

I LOOKED up from what I was doodling absentmindedly when the class finally silenced. Damn, it is about time. I don’t understand why kids insist on disobeying the rules when they know eventually they’re going to have to get punished for it. I found it retarded. Seriously – some of these kids here needed to get a grip on their acts. I swear these people are immature. Maybe if I stick my foot down their god damn throat they might – might – learn how to respect school rules without a teacher being in the room. I, of course, learned discipline and it wasn’t that hard. Keep your lips glued together unless a teacher and or adult ask you a question. Talking during lunch, after school, and during pep rallies were just fine, but other than that – you needed to be silenced until addressed.
I looked over and at a couple who were swamping spit in the middle of the classroom. I couldn’t help but compare them to wolves who just found their mate. I sighed audibly and sunk into my seat. I wish I had a hood to cover my face as I stared at my fingers, twiddling them and acting like I knew no one here. These kids were truly humiliating. I felt sorry for their parents. Everybody acted like they were five years old or something. Some of them even acted like some damn dogs. I needed to separate myself from such a group of children. Sadly, I was practically stuck with them because I was a cheerleader. It felt as if I was trapped forever with these heathens.
I looked back to the front of the class as our stocky principal entered into the room. She flashed her yellowish smile. Her beady chocolate eyes glistened as she cleared her throat. I raised a brow at her demeanor. How the hell could such an untidy looking woman run a whole entire school? No wonder this school is out of order. Look at that woman! Her chocolate brown hair was in a messy bun on her head and she had some fake diamond earrings in, but the earring was missing in her left ear. I almost busted out laughing, but bit my tongue. How did she become the principal? She must have bribed somebody into getting the job because she looked in no way ready to even associate herself with teenagers. The only thing keeping me from labeling her as a pedophile was the fact that she was wearing a suit. Minus the suit, she looked like one of those principals who were on probation for slapping a student in the face. I fought another smile as looked at the ugly mousy lady.
“Class, I’m so very sorry about the accident that took your teacher’s life. Miss. Stevens will be missed gratefully,” Her raspy voice broke the silence in the room. As a small smile was playing on her lips it didn’t seem as if she was sorry. I made a face at her and shook my head and leaned my cheek on my fist. What the heck was going on? If this lady didn’t shut up in a few seconds I was going to knock her out with my own fist. The way she presented herself made me want to scratch her eyes out. I tried not to roll my eyes as I listened to what she had to say.
“I will like to introduce you to your new teacher,” She turned her head so that she was looking out the door. “Mr. Lawrence, please step in and meet your new class.”
It was like the world stopped spinning as he took his first foot into the classroom. He stepped all the way in and I swear a God was my teacher. He had hair that could be compared with the night and it was in disarray on his head. His jet black hair stood out against his pale skin. His stormy gray eyes were decorated with long defined lashes. His long lashes created a shadow over his high cheek bones. I practically couldn’t peel my eyes away from his gorgeous eyes. They were a light gray that they almost looked white. He had deep dimples that indented his cheeks and he had a perfect million dollar smile. His eyes were bright as he looked at his new class.
“I believe it is going to be a pleasure to teach you guys this year,” he said in a deep alluring voice. I nearly melted in my seat as I took in my teacher’s appearance. What. The. Hell. Why would they hire such a hunk for a teacher? I felt my jaw hit the floor as I looked at him. My mind went blank as I continued to stare at him. Alright . . . I knew this year was going to be interesting.
I looked over at the rest of class and saw that all the girls were just as shock at me. Even the girl that was sitting on her boyfriend’s lap and just seconds ago was sucking his face, mouth was hanging open. Basically every girl in this classroom was awe struck. I wondered how the boys felt to be in the presence of another man that they couldn’t even compare to. I bet their egos were just dropped down a few notches.
Suddenly, his eyes met mines. I took an intake of breath as his gray eyes burned into my green ones. The smile on his face faltered as he looked into my eyes. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he continued to stare into my eyes. Did he not like what he saw? Did I repulse him? For some reason his opinion about me mattered. What if he already hated me? But my worries vanished as a smile spread across his face. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and electricity shot up my spine. As he continued to stare in my eyes, I never wanted him to look away. It felt like his eyes glued me to my chair. I could feel my heart thumping against my chest, wanting to reach out and touch the gorgeous man for itself.
The principal cleared her throat and Mr. Lawrence looked at her, though I wanted him to look at me. Wait – what was I saying? I had a boyfriend and we were deeply in love despite his childish ways. I loved Kyle no matter how hot my new History teacher was. I’ve been dating Kyle a little over two years now and I’m satisfied of the outcome of our relationship. I just prayed that I wasn’t forming a crush on my teacher. My stomach clenched at the thought of it. That would surely be weird. I couldn’t like my teacher – that was practically juvenile. Never in my life had I even considered to look twice at a teacher, but Mr. Lawrence made me think completely otherwise. How on Earth could he even make me do that? I considered myself a pretty solid person that followed the rules and never thought twice about it. How could one simple gorgeous man – that was my teacher – make me reconsider something I lived by my whole life? Kyle couldn’t even make me stay five minutes pass my curfew – which I made for myself – and I knew him since the sixth grade and dated him since sophomore year. That certainly didn’t add up. How did someone I knew most of my life not be able to make me reconsider anything, but someone I just met – was my teacher – was able to make me reconsider a huge rule in my book? I bit my bottom lip and looked out the window then quickly back at my new teacher.
“Yes, Ms. Pope?” he asked turning his attention towards her, but not before swiping another peek at me.
“Um, you may start your lesson immediately. You may get to know you’re students and let them get more familiar with you, but then straight to the lesson.” She said a sharply. A little too sharply.
Mr. Lawrence nodded obediently. “Yes ma’am. Now, you have a nice day.” He said with a smile, flashing his deep dimples again. Ms. Pope looked flustered as she smiled back.
“As will you,” she added formally before she left the room, trying to sway her hips from side to side, but failing miserably. It’s funny that everything this woman does she does it completely wrong. I still wondered how she became principal of my school. Not that my school was top notch or anything.
Everybody’s eyes went back to the handsome Mr. Lawrence as he wrote his name on the board. His hand writing was an elegant scrabble and basically perfect. He turned back around with a smile on his face.
“Hello, as you learned, my name is Mr. Lawrence, first name Trent, but of course you are to address me by my last name. Well, a little about me is that I’m twenty three – graduated high school young and already finished my training, so you guys are my first real classroom that I am going to teach. My favorite color is black and I’m from Australia, but I learned to speak as an American. I-,”
He was cut off as a girl from the back stood up. She had long blonde hair that stopped at her waist and she had huge crystal blue eyes. Over all, she was beautiful, but if she wasn’t ferociously smacking her gum she would’ve looked better.
She fluttered her long lashes as she spoke. “Are you married or in any committed relationship?” she asked innocently.
Mr. Lawrence chuckled. “No, I’m currently single, but –,”
“Oh, that’s all that I need to know and what you need to know is that I’m single and willing,” she said, flashing her white teeth. People whistled and chuckled as she took her seat and practically beamed up at Mr. Lawrence.
Mr. Lawrence smiled and shook his head. “Ok . . . so does anybody else have a question?” he asked. Nobody said anything, so he nodded and crossed his arms. “Does anybody want to perhaps introduce themselves?” he asked expectantly. Again, nothing happened. I wanted to stand up and introduce myself, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. But he was my teacher and he eventually was going to get to know me, right? So why not just introduce myself now?
Mr. Lawrence’s eye brows were raised, waiting for someone to volunteer. He was about to turn around, but I stood up in my seat. I tried not to think about what I was doing and who I was about to talk to. I nibbled my bottom lip before taking a deep breath.
“Faith Pierce, cheerleading captain, perfect GPA, eighteen years old, originate from Queens, New York, and I want to master in art.” When I said all of this, my head was down and I was looking at the pattern of wood on my desk.
“You draw?”
I looked up at him. He had a smile on his face flashing a teasing crooked smile. His dimples indented both his cheeks as his stormy gray eyes burned into my soul. A lump form in my throat, but I forced myself to speak.
“Yes,” I told him.
“My biggest dream is to own an art gallery." I continued, smiling at the thought of accomplishing my dream.
“Really? Maybe I’ll stop by when the time comes.” He said in a reassuring tone, with a chuckle following after.
He winked at me and turned around to face the board. He started writing something, so I took that as my cue to sit down. I sat awkwardly straight in my chair feeling like I just spilled my heart to someone. I never told anybody about me wanting to major in art and own my own gallery. I shook my head and looked up as Mr. Lawrence turned back around.
His eyes met mines as he spoke. “I have a feeling I am going to enjoy this class.” He said with a smile before turning back around.
I blushed and looked down at the picture I was doodling before Ms. Pope stepped in. I was drawing a picture of a heart with wings on it. As I looked back up at Mr. Lawrence, my body swelled with desire. My face heated up as I looked back down at the heart and scribbled in Trent Lawrence plus Faith Pierce.
I thought about Kyle and shook my head. What was I doing? I quickly ripped it out my notebook, about to ball it up, but one look at Mr. Lawrence made my heart beat pick up. I bit my bottom lip and quickly neatly folded it up before I tucked it in my pocket.


EVERYBODY at my table was chatting away and having a great time except me. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything, but Mr. Lawrence since he came which was a month ago. I craved his attention so much though I tried to deny it. I became so obsessed with drawing pictures of him that I had to get a box to put them all in. I felt so helpless when it came to him. The worse thing is that it's taking toll on my relationship with Kyle. He's getting suspicious of me being quiet and distant. I haven't been paying attention during any class except History and when Kyle tried to kiss me I cringed away. Basically, I was a living mess.
I picked at my sub sandwich not even hungry. Next period was History and I couldn't wait to go. Damn Faith, you have to get a grip. You're eighteen he's twenty three and your teacher, I told myself. I had to realize this. He was just some stupid crush and I would eventually get over him - I knew that, but I couldn't help my obsession over him. I sighed and looked up at Kyle. He was engrossed in a conversation with Leonard who was my best friend.
I knew Leonard my whole life and he was the only person that I could trust. I could easily tell him anything and he won't judge me, but I couldn't tell him about my crush on Mr. Lawrence. He would judge me. Not to my face, but behind my back. I had originally met Leonard back on my trip to Jamaica which he is from. He was visiting his hometown and I happened to be there. I remembered that we were three years old and we were playing on the beach. I was dipping my toes in the salty water when I saw a caramel skinned boy with hazel brown eyes come sit next to me. He smelt of cinnamon and that was the first thing that slipped from my lips. I'm not going to lie - I had a crush on him then, but I was never going to tell him that. To sum it up, when I left Jamaica I was surprised to find my summer long buddy moving into the house next to mines. We've been best friends ever since and never stopped.
Leonard noticed my ogling and raised his brow at me. "Are you alright, Faith?" I nodded like I always do when a person asked me that question. Leonard sighed. "We're going to talk after school. My house, alright?" he said sternly. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and just nodded. My eyes went to Kyle who was looking at me with a worried expression.
"I'm alright, Kyle. I think I'm coming down with the flu," I added for their benefit.
Leonard chuckled humorlessly. "For a damn month, Faith? How dumb do you think we are?" he questioned. I glared at him. Damn. Why did he know me so well?
"Shut up, Leo. You are not supposed to piss off a sick person. I might throw up on you,"
Leonard rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he muttered before taking a huge bite out of his pizza. I sighed and laid my face on the cold wooden table. What was I going to do about Leo? He read me like an open book. It was like he could read my mind or some supernatural bullshit like that. And truth be told - I hated it. Can't a girl have her privacy without her nosey best friend sticking his nose in her business? Damn. He needed to be a journalist or something.
"You know you can tell me anything, sweetie." Kyle said soothingly as he rubbed my back. His hands felt warm against my back as he softly rubbed it and a smile spread across my face. His touch always felt good, so I don't why I was drooling over my History teacher. Kyle was so perfect and I loved him. When he wasn't acting childish he was the perfect boyfriend. He just needed some time to mature. I was always mature my whole life because of my parents. My mother always acted like a child and even in her mid forties she still did. My father really didn't help because so did he. I mean gosh, my mom would walk around the house wearing American Eagle and the shirt would be two sizes too small. I mean, she really thought she was a teenager. My dad would try and wear skinny jeans - yuck. Just imagine a middle aged man trying to wear lime green skinny jeans . . .
I grimaced at the thought. Geez, I was permanently scarred with that picture. It was like it was engraved into my mind. I shook my head, hoping to shake away the thought.
I looked up at Kyle and smiled. "I know," I said low enough only for him to hear. A smile lightened up his beautiful face as his chocolate brown eyes sparkled. Kyle was somebody that you called gorgeous. He had sandy brown hair and big chocolate brown eyes that sparkled when he smiled. He only had one dimple on his left cheek and it showed whenever he laughed or smile. He had huge muscles that helped him out whenever he played football. He was the captain of the football team and I was the captain of the cheer leading team, so we were basically forced to date each other.
Soon, I found myself dumping away my tray and Kyle was walking me to my next class - History. It use to be my first period class, but I thought after I ate lunch and got nutrients in my body that my hunger for him would satiate, but I had no such luck. I hated the way my heart skipped a beat when I thought about Mr. Lawrence's face. Why was I so attracted to him? What made him any more different than Kyle or the rest of my teachers? My Algebra teacher, Mr. Manor, was called hot by many students, but he didn't make butterflies form in my stomach when I heard his name or when I thought of him. I respected him as a teacher and nothing more. But then Mr. Lawrence . . .
I shook my head and let Kyle guide me through the swarms of people. I needed to get my head out my ass and focus on reality. Even if I and Kyle happened to break up, I and Mr. Lawrence will never be. My crush on him is foolish and immature. I couldn't keep swooning after this man like he and I were supposed to be together. He was five years older me and my teacher. I had to get a grip on my emotions. I needed to stop living in a stupid fantasy and come back to the thing that was called life and reality.
A lump formed in my throat when we reached his classroom. He looked out of place as he sat at his desk typing something on his laptop. I bit my bottom lip as familiar desire swelled up in me. That was exactly how I felt every time I saw his beautiful face. Then, his eyes met mines. His light gray eyes burned into mines as a smile was playing on his beautiful pink lips. I felt the world freeze around us as we got lost in each other's eyes. I absentmindedly dropped Kyle's hands and kept staring into Mr. Lawrence's eyes. A smile spread across my face as my heart started to pick up.

"I'll see you after class, alright?" I blinked and looked over at Kyle. Guilt washed over me as I realized what I just did. I was falling for another man right in front of my boyfriend. My face heated up as I quickly pecked Kyle on the lips. "Alright," I said.
"Love you," he said flashing his one dimple.
"Love you too," I replied back. He gave me another kiss before he went for his next class. I sighed. I didn't like doing this to Kyle. I kept concentrating on Mr. Lawrence and not Kyle. What the heck is happening to me? I needed to reunite with the rational part of me. I took a deep breath and turned around.
Mr. Lawrence's face was one of misery and sadness. His smile was now twisted down in a frown and his eyebrows were knitted together. He sighed and looked back down at the laptop. This time when he type it was harsher and louder. I stared at him for awhile. What just happened? Why was he so mad all of a sudden? I felt anger, sadness, and rejection wash through me, but the problem was that I wasn't any of those things. What the . . .
I looked back and saw Mr. Lawrence staring at me. When our eyes met he sighed his frustration before typing harshly on the computer again. I looked at him in confusion. Was I just feeling his emotions? And if I was, why was he feeling all those things? Did I cause him to feel such emotions just by kissing Kyle?
I made my way to my seat still confused. Questions swirled in my head as I sat down in my regular seat. I couldn't take my eyes off of Mr. Lawrence as he continued to type on the laptop. Why was I feeling his emotions? Did we have some type of unexplained bond? I had no clue, but it felt like I could feel heat rush through me every time he looks at me. I looked up and he was looking at me again, but with a confused expression. When he noticed I was staring at him he didn't look away. He stared into my eyes for an immeasurable amount of time. I could hear my heart hammering around in my chest as I studied his gray eyes. I swear I could tell you every tiny characteristic of his eyes. I can explain each detail to his irises to the size of his eyeballs. Damn, I was psychotic.
A smile suddenly spread across Mr. Lawrence's face as he looked back at his laptop again. He chuckled to himself before he started typing again, but more calmly. I tried to tap into this unexplained bonding crap and felt determination washed through me. What the hell was he determined to do? I bit my bottom lip and started silently doodling again waiting for the lesson to begin.

During the lesson Mariah, the girl who sat next to me in class, had dropped her pencil. It rolled over to my desk and I quickly picked it up. I gave her an innocent smile as I passed her pencil back to her. "Here you go," I whispered. She nodded and took the pencil. I smiled again and turned around in my seat when a familiar alluring voice spoke.
"Didn't I say no talking? Detention on Friday, Miss. Pierce," Mr. Lawrence said sternly. I looked at him confused. What the heck did I do? "I was only picking up her pencil for her, sir." I said respectfully, but still confused.
"I think she has two arms that aren't broken. She could've gotten it by herself," he retorted. I raised a brow at him. Ok, he may be hot and all, but what the heck does he thinks he's doing disrespecting me like that? "Sir, it rolled towards my desk and it wasn't within her reach. I didn't want her to get out her seat and get in trouble," I said a bit louder.
An amused expression crossed Mr. Lawrence's beautiful face. "And now you're in trouble. Like I said, detention on Friday,"
I gasped. "I have a game on Friday. I must cheer. I have to be there; I'm the cheer leading captain," I said.
"Then I guess you have to miss it," he said. He looked like he was enjoying himself a little too much. I narrowed my eyes at the beautiful man and pouted.
“You can’t do that, sir. The cheerleaders must have their captain, so that they can get the routine done correctly. Also we are doing a pyramid and I have to be on top.” I explained.
He shrugged and chuckled. “First, don’t tell me what I can and cannot do. Second, that sounds like a personal problem – not mines,” he chuckled again before he started typing on the laptop again.
I stared at him with my mouth slightly open. What the heck just happened? Why the heck did he give me detention? I didn’t even do a dang thing, but help the girl pick up her pencil. I turned around and looked at Mariah. She had a pity expression on her face.
“Sorry,” she mouthed before she got back to her work. I sighed loudly and pressed my cheek on the desk. I never ever got detention in my life. Matter of fact, I never had any type of punishment, because I don’t act like an utter idiot like most students here do. Like I said, I’m mature, so I’m usually the one giving the punishment. It can be telling my parents to lower their voices or telling my little sister to stop chewing on the couch. I swear I grew up with a line of immature people. I know my sister was three and all, but my mother never told me I did such stupid things as chew on a couch like I was some dog. Damn, she had a pacifier – why was she chewing on couches? Point is that I’m usually responsible and I still am, so I have no clue why he gave me detention for helping a person out. Crap, tough much?
“So now you’re deciding to not do your work? Double detention. Friday and Monday,” Mr. Lawrence’s alluring voice broke the silence, sending chills down my spine. I quickly sat up straight and glared at him.
“Well sorry, but for your information I’m sick,” Sick of you, I added mentally. Sick of you making my hot boyfriend seem oblivious to me. Sick of you making me stay up at night. Sick of you making me draw pictures of you. Sick of you invading my dreams at night. Sick of you making me fall for you. Of course I couldn’t tell him any of that.
He chuckled. “Stay at home if you’re sick.”
I grunted and crossed my arms across my chest and pouted. What was wrong with this man?
When the bell rung I quickly packed up all my stuff and literally ran out the room. I had no idea what was wrong with Mr. Lawrence, but I knew I had to get away from him before I have to spend a whole week in detention. I quickly found Kyle waiting for me outside the History door and happily joined him.
He grabbed my books from my hands and pecked me on the lips. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey, Kyle.” I said exhausted.
He raised a brow at me. “Are you alright?”
I shook my head, actually telling the truth since Mr. Lawrence came into my life. “No. Mr. Lawrence gave me detention Friday and Monday,” I complained.
“The game is Friday. He can’t do that. You’re the cheerleading captain.”
I nodded. “I know. But he got all defensive and was like ‘Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do.’” I said terribly mocking Mr. Lawrence’s alluring voice. We both laughed as Kyle wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “What did you do anyway?”
“A girl that sat next to me dropped her pencil and I gave it to her. Then, he gave me detention. So I had sat there wondering what the heck I did wrong when he gave me another detention for not doing my work,”
Kyle chuckled. “He must not like you.”
I shrugged. “Well, I don’t care,” I lied. The thought of Mr. Lawrence hating me completely repulsed me. I felt my stomach churn as I bit my bottom lip. I looked up at Kyle and a smile lightened up my face. “You like me right?” I asked innocently.
He chuckled and looked down at me, his eyes sparkling. “No – I love you,” he said, flashing his one dimple. I blushed and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on his cheek. “I love you too,” I said with a cheeky smile. “I know,” he said teasingly.
I laughed and sighed happily.
This was all I needed. I didn’t need Mr. Lawrence. He was just my stupid, hot, and bitter, History teacher. Even if I do have a little crush on him – I will just get over it soon. I had Kyle, Leo, and Leo’s girlfriend, Jamie. Mr. Lawrence can go hang himself for all I care. I have friends who love me. I don’t have to want my beautiful History teacher to like me. I could care less.
“Today’s Wednesday and you have to go to Leo’s house and you have detention on Friday, so I was wondering if we could do something tomorrow?” I smiled.
“Of course. You know I can never say no to someone as handsome and perfect as you,”
He blushed and gave me another kiss. We stopped in front of my Trigonometry class as Kyle passed me back my books.
“Bye, beautiful.” Kyle whispered in my ear. I shivered as a smile spread across my face. “Bye, Kyle.” He flashed one of his perfect smiles before he turned around and disappeared in the crowds of people. I sighed and walked into the classroom. I was glad this was my last period of the day. I sure as hell needed to get far away from this damn school.
I sat in my normal seat next to Leo and quickly took out my notebook.
“What? You can’t say hi anymore?” I rolled my eyes and smiled at Leo. “Hey there, Leo.”
He chuckled. “Hello, Fay.” I raised a brow at him. “Fay? So you finally came up with my nickname, huh?”
He nodded and truly looked proud of himself. I laughed. “Well, I love the nickname, Leo.”
He smiled flashing his white teeth. “So are we still going to meet up at your house?” I asked hoping he’ll say no. Leo knew just how to squeeze the truth out of me and I hated that. He would prepare my favorite food and drink and then massage my feet. I mean, how can I resist spaghetti, Orange Juice, and a foot massage? All of that combined is like my own personally designed heaven.
Leo chuckled. “Damn right. I want to know what the heck has been up with you. I already got the spaghetti and Jamie is bringing the Orange Juice.” He said with cheeky smile. I sighed and sunk down in my seat. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this. I rubbed my temples and looked up as Miss. Peters stepped into the room to start her lesson.

When the final bell rung I packed up my things and quickly made my way to my locker making sure not to let Leo see me. I was really trying to hide from him, because if he finds me he will drag me into his car and personally drive me to his house. Unfortunately, Jamie would help too. Damn, they’re such good friend aren’t they?
I put my stuff in my locker and grabbed my messenger bag. I quickly closed my locker prepared to make a run for the door when familiar huge muscular hands wrapped around my wrist. I groaned and turned around to face Leo.
“You thought that you could get away?” he questioned. I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Can we do this little intervention like another day? I have homework to do and stuff.”
He raised a brow at me. “You know that I am a nerd. I can so easily help you with your homework . . . and stuff,” he said with a chuckle. I grunted and tried to get away, but for a nerd Leo was rather strong. Crap, he needed to stop working out so much! The boy I met back in Jamaica was not this buff. Damn, can you say steroids?
“Rape!” I yelled, not having anything else to say. I mean, I really didn’t want to talk about Mr. Lawrence with Leo. He would be like, ‘Oh, what about Kyle? He’s your boyfriend and is not out of your league like Mr. Lawrence.’ Ok, Leo wouldn’t say anything like that, but still – I didn’t want to talk about it.
“What the hell, Faith? Shut the hell up!” I shook my head. “Rape, rape! Somebody help me. This boy is trying to have his way with me!” Leo clamped his huge hand over my mouth and tried to drag me out the building. I started kicking and punching, but like I said – he’s strong. He threw me over his shoulder and stupidly dropped his hand from my mouth.
“Somebody help me! Please? Oh, lord! I don’t want my innocence snatched away from me!” I screamed.
“Faith! Shut up!” Leo pleaded. I started punching him in his back as we finally reached outside. Students stopped walking and stared at us. Why are they staring and not helping me? What the hell? The nerves of some people! If they were getting forced to go somewhere I would help them!
“Someone help! He is a rapist! He wants to take my –,” I was cut off as a pair of small hands covered my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw Jamie rolling her eyes. “Gosh, Faith. You have one loud mouth,”
I rolled my eyes this time. How did she think I got on the cheerleading team?
Jamie had brunette hair and big emerald eyes. She was sort of clumsy, but other than that she was perfect. I guess she is the only girl I could trust because she isn’t big on gossiping. My fellow cheerleaders are just people I have to deal with so that I can enjoy doing my hobby. But Jamie, I choose to associate myself with her. Like I said, she’s a pretty cool girl.
“Thank you, Jamie. I swear I thought I was going to get arrested any second now.” Leo said with a sigh. Jamie chuckled. “I would’ve bailed you out anyway, babe.” Jamie said with a cheeky smile.
“Aw, thanks babe. If you got arrested I would bail you out too,”
Jamie blushed and looked down at her feet. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t. I guess that was their way of complimenting each other? Whatever. But it was kind of cute. I never saw Jamie’s face so red.
Finally we reached Leo’s flaming red convertible and he literally threw me into the back seat and shut the door. Him and Jamie quickly got into the car and started up the vehicle and we were off.
I grunted from the back seat. “I’m not going to talk. And you can’t make me!”
Jamie turned around and held up my own personal kryptonite – Orange Juice. I sighed and leaned into the leather seats. “Alright. I’ll stop acting retarded,” I muttered. Shit, all I wanted to do was keep my business to myself. I looked out the window and sighed. Well, this was where my secret ended. Soon, I would enter Leo’s house and I would smell the fresh scent of his mother’s special spaghetti and I would just lose it. I laid my head on the cool window as my mind wondered back to Mr. Lawrence.
Even after he gave me detention for nothing, I couldn’t get him out of my head. His beautiful face seemed to be burned into my mind. I could still see his too light gray eyes burning into my green eyes and then that beautiful smile that lights up his face when he looked at me . . . I felt my heart beat pick up at the thought. I could see his muscles flexing as he typed on the computer . . .
I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. I had to somehow get him out my head. He’s taking up my mind and it is really frustrating. Kyle should be the one I’m daydreaming about – not my History teacher. I should be wrapped up in Kyle’s arms and listen to him whispering soothing words in my ear – not swooning over every movement Mr. Lawrence makes. Geez, my life was so out of place. And what about that bond we had?
I had felt what he was feeling. Now, how many people could say that happened to them? Those emotions weren’t mines and I knew that for a fact. I wasn’t angry, sad, or rejected. But the expression on his face masked those of all those emotions. I still wondered was I the reason why he felt those emotions. Could he feel what I felt for him?
I shook my head. That wouldn’t make sense. I’m his student – not his lover. That’s just a bunch of bull. I was clearly going out of my damn mind.

