

I should head home.. I thought to myself silently as I walked through the woods. The pack will start to wonder where I've run off too... As I walk back to the den I hear a sharp growl as Jack, the alpha male, steps in front of me.
"Where the hell have you been, Elsa?! We have been looking for you EVERYWHERE!" He yelled sharply sending my ears to lie flat on my head.
"I…I was just out, Jack... I was looking for a place to hunt..." He knew I was lying.. I was out at the village, where I normally am.
He growled and slashed at my face creating three long and skinny blood lines across the right side of my face and then I couldn't remember a thing.


I awoke to the sound of talking and as I walked out to the group, everyone went silent. Do they know my secret..? I thought to myself. No... No one realizes why I go to the village.. I sit down around them and join in their conversation
"Well, well, well. Sound the bells, light the fires. Elsa is actually here in the mornings." God... if I could kill Albern, I would, if given a chance. "You know, Albern, I just wish someone would sew your mouth shut" he just looks at me and walks away into the woods. It was about time someone told him off… now it's time for me to go to the village.. I miss him…


Being human is awkward enough, but when you have a secret lover, it makes it ALL worth it. Lycaeon is just... amazing. His sandy blonde hair that looks amazing and his crystal blue eyes that make him look sweet and innocent. As I walk to his house, I hear the clanging of steel against steel. He's practicing his sword techniques. I think to myself and walk into his backyard.
"Hey. Ly!" I yell as he looked up. "I'm surprised you heard me." I scream as he picks me up and spins me around
"I have been looking forward to you coming today. I missed you… babe…? What happened to your face…?"
"I missed you too, Ly. And nothing happened. I'm fine, a dog ran up and scratched me. I'll be fine." I pick up a sword and look at him. "Shall we?"
"We shall," he says after picking up his sword and slamming it into mine.


While I lie in his bed, I take in the familiar scent of him. This is heaven… I think to myself while intertwining our fingers together.
"Elsa… I have something to say to you… Something I've been wanting to say for quite some time…" He said broken and awkwardly.
"Yes, Ly? What is it?" I asked while looking him directly in the eye, which he couldn't do.
"I…" he started to say, the looked me in the eyes and rested his hand on my cheek. "I love you"
I looked at him and blinked. Love…? Him... Love me? This is what I wanted to hear all along… now about my secret… How do I tell him I am really a werewolf? "I love you too, Ly. I always have I just didn't know how you'd take it if I told you first…"
He took me in his arms and held me close, whispering sweet things only I could hear until I drifted off to sleep listening to his heart beat.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" Jack yelled to the pack. "WHY ISN'T SHE BACK YET?! She spends WAY too much time in the village!" Furious, he morphs into a wolf and destroys the rest of the rotting carcass of a moose in front of him. "I will find her myself and punish her by any means necessary!"
"Shall I go look and report back to you?" Albern asks, knowing he might be attacked
"Yes. Go and investigate for me. Report back to me TONIGHT!" He warns him that if he didn't something horrible will happen to him.


heart break

"Elsa? I have a question" Ly asked while stroking my hair.
"What is it, love?" I asked, confused. Normally I can tell what he's going to say…
"Well… Several times you have slept over here and you hang out over here all the time…" He trailed off, probably to gather his thoughts. "What I'm trying to ask is… Do you want to move in with me?"
I look at him and smile softly "I thought I was already moved in." Wasn't I? "I love you. So much, Ly"
"I love you too, Elsa….." He trailed off again, only this time I notice someone else in the room. I turn and look and I see Albern standing in the doorway.
"Well, well, well… what do we have here? You? In love with a human?"
I stand and walk to him He better watch his back… Or I'll kill him myself..
"You better watch your back, brother," I warned "Or you'll find yourself where you don't want to be. Now GO!" I hiss at him as he walked away
"Babe… he said "in love with a human" what… what's that all about…?" He looks so scared… I… I think I need to tell him…
"Baby… Sit down. There's something that you need to know about me…" My voice is cracking so badly that he comes over and hugs me.
"Baby, what is it?" he asks softly.
"Sit down… Please." When he does I close my eyes "Are... Are you ready for my secret?"
"Yes, love… I am." He looks so sad… He should have known for the beginning…
"Alright… but please, don't hate me for this…" I closed my eyes and morphed into an arctic wolf with specks of grey and black mixed in on my back and tail. Ly just looks at me, closed his eyes, and collapsed on the ground


"Jack!" Albern was running around the pack trying to locate the alpha "Jack?! Where are you?!"
"What is it, Albern? This BETTER be good." He lifted his head from a deer carcass they had just brought to the pack
"Jack… Elsa… Village…" He paused to gather his thoughts "Elsa is in the village with a boy… a human boy! I'm afraid that she might reveal our secret to him. She's apparently in love with him. What do we do Jack? What do we d-" Jack had enough and kicked him in the face.
"I'll tell you what we do… She comes back here, I'll kill her." He said angrily


