
This was the last thing I wanted, I was sure of it. I had gone a month a school and three out of the four things on my checklist was done. All I need now is to deal with my parents, or should I say Allen and Vickie. They called themselves The Villen (supposed to be Villain) Artists, partway because the name was cool and they painted famous villains in their artwork, and partway because they were evil and twisted like villains.
“Sally, William, please?”
Sally didn’t like the fact that I was going to see my other mother even if I was going to tackle her. It was simple, Sally was very protective over me…only because I was so small and helpless compared to everyone else. It wasn’t my fault I was dying and human. Funny how they could so easily kill me if they wanted to but I trusted them with my life.
“I don’t know, sweetie, you are really sick and this is your last month. We all want to spend as much time as we can with you.”
“Then come with me…that would be perfect! We could all go, as a family trip. I will bring you and William with me to show them what real parents look like! Then I promise we will spend as much time as possible doing things we’d love. Don’t worry I could buy the tickets…it’s my parents’ money. Might as well go all the way?”
William looked at Sally then at me. I had won the argument. Of course, it was my wish and they knew I didn’t have many. I was going to die soon, about a month precisely, and they would do anything I wanted. My grandmother told me to never take something for granted but I don’t even care. It’s my life and I’ll do what I want to, right?
“I guess so, fine we’ll go, but if anything goes wrong then we are going to head straight home. Oh and we already bought the passports and tickets, figured that you’d get us to agree and you did.”
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!”
I gave Sally a small hug because my strength had gone down quite a bit. I even hugged William but figured he wouldn’t want my perfume smell on him so I backed off.
“You guys are the best!”
“Just remember if anything goes wrong, we’ll be on a flight back here as soon as we can.”
“Then I guess I’d better pack extra medicine.”
Without even a glance back at them I ran out of the room and into the back yard, well it was more of a hundred acre forest but I’m not one to judge. They were rich, like me, and therefore I didn’t have to worry about feeling sorry that they were poor. I looked down the path that I had mistakenly run into with Felix, it strikes me now that his name was usually meant for a cat yet he was a werewolf. The leaves on the trees were gone but they still stood like there were shadows draped over them to protect or hide anything that lived in that forest.
“Hey Felix!”
I knew Felix wasn’t there, he was dead…it was a done deal but I encouraged myself to finally let out the words.
“I guess I’m not going to be a mutt after all!”
Are you sure?
I froze in silence and heard footsteps approaching from behind. I turned back hastily and saw Xavier laughing at my expression.
“Haha, very funny!”
“You should see your face!”
Puppet walked out of the house and with the rest of the kids following her. I figured they were just coming out for a daily run or something but they could be under Puppet’s alluring control. I wish I had that power; I would be able to do anything.
“Puppet, Tristian, come here I have something to tell you!”
They were before my eyes in a blink of the eye.
“What is it, princess?”
Tristian bent down like a noble steed but instead of acting like a proper princess I laughed. He looked up with a grin.
“I am going to see my parents and soon. We are all going to New York…kind of like a family trip.”
Puppet studied me as if I was making a joke and finally when she knew I wasn’t she stepped back.
“We can’t.”
I looked at her in surprise, she was never the one to say no, and she still looked at me seriously.
“What do you mean?”
“We can’t, because the Night Council…I talked to them. Told them that a dog…was speaking to you so you weren’t at all crazy or unfortunate. It was the dog’s fault so they are coming down in about two days, I wasn’t going to mention anything because I knew you wouldn’t like the idea, but I wanted to know something.”
“What possibly do you want to know!?!”
I hated the Night Council, the way they tried to throw me out of the Verne’s house because they thought I was no use or was it bad luck…either way they tried to get rid of me. They didn’t even do the whole thing right that dog in my head should’ve not been so horrible for them not to penetrate through and see me for me. No, they’ve got to go with first glimpse, judging me as if they were judging a book by its cover or mind or whatever.
“Look I know this isn’t what you want to be doing but I really need you to do this for me?”
Puppet straightened and her eyes hardened to a bloody red. She stared down upon me even though I was a bit taller than she was and instantly I felt her rummaging through my mind trying to find a weak spot. Instantly I felt her power surge through and I fell to my knees. It felt as if all hatred washed away like footsteps on seashore and it was replaced with caring and love for her.
“Puppet, stop that right now!”
Tristian grabbed a hold of Puppet but even she was stronger than him at the moment and I wanted to get up and lash out at him for even laying a hand on her, it’s the power, but I can’t help resist.
“No, she needs to listen because it all matters what the Night Council finds out about her.”
“What do you mean?”
I didn’t even hear myself asking the question. Puppet watched me edge closer and smiled with her fangs peeking over her red lips.
“By all means my child, stand up now.”
I stood up and could see that the rest of the family was surrounding Puppet and me. Tristian was lost in the crowd.
This time I recognized my aching voice coming out of her power’s strains. My cough started to edge in the back of my throat and I tried so hard to keep it down.
