
Turning Tricks...Intro.

"Look bitch, you need to back the fuck up, because in case you haven't noticed... I run this bitch! And you betta stay away from Jacob, or you will regret it. " Bubbles yelled in my face. She betta be lucky I ain't pull her by her 22 inch weave and mop this floor with her. You see Lola A.K.A Bubbles has hated me since we were in second grade, and thats because her little boyfriend liked me.

As for me I'm Azmahrie, A.K.A Lovely. I'm 17 years old and I go to Lancaster highschool. Im not only bad but I'm a girls worst nightmare. Because I have been to juvi like 6 times for my anger problems and lots of other things and because I've been tagged as a "Nigga Magnet" just about any dude I want I can get but I choose to stick with one nigga at a time or none at all.


Azmahrie Santiago: Juvenile Detention

Age: 17

Occupation: None

Problematic State: Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Disturbance of Peace, Weapon Abuse.

GPA: 3.75

Holding Cell: 708C

Sex: Female

Holding Period: 95 Days

"I dont think keeping her in here for another 95 days will do her any good, especially since her mother died." Sargent Kelli said as she closed my Juvi files. "But what I do know is that her aunt told me she would be willing to keep her for the time being." Sargent Hill looked at her as if she had lost her damn mind. Quite frankly I thought she did to don't she know letting me out of here will be a suicide move. Well to bad they dont know letting me stay with my aunt will only peak my intrest. "I'm willing to stay with my favorite aunty and go back to school. At least I can get my life back on the right track." I'm pretty sure they couldn't tell I was bullshiting them! They both looked at me in surprise. Sargent Kelli stood up and smiled at me. I smiled back and stood up with her. " I'm glad you've decided to make something of your self!" She hugged me tightly. I know this ratchet bitch didnt say that! I oughta slap the living shit out of her. But I continued to smile at her innocently. " Me to sarg." We both stood in silence for a minute then exited the room so I could go back to my cell.

About 3 hours later I was released into my aunts custody. I was so happy to be out of that place , that I ran to my aunt screaming her name and crying. Sargent Kelli stood next to her crying too. We stood there and embraced for about 5 minutes before I said my goodbyes and left. This was going to be a fun New Life.

New Bitch-1

 Azmahries P.O.V

On the way back to my aunts house she explained her house rules and what school I would be going to. She told me that the high school was 15 minutes from her house so I would have to drive my self to school, because she had to be at work at 5:45. Hell I was cool with that especially since she was buying me a car for my "good behavior". So she thinks! As soon as we got to her house she told me to go upstairs and change my clothes so we could pick me a car out. I havent felt this good since I last had sex.
At the car dealership we looked around at the cars, so we could pick one out that would fit me perfect. After a hour of looking, we found my car. It was a red and white lamborghini. I almost lost my mind when she said yes. Its seems like I'm on cloud nine. And what trip me out was how she paid she whipped out this card and threw it at the dealer, grabed the car keys and walked over to the lambo unlocked it and let me get in. And about two minutes later she went to her truck anf pulled off. I was in pure amazemt.

Back at her house she showed me my room it was huge! It was black, red, and purple. My favorite colors. As I started looking around the house I found out that I wasn't the only teenager here. Aunty Loraine had a daughter that was 16. She was pretty and rude. I knocked on her room door and she let me in, I took a look around before I said anything. She turned around from her white dresser with a mirror on top. "Uhm...Hello." She said looking at me sideways. I smiled slightly, then spoke to her. "Uhm...wazgucci." I asked formally. The look on her face was priceless, it went from skeptical to pure confusion. I wanted to burst out in laughter but I held it in. "It means whats up in know hood talk? Like Nigga language." I starred at her blankly. Right after that it clicked, "Oh uhh...ok. Well umm nothing now I'm getting ready to head to my favorite spot to hangout at." She smiled. "Oh..ok, well I guess I'll see you around then. duceces!" I was getting ready to walk out of her room, when she spoke again. "Your name's Azmahrie right?" I turned around to face her, "Yeah I am, and you are?" I asked back. "I'm Kalana. Nice to meet you Azmarie!" She put her hand out for me to shake it. I walked over to her and took her hand. "You to Kalana." There was a quick pause, before she spoke again..... "Are you a jailbird?" I oughta slap the shit out of her. Damn broad gon' sit up here and ask me am I a fuckin' "Jailbird" ohh-wee she so lucky we live in the same house and that we ain't in the hood, 'cause I would've straight swep the ground wit' her prissy ass'. I breathed in and out slowly and calmly 'cause I was about to straight up go hood. I'm talkin' Pleasent Grove hood. [If anyone lives in texas near dallas they know what I'm talkin' about.] "No I'm not but...I know I'm about to leave you sittin' there lookin' stupid as fuck because number one, who in the hell comes right out wit' a question like that, I mean really. Number two if I was a "Jailbird" bitch you wouldnt know, because it's NAN OF YO' GODDAMN BUSINESS!" With that I walked out of her room smerking because the stupid ass look she had on her face when I nicely cussed her out.