"Ly… Lycaeon… Wake up please…" I am stupid sometimes… I was relieved when he finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "Baby… I-" He cut me off before I could finish my sentence by moving away from me.
"Get… Get away from me… You… You're not normal…" His words stung me hard.
"I..." I couldn't speak, tears stung my eyes and there was a huge lump in my throat. "Lycaeon… I… I love you…" I stood up and walked out of his house. If I stay here it will lead to heart break… if I go to the pack, Jack might not let me be in… or worse… I walked to the edge of the village, morphed, and ran off away from the village and my home.


New start

*Five years later*

It's been five years… I think to myself as I'm walking through the woods. I stop suddenly and sniff the air the village… I couldn't believe it. I was back in the village I left. I morph back into a human and put on clothes from a pack I wear around my shoulder and sprint towards the village.


As I walk through the village I ask people if they have seen Lyceaon… I can't believe it… He left with a wife and a child… I sit below a tree and stare at the ground. A short time later I hear footsteps coming up close to me.
"H…Hello…?" I look up to see a child about seven or eight years old with jet black hair.
"Hi, Sweetheart. What are you doing out here so far from home?"
"I saw you walking and wanted to say hi… Do you have a home?" I couldn't help but smile as such innocence.
"No, sweetheart, I don't have a home" I say quietly. He looks at his feet and back at me with a smile.
"I know! You can live with me and my father!" He exclaims enthusiastically
"Would your father mind?" I ask just as a man with jet black hair and deep emerald green eyes walks up behind him. I can't look away from him…
"No, Ma'am. I don't mind. You can't really say no to Delmon once he gets his heart set on something." I smile softly and stand up. "Is that all you have Mrs…?"
"Miss. Miss Elsa. And yes, this is all I have." I say softly as he puts a cloak around me and leads me in the direction of his house. These people are so friendly… I wonder what his mother would say…
When we get into this house his father leads me into a guest bedroom and sits me on the bed. "You're so cold… I'll start a warm bath for you soon." He sounds so concerned… but why?
"Thank you… may I ask your name?" I look at him and try to place him, but I can't.
"You're quite welcome. And my name is Dmitri." He says as he's walks into the bathroom.
I follow him as I hear the water running "Here, Elsa… Get in the bath and warm up. If you need anything, just call." He walks out of the restroom and closes the door behind him.

*the next morning*
I woke up and heard a little boy laugh. I smile and walk out into the living room. "Good morning, Delmon." I fix myself a cup of tea and sip it while he watches tv.
"Good morning, Miss Elsa. Daddy's still asleep so we gotta be quiet… Hey, I got an idea… why don't we color??" He runs back into his room and noisily comes back with a box full of crayons and a coloring book and slams it on the wooden table.
"What is all that noise…?" Dmitri is walking down the hallway grumbling and yawning
"Sorry daddy… I just wanted to color and I was so excited to color with Elsa" I hug him before he cries. "It's alright Delmon. I'm sure your father understands." I haven't even known this child for a whole day and I already want to protect him… Wolf instincts are good sometimes…
"You're right, Elsa. I do understand. How about: we all three color after I drink my morning tea?" He smiles that crooked smile and goes into the kitchen
I sat down next to Delmon and picked up a crayon "Shall we?" Delmon hugs me tight and picks up his own crayon and tears out two pages of his coloring book and hands one to me as he attacks his page with the crayon. This child is so adorably cute I slowly start to color when his father comes up and sits next to me on the couch.
"So, do you have any family that might be looking for you?" Dmitri asks soft-heartedly while sipping his tea.
Still coloring I sigh, "No Dmitri. I don't have any family that might be looking for me or to go home too." Why does everyone need to bring up my past…? "Now it's my question. What happened to Delmon's mother?" I look at him as he sighs.
"Five years ago, she was attacked by a wolf. She ran back to the village and I took her to our doctor… He couldn't do anything, she lost too much blood. She died right there and then on a hospital bed…" He looks as if he's about to cry…
"I… I'm sorry Dmitri… I shouldn't have asked…" I hugged him and he hugged me back, but only tighter.


*two years later*

"Elsa! Elsa!" I hear Delmon yelling from his bedroom. I walk in and see him curled up under his blanket.
"Yes, Delmon?" I sit on the bed next to him as he latches onto my waist. "Delmon, what is it?" I try not to let him hear me giggling.
"I had a night mare Elsa…" He sounds so sad… I hug him close to me and softly sing to him. Little did I know, his father was looking in and watching.


