
Chapter One


Evelyn’s POV

Grabbing the vanilla latte hurriedly, I exit the coffee shop trying to straighten my unruly hair with another hand. This is exactly what happens when my damn alarm forgets to go off. I mean, seriously! Why on earth this sort of malfunction has to happen right on the day when I have something super important in work! Groaning at my foot that just got stomped against the car door, I slide into the driver’s seat still half-asleep. Shaking the head vigorously in vain to let go of the grogginess, I start the car.

Is it Sarah? What! It’s Sarah, right? Quickly blinking my eyes twice, I lean forward to look more closely but the lady is already across the street now. Whatever! I need to go to work before 8 by any means or else my presentation will be at stake. More appropriately, the promotion that the presentation will bring is going to be at stake. Whatever Eve! It’s you you’re talking to, no need to correct the glitches. It’s already 7:35. You didn’t forget the crazy traffic of New York City, did you? Holy Moly! Here I come Mr. Rogers. You have to give me the spot today. I pulled three all-nighters at a row to perfect this presentation. NO! not now, you fricking traffic. I throw my head backwards in immense frustration. It really was Sarah huh, wow! It’s been 4 years I’ve last talked to her. She looked like a CEO or something; of course, she’d be one successful corporate lady that I could say from the amount of hard work she began to put in from that early age. Is she working in NYC now? Maybe in the Manhattan. Maybe she already owns a company by now, more like her dad’s White Swan Inc. And yes, after 6 long years of struggles and trying to rebuild my life, that pair of eyes cannot be forgotten. How silly of me! Pfft, he must be crazy rich owning one or two companies, married with 2 kids already. Ouch, thinking about that alone can hurt so bad, I need to get out of the flapdoodles. I need to focus on the new life I’ve promised myself to start here, 4 years ago.

The slam-bang sound of the honking brings me back to reality, thankfully. Every time I want to look back at my old life, something bad happens. It was Julia’s daughter who almost got kidnapped when last time I got back to the neighborhood just to check on the house and everything I miss every night before going to sleep. Yes, you all! Julia is happily married with a beautiful baby girl. I am so glad for her though my own personal life has been one big unsolved maze. I am pretty sure that sick psychopath is already out of the jail and he will keep haunting us no matter what. We’ve almost casted out our old identities more like how a snake sheds its skin and never looks back. I even cut off all the connections with my old friends in the frustration of not being able to settle down in one single place. When last time I talked to Sarah, we were still in LA at some other neighborhood far from the old one. She told me how I should contact Richard, sort things out and start everything anew. She told me I should focus on the present setting aside the worries, misunderstandings, confusions, doubts and fears that invaded my past, his past. I was pretty convinced and even took his number from her. Well then? Then I could not get the chance to call him because Serena was killed on the same day, she was burnt alive in our garden. A fat-ass curse? You could say that cos Police immediately reassured us that the sicko Scott was still behind the bars and Anna was still in the Psychic clinic. Then who else could that be? We never knew and I never got the opportunity to look back or contact Richard. We changed everything about us, even the last name. We didn’t even get to take Mom’s surname as that was related to Kate, meaning another easy access for that psychopath. Now I’m a brand-new girl with a brand-new name, ‘Evelyn Walker’ and totally new appearance with bob cut hair dyed bright red. The inside? that also went through a lot of changes over the past 5 and a half years since Richard happened. I’m much more outspoken, extroverted, nonchalant, less emotional and a little dorky here and there. Who am I to complain? Nobody is perfect. And finally, I’m here at precisely 7:58.

I run my ass off to reach the 7th floor right on time. The moment I slam the door open, it’s 8:02. Not bad Ms. Walker! My subconscious smirks at me. argh!

“Hello, Ms. Walker, now that you’re here 2 minutes later than the scheduled time, shall we begin?” Mr. Rogers’ calm voice pricks right through me. Such a mechanical asshole! What is wrong with being 2 minutes late. What is he? Does he also set alarm while having sex! Jerk.

“Sure, Mr. Rogers. I must apologize first for being well, 2 minutes late. The traffic was really intense.” I nervously chuckle to cover up my anger.

“You get out of your home at least about two hours before the time you plan to reach your office Ms. Walker, this is NYC. Hope you won’t forget that the next time. Now, can you commence the presentation?” his robotic voice ignites another bout of flame inside my head. Taking a deep breath, I give him a tight-lipped smile before stepping towards the projector.

Nope, it’s not a Romcom, nor is it a fairy tale and I could not magically impress Mr. Rogers AKA the biggest jerk I’ve ever seen in my life through my oh-so-flawless presentation. Instead, I forgot bits and pieces of the most important information regarding the project. Yes, I got turned down and yes, I’m now stuffing my face with chocolate ice cream in my office. I messed up the only opportunity I got after joining this company. I could secure the chief designer post only if I could concentrate more on the goal. How worthless of a person I’ve been! Ugh! Oh! I forgot to mention, I switched my department to fashion designing and now I’m working as a junior designer in Starlight Clothing. In this past 2 years, I did shit in terms of progress. I growl plopping my head on the table. Ouch!

“Evelyn, you there?”

“Who is this?” I ask without lifting my head.

“It’s me, Drake. I can come back if you’re busy or something.”

“Yes, I’m busy, really busy cursing my luck. Come on in.” I look at the door.

Drake is the only human working here who do not set alarm for everything. All other employers literally run marathons while working, that jerk Rogers must have injected them all with some black-magic potion before hiring. Somehow, me and Drake got missed out on the mission, lucky us.

“Hey, I’m sorry for whatever happened over there.” He settles down on a chair facing me.

“O God! that bad? I knew I was going to mess up. Do you think I stopped all possible opportunities that could come my way maybe after 100 years? I’m such a pathetic loserrrr.” I plop my head again, “Ouch! The table is too hard.”

“Relax, Evelyn. I’m not saying it was bad or anything. You know, it’s just you worked so hard for this project and you really wanted the post.”

“It’s okay Drake, I messed it up, nobody else told me to pull all-nighters and sleep like a koala when it came to get out of my apartment ‘at least two hours earlier’”. I air-quote mimicking Mr. Rogers’ voice.

“He’s such a mechanical jerk.” Drake chuckles, “Do you think he even sets alarm while…”

“While having sex? Yes, I do.” I complete his sentence for the 100th time after joining the office. We both start laughing at the nasty thought that hits both of us almost at the same time. We can read each other’s mind like magic and of course, we hate the same people. Can a friendship be any stronger after this? No, if you guys think we are having some lovey-dovey stuff going on here, you’re dead wrong. Drake is super handsome and his sense of humor is straight to die for but I honestly do not find him anything more than a friend, a good friend.

“Any plans for the weekend?” he pumps his eye brows.

“Yeah, Samara’s birthday is holy shit, it’s tomorrow. I haven’t bought anything for her yet. Argh! I was so hooked up on this fricking project.”

“Samara, your niece? How old is she now? that cute little brat.” He beams.

“She’s going to be two this year. What do you think I should get for her?”

“Um, what does she like?”

“Aside from smashing stuff and staining walls with her not-at-all-creative artworks? I don’t know. Maybe I should get her more stuff to smash.” I laugh.

“I think we are almost done for today. Let’s go together, I know a toy shop my friend owns. We can figure something out for her.”

“Yeah, sounds good. Wait, let me send the documents to the a-hole before wrapping up. I cannot afford to get fired.”

“You bet.” He smirks, “I’m waiting outside then.”

“Kay, cool.”

Few hours later, I’m driving towards my apartment with a big colorful pony sitting on the passenger seat. Not a real one though, a toy we could finally single out as the birthday gift for my diva niece. I am so tired and barely making any time for self-care that I can feel the exhaustion showering across my body. I feel sick in my bones. Good thing I’ll have two days to rest, at least.

“Wow! Such a pretty pony! Where did you get it?” Mrs. Parker the neighbor gives her signature smile.

“Ow! It’s I’m sorry I forgot the name of the toy store.” I grin like a fool, “One of my friends’ friend owns the place and so, he took me there. It’s for my niece, she’s turning 2 tomorrow.”

“Aw! What a cute and responsible aunt she got. That looks just great. So, is this friend someone significant?” she playfully winks.

“What? Drake? No, he is a friend, you know a good friend only. Not actually seeing anyone at this moment.” I shrug.

“That’s not so good to hear. I mean, look at you, such a sweet girl. You know what? I have a nephew, he’s an architect. I think you guys would go together just fine. You see, you’re a designer, he’s an architect... you see the connection?”

Here goes her matchmaking lecture!

“It’s so sweet of you, Mrs. Parker but I’m currently focusing on my career and stuff. You know, when I’ll set my mind up for dating, I’ll absolutely let you know, cool?” grinning generously I start walking to the elevator as soon as possible.

“Alright! Don’t forget to inform me then. You’ll love Mike, he’s a great guy.”

I give her another sweet smile before stepping inside the elevator. Phew! She must be really depressed seeing my so single life! funny! I silently laugh to myself.


Chapter Two


“Girl, when will you bring a plus one to home, huh?” Julia quirks her brow while decorating the wall with balloons.

“Um, it sounds more like it; listen carefully N-E-V-E-RR.”

“Yeah right! Stop being such a nonchalant diva, Evy! Look at you, such a gorgeous young woman with a promising career.”

“Promising? More like struggling but meh! It’s Sam the brat’s birthday, Jules. Come on, let’s not make it all about me. We can talk about it later, save it.” I grin.

“Just one question, I mean answer this one and I won’t bother asking anymore.”

“Alright, what is it?” I roll my eyes.

“Are you gay?”

“What made you think so?”

“Do not answer my question with another question you silly.”

“Nope! I’m not gay and that’s what I can assure you completely. Now, shall we?” I motion towards the heap of balloons.

“My question had two parts. You just answered the first part and the second one is still due.”

“Jules! Seriously?”

“Shut it. Now tell me, are you asexual?” the creases formed on her temple is saying how anxious she actually is at this point.

“I don’t know yet. You know, I didn’t get the chance to figure it out. I know my being virgin at the age of what 25? Yeah, right I’m halfway through the 20s, wow! Whatever, so at this stage being virgin seems a bit off to you guys but trust me, I’m doing just fine.”

“You sure? You can give it a shot, I mean you can figure out if you really are asexual or not, right?”

“Julia, is this a sex education class going on here? Believe me sister, I’m just FINE.”

“If you say so.” She mumbles. She is turning into my mom being overly anxious and totally freaked out about anything and everything. I gently squeeze her shoulder with a reassuring smile before going to catch the little brat.

I have never really been too hooked on dating or relationships in my life. Of course, I still have tons and tons of celebrity crushes but well, it’s just about crush. They are only some really ripped and hot people to fantasize a thing or two about. Imagining kissing Lucas Bravo or Chris Evans once in a while just feels great. That’s it, nothing deeper, nothing more. I might be an asexual, who knows!

Right! With Richard, things were different, you used to feel different and you were crazy impatient to meet him. You are not asexual dummy! You’re just broken.

“Wow! That’s harsh, why am I always so mean while talking to myself! I should consider being more polite from now on.”

“With whom?”

“What?” I spin around to find Drake’s bright smile.

“You came? Wow!”

“Uh-huh and don’t forget it’s not you who invited me. it’s Jules, such a sweetheart. You really should consider being much politer with me.” he smirks.

“I wasn’t talking about you dumbo! But whatever, now that you are here, I can’t kick you out, can I?” I hug him smiling.

“Hey, you are here, Drake, right?” Julia’s voice floats in from behind.

“Yeah hey! Look at you.” Drake pulls her into a hug.

“I’m really glad you made it.”

He is really hot, consider being a little closer.” She mouths at me before leaving the room.

I knew it! Argh.

“So, um what are you doing tomorrow?”

Is he trying to ask me out? That’d be really weird to turn him down. Gosh! Why am I so afraid of dating!

“Um well, I am meeting a friend, I guess.”

“Cool! Friend from work or university?”

“First of all, I don’t have any friend in work except you and I’m talking to you now, so no, it’s not you. Yeah, she is from university, I mean my first university, you know I had to switch twice later.”

“Yeah, right but I still don’t know why did you switch...”

“I’ll tell you when I’m ready. Leave it for now.”

“Sure, so is this friend someone special?” he pumps his brows playfully.

“It’s a girl and I’m not gay so nope, not anyone special.”

“Such a tough cookie!”

“Who, me? I think I’m just a little jerk, nothing else.” I laugh.

“About that? I don’t have any doubt though.”

“I’ll kill you.” I slightly punch his bicep while giggling.

“Guys! Where are you?” Kate’s voice is not to be mistaken, always too cheerful.

“Katie!” I squeal with excitement, “I missed you loads!”

She hugs me tight, “Honey! you’re so grown up now and so beautiful! OMG! I missed you more.”

“Is it our dearest aunt I’m hearing?”

“Jules! O my God! You’re a fricking cool mom now.” Kate pulls her into the group hug.

“Where’s Joshua? Not seeing him around.” Julia looks over at the door.

“He couldn’t make it, sorry!” Kate pouts, “That workaholic thing cannot lift his head from the heap of works.”

“It’s fine. We all know how busy he always is but be careful, he must be out of work on his wedding day at least.” Julia teases.

In reply Kate chuckles with a tinge of blush on her cheeks. Joshua is her fiancé whom she met around two years back. He is a very successful lawyer; hence, workaholic but his handsome face and charming nature totally align with Kate’s. They look so fricking good together.

“So, who’s this young man? Am I finally meeting our little Evy’s oh-so-stunning boyfriend?” Kate winks looking the way Drake keeps standing with a clueless expression.

OMG! The good reason I didn’t want him to be here today.

“Kate, Kate... Kate, no! he’s not my stunning boyfriend. He’s simply a friend, a good friend if you say.”

“Really, Eve? That’s not fair. You guys look dead gorgeous together.”

“It’s okay Kate, maybe they need a little more time to get to know each other more, you know. No pressure.” Julia intervenes with a generous smile.

“Yeah course!” I agree with her immediately to shift the topic to something else. “Anyway, for now meet my good friend, Drake. Drake, it’s my aunt Kate.”

“It’s an absolute pleasure meeting you, Miss?” Drake looks relieved.

“Kate, just call me Kate. Likewise! You’re such a nice guy, I can say that from the first look.” She hugs him.

A sudden crashing noise floats in from the living room making us a bit startled.

“O boy! Jules, it’s your brat, again. Let me see what else she just broke?” I duck out of the room laughing.

I feel so guilty and sad at the same time for not being able to be 100% present in anything. Although I just laughed and screamed and leapt like a baby to tenfold the excitement of the party, I felt empty inside. In fact, I am feeling like running away from the party and crawl on my bed to fall asleep that will last forever. I want to escape from the reality and no, I don’t have any energy to make any difference. It’s been a year I’ve stopped seeing my psychiatrist cos everything seemed to be coming down to the normal Evelyn I know from the day one. Has it really been better? Easier for me to deal with life? NOPE! I’m drowning every single second of my existence. I feel choked being right in the middle of laughter and flooding happiness. I fake to be the happiest, most nonchalant diva while dying inside bit by bit. Nobody sees, nobody knows how constantly the bleak storm is taking over me, my body, my soul... my whole being.

“You okay, dummy?”

“You haven’t left yet? The party is almost over.” I tease Drake with an evil smirk.

“You suck big time, you know that?” he chuckles.

“O yeah! I am very much aware of it.”

“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

Will he also ask if I’m gay or not? O boy!

“Go ahead.” I try to sound casual.

“Are you sad? I mean, I don’t know, you always seem so cheerful and all but something does not quite look good to me, you know.”

“I mean, who isn’t sad here and there? We all are right? It’s no big deal.”

“I know that but well, if you think you’re okay then fine. I would suggest get a date and come out of your Nun life. Things can change.” He shrugs.

“Really! I’m not nun, you jerk! It’s just, romance doesn’t work for me the way it does for you all.” I laugh it off. How do I respond to this? I myself do not have any idea why I am so freaked out of dating! I’m a hot mess.

“Am I interrupting here?” Kate stands at the door to the living room.

“Nope! Not at all. Come on in.” we say in unison which makes Kate more suspicious of Drake’s being something like my soulmate. What she doesn’t know is we’ve been completing each other’s sentences for eons now and still we don’t feel anything more than just friendship between us.

“Wow! That was so meant to be.” she winks with a the-guy-is-your-destiny smile.

“Kate! Come on, what is it you came to say?” I smile back with a hint of that’s enough!

“So, we are I mean me and Jules are unpacking the gifts, you wanna join in?”

“Course! Yay! This is the best part.” I leap up. “You wanna come or maybe you can just join Matthew and others to do some dumb guy stuff.” I smirk.

“I better do that. At least, the dumb guy stuff is much better than unpacking gifts.” He mouths at me. in reply, I just stick my middle finger at him with a big smile.

Chapter Three


The next day, I wake up around 1 pm with the urge to sleep some more hours. I am feeling too exhausted to even move. I’ve become thoroughly boring these days. Nothing excites me, dang it. Before closing my eyes again, my stomach growls so hard to let me know that I better lift my butt off of this bed soon. Groaning at my non-cooperative body, I slide down my bed making the bed sheet and blanket drop on the ground with me.

“Argh! why is everything so haaaaaard.”

Suddenly, the thought about meeting Sarah crosses my mind. Not that I’ve been planning for this meet up, it’s just what came out of my mouth while ducking from the possibility of Drake’s asking me out last night at Jules’.

I think, I should give it a shot. I mean, I still have her number saved and I kinda saw her the other day here in New York. Just texting will not do much harm, I guess. But wait, what if she gets super mad for contacting her after decades? What if she already forgot me? What if she ignores me with such a bitterness that will push me further down the depressive spiral? Why! Why is life so hard!

The simple thought of shooting her a text starts a full-blown carnival inside my stomach. All the what ifs are literally choking me alive. Yes, my anxiety and panic attacks are here, AGAIN after one whole year.

“What the EF! It’s just a text Evelyn, and no, it’s not Richard you are gonna send the text to, it’s Sarah! Your friend SARAH!” I shout at my ridiculous mental state.

Yet for another 20 minutes I grabbed the phone and without even tapping on the screen, threw it on the bed. Glancing at the clock, I scowl in frustration.

Come on, idiot! Your stomach is getting ready to get out of your body. Just type the text out and fricking send it TO HER. AS SIMPLE AS THAT.

I again grab the phone with a shitload of confusion and fear on my face as if I was fighting the Orcs or something. “Sarah, are you in New York now? if yes, please reply to this text.”

I type the message in light speed tightly closing my eyes all the way. I know, I’m being so abnormally dramatic. And what else I know very well is that the text looks like some weird stalker is haunting down Sarah but somehow messed up the mission. So, he’s asking her to help him in the mission of her own stalking shit. Whatever!

My stomach is literally burning at this point. Wolfing down a whole bowl of cereal, I head back to my room to... well to take another round of nap. Don’t judge me, I’m fragile.

“Hey! Who is this? Yes, I’m in NYC.” Wow she replied to the oh-so-impractical text? That’s great! She’s still the sweet girl Sarah I’ve known for years.

“It’s me, Evelyn. I’m sorry I’ve been a jerk for stopping to contact you...” Nah, it’s not appropriate. I erase the text and type again, Hey, it’s me, Evelyn. I don’t know if you still remember me or...” Dang it, NO! I erase again before pacing across the room twice.

Okay, keep it simple, just answer her question and see what happens! Cool.

“Hey, it’s me, Evelyn.” And send. Now it’s time to check the screen every two seconds.

Come on… come on… come on Sarah! Reply the text! It’s not gonna be that hard, is it? Or is it? Maybe she’ll be furious seeing my name. of course, she will! It’s me who has cut off all the connections with her and others. Damn it! Or, maybe she won’t even see the text cos she’s hell busy. Course, she’s busy, she’s not like me! a bed potato. OMG! Or, maybe she’s now married to Richard! Holy frigging moly! If she’s now his wife, then she will never EVER reply my message! O no! No…no…no… no! not Richard please! I’m still into this guy! Shit! Shit! Shit! I have to throw up, now right NOW! I’m feeling totally nauseated. What if she replied back inviting me to their wedding or her baby shower! No, stop!

The worst possible episodes fabricated right here within my own mind lead me to the washroom and I throw up. Another bout of panic attack gets hold of me. I keep shaking sitting at the door to the washroom. O my God! I’m entirely effed up. Nobody can call this condition as normal. I’m not normal anymore. Stream of tears start rolling down my cheeks making me shiver even more. My ringtone shakes the ground for me like a fat-ass earthquake. Is she calling? Are my apparently irrational thoughts actually going to turn out real? Should I pick the call? NO! I’M SO AFRAID.

