotion. “What’s wrong Mom?” I was worried. What was wrong with her? Had I said something to upset her? “Will you promise to call me as soon as you find out? It would mean a lot to Mike and I since we can’t be there?” I smiled at my mom, hugged her tightly, and whispered “Yeah, of course Mom. I love you.” She kissed my forehead and rubbed my cheeks. “I love you too baby girl.”

Chapter Six

Chapter 6—

We stayed up late tonight. Brad ran Nicole home, and went home himself to get clothes and stuff he’d need for tonight and tomorrow morning. He came back with a teddy bear and rose. I smiled at him, thanked him, and kissed him. When I was finally tired, we all changed our clothes. I pulled out the blow up bed, stored under my bed for sleepovers. I turned on the air pump and went into the closet to get the sheets, pillows, and comforter that goes on it. Nicole and I made the bed, meant for her to sleep on, and she kissed my forehead when we were done. She smile at me and told me good night. Brad and I climbed into my bed, snuggled together, and closed our eyes. Our breathing came to match as we both fell asleep. I slept peacefully tonight, and my dreams were pleasant. I was sitting on a blanket in the park with Brad, and our baby. The baby was snuggled tight into a blanket and its face was peaceful. It was sleeping. I smiled at my little baby, and reached for it. I picked it up and looked into its face, only I couldn’t see. It only looks like a doll from my childhood. I blurred out and woke up, warm next to Brad. I smiled as I realized that it was morning, and in just a few hours, I would get to see my baby.

I carefully rose from the bed, and went slowly to the bathroom. Surprisingly, I wasn’t nauseated. I brushed my teeth, and started the shower. I let the water run down on my back as I washed my hair, trying to loosen the nervous knots formed in my shoulders. When I finished, I dried quickly. I put my bra and panties on, and began to dry my hair and straighten it. A soft knock came on the door that made me jump out of my skin. Nicole poked her sleepy eyes inside the door. “Good morning,” she said. I smiled, hugged her, and said the same. She took the straightener off of the sink and began to straighten the back of my hair. When she was done, she turned on the shower, and got in. I put on a little makeup and left, closing the door softly. I walked into the closet, grabbed some of the new jeans I had bought and a pretty pink baby-doll shirt with white hearts and floral tracings on it. Then I grabbed my sandy-colored Uggs. When I walked out, Brad was sitting up on my bed, barely awake. He smiled at me, and then I realized that I was still in my lingerie. I let out a quiet laugh, and walked over to kiss him. He put his hand on my belly, and the baby fluttered about. My smile spread wide across my face. I put on my clothes while he put on his. We went downstairs, and my mom was in the kitchen finishing breakfast. She had made cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon, blueberry muffins, and coffee. I smiled at her, wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She gave me three plates, and as she did Nicole bounced down the stairs. I gave them each a plate, and we all got food and sat to the table. We ate quietly, except for Nicole’s humming. I looked up to grin at her when I recognized the song she was humming. After breakfast, I got up to clean the kitchen for my mom. I rinsed the dished, put the food away, and loaded the dishwasher. When I was done, I went to go tell my mom and Mike goodbye, and we left for the doctor’s office.

It’s an hour drive both ways to the doctor. On the way, we listened to the radio, and talked about school. Every now and then, Nicole and I would sing the songs we knew and Brad would laugh. I’d missed them over the summer. It was hard to not tell them, but I didn’t know how to. I was scared, and I think that if I had told them before, I would have taken it easier. I wondered what Brad would have said. Would his reaction have been the same? Would he have left instead? I know that Nicole would have stayed by me regardless. But, I didn’t want to think about what could have happened with Brad. He could have been like most of the other guys, the ones that just walk away. But I’m happy that he didn’t. My mind raced as we neared the doctor’s office. When we finally got there, I felt the nauseated feelings overwhelm me. I hurried inside the office to a bathroom, where Nicole followed to hold my hair back. I took out the tooth brush that I had kept in my purse for days like these, and brushed my teeth quickly. When I was done, we went to the reception desk to sign in. The nurse smiled at me and asked for my name and I.D. She put a plastic bracelet with my name, birthday, and doctor’s name on my wrist. She told me that the doctor was busy today, but hopefully she wouldn’t be too long. I thanked her and went to sit with Brad and Nicole. I held both of their hands as we waited. An hour passed and I dozed off and on, waiting.