Overdoing it

LEO pulled into the driveway to his house and parked the car. I got ready to make a run for my house which was only next door. If I made it, Leo wouldn’t question my sanity. I bit my bottom lip and contemplated my chance of racing over to my house before they caught me and they weren’t good. I sighed and glared at Leo and Jamie.
“I hate you guys. All I wanted to do was get home and watch True Blood,” I grumbled. Leo chuckled. “You saw every episode. You cannot fool me Faith Lynn Pierce.”
At this point I wanted to kick Leo in his throat. He knew me too well! How heck does he knows so much? Geez, he was a borderline stalker. I crossed my arms against my chest and looked out the window at my house longingly. “I’m just not going to leave the car. I have my Orange Juice. That’s good enough for me. I’ll ask my mother stop by the store on her way home to buy me some spaghetti.”
Leo sighed. “Then, we are just going to have to talk in here,” My eyes widen as I watched Leo get out the car. I groaned and quickly hopped out the other door.
I didn’t even look behind me I started sprinting for my house. I wasn’t the fastest girl, but I certainly wasn’t slow. My breathing was harsh as I kept running, but I clearly didn’t run fast enough because Leo tackled me and literally smashed my breast with his body weight.
I yelped out my pain and tried to get him off of me. “Leonard! Get the heck off before I get breast cancer!” I growled. He took his body weight off of me, but he held my arms together and brought it to the top of my head.
“Leo! Get away from me!”
Leo shook his head. “No. You are going to talk – right now. If I let you go, you will run.”
I smirked. “You know me well,” I said approvingly. Leo chuckled. “You can’t distract me. Talk right now. What the heck has been going on with you? And don’t say crap about menstruation, PMS, or the flu. Tell me the dang truth, Faith.”
I sighed. How was I going to start? No – where the heck was I going to start? Would I start at the bond that we have? If we even have a bond? Maybe it was my imagination. Maybe my mind tricked me into thinking Mr. Lawrence actually felt those emotions towards me. I wasn’t particularly imaginative, but anything was possible. Maybe I was schizophrenic? I had no clue, but I was going to figure out and I knew Mr. Lawrence being interested in me was not an option.
“I can’t talk in this position. And I want my orange juice.” I told Leo. He sighed and his grip on my arms loosened. “I’ll get your orange juice and we’ll talk in my house. Alright?” I nodded obediently. I knew I probably wasn’t going to even abide by his directions. I knew I was going to make a run for my house. I didn’t want him to think I was crazy or anything. I wasn’t . . . I think I wasn’t. I have deluded myself into thinking I felt my teacher’s emotions. So I must be crazy, right? I must be delusional. But yet I didn’t want anybody to intercede.
“Ok, I’m going to let you go. And when I do you better not run.” Leo warned me with a cocked eye brow. I smile innocently, urging him on. Leo dropped his hands and eyed me carefully. I didn’t move an inch. I needed him to get a decent distant away so that I could make a run for my house.
My smile didn’t falter as Leo slowly backed up, looking at me with every step. I still kept on my innocent smile. When he reached into his convertible, I quickly stood up. I turned around and sprinted towards my house. I checked to make sure my keys were in my pocket as I ran as fast as I could.
“Leo, she’s running for her house!” I heard Jamie yell, but I was already at my door step, my hands were sweaty as I dug in my pocket. I fumbled with the keys, searching for the right one. I looked to the side and saw Leo running towards me like a lion hunting its prey. My eyes widened in horror as I quickly shoved the key into the rusted lock. I turned the key and pushed open the door.
“Faith! Get back here now. I will never forgive you for this. I swear I won’t!” I heard Leo yell as I shut the door behind me, locking all three locks. I leaned against the door breathing hard, happy that I didn’t have to get interrogated. I tossed the keys on a nearby table, my breath still coming in huffs.
“Is that you, Faith?”
My father smiled when he saw me. I sighed when I saw him. He was wearing sky blue skinny jeans with a blue and white Hollister shirt. I shook my head and gave my dad a hug.
“Why do you insist on looking like a child?” I asked pulling back to look into his blue eyes. He flashed a white smile and shrugged. “To hip for ya?” he teased. I laughed and headed up the stairs.
Even though my family is completely unusual, I love them. I couldn’t wish for a different family. I stepped into my room and closed the door behind me, locking it just in case Leo found his way into my house. I put my messenger bag on the floor and pulled my hair out of a ponytail. I took off my clothes and pulled on a long Lakers jersey with matching knee-high socks. I pulled on my worn out yellow house slippers and took off all my jewelry and make up leaving myself bare.
I pulled out my homework and a pen and began to work on it. At least it distracted me from any thoughts of Trent Lawrence for a while.

After a good two hours I put my homework back in my bag and picked up my iPod. I inserted my headphones and soon I fell asleep, dreaming of Trent Lawrence.
I woke up when I felt something wet dribble down my face. I groaned and wiped whatever it was off. It felt slimy and I immediately knew what it was. I opened my eyes and looked into familiar green eyes. I pulled my headphones out and groaned and pushed my baby sister off me. She started crying almost immediately.
“Mom! Get Sophie out of here! She’s drooling all over me!” I screamed in disgust. I rushed to the bathroom and splash water all over my face and used a bar of soap to wash my hands and scrub my face. My sister was so annoying! Who drools like a dog at three years old? I swear she just does it for attention. I dried my face off with a nearby towel. While I was in here I might as well take a shower and wash off all the rest of Sophie’s germs.
I locked the door and stripped from my clothes. I ran the water and applied bubble bath before I turned towards the sink to brush my teeth, but not before I got a look of my face.
Sometimes I wonder how on Earth I became the cheerleading captain. The rest of the girls that were on the team were beautiful and talented. They’ve been cheerleading for years. I had done gymnastics for a year and was flexible, so I made the team. But not only did I make it, the girls voted for me as team captain. Since then, I was obligated to date Kyle, I guess. Cheerleading captain and football captain clearly mix, so now I was stuck with Kyle. Actually, I didn’t mind being stuck with him before . . . Before I met Trent Lawrence that is. Now I was trapped under his spell. Plus, I have two days of detention with him. Detention was usually an hour and a half, but the teacher could make it long if they wanted to. I prayed that Mr. Lawrence didn’t because I didn’t know how much self control I owned.
I could end up attacking him. He might even be disgusted. I was plain to the cheerleaders at my school, and those cheerleaders were plain next to Mr. Lawrence, so how did I look? I shivered at the thought. The only thing I liked about myself is my eyes. My eyes were impossibly large and grassy green. I wish my eye lashes were longer, but I couldn’t do a thing about that. I sighed. My skin was pale and couldn’t seem to pick up a tan. My lips seemed too large for my face and my nose was too narrow. My hair was boring black and nothing else. It wasn’t chestnut, or even brown. Just . . . black. Not jet black like Mr. Lawrence, or silky like Leo’s . . . just black. I looked away from the mirror completely repulsed. Why did Kyle even date me? I was so . . . ugly. Was it because I was head cheerleader or was I really pretty? No, it was because he was forced. I bit my lip and quickly brushed my teeth, trying not to think of anything.
I got into the bubble bath and leaned into the bubbles. I relaxed and gave myself to the steamy water. I sighed as calmness ran through me. This was what I needed. To relax . . . I wanted to stay home and relax, but I promised Kyle I’ll see him after school. I groaned and pulled the plug before getting out and wrapping the towel around my body. Thankfully, Sophie was no longer in my room when I entered it again. I closed my door behind me and locked it, just in case Sophie turned the knob.
I put on bra and underwear before throwing on a red long sleeved V-neck and black skinny jeans. I put on red flats and left my hair down. I put on silver hoops and threw on a diamond necklace that I got for my last birthday. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked okay . . . I didn’t look so ugly now. My smile widened as I picked up my messenger bag.
When I walked into the kitchen, my mother was bouncing Sophie on her lap as she read the newspaper with a cup of coffee in her hand. Sophie sat there with her pacifier in her mouth, playing with my mother’s shirt. She looked pretty adorable doing that, but I kept remembering earlier this morning. I shivered as I remembered the feeling of her spit running down my face. I made a face as I walked pass my mother. I grabbed a bottle of water and picked up my keys off the table and stuffed them in my pocket.
“You’re not hungry?” I shook my head and gave my mom a hug. “Kyle and I are hanging out after school. Is that alright?” I asked her as I gave Sophie a kiss on the cheek.
She nodded. “Sure, just eat something at school, ok? You haven’t been eating well in a month.” She noted. Tell me about it, I thought bitterly. My mind has been elsewhere. Well, it was focused on my new History teacher. Even when I was sleeping, I was having dreams of him sleeping in my bed next to me and then us waking up together. It’s weird, but I found myself rushing to go to bed just so that I can see him again. I felt like a certified stalker. I can’t believe I was obsessed with my teacher. My gorgeous, young, and beautiful teacher. I bit my lip and nodded at my mother.
“I will, I’ll see you later.” I kissed my mother before I left the house.
Kyle was waiting for me as usual as I stepped out my house. I locked the door before I ran over to Kyle’s truck. I got in and pecked him on the lips.
“How are you this morning?” Kyle asked with a smile. I smiled back. “Fine, despite the fact that my sister drooled all over me this morning.” I said with a shake of my head. Kyle laughed as he pulled away from my house.
I leaned my head on Kyle’s shoulder and snuggled into his side. “What are we going to do after school?” I asked softly.
“What do you want to do, beautiful?” he asked. I blushed.
“How about eating at Josephine’s?” He nodded.
“Sounds like a plan.”

When I walked into History, the desks were arranged completely different. Shocked, I walked to the one that was close by the window, about to sit when Mr. Lawrence’s voice caused shivers to go down my spine.
“I assigned all the students seats.” I blinked and turned around. Mr. Lawrence leaned against his desk, his jaw tight. His pale skin seemed paler than before. His eyes met mines and they were a darker shade of gray. A lump formed in my throat as I felt worry flood through me, but again – it wasn’t my emotion.
“But I want to sit by the window,” I said, trying to be defiant. Mr. Lawrence shook his head and pointed to a seat close to his desk and the door. “Please sit here, Faith. I’m not feeling well today.” He said tiredly.
He plopped down in his chair and started typing warily on his laptop. I bit my bottom lip and followed his instructions. I sat down in the seat and immediately froze. His scent was all over it. He smelt of vanilla and freesia mixed together. I was suddenly suffocated by the smell. A smile spread across my face as I continued to inhale the intoxicating scent. It smelt so delicious. Like a plate of food. I felt my mouth water and I suddenly wanted to attack Trent Lawrence. I shook my head and thought about Kyle.
I pulled out my notebook for this class as students started piling into the classroom. Today, we were just taking notes and I noticed that Mr. Lawrence was indeed tired. Usually, his voice was booming and exuberant. But now it was dull and almost a whisper. Students had to continuously raise their hands and ask what he said. I wondered what happened to him that made him so tired. Was it me? Did I tire him out?
Guilt washed over me at the possibility. Did I seriously wear the poor man out? I bit my bottom lip and looked down at the page I was writing on that was half way filled with notes. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I looked back at Mr. Lawrence. He was looking at me with sad eyes. We stared into each other’s eyes. His wary gray eyes stared into my green eyes. Electricity shot up my spine making me shiver. Mr. Lawrence now seemed to be fighting a smile. He turned back around and when he spoke this time his voice had a bit more conviction. I felt hope wash through me. And once again that emotion wasn’t mines.
When the bell rung, I decided to stay back and talk to Mr. Lawrence. It was indeed a bad idea considering the fact that I wanted to attack the man. I remained in my seat as the rest of the students piled out of the classroom. I was squirming around in my chair, not trusting myself to be in the same room with Mr. Lawrence by myself. The thought sent fire through my body. I rubbed the back of my neck as I rose from my seat when the classroom was empty. I walked up to Mr. Lawrence’s desk.
It was a moment before he looked up. A smile immediately lit up his beautiful face. “Faith, how can I help you?” he asked formally. I leaned against his desk and smiled back at him.
“I just noticed that you were kind of out of sorts today . . . and I was wondering if I was the cause of it?” He tensed in his seat, but the smile stayed on his face, but I could tell it was forced now. I felt panic wash through me. And of course I wasn’t panicked.
“Why would you say that?” he wondered. Something tells me that you could answer that question for me, I thought suspiciously.
“Because I wasn’t acting so good yesterday which caused me to get detention.” I said easily. Relief flooded through me . . . or him. His body wasn’t rigid and his smile seemed to come easily now.
“Oh, no that isn’t the cause of my exhaust – just some problems at home.” I could tell he was lying to me. I cocked a brow at him and boldly sat on the edge of his desk.
“What happened at home?”
His smile was forced again. “I don’t want to bore you with the details. Plus, you should be getting to class now.”
I shook my head. “No, I have all the time in the world. I have Trigonometry next. There’s a substitute and my best friend can tell her or him that I was in the bathroom. He or she will mark me present and problem is solved.”
He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He examined me with a smile. His eyes trailed down my body and landed on my butt resting on his desk. Blood rushed to my face and I looked down then back at his face.
“So what happened?” I urged with a smile. His eyes met mines. “My dog died.” He said simply. Once again I could tell he was lying. “Your . . . dog . . . died?” I said this as a question. That was his best excuse? He nodded.
I leaned across the desk and looked him in the eye. “Do you have a class this period?” I asked. He seemed to have trouble talking. “No.”
I can feel nervousness wash through me, but I was feeling quite bold. I had no idea what I was doing and why I was doing it. But I was certain I was going to do it. Whatever it was.
I leaned closer to him with a smile. “Can I tell you something Mr. Lawrence?”
“I’m good at telling when someone is lying.” I lied. I sucked at that. But it was pretty easy to read him. He was like an open book and I could turn his pages and read him easily and clearly.
I nodded.
“And your point is?”
“I know you’re lying.” I implied. He cleared his throat. “I think you should leave now, Miss. Pierce.” He said in a strangled voice.
I blinked and leaned back, noticing my junk was in his face. I blushed and immediately became embarrassed. What was running through my head? I asked myself as I jumped off his desk. I stumbled, almost falling flat on my face. I steadied myself on time and quickly walked over to my stuff.
“Are you alright?” he asked. After practically throwing myself at you and being rejected, not really.
“Dandy,” I replied bitterly. I collected myself before quickly heading for the door feeling like an idiot. Why did I stoop so low? Why did I throw myself at my teacher!? I was never like that . . . It was like he made a new Faith come out of me. I bit my bottom lip as I tried to storm out the room, but failed.
My hand was on the door knob when he spoke again, “Don’t forget about your detention tomorrow.”
“I won’t.” I said before I threw opened the door and trudged out the room.

I was trying to ignore Leo as he kept pestering me with questions. I pushed him away and kept walking, but he caught up to me again.
“Where were you?” he asked for the thousandth time. I sighed and rolled my eyes. “I was in History discussing my detention with Mr. Lawrence,” I replied. It was true, but we only brought up my detention twice. I wasn’t going to tell Leo that, of course.
“Oh, that’s really boring.” Leo said making a face. I laughed and looked at him. “Did you think I got kidnapped?”
He laughed. “No, but it would’ve been much more exciting than discussing detention.” He teased. I rolled my eyes and nudged him with my shoulder.
“You rather I get kidnapped, so that you could be better entertained?” I questioned. He shook his head, his eyes wide with fake horror.
“Of course not! I love you too much to wish such a thing on you!” he said with fake astonishment before kissing me on my cheek. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Sure, like I would believe you. You’re a psycho.” I said and narrowed my eyes at him. He rolled his eyes.
“How so?”
“Because you tried to kill me yesterday!” I exclaimed. He scoffed.
“Stop exaggerating the truth, sweetheart.” He mocked. I pushed him again . . . and at the wrong time.
I pushed Leo right into Jamie. His huge muscular body knocked over her small frame. It would’ve been funny if Jamie wasn’t yelping in pain. I pushed Leo off of her, fighting laughter.
“Sorry Jamie. That was for helping get kidnapped.”
Leo quickly helped her off the floor, kissing her hand. “Sorry about that babe. You know I would never put you in the hospital.” Leo said and smiled at her. He straightened out her hair with his long fingers.
Jamie blushed. “I wouldn’t put you in the hospital either.” Leo kissed her cheek and swung his arm over her shoulder. I eyed them like they were crazy.
“You guys are weird.” I said, shaking my head. Jamie shrugged and Leo laughed. I rolled my eyes at them.
“I’ll see you guys later. I and Kyle have a date tonight.”
“On a Thursday?” Jamie asked and scrunched up her face.
I sighed. “I know. I have detention for Mr. Lawrence on Friday.”
“Bummer. . . Well at least you’ll have eye candy.” She said with a smile. I laughed and waved at them as I walked through the school doors.
Kyle soon showed up with his truck. I immediately felt guilty as I climbed into the car. I threw myself at a teacher. And if that wasn’t bad enough, I was dating Kyle. I practically cheated on him . . . with my teacher! I bit my bottom lip and fidgeted with the end of my shirt. I felt horrible.
“Hey babe,” Kyle pecked me on the lips and pulled away from the curb.
“Hey.” I replied.
“I was going to walk you to Trigonometry, but I didn’t see you in front of your History class,” He looked at me from the corner of his eyes.
“Sorry about that. I was discussing my detention with Mr. Lawrence,”
He nodded.
“He gave you another day?”
I shook my head. “Good thing he didn’t.”
“He seemed down today,” Kyle noted. I nodded.
“He said his dog died.”
“Hm, he doesn’t look like a dog lover.”
I nodded in agreement. “He really doesn’t.”
“Well, I guess that’s why you don’t judge a book by its cover.”
I shrugged.
I still didn’t think Mr. Lawrence even owned a dog. I still wasn’t sure about this whole bond thing, but I did know he was lying. I could see it in his stormy gray eyes. I wanted to know why he was lying. Why would he feel the need to lie to me? Was it personal? Why did I care? He said it wasn’t me and he seemed pretty truthful when he said that. I still wondered what was really wrong with him.


I AND Kyle was sucking each other’s faces off as we sat at a booth at Josephine’s. I knotted my finger in his silky hair and pulled his face close to mines. My legs were wrapped around his waist and I was resting on his lap. His arms were wrapped around my waist and he too was pulling me closer. A smile was on my face as he trailed kisses from my mouth to my neck and back. He started slowly sucking on my neck, no doubt leaving a hicky. I urged him on by nibbling on his earlobe.
I was having a great time when at the corner of my eye I saw a pale figure. My eyes widened when I saw Mr. Lawrence there, staring wide eyed at us. What made my heart break was the tears that was in his eyes. I wanted to comfort him, to tell him I wanted him and not Kyle. But of course I couldn’t. He was indeed my teacher. I thought I only imagined him because the next second he was gone. But what made me believe that he was there was the feeling of hurt that washed through me.
I pulled back and Kyle groaned in protest. I looked at my watch and was glad that it was ten fifty. My curfew was eleven o’ clock. I really wanted to go home and think . . . Was Mr. Lawrence really there? Or did I imagine him up?
Kyle was breathing hard as he looked into my eyes. His chocolate eyes were filled with desire. I pecked his lips. “I’m sorry, but my curfew is in ten minutes.”
He sighed. “You do know that you have no curfew, right?”
I pushed him away and stood up. I placed a few bills on the table. “I do have a curfew and it’s in ten minutes. Let’s go.” I urged. He sighed, dropped a tip on the table and followed me out the restaurant. I wrapped my arms around my body as we stepped into the cool night.
I was eager to get into the truck and warm up. I knew I should’ve brought a jacket. “What is the real reason why we left?” Kyle asked suddenly as we piled into the car. I looked at him.
“My curfew is in ten minutes, Kyle.” I said each word slowly. Kyle sighed and put the key in the ignition. Soon, we were off for my house.
I know that I pissed him off because he stayed quiet the rest of the way. I pressed my lips together, so I wouldn’t apologize. Really, he was getting childish again. This was why I questioned our relationship. Honestly, he always got like this when it was time for me to go home. I’m responsible, so it’s only right for me to set a curfew for myself. I have school tomorrow and I have to stay back for detention. I’m going to need my sleep. I can’t just stay out all night . . . Plus, I might stay up late thinking about Trent Lawrence . . .

When we reached my house, Kyle surprisingly walked me to my door. I thought he would be too mad, but I guess not.
Kyle held my hand in his and looked into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful, Faith.” I blushed and looked down. Kyle used his finger to tilt my head back up. “And I love you so much. You make me go insane.”
My face was on fire as I reached on my tippy toes to kiss him on the lips. “I love you too, Kyle. I’m sorry if I upset you.”
He shook his head and kissed my neck. “I can never get mad at you. I was mad at the fact that our date came to an end.” He admitted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
“You make me insane, Faith.” He whispered again against my neck. I shivered and leaned back to look into his eyes. “Good.” He chuckled and dropped his arms.
“I’ll see you, tomorrow.” I nodded and released his neck. I stepped away from him and waved. “Bye.” I turned around and unlocked my door.
I stepped into the house only to see Sophie chewing on the sofa again. I groaned and ran over to her. I picked her and tried to take her to her room, but she wiggled around in my arms.
“No!” she cried. I ignored her pleas as I pulled her up the steps and into her room. I put her on her bed and locked the door. She had a different lock on her door where there’s a key you could use to get in. My dad had got it when she locked herself in her room by an accident. It was just her being irresponsible again. I shook my head at the memory. She banged on the door and cried, but I walked back to my room to get changed and to do my homework.
I changed into black sweats and a red tank top. I took off my jewelry and went downstairs to grab a granola bar. When I came back upstairs I put my headphones in my ears and started on my homework.
Honestly, I couldn’t even concentrate on my homework. I scribbled something down and put my books back into my messenger bag. I got into my bed, turned off my lamps and threw the sheets over my head.
Mr. Lawrence’s face kept swirling around in my head. His pained face kept flashing before my eyes. Delicate tears were in his eyes and then he disappeared . . . leaving me wondering. I bit my bottom lip and curled up in a ball. Did I truly see him there or did I imagine him? Even so, how did he disappear? It wouldn’t make sense unless he was a magician or something. So I must’ve imagined him. Deep down in my conscious I felt guilty for dating Kyle while I felt feelings for him. That was probably why my mind conjured up a picture of him crying. That was what must’ve happened. The rest just didn’t add up. And what about when I felt hurt wash through me? It wasn’t my emotion – at all.
I soon fell asleep, once again dreaming of Trent Lawrence.

I woke up and tore my headphones out my ears. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower. When I walked back into my room, of course Sophie was there. She was playing in my drawers with her pacifier in her mouth. I groaned and quickly ran over to her. I picked her up and she started crying.
"I want to play!" she cried. I looked down at her hand and saw she had my bracelet in her hand. I yanked it out her hand and tossed it back in my drawer. "Mom needs to get you a leash." I mumbled.
I walked to my parent’s room with a screaming Sophie. I had on nothing but a towel, so I had to keep pulling it up. Soon I reached my parents room and I threw open the door. They were sound asleep while I was struggling with their child. I tossed Sophie on their bed causing her to kick my mother in her face. My mother groaned and quickly sat up straight.
"Sorry, Sophie was playing my jewelry."
My mother rolled her eyes and picked up Sophie. She tucked her underneath the sheets in between her and my father then she went back to sleep. I shrugged and walked out their room and got dressed for school. I threw on a red American Eagle shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. I put in some red knobs in my ears and put on a black necklace. I grabbed my messenger bag and headed downstairs.
I grabbed a bottle of water and pulled out my cell phone. I called Leo.
"Hey Fay,"
"Hey Leo. Can you drop me off at school?" I asked.
"Sure, I'm leaving right now."
I headed out the door without telling my mother about the detention I have. She would think I was at the game and Mr. Lawrence didn't give me a detention slip. Monday, I had practice so there was no need to tell her about that detention either. I didn't want her to think I was irresponsible like her and my father.
I walked out the door, locking the door behind me. I saw Leo parked in front of my house in his flaming red convertible. I smiled and hopped into the passenger side.
"You know what I just realized?" I asked him.
He cocked a brow at me as he pulled away from my house. "What?"
"You owe me orange juice and spaghetti." I notified him.
He laughed. "Yeah right, you didn't tell me what the hell is wrong with you. But you've been better I've noticed."
I smiled. "I guess I am. I told you I had the flu."
"Whatever," he replied and rolled his hazel brown eyes.

