

“Rahh!”An annoying little voice came from behind the lounge, I knew who it was so I stayed absolutely still and when the bugger popped his up I went,”Boo!” I was satisfied to see him jump, and then we both laughed enjoying our selves until we could hardly breathe. “You should be careful Michelle; you could really scare the little ones by doing that.” Came a voice from the open door and it could only be Alex who reminded me so much of his brother, Marcus. I had to look away before I started to think how lonely I was without them. “We were only playing Alex and I started it.” Little Edward innocently stated. Alex smiled, I could see his reflection in the window and he was looking at me. I looked at Ed so I didn’t have to look at Alex who was still looking at me, I could tell that he was still looking at me. Ed smiled at me and I smiled back to hide my loneliness from him; he bought it. “Well I have homework to do so I can’t play anymore Ed maybe later.”I literally ran from the room, I did this every time Alex or Daniel was watching me and I always had an excuse. I went to my bunk (I’m in an all foster kid family, a big one), grabbed my school bag and went outside into the forest that was our backyard. The forest was my safe haven, no-one came into the forest because I told spooky stories to keep everyone out, and sometimes they weren’t just stories. I didn’t do my homework because I didn’t have any, that’s one good thing about small schools but there is a bad thing, in my opinion, is that there’s no shortage of attention and whenever Alex has a class with me in it he doesn’t stop watching me. It gets on my nerves a lot of the time and I’d even walked out of class to go to the secondary teacher, Mrs Waters. I would get into trouble but I didn’t care I missed Jason and Marcus too much. I lied down and curled up in my little natural tent like house and cried silently. I did this every time I ran out of the house and it hurt too much to tell anyone how I feel (no-one knows about me being friends with Jason and Marcus). They are teachers like Alex and Daniel; it’s more like Alex and Daniel are like Jason and Marcus. I needed to get out of my head and talk to someone. I wish that they were here so I had someone to talk freely with. I uncurled and stood up, picking up my school bag I went back to the house, it had been an hour since I had ran out of the house. I went back to my bunk, emptied my school bag and filled it with clothes. I put a few pairs of shoes in there just in case something happened while I was away. Alex was standing in the doorway watching me like always and he seemed to know something was up. “Where are you going Michelle?” Alex asked. “To Mitchells’ house.” I answered shortly. “How long?”Alex was talking to me a lot and he usually doesn’t do that often. “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I need some time away from you. Will you stop starring at me all the time! If Marcus put you up to this it’s fine, just tone the starring done, but if you’re doing it because you want to then I’m going until I want to come back.”It was the longest answer he had gotten from me before and it looked like it had surprised him. I watched him search for words and I picked my bag up after a minute of watching him. “If you have nothing more to say then I’ll be going now, goodbye.”I didn’t storm out because I knew Ed was listening and the others were too. I didn’t look at them just in case they tried to make me stay. “Be careful Michelle, Marcus wanted me to watch over you, I’m sorry.” I heard Alex say very quietly but I heard nevertheless I kept walking anyway, Alex didn’t know that I knew he had said that and I felt bad now for saying what I had said. But it’s in the past where I can’t take it back.

Settling in at My Best Friends Place

I was still a little annoyed with Alex when I arrived at Mitchells’ place. I pulled out my mobile and text Mitchell to tell him I was outside. His reply was that he was too but it wasn’t by text message. “Bloody hell you scared the living day lights out of me Mitch.” I exclaimed.

“That was sort of the point and I wanted to see how you reacted. So how long will you be staying over for?”Mitch asked.

“Until I run out of clothes I guess. Is it alright if I stay over? I don’t want to cause any trouble; I’ll go if I’m making trouble.” I was babbling and who wouldn’t if your best friend was standing there with his shirt off. Note to boys don’t ever have your shirt off in front of your best friend.

“Why do you want to stay at my place, I don’t mean to be nosy.” Mitch asked with a furrow on his forehead. I smiled at him to say it was okay to ask. I had to think this over; I didn’t want to reveal anything about my past.

“Why are you outside, I’m not trying to be nosy.” I asked so I didn’t have to answer the question. I was watching his face to see if I had annoyed him, he didn’t seem at all annoyed but he didn’t answer my question. Right then our mobiles went off; my message was from Telstra and Mitchells’ didn’t look like it was from Telstra. His expression was crossed between surprise and shock “What is it?”I asked knowing I wasn’t going to get an answer from him.

“It’s nothing to worry about.”Mitchell sounded like he didn’t want to talk about it but I would’ve done the same if I was him. There was a short silence, someone had to break it and I don’t really like silences.

“So where will I be sleeping tonight, just out of curiosity that is.” At least there wasn’t a long silence. Mitchell didn’t answer strait away, he was actually hesitant to answer.

“You can stay in my room, unless you want to sleep in a different room if you’re uncomfortable with being in my room.”Mitchell slowly and carefully answered.
“It’s fine with me; as long as you stay in your bed I’ll be comfortable.” I said with a smile, we both laughed at that and began walking to Mitchells’ house from the fringe of the forest. We walked slowly to his house I don’t know why but we did and it was...Comfortable.

“What do you want to do Michelle?”Mitch asked.

“It’s up to you; I don’t mind what we do today; anything to kill some time.”

“I was thinking of going for a walk in the forest for a few hours, how does that sound to you?" He was looking at me waiting for an answer. “It sounds like a great idea, it’s nice and quiet in the forest and it’s a great place to get away from everyone.” I answered in a quiet voice.

“I’ll show you to my room so later if you need to get anything from your bag you can.”Mitchell led the way to his room once we were inside; we came in through the back door and as we walked past a shut door Mitchells’ Dad came out startling both of us.