The second bout of ringing slaps me to proceed to my phone. Trust me, I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. I can feel my limbs shrinking down with the simple thought of picking up the call. What has come over me! I got to contact my psychiatrist; I’m doomed! It’s Drake? What does he want at this hour?

“H-hello?” my voice still shaking from the panic attack.

“Hey, Evelyn? You okay? What happened? Are you sick? Did something happen to you?”

“Oh no relax! It’s just, I’m a little tired. What is it? I mean, what did you call for?”

“You sure about that? Your voice is kinda shaking.”

“I know, Drake! It’s fine. Happens to me, no worries.”

“If you say so,” his voice gives off the confusion that I believe is totally apparent on his face at this point. “I called because Mr. Rogers...”

“O no! what is it again! Did he fire me already?” I groan.

“No! hear me out first, you silly. He appointed you with the team for the new project, the one taking place in the LA branch.”

“Wait, wait! He appointed ME? And if it’s in the LA branch, does that mean I need to move there? For the project?”

“Yes Ma’am! You’re absolutely correct. That’s what I called to tell you. Now, if your highness is not still sleeping, Mr. Rogers asked you to come by...”

“Now? Dang it, Drake! It’s weekend for the Almighty’s sake. I need to SLEEP.” I growl.

“I know, I really do. You’re not so lucky to have ME as your boss here. So, I don’t see any point in letting your anger on me Ms. Walker.” He mimics Rogers’ voice and laugh. “Hurry! Sleepyhead, get to the office quick or else Mr. Rogers could fire you, who knows!” he scoffs.

“Come on! Argh! I’m coming.”

“See ya!”

What! LA? Again! What is HAPPENING, God? I check my phone for any reply from Sarah for the last time before getting up to get dressed.

“Ms. Walker, I chose you to be with this team for good reasons. First of all, you need to learn more professionalism and refining your gestures a bit more will be much appreciated. Second...”

“But Mr. Rogers… “

“I am not yet done, Ms. Walker. You do understand why I mentioned about your professionalism, don’t you? You do not simply cut off your boss like that. You let him finish his part first, am I understood?”

“Yes, Sir!” I bite my lip to stop all possible curse words to flow like fricking Niagara Falls.

“Good! Now come to the second reason, you do have some bits and pieces of potentials which need to be transformed into full-fledged qualities for making you fit for this well-reputed company. And finally, I believe you worked hard, or should I say close to hard for the last project, and this is why I thought of giving you another opportunity to prove yourself.”

“I stay silent for some more minutes processing the snob’s words. Every single time, this ape demeans me with his unpalatable voice and shitty word choices!

“Do you understand Ms. Walker?”

“Yes Sir! I was just waiting for you to finish you know, your part first.” I hear Drake snickers across the room. I try to keep my you-suck-but-I’ll-keep-up-with-you smile intact on my face.

“Very good. So, you are flying to LA the next Monday and you will join the team there according to my orders.”

“Mr. Rogers, I have one little query.”

“Go ahead.”

“For how long should I stay there in LA?”

“The project manager will let you know about that. I would suggest to settle your mind for at least six months. Now, you can go Ms. Walker.” He motions towards the door.

“Sure, Mr. Rogers. Thank you so much for considering me.” giving him the usual tight-lipped smile, I step out of the room.

“Seriously? He called me to come all the way to his office to highlight the fact that I’m shit? I need more refinements and it was totally his blessing that I got this job? Drake, I am going to kill him.” I clench my jaw.

“Shit! I know it’s been a thoroughly crappy episode right there. Don’t get mad, Evelyn! You’re gonna be just fine in LA.” He gives me a side hug.

“I can hope. Hey, thanks for being such a nice jerk... always.” I hug him tight.

“Anytime, dummy.” He grins.

Still no reply from Sarah. I look at the screen of my mobile. I am going back to LA! The thought sends a cold ripple down my entire body.




Chapter Four


“I’m having those panic attacks again.” I hop onto the counter.

“Didn’t I tell you to continue your therapy sessions?” Julia sounds enraged.

“Yes, yes you did but I could totally see how I was improving and... and I didn’t want to stay stuck to some stupid routine. Argh! okay, sorry I know it was my fault.” I keep staring at my lap before breathing out the next words, “I saw Sarah the other day and this morning I texted her.”

I can hear the cling which is probably the sound of Julia’s spatula, yes, it just fell from her hand.

“Woah! When did that happen? I mean, when did you see her? Where?”

“It was just outside the coffee shop close to my apartment. She was already on the other side of the street when I kinda recognized her.”

“Wow! It’s been... what, 4 years? You guys should really catch-up cos she’s always been the sweetest friend to you, you shouldn’t forget that.”

“I know! That’s why probably I texted her but she must be really busy, haven’t heard back from her yet.”

“Does she know it’s you? I mean, you haven’t sent some anonymous text saying I know you girl, have you?”

“Ah, Jules! I’m not that creepy. I told her my name.” I keep fidgeting my mobile nervously.

“Wait, did you have the panic attack while texting her? Eve, you need to get out of the... you know, that fear.” Her voice becomes softer.

“Hm, I know but I’m really struggling, really... really struggling.” I let out the last words slowly.

“But...” my ringtone cuts her midway.

“O my God! It’s Sarah.” I can feel my face going pale.

“yeah, it’s only Sarah, your friend, Sarah. Pick up the phone Evelyn, no worries.” Julia says with a calm yet firm voice.

“I-I don’t know, what if she says something super mean? What if she says something really unexpected? What if she breaks some news that I’m not ready to hear?” I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down. “Okay, I think I’m overreacting, ain’t I? alright, I’m picking it.”

Julia nods with a little grin.


“O my God! it’s really you. I’m literally crying, Eve. I thought I would never hear from you ever again. I tried to reach you so many times. Trust me, I couldn’t reach you; all they had to say was there’s no information under this name. I kept trying like crazy. You know Eve? I even went to the neighborhood and heard about Serena’s sudden murder. I became even more worried about you, about Julia. O my God! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw your name in your text earlier. Eve, I missed you so much.” Sara finishes uttering all the words at light speed. Her voice is shaking with the hint of tears.

First, I keep holding my breath with an unknown reaction from her. The moment I hear her teary voice, my eyes start shedding fountains. I remain silent like a doorknob the entire time. When she finishes, I open my mouth to say something, anything but my throat tightens with the sudden upheaval of emotions. I gulp to stop tears from flooding any further.

“Sarah... I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry Eve, please. It’s not been your fault and you were forced to do whatever you did. It’s okay! Now, tell me, how are you? Where are you staying at? How is Julia? How’s she doing with her health?”

“I’m okay, Sarah. I’m doing totally alright now. I missed you like hell but I was so broken and lost that I thought cutting off all the connections with my past life would magically solve all my problems. Sarah, you know I even had to consult the psychiatrist for years to cope with everything. I’m so sorry girl that you tried to reach me and failed. It’s because I-I had to change my identity, I even altered my surname, you know.” I swallow. “And here’s a wonderful news, Julia has got married two years back, yeah! And she has a beautiful baby girl now. Her name is Samara, I can’t wait you to see her.”

“OMG! This is great, Eve! Congratulate Jules on my behalf and tell her I’ll give her a tight hug first thing when I’ll go to her place” she squeals, “I’m SO HAPPY that you guys are safe and doing great. Thank God! Evelyn, let’s meet up you bitch.” Her voice gives off the hint of smile.

“Of course, that’s why I texted you in the first place! I’m so excited to meet you girl! I’m really nervous and confused but I am genuinely looking forward to this meet up.” I wipe off my tears.

“Tomorrow afternoon, you pick the place and text me the address.” DO NOT YOU DARE TO BAIL ON IT.” She chuckles.

“I won’t, I promise.” I silently grin suddenly feeling a weight off of my heart.

“See you then, Evy. Love you.”

“Love you! Bye.”

“I’m so happy you agreed.” Julia pulls me in a hug.

I smile with a deep inhalation, “Jules, I’m going to LA next week.”

“What?” she pulls away from the hug holding me at arm’s length. “You’re going to LA? Is it work?”

“Yeah, Mr. Rogers appointed me in the team for out LA project.”

“Wow! This is great news, hon! That a-hole finally gave you an opportunity, I see.” She smirks.

“Seems to be.” I snicker, “but Jules, after all that happened, I’m really freaked out of the very mention of LA now. I’m still thinking about bailing on the offer.”

“Wha- no! Evelyn, you cannot bail on an offer just like this. Believe me, this opportunity will open up a great doorway to some exciting chances for you.”

“You think?”

“Nope, I know.” She grins warmly.

“I hope so too, Jules.”

Maybe it’s just me, or maybe it is totally natural for a devastated girl like me to see fear in every step. I want to believe Jules when she says it’s gonna be great for me. I want to believe that I can get back to the normal self who used to LIVE, not merely survive.

“Evelyn Walker, huh? And look at you, looking even more beautiful than ever with that bright red bob.” Sarah takes a sip from her lemonade.

“I don’t know, it’s just some permanent disguise I guess.” I shrug smiling.

“It suits you, like totally. Then, tell me, tell me what are you doing? Where are you working? Everything!” she sits straight.

“So, I’m a fashion designer now, SURPRISE!” I chuckle, “and I work for an a-hole.”

“This is hands down an awesome news!” she squeals, “not the latter part though.”

“Yeah of course! Trust me, he drives me CRAZY every single time, I mean, whatever. Let’s talk about you. What are you doing Miss successful?” I wink.

“Ah zip it, I’m no Miss successful. So, I’m still working with dad but you know, in a better position.”

“Aha! Let me guess, you are the COO or CFO now?” I beam.

“Your guessing power is insane, girl! yeah, I’m the COO.”

“Holy frigging moly! I’m talking to the COO of White Swan Inc. right now! how lucky of a girl I must be, yay!” I yelp making her roll her eyes and laugh.

“Wait, going back to you’re a-hole boss, is he cute? I mean, are you guys having some kind of Christian Grey and Anastasia relationship over there?” she wiggles her brows.

“OMG come on! That sexy Christian Grey and this disgusting robot, Mr. Rogers? You got to be kidding me girl!”

“Ouch, that bad huh? What does he do actually, I mean why are you so pissed?” she keeps smirking.

“Don’t go dirty on his topic, trust me you’ll throw up if you ever meet him. He’s basically a mechanical jerk who wants everything and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING done ahead of the clock. I was 2 minutes late the other day for my presentation and you wanna know what he said?”

“What?” she giggles amusingly.

“Hello, Ms. Walker, now that you’re here 2 minutes later than the scheduled time, shall we begin?”

“You kidding, right?”

“Na’a! he said that, in the exact same tone and to my excuse on being stuck in traffic his reply was, “You get out of your home at least about two hours before the time you plan to reach your office Ms. Walker, this is NYC. Hope you won’t forget that the next time. Now, can you commence the presentation?” I air quote the words. “Now, will you still call him the sexy Mr. Grey, madam?”

“No, no! I’d rather prefer calling him my dad. He’s exactly the same.” She laughs.

“God bless you.” I join with her in the bout of laughter.

After talking for which feels like eons, we get out of the restaurant deciding to walk for a while.

“You know what? I think you guys should come over to my place someday. I mean, you, Jules, Matthew, Samara and ehm, your good friend Drake.” She deliberately bats her eyelids while being super dramatic.

“Sarah! This is not a romcom” I motion to me, “and no! I will not look at Drake as anyone more than a friend.”

“Why not? Have you not yet looked at that handsome face? Are you really that blind, Evelyn? Why wouldn’t you at least give it a shot? You told me how you two are always on the same wavelength when it comes to any idea. Can’t you see you do have a connection going on here? Don’t act dumb, girl!”

“Wait a minute, being on the same page during office talks or roasting Mr. Rogers is totally a friend thing, you know a friendly connection is going on between us two. Shush…shush no more spreading matchmaking pixie dust, alright? I will come to your place with Jules and her family, that’s happening but no, dragging down Drake all the way to wherever I go? No ma’am, I don’t like it.”

“You’re stubborn as ever.” She slightly tugs at my arm.

“I haven’t lost that quality with my long brown hair.” I chuckle.

I think she is kinda intentionally blocking out the way to any possible questions about Richard. I think she already knows he is settled down with his wife and kids maybe here in New York. So, I guess no talk about him, huh? Good! I get to forget him and maybe I should start dating or something to make the process quicker.

“Hey! Are you listening?” Sarah waves her hand before my eyes.

“Oops! Yeah, I’m sorry I’ve been having this zoning out crap for a while. What were you saying?”

“I was telling, so you’re moving back to L.A., of course on a temporary basis but how are you feeling about it? Excited? Nostalgic? Afraid?”

“Um... I don’t know, it’s more on the fear side, you know. I’m still unsettled about the whole thing.” I shrug.

“Listen to me, here’s no need to beat yourself up by being isolated from everything thinking about some unknown fear. Eve, I cannot imagine how awful life has been to you the past years, but I am requesting you to try to accept the reality as is. You can do it, believe me.” She puts her arm around my shoulder.

“Yeah, you’re right. I think I’ll start facing my fears with taking this job at L.A., more like the first stepping stone, wish me luck.” I grin.

“You’ll do amazing. If you want, I can come with you for a week. The first week, I can be there with you, helping you to settle down a bit then I can come back.”

“You’re still that sweet girl, Sarah. How are you so kind?” I hug her. “Wait, uncle can be mad if you leave your work for me.”

“No, silly. No worries at all. I’ve just finished a project successfully and dad provided me a week off as reward. It’s gonna be so much fun! It’s a girl’s trip, yay!” she squeals.

“Seems to be! cheers to our long-awaited girl’s trip.” I raise my water bottle.

She laughs in reply, “Only a little addition this time.”


“Phone calls from Mr. Rogers here and there.” She smirks.

“O NO! I kinda forgot that a-hole.” I groan.


Chapter Five


“Jules, we arrived safely yes, I am inside the apartment now with so far no monster whatsoever.” I chuckle at Julia’s concerned voice over the phone.

“Where is Sarah, is she with you?”

“Yes, Jules, she is right here with me, ain’t you hearing her witch-like laughter?”

“Okay, cool. Hey, listen if you think you need to ask anything or just you know talk about anything, call me right away. I will receive the call no matter if it’s 3 am. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am! And besides, we are in the same country Julia, don’t worry at all. Sarah is here with me, at least for the first week, right? You’re actually tearing down my confidence instead of encouraging.” I tease.

“Oh sorry, yes I need to provide you with assurances, shoot! Okay, you’ll be just fine Evy. Call me if you need anything. Love you.”

“Love you too, Jules! Bye.”

“My laughter is witch-like, huh?” Sarah pokes my head.

“Ouch! Yeah, I believe witches adopted the laughter from you.”

“And your laughter is like... dang it, why can’t I find any appropriate comparison!”

“Because, my laughter sounds normal.” I laugh.

“Good for you.” She snorts.

I head to the washroom before Sarah singsongs from the living room, “EVELYNNN! Your boss is calling.”

“You pick up the phone and flirt with him or something, I am in no mood to listen to his crap.”

“What? He can send you back to NYC if you disobey him.” Her voice filled with amusement.

Groaning, I stomp towards the living room, “I hate you.”

“Love you too.” She keeps smiling like an idiot.

I scowl before picking up the call, “Hello.”

“Ms. Walker, I believe you already arrived there at L.A. and you will have your first meeting with the team in precisely half an hour. My secretary will email you the address. Be there on time.”

“But, what! I just arrived…” he’s already hung up the call.

“O my God! that a-hole! See? Your favorite jerk just hung up on me AGAIN without... holy shit he didn’t even ask how am I doing or is it comfortable here! Now he wants me to attend the meeting in HALF AN HOUR? I WILL KILL HIM.” I scream with anger.

“Ouch! Slow down Eve, listen to me.”

“What? Now this is me who needs to slow down? No, darling, it’s that jerk who needs to die.”

She remains silent not fueling my already existing anger any further.

“It is in half an hour, right? I think, ten minutes just passed.” She utters slowly.


“It’s not my fault, trust me.” she tries to conceal that stupid smile on her face. She sure is being entertained by my shitty life.

“I need to take a shower for God’s sake. I stink.” I growl.

“Alright, go take the shower before that Hades again emerges from the underworld.”

“Hades is much cuter than this rubbish pit.” I storm off to the washroom.

Twenty minutes later, I am flying across the street in the uber. I am tapping the back of my phone nervously as all sorts of possibilities are gathering slowly inside my mind.

If I am two or three minutes late, will the project manager kick me out? Will he yell at me or will he silently insult me like that jerk in front of all other members? Shoot!

“How long will it take?”

“We are almost at your destination, Ma’am. Hopefully, ten more minutes will suffice.”

“What the... ten more? Shoot! He’s gonna kill me.”

The driver remains silent in reply without intruding unnecessarily like some other uber drivers I’ve faced back in New York. My phone dings with an incoming text. Is this Rogers sending my death sentence via text?

I nervously check the phone, and phew! It’s Drake.

Yo! How’s LA? You alright there?”

“LA is okay but you need to remember, Rogers the monster sent me here to begin with. So, I’m heading towards my very first meeting with the team NOW! I sharply exhale.

“What? WHAT? You just got there. Jesus!”

“I know! Trust me, my name is on top of Rogers’ will-kill-slowly-like-a-sadist list. He HATES me.”

“Argh! he’s a real jerk. Okay, have you got to at least know any of your team members?”

“You kidding, Drake? I just got here. It’s been 28 minutes I’m on the soil of LA.”

“LOL! Such a precise timing.”

“Of Course! I’m counting every nano second cos I’m really freaked out of the project manager. I don’t know if he’s gonna kill me or skin me alive if I’m late! After all, Rogers appointed him.”

“Pfft! Quit being dramatic, dummy. Reach safely and text me when you’re finished with the meeting, kay?”

“Kay! :/”

“Good luck!

Chapter Six


“OMG! Let me process, you the greatest nun in the history of nunnery going on a date?” amusement is apparent in Drake’s voice.

“You swine!” I laugh, “First of all, I’m not a nun and secondly, it’s not a date.”

“That’s what we guys love to say. Come on, dumbo! You know that guy likes you.”

“Na’a! he just saw me once before and no! I don’t believe in love at first sight shit.”

“You don’t believe doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.” He teases.

“Shut it! So, what are you up to? Anything new?”

“Nah really, very typical. I miss you, weirdo.”

“Aw! Miss you too, dumbo!” I yawn.

“Alright! Sleep tight now or else you’ll look like your usual panda self on the long-awaited date! The hottie will be freaked out.” He chuckles.

“Wait up you jerk. I’ll kill you for sure.”

He grins, “Goodnight, loser!”

“Goodnight asshole!”

Sarah’s words keep echoing in my ears making it impossible to sleep. God! isn’t she right! She is indeed 100 % correct about everything she told. Argh! I just don’t want to confront Richard ever again! I think, it’s not even possible to face him in this life. What if he suddenly pops up out of nowhere and confront me? What if he starts insulting me in front of his wife and kids? Shush! Enough with Richard and your what ifs, now focus on Aron. Don’t blow up this meet up, you stupid! I scorn at myself.


“Hello there! How are you doing, Ms. Walker?” Aron nears to nope, not give a hug but to shake my hand. Quite a professional move, I see. Damn! That cologne. This guy is too much.

“Oh hey, Mr. Wilson. I’m doing alright, thanks. What about you?”

“Can’t complain.” His cheery voice brings along that bright smile on his face.

“Cool.” I sit on the chair giving a generous grin.

“You are not completely new to LA, I suppose? How are you re-adjusting here?”

“Sorry? Oh, yeah it’s going alright, I believe.” I startle a bit.

“Great to hear. Coffee? Shake?” he motions to the menu, “It’s on me.”

“No, no Mr. Wilson. It’s really nice of you but let’s...”

“No, Evelyn, I insist.” His voice gives off a sense of surety. No doubt, he’ll bring on the topic of my name change stuff pretty soon.

“Alright then, if you say so.” I give a small grin.

The expression on his beautiful face doesn’t change at all. This guy must have the ultimate skill to hide his emotions from the people around.

“So, how long have you been working for Mr. Rogers?” he asks casually.

“Um, two years?” it sounds rather like a question, “I mean, yeah, two years to be precise. What about you?”

“Almost four years.” He grins. Aha! He’s been working around the time Serena... I shake off the dark thoughts from finding their ways to my mind.

“That’s pretty cool! How’s been the experience, I mean working with Mr. Rogers?” I ask unintentionally emphasizing a little on the name, ‘Rogers’.

