
Part one:

It was a normal Fridaynight. I was lying in my bed reading Twilight Saga: new moon, Again. All snuggled up in my blanket with a big box of chocolates. Who didn't like lazying after a hard day at school?

I was in year 11 now and sixteen years old, so School right now is pretty heavy. Lots of work to be done. But Friday was the day that i didn't have to do anything but get changed when i got home. I treasured them.

So when i heard my dad calling me downstairs, i found it pretty odd. They don't talk to me much because of a heavy schedule at work, but i didn't mind, i was sort of shy of them, i didn't like being around people too much.

Once i got down the stairs, i headed to the kitchen, i found my mum crying heavily onto my dads shoulder at the Table.

"Mum, Whats wrong?" she was always so happy. The kind of person who never let you see what was really troubling her.

"Haily, I-I'm I'm so sorry" mum wailed, dad was whispering something in her ear, and Mum replied with a nod.

"Haily" Dad took a deep breath "Your mother and I have been called to Australia, Work purposes" Dad told me. We had to move very often because of their work, all around the world, but here, in England, is where i have never felt more at home, i Don't want to move again. i sighed.

But dad continued. "You seem to like it here though, so we called up a few old friends we met a few years ago, and they say that they would be very happy for you to stay with them, You'll have to move school, but not country." Dad finished. Did i just hear right? I don't have to move, which i must say i'm happy about. But moving into a family i do not know? I'm not so sure. At least now i know why mum is crying like that, it must be hard for her to ask her daughter, who she's never left alone in her life, to see if she wants to move. I didn't want to move, and my parents are complete control freaks.

"I'll do it" i said, i didn't think of the words before they came out. but i think i should give it a try,If my parents trust them, it cant be that bad. Right?

I saw my Dads mouth open wide, and heard my mums sobs get louder.

Part 2:

There, My last bag packed. It was the morning of the move. My mum was uterly heart broken, But my dad didn't seem to mind either way, They hadn't told me who's family i would be moving in with, and i was starting to regret my decision. Mum went into a bit of a state, she was frantic. She obviously didn't want me to go.

Dad put the last of my boxes into his truck. And mum hugged my goodbye.

"you have to ring me everyday." mum told me. "and make sure that family's good to you, you hear me! Don't let anything bad happen to you." She was sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't like seeing my mum like this, i just wanted her to be happy. happy, i thought, she was doing all this, losing her only daughter, because she wanted me to be happy. i was being selfish.

"Mum i-" i started but was interupted by the cars horn. Dad was waiting to take me there. I hugged mum one last time.

"be good" she whispered as i started walking away. i got into the back seat of the car, dad didn't like me driving in the front with him.

The car journey was long, about an hour. And i started thinking about what i was going to do. I was going to go to a public school, i was home schooled, and didn't have a single friend. But i did got to a few extra criculum classes at the local school on a friday. I hope that will change. Public school, school of the Jocks, nerds, goths, emo's and sluts. Mum had told me to be careful, and only hang out with people like me. But so far, listening to mum has only got me zero friends and a load of worries.

"Honey, we're here" Dad said, i slowly looked up, and saw what i could easily say, was a mansion.

"Wow" i said slowly. The grey bricks matched the big foutain out side the wooden doors. Wow, was all i could manage to say. I was living here?!

"now, there's one more thing i think you should know. The wildes have three sons."

Oh, fantastic.

Part 3:

When i had gotten my bags out the car, i had a little look around. My dad had gone as soon as he could, and i didn't want to meet them just yet. I was walking around when i found a little lake, it was beautiful so i took a look around it. I finally came across a Willow tree, it was shaded underneath the tree, and i was a little hot, so i decided to take a seat, then go meet the family.

"Heyy, Are you Haily?" i heard a voice ask me, i turned me head to the side, only to meet the best looking guy i think I've ever seen. Tall, dark and handsome. i could just about see a pair of neon green eyes, because his black hair was threatening to cover them.

"yeah" i mumbled quietly.

"everybody's waiting for you, do you want to go back with me?" the boy asked. but i shook my head. the boy just smiled and nodded. Then sat next to me, quite close. But not too close. He put his hand out to me and i shook it.