After getting yelled at by coach, I walked down the hallway with my head down. I could feel tears wanting to break through. She threatened to kick me off the team in front of all the other cheerleaders. She made me look like a complete idiot. I knew they lost complete respect for me and it was all because of Trent Lawrence. If he wasn't so annoying I would've been practicing with the rest of the cheerleaders and watching the football players practice. Isn't it bad enough I can't participate in the game later on today? Coach could've really saved the humiliation.
I could feel my eyes watering up as I saw the cheerleaders giggling at the Coach's words towards me. The thing that hurt the most was that all the football players didn't even try to hide their booming laughter - including Kyle.
With that thought my tears broke through and trailed down my cheeks. I wiped them away and leaned against the cold wall. I could skip all my classes today. Especially History. I'll go to his detention just so my parents won't question why I was home so early. I sat on the floor and brought my legs to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my body and leaned my head against the wall. I stared up at the ceiling as I imagined Kyle laughing. He was laughing at me like I was a fool. He laughed at me like he wasn't my boyfriend. I sniffled as more tears trailed down my cheeks.
I wiped the tears with the back of my hand and continued to stare at the ceiling. Look at me, I'm crying over somebody laughing at me. I felt like a little schoolgirl crying over a broken heart.
I knew I probably really did look like a fool now. I tried wiping the tears away, but fresh new tears spilled down my face. My breaths came in huffs as I tried to breathe through my stuffy nose. I tucked my head in between my legs and stayed in that position.
Why did it hurt so much because someone laughed at me? Was it because of my pride or something more? Why did I care about losing my cheerleading title? I hated those girls, so why did I care so much?
I shook my head and stood up. I better go wash up so that if anybody walked down the hallway I didn't look like a total mess. I walked through the hallways trying to dodge any type of life form. If anybody caught me crying like this a list of rumors could start. That was the last thing I needed. I wanted to avoid ignorant people, not to be thrown right in the middle of their mess. I didn't want my name to be tainted because of coach. Who was I kidding? My name was already tainted! I know the cheerleaders wouldn't keep their mouths shut about what coach told me. They would run around saying I got kicked off the team in front of my boyfriend. I groaned as some more tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
You know what? Who cares about what someone thinks of me? Does it really matter about what students say about me?
"Faith, what are you doing out of class?"
I turned around at the sound of that alluring voice that haunts my dreams every night.
Mr. Lawrence stood with perfect ease. His pale skin was glistening and his stormy gray eyes were bright. His perfect pink lips were twisted up in a smile. He was wearing a black suit that couldn't hide the amount of muscle beneath it. Every time I looked at him, I'm constantly reminded of how gorgeous he is. And how plain I look right next to him. A lump formed in my throat and I tried to swallow past it.
"I-I just got back from talking to my coach." I mumbled.
He cocked a brow at me. "Are you alright?"
So now he cares about my well being after he nearly got me kicked off the team? First he ruined my perfect record of never being punished and now he just practically diminished my whole reputation in this school.
"I'm just oh so peachy," I said bitterly. His eyes filled with understanding.
"You're melancholy." He said it as a statement.
"Well aren't you just the expert in emotions." I said with a humorless laugh. I wanted to get far away from this man. I didn't care how hard he made my heart beat or how bad I wanted to touch him. He was ruining my life, piece by piece.
"Just your emotions," he said softly. I scoffed.
"Whatever." I turned around and headed for the bathroom not even looking back at him. Even though, I looked pissed, deep inside I was glad that he too felt this unexplained bond. He felt my feelings just as I felt his. Now I needed an explanation about how this is possible. I never ever heard of people being able to read each other's emotions. Then, it was still the fact that he was my teacher.

I was starving as I walked to my locker to get my messenger bag. I stayed in the bathroom all day. Hiding when I heard a movement, crying at times, and thinking. I didn't eat lunch and I was starving. Kyle, Leo, and Jamie were blowing up my phone with text messages. I responded to Leo's and Jamie's texts, but deleted all of Kyle's without even looking at them. He had completely humiliated me and if he thought I was going to talk to him after he done that, he mustn't know me at all.
I put all my text books in my locker and started for Mr. Lawrence's class. I would rather walk out the double doors than stay back for detention, but if I don't go to his detention I can get suspended for a day. That's the last thing I need. I guess I can go around to my teachers and ask for the work we've done today. But of course I would have to explain why I wasn't in class. I can't lie and say I wasn't here the whole day because my first period teacher saw me before I was called to the gym where I was yelled at.
My current problem was that I had to sit and be in the same room as Mr. Lawrence . . . alone. The last time I threw myself at him and he rejected me. It could be that I was his student, but I think it was more of the fact that I disgusted him. Yeah, I'm a cheerleader, but that doesn't mean I'm appealing. It just means I'm able to do toe touches and do splits. I was the ugly duckling when it came to my teammates and I. And it pained me to know that I was so ugly that he rejected me like I was some disease.
I bit my bottom lip as I stopped in front of Mr. Lawrence's class. He was erasing his board, whistling a tune. I tried to act like I wasn't there, but he turned around even though I was certain I made no noise.
"Come in Miss. Pierce. You have a lot of explaining to do." My eyes widened and I silently curse. You idiot, I thought to myself. You skipped his class! I groaned and stepped into his room. I was going to get detention for the rest of my life. How could I be so stupid? I'm positive he'll call my mother and tell her I skipped his class and all the rest.
I sat down in my seat and tried to look obedient as I sat up straight and neatly folded my hands on my desk. I held my chin up high and smiled at him.
"Yes, Mr. Lawrence?"
He chuckled and put down the eraser. He slowly walked over to me and with every step I was more and more certain that my heart would jump out my chest and fall on the floor. Soon, Mr. Lawrence stood right in front of my desk. I can smell his delicious scent of vanilla and freesia. My mouth watered and I wanted to lick him. Lick him like he was food. I bit my bottom lip as desire swelled in me. I needed to control myself before I did something completely irrational.
"Why weren't you in my classroom this evening?" he questioned. I gulped and tried to scoot back in my chair. "I was feeling faint, sir." I said respectively.
He sighed and placed his hands on either side of my desk. "I told you this before, Faith. If you're sick - stay home. Now your teachers are ready to tell the principal that you're skipping class. I had to calm them down by telling them I'll give you two weeks of detention." he said with a smirk.
I gasped. Two weeks!? With this handsome man? I wouldn't be able to! I just couldn't. I could hear my blood pumping in my ears.
"Sir, please understand that I wasn't feeling well. I have the flu." I lied.
He sniffed the air around me and smirked. "You don't smell or look sick." he pointed out.
"I feel better." I said, sticking to my lie.
"I'm sorry, Faith. It's either the two weeks of detention or skipping on your permanent record. Chose your pick." he said.
He leaned in closer and I was afraid that I might push him back and attack him with my lips. His lips were at my ear when he spoke again. "Chose your pick - me or a ruined perfect record?" he whispered. His breath hit my skin making me shiver all over. My breath caught in my throat as he leaned back.
"Now, you have to make up for your work today. We started a new standard today, so I have to tutor you." He said with a chuckle.
I nodded not trusting myself to speak.
I grabbed a pencil from my bag and tried to look calm. But I was everything but calm. My heart was beating fast causing blood to flow faster and it seemed like all the blood was going to my face. Butterflies were fluttering away in my stomach and I wanted so badly to look at Mr. Lawrence. I wanted to examine his beautiful face.
I bit my bottom lip and twiddled my fingers. "Alright, let's get started." he said as he pulled up a chair to my desk

Mr. Lawrence looked at me with a smile. "You understand now?" he asked.
I nodded and dropped my pencil on the desk. I looked at the on the clock on the wall and noticed that it was time for me to go home. I started packing away all my stuff, trying my best not to look at Mr. Lawrence's beautiful face.
"Oh, it is time for you to go." I nodded, still not looking at him. I slung my messenger bag over my shoulders and stood up and finally faced him.
While he was tutoring me, he had taken off the jacket to his suit. Now he was wearing slacks and a dress shirt. You could clearly see the amount of muscle he had. And they were . . . huge. I bit my bottom lip as my heart rate picked up. My heart kept thumping against my ribs, wanting to break free from my chest and to touch Mr. Lawrence. My heart wanted to caress his chiseled face just as I wanted to.
I had no clue what I was doing, but I stepped closer to him. One foot moved after another, closer to Trent Lawrence and not farther away like they should have been. I dropped my messenger bag and it fell to the floor with a thud. I kept walking towards him utterly hypnotize by his beauty and my attraction for him. It was like an electrical current was pulling me towards him and it was strong - very strong and I couldn't resist.
The next moment I threw myself at him, crashing into his hard muscled chest. He was cold, too cold, but I loved the feeling. I brought my hands to his hair and raked my fingers through his hair. All the while, Mr. Lawrence stared at me with dark eyes. I felt desire blast me, partly mines, and partly his. He crashed his lips to mines and electricity pass through us making me shiver all over. His cool hands caressed every curve of my body and pulled me closer to his chest. I tugged on his hair as my desire grew. I moaned against his lips, trying to pull myself closer to him, though we were practically molded together.
His tongue licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance which I gladly granted. His tongue slipped past my lips and it was cold. Very cold, but I loved every inch of it! Our tongues danced together in synchronization causing shivers to rush down my spine in waves.
My hand was shaking with ecstasy as placed it on his chest and started to unbutton his shirt. I wasn’t thinking about anything else, but our bodies pressed together in the most intimate of ways. Mr. Lawrence didn't stop me. He started tugging on the ends of my shirt. Another wave of ecstasy washed over me. Our kiss became fiercer as I finally unbuttoned his shirt. It dropped to the floor in between us.
I pulled back to look at his muscled chest. My lips slightly parted as I saw his well defined body. His body looked like a God's. I still couldn't believe how gorgeous this man truly was. His hard six pack taunted me and called out to me. Its smooth skin yearned to be touched. I wanted to. I wanted to lick it. I wanted him. All of him.
Trent seemed to sense my want and pulled my shirt over my head. Then he pressed his lips against mines again. Our lips moved together in synchronization as I started to unbuckle his belt. Trent moaned in my mouth causing me to shiver once again. He brought his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb while he stared into my eyes. His gray eyes burned into my green ones, trapping me and hypnotizing me with its intensity. I felt butterflies flutter harder in my stomach.
He placed his hand on top of mines which were frozen on his belt. He chuckled as he gently pulled it off his belt and held it in his huge hands.
"You're amazing, Faith." I blushed at his less intimate words. "But we can't do this . . . at least not right now - in here."
I agreed. I wouldn't want to lose my virginity in my twelfth grade History classroom. I wanted to be someplace magical. But I did want to lose my virginity to Trent Lawrence. And I could tell from his almost completely black eyes that he wanted me to lose my virginity to him.
"This was amazing, Mr. Lawrence." I said breathlessly.
He kissed my forehead. "Call me Trent." I nodded and kissed him on the lips, sending a bolt of electricity over me.
"Now let's get you home." He said and reached for his shirt.


IT didn't take me a long time to panic. I just made out with my teacher! Oh my gosh! What if someone saw what happened? I would get in trouble and Trent would get in ten times more trouble. We had to end this quickly. I would not let him get in trouble for me. I won't let it happened. And if someone finds out, I will have to say bye to my reputation. I would be labeled as a girl who did the nasty with her History teacher.
I shook my head as I pressed my cold palms to my cheek. I had to calm down. Nobody saw us, but that didn't mean it was ever going to happen again. I may lose total control around him, but I would just have to find a way around all the overwhelming attraction I felt towards him. I had to for the sake of my sanity.
My head was spinning by the time my dad pulled up in his shiny black truck. I sighed and quickly climbed into the car. I turned up the heat and tucked my messenger bag beneath the seat. I was getting prepared to have a long silent ride home, but my father spoke.
“How was the game, Faitheristic.” I scrunched up my nose. “Faitheristic?” I questioned. My dad nodded and grinned.
I sighed and a smile spread across my face. “It was great, dad.”
“Who won the game?” My eyes widened. What was I suppose to say. I remembered that we were supposed to go against a school that always beat us in football. “Sadly, the other team one.” I responded.
My dad nodded as he put on his blinker. “What were the scores?”
“Eighteen to twenty-three,” I blurted out without thinking. I bit my bottom lip and fidgeted with the ends of my shirt.
“Oh, well you guys were close enough.” I nodded and laughed nervously.
I realized why I said those numbers. It was I and Trent’s age. I cursed underneath my breath and looked out the window. I was certain my face was a bright red as guilt washed over me. Why did I lie to my dad? Why didn’t I tell him I was in detention? Was my pride really worth lying over? I fidgeted with my shirt again.
I still couldn’t get Trent’s face out my head, which wasn’t new. But now they were more vivid and defined. I could practically feel his cold kisses traveling up and down my neck. I shivered involuntarily. Was I crazy? What was I exactly doing? Why was I making out with my teacher? Why did I want to go all the way with my teacher? If I wasn’t questioning my sanity before, I sure was now. I was never like this, but in a matter of months Trent Lawrence turned me into someone I never thought I’d be. My stomach clenched as we pulled up to my house.
I was thankful that it was the weekend. Two whole days without seeing Trent’s face. Maybe over the two days I could train myself to stop swooning over him. It’s just pure lust anyway. I could let him go before this thing we were doing gets out of hand.
I picked up my messenger bag and quickly stepped out the truck. I hurried into my house and ran up to my room, ignoring Sophie who was sucking on the remote. I couldn’t deal with anything other than this problem between me and Trent. I slammed the door shut behind me, locking it to have privacy. I dropped my messenger bag and ran to my closet. I opened up my closet door and searched for the outline of a hole. When I found it, I kicked it opened with my foot, revealing a huge box. I picked up the box carefully and placed it on my bed, not even bothering to close the hole back up.
I stuck in my headphones and opened the box. I immediately saw different drawings of Trent Lawrence. He was in cartoon form and abstract form. There were a lot of realistic paintings of him. I pick up one of the realistic paintings and stared at it. Just stared at like some psychotic person. My heart swelled with pleasure as I stared at the replica of him. He even looked like a God in my paintings. I brought the picture to my chest and breathed in hard. I released my breath and closed my eyes.
I was like a drug addict. I was addicted to him. He was like my own personally designed heroin that I couldn’t get enough of. He was forever stuck in my system and I couldn’t get him out. He was burned into my mind – imprinted, stuck. I needed him to keep my sanity. If I didn’t see him I would result to this – sitting in my room with a love song playing in my head, drawing pictures of him and holding it to me as if it were my first child. I was sick. I needed help and the only person that could help me was Trent. He needed to give me all of him – I needed all of him. I yearned for every particle of his being.
I opened my eyes and looked down at the picture. A smile involuntarily passed over my face. I picked up a blank piece of paper and went to work.

It was well around three o’ clock in the morning when I was finally done with the picture. It was even better than the last realistic painting. I brought it to my chest, inhaled and exhaled, closed my eyes and imagined us together. We were holding each other in the most intimate of ways. Just laying down in a meadow of flowers, holding each other and caressing each other. But Trent’s eyes weren’t the hypnotizing stormy gray, but a pitch black. So black that I could see my reflection it.
Startled, I opened my eyes only to see Leo standing there with a horrified look. I gasped and dropped the picture I was holding. I pulled out my headphones and looked at what he was staring at – my box full of Trent’s pictures.
A lump formed in my throat as I continued to stare at the box. Neither Leo nor I said a thing. The only thing heard was the faint sound of music playing from my headphones. I didn’t even attempt to break the silence. It’ll all be too weird. What would Leo think of me now that he found out about my addiction? What will he do? Would he tell my parents out of worry? Or will he keep this between us two? Was I now going to be exposed by my month long obsession? I hoped not. Trent might be blamed and I wouldn’t have that. Hopefully, Leo will think I was just crushing on my History teacher and he wasn’t crushing back. I prayed that he thought that. I bit my bottom lip as the silence progressed.
“What the hell is going on here, Faith?”
I hesitantly met Leo’s horrified eyes. I sighed and started stuffing all the pictures back in my box. I tried not to look at Leo as I did so. “Nothing is going on here,” I mumbled. I picked up the box and headed for my closet.
“Then why do you have pictures of our History teacher in that stupid box?” Leo exclaimed. I turned to glare at him, but was surprised when he knocked the box out my hand. I gasped and got on my knees and started stuffing the scattered pictures back in the box.
“It’s for a project.” I said as I continued to put the pictures in the box.
“What project, Faith?” Leo spat. “Art,” I say easily. I get back on my two feet, balancing the box in my hand. “The topic was to draw a portrait of the person you look up to the most,” I lied.
I was glad that sounded believable. But it was kind of weird that the lie came to me so easily. Who was I turning into? A girl who lied and made out with teachers? Who would’ve thought that I, Faith Pierce, would become someone like that? I shook my head and walked into my closet. I put the box back into the hole and closed it up.
“You have hole for the box? Why are you hiding your project, Faith?” Leo growled. I stood up and faced a very angry Leo. “Because I want it to be a surprise,” I say with a shrug.
“Whatever, Faith. I just don’t want to see them again, ok?” Leo asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I nodded.
“And if anything more is going on that you’re not telling me about I swear, Faith, I will kill h-,”
“There’s nothing else going on, Leo. You’re worrying too much.” I say immediately. Leo sighed and dropped his hand.
“Maybe I am. It’s just that you were doing better and I don’t want you going back to being all depressed again. I mean, you’re usually kind of boring, but you were never that boring. I want to keep my best friend just how she is.”
I smiled and gave Leo a hug. “How did you even get in here?”
Leo laughed. “I went ninja on your door.”
My eyes widened as I pulled away from him and looked at my door. It was leaning slightly, only being supported by one hinge. The other two was scattered on the floor. I looked back at Leo.
“You kicked opened my door?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I had to. Your parents hadn’t seen you since you gotten home and gotten worried. When they tried knocking on the door, you didn’t answer, so they thought you went to my house and mistakenly locked the door behind you. They called your cell and you didn’t answer, so they called me. When I told him you wasn’t over here and couldn’t be at Kyle’s either because Kyle was sleeping over my house, they started to panic. That’s when I came and went commando on your door.” He finished with a cheeky smile. I nudged him in his shoulder.
“You’re going to fix it.” I pointed out. He shrugged again. “Well, I have to go. Kyle might get bored to death.”
I tried not to make my smile fall at the mentioning of Kyle’s name. “Alright, ninja Leo. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”
He nodded and kissed my forehead. “Bye, Fay.”
After escorting Leo to the door, and explaining the misunderstanding to my parents, I went back in my room and didn’t even try to close my door. It was clearly done for. I left my broken door open and crawled into bed. I pulled the sheets over my head and soon fell asleep, dreaming of Trent.

I woke up to the sound of thumping. I groaned and twisted around in bed and tried to fall back asleep. The thumping didn’t detain at the least and I could feel a migraine threatening to come over me. I pulled the sheets from over my head in exasperation. I sat up straight and my eyes zoomed in on Sophie. My eyes widened. She was banging on my door with a huge metal hammer with her pacifier in her mouth. I quickly rushed out of the bed and ran towards Sophie. I grabbed the hammer from her hand and dropped it on the floor. She immediately started crying.
“Give it back!” she whined. I ignored her plea and started checking her for any visible injuries. When I found no cuts, I sighed in relief. I popped her on her hand and scolded her which caused her to cry louder. I scooped her up in my arms and went into my parent’s room. I only saw my mother there. She was straightening out her hair in the mirror.
She jumped a little and turned around. A smile immediately engulfed her face. “Good morning, Faith.” She said and turned back towards the mirror.
“Why was Sophie playing with a hammer?”
My mom turned around again, her eyes wide. “A hammer?” She got up from the chair she was sitting in and rushed over to Sophie. She grabbed her from my arms and Sophie calmed down and snuggled into her chest.
“Is she hurt?” she asked. I sighed and leaned against the wall. “Not anything I can see,” I replied.
My mom nodded. “Good, tell your father I want to see him now,” she said sternly before she sat back down in the chair and started to cuddle Sophie.
I stifled laughter as I went to go find my dad. I went downstairs in the kitchen to see if he was there, but he wasn’t. I bit my bottom lip and thought hard. Where would my father be besides the kitchen? The living room – where the TV was. I quickly grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it as I stepped into the living room. He wasn’t there either. Did he leave?
“Dad?” I called out. I turned around and started for upstairs to tell mom I couldn’t find him when I heard familiar voices. My brows stitched together in confusion as I followed the voices. It brought me through the living room, through the kitchen and to the garage door. I pressed my ear against the wooden door as I listened. When I heard my father’s booming laughter, I smiled. I opened the door.
“Dad, mom said that – ,” I paused when I saw who was standing with my father. I felt the apple I was holding about to slip from my shocked fingers, but I gripped it before it dropped. I stepped all the way into the garage, biting my bottom lip ready to throw accusations at the person. Kyle had the nerves to smile at me – smile at me like he didn’t already make a fool out of me. As I stared back into his dark brown eyes, I was glad that I made out with Trent! I didn’t care. Trent didn’t laugh at me in front of all my companions and make me look like a pathetic idiot! I was gripping the apple as I walked all the way into the garage. When I looked down, my fingers were pale white from the pressure I was putting on it. Instead of facing Kyle and yelling at him like I would’ve liked to – I turned to my father and forced a smile.
“What is Kyle doing here?” I asked in a pleasant voice.
“Oh, your dad had -,” I glared at Kyle, which caused him to stop talking. “I was talking to my father,” I said coldly. Kyle’s eyes brows knitted in confusion, but I ignored his befuddled look. I turned back to my father and cocked a brow at him.
“Look, Faitheristic, I had asked Kyle to help me fix your door after Leo went all – what was the word – commando on it,” My dad chuckled and I scoffed. “He agreed, but he nor you ever told me you guys were in a fight.” My dad concluded.
“We’re not in a fight.” Kyle said.
“Yes we are!” I hissed and glared at him again. He raised his hands in a surrendering gesture.
“Well, I didn’t know that we were fighting! That explains why you weren’t answering any of my texts! I thought you were too busy cheating on me or something! But I knew you weren’t like that, but now I’m questioning whether you are like that! Don’t get mad at me when you are the one doing wrong!” Kyle yelled.
I grinded my teeth, just about ready to explode. I turned towards my dad. “Mom wants you.” I mumbled. But he was too busy glaring at Kyle. “Dad, mom wants you.” I said more aggressively. He looked at me and sighed.
“Whatever, but I want him gone when I get back. No one talks to my daughter like that.”
“Mr. P -,” Kyle started.
“No one!” My dad’s strong voice boomed off the cement walls. He glared at a startled Kyle and then slipped into the house muttering unintelligent things.
I turned towards Kyle accusingly. “First you upset me – now you’re upsetting my family?” I exclaimed. Kyle shook his head, seeming to shake off a thought.
“What did I do to you? What did I do that was so damn bad?” he yelled.
I laughed humorlessly. “What did you do? Seriously, Kyle? Do you not know?” I yelled back. I could feel my tempter rising. My blood was pulsing and my teeth were gritted to the point where it would grind into dust. My fingernails were digging into the apple and I could feel the juice running down my fingers and dropping to the floor.
“No,” he said calmly. Calmly like I wasn’t on the brink of insanity. I slammed my fist on the wall. “You humiliated me! You laughed at me like I was a fool! Do I look like a fool to you, Kyle?”
I was breathing harshly as I glared at him, probably looking like a real psychopath. My hair was still messy from sleeping and my shirt was wrinkled, my eyes were glassy with tears and I was screaming like a mad person.
“Right now – you do.” Kyle replied matter-of-factly. He looked smug as he stood there like he knew everything. But he didn’t. Why did I waste all those years with this jerk?
Inside, everything exploded. My face was hot and I felt like I would kill him if he didn’t leave my sight immediately. It certainly wasn’t the answer that I was looking for. And I was glad it wasn’t. Now I could wrap my body up in Trent’s arms without a second thought. I could do what I want.
Without thinking, I threw the apple at his head. A gesture so quick, he didn’t have time to react. The apple hit his head with a hard thump.
“Get the hell out! Now! We are through! I can’t stand you, Kyle!” I yelled. My anger poured out of my mouth before I could take it back. I didn’t care though. He could burn in hell for all I cared.
“You’re overreacting! All I did was laugh, Faith. Get over it!” he yelled. I shook my head and pointed at the door.
“Get out now! If I could get over the humiliation you caused me, you could get over me and the relationship we had!” I yelled back. Kyle shook his head and sighed.
“Fine, I’ll give you time to breathe, but I will come back. This isn’t over, Faith Pierce.” He said sternly before he walked out the door.
My breaths were still ruff as I dropped to the floor. My heart aching from emotion, my throat sore from yelling, and my eyes burning from holding back the tears for a long time. I wrapped my arms around my body and cried. For once, I didn’t care about my reputation in the confines of my own home. I let the warm tears drip down my face, burning my cheeks leaving scars so deep that no one could cure. In some way, I loved Kyle. And what hurt the most was the fact that I still wasn’t guilty about making out with Trent Lawrence.

