
Clash of Power

By: Dallas Smith

My life is about as boring as they come but I’m going to tell you about it anyway. I was born in a little town called White Salmon. I didn’t have any hair until I was about one and a half and my little sister Cheyenne was born in Portland one year seven months and eight days later. When I was in seventh grade my second little sister was born in The Dalles and she was named Madison. Madison is only my half sister. My parents got divorced when I was about four years old. This year I’m a freshman at Goldendale High School. My best friends are Lauren, Tessa, Kaycee, Brittany and Alaura. You may think I’m just like you but in the real world some things are too ugly to explain. Although some things are too ugly to explain I’ll tempt fate by telling you my story.
“Hey Lauren,” I said as I shoved my baby pink coat into my locker.
“What’s up?” she asked when I turn to face her. Lauren doesn’t realize it but she looks like a supermodel. She’s got blonde hair and legs so long you’d think they go on forever.
“Nothing, have you studied for that big test in science?”
“No.” she replied as she fell into step beside me on our way to our before school hang out in front of the band room.
“You should’ve.” I said trying to give her a stern look and failing miserably.
“Yeah. There are a lot of things that I don’t do that I should.” She says smiling.
“Hi, Tess.” I say to my friend as Lauren and I stop in our usual social bubble that almost blocks the whole hallway.
“Hey,” Tessa says. Tessa’s also blonde but it’s a slightly lighter shade than Lauren’s rustic blonde. She's got an all American girl beauty that is at total odds with her boyfriend Kyle who isn’t at all handsome but is funny and is totally sweet to her. I couldn’t ask for a better match for my goody goody best friend.
We all talked about what’s going on and complained about school and annoying popular people. Then they showed up. No one else even acknowledged their presence and I didn’t let on that I could see and hear everything they do. As far as I know nobody else in the world can see them except for me. I’ve been able to see them since I was very little and at that time most people assumed that they were just my imaginary friends when I would point them out and whisper what I saw. Even when I was that small I never let them know I could see. Faeries are never kind to those that can see them.
The bell rang and everyone departed for their first period classes. As students and teachers swarmed the halls there were little areas where everyone unconsciously didn’t walk at all. These were the places where the faeries would put on a small glamour that kept humans from running into them. I always had to be careful and on my guard otherwise I could accidentally wander into their little space bubbles and they’d know I could see them. I entered the band room, went over to my usual seat and threw down my twenty pound back-pack. I am not exaggerating the text books for the freshman classes are huge.
I went to the back room to retrieve my flute and just about fell over a faery lying on the floor right in front of the doorway. It had cast a glamour that would make humans high step over it so that it couldn’t be stepped on. I averted my eyes and carefully stepped over his prone form. He was one of the faeries that looked as if it was a mockery of the human form. His shoulders were bulbous and he was so wide that it was practically impossible for me step over him without stepping on him.
I grabbed my flute and fled into the relative safety of the band room. Even though faeries can be poisoned by iron for some reason they still come into the school which is filled with iron lockers. I sat in my usual seat and put my flute together. We played pep band so all of the songs were rock and roll. I would have really enjoyed it if it wasn’t for the faeries dancing and singing along with the music.
That day passed with nothing serious a minor stare here a slip up in my walking through glamour there but it was nothing that could get me hurt. Little did I know that, that day would be last thing that is as close to normal as my life gets.