“How dare you!”
I hit her square across her face, she didn’t even move. Once she looked back her normal eyes were looking at me.
This time the parents stepped in and I kept my eye on Puppet. She looked as if she was pain stricken, like she didn’t mean to do anything to me. I wanted to be angry at her but right now all I could think about was taking my pills because a cough at this time would surely put me to bed. I couldn’t have that and not in front of William and Sally.
“I have to go, I’ll be upstairs.”
Puppet thought I was getting on to her by leaving but I didn’t intend that. She was still saying “how?” by the time I got to my room then I heard her silence. My room, which was Xavier’s but he decided to move in with Reese, was decorated in a soft blue and pink paintnow. There was ribbons painted in white around the room and it spelt Princess Trinity. Tristian thought that I was like a princess, in my own way, and I guess everyone else thought that too.
“Where are those pills?”
I looked through the medicine drawers but I couldn’t find any pills. Sally must have packed them already, oh great I’m going to have to tell them.
“Oh that’s just great.”
Sally finally gave up the pills and she unpacked the bags. If the Night Council was coming over, we couldn’t leave. They were the highest law towards vampires and if anyone stood them up you’d see a pile of dust in their places the next day. It was that serious, even though they are so dumb!
“Ok, the Night Council is coming in a few minutes, does everybody look nice?”
Sally was fixing Devin’s tie and at the same time she was helping Reese with her dress buttons. It was amusing to watch but I went over and helped with Devin.
“Thank you, Trinity, now don’t worry we know they’re going to love you now.”
“That’s what the movies say right before that person gets beheaded.”
Sally frowned and Devin laughed.
“Here, let me help with your tie in the back.”
Sally came to the back and tied the little bow on my dress. My dress was a beautiful silk black dress and the ties in back were red, it fit the Night Council’s colors and it fit me.
“They’re here, I’ve told them to park by the garages.”
Xavier was lucky; he could talk to people within a hundred mile distance. It was a great power to have especially if you couldn’t go outside or see someone. Puppet stood before me and grabbed my hands; I jumped in response because I hadn’t gotten over our last meeting.
“Just be you, they like that.”
“I can’t really be me because I’d tell them off.”
“Well, be a princess, as Tristian would say.”
Tristian came up and Puppet let go. Tristian was still mad at Puppet because of what she had done. I was still angry for what she had done, but I figured now is not the time.
“Knock, knock.”
The Night Council piled into the house and with each new person, each new step backward I took till finally they shut the door and no more came in.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here…”
The leader came up to me and I nearly gasped at his face. Last time he wasn’t bad looking at all but now his face looked as if it had been shredded and left scars to prove it. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t.
“Oh, you’ve recognized the new marks?”
“I’m sorry, umm, what happened to you?”
“Well it seems we both had our share of werewolves.”
I didn’t push it any farther and bent my neck in his grasps. He bent down and I felt the pain and then relaxation take place. This time he didn’t come up and scream but he kept on and on and on to where my family had to pull him off of me. I was lifeless, limp in Tristian’s arms. He stared down at me aware that I could have died in a matter of seconds.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, my neck is all sticky. I need a tissue.”
“I’ll get it, Tristian.”
Puppet ran off and came back with a baby wipe and gently edged the blood onto the tissue. I saw her hesitate to throw it away but she did.
“What did you see?”
William stood before the Night Council leader now and he was asking about the evil things I had in my head, but all I could think of that would be evil was me going to sleep while the guests were still here.
“I saw nothing.”
The Night Council gasped in astonishment. I just closed my eyes, I didn’t need to see their faces…they were shocked.
“What do you mean by nothing, she has no thoughts, your power didn’t work?”
“No I saw so much good in her and no evil. This has been the first time, ever, that I’ve seen that.”
“Well is that a good thing, Kendrew?”
“Yes, I suppose so.”
“Then to my daughter, I purpose a toast, of her good and unusual fortune.”
William was well kept but I knew everyone was wondering about what Kendrew, the Night Council Leader, had seen in me. They were thinking of how my mind worked, of how I worked, so differently. Truth is I had no idea either. They all raised their cups though, full of blood, and drank. I raised my cup and drank some water. This was going to be a long night, perfect.
“Hey, Trinity, over here.”
I was busy either getting caught up in another vampire’s power or conversation of vampire things which I knew nothing about. I had to admit it was fascinating to learn such things and hear of such creatures out and about but the real thing I wanted to do was ask Kendrew of what it was he really saw. Is it just some kind of aurora he sees or is it memories of good times I’ve had and nothing else. Whatever it was I wanted to know more about it.
“Excuse me, Kendrew, but I was wondering if I could speak to you alone.”
Kendrew didn’t even turn around but kept talking to the other man who looked to be a great warrior of some type. I tapped Kendrew’s shoulder but he only flinched in response.
“Night Council leader I do think it I s very rude to ignore a lady and I do apologize if I’m butting in but that gives you no right to act like I’m not here.”
Kendrew bowed his head and the soldier did too, then the warrior left and Kendrew turned towards me. He sighed and looked me over.
