



What up it's ya girl Angeligheia that's An-gel-lay-ya not Angel-Leah, most people tend to fuck my name up. I'm 16 years old, grown and sexy,I always stay geared up no matter what, and I tend to have a slick ass mouth. I have a baby that's 2'years old, his name is Zahkeem, after his father Hakeem.

Anyways I'm 5'6 in a half, thick dark brown and black hair that stops at my my waist, size 16 hips, grey eyes with specks of gold, a perfect smile, and pretty pink lips. But you know what I hate I'ma nerd, well actually the biggest nerd in Desoto High-school. Yeah I know I said all that stuff and it made me seem all big and bad but the truth is......I'm only going off of what my friends have said.

Taylor and Christina are my best friends and they are the biggest Mindless Behavior fans I have ever met in the entire school. So anyway Christina got 3 tickets to their concert, but the problem is.....I don't like them. At all what so ever. But I'll go since they're my friends, well more like sisters.

What will happen when Taylor, Christina, and Angeligheia go to the concert and end up on The Mindless Behavior Tour bus? Who will fall in love and who will get used for sex and drugs only? Will all 3 friends end up in a total whirl pool of emotions or will they base all their choices on friendship?

Introducing Who????

Angeligheia's P.O.V

-Beep Beep Beep Beep-

"Ughh...." I slowly hit the snooze button on my alarm clock, almost smashing it in the process as I sit up in my bed. I rub my eyes for a second then pull my covers off of me. "Get up people in Desoto Texas, 'cause its about to be on and poppin!" 97.9 the beat screamed through the radio. What the fuck! I could have swore i turned the damn thing off...." I said to my self irritated. I looked at the time and quickly jumped out of the bed. 'I'm gonna be late....dammit.'

I ran into the bathroom, tore off my clothes, and hopped in the shower. After about 15 minutes I got out and put on my black booty shorts,white blouse, my white leather belt, some white and black jordans, black bracelets, white earrings, and a black hippie headband. I was feeling my self as I looked in the mirror while I put my black mascara on even though I really didn't need it. When I got done double and triple checking my face, I grabbed my Ed Hardy book-bag and purse and walked downstairs, gave my mother a kiss on the cheek, hugged my baby Zahkeem, and walked out the door on my way to school. I had 10 minutes to get to school and it was gonna take me 15 to get to school.

After I got my office excuse, I walked to my locker and put my book-bag up and got my book for first period; which was English Literature. I took my phone out to check a text i got, it was from Taylor, 'WTF where is you at you know the English paper is due today right????' I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling in amusement. As I closed my locker I heard a giggle and moan down the hall. I slowly closed my locker door and walked to my class, because what i was hearing was just nasty.

I slowly walked into the classroom, only to be met with starring eyes. 'damn can a sista get her face back I mean like really?' Walking over to the teachers desk, I quietly set the excuse there, and walked to my desk."Glad you could make it to class would be nice if yo turned in your paper to my desk." I turned pale and slowly got up. "Ohhhh Angeligheia probably don't have her paper!" Hakeem said. I turned around sharply and flicked him off. "Just lettin you know in case you forgot....I already did." Everybody in the room including the teacher turned and looked at me. I was truly humiliated, but I couldn't show it so I continued to walk to the front of the class. I pulled my paper out of my jacket and set it on his desk. I was feeling like I was about to throw up as i walked back to my desk.

The rest of the day I just day dreamed about being in my secret hiding spot in school dancing. The hiding spot was an abandoned room, in which people haven't used in about 3 years, so I was lucky enough to be able to use it for my secret talent. Dancing! I've been dancing since i was 2 years old. I have done just about every kind of dance there is in the book. Ballroom, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Ballet, Urban, Cultural, and Praise. Dancing is my life besides my baby and school.

The end of the day finally came and I quickly snuck down to the basement and into the room. I turned the radio on and started dancing to Skin by Rihanna. I was so into the song I hadn't noticed that the room door had been opened and closed. When I turned around Hakeem was standing at the side of the door. I started walking towards the wall where my bag was sitting so I could leave before I did anything stupid. I picked up my stuff and started walking to the door. As I opened up the door, Hakeem grabbed my arm and turned me around. "What the fuck you want Hakeem?" I asked irritated. He slowly looked at my body up and down and licked his lips.(His lips are to sexy!) " I simply wanna talk foe a minute..." I looked at him like he was crazy and turned back to the door, but I stopped,"Look I really don't have time to deal wit' stupid shit right now so if you got something to say make sure it makes some kind of since." He smiled at me slightly and began talking. "Look Lay lay...when you gone come and visit me again I miss you...a lot" I starred at him with a blank expression on my face...-___-. (This nigga really think I'm stupid),"I'll come visit you when you officially start paying child support, and at least call to check on yo' baby." I smiled at him sarcastically, and walked out the door.


