
CHAPTER:1 Once there was a twenty one year old man named Jared, who had a beautiful fiancée named Nikki.
One day Jared was out hunting in the woods and while he was walking around he heard a distant growl. It wasn’t very loud; it was very faint, like it was a fair distance away. Jared continued hunting, walking very slowly and softly when he heard the growl again, only it was much louder now. Jared then realised that it was not one, but two different animals. Jared didn’t really know what to do so he climbed the nearest tree. When he was safely in the tree, the growling had become more louder and the animals that were making all of the growling were much closer as well. Jared looked around and around, but he saw nothing. When Jared heard the growls again he looked around again (left-nothing. Right-nothing. Behind him-nothing.) But when Jared looked in front of him he saw two fast movements coming straight toward him. Jared panicked and climbed the tree a bit higher. Jared was watching the movements very closely when all of a sudden, they burst out of the bushes was a russet brown wolf and a grey/white wolf, growling and snapping at each other. Jared quickly climbed the tree a bit higher into the tree, when a huge jet-black wolf stepped out of the bushes and let out a very loud growl, which made Jared jump and nearly fall out of the tree and the growl also made the other two wolves stop snapping at each other.
Soon after the jet-black wolf let out another growl and left, the other two wolves started snapping at each other again. The jet-black wolf came running back and with, yet, another loud growl the wolves stopped again. Jared went to climb the tree higher but he slipped, lost his grip and fell, and as he fell he yelled “NOOO!!” Suddenly, Jared woke up shirtless and all sweaty, in bed breathing heavily next to Nikki, who was fast asleep.
Later that morning, when Jared was having his breakfast, he realised that his dream had been about Sam, Paul and someone else. Jared wondered where he had been.
Later that day Jared went over to Sam’s place to tell him about his dream, and Jared chose this time to go over because he knew that Sam’s fiancée, Lara was coming over and her and Nikki were going to be doing a lot of girly things. Anyway, when Jared got to Sam’s, Lara was just leaving and Sam was getting ready to go for a walk. Jared decided that he would join Sam on his walk. Jared walked up to Sam and asked “mind if I join you?”. Sam replied in an instant “no, not at all. I was just going to go get you and Paul, actually.”.
When Jared heard that Paul would be coming too, he decided that he would wait until Paul was not around to tell Sam about his dream.
Later on in the story...
There was also a full human who wasn’t a wolf or a vampire whose name was Dana. She was seventeen and was now living with her dad in the small town of Forks, Washington. Dana had been going to Forks high School for about five months now and had recently found out that her boyfriend, Adam, the vampire, was going to leave Forks with his family. With Adam gone and Alana, her sister-like friend, also Adam’s sister gone and also the rest of the family gone, Dana had gotten depression and had only just went back to school with her old friends: Angela, Dani, Tyson, Joe, William and Kailyn, when Joe, the one who has a huge crush on Dana and was dating Dani, asked Dana “well..., do you want to go see a movie with me, tonight?”. Dana replied “ yeah, sure. We should get some of the guy’s together, you know? ‘ Hey guy’s, do you want to go see a movie tonight?” Dana asked and they all replied at the same time, “yeah!”, and William asked “ what movie are we going to see?” “ how about.... ‘Facepunch’?”, replied Dana. Everyone was happy and talking about the movie, all except for Joe. Joe looked a bit sick but he caught Dana looking at him strangely and looked back at her and smiled. Joe was the one who loved romance movies and not action movies with adrenaline, guns and that kind of stuff. Anyway, Dana was going to get her best friend who she knew since she was two years old, Jacob Black. That night Dana, Jacob and Joe all met at the cinemas, when Dana’s mobile went off. “Angela got the flu and William’s looking after her and Dani bailed and Tyson and Kailyn forgot and they went out anyway. So I guess it’s just us three”, Dana told them and she looked at Jacob and smiled and he smiled back, and then Dana looked at Joe who looked a bit red in the face, like he was sick or something.
Jacob then said “GREAT!!!”, then Joe said more slower and in a sick tone “Great”. Dana looked at him weirdly and walked into the cinema with Jacob right behind her and Joe not far behind him.