“Your face tells me that you have a great question to ask and that you are strong enough to declare for it now and to hear what is needed to be said…right?”
“Yes, I want to know what you saw.”
The vampires around the room stopped in midsentence and Kendrew didn’t look so happy. He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. We walked a ways and when we were far enough he stopped and I fell to the ground. I finally noticed he had been in such an urge that he didn’t even recognize that I had fallen. I stood up and brushed my dress off. It was very cold out and I shivered.
“I’m sorry I should’ve brought a coat for you, human.”
“No, thank you.”
“Look, I don’t mean to be rude but whenever I tell you what you show then you agree. You don’t ask me because you are supposed to trust the Night Council leader. And I cannot tell you what your mind tells me, it’s just there. I don’t even remember any of it; I have to say it in a matter of seconds to the person. We, Night Council leaders, always have unique powers that people never really know of. Mine has only come around once a few hundred years and I was lucky to have gotten mine about 900 years ago when I was turned. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“That’s alright just don’t let it happen again.”
We started to walk back to the house and I didn’t say another word to Kendrew unless he’d start to speak to me. But he didn’t, he kept quiet too for he knew we were both wanting to know about the other’s mind and how it worked but it’d be rude to ask.
“Kendrew, Trinity, where were you guys?”
Tristian came up and hugged me tightly and all I could do was shrug. Tristian right away noticed my frowning and looked over at Kendrew. And right away I saw Tristian turn into his vampire self.
“What did you say to her?”
Kendrew did not respond but kept walking over to his fellow people. That’s when Tristian lashed out at Kendrew and I saw the crash right in front of me. After that is was all a blur of some sort…Devin picked me up and ran to the room, Puppet following after, Devin left and I heard the bangs in the living room, I didn’t even think all I could do was dream.
“Do you see me?”
I followed the voice down the forest grounds and came to a stop when I saw Kendrew. He was smiling and he reached his hand out to hold mine and I let him. He pulled me near and bent my head back and lashed out for my throat.
“Night Council leader, Kendrew, I wish to have your power.”
“My dear wife, Trinity, you already own it.”
I awoke to the ceiling fan hanging above me making strange noises and suddenly it fell and luckily I moved out of the way in time. Puppet ran up into the room and closely behind was Reese, all the girls were here now, and maybe I could ask them a few personal questions while we talk about what just happened.
“I should’ve sensed that the fan was going to fall, that’s strange.”
Reese picked it up and threw it to the side and sat down. Reese wasn’t so kind to me, she didn’t really like me at all but I trusted my life with her. After all you can’t pick family.
“Yeah, strange,” was all I could say to her.
Puppet realized I wasn’t much for the oatmeal she had brought to the room and all I could do was stare at the fan. What did my dream mean? Maybe the girls could tell me?
“Puppet, Reese, before you were umm bitten did you have dreams about powers you’d have when you were a vampire?”
They both reacted with a shocked look between them and then at me.
“What power did your dream tell you?”
Puppet was serious, which scared me to no end.
“I had a dream that Kendrew had bitten me and I had his power, you know to see if you’re evil or good, erase memories that are bad, stuff like that.”
“Oh no, do not tell Tristian!”
“Why not?”
Reese looked over at me.
“Because, idiot, that means that it will happen to you and Tristian wanted to turn you the day before your timed death.”
I pondered over what she had said, if that was true then it didn’t matter what Tristian power was and it shouldn’t be a surprise anymore.
“What is Tristian’s power?”
“We aren’t supposed to say…”
“Please, my dying wish here.”
Puppet sat down at the other end and looked straight into my eyes.
“His power is…to switch between a human and a vampire in a time when needed the most. That’s why we thought his power might help you when you were haunted by Felix because his power has always been connected with humans and vampires alike. It is the first time in vampire life that a power has not been recognized or shared with another. He’s like ancient to the Night Council and Kendrew…why would Kendrew go behind his back?”
“I don’t know but in my dream there was also another thing he said…”

“He called me his wife.”

Puppet and Reese rushed out of the room and came back in.

“Here read this…”

Puppet handed me a big old black book that held the golden letters Vampire Rules on it, I opened the book to the page Puppet had marked with a sticky note. I read the lines in the book aloud so they could hear too.

“A human, if wanted by a vampire, will be turned soon enough. First the human has a dream of the vampire, telling what power the human will have or if he/she won’t have one. And on rare occasions a vampire will choose to marry this human during the turning. If this happens and the human becomes husband or wife to the vampire during the change, the newly turned vampire will then be connected to that vampire for eternity, forever loving the sire with undying passionate longing. If another vampire does try to come between the two, the newly turned wife or husband will be then told by the sire to kill the vampire. And the newly turned vampire will do so.”

That defiantly wasn’t what I was expecting.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2010

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i dedicate this book to the authors here on bookrix, you guys inspire me to write

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