
Morning In New York

Morning In New York:

Screams everywhere, glass on the floor, and blurry vision. I was wondering where I was, I just couldn’t see anything past my hand but my ears could hear everything. Wear we being robbed? Was the building on fire? I then suddenly felt a big jerk motion go down my whole body and suddenly the building was gone. Out of sigh. Nowhere to be seen.

* * *

I woke up with sweat going down my face and I looked around I was in the same house. But I had woke up this morning like every other morning, in the same bed, in the same room, and in the same house. But I could not shake this feeling in my stomach. I thought I was just hungry so I ate some toast but it would not go away. So then my head started to ace and I went throw my medicine cabinet and I found my aspirin took some and put some in a bag in my purse so just in case my head starts hurting again. I

was still hungry but I already ate so then I just made some more toast and put it in my lunch bag for later. I looked at my watch and it was 5:23 a.m. and I said “man I do not know why it is so late”. Then my phone rang, I looked at it and I was my mother. For a long time like 4 months I have not talked to her so I had to answer it and talk to her. “Hi mom what’s up?” I said, “O nothing Brooklyn, I just want to call you and talk for a bit because it seemed to me that we have lost touch.” Said my mom. So we talked for about a good forty-five minutes, then I told her “ mom I have to get to work its almost time for me to go, love you bye” I said. I hung up and looked again at my watch 6:08 a.m. “I got to go” I said to myself. So I grabbed my stuff and made myself some coffee and got into my car and started it. But then it wouldn’t start, “o great just what I need to add onto my ‘perfect’ day” I said in a sarcastic tone. So I leave my stuff in the car and run into my house and into the garage, grab the gas from the table in my husband’s garage. Run outside and run to my car open the cork for the tank and start filling it with

gas. That takes about like a minute or two to do. I finish then I go and return the gas can and say “finally I think that I can go to work with no more obstacles in my way”. So the I start the car it works –thank god- and I drive out of the drive way and start heading down the road and turn on the radio to a radio station and it suddenly says “two unidentified aircrafts have been spotted near the new York, new York”. “That’s weird” I said because the only real news they ever say on here is like robbery, armed robbery, or murder. But this was just not normal to me it just strikes me as not right, just like my morning it just does not feel right from the minute I woke up this morning. I mean what else could possibly go wrong this morning, I think this morning will not be my morning but I guarantee that it will get better as the day goes on. It just has to get better cause a bad morning means a good morning that’s what my grandma always use to say on her bad mornings. Ok but after I was done thinking to myself I tuned back into the radio and looked at the time it was 6:35 A.M. “O god I am super late this morning but I still do not

have any reason to be late when I left really early this time” I said to myself. So then I took off into the New York traffic and I was think wow how long is this going to take. So then I turned on the radio again and that weird news cast was over and was old news. Then the music played again and the radio station was back to its regular self. So then I just relaxed in the traffic and waited for this to be over. Then about a like 55 minutes later I finally got to work and was a little embarrassing because I was never late to work before. So I got my stuff out of the back of the car and locked the car and started to run into the building and into the elevator. Then I remembered that I forgot my coffee in the car “o well its to late now I will just make it when I get up to the office” I said to myself. So then I was finally up to my floor and sneaked into where my desk was and acted like I was there the whole time. But that plane did not work cause as soon as I got there my boss was in my office sitting in my chair and waiting for me. I got in there and said I was going to get some coffee and asked if he wanted some. “sure 2

sugars please, and what happened this morning you are late” he said. So he walked with me to the coffee room – AKA the break room- and I told him everything that happened this morning and said I was sorry for being late. He said it was fine as long as I didn’t do it again. So I got mine and his coffee and got back to my desk and got straight to work, but of course my computer was not charged and I forgot it at the house. So I asked my boss if I could borrow a lab top since mine was not charged and was dead. He said ‘wow your not having a good are you now” he said, I know right I said. So I grabbed a lab top and got to my desk a got straight to work but I felt something was wrong. Very wrong.


Texte: No copyright an orginal copy by audrey sullivan
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.12.2011

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