"My names Alekzander Wilde, but you can just call be Alek, if you like" He said smiling, and showing of his snakebites. I have never personally been a fan of facial piercings, but i did like snakebites. I think there cool.


"Alekzander! what are you doing?!" i heard, but i was still sleepy. i opened my eyes to see a body. huh? i jumped up to see a sleepy Alek, We must have fallen asleep because it was dark out now. And to be honest, I'm truly surprised I'm not bothered about that. but Alek seemed to be a nice enough guy.

"Haily? is that you?" I saw a woman come up to me, she must be Mrs Wilde. great way to meet someone.

"um, hi" i said, i didn't want her to be angry.

"what are you doing out here?" she asked, looking down at Alek.

"We were talking, and i guess we must have fallen asleep" i kicked Alek in the side and he jumped up.

"what?!"he shouted, he met my eye contact and he grinned. then, we both fell to the floor laughing.

I think that this is going to be okay.

Part 4:

"okay...Well, I'm glad your friends" Mrs Wilde said once we had gotten up. "Come on dear, lets introduce you to the family!"

And with that, she grabbed mine and Alek's hand and pulled us towards their house.

Once we were inside, she bought us to the living room, 3 huge cream leather sofa's made the room look cosy, and the massive t.v on the wall.

on one of the sofa's there were 3 people, 2 boys and one obviously man. Guessing it's Mr Wilde and the other 2 sons. Mr Wilde had dark hair, alot like Alek. yet the two sons had brown-Blond coloured hair. they were extremely good looking.

"boys, this is Haily. She'll be living with us for a while." Mrs Wilde introduced me. they all looked up and me and Mr Wilde stood up to shake my hand, as he did so, i moved slightly closer to Alek. And he chuckled.

"Heyy! My names Benji! It's really nice to meet you." One of the boys jumped up, he was really tall, and had neon green eye's like Alek. He hugged me, he seems nice.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you too" i hugged back.

Mrs Wilde coughed expectantly, and the other boy mumbled a "hey"he looked pretty much identical to Benji. He got up and stormed out the room. nice.

"sorry about my stupid twin Luke, he doesn't like people very much" Benji said

"it's okay, don't worry about it." i smiled. Alek coughed

"shall i take her to her new room?" Alek asked Mrs Wilde.

"Sure" She replied, then Alek took my hand, and lead my up the stairs.


"wow" was all i managed to say. My room, beautiful. Black and Purple, but it didn't look dark, because of the huge bay window and white king sized bed.

"i hope you like it." Alek said, i took his hand and we sat on my bed.

"it's amazing" i whispered.

" you know we have school tomorrow?" Alek asked me out of the blue. And no. i didn't know that.

"i don't want to. I'm not sure how I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act?" i said, but i was so unsure, it came out like a question.

"don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll be fine, I'll help out as much as i can." he said. And before i knew it, we were both falling asleep.

Part 5:

I woke up feeling strangely warm. The light flooded through the uncurtained window, and i had strong arms wrapped around me. i slowly turned my head backwards, only to come face to face with a beautiful, Sleeping face. Alek.

I didn't know him very well, andi wasn't very good around new people, never mindan amazing looking boy, but it seemed, with Alek, that i could be myself. I mean, i had known him barley 24 hours, and still i feel as if i could say anything around him, i already feel as if i had known him my entire life.

I tried to wiggle out of Aleks arms, trying not to wake him, only to findhe wrapped his arms tighter around me. "morning Sleepyhead" He said. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"hey" i whispered, i could tell by the heat of my face that i was blushing. How embarrassing. "what time is it? We have school today right?"

He let go and looked at his phone "Aww, dammit. He have, like 5 minuets to get to school" he said as he jumped up, i didn't realise he hadn't got a shirt on. And i hid my face behind my hands, looking through a gap in my fingers, which i knew he could see.

"Sorry, i got a bit too hot last night." he blushed and headed to my door "I'll meet you down stairs in a minuet, we don't want to be late" and with that, he practically ran out my bedroom. Awkward turtle.


After i got dressed, in a pair of dark skinny jeans, red converse and a red strapless tank top. i finished with a bit of black eye liner and white cardigan. All in all it took about two minuets, i knew i was going to be late for school, my first day.

i ran down the stairs and past a mirror on the wall, my hair was really messy today so i had just put it up in a bun, leaving my side fringe to hang.

