
I stopped coughing for a day then the next was three times worst. I knew I was dying and that the maids were telling me all but lies but I didn’t care. A rich girl that dies around here is like another flower being trampled. No one even knows me and I’m going to die alone. My parents are very famous artists, such artists to travel the world and leave their sick daughter at home and defend for her. They only call once a month and when the nurses tell them I’m getting worse they just reply to give her more sleeping gas and medicine. The doctors have actually come up with a medicine though that will allow me to get out of bed and not cough as badly as I do now. I just hope it is made quicker because I plan to go to school and meet other teenagers like myself. When I say teenager I mean a seventeen year old girl but I have not been able to have the confidence and liability like most kids therefore I am like a helpless child to most.
“Nurse *cough cough* I was wondering when the doctor will be here today?”
The nurse took the bowl of soup, that I was supposed to eat but I coughed so hard that it spilled everywhere, and replied with a shrug. At least my parents could buy me kinder nurses and maids; after all I’m stuck living with them. There is one nurse, Lucie, and one maid, Olive, that I’m quite fond of. They assist me on any subject and when it is time to sleep they tuck me in as if they were my parents.
“Lucie, are you *cough cough* there?”
Lucie ran in and came to my bedside. She had been helping the other nurses file out my medication and the progress or shall I say declining process I have taken.
“Yes my dear?”
“Do you *cough cough* know when the doctor is coming today?”
“Well my dear he is supposed to arrive any second now and I hear from travelers that there is good news and bad news.”
“I just hope the good news is that I won’t have to stay in here and stare at their ugly faces.”
I pointed to a group of the meanest nurses and maids and Lucie laughed.
“Lucie, *cough cough* do you think I’m strong enough to make it through this?”
“Well if anyone in this world can, I’d put all my bets on you.”
“Thank you Lucie.”
All of a sudden Olive ran in with a sweeper in her and she took a breather.
“My dear lady the doctor has arrived and he wishes to come in?”
“Please, Olive *cough cough*, send him in.”
The doctor came in and studied how pale I was. It wasn’t a lie, I was very pale, and sometimes the nurses would check how white my medication was by putting it up against my skin. My long blond locks surrounded my small yet oval shaped face and my long black eyelashes, and pink lips were the only color I had. Even my eyes had turned a soft grey instead of their average blue. I was sick and everybody knew it, it was too bad they couldn’t lie about it.
“Hello my dear lady Trinity, how is your cough today?”
“Well doctor *cough cough* it isn’t as bad as yesterday but it certainly hasn’t gone down much *cough cough*.”
“I see, well I have good and bad news. Which will you hear first?”
“The good news please.”
“Well I can get you up and ready for school with the medication I have made but after about two weeks it wears off and you’ll have to go through a whole day of rest.
“Didn’t you *cough cough* just say both of your news?”
“Oh I guess I did.”
I laughed slightly but remained aware I couldn’t talk greatly because it pained me so.
“So Trinity Yearling, do we have a deal?”
With a nod and a few coughs I shook his hand.
“Good, it’s not right for such a faire princess like yourself to be locked away without your prince.”
“I am not a princess *cough cough* and I will not look for a prince because in return I will get a frog. But I thank you for the lovely *cough cough* comment.”
The doctor told the nurses my prescription, when I take it, how long one pill last, how the principal at the high school will allow me to take daily checkups and I will studied from time to time. I didn’t quite listen to the rest because once he said that the students would love me as a newcomer I was grateful. The doctor was so kind to me and I was grateful to have him so I sent him off with twice the pay of an average meeting.
“Lucie school *cough cough* starts in two days and I need to practice with the pill so can I take it *cough cough* now?”
“Of course my lady.”
Lucie gave me the pills and Olive made sure everything was tidy and not dangerous for my first walk in over a decade. When I got this cough was when I was seven so a decade is just about right.
“My lady you’re walking!”
“I am much stronger and look no cough so far.”
I walked through the bedroom and finally decided to go down the stairs, after I managed them I knew I could go to school. I was so excited that night I couldn’t sleep so the nurses gave me sleeping gas and I finally passed out.
School arrived and I was preparing my clothes and getting dressed. I put on a snug red sweater, since it was November and quite chilly outside, some jeans that seemed to fit my tiny waist just right, and red dress shoes. I looked dazzling Lucie and Olive said as I left the house. My Land Rover was a perfect car in these hills because if there was ever rock falls over the car, I would be safe. I drove quickly but slow enough to recheck all of my classes, teachers, and where it was exactly. I had the choice of someone driving me but what fun would that be? I finally get to move and I let someone else drive?
“Hello, Principal Franklin I was wondering where it is I park my car?”
“In the parking lot sweetie…”
“Yes but my Land Rover won’t fit. Can I park it on the side?”
“Of course my lady.”
“Thank you.”
“Oh and do you need assistance of getting around school?”
“That would be nice, Mr. Franklin, thank you.”
“No problem, I’ll send someone right away.”
I got out of the Rover and looked at my school, it was trimmed with red and the walls were white. It was like the perfect school, well the perfect school like on the shows on TV. I got out and walked near the front where I noticed a girl with a sticker that said helper was standing at the front. I approached softly and asked if she was my assistant around school.
“Yes that would be me. I’m Willow Serfanchi, so you want to get started?”
“That would be lovely.”
Willow showed me where all of my classes would take place then she showed me other places I needed to know. It was all too much to take it but I loved it. All of the kids were watching as I passed wondering who I was and if they’d ask I would be so kindly as to tell them but yet they didn’t and soon enough the bell rang.
