
The Awakening

“Her name is Ashes, you must know of the head vampire woman, Ashes!”

I shook my head as my friend Laurin just huffed and walked slightly faster than normal, showing she was mad at me for not wanting anything to do with the vampires even though my father was vampire himself. But that was the exact reason; he had found my mother one night and raped her under the starless sky. Then as he walked away once it was all over, he swore to her that if she bore a child to name me Blood, for that was all I would ever see. Endless and dark blood.

“But, Blood, your ancestors are part vampire! Hell you could even get into the night club, Starv me, if you wanted to!”

“Laurin, my ancestors were part vampire, not me. And besides I wouldn’t want to go into that creep place anyhow.”

“I would! Such hot guys that want to suck your blood.”

“Nice Dracula expression, try being a quiet person. Huh?”

“Haha very funny, Blood, but one day you’re going to want to know what it’s like to see that other half in you. And I’ll be long gone and won’t be able to help you out.”

“Ok then.”

“OH COME ON! Please let’s just go for a quick minute or two and we’ll leave! Come on, just one minute.”

“You mean now?!”

“Please, Blood, they won’t ask questions. You’ll be fine, please!”

Laurin turned to me with her puppy face and as I stared down the street we were walking from high school, noticing each and every building and what it was like inside, but not knowing anything about the dark building down at the end with the sign “Starv Me” dangling overhead.

“For a minute, Laurin, then we’re out!”

“Oh thank you, thank you, and thank you!”

My heart skipped a beat as I looked around the streets of Los Angeles and finally, after seeing no one was near that knows either of us eighteen year old girls, I went with Laurin into the front entrance of the club. The man who was apparently there for to keep humans out instantly smelled that Laurin was human and didn’t look like he was going to let her in at all but then I stepped beside her and he opened the door eyeing me suspiciously. The first sound of the music appalled me as it blasted our ears and nearly tore my ear drums out. But as we became used to it with each new step I found that I could block it out within my mind as I eyed each and every face there, dancing to the shrieking of the songs, smiling menacingly as if there was nothing in this world that could stop them.
“Laurin, I’m not so sure about this anymore.”

“Look, Blood, no one is hurting us! We’re perfectly fine and fit in for once. I mean it’s our senior year in high school and we still haven’t been able to experience anything. Let’s just enjoy it right now and have fun. Picture it like a regular club you’ve wanted to go to so badly every day and finally you’ve been let in! This is your moment!”

My moment! It’s your moment, Laurin, I hate these things! I shook my head with a frown. "Can you keep it down?"

“No. Well unless you let us stay for a few hours.”

She had tricked me right into her plot. Laurin was good at making someone head over to her side but I wasn’t having it.


“Ok then I’ll just tell every vampire in this club that you hate being one.”


“Please, I promise it will only be for a few hours.”

“We have to leave before sunrise. If my mother catches me out at this club she would die.”

“Fine miss perfect.”

“I’m not perfect, I’m only half.”

“Which half are you suggesting?”


She nodded knowing I wouldn’t speak anything more about the subject. I found that if I would try to go through the crowd, heading for the bathroom or a drink, the other vampires around would stop dancing and just stare. Apparently we weren’t supposed to be here but Laurin was having such a great time that she didn’t notice those pairs of eyes. Laurin didn’t even notice I had left; it was almost she was in a trance, like she never wanted to leave and a small knot in my stomach formed.

“What shall it be, sweet thing?”

The bartender was a frost color haired guy with blue-white eyes, his pale skin and white teeth made it seem he had no color. My interpretation of him was that he needed a long night’s rest.

“Sprite please.”

“Aww, no blood?”

“My name gives me enough.”

“Your name is Blood?”


“That’s odd, never heard a vampire named Blood, but then again your half.” Naturally, he would comment about how I both smelled and appeared less vampire than the rest of them here.


He handed over the glass of sprite and I gave him a tip as I walked back out into the crowd to find Laurin. She wasn’t far off really, seeming to like the men around her as she danced, but I knew it wouldn’t be a great decision to let her go on for these were vampires and she doesn’t know much. Besides I couldn’t let my best friend get hurt, therefore as I came around I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. She fell to the floor from my pull and I helped her up as she started to blush and I could tell by her eyes that she was pissed.

“Laurin, don’t get mad at me, I am just watching out for you.”

“You are not my mother, Blood.”

“I know. Your mother died. But considering you live with my mother and me I want make sure you’re alright.”

“That’s a little harsh.”

“Makes sense, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, suppose so.”