I woke up when my alarm went off at five. I wanted to go back to sleep but I just couldn’t so I decided to get ready for the day. I felt like straightening my hair and doing my makeup so I got up and took a quick shower. After I got out I picked out one of my favorite shirts it said, I am way too good for you pink happy bunny smiling out from the fabric. The shirt is purple with pink trim on the neckline, hem, and sleeves. Then I picked out a denim mini-skirt with my black, leather Apple Bottom high heeled boots.
When I finished my hair and makeup I threw on a white sweater and my back pack and ran to the bus stop. I just made it before the bus came. When I sat down in my usual seat my friend Alicia said, “I’ve never seen you dress so girly before.”
“Really,” I replied also not being able to recall a time when I had dressed so girly, “How do I look?”
“Cute,” she said then returned to listening to Matt’s Zune.
“What’s that smell?” Matt asked.
“It’s Cyrene’s body spray,” Alicia answered.
“Does it stink?” I asked mortified.
“No it smells really good.” he reassured me.
I let a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “Thanks.”
When we reached school I entered through the cafeteria and walked to my locker where I deposited my coat and back pack. I was about to go to my usual social circle when I heard a voice over the intercom say, “Could Cyrene Decorus please report to the office.” I switched directions and headed to the office where a very, very hot guy with his I think mother and one of the ladies who manned the front desk.
“Yes?” I asked of the lady who was still seated behind her desk but instead the woman standing with the hot guy and his mother answered.
“Cyrene, this is Erin he’s new here.” I nodded at Erin as she went on, “You’re the only one with the same schedule as him so would you mind showing him around?”
“Sure, I don’t mind.” I said concealing my displeasure. I had seen half faery children before but I had never had to come in contact with them. “C’mon.”
I motioned for him to follow me then turning without checking to see if he was following I walked back toward the freshman hall.
“What’s your locker number?” I asked when we in the middle of the popular crowd who congregate in the hall every morning. Most conversations had stopped and people were staring at the majorly hot addition to the freshman class.
“Umm… locker 526.” he said.
“Oo… tough break.” I said in response.
“What?” he asked confused.
“Your locker’s in the Ag building. Which means it is one of the farthest lockers you could get in the school so you’re probably going to be stuck lugging around all of your crap every day. So, how about you just carry that back pack of yours on over to the band room.” I said and led him back up to the main hallway and to the right. When we reached my little social group I saw that Lauren was sizing him up. When she locked eyes on me she mouthed, dibs. He’s all yours, I mouthed back. She smiled and nodded her head in thanks.
I introduced him to all of my friends. Everyone seemed rather taken by him and instantly accepted him. I wished he would go back to where he came from the whole time but I couldn’t help but laugh when Kyle said, “I ain’t smart but I think I can fly.” When the bell rang and we were all heading to our classes we were still chuckling.
I introduced Erin to Mr. Siegel and while they were getting to know each other I went to fetch my flute. There was an abnormally large amount of faeries in the back room and that made me extremely uneasy. When I returned to the main room I found Erin sitting up by the trumpets with a French horn in his hands and Mr. Siegel looking like a dog who had been given a bone.
The rest of the day went a lot like this: I introduced Erin to the teacher of each class, he did something amazing and at the end of the period everyone was smiling and beaming at Erin. It just about made me sick and the thing I didn’t understand was that I wanted him to like me just as much as the other humans in the room. I didn’t let this irrational wanting affect me though. I was only as friendly as courtesy allowed and didn’t give him any more reason than a normal person would to hang out with me.
After school my friend Alaura had scheduled a fun day at the bowling alley and before I could tell her no Lauren invited him to it. When we got to the bowling alley we listened to the jukebox and played video games. I totally ignored him and pretended he wasn’t there. Luckily, I didn’t have to talk to him because Lauren was keeping his mouth plenty busy.(heh, talking not anything else) When Animals by Nickleback came on I was having a really hard time not dancing so when my friend Brittany Russo started dancing I didn’t even stop to think about it I just started dancing. Neither of us had had dancing lessons so we just dirty danced with each other. It was so much fun. The guys who had been invited to the fun day whistled and yelled out vulgar remarks but we ignored them.
When Next Contestant by Nickleback came on I kept on dancing I didn’t hear him coming but suddenly Erin was dancing with Brittany and I. I almost shrieked in surprise. When he started dancing everyone that was here for our fun day started dancing. The populars were bowling and had just finished their game so they came over and started dancing. My goodness I wanted to yell at them and say that they weren’t going to join us until Erin started dancing. I looked around and saw Lauren glaring at Brittany and I so I wound my way through the crowd grabbed her by the hand and towed her back to Brittany and Erin.
Without even an attempt at subtlety I slid Lauren in front of Erin where she instantly began to smile and dance. I noticed though that if Lauren tried to move forward so that Erin would put his hands around her waist he would move back slightly. He smiled politely at her as they danced but I noticed a kind of frustration and impatience in his eyes. Every once in a while his eyes would dart towards me and when he finally caught my gaze a smug smile crept across my lips. I smiled and laughed at him. Then I turned back to dancing with Brittany.

