

*Beep , beep , beep* I punched my alarm clock to shut it up. I groaned at looked to see what time it was. 7:00. "Shit." I mumbled. I jumped out of bed and got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I curled my brown hair and put on some mascara and eyeliner. The mascara made my blue eyes pop. I then went to my closet to get my outfit for the day: a pink ruffled tank top,blue ripped jeans, pink flats, heart shaped locket, pink purse with black words, silver hoop earrings. This is me and my outfit.

I got my iphone 5 off of my dresser, my car keys and my backpack and ran out the front door. I jumped in my shiny black Ferrari 599 GTO. I drove to school and ignored to people that gawked at my car when I parked. I got out of my car and walked into the building and to my locker.

"Heyy!!!" my bestfriend Kaylani yelled in my face. "What are you so happy about?" I asked suspiciously. "I just got us tickets to 1D's concert and I entered us in a contest and One Direction stays at the winner's house for 2 years.!" she said excitedly. "Why would you do that? I don't even like one direction and I am not going to their concert with you." I said. Her faced instantly got sad. "Please?? I thought you were my bestfriend. Please don't make me go alone." She said giving me her puppy dog face. Ugh. She knows I can't resist that. "Fine. But I'm not happy about this and I will get you back." I said. "Awesome!! Love you Raylin.!" So yeah my name's Raylin Marie Ruffin. "Yeah yeah I love you too." I said hugging her. then the bell rang.

We walked to class and I sat in the back of the room beside Kaylani. I texted her.
Me: When is this stupid concert??
Kay: This AWESOME concert is this weekend.
Me: What?! You couldn't have told me before hand?
Kay: Sorry.
Me: You owe me big time.!
Kay: I know. <3
Me: t(-_-t)
Kay: *gasp*
Me: hahaaa bye. *blows a kiss*
Kay: *catches it*

I laughed and put my phone in my back pocket. Oh btw this is Kaylani.

I sighed as the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Kaylani and I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table. "Aww Rae come onn. Don't be mad at me." She pouted. "Oh please you know I can't stay mad at you for long, so let my anger last while it can." I said. "okayy." she pouted. The rest of the day flew by. yadada school is boring. I'm going home.

I was at home in my huge mansion. I live by myself by the way. Then I got a text.
Kay: Oh we're taking your car by the way
Me: t(-_-t)
Kay: :D
Me: gtg bye.
I didn't really have to go, but she was seriously blowing her chances of me even going to this stupid thing.

The Day of the Stupid Concert

Here's a tour of my house.


Living Room:

Game Room:

My Room:

There's more but I dont feel like showing it all.
I got up and put on my outfit for the day.

I straigtened my hairt and put on some mascara and eyeliner. I'm so pissed I might actually ditch her at the last minute. If you haven't noticed by now, I kinda have anger issues and she is not helping. I went to Kay's house to pick her up. She danced out of the house wearing this,,

She got in the car. "Hi!" she yelled. "I'm right here! Stop yelling!" I yelled at her. She pouted. "Why zeefawk are you looking like you're going to prom?" I asked. "I wanted to look good." she stated. "Well mission accomplished." I said. She laughed and we were off. Once we got there, it took FOREVER to find a parking spot. We walked inside and oh look we got front row seats. Awesome. *note the sarcasm* I groaned and about 5 minutes later, the stupid concert started. I swear Kay screamed along to every song. And of course all the other screaming. Almost blew my eardrums out. After the show, they announced the winner of the contest. The pulled a name out of a huge bowl. "Raylin Ruffin!" one of them said. "Where's Raylin?" they asked. "Yeah right here. Let's go." I said boredly and waved my arm in the air.

We got outside and they got in a big bus and followed me to my house. Once we were inside I turned towards them. "So look, I live alone, and I'm not really a fan of you guys. Oh and don't try any freaky stuff, cuz I will cut your balls off in your sleep." I finished with smile. "If you're not a fan, then why were you at our concert?" one of them asked. "My friend wanted me to go,and I can't stand to hurt her feelings so I went with her." I explained. "oohh. okay." he said.

