
Seven summer nights

Sameer, the doyen of six letters Kathak dance, belonging to a typical orthodox family, was shocked to see, the latest nude photograph of his wife Julia, appeared on the cover of the top American fashion magazine Vogue, showing ‘tattoo’ on her body of ‘his erstwhile Indian husband’ with a dancing Peacock. Fortunately he had risen to meteoric heights in his prime youth, painting space by his graceful, amazing spell bound dance performances, but after having spent, only seven summer night’s shortest affair, culminating into a wedlock with an American suburban girl, when he got this information through S.M.S, he was thrilled to know that his wife also acquired a twist as a stripper… It was his all time nostalgia.
The photo-feature was the ‘balance-sheet’ of his seven day- married life highlighting the renowned Indian dancer Sameer who mixed many other forms of folk styles, with his intricate movements and synchronous pulse of musical instruments, illuminated space through seven-storied lamps and painted the portrait of the chief guests on floor by his magical foot-work, was divorced without notice by his American ex- housewife. Interestingly she was also engaged as a researcher for her Post doctoral work but before her award of degree she turned back to be a stripper.
The magazine cover-story gave a sketchy exposure to all that strange event-‘single mum (She was already married and divorced with a child from an American ) and busty blonde Julia in reality was a part time employee in regular pay role, for last four years at Ontario- Ohio’s gentleman’s strip club but after the new adventure and come back , she believed to have pocketed a hefty 1000.000 American dollars for giving stripped poses for the magazine and telling about her secret stories of her seven summer night married life in India as it was a part of her research for her post doctoral degree offered to her as special case for the shortest duration. That made her a detached person as she never took anything on heart and had clarity in mind that she was living an experimenta life…more like a social scientist and less as a human being.
On the other side of the fence, Sameer started loving her so much that he was not ready to take off his ‘flight’ so suddenly…in a caught unaware situation. For him it was a stunning turn of events.
She never told her husband that she came to India only for completing her last part of doctoral research on Indian husbands, which had already taken her two years including her earlier tours to India for collection of formal data about other husbands but her marrying with Indian dancer Sameer only for seven days was also an integrally formal part of that post doctoral degree which was based on practical aspect of research which meant marriage also. She had crossed many crossroads during this short span than she had in previous twenty years of her life.
That way Julia got married temporarily for a week with her new Indian acquaintance since she had to narrate every minute detail of their married days in the concluding chapter of her thesis.
Julia even did not have time to announce split and say good-bye to her husband in stipulated time after she submitted her thesis and on that basis she was to be awarded a doctoral degree. In the past during her seven days married life, she never told his spouse that she was already a divorce having a child and since long was performing, under the stage name of Anna, in strip club was professionally a part of the set up. On the contrary, when she left her husband suddenly telephoning him from Airport about her leaving for America by the same night flight, after the Ashram incident, Sameer innocently took all that misfortune on his part, he felt guilty and rather anxiously thought about her return. But she had no plan of come- back.

He also informed her in the same evening, prior to his friend’s communication that a ballet which was being presented by his group in the capital. That was Sameer’s most enchanting evening and for the first time he unfolded a blend of classical Kathak with traditional ‘Bhavai-Terahtali’ ballet with noted danseuse Parvati in the changed format of mesmerizing love story.
On the stage, after spell-bound performance, when he folded his hands before audience he remembered by heart his loving wife. He speedily reached the green room…his eye’s were closed and he was completely lost in her thoughts and reflections.
After few minutes, he found himself surrounded by Press…but again, when his mobile enchanted Peacock’s tone, he thought for a second… the call might be from Julia…but he was not right…it was about Julia…the ring tone was very much familiar…but the husky sad voice of his American friend told him another story…the story of a spontaneous tragedy of his life…yes Julia left him in degrees of separation…everything was now crystal clear...the green room of Kamani Auditorium of capital whispered the fading words of his lost love in the darkening night…and with shining nude photo’s with his friend’s S.M.S, finally left no space for any dialogue in future.

His good lady showed Sameer a clean pair of heels in the new summer darkness. He felt for that moment as if there was pin drop silence in his life after hell of noise…It was a heart breaking affair and he left the green room without informing anyone. He gave the horse his head and drove away from the enthusiasts who had gathered to enjoy that unique evening choreography…specially his vibrant and sparkling foot work weaving charming music and light and shades presentation with a team of fifty dancers with flow of spontaneous emotions .But now his real world was lost and he could not imagine life without Julia.

Was it a dream? He thought again and again…!
Julia is now a history…his story !How could an Indian husband of Sameer’s background forget those rosy five years, when both of them enjoyed the most exciting time of their elegant love and married life. The years of sharing and serving the cool shades and tastes of trust of tree… the moments and memories lived together…That all was not a dream but a reality. Sameer had his own answer to this question…Yes. It was never a dream, although, there was angst quarrel or resentment and fear of breaking of ties that very morning when he slapped her in the guest room but they immediately patched up all that instead of living in separated compartments or ‘Kopbhavans’ (exile) individually… they felt his or her bleeding of hearts, their mind discovered and played the game of consoling…How then all of a sudden the scenario changed…? What’s gone wrong with Julia, why she changed the track, her priorities and new life style searched new comfort zones?...Nothing was clear in Sameer’s mind. But from her point of view, perhaps, everything seemed pre- planned, formal and mechanical…their so called love before so called marriage was a positive disaster…rather an anarchic human passion. For her there was no word for love, and no understanding of the institution of marriage…as there was no traditional system involved in their marriage…but abrupt and absurd rituals in a very odd way in his village home following the wrath of people, even threats of ‘honor killing’…made her to be prepared for all eventualities, that way she very well played her part in her own manner, might be true to her own self. As she was also committed to her doctoral research work, that demanded such ‘detached’ and ‘formal-informal’ relationship. That all was decided, to be ended with share of surprises or ‘believe it or not’ realities…and the tail end of his ‘lost-love’ was Julia’s bunt and silent action with a big disheartening shock .From her side the script of his future was written …perhaps after that she had no time to even think and talk to him on telephone…no more research on Indian husband! who was now going to ask her if she was unfair to Sameer? She abruptly ended her ties, even without informing him of her latest moves… adventures of her life For the entire period of their ‘so called married life , she could hide all her private leanings and liking and working of her previous career as a striptease dancer was shocking to Sameer but was all bare facts of life..
Unfortunately Julia neither shared this hidden weakness nor he ever smelt anything of this in their short but meaningful and sweet relations… the S.M.S revealed a nasty split and there remained no chance of rapprochement with his spouse.

