


The cold begins to set in the late august night the sky slowly turning as black as a bottomless pit the frost beginning to take a hold of the small blades of grass that in habbit the front lawn of this of this house slowly wilting them till their nothing more than frozen sculptures of grass as the mist begins to roll down weaving its way through the trees that wrap them self around the area hidding everything within it from view as the windows of the house begin to freeze from the dropping tempreture of the night rolling in upon the area.

Lying in the new overly sized bed of my new temporary home the covers up to my hips snuggly keeping my feet warm as the wind blows softly through the open window sending small chills down my spine, but not being able to be bothered to move i just continue to look at the pictures of my twins wishing i was with them but knowing i must do what i have been sent to do, placing the pictures down i roll on to my back lifting my arms and placing them behind my head as i let out a soft sigh my Emerald green eyes scanning the room with a slight look of disguist in them knowing this is not my home, my room or even my life not truly understanding why i am here what is the true point of it , i mean my people my race are not open to others to strangers of our lands and yet i have been sent to find out their secrets ....their habbit's if you will . Finally giving up and knowing that no matter how much i dislike this situation it isn't going to change and i can not return home until i have completed what i need to do, finally Deciding i need to wash i drag my form from the bed and slowly sornter across the hallway to the bathroom my feet lightly touching the cold of the hard wooden floors beneath them into the bathroom , pushing the door open i slide my hand up the side of the wall searching for the light switch and flicking it on my eyes adjusting to it as it flickers its way pathetically trying to grasp a hold of its energy , eventually getting a hold of its self i let out a soft sigh crossing as i cross the room reaching over the bath and turning on the hot water i just stand their watching it fill the tub the steam from it climbing up the walls higher and higher to the roof and clinging to the windows making them mist over, finally turning the water off i undress my self taking my clothing off piece by piece and throwing it onto the floor not caring where it lands, taking the last piece of clothing off i climb in to the tub a shudder traveling the length of my body as my feet hit the warmth of the water lower my self into it i let out a slight moan the heat of it caressing the bareness of my form,my skin crawling with goose pimples as the water wraps it self over me caressing every bit of me like lovers wrapping their arms around each other, i slide my entire body down into the warm and close my eyes listening to the silence of the house the only thing making a noise being the light above me giving off a soft buzz .

Finally after losing track of the time i decide it's time to get out , reaching my hand over the side of the bath i grab the closest towel and rape myself within it walking back to the bedroom i dig out something to wear finding some jogger bottoms and a black worn tank top i pull them on letting the towel drop to the floor and leaving it their as i jump back onto the bed picking up the pictures once more of my twins, looking at the pictures i feel my eyes beginning to close slowly realizing i must rest for the day to come is going to be a hard one i gather my picture together and place them on the table at the side of the bed before clambering under the sheets and switching off the lights the last thing i see is the flurescent red coming from the alarm on the clock ......

Chapter 1 .

Chapter 1

Waking to the nose of the alarm i turn myself over and slam my hand down to shut it up the nose ringing through my ears, slowly opening my eyes i see the sun shinning through the windows and on to the floor where the towel has been sat all night , letting a small groan come from my lips i sit my self up lifting my arms high above my head stretching myself, throwing the sheets back i climb out of the bed my feet touching the coldness of the floor where the sunlight has not yet warmed and wiggle my toes as i stand myself up a little disorientated, deciding i had better get dressed i drag myself to the walk in wardrobe searching through it to see what i feel like wearing, Standing in the middle of it i rub my temples knowing i don't want to be doing this today but i have to my eyes still searching for something to wear when the idea suddenly springs into my mind, dashing around the wardrobe i grab my dark denim shorts putting one leg in after the other whilst i grab at the white t-shirts that's hanging amongst the rest of the clothes quickly pulling it over my head and pulling it down i look at my self in the mirror seeing that the top is tightly fitted to my form but matches the shorts well i look for the last thing to go with the outfit the piece of clothing that will complete it when i suddenly see it just crumpled on the floor rolling my eyes i lean down and pick it up scrunching my nose up as i see that the waist coat is all creased, i slip my arms in to it giving myself a quick nod as i see that i will do for now , closing the door as i leave the wardrobe i grab the brush off of the dresser and run it through my long platinum ash hair letting it fall over my shoulders and down to the middle of my back as i brush my fringe over to the side where it should be just covering my eyes. glancing at the clock i realize it has taken me longer than i thought to get dressed quickly turning i throw the brush onto the bed and run out the door straight down the stairs, i go to grab my car keys when i realize they aren't on the hook that they are surpose to be on quickly glancing around i remember they are in my bag , i dash into the kitchen grabbing at my bag and racing for the door slamming it shut behind me, i run across the front lawn as i fish the keys out of the bottom of my bag reaching the care i feel my fingertips run over the keys grabbing them quickly and unlocking the door of my old cherokee jeep pulling the door open i jump in quickly fighting with the key in the egnition as i close the door i finally get it in and set off speeding down the road hoping theirs no one about as i cut around the corners tightly the scenery flashing past me as i see the high school within my sights, i begin to slow realizing i truly don't want to be here not understanding why i rushed to be on time for this knowing that if i turned the car around now no one would any the wiser, But i can't i know this is part of the plan part of what i need to do, so i pull into the nearest parking spot and turn off the egnition as i rest myself back against the seat and sigh.