With all of the vampires it was almost funny how they didn’t hear and so I pulled Laurin closer and told her that we were only going to stay for an hour. She was about to argue when I told her of all the eyes that had been watching us, only us, and Laurin nodded. We would stay another hour, maybe see if we know anyone from the streets, hope to God nothing would go down and have fun. But then, as if my vampire side took over my body and all senses went insane, I could feel five vampires about to enter the club. Everyone else in the room fell silent and even Laurin, although human, was waiting for the unimaginable to happen. Then as if all matters in the world were hushed, they stepped in. First the four men stepped inside and as they each turned to create almost a pathway, I saw it. More like her, she walked with confidence and authority, her dark black outfit showing her defined shape. As she turned the corner and raised her hand, everyone in the room fell to their knees and bowed their head, Laurin and I were the last but after seeing no one else standing we decided it was best just to blend in right now.

“Blood, Blood can you hear me?”

“Yeah, Laurin, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know Blood, but that woman…that’s Ashes. That’s the head vamp right there! And she’s here, Blood, and I think it’s because of us.”

“Please, don’t say that…why would you say that?”

“Because…I heard some people while dancing that were talking about us. They know we aren’t supposed to be here and I think they called them. Blood, I’m scared.”

“Fear is a sign of weakness, don’t show it, or else they’ll start to think something suspicious is going on.”

“Blood, are you scared though?”

“Yes, Laurin, I’m terrified.”

Laurin nodded and frowned as Ashes started to walk down the groups of people on the dance floor, bent to show respect, then came to a halt as she spotted a long time friend who immediately pointed to us. I almost faltered in my balance but continued to bow my head and for once in my entire life I was utterly blank. Nothing in my head was going on and all I could do was pay attention to my senses that were going crazy and try to shut them up. As Ashes drew nearer, each and every step made Laurin whimper, and I could see we weren’t ready for this. That I should’ve told Laurin right from the start I wouldn’t step one foot in this place because it was unnatural.

“You there, stand.”

Ashes pointed to us as she said it and dropped her pale arm to the side of her body as she smiled, knowing we were scared out of our minds but trying so hard to hide it. As we stood up Ashes smelt the air for a second then her smile returned, placed on her luscious red lips that every women wanted but knew they would never have.

“You, human, what be your name?”

Laurin stuttered as she spoke her name, aware of every set of eyes were in her direction, but I felt a strange respect for her. It would be hard to be human and surrounded by hostile vampires, if they even are hostile.

“Laurin, you say? That’s a pretty name indeed and such a pretty neck you got there.”

“T-t-thank y-you.”

“You, half breed, what’s your name?”

My name was a whisper and everyone strained their ears but none could hear and that’s why Ashes asked once again. Now as I held my head high and straightened my spine, I spoke in my true voice.


“Blood? Mm such a lovely name. My name is Ashes. I’ll be your leader today.”

Funny joke, haha, I’ll be your leader instead of your waiter. I almost gagged as she had tried to make a joke but then as I eyed her facial expressions I could tell she was serious. Ashes wanted us to join her…she wants us to be under her control. No way.

“I’m sorry but we’ve got a mother, that’s a better leader than all.”

“Ah maybe I should have a…chat…with this leader then.”

“Sorry, she only speaks to people who aren’t vampire.”

“She doesn’t speak to you?”

“I’m not vampire, am I now?”

Ashes began to laugh as her black waves, and locks, came down around her shoulders. It was as if she had the black haired version and I had the golden blond. Then Laurin over to my side had short, straight brown hair. Unfortunately we all had the same blue misted eyes; Laurin’s was about three shades darker than Ashes and mine because we had vampire blood in us.

“No…I suppose you aren’t. I mean half breeds are always more able to fight but then again most aren’t lucky enough to live. I’m surprised to see one living in Los Angeles, under my main turf, but I have no clue as to who you are. Oh well, that doesn’t matter now, I suppose since you are going to join us.”

“Who says?”

“You’re so called friend, Laurin.”

I turned to Laurin, so quick, that if human I would’ve fallen and my eyes went wide with caution as one of the four men Ashes walked in with held her by the throat. These guys, they must be the elite. Must be head of the fighters and probably head of the vampire government. I eyed Ashes’s smile reappearing then faced her head on.

“Let her go.”

“You join us; I’ll let the human girl go all the way back to home. We’ll never bother her again, but if you don’t join us, I’ll have her head ripped off before you know it.”

“I’ll kill you before you can give the orders.”

“Try me.”

She smiled as if to say that she was head vampire and that meant no other possible man or woman in this world could do any harm to her and so I felt a little worried. Then as if my human side, my human heart I suppose, took over and I nodded once in order to remain silent. Laurin behind me gasped and tried to yell but they were cut short as the guy who held her threw her to the floor.