In my room I started filling my closet with my new clothes, shoes, snapbacks, belts, suspenders, and scarves. It took me about 2 hours to get that all situated, but I still had to fix up my bathroom. I put all my purfume, lipgloss, makeup, and pictures on my dresser with a mirror on it. By the time I got finished it was 11:47 exactly. I quickly hopped in the shower before I went to bed. My first day of school was tomorrow and I didnt want to wake up late.


-Next Day-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I rolled over and pushed the snooze button and pulled the cover off of me. I layed there for a second thinking about how this day was going to play out. I finally got up and headed to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. After I headed to my closet and picked out my bleached skinny jeans with rips in them, a blue off the shoulder that says 'I am Hood' with rips in the sides, my white leather belt, and a pair of my blue and white Jordans. I walked out of my closet and went back into my bathroom to do my hair. I turned on my flat and curling iorns, pulled out some bobby pins, and 2 blue scrunchies. I quickly flat ironed my hair and put in a ponytail, then I used my comb to pull out a bang on the side of my face. I flat iorned it then curled it up like Keri Hilson. I quickly put some bobby pins in my hair and turned everything off. I went to my dresser aplied some Mac lipgloss, eyeshadow, mascara, and Fire&Ice perfume. [MMMMHMMM...Fire&Ice!] Just as I finished I heard the front door slam. It must've been Kalana, obviously she didnt want to wait up for me because I cussed her out last night. Hell she got what she deserved, she lucky thats all she got. Anyway I finished up, grabbed my bookbag and purse, keys and I walked out of my room. I ran downstairs went into the kitchen grabbed a poptart, and walked out of the front door and locked it. When I got to my car there was a sticky note on it:

" Drive safely, and be careful!" -Love Always TeTe Loraine!

I grabbed the sticky note, got in my car, and headed towards my new school. As I pulled up to a stop light I turned on K104.5, and Bag of Money was playing, by Rick Ross and T-Pain. When the light finally turned green I turned the corner, and pulled into the school parking lot. When I found a parking spot, I quickly got out and headed toward the entrance way, only to be stopped dead in my tracks by a huge crowd, of girls screaming and yelling. Passing out literally here and there. I quickly started pushing through the crowd of screaming girls to see what was going on. I quickly pushed through the girls to see what all the comotion was about. And boy did I find out. They were all screaming, becasue they were here. A.K.A "Mindless Behavior". I rolled my eyes and yelled."ALL YA'LL BITCHES ARE SO FUCKING DESPERATE! DAMN!" It had gotten a whole lot quieter, as I walked passed all eyes were on me, even they were looking at me. I smerked and kept it moving.

Yeah, I know I was an asshole for that but it was true. As I was Walking through the empty halls of the gigantic school, I seen Kalana kissing on some dude. He was tall, carmel, and kinda buff. Since I didnt know where the office was, I went over to her. I called her name and waved, "Hey umm...Kalana, do you know where the front office is?" I asked her smiling. The tall guy was hella fine! I mean I started blushin' slightly when he said 'Hi'. Kalana glared at me then him the spoke. "Hey, uhhh yeah, it down this hall and to the left. Dont get lost, you know because you're new and all." She smerked at me the leaned in to kiss the tall guy. He slowly kissed her back,then looked back at me, as I walked away. He quickly broke the kiss and came jogging after me. "Hey, wait up, I'm uhh, Issa. And you are?" He had a deep, sexy voice. I turned around slowly and looked him up and down."I'm Azmahrie, but I mostly go by Lovely." I said, and started walking away. I heard quick foot steps behind me, and I turned around a little annoyed. "Aye, look ma' I can show you to the office if you want." I know this niqqa wasn't tryin to spit game. "Look, I'ma big girl, I can walk around by my self." I smiled and looked at Kalana,"besides, my cousin looks as if shes waiting for you. So do you and I do me." With that I tured the corner, and left him standing there.

