
The Wolf-napping

Note: *Insert words here* are thoughts. Enjoy! :)

"Josh,"I sighed, tired of my adopted brother's fretting, as I leaned back on the couch were Joshwa had set me after bringing me home. "Are you angry?"
"No, Ecca," Joshwa sighed, "Just relax and Regain your strength."
"I'm sorry. I was stupid to think I could take them all on alone."I groaned as Joshwa set the broken bone in my leg. "jez Josh could you make that hurt anymore?"
"Ecca I'm sorry, but it wouldn't hurt at all if you hadn't gone and broke your leg," I could see the pain in Joshwa's eyes while he spoke, and it just broke my heart."Please don't try to attack any more 'Specials. They're dangerous, even for you as a 'Mix" ('Specials is the short version of SuperSpecials, or humans with super powers. 'Mix stands for Mixed bloods, witch as the name suggests is a mix between 'speacals and shapeshifters.)
"You're a 'Special, and you're not dangerous,"I growled, pissed off, as I smacked him playfully with my poor, blood-stained, white tail to tell him that I was not too angry with him.
"Oh my God, Ecca!" Lilaya, Joshwa's older sister, wailed as soon as she saw me."Joshwa you idsotte," (that is her way of cussing him out)"how could you let her do something dangerous again!"
"It's my fault, not Josh's. I snuck out to go save that poor kid that gang was beeting to a bloody pulp!" I quickly shot back, as I tried to stand but Josh stopped me.
"Ecca, please don't move," Joshwa begged." you'll hurt yourself. You can stand in a minute you're almost healed."
"Don't defend him!" Lilaya fumed, as she started to hit Josh but stoped at the last second.
"No!" I barked, laying on top of Josh on the floor where I had thrown myself to keep Lilaya from hitting Josh.
"Ecca!"Both Josh and Lilaya fussed, as Josh used his SuperSpecial speed and streangth to pick me off of the ground and into his arms.
" Lily, Why are you home so early?" I, still snug in Josh's arms, changed the subject. "It's only 6:30."
"I came home to tell you two that I got-" the doorbell rang.
Lilaya swung around the corner to the door just as Josh set me on my feet. We could hear people sneaking into the house from the back door.
Someone approched the door. A loud knock sounded through the room. Boom! They kicked the door down. *Crap
"Wolf-girl come out with your hands up where we can see them! We won't hurt you if you come quietly."
As I limped out with my hands in the air ,thinking *Oh crap!* I saw three 'supers, one was as big as a truck with a bald head, another was thin and had a snake tatto that ran the full leangth of his right arm with the head on the back of his hand, the last one was only about three feet tall. The Dwarf worried me the most.
"There you are. It hard find you. You hide good," the dwarf grumbled, as the big guy snuck around behind me. "Now you come."
"Why should I go anywhere with you?" I inched back knowing that I could not defeat all three of them even with Josh and Lilaya's assistance. My injurys were not even half way healed.
"Jussst come with usss quietly you know there isss no other way." Snake-man hised as he slithered closer and I inched back.
" Will you let my friends go if I do?" I bargined.
"Fine we have orders for you only." the dwarf grumbled as I thought At least this way only I get caught and they will stay safe.
I did not even have time to answer before Big-man grabbed me and tried to knock me out. I twisted at the last second and escaped the blow. That was close! I moved a few steeps away. Suddenly a pair of goons in black suits appeared from around the corner holding the unconscious Josh and Lily.
"You said if I went quietly you'd let them go," I growled viciously as I glared at Big-man. "How does attacking me mean come quietly?"
"Do you want ussss to tie you up then?"
"I'll do as you wish if you let my friends go." I reasoned. "Now, please."
The goons released Josh and Lily. I darted forward to catch them before they hit the cold, hard concrete floor. I then laid them gently onto the floor.
"I apologize my friends, but it seems my journey with you has come to an end," I whispered in their ears right before I got unsteadily to my feet. "Alright knock me out or tie me up, you can even kill me for all I care, but remember our deal you leave them alone or you will have one pissed off wolf-girl to deal with."