The next day after the first bell had rang for first period and we were heading into band Erin leaned towards me to whisper something in my ear but I successfully evaded him and went to grab my flute out of the back room.
“Who’s that guy you’ve been hanging out with?” asked my friend Brittany Allen.
“I haven’t been hanging out with him.” I said slightly annoyed, “He’s been hanging out with me and I don’t have the heart to be a bitch to him and tell him that I want him to leave me alone.”
“Really,” she said with a significant look.
“What?” I asked puzzled.
“You treat him just like every other friend you have but he keeps dropping subtle hints that he likes you more than just a friend.” she said shrewdly.
“That’s not true and any way Lauren called dibs.” I said but she just snorted and we went back out to the band room. I peeked at Erin out of the corner of my eye and saw that he was frustrated. I smiled to myself and continued to my seat. Over the last couple of weeks the faeries had been getting worse. More and more of the faeries had been showing up at the school and they always looked at me with an all too intent expression that made my skin crawl and made me want to run screaming from the school building.
Later that day I was texting Lauren and she said:

Lauren: Erin isn’t slightly interested in me.

Me: Ya he is don’t give up

Lauren: I’ve been watching and he is only interested in you.

Me: Wado ya mean?

Lauren: Whenever he asks me a question it’s always about you.

Me: Nu Uh

Lauren: Yu huh. He asks me about your favorite flowers and movies etc.

Me: Ur lying.

Lauren: R u secretly dating?

Me: No. Any ways whenever he starts talking to me I talk about you and how great u r.

Lauren: Really?

Me: Ya

Lauren: Oh

Me: don’t give up

Lauren: I am giving up I know when I don’t have a chance. He is totally obsessed with you.

Me: Ur lying MAJORLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren: Srry hon I’m not and now I’m going to help him get u.

Me: No Lauren. Don’t u dare.

Lauren: O ya I will

Me: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren: It won’t be so bad if you just go out wit him cuz it’s war.

Me: :( :( :( :( :( GTH!!!

Lauren: Wat does dat mean?

Me: Go to hell. bye

Lauren: Bye :)

“My Goodness!!!!! What is her problem???!!! I don’t want to go out with him at all. My life is becoming hell on Earth and it’s getting there by being flushed down the toilet.” I cried into my pillow. Why does my life have to be so gosh darn complicated. I mean come on I never did anything to anyone that would make me deserve this?
The next day at school I walked to the usual social spot with a deep feeling of foreboding. I saw that Erin was looking at me with a triumphant grin on his too handsome face. Since I was going to have a horrible day any way I actually looked at Erin today. He has dark brown eyes that look like molten chocolate and a perfect Cupid’s bow shape to his lips. He has a strong jaw and a shock of black hair that is wavy and lush. He’s tall and has broad shoulders and when I finished examining his toned body I returned to his lips that are abnormally full for a guy.
“Good morning.” He said to me still smiling that smile.
I didn’t reply I just looked at Lauren suspiciously because she was trying to hide a smug smile by reapplying some chap stick. I stepped up beside Erin and about jumped out of my skin when he draped his arm around my shoulders. In one quick graceful movement I slid out from under his arm and faced him.
“What are you doing?” I squeaked. I was so surprised that I couldn’t get my voice to act normal. He looked puzzled and hurt by my reaction. Lauren was glaring at me.
“I told you I’d get you to go out with him by any means possible so don’t get angry at him. I told him that you wanted to go out with him.” She said harshly.
I growled impressively. Lauren actually stepped back and had a look of dismay on her face but she quickly composed herself and smiled. “There’s no way you’re going to get rid of him now.”
I looked at Erin and saw that he was smiling and looking at me with a calculating expression on his face. I flinched away from his gaze and when I looked up again I saw that his expression had become gentle and concerned. Don’t believe those eyes, I thought, he’s just another half faery half human hybrid.