Sunday morning, I woke up, got dressed, and brushed my teeth. Yesterday, I called Jamie, crying and blowing snot bubbles. I needed to talk to a girl who would understand how breaking up with a boyfriend felt. But truthfully, I was crying because I still didn’t feel any guilt for making out with Trent.
Jamie suggested that maybe we should go out and eat breakfast together and have a shopping day, so that I can cool my nerves. It would also be a good time for me to introduce Jamie to my parents.
I threw on some black flats, grabbed some money out my drawer and stuffed it in my pocket. I checked to make sure Sophie wasn’t doing anything retarded, which surprisingly she wasn’t. She was sound asleep in her bed, curled up in a wad of sheets. I smiled and closed back her door before running downstairs. I grabbed the keys to my mom’s car and left a note before walking outside.
I hopped into my mom’s car and turned up the radio and I was off for the coffee shop.
When I reached there, Jamie was snacking on a doughnut staring up at the ceiling daydreaming. I cocked a brow at her and walked into the shop. I sat down in front of her, and that was when her eyes snapped to my face.
“Oh hey, Faith.” She said sitting up straight and smiling.
“Were you not expecting someone?” I teased.
She shrugged. “I thought I got stood up.” She pointed to the clock on the wall. “You’re an hour late.”
I looked at the clock then back at Jamie. “You said be here by eight o’ clock.” I pointed out.
“Nope, I said seven.”
I sighed. “Whatever, Jamie.”
She stuck out her tongue at me and took another bite of her doughnut. “Now, let’s discuss this Kyle situation. What happened?”
I sighed and leaned my head against my fist.
“Where do I start?” I raced through my brain for an answer. “Er – we started dating during sophomore year when I was declared cheerleading captain and he was the quarterback. Then, a few years later I figured out he was a dill hole and here we are now.” I forced a smile.
Jamie rolled her eyes. “I need details not a summary.” She said.
I sighed. “Jamie, I thought this whole outing was for me to forget about Kyle, not to remember every single moment we shared. So, can we focus on this and not him?” I suggested.
“Alright, Faith. Jeez, no need to bite my head off.” She took another bite of the doughnut. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as the waiter came up to our table. I ordered black coffee and a cinnamon bun before the waiter went on her way. I looked at Jamie as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
“So, you want to grab some lunch while we’re at the mall?”
I cocked a brow at her. “Are we seriously discussing food while were eating food?” I teased.
She laughed. “Yes we are. Now, does that sound like a plan?” she asked.
I nodded. “Sure. You’re the one who have to live with the fact that you are slowly killing me with all this food.” I pointed out.
“Aw, I would never kill you.” She said softly.
“That is not going to work. I’m not Leo,” I said referring to their weird compliments.
She blushed as the waitress came back with my order.

Jamie and I were in Victoria Secret with Leo, enjoying the day. Well, sort of enjoying the day. Leo kept on groaning about why he had to stay with us. I kept telling him to leave, but Jamie wanted him to stay. He had come to the mall with Kyle – sadly – and we ran into them as we left American Eagle. I would’ve rather ran the other way than spend two seconds in the same place as Kyle, but Jamie kept saying I needed closure. So I reluctantly went along.
“Kyle,” I had said when we approached them. Kyle nodded at me and looked the other way as if I wasn’t there. But I could see the hurt in his big brown eyes. For a second – a slight second – I wanted to forgive him. I thought that I was overreacting and that Kyle didn’t mean anything when he laughed at me. But then he left us to go flirt with some Barbie blonde. The guilt I felt for breaking up with him vanished as quickly as Kyle and the Barbie started making out as if they were madly in love. I wanted to vomit, maybe even cry, but I bit my tongue and fought the tears as I faced Leo.
“Hey, Leo,” I said, but my voice cracked. I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my black flats. Jamie grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Uh, sorry about what happened to you and Kyle.” He said. I looked up at him and forced a smile. “I’m over it,” I had lied. Why did I still feel like I owned Kyle? Was it the fact that without him my reputation might be ruined? Kyle could easily tell one of his fellow football players that he broke up with me. That would definitely ruin my reputation. I had to not care about my stupid reputation. I certainly wasn’t caring about it when I was wrapped up in Trent’s arms. Shivers rushed down my spines at just the thought of it.
The passion, lust, and longing did not compare to what I felt for Kyle. I wanted Trent and have recently decided that I needed him more than ever. So when I smiled again – it was real and not forced.
“I’m over it,” I said more convincingly. Leo nodded and grabbed Jamie’s other hand. “Kyle seems to be busy so I will join my favorite two women in the world.”
Jamie blushed while I smiled.
I was now rummaging through a rack of lingerie. I had no clue why, but a voice in the back of my head told me it was for Trent Lawrence. I fought a smile and looked a lacy black outfit. I imagined me in the sexy outfit posing for Trent. We would be in my room – lights off while a vanilla candle burned on my end table. Trent would hold my hips as I moved my body, showing him my curves. He would run his hands all over my body, exploring it and teasing me. Then, I would dip down for one of his famous delicious kisses.
“Faith, we’re about to go. Get what you need and hurry up!” I heard Jamie say. I blushed, completely snapped out of my fantasy. I grabbed the black lacy outfit and headed for the counter.
But as if he had been called, Trent Lawrence showed up. I stopped dead in my tracks. He seemed to be looking for something or someone. Was he looking for me? But the thought immediately banished. Of course he wasn’t. I could’ve been a fling. Or Trent Lawrence always made out with his female students. Or even male ones too. I shook my head. I was overreacting again. But if anything, Trent Lawrence couldn’t be looking for me. He doesn’t even know that I’m here. So whom or what is he looking for?
My question was answered as a dark haired woman hooked her arm with his. My mouth dropped. The woman was absolutely beautiful – devastatingly beautiful. I was a fling. I was exactly that. And to think that I almost had a chance.
It felt like my heart weighed a ton and it stopped beating. My stomach clenched and I had the sudden urge to attack the dark haired beauty. I looked away and started backing away. I was stupid – foolish and most of all – irresponsible. I knew I should’ve followed the rules I’ve lived by my whole life. But I stupidly let Trent Lawrence slip into my heart. I was an idiot. I could feel my eyes burn as tears wanted to break free. I bit my lip and looked back at Trent. But he wasn’t looking at the dark haired beauty – he was looking at me. Dead at me with a pitiful expression on his face. He was sorry for me? I didn’t need his pity! I didn’t need any of it! But I did want his comfort. I wanted him to tell me she was just his cousin. Or his sister – some kind of relative.
When the dark haired lady kissed him on the lips – full French kissing – I knew they were together. And I’ve been played.
I stormed out Victoria Secret, threw down the lingerie, tears running down my face, leaving behind a startled Leo and Jamie, and my player of a teacher. Oh, but the games have just begun. I felt sadness and loneliness rush through me and mix with my own emotions. But I ignored it and rushed into a nearby bathroom to cry my heart out. All because of Trent Lawrence.


MY stomach felt like it was caving in on itself. My head hurts and sweat kept breaking out on my forehead. My temperature was a high 102 and I was stuck rolled up in covers. It’s been exactly two days after I caught Trent with the raven haired beauty. My heart hurts more than the rest of my body because of that. No matter what I did, or ate, I was the same – sick and dry heaving over the toilet. My mother was worried and wanted to take me to the doctor, but I told her I was fine and probably caught something.
I was glad for the sickness because I didn’t have to go to school and see Trent’s beautiful face. I still had to have two weeks of detention with him, but right now I was determining whether or not I should even go. I should admit to my mother that I was indeed irresponsible and just stay home and roll in my sickness. Even though the idea of not seeing Trent sickened me more than this virus that I had.
I rolled over on my side and grabbed my stomach. I could feel throw up threatening to come up. I got out of bed and quickly rushed to the toilet. I closed the bathroom door behind me and puked up my guts. I held my stomach and threw up everything I ate today. Tears streamed down my face as I leaned against the toilet – thinking. How the hell did I even get this virus? Was it the food I ate at the coffee shop? Or was it the food I ate at Josephine’s? I had no clue, but I never threw up like this in my life.
On one occasion, when I was six, I had bad stomach flu and started puking everywhere. But it didn’t even compare to this. It felt like a knife was stabbing me on my lower abdomen. It was sharp like a razor and hurt like hell. I yelped out and clawed at my stomach as if I can scratch the flu out of me. More tears streamed down my face, my body shook with new tears.
Even though I was in so much pain, my mind went right back to Trent. I wanted to see him and I wanted him to make me better. But I knew he didn’t want to see me. I was probably the last face he wanted to see. I was a fling. I knew I was. It was simply impossible for a hunk like Trent to actually want me. I was nothing special. Honestly, I wondered why Trent even wasted his time to even make out with me. But he did stop. Maybe that was when he realized I was too ugly to sleep with.
My stomach groaned and my headache accelerated at the thought. I turned around and puked again in the toilet.
Tears streamed down my face again, and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. I was a mess. A huge mess and where was Trent Lawrence? Probably having a romantic evening with the raven haired beauty. I puked again at the thought.
Why did I have to be so foolish as to make out with my History teacher? Why couldn’t I have listened to the rational part of me and not make out with him. Now I was a broken hearted girl. I choked on a sob and started coughing.
I wiped my tears away and rolled up in a ball on the cool tiled floor. The coolness helped to settle my stomach a bit. I wrapped my arms around my torso and closed my eyes. I needed a good night’s sleep. Nothing more, but a good night’s sleep. I needed to rest my eyes and my mind, and most importantly – my heart. I needed to sneak into my dream world and be happy. I wanted to dream of me and Trent Lawrence together, wrapped up in a blanket after making love.
The thought of it seemed to make my stomach better, and make my headache go away. So I kept thinking about it. Me and Trent, making out, having a great time without the raven haired beauty. I sighed, satisfied and fell asleep.

I woke up to banging on the door. Ever since I got sick, a banging on the door would make my head hurt even more, but at this point it felt like my headache was gone. It was there, I could still feel a bit of a pressure on my brain, but it wasn’t as bad as it was yesterday. My stomach felt better too. It was like a dull pain in my lower abdomen and not a sharp razor like pain. When I touched my forehead, there was no sweat dripping down my face.
I smiled and sat up only to realize my surroundings were a mess. Throw up was everywhere. On the toilet seat, in the toilet, on the mirror, and sink. I honestly didn’t even know how it got there. I thought I only threw up in the toilet. I sighed.
“I’ll be out in a minute.” I said. My voice surprised me. It was stronger than it had been all week, but my throat felt scratchy when I talked. But it was indeed an improvement. I felt really good. Well, not my absolute best. I could certainly do better, but it was an break through. Even though, being sick has kept me from facing Trent for two days, I really did miss hanging out with Leo and Jamie. I missed practice today also. Of course coach is going to yell at me like I’m some fool again.
“Hurry up. You have a visitor downstairs.” My father’s voice said.
A visitor? Who would want to see me? And why did my parents allow them to come in? Since I’ve been sick, my parents were strict on who can see me. They didn’t want them catching what I had and they didn’t want me to catch something else if they happened to also be sick.
Happy to actually socialize with someone outside of my family, I quickly grabbed a rag and started cleaning up the puke. I brushed my teeth, sure that it smelled like a donkey’s rear end from all the vomiting I’ve been doing.
I threw my hair up in a ponytail, added eye shadow and eyeliner and headed for my room. I threw on some black shorts and red short-sleeved shirt and put on some diamond knobs. I put on some black socks and headed downstairs.
And of course, waiting for me with yet another surprise, Sophie was swinging on the railing of the staircase. I cursed underneath my breath. Sophie has been pretty good when I was sick, which surprised me. I swear she sensed that I was feeling better and had to do something really stupid just to get on my nerves.
I grabbed her right before she was about to lose her balance. When I caught her, her fingers immediately went for my ponytail and she tugged on it. I tried to get her hand out of it, but she tugged harder causing me to pull my hand away. Frustrated, I tried to bite her hand, only to bite down on my own tongue.
“Sophie, let go!” I growled.
“No! Put me back on the pole!”
I bit my bottom lip, trying to figure out what I can say or do to get her to let my ponytail go. Coming up with nothing, I tried again to pry her fingers away, but her grip became tighter. “Let go!”
I sighed, exasperated. My parents would be able to get her to let go. I started walking down the stairs, Sophie in my arms, her small hands still tangled in my hair. What was even worse was the fact that with ever step, her grip got tighter.
“Sophie! Stop pulling so hard!”
“Let me go!”
“You’re going to have to let go of my hair first.”
“Put me back on the pole and I’ll let you go!” she shrieked.
“Why not?” she whined.
“It’s dangerous! You can get hurt,” I pleaded.
“I don’t care! I want to play on the pole!”
“No, Sophie! Let my hair go!”
“Put me on the pole!”
“It’s not a pole! It’s a rail and it is not there for climbing!”
“I don’t care!” She pulled tighter on my ponytail, causing me to yelp.
“You idiot! You’re pulling out my hair!” I growled.
“Don’t call me that, you fat head!”
I finally reached the kitchen, and still tried to pull Sophie off of me. “Let go, now!”
“No, no, no!”
I looked up, and at my mom. “Tell her to let me go or I will -,” I paused as I realized who was in the kitchen with us. My mouth went dry, and my heart beat accelerated.
My grip on Sophie loosened a bit and I felt my palms get sweaty. I looked away from our guest and turned towards my mother. “Get her off of me, please.” I said with less conviction.
My mother laughed and reached for Sophie. Sophie immediately let go of my hair and snuggled into my mother. I was glad I was finally free from Sophie, but now I had an even worse problem.
I turn back towards Trent Lawrence to see what he had to say. If anything he had to say was important that is. When I looked into his gray eyes, I immediately got trapped. They locked my green eyes in a strangle hold and threatened to take me away to paradise. It took everything in me not to throw myself on him. It was partly because my parents were in the room with us, but mostly the fact that he used me like toilet tissue. Like I was a useless piece of junk. The messed up thing was, I fell for it. But, I couldn’t let him get the best of me. One good thing I learn from my relationship with Kyle was that you got to play it like a game. If you show vulnerability, you lost. And I hated losing. Trent Lawrence had no idea about what was coming his way.
But then, I really looked at him. Instead of in his regular suit, Trent was in grey sweats and a v-neck with a black scarf wrapped around his neck. A leather jacket was thrown over his body. He still looked gorgeous in such attire that would look hideous on another person. But even in sweats, Trent still managed to look like a model. Even with his naturally good looks, Trent looked . . . sick. Like he’s been spending his nights over a toilet, waiting for vomit like I have been.
I bit my bottom lip. No, he was out making love with the raven haired beauty he failed to mention. As I recalled, he told his class that he was single. What a big fat lie. Even if he got a girlfriend in a month, he still made out with me on Friday. Never did he ask me to stop or did he mention a girlfriend.
Trent was a player and I knew just how to deal with him. I’ll fight fire with fire and pray I don’t get burned.
I forced a smile.
“Hey, Mr. Lawrence. What are you doing here?”
He smiled back and handed me some paper. I took it from his hands.
“Well, I’ve heard you’ve been sick. So, I picked up a week worth of your work and stopped by your coach to tell her you got a bug. It seems that I got what you got, too. So I stopped here right before I headed home.”
I forced another smile. “Thanks,” I turned, about to leave, but not before I burned him with my words. “Tell your girlfriend I said hi.” I added bitterly before I started up the stairs.
It was almost instantly that the sharp pain came, but it didn’t come in my lower abdomen, but my heart. Right in the middle in my heart, as if it had been mutilated. I shrieked and leaned against the wall gripping my chest, gritting my teeth against the pain. When I looked over at Trent, he was doing the same thing. His hand was pressed against his heart, his other hand gripping the counter. His skin was turning whiter than I’ve ever seen it. His teeth were gritted and water was filling up his beautiful grey eyes.
My mother panicked and ran over to me, and my father went to check on Trent. My breath started to come in puffs as I tried to breathe. But no air came. I was gasping, and gripping my chest, hoping the pain would go away.
But, the problem wasn’t the sharp sensation in my chest, but the look on Trent’s face. Tears filled his beautiful grey eyes as he tried to control his own heart. I couldn’t take it . . . and I reached out for him. Immediately the pain dulled. The same thing seemed to happened for Trent also, because relief spread across his face as he leaned against the counter. He was breathing harsh, and he was coughing. He wiped his eyes and silently thanked my father.
“Oh my gosh! Are you alright, Faith?” My mom grabbed me in a bear hug and pressed her cheek against my cheek. I pulled away.
“I’m fine,” I grumbled. “Probably just a new symptom.”
I looked over my mother’s shoulder and met Trent’s grey eyes. He seemed to be calm now as he looked back into my eyes. A faint smile lit up his face. Any pain that I felt in the past few days immediately melted away with that smile. Without noticing it, a smile lit up my face.
“No, I never heard of this illness! I want to take you to the doctor, now! Grab your jacket. I’m taking you to the doctor!” she insisted.
I placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m fine, mom. I probably need to sleep.”
I looked into my mother’s familiar green eyes and I knew she could tell I was lying. When I looked into Sophie’s eyes, I could tell she knew I was lying too. I groaned.
“I am fine, mom.” I said with conviction.
I looked at Trent and a smile lit up my face – a real smile. “Thanks for my homework,” I said before I headed upstairs.

It wasn’t until later that I started questioning that event. How was it possible that I and Trent got the same sharp feeling in our chest at the same time? And when he smiled at me, how did that simple gesture melt all the pain away? It was a mystery just like how Trent and I could tell each other’s emotions. Why were Trent and I connected like this? Were we meant to be or was it a simple coincidence that we happened to have the same symptom at the same time? When he said he was an expert at my emotions, he could’ve meant something otherworldly different. I could read his words wrong and thought the wrong thing. Maybe he meant he could tell my emotions by my posture or something. I had no clue, but I knew Trent and I couldn’t actually be connected in some sort of way . . . But what about when we touched and kissed? It felt like thunder and lightning erupted through our skin particles . . . And how or bodies perfectly molded together . . .
I shook my head stared at my now fixed door. I’m over thinking things. I needed to stop that if I was going to get to the bottom of I and Trent’s weird relationship.

The next day, I felt better. There was a faint ringing in my ears and occasionally a twist in my stomach, but other than that, I felt great. Excited about going to school, I hopped out the bed and made it before rushing to my mother’s room.
She was sound asleep, with Sophie underneath her arms. I shook her gently and her eyes fluttered open. A faint smile engulfed her face.
“Hey, Faith,” she rubbed the crust out her eyes. “You okay?” she asked, immediately sitting up. Her eyes roamed my face, searching for any signs of pain on my face. I sighed and shook my head.
“Uh, No. Actually, I feel way better and I want to go to school today.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I finished the week worth of work already, so I can just sit and stare in every class.” I flashed a convincing smile.
“You finished all that work, already?” she asked and yawned. I nodded. It wasn’t much. I only got two worksheets for History, a worksheet for French, and the rest of my subjects were just a page of book work. I guess they wanted to go easy on me because I was feeling ill. Anyway, I didn’t mind at all. Hopefully, I actually could sit and stare for the rest of the week. The only thing I could go to was practice this Friday. I didn’t have to see Trent Lawrence, because hopefully, he still had the bug. But if my theory is right, if I’m feeling better, Trent is, too. But, then again, I’m still not sure about this whole bond thing that I believe we share. It could be my imagination acting up.
“Alright, if you’re really sure. But, if you just feel any of symptoms coming back, tell me. I don’t care if you think it’s menstruation cramps – I want you tell me and you will stay home. I want to get this thing under control. Because I’m still not sure about what happened yesterday . . .” her voice trailed off.
“Er, that was nothing, Mom. We do have the same illness; it was just a coincidence that we had the same symptom at the same time.” I immediately said.
She shook her head and eyed me suspiciously. “That wasn’t what I was getting at. I was thinking more on the fact that the symptom came out of nowhere,” she eyed me again. “What are you not telling me?”
I gulped. “Nothing! You’re over thinking it, Mom,” I forced a laugh. “I’m going to go get dressed.” I quickly kissed her forehead and exited her room before she found out too much.
I went back into my room, and shut the door behind me. I stripped down to my underwear and bra and searched from some clothes. I threw on a red Abercrombie and Fitch shirt and black skin tight skinny jeans. I put on red and black Adidas before I grabbed my messenger bag and headed downstairs. I ate some toast that was slightly burnt before I called up Leo.
“Fay?” he asked in a surprised voice. I held my breath. Of course he would be surprised to hear my voice. He probably thought I was dead or something. My parents told me not to use my phone unless I needed to dial 911 or the S.W.A.T. team or something. I swear they were overreacting.
“It’s me,” I said.
“Faith! Oh my gosh! I thought you were in the hospital!”
I squinted in concentration. “Where did you hear that from?”
“The cheerleaders! I know better than to think that you would actually tell them that whether or not you were in the hospital, but you wouldn’t answer my calls, so I just automatically assumed they were right. Oh my gosh, are you okay?” he asked in a rush.
I slapped my hand against my forehead. Of course my fellow cheerleaders would be the one to spread a rumor about me. And I was supposed to trust them? You got to be kidding me! I inhaled sharply through clenched teeth.
“I’m fine, Leonard,” I said using his full name. “Just pick me up and don’t you dare question my sickness, got it?” I snapped.
It was silence for a moment and I immediately felt guilty. Was it really Leo’s fault that my teammates are stuck up prissy snobs? So I shouldn’t be snapping at him. I bit my bottom lip, deciding whether or not he hung up.
“Leo?” I asked, and when I talked my voice was raw.
“Yeah, I’m still here. I’m outside right now. You can just hop in.” And then he hung up.
I shoved my phone in my backpack, muttering curses underneath my breath. I took a deep breath and tried to control myself. I shouldn’t snap at Leo, I told myself. Now, he’s probably mad at me. The worst part is that I have to sit in the car with him, saying completely nothing. Just staring straight out the window, knowing there was thick tension in the air.
I groaned and quickly walked out my house, tugging my messenger back along the way. It was going to be a long ride to school.
When I got into Leo’s shiny red convertible, I was right. The tension was thick. I bit my lip as I placed my messenger bag on the floor of the car. When I looked at Leo, his jaw was clenched, his hazel brown eyes were blazing and veins were poking out his arms as he struggled not to crush the steering wheel. I sighed.
“Are you mad at me, Leo?” I asked in a soft voice.
He turned his blazing eyes on me. I saw hurt, worry, and angriness there.
“Mad doesn’t even begin with it, Faith.” He said roughly and drove off. I twiddled my thumbs as I looked down at my hands. “I didn’t mean to upset you,” I pleaded.
He shook his head. “Right, so that’s the reason why you completely avoid me and then when I assume you’re in the hospital, you snap at me?”
We reached a stop light and Leo turned to look at me. “No, it’s nothing like that.”
“Oh really?” he asked in a high pitched voice. He stepped hard on the gas pedal when the light turned back green. “So, what is it like, Faith? You hate me because I give a damn about your health?” he was shouting now.
I flinched and looked out the window and back at Leo’s anxious face.
“No! I don’t hate you. I hate that you would believe anything those retched cheerleaders say about me.” I argued.
Leo’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. “What was I suppose to think, Faith? You didn’t return my phone calls!” he yelled.
We were driving fast down the street now. This was enough. He was going to turn us into a convertible mustang pretzel if he drove any faster.
“Ok! Let me explain, alright?” I yelled.
Leo’s jaw clenched then unclenched.
“Alright, Faith. Explain.”
I took in a deep breath. “I caught some bug and I was a huge mess. My parents didn’t want anyone to see me, so they had a strict rule on who I contacted. They didn’t want me to get sicker and they didn’t want me to contaminate anybody. But when you told me you actually believed what those immature cheerleaders said, really made me upset,” When I was done, I was breathing hard.
Leo’s jaw was settled and his grip on the steering wheel loosened. “That’s it?”
I nodded. “That’s it.”
“And you have me hyped up over that?”
“No one asked you to get hyped in the first place,” I retorted.
He sighed. “I’m just going to stop caring about you. Maybe then, my life might be a bit easier.” He said with a faint smile.
I nudged him with my shoulder. “What can I say? I’m a handful.” I joked.
He laughed, but it came out rough from our arguing. “You certainly are.”
I laughed with him as we reached the school.