At My House.....

I was sitting in my room doing my homework when Taylor and Christina bust into my room. -_- "Heyyy boothang! Watcha doin?" Christina asks in a Isabella from Phenies and ferb voice. I look at them both like they're crazy because they've got stupid grins on theirs faces. "I'm doing my homework in which ya'll should be doing right along wit' me." I say in a Happy-Go-Lucky voice. "Damn, somebody need some dick....!" Taylor says sitting in my computer chair. I roll my eyes at her and respond by saying, "Nooo, but it look like both of ya'll got some from the same dude!" (I'm such an asshole...XD). They both look at me with blushing expressions. "OMG ya'll are plain nasty, just nasty. Ya'll need to STOP BEING NASTY! Capital N-A-S-T-Y!" I laughed, but at the same time I was grossed out.

About an hour later we were sitting on my bed discussing our outfits for the concert, that Christina had bought online. I was on my laptop looking for and outfit while Taylor and Christina were making theirs on this website called UniqueBotique. (I made that up). After we all finished and payed to get them shipped, we decided to go out. To a club in Dallas called Club Purgatory.

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Getting Aquainted....

Angeligheia's P.O.V


At School.....

As I was walking down the hall, I see Angel starring at me. I quickly put my head down so he won't see my face in full view. I was blushing to hard, well at least it looked like my cheeks were burning. I have a bad habit when it comes to seein somebody cute, so yeah. I quickly walked past him because I wasn't about to talk to him especially in the damn hallway, in front of everybody. As soon as I got to my locker Taylor was right behind me, babbling about the concert on Saturday. "Look here Angel, I'ma need you to hurry up and finish making up them dances." She said loudly, and Christina came out of nowhere to back her up, "Yeah! we have to have a fly dance to, we gone straight show our asses!" I looked at them like they were crazy, and then I finally spoke, "Ummm....I just want to stress that EVERY girl there is going to be there is going to be dancin' so WHAT makes ya'll think WE'RE going to get some kind of special attention?" They both froze then I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. "WHAT THE FU-." I couldn't even finish my sentence because the 1 minute bell had rung.

The whole day I was listening to Rihanna and textin' Taylor about how we was pull this dance off, she told me we would discuss it at my house later. After school was over I went to my locker only to find a note in it. I looked around and didn't see anybody, so I opened it up hastily to see it was from. It said,

"I seen you looking at me I advise you to just come and talk to me so I can see what you really about besides your smarts.....oh and I'm on the east end of the campus..... see you when you come...." -Angel.

I knew Taylor and Christina was gonna be mad at me but, oh well they'll get over it. Hopefully! I walked quickly over to the east end of the campus and there he was! Angel, he was leaning against his new gold colored Mustang. The sun was shining on his skin like he was an angel. I slowly walked towards him, not knowing what was going to happen. He looked up from his phone and smiled. Oh lord his smile was BEAUTIFUL! "I thought you wasn't going to come for a second ma'." I looked at him side ways for a second just observing his body. "What ma' you see something you like?" My brain was on a mental block I literally couldn't talk; the it decided to let me talk. "And why is that?" 'Really that's all you could come up wit'' I screamed at my self.

We talked for about 15 minutes before I told him I needed to go. "Damn! Already, I thought we was gonna talk some moe." He said with a slight smile on his face. He was so cute but I had to get to Taylor and Christina before they called the police thinkin' I was in a ditch dead somewhere. I quickly said my goodbyes and left. When I finally called Christina to tell her I was OK, she started screamin' at me and cussin'. "Where in the HELL are you?" Christina was ecstatic. I couldn't even get a word out to even try and explain. Then Taylor must've grabbed the phone because the next thing I know she's screaming in my ear. I think I went def ^_^. After 5 minutes of straight up cussin' and screamin it got quiet. "....'sigh' where are you at Angeligheia, we've been worried sick about you?" Taylor said calmly.I hesitated before I answered thinking about what I was going to say to at least hold them and their suspicions off for a little bit."I'm fine, and I stayed after school for a minute to check on some things in one of my classes." There was a sigh of relief. "Look can you hurry up and get home, so we can learn this dance you made up I mean we only have a couple days left." Christina said. I rolled my eyes at that comment. "I know damn hop off my dick!" I said with laughter in my voice. "We will as soon as you get here, and you mean hop off yo' dildo." Taylor said laughing with me. I quickly sped home so I can teach them the dance I made up for the after party that Taylor got us into surprisingly. Now all she needs to do is get me some back stage & after party tickets for Lil Wayne and she will be on a pedestal. As I was thinking to my self I pulled into my drive way and got out.