Of course you know what they look like, so no need to go through all that trouble. "Okay if you're gonna ruin my life I need to know your names." I said. "Harry." said the one with the curly hair and green eyes said. "Louis" said the one with the brown hair and blue eyes. "Niall" said the blonde one. "Liam." said the one with the brown hair and brown eyes. "Zayn." said the one with the almost black hair and brown eyes. Okay I'm not gonna remember those names. "Rooms are upstairs, you should know which one is mine, don't steal anything." I said and they ran upstairs.

A few minutes later blondie came downstairs. "Do you have food?" he asked. "Um yeahh? Kitchen's that way." I said pointing to the kitchen. "Hey come here for a sec!" I yelled. All the boys came downstairs. I walked over to the one with the really dark hair and brown eyes. "Turn around." I said. "Okaayy?" he said and turned around. I jumped on his back. "You're my new guy bestfriend." I stated. "Um okay?" he said but it came out like a question. "Okay so from your accents, you're British?" I asked. "Yep." they all said. "Cool." I mumbled. "I'm Irish!" Blondie yelled. "Awesome!" I yelled. "Take me to Blondie." I told the dark haired boy. He walked me over to Blondie. "Down" I said and he put me down. I jumped on Blondie's back and told him to take me to the couch. Once there, I sat down. "Harry!" I yelled. "You're my new flirting buddy." I stated. "Sweet." he said. I looked at the boy with the blue eyes. "You look like you would be the funny one so your my joking buddy." I said. "Brownie, you're my new big bro." I said to the boy with the brown hair and brown eyes. "Wait! I remembered your names.! Louis. Zayn. Liam. Harry. Niall." I said pointing them all out as I said their names. "Yep." they said in unison. "Waffles." I stated randomly. "Waffles! Who has waffles?" Niall yelled. "Meee!" I yelled. "Zayn." I stated as I stood up off of the couch. Jumped on his back and yelled, "To the kitchenn!!!" He carried me into the kitchen and all of us ate waffles. "So if you're gonna live here you've got to go to school. Oh and beware the school slut." I said. "And who exactly is she?" Louis asked. "Oh you'll know her when you see her." I smirked. "Time for bed" I sang as I ran up the stairs. I took a shower and put on some black short shorts and a white tank top. I went into each boy's room and got their phone numbers. "Don't call me when the whores come out!" I yelled as I made my way back to my room.

"Bitch don't kill my vibe. Bitch don't kill my vibe."

That is my new alarm since I broke my old one when I punched it. I woke up and ran to Niall's room. I jumped on the bed yelling "Get up!" He groaned and threw a pillow at me. "I'm up." he mumbled. I shrugged and walked to Liam's room. "Psst Liam. It's time to get up." I said in a normal voice. He seems like a civilized person, so I just gave him a normal good morning. I ran to Louis' room and threw a shoe at him. "Aww you hit my carrot!" he squealed. I laughed and walked out. I ran to Harry's room next. "I kissed him and he responded instantly. "Well I guess you're up." I said. "NO! I'm not up yet." he said and puckered his lips. I laughed and walked to Zayn's room. "Zaynie poooh. Wake up sleepy head." I said. "Mmmm" he moaned. "You leave me no choice." I said. I straddled him and started grinding on Zayn junior. He moaned. When I felt him get hard I stopped and jumped off. "Why must you give me a boner and then just stop?" he asked. "Aww because you wouldn't wake up" I said. I ran out of the room and did my hygiene stuff.

School Time

Okay so this is my outfit.

I put on some mascara and eyeliner and straightened my hair. I also put on some clear lip gloss. "5...4...3....2..." I yelled. All the boys started running down the stairs. "Okay you are not going to school in that huge tour bus so go to the garage and pick a car" I said. "Sweet!" they yelled. I grabbed my phone,earbuds,car keys, and my backpack and ran out the door. We all got to school at the same time. I parked and got out of my car and ran. The girls were coming soon and I did not want to be here when they got here.

<Harry's POV>
Rae got out of her car and took off running. Weird... Then, the girls came. Okay now I see why she ran. But hey, girls don't bother me. I love pussyyy.

<Zayn,Louis,Liam,Niall POV>

<Raylin's POV>
Kay ran up to me in the hallway. "One Direction are outside!" she screamed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Well duhh. They came with me ya know." I said. "Oh shush." she said and ran outside. Welp, that's Kaylani.