The weeks went by and winter turned into spring. Erin was still as persistent as ever and Lauren had long since given up on dissuading me from my current state of mind. Today is Saturday and my friends and I are going to a dance.
I picked a little purple strapless dress that was tight to my curves and ended at mid-thigh. There was an aquamarine belt with a fist –sized crystal buckle. My hair was half up and half down with elegant curls framing my face and cascading over my shoulders. And I wore shoes that Lauren would kill for. They were six inch aquamarine high heels that matched my belt with silver rhinestones on the straps around my ankles showing off how slender they are.
My mom dropped me off at the dance after taking a bunch of embarrassing pictures of course. I walked up the front steps in the chilly evening air but I wasn’t cold because I had put on a long black trench coat. I checked in then dropped off my coat in an empty seat. I went in search of my friends in the crowd of gyrating bodies.
I found my group of friends dancing right next to the speakers in the loudest part of the dance. “Hi,” I yelled so that I could be heard over the music. They all nodded in greeting and continued dancing. Well all except for Erin who looked at me and froze. His jaw dropped and flopped like a fish out of water.
I walked forward shut his mouth and started dancing. I faced the middle of the group and Erin came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. I allowed that little thing because we were at a dance and I didn’t have a date. As we danced for the next few hours I watched the faeries dance.
They turned and jumped and spun in ways that were so obviously unnatural that it gave me goose-bumps to watch them but at the same time they were eerily beautiful and graceful. Before I even realized it the dance was over and it was time to go home.
My mom was working late trying to catch up on her filing so I was going to catch a ride with Erin home. I put my trench coat back on and followed Erin out to his black Porsche. He opened the passenger door for me then went over to the driver’s side and started the engine.
“Oh, shoot!” Erin cried, “I forgot my wallet in the men’s bathroom. Could you wait for a minute while I run in and get it.” He asked. All I could do was nod mutely because in his car the smell of him was so intoxicating I swear I was wasted from just being in there for less than a minute. He slid gracefully out of the car and shut the door behind him. When he disappeared into the building I suddenly felt panicked but I couldn’t place why.
A faery moved outside and in between strides threw on the glamour of a hot high school guy. Underneath his glamour he was probably the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was so beautiful that I can’t even describe the way he looked. He opened the door and slid into the passenger seat. “Hello,” he said pleasantly.
I cowered into the passenger door then when I fiddled for the handle so that I could open the door and get out. He locked the doors, slammed the car into gear and was speeding away from the school. I was just able to spot Erin standing on the street corner looking after us with an expression of complete horror on his face. I knew he could see the faeries too so I knew this was not good.
The faery talked to me the whole time he was driving but I wasn’t listening. I had tried to open the door and jump out but he had sealed it somehow because even though I unlocked the door I still couldn’t get it open.
He stopped abruptly at the end of a gravel road in the middle of the woods. I looked at him and saw that he was watching me. Now that I should be freaked out of my mind I was surprised to find that I was mad. And I wasn’t just mad I was pissed so without any fear I asked, “What the hell do you want?” my voice was pure ice.
He smiled at my tone of voice and I scowled in response. Then without warning the car door sprang open and he shoved me out with so much force that I flew through the air and hit an oak tree. I hit the ground with a dull thud and I was breathing hard. I stood up and felt the back of my head. My hand came back wet with warm blood.
I looked up at the faery who I was sure is going to murder me yet I couldn’t fear him. Even though he had thrown me thirty yards out of a car door I couldn’t seem to find the feeling of fear in my body. He walked gracefully around the car and dropped his glamour. I thought, What the hell, I might as well show that I can see him because I’m going to die anyway. I stared right into his eyes as he rounded the front of the car.
“Well,” he said, “this is interesting. Very, interesting indeed.”
I didn’t say a word I just watched his approach with steady eyes. Then in a blur of movement he lunged for me. I tucked and rolled just in time but I still was no match for a faery because he just turned and grabbed me. He didn’t do what I expected though. Instead of snapping my neck or something like that he kissed me. I jerked and writhed in his grasp.
I jerked even more violently and he chuckled. “I’ll enjoy this,” he whispered against my neck. Then he threw me hard onto the ground. I heard something crack ominously. I tried to get up but my right leg wouldn’t work. Then I felt the pain. I didn’t let him have the satisfaction of hearing me cry or writhe or whatever in pain. He took out a wickedly sharp dagger that glinted in the moonlight.
I heard a feral growl behind me and whipped my head around. Erin was standing there by his car with his lips pulled back from his teeth in an angry grimace. He lunged for the faery who had tried to hurt me. I looked down at the ground and covered my ears but it wasn’t enough. I could still hear the sickening tearing, crunching, and the wretched screams of pain.
When it had been quiet for a few minutes I looked up and saw Erin standing there looking at me strangely. Behind him was red. Red gravel, red trees, red leaves, and pieces of pale flesh and bone scattered all around the ground. I started to tremble so badly that my leg gave me immense pain.
After a few seconds of shaking I got myself under control. My broken leg needed immediate attention so I ignored Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome while I realigned my leg. My bone made a snapping noise when I got it back to straight.
“No, you shouldn’t--” Erin started but trailed into silence when he saw me stand up. “But, your---“ he sputtered uncomprehending.
“Let’s go.” I said in a dangerous voice. He seemed to understand that if we stayed here with the red I would give into the fear that should be inside me but isn’t. He walked over to his car and opened the passenger side door. I have to admit he is the quite the gentleman. My God. I just had a near death experience and I was thinking about how Erin is a gentleman.
I laughed at the absurdity of the fact that I was lusting over Erin even though I was almost murdered. Erin now pulling smoothly onto the gravel road looked at me as though I was some exotic animal that had just sprouted a third head. I giggled a little bit at his expression then stopped.
“I think I’m just slap-happy, Erin, don’t worry.” I reassured him. He didn’t look very reassured. I turned up the radio and listened to one of my favorite songs: “Evacuate the Dancefloor” by Cascada. I danced in my seat and acted as if nothing had happened.
When Erin pulled into the driveway I dusted myself off. Luckily whatever his name is didn’t ruin my dress.
“See you on Monday,” I said brightly. Erin looked a little worried as I grabbed my things. When I was up on the porch just before I closed the door I waved.