“Hey you can come hang with my group at the table near the cafeteria, outside, everyone would love you.”
“That’s so kind of you, thank you.”
“Yeah sure no problem, see you at lunch.”
Willow ran off and I headed to history class. As I sat down I noticed there was strange writing on the desk and drawings from other people. I studied it a bit more then looked up at my teacher who was trying to get my attention.
“So Miss Yearling, have you any idea what we are studying this unit from what’s on the board?”
“Well there is Shakespeare’s “To be or not to Be,” and some other famous poets names up there so I guess that we are learning the times of the poets.”
“You are correct Miss Yearling and do you know what page we are starting off on?”
“Well up on the board it says 352 so pg. 352?”
“Correct, you have just earned your first A.”
I smiled and everyone whistled and then I coughed. The teacher immediately noticed it but I realized it was a sneeze and he seemed to notice my reaction as a let by.
“So you’re like mega rich, that’s tight!
It was a boy named Bryan at Willow’s table. There was Willow-a black haired brown eyed girl, Bryan-a brown haired green eyed boy, Keller-a blond with green eyes, and Hector-a black haired blue eyed guy. They were all popular at this school and I figured that this is the kind of people I’d like to hang out with before I die. But already the cheerleaders are asking me to join, basketball players, gymnastics…all of which I can’t do because my medication isn’t that good.
“I guess you could say that.”
“So Trinity, you have an illness?”
I turned to Bryan who was an outspoken guy and nodded. It wasn’t easy keeping a secret especially when all your teachers were asking if I need to go to the nurse and stuff like that.
“What kind of illness are we talking about?”
“Bryan that’s rude.”
“No it’s alright Keller, I have this bad cough…it’s been in my family for quite awhile, it ends up stopping your heart when you’re like nineteen or twenty.”
“Wow so you don’t have much time do you?”
“No I don’t really.”
“I hear your parents are off traveling the world and they don’t even care about how sick you are.”
Keller jabbed Bryan in his stomach and I nodded my head in response to his answer. Everyone just kind of ate their meal after that except Bryan who was talking in his own little world.
“You know you’re as pale as one of the Verne’s.”
“Who are the Verne’s?”
All of a sudden a pack came through the cafeteria door and I looked up. There were two couples and following behind was a guy, they were all around the same age. I watched as everyone else did in the cafeteria and finally when I had enough I looked back onto my plate and bit a part of my apple which somehow made me cough and everybody at the group skid their chairs just a little.
“It’s alright guys, I’m good.”
Everyone got back into their comfy position and Keller leaned over.
“Ok see the girl with brown hair, that’s Reese, she’s the oldest girl apparently. Then there’s her boyfriend Xavier who’s her age. The next couple is Puppet and Devin-they are so weird and last but not least is Tristian. Their all family, well Tristian, Puppet, and Xavier are cousins I should say, and Reese’s boyfriend and Puppet’s boyfriend lives under Tristian’s parent’s house.
“Oh, that’s nice.”
I turned back my attention to the apple that I was now cutting up so I didn’t have to worry about my cough. Finally I took a bite and consumed it. I hated my cough getting in the way of eating, especially if it was soup or anything with liquid. It would get everywhere and I’d be mad at myself and starving.
“What do you mean oh that’s nice? Don’t you see how hot he is?”
“Well yes but I am raised to not stare and crowd a person, because all of my life I’ve been crowded with maids and nurses. It’s not very fun.”
Everyone just laughed and when they saw I was serious they stopped. I started to laugh too, but I kept it low because if I laughed too loud, well you know what would happen. Willow waited for everything to calm down then she scooted next to me.
“Hey, Tristian and Puppet are in your next class. So lucky!”
“Oh no…next class is gym.”
“What about it, oh that’s right you can’t really participate can you?”
“Well my doctor said that I can’t run, but if it’s like easy I could do it.”
“Great because in gym today we’re doing dodge ball, that’s not too bad, is it?”
“Not bad at all, my doctor even said himself that I could play dodge ball…that was his favorite thing to do in high school.”
I smiled because I could actually play something today in gym. The rest of the days, my principal and doctor say, I have to just sit on the side and keep track of everything in gym we’ve been doing. I looked up at the clock and the bell rang, guess it’s time for gym class. Willow walked with me over to gym then she left for her math class. I walked in and immediately a guy ran up to me.
“Hey, you’re that new girl, Trinity right?”
The blond haired blue eyed guy just watched me and when I nodded he grinned.
“Hey, you want to hang out in dodge ball…you know I could protect you if a ball is heading your way.”
“Um…sure I guess.”
“Great oh and my name is Felix.”
“Well Felix I have to go change in my gym clothes, I’ll be right back.”
I rushed into the girls’ locker room, found my locker and quickly dressed. All of a sudden I felt these eyes on me and I turned around and it was Puppet. She was sitting down next to her locker about three feet away. I just turned back to my locker, took a breath, locked it, and walked off. Every girl was checking herself in the mirror but I knew what I looked like so who cared.
“Hey Felix.”
“Hey, Trinity, ok the rules are simple all you have to do is throw the ball and try not get hit. And if someone else catches the ball you threw, then you’re out too. Got it goldilocks?”
“Yes I do, thank you.”
And that’s when the whistle blew and everyone was throwing. It was very fast and such a thrill. I picked up a ball and threw it hard but I missed.
“That’s alright goldilocks, keep throwing.”