When I made it to the office they were in there. [Mindless Behavior.] When I walked into the office I acted like I didnt even see them. "Umm, excuse me. Im new here and I need my schedule." I said to the lady at the front desk. She looked up at me and smiled, then typed something into the computer. She quickly got up and walked over to the printer, and grabbed a white piece of paper. "Ms.Santiago?!" She said handing me the paper, I felt like someone was starring at me so I looked back slightly and seen them lookin' at my ass and snickering. One wit' 2 braids that looks like a girl, had tryed to whisper to, one with short, curly hair wit' a Bulls snapback on. I have to admit he had swagg, but he seemed to arrogant. "Damn, shawty got a nice ass!" Two braids said. I hopped he didnt think he was whispering, cause I have really good hearing. The short, curly headed one licked his, sexy pink lips and looked me up and down. "Yeah, I'd smash so hard, her hips would be dislocated." One with A sort mohawk that was part blond leaned back in the chair, like he was the shidd. "Hmmm, yeah she cool, wait ain't that the same girl who yelled outside this morining?!?!" He said leaning up trying to get a better look. I was beyond annoyed at that point so I walked out like they wasn't shit to me and wasn't there. Even though I wasn't anything to them but a girl. I walked out the office slowly looking at my schedule, so I could tease.

I found my locker which was black! I smiled and put my combination in and unlocked it. I felt a long warm breath on my neck that gave me the chills. I turned around and nearly passed out. I couldn't believe my eyes," Torion!?!?!?" I screamed, and jumped on him. He smiled,"In the flesh!" Torion was my bestest fried in the whole world, even though I have had a crush on him for the longest. Even when he went and signed with Young Money.

When he and I first met we were in fifth grade at recess.


He was playing basketball and I was dancing on the side of the school, with my girls. I was dancing to Scream by Pop It Off Boyz, and one of his boys was watching me and paused the game, then came over and started dancing behind me. All his other friends was watching, hooting, and hollering. I slowly grinded on Rashad, making him hard. [He was in sixth, and a hood white boy!] Rashad held my waist and grinded back. My Best friend Brooke was clapping and singing, then I pulled her to join in. We were grinding and dancing till recess ended. As we were walking to lunch Torion came over to where me and my girls were sitting. "Was good ma'?" He smiled at me. "Uhh, this chicken sandwhich...why are you over here again." I was being rude on purpose. He looked at me and smerked,"Well because I wanted to invite you to Rashads pool party." I rolled my eyes at him and respoded, "Oh so he wasn't real enough to come do it his self. Pssh whateva' get out my face wit' that." I said and brushed him off like he was a fly. "Oh so you a fiesty lil girl, ok den suit yo' self." With that he got up and started walking away. "Nigga we the same goddamn age!" I said loudly. I was beyond irritated and I didnt know why.

When we got to class I was passed a note that said 'You wanna come to my pool party, Friday' I looked at Rashad and nodded yes.


I went to the party that friday and Torion and I have been friends every since. I looked at Torion and couldn't help but to cheese like a crackhead. We caught up for a few minutes then looked at our schedules, to see if we had any classes together. "Ohhh, look we have third, fifth, and seventh together, plus lunch." I was so happy. He smiled at me, then it quickly faded. I turned to see why, and quickly found out. They were walking down the sucluded hall towards us, with a girl on each of them. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Torion. "I know how you feel, they annoy me too." He looked at me with hurt in his eyes, "No you dont, is one of those girls your girlfriend?" My eyes got wide and i looked at which one he was looking at. She looked ghetto but classy. Ghessy! [ROFL I'm stupid!] So anyway I was getting ready to walk up to her and charge her up, but Torion pulled me back. "Don't. Just let her do her. And I'll do me." I looked at him, and smiled weakly. "B-but I was just going to talk to her." He starred at me blankly. -__-. "I know you Rie, you can't fool me. Have we not been best friends since fifth grade?!" I smiled slightly and turned away from his intense stare. I looked at her evily. 'Dont let me catch you in the street or alone in the hallway. Because if you do I'ma straight Pleasant Grove fuck you up!' I turned back to Torion who looked to be in deep thought, and started pulling him. "Come on Dimples!" I said. I gave him that nickname because his dimples are deep. He finally budged and walked me to class.