"Elsa? We've been together for a little over two years. There's something I want to ask you" He's not shy at all with this
"Yes, love? What is it?" I look at him as he fixes his tea.
"Well, I've been thinking…" He looks at me, smiles, and sets his tea on the table and pulls out a little box. I gasp as he gets down on a knee "Elsa, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you… You're perfect from your long, black hair to your amazing hazel eyes. Will you please make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?"
I just look at him with tears in my eyes. I blinked and they started to fall. "Yes, Dmitri. I will marry you." I hug him just as he stands up. He puts the ring on my finger and I have to gasp again. It's beautiful. It's an amethyst encased in little diamond hearts. "How did you know amethysts were my favorite?" I look at him as he smiles.
"You told me a year ago." He kisses me just as Delmon runs in.
"Is she gonna be my new mommy??" He looks at me and smiles big.
"Yes; Delmon, She is." His father sounds happier about that then he is. He hugs me tight and won't let go.
I pick him up and hug him, "Delmon, I will be your new mommy and you'll be my new son." He looks super excited about that. I set him down as he runs back into his room.

*that night*
"Elsa, I love you so much." He whispers while stroking my hair.
"I love you too, Dmitri" I say while resting my head on his chest.
He pulls me up and kisses me passionately and pulls the covers over both of us and intertwines the both of us together in more ways then one.


*the next day*

"Dmitri… I need to talk to you." I have to tell him… I just hope he doesn't leave me like… Ly did…
"Yes, love?" He's still stroking my hair.
"I… I've been keeping a secret from you… I need to show you…" I stand up and look at him.
"…What is it, love?" He starts to get up but I put my hand up to stop him.
"Baby… I can't tell you… I'd rather show you…" Thank goodness Delmon is off with friends for a week I look at him and morph into a werewolf. Dmitri just looks at me and smiles
"I know what you are, Elsa." I…What? I morph back and dress again.
"How…?" He smiles and comes over and hugs me
"Because I have a secret too, love." I look at him as he takes a wig off and takes his contacts out. I gasp and start to cry. LY!!!
"Lycaeon… how… I…" He pulls me to him and kisses me
"I never wanted you to leave in the first place. I was just shocked that you kept it from me that long. Elsa, I love you and I want to be with you forever." His blue eyes never lie
"But… what about Delmon…?" I look at him as he smiles
"Yes, he is my son but it wasn't anything serious with his mother and I. She really did die but I was just sad that you left me. I love you, and only you." I look at him with tears streaming down my face.
"I guess it's fair… I kept me being a werewolf from you, and you kept you being… you from me… Though, my question is… Why?" I look at him and he turns away
"I… I don't know, Elsa…" He sighs and looks at me again. "I truly love you, you have to believe that… I was just shocked that you had come back… to look for me… after five years. Why didn't you come back sooner…?" I look at him with a distaste
"Because, you backed away from me. You were scared of me. Not the other way around…" He just looks at me and wraps me in his arms
"Elsa. I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to react. If it were the other way around you would have done the exact same. Elsa, I love you. You have to believe that…" He kisses me softly and looks into my eyes. "I love you."
I look at him through my tears and smile "I love you too, Ly…"


"She's WHAT?!" Jack paced and paced at hearing the news. "How the hell is she alive?! I thought you killed her!" He looked at Albern. "I sent you to kill her. You failed."
"I… No, Jack…" She's my sister, you're daughter, I couldn't kill her…" Albern looked into his fathers eyes which were filled with hatred.
"I killed your mother, and I can kill you and your sister just as easily." He tensed up ready to attack.
"You will not touch him, Jack." He stopped at the sound of the voice. He recognized it… but from where? He looked in the direction of the voice and gasped.
"Gala…" He bowed as best as a wolf could and so did the rest of the pack.
"Rise, Jack." She looked at him and snarled "You killed my daughter and my husband. I refused to let you kill my only two grandchildren. She jumped from the cliff and stood infront of him. "I hear you talking about killing another wolf just for your pleasure, I will have you cut open and I will make you watch me eat your heart until you die." She growled and then looked at Albern and nuzzled him then disappeared into the woods.


I heard wolves howling and I tried to drown it out. Get out of my head I thought to myself. I curled up into Ly's chest and closed my eyes.
"Hey, hey, Elsa, are you alright…?" Ly asked with full concern in his voice
"Yeah, I'm okay just can't fall asleep tonight is all." I looked at him and kissed him "I love you. Don't ever forget that…" Someday your love is going to be tested to the maximum… let's hope then you will believe me as you do now…
I curled back in his arms and he wrapped them around me and we both drifted off into a sound sleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.12.2011

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