“You didn’t tell me you would be having a visitor Mitch.” Mitchells’ step Dad was trying to hide his surprise behind a parentally voice. “She called me while I was out so how could I know that we were going to have a visitor, I’m allowed to have friends over you agreed to that.” Mitchell replied snidely, I don’t think Mitchell got along with his step Dad. I was watching this like a ping pong match.

“There’s no need to get upset Mitch.”Mr Cronk said.

“You don’t have to state the obvious.” I butted in and Mr Cronk starred at us.

“You two make quite a pair, are you dating?”Mr Cronk asked teasingly.

“NO!!” We both yelled, he took one look at our face and knew not to ask any more questions. Mitchell and I turned our backs on him and headed to Mitchells’ room, again.

“You two should consider dating each other.”Mr Cronk called behind our backs. Something about what Mr Cronk had said made Mitchell turn around and go at his Dad; of course his Dad didn’t expect a thing but I knew exactly what was happening. I grabbed Mitchell by the arm hoping it would stop him and it did, it really did stop him.

“Mitch don’t,” I said very quietly so Mr Cronk didn’t hear me.

"Take it out on someone else.” I said this louder so Mr Cronk would hear, he heard me and I knew this because his eyes widened with realisation. I gave Mitchells’ arm a small tug, he started walking again and I didn’t let him go until his Dad was out of sight. Mitchells’ eyes were smouldering with fury still, an idea came to me and it was a good one. I looked into his eyes once we were in his room and didn’t look away until he started to calm down. But I kept looking at him until the fury was no longer in his eyes and when it had I didn’t look away or talk; he seemed to be trying to see what I was thinking. There was a knock at the door that made both of us jump slightly.

“What do you want?”Mitchell called unhappily.

“Can I come in Mitch?” It was his sister Dayna, I took a few steps away so she didn’t think there was something going on between us and Dayna came in without Mitchells’ answer.

“Mitch I heard you down the hall, what was that about?” Dayna asked.

“Nothing you need to know Dayna.” Mitchell told her, Dayna glanced at me and did a double take.

“Who’s this?” She asked, she had only just noticed me sanding there watching the conversation.

“This is Michelle one of my friends that I hang around with at school and if you paid attention to the girls that are around my friends then you would know her.” I stepped towards her and offered my hand to be polite but she didn’t take it so I took it back; she wasn’t making a good first impression. Dayna looked me up and down with raised eyebrows making Mitchell get restless and uncomfortable. He looked at me apologetically and grabbed Dayna by the arm gently then guided her to the door. Once she was out the door he said to her, “we’ll talk later.” I could tell by her face that she knew she was in trouble and Mitchell shut the door in her face.

"I’m sorry about that; I didn’t think she would be so rude.” He sounded worried about it but it was nothing to worry about so I smiled to reassure him.

“Its fine Mitch there’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”Saying something to assure him more of how I felt, he sighed in relief but could tell
that I didn’t like his sister very much.

Revelations and Changes

“Just drop your bag anywhere then we can go for that walk I mentioned earlier.” I could tell that Mitchell was making sure he didn’t say anything too intimidating. His bed was messy from being slept in and his room was covered with clothes. I threw my bag at the wall, which I knew was his sister side; and glanced at Mitchell as I did it. He smiled when there was a loud thump against the wall and I smiled when there was a, “Hey!!” Mitchell and I laughed quietly then shut up when there was a clatter at the window. We went over to the window to see what had made the noise; two guys were standing outside and one of them was about to throw more rocks but the other one grabbed his arm and said something. I heard Mitchell sigh, by the sound of the sigh there was something he didn’t want to do.

“Mitch are you okay? You’ve gone all quiet.” I asked curious but concerned.

“Yeah I’m alright. Are we going on this walk or not?” He asked jokingly, I smiled at him and we left the window. I followed Mitchell out the door, he shut the door behind him and he also locked it. “I lock my door whenever I’m not home and I’ve two keys so I want to give you the second key; if you need anything when I’m not here you can get in as well.” Mitchell gave me the second key as we walked down the stairs. He looked over his shoulder then stopped and I stopped to see what he was looking at; it was only Dayna. I hooked my arm through his then pulled and he moved as soon as I pulled. He hadn’t noticed that I had my arm through his so when I let go it surprised him. I was walking close to him; he opened the back door and held it open for me. I smiled at his gentleman generosity, he smiled back but my smile vanished when the two guys came around the corner. I didn’t know them, they looked eighteen and I didn’t trust them. Something about them made me feel uneasy; Mitchell must have sensed my unease but couldn’t see it on my face (my face had turned into a mask that concealed my unease). The two guys kept coming even though they could see my expression, the thing that stopped them was Mitchells’ concerned expression and their faces become guarded. I almost laughed out loud when they called Mitchell over to them. I realised that I’d had had a slight uneasy feeling before they had come and it had gotten worse with them together; they’re half-bloods and they didn’t know about me....yet.

“Mitch lets go for the walk, I have something to tell you. Your friends can come if you want them to.” I called over my shoulder with an emotionless voice as I walked towards the forest and I didn’t care if he followed or not. When I was in deep enough I hid behind a tree to wait for Mitchell; he took his time but I knew the reason why when he came alone.

“Michelle? Where are you?” He called as he walked past my hiding place then I jumped onto his back and said, “Open your eyes.” He stopped trying to get me off when he heard my voice. “Michelle, why did you have to do that? I could have hurt you.” Mitchell exclaimed and I laughed at him.