I walked up the porch steps to unlock the front door, and was stopped by a horn beeping at me. I quickly turned around to see who it was but couldn't tell. Plus the people were in a black and white limo. I abruptly walked back down the porch and over to the limo in confusion. "Is there something you need?" I asked politely, as I smiled at the caramel colored looking boy. The pulled his shades down slightly and checked me out. 'This nigga bold!' I said to my self as he continued to look me up and down. "Yeah, are you Taylor Hayes?" He said looking at a red envelope with black letters on it. I looked at him for a moment before saying anything. "Umm no.... I'm her sister though, can I help you?" I asked examining him more, I noticed that he had a full head of curly hair and perfect white teeth. He was pretty sexy. "Well yeah, can you give this to your sister and tell her its from hers truly Jacob." I paused for a moment. I could have sworn I've heard that name before, but I figured I heard it at school so I brushed the thought off. "Oh, OK I will be sure to tell her, thank you." I said as I grabbed the envelope from his hand. As I began walking away the horn was honked again. I turned around and walked back over to the limo. "Yes, did I forget something?" I asked him. He took of his shades, and his eyes glistened in the sun,"Could you sign this please?" He asked in a deep sexy voice. He then pulled out this form looking thing and a pen. When our hands touched I felt a tingling sensation rush like lightening throughout my body, I know he felt that to because he quickly pulled his hand back as we touched. I quickly signed the papers, gave them to him and turned away to head back to the house. I was quickly pulled back again but this time by a hand and the same exact feeling came back. I turned around to what he wanted this time, "Yes, sir."I said. He licked his lips slowly, "It was nice meeting you..." I finished his sentence for him. "Angel, just say Angel.". He smiled, "Yeah Angel I like that. Well nice meeting you!" I blushed slightly, I wasn't use to people complimenting me, especially by a boy. A sexy one at that. "You too Jacob." I said as I pulled my hand away. I smiled at him and walked away, straight into the house, not even bothering to look back.


Princeton's P.O.V


I smiled to my-self as Angel walked off, she was a dime piece. I mean damn, Taylor is her sister then I know she is fine! I checked her out and her body was on point, she was curved in all the right places. Her booty was nice, round, plump, and perfect. [And when I say perfect I mean not to big, and not to small...medium,large!] She had medium, large chest, long wavy reddish brown hair, straight teeth, and thick ass thighs. The kind you wanna take bite out of. But what caught my eye was her lips! Her lips were so plump they make you wanna kiss them forever. Before we pulled off I had to make sure she got into the house safely, you know just in case someone came and tried to snatch her. Weird right? I know but she is all to sexy to be walking by her self. With that I told my driver to take me home 'cause I had to meet up with the boys so we could practice. As soon as I got there I told them all about what happened when I went to drop off the after party tickets for 3 at Angels house. "DAMNNNN!!!" They all said at the said time. "I know right! She was straight up classy and sexy!" I said. Just thinking about her made me hard and I think Ray Ray, Roc, and Prod did to because it suddenly got quiet. "Well I think I'ma call....Keiana and tell her to come put it on me." I said while giving dap to each of them. they agreed and said they'd call their girls too. After that I left and drove by Keianas house so I could get some. Keiana has the best pussy I've ever had and her head game is extravagant. I mean top notch....well that's all I normally fuck wit' anyways. As I walked into her house, [ I had a key.]

I could tell she was here and alone because she was upstairs in her bathroom taking a shower. I slipped out of all my clothes and snuck in the shower behind her. As she turned around she screamed and fell backward, I caught her just in time and laughed at her as she yelled at me about scaring her like that. But I quickly shut her up and kissed her. About 5 minutes later I started fucking her all up and down the shower. She was screamin' my name like I was god and she was a women looking or him.



Deep Conversation.....

Taylor's P.O.V

Christina and I were sitting in Angels room when I hear a loud horn honking. I quickly got up to go see who it was, and why they were in front of her house. I looked out her window and saw a white and black limo parked in front of the the house. "Hey, Christina come here. Hurry up!" I said excited about what was going on. I opened the window so I could get a better view, only to see Angel walk up to the car. She stopped and started talking to whoever was. They where having a quick conversation. So I just walked back over to her bed and got back on Facebook.


Angeligheia's P.O.V

As soon as I closed the front door, I leaned against it and started smiling to my self. All of a sudden Taylor and Christina came running down the stairs toward me. "What the hell was that?" Taylor asked. I looked at her like she was crazy, "What are you talkin' about Taylor?" She leaned to the side, crossed her arms across, and cocked her neck to the side. " You know exactly what I'm talkin' about. Who was you talkin' to outside. In that limo." I looked at her like she was crazy, " Well one it was for you, not for me, the guy told me to give this to you." I said handing her the red envelope. "Its from yours truly.... Jacob, I think." I said scratching my head. Christina and Taylor froze like statues. I didn't know what was about to happen but I sure as hell didn't wanna be in the middle of it. I quickly moved away from the door in case something went down. Not in a bad way though.