When we reached my first period class I hugged him. "Its gonna be ok Tori I promise! We have each other to lean on in bad times." I know I sounded like I was getting married but it was true. He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. "I know, thats why I'm not about to trip over that." Him saying that made me happy. I kissed the corner of his mouth by accident because he was way taller than me. I'm 5'8, he's like 6'4. He moved his head over and I was met by his lips touching mine, I was in pure shock but I kissed back. Omg his lips were so soft! I pulled back slowly and told him I'd see him next period, he agreed and started walking to his class.


Pop Bitch!!!!!- 2

Azmahries POV still~ Home



I looked at the clock and started to so quickly get ready. Torion and I were going out to Club Zook, in Dallas to celebrate our friendship being renewed. I hastily took my school clothes off and got in the shower. I washed my hair then my body and got out. I lotioned my self from head to toe, and put on a black laced bra and panty set. I then pulled my outfit off my mannequin, I put it on quickly and went back into my bathroom to do my hair. I turned on my Curling irons and waited for them to get hot. I threw some water on my hair and teased it a little, I then grabbed my curling irons and started curling my hair. I checked the time again and seen I had 10 minutes to be ready and out the door. I put my Raiders snapback on carefully, grabbed my purse and phone off my bed turned off my light and walked out of my room.

As I walk downstairs I hear Kalana giggling and moan at the same time, I was getting ready to turn around and go back upstairs but I remembered Torion was five minutes away, so I kept going. When I hit the bottom step and turned the corner, leading to the living room and front door I was greeted by a a naked, closed eyes, Kalana and a half naked Issa on the black leather couch. Issa was eating Kalana out. I walked passed like nothing was going on, "Hey Kalana, bye Kalana don't wait up." I said as I started unlocking the door. I couldn't remember the password to unlock it so I turned around to ask Kalana, and saw her bent over the couch, biting down on her lip trying not to moan because Issa was hitting it from the back and it didn't help that her eyes were still closed. I looked up at Issa and he was starring at me while holding Kalanas head down as he continued to fuck her. I had to admit he looked cold blooded, but I really wasn't interested. I took a deep breath and swallowed, "Uh, d-do you know the code to the door?" I asked playing with my phone, just to avoid looking at him. I could feel him still looking at me as he responded,"75052." I turned around and quickly punched in the numbers and the door unlocked. I was relieved, and started to open the door, when Kalana finally came back to, for a second. "Where you going?" I turned around to face her she was still bent over the couch but he head was facing me now. "I'm going with Torion to Club Zook, in Dallas." I said. "Whoot, whoot! Go head girl, get it!" I smiled and Kalana suddenly winced in pain as Issa started tearing her ass up. (No Homo). And it was for no reason but the look on his face said there was a reason. Maybe it was what she said, I didn't seem bad though so maybe he just about to bust a nut. I shrugged it off and headed out the door. "Oh and dont wait up I'm probably not coming home tonight." I didn't mean it in a bad way we might just end up out all night and in the morning go to the waffle house.

As I walked to the edge of the lawn I see Torion pull up to the curb in a silver Maserati. I smiled at him as he got out and came over to me. We hugged for a second then he opened the door for me and I got into the car. A few seconds later we where pulling off, and headed towards the highway. We talked for about 10 minutes on what plan was then he turned the radio on. Sweet Love by Chris Brown was playing. I started dancing in the seat and dancing. Out the corner of my eye I saw him starring at me. I smiled at him and continued to dance. Until we pulled up at Club Zook, it was packed. Pulled into V.I.P parking and made out way to the front. When we made it to the entrance, the body guard removed the rope and we walked right in. I was surprised he didn't ask for any ID, but then again we both didn't look our ages so yeah. But Torion was 18 so I guess it didn't matter for him.

We walked in kinda like everything was moving in slow motion like in them movies. All eyes were on us as we made our way to the leather sofas on the far side of the room. I figured we were upstairs because the clear see- through floors. I could see a lot off kids from my school here. They were all dancing, talking, eating, or drinking. I slowly danced to the deep based beat of the song, which had the floor vibrating hard. I was singing along to the song as I looked up and saw Mindless Behavior walking into the room. Tension suddenly filled the room, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Torions face suddenly hardened as he looked up and saw them walking into the room with the same girls from at school and the one on Afro puff: Princeton I think it was, was Torions ex. I was suddenly filled with anger and was getting ready to raise hell when Torion suddenly grabbed my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes saying, 'Please don't' and again he's saving her ass. I can't for that day when I can just Molly Whoop her ass. I shook off the thought for a second and got an idea. I grabbed Torions hand and got up. Its like he could read my mind because he got up on cue and started walking behind me.