It turns out that I have every class with at least one of them. In first period, Zayn and Louis were in my class. I walked into the classroom with them right behind me. "Wassup Mr. B?!" I yelled when I walked in. "That's Mr. Barns to you Ms. Ruffin. Please take your seat." I walked to the back of the classroom and Zayn and Louis sat on either side of me. "Girls please stop drooling and pay attention." Mr. B said. I laughed and texted Zayn.

Me: They want the D.
Zaynie: Thirsty hoes need some water.
Me: Lol

Just as I sent that, I busted out laughing. "Is something funny ms. Ruffin?" Mr. B asked. "Sir no sir!" I yelled in a military voice. "Oh God help me." he sighed. "Love you too Mr. B" I said. I started to pay attention but I quickly got confused. "Mr. B?" I said. He sighed. "Yes Ms. Ruffin." he said impatiently. "Zeefawk are you talking about?" I asked. "Excuse me?" he said confused. "Dafuq are you talking about?" I translated. "Maybe if you payed attention instead of sleeping everyday, you would know what I'm talking about." he said. "Hey, I'm not sleep today am I?" I asked. "Surprise. Surprise." I laughed and looked up to see Britney, the school's whore starring at Zayn. I texted him.

Me: School whore 3:oo
Zaynie: Ew. Looks like a rainbow threw up on her face.
Me: don't be mean she wants the D
Zaynie: too bad. her friend is about to drool a pool for Louis
Me: Well, they are sluts of course.
Zaynie: I see.
Me: Bye now :P
Zaynie: lol bye

I smiled and looked up. Britney was glaring at me. I gave her the 'tf you looking at?' look. She cocked her nose up and looked away. Then the bell rang. I was in such a rush that I tripped. I felt myself going down. I closed my eyes and waited to fall but it never came. I opened my eyes and I was floating! "I just defied gravity bitches!" I yelled. Someone cleared his throat. "Oh heyy Lou." I said. He chuckled. "Sooo, I didn't defy gravity?" I asked. He shook his head. I pouted and flipped him off.

*skip to end of day*
Me, Kay, and the boys went to my house after school. "Well I'm going to the kitchen" Niall said once we got in the house. I laughed and plopped down on the couch. I texted Zayn even though he was sitting right next to me.
Me: I'm borreedd
Zaynie: wat am i suppose to do about it?
Me: make me unbored!
Zaynie: unbored isnt a word
Me: so...meanie
Zaynie: am not! so wat do u wanna do?
Me: if i knew wat i wanted to do i wouldnt be bored now would i?
Zaynie: meanie
Me: love u!

I put my phone up and looked at Zayn expectantly. "What?" he asked. I growled at him. "Okay!" he yelled puting his hands up in surender. I laughed. "Let's watch a movie!!!" Louis yelled. A chorus of 'ok's and sures' circulated through the room. "Louis save you boy" I said to Zayn. He laughed. Everybody looked at us confused. I just shrugged and so did they.

We watched Paranormal Activity 4. And. That. Shit. Was. Scary. I ended up cuddled against Zayn with my head buried in his chest peeking at the movie through my hair. I feel like such a baby right now. Oh who cares.


*Next Morning*

I ran into Louis' room. "Get up my nigga!" I yelled at him. "You did not just say that." he laughed. "Oh yes I did young grasshopper." I said and bowed. The I ran into Zayn's room. Sadly he was already up. Now I can't wake him up in an evil way. Oh well. Off to Harry's room. I ran in and jumped on him. He immediately put me to where I was straddling him and started kissing him. I responded immediately and started grinding on him.

"Ahhhhh!!! My innocent eyes!!!!" We looked to the doorway to see Louis standing there covering his eyes. Oh he's a strange one. "No PDA!" Zayn yelled as he walked past our door. We laughed and I ran up to Louis and tackled him. "Hey what was that for?" he asked. "Oh I don't know." I shrugged. I kissed his cheek and hopped off of him pulling him up with me.


Texte: mee DO NOT STEAL
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: meee
Übersetzung: no need for one
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2013

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