Glancing at the clock upon the dash i drag myself from the car and lock it walking through the parking lot i hear the chitter chatter of the other students as their eyes watch me their voice's lowering as i pass them by , rolling my eyes i let out a sigh hating all of this reaching the doors of the school i quickly go inside glancing over my shoulder and catching each and every single one of them staring at me before the door closes on them , as i make my way down the hall looking for the principals room i catch a few of the students that have bothered to come into the school whispering behind their hands to their friends not really caring i shrugs my shoulders to myself and carry on to the principals room. Reaching the door that says Principal.S.Walker's office after looking at door after door i lift my hand lazily to open it but before i can grasp the handle it suddenly swings open before me and their before me stands a boy who looks like he's no younger than me, his champaigne blond hair hanging freely at the sides of his face softly caressing his well defined cheekbones as his dark emerald green eyes look at me ... I just stand their looking at him thinking maybe he will move but he doesn't so i step to the side slightly letting him pass me as only for him not to move i continue to look at him as i raise a delicate eyebrow waiting for him to move , finally giving up i speak to him in a low voice.
"Are you going to move or stand their all day"
at first he doesn't seem to hear me now i begin to get slightly annoyed my eyebrows come in to the burrow of my forehead when suddenly he speaks to me in a rough rogue kind of voice a voice i did not expect to come from him,
" sorry i ..." shaking his head he walks straight past me leaving the door to begin to close, I grab at the handle the cold leaping into my hand as i hold it growling to my self i push the door open and walk to the desk in the room where a woman sits her dark fire red hair tied back into a bun with her thick framed black glasses sitting slanted upon her nose, the suit shes wearing a dark grey with a white shirt looking far to over dressed for a school receptionist , glancing at me she pushes a clipboard forward ,
" fill this in and take a seat the principal will be with you shortly" she doesn't even look at me she just continues to file the papers that are sat in front of her, picking the clipboard up i turn and take the nearest seat as i look at the clipboard in my hands a pen attached to the top of it , pulling the pen from the top of it i begin to fill the information they are asking for in starting with my name .... now you would think this would b an easy task but what you don't know is i'm not exactly what you would call normal i have gifts that others don't seem to have unless they are of my race and now your asking which race that would be well....I am a Drow or more correctly a half drow i have all the same abilities as the full breed ones but i can change my appearance which comes in very handy so filling this information out that's sat staring me in the eyes is a little harder than most i have to change my name, my place of birth,simple things really but still important to me .Sitting their looking at it i give myself a mental nod happy with the way it has turned out.

Name : Star De'Omicron
Age : 18
Date of birth : 7/4/92
Place of birth : Gordes, France
Gender : Female
Current Address : -

leaving my current address blank as i didn't want any one to know where i live i place the clip board back upon the desk and return myself to my seat , sitting their i begin to take in the rooms appearance flakes of the pastel blue paint falling from the top of the wall and leaving specks upon the floor the shabby red carpet worn away from the amount of people that have trampled it, the furniture a miss match of different textured woods my mind feeling as though its melting away whilst i sit her in this rather depressing room lower my head to my chest i close my eyes and begin to meditate to myself imagining being back at my true home with my family and my familiar ways getting deeper and deeper into my own thought when i'm suddenly snapped out of it by someone saying my name,
"You must be Star ..."
quickly snapping my head up i put a smile upon my face as my eyes search his appearance my mind screaming with borduim and wishing this could be over , looking at me a crooked smile upon his lips his eyes begin to wander taking in my appearance he speaks once more to me
" I am Principal Walker .... come this way and we will get started " with that he turns his form around and walks into the room holding the door open , standing from the seat i have sat on that seems like forever i cross the room giving one last glance to the receptionist and go into the room placing myself upon the seat in front of his desk watching him cross the room and sit before me he begins to lecture me on the rules and what is expected of me whilst i attend the school , listening to him my ears twitch the smallest movement as my brain begins to switch its self off going to sleep but i keep the smile upon my face and nod my head slightly every now and then .