“Get lost, human.”

He laughed as she struggled to get out, all the vampires pushing and pulling her, running for her life. My stomach, full of bats, never gave way to being calm. When Ashes walked slowly around me, examining the new piece of furniture for her vampire nation, she just turned and headed for the doors as did the other four men with her. There I stood; gazing after them and wondering what the hell had just happened when Ashes turned to me and beckoned me to come.

“Don’t make us wait, Blood.”

I obeyed with small defiance as each vampire in the club watched with green eyes. Why were they jealous though? Couldn’t they see I was just going to be recruited against my will? I didn’t want this…no one should want this.

“Blood, how old are you?”

“Eighteen, going to turn nineteen soon enough on December 21st though.”

“So it’s in a month.”


“Blood, tell me, do you not enjoy being what we are?”

“I hate it.”

“That’s strange. Being a half breed, you should love it, you have no worries…none at all.”

“Yeah, but I hate it.”

“Do you drink blood?”

“Don’t have to in order to survive.”

“Do you crave blood I should have said?”


Ashes nodded as she got up from her seat in the limo and came to sit next to me, as if maybe we were old time friends. My nose wrinkled as she rested her head on my left shoulder, while watching the other four men, and I just tensed.

“Their names are Damien, Orin, Hector, and last but not least Victor. They are the last of the Absolute Covens of Vampires. Strong, powerful, and even indestructible at most…covens. I searched for them at first then slowly built up my world of us. I am a runaway vampire who was bitten by one of the top leaders, Russo, he taught me all the lessons of fighting and when at night I thought I would die the next day…he would bite me and say “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”It was a famous saying when I was grown up under his care.”

“My father told my mother, after he had raped her that if she bore a child who survived to call it Blood. In his words that was all I would ever know of…blood.”

“Seems to me we can relate then, both lived under harsh conditions but now…yes now we can finally escape and rule under softer fists.”

“You threatened to kill my best friend.”

“She’s human, who gives a shit about them. They are only good for food and food only.”

“What if I said that to you? What if I said right here and now that I did not crave human blood but vampire blood?”

Ashes, for once, looked at a loss of words and I could see Hector fidget in his seat. He was one that likes her…but then Orin smiled in a sinister way and I could tell he was the one who had been with her before. The other two were on the edge of their seats, making sure their “leader” wasn’t in any danger.

“Then I would say…bite me.”

“Yeah…no thank you, I know when your ex and your puppy are around. Orin and Hector do a good job hiding it.”

She slapped me across my face and as I turned back to her with a smile showing it didn't hurt me she just looked away for a moment. Then as everything was starting to settle down she turned and looked me square in the eyes and cleared her throat.
“If you know what’s best for you, you would just shut the hell up and try to be on my good side.”

“Guess I don’t know then do I?”

Ashes walked back over to the other seat in the limo where she was before and laughed slightly.

“Soon, Blood, soon you’ll be mine.”

It was a quiet warning but I ignored it as I stared outside of the hummer limo that seemed to be normal if viewed from the outside but if seen from the inside it was carrying four pure blood vampires, one turned vampire who was no doubt the head, and one average half breed vampire who hated herself because of that half. My thoughts then focused on Laurin and I tried to picture where she was, know if she was alright but all that came up in my mind was her face smiling as the scene where we were playing on the play-set behind my house started to appear. My mother, Fare, with her long blond locks and her fragile body coming out to give us kids some lemonade. Laurin had gulped hers down in a matter of seconds but there I swung on the play-set with the glass full of the yellow liquid and my face sad. For as a young kid I was taught to never drink blood and had thirsted for it ever since, but Laurin, as she came around the corner with her empty glass offered me an idea. I would give her the lemonade and she would let me drink from her. I knew it was forbidden but at that age it made me want to do it even more and so I accepted and as I was about to bite into her my mother came around the corner and shrieked.


I snapped out of the flashback and turned to Ashes as everyone was getting out of the car. My thoughts had taken me from a bad place, they often did, but for now I wished to stay in the real place for those thoughts weren’t great. I climbed out, hoping that sunlight out of nowhere would appear but knowing that wouldn’t kill a vampire because only silver or removing the head did. So much for fake vampire movies.

“Where are we?”

“My main headquarters, this my new friend, is The IAV. Otherwise abbreviated for International Association of Vampires.”

“It’s not smart to lead an enemy straight to the headquarters.”

“Yes, but then again, you’re not my enemy. You’re my new recruit. Now hurry, we don’t have all day.”

“Let me guess because the sun comes up.”

“Sunlight doesn’t kill us.”

“I know, I’m being sarcastic.”