He grins even bigger in reply. This creature is absolutely one of the finest pieces I’ve ever come across. I clear my throat to shift my attention or else I’d start blushing like a retarded goat.

“Can’t complain actually. I mean, okay, you’ve been working with him for quite a long time to at least understand his tactics, I suppose?”

“Me? Na’a! I cannot understand this guy at all. He is beyond comprehension or at least, that’s what seems to me.” that little complaining tone creeps into my voice.

He laughs lightheartedly, “I think, you need to give it some more time and voila! You’ll start deciphering his apparently dorky behaviors.”

“Apparently? You really don’t believe he ACTUALLY is a dork?” I narrow my gaze.

In reply his laughter sounds louder than before, “I understand why it is too hard for you to cope with him. It’s just, he wants people to reach their ultimate potentials, you know. He loves to nag the ones he thinks really worthy of doing something great. I’ve been there. So, I know.”

“Seriously? I thought I’m on the top of his hate-you-to-death list. He always insults me in front of everyone and that’s precisely the reason I thought you’d be insulting me or kicking me out of the meeting room cos I was 4 minutes late.” I take a sip of my coffee.

“That’s funny!” he continues chuckling, “No worries, I’m not that harsh.” He air-quotes.

“I’m glad you aren’t.” I grin.

“So, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable but aren’t you the similar Evelyn from my neighborhood back then?” Here you go! OMG! He just squeezed the topic in all the casual talks to make it sound like the most harmless talk in the human history! He’s so smart but even this oh-so-harmless way of asking is starting to freak me out.

I clear my throat in reply trying to put together something sensible to say in response to his question.

“I’m not you know, trying to accuse you of anything here, okay? Don’t feel uncomfortable at all. It’s just, I could recognize you first thing yesterday in the meeting but thought of personally talking it through. I am not trying to pry on your life, Evelyn. I’m just curious. If you think it’s gonna be too much boundary crossing to share, then you don’t have to. But it’s really nice to see you again after all these years.” His blue eyes sparkle.

“No, Mr. Wilson, it’s okay to ask, you know. I’m just a little confused as in what to say here cos it’s been a long story. That criminal, I mean the real one,” I gulp, “he’s been after us since then and even when he was still in the jail Serena, a relative of ours was killed here in LA. We were living in a different neighborhood then but it was becoming more and more threatening for all of us. And the aftermath?” I snicker ironically, “I cut off all the connections with my past life abandoning all the people...”

“Shoot! I’m so sorry to hear that, Evelyn. I had no idea it kept going on even after that terrible incident. I’m really sorry.” He reaches out to hold my hand.

“It’s okay, Aron, I mean... Mr. Wilson”

“Aron is fine.”

Okay…I guess something bad happens to everyone just in different ways, right?” I try to smile casually.

“Yeah!” he gives a tight-lipped smile.

“And I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Please, tell your friend that I am genuinely sorry for what I did. I was going through so much and that psycho actually made me believe in his crap...”

“Oh, that’s absolutely unnecessary. Come on, you didn’t do anything wrong back then and obviously, neither did Rich but it’s totally understandable, Evelyn. You don’t have to apologize.” He gives an assuring look.

“Thanks, that’s really very kind of you guys. Um, so tell me something about yourself. I mean, apart from the fact that you are the project manager here.” I smile to shift the topic from serious to a little lighthearted realm.

“Yeah, that sounds cool! After all it’s a date. I mean, I didn’t mention it, did I?” he scratches the back of his neck smiling.

“That’s what I was kinda aware of.” I also smile in reply.

I don’t regret the last two hours spending with this guy. He is incredibly cheerful, funny and not to mention drop dead gorgeous.

“Thank you so much Mr. Wilson for today. I enjoyed a lot.” I say stepping out of the café.

“Mention not Ms. Walker, same here. I’ve enjoyed too, a lot.”

“So, I guess I get to head home now.” I tuck my hands in my pockets.

“Why don’t I drop you off at your apartment?”

“That’s really...”

“Sweet of me?” he chuckles, “You can be really formal and respectful Evelyn.”

I laugh in reply, “I mean, it will be too much trouble for you, Aron. I guess, it’ll be better for both of us if I just take an uber.”

“I am not going to carry you on my back, it’s just driving a car. What kind of trouble might it cause!” his voice filled with humor.

“God! you always have the next answer ready with perfect touch of logic and humor! Alright, let’s go then.”

Smiling he casually holds my hand. My you-cannot-hold-his-hand instinct kicks in but I manage to shove it aside. We head towards his car with an awkward silence hanging between us.

“What’s this smell? It’s really refreshing.” Getting into the car, I try to start a conversation not long before I realize the smell is actually coming from him, it’s his cologne.

Dang it! That awkward silence felt more comforting than this! Way to go Evelyn!

He smiles with a bit flirtation on his lips, “It’s actually...”

“Your cologne! Yes, I get it, sorry that was awkward. I was just trying to break the silence with even more awkward of a question.” I silently laugh at my stupidity.

“No worries! That was quite a nice compliment, I must say.” Still that flirtatious smile hovering over his lips. I am not going to lie. He looks really good with this smile. Argh! Shut it! You’ve been on the no-date mission for too long not to drool over everyone right now! It’s just your hormones!

“Guess some music might help?”

“Absolutely!” I find the option quite an effective weapon to break this lingering awkwardness.

Rest of the way to my apartment, snippets of various small talks about music and sports keep the conversation going between us.

“So, I was thinking, you know, as you will be working for almost the whole of the next week, what about going out in the weekend?”

“Another date AKA get-to-know-more meet up?” I raise a brow at him.

“Oops! No, I was thinking more of a hang out with the team members.”

“Cool! I’m up for it.”

“And you wouldn’t agree if it was a date!” he teases.

“I don’t remember mentioning that.”

“You implied.” He grins.

“I have enough doubt about that Mr. Wilson.” Am I flirting with him? Huh! Not bad.

“After the hangout, we can plan the next date, maybe!” he brakes the car with the ever-present grin.

“Sounds good. Thank you for the ‘really great time’. See you at work.”

“Nope, I should thank you actually. Anyway, see you.” He says in a breathy voice which unknowingly sends a chill down my arms, in a good way. No, I’m not falling for him, not yet. I already mentioned the reason before, Hormones!

“Bye!” I clamber down the car.


“That wasn’t bad, was it? Good job Evelyn! You went on a date. Quite a progress.” I know, I’m the sort of weirdo who talks to herself, even in the middle of the street.


Chapter Seven


“I’m hungry!” I growl after being done with explaining every single detail to Sarah.

“Why didn’t you have your feast?” she winks.

“You weren’t this dirty last time I left you. Tsk tsk, I shouldn’t have left the good girl to turn into some dirty minded bitch.” I tease.

“Whatever you say Ms. Walker. I can feel the spark and tension only by hearing the story. Damn! You guys need to think about a second date. I promise, it’s gonna go somewhere! I ship it.” She squeals.

“No, seriously! I’ll work with the dude. Not only that, he’s my project manager so pfft! Stop fantasizing any ship here. There’s not a single log floating, trust me.”

“Blah blah blah! Not buying any of it. Time is the wisest conveyer. I bet you will call me someday to let me know, you guys just kissed or something else.” She grins.

“Shush! I’m seriously hungry, let’s order some pizza.”

“Pizza as in...”

“Sarah! I want FOOD.” I laugh.

“Cool! After that, you can have something you want, you know.”

“No! I don’t. Oh hey, don’t tell Jules yet. She’ll start expecting some outputs that I am highly dubious of getting any time cos Mr. Rogers will kick my ass if he hears anything, even going on a date with the project manager? Shoot! No, no just don’t tell her.”

“Kay, I won’t but mark my words, you’ll be calling her one day to say everything including this warning you just gave me.” she singsongs.

“Since when are you serving the job of a fortune whisperer?” I cross my arms against my chest.

“I just have a really good instinct! REALLY effective one.”

“I see.” I roll my eyes. “Oi, are you coming with me to this hangout with team members thingy?”

“Who, me? I don’t think I’ll be here that long. Remember? I’m here for the first week only. I’ll be heading to New York on Thursday.”

“O no! I totally forgot that. It’s gonna be no fun.” I sulk.

“Silly! Don’t pout like you just lost a billion dollar! Look at you, already settled better than ever before only within two days. How long would you expect a babysitter to get your ass covered! Come on, you got this. Besides, it’d be really embarrassing if on the third or fourth date you guys come home so passionately kissing and waiting for some real fierce steamy episodes just to find me lying on the couch eating popcorn. I mean, just picture it.”

“Shut it, you crook!” I throw a pillow at her, “You’re making it more and more awkward to face him the next day at work. Just don’t.” I shout.

In reply she gives that smirk of her filled with sass and surety.

I reach the same building our meeting was held the day before yesterday. Sarah went to a yoga class being unable to stay at the apartment for the hyperactive workaholic that she is.

“Hey! Evelyn, right?” I catch a friendly face turning to my side.

“Hey! Yeah, it’s Evelyn.” I smile, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Madison. I like your hair.” Grinning she pulls me into a hug.

“Aw! That’s really sweet of you. Thanks!”

“You had your breakfast?”

“Yeah!” I look around to catch a glimpse of others.

“Cool! Let’s get to work then.” She smiles brightly.

The dimples make her look even sweeter every time she smiles. Her brown curls touch her shoulders in a graceful way. The hazel eyes give off an incredibly amiable aura making it easier to talk to her without any hesitation.

“Of course! Show me the way.”

“Mr. Wilson might not come today as he is busy with meeting the clients. So, we will start the works we are assigned to do here at the office.”

“Sounds great.” Don’t judge me but Aron’s not being here today sort of saddened me, a little.

She walks me through all the tasks that I’m supposed to finish within today before giving me another sweet smile and leave the room.

The works seem quite interesting and exciting but I’m missing the NYC office. Mainly, I’m missing Drake the annoying dork so much. Working in an office without passing comments with him every now and then feels so alien and well, kinda sad.

“Morning weirdo! How’s it going over there?” sending the text I try to place my attention towards my desk.

I am half way through my work when I hear the knock on the door.

“Anyone here?” being a bit startled I ask a rather horror movie question instead of a corporate one.

“I am Aron. If you’re too busy, I can come by later.”

“N-no! I am not busy at all. Come in.”

You guessed it right, I start having a wee bit of an anxiety attack for no reason. Just an Evelyn thing.

“Hello, Ms. Walker! I apologize for not being around in the morning. How are you adjusting?” he gives that OMG smile entering the room. He wears a plain black shirt and folds up the sleeves to amp-up the irresistibility even more. I really am crushing over him! Shoot.

I clear my throat to hide the fact that I’m blushing like an idiot. Another rookie move!

“O yeah! No problem really. I mean, I’m enjoying the works thoroughly and everyone else here is so friendly and easy to go be around. I think, here’s not a single issue I’m facing Mr. Wilson. Thanks for your concern.” I straighten up my polka dotted blouse.

“I’m glad to hear that. If you face any problem, don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’m just a floor away.” He sustains the smile on his face all the way.

“I will. Thank you once again.”

“See you around!” just when he leaves the room can I understand why I become too nervous when he’s around. No doubt that he’s really handsome but that cologne! It’s killing.

Around 4 pm, my rumbling stomach reminds me of the fact that I’ve been unintentionally starving since morning. The work load is really intense although I’m thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. Guess Rogers was the reason I started hating the whole fashion designing thing. I check my mobile before getting up to grab something to ease down my currently seething stomach. No reply from Drake!

Is he ok? It’s been what! 6 hours I sent the text? He doesn’t really keep me waiting more than 1 or 2 minutes with his replies. Should I call?

Being a bit concerned and obviously anxious, I dial his number. No answer! What happened to the dork? God! My systematic panic attacks start to break free of the cages. I dial the number again but to no avail. Shooting a ton of texts to Drake, I step out of the office. Aron’s voice floats in from the upper floor. He seems to be surprised and happy to see someone after so long. Without waiting to nose around his personal life, I head towards the cafeteria. 

I am wolfing down a chicken sandwich when someone passes by to sit at the table behind me. out of natural curiosity, I slightly turn my head around to find a girl (or, do you call the 25 years old a woman? Then, she’s a woman) of about my age sitting there with a cup of coffee. She looks really beautiful and as soon as I look at her, she gives me a warm smile. In reply, I give a little grin being my usual confused self as in what to do and what not to do.

“Is anyone there?” she mouths at me.

“Here? Nope! Just me and my sandwich.” I shrug.

She smiles again, “Can I come sit with you?”


“Hey, I’m Melissa. Of course, you don’t know me. I’m here with my boyfriend, actually. What’s your name? Looks like you work here?” all the way her smile keeps gluing to her face.

“Yeah, I’m Evelyn. I do work here and does your boyfriend work here too?”

“No! he came to meet his friend. I was feeling too groggy to talk and decided to grab a coffee asap.”

“Cool! So, do you guys live here in LA?”

“Yeah, both of us are from around here but we’ve been outside the country for quite a while. Last week we finally arrived here and we moved in together.” She squeals like a little girl. She is so pure and natural. I instantly start liking her.

“Aw! That’s great news.” I grin, “So, what do you do?”

“I am a chef. the restaurant I work as the executive chef is just two blocks away.”

“Wonderful! I don’t know why but the whole profession of a chef has been absolutely amusing to me like, since when I was a little kid. Give me the address. I’ll definitely drop by some time.”

“Yay! Trust me, I’ll be really glad if you do.” She hands me her card.

“I promise, I’ll be there.”

Checking her phone, she pushes to her feet, “Okay! Evelyn, right? How about I’ll call you Eve?”

“Great! That’s what my family and friends call me by.”

“Cool! Come on, give me a hug. Time to go.” She smiles.

I hug her, “See you then, Melissa.”

“See you Eve. And yeah, you can call me Mel.”

She leaves the café in the same mysterious way she suddenly popped up a few minutes back. My attention gets distracted as my phone starts vibrating. Drake! Where has he been!

“Hello? What happened? Where are you? Are you okay?” I throw a dozen of questions at him.

“Ouch! Slow down. I’m alive and danger free, no worries. I just missed my alarm.”

“What the EF? You slept in and I’m here worrying the heck out of my mind. Jerk!”

“Aw! Look at you. You do care about me a LOT!” he chuckles.

“Shut up.”

“Watch out, don’t fall for me, dummy.”

“Stop teasing me. I was genuinely anxious.”

“Aw! Okay, I’m sorry and I’m doubly sorry for giving you the anxiety. We good?”

“Yeah! You suck.”

“I know! You’re the sweetest angel to tolerate this sucky jerk.”

“Okay, enough I guess.” I laugh, “You seem weird being this nice to me.”

“Yeah, it’s hard to be nice with you, honestly.” He teases.

“Whatever! Aren’t you going to the office today?”

“Yes, I am. I’m on the way to receive a sweet storm of insults from Rogers.”

“Ouch! May the odds be ever in your favor.” I giggle.

“Keep giggling. You’re so mean.” He fakes the sadness in his voice.

“I know! You’re the sweetest angel…”

“Shut it already!” he laughs. “Talk to you later, dumbo.”

“Yeah! Get lost. Bye.”



Chapter Eight


Richard’s POV

Melissa smiles at a redhead before stepping out of the cafeteria. She is unusually friendly with everyone she comes across.

“Guess what! I’ve met a wonderful girl out there.”

“Course! So, she’s one of your besties now?” I tease.

“Duh! Of course, she’s gonna be my bestie in no time. Come on, I’m no moody like you.” She shoves my arm, “so, you done with chatting with your friend?”

“Yeah! Let’s go then?”

“Yeah, sure! Oops, wait I forgot to take Eve’s number.” The name thuds in my ears.


“Eve, I mean Evelyn. The friend I just met over there. Babe, can you please wait for a minute before I rush to the cafeteria real quick?”

“Course!” I mutter mindlessly. It’s a pretty common name! There’s no need to assume it’s her. Besides, why am I still so carried away with the thought of her? She doesn’t care! Hope she’s doing great in her life. She shouldn’t be wandering around my mind after so many years. I mean, I’ve had few relationships before but none of them bugs me the way this non-existent romantic affair does. Still! Damn it.

“Babe, I’m back! Let’s go.”

“You done with taking your redhead friend’s number?”

“Yeah, OMG! She’s so pretty but nope, you can’t call her that though.” She pouts.

“You girls are naturally too jealous.” I beam.

“Really? What about you guys? Huh? What did you do when I met that really handsome guy back in Milan?”

“Come on! That was explicit flirting. I’m not flirting with the redhead here. I didn’t even call her pretty, you said it to begin with.” I smirk.

“Whatever Mister! Let’s go.”

“So, Aron invited us to a party this weekend. Wanna go?”

“Hell yeah! You know how big of a party animal I am!” she grins.

“Cool then. Oh, What about that party with your restaurant mates?”

“That will be next week. Oh! Great, why don’t I invite Eve to the party?”

“Eve means the redhead you JUST met?”

“Yaha! And wait, she’s very enthusiastic about culinary arts which you by the way, don’t understand a thing about.” She scoffs.

“O wow! I am really interested to meet that girl now.”

“Why?” she pumps her brows.

“I just want to see the charm she must have to make someone fall in LOVE with her within this brief amount of time.” I tease.

“You suck, Richie! I hate you.”

In reply I give a generous grin.

“She’s a fashion designer in your friend’s company, by the way.”

“Why do I need to hear this?”

“No, you don’t. I was just checking if you’re interested or not.” She scorns.

“Hell! When I said you girls are too jealous, I don’t think I was wrong!” I chuckle.

“We just care too much, for the jerks we call our boyfriends.”

“Should I say thank you so much for being the best girlfriend in the world or should I defend myself stating the reasons why I am not a jerk?”

“OMG! Richardddd, you’re...”

“The worst? I know.” I shrug.

In reply she smiles what she usually does at the end of any of our fights. I’ve met Melissa around ten months back during the inauguration of my Madrid branch. To be very honest, she’s one of the sweetest persons I’ve ever come across in my life. We did not rush anything although the very first time I saw her in that local restaurant, I knew we would head towards dating some time. As the whole incident about Evelyn was still bugging me fresh, I thought of giving it some more time to develop into something serious. Things grew naturally and now we are here, seeming to be a perfect couple with itsy bitsy issues behind the scenes. I don’t know if I’ll sound like a jerk for saying it but still after seven months of relationship with Malissa, I think about Evelyn. I don’t know what it was that felt so special and unforgettable about her and it has been holding me captive this whole time. Now that Melissa brings the name again! my mind is being shuttered with memories, thoughts and the most idiotic of them all, the sheer possibility of her being with somebody else. I mean, it sounds pretty cliché and deserves to be in some Shakespearean romantic plays but the thought feels too scorching to tolerate. But again, I’ve moved on with my life with Melissa, why would I expect Eve not to do the same with someone, anyone she’d think to be suitable for her.

“Hey! Babe?”


“Where were you? I’m asking you a question for the tenth time now.”

“Ops, sorry hon! What is it?”

“Wait, what were you thinking?”

“Work!” Of course, I lie.

“You know what? If the Nobel Prize association gave away their awards for being the most Workaholic person in the world, you’d get it as the first ever in the history?”

“Guilty!” I grin.

“Slow down a bit sometimes, ok?” she holds my hand.

“I will.” I mutter through my smile.

“So, I was asking if I should wear something fancy for the party, your friend’s party, I mean.”

“Um, I don’t know really! Ouch, don’t kill me but I don’t understand anything about you know, girls’ wardrobe. So, why don’t you ask Aron?”

“Cool! I’ll ask him myself then. One more thing, is it gonna be some office party or his personal thing?”

“Oh, it’s mainly his sister’s anniversary party. So, yeah I guess you can wear something fancy.”

“O wow! See? Who said you don’t understand girly stuff?” she chuckles.

“It’s common sense anyway.” I shrug.

“Of course! The one thing you lack a bit.”

“Really? You’re so mean.” I laugh.

“I’m just honest! Hey Rich, do you think you’ll do some singing at the party?” her face suddenly lightens up with enthusiasm.

“What? NO! I forgot how to sing a lullaby let alone a full-blown rock song. Come on! Stop it.” I pfft.

“You still can do a wonderful performance, trust me. Remember our 4th date? You sang and all others were totally enchanted?”

“Wow! You really remember our dates by sequence? That’s cool but there were only 10 to 15 people including 7 to 8 little kids who clapped because they felt real bad for me.”

“Richard! Don’t sell yourself short like this. You know you still can do much better than you can even think of. Wait, let me talk to Aron and set up some gig for ya.”

“You won’t.”

“I will!” she singsongs.