That’s exactly what I did; I kept throwing until finally I hit someone. I was so happy of myself that I didn’t notice a ball was hurdling my way. Felix wasn’t such a good bodyguard since he was all the way at the other end. As I watched it come I say a girl grabbed the ball, inch away from my face. I let out a huge sigh of relief but when I saw who it was I tightened up again. It was Puppet and she was serious.
“Thank you.”
She smiled and ran back to her spot where Tristian also was. I watched at how everyone else threw the balls and started to throw more. It wasn’t long till everyone went to the locker rooms to change. I started to take off my shirt and I felt eyes on me again, I knew she was watching. Instead of turning around I continued to get dressed.
“You were really good out there, Puppet right?”
I heard not response and decided to turn her way as I put my pants on.
“So how long have you lived here?”
“About two years...give or take.”
I nodded and locked my locker. She was still just sitting there in her gym clothes. I decided not to say anything about it.
“Well thank you again for saving me from that ball, bye.”
I walked out and forgot that I had left my purse so I went back but when I did there was no purse and no Puppet. I looked around but couldn’t find my purse so I just shrugged, all I had in there was a picture of my nurse Lucie and maid Olive. Also three bucks, lipstick (even though I don’t put it on), and my pills! Oh no I forgot I had my pills in my purse and I’m supposed to take them before I start driving home! I walk out into the halls and see Puppet and Devin walking, I catch up to them.
“I’m dearly sorry but I can’t seem to find my purse…did you see if anyone may of took it?”
Puppet nodded and grabbed my little purse from out of hers. She handed it to me and smiled.
“You left it there so I decided to give it to Tristian because his next class is with you.”
“Oh thank you so much!”
“No problem.”
I thanked her once more and jogged to my Science class. I saw Tristian was sitting right behind my seat. And decided it wasn’t a big thing. I sat down and everyone looked in my direction. I just concentrated on the teacher as he explained today’s lesson and soon enough he was picking who we had to work with in a group, there was five people in my group: Orlando, Fritsch, Alley, Me, and Tristian. Everyone started to get to work except Tristian who just sat in the corner waiting for our analysis. If I could do this so could he, so I walked up to him. Everyone in the class watched me stop right in front of him, he barely looked up.
“Umm, you think you can sort out these chemicals?”
I placed some bottles with different colored liquids in front of him and he barely looked up.
“Please, we’re all doing something else.”
It was little more than a whisper but I heard it and it was a yes. I smiled and said thank you, walked back and started again with the counting. After our group project was over Tristian put the chemicals back into place and had ordered them by alphabetical names.
“Very good class, we’ll pick up on the project tomorrow.”
We all headed out and I took some of my pills in the parking lot. Now I didn’t feel like one pair of eyes was staring at me, I felt like six pairs of eyes were. I looked over my shoulder and there was the Verne’s looking at me. I watched as first Reese and Xavier crawled into their car, then Devin and Puppet, and finally Tristian.
“That’s kind of creepy.”
I got into my Rover and drove off to my mansion, and that’s when it happened. It wasn’t just one cough but it was many, I had taken the other pills too late. I started coughing really bad and I got out a tissue and coughed into it. I looked at it and there was blood splattered, it wasn’t much but I still was coughing up blood and that wasn’t so good. I knew I couldn’t drive home because I’d probably have an accident so I pulled over and looked at where I was. I had taken a wrong turn or something because I didn’t know where I was and it would get dark soon.
“Oh great *cough cough*, maybe I can find a house around here and ask if I could use the phone.”
I left my Rover on the side, hidden from the on passers because I wouldn’t want it stolen, and headed up a while towards a two story house. It was the closest so I headed down the driveway and automatically noticed three of the five cars in the driveway; this was the Verne’s house. At least I knew these people, kind of.
“Hello, anybody *cough cough* there?”
The door opened and a real nice couple who came out. They looked only thirty but I knew they had to be at least a little older than that. It was probably Tristian’s parents.
“I’m sorry to disturb you but I don’t really have a *cough cough* oh no.”
I looked down at my hands and they were covered with blood. The man stepped forward and said to me to open my mouth. Of course I didn’t say anything but did as he said.
“My husband and I are doctors…are there someone you needed to call for your illness?”
“Uh yeah ca I you your phoe?” I said though my mouth as it was still open for the man to see.
He backed away quickly as he saw me shake violently from trying not to cough in his face.
“Here you go, do you want to come in and sit down?”
“I’m fine thank you.”
I started to call my doctor when I heard the sound of quads coming up. There were the kids, the couples on two quads and Tristian by himself on another. Oh how nice, they’re going to see me, think I’m a stalker or something, and call the police. Now the phones ringing and I’m trying to stop shaking but I can’t for one, from the coughing and two, from being caught.
“Hello, Dr. Iran speaking.”
“Doctor it’s me, Trinity, I started coughing again, I think it’s because I may have taken the pills a little late. Anyways I don’t know where I’m at; I turned on a street that’s lead me to a dead end. I think the street was Harry Avenue. Can you send someone to get me?”
“I’ll get a hold of two of the people at your house, probably Lucie and Olive, is that ok?”
“Yes, please make them hurry.”
“Yes my lady.”
I hung up the phone, ran to the door and knocked, the parents came out took the phone and asked if there was anything else they could do.”
“No *cough cough* thank you I’m *cough cough* ok.”
“Well ok sweetie, I hope you make it to your house ok.”
“Thank you, bye *cough cough*.”
I started to walk to my Rover when I heard the quads right behind me. I didn’t even want to turn around, maybe they wouldn’t notice me. I was wrong because Reese and Xavier came up in front of me.
“What you doing here?”