Ashes and the men led me down the hallways filled with guards then as we came to the back way I could see an opening, music blasting even from outside and what came to mind was another club. In fact it was the biggest club I had ever seen with so many vampires, it was as if I entered a new world. I turned to Ashes as she beckoned me to come once more then followed her into yet another room but this one was for, no doubt, Ashes’s meetings and business work. My mouth started to water as I saw on the table sitting down in the center of the perfect on black marble, was a glass, filled with the most tastiest and delectable smell. Blood.

“I see you’ve smelt it already.”

“What is it?”


“No, I mean, why it smells so different…so good.”

“Well, it holds my ancestral blood and mine.”

“That’s your blood?”


“Never mind then, it smells vulgar.”

“You…let’s just get on shall we?”


We all sat down then as Ashes was about to start a small boy ran in from behind the door and came to a halt as he saw everything. Apparently they were raising full blood kids around here somewhere, maybe even turned or half like me. If anything I should find out more and when I can finally leave I’ll tell Laurin of my adventure into the depths of hell. Or more like IAV. Ashes then swirled her chair around so she could face the boy and he dropped his eight year old arms down at his side while bowing his head.

“Triscon, what have you learned in school about barging into this place?”

“We are not to barge into the main room or we shall be punished extremely.”

“Yes and should you be punished now?”

“I’m sorry; Ashes, but the other kids told me to…they said I wasn’t vampire because I am only half.”

My breath cut short as I stared at the half blood boy, Triscon, and almost felt a pang of sadness for the lad. He would have to grow up like I did an outcast to the world of humans and vampires. We were “in betweens” the “hybrid” the “half blooded creature” and no one wanted impure blood in their history line.

“Triscon, meet Blood, she’s a half blood like yourself.”

“Oh you are!”

I nodded my head as he jumped with joy, while running around the table and avoiding the men’s arms as they tried to stop him, then pounced on me with a great bear hug. It was hard not to laugh but I kept composed, while smiling all the way.

“Yes, I am.”

“And your name is Blood, that’s really cool! Have you ever thirsted Blood? I feed on blood but only rarely because it’s like a treat for when I do really well. My mommy was vampire and my dad was human, but somehow he got her pregnant and she had me!”

“That’s um…a beautiful story. What ever happened to your father?”

“He left, said he didn’t want to hurt my feelings if he found that I was drinking blood, I understood and we said our goodbyes when I was about five. That’s when mom brought me here to train; she’s one of the Sisters.”


Ashes cleared her parched throat and everyone turned to her, knowing we all had just ignored her being, but now feeling it was alright and everything was fine we smiled at each other in a playful mood. As if we, being Triscon and I, were small kids who got caught finding a mother’s bra and not caring what she would do because it was just too exciting.

“Yes, by Sisters, Triscon means of my close friends of the women here. They are the Sisters of Sacrifice, each bound to me by blood oath.”

“Oh…what about the men here?”

“Well the men, including my personal four here with us, are Brothers of Blood.”


“Yes, unfortunately they all considered the rhyme a personal joke. I just try to overlook it as much as possible.”

She then turned to Triscon, who for the past few minutes was gazing at me as if I was a wonder of the world, and shooed him out of the room. My thoughts and questions landed on “why was everyone staring?” or “what makes me so different?” but they subsided as I concentrated on Ashes and all the men around me.

“Blood, do you know what exactly you are?”

“Half vampire, half human, half insane…yes I know.”

Ashes took on a hearty laugh then she quickly pounced on me, her nails extending like real vampire’s nails, her fingers arched to tear the flesh from my body. All I could think of, as I threw her against the wall and blocked her attacks that were coming at me, was what the hell just happened? Finally Ashes stood up, calmly, and then sat back down in her seat as if nothing took place.

“What the hell was that for?”

“You don’t know what you ARE do you?”

“Yes, I told you, half vamp and half human. I’m not some dumbfounded fool.”

“Do you know how many hybrids such as yourself make it to eighteen without dying?”

“I didn’t even know that people die because of being…”

“Almost 99% die at age eighteen. There is only twenty that I know of, that live on earth. Can you believe that?”

“No…not really…”

“And out of that, oh I don’t twenty, there’s a fifty percent chance that they will die at age nineteen.”


“You will turn nineteen in about a month…that means you have little time.”

“Can’t I make it though? What the heck!”

“I have been training these other nineteen hybrids to be at their very top but you however know nothing. When the time comes and you turn nineteen, you’ll be completely unprepared, unlike the others…and wither away.”

“How can you possibly know that?”

“Because, the facts are facts, my dear, and I’m simply just helping a fellow vampire out.”