“Stubborn to the bone!”

“Look who’s talking!”

“Seriously, Melissa?”

“O yeah.”

“I give up.” I groan. “if you need to leave the party secretively for my crow like song in front of all the guests, don’t blame me!”

“No worries, La culpa es mia.” She smiles.

“No olvides.” I beam in reply.


Chapter Nine


Evelyn’s POV

“So, you’re saying that Melissa girl came to the office with her boyfriend?” Sarah shoves a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

“Yaha! That’s what she said. What about you and me go to the restaurant tomorrow after work?”

“Sounds good but wait a minute.”

“What is it again?”

“Her boyfriend came to meet his friend and you heard Aron being happy meeting someone after so long, right?”

“Yeah! So? What is wrong with all this?” I quirk my eye brows.

“I think, I mean don’t take it as the inevitable fact but I assume this boyfriend of Melissa is Richard.”

Like a video in a bad internet connection, suddenly my vision starts buffering. I did not see this coming. And nope! I did not think about it this way!

“Pfft! Stop it. How can you be so sure about your conclusion?” I try to sound casual.

“My instinct doesn’t lie!” she gives me a lingering look.

“Wh- okay, so um let’s figure that out tomorrow. Guess what, it’s fine by me if Richard actually is the boyfriend of the pretty girl I met. I mean, they’d look really cute together anyway.”

“Dang it, Eve. You’re totally hurt! I get it.” She reaches over to put her arms on my shoulders.

“Whatever, Sarah. Shit happens.”

“Yeah, but I kinda start hating this Melissa without even meeting her. Don’t judge me for being completely irrational. Friends always come first.”

“Aw!” I chuckle, “Quit it! She’s so sweet and friendly. Trust me, you’ll like her too.”

“I hope she looks much uglier when she is not under a heap of make-up products.” She scorns.

“Come on! Shush. Enough with your witchy behavior Ms. Sarah. I’m gonna start dating Aron anyway.” I can feel the fakeness in my own voice.

“Oiiyeeh! You really are gonna?” she sits straight jumping like a kid.

“That’s what I just said. Maybe it’s not Aron per se but some other guy for sure. I need to get out of this no connection zone, remember?”

“Absolutely! Yay.” She hugs me.

It’s gonna be alright! I mean, Richard is just a guy, not some Greek god my stupid self from six years back created out of him! I’m not going to cling to the notion of his being my one and only, it sounds stupid anyway! I keep reassuring myself over and over again. In my head, it’s totally fine and maturely settled that Melissa and Richard would look an absolutely great couple! But I still don’t know what the reality holds in store for me.

The workload has been comparatively lesser than that of yesterday. So, I try to complete the tasks a bit ahead of time. I am preparing to leave the office when that cologne invades the room. Too dramatic of an expression, I know!

“You already done with the work?” how can he always sustain the same amount of cheerfulness in his voice. Is he a monk or something?

“Um, yeah Mr. Wilson, I’m done with all the tasks that were assigned for today. I also followed up the designs with Madison and Michael as mentioned. I was actually going to let you know before leaving. It’s just, I need to go somewhere in the afternoon. But if it’s not okay with your policy then...”

“My God! calm down Evelyn.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and smiles, “You’ve done everything and extra you were supposed to do. Sure, you can go now. I just want to say, good job! You’re such a versatile designer we’ve got.”

“Oh, thank you very much Mr. Wilson. It means a lot.”

“Cool! See you tomorrow, then?”

“Yeah, tomorrow it is. Bye.”

“Oh! before you go, I wanted to say something about the hangout I mentioned the other day.”

“Yeah, sure. Go ahead.”

“So, something came up and I needed to change the plan a little. It’s my sister’s anniversary on Friday. I would like all of you guys to come to the party instead. We can do the hangout thing later.”

“Sounds cool! Wow! Congratulations to your sister. I’ll try to come to the party.” I grin.

“Thanks, but nope! You have to come Evelyn. Nothing like “I’ll try to” will be accepted. Got it?”

“Yes, I guess.” I nervously grin.

“Cool! Bye for today. Reach safely.” He gives me an intense look before leaving. As a result? My heart starts pumping gazillion tons of blood all at once. This guy sure knows how to play with the hormones of a stupid like me. Dang it.

I think of dialing Melissa’s number before getting to her restaurant. I shouldn’t startle her suddenly as she is still a new acquaintance. Besides, what if her boyfriend is there with her to exacerbate my already worrying state of mind? so, I better call her beforehand.


“Hey, Eve! What a pleasant surprise!” she saved my number, woah!

“How are you doing, Melissa?” I try to sound nearly as cheerful as her but of course to no avail. I’m too exhausted to be Melissa-level excited.

“I’m doing g-reat! What about you? When are you coming to my restaurant?”

“That’s precisely the reason why I called. So, I along with a friend is coming within an hour if that’s ok with you.”

“OMG! That’s absolutely okay with me! you guys just give me a call so that I can show you around.” Her voice says she’s grinning big. “Should I come over to pick you up?”

“No! that wouldn’t be necessary. We can easily uber to your work, no worries. I got the address you texted me earlier.”

“Ookie dookie! I’m waiting for you guys.”

“Yay! See you then.”

“Yep, see you!”

Sarah gives me a lingering look before starting to talk, “This girl seems real nice and I’m afraid it’d be harder to hate her than I thought.” She shifts on other side to face me.

“I know right? That’s what I told you earlier and most importantly, you don’t have to try hating her. I mean, come on! That doesn’t seem logical. She obviously didn’t abduct Richard from me and start living together, right? Why bother? And besides, we don’t even know for real if Richard is her boyfriend or not.”

“My instinct doesn’t lie babe!”

“Shush your instinct!” I sneer.

Although I’m saying how uncertain we are of the possibility of Richard’s being her boyfriend, my stomach churns with the thought that has been going wild in my mind. What if I’ll confront him today? Will he recognize me? Will he play it cool in front of his girlfriend? Will he completely ignore my existence? Or, will he be as surprised as me? I don’t know! Dang it. 

“Call the pretty chef.”

“You sound a little gayish.” I tease Sarah.

“Pfft! I’d date you if I was though.”

“Shut it!” I snigger.

“Is it her over there?”

“Where?” I crane my neck and spot Melissa talking to some customer with her signature smile smeared on her face.

“Uh-huh! That’s her.”

“Damn she’s pretty.” Sarah exclaims.

“Told ya!” I head towards the table where Melissa is standing.

“Hey there Mel! I’m here to get on your nerves already Ms. Pretty chef!”

“O hey! Look who’s here!” She rushes to hug me.

And then I can see the customers sitting at that table. I don’t know the couple but I know the other guy sitting there with the couple. It’s Mr. Richard Miller.

Instead of being consumed by the shock and becoming a light-struck mannequin, I immediately shoot a glance at Sarah. She makes a throat-cutting gesture with her finger. I can feel the blood draining from my face.

“Eve, let me first introduce you with my boyfriend and best friends.” Melissa tugs at my arm making my head turn towards her.

“H-ha? Sure, cool... I mean of course.” My palms start sweating and you guessed it right, my heart starts racing with the velocity of 1000 miles per nano second.

“Hey, you okay Eve?” Melissa sounds concerned.

“Y-yes of course she is. It’s just she didn’t have her breakfast this morning. I told her to have it but she didn’t listen to me. she never does.” Sarah steps in to rescue my troubled ass.

“O God! that’s no good. Eve, you just sit here and grab a bite first. It’s on me.” Melissa rushes out the words.

“N-no no! it’s okay, really. I am just fine. No need to be super worried about me.” I smile palely. “I actually came to have some fun time with you. So, guess I should go to the kitchen with you. Doesn’t it sound good?”

“But girl, you are looking really pale. I don’t think you can handle the heat and noise of that busy kitchen in this condition. Why don’t you eat something beforehand?” I look at the person speaking, “oh sorry! Let me introduce myself first, I’m Sloan, Mel’s best friend slash sister.” the girl from the couple I mentioned earlier holds out her hand with a bright smile.

“Hey Sloan, pleasure meeting you. Um… I’m Evelyn and I think well, maybe I guess…”

“Yes! We’ll eat first, my stomach is burning!” Sarah cuts off my completely nonsense mumbling.

“Cool! I’ll have to do some work over there. Just come straight to the kitchen as soon as you’re done with eating, alright?” Melissa pats my shoulder before kissing Richard’s cheek and leaves.

“So, I guess let’s introduce ourselves properly first.” Sloan breaks the two minutes long awkward silence.

“Sure! So, I’m Sarah…”

For the first time after almost six years, I set my eyes on that pair of enchantedly icy cold eyes. My heart feels an instant sting like nothing else to compare to. My throat tightens and I look away before my stupid tear drops would decide to slip free. He looks exactly the same, at least from the outside.

Chapter Ten


Richard’s POV

I would lie if I say I haven’t thought about the possibility but now that it is happening for real, the ground under my feet starts shaking more fiercely than any other earthquake in the history. I feel baffled and lost and absolutely devastated. The face I’ve been trying my hardest to forget all these years comes right in front of my eyes calling out my girlfriend’s name. She’s not just any Evelyn I hoped her to be. She is my… well, she is the Eve I thought to be mine someday but... Damn it! Why did I have to come here today? Why did Melissa have to meet Evelyn of all other 7 billion people on this earth? Yeah! She sees me too and wait... is she becoming sick? O no! she looks really pale. Who is she looking at? Sarah! Woah, so they live here in LA now? Is she gonna faint? Should I reach out?

“Eve, let me first introduce you with my boyfriend and best friends.” Melissa’s voice startles her. I cannot keep my eyes off of her face but she hasn’t looked directly at me since she spotted my presence here.

“H-ha? Sure, cool... I mean of course.” Her voice is trembling and I’m feeling extremely guilty for putting her in this sort of a place today. It’s my fault that I came here the same day she decided to come, is it really? After so many arguments and counter arguments she settles on the chair right in front of me. She looks the same, I mean almost except for the red bob. She is equally beautiful either way though. For the first time she looks at me, right at my eyes. I gulp. I feel immensely vulnerable at this point as if I did some grave sin and just caught red-handed although nothing like that happened. She gets hurt no doubt, her eyes are tearing up. O God! what do I do!

“Richard?” Kevin taps on my shoulder.


“You okay buddy?”

“Course!” I clear my throat, “What is it?”

“It’s your turn in the introductory session.” Sloan smiles.

“Oh, yeah right. So, I am Richard Miller.”

“Evelyn Walker.” She utters steadily.

“W-Walker! Ow, nice to meet you.” I cannot hide the confusion from my voice. Evelyn Walker? What! How?




Evelyn’s POV

No doubt he got shocked to hear my surname. His ever-calm face holds a hint of confusion instead of the annoying level of quietness. I sniff casually to hold back my stupid tears from flooding down at this oh-too-wrong moment.

“You okay?” Sarah whispers.

“Ha! Yeah, totally.”

“So, do you guys live together?” Sloan glances at us, “I mean, of course as friends,” she grins.

“No! she doesn’t live here. It’s just she came with me to stay at my place for this week. I am a ‘chronic worrior.’” I air-quote, “so she actually has been my babysitter this whole time.”

In reply Sloan and Kevin have a good laughter and Ted just keeps up with the situation with a little grin. At the moment, the food arrives providing me with the opportunity to shift my attention to something else. Thank God!

“So, Miss Sarah! Where do you work?” Richard asks rather curiously.

“In New York, I mean in my father’s company.” She nods with a smile.

“O wow! Your dad owns a company! This is so cool.” Sloan actually is a clone of Melissa. They seem to have inhaled a large amount of extroversion and excitement before being born. It’s actually pretty cute.

“Great! And you, Ms. Walker?” this name sounds a little weird in Richard’s voice.

“Um so, I’m working for Starlight Clothing… LA branch.”

“Aron... I mean one of my friends also work there, cool.” He rubs his chin uneasily.

“That’s right! Aron Wilson you’re talking about? He’s the manager of this project, such a great guy.”

His jaw clenches a little at my reply.

“Speaking of which, wait a minute, it’s the Aron, Samantha’s brother, right?” Sloan glances alternatingly at me and Richard.

“U-huh” we say in unison.

“How do you know his sister?” I blurt out.

“She’s my friend. We’ve been practically inseparable back throughout the college but you know, job happened.” She shrugs.

Woah! This is some serious maze of relationships going on here! Everyone is related to everyone. Sweet! I scorn silently.

“Cool! So, you guys coming to her anniversary party I suppose?” she grins big.

“Ah-well, I don’t know…”

“Eve will go.” Sarah steps in to mess things up even more. “I cannot be there sadly! You know, WORK!” she air-quotes, “but she’ll go obviously.”

“But Sarah…”

“Oh no worries now. You were a little unsure because you thought nobody familiar would be there to accompany you. But look, Sloan, Kevin, Richard and Melissa...  I guess everyone will be there, no?”

Sarah’s cheerful voice is making me livid, honestly.

“Yeah! Sure.” Kevin replies with a mouthful of pasta.

“I’ll think about it then. I guess, I’ll be heading to the kitchen now.” I give a little grin and push to my feet. “If you wanna join, you can come.” I look at Sarah before turning to leave.

“I think I’ll join you guys after a while. I’m having a great time here.”

“Good for you.” I mutter.

“I can see you’re really busy over there, Melissa. I think I’ll be visiting you some other day.” I yell over the noise.

“Sorry hon! It’s suddenly become too busy. You can wait a bit more and talk with the folks for a little while. I don’t think it’ll take long for me to get back to my normal routine work. I’ll text you to come here then.” She speaks on top of her lungs.

“No, no! it’s alright. You do your work. I’ll see you later. Thanks for the delicious meal by the way.” Smiling at her I leave the restaurant through the back door. One of the staffs seems kind enough to open it for me.

“Sarah, I’m waiting outside. Couldn’t stand the crowd in the kitchen, so convinced her to meet later. Get done with your crap over there and come out quick.”

And send!

This is too much to handle. All I wanted was some peace and here? life has got all sorts of disasters to offer! Gah! Why do I still have feelings for the douche! Why! WHY? Wow, he already forgot me and started his blooming romance with that pretty, successful chef! and I’m here mourning over him like a complete loser!

I keep pacing and beating myself up as always.

“Woah, woah! Girl! calm down. It’s not your fault...”

“What is not my fault? To get hurt like a pathetic asshole seeing my once prince charming with a beautiful girl living together happily ever after?” I cut Sarah short.

“Happily, ever after? I doubt that though!” she shrugs.

“It’s no time to joke and again, yes! They’ll end up together, MARK MY WORDS. And I’m a loser to get hurt thinking about that!” I keep panting sharply.

“C-calm down!” she nervously rushes to me.

“Nope, Sarah! I cannot just calm down. I hate LA! This place is a cursed pit for me. I wanna go back to New York and yes, I’m gonna throw my resignation letter on Rogers’ face. It all sounds fair enough! Trust me, I’m not staying in here for one more day.”

“Evelyn, stop shouting and making stupid decisions while standing in front of the restaurant well, where you got to meet your ex...”

“He’s not my ex! He even wasn’t my boyfriend. See? The biggest dorky loser of your friend is here crying over a guy who wasn’t even her boyfriend to begin with.”

“Shush! Stop yelling, woman! My ears are gonna fall off of my face. Now, zip your mouth and let’s go home.”

“I don’t wanna...”

“What the heck I just told you!” she yells back for the first time, “I’m calling the uber and get in the car once it arrives, without any more word.”

“Why are you yelling at me?”

“Because... you’re going nuts and I need to tame the volcano brewing inside you asap or else people will sue us.” She whisper-yells as a group of people passes by to enter the restaurant.

I chew on my lip to halt the curse words from bursting out of my mouth.


Richard’s POV

I’m pretty sure she just got out of here to avoid my company as Mel later told us how she rushed out of the restaurant stating to arrange a meet up later. Whatever, I think it’s been none of our fault, it’s just... happened too quickly and unfortunately to even comprehend. So, Aron, huh? I wouldn’t be surprised if they started dating or something. He told me earlier that he got a crush on her, well! It still bothers me a little. Why after 5 years, she had to come back! am I sounding like a jerk? I mean, it’s her life after all. Who am I to ask why she’s here in the first place! Damnit! It’s gonna get more messed up if Mel finds out. But again, we were not even a couple back then! She was never too open with me about herself or maybe she was becoming easier gradually but... it wasn’t my fault, really! All I wanted was to help her and she was the one misunderstanding me the whole time. Can I blame her for that? Maybe yeah... I don’t know!

Arriving my office, I decide to text Aron about her and the bizarre surname she’s currently holding or, maybe she just told it to confuse me! who knows.

Hey Aron, got to know something. You free up there?”

“Yo! Sure, what is it?” In a minute my mobile dings.

“Why is Evelyn Lawrence going as Evelyn Walker now?” oops too wry and direct.

It is seen by him and the three dots appear and disappear multiple times before he writes, “Um... how do you know? Did you meet her by any chance?”



“Answer my question dude.”

“I-I think it’s because she and her family have been in quite a complicated situation with the murderer tracking them down. So, they decided to go a bit incognito...”

“What murderer? That psychopath? Still?” I become startled for real.

“That’s what she said, dude. I don’t know.”

“Woah! Okay, cool. Talk to you later then.”

“Cool! You coming to Sam’s party?”

“U-huh, I will!”


I lean back against my chair undoing couple of buttons of my shirt followed by loosening my tie. This doesn’t sound good. If that psycho is still after Eve’s family, then Sarah cannot just leave her alone here. Should I talk to her? Shit.


Chapter Eleven


Evelyn’s POV

The rest of the week passed by almost unceremoniously and with a lot more workloads. Aron has smiled and casually talked once or twice but for some weird reason, I haven’t been able to reply without flinching a little thinking about the fact that I’m still in love with his friend and I already went on a date with him. O My! That’s unsettling.

“Wake up, dummy! My flight is in about an hour.” Sarah yells right in my ear.

“So?” I groan.

“So? Really? You got to get your ass up and see me off.”

“Why should you leave already? Why don’t you stay for another week?”

“Evelyn! My father will kick me out of the universe then.”

“So what?”

“Wake up!” she yells louder.

I almost jump to my back, “You’ve become such a bitch! You know that?”

“O yeah! I’m aware Ma’am.” She winks.

“Argh! I’m gonna miss you, idiot.”

“I know! Who doesn’t?”


“Nope! Now get up girl or else I’ll miss my flight.” She practically drags me down by my foot.

“Ouch!” I growl while landing on my butt. “My ass!”

“Will be blown off if you don’t get ready within 10. Go…go…go!”

“You’re sounding like that jerk Rogers.”

“At least he doesn’t choose to sulk over his old love!” she smirks.


“What! Come on, Eve, what have I been telling you? LEAVE HIM.”

“So? Am I holding him now?”

“Yeah, in your stupid little heart.”

“Trade it!” I scowl.

“Nope, thank you honey! I’m alright with mine. Now get up.” She nudges me.

“Ugh! Give me 20.”

“Nope! You’re not having any more minutes than 12.5.”


“You heard it.” She shrugs.

“You actually are worse than Rogers.” I scorn.

“I knew it.” She grins.


“You really like that guy.”

“Who? Are you crazy?”

“You just told how great he is.”


“Duh! Better than me! what does that mean?” she pumps her brows.

“Why does it even mean he’s great? I don’t understand!”

“Implication, silly! Now get up or I’m gonna leave the house without you.”

“Such a witch.”

She grins.


“You should go to the party.” She says with a matter of fact tone.


“What made you so moody today?”


“Quit talking trash. What happened?”

“I’m panicked, Sarah! I don’t wanna stay here alone... any more. Can I come fly with you?”

“Wh-what! Why? Eve, you’ve taken up this opportunity to boost your confidence and step out of that bleak oblivion, remember?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t understand what it would feel like facing the reality. It’s full of shit.”

“IT IS SHIT! Does it mean you’ll keep dodging it? Eve, you are living in the reality and you need to face it no matter what.”

“But I don’t wanna bring back the drama from my past.”

“Then don’t.”

“That easy, huh?”

“Absolutely! You don’t want it, you avoid it... end of the story.”

“Sarah! Why can’t I be strong and determined like you?”

“Because, you are more determined than me and undoubtedly one true badass. The worst part is you are denying the real Evelyn! You are constantly trying to kill that bold-spirited, strong and confident girl that you really are. Remember, how bravely you faced the piles of pure crap when Jules has this accident? You were stronger than anyone back then, you know why? Cos you are that girl who knows how to keep fighting for her life, her existence.”

“Too many heavy words!” I scratch the back of my head.