Sameer remembered to have met her one afternoon at the Railway reservation counter when she was enquiring for conducting a tour by Palace on Wheel, a super special tourist train. At that time she was looking like a Hippy girl not carrying anything…even no baggage. She was wearing crotch tight jeans and repulsive wind blowing very lose almost hanging topper on her shoulders exposing most part of her bushy un waxed arms and bare bosoms .To him, her unconventional dress code, became his mental crude exercise of ribbing and jibes, Sameer immediately thought to make her a ‘target’ and went close, suggesting her that she could get the complete and better information from inside office of RTDC
He even took an initiative and escorted her in finding nearby information chamber…he got her good literature printed colored folders and lot of other material for her use and within no time made brief acquaintance with her and after exploring a chance Sameer accompanied her to sight seeing of important historical monuments and places of tourist attraction.
The denizens of Mars(East) and Venus(West), in a very short time became intimate .The moment they came out of the RTDC office and Julia thanked him formally for help, Sameer perhaps chew the cud and before she bade him good-buy, he told her-‘If you don’t mind I may offer you a cup of tea in the Railway canteen.?’
‘Oh no thanks…me’ …Julia could not complete her sentence…and Sameer very politely told-‘It’s nothing but an Indian’s friendly gesture…it’s not right that you have not even disclosed your name…at least…!’
‘I am Julia from U.S.
Sameer extended his hand and formally introduced him although she did not demand it.
After few steps they reached in the canteen…he went to counter and brought two ready-made cups of dip tea …Julia accepted the cup. Her fingers touch stirred Sameer’s heart.
‘When you plan to move from here? Sameer showed his first round of interest in her. His body language was poor.
‘May be any day…I am not sure.’ Julia intelligently handled his question.
‘Oh, I ssss…see. ’Sameer could not know how to connect now… to tell her something .He was in silent mode.
‘Do you live in Jaipoor? After a long pause she asked.
‘Yes for last three hundred years (Julia was surprised to hear)…I mean my great grand fathers came here before this city was founded…They were Raja’s special advisor .Our great grand father came from Bharatpur which was a Jat state. I tell you who are Jats. We are fighters… that means …, again he could not complete his sentence and was confused.’
‘Oh it is interesting…so you are a historical man…Julia cut a joke.
‘Yes we still have history… our that one… that house…now ruined…but a big old lock still protecting our properties…now it’s hhh…heritage building…in Amber…a tourist attraction…you know where is Amber…you want to go …the old capital of this city where we are standing…!Sameer wanted to impress her by giving heavy dose of information…Julia was not interested in all this but she was smiling and enjoying…at least showing it with her out worldly gestures. Actually, the first repulsive feeling went deep into Julia about him as she noticed his feet with mended old bad pair of shoes…although just after this feeling she also thought about her …her out fits were no good …for last three days she did not see bathroom beyond her routine calls…but she felt opposite her, the boy little bit sincere and innocent…and that was the point of staying with him for some time, She thought.
‘So if you want to go to Amber…I can give you company…today is my holiday…I will enjoy you…will not go to school…I mean…’Sameer could not talk more as he realized his English was not good…but Julia was still thinking about his innocence…She heard him telling-‘I will not go to school…I will enjoy you…what all he said was quite interesting…Is he a teacher…? No. It can’t be… then he is still in school level…?
‘What you told me…sorry…I’m forgetting your name (Sameer ..I …my name…he whispered)…You still go to school…Do you teach some where Semi? She asked.
‘No madam…( Oh he is now telling me madam…Julia smiled in herself)…I go to Lok Kala Kendra…you don’t know …it’s a dance school…I am student in five year diploma course …I am student of final year now learning classical dance Kathak.…In next six month I will be a second grade teacher…we have fine pay scales…’Sameer was telling her so many irrelevant things but Julia was trying to understand his psyche .Perhaps she was six to seven years elder to him and by exposure, in the worldly matters, she was too much mature and experienced.
‘Semi(She used the short form) you were telling me about Umbeer…how far it is…?
‘We can go just now…we can get bus…we will reach in one hour…not much delay. My English is tootofooti…breaking…sorry…He told her.
‘No problem…but good to know you are a dancer…She expressed her happiness.
‘Then we go…come with me, the Bus-stop is very close…where your bag…is your clothes etc…’He asked pin pointedly.
‘That is in clock-room.’
‘So you will keep your bag there…’
‘Yes why should I carry burden…I will be free without that…’
‘O.K…good…come to Bus-stop…very close…’
Julia followed him. She was browsing tourist literature…In an attempt to touch hand of Julia, Sameer took one of the folder from her hand and opened the page of Amber for her and telling her about this particular page he touched her open palm and showed her the photo of imposing fort…told her ‘-madam our old house is just behind this fort in the valley…’
‘Yes but it is locked now, he repeated his old chapter of history.’
Julia thought for a while…he seemed to be a boring person…again and again telling about his heritage building in which she was least interested…but then she thought he may be helpful to her for her ‘future- plans’…for the purpose she has come to India…so she gave him a patient hearing…She also thought he cannot monopolize conversations and any moment she will make him shut his mouth…It was an initial stage and Julia knew about her ‘hidden- agenda’...that’s the reason she wanted to go with him till she wanted.
Sameer did not allow her to pay for anything…Her Bus fare…snacks …tea…even when they took a brief lunch in one of the Dhaba(canteen) of Amber after visiting the fort he met some close friend who made the complete payment before she reached the counter Every hospitality was in the name of gods …Guests are our gods ..’Sameer reminded her of this again and again.
Quite interesting! Her visit was full of excitement. That was Julia’s first visit to any Indian city and in the very first day she received a very- very warm welcome. Besides seeing the historical Palace she also enjoyed the elephant ride…and after ‘romancing’ in the nostalgia of the old Rajputs Kachhawah dynasty capital she moved to the famous observatory set by the founder of Jaipur…known as pink city…When she was on the top of the 18th centaury sky touching monument, visiting different royal settings of old queens and concubines plus the art-gallery of wind palace known as HawaMahal, she was badly tired…and wanted to take leave of her wonderful host Sameer…

The sky was darkening and the lengthening shadows of buildings with the setting sun were reflecting magical silhouettes creating wonderful landscapes in all directions far and wide. Her first innocent Indian friend Sameer was also tired but he shown no sign of that…
‘Semi you are a great company…I like every bit of your pleasant behavior and goodness…I think its already late…I have to pick my baggage…Thank you very much Semi-She expressed her gratefulness and warmth.
Sameer was sad and tired. , his eyes were heavy, almost on the verge of…wetting eyes, he was finding no words to reply to Julia’s words. His throat was dry…heart full of emotions about her …This was his first chance to have such a nice and long company of any foreign girl…Julia was loving…silent…perfect girl .He was lost in a dream…how great it would be if she becomes my wife…! He never thought he will have such an exciting time in his life…From the hearts of his heart he felt a sort of love for her…It was infatuation.
‘What happened Semi…you look sad…?Julia asked him
‘ I like you …you want to go …Julia I want to kiss you…can you give me a kiss?…He abruptly asked her something which never came in her mind…She was restless for that moment but then taking it normal suddenly came close to Sameer..she took him in her arms and kissed him…It was a very long-deep kiss from Julia followed by small broken kisses of Sameer…Both merged in the darkness of Hawa Mahal, a major world fame architectural monument of Rajpoot –Moghal splendor.
‘It’s wonderful palace… I have ever visited in my life.’’ Julia expressed her feelings.
‘Yes, royal ladies enjoyed sweet winds here, ’’Sameer replied in his own way…’tootofooti English’.
Then Julia opened the tourist literature page and read it for Sameer also-‘This five story building along the main street of the old city is in pink splendor. With semi octagonal and delicate honey combed sandstone windows….with the aim of enabling ladies of the royal household to watch the everyday life… ’On this she smiled and told Sameer-‘You have really correct information’
‘But my English is poor…You can teach me. I’ll practice hard…practice makes a man perfect…he added.
Julia laughed on his school days good memory.