I brushed shoulders with Princeton and his sloppy seconds, but acted like I didn't even see any of them but I could feel each and every one of them starring at me. I had to admit I was looking bad tonight! [Conceded Much!] We walked downstairs like we were the shit and stood directly under the V.I.P lounge. "Just follow my lead, and don't look up you can look down and see them starring at us still so just move your body with mine and make it look like we're in love and really having sex." I slowly moving my hips from side to side. "Ai'ight, so like bumpin', grindin', and feelin'?" He said getting behind me and grabbing my hips. "Exactly, now just move yo' body wit' mines." I slowly pushed my ass back toward his waist. The ending of Shut It Down by drake was playing as we first started grinding. Then my for real, for real throwback jam came on. Please Excuse My Hands by Plies started playing. Torion and I were starting to get into it, he was stroking and feeling on me like we were really fucking. And damn it felt good! I really dont understand why that bitch broke up wit' Torion for Princeton, I mean yeah Princeton had the looks but he really wasn't all that. Torions hands had traveled from my inner thighs, to my hips and around my waist, I know I was giving him a run for his money but hell we was suppose to be just playin' the part, but it turned into a whole nother thing.

As the song changed to Slow Wind by R-Kelly I see all four couples get up and come downstairs. I roll my eyes and act like they are just another pair of couples coming out to dance. I turned to face Torion and we grind some more, I then quickly take over, by turning right back around and rolling my hips like the Egyptian goddess I am. I could feel everyone watching Torion and I closely, so I decide to make us look good and drop into a split and he pulls me back up slowly. I could hear 'Ohs, ahhs, damns, and shits' all over the place. Then I suddenly see Torions ex grinding on Princeton and kissing him. [Pssh...bitch think she bad.] Each of her friends or what ever they were to her were doing it to. I laughed to my self, and I think she saw because she was now walking over to where Torion and I were. She looked livid. I smiled at her but continued to dance, like I didn't notice her. But the she had the nerve to come over talking shit! "Oh so what now, new bitch? You think you the shit dont you?" I looked at her like she was crazy and about to go back to dancing, when I fell over suddenly. I looked up at her with anger in her eyes she had a delighted look on her pretty little face. Nobody at this time could stop me, not even Torion. I slowly got up and acted like I was about to walk away, as she continued to make slick remarks. "Ohhh, new bitch ain't so bad any more huh?" With that I quickly turned around and punched her dead in her mouth. Blood suddenly splattered everywhere on the floor. "POP BITCH!!!" I said smirking at her and getting ready to walk away when I was blocked by the other three girls it looked like they was about to jump me, when two random girls came out of nowhere and started wailing on the two outer girls so I quickly went for the middle girl. I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her face into the floor. Blood started flowing around in the floor from us threes girls whooping they asses. when we finshed plenty of people had their phones out and was recording. [Yupp I was about to be a school sensation!!!]


Loving Her. -3

Torions P.O.V - His House

I sat at my computer desk laughing over and over again at the video that had just been posted on youtube not even an hour ago. It amazed me how quick the fight escalated from one to three in not even 30 seconds. Azmahrie was quick to get on Isabelles head. I was shocked the most when Bre'Anna and Jewel jumped Rakina and Diamond. It was just to exciting not to record on my own and laugh. Azmahrie is just so damn ruthless when she fights its like not even funny, becuase she has to make someone bleed.

I stopped laughing for a second to see what all the comotion was on my phone it was blowing up with notifications from twitter, instagram, facebook, and vine. As I scrolled through each I kept seeing everyone talking about the "New Bad Girl", which was in case you didn't know that's Azmahrie. She was the most popular thing on social media. She has always been the main topic of peoples conversations, not to mention the fact that she is one of the best dressed females in the school. That's why I love her so much. She's fucking amazing. Now I don't worship her but she will always be my best friend and back bone.

Anyways, I turned the screen on my phone off and got up from the computer chair. I opened up my dresser and started going through my night clothes. Pulling out a pair of black and white basketball shorts there was a knock on my room door. "Who is it?" I said loud enough for whoever was behind the door to hear.

"Rie boo." Azmahrie said.

With a confused look on my face I went to door and opened it. "Rie what are you doing here? I thought you would be in bed by now, especially after a fight like that." I said moving to let her in.

"Yeah I know but I couldn't sleep, and I turned my phone off because I kept getting random people kiking me asking about the fight. So I came over here in hopes that I could stay the night with you." She said looking down with an uncertain look on her face. I couldn't do anything but smile to my self because she look adorable. I loved the vurnarable side of her it was so innocent and pure. She looked so cute in her rubber ducky night clothes with the white and red teddy bear I had given her years ago for valentines day.