The Dream

MY chest was tight as I tried to back away. Who would’ve thought that he would actually bring her to school to make out? My insides quivered and I felt the vomit wanting to come up again. Tears stung my eyes as I watched the raven haired beauty stick her tongue down Trent’s throat. I dabbed at my eyes with the end of my t-shirt and tried to look away. But I couldn’t. I wanted to yell at Trent. To call him all the names in the book. He was a handsome dirty slob and I fell for his charm even though, he didn’t even want me. I was right, I was too ugly for him.
I could feel the vomit sliding up my throat, but I didn’t want to go into the bathroom; they were right in front of it. My eyes searched the nearly vacant for a trash can or something that could hold my puke. Coming up with nothing, I decided to make a run for the bathroom, hopefully not being noticed.
Puke slipped through my lips and into my hand as I rushed into the bathroom. I couldn’t be any happier to be in a restroom again, I thought happily. I rushed into one of the stalls and got on my knees. I puked my breakfast right out. I sniffled and wiped stray tears out my eyes. I leaned against the cool wall and tilted my head back to rest against it.
I was sick again . . . great. Now, I had to stay away from school longer. But was that a good thing or a bad thing? A terrible thing a great thing? On one hand, I didn’t have to see Trent Lawrence. On the other hand, I miss practice and can’t see my friends or anybody for that matter. But, I would risk all my friends just so I wouldn’t see Trent’s face.
Faith, you have to fight fire with fire, a voice in my head told me. You can’t let him think he can get to you.
I agreed with the voice. I was going to fight for Trent. I wanted him. And even if I was nothing compared to the raven haired beauty – I was going to mutilate her.
My spirit lifted a bit at the thought. Yes – I was going to murder her. I was going to put the responsible me behind me. Besides, I haven’t been much responsible in the past two weeks. I fell for my teacher in a matter of days. Old Faith would’ve cowered in fear at the thought, but new Faith embraced the thought. I, Faith Pierce, am going to fight for the one thing I want – Trent Lawrence.
My heart hammered against my chest as I stood up on shaky legs. I leaned against the cool wall as I tried to balance myself on my legs. I felt so out of place in my own skin. Nerves were already eating me alive. I couldn’t compete against the raven haired beauty . . . but I had to.
I kissed Trent Lawrence that Friday night and basically melted into his skin. It felt like out skin particles were meant to embrace each other when we touched. There was no way in hell was I going to let her have him. He was mines as far as I was concerned. She could have him when I get over this sickening crush . . . if I get over it. But, I highly doubt that I will.
Trent Lawrence made me a different person. And I wasn’t sure whether or not I embraced the change in me or not.
But I really wasn’t thinking about that as determination washed over me. The raven haired beauty clinging to him was burned into my mind. It made cold chills run down my spine causing a nasty taste to explode within me. A bitter taste. I was completely repulsed when I thought about her. My stomach clenched and I swear I was going to puke again.
No, I had to fight. I couldn’t cower into this tiny stall every time I saw her or even thought about her. I may not be as beautiful as her, but I was smart. I will have Trent back by the end of this month if not the end of this week. Not only was he mines, but he will not get the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me.
I wouldn’t let him have that satisfaction. Nor was I going to let the raven haired beauty have the same satisfaction.
I flushed the toilet, watching my insecurities wash down the toilet with my vomit. I had to let them go at some point. And I couldn’t think of a better moment to let them go than this one. My bit my bottom lip as I stepped out the stall.
I took each step at a time, carefully and slowly. I had no idea why, but I felt like I was being watched. But everywhere I turned, I saw nothing, but the egg shell white of the bathroom tile. I narrowed my eyes as I willed my eyes to see what my sense saw. Coming up with nothing, I sighed. Maybe this whole determination thing was going straight to my head
I tossed some water on my face and patted my cheeks. I looked at myself in the dirty mirror with a disappointed sigh. Still plain old me, I thought bitterly. I shook my head. No insecurities, I reminded myself. I rinsed out my mouth and reached in my pocket for a breath mint. Thank God, I always thought ahead of time. I knew something was going to cause me rancid breath today.
I ran my fingers through my dark hair as I leaned against the sink. I straightened out my shirt self consciously. I twirled around in the mirror to make sure my clothes were ok and I didn’t get any vomit stains on them. When I came up clean, I headed for the door, holding my breath.
I placed my hand on the cold handle. I exhaled and closed my eyes. It was now or never.
I threw open the door and tried not to see the raven haired beauty. They went back to kissing, and the raven haired beauty was practically attacking him. He seemed to be reluctant. Without thinking, I pushed her. Just pushed her bluntly without thinking.
She seemed surprised, but I ignored her and turned towards Trent. He seemed to also be surprised, but he was smiling. His smile turned my bones to butter. Holding his eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned on him with a tiny smile. Trent wrapped his arms tightly around my frame and held me tight to him. Electricity flowed from my finger tips, down my spine and to my heart. I shivered and bit my lower lip.
Trent gave a tiny growl before he slammed his lips against mines. His lips crushed mines with fierceness that screamed want. He wanted me and I wanted him ten times more. His hands slid down and rested on my butt. He gave a tiny squeeze he backed me up to the wall. My back was to the wall; my hands were in his hair, yanking it with pleasure. Trent was softly moaning in my mouth causing shivers to flow up and down my spine. Somehow, my legs ended up wrapped around his waist. He was pressed intimately against me and I could feel his rock hard abs pressed against my body. It felt unbelievably good. Sparks were flying and I felt as I was floating on cloud nine. Every time Trent’s tongue mingled with mines, I felt like I would explode with pleasure.
My heart was beating fast when Trent froze. He pulled back and I whined in protest. I tried to press my lips back on his, but he pressed a firm finger on my forehead. I still tried to kiss him, but my head wouldn’t move an inch under the impact of his finger. Jeez, he was strong.
“What’s wrong?” I whispered.
He shook his head and allowed me to stand on my own two feet. I groaned.
“It’s just that I never noticed how wonderful you smell.” He admitted. I cocked a brow at him. What did he mean by that?
He looked down and backed up. “Never mind, but we should be getting to the pep rally,” he said before basically running down the hall.
What the heck just happened?
My heart was still thumping against my chest, my breathing was still hard, and my skin was still tingling from Trent’s touches. Why did he leave in such a rush? I bit my bottom lip as I wrapped my arms around my body. I felt exposed and naked – absolutely vulnerable. I’ve just been rejected. He was repulsed by me. It was true! That was why he was with that raven haired beauty. I felt tears burn my eyes as I made my way towards the gym for the pep rally.
I looked back on all my mistakes starting from this morning. My first mistake was telling my mother I was well enough for school. My second mistake was snapping at Leo. My third mistake was not going straight back to class when I saw Trent and his . . . girlfriend. My fourth mistake was letting that kiss get to me. My fifth, and hopefully my last mistake of the day, was pushing the raven haired beauty and kissing Trent as if he were mines. And he was anything other than mines.
Again, I allowed him to use me. Why couldn’t I understand that he didn’t want me? Why didn’t my brain process that he used me? Why can’t my heart understand that we weren’t meant to be?
My stomach clenched, and a pain rocketed threw me. It hit my heart, causing bone chilling coldness to cascade all around inside of me. I shivered as tears formed in my eyes, blurring my vision. Great, I was going to look a mess. I was supposed to performing in the pep rally today. Coach, in honor of me, made us do the routine that we learned for the last game, so that I could participate. The cheerleaders were up last, so I had all the time to cry and bawl all I wanted to in the bathroom.
But, I was certain it was going to be the last tears I shed for Trent Lawrence. He will not get to me anymore. My heart and mind had to realize it was all a game.
If you got hurt – you loosed. And I was not about to lose to some self-centered jerk of a teacher. Why was I stilling playing the game? I don’t know. Why wouldn’t I forfeit? I had no clue. Did I believe I was going to get hurt? For sure. Did I give a damn? Hell no.
Trent was going to pay for the confusion and pain he caused me one way or another. I don’t care if I ended up getting expelled. I was going to make Trent fall for me. And when he fell hard, I was going to kick him in the gut. And laugh. That is if I don’t fall too.
No, I wouldn’t fall. He would fall for me and I’ll eventually get over him. And when I kick him – I’ll kick him all. And I won’t feel guilty – I’ll laugh. Try and laugh in his face. Soon he’ll know all the pain he caused me. Soon enough he will and he’ll realize that he can’t play Faith Lynn Pierce. Not today, a day from now, a year from now, or ever.
I hope Trent was ready. Because when I was determined to do something – I did it pretty good. He better watch out for my wrath.
I started down the hall, expecting to feel something that would lift my spirits. But nothing came, but an overwhelming empty feeling. The emptiness expanded in my gut every time I thought of inflicting pain on Trent.
I shook my head, shaking the thought away.

After running back to the bathroom and crying my eyes out, I cleaned up, changed into my cheerleading uniform, which was stored in my gym locker, I and my fellow cheerleaders walked onto the gym floor in a line just how we practiced. A huge smile was on my face, but it was forced. The crowd was roaring with cheers as we stood in a straight line in the middle of the gym. Our arms held above our heads in a ‘V’, I took a deep breath and said the words to begin the cheers. Everybody cheered and screamed and whistled, but I didn’t care. Usually, cheerleading would have me smiling and buoyant, but not today. Not after the fresh rejection from Trent Lawrence. What was worse was that I had him next. Lunch was pushed two hours earlier for the pep rally, so that meant I had to see his face immediately before I even cooled down.
In the locker room, I changed back into my outfit and stuffed my cheerleading uniform back into the locker. I wiped the perspiration from my forehead and started walking out the door when I heard a familiar voice.
“She sure didn’t look sick when she was doing the cheers,” I heard the voice say. I recognized the voice as one of the cheerleaders, Brittney. She was the cheerleading captain before I tried out.
“I agree. Do you think she used the excuse to ditch school?” Another voice asked. Kaitlyn. She was Brittney’s best friend and the only one who voted for her to be captain.
“I think so,” Brittney said mischievously. “I think coach would want to know. Wouldn’t she?”
“I think so.” Kaitlyn said and giggled.
Disgusted, I threw opened the locker room door and got out the hot room. If I had to deal with one more thing today, I swear I was going to explode.
I ran my fingers through my hair, exhausted. Instead of getting wide opened hugs from my teammates, I get rumors. I scoffed as I exited the gym. Everybody left and was probably in class now. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of the period in my favorite bathroom, but then again Trent would know something was up. I wouldn’t want him to think I cared that he rejected me, now would I?
With a huge sigh, I made my way to history reluctantly.

I was listening to Jamie blather about something, but my mind wasn’t really there. It was on Trent and why he wasn’t in class when I got there. Was he hiding from me? Instead of being happy he was vulnerable, I was the complete opposite. I was miserable. Would it be too much just to see his face?
I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking? It was a game – I should be happy he wasn’t in class. But, I was nowhere near happy. I was light headed, and I felt as if I wasn’t there . . . Like I wasn’t in my own body. That was exactly how I felt right before I threw up . . .
I sighed and rested my head against the seat of Leo’s car.
“What’s wrong, Faith?” Jamie turned in her seat to look at me. “Are you feeling faint?”
I nodded. “A bit. I think I got the bug again,” I said warily.
I placed my head against the window. “Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yeah . . . can you pull over – the car’s moving isn’t really helping.” I groaned.
“Whoa! Not in my car!” Leo yelled and screeched to a halt.

I puked all over the road as I clutched my stomach. What the hell is wrong with me? Why couldn’t I stop vomiting? I was starting to believe I needed medical attention. I felt lightheaded as Leo tried to hold me up. I leaned against him, needed his support more than ever. What was really going on? I wanted to know – I needed to know. I wished I could communicate with my eternal organs, so that I can ask what was wrong with me.
I was fine one moment, then I was blistering sick the next. What kind of sickness did I truly have? Could it kill me? Would it rip my soul away and leave me dead . . .
A new fear frightened me. All the while, I thought it was nothing but the stomach flu. The pain hit my lower stomach . . . hard. I groaned and clutched my lower abdomen. I couldn’t practically do anything about the pain in my stomach. And that thought made me helpless. This had to be the worst day of my life.
I felt warm tears trail down my face as Leo finally got me back into his car. I lied on my side and clutched my stomach with my hand. My fingernails were digging in my skin, my teeth biting into my lower lip.
One good thing was that I didn’t have the headache.
But, the headache didn’t compare to the pain in my stomach. It was sharp, menacing, and overwhelming. It made me feel fatigue and helpless. I couldn’t move without the sharp pain exploding through my body and I couldn’t think about anything, but the pain. I knew I shouldn’t have gone to school. I should’ve stayed home – safe and under the watch of my parents.
Even making sure Sophie didn’t do anything stupid sounded pretty good right now. But, it was too late. I was in a series of pain and a hospital was two hours from here. By then, I would probably be dehydrated with all the sweat that was dripping down my face. My mouth was dry, my skin slippery with sweat, and the pain didn’t seize or even recede a little. It was still as sharp as a knife and hurt like hell.
“Oh my gosh, Faith! You’re paler than snow!” Jamie yelled as she looked at me.
Leo looked at me in the rear-view mirror and his eyes widened. “We have to get you to a hospital!” Leo said, alarmed.
I shook my head, hand still on stomach. “T-take me home. M-my mom will take good care o-of me,” I saw the doubt in Leo’s eyes, so I added, “Please, before I die.”
Leo’s jaw clenched. “Not funny,” But he turned around and headed in the direction of my house right before I was engulfed in blackness.
My skin felt hot – burning hot. The air was thick and suffocating. Everything felt out of place and a must scent traveled up my nose. I scrunched up my face in distaste as I opened my eyes. I gasped and sat up straight. Where the heck was I?
Dark stone was made up of the walls, and candles were surrounded everywhere. They must not have been scented because it smelt like the rear end of a cow . . . or something worse. It smelt like death was in the same room as me. Peaking at me, smiling down on me, and expecting me. I shivered involuntarily.
By the looks of the place, it seemed as if I was in some kind of dungeon. But, what I didn’t understand was how I got here. I was just in the back of Leo’s car. What happened? I remember blackening out . . . Did someone kidnap me or was I dead and this was Hell?
But if it was hell, where was the Devil? I shook my head and stood up on my own two feet. It wasn’t until then that I realized I was wet. I was soaked with something and my shirt clung to my skin. I felt dirty and messy.
I don’t know why, but I started walking. It was like I didn’t control my feet. My brain was telling me to run and find somewhere safe to go, but my feet weren’t listening. It had something in mind and they were leading me towards something.
I really didn’t want to see anything, out of fear that I might realize this was all real. But it couldn’t be. I should be in bed now, and my mom should be taking care of me. But instead I’m here and I have no clue why.
The place was dirty and seemed to be sheltering skeletons. It smelt gross and disgusting and foreign to me. How can a place like this even exist? Did someone live here? If so, how did they even walk through this place without vomiting senseless?
When I heard a rustling sound, my heart nearly stopped. But my feet didn’t. I felt my heart beat pick up. My heart was smashing against my ribs painfully as my brain registered that danger lurks near.
I felt as if I was being watched, that someone very malicious and ravenous was around the corner and I couldn’t possibly do anything. A lump formed in my throat as my feet finally stopped moving.
It stopped at a corner. I didn’t want to see what was around the corner. What if something popped out and started stabbing me in my heart? Death was the last thing I wanted. If I wasn’t already dead.
“So, I’ve finally trapped you,”
I froze, scared and alarmed at the same time. The voice didn’t sound familiar, but it caused chills to run up and down my spine.
My stomach clenched with new found fear. I tried to turn around and run – to never look back on this place and forget about it – but my feet wouldn’t let me. Instead, they moved forward. I clenched my teeth and tried to go backwards. If I was exposed to whoever was out there, they would surely kill me.
“You thought you were so strong.”
My feet were still moving. It was moving a inch at a time, tantalizing my endocrine system. My mind told me that I was in danger, but something deep inside me told me that the voice didn’t want to hurt me. But, I didn’t believe that. There was nobody I could see that was in here, but me. The voice had to be talking to me.
But, who would want to trap me? Who would want to hurt me? What did I do that was so bad?
Finally, my feet exposed me. It was a room, lit by a single candle resting in the middle of the concrete floor. The candle illuminated a figure that looked like the frame of a person. Maybe a female from clearly feminine curves.
“But you’re weak.”
I guess that the voice came from the lady, but who was she talking to? I turned around and saw no one behind me. She must be talking to me. She had to.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I whispered. I was scared. I could feel my heart thumping in my throat. I never have been so scared in my life. My nerves were wiring and alive, alerting me of evil near, but I wasn’t listening. My feet were glued to the spot.
The lady seemed to ignore me because she continued. “I may not be stronger you, but I posses a higher title than you. You were a person I would praise, but now . . . I pity you.”
I narrowed my eyes. What was she talking about? She pitied me . . . I didn’t understand. What title was she talking about? Once again, I checked to make sure no one was around me. When I came up empty again, I looked at her with confused eyes.
“I don’t understand.” My voice was still a whisper, but raw with fear
The lady ignored me again. “You let . . . love get in your way. You were supposed to marry me! Not fall for a human!”
The lady screamed this time. Her voice bounced off the walls. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the amount of conviction she had in her voice.
She certainly couldn’t be talking to me. It wouldn’t even make sense if she was. She was indeed a lady, and I’m sure I’m not supposed to marry her . . . so who was she talking to? And what about the way she said human. It was like she relating to a whole different species from herself. Like . . . she wasn’t one. But that didn’t make sense . . .
Then, she stepped into the light. Her hair was as dark as night and fell down her back, past her waist. Her body was small and curvy. She was gorgeous and I could never compete with her. She was the raven haired beauty.
What was she doing here? And what did she want from me? Most of all, who was she talking to? She wasn’t even looking in my direction. It was as if she didn’t even know I was here. She was looking straight ahead, looking at something I couldn’t even see.
My feet moved again, but I didn’t protest this time. Curiosity got the best of me. It was then that I realized that my feet were bear and there was something wet that I was stepping in. The same liquid that I woke up in. It smelt horrid.
But, I glued my eyes to the raven haired beauty. She was clearly fuming at whatever she was looking at.
“I knew you never loved me,” she said with a shake of her head. “But I never knew you would leave me for her.” She laughed. “I thought you were smart enough not to bring her into it.”
She crossed her arms across her chest and looked intently at whatever was in the shadows.
“Now she’s going to die,” She laughed again and this time it was loud and buoyant and expressed freely. She tilted her head back with the laugh. “All because of you, Trent.”
I tensed up at the sound of Trent’s name. What was going on here? But I had to see it for myself.
I moved slowly towards the person in the shadows, one step at a time. I held my breath, not trusting myself to even breathe. When I stepped beside the raven haired beauty, I saw him.
He was breathing hard, leaning against the stone wall, his arms tied up by chains that was connected to the wall. His muscles were huge and tensed and I had a feeling he could easily break the chains.
“She isn’t going to die.” He said roughly. He looked up and I gasped. His eyes . . . weren’t gray. They were black. No – engulfed in black. But they were familiar. Yes, when I was drawing him . . . I saw those same pair of eyes. But, I never thought into it. I didn’t care. I thought it was just my imagination. But there they were, glittering black from the light of the candle. But they were beautiful and didn’t scare me at all.
“Yes she is! I’m not going to kill her. Because if I do – you’ll kill me and I know you can,” She shook her head. “I’m not the same person you left back in Italy. I’m different, now. I know a lot of things about you. I know you can easily break those chains and kill me so easily, but you won’t. Because you and I both know that I am the key to her staying alive. I am the only one who can seize the army coming after her. You broke the law when you left Italy to search for her. You promised my family that you and I will get married, Trent, but instead you left! You and I were supposed to rule!”
I tore my eyes off of Trent’s beautiful face to look at her. My eyes were wide, but not with surprise, but with understanding when I saw that her eyes were black, too.
“I’ll kill everyone in that army and you know I can, Caroline. I don’t need much help.”
She laughed. “Actually you do. You’re weak. You haven’t been on your regular diet since you started having those dreams,” Her eyes turned sad. “I’ve been looking for you for eighteen years, Trent. I miss you.” She said the words sweetly.
Trent shook his head. “If you missed me, you would understand that I have to be with her. That she and I are meant to be,” Caroline’s eyes hardened. “I love Faith, not you. And I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want.”
My heart was beating fast, super fast. Everything was happening quickly. Did he just say he loved me? He loves me over her? He barely even knows me . . . and he loves me? All of this didn’t make sense. One thing that didn’t make sense was that she has been searching for him for eighteen years. Trent was only five when he promised he would marry Caroline. How could that be? And Trent said he was from Australia, not Italy. Something was seriously wrong here. But I couldn’t really process much of that because my heart was a bit mushy from Trent’s confession.
“You love her?” Caroline yelled. Did they even know I was here?
“Yes, and I will do absolutely everything for her. Right now, our relationship is rocky . . . because of you!” His voice was ten times louder than Caroline’s and I had a feeling it could get louder. When he spoke again, he looked directly right at me. My heart nearly stopped.
“But, I love her more than ever. Soon she’ll realize it. I will never do anything intentionally to hurt her. And if I did her hurt her, she will know that I’m sorry.” He tore his gaze away from me, leaving me breathless. He looked at Caroline again.
“And you’re right, I can break these chains.” He said before he pulled his arms forwards and the chain broke easily. Then, I blacked out.


