
Freshmen Year

Into The Sunset

The sun sets on another day
And I can’t bring myself to look away.
As it creeps under ocean spray
I wonder why I must go the other way.
Please tell me it will be okay
As I stare long into the deep
It will be a while before I sleep.
This is a place where demons creep.
The only good choice is to keep
Going on. And never, ever sleep.

Your Own Problem

I told you, you cannot get away with it
You know that, but you refuse to admit.
I am telling you it is too late to quit
But you say that you can’t take a hit.
I try to get through to you, bit by bit
When will you stop? I tire of this skit.
And your only excuse is hardly legit
Tell me the whole story, what did you omit?
You can’t back out, you promised to commit.
And to tell you the truth, I miss your wit.

A Scrap of Paper

It is a symbol of scorned ideas
Of broken dream and lots of tears.
The piece of paper is torn and ripped
With a boot print where someone stepped
This paper is a symbol of all that I regret
But this is something that I don’t get
On the paper is a beautiful picture
That you’d have seen if you’d just turned it over.
This piece of paper is, and always will be,
A ripped up, stepped on, abused symbol of me.

A True Story

The silence of a peaceful morning
Was broken by a raucous “Bang”.
It seemed the feisty, energetic cat
Was chasing the dog for a change.
The poor little dog whimpered in pain,
The angry feline let out a hiss.
Screaming in fury that his attack missed
The small scurry ended with a shriek
And the dog still keeps his distance
From the pretentious cat named Mittens.

Living Life

If only one person was optimistic
In this whole wide world at a time
It wouldn’t take very much at all
For our bunch to be brought down.
But only half of the population
Can’t find it in them to be kind.
They always appear to have lost their spirit
A good day is when they don’t do anything
Life can suck when you just give up
But then it’s not life, and no one cares.

From My Point of View

In this place where nothing will grow
Where we are no mortal could know
A place of torment, hellfire and pain
In the devil’s eyes we’re all fair game
If we had another chance, if only, if only,
Maybe the afterlife wouldn’t be so lonely.
All the while we can’t even imagine
What we did to cause this to happen
We try to wake up, maybe it’s only a dream
Hell on earth, it’s worse that it may seem.

Only the Un-Famous

Not all of us are meant for fame.
Not everyone leaves a dent where they came
And not all really resent that fact
They just lament that it had to be them
Yet still others refuse to pent up themselves
And they seem intent on moving on up
They get sent all over the world
They are not content with just getting by
End up bent to do another’s bidding
Yet none feel they misspent their time

Name Acrostic

Just don’t talk much, I know I’m quiet
Although I’ve got a lot on my mind. I
Sometimes wonder what would happen if I said
My thoughts about people. Better not think about it,as
If I cared. Just keep to myself, and I’ll be fine,
Never again! I won’t let them get to me.
Everyone assumes I’m fine, but they assume too much. I wish

Someone would come along who could feel
My pain, share my burden, heal my soul.
It gets to be too much, but I could never
Tell anyone what is wrong, just that I
Have a reason for not talking.

I Am Paranoid

I am paranoid
I wonder what that noise is behind me…
I hear footsteps behind me
I see figures in the shadows
I am never alone.
I pretend not to notice them watching me
I feel their eyes on me
I touch the window pane as I look out
I worry that they poisoned my food
I cry myself to sleep at night
I am not crazy.
I understand, but at the same time I don’t
I say ‘Why can’t you leave me alone?’
I dream of being free from their clutches
I try to leave in the middle of the night
I hope they don’t find me
I am a prisoner no more.

I Am Numb

I am numb
I wonder why no one will help me.
I hear my parents shouting downstairs
I see only one way to fix this.
I am the problem.
I pretend everything is okay sometimes.
I feel pain for the first time.
I touch the blood seeping out
I worry that someone will stop me.
I cry out when my parents find me
I am almost free.
I understand that nothing is alright here.
I say “Let me go”
I dream of a happier place
I try to keep my eyes open
I hope I made the right choice.
I am in a better place now.


We are the creatures of the night.
We can’t go out in broad daylight,
Or else we shrivel, squeal and burn.
Just wait ‘till dark, then it’s our turn.


We appear normal to human eyes,
But wait, we have a big surprise.
Don’t stay out in the moonlight
Or be ready for a little bite.

What a Mess

I cannot get away from this place;
This place that desperately needs a broom.
And I begin to lose all hope, all grace,
Then I realize I am in my room.


Dirty, Icky
Tripping, falling, searching
Go clean up right now!