When they were seated in the back row of seats and watching, the characters go their guns out and stared shooting and then Joe quickly said, “OKAY! I think I’m going to be sick!!”, and then he got up and ran out and into the men’s room. Dana and Jacob walked out after him and Jacob smiled and said to Dana “What a marshmallow. You really...” Dana cut him off with her laughter. Then Jacob said again “ you really need to pick someone with a stronger stomach and who gives weaker men vomit”. Jacob put his hand in Dana’s and she said “he’s probably got the flu that’s going around”. And she pulled her hand away from Jacobs. Jacob said to Dana “What? I can’t hold your hand?” “No, Of course you can... it just means something different to you I think”. Dana Replied. Jacob asked “Tell me something..., you like me right?” Dana nodded. “Better than that joker in there?”, Dana nodded again. “And better than all the other guy’s you know?” “ better than the girls even” Dana replied and nodded. “ Jake, don’t do this, please?” “Why not?” he asked. Dana said “ Because you’re about to ruin everything, and I need you. You’re my best friend and maybe in the future it might go past best friends”. “Well I’ve got loads of time, but can I still hold you’re hand?” “As long as it stays as just best friends.” Dana replied.
The next day Dana went over to Jacob’s place to see if he wanted to go for a little hike in the woods, but it was Billy, Jacobs dad who answered the door and normally Jacob answers the door. Dana instantly knew something was wrong, so she said “ hi Billy, is Jacob here? I really need to see him”. Billy told Dana that he wasn’t home, but Dana knew he was lying and she apologised and walked straight in and over to Jacobs room. She pushed the door open and it slammed against the wall and woke Jacob up with a fright. “Sorry Jake, I didn’t mean to wake you, it’s just that Billy said you weren’t home and you normally open the door and I really need to see you.” She finished in a rush. “ok, ok. Slow down. Why do you need to see me? What’s wrong?”. “I’ll tell you when you’re dressed and out of the house.” Dana said and then walked outside. It wasn’t long before Jacob was out side with Dana. Dana said “We need to go for a walk. Get out of sight and away from anyone who has good hearing and would like to listen to this.” Jake took Dana’s hand and took her into the woods where no one could hear or see them.“okay, Jake, about last night in the cinemas, what I said about us being together, I wasn’t thinking straight.” Dana didn’t quite know what to do, so she just took Jacobs hands and pulled herself closer to him and kissed him on the lips. Jacob pulled his hands free and held Dana close and deepened the kiss. Shortly after Dana pulled back and said “I want us to be together and never apart. I love you Jake, I’ll always love you.” “ I love you too. We’ll never be apart, I promise.” Jacob replied.
The next day when Dana was just finishing her breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Dana was walking to the door when her dad, Michael, came down stairs and into the kitchen for his breakfast. Dana opened the door, and, standing in the doorway, was Jacob, who had cut his hair and got a tattoo on his right shoulder and he had no shirt on. Dana said to him “haven’t you got any shirts left?” and smiled at him. He smiled back and said “yes I do, but I was going back. I just came to get you.” “Why do I have to come with you anyway?” Dana asked. “Because I have a surprise for you.” He replied. Dana smiled and said “come inside and we’ll tell Michael about us, and I’ll get my things. Oh and would it be alright with Billy if you stayed here for a night or two?” “It should be...why?” Jake asked. “It’s just that My dad’s going away on work for a couple of days and I’ll be left by myself...alone”. “yeah, alright. We’ll ask billy when we get there.” Dana and Jacob went inside and Michael was sitting at the table eating his breakfast, when he looked up at Jacob and then at Dana, he put his toast down on the plate and waited for someone to say something. Dana then said “dad, we have something to tell you something...” “...Dana and I are officially together.” Jacob said with a smile and put his hand in Dana’s.
“Well...ok, congratulations. Have you told Billy or anyone else, yet?”. Michael asked. “No, not, we were just going over to tell him that when I said that we should probably tell you while we were still here”. Dana replied. When Dana and Jacob were on their way over to Jacob’s house Dana asked “so... why are you taking me to your house?”, “Because I have a surprise for you and I thought it would be easier to tell my dad about us and then I can show you the surprise”, Jacob replied. When Dana and Jacob got there they went in side and told Billy the good news and then outside and into the shed. Jacob had his hands over Dana’s eyes so she couldn’t see straight away and when they were in the shed Jacob pulled his hands away and Dana gasped as the surprise Jacob was talking about was that he had finished his car that he calls ‘the Rabbit’ and it was red. Jacob then asked “do you want to drive?”, and she said “yes...but we have to tell Billy the good news, first”. “okay...but I was hoping we could go for a drive and then tell him, but, it’s up to you”, said Jacob. Dana and Jacob went inside and saw that Billy was sitting in his wheelchair reading a book. They then told him and he was a bit surprised mixed with shock.
