Propensity to Self Subversion
By. Haitham Al Fiqi
About the eBook
provide insights on the need to foster mental health and Positive Youth Development identify a set of practical implications and context. This is predicated on the assumption that society is characterized by a complex reality where youth ranging between 15 and 28 years old face multiple social challenges such as the need to succeed in a highly competitive environment, cope with stress, deal with a global pandemic and subsequently flourish now and in the future as adults .
Further, many youth are currently incarcerated, serving sentences and need support to become active contributors to society in the future . For example, in the United States of America approximately more than 30.000 youth are currently incarcerated .
Considering that many young people are incarcerated across the globe, there is the need to have in mind the long-term detriments associated with incarceration during adolescence such as mental health disorders and the low reintegration rate. In many cases, young people experience problems with reintegration into society after their release from prison.
Self-subversion is a conscious effort to understand our minds. We can make a determined effort to know the way we think. This can be done by drawing inferences from past experience.
We can know why we have a fear for a particular activity or object by delving deep into the way we reacted to that fear or object.
This will give us a better insight into our inner-minds. Once we understand the basic cause of the fear, we can take steps to overcome it.
Do you remember your first day at school? Were you afraid to leave your mom and dad to go to a new place? After a while, you enjoyed going to school. How was this possible? By analyzing and understanding, the way you overcame this fear can help you to conquer any other fear that you have.
Our behavior is highly influenced by external forces. These forces could include the various events that happen around us like violence, racism, poverty, crime, abuse and much more. They are mostly negative than positive. Like our past experience, we can also draw inference from these events. We can analyze our reaction to a particular event and then analyze the cause-effect relationship. By determining the cause and by understanding the effect, we can make a premeditated decision to overcome any negative effect of that event.
Understanding our fear and taking steps to overcome them will go a long way in making us self-reliant. Our dependence on external factors and our fear or reluctance to do a certain activity will be greatly reduced. This will give us the self-confidence to achieve whatever we want.
The author, a criminal lawyer, tries through this book to provide practical solutions to the problems that prisoners may face once they are released from prison in order to coexist in society without psychological problems. He also tries in this book to develop the social self of society in general, and the book is a summary of accurate scientific research in the field of criminal psychology.
This eBook is a guide and serves as an initial guide. , it is advisable to additionally seek professional advice or to consult a doctor / psychologist.
This e-book is a guide and serves as a primer. Please also seek professional advice.
All rights reserved@ Haitham Al Fiqi
Challenges in Propensity to Self Subversion
Changing the Way We Think in Propensity to Self Reliance
Characters in An Integral Part in the Development of Propensity to Self Subversion
Cognitive Therapy Put to Use in Propensity to Self Subversion
Cognitive Therapy to Treat Depression in Propensity to Self Subversion
Competence to Self Subversion in Propensity to Characterizations
Developing Cognitive Learning through Subliminal Messages in Propensity to Self Subversion
Developmental Steps in Competency and Propensity to Self Subversion
Emotional Comp in Propensity to Self Subversion
Emotional Comp in Propensity to Self Subversion
Examining our Movement and Changes in Propensity to Self Subversion
Finding Ways to Relax Stress in Propensity to Self Subversion
Guide to Self Reliance and Constructive Change How Stress and Self Esteem Affect Us
How Propensity to Self Subversion Occurs
Improving your Life in Propensity to Self Subversion
Information on Subliminal Messages in Propensity to Self Subversion
Looking Out for Number One in Propensity to Self Subversion
Meditating in Development through Propensity to Self Subversion
Meditation in your Guide to Propensity to Self Subversion
Mental Competency in Propensity to Self-Subversion
Mental talk your way into Propensity to Self Subversion
Mental Tracking tools in Propensity to Self Subversion
Propensity to Self Subversion A Secret to Everlasting Youth
Propensity to Self Subversion A Way to Overcome Self Sabotage
Propensity to Self Subversion Applications to Human Development
Propensity to Self Subversion Definition of Terms
Propensity to Self Subversion How to live a self subversive life
Propensity to Self Subversion in Inner Peace Discovery
Propensity to Self Subversion in Power of Peace Within
Propensity to Self Subversion Living The Life
Propensity to Self Subversion The Exit Strategy
Propensity to Self Subversion The Fashion Model
Propensity to Self Subversion The Politics of Identity
Propensity to Self Subversion The Theory behind It
Relieving Stress in Propensity to Self Subversion
Self Destructive Behaviors in Propensity to Self Subversion
Self Development through Spatial Learning in Propensity to Self Subversion
Self Subversion to Propensity in Learning
Subliminal Learning Challenges in Propensity to Self Subversion
The Development of Holistic Approaches in Propensity to Self Subversion
The Four Levels of Consciousness in Propensity to Self Subversion
The Importance of Vision in the Development of Self in Propensity to Self-Subversion
The Power of Self Hypnosis in Propensity to Self Subversion
The Propensity of Self Subversion in Examining Tendencies
The Propensity to Self Subversion in Fashion Models
Time to Make that Change in Propensity to Self Subversion
Propensity to Self Subversion in Feeling Good About You
Use Yoga as a Guide in Propensity to Self Subversion
Writing Is a Way of Propensity to Self Subversion
Meeting new challenges in the development is stressful. Relieve this stress by meeting the challenges head on and by finding what you already know for the development of new skills.