“I hate you. You think, just because you started this government for vampires, that nothing can stand in your way. That you know all there is about vampires, but you have no idea. You have no idea who is going to die at nineteen because face it…your completely guessing right now. This is off of pure presumption. You don’t know anything.”

“Oh and I suppose you do?”

“I know enough to keep me alive.”

“But what if you knew enough to keep yourself dead? Like I do.”

“Yeah, because vampires aren’t alive. They’re weak and pathetic, never can see the light of day, never taste another drop of any liquid that doesn’t have blood written all over it. You can’t even begin to feel the feelings of a real heart; you’re empty, empty and worthless.”

“At least, in the future, my body will be full of blood. Then to counteract your claim, I’ll be full. Full of power.”

“If I have not said it before, I’ll say it again, I hate vampires.”

“Trust me when I say this, we know.”

She headed out of the room, trailing her was Orin, Hector, Victor, and Damien. I sat into one of the chairs and sighed as I started to sob. If this was my life, why couldn’t I die now? If they were to teach me darkness, why could I just have one last glimpse of the sun? If they were not to provide equal rights as everyone else, why couldn’t I be a runaway slave? These were all questions that made the crying last longer as I stared off into space, wondering if I would ever be home, if I would ever see my mother and Laurin again.

“Excuse me, miss, are you alright?”

Eyes filled with tears, I just couldn’t turn to the vampire who had walked in, and so I just kept my head hidden in my arms that were lying on the black marble table. The feeling of being cold and alone was so foreign to me, to think I had actually thought I knew what this felt like but all these years I knew nothing about. As I steadied my breathing and slightly turned under my arms to see the woman, I noticed something familiar about her that made me blink twice. Here this young, perhaps twenty-five year old, woman was and I didn’t know a thing about her or ever seen her in my life but she was…familiar. Even my senses weren’t on alert now, for they asked my brain who urged them “why?”

“Miss, are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Who might you be? The new girl, right?”

“Yes, my name is Blood. Who are you?”

“Name is Lora. I’m the top Sister, I’m the head fighter.”

“It’s nice to meet you Lora.”

“Nice to meet you as well. Anyhow I was sent here to retrieve you and send you to your room, you must get rest for tomorrow we will start your training.”

“How fun.”

“Yes, Ashes can be strict but you haven’t seen her soft side yet. She tries so hard for us, even risked her life once in front of a vampire hunter in order to protect the secret. We all respect her cause of it.”

“Don’t you not see that she only does for her benefit? As of what I have seen, her heart must not be beating and must be stone cold.”

“No, trust me; you have to know her better. She breaks for people, all in time.”

I just made a humph sound while I watched Lora laugh, her body strong and thin with muscle, her voice as though you could play in the forest all day but know its dangers without one word.

“Lora, do I know you?”

“You know of my brother, Crisanius.”

“I do?”

“Yes, bearing in mind he’s your father.”

“He…is…but that means…you’re my…aunt.”

“Yes. Now come, you should be sleeping like everyone else.”

“One more thing, Lora, are you…half?”

“No, I am full blood. As you should be if your father would’ve turned your mother and stuck with her throughout their life. But your father was idiotic and he had his problems, therefore that night…he ran claiming your name as Blood for that was the very thing he hated.”

“He told my mother that I was to know only of blood and that’s why.”

“He lied, he hates blood but he never hated you.”

“Is he still alive?”

“No, he died that night when your mother was checked for pregnancy. Crisanius was a good man but like I said…the man had problems.”

Lora closed my room’s door behind her and I strained my ears to hear anything and all around me. If someone was watching or close I would awake to it but most of the night I was perfectly fine and I only once woke up to hear a vampire fight in the other room beside me. The room was black, black walls black floor, black in all. Even the small bed that looked as if to shatter into a million pieces every time I lay down was cloaked in black. Apparently we were to have no feelings but to remain neutral, the exact place where the leaders want us. And, even though Lora my aunt says otherwise, Ashes could be part of this plan to keep us from being rebels. As I began to close my eyes I dreamt of Ashes and Laurin out in the ocean, both of them smiling for it was a sun shining day and beautiful with all sorts of colors dashing by in the water, then they both turned to me and pointed with mouths gaped. One word they said “chose” and it woke me up instantaneously.

“You should be more careful what you dream about, Ashes has special friends who can peek.”

The man resting against the wall was half no single thought about it. He smiled as he watched me realize this. To be accurate, it almost seemed that he was trying to make me sniff him. He wanted me to smell what it was like to be a hybrid and totally trained to where sweat wasn’t a factor in his life anymore. He was used to fighting nonstop.

“Blood…blood…where have you been Blood?”

“Chicken shit to you.”