After they told Billy Jacob took Dana for a drive in the ‘rabbit’, but Dana drove. They had driven a long way and swapped when they were about to come home. Dana had fallen asleep on the drive back and Jacob was wide awake, only because he was driving.
When they were back home at Jacob’s place, Jacob carried Dana in and lay her down on his bed and Billy said “maybe you should take her home and put her in her bed instead of having her asleep on your bed so you have to sleep on the couch”. “nah, she’ll be alright here, plus, we’ve already told Charlie that she’s staying here for a while because Charlie has to go to the Florida for two weeks and I said she could stay here with me. Anyway, you have to go away for a while as well. So, can’t she stay here with me, please, dad?” asked Jacob. Billy replied after a short time of thinking and said “alright. But only if you behave and don’t do anything stupid and that you’ll regret, okay?” “okay, thanks a lot dad, you the best!”, replied Jacob.
The next morning Billy had his bags packed and was ready to go on his trip to Phoenix. Charlie was also packed and ready when he got to Billy’s place to say bye to Dana and that he will be back as soon as he can. Dana and Jacob both helped Billy load the car and Charlie was driving Billy to the airport and he would then head off to Florida. As Billy and Charlie drove off Jacob bent down and kissed Dana on the forehead and asked her if she was ready for some fun, and she said that she was but they had to be safe and not do anything stupid and reckless. Jacob moaned at what she said because he didn’t like what Billy had told them to do. Dana said that if he moaned one more time she’ll go and stay at her house by herself and not come and see him when he wanted her to or answer his calls. So Jacob didn’t moan again and the two of them had the house to themselves for two weeks or more because Billy was going away for four weeks, and if Charlie allowed them to stay at Jacob’s place they would but it was only if Charlie gave them permission.
The first night that Dana and Jacob had the house together they bought pizza for dinner and Dana had bought a tub of ice-cream for dessert. Jacob had also went to town and rented a couple of DVD’s for them to watch and one of them was called ‘Race To Witch Mountain’, it was the first movie they watched and they were eating a box of Billy’s chocolates and a bowl of popcorn that Jacob had made. The next movie that they watched was called ‘The Mummy’ and Dana had fallen asleep half way through it, so Jacob paused it and carried Dana into his room and lay her down carefully so she didn’t wake on his bed. Jacob then went back and watched the res of the movie when he heard Dana call him “Jacob! Urn that off and come to bed!” she yelled. Jacob done as she said and turned off the DVD and went into Dana and said “you didn’t need to yell, Dana.” “I didn’t yell”, she protested. Jacob replied, “ you practically did, but it’s okay”. Dana sighed and hugged Jacob and said sorry and Jacob said it was alright and that she was tired. Jacob then asked “Do you want me to sleep in here or in my dad’s room?” “ In here”, Dana replied. Jacob then got up and started setting up the spare bed that goes in his room or in he living room when Dana got up and walked out of the room. Jacob didn’t follow her and she came back with two glasses of water and a bowl of candy in with her. Jacob asked her what were they for and she said to shove down his throat and then she said she was joking and said they were for them to eat.
Jacob had finished setting up the spare bed and the two of them were sitting up eating lollies and salt and vinegar chips.

CHAPTER 2: Back to the start...
Sam asked Jared why he wanted to walk with him because he knows that Jared hates walking. Jared just said that he wanted to tell him something but it didn’t matter because he didn’t want Paul to listen and find out until later, when they had figured out what it was. Sam said it was alright and that he could tell him later so that Paul wouldn’t listen to them and find out about it. Jared and Sam started walking to Paul’s place when Jared suddenly stopped in his tracks, which made Sam turn around and ask what was wrong. Jared said “I heard something. It sounded like someone screaming”. Sam stood still and listened and when he went to tell Jared he was hearing things he heard something that sounded like someone was screaming. He turned to Jared and gave him a look that told him that he had to run to Paul’s and get him as quickly as possible. Jared nodded and ran, whilst Sam stood there and listened again, he heard the scream again and ran in that direction. Jared and Paul soon arrived and saw that Sam was laying on the ground in his wolf form and they then changed into their wolf forms and ran over to Sam. Sam was whimpering and he had a faint growl mixed with his whimper. While Paul was standing beside Sam Jared had walked a small distance away and had his nose in the air as if he could smell something. Then he had the scent and thought of a vampire and Paul then walked over to Jared and sniffed the air and he then got the scent. Sam was thinking the same thing but he was also thinking of the description of a red-haired vampire. It wasn’t long before Sam was up and walking around again and the three Wolves took off and were hunting down a vampire; a red-haired vampire. The three wolves were in the woods when Sam and Jared picked up the scent of the vampire and they started running in the direction of which they could smell it. When Paul saw that the other two were running he ran after them, he barely caught up to them and when Sam and Jared stopped ,Paul went straight passed them and nearly ran head first into a tree. The other two laughed in their heads, which made Paul angry and started to sniff the air again.