Annoying, Frustrating
Whining, running, jumping
Parents should have stopped


Cute, adorable
Hugging, kissing, fighting
I know I’m too young

Self Confidence

I have never had
Any self-confidence, and
For the longest time
I had no way to express
Myself, my thoughts and feelings.

Make Sense

Some things will never
Make any sense to me, like
War, hatred, fighting.
It is all stupid, because
We could all be friends and live.


Haikus can be fun,
But I can’t write a good one
Because I am dumb.

Favorite Activity

I love to hike in
The national parks where the
Trees are all you see.

To Listen

There are voices I hear in my head.
Sometimes they sound like my friends
Other times they are my parents,
But really the voices are only in my mind.
A if I’d listen to what they said
If I did they’d annoy me to no ends,
Tell me I can’t win our arguments.
Lie like it’s nothing, they’re never kind.

They’d never let me go anywhere,
Let me think no one could, would care.
They’d say I am dumb, insignificant.
I’d start dreaming and they’d say I can’t.
If I listened I’d be so depressed.
Good thing I don’t, so I’m not stressed.
If everyone listened to the voice in their head
We’d soon realize our potential is dead.

Painting of Life

Each brush stroke soft, the colors light,
After all, this is only the beginning.
And you’re just starting out, you can learn.
You will be fine, because no one is perfect.

You are starting to get the hang of it,
And now it seems easier to be yourself
Be bold if you want, use lots of colors!
I’ll be here to guide you if you need me.

With more experience you are getting better
Wait, you can’t do that! You’ll smear the paint!
What will you do now? You ruined it!
You cannot do it over, you have no second try.

You should have been more careful,
Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.
It’s not my fault you’ve messed it up. You
Might have done better, if you had known

It’s the Painting of Life, and now it’s done.
And now it’s done.

Eight Weary Travelers

Eight weary travelers
Come from a land afar.
One couldn’t read a stop sign,
So he got run over by a car

Seven weary travelers
Who didn’t know the area.
One forgot to get his shots,
So he died of malaria

Six weary travelers
Find the mountains striking.
One held the map upside down,
And he got lost while hiking.

Five weary travelers
Passing through New Mexico.
One thought he saw aliens,
And was abducted by a UFO.

Four weary travelers
Drove across the ‘Lone Star State’.
One happened to be an immigrant,
He got busted at the gate.

Three weary travelers
On a ship that really stank.
One told the captain so,
And was forced to walk the plank.

Two weary travelers
Sick and tired and in despair.
One refused to ask for directions,
The other just left him there.

One weary traveler
Sitting on a tall fence.
She cannot help but wonder
Why only girls have any sense.

Sad Poems

Favorite Tree

Swinging on the swing
In the tree.
That tree, The Tree
That I loved to swing from
When I was younger
Where I learned to climb,
The branch where I liked to sit.
I’d like to swing one more time
Take a last breath
The fall leaves are so pretty.


Ripped, faded piece of paper
Stepped on and thrown away.
A boot print on one side
But a lovely picture
On the other side
That no one can see
Because no one even cares.
That paper is, and always will be
A torn up, stepped on,
Broken symbol of me.

Cold Blades

Suicide is not just for the
Down and Depressed,
Razors are not just for
Spilling blood red,
They are for spilling tears
That do not normally come
Feelings we cannot show
Poetry is not only for lovers,
It is for those who have no love
And who will never know.

No Sleeping

No wonder I can’t seem to sleep
With these demons creeping
There in the shadows,
The creatures in the night
Stalking, pursuing, digging
Clawing at my mind
I cannot ignore them,
I will not just hide from them,
I must face my inner demons,
To get to that eternal sleep.

Distracting Yourself

It seems like fun, letting loose
But underneath it all,
You can’t let go
Of the feeling of rejection;
Denying who you are.
They might blame you
But really you had no choice.
They might blame the alcohol,
But you alone know the truth
And dead men tell no tales.

Loved Me

Hold me gently,
Kiss me slowly.
I want you to know
That you mean the world to me
I wish this could last forever,
But that can’t happen.
So enjoy it while you can
And leave me wanting.
It hurts but I don’t mind,
As long as you loved me.

War Theory

I looked for the moment, it never came,
Searched for an answer
To the endless problem
And I found none.
Frustration hurts, but hatred hurts more.
I don’t understand
And you can’t explain.
So I’ll shoot at you
And you’ll stab me in the back
Because that’s what friends do.