“Oh come now, I’m just trying to get to know you. We don’t have to be about friends?”

“Screw you. I’m not falling for anymore tricks.”

“Ah then you caught me, truth is I’m here to make you wish you were dead. To teach you what they have taught me and that is pain is a sign of weakness.”

“I didn’t know there were assholes on board of the U.S. Hybrid.”

“How dare you!”

That’s when the door swung open and Ashes stood smiling. Lora was on her right, head down, seeming to be a servant but more of an acquaintance if necessary.
“Calm down, Hannibal, she is a rookie…she doesn’t know a thing about respect in the vampire order.”

“Damn fool needs to learn quickly if she wishes to live.”

I glared at the man as he got up and walked over to Ashes, placing his hand on her cheek while she kept her eyes on me without a hint of feeling. Then, as hard as Hannibal could, he bit down into her neck…blood flowing down the side of Ashes and soaking her pale skin with its nutrients.

“Now, if you please Blood, Ashes wants you to drink her blood but I warn you…no one who has been hybrid except for me have been able to withstand the pain it releases into your body.”

“I’m not going to drink from you, ever, so leave me be.”

Ashes stepped out of Hannibal’s firm hold and with graceful movements she steadily walked over to the bed and sat down beside me, her face blank as she looked off to the doorway, letting the blood pour down her neck on the left side which was turned to me. I couldn’t help myself, the smell was too strong and tasty that thinking about it was hard to do without watering. My hand was placed on her shoulder, my other placed on her right hip, and I bit down into the sweet blood and pale neck. It was amazing at first, then the pain began to urge into my body and I didn’t fight at all, I kept drinking thinking maybe if I would let it have control for a moment I would be alright. That’s when the pain subsided and I drank more and more till I thought Ashes was going to push me or maybe someone else was going to pull me off, the red fluid running out of her body and into mine as I kept eating without effort.
“Ok, that’s enough Blood.”

Lora came up beside me as I tore through the neck of Ashes; now eyes closed but still breathing just fine, and picked me off of her. While she was doing so, I could see Hannibal’s eyes popping out of his head because I felt no pain he had always felt probably when drinking from his master. Perhaps this was to have all vampires under Ashes rule to become one of her's so she could at least use the “you have my blood in you” ruling on them. It didn’t matter to me, for now I was just vacant.

“I’m sorry, Lora, I couldn’t stop.”

“Ashes blood is the most delicious because she’s been alive more than the rest of us have. Think of a vampire’s blood like grape juice, the longer you store it, the better wine is made.”

I nodded and Ashes was padding the remaining blood as the wound healed right before our eyes and her smile came back to her lips as she turned to me.

“You didn’t feel any pain.”

“At first, yes, but then I just paid no attention to it and it went away.”

“This has never been done before, I must find the reason. Is it alright if I drink from you?”

“I’d rather you not.”

“Fine, Lora and Hannibal are going to be with you today to help you train. I’ll be watching so nothing apprehensive happens. Now you are a good little girl, ok?”

“Yeah right, like I abide by your rules.”

“You will. Your thirst is already coming back, and now that you have my blood in you, all you’ll be able to think about is “how will I please her” or some other shit.”

“Right now all I’m thinking about is “how will I kill her”.”

Ashes slapped me across the face as her dress switched sides, containing to she was now leaning on her right side, and I could see she was admiring my defiance. My mind was set on one thing, though, which was how can I get out of this god-forsaken place…alive.

“Well I trust Lora and Hannibal will give you a good time today and that when I check on you at dinner, you’ll be a little more respectful and a little tougher.”

She left and I turned to Lora who now looked be straight into the eyes, almost as if to send a message but I couldn’t receive anything. With Hannibal here, we won’t be able to speak to each other like we did in the meeting room last night. And that was the only time I felt somewhat close to security. Hearing Hannibal’s laugh that day was unbearable, as I would fight other vampires and try my hardest, sometimes I was bound to fail. He would come up behind me during this one fight with one of the humans working for them, although I could beat him on a regular basis I lost, because Hannibal kicked me so hard in my gut that I thought my bones were broken. Lora would just look pass my horrible mistakes and help me to know what I could do otherwise, she truly was trying to be a great aunt…in her own kind of silent way. After the day had passed and we were able to go outside because it was night, I breathed in some fresh air and took hold of my surroundings the next forty battles. I had won all of them when suddenly Ashes came out of nowhere and challenged me.

“Come on, this is like a free pass for revenge. If you win, you can kill me, if you lose, you’ll be mine…forever.”

“You’re going to make me kill you aren’t ya?”

“Just make your move.”