It was noon, nearly dark and the wolves had given up and were on their way home.
When Sam and Jared got home they noticed that Nikki and Lara weren’t there and that Sam’s car was gone. Sam looked around the back of the house to make sure that the girls weren’t washing the car or not and they weren’t. Meanwhile, Jared looked around in the house and when he got into the kitchen and there was a note on the table that read: 'boys, we have taken the car and gone to the supermarket to get a few things and it is a bit late to tell you that Nikki and I have decided that you boys will be staying at our house and Nikki and I are going to stay at Nikki’s place for the night. We will come home and get some of my things and tell you a few more things.
Nikki and Lara. Xxx.’

Jared was about o go outside and tell Sam where they were, but Sam came in instead and Jared just gave him the piece of paper and Sam read it slowly. When Sam had finished reading the note the girls had just pulled up in the drive-way. When the girls came inside Sam said “You know you could have told us you were going to the supermarket before we left. We were really worried.” “You mean you were worried. I wasn’t really worried ‘cause Nikki does this kind of thing all the time”, Jared said before the girls could answer. Sam said angrily, “Shut-up, Jared.” Then Lara said “It wasn’t her fault entirely, Jared. We were talking and she suggested that we have a girl’s night and I said we should have a couple girls’ only nights and those we should go and buy some things from the supermarket for you boys and ourselves. You’re lucky we left a note and that we didn’t leave you with no car and no money.” Jared walked over to Nikki and said “Maybe we should go home and you girls can have this girls night another time. I think this is a bad time to do that kind of thing and I doubt Sam is going to let Lara go anywhere after this.” “Lara can handle herself and she won’t even Sam tell her where she can and can’t go, or what she can and can’t do. And if they don’t make up, Lara’s going to be saying with us”, replied Nikki. “Yeah, that’s okay with me.”Jared said before Nikki said anything else.
Later, when Lara and Sam were still yelling at each other Nikki said “Okay, we’ve had enough for one day, we’re goin’ home. Lara, can I see you outside before we go?” Lara nodded and walked outside with Nikki and Lara asked “Nikki. I don’t think this is gonna end well. If it don’t will I be able to come and stay with you for a couple days?”. Yes, of course you can, Lara. As a matter of fact, Jared and I were talking and I suggested that you came and stayed with us for a while, just until things settle down”, replied Nikki. Lara moved closer to Nikki and gave her a hug. Nikki hugged her back and told her that she was always welcome to go and stay with them and if Jared didn’t like it he could come and stay with Sam.
Nikki and Jared had gone home and they were about to have dinner when the phone rang. It was Lara. Nikki answered it and Lara said “Nikki, can I come over now or is it too late?” “No, no, no, you can come now if you want. Just make sure you bring you things. Did you want me to come and get you or are you goin’ to take the car again”? Replied Nikki. Lara said I’ll walk down the drive-way and then you can pick me up there.” Nikki told Jared that she was going to pick Lara up and that she would be back soon. When Nikki got to Lara’s drive-way, Lara wasn’t there, but her bags were. Nikki got out of the car and put Lara’s bags in the boot of the car and looked around and couldn’t see Lara anywhere. Nikki looked up the drive-way toward the house and saw that Lara was running back down the drive-way and she could see that Lara had tears running down her face because the tears were shinning off her face in the moonlight. Nikki quickly got in the car and started it up so that it was running when she got there and they could go straight away. Lara got in the car and she was crying, so Nikki slammed her foot on the accelerator and drove to her house.