"are we late?" i asked Alek as we got in his car, it was a super posh sports car, I'm not sure which one it was, i wasn't bothered in cars, i was more of a motor bike girl.

"Well, school should be starting any minuet, and the ride there is ten, so i guess so" He said "sorry for not waking up" he explained sheepishly

"don't worry about it, i have to keep my rebelliousness up" i snorted, he and i both knew i was anything but a rebel. And i heard him chuckle.


"we're here, I'll walk you to homeroom, but i have to get to my class" Alek told me.

"it's okay, no worries" to be honest withyou, i was kind off upset that he wasn't in my year, that meant i didn't have any classes with him, but i think i might have some with Benji, it would be nice to get to know him a bit better, he seemed nice.

"Hellooooo" Alek waved a hand in front of my face, i looked up at him and smiled, whats with me and smiling today?! i noticed we were in the reception and Alek had a piece of paper in his hand. my schedule.

I took it off him, and saw my lessons for today

1st: Science

2nd: history

3rd: geograpghy

4th: technology

5th: art

"urgh, today is going to be rubbish" i said as i shoved the paper into my jeans pocket, he grabbed my hand and lead me off to my form room, I'm guessing. i wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, i was thinking about his hand in mine, how perfectly it fitted. Just a casual thing, had me blushing like mad.

"Sorry miss, we woke up a little late" Alek Explained to my teacher, she was short, ginger and podgy. A huge smile covered her face " Welcome! you must be Haily! Everybody, say hello to Haily!" she seems a bit happy go lucky, no one can be that nice. the class mumbled a sad excuse for a hi.

"See you later" Alek waved at me, and walked of down the hall. I turned to the class and waved idiotically, only too see about all of the class had there mouths wide open and staring at me, a few girls were glaring, great, what had i done now?

Miss Turner, as i found out. had sat me next to a girl, curly red hair and freckles, she was really pretty, but she was one of those girls glaring at me.

"how do you know him" she whispered loudly, and frowned. Oh, maybe Alek is a bit of a famous kid here. i smiled at her, and blatantly ignored her question. This, was going to be an eventful day.

Part 6:

The first part of the day went by without a hitch, i even got lucky and made my first friend here, Rosie. she was Petite and had long bouncy red hair, she was really happy too, of what I'd seen of her, she was overall, all the time happy. It's good to be around someone so happy all time, because you catch the happiness too.

We were on the way to the lunch line in the Cafeteria when i saw Alek Walking through the door.

i quickly Grabbed Rosie's hand and started for Alek.

"W-wa-what are you doing? you cant go up to him!" she exclaimed loudly, was there something wrong? i stopped walking and turned around to face her.

"Why not?" i asked

"Why not? because he's the most popular guy on the football team, that's why! you can just go waltzing up to him an-" she stopped, and was staring behind me with wide eyes. "No. Freaking. Way" she mumbled quietly, still staring behind me.

I jumped when i felt hands on my shoulders "Hey Hails" Alek whispered in to my ear.

"ALEK!" i screeched "You almost gave me a heart attack you fat lump!" i said as i pocked his Stomach.

He frowned as i turned towards him "You and i both know, that this" he said pointing to his stomach "is not fat" he finished, poking me in the arm. I remembered from this morning that his stomach was the opposite of fat. I blushed at the memory. He must have noticed my blush because he chuckled.

"yeah, i remember" i mumbled nervously

"well, i was going to ask you to eat lunch with me and the guys, But i can see you already have someone to eat with" he winked at me as he slowly walked away.

"Stupid boy" i mumbled to myself as i turned to face Rosie. Who was still staring wide eyed at me.

"i cant believe that" she said shaking her head

"believe what?"

"you my friend are completely clueless, the most good looking popular guy, basically just asked you to hang out with him! and your still with me!" she said, finishing the last word breathlessly

"it doesn't matter much to me, i can just hang out with him tonight if i want to"i said shrugging my shoulders.

"Tonight?" she screeched, and then she dragged me out the cafeteria. doesn't matter much to me, i wasn't hungry anymore.

Part 7:

"so, let me get this straight. You are going to 'hang out' with Alek. Tonight?!" Rosie said, really? i mean, whats so great about that, he's just Alek.