Xavier was skinny, not built like Devin was. Reese looked like one of those models you see in magazines. It was kind of funny how they didn’t fit together but they did. Just like Puppet was small and childlike, Devin was built and tall…they didn’t fit together but they did.
“I just had to *cough cough* use the phone.”
“Are you lost because we can point the way back to the road?”
That was Reese, she was very confident and snobby, but it fit her and I didn’t say anything but shook my head.
“Well where’s your car at?”
“It’s over *cough cough*…”
My hands which I cleaned before I left the front door, was now covered in blood again. I saw the entire kids stop and watch me, seriously.
“Hey are you alright?”
Xavier got off the front of the quad and so did everybody else except Tristian, who wasn’t looking at me at all.
“Yes I’m *cough cough* fine.”
“You sure? Do you want to come in or anything?”
That was Puppet; she came up to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. That’s when I saw the other Land Rover pull up next to mine.
“I’m sure *cough cough*, there’s my helpers right *cough cough* now.”
I gently walked forward towards the other Land Rover and Lucie and Olive ran out to me. They both put their arms around me and helped support me into the Land Rover. It probably looked like an ambulance had taken me away, to the Verne’s. Even the parents came out and were watching. Once Lucie drove away and Olive drove me off, I knew that I was not going to lose my purse the next time.
I awoke to the doctor taking an examination of me. I turned over to see the time.
“Oh no! It’s already eleven I have to go to school!”
“Oh no you’re you took much of a beating from yesterday. Now what time was it that you forgot to take the pill?”
“It was like an hour late because I forgot to take it in fifth period and instead I swallowed it in sixth.”
“Well that’s why yesterday it was so bad. Tomorrow you can go to school but instead of having the pills on you I’m giving them to the nurse so you’ll be called out of fifth period, which is gym so it’s a perfect time, and you’ll go take it. Ok?”
“Now get some rest and tomorrow you’ll be able to see your friends, the Verne’s again.”
“They aren’t my friends I just happened to be around them when I started coughing.”
“Alright now go to sleep.”
I felt the sleeping gas instantly and fell right asleep. I dreamt of nothing but school and what it’d be like again tomorrow.
“Wake up or you won’t be able to go to school.”
I looked over at Olive who was cleaning the room, and then I turned over and saw Lucie trying to hand me my medication. I took the pills, hoping that today would end better than yesterday.
“Lucie do you think today will be better?”
“Of course my lady.”
“Yes my lady?”
“Do you want to pick out my clothes for today?”
“Of course my lady!”
Olive picked out a very cute outfit that included a small black and white plaid skirt that was midway for my thighs, a shirt that was white with black bows throughout, white tights, and black dress shoes. It was definitely my taste of clothing.
“That is the best outfit ever!”
“Why thank you my lady.”
I ate some breakfast that Olive cooked up and Lucie told me that they had already given the nurse her instructions and soon enough I was driving off to school. It wasn’t long till I reached the school, parked my car, and saw Willow and her friends hanging out by Bryan’s truck. I started to walk over but was immediately stopped by Puppet and Devin who had come up to me.
“Um, hello.”
“Hey we were told to check on you today by our parents, you know because their doctors.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t take my pills on time but other than that I was ok.”
“That’s good because we were all worried for you.”
“No need to be, I can handle myself. But I appreciate it greatly.”
Puppet and Devin just kind of stood there watching, as if to wait and see if I would cough but I didn’t so they nodded and walked off. I walked over to Willow and the group and they all had wide eyes.
“Puppet and Devin just talked to you…they’ve never talked to anyone, ever!”
“Oh it was nothing, their parents are doctors.”
“So they’re your doctors?”
“No but I had an attack yesterday and I happened to come across their place first and I guess I was pretty lucky.”
“Yeah you’re very lucky!”
“It was nothing, Keller; they were just making sure I was ok.”
Everyone shook their head and we all laughed. Then the bell rang and soon enough we were off to our classes. The day went by and fifth period was starting, I went off to the locker room and once again I got an instant someone-is-looking-at-me stare. I turned around and Puppet was looking at me while getting her shorts on.
“Hey, do you know what we’re doing for gym?”
“I think we’re playing dodge ball again, do you want me to keep an eye out for you? Considering what happened yesterday in gym.”
“That’s alright; I’m not going to be able to do gym this year. My doctor told them I should stay on the side and just watch if possible. Besides during this period they have me go to the nurse to take my pills.”
“You take the pills so you can go through the day without coughing?”
“Have you ever been to school?”
“Only if you call school staying at home in bed your whole life and a personal tutor comes in once a week and stuff things in your head.”
“You have it pretty tough but not as much as we do.”
“What do you mean?”
Puppet looked as if she realized she said too much and shook her head and left. I decided not to push it and left too. I sat down and watched as the game began and I wanted to play too but I guess when you’re dying you’re dying. I started to watch what Puppet was doing and Tristian who was right beside her. Tristian was so busy knocking out kids, which was really cool from my point of view, that he didn’t see Puppet was struggling to keep up. She would look down for a second and look back up and there would be ten balls flying at her. Everyone was trying to take her out because she was the best girl and Tristian had the same problem because he was the best guy. All of a sudden, out of nowhere a girl had threw the ball a little off on Tristian and Puppet’s team, and it was aiming right for Puppet.
“Puppet, the ball!”
Puppet heard me just in time because she turned around and caught it. It was actually a quick move and I was very surprised.
“Good *cough cough* oh no…”
Puppet and Tristian both turned both turned and looked at me. The next thing they did was like an action movie move. They ran over to me, balls were flying barely missing them, and people were braking up to let them threw. If that was the last thing I saw, I’d think it be a pretty cool thing before I died, but I wasn’t ready today.