As I headed up stairs I hear Taylor and Christina screaming their lungs out. "Damn Shut the hell up!" I yelled as I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. 'I really could use a nap right now' I said to my self. Just as I started drifting off to sleep, I was snatched off the bed. "Nuh-uh, get ya' ass up! We got a lot of work to do, especially since you was talking to Princeton." Taylor yelled. I was about to attack her but what stopped me was what she said. "Wait what?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "Did I hear you correctly?" I asked her. She was smiling her ass off. "Yeah you for damn sure heard me correctly!" She was all excited. I was really annoyed, "You mean to tell me that, I was gettin' flirted with by that asshole? Ugh that's sickening, I think I need to go throw-up." I said rolling my eyes and holding my stomach. Christina pulled me off the floor, "Well you do that after we practice, besides we gon' look goooood!" She tooted her lips, then smiled. I rolled my eyes again walked out of my room down stairs. They followed behind me because we were headed to my dance studio. They were talking' whole the time about how was going to clear the floor and Taylor would then signal the song change, so we could start dancing.

As soon as we got into the studio Christina turned on Cockiness by Rihanna, for a warmup. After that we started dancing to Skin by her. We practiced for about 6 hours straight we were all kinda hyped for the show Saturday, but I was only happy because I was about to show off my skills. I sure as hell wasn't going for them niggas that be grindin' in peoples faces. What the fuck I look like lettin' a nigga grind his dick in front of my face. Like the fucckk. As we wrapped things up with our formation and stuff, my cell phone started ringing. I quickly finished telling them rest of the transitioning, ran over to my work out bag. I grabbed my phone quickly, and answered it. "Hello!" I said. I heard heavy breathing, then a deep low voice. "Hello, beautiful!" The person said. I knew exactly who it was to. Angel! "Hey, Angel how did you get my number?" I asked all happy. He started laughing, "You gave it to me, remember." He said. I suddenly got embarrassed and started blushing. "Oh yeah slow moment. Sorry. So what made you call?" I asked as I headed to my bathroom so I could take a shower I was sweating and shit.

Taylor and Christina went straight home after we practiced, I know I wore their asses out. They won't be coming back for a while. "Well, I wanted to hear your sexy and smooth voice again. So what you doin' up this late?" He asked seductively. Just hearing him say that gave me goosebumps. I smiled to my self, "Nothing just got done practicing." It got quiet for a minute, then I heard Chris Browns, Beg For It. I smiled and started blushing for some random reason. "Ehem.. now what was you practicing for?" He asked. "I'm going to a concert on Saturday, and we're going to dance at the after party, so yeah my sisters have been pushing me to make up a dance." I shook my head at the thought. "Oh what concert?" "That stupid Mindless Behavior one." I shrugged and Put him on speaker phone. He got quiet for a second, "Oh OK, that's cool." I started taking off my clothes and left on just my bra and panties, as I turned my shower on. He laughed, "What are you doing?" I blushed at what I was about to say, "Well, umm about... to umm.... shower." I cringed, thinking he was about to say something bad, or just hang up. "Oh... well damn! You are pretty straight forward, and to be honest just thinkin' 'bout you takin' a shower makes me hard." My eyes went wide when he said that, I thought I was about to pass out. I laughed slightly at his comment. "Well I guess I'll let you take your shower." He said taking a deep breath. I swallowed hard, "Yeah I guess so, but that's only if you want to. I can talk to you while I'm in the shower if you want." Ooh I hope that didn't come out dirty sounding. "Naw I'ma just let you take your shower, cause I know if I stay on the phone while you taking yo' shower you gon' hear moaning so I'ma let you go." I smiled, I know this question is going to be weird but oh well. "Hey wait Angel, can I ask you a question?" I asked smiling at my thought. "Yeah put it on me." Ohh I hope he know that sounded freaky.

"Well... umm can I hear you moan?" I started to grin, I really don't know why. He laughed, then paused for a second. "Only if I hear you moan." I started jumping around happily. Hell he can hear me moan at any given time. "OK then you go first." I heard a giggle in the background, so I know he must've had his girlfriend over there or something. 30 seconds later I hear a slurping sound.

Whoever he was with was really into giving him head, I waited about 10 minutes until I finally was able to hear a low groan. "Mhmm...Mhmm.!" I smirked, "Ohhh...shiddddd...MHHHHMMMMMMM!" Now that was sexy. His groan was smooth and deep. Just the thought made me wet. "So that's how you moan then huh?" I asked in a sexy voice. "Mhmmm." I perched my lips together, tight before I let out a full on moan like I was really having some toe curling sex. Thats how I know I'ma good actor! "Ohh Shiddd...." Was all he said, and with that on his mind, I hung up. Leave him wondering. Thats how I roll. XD



Texte: All Rights Reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.08.2012

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