Not Again

I would rather live with
A rancid gut wound
Than spend one more day
In the presence of you
I think I would prefer
A rabid dog or feral cat
To your stinking breath
And your pale white skin.
I will not give in to you,
Not again; never again.

Rose Red

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I would never make fun of you,
But you continue to mock me
And make me feel stupid.
I only ever trusted
Those who did not deserve my trust.
How could I be so naive?
I can only love
Those who won’t return it.

Best Friends

A promise is a promise
I am always here for you
But where have you gone
You were right here,
Did you get distracted?
You promised too,
Well where are you now
When I really need you?
I would cry out for help
But I know no one is there.

Look Down

Look down here
Please look at me?
I miss you so much;
It still hurts to think about you
And to know I can’t talk to you
But look down at me
Just like when I was little
See what I’m doing
Keep loving me like
I still love you.

You Think You Know A Guy

Have you ever had that friend?
Best guy you ever saw;
Life of the party, and such
Says things that leave you in awe.

Have you ever dated that friend?
Shared all your secrets and dreams;
Fell for your best friend,
Bursting with love at the seams.

It feels so natural at first
You and him, him and you;
Feels like this will last a lifetime
But the lie cannot continue

The pair is broken apart
Your heart now divided in two.
Forever a reminder in your mind
Of what you both used to do.

I had that friend,
I dated that friend,
I fell for that friend
But the lies had to end.
And I will never be the same again.

Cry For Help

Please think first, act last.
Don’t do anything you will regret.
All those feelings are a thing of the past,
Why can’t you let go and forget?

Stop. Por favor.

You think there is no other way,
You think that no one cares.
No matter what I’m going to stay
To help you drive away your fears.

Stop. Por favor. Spring nicht.

I really did mean what I said,
You mean a lot to me, it’s true;
I would break if you were dead.
What can I say to convince you?

Stop. Por favor. Spring nicht. Si prega di non morire.

You can get through this strife
I would stay by you forever.
There’s no reason to throw away life;
There's no reason whatsoever.

Stop. Por favor. Spring nicht. Si prega di non morire. Je t'aime

So Sorry

That is all you can say.
You’re sorry.
Sorry you lied
Sorry you carried on
When you knew we had no chance?
Sorry you don’t love me anymore
And you didn’t think to tell me?
Well I’m sorry too.
Sorry I stayed with your
Pathetic ass, just out of pity.

Powers of Invisibility

I have super powers
Strange powers, you see;
I can become invisible
Whenever I want to be.
No one can see me cry.
No one can hurt me anymore.
That’s good, right?
It’s good to be invisible;
No one sees my scars, but
No one can see me bleed either.

Because She Asked

The girl in this picture is dead.
Oh, she doesn’t look dead;
Not yet.
See, in this picture she is living
Breathing, seeing, even smiling;
But she’s dead inside.
How do I know?
The girl in that picture is also me.
And I killed her
Because she asked me to.

The Many Sides of Me

That girl you see; You think you know her.
But you don’t realise how ignorant you really are.
That girl in these pictures is not me.
I can tell you who she is.
She’s a part of me; a part that you can’t recognise.
The girl in that one is Rose.
She’s a smart girl;
And a goody-fucking two shoes.
Always on time, always polite.
That other girl is Jasmine.
See how she smiles,
All while she contemplates
Death and destruction.
This girl; this is Rosie.
The quiet one
The shy, scared little girl
Who will not speak to anyone.
This other one is Jazzy.
A crazy, fun-loving girl
Who can genuinely smile,
Who actually knows happiness.
This last picture is of Rose again;
But you can’t tell the difference.
You think you know me
But until you know all these girls
You can’t understand who I am.

Prison Sentence

Marks on a stick,
Just to pass time
Marking my days
In this cold dark cell:

She never thinks
I have problems too
She doesn’t really care
It’s all about her.

It can only get worse
Rejected yet again
By the one person
I actually thought cared.

I am completely alone
But I don’t understand
Why you twist the knife
And pull the fresh stitches.

No one notices
I don’t matter to them
They have their own
Shit to deal with.

The day gets darker
Or is my vision is fading?
Never mind, this is better
I finally feel like myself.

Marks on a stick,
Just to pass time
Marks on my arm
To feel like myself
Marking my days
In this cold dark world:

Neutral Poems

In Other Words

All the little things
That make you insufferable
Are all things that make you
So dear to me.
All the little things the others hate
That’s what I love about you.
All the little things
That make you such an ass…
In other words
I put up with your bullshit.


