

The Code of Mr. Adriano’s Death


1. Detective AlfaZero finds a strange note in his office-apartment

At 10:00 o’clock of a cool Wednesday morning, detective AlfaZero returned to his office-apartment located on the busy “Marginal Street” of Luanda, the beautiful capital city of Angola, from a nearby supermarket where he was doing some shopping. He opened the front door and… he stood still for a moment, looking at the small piece of paper on the floor.


“Someone must have slipped it through the door gap.” AlfaZero thought while stooping down to pick it up. Then he read what was on the note:


"People say you are the best detective in town. Prove it. I just killed someone at 44, Garden Street. Prove that I am the murderer. To facilitate your work, here is a clue: NMKMIKMA1035WM.”


Detective AlfaZero examined the note carefully. The person who wrote it used a typewriter. It must have been an old typewriter as some of the letters, especially the letter “P”, was not so clear. “Is this “clue-note” a joke? Or was someone really killed at 44, Garden Street? Well, there is only one way to find out and that is going to 44, Garden Street and seeing if something unusual happened there,” AlfaZero said to himself


He put the clue-note, as he called it, in his shirt pocket. Then he unpacked his shopping and placed the items on the shelves and in the refrigerator. After that, he went to his car and rushed to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Helder F Oliveira
Lektorat: Helder Oliveira
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-7104-8

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To all my readers expecting that they will enjoy the book.

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