“Hurt me? Yeah right, anyone could hurt a girl. I’m not any girl you know, you walked right past me and didn’t know it, and even a vampire would’ve missed me. Shit!” I had said too much in my passionate little speech, I jumped off his now stiff back and took a few steps back. He spun around fast, faster than he would have before.

“You know about vampires?! So you would know about wolves then wouldn’t you?” He sounded pissed off but I just watch him just in case he changed without warning. “Are you going to say something or not?” His voice shook when he said that.

“I don’t want to provoke you so I’ll try not to say too much....I’ve known about vampires, werewolves and wolves since I was little; when I had parents. Mitch my parents and my sister were killed by vampires and in return I killed one of them. I would’ve killed the rest but the one I killed bit me so I couldn’t and another vampire that wasn’t part of it saved my live. I’m in dept to that vampire and I didn’t tell you I knew because I didn’t know you were and are a wolf. If you had told me maybe you would know about me knowing.” I hate reliving the past and I let it go all the time but some people had to bring it up. He ran up to me, fast, and surprising me hugged me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t even know that you lost your parents to vampires and I didn’t change until last year. Blake had been watching me every day waiting for something to happen. Ugh, I’m a jerk for jumping to conclusions based on what you first said. I thought you had kept it from me all this years because you thought I wasn’t worth telling.” He sounded upset now, I pushed against his shoulders until I could see his face and like I thought he had, tears were leaving tracks down his flushed cheeks.

“It’s alright Mitch,” I wiped the tears away with my finger. “We’ve hurt each other and there’s no need to be upset about it. Now we both know that we know about the supernatural and we don’t have to keep secrets unless ordered to.” By the end of my short talk he had stopped crying and was looking at me in a way he had never looked at me before; it sent shivers down my spine. “Did you hear that?”I suddenly said and turned around in Mitchells’ loose embrace. He let go of me and was on high alert. The sound had came again from behind a bush to my left, I tip toed towards the intruder that was behind the bush then hit the bush and it gave a yelp of surprise. I went behind it, pulled a skinny boy out from behind the bush by the scruff of the neck and took him over to Mitchell, and made him look at Mitchell when he wouldn’t. “He yours?” I could see the annoyance on Mitchells’ face and the anger in his eyes.

“Did Dayna put you up to this, Dylan?”

“Yes, no, yes, please don’t hurt me Mitch. She gave me fifty bucks instead of a twenty to spy on you two. I swear I wouldn’t have done it if she hadn’t given me the fifty bucks.” The boy called Dylan timidly pleaded. Before Mitch could say anything else to Dylan I turned him to face me and crouched so I was eye level with him. He looked about eight so this will be easy for him and me.

“Dylan, listen to me, I want you to say something after me and I want you to remember it, okay?” I coaxed gently.

“’Kay pretty girl.” Dylan already looked like he was already in a trance just by looking at me.

“I didn’t see anything,” I said.

“I didn’t see anything,” Dylan repeated after me.

“I didn’t hear anything,” I said seeing if he could hear me.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Dylan repeated again.

“And I didn’t get caught.” I add just in case Dayna asked if he did.

“And I didn’t get caught.”Dylan repeated perfectly yet again. By the time I had finished talking my eyes had gone light brown and he kept saying everything over and over again.

“Now stop.” And Dylan stopped. He looked as if he had only just woken up and I smiled at him. My eyes had gone back to their normal dark brown. “Run on home and hide that fifty bucks so Dayna can’t get it back.” I ruffled his hair and he smiled at me when I stood back up.

“She sure as hell won’t be getting this fifty bucks back. Bye Mitch, bye pretty girl!” Dylan ran off towards home and I knew Mitch had a lot of questions; he would be looking at me in that funny way all the people that see me do something unnatural.

“Later please Mitch. I’ll answer your questions later as well. I need to go and think things over for a while, so don’t come after me; I’ll be back before tea time.” I didn’t wait for an answer but ran into the forest like I always run from my problems. When I was far away from where I had left Mitch I took my shoes off and put them in a place where I could find them later on. I morphed painfully into my werewolf form; I hadn’t changed for what seemed like years. I had forgotten how free and wonderful it feels to run as a wolf. But the feelings of freedom and wonderfulness didn’t last long, it never does when there’s no one to share it with. I missed my pack so much.

After full out running for two hours strait I came to a speeding halt by a small stream. Panting and dry mouthed, I lapped at some water then padded over to those trees that limbs hang down to create something similar to curtains that obscure you from the world while you lay underneath them. I rested there for quite some time and as the sun stared to go to visit England I heaved my now stiff body off the nice warm ground to shoot like a rocket towards Mitch’s place. At the fringe of the forest I came to a skidding stop to change back and take my shoes out of my mouth. Shoes don’t taste nice trust me on this. I swatted my hair out of my eyes. I really need a haircut. I put my shoes back on and walked up to the house. I turned the door handle at the same time as another person did the same; we startled each other Mrs Cronk and I. Something was up, maybe I should have come here, if I’m the cause of it. “You haven’t seen Mitchell have you darling?” Mrs Cronk looked worried.

“Not since lunch but I have an idea where he is. Can I come in please?” I did have a hunch and only a hunch. “Sorry,” Mrs Cronk moved out of the way.

“It’s just…I’m so worried about him. He’s been doing this for the past month and not getting home until late at night.” Mrs Cronk looked to the forest again and sighed.

“Don’t worry Mrs Cronk I’ll have him back before the time he usually gets back.” Mrs Cronk nodded still with the look of worry on her face she walked past me to the lounge room. I stepped outside once again shutting the door behind me and walked to the forest. “Mitchell! Get home right now! Your making your mum worried so get your bloody butt home now!" I yelled into the fading light.