A MONTH later, I still remember that dream. It was so real and I swear it really happened, but I had woken up in sweat in my bed. It turned out that, I had passed out in Leo’s car and he drove me home where my mom called a doctor to come over and check up on me. By the time he got there, I wasn’t sick anymore. I wasn’t light headed nor did my stomach hurt. It was almost as if I was never sick at all.
That was fine with me, because I never felt so bad in my life. I was glad it passed and I didn’t have t spend anymore nights hanging over the toilet.
I haven’t seen Trent ever since that day of the pep rally. Rumor has it that he quit, but the substitute reassures us that he will be back soon. When we ask him where he went he would reply that he has a very sick mother. When we ask what illness she has, his reply would be a very bad one. At first, I missed Trent like hell and I still do. But . . . I made up with Kyle. He apologized and we started dating again. Everything is back to normal again, though Kaitlyn and Brittney seemed to still try and get me kicked off the team. I knew that for a fact because every time I was near them, they would smile and giggle to their selves. Well, whatever they had planned, I was certain I could take it with my friends by my side.
I was getting dressed into some PJs because Jamie, Leo, and Kyle were coming over for a sleepover. This was going to be Jamie’s first time meeting my parents, so she was excited about that. This was going to be Kyle’s first time sleeping over. My parents said they trust us and especially since Leo would be here and he would protect me if Kyle had any naughty ideas in mind. But, I trusted Kyle and highly doubted that he would try anything.
It was around nine o’ clock when the doorbell rung. I hopped up from my bed, excited. I walked out my room in a red and black, huge Nosferatu shirt with a black fuzzy bottom. I had on fuzzy black slippers that I probably had since I was twelve. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun and I had silver knobs in my ears. I felt comfortable in my PJs.
I opened the door with a huge smile on my face. Jamie was clutching a huge Hello Kitty pillow and her smile was stretched from ear to ear. She was wearing a huge pink shirt with black tights underneath. She was wearing pink and white bed slippers that matched her outfit. She squealed and threw her arms around me. I laughed and wrapped my arm around her body.
“Hey, Jamie!” I said enthusiastically. She pulled back and looked around my house.
“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe that I’m actually here! I’m like, your official friend now!”
I shook my head with a smile. “You’ve always been my ‘official’ friend.” I informed her. She laughed before she stepped all the way in the house and disappeared into the living room.
I turned back around and saw Leo, holding a black bag in jeans and a T-shirt. I smiled and hugged my best friend.
“Hey, Leo.” I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled.
“Hey, Fay! It’s about time I enjoy a sleepover with you!”
I nodded and laughed. “I guess. Uh, maybe you want to get Jamie before she ends up breaking something.” I pointed.
“Right,” he said and walked into the house, trudging the bag along with him.
Kyle came into view, a beautiful smile on his face. He immediately grabbed me into his arms. I kissed him on the lips and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Hey, Kyle,” I said softly. I pecked his lips again. “I missed you.”
He chuckled and bent down to kiss me again. The kiss didn’t send shivers down my spine as I expected, but it taste delicious, so I deepened the kiss more. Kyle’s tongue was invading my mouth when a hand tapped on my shoulder.
I jumped and turned around to see my dad. He had a stern look on his face, directed towards Kyle. I blushed and smiled.
“Hi, Daddy,” I said enthusiastically.
He ignored my cheerfulness and glared at Kyle. He pointed is finger at Kyle. “What the hell is he doing here?” he asked gruffly. I bit my bottom lip and gently shoved my dad.
“We’re dating again, dad.” I reminded him.
When I had told him and my mom that I and Kyle were dating again, they didn’t take it . . . lightly. I had to sit and endure a hour long speech about safety in a relationship. The whole time, my face was red and I was hoping the speech ended soon. When it did end, my father said that if Kyle hurt me again that he’ll kill him with his bare hands. At first, I doubted he would even throw a punch Kyle’s way, but now as I looked at the hatred clear in his blue eyes, I knew he probably would commit a homicide. I shivered involuntarily.
“That doesn’t mean I want him in my house!” my dad bellowed.
I groaned. “Dad, you and mom said you trusted us not to do anything!” I argued.
My dad huffed. “Your mother forced me to say those incompetent words! I want him out!” My dad’s face was turning red with anger.
“Dad! Kyle’s staying and that’s that.” I smirked. “Unless you want me to tell mom.” I said and crossed my arms. My dad narrowed his eyes, gave another huff, and walked into the opposite direction muttering, “I’ll kill him,”
I sighed, glad that the worst was over. I turned back towards Kyle who was as pale as snow. I rubbed his arms comfortably.
“He won’t try anything, Kyle.” I assured him.
He gave a sheepish smile and allowed me to pull him all the way into the house.
At about eleven o’ clock, we were in the living room sitting down in a circle. The boys had changed into their PJ’s which was basically a pair of pants without a shirt. Kind of distracting, but Kyle nor Leo could compare to Trent’s rock hard chest . . . I shook my head and met Jamie’s eyes who had a huge smile on her face. I groaned and looked anywhere other than Jamie.
“Faith,” she took a dramatic breath. “Truth or Dare?” I glared at her while I sighed and chose the easiest one.
“Truth,” I say immediately. Jamie groans.
“You suck!”
I rolled my eyes. “Hurry up, Jamie. I don’t have all night.” I pointed out. She stuck her tongue out at me before she spoke.
“Is it true that you dated someone else when you and Kyle were on a break?” she said and smirked. I narrowed my eyes at her. Small, but so evil.
Actually, I wasn’t sure . . . Were I and Trent actually dating or were we just . . . kissing buddies? Well, sure it was that dream that I swore was real. But, it couldn’t have been because I woke up in my bed and Leo told me that he came straight here and nowhere else. In my dream, Trent said he loved me, and it felt as if he were talking to me through my dreams. I shook my head. Right . . . I was deluding myself into thinking the impossible – again. I also deluded myself into thinking I and Trent has a bond. It was pretty stupid to think, but yet a part of me is telling me that we did have a bond and that Trent was indeed talking to me through my dreams . . . that Trent loved me. Whoa, slow your road, Faith, I thought to myself. We’re talking about your teacher here! Snap out of it, Faith! It’s been a month since that stupid dream. Get. Over. It!
I nodded mentally and looked at Kyle. He went as stiff as board of wood, waiting for my answer. Truthfully, I didn’t know what the answer was, but I had to say something. So, I went with the safe answer.
“Nope!” I said and immediately turned towards Leo.
“Truth or Dare?”
Leo smirked. “Dare. I’m not scared like you.”
I laughed. “Whatever,” I looked around my living room and smirked when I thought of something.
“I dare you to stick your tongue in the toilet.” I said with a proud grin.
Leo’s eyes went wide and I could tell he wasn’t expecting me to come up with such a good dare. He twiddled his fingers, determining whether or not he should do it. Finally, he turned towards Jamie.
“If I do stick my tongue in the toilet, would you ever kiss me again?” he asked innocently. Jamie blushed.
“Of course.”
Leo smiled widely and hugged Jamie. “I would kiss you if you stuck your tongue in a toilet, too.” He complimented her. Jamie blushed a deeper red as Leo pulled back. He faced me.
“Let’s go. I would love an audience!” he boasted. I laughed and Jamie and Kyle joined me. I stood up still laughing. I eyed Leo suspiciously.
“And you’re not going to chicken out?” I question. He laughed and nudged me with his shoulder.
“Maybe it’s my dream to live like a dog,” he joked. I scrunched up my nose at him. He laughed his loud exuberant laugh before throwing his arm around Jamie’s tiny waist. He pulled her to his side and laid a wet kiss on her cheek. She giggled.
“This is going to be gross,” I heard Kyle mumbled next to me. I laughed and gave him a hug.
“I’ll hold your hand every step of the way,” I joked. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
It wasn’t until Leo’s tongue touch the water in the toilet did I realize how crazy he truly was. I bent over in laughter as Leo rushed to sink to rinse out his mouth. Jamie was giggling like crazy that her face was turning pink. Kyle was looking like he might vomit at any second now and he hadn’t let go of my hand since we were in the living room. I couldn’t stop laughing and I felt happy . . . but I felt as if I could be happier. I shook the feeling away and kept laughing. I wiped away a few stray tears and reached in the cabinet and pulled out Listerine. I passed it to Leo and he gobbled it down. I laughed again with a shake of my head.
“I thought you wouldn’t do it,” I laughed again. “I’m proud of you, Leo.”
He flashed a smile before rinsing out his mouth. “You see, Faith. Isn’t it better when you’re not so dang responsible? Sometimes you have to let responsibilities go.” Leo commented. I shrugged, but deep inside I was thinking about his words.
In the past three months, I haven’t really been . . . responsible. Matter of fact, I’m absolutely different. And it all happened in three months. But, I still felt as if I should be responsible. But so far, being not responsible has brought me laughter and happiness. I wasn’t being responsible when I kissed Trent and that came out to be one of the best kisses in my life. But, I was over Trent and totally into Kyle, so I’m safe, right? Wait – am I even into Kyle? Of course, I am. The question was, was I over Trent Lawrence. My breathtaking teacher whom I still have heart stopping dreams about? I bit my bottom lip and looked at Kyle. If only he knew what I was thinking . . . I shook my head and smiled.
“So, anybody up for some food?” I asked.
Leo stop rinsing out his mouth to smile at me. “I’m always hungry.” Then, he looked at Jamie. “For food and the love of my life.” He grabbed her and twirled her in a circle before kissing her flat on the lips. Jamie was a bright red and giggling like a retarded person when he was done. I laughed and leaned against Kyle.
“Then, it’s settled. We’ll eat and continue this game later.”
We all agreed before heading for the kitchen.
I woke up when I felt something scratching against my face. I tried to push whatever it was away, but the scratching came more aggressively when I tried. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t surprised to see Sophie standing over me with a intense look on her face. I gave her gentle push which sent her flying on her butt. She immediately started crying, which I was use to.
She had a sponge in her hand and I guess she was using the rough side to scrub my face. I glared at her and grabbed the sponge from her hand.
“Why do you insist on bothering me?" I questioned and stormed off to the kitchen. I tossed the sponge back in the sink and walked back into the living room to get Sophie. I picked her up and towed her up the stairs to her room.
“Let me go!” she protested. I shook my head, and tossed her on her bed before locking the door and closing it behind me. I had to deal with this one more year and then she was going to Pre-K. I kept on thinking this as I made my way back downstairs.
I realized the ruckus had woken up my guests. I gave them a apologetic smile.
“Sorry, it was Sophie. She does this to me every morning, so I’m sort of use to it now.” I said sheepishly.
Leo glared at me. “I don’t care! I need my beauty sleep. Do you think you can get this gorgeous over night?” he questioned before he pulled the sheets over his head. I looked over at Jamie. She shrugged at me.
“He is always this cranky when he wakes up,” she blushed. “But not to me.”
I cracked a smile and cocked a brow at her. Of course I knew he was always cranky in the morning. I’ve had sleepovers with him many times, but what I was wondering was how Jamie knew that.
“Um, how do you know, Jamie?” I asked. She blushed again.
“A-a lucky guess.” She stood up and excused herself before walking upstairs. I chuckled and sat down next to Kyle who was looking absolutely tired. His chocolate eyes were red and puffy.
“Aw, you didn’t get enough sleep?” I asked. He smiled, flashing his one dimple.
“Not really use to little kids waking me up. Only child, remember?” I laughed and placed his head in my lap.
“Well, I’m sorry about Sophie. She can be a real pest when she wants to be,” I stroked his sandy brown hair with a smile. “But, let me put you back to sleep, ok?”
He nodded with a smile on his face. I kissed his forehead and continued to stroke his sandy brown hair.
“I can get use to this,” he mumbled softly. I laughed softly. “Yeah, me too.”
He snuggled into my lap. “I love you, Faith.”
“I love you too, Kyle.”
I smiled down at him with a light blush on my cheeks. I felt like I was falling for Kyle all over again. He seemed as if he changed. He told me that it wasn’t over and he kept his word. I couldn’t help but envy his determination. I loved Kyle. That was why it hurt so bad to know that I didn’t love him as much he loved me. When I told him I loved him, I was imagining me saying that to Trent.
A tear dripped down my face and landed soundlessly on Kyle’s cheek. His eyes crinkled as he opened them. He wiped the tear off his face.
“Are you crying?” he asked.
I nodded. “Happy tears.” I told him. He smiled and closed his eyes, satisfied.
But, I wasn’t happy for the reason he was thinking. I was happy because I finally admitting the truth to myself. I fell in love with Trent Lawrence, who was my teacher and out of my league, only in a couple of weeks.
When Kyle’s breathing slowed, I gently placed his head on the pillow that was carelessly thrown on the floor, and stood up careful not to wake him or Leo. But mostly Leo. I was certain he was going to bite my head off the next time I woke him up. I laughed softly before tip toeing up the stairs.
I went searching for Jamie, and found her sitting in my room, staring out the window. She was clutching her Hello Kitty pillow to her chest. She seemed frail as she continued to stare out the window, her mind totally wrapped around whatever caught her eye. When I stepped into the room I heard her sniffling, as she wiped a tear from her cheek.
What was wrong?
She jumped and her head snapped over to me. “Are you ok?” I asked softly. I sat on the bed next to her and studied her face.
She seemed broken – completely and utterly broken. Her eyes held pain, pain I didn’t even know was capable of carrying. Her arms wrapped tightly around the pillow, holding it to her chest, now allowing the tears to flow freely.
“I’m not going to lie to you, Faith,” she choked on a sob and wiped her face. I grabbed her hand and held it, willing her to go on. “I never really can. You have something about you that is so inviting.” I smiled at her compliment, but I really didn’t want to talk about me. I was sick of thinking about myself for a life time and ready to hear about my friend’s problems. I squeezed her tiny hand.
“Faith, you don’t know the whole story about me.” She turned her head so that she was looking directly into my eyes.
“I didn’t have quite the upbringing as a normal person.” A tear slipped down her cheek and I wiped it away. I looked at her, dumbfounded. What did she mean by that?
“I never knew my father, and my mother always blamed me for that. She said I was a magnet for heartbreak.” She shook her head, trying to shake the memory away. I gripped her hand tighter.
“Oh my gosh, Jamie! Why haven’t you told me sooner?” I asked her.
She shrugged.
“I never told anyone. Then, when Leo came . . . it was like love at first sight and he wanted absolutely everything for me! I never knew such a love!” Her eyes sparkled at the sound of Leo’s name.
“He quickly understood the pain that I had held in all my life and he never judge me nor my past.” She hugged the pillow tighter to her chest with a smile.
“I don’t understand, Jamie. What brought all this on? Not that I’m not glad that you’re explaining everything to me, but what would make you suddenly want to explain all this to me?” I asked.
She sighed and the earlier sorrow filled her eyes. She removed her pillow and picked up what rested in her lap. I gasped and looked at her with wide eyes.
“Jamie!” I choked on my words and looked back at the white stick. “A-are you pregnant?” I asked. thought of Leo being a father was funny – hysterical actually considering his quirky ways. But, it would also be a sight to see. I would love to see Leo holding a bottle to his own very offspring.
Jamie shook her head and passed it to me. “Look closer,” she mumbled.
I grabbed the pregnancy test and brought it closer to my face only to sigh in relief. It had a pink negative sign, stating that Jamie wasn’t pregnant. I looked back at her and smiled.
“Then, why are you so sad?” I shook her shoulders. “You’re not pregnant!”
Jamie’s shoulder’s sagged as I let her go. Another tear slipped down her cheek. She groaned and stood up throwing the Hello Kitty pillow on the bed.
“That is what the problem, Faith!” she yelled. “I wanted to be pregnant. I wanted to show my mother that loving a child isn’t a bad thing, and most of all – I wanted a way to thank Leo for showing me so much love and what is a better way of showing it than our own personal bundle of love?”
I sighed and stood up, only to wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. “Are you even ready for a child?” I whispered.
She nodded. “I’m so ready for a child. I’ve been dreaming about having my own child forever!” she squealed.
I pulled back and looked into her emerald eyes. They still sparkled with tears that I wiped away. “You clearly want to have this child and if you say you’re ready – then I believe you. But, at least wait until you graduated.”
She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. “I can do that, but no matter what – I’m having that baby.”
I laughed. “So determined, I love it!”
We laughed together and I was glad that Jamie cheered up. This was the last thing that I thought that would ever go through her head. I didn’t even know that Jamie and Leo were sexually active. The only thing I knew was that they had those weird compliments. There was a lot that I had missed when I was focused on myself and my love life problems. My little friend from Jamaica lost his virginity and being a boy, he probably wanted to brag all about it, but I wasn’t there. Maybe, it was before I fell for Trent, but even so, he probably thought I was too responsible to even give a care. I realized I was one of the worse friends because I was worrying about myself and nobody else. My face scrunched up and I quickly fixed it before Jamie noticed. The truth really hurts.
I shook my head and focused on Jamie.
“Does Leo know about the whole baby thing?” I asked.
She shook her head. “No, but I really want the pregnancy to be a surprise.” She blushed for some stupid reason before she smiled at me.
“Besides, I know Leo will be a great father!” I laughed.
“Right, sure Leo, who stuck his tongue in a toilet last night, would be a great father.”
Jamie laughed and shook her head. “Whatever,”

When Kyle, Jamie, and Leo left, I went to Josephine’s by myself to think. I was getting ready to order when Brittney and Kaitlyn walked in. I tensed up and tried to hide my face behind the menu, so they wouldn’t see me. I was certain they were still up to something and honestly, I wanted to be out of drama’s way for a long while.
I peeked over the menu and watched as they laughed with each other about some evil plan they were making up. I narrowed my eyes at the horrid girls. I never really cared about their existence till now. They were just like the other cheerleaders; just wanted to get popular. But now, it was something more and I was their target. A lump formed in my throat at the thought. I never had been targeted by anyone. Matter of fact, I barely been hated. And now, these girls mysteriously hate me and want to kick me off the team. Something was fishy, and I was going to figure it out.
Kaitlyn and Brittney sat in the booth in front of me, and I prayed that they didn’t notice me. They weren’t really they smartest pair. I smirked at my own joke.
They ordered and stared giggling again for stupid reasons. I guess that were being stereotypical cheerleaders. I scooted closer towards their booth, hoping to get to overhear their conversation.
“He’s coming back tomorrow,” Kaitlyn said with a hint of humor in her voice.
“How do you know?”
“I saw him at the mall and I saw him talking with the substitute about coming back to school tomorrow.”
I heard their hands slap together and I guess they gave each other a high five. Were they talking about Trent? And if so, why did they care whether or not he was at school or not?
“Nice! All we have to do is seduce him and I promise you, it will crush her! She’ll be devastated and not come to practice and games and soon enough she’ll be kicked off the team!” Brittney boasted. They had to be talking about me. But how did they know I fell in love with Trent? Did they see us kissing? Panic rose in me.
“Awesome! It’s perfect. If he’s attracted to her he has to be ten times more attracted to us! I mean, she isn’t all that pretty.”
Brittney laughed.
“Exactly. She thinks that we’re clueless about how she stares at him all the time. But now we got her. The only reason that I’m not spreading rumors about them doing the nasty is because Mr. Lawrence is pretty hot and I would hate to see a pretty face go to waste.”
Kaitlyn laughed.
“This is going to be great!”She cheered.
I quickly ran out of Josephine’s, not looking back. Thought were rushing through my head, but I focused on one. Trent was coming back tomorrow.


TRENT looked gorgeous as he stood, writing on the board. I felt my heart speed up as it recognized the beautiful Trent, again. I bit my lower lip and turned towards Kyle. He was smiling from ear to ear as he passed me my books. He planted a kiss on my forehead.
“I’ll walk you to Trigonometry later, alright?” I nodded.
“I love you,”
“I love you, too.” I replied. He flashed another smile before turning around and disappearing down the hall way. I felt the heat of eyes on me before I even turned around.
Trent looked at me with a sad expression. He narrowed his eyes before turning around and writing on the board again. I sighed and quickly rushed into the room before anybody else did. I closed the door behind me, locking it so that no one could come in. I know I was already risking my self control by closing the door, but I had questions that needed answers.
Trent turned around and dropped the chalk he was using. He placed his arms across his broad chest and smiled at me.
“Faith . . . what are you doing?” he asked through still lips. I stepped closer to him, testing my self control. Immediately, I felt the familiar desire and the delicious scent of freesia and vanilla. I inhaled the scent and it cooled my nerves and bit. Don’t back away, I told myself. It was a full five minutes before students actually started piling into the classrooms. To me, that was plenty of time to start questioning him.
“Look, Trent. Our relationship is pretty rocky right now,” He flinched at my choice of words. It took me a moment to realize why. He said the same exact words in that dream. My eyes widened and my breath came in sharp between clenched teeth.
I knew I wasn’t crazy! There was something between us that I knew Trent knew about! He knew why I felt his emotions. He knew why I feel so utterly attracted to him. He knew why we had the same illness at the same time. He knew why I had that dream! He knew everything and he kept it all from me!
I glared at Trent. “You . . . had that dream too!” I yelled. Trent looked surprised at my outburst, but he didn’t deny it. I gasped and stepped closer to him. His scent was on full blast, and it was very tempting, but I had to get an answer first. Did he or did he not have the dream, too? If so, what did it mean?
“Trent, did you have that dream?” I asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said with a shrug. No, he wouldn’t fool me. He fooled me before, but not now.
“No, no, no, no! You had a reaction when I said our relationship was rocky! You said the same exact words in that dream!” I pointed out.
He shook his head and sighed. “I genuinely do not know what you are talking about.” I sighed.
“Trent, please tell me the truth.”
I took another step towards him, until we were almost touching. He looked down at me, his gray eyes turning a darker shade and I knew he wanted to kiss me as bad as I wanted to kiss him. Just one kiss, I told myself.
I wrapped my arms around his neck almost completely naturally. I leaned into him, staring into his stormy eyes. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist, holding me close to him, but yet I didn’t know how long he would hold me tight to him.
I pushed the thought back and got my tippy toes to kiss him on the lips. The familiar taste of him made my taste buds dance. His cool embrace sent shivers up my spine that I yearned for since our last kiss. His cool tongue invaded my mouth as I tangled my fingers through his silky hair. He trailed kisses from my jaw to my lips in back.
Trent was nibbling on my earlobe and I was softly moaning when the bell rang. I jumped and pulled away and rushed to door to unlock it. I straightened out my clothes before sitting down in my seat, my heart still racing. I met Trent’s still dark eyes with a naughty smile as kids started entering the classroom.
Trent was smiling from ear to ear as he sat back down at his desk. I knew I didn’t get any answers, but I didn’t care. That was better than I expected. My skin tingled from Trent’s cool touches and I never felt better all month. I was grinning like a fool, not paying much attention to anything, but the after taste of Trent when the guy who starred in my dreams spoke, “Remember, Miss. Pierce, you still have two weeks of detention and it’s starting today.” He said smoothly. I met his eyes and saw that they were still dark with desire. I tried to hide my smile as I responded.
“Yes sir,” I said respectfully as I stared back out the window, daydreaming about Trent Lawrence.
Of course I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t worry about something. I forgot all about Kyle when I was making out with Trent! Oh gosh! I forgot all about my own boyfriend! I was really turning into a . . . slut. I shouldn’t have made up with Kyle because I knew I wouldn’t stop loving Trent no matter what. I didn’t want to hurt Kyle at all because of course I loved him, but not the way I should. Trent invaded my dreams – not Kyle. I want to live my life with Trent – not Kyle. I fell for Trent – not Kyle. And I was currently kissing Trent – not Kyle.
Trent picked me up and placed me on his desk quickly and easily as if I weighed a couple of pounds. His lips were attacking mines and I loved every bit of it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. Trent moaned into mouth laying me flat on the desk. He pulled back and examined me.
“You look gorgeous,” he complimented. I blushed and sat up straight.
“Mr. Lawrence, is this how you talked to your students?” I joked. He chuckled and pecked me.
“Only the ones that catches my eye.”
“And how many is that?”
“One – you.”
I giggled as he climbed on top of the desk and got on top of my, cradling my waist. He pressed his lips on mines and I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him.
“You are naughty.” I joked. He laughed.
“Good.” I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around in circles. I never knew detention could be so fun. I never felt so happy in my life. I never felt so right in anybody’s arms. This was going to be the best two weeks of my life.
Trent started nibbling on my neck, gently gazing it with his teeth. I smiled and leaned into to him, willing him to do more when I noticed the clock.
“Detention is over,” I said with a sigh. Trent pulled back and pouted.
“I didn’t even pull out my best moves yet.” He pointed out. I laughed and nudged him.
“I guess it’ll have to wait till tomorrow,” I suggested.
He smiled, seeming to like the sound of tomorrow. I smiled too and kissed him on his lips. He pulled me in for more and I almost stayed when he rested his muscled hands on my butt. He gently squeezed it and pulled back.
“Unfortunately, we will have to wait till tomorrow; I have to get home.”
I sighed again and went to pick up my messenger bag.
My heart was still racing when I pressed my hand on the handle of the door. I turned around slightly and bit my lower lip.
“Trent?” I asked shyly.
He stopped fidgeting with something on his desk to look at me. He smiled and cocked his brow at me. “What, beautiful?”
I blushed hard at his compliment, considering the question I was going to ask.
“What exactly are we . . .” I trailed off, looking on the floor. If this was nothing but another fling, I didn’t want to look at Trent’s face.
I felt my chin being lifted up by a strong finger that sent electricity blasting through me. Trent looked into my eyes, his gray eyes digging right into my soul. I gasped as I imagined myself floating on a gray cloud, wrapped around the gray cloud. I leaned in slightly at the thought. Trent pressed his lips down on mines as he caressed my face with his calloused thumbs. He held my head in his hands as if it could break easily and as if it was the most important thing to him.
I pressed my hands on top of his huge muscular one, willing his hands to stay placed right on my face. I leaned in desperately, wanting more of him, hoping that I can have it all.
Trent easily broke the kiss and I groaned. He chuckled and placed his forehead against mines. He backed me up to the wall and wrapped his arms around my waist. I gasped as I felt butterflies fluttering around in my stomach and it felt so good . . .
I kept staring into Trent’s eyes, breathing hard, trying to get a grip of my emotions. If this was nothing but a fling, I couldn’t get too emotionally involved.
“We’re anything you want us to be, beautiful.” He said that crooked smile that I’ve come to love. I gently poked his dimple with a smile.
“Thos are really deep dimples you have there,” I pointed out. He chuckled and kissed me on the lips again before pulling away.
“I inherited it from my dad.”
I smiled. “Was he amazing just like you?” I asked.
Trent laughed. “Even better,”
I committed to memory that he adored his father. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer to him. He responded by kissing me softly on the lips.
“Can I get your number?” I asked. He chuckled.
“Right, of course.” He slipped out my embrace and picked a pen off his desk before returning to me.
He grabbed my hand, which was much smaller compared to his big muscular hand, and wrote a number down on my hand. He kissed my hand when he was done and held it to his face. He sniffed my wrist and then kissed it again.
“You smell absolutely great, beautiful.”
I blushed and then sighed. “I really have to go, Trent.” He nodded and let me go, pulling me in for another kiss.
“Then, I’ll wait till tomorrow to try and sweep you off your feet once more.”
If only you knew how hard I already fell for you. I smiled, said goodbye and went out the school, thinking about Trent Lawrence and what was waiting at detention.