My eyes flew open every time the door opened to the back of the office. Finally, the nurse in the pink shrubs came out and called out, “Alison?” I jumped and my eyes flew open. I rose from my seat, pulling my friends with me. So many thoughts ran through my mind. I got dizzy and the sickness came back. I dropped their hands and rushed to the bathroom. “That’s her,” I heard Nicole tell the nurse. “She’s been kind of nervous this morning.” Nicole’s voice came through the door. I finally had stopped vomiting, and brushed my teeth. I walked slowly out the door, and apologized to the nurse. She smiled at me and took us back. Here we go I thought, and my hands got tighter around Brad’s…

Chapter Seven

Chapter 7—

I breathed heavily as we walked back to a small room three doors down. “Go ahead and lie up on the table and pull up your shirt so that your abdomen is exposed,” the nurse told me. After a few minutes of struggling to get onto the high examination table, Brad picked me up and placed me gently on it. I laid back and pulled up my shirt so that my full belly was exposed and part of my bra. The nurse folded a hospital napkin into the edge of my jeans and clipped it there in place. She measured my stomach, and announced to us that I was 21 inches. I smiled because that meant that the baby was healthy. She felt around my stomach, pushing in gently and telling me what she though she was feeling. When she was done, she gave me a small blanket to cover up with, and told us that the doctor would be in to see us shortly. I took a deep breath when she left, turning to look at my friends. Nicole reached up to touch my belly and Brad leaned down to kiss me. My mind was beginning to calm down, but my nerves got tighter as the minutes came closer to the time when I saw my child. I couldn’t stop smiling, and by the time the doctor came in Nicole and I had hummed at least 7 songs. “Hey there, Ali.” The doctor came in with a smile stretched across her face. “Hey,” my voice was shaky and my face still had a cemented smile across it. I was so nervous now that my legs began to wobble. I’m so glad that I am sitting, I thought. “Let’s have a look at the little one now.” She grabbed the bottle of cold blue gel and squirted it across my belly. She turned on the monitor to the machine and picked up the wand, placing it gently on my stomach. She moved it around until she found the place where my baby laid.

And there it was. My angel, my little piece of joy inside. I smiled brightly as tears streamed down my face. “Congratulations sweet pea, it’s a boy!!” I heard Brad release a long breath of air, and his tears fell upon our interlocked hands. I looked at him and he pressed his face to my forehead, putting his hands in my hair. We cried silently together. The doctor smiled and gave us a little more information about what we would need to be doing. Nicole read her the questions that I had written down. She recorded the doctor’s answers for me to read right now. When I was finally settled, the nurse came in to clean up my belly. She gently wiped across my belly with a warm cloth and took the napkin from my jeans. I pulled down my shirt and put my sweatshirt back on. I kept a tight claim on Brad’s hand as we left the office.

When we got into the car, I dialed my mother’s phone number. As it rang, I bit my lip until she answered. “Hello?” My mother breathed on the other side of the phone. I took a deep breath, and finally gathered the strength to tell her, “Mommy, it’s a boy!!” I heard her start to cry. I smiled and she handed the phone to Mike. “Hey baby girl, what’s going on?” I answered quicker than the first, “It’s a boy.” A few moments of silence was broken by his voice, “That’s great honey. Your mom wants to know if we can all go shopping later tonight. Brad and Nicole can go too if you want.” I asked Nicole and Brad if they wanted to, and they nodded. “Yeah. That’s fine.” I mumbled. “Alright, are you coming straight home?”
“No, we’re going to get lunch.”
“Okay honey, have fun. Love you.”
“Love you too,” I hung up the phone.