Challenge you subliminal mind to find what it has been stored away causing you to forget what you already know. The subliminal mind stores things it has heard or teachings that you learned in the past. Challenge what knowledge you have stored away to be the person you are and want to be in developing new skills.
Jump in head first to discover knowledge you forgot for saving stress and time. Use your past knowledge has to grow and become stronger with confidence and trustworthy skills. With meditating and focusing, you will be guided in relaxation to take note of what you already know.
The subliminal mind stores energy as well as knowledge. Stress will use up this energy; so face challenges to relieve this stress in order to have room for what is around the corner. Practice meditation for relaxing to focus with confidence on each challenge as it appears.
With relaxing techniques start focusing and jump in to discover your inner knowledge that has been stored away to help in new skills for growing with strength. Look for communication skills and all other skills that will help give you guidance for the future.
Focusing on the challenges that you have run into previously will give you the advantages with ease of a new beginning. Practice with focusing on past knowledge to trust your inner thoughts. When you can trust what you already know voicing your opinions will help in guiding you to more and better challenges. Trust what you feel and be that real person inside your thoughts.
The more confidence you have will guide you to trusting your instincts. With confidence, you will grow with ease at a faster rate of speed for success. Confidence will help in meeting challenges for success in the development of self, voice and mind.
Meet your challenges with skill and confidence for strength to increase your mind ability for growth. Gaining trust in yourself will let you voice your knowledge to keep the mind active and happy. The mind needs exercise to perform with perfection to help keep you from losing memory and knowledge skills.
Expand you mind by voicing your opinions and sudden instincts that may keep you and others from danger. At what time we get a sudden instincts or gut feelings like someone stopping suddenly in front of you, you mind will instantly respond. We suddenly stop in our tracks to avoid walking into them. Our instincts can foresee what is going to happen that could be dangerous. Stay safe by facing the challenges ahead with trust in yourself.
Women are known to face the challenge of voicing there instincts more than men to keep themselves and others from danger. Trust and confidence helps in guiding them to focus on what and how they voice their opinions.
Keeping the mind active with challenges will keep your teachings on top to give you guidance in the future for what ever happens. Let your mind expand to guide the real person in you for the performance you deserve.
Face challenges head on for the development of self, voice, and mind to search the subliminal mind for what has been lost. Strengthen your skills to trust your instincts in voicing opinions and instincts to expand the mind with new skills. The world is taking a new turn of events, so it is time to consider propensity to self-subversion.
Self-subversion is a conscious effort to understand our minds. We can make a determined effort to know the way we think. This can be done by drawing inferences from past experience.
We can know why we have a fear for a particular activity or object by delving deep into the way we reacted to that fear or object. This will give us a better insight into our inner-minds. Once we understand the basic cause of the fear, we can take steps to overcome it.
Do you remember your first day at school? Were you afraid to leave your mom and dad to go to a new place? After a while, you enjoyed going to school. How was this possible? By analyzing and understanding, the way you overcame this fear can help you to conquer any other fear that you have.
Our behavior is highly influenced by external forces. These forces could include the various events that happen around us like violence, racism, poverty, crime, abuse and much more. They are mostly negative than positive. Like our past experience, we can also draw inference from these events. We can analyze our reaction to a particular event and then analyze the cause-effect relationship. By determining the cause and by understanding the effect, we can make a premeditated decision to overcome any negative effect of that event.
Understanding our fear and taking steps to overcome them will go a long way in making us self-reliant. Our dependence on external factors and our fear or reluctance to do a certain activity will be greatly reduced. This will give us the self-confidence to achieve whatever we want.
To achieve self-reliance and self-confidence, we must fundamentally believe that we can change the way we think and act. We must move from a negative-centric world to a positive-centric world. We must make a conscious decision to close our mind to anything negative. At the outset, we must comprehend the fact that there are some things in us that have to be changed for us to become better individuals. Every thing in this world has a cause-effect relationship.
Fundamentally, we must analyze and understand the cause of a particular behavior or action. After understanding the reason for a particular behavior or action, we can take determined steps to change that.