As we rounded about, fighting to the extreme, punching and kicking. Anything that would get the other one to fall, I found a weak spot and hit as hard as I could between the ribcage with a swift side kick and she fell down. Everyone, including Hannibal, gasped as their leader was lying before the rookie. My smile came to place as I bent down over Ashes who was prepared to die if this was it.

“Kill me, isn’t it what you want?”

It took me a few seconds to decipher everything then as slowly as possible I shook my head and held out my hand.

“I’m not a killer.”

Ashes took one more glance in my eyes then she reached out and took my hand. But as I was about to pull her up, I was being thrown over her. She had tricked me, even I was amazed, and so I just lied there looking at the stars wondering if maybe one of them would come down to earth and bare its glory. If maybe I could one day be as light as a feather, like Ashes movements. Right when I was about to close my eyes, Ashes walked over and now she held out her hand.

“Let’s go inside, it’s dinnertime.”

“I’m not hungry, I just want to stay out here for awhile…please understand.”

She looked confused then nodded as she sent the others inside, while lying down beside me. I could hear her small intakes of breath but I didn’t look to see what startled her and just frowned, for the thing she had noticed was that I wished to be home…with my family. To be around those who love you because they don’t have to but want to. I was depressed; I was a sad hybrid in need of a hug from my mother or thumbs up from my best friend.

“You know when my mother gave birth to me, she said one thing…just one thing. I remember her saying “you are vampire, you will thirst, you will go through pain but live because it’s nearly impossible to die…you’ll never know what the warmth of the sun will feel like, never know what love will feel like because you’re just a vampire.”

I heard desperation in her voice and turned sideways so that I was facing her. Ashes was about to sit up because “duty called” but I held her down as I placed my hand on hers. Then as I pulled myself closer, I whispered in her ear.

“I chose you.”

Ashes looked over at me and just stared as she wrapped an arm around me, to comfort me, to keep me from crying. I had given up Laurin for a vampire only because, I knew I would never see her again and that I would never fit in with the human world. I had to be here, it was now my home and that thought kept me whole. Not to mention the fact that Ashes was beautiful, she was simply stunning, almost as if she were a queen. Laurin was more like a snobby princess who at rare, would care for others than herself. She might’ve been my best friend but I could have never accepted her as a lover, not like I have accepted Ashes.

“I chose you too, Blood. Maybe, to make it permanent, I shall feed on you and you feed from me? That was how the ancients became tied together in bonding.”

"No, not yet.."

“Then when, Blood? You have already told me no two times now and if there is a third I might be not be so considerate.”

“You’ll just have to wait, please.”

“Fine, let’s go to dinner.”

Ashes stood quickly before I could disagree to her statement and she took off to dinner. She was, no doubt, angry at me but I couldn’t understand. Why was she so determined to get a taste of my blood? It seemed as if she was begging for it with authority. Well it didn’t matter for now, I was to get to the dinner and meet the other vampires of this nation. They were going to be quite surprised after seeing me, a new recruit. Queasy, from seeing the site of bodies lying across tables for the feast, I sat down next to Ashes who was on the far end of the table, and next to Lora who was on my right. That’s when Hannibal walked in, supposedly from being “asleep”, and sat down while combing his hair back. Another vampire woman entered after him, about a minute’s difference. Yeah, he was definitely not sleeping, that pervert.

“Well now Hannibal has joined us, let us begin the feast.”

Her voice was quick and harsh, as she turned to each and every person at the table, and then rested her eyes upon me. Ashes was pissed but I tried not to let her attitude affect me as I chatted with the others who had taken interest in my history. Asking questions from who was my mother to was I the only half breed in my family.

“Yes, I am the only one in my family line…I believe.”

A guy, Lenoir, had taken a firm interest and I found him cute and adorable. He was a small man, little muscles but certainly able to fight a good fight, and he stood about a foot over me with the gentlest smile you would find comforting in any weather or any location. I laughed as Lenoir would tell another joke, completely unaware that Ashes was watching him with burning hatred, and would smile as he would put his hand on my shoulder or my right hand in an effort to show he liked me. After about a few minutes Ashes couldn’t handle it no more and got up while leaving the room in a fury, but of course I was the only one to see it, to any other person it would seem she was just fine.

“What did the chicken do?”

“I don’t know what?”

“He didn’t do anything, he chickened out!”

My laughter broke the silence as I recognized everyone was now staring at me with wondering eyes. This was the time they would unleash all questions and I readied myself. While talking to Lenoir, a woman came up behind me and pushed my chair just faintly to where I spilled a few drops of soda on me. It was the exact woman who was with Hannibal before he joined dinner, and she seemed just like him, mean and cruel to me…the rookie.