When Sameer was about to relieve her, he felt Julia was in fever…
‘You have fever Julia’ He said
‘Yes since last night I was feeling feverish .It’s nothing but travel syndrome.…no problem, I will manage ’She replied.
‘But how…You have not yet settled in any hotel’
‘I will go ‘
‘No first we meet the doctor…’
‘I don’t think it is required.’
‘I feel it my duty ‘and’ take you to doctor…my last request ’He emphasized on going to a doctor. She agreed….They came more close…doctor did not take any fees…He knew Sameer and had seen his two- three dance performances…Julia was really impressed by his wonderful contacts…They went to-gather to station to collect Julia’s bag…but when she called a Taxi .Sameer put her luggage in side and told the Taxi driver to go towards Statue-circle.
‘Is there any good hotel that side’-She asked.
‘We are going home…my home.
Sameer was speaking from his heart with authority .His voice was strong for the first time. It was a positive sign, a good and healthy surprise for which perhaps she was waiting. Everywoman by heart wants her fellow- traveler must posses the quality of firmness and straight forwardness and confident macho personality, instead of meandering nature…Julia with pride was seeing a transformed Semi before her eyes.
‘Do you have your own house here-She enquired?
‘No I live in a rented house…My owner of the house is a very Goodman only old husband and wife there .Their children are ‘in’ U.K and France…’
The Taxi drove them straight to new residency area behind Statue-circle…there were few multistoried buildings and when they entered in one of the boundary house after three consecutive small turns, Julia encountered an old couple, sitting in the veranda on bamboo chairs. Both ‘ladies and gentleman’ were astonished seeing a ‘firangi’ with Sameer for the first time and at this twilight hour of the day…Sameer did not tell them anything but after settling her comfortably he came out of the room talked to them in local dialect marwadi-‘Aaa foreigner mhare school aaee chhai…kaal din ugyan chali jayalee…Aine tej bukhar aayaryo chai…raat raat ne mhare dooje kamaran main soyleli…Baeeji thei bhi sage soyjyajo…Bhale ghar ri beti hai…(This foreigner had come to my school, she will leave tomorrow early in the morning...She is suffering from high fever…Only this night she will stay in my another room…Old lady, you are requested to sleep in her room…She comes from a good family)
‘Koi baat kone beta( No problem my son)Tu kassyan koee sadak suun uthhalyasi…beene keedeeji…aaram suun sove…Davaee dubaee deediyakoni(you have certainly not carried her from road…tell her she must have a relaxed sleep…have you given her some medicine or not?)’The old house- lady told him all this.
Sameer came back in the room in a very relaxed mood. He looked very happy.
‘What happened Semi…you look very happy—she enquired curiously?
‘I am really happy…I arranged for your separate sleeping room…don’t bother the old household lady will look after you…there is a separate attached bath-room…you can refresh yourself as and when you like…It is still not late…’Sameer told what all had been arranged for her guest…Julia took a long breath .She felt relieved…her eye’s filled in full admiration for Sameer.

And then the first Indian night in an Indian home. Julia got a good bed on jute cot. Her room was airy and spacious in the back side of the house. Behind the house there was vast stretch of a garden and the piece of land for this house was purchased from the Nursery owner. Some part of the Nursery wall was broken in the open space. It was a big five room house with a beautiful big veranda and a small part of garden was also attached to it where good number of mango trees was planted.

When Julia was little set after changing her Jeans and topper…she was looking through open window. She was in scarlet-red Lungi (un-stitched gown) and full sleeve printed shoot black blouse. After washing her mouth and with brief make-up she was looking gorgeous…She was staring at the unending rows of mango trees with thick foliage. The smell in the air was pleasant. In the extremity there were flashes of light falling and disappearing and distant sounds of movements of automobiles was giving her nice feeling. It seemed to be a good garden…She thought, and just at the back she felt the presence of the old wrinkle faced stout build black skin man introduced to her as the owner of the house…along him the household old lady also entered the room and the third person was Sameer who was holding a cot…Julia knew the extra cot belonged to the old lady who would be her night companion. The face of the lady was very graceful and glittering in golden shade. She was wearing abnormal size of gold earrings embedded with red shining corals. The ornament was in half moon superfine design which impressed Julia.

‘Aaa doojee Khaat Mharee chhai…Huun unde thare khanai souunla chinta fikar koni rakhje beti (This cot is mined …I will sleep here close to you …don’t worry for anything daughter)’The old lady assured her of safety. She felt happy to hear the world of the lady. She was really charming to her eyes as she wore total motherly gestures. Her big rounded eye’s were twinkling like stars …How wonderful all this world was, she thought for a moment. Julia could not connect her feelings to the real words but her lips were vibrating in emotions. When Sameer told Julia what her words meant she simply told…Oh,Thanks.!
Julia was tired so after putting off the light she went to deep sleep. The light outside her room was giving low green glow and the old man was sleeping there outside between the two rooms in the Jeffery.
In the early morning Julia woke up from her dreadful dream-‘the old round face black house- owner was sitting very close to her cot…he had opened the buttons of her blouse and was starring her open breasts, his moustaches soon touched that nude part and his teeth were encroaching ample bosoms …moreover she smilingly welcome his this menace and gave him an advantage to press and play with her sensitive balls, as if the old man was her bosom friend’… then in sleep she suddenly heard some shrilling sounds from behind her room .She got scared…There was nobody in the room accept the old lady. She was snoring …In the dark she could not think what to do as the sounds were quite disturbing to her ear…She put on the light…
‘Kaanee baat hai beti tuun iyaan kiyan udhhagi…’ (What happened dear daughter, why you got up like this?)The old lady asked her…Still not knowing what to do she went out of the room and came to Sameer…got hold of her…in puzzling and fearing voice she told him-‘See Semi few children are weeping behind my room in the garden…Sameer took no time in understand what happened to her. He told her-‘ Julia these are the sounds of Peacocks…The beautiful Indian birds…Come with me I show you how wonderful they look when they dance…! Julia came out of the house. It was beautiful morning…The red gold shining bountiful nature was spreading its wings…with dancing of Peacocks …Very charming…Julia realized how nice was this Indian man…can I…She smiled within herself…the answer of her thought was assertive…Yes she can take a chance with Sameer.He ought to be my….She smiled again.
With his magical whisper the crying metallic weeping sounds of the ‘ children’ transformed into golden musings of dancing birds !Julia also shared her dream with Sameer which disturbed her sleep…Sameer took it lightly but enjoyed her narration of nude-story from within. He told her after slow walk in to the garden and returning home—‘Now go to your bed and sleep…At tea time I will tell you the story of this Peacock Garden and the old man. The first summer night was over following a new dawn in their life.

Julia could not get the ticket for Palace on Wheel, since the train was already reserved till next session. She had the fascination in her mind to travel by that Royal heritage train as she read in the tourist brochure about the luxury attached to traveling in royal saloons…she had no idea of whole one year advance reservation of the tourist train…She felt little sad and told Sameer –‘It was my life time dream…how can it come true. Can you help me please…?’
‘Not right now but I can try…You have to wait for that…by that time…Sameer could not complete his sentence and she told him-‘ I better go to Ajmer…I read the literature it is very close to Jaipoor.
‘The Pushkar fair…it’s very famous…It’s the fair of creator of the cosmos…Brhma..’
Creator of the cosmos! Very interesting …when the train is going? Suddenly some old memory struck her mind…she had visited Pushkar earlier with her friend Barbara….but she felt no need to reveal it to Sameer.
‘No train now but you can catch the ordinary bus …It will take you to Pushhkar in three hours.’
‘O.K then let me go by bus…’
‘If I come with you …?
‘You have no school.
‘Today I will take leave for you…leave for my guest…guests are gods in India..’
‘No objection if you please…’she told him.

Sameer and Julia had the exciting and happy go-round . …Pushkar , a mythical oasis wrapped by barren hills was the ‘Yajna’ land of the creator of the cosmos. A lake sprang was dedicated to him. It was not a fair season yet the place was charming and gave the impression of a big pilgrim place of Hindus. It was very much touching for Julia and was like a fairy tale… It was in her memory when last time she visited this place with her friend Barbara. It was fair season around festival of lights…In the infinite stretch of desert the life of folk was pulsating in colors …decorated camels in hundreds…the dancing lady snake charmers and a sea of crowd on the fair ground all along the beautiful lake…the hour of cow dust of returning animals and the people…all was spell bound for Julia
Again with that same stock of memory she came very close to Sameer and in the crowded street strongly took his hand in her fold and knowingly or unknowingly rubbed her body at many occasions…laying pliant ,she even gave him a warm kiss behind the temple of lord Brahma and filled his heart with joy. That was her warm complement for his good and exciting company which seemed no more boring to her then.