That Monday I was elated because it was the last week of school before Summer Vacation started. When I saw Erin he looked at me with an inscrutable expression on his face. I hugged him and greeted him with a bright cheery good morning. He glowered at me and stomped into the band room.
“What was all that about?” asked Lauren who looked thoroughly confused. Then she brightened and asked, “Did he kiss you?”
“No, of course not.” I said annoyed. Lauren looked crest fallen when she heard this.
“He was supposed to kiss you.” She said whining like a small child. Then her face became absolutely elated.
“Let me guess,” I said rolling my eyes but glad for the subject change. “Arnold’s here.”
“Yep.” She crowed happily. Arnold is Lauren’s newly acquired boyfriend who has red hair green eyes and a six pack that Lauren happily drools over. Contrary to his name he’s a cool and totally hot rocker guy. His favorite band is My Chemical Romance and he believes that school is prison for kids who haven’t committed crimes. I agree with that last bit.
“Hey,” he said in general greeting as he wrapped his arms around Lauren and looked at our little social group.
“See ya’ll later.” I tossed over my shoulder as I hurried to band. I was so glad they couldn’t see me because since Erin had started coming to school the halls were teaming with faeries. I swear since he came the amount of faeries has more than tripled and whenever they saw me they would start whispering among themselves. One time when I was trying to ignore them I heard them say something about something about the summer king wanting his best warrior to find a suitable mortal for something.
The day seemed to fly by because I was looking forward to my friends and my plans. Today Erin’s driving us to Seattle to go shopping and see a totally awesome action movie that we’ve been waiting for to come out for like, ever. I fidgeted in technology foundations as I watched the clock. Each minute seemed to pass so slowly than I finally gave up and focused on our assignment. I was so absorbed that I jumped when the bell finally rang.
I hurriedly shoved my stuff in my bag not caring what crumpled or ripped. It’s the last week of school I could afford to be a little careless. I flew down the rickety old stairs whose sky blue paint was pealing to the ground floor where different machines were scattered around for the people who worked in wood shop and other miscellaneous classes. I swept through the doorway just barely making it through before the rushing tide of fleeing students clogged the halls.
After depositing my extra stuff at my locker I sped out into the parking lot looking for my band of friends. It really wasn’t very hard to spot them since Erin was the only person in the school who owned a Porsche and there always seemed to be a small crowd of car enthusiasts surrounding his car.
I walked into the midst of my little gaggle of friends and was totally ignored. I knew they could see me but they all just gave me the cold shoulder. The small amount of them who did acknowledge me glowered at me so intensely that I was at an absolute loss for words. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then opened them again and started to speak but was cut off by Lauren who was acting as the spokesperson for the group.
“What the hell is your problem.”
“Wha—“I started but she cut me off again.
“We know that you’ve been telling the whole school Tessa and I have been sleeping around.”
I was so appalled it took me a moment to answer. “Where did you here this from exactly?”
“Maria of course,” she said snidely then sniffed.
Maria is a new friend of ours who is a faery who wears the glamour of a supermodelly looking girl. Her true self is something to rival the looks of Medusa.
“Lauren,” I sighed before continuing,” I’ve never breathed a word of such an atrocity. You know I never would and the fact that you even believe that really does hurt my feelings but you guys have never been and never will be whores so will you listen to the truth in my voice or some rumor that’s been going around. And anyway, I’ve never even used you guys’ names in the same sentence and that phrase you just told me.”
I looked Lauren straight in the eyes as I said this then when I saw the remorse in her eyes I smiled but didn’t give her a chance to answer, “Now are we going shopping for totally sexy dresses for the summer dance or are we going to stand here arguing all day.”
Everybody seemed relieved not to have to deal with the scene that would have followed if they hadn’t believed me then Erin strode up fuming,” Maria is a lying condescending little rotten juju berry who needs a taste of her own medicine. Oh, and by the way Maria only made up that story about Dallas because she wants to steal her friends and popularity.”
“What popularity?” I asked joking but under the light tone the question was real. I am not popular nor have I ever been popular so I was totally confused. Erin rolled his eyes at me, “And ‘rotten little juju berry’ seriously? Anyway,” I continued,” you’re too late everything has already been resolved so let’s leave before the movie is over.” At my words everyone jumped into action and arranged who was riding with who. Then we were off.
During the entire drive I sat and read a book I had just gotten. Just when we were almost to Portland I finished the book and sat there feeling glum because of the ending. I know that all stories can’t have a happy ending but I just hate unhappy endings they always break my heart, make me cry, or make me feel outraged and cheated.
Tears escaped the edges of my eyes as I thought about the ending. A girl was majorly head over heels for this guy that she had met and when she asked him how he felt instead of just saying no he said,” Of course I don’t love you.” He is so cruel, it was absolutely awful.
“Are you crying,” asked Erin.
“Maybe,” I said in a tight voice.
“Really, what’s so sad in that book that could make you cry?” under his teasing tome Erin was seriously curious.
“This girl fell in love and when she asked the guy if he loved her too, his answer was of course not.” I sounded bitter as if it was me who had been that girl. When I had read that passage my heart had broken with her and could not believe that anyone could be so insensitive.
Erin’s voice pulled me out of my reverie,” But, it’s just a book how could it make you so upset.”
“I know it’s just a book but there’s also the problem that it happens in real life all the time. But, the trajicness of it isn’t the reason why it made me so upset the reason is that the girl loved him, she truly loved him and even though he didn’t love her back he didn’t have to shatter her heart to tell her that.” Then I remembered how Erin the scary half-faery had pursued me so adamantly over his first few months at my school. I sneaked a sideways glance at him and saw that that was where his thought had retreated to as well. I remembered how I had been so rude to him at times but then I remembered why, I wanted to be with him so badly that it terrified me so I had tried to hide and deny that feeling.
I looked up with a defeated look on my face and was just in time to watch the semi hit us.