When they got there Lara was still crying and when Nikki pulled up she asked “Lara, what happened?” and Lara said “Sam was asleep and I packed my bags and when I was finished he was still asleep. But when I went back he was sitting at the kitchen table like he knew I was coming back.” “Lara, why did you go back?” asked Nikki. “I went back because I forgot my mobile and my wallet and I called you on my mobile and I didn’t want him to know where I was staying because if he knew that I was staying at your house he would probably start a fight with Jared and I don’t want that to happen. Anyway, when I went back he was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me and when I walked in he asked me what the hell was I doing and that I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without telling him first. I didn’t listen to him and I went into the bedroom and go my wallet and went into the kitchen and got my mobile off of the top of the fridge and went to walk out and he grabbed me and said if I took one more step out the back door he would catch me and tie me to a chair in the kitchen, and I didn’t think he would do that to me and so I walked outside and he followed me and grabbed my arm and it hurt. He dragged me into the kitchen and done what he said he would do and he tied me up with a rope that he kept inside and he tied me up so tightly it left a rope burn on each of my wrists I started crying and he told me to shut-up he would be back. He went into the shed out the back and I used the knife he left on the bench and cut the rope and left it and the knife on the bench and ran out the front door. I don’t want him to find out where I am until he’s calmed down enough to say sorry and that he’ll never do that again”, said Lara.
Lara and Nikki went inside and saw that Jared watching the television and he had the phone in his hand. Nikki said to him “Why have you got the phone, Jared. What did you do with it?” “Sam rang and said that he saw your car drive away and that Lara had gotten in the car with you. He said that if we didn’t send her home as soon as you got here he would be coming over to get her and take her home himself”, he replied. Nikki said “He will not come inside this house even if he is you friend. I don’t care. If you heard the car pull up you should’ve come out and heard what he done to her. So, I wouldn’t care if he was your friend, your boss, your brother I wouldn’t care if he was anything to, but this is my house and he is not going to take one step inside this house! Got it?” “Got it. Um, Nikki? Just how are you going to stop a grown man from getting in the house?” said Jared. “I’m not. You are".
After that when Nikki was about to cook dinner she heard a car pull up and she said to Jared, who was sitting in the lounge room watching television with Lara “Jared, don’t let him in the house, ok. Lara, come with me”. They both done as they were told and when Sam banged on the door Jared opened it and said “hey, Sam. What’s wrong?” “ You know what’s wrong. Where is she?!” replied Sam in a mean and harsh tone. Jared answered “Where is who?” “Don’t play games with me, Jared. Where is Lara?” “Ok, Sam. Nikki brought her here but she said that I’m not to let you in the house and I’m sorry, but it’s her house and her rules, so I can’t let you in. I’m sorry.” Jared was upset, and Sam could tell, not hat he was showing it, but Sam could tell by he way he spoke. Sam could also tell that Jared was sorry about what he was doing. Sam was nearly in tears when he said this “Could you tell Lara that she can stay the night and that if she feels like it tomorrow we can talk about this and try to fix it. And also tell her I’m sorry and that I’ll try to be a better fiancée and if she wants to we can call the wedding off".
Sam left and Nikki and Lara came out from Nikki’s room and Jared told Dana what Sam had said and she said that she will stay the night and that she’ll think about what she is going to do in the morning.
That night before everyone went to bed Lara said to Nikki and Jared “If I’m not here in the morning I’ll be over at Sam’s”.
The next morning Lara woke up and found that Nikki and Jared were already in the kitchen having breakfast and when they saw Lara Nikki said “hey Dana Sam called and wanted to know what you going o do and he said that if you were going to go over you would have to go over as soon as you can because he is going to go into town and then he is going to go to his parents house in Alabama because his father is ill and he says that his mother wants him there in case he passes away.” “okay. I’ll go over now”. “do you want me to come?” Nikki asked and Lara answered “No. I’ll be right, but if you could drop me off and just stick around and make sure he isn’t going to do anything else”. “okay”. While Nikki and Lara were on their way to Sam’s Jared was a home by himself and he thought that he might have a nice hot shower and go into town and get some extra supplies for his surprise for Nikki.
It was Nikki’s birthday in two days and Jared hoped that Lara would be back and staying with Sam by then.

Chapter 3....two best friends.
Dana and Jacob were sitting up in Jacob’s room and Dana asked Jacob if he would stay with her for the rest of their lives and he said that he would and that he might just give her a little surprise later on in life.
It wasn’t long before Dana had fallen asleep and Jacob was just drifting off when he heard something outside. He quietly got out of bed and walked to the window and when he looked out he saw that there was Sam, standing there on the grass looking up at the room where Jacob was standing. Jacob then closed the window and shut the blinds, but when he looked out through the blinds all he saw was a Jet-black wolf staring at him. He thought of screaming but he knew that that would wake Dana and he didn’t want to do that.