She tugs a string of my hair, “You need these heavy talks now cos you’re becoming a classic asshole.”

“You bitch!” I scowl.

She smirks and points to my phone, “It’s Rogers.”

“Who? Where?” I frantically look through the car window.

“Silly! It’s him calling, right here.” She laughs.

“O my God! NO! Why! O Wait, what if he calls me back to New York! Then I’ll have the chance to leave LA! Yikes!” I yelp before picking up the call.

“Hello, Miss Walker. Mr. Wilson reported positively about you. So, I decided to include you in the managerial committee there in LA. As I thought it right, I emailed Mr. Wilson all that should be done from his side. I expect you’ll cooperate.”

“What... wait Mr. Rogers.”

“I have one more minute to spare in this call. Can you briefly state what you are trying to say?”

“I-I am not ready to, you know I was to say that I will be really obliged if you...”

“No need to waste time expressing your gratitude Miss Walker. I think of it as an absolutely unnecessary step anyway. Good day!” he hangs up.

“That bitch hung up on me, again!”

“What is it? Why were you stammering like a patient with real speaking impairment?”

“is it that funny to you?” I snap at Sarah.

“No... no! I didn’t mean to sound mean or anything. Come on! I was just pulling your leg. What did he say?”

“He appointed me in the managerial committee of LA without even caring to ask me beforehand! And yes, he had the audacity to assume that I was being overtly grateful to him. No! I was not! I am not grateful to this retarded cow. What is he made of? OMG! I am LIVID!”

“Ouch! That sounds intense. He is a little too much.”

“A little? Sarah! He’s the worst in the history of creation. I bet dinosaurs were much more considerate than him.”

“O yeah! I doubt...”


“Oops! I’m sorry but you need to look at this from a different angle. He gave you a promotion. A great one. You should be happy, Eve.”

“Nope! I’m not happy. I was looking for loopholes to leave LA and now he’s just tied me up with this cursed place.”

“It’s not cursed! It’s a beautiful place here. Come on Eve! Calm down a little. He might me a big jerk or whatever your heart desire to call him but he is pushing you to your ultimate potential. You really should not fly off the handle like this.”

“He is a fricking psychotic robot. I’m telling you, nobody with a human like brain and sound psychological state talks like him. He sounds more robotic than Alexa! Gosh! Do you think he also talks this mechanically to his own wife? Children?”

“I don’t know, haven’t been there in his house.” She casually shrugs.

I groan in reply.

Chapter Twelve


“You coming to the party?” Aron’s text makes me flip the cozy blanket over to grab the phone. To be brutally honest, I don’t want to go but neither do I want to create any unnecessary drama between my manager and me especially when I am in the managerial committee right now.

“Um... as I said I’ll try my best to come.”

“Why no Evelyn, you have to come. Everyone from the office is coming. And besides, we’re in the same team now...;)”

Argh! I’m gonna skin you alive, Rogers! I growl.

“Ok, I’ll come.”

“Cool! See you then. ;)”


Dude! Enough with the winky faces! I still feel for you friend. I’m such a fricking unsettling human being. I throw my head back in frustration. I don’t wanna face Richard and Melissa AGAIN!

For the millionth time, my ringtone startles me out of the blue. Who can that be!

Hm, unknown number! I don’t think I should pick up the call. Let him/her die.

The phone continues ringing even after ignoring it 5 times at a row. The flashbacks from the day Julia had the accident start floating by. I suddenly seem to feel a jerk inside my brain with the overwhelming sense of the traumatic events that day.

Is it Jules? Maybe, she is calling from some friend’s phone. I think I should pick this up after all.

“Hello?” doubt is literally oozing out of my voice.

A brief pause follows the voice, “Hey!”

No matter after how many years I’m hearing this voice again over the phone, I unfortunately don’t have to halt once to recognize him right away.

“Why?” I ask bluntly.

“Evelyn, I-I’m sorry to call you like this but I think, um you should be more careful, you know.”

“What? Why do you think so? Is it because I went incognito for years? No worries Mr. Miller, I’m doing just fine.”

“I didn’t mean it. All I have to say is, that psycho still lives in LA and I doubt he’d figure out your presence and it doesn’t matter whether you’re Evelyn Lawrence or Evelyn Walker.”

The mention of that psychotic jerk snaps at my heart making it stop for a while. I remain silent for a moment to sip in the words Ted just uttered.

“I am aware of that Mr. Miller. Thanks for your concern by the way. Anything else you have to say?”

“Evelyn you don’t... well if you think you are ok then I’m not going to bother you anymore. Stay safe, Evelyn.”

“You too! Say hi to Melissa.”

In reply he just lets out a breath and I hang up.

After that? You guessed it right. I start crying all over again. I don’t know whether to feel threatened with the thought of Scott or feel emotional knowing my ex love interest still cares for me, or at least pretends to.

Fortunately, the crying episode doesn’t last long this time. A knock on my door is enough to distract me from my emotional eruption. Washing the face, I head to the door.

“Who’s there?”

Not getting any reply, I ask again, “Who’s there? I don’t have a door lens and I can’t see you. Can you just tell me who you are?”

“That’s interesting.” A hushed voice comes in.

“What? Why is it interesting? Who are you?” now I’m not just casually asking, I’m starting to freak out.

“This is Evelyn Walker, correct?” the voice sounds gravelly.

I gulp before answering, “No! you might have gotten the wrong address.”

“Really? I don’t get things wrong.” His voice drains all the blood from my face. I can feel my heart starts knocking at my throat to come out.

“Guess this time, you actually got it wrong. Okay, bye! I have things to do.” I try my best to keep my voice natural.

In reply, the person says something indistinct but he doesn’t go away. I keep standing like a light-struck deer on the other side of the door. The door seems to be the most valuable shield of my life at this moment. What if the guy standing on the opposite side starts banging or thinks about breaking the door? OMG! Who might he be! is he Scott? But the voice is not of that psycho. I can’t mistake that voice!

After what feels like an eon, the guy starts to step away from my door. I silently remain glued against the door in the hope of the sound of his footsteps to fade away. After the heavy steps become much fader, I wait some more minutes before opening the door.

He’s gone. WHO the heck was HE! What did I get myself into!

Being extremely uncomfortable and indeed freaked out, I dial Julia’s number.

“Hello, Eve! What’s up? How are you doing? Did Sarah leave already?”

“Hey, Jules I’m fine, I guess. Yeah, just saw her off um like 3-ish hours back.”

“You are sounding a little bland. What happened?”

“Nothing in particular. It’s just I’m a little you know, suspicious...”

“Suspicious? OMG! What happened to you Evelyn? Tell me, now. Did anyone try to hurt you? Did someone break into your apartment? What is it?” Okay, now Julia is freaking out even more intensely than me. So, I better not tell her about the guy, not yet.

“Shush! Callllllm down Jules. It’s nothing serious, trust me. I was just wondering if that psycho got out of the jail or not. That’s it. You know, random thought.”

“You serious? Is it really a random thought? I am having some real bad feelings about it.”

O no! I shouldn’t have freaked her out like that. Now she’ll get crazy thinking about it all over again.

“Julia! I say slow down, girl. I swear it’s nothing. Nothing happened, I was just curious. That’s it.”

“Ah well! I don’t know really. Mat, do you have any news about that messed up sicko?”

After a little pause she starts speaking again, “He doesn’t know either for sure but he is saying he’ll look it up. You don’t worry, Eve. That swine will never hurt you, okay?” she sounds like as if she’s reassuring herself instead of me.

“Sure, Jules. I’ll be fine. How’s Mat and how’s your little diva doing?”

“Matthew is doing okay and he says hi to you but you wanna know what did Sam do last night?”

“What?” I chuckle with the suspense of hearing something crazy.

“She drew on my face with a fricking permanent marker.”

“What?” I let out a full-fledged laughter.

“you heard it right! I was napping and that little devil just did her artwork.”

“Where was Mat?”

“I was cooking the dinner for your amazing sister.” He shouts from the other side.

“Such a great opportunity she’s got, I see.” I keep laughing.

“Not funny!” Julia sounds a little mad.

“I’m sorry Jules but it is funny. How did you take that off of your face?”

“Don’t even get me started on it now.”

“Okay! I’ll hear it out from Mat, no worries.”

“Shut it, you guys! It’s not funny.” She laughs.

“Anyway, here’s a news.”

“What?” the anxiety crawls back to her voice.

“No, no! it’s kinda on the good side.”

“Tell me, tell me.”

“I got appointed in the managerial team, so you can call it a promotion though Rogers didn’t put it that way.”

“OMG! Eve! This is amazing! Congratulations, I’m SO PROUD OF YOU! Mat! She got a promotion!”

“Congratulations Eve!” his voice floats in from the other side.

“Thanks! Thanks a lot, you guys! Wish me luck cos I’m feeling pretty diffident.”

“Don’t you dare...”

“Ok, ok my bad.” I chuckle. “Anyway, you gotta give me all the directions on dress, hair and make-up, remember?”

“Yay! You’re going to the party! Atta girl! Sure, I’ll be available whole day tomorrow.”

“What would I do without you!”

“Nothing apparently.” She chuckles.


Chapter Thirteen


“But Jules, this dress looks a little too slutty.” I pout at the black dress held in my hands.

“What? You kidding me, Evy! This is not slutty at all. I can’t see anything wrong with it, really.” She snaps.

“Look, here,” I turn the back of the dress towards my mobile screen, “It’s backless, only two straps. I feel exposed already.”

“Evelyn! It’s called fashion, not slutty or exposed! What are you? An 80-year-old grandma?”

“Hm, I kinda am.”

“Trust me, I’d easily wear this dress after being married with a kid. You still are young, beautiful and single...”

“Please! What does a dress have to do with being single!” I smirk rolling my eyes.

“You want to look pretty or not?”

“I prefer not to, I suppose!”

“Okay, then I’m hanging up.”

“No... no! okay, darn it! I’ll wear this thing.” I growl.

“Yikes! Your manager will have an eye candy to enjoy!” she winks.

“Seriously, Jules! What the...” she still doesn’t know it’s Aron she’s talking about. I roll my eyes.

“What do I do with my hair?” I pout.

“Loose curls! Classy.”

“Black backless bodycon dress with bright red loose curls... I’m gonna look like a hussy!”

“Then be it.” She smirks.



“It’s Aron’s sister’s anniversary we’re talking! not mine.”

“Aron? Is that your manager’s name?”


“Not the one I’m thinking him to be right?”

“Uh-huh.” I bite my nails, “Yes, that’s exactly the one you’re thinking him to be.”

“Eve? What? You didn’t even tell me that.”

“I don’t want you to wander through those darkest hours of your life again. Besides, his being my manager is not my fault.”

“Fault? No... no! that’s not at all what I meant. It’s different.” She lets out a breath. “Did you meet him?”

“Who?” I pretend not to understand.


“Yes, I did. Not in the office or through Aron but in some other place.”


“Jules, I’m gonna be late.” I try to avoid eye contact with her cos I’m already feeling the threat of tears in my eyes.

“It’s simple answer Eve, and you were the one cutting off the connection with him, right?”

“Yes, right and that’s why he’s now living much better life with his beautiful girlfriend where I am here doing what I don’t know.” I throw my hands up in frustration and anger.

Silence ensues for a couple of minutes before she starts talking, “I’m sorry Eve, I didn’t know you were going through all this! You didn’t even mention any of it with me or else I would’ve understood.”

“It’s fine, Jules. Not your fault.” I give a little grin. “Now, if you excuse me, I’m gonna go get changed into this classy piece of clothing.”

“Eve, if you don’t wanna go, that’s totally your call.”

“Nah! I’m going Julia! After all, I don’t have much to do being stuck in here.” I shrug.

I will face Richard and pretty Melissa with no feeling of sadness whatsoever. After all, I’m the sole controller of my life. you better keep this strong statement in mind throughout the party, Evelyn!

“O hey! Girl, you’re glowing!” Sloan winks at me as I enter.

“Ah hey! What’s up? Thanks, I guess.” I awkwardly smile at her compliment.

“So, it’s Aron we’re looking for, no?” the mischievous smile doesn’t leave her lips.

“What? No, I mean it’s fine. You guys are here, I can hang out with you.”

“Sure, you can but if I’m not mistaken, the poor guy has been remembering you A LOT!”

“Ow! Has he?” I can feel the unnecessary blush heating up my cheeks.

“Oops! Now someone s blushing!” she singsongs. Before I can say anything in reply, I hear the overly excited voice from behind.

“Hey Sloan! I’m looking for you all over the place. Where are you?”

“Mel! Look who’s here!” Sloan cranes her neck.

“Is it Eve? OMG! Girl, you are literally g-lowing! And look at you... don’t you steal all of our guys today!” she grins hugging me.

“Hey! I mean, thanks but you guys are looking absolutely stunning! Never could I steal guys from ladies who look like straight out of the vogue cover.” I can feel her dramatic nature brushing some flavor over me.

“That’s sweet! Hey, let’s go over there. The folks are waiting for you.”

“What folks?”

“Your guy and your colleagues, duh!” she rolls her eyes like a total plastic from high school.

“W-wait! Aron is not my guy and for your information we are not really thinking much about it, not right now.” I give a tight smile.

“We’ll see!” Sloan and Melissa say in unison.

“You guys are impossible.” I chuckle following them to the inside.

“So, this is our girl, Samantha!” Sloan beams brightly while pointing to someone.

“Wow! You’re gorgeous!” I blurt out like a weirdo. She actually is so beautiful and no wonder she’s Aron’s sister. The finest gene they must have gotten.

“Hey! Thanks! That’s so sweet of you honey. And you?” she shakes my hand with a bright smile that twinkles her ruby green eyes.

“I’m Evelyn Walker. I work with Aron...”

“Evelyn! Aron told me about you. It’s really great to finally meet you.” She pulls me into a hug.

He did tell people about me then, huh! He’s certainly making it harder for me. I mean, I cannot date him cos clearly, I’ll think about his friend whenever I see him! That’s messed up.

In reply, I just smile a little.

“Hey, Evelyn! So, you came.” Mr. Aron Wilson in all his glory comes towards my way smiling like a fricking model. Dang it! Why is he so beautiful or is it just me!

“Hi! Yeah, I guess so. How are you?” before I can be done with my awkward session, he hugs me... and that cologne! O boy!

“You look breathtaking!” he eyes me, in a good way. Or at least, I wanna consider it as good because he’s such an eye candy.

“So, do you. I mean, you look really handsome, as usual but a little more maybe. Okay, I’m becoming really dorky at this point, so, where are others?”   

He laughs at my silly statement, “You are so adorable. Anyway, before you go there, is it okay with you to face Richard?”

“Sure!” I blurt out before he even finishes asking which shows the lie in my words as clear as the morning sun.

“That was quick! I can take it as positive, then?”

“Totally! He’s just fine, you know!” I shrug.

“I hope so too.” He looks a bit dubious as he is looking at my face which is undoubtedly screaming, I AM NERVOUS.

Madison and Michael come forward to make the environment a wee bit comfortable for me.

“Hey! Eve, you are...”

“Glowing?” I ask recalling the comments from before.

“Woah! Confident, huh!” Madison smiles.

“Nope! It’s nothing like that. You see, that girl over there, Melissa and her friend said the same thing so I just inferred.”

“Cool! But I’m sure she was gonna say the same.” Michael chimes in.

Then, I see the Greek god stepping hesitantly towards the way I am standing. I am not going to describe how my heart stops and the world spins and everything else becomes invisible except for two of us! And obviously I am not even getting started on how sinfully attractive the guy is looking and how awfully my idiot heart is malfunctioning to conspire me to death, maybe! I am truly shoving all the details aside or else this novel will never end.

“Hey, how are you?” before I can comprehend, I am grinning foolishly at Richard.

He looks a bit startled as he clearly hasn’t expected this sort of behavior on my side, “Hi! I am alright, I assume. How are you, Miss Walker?” he smiles. Jesus! My heart! This smile cannot not be mine! I want him so bad.

I clear my throat while blushing like a joker, “I am doing okay! Thanks for asking.” What is with the formality! No wonder I am going to act more weirdly around this guy tonight! God, help me.

“Good to hear that.” He sustains his smile to let all my internal organs get tangled up with each other and kill me. Melissa comes rushing to us at the very moment.

“Babe! You got to see the cake they ordered! OMG! This is magnificent.” She clutches his arm like a frigging koala. Okay, I am being mean to her cos I’m jealous. She doesn’t deserve to be treated this mean.

I smile at them, “Cool! I gotta go talk to my colleagues then.”

“Or you can come with us, OMG Eve, you’re gonna love the cake.” She is making it worse.

“No! I don’t like cakes… wait, what! What came over me. God! “I mean, I will have a look at this marvelous cake later cos I just remembered that I have a really important thing... you know to discuss with Aron.” Failing to understand the sense of my own words, I simply rush towards the other way of the hall leaving both of them a bit baffled.

“She’s acting weird!” I can hear Melissa’s voice from behind.

“You can’t just call people weird. She must have her reasons.” I halt a little to hear Richard’s reply. He is just being nice, no big deal.

Chapter Fourteen


“Oh! I’m so sorry.” I quickly turn to my side to find the lady I just got bumped into.

WHAT! Is it… wait what? How?

“It’s alright, um... do I know you?” Annabelle Gaston quirks her brows.

Is it some sort of time machine situation going on with my life? how can all the people from my insidious past be literally walking around me now? like after 6 years? Why do they keep coming back? I’m feeling totally frozen in time, right now! and yes, I’m feeling like throwing up. Will Anna pull off some crazy avenging scene here tonight? Among all these people! Eve, just die… please, die.

“I don’t think so.” I nervously tug my hair while trying in vain to change my voice a little.

“Are you by any chance, Evelyn Lawrence?” she asks directly. As straightforward as ever.

“What, no? I’m not Evelyn Lawrence...” before I can finish my disordered sentence, Madison chimes in, “Ow! She’s Evelyn, that’s right but her surname is not Lawrence, it’s Walker.”

“O wow! How amazing!” Anna smirks with an evil look.

I start sweating and shaking inwardly. This be the last thing I wanted to end up with in this party.

“So, yeah if you excuse me, I need to go the washroom.” I stammer.

“Me too! Let’s go together. I mean, obviously not in the same washroom though.” Anna gives a bright smile underneath which I can feel her brewing anger.

“Yeah, sure.” My head slowly begins to spin.

“Don’t think you would imagine seeing me here.” She whisper-yells in my ear.

“No, I couldn’t! why are you here?” I feel infuriated as her cocky remark.

“That’s expected Miss Law… wait nope, it’s Ms. Walker now.” she laughs making me disgusted and scared at the same time.

“What is your problem, Annabelle Gaston? Can’t you see I’m trying to avoid you?”

“Aw! Are you? Why can’t I see it then? Maybe because I’m a psychopath coming out of a psychic clinic!” her voice becomes shrill at the end.

I quicken my pace to reach the washroom fast. People already start looking our way a little baffled by the heated argument.

“What? Now, you don’t have anything to say, huh? You, shameless bitch!” she snaps again.

“Anna! I am not a wee bit interested in talking to you right now. can you not make the scene more dramatic with your unnecessary presence here?”

“My unnecessary presence? O wow! That’s unlike the ever-scared Evelyn I’ve known for years.” She definitely is in the mood to pick a fight.

“Why are you here?” I open the door to the restroom and face her.

“I could ask you the exact same question but I’m neither interested in asking it nor am I bound to answer your question.” She smirks, “You are going to pay for what you did to me.”

“What! What the heck are you saying? You NEEDED help, Anna.” Her fierce look is actually freaking me out at this point. What is even scarier is that she doesn’t look like she’s even recovered. She must have found some loophole to flee from the clinic.

“Say it again, it’s so godawfully funny!” she lets out a shrill laughter making my heart jump to my throat.

“Look, if you logically think about it, you’ll understand how dangerous your condition was growing to be for everyone around you. In fact, you, yourself were vulnerable to your condition. Do you not think it was the best idea to bring you under treatment?”

Her face drops at this, she seems to be comprehending my words before looking at me, “You know what? You are still the same foolish and stupid nerd I saw you as 6 years back. You think it was a CONDITION I was having? Seriously? It was my own fricking choice to kill those ugly dumb animals. What is so wrong with that? And you are telling me I was dangerous to everyone around ME?” she laughs again, this time more like a sneer. “Why? Did I kill your sister or her dead fiancé? Or, wait did I kill you? Did I do any harm to that asshole lover of yours? NO, I DIDN’T AND NOW I THINK I’VE DONE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE BY NOT KILLING YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE.”

“Anna! Calm down. It’s a fricking party and you have no right to yell at me like this.”