Then all of a sudden she expressed her inner self-‘Why people come to Pushkar ,perhaps you don’t know…I tell you Semi…For love…I love you…Semi…I want to marry you today….Julia became very emotional…She felt fully compos mentis when she disclosed her heart .Sameer was thoughtless .Is she joking…he thought in himself…!
‘Are you, He asked with fumbling words.’ …How can we marry today?
‘I will be very happy to marry you…any moment…It was Julia’s overwhelmed plosive expression. Was it a reality or drama, irrational behavior, straightforwardness of western life style or a plotter from her side, was not clear to Sameer at that moment?
‘But you know I am still not in job Julia…’
‘Oh that’s not a problem…Can’t you complete your diploma after marrying me?…I will not disturb you…She told him and took his hand on her leap…They came towards the Gaooghat near the lake…One Panda( professional priest) was standing very close to them and he wanted to explore the possibility of formal worship of the pious lake by them so he came forward and proposed Sameer to offer flowers and conduct Sankalp-Pooja combined with his foreign friend. The priest told him that the worship in Gaooghat (cow courtyard) is considered religiously fruitful for fulfilling all the desires of life…When Sameer told the importance of what was being told to him by the priest, Julia jumped in joy and agreed to offer flowers …The priest from his side gave them a saffron cloth to cover the heads in union…and after instructing them to sit close, he conducted the ceremony with religious fervor and spiritual scriptures. He also blessed them a long and lasting friendship.

After this worship Julia became very emotional ,she felt a sort of attachment for Sameer. Her heart was dancing and eye’s shining in some dream…She almost thrown money in the market and purchased lot of fancy items for herself ...Tie and dye dark blue gown and peacock blue topper…She had the idea of winter color code and good dress-sense hence she chose black dull gold and metallic apart from blues…She gone for another combination of grey, deep purple and burgundy Punjabi Ghaghara and Gherdar Salvar-Angiya suit with a Moghalia jacket …different colored beads ,semi-precious stones and a special brace-let of topaz with Tantrik design, symbol and diagrams. She also took a beautiful embroidered light green Kurta for Sameer her, love mate…They had their Dalbati -churma special dinner in hotel Sarover and enjoyed the night stay in Pushkar. The morning filtered sun put oar in their boat of life and found them stark naked on the lush-green carpet of semi circle luxury suit. The double-bed was not sufficient for their night sports .Perhaps, they turned over a new leaf and the second summer night for this new ‘couple’ was hunky-dory.
.However by the first morning bus they left for Ajmer , and in the company of two very close friends, Sameer wedded Julia in Arya Samaj in the same evening with jet-set-go spirit.The ‘kanyadan (offering the daughter by father for wedding ) formality was completed by a friend of the priest.

That way Julia was lucky. At least she played her first part of ‘game’ very nicely as she came to India with a particular mission! She was going to her husband’s home as a legal bride now. They were traveling by bus to a nearby village-home where Sameer had his roots. His parents, near and dear relative and his friends…he never thought in his life that his dream would be true in such a short period…although he was also prepared and worried for the obloquy. He held his breath as the time scuttled along the fast speed of the bus.

‘Now that means I am a four legged man now-‘Sameer told Julia looking at his sindoor (red organic substance parting her hair in semi-circle )‘certificate’ of the Indian married woman)-He was talking absurdly ,almost trying to translate whatever idea jumped into his mind…finding it difficult to connect his ‘miraculous’ wife in her language,
‘I don’t understand that…’
‘After marriage the bridegroom becomes four legged, since he ‘gets’ (acquires) two additional legs of his wife.’
‘And what about the wife…does she remains two legged? She wanted to know about her position.
‘Well I have no idea about that…
‘So that way I am still not part of you…?
‘No… not that …You are hundred percent my (mine).It’s a relation of ‘janma janmantar’..I mean last birth this birth and every future birth bigger sense you are my better half.’ He told her convincingly .Then again he added sorry my English is ‘tooti-footi’…working.
‘But how could you rate me better…? She again asked him intelligently.
‘You are better and butter both-He laughed…You must know our greatest god lord Krishna was very much found of butter. for his use he would steel it…I’ll tell you story later. You are my sweet ‘hearts’ now. and with these flowing words he took her in his close arms and wanted to stamp his lips on her lips…but realizing suddenly …this is India, he simply put his head on her shoulders.
They were traveling by Roadways bus to home town of Sameer…his home town was Dausa, very close to Jaipur the capital city. Sameer thought about his father and mother and other family members …All illiterate farmers. They were very rigid people. His father was a small primary school teacher but a poet with progressive thoughts. He wrote lot of controversial articles especially about ‘their’ orthodox community. He had a liberal attitude towards life and that was the reason his father even allowed him to join amateur theatre and learn dance which was never a tradition in their family… but at the same time his uncles always opposed to his moving with small status girls of society and hi-fi fashionable men- women who were hard-liner and always opposed modern ideas and new wave education and fashion. Her mother was a religious lady, very humble in nature. He had three younger school going sisters and one youngest brother. They had only small three room old house but an unused big uncultivated land on the border of national highway. Overall it was a lower middle class family to which Sameer belonged…and what he was boasting about the family background and their old house in Amber ,a tourist attraction was all imaginative and baseless false perception of his innocent mind sine he never thought that he will be marrying the same girl in near future with whom he was ‘romancing and flirting’…and now the interesting feature of the family was going to be the entry of a foreign bride in this poor rural set-up…

Well, frankly speaking in all these years the foreigners have even married Riksha Pullers and persons belonging to even more lower status in comparison when we look into Sameers latest affairs, it seemed little convincing…at least he is an educated and ambitious man and had achieved national heights as a performing dancer even at this stage of his schooling …Besides this, his being the recipient of a national scholarship in the field of Kathak dance is no less a credit to his upcoming bright future…still tying nuptial knots with a foreigner whom he never known before was an adventure of his life…and that too and truly never expected of his type-cast, his land of the living…As a matter of fact he was absolutely a green horn who did not see much beyond his limited village life.

It was a melodrama….The journey to home of the newly-wedded couple was tedious. Although their arrival not sudden, as just after marriage in Arya-Samaj, Sameer, informed his home that he was suddenly married with a foreigner in Arya Samaj,, he is coming to take blessings of his father, mother and all elderly persons …He added to this news falsely, as he knew nothing about her background, that she was a very rich lady .He knew that the money played important role in village life. It adds feather to an ordinary man…and otherwise also he thought within himself that his ‘daliddar’(rainy days ) is over now. He brought an ‘apsara’(angel ) from heaven. He was excited in his new adventure.

The marriage ceremony in Arya-Samaj took only one hour and it ended before 12.30 A.M…After wedding was over he first and foremost thought his duty to inform his father about this. His father did not come to attend the P.C.O phone and the message was delivered to his younger sister who had come from school at that time of call and through her only his marriage story spread everywhere like a jungle fire.