“Oh, I’m sorry, did I make you spill your SODA. Maybe you should be drinking blood then.”

“No thank you.”

“Well it’s just that everyone else here is drinking blood and you’re just like an outcast. You shouldn’t even be here you half blood.”

“What’s your problem? What the hell I do to you?”

“I have no problem, you do, and you’re disgusting. Ashes think she can keep you like a pet but we don’t like it, and she’ll start hating you once we prove you’re not worthy.”

“I don’t even know you, leave me alone.”

“Well let me inform you, I’m Shade. I’m the toughest girl in this whole place and no one has ever beaten me.”

“I’ll be sure glad when someone does and you get a blow to that perfect little face of yours.”

Shade snarled, really snarled, like some kind of animal and Lenoir tried to intervene, but she leaped on me. All of the vampires in the room watched as I flew out of my chair before she could get her hands on me, then as quick as I could I set up a position where I was most comfortable in if there was a needed fight. While they were all keeping an eye out for the both of us, I eyed Hannibal call one of the human servants which they called households, and told him…as I best as I could hear while I was blocking Shade’s attacks…to get Ashes because she needed to see this. She needed to see my death. But I wouldn’t allow it; I wouldn’t die here and now and not prove that I was worthy enough to live. Worthy enough to fit in somewhere because each and every person in this world deserves a chance at having a real home, one where they could be themselves.

“Why don’t you just die, Blood, you don’t belong!”

“Everyone belongs somewhere, you imbecile.”

Shade went for a hit, while blocking, I did a side sweep. She jumped high enough to where she hung from the wooden posts that held up the roof, because it was an older styled house, more of a mansion. Everyone gaped as Shade dropped down, claws first it seemed, and then twirled to make the impact hard to block. My first thoughts were Ashes was in the room and I had to make sure I beat this Shade…for her own good in the first place. Then they rested on my next move which would, in no doubt, get her to plead for me not to kill. I jumped, in reaching her faster in surprise; I grabbed one of her arms and flipped as I smashed her body hard into the ground. Shade just lay there, hyperventilating in disbelief, and I landed firm and hard on her body…hearing her bones crack beneath my weight. While she screamed I stepped off and in one movement I was beside Hannibal who was shocked too, but this was hidden from average eyes, and whispered in his ear…enough for everyone to hear though....

“Better watch your back, vampire.”

With that I took a glass of blood, looked from each face that gazed at me, and then left feeling above all. It was nice to feel in control once again.

“Wake up, friend.”

My eyes opened to Triscon who was playing with bubbles. His light blue eyes caught me off guard, for I thought I was still at home, but then when he blew a few in my face I laughed, returning to where my real home was now. Triscon jumped on the bed and blew more bubbles that smelt of grape, reminding me of what I heard from Ashes. That blood was like grape juice, the longer you stored it the more it tastes better like sweet wine. I shook off the moment then recognized Triscon had bruises on his arms and legs, not to mention his black eye.

“What the hell happened to you, Triscon?”

He frowned, while spinning around on the bed making sure I didn’t see his face but I did and it was flowing with tears. I turned his face back towards me and looked hard in his eyes.

“What happened? You can tell me, I’m like you, I understand.”

Triscon started to cry harder and dug his face into my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around the boy, smiling sadly that he was in this horrid place. He was like me, trapped between two nations, both hurting him personally.
“They, they keep teasing me, saying…saying I’m not like them and that I cause nothing but problems. I…t-try to avoid them but the kids are everywhere and I can never escape them.”

“The other kids did this to you?”

“N-no…the other adults d-did. The kids c-come after when the a-a-adults are done, when t-they are done training me.”

“How do they train you, Triscon?”

He looked up into my eyes, his filled with tears and red rimmed, and sighed deeply as he saw I had no idea this was taking place. Triscon was as if a grownup caught in a child body, but I knew he was just the same age he looked because he wasn’t a turned vampire. And he didn’t have knowledge from his previous ancestors because he wasn’t a full blooded vampire boy that would grow up the way he’ll grow up instead of like turned vampires. Triscon was like me, he was my home, and he was my only family as of right now…him and Lora.

“Triscon, stay strong, trust me…I’ll make all of the evil things go away.”

“How? You are like me, they don’t care what we do…we’re just pawns.”

“Trust me; I will be there for you. I will protect you with my life from this moment on. Nothing will ever hurt you, not if I’m able to stop it.”
“Thank you, Blood, thank you for saving me.”

“No, Triscon, thank you for giving me a reason to live.”

I don’t know how long we sat there, hugging, listening to our enemies outside of the room discussing where we would go in their plans. He was right, we were pawns, but no more. I won’t let this little boy down, ever.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.04.2010

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