“What’s all the yellin’ for? I was on my way home.” He just shook his head mockingly as he walked past so when he opened the door I slapped him up the back of the head. His mum who was standing in the lounge room doorway covering a smile, I didn’t, and I pushed past him before he speedily reacted by trying to grab me around the waist. I dodged making him shoulder the hallway wall but it didn’t stop him from coming after me. He chased me around the lounge four times, through the kitchen three times and up the stairs. I skidded in front of his room, fumbling with the key to unlock the door. Finally I got the door unlocked then slammed the door behind me and locking it from inside with the key in the hole so he couldn’t unlock it with his other key. A loud thump sent the door frame shivering as Mitch come racing after me maybe thinking it was unlocked. “Shit!” Mitch quietly swore, “Let me in Michelle, I won’t do anything if you do. Any way I don’t want to break my own door.” I quietly took my key out of the door, slipping the key into my bra where he wouldn’t dare try getting it from. I listen intently as the his key goes into the door, hearing the clicking of the lock I tensed ready for him to warily come in. He didn’t waste any time coming in like I thought he would. He charged into the room slamming the door behind him, quickly locking the door behind him so I had no escape route.

“You said you wouldn’t do anything if I let you in, you better not.” Warily watching him so I was ready if he did do something, I stood absolutely still; which was a bad idea. Mitch crouched where stood getting ready to pounce, growling playfully. Suddenly he rocketed towards me and in that moment I realised that he was very much like me, a purebred. Force of his pounce and my solidness knocked the wind out of both of us. As soon as I had enough are in my lunges I laughed but Mitch wasn’t laughing with me. Mitch began trembling uncontrollably, the first sound of shifting bones reached my ears and Mitch bit his tongue so he didn’t cry out. He rolled off me but I had to get him somewhere his family can’t see or hear him, especially in this state.
“Mitch, I’m going to take you to the forest where your family can’t hear or see you, OK?” He gave a stiff nod when he failed to speak. I slipped my arms under his legs and under his shoulder blades to lift him. The sound of footsteps stilled me and Mitch still as much as he could to.

“Is everything alright in there? We could hear a lot of thumping that’s all.” It’s Mrs Cronk, phew.

“Everything’s alright Mrs Cronk,” I wheezed. “We’re just a bit winded from Mitch tacking me.”

“Ok, dinner will be ready in two hours so don’t tire yourselves out to much.” The receding footsteps of Mrs Cronk were a relief to both of us. Hefting Mitch up, I staggered to the open window getting my balance before climbing onto the window seal. Making sure I have a tight grip on Mitch I steaded myself, jumped and landed. I start running strait to the clearing I was in before when I had needed my alone time. Mitch had his head buried in my shoulder with tears of pain running down his cheeks. When I reached the clearing I took him under the river willow tree and gently lowered him to the ground. But when I tried to let go of him he grabbed me and held tightly to him. All I could do was mummer, ‘it’s alright’, ‘it’ll go away, and I promise ’and ‘try not to scream to loudly'. I kept repeating these over and over again until eventually his painful moaning ceased to exist. His grip loosened as he relaxed with a sigh, he seemed to be building his resolve to move.

“Can you get up?” He nodded, starting to get up but lost the strength to and fell back to the ground with a small growl of annoyance. I stood up a little stiffly from sitting in the same position for too long. I held my hand out to him in a silent question when he didn’t respond I opened and closed my hand. He finally let me help him stand up but he couldn’t walk by himself so I also helped him with that.

“Do you think you can catch a doe or do you want me to?”

“You should do it I can barely walk; I can only walk with you supporting me.” A set of river willows came into view. They make a great hiding place for when you want to get away from someone.

“Sit under here then; no one will see you here.” As I left the shady cover of the river willow Mitch made the most guy like comment I think I have heard from all the time I have been at his place. “Make sure it’s a good one or I’ll have to teach you how tell which ones are good and which ones are bad.” I could hear him chuckling when I didn’t answer. I shifted forms not worrying about my clothes; they seem to just disappear when I shift these days. Maybe it’s because of the fact I have gotten older or that it just happens when you reach a certain stage, I wish J-Rod was here so I could ask him. I caught the scent of a herd of deer and went into hunter mode; all human emotions put back into their corner.

A few minutes later...

Mitch drank the blood first than we both ate the meat after Mitch changed forms. I just realised I had made Mitch apart of my pack without even wanting too, no no no. I growled in annoyance at myself for not thinking about things before I did them making Mitch suddenly look at me with those questioning eyes.

Getway's and More Revelations

Our heads snapped up from where we were sitting chatting about being a werewolf at the snapping of a stick under a heavy foot. I tested the air to see if the thing that made the noise was someone we knew or if it was an animal or just a stranger. I moved slightly and Mitch stood up swaying dangerously. I quickly stood myself to steady him. He was staring at the spot where the noise had come from and it felt like someone was watching us from the shadows of the trees.
“Who’s there? Show yourself before I come over there.” Mitch’s voice was deeper than before, it’s excusable for a guy. We watched that spot for a few minutes before the person stepped out of the shadows.

“Blake. What are you doing here? I thought you were off tonight.” Mitch was obviously shocked to see Blake here; it was plain on his face.

“I’m supposed to be off. I caught Michelle’s scent as I was heading home and thought that it’s a bit odd for her to be around this part of the woods. Why are you in this part of the woods, Michelle?”