It was a grand welcome of Julia in Sameer’s poor home…There was beating of dholaki a local percussion instrument and playing of shehnaee(pipe), singing of auspicious songs generally sung by the ladies of the house during the time of ‘grahpravesh’ (stepping in time of the bride.)
The younger sister of Sameer put a mark of roli- kumkum on the forehead of her foreign bhabhi and did aarati with lamps…and then after spraying water drops with beetle leaf , putting aside a pot full of rice by her right foot as was instructed by the mother of Sameer, she was considered fit to take entry in the house.
this all being formality and a part of the ritual performed at the time of first entry of the bride in the bridegroom’s home….Step by step everything was so much fascinating for Julia that she forgotten the reality of the social status of the family…for a moment she became conscious of his family background but thinking about her real motto and hidden agenda, she avoided all this and decided not to think on this issue in future…she thought, let the things settle first. As she had the indomitable nature, during past three days, Sameer’s poor background never came in her mind .On contrary one thing was definitely encircling her mind that Sameer , in their introductory phase, projected a false image of his status by lying that he came from some higher family…that he had the old house belonging to their family which is still was a tourist attraction…That statement of Sameer was creating disturbance in her mind and she was mentally perturbed that she might be cheated by him …but then she was also to be prepared for all that ‘ happening’ Everything was fair and important from her research angle

The house was made up of mud and unbaked bricks and irregularly placed stone walls.She then entered in a temporarily decorated bride-room with Sameer, and was offered Coca-Cola, She thought of asking Sameer about the status of his family…but then immediately a group of young and old ladies and children came in the room and surrounded her and wanted to ask her name…She very politely told them that her name was Julia…By listening her words they all were pleased but when one seemingly educated young girl asked her in English--‘Do you like my brother?...she smiled in response and told her – ‘I love him.’ With these three words Julia felt relieved and realized that what all was going in her mind about Sameer was not justified at this stage … she herself thought about her position and rationalized the situation .Her eyes still starring at the grass holes ,coming of dry leaves, thatch, unplanned and un-structured wood and bamboo lifting the roof ,broken tiles..(kelu) over her head . In the same room earthen containers dhoomala for keeping clothes was also lying….She thought… he must have lied before her about his family status as he might never thought that in these three days time their love story will terminate into nuptial knot…and then she again thought about her real mission of visiting India…looking all that she side-lined her feeling that Sameer ‘deceived’ her by telling a false-story of his family history and she was in peace.
As a matter of fact she had to go miles before ending her research project with his ‘temporary’ husband .The first night with his Indian husband was an experience in itself.

On contrast she thought of her earlier marriage ceremony which was very lavish. Her bride-dress cost her father, hundreds of dollars…’they’ had cans attached to the going away car, an old custom of just married pair in her town…but in this case Julia came to her husband’s home by Roadways bus…and the journey too was very tiring…more-over
Sameer was in haste as ‘their actual ‘wedding game’ was already delayed due to different gimmicks, rituals, singing, face-showing of Julia, the entrance formalities in the bride-room, she was waiting for him alone on the decorated rose bed …it was a hot summer night and the special arrangements for fans and cooler for her was made from the town tent house.

As a novice and an unexposed young man, he had no idea of fore-play in the sexual game…rather he behaved like a kid in this matter .Although in Pushkar they developed sexual relations but that too was only one night stand. She allowed him to undress her specially designed ‘ghaghara loogari’(bride-attire)not telling ‘no’ ,even for once .She observed and enjoyed the entire game from her research angle…rather thinking about the concluding part of her thesis and a ‘blogger’ she would write next week about this romantic journey. she took this all as a rustic sporting event…kidding his boy friend turned husband in her own way in the new adventure of sex…They both were left alone in a shabby small room just attached to ‘cow-dung area in the backyard space. Sameer’s younger sister Sonoo left a glass of milk for her brother. Julia also overheard silently spoken ‘best of luck’ from her young and innocent school going ‘Devrani (husband’s sister) for her brother…answered by Sameer.’chal bhaag’(go away ) bhabhi ko jyada pareshan mat kar ( don’t trouble the bride ).Sameer was in ‘Choodidar payajama, Shervani and colorful headgear with a rose flower in his hand entered in specially decorated ‘suit’ like a clown copy of a maharaja…she did not like all this and that made her sick for that moment, when he was drawing close some bad smell of local wine dreaded her...she was petrified by his such a strange behavior…but Julia immediately became conscious about her pertinacious role and accepted him as a true –researcher…Sameer immediately revealed that he is not drunk but his distant relation bhabhi (elder brother’s wife) had sprinkled some drops of wine on his shervani as part of a jape, rather played on such occasions…on part of her it was rather a faux pas…she also knew it from her heart that it was a part of the stint which she is supposed to manage beautifully. Julia’s mind was clear…although she felt she was foolish but it was‘pond wise penny foolishness’ Just the reverse.
One more summer night was over…with the chores of grinding of daily requirement of grain on the millstone much before the sun-rise…the other male members of the house were engaged in ploughing, women folk in every house hold became busy in cleaning the house, younger and elder for fetching water from Panghat and milking the cattle…dragging grass and preparing cakes for fuel …cooking…etc...such routine activities kept the house engaged in one way or the other…and lastly Sameers father’s came back home from his posting which was far from the home-town to receive the new Americal bride at his home…He had already consented the marriage and had expressed no objection when informed by his own son. He was an open mind teacher and old body-builder who had earned name and fame in teaching and wrestling both…Besides all this he was a staunch critic of old fashioned norms of society….

But most unfortunately the morning stored wrath of people outside the family and everything suddenly turned into a frenzy affair. In the very start up of her first day-break, she heard the uproar outside. The situation seemed tense and Julia noticed his husband Sameer almost running out of room. At that particular moment, apparently, she thought she might face trouble and may be forced to relinquish her marriage with Sameer…The high-tide of voices made her disturbed. She wasn’t the only one with weighty thoughts on her mind but the entire house seemed collapsed. In clear view of the cul-de-sac now, she saw Sameer sunk in worries from tip to toe and moving thoughtlessly here and there without telling her anything about this sudden fall of the sky on their head. The world outside this small house seemed clumsy and neurotic. …she chuckled over her own decisions, but now she was not free to choose what she liked and how to behave as things surrounding her had suddenly gone from bad to worse. She was helpless to decide her future course of action…the odd -timid time disillusioned her totally. One drunkard monster-like muscleman knocked the door of their room before the dawn, challenging their marriage, claiming tall that Sameer was already married with a village girl living in the nearest town and henceforth the marriage with this ‘firangi’ was illegal. Even trying to enter the room forcefully the old stout man even looked at her with an evil leer. He brought with him a group of goons, some local journalists and two police constables for further investigation and news coverage. The matter seemed very serious…someone standing at a distance was ready to snatch her away immediately and wanted to take both Sameer and Julia to police station. He was commenting on their marriage in the very filthy language and asked Sameer, from which street he had brought this billy ka goo…chhajala..leir phainkiya eene varna thanaa mei jayer sadeigo ( Throw her away from pooper scooper otherwise you will be behind the bars).Some other outsiders were questioning for her valid passport etc.

The entire episode looked bit confusing and alarming and Julia noticed features of worries on the face of Sameer . The mob was threatening to call ‘Panchayat’on their marriage outside the community. The most dangerous story she gathered from the fragments of furious voices was gruesome possibility of even burning of ‘them’as an outcome of ‘honor- killing’ in their case too. It had already happened in so many cases within the boundaries of this village earlier. The so called ‘Panchayat’ never bothered, how fast the time changing…in such cases Police never intervened and if so they stood firmly with the mob and the nexus of politicians and orthodoxy. Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment but then suddenly the melodrama scene changed and
Julia was little bit relieved, once the father of Sameer rushed to the mob and tackled everything in smooth manner. He looked calm, well composed and strong in his character and position and shown no sign of fecklessness. Instead of that he threatened the constable of dire consequences and called on his Dy.S.P friend by mobile. He had been always a man of cool thinking and settled so many family feuds and quarrels of others so seeing him there taking prompt action about his own family matter, everyone assembled there left the place accept the journalists who wanted the facts of this marriage. But tactically Sameer’s father also advised his son and new bride to seek shelter in the capital as he was bit doubtful about the skeptic behavior of ‘Khap’ ‘-It’s ‘fatwas and declarations…!That could any time nullify this marriage and leave the couple to frenzy headless mob.