When I reach home, I was surprised that I wasn’t hyperventilating. I knew why I didn’t hyperventilate like the last time – because I’ve accepted that I was in love with Trent. My only problem was figuring out how I was going to break up with Kyle. I knew I could never tell anybody about what I and Trent had. Even though I was certain that Jamie would indeed understand, considering her situation, I still couldn’t bring myself to tell her or Leo. It was my own personal secret and I’m glad I kept it for so long. Today in detention, I never felt so alive. I fully accepted everything and the kissing was great. It was as if my soul was set on fire when I was in Trent’s cool embrace. I felt my heart race as I thought about the kisses we shared. I sighed happily and made my way up the stairs and to my room in a bliss.
For the next few days I was basically floating on cloud nine. It was safe to say I’ve never been this happy in my tired life. I was slowly falling harder for Trent. There was no doubt in my mind that I was. When I see him, my heart nearly stops. When I inhale his intoxicating scent, I melt away. When I hear his voice, shivers constantly run up and down my spine. I loved him so much. Did he feel the same?
That immediately reverts back to that damn dream.
Trent tells me that it was just that – a dream. But something tells me it is something more. Something Trent isn’t telling. Why he would lie to me? I have no clue at all. Something in my heart tells me Trent had the same dream. Even if he did – why does it matter? Right – because the dark haired beauty was in it talking about some shit I didn’t understand. Then, Trent said he loved me.
I nibbled on my bottom lip as I made my way to detention. These last few days, I was distracted by lust and want, but today I was going to get some real answers. Nothing was going g to distract me from getting what I want – hopefully. I crossed my fingers and sucked in some air. Trent is really hot and tempting, but I could go a day without attacking him, right?
I didn’t even have to knock on the door, like always, before Trent pulled me in. His scent immediately wrapped around me. I shivered and allowed him to whisk me in. He closed the door behind us before he grabbed me in his arms again.
“I missed you,” he mumbled softly.
My breath caught in my throat as he pressed his forehead against mines and backed me up against the wall. A smile lit up my face.
“I missed you more,” I said breathlessly.
He chuckled and in seconds, my legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck.
“Impossible.” He growled lowly before attacking my lips.
I ran my fingers through his soft hair and moved my lips I synchronization with his. Warmth pooled in my stomach and spread through my body. I moaned and pressed my lips harder against his. His arms wrapped around my waist as he held me closer to his cool body. It felt great to be pressed up against him. I could feel his hard toned body pressing up against me. It felt so good. My lips were moving quickly with Trent’s when I remembered what I was really supposed to be doing.
I placed my hands on Trent’s chest and tried not to be distracted by how good it felt.
“Trent, I sort of wanted to ask you something.” I said, a bit out of breath.
He did a little growl before he let me stand on my own two feet. I grabbed me in his arms and pecked me on the lips.
“What is it?”
I bit my bottom lip and twiddled my fingers. I knew he hated talking about that dream, but I really wanted answers. But then again, I didn’t want to piss him off. I looked at him with my best puppy eyes and kissed his cheek.
“It’s about the dream.”
He groaned and pulled away.
I sighed and frowned at Trent. Why the hell did he always act like that when I bring up that dream? To be honest, it doesn’t help tame my suspicion at the least. What the hell is he hiding?
I examined Trent. His face chiseled and gorgeous yet set in a deepened pout. His strong arms wrapped with muscles folded against his hard chest. He was looking at the floor, his eyes hard and unreadable. His foot was softly tapping on the floor, leaving a little tap noise with every step. His tousled hair let a soft strand dip into his beautiful gray eyes. His perfectly arched eyebrows were knitted together in anger, completing the look of a super hot guy who was angry – very angry.
“Trent, I want to know about the damn dream.” I pointed out fiercely. I crossed my arms and gave him a stern look.
He didn’t look at me. He just shook his head, his eyes still boring into the floor beneath our feet.
“There’s nothing to know about, Faith. It was a dream. How the hell am I supposed to explain a dream that you had?”
He finally looked up at me and his gray eyes were angry and blazing mad. I was taken aback by how much anger I was getting from him. But I wasn’t going to budge. There was something very unsettling about that dream. Starting with the fact that Trent gets so mad when I bring it up.
“Then why does the dream infuriate you so much?” I asked and cocked a brow at him.
“Because you keep bringing up something that doesn’t even make sense. Are you listening to yourself, Faith? You think I had something to do with a dream that you had. Just because I happened to be in it, doesn’t mean I had the same damn dream, too.” He angrily shook his head at me. “It’s just stupid,” he concluded.
I rolled my eyes at him. Did he seriously think I was going to give into his bullshit? I gave him a rough short laugh and shook my head at him. “Trent, this is your last chance. Did you, or did you not have that dream?”
His jaw was clenched and he looked away, then back at me quickly. “No.”
I gave him a long hard stare in silence. I was biting my tongue from saying something that I would regret. I ran my fingers though my hair and exhaled. I could feel my heart beating hard as I turned away from Trent and reached for the doorknob. I couldn’t believe I was actually about to walk out on Trent. It was pretty hard to do, considering I could practically feel his gaze. Everywhere his eyes skimmed over me, I felt a path of heat. It was hard not to turn around and just forget about the dream, but I didn’t do that. Instead, I threw open the door and walked out.
I didn’t cry when I got home. Instead I called Jamie. She answered on the first ring.
“Hey Faith,”
I sighed. “Hey Jamie,”
“What’s up?”
I nibbled on my bottom lip. “I’m a teenager in distress.” I mumbled.
She laughed. “Problems with Kyle?”
I held my breath. “Uh, no. It has nothing to do with Kyle.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
I didn’t know if I could tell Jamie. But, who else better could I tell? She would definitely understand and I highly doubt that she would judge. Maybe I can tell her about Trent and the dream. But if I do, would she call it stupid just like Trent did? It did hurt when Trent said it was stupid. He made me feel incompetent. I’m far from that. I know what I’m talking about. He had that damn dream and somehow I was going to get it out of it. And when he admitted it, I was going to ask him what the hell did it mean?
I realized that I was keeping Jamie waiting. I release my breath. “Meet me at Josephine’s in an hour.” I said and hung up.
I spotted Jamie looking at the menu at a booth near the window. She looked up and smiled at me. She waved me over. I took a deep breath and slowly over to her. Doubts were still running through my mind. Trent kind of made me feel pretty ignorant and stupid when he said it wouldn't make sense for him to have the same dream. If Jamie thought the same, then I would difinitely have to question my IQ. So was I wrong or right?
I walked over to her with a slightly forced smile. In my mind, I felt like I just exploded, but my exterior gave off a very confident person. I held my breath and plopped down in the seat next to Jamie. I pushed my hair behind my ear before smiling at her.
"Hey Jamie," I said and smiled at her.
She cocked a brow at me and eyed me curiously. "What's up now?" she pondered.
I sighed and studied her posture for a while. Her small frame gently rested against the table, her face perched up by a fist, her big emerald eyes glued to my face, wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I nibbled on my bottom lip, and looked down at my nails. My black nail polish was chipped. I had to fix that.
"I'm with Mr. Lawrence."
I held my breath. waiting for the yelling and accusation, but all I got was silence. I looked up curiously, and realized that Jamie wasn't even paying attention to me. Her eyes were glued to something in the back of me. I snapped my fingers in front of her dazed face and she blinked twice, then looked at me.
"I'm sorry, Faith. It's just that Kaitlyn and Brittney are peeking over here and giggling." Her eyes went back over to them and they turned into slits. "They've been so mischievous lately. I feel like I need to stalk them or something to find out what the hell they're up to."
I turned around to see where they were. And there was Brittney and Kaitlyn, snickering at their little booth in the corner. When Brittney caught my eyes, she flipped me off and laughed harder. My face heated up as I turned back around and shook my head.
"Uh, that'll be taking things to the limit, don't you think, Jamie?"
She shook her head, and looked back at me. "No, I don't. They've been acting weird lately. I don't like the vibe I get when I'm around them. It feels as if I'm standing next to a possessed person or something." She shivered and looked at the menu.
I looked over my shoulder at Kaitlyn and Brittney. I really looked at them this time. I studied their features. Brittney, the classic blonde hair, blue eyed, cheerleader and Kaitlyn a red hair, freckled cheeked cheerleader. Nothing really seemed different about them. But that was before I felt a feel of unease wash over me as I continued to stare at them. I shivered and turned back around, rubbing my arms where goose bumps rose.
I nodded at her, a little shaken up. "Yeah. I feel it too." I said with a shake of my head.
We ordered our food, and when it came we sat in silence for a moment before Jamie spoke. "So, are you up to it?" she asked as she bit into her pastry. She dusted off some crumbs off her jeans, before looking back at me.
"Up to what?" I ask and sip my water. I look at her over the rim of the cup, waiting for a answer.
'To stalk Kaitlyn and Brittney - to see what's really going on in their peanut sized brains."
I raised my brows at her and placed my cup down. "Are you serious, Jamie?"
She shrugged at me, and looked over my shoulder at Kaitlyn and Brittney. "Why not? I mean, it's something to do and we can figure out why the hell they're acting so suspicious."
I had to admit I was pretty interested in knowing what the hell was going on with the two. But stalking seemed like taking it too far. But then again, it seemed like something was really wrong with Kaitlyn and Brittney. Really wrong. It was like darkness was a stench on both of them. And I was their target. So it would just be natural for me to be overly curious, right? Like, what if they hurt me or something? I guess I could just watch them from a distance to figure out what the hell is up with them, right? And it'll also distract me from Trent and that dream.
I looked at Jamie and nodded.
"I'm in." I concluded.
Jamie squealed and clapped. "Yay! We're going to be like spies. We should wear all black, and put on dark shades!"
I squinted my eyes curiously at her, but just let it go and shook my head. "No all black and no dark sunglasses. We're just going to act normal, and not hurt anyone, ok?"
Jamie shrugged at me, still smiling.
I sighed. "You're absolutely crazy for wanting to do this." I said and leaned back in my seat.
"Oh shut up, you just agreed to it."
I picked up one of her doughnuts and threw it at her head, smacking her in her face. I laughed and took a sip of my water.


I WAS a bit disappointed with myself. I had wanted to talk to Jamie about Trent, but instead I became a stalker. I can't believe I actually allowed Jamie to talk me into this crap.
I shoved my hands into my jacket and hid around the corner to stay out of sight. I peeked to see if anyone was around as I followed Kaitlyn down the hallway.
Her red hair swayed from side to side as she walked down the hallway. She slipped around a corner and I quickly followed her from a distance. I saw her slip into the teacher's lounge and I froze. What the hell would she be doing in there? I was about to peek into the window to see what she was doing when I heard footsteps. I looked around and saw the storage closet. I slipped into the closet as quickly as I could. I didn't close it all the way. I left a little crack big enough for me to see through.
I was taken aback when I saw Trent walk down the hallway. He looked over his shoulder before walking into the teacher lounge.
My eyes widened a bit as I stepped out the storage closet and stared at the closed door. What the hell was he and Kaitlyn doing together in the teacher's lounge? Did he seriously just move on from me in a day? My anger turn to hurt in a split second. There was a little pinch to my heart as I felt tears sting my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. It'll just be wasted tears. But I did have to stalk Kaitlyn, right? So I was going to get the job done, broken heart or not.
I was really feeling like an actual stalker as I tip toed towards the teacher lounge door. I pressed my back up against the cool wooden door, about to peek through the window when someone spoke.
My heart nearly jumped out my chest as I turned my head only to see Kyle. I sighed my relief and forced a crooked smile.
"Hey ...,"
He cocked a brow at me and gave me a dumbfounded look. "Uh, what are you doing?" he asked.
I bit my bottom lip and pondered a answer in my head. Coming up empty, I just shrugged and walked towards Kyle, and wrapped my arms around his torso. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me before resting his chin on my head.
"I think you're weird, Faith." he said softly.
I laughed and leaned more into him. "Thanks, I guess." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"You wanna go somewhere later on?" he asked.
"Sure," I say quickly. "How about we hang out at your place?"
He seemed shocked, but nodded. "I was thinking more of the park or something, but my house is cool. Meet me by my car after school's out."
I nodded at him and let him go. "Well, I have to get back to class."
"Yeah me too," he said before kissing my forehead and walking away.
With Kyle gone, I looked back at the teacher lounge door and shook my head. Whatever was going on there I was certain I didn't want to see. I grimaced at the possibilities. Instead of looking in the window, I headed to class quickly, trying not to think of anything.
After school, I met Kyle by his car. He flashed a white smile at me as he came around to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I forced a smile. "Thanks," I said and quickly hopped in the car. Kyle got in and we were off to his house. The whole drive, I was staring out the window, my mind on what was going on in the teacher's lounge. Was Trent finally over me? He probably thought I was so stupid to believe that dream was real. I inhaled sharply between my clenched teeth and scowled at a tree.
"You alright, Faith?" Kyle asked suddenly.
He rested his hand on my thigh and I looked down in linked my hand in his. "Yeah, just a bit tired." I mumbled. Tired of Trent's mind games. I mentally added. He squeezed my hand before releasing it. I stared back out the window, watching the passing trees morph into a blur of green.
I tried to think of anything but Trent and Kaitlyn, but it was harder than I thought it would be. Every time I thought of Trent and her hooking up my heart squeezed and a wave of nausea washed over me. When I thought of Trent getting over me, I felt like dying. I really do love him, huh? I never even loved Kyle as much as I love him. And it hurts to think that it'll all just end because he hooked up with Kaitlyn. I really hoped he didn't. Please, he better not have. I need Trent, yearn for him, I don't want him out of my life - ever.
"We're here," Kyle said pulling into his driveway. I forced a smile at him and hopped out the car. I shoved my hands in my pocket and waited for Kyle. When he reached by my side, we walked into his house and went to the living room. I sat down on the burgundy couch and relaxed.
"Can I get you anything?" he asked. I shook my head and smiled at him. "I'm alright." He nodded and sat down on the couch next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked.
Honestly, I could just sit here and just relax. I didn't want to really do anything, but find out whether or not Trent hooked up with Kaitlyn. Nothing else really mattered at this point. Well, I did have to break up with Kyle. But I didn't want to hurt him. I did love him, just not the way he thinks I do. I can't deny that Kyle is freaking hot, but it's more to it, though. I just react differently to Trent than I do to Kyle. With Trent, my heart skips a million beats, butterflies fly around my belly, and I can't keep my hands off of him. With Kyle, I feel as if I can talk with him like a friend. I feel comfortable talking and sharing secrets with Kyle. With Trent, I feel as if I can share so much more.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Kyle kiss my cheek. I turned to stop him, but he captured my lips. It felt really good to kiss him so I didn't push him away. Instead, I pulled him in closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me on his lap and never broke the kiss. He started reaching for the ends of my shirt, but I still didn't stop him. I was too into the kiss that I allowed him to pull the shirt over my head.

His warm masculine hands traveling all over my body set me over the edge. My breathing accelerated and my lips moved faster with his. My desire for him spilled out of my core and into my actions. I couldn't help myself. My fingers knotted in his silky hair as he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled his shirt over his head swiftly and pulled back to look his body. He pulled me back in and pulled me in closer.
When Kyle unlatched my bra, I knew how deep I was getting into the situation. But in my mind, I was thinking about Trent and Kaitlyn together in that teacher's lounge. The feeling of ecstasy coursed through me, erasing any ration thoughts. I was living in the now and not the later. I knew I would regret this, but I didn't care. It felt so good. It felt wrong, but good.
I smiled as I helped Kyle pull off his pants.


The next day at school, I felt really bad. I felt dirty, and stupid. I shouldn't have had went to Kyle's house yesterday. I regretted it just like I thought I would. I slumped down in my seat and did a little groan.
I heard the chair next to me move and saw Leo slide in the chair next to me. I forced a smile at him and sighed, looking at the clock above the teacher's desk for the thirteenth time. I still had fifty five more minutes before the bell rung for next period.
"What's up with you? It's the third period and you already look ready to leave." Leo commented as he took a seat. I scowled at him and placed my head on the cool desk.
Honestly, I didn't even want to deal with Leo at this moment. I had too much on my mind. I still had to stalk Kaitlyn, I had to figure out what happened in the teacher lounge, and end everything with Kyle. I know making out with him last night and almost having sex with him may make him feel like I still love him. But, I just didn't love him that way. Thank god his mom had an early shift that day, and I had to rush home.
In the middle of class when the teacher stepped out, Leo punched me on my shoulder. I winced and glared at him as I rubbed my shoulder.
"What the hell, Leo?"
He glared back at me and crossed his arms. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
I scowled at him. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I growled.
He shrugged and punched me again on the same shoulder, but softer. "What's wrong with you? You can't just come in here all grumpy and not expect me to say anything." he inclined.
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I just didn't get much sleep last night." I said sheepishly.
Leo cocked his brow. "Why? Kyle told me his mom came before you guys could do anything." He said, and I could tell he was holding back laughter.
My face heated up and I tried to hide my blush beneath my bangs. "He told you?!" I exclaimed and punched him in the arm. Unlike his hits, it didn't hurt. He just shook it off and cracked a smile.
"He tells me everything, idiot," He let out a laugh. "We are friends,"
I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. "I didn't get much sleep because Jamie is making me stalk Kaitlyn." I said nonchalantly.
His eyes widened. "What? And you guys didn't tell me!? You know how stealthy I am!"
I turned my back on him, knowing he was going to complain about this on and on. I sighed and covered my ears and waited for the bell to ring.
The next period, Jamie was just as annoying as her boyfriend when I told her I didn't get any dirt on Kaitlyn. I didn't tell her about the whole Trent situation because I wanted to figure that out on my own. She was pouting with her arms crossed after I told her.
"I can't believe you didn't get any dirt on her! She isn't particularly a saint." she grumbled.
I shrugged and started doodling in my notebook, trying to seem at ease when really deep inside, I felt horrible.
"Why didn't you find out anything? I know Kaitlyn does some pretty messed up stuff."
I sighed and peeked up at her through my dark bangs. "Kyle had shown up. I wasn't about to let him know I turned into a stalker."
She rolled her eyes. "You're not a stalker - you're a spy, dummy!" she said seriously.
I shook my head at her just as the Spanish teacher walked into the room. Everybody silenced and took out their notebooks to take notes. I gave Jamie one last look before I put away my drawings and pulled out my Spanish notebook. I flipped to a new page and got ready to take notes.
In the middle of the lesson, a folded up paper was tossed on my test. I looked at Jamie with a curious look.
"Open it," she mouthed, pointing at the paper.
I sighed inaudibly and unwillingly unfolded the paper.
I read Jamie's messy handwriting:

I actually got dirt on Brittney

I cocked an eyebrow at her. I grabbed my pencil and wrote back.
What did you find out?
She grabbed the note off my desk swiftly before I could hand it back to her. I watched her as she quickly scribbled something on the paper, clearly choosing her words carefully. When she was done, she threw it at me. I had to catch it before it dropped to floor. When I caught it, I glared at her and read it.

She was talking about you. It was really weird. I think she was on the phone or something, but I heard her say that everything was almost done and that Brittney was working on completing the job. So, whatever is going on, someone else is helping with it, too. I'm trying to figure out who it is.

I read this twice, my eyebrows stitching together in confusion. Trent was the only other person who was with Kaitlyn that I know of. So, could he be helping them with their plan to basically destroy me? But why would Trent do such a thing? Did he tire of me talking about the dream and just wanted to get rid of me?
A little gust of wind swept out of me as if someone just punched me in the gut. I tried to cover up the pain that I was sure was clear on my face. With shaky hands, I wrote back.

Do you have any clue who it is? It could even be one of the teachers.

Jamie was shaking her head before I could give her the note. I nodded and wrote something else.

We shouldn't eliminate anybody of the possibility of being a suspect. Everybody is guilty until proven not guilty.

I tossed the note on her desk and started fiddling with my pencil, not knowing what to do with my hands. Could Trent really be trying to ruin me? The thought was running around in my head, causing a migraine to weigh down on my skull. I gently massaged my temples, waiting for Jamie to respond back.
I read the note as soon as she placed it on my desk.
I'm glad you're finally taking this seriously! Now, we can be top notch spies. First, you have to follow Kaitlyn and figure out what the hell she's suppose to do to ' complete the job'. Then, we start following people who hang out with Kaitlyn and Brittney the most. That'll definitely lead us to what their up to and then we can figure out a way to stop it.

I rolled my eyes when I read the first two sentences. But I was reading the rest very intently. Jamie was right. We needed to figure out what was going out and stop before it starts up some serious trouble.
I ripped up the paper, and threw it in the trash when the period was over. I was glad I had study hall the next period. I needed to relax for a few minutes. To take everything in, and just accept it, deal with it, and move on.
I went to my locker, exchange my books out for other books, and shut it back. I started heading for the library, my head shoved into a Trigonometry textbook. I wasn’t looking where I was going and crashed head on into someone. All my books went flying everywhere and I fell on the floor. I was more concerned about the person I crashed into. When I looked up, I realized it was Brittney and she was glaring at me. She smirked at me and then walked away.
What had me staring after her in awe was that, she was like a walking stick. How the hell did I get knocked over and not her? I was still looking curiously after her when she disappeared into the gym.
I quickly gathered up my books, holding them tightly to my chest. I pondered something in my head and nodded to myself. Even though Jamie was suppose to be following Brittney around, she is sparking my curiosity. I looked around to see if anybody was near – especially Kaitlyn – and then started walking towards the gym.
I placed my hand on the silver, cool, doorknob. I took a breath before I opened the door halfway. I peeked my head in the gym, looked around, not finding Brittney anywhere. I was about to walk all the way in the gym when I felt someone place a cool hand on my back.
I jumped, and dropped my books again.
I turned around, only to be greeted by a smirking Trent. I glared at him and tried to push him back, but failed. “You scared me!” I said placing a hand on my hyperactive beating heart.
He laughed and bent down to pick up my books. He handed them to me, smiling crookedly, his beautiful stormy eyes, soft and inviting. My breath rushed out me and I looked down a bit disgruntled. I shook my head, and grabbed my books from his hands.
“If you weren’t creeping around, then you wouldn’t have been scared.” He implied.
I scowled at him, remembering him and Kaitlyn in the teacher’s lounge.
“You shouldn’t even be talking about creeping around. You seem to be a pro at that.” I spat at him. I started walking away, but he grabbed my arm. I didn’t turn around. I tried not to look at him, knowing that if I did, I would give in to the want I had for him. The electricity passing through that little touch was already driving me off the edge.
“Faith …,” he said slowly and cautiously. He sighed and then pulled me into his chest. He whispered in my ear, “Meet me in the copy room after my class. I have a free period then.” He mumbled softly. His cool breath at my ear was giving me shivers, but I tried to hide it.
I grit my teeth against the feelings I had for him and yanked my arm away.
“But I don’t.” I said acidly.
I started walking away again, trying not to look back and run into his arms when I felt hurt hit me. It was so sudden, that I froze and had to take an intake of breath. It was a while since I felt Trent’s feelings. Since that dream, it seems as if I have never felt it again. I hadn’t really realized that until now. I swallowed pass the lump in my throat and slowly turned to look at Trent.
“Fine. In the copy room after your class.” I agreed.
He smiled, his deep dimples showing. “You always have a few more days of detention,” he reminded me.
I tried to hide my smile as I made my way to the library.


During History, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Trent. He seemed to not be able to keep his eyes off me either. We kept sharing secret glances and smiling at each other. I was blushing like crazy at the end of the period. When the bell rung, me and Trent shared a glance. His eyes were filled with lust, causing shivers to run up and down my spine. He smiled crookedly at me and then winked, before fumbling around with some papers.
I was nibbling on my bottom lip as I walked out the classroom, blending in with the rest of the students. I quickly went to my locker, threw my books in there, grabbed my bag and started rushing towards the copy room. I couldn't wait to feel Trent's hands run all over my body. I hadn't felt it for an entire day, and that was enough to drive me insane.
I waited in the bathroom until the halls cleared. When the late bell rung, I quickly walked out the bathroom, looking around to see if anybody was near. Finding nobody, I quickly rushed to the copy room, my heart beating fast, knowing what was going to happen in there.
I practically busted through the door. As soon as I did, Trent took me into his arms. He locked the door behind me and then our lips met.
My arms immediately laced around his neck as he pulled me in tighter, his arms supporting my body as my limbs got all buttery from desire and want. My fingers ran through his silky hair our lips moved swiftly against each other. My heart was racing, beating so hard against my chest that I thought that Trent could hear it. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach as I took in all of Trent. I smiled against his lips as he picked me up easily and placed me on top of the copy machine. My legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him trapped there.
Trent broke the kiss and started softly nibbling on my neck. That little movement caused so much pleasure, that I whimpered out in pure ecstasy. My head tilted back as I got more into it. I grabbed a fistful of Trent's hair and held him in place as he continued to suckle on my neck. I was still moaning when he pulled back.
He had a smirk on his face. "I think I found your soft spot," he mumbled and pecked me on the lips. I cracked a smile and then captured his lips again, wanting to feel the softness of it. I pulled him in closer, ready for a full make out session, when he started chuckling against my lips. I pulled back and looked at him through dazed eyes.
"Are you horny, Faith?" he asked innocently.
That pulled me out of pool of want and lust I was feeling. A deep blush started slowly spread across my cheeks, causing them to burn. I dipped my head so that my bangs could cover my face. I pushed Trent back so that I could hop off the copy machine.
My face was still hot when I looked into his stormy eyes. "No, I'm waiting for your explanation." I said and smirked.
He smiled. "I was about to explain, but you literally attacked me. You know you're very hard to resist." he said the last sentence softly.
My heart fluttered.
I leaned in for another passionate kiss, but stopped myself immediately. I poked his dimple and shook my head. "Not gonna work. Tell me why you and Kaitlyn was in the teacher's lounge." I demanded.
He sighed and crossed his arms. His gray, warm eyes skimmed my body, from head to toe. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair and looked up at the ceiling. After about a few seconds, his eyes met mines.
"Fine, but it might alarm you." he said with a shrug.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm already alarmed! I want to know if you're hooking up with Kaitlyn behind my back. I still don't know what you and me are, and it's really troubling that I don't. I mean, we make out, and seem to care for each other, but we have no title. It's really frustrating . . .," I realized I was babbling and shut my mouth and looked down at my feet.
I felt my chin being lifted up by Trent's finger. He looked into my eyes, pecked me on the lips, and pulled me in for a tight hug. It felt good to be wrapped up in his reassuring embrace. I wrapped my arms around his torso, and laid my head on his chest. I listened to his breathing as I waited for him to say something.
He pulled back eventually, and looked me in my eyes. "What do you want us to be?" he asked softly. I bit my lip, and peeked up at him through my lashes.
"Together," I mumbled.
He kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and he was smiling. "Forever," he said and brought me in for a deep kiss.
When we separated, his eyes brows furrowed. "But first I have to tell you my side of the story." he said and exhaled.