"Point taken miss," Big-man stated impressed by my guts.
"We go now," Dwarf commanded. "Knock girl out, Tucker."
I felt something prick my arm and dropped back to the ground as ice raced up my arm.
"Done Boss." Tucker (aka. Big-man) stated.
"Ecca!" Josh screamed as he woke up.
"She is gone Josh," Lily sobbed as she looked at Josh with huge chocolate brown eyes. "I searched the whole house."
"Who were those guys and what did they want with our Ecca!" Josh ranted as he got off the floor where Ecca had laid him three hours previous.
"Why would they take our little Ecca, Josh"
"I don't know but who ever they are they're good, they managed to take us both out in one hit."
Josh stood and helped Lily up, and rubbed the back of his head.
"Are you alright, Joshwa?"
"I'm fine how about you?"
Josh and Lily surveyed the damage to the house. Josh found Ecca's small,ocean blue magic pendant on the floor.
"I hope Ecca's alright, they must have taken her she wouldn't just leave this here."
"I am sure she is fine, Josh."
"We must find her soon!!! Who knows what they'll do to her!?!"
"Look Josh she left us a note..."
"What does it say?"

Dear Josh and lily,
Please don't look for me. I will probably not see you ever again, but know that I will never forget you two for as long as I live.
Thanks for everything. =3
Good bye forever,


I woke up on a hard metal cot with a one inch thick mattress on it. *Where am I?* The walls of my cell were were shiny silver, and the floors were a dull silver. I could tell that it was made to keep all kinds of supernatural creatures, for silver does not actually burn us it just weakens us.
There was a beutifull woman with long, flowing, raven black hair, a pale completion, and crimson eyes was sitting in the only chair in the room. She smelled of death and flowers.
"Where am I?" I groaned, "My head hurts."
"Rest more," The vampire stated."You will feel better."
"Who are you?" I was on my feet instantly, "Where am I?"
"I am Derina, and you are in our base in the middle of nowhere." Derina stated so coldly it was as if her voice drained the air of any life. I felt like I was choking from lack of suitable air. I fell to my knees. *Is this it?*
The heavy door suddenly swung open, and a man, with long black hair that was so dark it looked as if you could stick your hand through it, stepped in. He had starling green eyes, a slim but strong figure, and a handsome face.
"Sis you aren't scaring our pretty little guest with your voice, now are you?" He teased, with a deep ,yet lively voice. "Are you alright? You look as if you were just strangled!" he exclaimed.
"Just peachy." I growled rubbing my thought, "Who are you?" *It's a good thing he came in when he did he just saved my life. *
"Leonardo, but just call me Leo," Leonardo smiled reveling a gleaming row of perfect white teeth and two longer pointy teeth, ",and I'm happy your ok my sis scares everyone even other vamps." Leo smirked at Derina. "See I told you that you scare people!"
"Hush!" Derina commanded. "She is a prisoner, and prisoners are to be terrified."
"Now be nice!" Leo chided, "she is a guest after all."
"What are you talking about?" I questioned. Another vampire with short,blond hair waltzed through the door.
"Leo, Rina it is time to feed," Blondie sighed. "Oh. so it is awake. We should bring it with us."
"A feeding! You don't really drink blood do you?"
"Only our royal family need to." Leo explained. "Although we have a ceremony for it when it is necessary."
"Oh, let's go then!" I dashed out the door ,turned to the left, and flashed down the hall. I soon found myself in a beautiful, tall ceilinged ball room filled with vampires, and six humans, beaten and bloody, chained together lieing on the floor in front of a magnificent thrown. A top this thrown was the most magnificently beautiful vampire I had seen yet. He was stunning with his extravagant royal blue eyes, regal medium length honey colored hair, and incredible figure, lean yet muscular.
" Why have you interrupted the ceremony!?!" A grizzled old vampire growled.