Finally putting me out of my misery the principal escorts me to his office door telling me to pick my schedual up from the receptionist , shaking his hand i made a mental not to disinfect it as soon as i could as i don't deal well with personal contact picking up my schedual that has been placed on the corner of the receptionist desk i leave closing the door behind me, as i hear the soft thud of the door shutting behind me i let out a sigh of relief as i rest my back against it for a second whilst i glance down at my schedual my emerald green eyes scanning the first line reading the first class i am surpose to have .... Gym, shaking my head softly i move a piece of stray hair from my face that has fallen and begin making my way to my class as i walk past the classrooms i can hear the teachers giving their lecture to the students that really couldn't careless about the things their lecturing ,at a glance into the rooms each one after the other i can see the borduim upon the students faces wishing and hoping the class would hurry up and finish even though its just started coming to the last classroom within this hallway i again glance into it the light from the window of the room catching my eyes only when my eyes focused proper it wasn't the light it was the sun beaming through the window it was a soft glow from the lad i had met before the sun was lighting his champaigne blond hair slightly to normal human eyes none would have noticed but with my eyes being sensitive and much more capable of seeing things that others can't it seemed like he was a flush in the light, hearing the teachers voice raise i quickly continue to make my way to my class knowing i am already late for it reaching the gym i place my slender hand upon it i slowly push it open to be greeted by people running across the hall standing their for a second i take in the surrounding looking for the gym teacher eventually my eyes come upon her stood over the other side of the hall watching her students making an attempt to do the tasks she has beheld upon them, i make my way round to her my hips swaying softly as i place my feet lightly upon the wooden floor beneath them deciding it was best to make my way around the edges of the hall i eventually reach her but not before i see some of the other students stop and look at me their eyes following my movements instead of concentrating on their tasks all i could think was that if they where at my home land they would have been severally injured or even killed for not paying attention but i guess here that did not matter, passing the paper that i held within my hand to her watching her read it i shift my weight from leg to leg growing inpatient as she takes her time eventually looking up at me her eyes scan my form before they reach my face,
" for today you can sit and watch the rest of the students " i nod my head softly once more as i do i realize i am beginning to feel like one of those novelty dogs the humans have sat on the dash board of their cars that nods its head constantly at any vibration running through out the thing ,I reach my hand out and take the paper from her turning on my heels i cross the small space between me and the bench's and sit myself upon one my eyes watching the movements of the people before me as i rest my back against the wall the cold running through them and straight into me my legs lazily crossed in front of me as my arms rest upon them lightly.Taking in some small breaths i continue to watch the activity within the room and realize that they have no worries no concerns to think about just that all they need to do is live their life day by day hearing the bell ring i look at the gym teacher waiting for a sign that the class was over but all she did was shout at the other students to concentrate it seems that i was having a double class just what i needed, letting myself rest back ever so slightly my mind wanders over and over as my eyes lazily begin to close i begin to close into my mind when i suddenly hear an eruption of noise quickly opening my eyes i glance around the room to where the noise was coming from it was a group of lads with another teacher it would seem that their was another gym class gym class from beginning within the hall luckily enough the hall was big enough for both not that that stopped the girls from letting out their girlie giggles as the lads showed off to them , watching them i rolled my eyes eventually everything began to quiet down again as the students got there tasks from their teachers once more it wasn't until ever one had begin to start their task that i saw him again this was the third time today it was as if i couldn't escape him the lad that i had first run into when i was the office was stood their before his teacher having some sort of disagreement if i had really wanted to listen i could have done but since it was nothing to do with me i just turned my attention back to my class and began watching them once more it wasn't long before i saw a figure move in the corner of my eye glancing i see that the lad was making his way over to the bench i am sat upon giving myself a low growl i ignore him as he sits his form down next to mine i can feel his eyes upon me searching my body , my muscles begin to tighten through out my body as i can still feel the weight of his eyes upon me giving in i turn my head and look at him my voice a little snappy as i don;t want him looking at me,
" what are you looking at ? "
he tilts his head slightly as he smiles at me his body completely relaxed
" nothing i am just curious of why a girl that looks like you would be so with drawn "
i look at him my eyebrows coming in on my forehead as my eyes narrow the tone of my voice still snappy
" it has nothing to do with you , you don't know me and don't judge me upon my looks they are nothing but an appearance "
"that is true i do not know you but i know your type , think they are gods gift to everyone and think everyone should worship them" he shrugs his shoulders as he runs his hand through his champaigne blond hair the sun just catching the tan upon his body and shimmering off of it, hearing his words my blood begins to boil my temper raising within me i turn my self to him and glare as i make no effert to keep my voice low any more not caring if any one hears me.
" you have no idea about my type i could not care what others think of me and i do not have to justify my self to an arrogant git like you....oh and just for your information i may look like this but i could kick your ass any time of any day " with saying this i raise my self from the bench and glare at him one last time before i begin to walk away from him my eyes looking for another bench to sit on but before i get far i hear him once more speaking to me with that honey coated voice
" i would like to see that and do not take my words to heart they are just my opinion you look like one of those girls "
turning to look at him once more the muscles in my body completely tight like a bottle top stuck as tight as it can be i take a deep breath before speaking to him again
" well then your opinion is wrong and you should keep it to yourself as for you liking to see me kick your ass pick a time and a place and i will show you "
" thanks for the offer but i wouldn't want to hurt you it wouldn't look good now would it "
" you think highly of your self don't you , thinking you could hurt me.... you do not know me yet you under estimate me do not judge that which you do not know as you may be very surprised as you look up at them from on your back " with saying these word a small sly smirk pulls at my lips hoping he will take the challenge as it has been weeks since i last had a good fight even though i have trained it is not the same as feeling the hand to hand contact within combat unfortunately for me he just sat their with his cool posture and smug look i let out a small groan as i roll my eyes wishing this part of the day would end already.