“It’s not really any of your business. So push off.” You stupid half-blood Alpha, I wish Jason
hadn’t left. “I can do what I want where I want and you can’t stop me, Blake.”

“Did you two go hunting together or something? I can smell blood and a weird smell, like there’s a solitary wolf somewhere close by.”
The breeze changed direction giving me a big whiff of Alex that come off Blake; that bastard.

“What’s Alex want with you Blake and do NOT lie to me?” I made a humanly growling noise keeping my human phase. Alex had to use half-blood wolves to do his job.

“Alex is worried about you Michelle. He wants you to come back, he wants you safe and where he can take care of you. He says, ‘please come back’ and that he will ‘stop staring at you if you come home’. Blake’s just the messenger, he’s just the messenger, he’s just the messenger…

“You tell Alex this: I will not come back. It’s not my home, this, the forest is my home and I’m not leaving.”

“He ordered us to take whatever it takes to get you back and we are going to do just that.” Ordered, us, we? Alex wouldn’t go this far to get me back there, would he? Wolves surrounded my little happy place which just became my bad place to be right now. There were even wolves on the other side of the stream; we were totally surrounded.

“Ordered? Blake you’re an Alpha not a Beta. You don’t take orders, you do the ordering.” Mitch stated and like me he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This is becoming a nightmare like the one I had when I got bitten by a vampire than was saved by another one. (I woke up calling out to Marcus)

“I take orders from the higher ranking werewolves, Mitch, and the higher ranking werewolves are purebloods; Alex is a pureblood. That is the only reason I have taken orders from him because of that and nothing else.” Blake is really stupid or Alex doesn’t know about me. I laughed at him and he stared me.

“Then you won’t mind us leaving then would you.” As I finished saying this Blake slightly nodded his head and a she-wolf launched herself at me. She didn’t look like she wanted to do it, she was just following orders. Mitch stepped in front of me and gently knocked the she-wolf aside, so he didn’t hurt her.


You would attack your own pack for her and for what cause, she’s just a human that the pureblood wants back. She already has a boyfriend and whoever that is won’t like you being around her. You will stand down Mitchell and you will not attack your own pack

.” Blake really is starting to annoy me.

“It won’t work Blake he is no longer your Beta but an Alpha. He rules himself and his pack when he has one of his own. Didn’t you know that a pureblood doesn’t need a pack to survive and that they don’t take orders from a half-blood wolf? You really are very unobservant if you didn’t notice that Alex and Daniel don’t order each other around; well they don’t have an Alpha female so they can’t choose who is Alpha and they work together instead.” I smiled at his dumbfounded face and Mitch laughed at him.

“How do you know so much about werewolves? You’re human.” I ignored the question.

“You didn’t think I was a half-blood did you? Michelle isn’t there certain stages that purebloods go through before they are fully mature. And that you’re a little bit bigger than a half-blood when you go through the first stage? Am I right?” Good thinking Mitch.

“You are right; there is a stage where you are a little bigger than a half-blood. That’s why Mitch was always bigger than all of you when he was part of your pack. It really depends on the situation when a pureblood reaches the next stage and it’s not the place for a half-blood to be when the pureblood does reach the next stage. It’s best if a pureblood is around they know what it feels and can help ease the transition or at least distract them from it.” With each word I said I moved closer to Mitch but slightly behind him as well; he did the same just as slowly.

“If that’s true than it was an honour to have a pureblood in my pack. But I can’t disobey my orders and Mitch you should know how that feels. So what’s it going to be fight or come quietly?” Blake always did give the options instead of just getting it done which is probably never going to change.

“It’s going to and will always be neither, say goodbye.” I grabbed Mitch around the waist and threw him up to the tree branch right above us. I didn’t follow him. Instead I changed and growled so loudly that everything that was a few kilometres away scattered. ‘BACK OFF!’

All the wolves came to a halt before they reached me. All of them slinked back into the forest with their tails between their legs and their bodies close to the ground except Blake who hadn’t changed to attack me. Mitch jumped down from the branch above me right onto my back with a grunt and wrapped his arms around my neck, well tried to. Blake looked cowed and scared but he still didn’t move. ‘Hold on but not too tight. Trust me I won’t let you fall off, you should know that’

. I told Mitch as I took off dodging trees and leaping over fallen logs. I moved faster than I had ever done before too fast for Blake to follow closely. I skidded to a stop a metre from the wall of the house. Mitch was speechless and I was gasping for breath. Not only was I puffed out but he had a very tight hold on my throat making it hard for me to breath. He hadn’t realised he was nearly choking me until I morphed back into a human making him fall on his butt with a thump.
“You nearly choked me Mitch (cough) and you have no idea how strong a grip you have. I definitely won’t be doing that again, not with you, not with anyone. Geez.” My voice was hoarse but I still smiled at him to make sure I hadn’t insulted him and he smiled back. We both looked up at his bedroom window and Mitch made a small noise that I didn’t quite understand.

“How do we get back up there without going through the front door? You have to tell me everything when we get back up in my room again.” I just nodded not really listening as I was looking for any foot hold on the wall. There was none to my dismay, not a single crack in the wall.

“Mitch come here. I’m going to boost you up to the window. As soon as you can reach the window seal grab it. Got it?” I saw this as the only way we would get away without his parents catching us and finding out the truth about Mitch. With my back against the wall I link my hands together for Mitch to step into. He steps into my hands without any questions and I send him flying up to the window. As he grabs the window seal to pull himself up there’s a howl not far from the house that makes the familiar noise of the Cronk household quieten. The silhouette of a wolf comes out of the darkness looking, to the human eye, menacing and frightening but to me it only made me move quicker. I morph back into a wolf to use the extra strength to launch myself up to the window seal just as the wolf digs its claws into the dirt that I was just standing on to jump and try to sink its teeth into my foot. Just in time Mitch pulls me in through the window and in the process making a loud thump that must have echoed through the house.