“I’m *cough cough* fine *cough cough* you guys.”
Tristian and Puppet spared no time, Tristian picked me up as if I were a sick baby and Puppet told the teacher they would take me to the nurse. With no expense we headed off to the office. Puppet was right be my side, making sure nothing hurt. Tristian was running fast for a guy who was carrying a 130 lb. seventeen year old girl. My locks were flowing downward and my pale face had gotten paler, well that’s what Puppet kept saying to Tristian.
“She needs help!”
Puppet was yelling as the office staff was clearing so we could get to the nurse. Now I was coughing up blood and not just little amounts, a lot. The nurse was giving me the pills and coughing medicine and trying to get me to keep still but I knew I couldn’t just lay down or I’d drown in blood so I sat straight up and she gave me a bowl where I could cough in. After half an hour went by I was back to normal and I decided to lie down. Tristian and Puppet were by my side telling the nurse, who was trying to get them to leave, that they wouldn’t because their parents told them to watch out for me.
“Are you alright?”
It was the first time Tristian had actually spoke sincerely, looked directly in my eyes, and considered me as a person instead of a bug or something.
“Yes, I am alright. I can withstand this much, this isn’t the first time. But I do not wish for you to stay here and not have fun in your sixth period.”
Puppet giggled and smiled.
“Silly, we wouldn’t want to be in sixth period and worry about you. I think we’ll be fine right here, beside school might be fun for you but it isn’t so much for us.”
Tristian didn’t even acknowledge Puppet but kept watching me. I smiled at Puppet’s joke and she took my hand and bent down beside me. It was kind of nice to be surrounded by someone else rather than those mean nurses at home. The though made me sigh with relief.
“Well what do we have here?”
My doctor came in and looked at me then at Puppet and Tristian. When I told him I wasn’t friends with the Verne’s he trusted me, but now I could see a wave of untrustworthy come across his face.
“They saved me and brought me here. They’ve been here ever since.”
Tristian and Puppet stood up and shook hands with my doctor then sat back down on the chairs the nurses had gotten them.
“Well isn’t that nice of them. Isn’t your father and mother, Mr. William Verne and Mrs. Sally Verne?”
“Yes that is them.”
Tristian was still watching me but talking to the doctor. I smiled in reassurance I was ok and he hesitated but looked up at my doctor.
Puppet was checking how hot my forehead was and went to go get me a drink of water. My doctor asked if he could be alone with me for a private manner, Tristian nodded and left the room. Doctor sat down beside me and he took a hold of my hand, I could see this wasn’t going to be good news and instantly I thought he was going to say I couldn’t go to school.
“No, I’m going to keep coming to school. I will not live the rest of my life trapped in that foul mansion with those horrible nurses and maids. I want to explore what I can before I die; it is not fair if you tell me I can’t have at least one thing done on my list.”
My list only included four things: get a best friend I could trust with any secret, confront my parents how I think they should’ve been there for me, go to school and experience as much as I can like a normal teenager, and fall in love with the handsomest guy in the world. I made the list up when I was nine so it sounded a little young and childish but I still wanted to do those four things.
“My lady it’s not that.”
“Then what is it…I don’t care about a wheelchair or if I have to take special classes so spit it out.”
I did not care I was being mean, it wasn’t right for me to not have a regular life. There is a saying my grandmother used to say which stated “Don’t be mad at the parts of your body that can’t move be glad of the ones god gave you that can operate.” Now it just seemed like a big safety net she had put up in my mind from breaking down like I was starting to do in front of my doctor.
“I got a call from the doctor over in London that I sent you analysis to, he says they’re the worst he’s ever seen.”
Oh no, I knew what he was heading to so I spared him the speech.
“How long do I have?”
My doctor, who has been my doctor for nine years now, started to whimper. He was such a great man and I took him in as my father when I was eight, giving him pictures of Him, Olive and Lucie, and me with a beautiful sunset and rainbows everywhere. Too bad I’ll never get to see a rainbow, it doesn’t rain much here.
“You have 3 months.”
I couldn’t breathe, I felt as if everything went still, everybody who had entered my life had never been there, like I was falling through this gap that lead to nothing but sorrow, pain, and misfortune. I sat there, the doctor sobbing and the clock ticking in the background, waiting for him to say he could do something but I knew that couldn’t happen. I only had three months to live and that wasn’t enough time for me to do all four things on my list, or at least one.
“I’m so sorry my lady…I’ve tried everything, I failed you.”
“No Augusto, you did not fail me, I am very grateful. I think you can leave now, you have much business to carry on.”
“My lady I can stay if you wish.”
“No, that won’t be necessary.”
I watched as the doctor slowly got up and walk out the door, which opened when both Tristian and Puppet came through. They didn’t look me in the eyes and wore frowns. I knew they had listened in and heard how long I had.
“So 3 months…I’m going to get an F on my first report card. Dang it.”
I was trying to be funny so the awkward feeling between us three would go away. It was useless because Puppet started to cry a little even though I barely knew her.
“Please don’t cry because if you do I’m most likely to.”
Puppet quit and looked down at the floor. I only then noticed that Tristian was calling someone and the fact that this could get out scared me so I grabbed his hand and pleaded no.
“Don’t worry I’m not going to tell anyone, I’m just calling my parents to see if maybe they could do anything.”
Tristian wasn’t the kind of person to break down; he was the leader, the one who stayed confident in what would happen next so no one else would be worried. I must say having him here made me feel much better than even the doctor.