"yeah. I'm assuming so, we hung out last night" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"How? how do you get him to talk to you, he doesn't talk to anyone apart from his 'boys'" she exclaimed.

"really Rosie, it's not that great, we only kind off had a sleepover, it's nothing to get your panties in a twist about" i said, trying to walk away and out of the situation.

"sleepover" she mumbled "sleepover!" she said again as she walked down the corridor. i think i might leave her for a bit, i dont facy anymore questions.

i turned around and slamed into a hard chest.

"oh my god! im so sorry, i didn't mean t-"

"its okay, it was my fault anyway" Benji interrupted. i looked up at him and frowned.

"me and alek were late for school today" i stated, i slightly blame them or this, they could have woken us up.

"i'm sorry i was going to wake you up, but you both looked so cute, i couldn't" he smirked.

i crossed my arms "i dont know you very well Benji. but i know enough to say that your not mean. so i think i can forgive you" a small smile spread across his face.

"I-" h was interrupted by the bell. "what you got next?"

"umm, Technology" his smile widened.

"me too!, ill walk you!" he said as he slung his arm around my shoulder. i think it was safe to say now that he was my friend.

The rest of the day went by, pretty boring, Rosie was in none of the rest of my classes, and Benji was only in one, right now i was walking towards the car park. Not too sure how i was going to get back to the Wilde's place.

"Hails!" i turned around to see Alek running towards me, once he got to me he engulfed me into a big hug.

"how was your first day?" he asked once he had let me go.

i smiled "it was okay, but i'm not sure how to get back" i admitted sheepishly.

"dont worry about it! you can ride with me" he said leading me of towards his car.

"thanks, was you very late?" i asked

"no, miss didn't mind because i told her i was helping you get to class" he said. thats not all true though, we did sleep in a bit.

"good" i said as i got into his car, i put on my seat belt, and as i turned towards the window, i saw a face.

Part 8:

A boy around my age was staring intently at me, from the bed of his truck.

Those blue eyes, so familiar, yet so strange.

"Haily?" Alek asked, getting me out of my trance "Why are you staring at Austin?" he asked.

Austin. Austin?! no way could it be. No way! Austin!

"sorry Alek, I'll be two minuets" i said as i ran towards Austin.

"Haily?" he asked. unsure if it was me. i smiled and nodded my head. "HAILY!" he shouted as he pulled me to his chest. This was my childhood best friend. the one that left when we were ten because his parents were moving. This is where he came.

" i cant believe I've found you" i muttered into his neck, he smelt the same.

"we have to catch up but i need to go now." said as he pulled his phone out "give me your phone, and i'll ring you tonight" i smiled and gave him my phone. it didn't take him long too punch the numbers in, and before i knew it, he was gone, with a single wave.

i gave out a loud happy sigh on my way back to Alek, ignoring the stars that bore into my back.

"And you know that dude how?" Alek asked, getting all defensive

"i found him Alek, my best friend" i sighed happily again as the car started to move

"i dont know who you think that is, but don't get caught up with him, he's like the biggest player ever" Alek said, looking straight ahead, you could see he was angry, not by the tone of his voice, but the way he griped the steering wheel.

And My Austin would never do anything to hurt me.

"He wont be like that too me" i smiled at Akek, he was just being protective

"How would you know that? i dont think you know him anymore Haily" Alek pressed, i guess i didnt, but that will change, i want him as my friend again. i heard Alek sigh angrily, which pissed me off.

"Alek!" i shouted "Dont ruin my mood" it was too late, the happiness was gone.

We were at the house now, and i stormed straight up to my room. i didnt care if it was being rude the the Wildes, i needed time to calm down.

i sat on my bed and read for a little while. i missed dinner, i didnt want to talk to Alek, and believe me when i say i know what im doing is petty. But if you just found your best friend, and the guy you live with didnt like that, you would be pretty mad.

i sighed and layed down on my bed. iit seems to me that alot of sighing went on this afternoon.

My phone buzzed, i was about to press the off button, when i saw his name appear.

"Hello" i said.


Texte: I dont really care, lots of people have the same story line,but still dont steal my original ideas please (eg. Names, Places, What happens)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2011

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I would like to Dedicate this too all my wonderful Readers :P

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