When Jacob turned around he nearly did scream because Dana was standing right behind him. Dana said “sorry, I just wanted to see what you were looking at and why you shut the window and blinds.” “I wasn’t looking at anything.” Jacob replied with a queer look on his face that made Dana laugh. “I know what you saw, Jacob. You saw Sam and then when you looked through the blinds, you saw a black wolf. It’s okay, Jake.” Jacob answered “Okay, that is what I saw. But, the thing is, I don’t get it. One minute there was Sam and the next it’s a Black wolf. It’s just plain freaky.” Dana hugged him and he hugged back and said “We have o be careful of our surroundings, of where we are and what people are around us.” “Yeah, we stick together no matter what.” Dana said.
In the morning Dana and Jacob were up and having breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Dana got up and went to open it, and when she did there was two boy there. She didn’t know who it was w until he said “Hi, I’m Embry and this is Quil. We’re friends of Jake’s, is he home?” Dana wondered why he hadn’t mentioned hem before and why they were here. She then said “Yeah, come in. He’s at the kitchen table. By-the-way, I’m Dana.” “nice to meet you.” Said Quil and Embry at the same time. Embry and Quil walked in and Dana closed the door and then the two boys followed Dana into the kitchen. When they go into the kitchen Jacob was walking back to the table after washing up the dishes and he said “hey, guys. How’d you get here?” Embry answered “I drove my dad’s car and Quil walked. We came to see if you would like to work on these four bikes.” “Yeah, sure. Only if it’s alright with Dana.” Said Jacob and Dana said “Yeah, it’s okay with me. But, only if I can help.” “Okay, then. Besides, we can use an extra pair of hands.” Replied Embry.
Dana had only just realised that Quil was being awfully quiet and he was staring at her. Dana slowly turned towards Jacob whilst still watching Quil and whispered to Jacob, “Um....Jake. Your friend, Quil, he’s staring at me and he hasn’t stopped since he walked in the door. It doesn’t bother me, but, the way he stares at’s weird, creepy and I don’t know what he’s thinking, and I don’t even know that look, so I don’t know what to do. Can you speak to him or something?” “Yeah, okay. Besides, he needs to be spoken to. Every time I get a Girlfriend, as soon as he meets her, he just stands there very quietly and just stares at her and sometimes it even freaks me out. But, yes, I will speak to him.” Jacob replied.
Jacob looked over at Quil and saw that he was still staring at Dana and just as Jacob was walking toward Quil, he suddenly bolted for the front door. Before Quil reached the front door Jacob was already there and Quil skidded to a stop. Quil went to urn around and run for the back door, but before he could run Jacob grabbed him by the left arm and swung him around so that he was facing him and Jacob said “Quil. We are going to go into the kitchen, sit down and have a nice, easy chat. But, if you try to run, there will be consequences, got it?” Quil didn’t answer and Jacob still had hold of his arm and then he grabbed his right arm and he steered him into the kitchen. When they got there Jacob sat Quil in a kitchen chair and tied a rope around his hands, then his feet and then tied all of them to the chair.
Quil yelled “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!”, and Jacob simply just said in a low voice “ We don’t want anything. I want to know why you were staring at Dana and why you wouldn’t look away when she looked at you. Are you going to tell me?” “No! I’m not saying anything until you untie me”. “If we untie you have to promise that you will not run away or even try to...You have to promise to tell the truth and if I think that you’re lying, I’ll tie you back up and will not let you go until you are ready to tell the truth. Do we have a deal?” Quil didn’t want to tell the truth but he wanted to get away from them and he didn’t want to get tied up again. Finally, after about 15 minutes, Quil decided that he would seal the deal. “Fine. We have a deal...but only if she goes away, and I mean that she goes over to her house or somewhere else, somewhere where she can’t hear and only if you promise you won’t tell her afterwards. Deal?” “No damn way, Quil, and you bloody well knew that I wouldn’t agree to that. So you either reconsider your deal or stay here tied up, left to starve and die of thirst or you tell the truth now and you decide right now!” Jacob didn’t need to yell, but he wanted to get all the fury out of him and try to calm down. Dana tried to help calm him down but he had temperature and Dana made him drink three cups of ice cold water and then let him get back to business and she said to Quil “I’m not going anywhere and you can wriggle and yell all you want, but it’s not going to get me to go anywhere and he only place I would go so you could tell Jake what you were doing staring at me, is upstairs.” “Then go upstairs and I’ll tell him, but not until your gone out of earshot and can’t hear what we’re saying.” “Fine then. See you soon, baby.” She kissed Jake on the cheek and hugged him. But, when she hugged him she put a microphone on his back so she could hear him but she didn’t just put it on his back...she put it under him shirt so if Quil asked him to turn around he wouldn’t see the microphone. Dana went upstairs to her bedroom and turned the monitor on and she heard Quil whisper something that she couldn’t hear properly, so she turned the volume up louder. And she heard “what did you say?” from Jacob and then Quil “I said I think she’s an amazing girl and that I think I’m imprinting on her. Did you hear me that time?” “No...I mean yes I did hear you, but you can’t be imprinting on her ‘cause I’ve already imprinted on her and she doesn’t feel that way for you, she never has and even if she did she still wouldn’t imprint with you.