I opened my eyes blurrily and blinked until they adjusted to the harsh light of the fluorescents over head. I looked around and saw that I was in a small hospital room with clear glass doors that I guessed were sound proof because I didn’t hear the people talking as they rushed by.
The beeping of the heart monitor was slowly fraying my nerves. Finally I couldn’t take it any longer I ripped the stupid paper majig off my arm and sighed contentedly when the beeping stopped. Then I became even more annoyed because the machine decided to make a shrill ringing sound that was even more irritating than before.
Then to my intense surprise two doctors and three nurses burst into the room with those electric things they use to restart people’s hearts. They all stopped when I sat up alarmed at their sudden appearance.
“What’s going on?” I asked startled.
They ignored me and started grumbling about a false alarm and this and that.
“Excuse me, is anyone ever going to answer my question?” I snapped sarcastically. They finally seemed to train their attention back on me and while one of the nurses replaced that annoying thing back on my arm they explained to me that I was in the intensive care unit in something or other hospital in Portland. They told me that I’d been in a head on collision and that Erin had escaped with only some cuts and bruises and that I’d been a coma for two weeks.
The doctors told me that they had used no drugs on me and found that I had severe head trauma (that explains the intensive care unit) and that I wouldn’t wake up and they thought that I was supposed to have died after entering the hospital.
As they were speaking to me I felt a growing pain in my stomach then finally as they were just finishing up explaining everything to me I doubled over and gasped. Silent tears slipped down my cheeks as the wrenching pain in my stomach intensified. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore I screamed bloody-murder.
“It’s okay honey,” murmured a motherly looking nurse, “let me just give you some meds to help with the pain.”
Meds. That’s it! I had always reacted strangely to medication not that I let anyone on to it but they always gave me pain instead of taking it away.
“No meds,” I gasped as she inserted a needle full of morphine into my IV drip. “Meds did this.” I hissed between clenched teeth as the pain in my abdomen tripled in intensity.
As my words sunk in the nurse looked absolutely horrified. “Why isn’t that in your medical history?”
“Because, it didn’t get that way until this year.” I answered quickly trying to remember how to breathe through the pain.
The nurse nodded then said that she couldn’t do anything to help me and that I just needed to wait until the drugs were out of my system. I nodded once then noticing that the world started spinning stopped and tried not to move.
I lay in a fetal position on my side and even though the pain fogged my mind and made it hard to concentrate I just thanked my lucky stars that Erin was alright. As the pain slowly receded and I was nearing sleep I finally realized that there were tons of faeries by the window in my room.