"Are you going to kill these people?" I, ignoring the hag, challenged.He wouldn't have the nerve to murder these Innocent people would he?
The marvelous vampire seemed shocked for a moment before he answered, "Yes, I must to get enough blood."
"You won't, I won't let you." I stated. Defiantly starring strait into his eyes.*You cur!*
"Would you prefer to take their place?" Mr. Marvelous asked. I steeped forward until I stood a few inches from the humans.
"GODS HEAR ME I CALL UPON YOU TO HEAL THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!" I chanted, feeling the magic swirling from deep inside me. A blinding light surrounded the six humans. When the light receded the human were healed. The crowd of vampires all frose then started yelling and rushed tward me, well accept for Mr. Marvelous ,Leo ,Derina ,and Blondie. I snarled and released the spell that bound my wings, and air shot all the advancing vampires back. Serves them right!!!
"I am Ecca! All those who challenge me to fight come forth!"
"That's enough every one." Mr.Marvelous scolded and then he stood and bowed. "Welcome Ecca ,I am Seth."
"Umm... Why... are you bowing? It's a little weird."I raised one eyebrow.Weird but cute.
"I am bowing as a sign of respect to you little warrior," Seth answered as he rose from his bow. So ... majestic.
There were several gasps from our on lookers.
"All right you need to eat," I felt heat rush to my face as I steeped forward and held out my wrist. Seth oh so slowly reached out and encircled my wrist with his hand. Suddenly I found myself in his embrace. He smelled so wonderful that I got lost in his sent as he leaned closer I decided that being a meal wasn't so bad... *Wait a minute I am No One's meal.*
Then he bit me and I felt like my soul was being pulled from my body.
"Owwwwwwwwwwwwch!" I howled and squirmed. Seth pulled me tighter into his embrace. *This isn't actually that bad...*
*See if you calm down and relax... my bite doesn't hurt any more...*
*You had better get out of my head...*
The pain hit me and i tensed up. He was going to suck me dry.
Suddenly the pain was gone and i could feel his breath on my neck, and his toung on my poor bleeding neck.
"You taste really good. " I blushed at Seth's comment.
"You aren't going to kill me?" I cautiously asked.
"No," Seth chuckled. "I am not."
"Then what ARE you going to do to me?"
"I-" Seth was cut off by the only remaining on looker , Leo.
"That's a very good question."
"She is mine, Brother," Seth snarled. "And-" This time I cut him off by twisting around quickly and shoving Seth back hard.
"I belong to... no one!"My voice broke in the middle of the sentence as I felt the effect of a spell I cast earlier start to come on. I fell to my neighs. No not again...
"What's going on?" Seth looked concerned. My vision swam.
Josh and Lily were locked in a steel cage. Both were unconscious. I could see a suspiciously short shadow.
"Dumb wolf. Dumb vampire. Mistress not happy. Mistress want wolf. Wolf friends bait. Wolf come no doubt." A gravely voice ,that could only be Dwarf, grumbled.
"Are you sssssure?" Snake-man hissed...
"YOU DAM DWARF!!! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!!!" I lept off Seth's lap snarling.
"Ecca, sweetheart, what in this world are you speaking of?" Seth looked at me with worry in his eyes.
"Just you wait you dam dwarf. I'll slit your fat neck..." I yelled growling.
"Ecca?" Seth gently held me by the shoulders.
"I'm sorry. I have some..." I paused searching for the right words. "Business to take care of."
"What is it? I shall help you with it." Seth looked determined.
I paced around the large luxurious room. I walked past mirrors, empty oak dressers, an oak table with three fancy oak chairs and the open door to an empty walk in closet. I paused for a moment to look at the beautifull hand crafted oak bed.
"Do you like it?" Seth inquired from where he had been sitting on the plush couch.
"It is a beautifull piece." I ran my hand down the frame pauseing to touch each little wolf in turn. *Beautifull!* "These little wolves carved into the wood are quite detailed."Seth came up behind me and wraped his arms around me sending little jolts of electricity up my spine. I leaned back and Seth growned.