“Yeah! And tell me why you’re so enraged at me after all these years? I wanted only good for you where honestly no harm was intended. Anna, you were my best friend.”

“OMG! Now you’re the same frightened little rat again to make me emotional with your shitty pep talk? you’re ridiculous! O yeah? You really want to know why am I so enraged still? Hear me out then, you made me waste 3 years from my life and I dropped out of the college for the trauma! And wait, here’s more, nobody wants to give me any job after all this time only because I’ve been in that clinic and they think I’d be some sort of a threat to their employees. You understand now?” she pants hysterically.

“Trust me, Anna I didn’t mean to...”

“Shut up, you little insecure slut! You were too insecure about me and your lover Richard to hit it off and start dating and this is exactly why you plotted the whole thing.”

“What is wrong with you? You very well know that’s not even close to the reason why I did that. It was you who killed the innocent animals like a fricking monster. And it was you who almost damaged Julia’s health a great deal. Now, you’re making up some fat lies to make me the bad guy? You are sick, Anna! You still are a psychopath.” My head starts pounding as anger invades the whole of it.

“Wow! Cool! You’ve always been so self-centered and I can see you after all these years are holding on to the victim mentality. You are such a two-faced demon!” she smirks, “Oho! Did you get the luck to see that beautiful girlfriend of your love? Tsk tsk, I feel sorry for you! He looks like having a great life with her. You know what? Everyone becomes happy getting rid of an edgy bitch like you. Are you wearing this slutty dress to compete with Melissa? No, darling! You cannot even stand up to her beauty. Being ugly is not your choice after all. I am sorry my dear.” She pouts.

Although I know she is just deliberately throwing the mean words at me, my ever-present insecurities and anxiety attacks threat to come crawling back. I feel like crying but gulp at the thought of making her doubly happy by breaking down before her like this.

“Whatever the reason you are here today, I just want to say one more thing, I will never see you ever again! and no, I’m not at all guilty to make you suffer for 3 years if that’s the truth. You deserved the suffering and guess what? You deserve even more suffering cos Annabelle Gaston you still are a full-blown psychopath. People do offer you jobs but when they find out how dangerous of a crazy person you really are, they let you go. Do not you try to make me feel guilty and miserable by your so not true shitty stories. GET A LIFE.” I abruptly walk away from her leaving her speechless for a while.

 Richard’s POV

I can feel Eve’s hidden unease while talking to me with a fake smile. I just get to the cake to see its grandness as described by Mel when the unexpected inquisition starts.

“Do you think Evelyn is pretty?” Melissa suddenly asks me sending me off guard.

“What? Why would you ask?”

“You were kind of looking at her like she was someone special or something.”

“You serious? This is totally not logical!”

“Rich, have you known her even before I’ve introduced her with you?”

“Yes. What difference does that even make? I don’t understand.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that when I’ve first told you about her?”

“I didn’t know it was the same Evelyn. Come on, Melissa, it’s not even a big deal.”

“Is it not? Richard, why don’t you understand that we are in a relationship and we are supposed to share stuff with each other?” she throws her hands up in frustration.

“I’m sorry but I thought it wasn’t something you would be interested to know.” I feel a bit guilty now.

“Were you guys together?” she straight cuts to the chase.

“W-hat! Nope, we didn’t even date. We were neighbors, get it?”

“Neighbors who find each other attractive type of neighbors?”

“Why would that even matter?”

“Richard! You always want to keep a little too much space between us. I’ve been literally begging you to move in together but no, you’re too adamant.”

“Moving in together is a huge step, Melissa. We’re only dating for seven months.” I try to reason with her.

“Seven months seems some kind of joke to you, huh? Sloan and Kev moved in only within four months.”

“What the heck does their relationship have to do with ours?” I feel annoyed.

“O wow! You actually don’t love me, right? You’re still in love with someone from your past, presumably Evelyn Walker.”

“It’s not like that, Mel. Listen to me, moving in together is a big step and I wanna be 100% sure about it before jumping right in.”

“What is there to be sure about? I feel sorry for myself and that’s exactly why I keep telling people that we moved in together.”

“You do? Why? This doesn’t even make any sense.”

“I feel a bit of comfort by telling the lie.” She starts tearing up.

“Oh no! come on, Mel, you just don’t stress over it now. There was no relationship between Evelyn and me. for your record, we didn’t even start dating, alright? It’s just a little awkward to face each other after all these years, nothing more. Please, don’t freak out.” I hold her hand.

“Alright! You promise we’re fine?”

“I promise.”

“Love you.” She grins and hugs me.

Then I see one unbelievable person walking angrily before us. ANNA? How?

“Hey Mel, do you know her?” I frown at the psychotic lady.

“What? Who? Yeah, she’s Anna. Such a sweetheart.”

“What? How do you even know her?”

“She’s Sloan’s neighbor and really cool one. You won’t believe what... but wait, why do you ask?”

“I used to know her and as far as I can remember she was a full-blown psychopath, not some cool one.” I can feel my anger trembling my voice a little.

“No! you cannot be mean to such a nice person. Think it over, maybe you don’t know this Anna. You must be misunderstanding somewhere. Anyway, let me go say hi to her.” She amusingly moves towards the creature.

It’s gonna be bad.


Chapter Fifteen


Evelyn’s POV

“Hey!” Aron nears me with a drink in his hand, “Want one?”

“No, thanks. I can’t really handle alcohol. A little childish, I know.”

“Nah! It’s alright.” He smiles.

“Your sister and her husband make such an adorable couple.” I grin at the couple dancing serenely.

“I know! They are so sweet. So, why are you standing here all alone?” he casually pumps his brows.

“Nothing, it’s just I met Anna after so long. You know, it wasn’t so easy going.” I shrug.

“Oh! Well, I was also very much surprised seeing her here but then I came to know she’s Sloan’s neighbor slash good friend. You okay? She didn’t pull off some crazy quarrels, did she?”

“She tried her best to pick a fight, trust me.” I nervously smile, “I guess, I got lucky that it didn’t turn out to be that bad.”

“Shit! I’m sorry, I really didn’t know it would happen.”

“No, don’t be sorry. It’s definitely not your fault. It’s funny how my life suddenly seems to be frozen in the past time zone.”

“Have you talked with Richard?”

“O yeah! That went more normal than I expected. No worries.”

“Cool!” he smiles.

The conversation is becoming more and more awkward with lots of nodding and smiling and nothing meaningful to say.”

“He and his girlfriend seem like quite a happy couple. I’m glad they are doing so well.” I break the silence after standing like mannequins for a while.

“Yeah! They are compatible, that’s it.” He shrugs.

“Do you not think they’re doing well as a couple?” I have that tiny bit of meanness in my heart that wants to hear otherwise.

“Um, can’t say much, really. Richard was saying the other day how Melissa always rants about moving in together. So, I kinda assumed it’s not all free of troubles. You know, couples do have their troubles, no couple is perfect.” He smiles.

“Uh-huh! But they already moved in together.”

“What? When?” he looks surprised.

“I don’t know, Melissa told me so when we first met.”

“First met? Who talks about moving in with boyfriend on a first meeting?” he laughs.

“I don’t know but she actually said it.” I chuckle with a tinge of confusion.

“But Richard told me they haven’t yet. guess none of us knows what is the truth.” He shrugs.

“Hm! Leave it then.”

Why would Melissa lie about that? This is strange!

After having the conversation with Aron, I don’t feel the friendly vibe coming from Melissa anymore. Instead, her insecurities seem to resurface on her very face every time I look at her, maybe because of me being a human. It’s natural.

Everyone is still occupied with dancing and drinking or gossiping but all of a sudden, I start having those old ass syndromes slowly creeping in. first my head spins once or twice. Then the real struggle comes into play. I cannot move my head from one side to another as if it suddenly weighed hundred pounds heavier. My breathing becomes faster and needless to mention, my right arm starts to tremble on its own. I become so freaked out at this that all I want right now is go home and hide inside my apartment. I cannot let all the people here see the nasty behaviors I’ve been fearing throughout the past years. I shift my weight from my right foot to the left. I can feel the vision getting blurry. I am on the edge of losing my sense when a shrill scream cuts through my ear drums. Thank God something happened to keep me sane for a little while.

“O my God! what happened to her? Didn’t anyone see anything happening over here? Why isn’t she breathing? Mel, wake up!” Sloan practically yells at this point.

All the eyes in the living room turn towards upstairs.

“Somebody, help! Come up here.” She implores.

In reply, Richard rushes to the staircase followed by Aron and Kevin. Two other guys are seen joining them. I stand there with bunch of questions in my head. What could possibly happen to her? It’s not been long since I saw her right here laughing and talking with Anna and others. What on earth is going to happen here tonight! My palms start sweating as my entire body trembles with a full-blown electric shock.

“She is not breathing, GODDAMNIT!” Richard’s voice floats in from upstairs. A lot of the people hanging around the living room already joined them there but I do not seem to move any of my limbs. Like a light-struck deer, I keep standing in the middle of the room.

After what seemed like a thousand years, the ambulance arrives. While others are busy with Melissa’s body to be situated inside the ambulance, Aron comes over to me,

“Evelyn, is it yours?” he holds up my bracelet in front of my eyes.

“Y-yeah! But how did you get it?” my eyes widen.

“We found it just beside Melissa’s body. Maybe you unconsciously dropped it there.” He shrugs.

“Wait! What? My bracelet? There…how?”

“I don’t know. Here, take it. I need to go with Richard.”

“What happened to her?” I can feel my eyes brimming with tears.

“She has been murdered. This is insane!” he doesn’t halt to let me say anything in reply.

MURDER! What? Why? Who did that? Why did my bracelet have to be there? I cannot remember dropping it anywhere! What is happening? O God! help me. can it be Anna? Could she murder someone to take revenge on me! she must’ve taken my bracelet somehow while engaging me in that damn argument so that later, she could plot me into this twisted murder. O my God! what do I do now!

Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I stand right there like a complete sculpture. my nostrils are trickled and I reach out to find blood oozing from my nose. I abruptly grab a tissue to hide it when I can feel a hand on my arm,

“Evelyn, you are feeling sick. You should get back home.” The knee-weakening voice does not require me to turn around to see the face.

“R-Richard! how did it happen? Where is Anna? My bracelet…it was there but trust me, I didn’t do a thing, I swear to God!” I burst into tears.

“I 1000% trust you, Eve. You don’t worry about it. Nothing that happened tonight has been your fault. Although others are a bit dubious seeing your bracelet there which was actually used to scar Mel’s wrist.” He gulps and his voice trails off a bit, “Look at me, I trust you no matter what anybody else has to say. Now, go home. You’re feeling extremely sick, I can see it.” I can see tears in the corner of his eyes. I feel horrible though I have no hand in Melissa’s death.

“I’m so sorry Richard, I really am. She was a good soul.”

In reply he nods and gives me a tight-lipped smile.

I look at the bracelet, it still has the specks of blood on it. I wince with pain and disgust. I quickly get out of the party without looking back at the grieving people behind me. the delightful party from a while back suddenly becomes a crypt of some kind. I feel so terrible and awful. Sniffing and weeping I wait for the uber to arrive.

“Hey, are you the girl with that bracelet?” a female voice calls out beside me.

“I-I didn’t do anything, really! I don’t even know how the bracelet got there.” I swallow the lump in my throat.

“OMG! Shame on you. Why would we believe something that a murderer has to say after brutally killing an innocent girl? Why would you even do that? Is that because you are into her handsome boyfriend? What are you? A psychotic teenager?” she scorns.

“What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t kill her, trust me! someone else tried to frame the whole thing.” My head keeps throbbing.

“Enough with your itsy-bitsy lies! O God! Leave her, Angie. I can see now what Anna told us earlier, remember?” another girl chimes in.

“Hell yeah! Girl, get ready to be dragged down to the inquisition. There, nobody will give a damn about your made-up little stories.” they leave me utterly devastated and miserable. God! why? You know it for sure, I didn’t do it! I feel more helpless than ever before. The moments Julia had her accident or mom and dad died are seeming to be much lighter than the present disaster. I don’t want to rot in the prison for Anna’s vengeance. I am innocent for God’s sake! I am almost entirely outside my consciousness when a black car halts in front of me. I mechanically go ahead and get in the car. I sit there totally lifeless for a couple of minutes before my phone starts ringing.


“Ma’am your uber is at your location.”

“What? I’m already...” my words trail off. I look up and find a masked guy sitting next to me. “Welcome home, sweetheart!” he wraps a bandana around my mouth which seems to make me unconscious…for real.

Chapter Sixteen


Richard’s POV

I still cannot believe Melissa is gone. I mean, how did it even happen? I haven’t found anything wrong going with her at the party except for her sudden outbreak about Evelyn. My head weighs thousand pounds heavier as I keep thinking about the last couple of hours over and over again.

“Hey, Ted! You okay there, buddy?” Aron sits beside me.

“No! how would I be okay after all this?”

“This is insane! I mean, why did Evelyn do something like that?”

“Evelyn? It’s not her, Aron. I’m saying it for the millionth time now. it cannot be Evelyn.” I can feel my voice becomes a little shrill.

“Then who? It was her bracelet we found there covered with blood. Melissa’s blood.”

“So? Does that explain it all? Come on, I know someone else is behind all this to just frame her as the murderer.” I grit my teeth.

“Why are you so sure of it? Most importantly, your girlfriend just died and you’re here covering for some ex-love interest?” he sounds surprised.

“Nope! I’m not covering for anyone here, Aron. I’m simply stating the truth. How am I supposed to react to my girlfriend’s death? Should I cry like a kid to prove my love for her?”

“God! you’re misunderstanding me, Ted. I didn’t mean it like that. Besides, everyone including the police is suspecting Evelyn the most at this point. I mean, that’s the only clue we’ve got.”

“I believe they will investigate the truth. Mark my words.” I utter slowly.

“I hope so too. But before that, they’ll bring her under the inquisition, right?”

“Hm, I guess you shouldn’t have invited Evelyn to the party.”

“Why not? She’s my colleague and I’ve invited all from the office.”

“But Annabelle Gaston was there.” I suddenly snap at him.

“I didn’t know she’d be there. Come on, Richard, she’s my sister’s guest. How could I say otherwise even if I knew?”

“You don’t understand. She’s really dangerous and can do anything to quench her vengeance.

“I’m sorry I…”

“It’s fine dude. Not your fault.” I feel sick in my stomach. This is insane. All of it.

“Are you not gonna go home? I guess, all the paper works are done.”

“I will. You go ahead, I can drive home.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I’ll have to meet Evelyn at her apartment before going to my place.”

“What? Why?”

“I need to know everything that happened at the party. I saw Anna talking to her. It must have some connection with the conversation.”

“But Richard, she’s the number one suspect now. you’re gonna step into a big trouble if you meet her.”

“Then be it. I don’t care.” I know I’m being stubborn to death as usual but I must help Evelyn at this. She looked real sick back there and I’m genuinely concerned for her right now.

“Cool! I’ll go with you then.”

“No, it’s not necessary for you to go.”

“When I said I will, I actually will.”

“Argh! okay. Let’s go.”

“I don’t want to sound like a mean person but do you think Evelyn was having her old symptoms back there at the party?” Aron suddenly throws the question at me.

“Why do you ask?” I keep my eyes steady on the road.

“I saw her going really pale and sort of sick. She was constantly shaking her right hand maybe because something was wrong. I don’t know, I’m saying it because...”

“Because you think she killed Melissa while being in that phase, am I correct?” I calmly cut him short.

“I’m sorry but don’t you think it can be a possibility?”


“Why not?”

“Evelyn will never kill anyone to begin with. Besides, even in her unconscious episodes, she’d think twice to scar a person with her own bracelet. It is a fricking plot.”

“Whatever you say, dude.” Aron doesn’t sound so convinced but I know for sure, it’s not Evelyn who killed Mel. It has to be someone else.

It’s been half an hour we are standing in front of Eve’s apartment. Not a single sound is heard from inside.

“Do you think she’s deliberately hiding from us?” Aron sounds like a stupid kid to me at this point.

“I think she hasn’t arrived home yet.” I clench my jaw.

“You called her, right?”

“Uh-huh! It’s switched off. Wait, why don’t I call Sarah? She must know something.” The idea suddenly pops up in my mind.

“Only if Evelyn said her anything.” Aron shrugs and I choose to ignore him completely.

“Hello! Sarah, it’s Richard.”

“H-hey! What’s up?” she sounds as shocked as a kid first experiencing the unpleasant consequence of falling down.

“I’m sorry to disturb you at this hour.” I look at the watch, it’s 11 pm.

“No worries, what happened? Is it anything regarding Eve? Is she okay?”

“I don’t know!” I let out a deep sigh feeling really exhausted. Mel is dead! Goddamnit! I still can’t process it properly.

“What? You don’t know what?”

“Sarah, did Evelyn contact you today?”

“Yeah! She sent me a text around two hours back saying that she has a very important thing to share. She’d call me as soon as she got home.”

“Did she call?”

“I would tell you if she did.”

“Right! Did you call her?”

“No! I didn’t get the chance to. I’m kinda sinking in a huge pile of work. What happened, Richard?”

“She isn’t picking up the call and she doesn’t seem to be at home.”

“What? What are you talking about?” she sounds anxious.

“Uh-huh. I’m a bit concerned now.” I see a neighbor heading towards the elevator.

“Sarah, just a minute.” I call out to the guy, “Hey! Excuse me.”

“Hey!” he turns to me with a bit annoyance on his face.

“I’m sorry to disturb but did you see Evelyn, I mean your neighbor coming home tonight?”

“I saw her going somewhere in quite a fancy dress but nope, haven’t seen her returning. I’ve been in my apartment all evening today. As her door makes a huge noise while opening it, it is easier for me to know she’s home even if I don’t want to.” He shrugs.

“So, you’re saying you haven’t heard that door noise yet?”


“Fuck!” I mutter mindlessly.

“Who are you?”

“A friend. Anyway, thanks a lot for your information.” I give him a tight smile.

“Hey, Sarah.”

“O my God! Richard! where the hell did she go?” she literally cries out.

“I have no idea. Um, I guess let me think what I can do. I’ll get back to you later.”

“Wait! Why do you look for her now? Did something happen?”

“A lot happened but I’m not in the state to explain everything right now. later, okay?”

“Sure. Please, let me know if you find her. I’m also seeing what I can do from here.”

“Sure. Bye.”

“What are you going to do now?” Aron looks tensed.

“Inform the police.”

“Really? Don’t forget she’s already a suspect for Melissa’s murder.”

“I’m not forgetting anything. I believe there’s not much connection between Mel’s murder and Eve’s kidnap.”

“How are you being so sure that she’s been kidnapped? What if she just ran away from the crime spot?”

“What is wrong with you, dude? You worked with this person and yeah, you also went on a DATE with her. Couldn’t you understand what sort of a person Evelyn is? I’m swearing to God she can never hurt anyone let alone murdering. If you think otherwise, fine, you can leave. Let me do my part without any more stupid interruptions.” I tighten my fists.

“Woah! I’m sorry bro. I didn’t mean to be mean. It’s just, well it’s too apparent... anyway, I’m sorry for my doubtful questions.”

“I’m going to the Police now. if you want, you can come or I’d suggest you to go home now.”

“I’m coming.” He calmly says before following my footsteps.


Chapter Seventeen


Evelyn’s POV

I open my eyes in an almost darkened room. I squint to make sense of what’s going on around me when my head begins to throb. An indistinct yelp comes out of my mouth. I feel extremely weak in my bones to get up to sit straight. Suddenly, my hand gets hit against something like human skin beside me. I practically start screaming in fear and suspicion.

“Ah, what is it? Are you new here?” a weak voice asks in reply to my shrill scream.

“Who is it? Why are you here? Why do you ask? Where am I?” I gulp.

“Are you another Julia?” I can almost see the girl’s face with the thin ray of light coming through the dusty window. She looks like a walking dead with countless scars on her face and arms. The insidious vibe on her appearance is accentuated by the protruding bones and her extremely skinny figure.

I can feel the corner of my eyes becoming moistened with the threat of tears. I swallow the lump in my throat, “What do you mean?”

“I just asked you if you were another Julia or not.” Her voice lacks the minimum strength.

“No! I’m Evelyn.” I reply in trembling voice.

“So, why are you here?” another voice startles me which seems to be coming from the opposite end of the room.

“I don’t know. What is this place? How many of you are here?”

“Five.” Says the first girl.

“O my God! why are you here? Who brought us here?” I start crying.

“Because our name is Julia.” Another voice that seems comparatively stronger says from the dark.

“What? I don’t understand.”