“Mitchell, Michelle, dinners ready if you two are.” Mrs Cronk called from the bottom of the stairs well that’s how far I think she was from us.

“We’ll be there in a minute Mum!” I closed the window and locked it just to be certain that a wolf wouldn’t get in. My whole body was trembling badly more frightened than I thought I had been. My hands were gripping the window seal in a death grip with my fingers going white with the amount of pressure I was putting on them. As the slow cracking sound of wood splintering started Mitch put his hands on mine, gently removing my hands from the window seal and turning me around to pull me into his arms. We stood like that for a few minutes both of us trembling from the adrenaline that had been coursing through our bodies. I pulled away first but Mitch caught my hand, pulled me back and planted his lips on mine. I froze in surprise, not expecting this at all. With no response from me he slowly moved away but not far enough for my liking. So I took a step back away from him, my inner-wolf was growling with annoyance making Mitch’s take a cautious step back but my reaction was enough for Mitch to come to the conclusion that I didn’t feel that way about him. “Whoever it is that has your heart I envy them and they had better take care of you or I’ll personally see to it that he no longer breathes the same air as you. If it’s a vampire it won’t stop me from killing it.” He seemed so protective of me and I don’t know why he would feel that way. He’s never shown any sign of being protective of me in the past. Oh, there’s the day when I got into a fight with one of the girls from school. Her boyfriend came after me the very next day and Mitch stopped him before he could even get anywhere near. The boyfriend was a wolf (the girlfriend was too); part of Blakes’ pack and Mitch was the beta of the pack at the time so the boyfriend backed off. And there’s when Will kept trying to get me alone to do god knows what and there’s when he stood beside me taunting Will when I had reached the first stage of my werewolf power. I seem to get in a lot of fights.

“He’s definitely not a vampire. You know how much I hate, no, loath them with every fibre of my body. Well except a certain family of vampires that took care of me before I was adopted by Alex and Daniel.” We didn’t say anything after that silently agreeing that hands off and there’s no vampire that has any romantic hold on my heart. What we did do was muck around coming down the stairs. Pushing, shoving, racing, pulling each other back so one of us would get there first and we had goofy grins on our faces which probably looked weird but no one said anything. We all sat down for dinner chatting about our day and what we’re going to do for the weekend.

A Werewolf's Rage

I’ve been staying at Mitch’s house for what seems like forever and the thing is that I seemed to fit in as one of the family; I’m even considered part of the family. This is only in two months and I’m accepted into Mitch’s family like I’ve always been there. I’ve still been going to school but as soon as that final bell rings I’m outta there with Mitch right behind me. We would always race home to see who was faster and I was always two metres ahead of him each time.

It was Friday when Alex and Daniel decided they would come and get me themselves to go back home. Mitch and I were warming up when I caught Alex and Daniels scent on the barely present wind. They probably didn’t know that I could smell them and see them crouched in the branches of an oak tree. “What is it?” Mitch straitened from the stretch that he had been doing.

“Nothing.” I slowly turned in a 360 circle pretending to look for something that I felt was watching me. Alex and Daniel always said I was special if Jeremy wanted me protected and that if he doesn’t protect his girl himself it’s obvious that he cares a lot about me. And jeez am I special. Being one of the two people in my family still alive and with royal blood running through my veins. I’m special alright, very special, especially with my quick temper when those I care about are being harmed or are in danger of being harmed. “Mitchell I think you should go home now. We’ll play fight another day.” Mitch gave a small push against my mind barrier with a plea to stay and to show

him how to fight. I stared into his eyes, his determined eyes as I gathered all the information and experiences I’ve had with fighting. I put them into an imaginary box with an opening only big enough for someone to put their hand in there. "Be warned, you will see and feel things that could jump start the third change. Mitchell Cronk I give you this knowledge with my full trust. Do NOT use this knowledge for your own gain and do NOT share this with any other werewolf. No matter what happens don’t let a vampire mind reader see any of this. Give me your word and swear you will not share this knowledge with anyone human, werewolf or vampire alike."

Mitch looks at me as if I’ve gone mad or something then this light comes into his eyes.

I will swear to keep this knowledge to myself only if you allow me to be in your pack. Michelle Prince I acknowledge you as my alpha and I swear to follow and obey you. If you will have me, I will protect all those who you care for, I will obey every order you give and if it isn’t an order I will treat it as such, this I swear.

I sighed and raised my eyes to the cloudy sky which paint the picture of my future and his.

“Bare thy skin and kneel, Mitchell Cronk,”

I lengthened my fingernails to claws on my left hand as this foreign feeling of ancient power moves through my mind and body. Mitch removes his shirt and kneels before me exposing his throat. I put my clawed hand onto Mitch’s left pec and dig my claws in then drag them down diagonally. Leaving three lines going from left to right for about 20cm. He didn’t flinch which is proper of a beta. Woah, were did that come from? “Once you are a part of my pack you will be my beta,”

I morph into my full size wolf which towered of Mitch’s kneeling form. "I pronounce you my beta and my blood brother."