Chapter Eight

Chapter 8—

We drove to Wendy’s and parked in the lot. I sat for a moment, adjusting myself before we went in. I opened the door, and got out slowly. I met Nicole and Brad at the back of my car, grabbing Brad’s hand. We walked into the restaurant and got in the line to order our food. I was starving. I told them that lunch was on me today. When we got to the counter I looked at the menu. I asked Brad and Nicole what they wanted. “Junior Bacon Cheeseburger,” Nicole said. Brad looked at the menu a little longer, turned to me and said, “Monterey Ranch Crispy Chicken sandwich.” I turned toward the pretty girl standing on the other side of the counter. “Can I have two Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, a Monterey Ranch Crispy Chicken sandwich, a 10 piece nugget, three medium fries and three medium sodas?” She smile, repeated the order and asked if it was correct. I nodded. “Your total is 15.76.” I gave her a twenty and she gave me my changed and told me to have a nice day. I smiled at her and told her the same. Our number was 2 and after we went to get drinks we waited for a food. When they finally called our number, we grabbed the food and went to the car. We all got situated with the food and drinks, and I turned the car on and put it in reverse. I ate my food while I drove home, occasionally talking to Brad and Nicole. “So have you thought of any names yet?” Nicole caught my attention with her question. Come to think of it, I hadn’t thought of names yet!! “Not yet,” I answered. Brad’s head popped up, and he looked at me with sparkles in his eyes. I smiled at him, unsure of what his sparkle was for. “Really?” He seemed surprised. I nodded. “I figured we’d do it together,” I said to him. He smiled at me, that smile that I absolutely loved. We held hands all the way home and Nicole eventually dozed off. When we were finally home, I sighed. Nicole woke up as the purr of the engine went flat. I got out of the car and started toward the door. Before I got there, my mother swung open the door, and ran out to greet me. Mike followed her and wrapped his arms tight around me. I smiled at them both and handed them the sonogram. My mom began to cry and Mike was tearing up. My mom kissed my forehead and took my hand in hers. Mike took both of our hands, and I finally felt as if we were having one of those family moments that people remember 30 years from now.

After an hour or so, we all left and went to Pottery Barn Kids. I picked out a white-wooded crib with blue and white bedding. My mom picked out matching blankets, crib sheets, towels and wash clothes, a white dresser with changing table on top, lamps, and curtains: all in the matching blue and white. We had an extra room in our house that my mom used to put stuff in, in which was going to be the baby’s room, because it was the closest to mine. We picked up plenty nursery blankets, bottles, head supporter, a car seat and carrier, one-zees, and sleepers. My mom told me that she’d buy all of this, as a gift to us. Nicole got excited when we went into Babies R Us for clothes. She picked up anything blue and cute!! Brad had fun picking up camouflage and anything with I Love Daddy on it. When we were finally done, we loaded all of the stuff into Mike’s Chevy Blazer, and headed home.

I was happy to be home, even though I’d had so much fun. My body was easily tired now. My back and feet were burning, and once I helped put everything in the nursery, I went to lie down. Brad followed, and Nicole told us that she had to be leaving. I told her thanks for everything, and lay on the bed with Brad for what seemed to be hours. I felt so safe, and sure of everything, laying there with him. He rubbed on my belly, and eventually fell asleep. I slept very peacefully, and I was starting to believe that Brad had something to do with that. When I woke up in the morning, I kissed Brad’s sleeping face, and wrapped myself tighter into his arms, falling back asleep. “Ali, honey, you need to get up baby girl.” My mother placed her warm hands on my arms and attempted to wake me up. I rolled over to face her and opened my eyes. When I looked up to her, she smiled at me. I sat up in my bed, turning to make sure I hadn’t disturbed Brad. Again, this morning I didn’t feel sick when I started to move around. I smiled to myself. “There is breakfast downstairs if you want some,” my mother whispered as she left my room. I didn’t bother to take a shower this morning, being it was Saturday. I went into my closet, got out a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. I put them on, and went downstairs. I grabbed a quick breakfast, cleaned up, and went back upstairs. When I came through my bedroom door, Brad was up getting dressed into clean clothes. He smiled when he saw me and crossed the room to bring me into his arms. I reached up to kiss him deeply, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He tangled one of his hands into my hair, the other gently on my face. He pulled back, looked me into the eye and smiled. “I love you baby. I promise,” he whispered. My face turned bright red and I smiled. “I love you too.”