For example, you are drastically affected by war and other killings and because of this, you are paranoid about travelling. This paranoia can be conquered. The first step is to accept the fact that you are paranoid about travelling due to the fear of being killed. After that, you can dig deep into your mind to understand why war and killings affect you so much. It could be because of some murder that you saw when you were young or it could due to some show on the television or it could be due to a book you read or a movie that you watched. Now that you have understood the cause, you must take steps to address it. You can decide to close yourself to any kind of negative event like killing and war. When you keep making determined effort over a period of time, you will realize that your paranoia has decreased. It cannot happen over-night. It will happen over a period of time and this period is very subjective. But remember, that you should believe that you can change all through the way.
A self-reliant person radiates with confidence and motivation. He/she can be a guiding light for others. Self-reliant people can motivate themselves and others to achieve a target or to accomplish a mission. They can instill confidence in others propelling them to become better individuals.
When every person becomes self-reliant and motivated, we can annihilate the evils existing today to give an improved world for the future generations.
Developing your character as a person is a step to developing your whole self. Character is made up of your values, your morals, and the basic way you react to situations. Character is who you are when you are caught off-guard. When you are stressed, when you are caught in traffic, your character shows with how you react to these situations. Character is what is left when all the trappings that serve as eye candy to other people: possessions, influence, and power, are stripped away.
Character is who you are when faced with situations that require you to compromise. It is who you are when you are tempted to do the wrong thing. To have character that worth commending, you have to learn and practice it on a day-to-day basis. Though they say that values and morals are being learned during childhood, a person has the capacity to learn and unlearn well into old age. Further, there are a lot of people who have had negativity programmed into their systems ever since childhood who have learned to go past that in their adult years. Their secret is that they have chosen to reprogram their thoughts.
Thus, if they have been able to unlearn negative things and learn positive ones, you can unlearn your old values and adopt new ways to look at and deal with the world. In this regard, there are three areas that are helpful for you develop the character you like as an individual. The steps may not be the easiest ones but they sure are fulfilling. Once you get the hang of these, your whole self will improve.
Leading the long list is integrity. When you are honest to the hilt, people will learn to trust you for your unwavering and uncompromising honesty. But you have to keep in mind that honesty needs to be tempered with discretion. You have to learn when not to disclose certain matters, and when to do so. Your motives have to be pure and good when you do decide to use honesty and integrity in making strategic decisions.
A component of Integrity is being you. Who you are when others are not watching is a sign of integrity. Living a dual, hypocritical life is dishonesty and worse is that, you are only hurting and fooling yourself. You also lead people to lose trust in you because of the dubiousness of your character. Having integrity means being able to stick to your convictions no matter what.
Consistency is also an integral part of one's character. When you act in a consistent way, when you are productive in a consistent manner, you then earn the trust of people, and you also impress your bosses. Consistency is an important part of a career, and it is what would define the line between keeping and losing your job. The last area I suggest is the area of compassion. Compassion is the capacity to extend grace to, or to have mercy on people who are in dire need, who have wronged you, or basically are in a place that requires your mercy. Without compassion on others, you are nothing more than a robot. Without compassion, our world will be a place where productivity and money are the only things that run it.
To have compassion on others is not restricted to giving street children money. Compassion could also mean giving your mother a lift home because her car broke down. Compassion could also mean giving your wife a back rub because her pregnant belly is straining her spine. Character in a person is one of the things that would get others' respect. It is a component that occupies a huge part of the personality, and it is what is left when everything else is stripped away. Develop your character, and consequently, you will develop your entire self.
Robert Westermeyer, a revered doctor. Has just published the book Kicking Depressions Ugly Butt. This is a book that is based on cognitive learning. Through cognitive learning, an individual can find a successful approach to getting rid of depression. Plus an individual can prevent a relapse. This book discusses many different reasons that depression occurs. The reader can begin to understand depression and how to break the ugly cycle.
The first chapter of the book deals with the spiral that depression creates in individuals. This chapter is focused on a cognitive model of depression. The cognitive model enables the individual to understand the Causes of depression. Some of these causes may include negative thinking, tragic life events or biochemical abnormalities. Signs of depression can be withdrawal from social activities, negative thinking and self-focused attention. It is important for a reader to understand depression in order to get rid of depression.
The second chapter is focused on the recovery from depression. This chapter is focused on the positive patches of relief that are provided to an individual who is in a recovery period from depression. A depressed individual usually experiences a period if moderate mood improvement. This improvement may last for only a short while. Through cognitive learning an individual will learn how to make a
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-6141-8
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
• provide insights on the need to foster mental health and Positive Youth Development identify a set of practical implications and context. This is predicated on the assumption that society is characterized by a complex reality where youth ranging between 15 and 28 years old face multiple social challenges such as the need to succeed in a highly competitive environment, cope with stress, deal with a global pandemic and subsequently flourish now and in the future as adults .
• Further, many youth are currently incarcerated, serving sentences and need support to become active contributors to society in the future . For example, in the United States of America approximately more than 30.000 youth are currently incarcerated .