I could write endless poems
About life, love, death, sadness,
And you would not understand
Because you were never understood.
I could explain that
You have no influence on me
Because I know you’re
Just as frightened and confused.
But you would not acknowledge
That I’ve seen through your mask.

Some Mistake

This is where I belong.
A cool breeze set
Against the scorching sun;
Walking through the trees
Taking in the color and sounds,
Listening to the wind and rain.
You might not understand
But I know in my heart
That there was some mistake
I belong where there is freedom.

Everything’s Fine

I say I’m okay
But you know it’s not true
It’s not all right
But I don’t want to say it.
I can’t tell you
What’s really happening;
You wouldn’t listen the first time
Why would you help me now?
Everything is fine
Now let’s go on with our lives.

So What?

You wasted your life
Raising me, so what?
I’m not the one who
Got pregnant in college.
You’re unhappy
Because you never got anywhere.
So what? I didn’t ask for this.
Anyone can have a baby
It takes character to be a parent
More so than you are to me.

Trust Issues

I know I seem unfriendly
But I can’t act any different.
You probably had a nice childhood,
No reason to fear;
You have to realize
Not everyone had that.
Some of us knew foes
Before we had friends.
That’s why I am this way
You have to earn my trust.

Favorite Classmate

When we’re in a quiet classroom,
Calmly doing our work.
You are the class clown
That makes everyone laugh
Even the kid you just insulted.
During a class discussion
You always have something to say.
And my only response when you
Comment on my clothes is
“Dude, you’re a dick.”

We Are All Stars

You think you affect me
When you give me that hateful glare;
You think I am jealous
When you turn and flip your hair?

You think you are special
But we are one and the same
You may think you are a star –
Well, yeah, you are.
We are the same, all stars,
And all stars burn out and die.

You think you can hurt me
By saying hateful things;
You think I will care about you
When we are both alone here?

You think you are great
But we are one and the same
You may think you are a star –
Well, yeah, you are.
We are the same, all stars,
And all stars burn out and die.

You think I give a shit
That your hair looks better;
And I couldn’t care less
Who your boyfriend is.

You think you are better
But we are one and the same
You may think you are a star –
Well, yeah, you are.
We are the same, all stars,
And all stars burn out and die.

Look Down (Funny Version)

Look down here
Please look at me?
I know you don’t think
Much of me.
You used to be so absorbed
In learning to tie me in knots;
Now you do it without even trying.
You think you can forget me?
I’ll show you.
Look down before I trip you.

Sisters Are Forever

Sisters are forever
So forget it, you’re stuck with me.
I will always be here:
To steal your clothes,
To embarrass you
In front of your friends,
To get in your face
When you’re being a bitch
To hold you when you cry,
To tell you everything will be okay.

My Own Person

I am my own person,
Although I come from many.
I am a part of many nations
And also my own country.
I sometimes will hear people
Accusing someone of being
Just like their father, mother,
Brother, sister, aunt, uncle.
But only I see that
They are their own person.

Small Smiles

What gets me through
A dreary day
Is knowing that you
Have not forgotten me.
Who I am, and
What you once saw in me.
I know we have both changed
But what makes it seem okay
Are those small smiles we exchange
That say I will always love you.

Ye Olde Poem

In this town there were two brothers
Neither having a single care in the world,
When one day did a quarrel rise
And into the river one was hurled,
In life or death, never again seen by another
To avert the ill luck which did seal his fate
This lesson it behooves ye learn, dear girl
Let not greed blacken the purest heart,
Lest ye pervade the bond so prized.
And hide your treasure in more than one crate.

Just In Time

How could you know to call
Right when I needed a friend?
Why would you encourage me
Right when I needed assurance?
I’ve never told anyone
Never let them see my emotions.
So how did you know?
That call would save me;
It turns out
You were just in time.

Hush Child

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

Sit still and let me
Comb your hair.
You want to look nice
For where you are going.
I can’t tell you that;
It’s a surprise.

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

Sit still while I
Get your clothes.
You will look so pretty
For the nice people you see.
I can’t tell you who;
It’s a surprise.

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

Sit still while I
Wash your face.
You don’t want to be dirty.
Now let’s get going.
I can’t tell you where;
It’s a surprise.

Hush, Little One,
This is your last lullaby.
The very last
But please don’t cry.

I can’t tell you where,
I can’t tell you who,
I can’t tell you why,
It will be a surprise.
Besides, I can’t know for sure.


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