Trent seemed to contemplating whether he should tell me his explanation or not. I just stood there, a little dazed from our make out session. I looked at Trent as he ran his fingers through his hair. He rested his hip against the copy machine and stared at the ground. I waited patiently for him to look at me. When he did, he just frowned.
I took a step toward him and rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Just tell me, Trent." I said softly.
Suddenly, he picked me up and placed me back on top of the copy machine. The movement was so swift and quick, that I was a bit breathless afterward. He smiled wryly at me.
"You might want to sit down for this one. It' s a bit of a long story." he said.
I nodded and swallowed pass the lump in my throat.
I was swinging my legs nonchalantly when Trent finally stopped pacing. I looked up from counting how many tiles were on the floor and met Trent's gaze. His eyes were hard and had no trace of emotion. I bit my bottom lip and looked down at the floor.
"Do you still want to know my side of story?" Trent said, breaking the silence. I nodded without looking up. Trent exhaled, but I still didn't look up. I watched at my feet swung back and forth, trying to fight the urge to look at Trent.
"Well, I have a fiancée,"
This caught my attention. I looked up and stared at him with wide eyes. I felt my mouth slightly drop open in awe. Blush started to slowly cascade across my face and my heart started beating faster. My eyes started to burn up, but Trent spoke again. "An ex fiancée, who doesn't understand that it's over."
I tilted my chin up a fraction before examining him.
Of course somebody would be attach to him. He was such a beautiful man. In all my life, I never seen features so sharp, and defined, and beautiful. Not in movies, on the internet, or nothing. He was like Adonis come to life. Which were one of the reasons I wonder why Trent even likes me. I'm not very pretty. I can admit that. So why does he even bother to be with me? Why does he want us to have a more intimate relationship instead of the student teacher relationship we should have? What is so different about me? Why won't he mess with some of the prettier girls? Why did he chose me?
"Trent," I said in a tiny voice.
He met my eyes, his gray eyes smoldering. "Faith," he said softly.
I fiddled my fingers and bit my lip. Slowly, I said, "Why did you chose me?" I asked, lowly. I dipped my chin. "Why not another girl? A more prettier girl. Someone who might meet your standards." I looked up and looked him straight into his eyes. My green eyes bored into his gray, smoky ones. His gaze didn't falter. He stared back at me with just as much intensity.
He kept staring into my eyes as he took the few steps towards me. His strides, were graceful and masculine, and long. He smiled an inviting smile, his dimples deep and very attractive. I started to get lost in his beautiful eyes. I tried to hide a smile beneath my bangs. When he reached me, he placed his hands on both sides of my face and held it there, still staring into my eyes. His eyes would sometimes peek at my lips, and I smiled as I saw his struggle not to kiss me.
"Faith, you must know that you're very precious to me." His cool breath washed over my face. I leaned in, wanting more of the intoxicating scent. His calloused thumb gently rubbed circles on my cheek. I bit my bottom lip against the feeling that coursed through me. The amount of want and love that was passing through me, shocked to my very bones. I really truly did love this man. A lot. And what scared me the most was that I didn't think I could ever stop loving this hunk of a man, no matter what.
"But, why?" I mumbled.
He pressed his forehead against mines, his lips almost touching mines. The electricity that passed through us made me coherent. A full thought couldn't even cross my mind. My eyes were stuck on his lips. I watched as his perfect lips formed the words, "Because I love you,"
I nodded and pressed my lips against his. He tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me in closer. I drank every ounce of pleasure I was getting from Trent. I trapped him in legs once more, and held him prisoner. He chuckled against lips as his hands slowly traveled down my neck, down my torso, to my legs, resting his hands on my thigh. I shivered with pure ecstasy and my lips moved faster with his. I moaned against his lips as his hands slowly itched up farther. His tongue traced every feature of my mouth leaving a tingly feeling in my mouth. I bit down on his lip causing him to give out a little growl.
I pulled back, completely breathless. I smiled at him and then looked down. I released him from my legs and allowed my bangs to cover my face. When I looked up, Trent was smiling, touching his lips. He chuckled as he leaned against the copy machine.
He looked over at me. I shyly met his gaze. "Now do you know how much you mean to me?" he asked with a crooked grin. I blushed fiercely and nodded.
"Great. Now, I can get back to the story."
I watched as his eyes roamed the room. He didn't look at me as he spoke again. "Well, Caroline, my ex fiancée, is ... well - very persuasive. She can easily manipulate anybody." He shrugged something off and sighed. I wasn't really paying much attention to the rest of what he said. The name Caroline sounded so familiar. I didn't know why. But it did. My eyes scrunched up as I tried to detect where I heard that name before.
"Caroline," I said out loud. Trent eyes went to me. "Where have I heard that name before?" Trent just shrugged, seeming not to care. "It's a very common name, Faith. I wouldn't be surprised if you had known someone with that name." he said easily.
I nodded. He was right. Caroline was a common name. But still. It felt like I should remember that person. Like it was a huge factor right now. I tried to shake off my ease, but couldn't. I tuned into the Trent, trying to remember who had I known with the name Caroline.
"Me and Caroline knew each other since we were children ... ," He stared at the ceiling, seeming to remember her. I felt a pinch of jealousy. Maybe he really truly did love this Caroline person. So why was he with me? She had to be just as perfect as him. My gut told me she was. So, why in the hell was he with plain ol' me?
When he smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, I felt my stomach churn with jealousy. I looked down and started at my fingers, twiddling them, trying to act like I wasn't affected at all.
"I loved her with all my heart. She was my everything, I swear ...," he chuckled and my vision blurred.
Was he trying to make me jealous with this story? Did he seriously bring me in here only to rip my heart out? He was so confusing. Just seconds ago he was sucking my face off, now he was trying to hurt me with his tale of true love with his ex fiancée. I scrunched up my face, trying to not let the tears spill over and slide down my face. But it was really hard. My face burned as hot as my eyes. I scratched at my eyes and turned my head away from where Trent was standing.
"Faith," he mumbled. I realized that he was by my side. He softly grip my chin, making me face him. I looked down, not looking into his eyes, sure that I looked like a blubbering idiot.
He pressed his lips down on mines. I just sat there still, secretly savoring the feeling of his lips on mines. When he pulled away I saw out of peripheral view that did that cute crooked smile. My heart fluttered, but I still refused to look at him.
"I don't love her any more. I love you. I just told you that. Believe it, Faith. Because it's very much true."
I peeked up at him through my bangs. "Promise?" I mumbled. He nodded and pulled me in for a quick, tight, embrace.
He exhaled and he stared at the ceiling for a millisecond, then looked back at me. "When me and Caroline were kids, we started off as best friends. Her parents grew up with my parents so it was practically inevitable impossible for us not to be friends. But the teen years rolled in and the hormones, and we realized we loved each other more than friends. The attraction was undeniable, but soon some years rolled by and then it just wasn't there anymore . . .," he seemed to have chose his words carefully.
I stared at him, unblinking.
Was that how our relationship was going to end? Once he bored of me, he was going to throw me away like he did poor Caroline. My face scrunched up in distaste.
"That's horrible, Trent. If the love just died like that, that means you never truly loved her."
He shook his head at me. "You're wrong. I did love her. I loved her very much."
I rolled my eyes. "That can't be true! It was not true love. True love doesn't end like that." I argued.
Trent smirked at me. "Who said the love was true? I just said I loved her - I never said she was my true love."
I contemplated that in my head and shrugged. "I guess you're right on that one, but still - if you love someone - in any type of way - it just never dies like that."
He thought about that for a second, before he said in a sweet, melodic voice,
"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love."
I was sure I was staring at him with a dumbfounded look because he then said, "Hamlet by Shakespeare, Act II , Scene II. It means - well , at least to me - , that you'll know you're in love, love cannot disguise itself. It's way too potent to not be recognized."
"Shakespeare," I mumbled softly. "How do you understand it? When I had to read Romeo and Juliet for one of my Lit classes, it was hard to understand. I could tell Romeo had an undeniable love for Juliet, but Shakespeare's choice of words just give me a headache." I said wryly.
Trent chuckled. "Next time, actually try to understand the scene instead of the words." He said easily.
I nodded slowly, committing that to my mind. "But, back to the story," he said and took a breath.
"As me and Caroline was growing up, she was always the sweetest little thing. Loved helping people, loved treating people nicely . . . But as the years flew by, she became so controlling and so different. I couldn't even recognize my poor Caroline anymore. I loved her, so I tried to accept her as a person, still. People changed all of the time, right? But there was another girl . . . And she was taking up all the space in my mind. Soon, I never paid Caroline any attention and she realized that. She didn't like that. I told her about the girl that I soon fell in love with. She called me stupid, foolish, and said we would never be so I needed to get over her," He shook his head, and I saw a brief flash of hurt wash across his face. "I believed her."
My eyes bubbled with tears from his story. I don't know why, but I felt truly affected from his tale. I blinked away the tears quickly and looked at Trent. He was staring hard at the ceiling, his lips set in a deep frown. His arms were crossed and he was completely still. He didn't blink nor move a inch. I couldn't imagine what was going through his head at this point. I cleared my throat and spoke.
"Why couldn't you guys be together?" I asked in a shaky voice.
When Trent heard my voice, he unfroze and looked at me through deep, grey, smoldering eyes. He licked his lips before he said, "Because she only existed in my dreams - well, that's what I thought."
A gasp escaped my lips. I waited for Trent to explain what he meant, but he never did. Instead he turned and walked out the room. A few seconds later, the bell rung, dismissing the entire school. ***
I looked for Trent afterwards, but couldn’t find him anywhere. I thought about calling him, but chickened out after three attempts. So, instead I went to my locker and got my messenger bag before beginning my walk home, since I missed my ride with Leo. I would’ve just called him to come and pick me up, but I wanted time to think anyway.
I trudged out into the cold air. Some houses across the street already started putting up Christmas decorations, others were dull and broken down, but all pretty in their own way. My attempt to distract my mind lasted a few seconds before my mind went back to Trent and his story.
I was still wondering why the name Caroline sounded so familiar. The name was pulling at me, telling me it was so important to know . . . But yet it still didn’t come to me. But I did know that she was Trent’s fiancée – ex fiancée – and they grew up together. She supposedly turned evil and Trent tried to accept her, but another girl came along. A girl he said that he thought only starred in his dreams? So basically he found his dream girl.
So why was he with me? Why isn’t he with this girl?
I pondered that in my head the rest of my walk home. By the time I got inside my house I had a huge headache from all the thinking I’ve been doing. Went in the bathroom and took three ibuprofens before falling on my bed and immediately falling asleep.
Then, I had another dream.


The sky was gray, the clouds were barely visible, but yet it was still beautiful outside. I was surrounded by thick, high grass. It was kind of suffocating, but I was too curious about why I was here the pay attention. When I looked down, I was still in my clothes from this morning, but my hair was curled and longer than I remembered. I wished I had a mirror to see how I looked, but a few seconds later, I forgot about my hair and started trudging through the grass, looking around for anything that could explain why I was here and how I got here.
I was still walking when I heard a rough, low voice. I froze, looked around, searching for the answer of that voice.

"You can't leave, sir." The rough, low voice said.

I was curious to whom and what the voice was talking about. I tried to get on my tippy toes to see over the high grass, but it was simply impossible. It was like I was walking through the Amazon jungle. It was never ending.

"I have to. I just can't stay here and pretend." Another voice said in a broken voice. The voice sounded a tad bit familiar, but I couldn't have recognized it. I was in some type of forest far from anybody that I knew. I still didn't understand how I got here.

            I still walked forward, following the voices. My breath was coming out in puffs, and I felt like I was on the brink of hyperventilation. But still, I marched ahead.

"I'm sure the dreams will go away. Even if they don't - why ruin your reality for just a dream? I'm sorry, sir. Make me understand."

            I finally made it to the source of the voices and I was shocked when I saw Trent and another bronze skinned man.

The man was unnaturally tall with thick brown crown of curly hair. His muscles was huge - even bigger than Trent's. Even from where I was standing, I could clearly see the mass of veins running through his muscles and every time he moved his arms, his muscles flexed and even seemed to get bigger. What really had me taken aback was that his eyes were a bright, menacing red and stood out against the whites of his eyes. He was still a beautiful man despite his very inhuman and exotic characteristics.

Trent looked like a tiny thing of a man standing next of the beastly guy. His dark hair was longer than I remembered and fell down his face. He swiped it behind his ear every now and again. But even with his long hair, he still looked beautiful. Absolutely stunning. And despite the fact that he looked small compared to the another man, his muscles were bigger than the average man and huger.

            Trent was sitting on a stump of a tree, his face covered in his massive hands. He seemed to be shaking, and sobbing. I had to look twice to actually believe it. Trent was crying? What had him so sad? I felt an overwhelming feeling to caress his face until I saw that beautiful pearly white smile of his. But I fought the feeling and stayed where I stood.

Trent spoke again, but didn't remove his hands from his face.

"Can you imagine seeing the most beautiful girl you ever seen just dancing around in your head? You can't touch her, but you can see, smell, and even taste her. It will drive a man absolutely mad. And it isn't like I just dreamt about her once. I dream about her every damn day and night. Sometimes I hallucinate as I'm walking and I see her running towards me. And every time I reach for her, she just vanishes." He chokes and lets out an heart wrenching sob.

I couldn't take it. I wanted to be in his arms and comfort him and tell him everything was going to be ok. I wanted to kiss away all his tears. I just couldn't bare all of his sadness. I just couldn't. I felt my eyes fill with its own tears.

            That's when I reached out to try and touch him.

            The sky seemed to have rippled as if I poked at a container of jell-o. In pure shock, I jumped back and nearly let out a scream. I bit my tongue, and tried to calm down my hyperactive heart by putting my hand over it.

That's when I remembered. This was a dream. I had fallen asleep and this was all a dream. So none of this could be true? It was just a figment of my imagination, but that didn't mean I didn't want to wake up any time soon. Even though I knew it was dream, I was still intrigued with how broad of an imagination my brain truly had.

"I can only imagine how troubling that would feel." The beastly guy murmured thoughtfully.

Trent let out another sob before he finally looked up.

            His grey eyes were surrounded by a ring of red from all the crying he'd been doing. His eyes were puffy and wet. He wiped at his eyes, clearly embarrassed to have been crying so thoroughly in front of this man.

"You have no idea. I can't stand it, Lucian. Just think about it. I want you to truly understand where I'm coming from so that when I'm gone, you can back me up entirely. Imagine Elizabeth was always in your dreams. But yet - you have never seen her before, have no clue where she came from, how'd she got into your head. But you don't want her to disappear because you feel so compelled to her. She haunts your dreams and you . . .  find yourself falling for something that isn't real. But you're in love and you have no idea what to do," Trent flung his hands in the air in exasperation. "Imagine months of dreaming about her . . . it's time for me to leave and see if she's real."

The guy - who's name must have been Lucian - shook his head. "You can't. What if she isn't real? You'd given up your turn to rule to look for a girl who doesn't even exist! You'd be the laughing stock of the town, sir! Think before you act. Isn't that what you've been teaching us all this time? You can't take risk when the stakes are too high."

Trent chuckled without emotion. "This has nothing to do with what I taught you about fighting. This is absolutely different."

Lucian sighed and ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Sir, please don't risk it. I'm begging you." He said in a soft voice.

His plead didn't move Trent at the least.

"No, I have to risk it," He looked straight ahead, seeming to be lost in thought. "I keep seeing her hair as black as night, curled all the way down her back. Those lips of hers - pink, luscious. Then those beautiful eyes of hers," He paused and pointed at the blade of grass. "It's exactly that color. The shade of a bright, healthy piece of grass. I never seen eyes of that color. She's . . . perfect." He whispered the last word, his voice full of emotion.

            I was sure my mouth was hanging open. He just described me. How I looked right now. I turned around to see how long my hair was now. And of course - it was all the way down my back and curled. My eyes was grassy green and my hair was black. I wouldn't say it was black as night, but it was still black.

            What really took my breath away was the way that he described me. It was as if I was his everything. Like I was his personally designed angel. My heart was beating fast and my mind was scrambled up. Did Trent really love me? Or was this just what I already assumed it to be - a dream? It was the logical answer but lately things haven't really made sense. Could I have really been looking into Trent's past?

"What about Caroline? I thought you loved her?" Lucian asked in a hushed tone.

There goes that name again. Caroline. Trent's first love, but who's name seemed oddly familiar.

Trent shrugged. "I did. But I'm sure you and I both see that she didn't love me back. She just used me for the power to be Queen."

Lucian seemed to struggle for an answer. He sighed. "You're right. But still. You're leaving behind all you're people for someone who you're not even sure exist!"

Trent clenched his teeth. "Can you please stop saying that? Stop jinxing it! What if she does, Lucian? I'm not taking that risk to not be able to meet her."

Lucian looked as if he was getting angry. "You chose this nonexistent person over your people? The same people who knew your whole life and grew up with? Are you kidding me right now, Trent?"

Trent looked like he'd been slapped in the face. It looked as if Lucian barely called him by his first name. It seemed to be a clear sign of disrespect.

"Look, Lucian - you're my best friend. So, I'm not going to lie to you. She does mean more to me than playing the role as your king. I'm sorry, but that's the honest truth."

Lucian's breaths were coming in huffs. I never seen anybody so angry. He grabbed the bridge of his nose, trying to calm himself down. "Then leave right now. And do not look back or bother coming back. Just know that you were never worthy to be king if you're this stupid."

Trent shrugged. "I didn't need your permission. I was leaving anyway."

            With that, Trent turned on his heels and walked in the other direction, seeming to be able to cut through the grass with no trouble. Lucian stared at him in disbelief before cursing under his breath and walking the other way. I still stood there in complete shock.

What the hell did I just see?










Christmas Break

   I woke up drenched in sweat. My heart was still beating fast. I tried to breath calmly, but it was hard to. I wanted answers. What did I just see? And not only did I have questions for the unexpected dream - I just realized Trent never told me what happened between him and Kaitlyn. With fresh new questions in my head, I couldn't possibly go back to sleep. When I checked my phone it was on two o' clock in the morning.

            I rolled over and groaned. I was to antsy to sleep. I just couldn't shut my eyes any longer. I gnawed at my bottom lip and then grabbed my phone again. I stared at Trent's number for an immeasurably amount of time. Why was I scared to talk to him? He was my boyfriend now, right? I inhaled deeply and tried to calm down. With a shaky finger, I dialed his number.

He answered on the first ring.

"Faith?" A groggy, deep, and sexy familiar voice said.

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Hey, Trent." I tried to say enthusiastically.

Trent chuckled. "Why are you calling me at two o' clock in the morning?" His voice immediately turned serious. "What's wrong?" He asked urgently, sounding super protective. My heart fluttered.

"Uh - nothing . . . can you come pick me up?"

It was silent for a minute. I cleared my throat and fiddled my fingers.

"I'm on my way." And then he hung up.

            I immediately dropped my phone and then went in my closet for something pretty to put on. Yeah, it was two o' clock in the morning and a school night and I should be sleeping and not sneaking out the house with my super, hot  boyfriend that's my teacher . . . But, I "had to make an exception today. I threw on a black tank top and skinny jeans. I stared in the mirror, pleased, but then realized it was the middle of December and threw on a scarf. I doubt it would warm me from the cold, but I just wanted to look cute for Trent. After swiftly curling my hair, I walked out my room, gently closing the door behind me.

Out of habit, I checked on Sophie and then crept down the steps, making sure not to make any sound at all. When I saw dim headlights shine through the kitchen window, I quickly stepped out the house as silently as I could, locking the door, before running towards Trent's car. I stopped in midstride.

            My mouth was wide open when I saw Trent's car. A Porsche? On a teacher's salary? It was slick black, and even in the pitch dark, you could tell how glossy it was. It was the most beautiful car I ever seen.

I heard the window scroll down.

"Are you gonna gawk at my car or are you gonna get in?" Trent asked and then chuckled.

I shook my head and quickly climbed in. As soon as I closed the door, I smelt the familiar scent of vanilla and freesia. I stiffened. Desire and pleasure coursed through me just from the very scent of him. Trent seemed oblivious from the fact that I was affected so greatly by his smell. He backed out of the driveway, seemingly calm. I leaned back into the seat and secretly inhaled more of his delicious scent. It was so good that I felt my eyes roll back involuntarily. 

           About ten minutes into the drive and quiet I finally spoke, "Where are we heading?" I pondered outloud. 

"My house," Trent answered swiftly and glanced at me at the side of his eye. "Youre awfully quiet. What's on your mind?" 

I pursed my lips not wanting to really tell him what was on my mind. I, myself, didn't even know what I was thinking. I was about to interrogate him on yet another dream. I can almost picture his reaction when I question him. Most likely resistant and annoyed. 

"It can wait till we get there," Then I remembered him literally running off and leaving me confused yesterday. "Why did you run off?" I blurted out, not being able to help myself. "Aren't you sick of playing these mind games with me?" I say sourly.

Trent seemed to be fighting a smile.

"No," He say bluntly. I turned my head to look out the window to hide my scowl. "And I'll tell you when we get there." He say mockingly and let out a low, throathy laugh. His deep, gorgeous laugh sent waves of please down my back but I ignored it and turned towards him. "You're a real pain in the ass," I say truthfully. "But fine then." I mutter the last part and stare back out the window.

Trent's low, gentle chuckle is the last thing I hear before I start to feel my eyes droop and eventually close.


           "Faith, we're here." I hear a beautiful voice murmur. One eye flutter open at a time and I take in my surroundings. 

Trent's beautifully sculptured faces inches from mines; so close I could literally feel his cool breath brushing against my cheeks. My breath gets caught in my throat a little as I sit up straight in my seat. I rub my eyes and let out a little yawn.

"How long was I sleep?" I say groggily. Trent flashes that dimpled smile.

"40 minutes." Trent replies nonchalantly.

My eyes widen. "Forty minutes?" I say incredously. "Where do you live? Alaska?" I exaggerate. 

Trent stiffles a laugh. "Something like that." 

He comes to my side of the car and opens the door for me. I give him a sheepish smile, knowing I probably looked horendous right now and had a bad case of morning breath. I kept my head down and hopped out the car and immediately regret wearing a tank top in December. I shivered. 

"Here." Trent say as he slithers out his jacket and wraps it around me. His huge jacket drapes around me and I snuggle into it. His familiar yummy scent invades my nostrils and I try not to sigh in pleasure. 

Trent offers me his arm and I link mines into his. He was such a gentleman. I tuck myself into his coat to hide the blush I was sure was rising into my cheeks.

            It was then that I looked at Trent's house.

           Big would be a understatement to describe his home. A long stone driveway lead up to a house full of windows and trees and wide open space. Beautiful flowers adorned the exterior of the home. The moonlight bounced off the slightly tinted windows. I imagines my small two story home next this massive house and cringed inwardly. I looked back at the slick Porsche and back at the beautiful home, mouth agape. No way could you afford anything like this on a teacher's salary. Trent had a lot of explaining to do. Nothing about this man added up at all.

I realized in the midst of my analyzing I came to an abrupt stop. Trent was looking down at me with a raised brow. I shook my head acting as if nothing was wrong and prepared to bombared him with questions  as soon as I get in his house.

Trent lead me into his home, extending a  hand outward to assure me. I stepped into his house nd bit my lip not to let my jaw drop again. Of course the inside would be equally as beautiful as the outside.

"What in the fuck, Trent." I blushed after saying a blunt statement. He cocked a brow at me.

"What?" he said in that wretched nonchalant tone.

I throw my hands up in exasperation. "Seriously?!" 

He looked at me with amused eyes and issued me to go on with a smirk.

"How?" was all I could muster up. How in the hell did he afford crap like this? 

Trent nearly busted out with laughter and took my hand.

"So cute," was all he replied. I pouted and allowed him to lead me deeper into the house.

           We stopped in a room with expensive looking couches and bottles of wine and alcohol in cabinents. A huge, lit fireplace sat to the side of us and a plasma TV was displayed in front. I just took in all the beauty silently and sat down on the velvet couch. I shifted uncomfortably realizing I was most likely sitting on my college tuition right now.

 "Do you want a drink?" Trent asked politely.

I scrunched up my nose. "I dont drink," I let out a shy laugh. "Eighteen, remember?"

Trent laughed. "I meant water, Faith." Trent mused.

I blushed and dipped my head so my bangs covered my face. "Right.. No, I'm okay, thank you." I say sheepishly. 

Trent nods his head and sits on the edge of the coffee table. I look down at where our knees touch and hide my smile behind my bangs. Just the little touch made my heart flutter.

"Faith," Trent says soflty causing me to look up. "Why'd you call?"

I clear my throat and sit up straight. I licked my now dry lips. "I-I had another dream." I stammer, awaiting his displeasure. 

Trent face shows no emotion. "About?" He ushers on.

My eyebrows knit together as I ponder that question. I honestly didn't know what that dream was about. "It was like... looking into your past, sorta. I can't explain it." I say sheepishly. 

I notice Trent stiffen. "What do you mean?" he says through stiff lips.

I itch the back of my neck. "It was you and-and," I try and remember the other guy's name. "Lucian!" I nearly shout as the name finally came back to me.

I noticed Trent's beauitful grey eyes darken a little at the name.

"Does that name sound familiar?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He sighs and runs his hands through his dark hair, "Do you honestly want the truth, Faith?" he asks and stands up swiftly. He starts pacing again like he did back at the copy room yesterday.

"Of course," I say simply. Then add," you can trust me. You know that, right?" I say softly.

Trent stops pacing for a second and looks back at me with soft eyes. "I know I can, Faith. Trust me, I know." He gives a small smile and goes back to pacing. I swear I was starting to feel a draft in the room from how much he kept moving.

 After about 5 minutes of Trent pacing in silence and me almost falling asleep, Trent's voice finally broke the silence.

"He was my best friend." He said sourly, emphasizing on the 'was'.

"Lucian," he continued, "was always there for me. I use to live in a world where I would have to fake everything in order to please people and Lucian was the only person I could be myself with. After I and Caroline was due to wed and I realize she wasn't the girl for me, Lucian was the only one who I confided in." 

Trent seemed like he was looking deep into the past as he spoke. "It's been so long since i seen him." he croaked.

My heart dropped at the sadness in his voice. "You miss him." I said this as a statement.

He let out a humorless laugh. "Of course I miss him! Last I heard of him, he had his first child and was doing so good.. and I couldn't even be there..," he trailed off and slumped down on the couch next to me.

In one swift motion he lied down on the couch, putting his head in my lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled into my torso. My heart was beating fast as I cradeled his head in my lap. Running my fingers through his beautiful hair, savoring this moment, committing it to memory for later.

"What did you see in the dream?" Trent asks next.

I stopped stroking his hair for a quick second as I thought.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.05.2012

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