His eyes widen but he doesn’t say anything as it is a rule you must follow when a pureblood acknowledges their alpha. In my wolf form I swipe my paw across his left pec right to left for the same length as the other scratch, 20cm. Again he didn’t flinch bringing me a feeling of pride and bondage. To finish this I had to return to my human form and announce him as part of the pack but it seemed unfinished. An idea came to me from the ancient power that was still there and didn’t seem to be leaving. Still in my wolf form I walk closer to Mitch and he looks me in the eyes. This time he has awe and happiness in his eyes. It seals the idea into a reality. ‘"Mitchell Cronk, I would bite thee to do a blood exchange which will give you extra strength and power of those within this pack It will also mark you as my blood brother. Should I die or be killed you will be the alpha of my pack even if another wolf kills me to take over my pack you will be the alpha. I ask of thee, what do you chose?"

Mitch closes his eyes and bows his head which is custom when asked something like this.

“How does it work?” In his eyes there is acceptance and honour. So Alex and Daniel don’t hear I tell him how it works before changing back into human form. Mitch nods and I bite him on the left pec in my wolf form. When I pull back there is a perfect circle of little holes around the two crossed claw markings. Mitch had gone from kneeling to rocking back and forth on his heels with his head bowed. A small moan left him and if I hadn’t been in my wolf form I wouldn’t have heard it. I close my eyes, slowly lifting my head to the sky and howl. My howl ends in a humanly howl of warning and calling of the pack. I crouch in front of Mitch who is still rocking himself back and forth. Putting two fingers under his chin I lift his head so he is looking at me before he turns his head to the side without my help baring his throat to me. I glanced at the tree that Alex and Daniel were still crouched in and bit into Mitch’s neck as gently as I could. He didn’t flinch. I take two big pulls on his throat then let go, lick the wound and I turn his head to face me; his eyes were half closed in bliss.
“It’s your turn.” I said as I exposed my neck. He also glances at the tree that Alex and Daniel are in then bites into my neck trying to be gentle. For this to work he has to take the same amount from me as I took from him. He takes two big pulls, let’s go and licks the wound.
Alex was charging across the clearing when Mitch finished. All you could hear was his footfalls and the rumbling of his growl; everything had fallen silent the moment I bit Mitch.

The effect of the blood sharing had kicked in as soon as he licked the wound. The ancient power that was now starting to fade told me that it would paralyse the two of us for a minute or two before we could function properly again. The sharing of blood was one of the most ancient ways of creating a bond without becoming mates for life yet still similar and as strong as the mated bond between two werewolves. With our bodies paralysed we couldn’t do anything to stop Alex from throwing Mitch into the bushes surrounding the clearing, fisting the front of my shirt, lifting me off the ground and holding me inches away from his face.

“What an angry face you have Mr Wolf.”

I commented strait to Alex’s mind and the comment naturally pissed him off even more but I could hear Mitch trying hard not to laugh which meant the paralysis was wearing off faster than expected. Mitch couldn’t hold it back; he barked out a laugh and couldn’t stop. Which got me going and that was very bad.
Shut up!

I am an alpha and the two of you will obey!” This shut us up. Something in my chest started to hurt and my hand flew up of its own accord and gripped that spot. I didn’t know what was happening. Daniel yelled something that I couldn’t make out over the thumping of my heartbeat in my ears to Alex. Alex lowered me to the ground gently laying me on my back. As soon as he let go I sprung to my feet and bolted as far away from him as I could be. Mitch came to my side immediately in his wolf form and leaned gently on my left leg supporting me.

“You Are Not My Alfa's!” I screamed at them. “If you think that just because Jason and Marcus dumped me on your doorstep makes you my Alfa you are dead wrong. I am not someone that gets ordered around and I most definitely am not a normal member of the pack. Jason is my mate, Marcus is my teacher and you two are their betas. In their absence you may be the Alpha’s but you really don’t want to go ordering me around. Just ‘cause I’m younger doesn’t mean I don’t out rank you. Argghh, why does it still hurt!?” I start pacing and rubbing the spot where that damn ache won’t ease. I realise, it’s my Wolf wanting out, it wants to show Alex who’s boss and, boy, do I want to show them who’s the boss. I stop pacing and look right at Alex and Daniel standing there with their mouths hanging open. I go over what I said to them in such a powerful voice that even Mitch was a bit weary of me now.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?”

I looked back at Mitch and his still weary of me.
“Everything is there in that box I gave you Mitch, EVERYTHING.”

Mitch’s eyes widen. He lays down and closes his eyes while I stand there waiting for him to sift through the box of memories that I gave to him.

While Alex and Daniel watch in such confusion that I can barely contain the urge to laugh as well as the urge to show them whose boss. It doesn’t take long for Mitch to find what he’s looking for. I know he’s found it when he suddenly surges to his feet and starts to growl in the way that the betas do to the royal alphas. He then bowed and rolled over exposing his belly the submissive way of the commoners. I crouch down and say, “Mitch you are not a commoner you do not need to submit yourself to anyone. You are royalty as well.” I whispered so low that Alex or Daniel wasn’t able to hear. He stares at me in astonishment then quickly gets to his feet. I see an instant change in his demeanour; he stands taller, he holds his head high and he stares Alex and Daniel in the eyes. This made Alex bristle so much that he started growling at Mitch who naturally growled back at the challenge but I was not having any of that. I let out a very menacing growl making Mitch back down and me taking the place of Mitch in the challenge of dominance.

My wolf was burning my skin it wanted out so bad yet I still restrained myself but that didn’t stop Alex from changing without hesitation. “You should forfeit now Alex it’s not a good idea getting into a fight against me especially now.” Mitch gave a bark of amusement at that because he knew exactly what was going on inside my mind right now, a battle of control and restraint between my wolf and me. The glance I gave Daniel told me that he also knows of the battle within.

‘I’ll never forfeit!! Especially to a female!!’