.And by the time Sameer and Julia heeled out from the village , under the dark cover, due to all sort of pressures from outside and within, and touched the city’s outskirt, the evening local daily published the most sensitive baseless story totally without facts of their marriage adding butter in the fire .The city reporter mixed all ‘masalas’ to make his exclusive news item ‘burning’ for that he raised questions through elderly masterminded persons, about the validity of this marriage ,the bride’s caste and religious background and many more big daddies frowned upon this ‘ever-black dot nuptial knot ‘ in the history of this village.

Even the journey of Julia and Sameer from their own home to the new township took two hours as they crossed the village not by metal road by any transport but on foot through barren and burning sand dunes. The danger started hovering over their heads .As runaway man and woman escapists from the scene they had all possible chances to be trapped anytime, even on their way and butchered like rats or pigs…on the basis of ‘justice delayed is justice denied ‘formulae. It was possible by any self styled fanatic group that they could be murdered on the road before reaching any safer distance…who would never care for courts orders or appeals from so called social activists…their seeking protection would be another long story prompting justice…and before all that eventuality, fortunately or unfortunately they reached their safe-hide-out. A well build old eighteenth century fortress of Shriddha Mata. Actually it was the decision of Julia who remembered her very old visit to this city with one of her friend Barbara from England. She was a great admirer of that spiritual lady and disciple too. The fortress was a massive built structure with only one big gate strategically hidden from any view. After hearing and working over all sort of possibilities, she advised Sameer to take shelter there as that was the safest point…far away from the maddening crowd and day-to-day disturbed news…

Shraddha Mata was no more there.She left for her heavenly abode years ago, but the temple priest, an old Rajpurohit and self appointed security man of this heritage fort and Shakti temple, who had long connection with that spiritual lady, permitted them to stay for one or two nights till any further arrangement is made. He was still in touch with Barbara, who wrote him letters and sent money in the memory of her reverend ‘Guru’ regularly. A good sum of money in the name of Sakti temple came to fort for food of Bhairva’s( twelve black sturdy shining dogs) and Prasad ( offering). It was her promise and that she was maintaining.

One more pitch-dark night passed in another claustrophobia .She slept in the arms of Sameer staring and counting stars, did not know when sleep subsided her thoughts…but she got up suddenly from a dreadful dream ‘‘she and Sameer were surrounded in a pitched battle with police and unruly masses pelting stones on them…there was intermittent firing ..The demonstrators undressed both of them and they were preparing fire and dancing around them. Then suddenly ‘Bhairav’s… Shraddhamata’s old warriors came to their help…seven to eight dogs from the fortress came out and mob started disrupting in slow motion….’’

Instead of keeping them in complete exile they decided to leave the pink city and left for Jaisalmer by hiring a taxi for real adventure and excursion tour. Julia wanted to wash her inhuman feelings and stress, rejecting every possibility of ominous dark clouds gathering overhead. Sameer was with her in every move.

Now there was ample time for them to have dialogue. The journey was longer…no more play of Chutes and ladder, she was murmuring in her thoughts.

‘You told something to me…Sameer’s voice was coming from deep well.
‘You did not tell me you were married. why you not disclosed all that ?She asked him lightly.
‘Julia it was my half marriage…sagaee…what you call it is engagement…but no ring exchange…the girl was very corrupt…’’
‘‘Oh that way you were engaged with her…?
‘‘I had only seen her from distance…never touched her…she was touched and used by even my close friends. she was a pros…Sameer was stammering.
‘‘Oh nothing serious …Sameer you are a nice guy’’.
‘‘Do you really love me? I pray god…we’ll be husband and wife in the next births also.’’
‘‘I can’t assure you that…how could it is possible?’’
‘‘I believe in the re-birth…and again and again marriage is possible…’’
‘‘Interesting…but if I leave you….what…?’’
Sameer stopped her from speaking. He closed her lips by pressing his four fingers and strongly holding her head supporting from behind. She liked his loving action.
‘‘In our society we marry…re- marry but never take birth again’’- She was in good mood.
‘‘But not in India…we marry only one time…but take birth again and again…’’
‘Why do you do that?’
‘‘I don’t know but I believe in poorvajanma.’’(previous-birth)
‘’Do you also sing…’’
‘‘Not good but I can sing for you…’’

Then there was romantic interlude and .Sameer sung a song for Julia…
‘Hum hi milai thei kabhi Yamuna kinaarei ( We met earlier also in the bank of Yamuna river)
Radha-Kishan thei naam hamarei…( The epical lover Radha and Krihna were our names)
Meri muraliya teri payaliya ( I played flute and you danced)
Dono milkar baneingei geet ( Both of us combined composed this song)
Aaja tujhako pukarei meri preet rei…aaja…( O my love my songs call you…Please come to meet )

Julia did not understand anything from the words but the music and emotional flow lulled her …she was in sleep. The taxi-driver smiling in the mirror was also enjoying this company. Actually he was paid handsomely for this tour.

Now they reached another dream-land of lovers…that was their sixth summer night…in the enchanting golden sand-dunes…the charming ‘Kal-belia dancers mixed melody of Manganiyar singers…magical flow of strings notes from age-old folk instrument ‘Ravanhattha .’Slow breeze like mother’s soft fingers heavenly touch…Pin drop silence…and only Julia with Sameer…only Sameer with Julia…only J with S…a real golden triangle. All equal and opposite angles…geometry of love…chemistry of hearts…mingling in motionless game of love…Yes Julia got her back tattooed with the face of Sameer and body of dancing peacock. She also religiously dyed henna on both her palms showing ‘Radha and Krishna’ as motif of everlasting love( That all for mere entertainment or for practically proving her commitment as researcher of true American spirit.. as part of her formal thesis work…! God alone can know!! )

But Julia’s untiring concern and her real aptitude for ‘Indian husband’ were beyond words. The dusky light filtering through blue sky and kissing in wilderness the curvaceous body of golden sand-dunes filled in Julia a wonderful instinct of love and sex for Sameer. It was rather a conditional reflex for both of them..
‘‘Semi I really love you…I love your innocent eyes… your smile.’’
‘‘I also love you…
‘’This summer would be everlasting in my memory…The winds here are so sweet I feel I should sleep on this sea –bed of sands…I remember my pink foam rollers I used to sleep in…
Sameer realized for the first time what the beauty before him meant to him? But then suddenly the Pandora box of his village house memory opened and he was depressed for a while and to avoid that feeling he at once took her in his arms.
‘‘What happened Sameer ?’’ She asked.
‘ Nothing…I feel you are unlucky..’’
‘ Why so?’’
‘’ It was my distant uncle who acted in dirty manner.’’
‘‘You mean in village. I have forgotten everything…You should also forget…Be happy Sameer…’’
Still Sameer was silent…he lost passion for her for the first time. What happened in his home was very unfortunate and sorrowful…and what all that filthy registered in his mind was not going to be washed easily….
‘‘I wish there would be shower here…river belt…hills…forest…birds…setting sun…and…’’…then as if in dream, Julia took Sameer in her embrace. The summer camp arranged by a private tourist group was fantastic experience for Julia.