“How about we carry on to sixth period, we still have to do that group project.”
Tristian barely glanced at me as if he was ashamed of himself. I slinked back and lay down. Puppet stood up and helped me get up too. I was wondering what she was doing, because she was still looking at the floor.
“Sixth period is over in five minutes…I think it’s safe to say that we won’t have to worry about it. How about we go tell the staff we’re leaving. Our father and mother will see if they can do anything ok?”
Tristian had gotten off the phone and we all left the school. Instead of driving myself I went in Puppet’s car which was very stylish and very fast. Tristian went in his truck and we all met at their house. Right when we pulled in the other kids showed up and when Tristian and Puppet said nothing to them they came to me asking questions.
“What’s going on? Why are you here? Why won’t you say anything? Why is Tristian and Puppet sad?”
Tristian stepped in the way as if he was protecting a monster from an angry mob. I watched as he took control and everyone calmed down. Puppet grabbed my hand and led me inside the house were the parents were standing in the hall.
“Welcome Trinity, to our home. We are preparing dinner, would you like to join us?”
The father had dark black hair and blue eyes, the mother had brown hair and brown eyes. I watched as they held out their pale hands, people were right they do have the same color of skin as me. It was the first time I had ever seen something like that so I smiled. I shook their hands and proceeded to the living room where we all sat down. I sat between Puppet and Tristan because right now they were the only people who could back me up and I knew them more than anyone else.
“So Tristian you want us to see if there was another way for her to live longer, am I right?”
His father was just like Tristian, in control of the whole scene. It was nice not to worry about what the nurses would say to me about what I was going to do in the amount of time I had.
“Alright then Trinity may I have a look?”
“Sure, do you want to do it here or?”
“Let’s go to my room and I’ll check everything and then we’ll be right out ok?”
I began to get up and Tristian’s hand reached out and grabbed mine. I looked down and this time slowly got up and followed his father to the bedroom, which was far from a bedroom since there wasn’t a bed just papers and documents. Maybe he liked to work a lot and had little sleep…whatever it was I didn’t ask.
“Ok I’ll do a quick check on your height, weight, and other basic things and then I’ll get started looking at your throat, lungs, heart. Any possible way those organs could affect you.”
After about an hour of him examining the paperwork and notes he had taken down on his notepad he looked p at me and frowned. My other doctor was right about me dying; let’s just hope William doesn’t think I am dying sooner than 3 months because I would freak out. When I got back into the living room I could tell that Tristian ad Puppet had told everyone my problem, I didn’t say anything and just sat down. This was all too fast for me, but I needed to just keep going because from now on everything would be a little faster.
“I’m sorry to say but three months is the right time and I can’t do anything for you.”
Everyone looked at me as my locks covered my pale face. To them I looked like sleeping beauty but we knew when it was my time for me to go to sleep, I wouldn’t wake up.
“That is alright and I thank you for at least trying. I think I must go now, though, my helpers are waiting.”
I barely whispered but they all heard me and I got up shook the parents’ hands and said goodbye to everyone. I walked outside and remembered that I had come in Puppet’s car so I fell to my knees and for the first time it rained. It poured down upon me and my locks turned black and straight. My clothes began to feel cold and the air around me turned into ice stabs on my tender skin. The next thing I knew I was being carried inside by Devin and Tristian, Puppet, and Sally were watching me carefully. The mother, as if mine, stroked the strand of hair away from my face as they laid me down on the bed. I could with the redness from my eyes; I looked dead no doubt…because they were all watching me with scared eyes. It was like they’ve never seen this before; well truth is it’s a very rare thing.
Tristian took my hand into his and we were both cold but his hand was strong and I knew my hand was limp in his. I had no strength, no energy, it was like I already surpassed the 3 months and I was dying in front of, what seemed like, my family. I closed my eyes and I could feel Tristian trying to shake me but it was so cold and I was so tired form the crying. I fell asleep.
“Are you awake yet, sleepy head?”
It was like a dream when I woke up to Puppet carrying breakfast into the room. I tried to sit upright but a hand across my chest kept me down. I looked to my right and Tristian was sitting there. He was dead serious and I could tell by his eyes that he was trying to keep me safe so I waited for Puppet to sit beside me.
“What time is it?”
“Oh it’s ten in the morning; we decided you needed rest from school today. I hope you don’t mind?”
I did mind a little, I wanted to go to school but I knew from the information from yesterday I was in no shape to go.
“No not at all.”
“Great because today we’ll get to spend time together, we’ll be best friends!”
“She’s always like this to everybody here, so you’re not getting special treatment.”
Tristian smiled at what he had said and I did too. I didn’t like being in their house, because I had just met them and it was all too weird to be putting my worries on their shoulders.
“I’m sorry.”
They both looked at me, confused.
“I’m sorry for putting you through this. It is not your worries, I should leave.”
Puppet smiled and made me eat a bit of the soup she had made, it was very good, and just wiped my mouth like a child’s parents does.
“You don’t have to apologize, silly, we have come to take you in. You’re not like other kids at the school. All about being cool, who kissed who, and what kind of background did they have. You are simple.”
“How am I the one that is simple?”
“You told us your name; you’ve been nice to us even though most people don’t because we don’t accept them, you tell the truth and don’t lie to cover something up and you actually repay favors even if I don’t want you too.”
“The whole dodge ball thing was my fault, none of yours. I was raised to be like that, I was raised to be a princess even though I’m far from it.”
“Oh no, no, no, you are just that in our eyes.”
