





This is a reality & fictional book based on real events that happend in the year 141 A.D ( the year of the great comet) during Ceasar Antoninus Pius.The book follow the story of Agathyrsy ,legend of the big white wolf and the Free Dacians who will face the greatest empire ever know ...The Roman empire.






© Copyright © 2020-2021 by Mihai Moldovan.


All rights reserved.No portion of this book ,except for brief review,may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ONE OF BELOW :
 - Mihai Moldovan


 - Mr Nobody




© Copyright © Book published by Mihai Moldovan © Copyright ©
































"Everything that I am afraid of already happened to me so i fear nothing." -Decebalus Rex








Long time ago when the Rome was still small long before 'Lamb of God' walk this a


legendary land deep into Thracian mountains there was a warrior like no other unmatched in speed, strength and savagery.






"He will always be known as AGATHYR§Y".!!




His name came from the Latin word "Aga thyrsus" meaning 'much raging', some say he even possess the ability to transform into a wolf.


His youth period of time it's very much unknown to history, but some believe that his destiny was already sealed from young age.



Our story begins when his village was slaughter by a barbarian tribe from the north and he was the only survivor of his tribe.


It wasn't the courage who save Agathyrșy that was much more of that, it was a deep emotion it was our mind killer called F.E.A.R.


But Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up, it makes you stronger!


So, from that day on Agathyrsy dedicated his life to one simple code-named Vengeance!


He made a pact with Zalmoxis a Thracian God who gifted him with heavenly powers so he can return and reclaim his lands but in exchange Zalmoxis cursed and tricked him.


Zalmoxis - 'You going to be forever bound by those lands and by those people who going to live here, remember "a wolf will always attract another wolf."


In his rage and desperate desire of vengeance Agathyrsi accepted Zalmoxis deal and get the ability to transform into a Big White Wolf!!


So, he returns on his village and kill all barbarians, no matter if there was younglings or elders no one survive that day to tell the story of Agathyrsy!



Day by day, night by night he always watches over his lands always using his wolf side to scare nomadic tribes so they won't settle on his lands.


One day a new tribe appeared, leaded by a King known as


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Mihai Moldovan
Bildmaterialien: Mihai Moldovan
Cover: Mihai Moldovan
Lektorat: Mihai Moldovan
Übersetzung: Clang Quiambao
Satz: Mihai Moldovan
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-7072-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I want to thank to my girlfriend for the help and support she bring it to me!Thx and i love you!

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