This very moment, the door opens with a screeching sound.

“Wh-who is this?” I can feel the chain clanking against each other that are tying my wrists together.

“Shh, don’t talk.” the first girl whispers.

I don’t understand a thing. What did they mean by “another” Julia? I have no…O my God! Is this some sick game of that psycho? What did I get myself into! Tears keep rolling down my face as I try to remain silent.

To my extreme horror, I see another girl being crudely pushed inside the room by someone else from behind. The girl is wearing a knee-length white cotton dress which is smeared with blood stains here and there. My breathing becomes heavy as I look at her face. Her eyebags and the dark circles around those hazel eyes make her look worse than the first girl I saw in this room. Dried blood mingled with newly formed scars entirely distorted her once pretty face.

“Try to get rebellious again and you’re dead, are you listening?” the female voice behind her now shows its face. My stomach turns like never before. This woman has a pure evil look on her face. The long black dress and the witch like nose makes her look like an ambassador of hell. Her curly, disheveled hairs further accentuate the devilish appearance. She throws the girl on the floor with an irritated huff.

“Do you listen to me?” she again calls out to the poor girl.

“Yeah.” The girl’s voice seems unbelievably weak and defeated.

“Very well. Be a good girl to your master, always so that you can live happily ever after.” The witch opens her mouth to give the ugliest smile in the history showing her rotten teeth.

In reply, the girl lets out a weak whimper.

What the hell did she mean by master? Is it some sort of an evil cult! God!

“Don’t we have our special guest right here!” she abruptly turns towards me making all the organs inside me rush to the throat.

I gulp at her burning eyes.

“Well, my dear. It’s your turn to officially join these filthy whores.” She grins that ugly grin one more time.

“What do you mean?” I blurt out while silently cursing my stupid mouth for not filtering the words.

“Wow! You impressed me, you ugly little piece of crap. See there?” She waves a torch around the room revealing all five of the girls chaining to the walls. All of them are practically rotting away. A cold shiver slowly makes its way down my spine at the insidious scene I am in right now. I can see all of them wearing knee-length white cotton dresses that are of course, not white anymore. Blood stains and dirt cover every inch of their dresses. I feel like crying my eyes out at their misery when suddenly my head spins thinking about my situation that is bound to be just like them, or maybe worse within a while.

“They all were as outspoken and shamelessly rebellious to the master on their first days. You can open your eyes really wide and see what could be your consequences if you follow the same path. Do you hear me, you hussy?”

My heart feels like bursting with the primary tormenting words coming out of this she-devil. I forcefully stop the tears from flowing as I only nod at her.

“Very well. Now, follow me.” she snaps.


“You still have the nerve to ask questions? I think I should give you some taste of your own shitty nerves.” She slaps me hard with that skinny yet awfully strong hand of hers. I get slammed against the wall which makes all the air from my lungs whoosh out. As I try to recollect my breath, I can feel the tangy taste of blood inside my mouth. My entire body begins to tremble. I no longer succeed to halt my tears from flooding my face.

“You follow my footsteps without any more question. The master ordered me not to hurt you more but if you disobey me, I’ll skin you alive right here, right now.” her voice slams at my ears like thunders.

I get up trembling and weeping to follow the she-devil to wherever the burning hell she wants me to take.

Before leaving the room, I turn towards the first girl to try making sense of the situation from her expression. “Stay quiet. Don’t talk.” she mouths at me.

I nod at her before stepping outside the nasty pit of hell. Coming out, I feel even more petrified and threatened by the look of the very dark corridor. It doesn’t have any source of light nor does it have any window to let a little sun-ray to enter. I swallow the lump in my throat. My right hand starts to shake on its own making me more terrified of the response the she-devil might give to me.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” she yells at me.

“Nothing.” I gulp as I think she must have seen my right hand moving.

“Why are you staring at the corridor like a stupid kid? Follow me, quick.”

“I’m sorry.”

After walking through the demonic corridor for what felt like an hour, she stops before a giant door.

“Now, look at me bitch. You go there, you kneel down before the master and you do whatever the master ask you to do. You do not say a single word. Understood?”

I nod at her.

“Very well.” Smirking at my helpless face, she opens the door.

“Look who have I brought to you, finally?” she proudly grins showing her godawful teeth.

“Excellent! Now you’ll get to take all five of those. I don’t need them anymore.”

“It’s only fair. Thank you.” She bows her head before the monster standing in front of me.

“It’s been... what? Six years since we’ve last met? I believe you haven’t forgotten my presence... not for a moment baby doll?” Scott grins at me.

“O my God! it’s you again! FUCK YOU! Do you know how big and pathetic of a psychopath are you? You’re a fucking monster... a demon! You kidnapped and tortured all those innocent girls only because of their name? what the fuck is wrong with you? What sort of an animal are you? It’s not their fault to be named Julia! You are a pathetic loser to do all this…long after Julia has REJECTED the ugly devilish face of yours. You think you’re gonna go anywhere with your stupid evil little games? YOU ARE ALREADY A LOSER!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

The she-devil rushes to me and laces her fingers around my neck.

“WHAT DID I TELL YOU? I am going to kill you right now, you ugly little hussy!” she yells at me.

“LEAVE HER to me, she’s not your servant, Allegra! Leave.” Scott orders.

“But she violated the rule!” Allegra tightens her grip on my neck making me totally suffocated.

“I SAID, SHE’S NOT YOUR SERVANT! AND SHE’S NOT GOING TO FOLLOW YOUR RULES! NOW, LEAVE.” He practically jerks her hands off of my neck.

“If you say so.” She huffs with anger, “He never yelled at me before but today, only because of you he did that. I will not spare you.” She whispers in my ear before leaving the room. My stomach sinks at her warning. I’m sure she’ll torture me unlike any of those five girls.

“I’m glad you still remember me, princess.” Scott brushes his thumb against my cheek making me wince with disgust.

“Do not touch me, you pig.”

“Tsk…tsk! That cannot be done, sweetheart! When the last time I saw your fierce and angry face back there at that whore of your sister’s room, I felt that drive…that special drive to have you very…very close to me. I have desired you since then. Your angry and agitated face made me EXCITED.” He whispers the last words to make me gag.

“OMG! Shut up! What is wrong with you? You are a pure evil and the most disgusting creature on earth. Leave me alone!” I cry out.

“As I just said, it can’t be done.” He tries to grab my waist at which I punch his face with all my strength that’s left after all that happened.”

“I love it when you get furious! I was wrong thinking that I wanted Julia. Actually, you’re far angrier and wilder than her. I want you, now. Yes, you’ll stay here with me from now on.”

“NO! I’d rather die than staying with you. YOU PERVERTED PSYCHO! If it’s me that you want then why did you kidnap those girls? Why are you torturing them day and night? WHY?”

“Because all of them reminded me of your sister and when I thought about your sister, I thought about you. Your wild face burning with resentment. And I loved it! I loved torturing them cos it made me imagine that I was torturing you. It made me the happiest person on earth!” he laughs like a fricking monster.

“I won’t stay here. I want to go back to that room, with the other girls.”

“Really? Why? I’ll treat you like a princess right here. Why would you want to keep up with all the tortures and inhumane treatments?”

“Because I’d rather die in the hand of Allegra than silently stomaching your ugly and disgusting behaviors.” I clench my jaw.

“Cool! Then be it. I’ll bring you here as many times as I want you with me. You can stay there in the dark pit the rest of the day, sweetheart.” He cups my face in his hands, “You can never escape this house, ever again. You’re all mine, now!” his stinky breaths brush against my face making me more agitated and powerless at the same time. I can feel two drops of tears rolling down my face as he keeps nearing his filthy mouth to mine.

“I can’t do this.” I yell at him while trying to back off.

“You can’t? You’re REJECTING me?”

Here goes the perverted demon!

“What if I am?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to.” He sounds calm.

“But I want exactly that. I am rejecting you.”

“Woah! Very…VERY bad decision. I’d rather choose making love with a handsome guy than getting beaten up by really agitated Allegra.” He smirks and calls out to the she-devil.

I stand there with complete silence as I prepare myself to face the actual hell.


Chapter Eighteen


Richard’s POV

The deeper the investigation is going, the more it is becoming apparent that, Evelyn was not even near the spot where Mel was killed…brutally.

I leave the detective’s office to grab a cup of coffee before my head decides to eat itself up from inside.

“Hey! Richard, wait.” A female voice from behind stops me half-way to my car.

I turn to face the devastated Julia with a little girl in her lap. Beside her, some guy is standing whom I assume to be her husband.

“Julia? Hey! How come you are here?”

“I’m going crazy here, Richard! didn’t they find anything about Eve? Trust me, I’m telling you, it’s none but that swine, Scott. My poor sister is now suffering for my action. I am dying inside; I cannot forgive myself.” She bursts into tears.

“Calm down, Julia!” I put my hand on her arm, “It’s been around 14 hours, the search is being carried out. They will find her, believe me. and nope, it’s not your fault. That psycho has his own problem which he is trying to let out on Evelyn now.” I can feel my throat being tightened with the thought of Eve’s possible situation with the deadly psychopath.

“Hey! I’m Matthew, Julia’s husband. I’ve been trying my best through my friends there at the NYC Police department. It seems really messed up.”

“Hey, Matthew. Good to meet you.” I shake his hand with a little nod. “I’m in the middle of even a bigger mess now. My girlfriend just got murdered and right after that, Eve was kidnapped. I’m just too stressed out to think about the possibilities. But I’m really trying.” My words clearly give off the apparent anxiety that is not to mention, smeared all over my sleep-deprived face.

“O my God! I’m so sorry Richard. we shouldn’t have bothered you with Eve’s case at this moment when you already have got too much shit on your plate.” Julia looks genuinely hurt.

“No…no, no! you’re misunderstanding. I myself am as concerned and anxious as you guys are about Eve. In fact, it’s Eve’s incident that is bugging me the most.”

“She has become really freaked out and we arrived here at dawn. We contacted Eve’s manager Aron as Sarah gave us his number. He told us to come find you here as he couldn’t tell for sure what was going on with the investigation. We can now see how much you’re going through.” Matthew purses his lips.

“It’s totally alright, guys. I am genuinely concerned for Eve. You haven’t done anything wrong by coming here to find me. it’s just, I stupidly babbled out my stress. I’m sorry to make you feel bad. Well, let’s g grab some coffee and discuss further about Eve’s case, sounds alright?”

“I think you should just concentrate on your already disheveled life and get done with your own issues. Seriously! I’m feeling really bad about the disaster you’re facing.” Julia still sounds guilty.

“No Ma’am, I insist.” I give a tired grin.

“Alright! Let’s go then.” Matthew and Julia join me.

“What’s this cutie’s name?” I pump my brows at her daughter.

“She’s Samara. Say hi to Richard.” Julia pokes the little one’s cheek.

In reply she gives an extremely adorable smile.

“She’s got Evelyn’s smile.” I unconsciously utter with a grin.

“Yes, she does look a lot like Eve.” Julia sniffs.

“We’ll get her, no worries.” I say the words more to calm myself than to sooth Julia.

Eve! I cannot let anything bad happen to you although I’m utterly lost as in where to find you now! I just hope the Police find you in time. That psycho can do anything... I wince at my own thought.


Evelyn’s POV

I keep waiting for Allegra to come back with the whip and blow torch. Scott ordered her in front of me to give me the level 5 punishment as I turned down his offer. The she-devil smiled with content in reply implying the godawful nature of the punishment. After that, that perverted especially mentioned the whip and blow torch to use in the process to properly teach me the possible consequences that I need to face for rejecting him.

The she-devil dragged me across the corridor by my hair and obviously didn’t pay any attention to my constant screams and imploring.

“You made Scott scorn me for the first time ever. Do you think I’d care to hear you screaming like a banshee now? forget it, my dear.” She smiled with a wild satisfaction on her face.

Now I’m freezing in the middle of another death pit. She tied my hands tightly behind me so that I cannot do something “wrong” to increase the punishment. This room is filled with knives, ropes, sticks and other horrible torturing devices that instantly made the hair on the back of my neck stand. The room doesn’t seem to have any window either but something about it made it spookiest and freezing cold, just how one should punish his prey.

The whole incident starting from Aron’s sister’s anniversary to ending up in the creepy house of the psycho with the she-devil as a bonus reward has been seeming to be a full-fledged nightmare. But standing in the middle of these torturing devices and counting seconds to be beaten up slap me back to reality. I am living this terrifying nightmare without any explanations. Suddenly, my life seems to be stuck in the past crappy events but this time, in a more intense and much worse way. I think about those five girls back in the other room. I have no idea for how long they’ve been stuck in this haunted asylum. They seem to be at the dying stage with endless scars giving off the past incidents of punishments they must have had to go through. Am I responsible for these innocent girls to be living this hell? Is it Julia who is the main focus here, or is it me after all as that perverted said just a while back? why am I being the bad guy in every situation without even contributing to any of them? Is it karma that made me the murderer of Richard’s girlfriend where I unknowingly made him the culprit in William’s murder? I can’t…my head is literally bursting right now! why did you have to reject that psychopath, Julia? Why did you start this chain of horrible events by rejecting that batshit? Why?” maybe I am blaming Julia for nothing, it was not her fault to begin with. I am just too wasted to think straight. I keep looking for any scope to escape from this hell nonetheless. Not a single opening catches my eyes, damn it! My phone must have been thrown away or maybe that psycho took it already. Argh! “You can never escape this house, ever again. You’re all mine, now!” his disgustingly sinister voice keeps echoing in my ears which reminds me of the fact that, I am going to die here. Nobody will find me.

“Are you by any chance looking for a fire escape, you little hussy?” Allegra laughs loudly from behind.

I keep silent in reply cos I honestly don’t wanna double the punishment.

“I told you many times and telling you again, you are never going to get out of here unless the master wants you to.” She mercilessly grips my jaw with her skinny hand. “No police, no detective, nobody can get you out of here. You know why? Because those five whores could not be found either. Mind it, you’ll face the similar consequences if not worse.” She gives me a fiery look filled with hatred.

“But why? Why are you guys punishing us like this? I don’t even know you and that bastard… he’s not even related to me. I did not know him before some shitty incident which was not about me! come on, I need some explanations! I cannot just tolerate all these crappy punishment and rules anymore!” I shout at her and instantly regret the bout of anger as she expands her eyes at me.

“Wow! When the master called you the special guest, I couldn’t quite understand what he meant by that. But now I know what he meant… you have a lot of nerves! Impressive!” she throws her hands up in the air like a complete witch. “Do you know when something makes a lot of noise, what is done to quiet it?” she stands so close to me that the disgusting odor of her breath is directly entering through my nostrils.

“Do you know that?” she raises the pitch of her voice making me startled for the thousandth time, today.

“No.” I mutter indistinctly.

“By breaking it down and now, I’m going to do just that.” She breathes heavily.

“Wait, what? No, no! what are you gonna break?” I helplessly cry out.

“You’ll see, my dear!” smirking she hits my back with the whip. First only the loud sound reaches my ears that makes me paralyzed with fear. Within few seconds when the shock clears off, the excruciating pain starts to spread across my entire body. She hits me again before I can process the first one. Then again and again. The last thing I can see before fainting is the blowtorch in her hand.


Chapter Nineteen


When I regain my consciousness, it’s almost around the evening or maybe night. I can only guess this much from the darkness seen through the tiny window. I blink my eyes to find a dimmed light being lit in the corner of the ceiling. The depressing light makes the room look even gloomier and more insidious than before. As I try to sit, I can feel my right wrist in an extremely weird position. I try to move it but only a wave of bone-crushing pain ripples across the entire body.

“It’s been broken.” A voice says from across the small room.

“What?” my voice sounds really hoarse.

“She broke your arm.”

“What? O my God!” I try to sit straight but fail once again, “She actually did it.” I say through my tears.

“Why did they beat you up so much on the first day? It never happened to any of us.” Another girl utters with a hint of sympathy.

“Because…because I rejected to be with that ugly, disgusting psychopath.” I keep crying as my back hurts so much.

“O no! why would you do that? He doesn’t like to be rejected.”

“I know! I know that. But I can never please that perverted beast!” I cry out.

“Here, let me help you to sit up.” The girl I first saw here, nears me.

“Why is my back aching so bad. I can’t breathe because of it. What did she do there?” I look at my black dress being torn apart here and there. The same dress I wore to the party. I weep at the harsh turn that my life chose to take.

“O my God! it doesn’t look right.” The girl yelps. At this, the other four join her in inspecting whatever the hell going on there on my back.

“What is it?” I grit my teeth in pain.

“She whipped you really hard and then burnt the scars. This looks infected already.”

“I’ll die anyway. What’s the point of thinking about infection?” I keep weeping.

“She’s such a monster! Wait, let me at least put some water on the scars.” One of them gets up.

“Do you have water? Can you give me some? I’m really thirsty.” I stare at her.

“Yeah, sure. This is not so hygienic as we managed to steal few bottles filled with the tape water from that really dirty washroom. But I guess it’ll do for now.” she holds the bottle in front of my mouth. The nauseating stink makes my stomach churn. I manage to take a sip avoiding the stink as my throat is as dry as the Sahara Desert. The rotten water seems to be better than any other drinks I’ve had in my life. I feel a little better as they tried to wash the scars with the stinky water. I don’t know what good it’ll do to the infected wounds but they tried their best which seems really warming at this moment.

“Thank you so much, guys!”

“Sure, are you feeling a bit better?” the first one asks.

“Uh-huh! How do I call you guys? It doesn’t feel easy to call everyone Julia.” I smile a bit.

“You can call us by our middle names, in fact, that’s how we call each other.” She gives a small grin. “I’m Ava, she’s Alice, she’s Brielle, right there, she’s Elle and she is Fallon.” She introduces all of them.

“I’m Evelyn, I believe I already told you so. Call me Eve.”

“We’re kinda name-twins.” Ava smiles.

“Seems to be.” I try to smile but end up wincing…with the intense pain.

“Why haven’t anyone found you guys yet? Didn’t your parents file any case or do anything to get you back?”

“Actually, we don’t have parents. We have lived in the same orphanage from the time we were very little. So, when we got kidnapped, the orphanage authority tried to look for us but as some rebellious teenagers often flee from the orphanage on monthly basis, they stopped midway thinking the same happened to us.” Brielle sighs.

“O my God! I’m so sorry that you guys are going through these all on your own.” I feel genuinely guilty at this. They don’t deserve all these punishments.

“No, it’s fine! It’s not your fault, right? What about you? As far as we can remember, the master guy used to tell us that, he wanted to punish all the girls named Julia. Some Julia must have done something to him to make him do the filthy acts to us now. but anyway, why are you here? You’re clearly not Julia.” Fallon chimes in. She looks in a better state than the other four. She must be really quiet and more tolerant than the others.

“How old are you guys?” I feel so hurt to hear their story. I feel like dying out of guilt.

“We’re sixteen, only Elle is fifteen.” Ava replies.

This is it! They are so young. How can I forgive myself knowing all these young, innocent girls are rotting in this hell instead of enjoying their sweet sixteen? God! Why are you doing this to me?

“You haven’t said yet, why are you here?”

“That’s because my sister is the Julia who rejected him back in college. Yes, I’m responsible for your sufferings. I’m so sorry.” I burst into tears.

They seem to be startled at my reply. Staying quiet for a while, Ava speaks again, “It’s fine, Eve. Your sister didn’t know he was this dangerous when she rejected him. And besides, she could’ve died if she didn’t reject him to begin with. He’s so dangerous.” Her remarks make me even more guilty.

“I promise, I’ll try my best to get all of you out of here even if I myself cannot escape. It’s my promise.”

“No, if we can get out, we’ll all get out together.” Elle puts her hand on my arm.

“Please, don’t feel bad. They’ve hurt you more severely than they did to any of us. So, don’t feel bad.” She utters.

I sniff, “Guys! Have you ever tried to reach that window?” I point at the tiny window which is situated totally out of the reach.

“No! this seems totally impossible. It’s very high up there.” Ava shrugs.

I turn to Brielle, “Why did the she-devil beat you up in the morning?”

“I wanted to run away when she opened the door.”

“Is there a door? Where?” I can feel a flickering hope.

“It’s downstairs and if you think you can reach there, I must break your hope. You can’t.” she looks really sad.

“Why not? How did you get there?”

“That’s because we have to mop the floor and do chores every day. I was mopping the living room floor when Allegra opened the door. She actually did it to test me but all I could think at that moment was I had to run away and inform the police.” Tears start to pool in her eyes.

“Is it Scott’s house? I mean, the house where he lives in?”