“Yes, you are a princess with blond goldilocks that you could twist your fingers in, blue/gray eyes that see over the land you own, your pale complexion is unlike any other human in the world, and you are tall, young, and beautiful. In those words I announce you a princess.”
Puppet was a dreamer of some sort but she was nice and if she really meant she wanted to become best friends then that was one thing off of my list. I am so happy at this point I could laugh hysterically but I restrain myself because I’d probably have to uncheck that on the list.
“So your parents are famous artists you say?”
Tristian was trying to get to know me better and it was a nice gesture but anything about my parents I shied away from. It was bad enough I’d have to even call them my parents.
“I’d rather not talk about them.”
“Not really.”
We all smiled and Puppet put another spoonful of soup in my mouth. I waited for it to go down and suddenly remembered about my pills.
“My pills, I have to take my pills.”
“Don’t worry, Trinity, we took care of it. You swallow in your sleep, you know that?”
“No she doesn’t Puppet, you just made her swallow.”
I was just glad I did and didn’t care how it was done. I lay back down and then sat straight up again.
“Can I get up now, then?”
I wait for Puppet to move the chair and I get up. I look down at myself and I had shorts and a large baggy t-shirt on. I looked up at Puppet as if to say “what the heck happened to my clothes?”
“Don’t worry I helped you get into something more comfortable. I wouldn’t let him do it considering he likes you.”
I blushed and she grinned. Tristian didn’t say anything but left the room and we could hear him stomp down the stairs. If it was true he liked me, I would have another thing checked off. Now only two to worry about, school and my pare…Vickie and Allen.
“That was nice of you,” I said sarcastically and she giggled.
After I changed into some clothes Puppet had for me I went into the living room and noticed that the other kids weren’t here.
“They went to school?”
“Yep, unlike them we don’t care about our grades.”
Puppet was in the kitchen putting the bowl away while Tristian and I sat down on the couch.
“Well I bet you still get A’s don’t you?”
“Puppet always get’s A’s. I’m the one that gets B’s.”
Puppet smiled and sat next to me. I looked over at her and without even a warning she hugged me tightly.
“You smell very good…so nice.”
All of a sudden Puppet moved her head down to my neck and her lips barely brushed my skin.
“So soft…”
Tristian stood up swiftly and came over to me and grabbed me back away from Puppet.
“Don’t you have homework to do, Puppet?”
Puppet stood there with her face down, and she didn’t say anything.
Puppet looked up and regained herself immediately seeing that I was looking at her with a shocked expression.
“Uh, I think I do, I’m going to my room.”
She turned around and walked up the stairs, taking one more glance at me then at Tristian. I saw her mouth the word “sorry” to Tristian and I saw him nod in the mirror they had in front of us.
“I’m sorry for Puppet’s strange behavior she’s so much to worry about these days. Hopefully after an hour or two you’ll be able to go with her to the mall, so she can make it up to you.”
“Um she doesn’t have to. I don’t think it was that strange, what I mean is I’ve seen weirder.”
Tristian laughed and it was a powerful, almost lion-like growl of a laugh, and I melted into his arms. If he did like me, that would be great, because truth is he’s the first guy I can actually say I like…and he might be the last.
“Hey look, we look the same.”
I pointed at the mirror and he looked too. We were both wearing a dark blue shirt, he had pale skin, I had pale skin, he had pink lips, I had pink lips, he had dark blonde hair, I had blonde hair, he had green eyes that had a slight hazel, I had blue eyes that had a slight grey. We did match; it was very funny and yet very nice.
“You’re right, we do.”
“So what are we going to do today?”
“It’s all up to you.”
“I want to stay here and watch movies with you and Puppet.”
“Then I guess we’ll just wait for her to get done, which won’t be long, then we’ll start up a movie we have.”
The whole day was lovely and homey. Puppet came down and we watched like two movies in a row, sometimes pausing the movie so I could get up to go to the bathroom or take my pills, or if I was hungry they’d bring me some popcorn but they never ate or drank the sodas they brought. I didn’t even begin to ask why.
“We’re home!”
Tristian paused the third movie that we had just put in and I turned to see Xavier, Devin and Reese. Followed not long behind was their parents William and Sally.
William came over to my side.
“How’s the cough today?”
“I took my pills on time so no cough.”
“That’s good.”
Sally went into the kitchen and smiled.
“I wish I could say the same about the mess you guys have made.”
“Oh I’m sorry I’ll start…”
“I’m just kidding, Trinity, you are our guest of honor and besides the boys love cleaning don’t you?”
Xavier, Devin, and Tristian cleaned up the place in no time and soon everyone was sitting in the living room.
“So have you been treated well today by these two.”
“Yes Mrs. Verne I have.”
“That’s great because I would have had them punished.”
I looked over at Puppet and Tristian and everyone started to laugh. I smiled and realized she wouldn’t really punish them.
“So have you yet to ride the quads? Tristian loves to do so…ore have you gone swimming at the lake in the back, Puppet does that on her spare time.”
“No I wanted to stay in here and I think they did too?”
Tristian and Puppet nodded. Sally smiled and one thing in this house I have noticed is that their teeth were white! Of course my teeth were white too but this whole family had white teeth and as for me my father was the one with yellow teeth, probably from all the smoking a sodas he drinks…my mom says when she calls me. Which in my case is once in a lifetime thing.
“Well now that they’re all here, you might as well do as they please because I’m sure they want to go on their daily ride on the quads about now?”
All of them, except Reese who looked as if she really didn’t want to, nodded and began to get their riding equipment.
“I can’t drive one…is that ok?”
“I’m sure Tristian can let you ride on the back of his quad. Won’t you?”