You know what?...I think you’re lying and I told you what would happen if you lied and what do you always have to do?....Go and screw it up and get yourself in trouble.Now, you better tell the truth or there will be even bigger consequences than just getting tied up again and after....” Quil cut him off and said “ok, ok, ok! I’ll tell the truth and only if promise me you won’t tell Dana.” “Fine I promise.” Jacob promised him but he didn’t mean it and then Quil started to talk. “I was staring at her because her dad is my dad and she’s my half-sister, but she doesn’t know because my mum told me and Charlie not to tell her, so we didn’t and that is the truth. I swear, Jacob.” Jacob didn’t want to believe him, but the look in his eyes made him so Jake walked over and untied him and told him that he would make a good brother if it was really true and someday a great father. Jacob called Dana to come down and when she was downstairs he told Quil to go home. When Quil had walked out the door Jake made sure that he had left and gone away completely and that he wasn’t around to hear that Dana had heard by going outside and walked around the house, made sure he wasn’t there and he wasn’t. When Jacob went back inside Dana was sitting at the kitchen table and she had a cup of water in her hand and she looked confused, upset and angry all at the same time. Jacob walked in and said “ Hey. Now we know why he didn’t want you in the room or in earshot. You know he might be lying again but seriously, the look on his face and the look in his eyes made me believe him and I swear, if he didn’t put that look on I would have kept him tied up and not let him go.” “I know, Jake. He might be lying and he might be telling the truth, and when My dad gets home, I’ll ask him and if it’s true I’ll go and slap Quil and tell him that I know and that you didn’t tell me and maybe even throw a few kicks and punches in. Just to beat him up him up and to show him that he should never keep a secret from a girl, especially not his sister or half-sister or whatever.”

Two weeks later both Billy and Charlie were home and Dana asked if Quil was her Brother and Charlie had said it was true and that she wasn’t supposed to know about it until she was older and now that she did know, Charlie was going to have to call Quil and his mother out to tell them that she knew. Charlie also told her how it had happened and that it was why her mother and him had gotten a divorce and that her mother had slept with another man and he had forgiven her but she wasn’t really a forgiving person so she filed a divorce and they had never seen each other again. They only spoke to each other every now and then. Dana had always wondered why they had split up and now she has only just found out. Dana was the one who called Quil’s mother and him over and when they got here Dana was also the one who opened the door. Dana said to Quil “ My dad and your mum need to have a chat and so do you and I. But we’re going upstairs.” Quil followed Dana upstairs and into her room and she sat down on the bed and left Quil to sit on the floor. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Dana asked Quil. “Tell you what?” Quil tried to sound as if he didn’t know what she was talking about but she knew he knew. “You know what I’m talking about and no, Jacob didn’t tell me. I put a microphone on his back under his shirt. You said Charlie’s my dad plus your dad. Why wouldn’t you tell me?” “ I didn’t tell you because I was told not to. You weren’t even supposed to be listening. But, yes, we are brother and sister, Dana.” “Don’t you think I would ask Charlie for the truth, Quil. Do you really think I’m that stupid? Quil, if I wanted to know if I had any family here I would have asked Charlie and he would have told me that you were the only family I had here other than him.” Dana was getting tired of yelling at him and him acting like he was smarter than her when he wasn’t. After Dana and Quil had sorted things out they went down stairs and saw that Charlie and Quil’s mum, Thea, were on the lounge talking about something. Thea was crying and smiling at the same time and when she saw Quil and Dana she asked Dana “Dana...will do me he honour of, being my maid of honour!?” Dana screamed “YES!!!” and ran over to Thea, who had stood up and the two girls were jumping, dancing around and screaming so loud that Charlie and Quil put their hands over their ears and ran out the back door and Charlie asked Quil if he would be his best man and he said “I’d be honoured.”