The last day and one more night of her stay in India with her husband was again adventurous ,mysterious and skuzzy…another scurrilous event followed and its shadow became visible to her in the very entry of the ‘Blue moon guest house.’’…On the entrance gate the letters shining-‘’ Atithi devo bhav.. ( Guests are our god )
It was Sameer who caught hold of this sign board and suggested her to stay here. He also told her that from this place, they would go to Mallinath fair which would be wonderful and exciting for her.
But for Julia something else’s was written on the wall. Thank god, the welcome in the guest house was also memorable.. One Shehnaee instrumentalist and a couple of dancer plus garlanding the guests was quite impressive…and the moment they felt settled in the special deluxe room, Julia clipped in her eye a huge portrait on the wall of the room…the seemingly spiritual man with impressive bearded face, saffron gown and heavy beads of rudrax, seated in a meditative posture. In his background was some geometric diagram which Julia understood, rightly… representing cosmic dynamism….Was it a false conjecture, flight of fancy or any honest endeavor ?..Julia was lost in thoughts .She remembered ‘the spiritual lady of Hathroi fortress with whom she had interacted on many aspects of ‘Tantra- philosophy and practice. Then who could be this man? .living or dead? she was curios to know about him immediately…may be, he proves for her a source of enlightenment for?..and before she could get the answer of her question, the ring of her room sounded…o..u…m…o…u…m…o..u..m…She was excited and took phone in her hand…
‘Room service madam…do you need anything ?
‘Yes.. I want to know about…Goorooji…’’
‘Oh Swamiji…’’
‘He is alive. ?.’’
‘Yes at his ninety he looks thirty years old…He has his Ashram in Mallinath…
‘ Can I meet him today..?’
‘Madam we can confirm this after seeking his appointment..’’
‘O.K thanks you. ’’
‘Thanks mam’’

‘‘Whom you Talked ?- Sameer was curious to know.
‘‘ We can meet Goorooji day…’’
‘‘Who is Guruji ?’’
‘Sorry Swamiji..’’
‘You mean the photograph man?’’
‘‘Yes he looks very attractive…charming…at ninety he looks thirty…really wonderful…’’
‘In India this can happen…not in west’. We can do ‘kayakalpa’(Rejuvenation of body) For the first time Sameer gave his critical opinion.
‘We would soon receive the confirmation call. I am anxiously waiting for that call..’’

And within five minutes there was a call…Swami Jeevananand was on the line. Julia was overwhelmed.
‘‘So you are Julia Anderson…I am Swami Jeevananand…’’
‘‘Goorooji namaste…’’
‘‘God bless you.. I know you have come on a mission…’’
‘On mission…? How do you know it Swamiji? She was surprised.!
‘Life is a mission..and we are all in search of Anand…happiness…’’
‘Yes Swamiji…I now understand…She felt relieved…took deep breath.
‘You want to meet me…You are lucky.. Only today we are performing love charms and rejuvenation Home ..A sort of fire –rite…’’
‘That’s wonderful Swami ji…Can I also participate in Hooma..?’’
‘‘Hom…not hooma..’’ Swamiji was in corrective mood..
‘Sorry Swamiji..I will correct the spelling..’

Swamiji laughed at the other end…Then you come at the dusk time…Gaudhooli lagna…it’s good time…
‘Thank you Swamiji..’’
‘H…R…I…N..G…’With utterance of this typical sound Swamiji cut the line.

Julia was spell-bounded by this new sound…h…r…i…n…g… this sound was invoking a new energy in her…as if some binding unknown power was calling her from distance…She felt obliged that Swamiji invited her to perform Homa…Then suddenly she came in normal mood…
‘‘What exactly is the meaning of Homa…fire-rite.. can you explain me..Sameer…being an Indian…Julia asked him’’
‘‘ Very strange you forget (forgot) it’’
‘‘When did I remember it?
‘In Arya Samaj where we were married, the ‘hom’ was performed and we took seven circles of fire there
‘ So you mean…we’ll again take seven rounds the fire at Swamiji’s Ashram..?
‘‘I don’t know what Swamiji and you talked…”
‘‘Oh so you are jealous my dear Indian husband ? She was in good mood, cut a joke which Sameer did not like. He kept mum.
‘Please now tell me again What the love charms and rejuvenation homa mean..?’
You know my English is very poor…better you tell me about these words…

Then for a while Julia also became detached…she thought…perhaps she is running very fast…and the poor fellow, his Indian husband has no guts to accept or oppose her on this scale on such matters…Would he prove to be a hen-pecked husband…if given a chance ! She laughed on her own question!

There was now a gap. Sameer from this point of time was of course changed in his temperament. Julia was beyond her normal behavior .At that moment she cared for no other. Her flights and daydreaming soon began to make her feel that she has reached somewhere on top…For attainment of objects of pleasure and happiness Swamiji had sent her open invitation which she was not prepared to dispense. She had now but little time for even consultation with Sameer regarding her golden opportunity comes to her on platter. She almost became imprudent and thoughtless and was prepared to invest all her energy in service of the god man who had called her from Ashram.

On the other hand her impulsive behavior was now troubling Sameer. His inner chauvinist man became alert all of a sudden…He realized he was being dominated by a foreigner for nothing. His Indian ness now wanted to show teeth…he would not be a cowardice…simply following her…as a servant…now ‘they’ are no more superior to us…what of that if she speaks good English…It’s her language…she might be rich…but the way she is ‘dictating terms and condition’ ,was now intolerable to Sameer. From his in-most self , he decided to give a tough fight to her dictatorial behavior…after all he is her legal husband and married properly in Arya Samaj…he would soon see that this marriage is registered in Municipal records…God knows from where an image of a poor buffalo came to his mind..! He immediately reacted and thought , she had been pestering him since the day they met…but now onward, he would not tolerate this sort of pestering by flies on a buffalo !. He was not convinced, how and why Julia decides things at her own and never bothered to consult him ? more one way traffic…the lease time is over now…in marriage both the partners have the equal right to leap-frog on one-another back and no body is permanently bending down. ….it’s a turn by turn game of life…
‘‘What happened to you Sameer…you are not speaking…thinking about the home..?’’ She asked him.
‘‘ Yes our home.’’
‘‘It’s nice…may I share your ideas..?’’
‘ You will not go to Swami…Sameer orderly told her with sounding heavy tone.
‘‘ Whaaaat you told…” Julia cried.
‘‘ I decided .’’ He was serious giving his final verdict.
‘‘You decided on my behalf….you dirty Indian…” She made hue and cry out of this situation.
And before any other word slipped from Julia’s tongue, Sameer, in rage, abusing her Khasamkhani’(killer of husband ) slapped her hard across the face…The entire room moved like Juggernaut….and she fell down on the carpeted floor.

It was perhaps part of Julia’s ‘randomizing’ research on Indian husband!At length, however, in the human behaviour and particularly in marriage- love, hatred,peace,violence,romance,
conflicts,doubts,faith,separation, fidelity,infidelity,pride,prejudice
are the multi-dimensional binding forces and ‘one’ should never take hasty decision on one aspect of life. As a matter of fact ‘staying in the wedlock’ means tolerable independence from both the sides…It’s never a one way traffic…This affair believes in pledging life to the stake of ultimate mutual happiness and not seeking individual benefits for unlimited selfish mottoes…In this way Sameer and Julia fortunately and grace of god came out from troubles of carrying ego’s in the light of this institution called marriage…Perhaps ‘something- different’ was written on the back of this ‘Pegasus-couple.’ ..The horse of ‘Aswamedh’(horse-sacrifice) was to be sacrificed in the ‘Homa’ as part of destiny…Both of them reached in the Ashram where Swami Jivananand was waiting as host-priest to perform his part of the game.
When the couple reached in the scented environment of Asham, the ‘fire-ritual’ was in the full swing,..Jati flowers with twigs of Shakhoda and ‘Hring-kar’ chantings to win the girl in ‘telephone-love’ was being offered in fire…According to ‘internal sources’ Swamiji was conducting this ceremony as it was his eternal desire to kindle and spark ‘ Kundalini’ with the help of some deserving disciple…and to everyone’s surprise his long awaited disciple had been called…
She was none else but Julia…and today was that day…The ‘Shaktipat’ process started and Julia was invited from audience to sit in the evening session…She accepted ‘Swamiji’s wish’ as part of adventure and her hidden- mission.