“Yeah, apparently! We’re at the third floor now. the second floor and the living room downstairs are really gorgeous. Allegra makes us do all the chores but she told us beforehand that someone else would come very soon who’d only do Scott’s personal tasks. So, I don’t think you can ever reach that door. Besides, after Brielle’s incident, this is totally unlikely of Allegra to open the door again.” Fallon shrugs.

“Goddamnit!” I feel like bashing my head against the wall. “Does she beat you up every day?”

“No! only if we say no to the master or do anything wrong or against the rules.” Fallon states.

“This is so messed up!” I don’t see any light of hope anywhere.

The door screeches open making all of us jump.

“Where is the hussy? Is she awake?” the she-devil gives me a dark stare.

I gulp and nod struggling to stop myself from blurting out the cursed words that are fighting hard to come out.

“The master ordered to plaster your filthy hand,” she angrily tugs at my arm making me scream with pain.

“Don’t shout like a fricking banshee all the time. Or else I’ll break those vocal cords of yours.” She sounds livid. The perverted psycho must have scorned her again.

I remain silent biting on my lower lip to stall any more scream to slip out.

She finishes putting the bandage on my wrist where the bone seems to be broken. She adds more intentional tugging and pushing to make the process inhumanely painful. All the way, I keep biting my lip while weeping in silence.

“I will kill you someday! With my own hands.” She whispers in my ears before leaving.


Chapter Twenty


The next morning starts with a slightly good news when Elle runs to the room from downstairs, “Guys! Guess what I just heard.” She lowers her voice in a whisper.

“What?” we all ask in unison.

“First of all, they’ll give us food today...”

“Don’t they give you food ever day?” I sound confused.

“Of course not! Sometimes they don’t care to feed us three to four days at stretch.” Perfectly explains why all of them look like walking dead. I let out a sigh.

“What is the second news?” Fallon asks.

“Scott will be out today.”

A huge wave of relief washes over me. Thank God! I’ll not have to face the filthy pig at least, for today!

“This is great!” Ava cautiously states, “But you should go back to work, Elle. Remember? It’s your turn now.”

“Yeah! I’m going.” Elle leaves the room hurriedly.

“Who else lives here?”

“Scott and Allegra. Sometimes, some other guy visits the witch for some filthy business I guess.” Brielle clenches her jaw.

“Are you guys 100% sure that nobody else live here except for these two?”

“Yeah! But why do you ask?”

“We need to do something tonight. At least, we can give a shot.”

“OMG! Are you planning to escape? That’s gonna be too much risk!” Fallon looks scared.

“Without risk, we’d never be able to get out, guys. I’m pretty sure my family and friends are already searching for me. They obviously informed the police as well but can you see any result? It’s already the second day and we haven’t heard from anyone. This pit of hell must be somewhere really distant or else... I don’t know. Listen to me, even if we don’t try, we are going to die here. They’ll continuously torture us making us starve and beating us up every now and then. Isn’t it better to take some risk in trying to get out? Please?”

My little pep talk doesn’t seem to convince them much. They still look confused and scared.

“Why are you so scared? Did you try to run away before?”

“We didn’t but some other girl did.” Fallon gulps.

“Some other girl? where is she? Could she run away?”

“No! She was of around your age and obviously her name was Julia. She told us to join her when she planned the entire thing. We warned her over and over again but she said the same thing as you just did.”

“Okay…go on. What happened?” I feel exhausted and hopeless.

“Scott shot her.”


“Yes, she was caught and he literally shot her in her head... before us.” Ava winces probably thinking about the scene.

“O my God!” my head spins.

“This is exactly why we never tried to break out.”

“For how long have you guys been here?”

“Four months.”

“What the…” I feel the threat of tears in my eyes but at the same time, I feel a drive to do something. Scott will be out, which means Allegra will be alone in the house tonight. I have to do something even if I end up being shot. I have to take the risk.

The rest of the day, I haven’t heard anymore fuss or threatening words from the she-devil. I silently constructed a plot in my head although I’m not sure whether my ideas will work or not as I have no clue what does the house actually look like. Besides, to worsen the situation, that guy friend of the witch can come tonight. Still, I am hoping to pull something off. It’s almost evening when all the girl come back to the room.

“What took you guys so long today?”

“She made us do a lot more works than usual. She also said that from now on we’re her servants and she would make us do whatever she wanted.” Elle says exhaustedly.

“Hm, I heard the perverted say that to her the other day. Anyway, guys…”

“Please, don’t you say you still are whimsical about running away. It’s not possible. Allegra might not be alone, there might be other people that we don’t know about.” Brielle warns me.

“How do you know? And why aren’t you willing to give it a shot? Don’t you think we all are going to rot to death in this sinister crypt?”

“Why would we care? We’ve never received any fair treatment being in the orphanage. Here, Allegra can get a little too scary at times but we are pretty much doing everything we used to do back in the orphanage. Now that Scott doesn’t need us anymore, I can’t see any problem with keeping up the occasional outbreaks of Allegra.” Fallon makes me too shocked to utter a reply.

“This is not life, what made you talk like that, Fallon?” Elle looks as shocked as me.

“Really? It’s her sister who made all of us suffer, her rejection enraged the master so much that he lost his sanity and now, here we are…paying for that.” Fallon suddenly becomes completely unrecognizable. Although her words cut through my heart like some venomous dagger, she’s got a point. I guess, I shouldn’t try to convince them in carrying out the plan anymore.

“Fallon!” Brielle cries out.

“It’s okay, Brille. She has a point. Nothing that she said is false. It’s me and my sister that psycho is after. It’s us for whom you guys have been going through so much.” I try not to ignite the fire any further.

“I’m warning you guys once again, do not try to escape. Allegra is not stupid to slip us away like this.” Fallon snaps steadying her eyes on me.

The last few words keep resonating inside my head for a while long. Why would she react so much? She looks better than anyone else in this room, I observed it before. Why would she want to stay here with the she-devil? It doesn’t seem right.

I look at Ava to find her confused and hurt.

“Ava, do you agree with Fallon too?” I whisper at her.

“Of course, not! We all are afraid of the incident that happened with the other Julia but we would never agree on staying here forever without any regret.”

“Okay! Can you tell me if your orphanage was as harsh as Fallon just described it to be?”

“No! I cannot say we got all we wanted but that was absolutely not like here. This is practically the hell.”

“Um, I need one more information, was Fallon there with you guys from the childhood? I mean, in that orphanage?”

“No, no. She joined three months before the kidnapping incident.” Ava lets out a small sigh, “she was still new adjusting with everything when this horrible thing happened.” Now I become more and more suspicious about Fallon.

“Maybe that’s the reason she is blaming the orphanage now. She doesn’t have much of a mistake in it.” Ava sounds as innocent as ever. “But why do you ask?”

“Nothing, just out of curiosity.” I try to make it sound so casual. “I can only remember mistaking a car with the uber and then I went unconscious… when I woke up, I was here in this inferno. Can you remember anything from the day you guys were kidnapped?”

“Not much but all I can remember was Elle being really irritable after remaining stuck inside the room for so long. So, Fallon suggested that we should take a walk outside in the garden. So, we all came out and we were having so much fun.” She smiles at the memory. I let her talk without interrupting though my mind is buzzing with questions. “Then, a black SUV stopped in front of the gate and I can’t really remember what happened next.”

“I’m so sorry to hear this. I really am sorry for your situation…”

“Don’t you worry about it, Eve. Trust me, it’s not your fault. That Scott is really dangerous and he would do this to anyone if it weren’t us.” She assures me with a grin.

I give her a nod in reply, “This is really cute of your orphanage to make all the Julias stay in the same room and be roomies.” I casually make the remark to clear out one nagging confusion that’s hanging there in the back of my head.

“It does sound cute but it was not always like this. I guess…yeah, I guess when Fallon came like seven months back, they rearranged us in a room making all the Julias roomies.” She shrugs.

“Wow! I see…”


“Nothing, it’s just kinda interesting. Anyway, Ava I need a little help.”


“I really have to go to the washroom. It’s been the whole day you took me there last

. My stomach is kinda bursting, you know what I mean.”

“O no! yeah, sure. Let’s go.”

I get up with a grin, trying to make it look so normal. I give a stare at Fallon before following Ava, who seems to be deep in sleep. She must be pretending to sleep… tonight is my only chance. I didn’t know there is a spy inside the room which now makes the situation even harder for me.

“Here it is. Do you want me to wait outside?” Ava turns to me.

“No! I can go back to the room just fine. I didn’t pay much attention when you brought me here in the morning.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, totally.”

“Okay, and one more thing, do not try to explore the floor or anything, you will be lost and worse, Allegra can catch you red-handed.”

“Aye, aye Ma’am.” I grin.

Grinning back at me, she leaves for the room.

This is my chance. Think, Eve…think. All you have to do is find a calling device…anything that can be used to call the 911. That’s it. Nothing more rebellious. You can do it. I can feel my palms sweating and obviously my head joins with its classic spinning. Dang it.

I tiptoe towards the room where Allegra took me to give punishment. At this moment, I can feel another movement somewhere in the same floor. It can either be Allegra or her daughter, Fallon.

Chapter Twenty One


I have to be so much careful not to get caught. This is the only chance I MUST make some logical move. My right wrist is driving me crazy with the unbearable pain. My back has deteriorated though I’ve washed it secretively twice today. It’s no time to mull over my sufferings. I put each step with so much care as if my feet will break down the ground. I cannot feel the movement anymore as I’m pretty sure that person is also being extra careful not to make me aware of her presence. The door to that torturing chamber is open which saves me the risk to be heard. I enter the room tiptoeing and checking behind me every now and then. I cannot believe it was only yesterday Allegra has beaten me up to death in this death chamber. I gulp at the darkened look of this monstrous place. I wait a bit more to hear any more footstep behind me. When I realize nobody is here, I head towards the knives behind which I saw some sort of a screen while being beaten up. I’m still not sure whether it was only hallucination or there is actually a mobile phone hidden behind the pile of knives. As the entire room is pitch dark, I cannot see a thing clearly. I am relying on my memory a great deal which is not so safe with two or more enemies around.

I am almost near the knives when I hear the voice, “Belinda, why are you here? Did anything happen over there?”

“Mama! That Eve girl is plotting something to get out of the house tonight. I’m not sure about it but I guess she must be doing something.”

“What? When did it happen? Why didn’t you inform me?” Allegra sounds furious.

“I’m not sure, mama! She is inside the washroom now. so, I’m guarding her here.”

“You better not mess up anything. Remember, Scott will expose me in front of the police if things go downhill.”

“I know, mama. I won’t let her do anything. There is no window inside the washroom, so she can’t escape.”

“Very well.” Allegra seems to go downstairs from her footsteps.

So, here is the secret behind the she-devil’s being so obedient to the psychopath. She is a criminal! Of course, she is. I need to make it quick or else, my death is absolutely so close.

I take two to three deep breaths before putting my hand behind the pile of knives. It is a screen, maybe a mobile phone! I can feel my heart beating so fast as to come out of my ribcage. I carefully take it out of the shelf. To my utter surprise, the phone I’m holding in my hand is MY PHONE. Are you kidding me! HOLY SHIT! Why is it here? The she-devil must have left it here and forgot to take it back. maybe or maybe not. Now, it’s no time to think about the possibilities.

I hold the phone in my trembling hand and tap on the screen. My eyes fill with tears when I see 100+ missed calls and countless texts notifications on the screen. I choose to ignore them and dial the 911 as soon as possible. My fingers feel rubbery as I try to quickly dial three simple digits. At this point, I hear a footstep clearly coming towards my way. I start hyperventilating as I activate the location icon and dial 911.

“Who’s there?” I see a torch waving outside the room.

Quick…quick! Respond!

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“I have been kidnapped…turned on the location in my device…please, please…come rescue me.” I whisper the words trying my best to make them comprehensible. I put the phone back at the shelf as I grab a knife before ducking behind another shelf that seems comparatively bigger than the first one.

The light switch is turned on in an instant, “Who is there? I heard you. Come out or else I’m gonna call Allegra.” Fallon’s voice is filled with poison.

I keep standing behind the shelf helplessly waiting for the police to arrive. Again, I’m not so sure whether they understood me or my whisper sounded like some childish prank to them. I hold on my breath not to make any noise.

“I say, come out from your hiding. I know you’re right there behind this shelf. Do not make me wait any longer or the consequence will not be so pleasant.” Her words make my heart stop with fear. I can understand if I don’t go out on my own, she’d not hesitate to do some serious harm. I silently step out from behind the shelf with trembling fear resonating all over my body.

“I warned you TWICE! Still, you chose to get rebellious. What do you think you were doing there?” her eyes are throwing fire at me.

“Nothing! Trust me, I wanted to look for some scope to run away, that’s true but I didn’t find anything. I swear I didn’t. Please, don’t tell Allegra, I’m going back to the room with you now. Let’s go.”

“Don’t you try to play dumb with me. I know you are up to something. Out with it.” Her voice becomes shrill.

“I promise, I didn’t do anything, trust me.”

“Mama! She’s here at the death chamber. You should take care of her before she does something really…really wrong.” I could see the resemblance of her nose to the she-devil but now, I can feel her voice also is pretty similar to her evil mom. She always made her voice extra soft while talking back in that room. OMG! I have no idea what did she do to the other four girls because of my disobedience.

“I knew this little whore is no ordinary hussy. You know what? I should’ve killed you yesterday when you violated the master’s command.” Allegra enters the room with a pistol in her hand. This is it. I’m gonna die here. I can now understand why Fallon slash Belinda used to always call that perverted “the master”. He is the savior of this messed up criminal mother-daughter duo.

I try to come up with something…anything to try for the last time to save my life, save those four innocent girls.

“I can explain.” I suddenly blurt out.

“What? What do you wanna explain? We don’t want to hear anymore shitty explanations from you, you, disobedient hoe.” Belinda sounds as livid as her mother.

Without seeing any other option before me, I carefully grab the knife from the floor and decide to run.

“What are you doing? Call the others from the cult.” Allegra shouts at her daughter before pulling the trigger. Thankfully, she missed the first one but she begins to run after me with the speed of a cheetah. I can feel my limbs being rubbery and weak because of not eating anything for two days straight. I keep running as fast as I can to reach the door when the four other girls cross my mind. I cannot leave them here to die but I don’t have any other choice. If I slow down, I’ll be dead in no time. Besides, some cult members are surely on the way as the she-devil ordered Belinda to call them. O God! what do I do! I have the knife and it can be a little help for me to face her if she doesn’t choose to shoot me right at my head or chest. I halt the running and turn to face her. She becomes a bit puzzled by my sudden change of plan. Before she could pull the trigger once again, I run the knife targeting her skinny hand which leaves a fairly deep scar on her wrist making her yelp like a pig. I take the time to go back and climb the stairs towards the room. I hear her screaming and shooting continuously from behind. This death trap cannot be in the middle of any locality or else neighbors would come at this maddening turbulence.

I fly across the staircase and reach the room. I open the door to find all of them tied to the walls. All four are lying unconscious on the floor. Before I can do anything, I hear Belinda behind me, “You have the audacity to hurt my mother? Now, you’ll see what I can do.” She immediately runs a knife towards my body with unbelievable control making me understand how easy it is for her to hurt or kill a person without hesitating a bit. I duck my head down to avoid the knife. She keeps trying over and over until she leaves a deep wound right under my collar bones. I let out a sharp scream as the pain radiates across the skin. I make an attempt to hurt her with the knife held in my hand but fail. She surely knows how to dodge off any attack. She moves the knife again, this time targeting my neck. I squeeze my eyes shut as I don’t have any energy left to move my body. Hearing a gurgling sound, I open my eyes to find something I couldn’t even imagine, Ava, regaining her consciousness pulled Belinda from behind which made her trip over her own knife. Now, she’s literally gurgling the blood oozing out of her split throat. My body shudders at the horror scene as I stop myself from gagging.

“You okay?” Ava weakly asks.

“Y-yeah! What happened to you? Are they alright?”

“Yeah! They made us unconscious and tied us up against the wall. I think, we should call the police.”

“I did already but I don’t know what is taking them so long.”

“Where is Allegra?” 

“She’s downstairs probably with some other monsters from her cult.”


“I don’t know. I don’t have any idea, maybe she’s a part of some evil cult or something.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ll tell you everything later.” I untie her hands after a lot of failed attempts.

“Untie them all and try to bring back their consciousness.”


“What do you think you’re doing? What did you do to my daughter?” Allegra screams with rage. My scar is bleeding profusely making me weaker and weaker by the minute.

“She did it to herself. We didn’t do anything.” Ava tries to calm the raging beast.

“I will kill this hussy right in front of you, now.” she motions to me.

“No, please! Don’t.”

The she-devil waves Ava off and steps towards me with an evil smirk hanging on her lips, “You killed my daughter! You scarred me. I am ending this shit! Enough has been enough.”

She is holding a huge knife in her hand that looks like a sword of some kind. I decide to do something before dying in this devil’s hand. I summon all the energy in my body and stand up.

“Wow! You are impressing me with your courage. Bravo!” she is a few inches apart from me right now. I wait her to step a bit closer and carefully kick her right shin with as much force as possible. She trips on her foot and stops which gives me some more blessed time to run. Before leaving, I signal Ava not to move.

“That little hussy got me again! it is impossible.” Allegra cries out with a booming thunderous voice. I keep running downstairs with full-fledged determination not to look back and reach the door. The possibility of her cult members being there crosses my mind but I cannot halt, not for a second more. My vision begins to get blurry when I bump into someone. It can either be some crazy cult member or Scott! God! I tried till the last hour, you saw it all! Shutting my eyes tight, I scream with frustration and sadness…sadness of not saving those four innocent girls, sadness of being defeated to death by this psychotic demon and his evil ally.

“Eve! You okay? Eve, look at me.” a familiar voice calls out to me. I slowly open my tear-moistened eyes to find Richard standing there before me. Wow! am I having the flashbacks before dying? How I wish to get back to those days! I miss you Richard. I miss you so much!

“Eve!” he jerks me by my arm.

“Is it for real? Are you the real Richard?”

“Yeah! This is real. Eve, you’re bleeding.” He hugs me to make me stop from falling down. I can hear the police sirens and a lot of other noises around me.

“Richard, I didn’t kill Melissa.” I utter weakly.

“God! eve, I know and they figured it out already. It’s Angela, one of Anna’s allies who did it. It’s not the time to discuss those! You need help…”

“There are other…four girls up there. They are there, the she-devil would kill them.” I can feel my voice trailing off.

“They went there, you don’t need to worry, alright?”

“I missed you so much, Richard. I love you.” I don’t know what came over me. I practically don’t have any control over my mouth now nor am I processing anything in my head.

“I missed you more, Eve!” he hugs me tight. “Love you too, now let’s go outside. Everyone is waiting.”

Two medics brought a stretcher where I lie down without any more word. The stretcher feels incredibly comfy and pleasant even with the scorching pain in my back as they carry me out of the death trap.

Julia runs towards me as soon as the medics step out of the door.

“Eve, I’m so sorry! It’s all been my fault, you have been through the hell only for me.” she bursts into tears.

“It’s okay, Jules! I’m still alive.” I give a tired smile.

“Did you get the other girls?” I ask the medics.

In reply, one of them points at the girls who look much better than me. I smile at them through tears.

“You saved us, Eve.” Elle cries out. Behind her, two policemen are seen to drag the crazy she-devil out of the house. She keeps cursing me and the girls which I choose to block off. Every nerve on my head is shaking. I still am in a trance and can’t believe I’m actually out of the haunted hell.

“Hey, dummy! Welcome back.” Drake smiles as he holds my hand.

“Hey! You came.” My throat tightens with the surge of emotions.

“Yeah! How couldn’t I? look over there, Mr. Rogers also came. He is not so much of a jerk after all.” He teases.

“Woah! Really? I can’t believe it.” I smile at the “once jerk” Mr. Rogers.

“So, you haven’t told me about this Richard guy, huh? Girl! he loves you so much. You should’ve seen what he did throughout this whole time. Now, I know why you chose to be a nun. Such a drama queen you are.” He smiles.

In reply I only grin and look around to find all the familiar faces. Aron smiles and waves at me from a distance.

“Who else will go with her in the ambulance?” one of the medics asks.

“I’ll go.” Julia chimes in.

“I guess, it’d be better if Richard goes.” Sarah grins at Julia. In reply, Julia also gives a grin nodding at Richard.

“Hey!” he softly strokes my hair.

“Hi! I’m alive.”

“Yes, you are.” He squeezes my hand showing that knee-weakening grin.



Texte: Radia Al Rashid
Lektorat: The Author
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.02.2021

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