Later on Charlie had asked Jacob if he would be his second best man and if Billy would be his third best man and they both said yes. Although Thea and Dana had finished screaming they hadn’t decided who were going to be the bridesmaids yet but Dana had asked if her mum Renee could be one and Thea had considered it for about ten minutes and said yes. Dana had rung Renee and told her the good news and Renee had said she would pack tomorrow and be there as soon as she could.
It was a Tuesday afternoon when Dana received a phone call saying that her mum’s flight had just landed and that her mum had brought Dana a present instead of bringing a present for Thea. Dana heard a car pull up outside and ran to the window, and saw that her mother had also brought Phil along. Dana then ran outside and said hello to her mum and gave her a hug. Then she pulled her mother away from Phil’s earshot and said “Mum, what the heck were you thinking bringing Phil along? You shouldn’t have done that, ‘cause dad’s going to be really angry and it’s going to ruin the wedding. And you were supposed to bring a present for Thea and Dad, not me.” “ But I thought you said it was your wedding, not your fathers. I got a phone call after yours and this guy said to bring a present for you, so that’s what I did. I brought Phil because he wanted to be at your big day and I couldn’t stop him from packing.” Renee replied calmly. “ Mum. Who was ‘this guy’ exactly? And no, I wouldn’t want Phil to come to my wedding. I hate him and if you’re going to get mad at me for saying that, don’t bother. So, you better tell Phil to go back to Jacksonville and that he isn’t coming to any wedding of mine and if he thinks he is he’s not. You can come if you want but do not bring Phil. I don’t want to see him ever again and I’m living with dad until he leaves. I know you love him but dad said you and him would have gotten back together , but then he came along and ruined it, so now your even.” Dana was starting to get louder and louder and Phil was looking over at them with a face full of curiosity. Dana and Renee walked over to the car and Phil said hi to Dana but she didn’t answer. She walked past him and stopped at the front door and said to her mother “That present better be something good”, and walked inside. It wasn’t long before Dana heard the car pull out of the driveway and when she looked out the window, she couldn’t see anyone, not even her mum. Dana got up and went outside to find a note on the front door that read:
I will not let your mother stay and she told me what you said. If your mother comes to your wedding, I will come to your wedding and same goes with your father’s wedding.
Phil. Xo
Dana really hated Phil now and she rang her mums mobile and told her to come back. About five minutes later the car pulled up outside again and both Phil and Renee go out of the car, Dana yelled at Phil as she stormed across the front yard to him, “You have no right to control what my mother does! She isn’t the one who didn’t want Charlie to go to your wedding, you are! Now Charlie and I decided that you weren’t allowed to come to this wedding. You can stay in Forks, but you won’t be getting into that wedding weather you like it or not. You also won’t be staying here with mum, you can go and stay a hotel or something, but she’s staying here.” Phil obviously didn’t take any of that seriously because he said “Renee. Get in the car, we’re going home.” “No. You’re going to your home, Phil. This is my home now and this is where I’m staying.” This was the first time Dana had heard my mother stand up to him. Renee turned her head and smiled at Dana and then turned to Phil and took the car keys out of his hands, unlocked the trunk and her and Dana took her suitcases inside to her room.
It wasn’t long before all of Renée’s luggage was inside and she gave the car keys back to Phil who instantly got in and drove away.
When Phil was out of sight, Renee laughed and said to Dana, “ oh, Dana, I almost forgot… here is the wedding present.” When Dana finally took the present into her own hands, she found it was quite heavy...she wondered what it was. “Mum, why did you all of a sudden stand up to him? You never have stood up to anyone but Dad and...what is in this box?” Renee smiled and said, “Dana, Phil thought it was your wedding so he said to get a dress or buy you a car. He bought you a dress and I told him it wasn’t your wedding but he wouldn’t listen, so I took it back to the shop and bought a brand new Espresso machine for Thea and you father. And Dana, I just want you to know that I love you and no matter what, I will always love your father. I have never stopped loving him. Now, when is your wedding happening?”Dana was confused. How could Renee still love Dad and run off and marry another man? She has left it too late...her Dad is getting married to another woman in two weeks. It is way too late for this.


Texte: PLEASE NOTE:This Book Is A Different Version Of The Twilight Saga, Only With Some Changes!!!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.08.2011

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