‘‘So you have ultimately come’.’ Swamiji threw a smile on her face radiating his psychic energy in the centre of fore-head.
She was now a truth seeker, with Goorooji SwamiJeevananand….
‘… You had accumulated lot of dirt, filth of the material drainage in your earlier life but now you are very quite… feel in you now a new healing charge of high energy… I bless you to transform your past deeds to seek a new inward journey and destiny .Be a part of spiritual kingdom that would end in you all previous materialistic gymnastics…Swamiji was transforming her consciousness in the new spiritual world, She felt.
‘…Gurooji was a Jesus, a Shiva, a Krishna, a Buddha a Moses to her and she was moving tenderly like cool breeze to meet the divine heights far away from the maddening crowds of hatred, anger, lust, fear, passion…and certainly physical death and decay under his aura.
‘Do you know who are you? It was a question from within.
‘I am a traveler, the answer came automatically.
‘Where you are going’
‘Perhaps difficult to know, but certainly the path is wonderful!
‘Are you alone in this journey?’
‘Till I am impatient I will be alone.
‘What sort of impatience?’
‘Of merging with oneness.’
‘Who obstruct you from merging?’
‘My own self…my ego.
‘But now you are a blessed spirit! Submit your total existence to me. I am your friend philosopher, guide and Guru and…!

Julia was silence in inexplicable joy. She raised her head for a moment and a silent gesture of Swamiji took her in lap of super consciousness. Perhaps it was a moment of full enlightenment.

‘ So your new identity is jeevyani .You are the second supreme person in the cosmos after Jeevananand.
‘Does the change in name mean anything to me now Swamiji?
‘It’s not changed, it’s the continuous life as in past you were Jeevayani and future too you will be Jeevayani.The meaning of Julia and Jeevyani is the same in the spiritual world.…( (Swami smiled )
You are now in the old track of your life for some time…to discover past memories of your earlier birth and to fulfill new obligations of this life.

‘What were my past memories Goorooji and what I have to do now?
‘In your previous births you have passed through many phases…the most important phase is that of Julia to Jeevyanee and now in the reverse order you will traverse through many past memories just to wash your sins…’
‘My sins?’
‘Yes my child…this body and this world around you is the river bed of sins and one has to take dip again and again…rejuvenate oneself for attaining one’s true self which is the ultimate objective of all jeevatma’s (Living beings )’
‘But how could I know about my past lives..Is it possible Goorooji –Julia asked this simple question to Swami.

Swami again smiled…and in restrained manner said-‘The illusions of life must vanish before the life divine can be realized.

‘‘Now you feel you are under control of your Guru’’
She silently observed all that and followed the instruction .Guru put a tilak (caste mark) on her fore-head.
‘You are married Julia ?‘Swami asked her
‘‘Recently only almost a week ago..’’
‘Great…with a soodra…? He cunningly questioned and misinterpreted Jats as Soodra’s..
‘‘ I don’t know…he is Sameer…’’ She answered innocently.
‘But this ‘knot is not valid according to Indian scriptures…don’t worry you have come to right place …you will be purified.’’
She was not understanding all that ‘linguistic problem…but was enjoying the ‘Homa’
Then Swamiji told her-‘ For this day, to eliminate your ‘untouchable-consciousness’, I have buried an iron spike of ten fingers length under your seat with the mantra ‘Visvakar manam havish mantra…that means you are the true disciple of your Guru free from all last sins and capable of ‘love charms and rejuvenation’’
‘‘Thank you Swamiji…’’
‘‘ Oh no thanks…now listen…I am planting in you a single spark in a dry hay stack which will assume the form of big fire spontaneously…It is kindling new energy in you and you are now free from all previous sins including your last sin, marrying a soodra…!’’

In the loud chanting of …h..r..i..n..g…h..r..i..n..g…h..r..i..n..g… nothing was heard… And fascinated Julia accompanied her Swamiji in his private chamber for further ‘Deekhsa’ During all that process her husband was kept away by the Ashram bodyguards and musclemen…Only by passing through the train of people and flickering thoughts, Julia could only see the waving hand of Sameer in the crowd…That was unfortunately the last glimpse of her Indian husband…and after that the game of sex-worship having roots in antiquity with all its mysterious cults was played in so called Ashram. Julia being the centre of ‘All Kama (sex) and Desire…born of the union of the inert Male Principle and his Sakti or Energy…But the worst part of this so called ‘rejuvenation ‘cult was misuse of the situation of poor Sameer and her spouse Julia, the irredeemable and pervert expression of Swami’s licentious desires to seduce the American lady with disorderly usage of mantra. hr…i..n..g…h..r..i..n..g……then krang…kring…krung…kraing…kraung…kra…in his so called Homa in most disillusioned and deceitful manner…unfortunately Julia took it very normally…It was a
dream (no nostalgia) for her. Very nearer to her desire for mystic experience.

In the private chamber of Swami Jeevananand the ‘Placing of Jar’ceremony started as the prelude of ‘Deeksha’(Teaching) and the wine (ambrosia) was ready for drinking…It was part of ‘Pancha Makars (Five M )or Panchtatva – like, Madya (liquor)Mansa(Meat) Matsya( Fish) Mudra(Parched corn), and Mithun(Sexual intercourse) This special session was arranged for Julia for her cheerful life, increase of intelligence ,energy and strength and increasing generative power, sustainability and joy in creation and for that ‘chakrapooja’(plexus- worship) was to be performed. …Swamiji was in his lascivious joyful mood…Anand Bhairav ( Jeevnanand) and Anand Bharvi (Julia) in the amorous sporting stage.…Now Julia was Jeevananad’s Sakti…possessing many limbs and heads.of grey white garments…adorned with garlands of white flowers…Jeevananand took her hand in process and took her in his side then combing her hairs from his fingers he kissed her upon her lips…planting the first seal of ‘eternal blessing…’Julia hidden her face in his broad breast…understanding his game perfectly, he lifted her to his lap…she bended her body back…like a young snake untamed by spells….She was now wholly passion laden—eyes, ears, sense, soul…she was totally possessed by Swami….And then naturally in all his earnest, he, told her-‘’But now you don’t have to wear your clothes… as it is MAYA…! For complete union with your Guru you have to be pure…prepared for rousing Kundaliny. (Power).

The concluding ceremony of these so called mysteries ended in Mithuna (Cohabitation)…organic ritual of Lingam with Yoni…Parvati and Shiva in symbol. It was nothing but the old practice of phallic worship which Julia enjoyed both physically and mentally keeping his husband away from her mind…! It was not any secret rendezvous of Julia but an opportunity of meeting her Guru offered by nature through his husband in the given circumstances.

This was the seventh summer night of Julia in the Great Indian Desert.
Her husband’s body was in bad shape…
He was beaten badly and thrown out of the Ashram by Swamiji’s goons…
But when he came in senses
His wife had already left India
Without registering any complaint in Police against Swamiji
Sameer was in his doldrums state
He had to perform his ballet and Kathak dance in Kamani Auditorium in next week…
And before that he had to meet the Press
To tell his story…!



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2010

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