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine—

The weeks passed quickly, doctors appointments every other week, and stares from people at school. Life seemed to calm down for me, and I ignored the comments from people and rude stares. Brad and I grew stronger as our baby did. Before we knew it, it was nearing our due date: March 14th. I was excited, but we still needed to set up the nursery. After school today, Brad came over to help me, since I was not allowed to lift anything or bend too far. We laughed together and put together the room for the baby. We still hadn’t come up with a name for him. “How about Bradley?” Brad had been coming up with names and suggesting them to me. I nodded at him, smiled, and said, “I actually like that one, a lot!!” I played around with the name in my head. Bradley… Michael, Kyle, Chase, Antony, Andrew… Then it hit me!! “Babe, how about Bradley Caleb??” His eyes lit up the way mine did and then I knew we had our baby’s name!! He finished putting together the furniture and as I told him where to put it, moved it into place. It was 9:30 by the time we finished and my back was really aching. My mom had been letting Brad stay with me as long as he helped out. They insisted on having at least one person around me, all the time. Ali Watch, I called it. As my mind raced, I finished up putting all of Bradley’s clothes in the dresser and making the crib up. His bath things were already hanging on the blue rack on the wall. The rest of the room was organized. I took a look around the room, and smiled.

I walked into my room carefully. I went into my room, and suddenly, a pain ripped through my spine and abdomen. Fluid rushed out from my body. I nearly fell to my knees, as I screamed, and Brad ran to catch me. He called for my mother; my face was drenched with tears already. I was gasping for breath, and then it stopped. I attempted to catch my breath, and my mom came rushing up into my room. “What happened?” She was nearly screaming too. I couldn’t speak. I was too content into figuring out what was wrong with me. “I think it’s time,” Brad’s shaking voice rang out. Then the lashing pain was there again. I screamed and nearly fell again. My mom and Brad half-carried me down the steps, and Mike picked me up once we got downstairs. Tears poured out of my eyes. My spine was on fire. Mike put me into the car. Brad came out of the house with the hospital bag that we had packed last week. Mike threw the car into reverse once everyone was in. This was it. I was about to do this. I was going to get to hold my baby; My Bradley Caleb. Tears streamed down my face as the pain faded and rose, over and over again.

Chapter Ten

Chapter 10—

When we got to the hospital Brad ran into the doors and went to get a nurse with a wheelchair. They transferred me there quickly, and rushed me up to the Delivery Room. My hands were trembling, and my face was covered in tears. They got me into a bed. The nurses rushed to start my I.V. and pain medication. The doctors came in very quickly, instructing me what to do. I was terrified. I half-listened to them. I didn’t know what to do. I just wanted to sleep, so the pain would stop. The feelings faded less each time. Growing stronger, closer. I screamed. Pain filled my body, my mind. Gasping for air, I reached for a familiar face and hand. “Just breathe. You’re almost there.” They tried to comfort me. Tears streamed down my cheeks, my body was drenched in sweat. I’d never experienced so much pain in my life. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. You’re doing great sweetie,” the nurse standing beside me spoke in a soothing voice. How much longer could this go on? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. I counted to myself. Breathing heavily in between counting. I pushed as hard as I could each time. I was sweating and crying; my body was drenched. I pushed again, and finally, a soft whimpering cry broke through all other sounds. I looked around, looked for where the cry was coming from. Pressure rushed through my body, and I finally found the source of that cry. A little red body, being taken from my own body, was crying. It was him. There was my baby; My Bradley Caleb. The nurses cleared him of blood and cleaned his breathing ways, then brought him over to me. He fit right into my arms, perfectly. Small tears streamed down my cheeks. Brad was standing over us. There he was. There we were. Our family, finally complete.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.02.2012

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