"Of course Rie you know you can come over any time, Im never doing anything major. But do you really have that teddy bear I gave you 7 years ago? I mean I could've swore you threw it away." I said in astonishment while she sat back on my king sized bed.

"Uhmm yeah. Why would I throw it away when my bestest friend in the whole world gave it to me silly?" She said in a baby voice, that made me laugh.

"Well I don't know I just thought that maybe you would've thrown it away after you moved for all them years. I really did miss you Rie...a lot." I said sitting next to her.

"I missed you too Tori. But enough of the mushy mushy shit, I'm sleepy lets go to bed." She said crawling to the top of my bed and laying on the right side.

"Okay, but I'm about to take a quick shower first and then I'll be right out." I said grabbing my basketball shorts and walking into my bathroom.

"Oh-tae babe." She said curling up in a ball and closing her eyes.

I smiled and closed the door. Turning the shower water on hot I stripped my clothes off and hopped in. Soaping my body real good I quickly rinsed off not wanting to leave Azmahrie alone for too long. I turned the water off and got out. Walking over to my towel rack I grabbed one and warpped it around my waist. When I turned around Azmahrie was standing there watching me. "Whats wrong boo?" I asked facing her. 

"Oh nothing I got cold and decided to come see what was taking so long." She said walking up to me and hugging my bare top half of my body.  Hugging tighter she breathed on my chest with her cool breath. Pulling back I led her back into my room, and onto  the bed. Picking her up I threw her playfully on the bed. Rolling onto the other side of the bed she continued to giggle. Crawling on top of her I put my hands on both sides of her head and began to kiss her passioantely. Moving her body up she slowly closed her eyes and started to kiss back. Her lips were so damn soft!

About a good 5 minutes into us kissing my phone started to ring. Annoyed by my phones sudden cock blocking I leaned over to look at the caller-ID. It was IsaBelle calling. My annoyence turned to a pleasent grin a seconds I had the perfect idea. I looked back at Azmahrie who was now looking at me for an explination and put my finger to her lips, so I could explain.

"IsaBelle is calling and I don't know why but I do know that I'm about to tell you whats about to happen. I'm about to offcially prove to her that I don't want her anymore and all those feelings are gone. So with that being said I know I am about to make you feel good, so just go along with what your body says not your mind. When I start do not try and back out because I won't let you." I said as I slipped one hand into her pajama pants and start playing with her pussy.

Just as I slipped 2 fingers in IsaBelle called back. While I waited till the third ring before answering I put two more fingers in. After I answered and IsaBelle called my name I did't answer I simply put my face in Azmahrie's coochie.

 The moment Azmahrie gasped IsaBelle started yelling my name, "Torion! I know you hear me. Look what your doing is simply from the hurt I caused you. I didn't mean to it was a major mistake, please Torion stop while you have the chance. I left you for the most stupid and selfish reasons, and I'm sorry." She said in a frantic voice. I put my face deeper between her legs with no problem. 

Just as Azmahrie yelled my name I slowly hung up the phone on IsaBelle. She was now the past, I didn't want her or any of the bitching and drama that came with her. I was now on a new path, a new mission. And my target was officialy Azmahrie. And I'd say I was making great timing, she was all into the way I was kissing and licking down between her legs. Baby was gripping on my head, her body hanging half way off the bed. My fingers on her clit' going up and down, my tongue inside of her going round and round. 

Whispering into her pussy I said, "Now is the time, for us to recap on what we've been missing out on these past few years."

"Mhmm, I love that idea." She said while running her fingers through my low curly cut hair.

Without responding back to her, I pulled my shirt off. I really didn't have an exact clue on what she liked but it was for damn sure worth a try. Not seeing her in years just seemed to spark something in me, that's so strong I can't even deny it.

~A Few Hours Later~

Finally after nutting for a third time I collapsed on her back. We were both panting hard and was trying to catch any type of breath. As my breathing went back to normal I caressed her hair with one hand, kissed the back of her neck, and rubbed her side with my other hand. Her breathing had slowed back down too. She was quiet. Knowing her, she was in deep thought. I was anxious to know what she was thinking about.

"Rie Rie." I tapped her shoulder softly, "Wassup? What you thinkin' about?" I asked.

Coming back from her thoughts she rolled from under me with tears in her eyes. 


Texte: All Rights Reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.08.2012

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