Finally hearing the bell chime to end this torture of a lesson i grabbed my bag and made my way out of the gym not caring to wait for any instructions off the teacher i just needed out of this place, barging through the door i made a hasty walk for the car park where i could climb into my car and forget the lesson from hell passing the other students i made my way down the hallways turning corners and keeping my head down as not to attract attention to myself, eventually reaching the main doors to the car park i quickly shove them open and take in a deep breath of the fresh air that hits my face the cold of it quickly nipping at my cheeks after a deep breath i look over to where my car is to see him sat their upon its bonnet i mean what is with this lad is he trying to annoy me sat their upon my car and not caring frowning at him i begin to make my way across my temper growing more and more as i cant believe his arrogance upon reaching him i stand their bringing my arms up to cover my chest as i rest most of my weight upon my right hip,
"what are you doing sat on my car ?"
"what does it look like i'm doing ?" he looked at me as he raised an eyebrow at his words right about now i could just kill him.
" it looks like your dirtying it now if you don't mind id like you to get off my car so i can leave " as i look at him i hold myself back from letting out a growl deciding i would be best to get in my car i dig the keys from the bottom of my bag my finger tips just scrapping against them, putting the key in the door i continue to watch him waiting for him to shift his backside off my car bonnet unfortunately it seemed he wasn't going to move which was fine for me i would just reverse and let him hit the floor with his backside.opening the door of my car i slid myself onto the material of my seat the cold running through my clothes to my skin letting out a slight shiver i put the key in the egnition hoping he doesnt move so i can see him hit the floor yes i know right now your probably thinking what a cow but this guy is really irratating me so hey i don't care, i mentally smile to my self as i turn the key in the egnition the engine starting with a mighty roar complaining against the cold that has wrapped its self around the engine slowly it begins to turn into a soft purr as it begins to warm grabbing the handle of the door i slam it shut watching him a delicate eyebrow raised as a nasty smirk begins to pull at the corner of my lips a small light of evil flickering in my eyes its at this point he quickly jumps off my bonnet i let out a slight laugh and place my car in reverse, reversing from the space and quickly putting it in first gear i drive off leaving his stood their as i glance back in my rear view mirror with nothing but the exhaust fumes of my car surrounding him. Driving home i did nothing but smirk to myself i swear if people could see me they would have thought i had escaped from a mental asyluim but luckily their was no one around that and the fact i honestly don't care what any body thinks i learn't a long time ago not to care for if you care what others think it is then that they can hurt you


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.10.2010

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