Alex project out to everything listening. As he said that my pack arrived giving a growl of angry protest at his words. He looked surprised to see many of the older and a few of the younger wolves that he and Daniel had been caring for were standing with me. While the rest of his and Daniels’ pack stood behind them. ‘Nominate your count keeper! I nominate Daniel.’

I look around at my pack and see mostly fear for me and anger at Alex in the faces and eyes none of them looked like they could do the job without miss counting, except Mitch, who stare at me in defiance daring me not to pick him. “I nominate Mitchell!!” To this my pack howled in approval. “The first to get to twenty strikes and hold it for more than three minutes wins. Do you agree?”

‘I agree!!’

Daniel and Mitch step forward to shake hands and swear that they will not add or cheat while keeping count of the strikes. The two of them decided to stand beside one another to be sure neither one of them cheated and to verify a strike. At the exact same time they yell, “Let the challenge begin!!!”

Alex began moving straight away not even waiting to see what I would do, first mistake. I just stood there legs braced arms hanging loosely by my sides. When he was forty centimetres from me I spun backwards swinging my arms so that the dug into his side as he past.

“Strike one, Michelle!!!” Mitch called.

Alex slid to a stop three metres from my line of packmates who all bared their teeth at him and he did the same in return before turning back to me. Mind you I’m still in human form with my claws extended which only third stages can do or the royal blood lines had the ability to do this from the very beginning of their childhood. ‘The next strikes mine.’

He sounded so certain of it that I felt I had to prove him wrong.

This time he prowled around me in a circle while I stayed facing my packmates not bothering to keep him in my sight instead I listened to his breathing, his footfalls as well as feeling his movements through the earth. I closed my eyes enhancing the senses I’m using to keep track of him. He stopped behind me about two and half metres from me crouching down getting ready to pounce. His breathing began to increase along with his heart beat then . . . He pounced, my eyes flew open as I flung my body around and forward with claws ready.

“Strike two, Michelle.”

“Strike three, Alex.” Daniel announced.

I crouched there looking Alex in the eyes with a smile on my face and blood leaking down my cheek from the scratch he gave me. “I got the second strike Alex I though you said the next one was yours,” he growled in annoyance at me just making me smile even more and angering him even more. I dropped the smile and growled, “Do not assume that something is yours, didn’t your father ever teach you that?” I could see that hit a sore spot and Daniel confirmed that with a groan of knowing.


I just laughed and looked him straight in the eyes with amusement clear on my face angering him to the point where he charges at me. I charge as well in human form getting a gasp from both groups of pack members. I launch myself over the top of him mere moments before we would have collided changing in mid-air which earned another gasp of surprise. I land facing my packmates only to spin around faster than a cheetah could run and go at Alex from behind getting four more strikes in before he even realised I was in wolf form.

“Strike four, five, six and seven, Michelle!!” My pack howl in answer to Mitch’s announcement. While Alex, Daniel and their packmates stare in shock at the speed of the attack. Alex won’t underestimate me now. After that Alex was more cautious but when I started attacking and hitting every time gaining another five strikes putting it up to twelve to one my way. He then worried more about dodging and counter attacking with this strategy he quickly gained eight more strikes, now 12 to 9. Now it was me doing the dodging and counter attacks. He wasn’t expecting me to use his strategy against him gaining me seven more strikes, 19 to 9.

“Strike nineteen, Michelle. One more and she will have to hold it for three minutes before she wins.” Mitch declared.

After his announcement Alex gained six strikes making it 19 to 16. He was beginning to tire though but so was I. Suddenly I saw an opening that he kept repeating in his defensive strategy to make sure it wasn’t a trap I tested by feinting one way then hitting the opening repeatedly.

“Strike twenty!! Hold it Michelle!!” Mitch yelled.
I didn’t back off it would give him the chance to attack me so I kept attacking for a whole three minutes.

“Michelle WINS!!!” Mitch and Daniel declare.
My pack swarms me licking my face, butting my shoulder and rubbing against me. The whole time Alex stands there watching it all happen. I tell my packmates to part way so I could congratulate Alex on a good fight. I walk towards him alert to an attack yet relaxed on the outside. ‘Thank you for an excellent fight.’

This surprised him which I didn’t understand I was being a good sportsman.

‘The loser usually says that to the victor not the other way around. You didn’t even expect me to congratulate you on the win did you?’

This was a new way of see it but I thought he wasn’t going to or he was going to nod and walk away.

‘I thought you would either not even acknowledge me or nod and walk away. Was I supposed to wait for your congratulates then say my thanks?’

I remember Marcus mentioning something about what had to be done if you win a challenge.

‘It was what my father taught me to do but I have never fought with a female alpha seeing as female alphas are very rare.’

I looked at Alex and thought when he’s not pissed off or creepy watcher he was actually quite a nice guy. His pack and mine had started to disperse. ‘The rules are still the same I just forgot about them and went with my gut feeling, to thank you for the fight.’

To hide the embarrassment that I felt I look around at the clearing only to see that everyone was gone with the exception of Alex of course. Where had Mitch gone it wasn’t like him to leave me behind without telling me? ‘Alex what’s going on?’

I could hear the fear in my own voice and I couldn’t believe that I was so scared. I backed towards Alex not knowing that he was doing the same thing. We bumped into each other and both of us spun around growling at one another.

‘I don’t have any idea what’s happening Michelle. I don’t know if it’s an illusion or if it’s real but I know one thing we have to watch each other’s backs illusion or not.’

The sense of danger that I had before intensified a million fold.


Texte: S.C.Taufa
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.08.2011

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