“Yes, I believe I can handle that.”
He grinned and offered out his hand to me. I stood up and the parents followed us out.
“Ok, now when I say duck I need you to duck. When I say lean right, you better lean right. When I say lean left…”
“I better lean left, I got it Mr. Know-it-all.”
Tristian laughed and we both hopped on. There was a course and it didn’t look so bad so I was ready. William and Sally were watching from up on a hill near the house and we all got in our positions. I guess it was now a race, great thinking Trinity.
“On your mark, get set, go!”
With the last remark from Devin, we were off speeding down the course. We were going so fast I couldn’t even see my surroundings I just carefully listened to Tristian when he’d order me to move to a position, lean, or duck. After about ten minutes the ride was over and Tristian and I won the race. I was so happy I gave Tristian a peck on the cheek. After realizing what I had just done I stopped to make a comeback.
“Now, how about a race through the forest?”
“I thought you couldn’t run?”
“Well I couldn’t in fifth period because it was when I was supposed to take my medicine and the other pills were wearing off but it’s after fifth period, I’m pretty sure, (everyone laughed) and I can run now. Besides it’s not like it’s going to affect how long I live, that’s already limited. No one said anything.
“Come on! Do you guys know a place we can stop once we reach it?”
Tristian didn’t want me doing this but he decided to at least make me happy so he told me there would be a huge rock up about a mile. I nodded and it was the perfect thing.
“Ok, is everybody in or not?”
Xavier, Reese, Devin, Puppet, and me got into a running stance.
“Aren’t you coming, just in case I need help?”
It was kind of like blackmailing him but I didn’t care. I wanted him to join in on the fun.
He got into a running position and once I counted to three we all started to run. Everyone went and ran in a different spot, than all together, so I didn’t see if I was ahead or behind. I just kept running, trying to see if maybe I was good at this running thing, and when I saw that I wasn’t hurting, coughing, and I was still wanting to go I figured myself to be a very fit girl.
“Trinity stop!”
I stopped all of a sudden; it was like a small voice in the background. I looked all around me, but all I saw was trees. I started to run again thinking it was just my imagination. Then I heard it again.
“Trinity stop it!”
I started to get freaked out and ran faster, hoping I was coming up on the rock soon. I didn’t see it at all, a mile was more than I thought. I tried to run faster but even now my legs were starting to burn.
“Trinity stop, now!”
I looked around as I kept running and now I started to scream for someone.
“Help! Help!”
I watched as it felt like I was passing the same trees over and over again and I felt so tired and out of breathe but I kept running.
“Trinity it’s me, look I’m right here. What’s going on?”
I looked and saw that everyone was surrounding me. Tristian was asking me what was wrong but at that second I was freaked out so much that I didn’t say anything but gasped.
“Trinity stop!”
“No! Leave me alone, leave me alone!”
I broke away from Tristian and everyone looked at me confused. I watched as they tried to make me comfortable but I was scared out of my mind.
“Tell them Trinity, tell them they’re pathetic vampires!”
I screamed, I could still hear the voice, I could make out it was a man’s voice, and I kept hearing him tell me things.
“You’re pathetic vampires!”
They all stopped midway and I realized what I said. They realized what I said. Could they really be vampires? There’s no such thing though!
“Trinity how did you know that?”
I didn’t even care what he was saying I just wanted this voice to stop, it was hurting me and my brain felt as if it was on fire.
“The voice, it’s inside my head. Get it to stop, please!”
Tristian came over and saw that I was fighting my own little battle inside my head so he picked me up and spared no time. It was like we were flying through the forest. He was going faster than the quads were, the voice was still saying they were pathetic vampires and I was starting to believe they were vampires, but not pathetic!
“Get her inside, we heard her from here.”
William was telling everybody what to do and told Tristian to lay me down on the couch. Finally they put this mask around my face and before I knew it I was asleep. I dreamt of Tristian coming and enwrapping his arms around me, then the dream turned to a nightmare. His canines began to grow and sharpen and soon enough he was biting at my neck, tearing the flesh off and blood was flying everywhere. I woke up with a scream.
“Trinity, I’m right here…it’s ok.”
Tristian was sitting down beside me. I tried with all my might to get off the couch, my head was still hurting from the forest. The forest! I remembered when I told them they were pathetic vampires Tristian replied how did I know that they were vampires. Was he serious?
“Tristian, you were to let our dinner sleep.”
Reese came in and I jumped across the couch. By what did she mean dinner! Did they plan to eat me or is that even what they do? Do they suck blood? Is she serious because she looks serious?
“Reese don’t scare her like that.”
“Well I just wanted to let her know that we are what she said we were.”
“Reese, she just woke up give her a minute to think.”
“Alright, I hope you love dinner, we serve it with red wine.”
Reese was not playing around even though Tristian said she was. I looked down at the floor, trying to remember just what had happened in the forest.
“How long have I been out?”
“About two hours. William had to give you sleeping gas because you were going into a panic mode. It was very scary even for us.
“So you are vampires?”
“Well you said it yourself that we were, didn’t you?”
“No, I didn’t.”
I shook my head and Tristian was not following me.
“No I didn’t say it, the voice did…I just repeated it like it asked.”
“What was the voice, we didn’t hear anything and our sense of hearing is much better than yours?”
“I don’t know who it was but it kept saying to stop and that you’re pathetic vampires and my head was hurting. It was a man I think but I’m not quite sure anymore, are you really a vampire?”
“Yes, my family and I are indeed vampires.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.11.2009

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I dedicate this to every book i've read that made me want to write something of my own.

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