"You are sooooo sexy...." Seth groaned huskily.
"Oh, realy?" I whispered. "Well you are just gonna have to wait."
I extracted my self from the arms of a very confused vampire prince. I strode over to the large decoritive door, and quickly opened it with Seth on my heels.
"Ecca where are you going?" Seth questioned.
"That is an exelent question, Brother," Leo Suddenly poped up out of nowhere. Seth and Leo glared at each other.
"I don't have time to deal with your fued right now." I interupted. "May I borrow a car, please?"
"Sure, you may have mine as long as I can come with you." Seth and Leo answered simontaniosly. *Oh no they are glaring again....*
"Never mind. I'll just fly." I sighed. "Flying's faster any ways."
"Please alow us to acompany you...." Leo begged.
"We can help you do what ever it is that you need to do...." Seth chimed in.
"What if I told you I was just going clothes shopping?" I teased. "Would you still want to tag along?"
"Yes!" They both quickly answered, looking like they were going to drool. *I don't want to know what they are thinking.*
"Well.... I'm not going shopping." I stated squashing all their day dreams. "Don't look so disapointed! It's not like I would take either of you shoping with me anyway."
"Well where are we going then?" Seth questioned.
"You arn't going anywhere." I stated trying and failling to figure out the maze of tunnels."However I am going to get out of here."
"Well... We will show you the way out if you agree to take us with you...." Seth and Leo seemed to be teamed up against me. *If they could do this to all the other suppernatral creatures they would have the world under thier thumbs....*
"Fine." I grumbled. *I'll just fly away as soon as I get out of here.*
"You do relise I can hear your every thought?" Seth whispered in my ear.
"Crap! Stay out of my head!" I growled.
"It is a side effect of letting him drink your blood." Leo stated as he took my right hand and Seth took my left hand sending a jolt of electricity running up my arm. *Not good. Not good at all. I can NOT take a mate. Especialy a vampire prince....*
*What are you thinking about? Why can you not take a mate?* Seth asked.
*Get your ass out of my head!* I thought growled. (Growling in your thoughts is hard.)
*Aww.... I thought you liked my ass.... * Seth questioned as he and Leo draged me down the halls.
"Are we almost out yet?" I whined. "Please hurry."
They dragged me a little farther untill we reached a plain wood door, they glanced around before opening the door and whisking me inside with vampire speed. All I could see was darkness.
Arms wrapped around me.
I frose relaxing when the now fimillar electricity rushed through my body. I leaned into his body earning a groan.
"Ecca, unless you want me to claim you right here and now I suggest you cease rubbing your body on me like that...." Seth moaned.
"Sorry...." I could feel the heat rise to my face.
"You are absolutly adorable when you blush!" Seth whispered.
"Wait. You can see me?" I questioned.
"Opps.... I forgot you do not know much about vampires." Seth sounded embarased. "You can not see?"
"Well no I can't see...." I mumbled.
"Sorry." Leo apoligised as the lights came on reveling several rows of new-looking cars, trucks, vans, and two limosines. "Better?"
"Wow! Yes thank you." I looked at each vehicle in the lines untill my eyes came to rest on a beautifull black Ford Ranger. I aproched it as if I was aproching a sacred relic. "How beautiful...."
"You like this one?" Seth egerly inquired.
"No, I love it!" I gushed. "It's just like the one I shared with Josh and Lily, the one my father sent to us." I growled the lart bit about my scum bag of a father.
"Who is this 'Josh'...." Seth demanded.
"Do you have a cap for it?" I asked ignoring Seth's question.
"Yeah we do." Leo tossed the keys to me from across the room. "Pull it into bay 3."
"Okay." I climed into the Ranger to find Seth already in the passenger's side seat. I slid the key into the ignition and turned the Ranger on. "Lissen to it purr."
As soon as I pulled into bay 3 Leo had the cap all attached to the back. "Ready to go!" He called.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2012

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To my wonderfull friends that made me wright this: thank you!

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