“Cye,”(Cye is pronounced like sigh) a voice called. I frowned and rolled over.
“Please, don’t make me go to school,” I groaned trying to slip back into sleep. I heard someone chuckle then the memory of where I was and what had happened made jerk upright in the bed. As result of my sudden movement my stomach rolled.
“Bathroom,” I cried as I ran into the restroom in my hospital room. I made it to the toilet just in time to puke my guts into the toilet bowl. After I finished that I leaned my forehead against the wall and focused on the solid coolness of it to calm my aching stomach and forehead.
While I was vomiting someone had come in and held my hair away from my face. After the nausea faded slightly I took the chance of opening my eyes just a crack. Who I saw standing there filled me with such mortification that I gasped in shock and hid my face.
“What are you doing here,” my question came out sounding more like an accusation than a question.
“Coming to see if you’re alright,” Erin replied looking concerned. I tried to get up and swayed where I was standing. Erin automatically grabbed my arm and steadied me.
“I don’t need your help,” I said annoyed. Erin smirked and stepped back letting go of my arm. It was then that I realized I really did need his help but I wouldn’t admit to it so I staggered out of the bathroom and plopped down on the bed. I was still sore from the effect of the meds however long ago that was.
“Are you okay?” I asked when I wasn’t trying not to cry out in pain.
“Oh yeah sure, the girl who was in a coma for two weeks asks me if I’m all right.” Erin retorted sarcastically but under the sarcasm was relief.
I laughed at his sarcasm and because of that the pain in my abdomen flared and I winced. Then without warning the pain that came with the meds came to me anew. I doubled over and gasped sliding off the bed and onto the floor.
“Cye,” Erin cried. I was rocking back and forth in a fetal position while silent tears rolled down my cheeks. Erin gently picked me up and set me on the bed then pressed the button to summon the nurse.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” I said quietly.
“What,” Erin asked puzzled.
“There’s nothing they can do to take away the pain.” I clarified.
Luckily Erin wasn’t able to answer because a nurse breezed into the room. She saw what was going on but before she did anything she checked my chart and whatever she saw might have shocked her because her eyes opened wide and her mouth fell open. She glanced up at me and saw that both Erin and I were watching.
“Young man did you call me,” she asked softly.
“Yes ma’am.” He answered confused.
“Hon, Miss Decorus cannot be given any form of antibiotics because they cause her extreme pain as you can see,” she gesture toward me and continued, “The reason she’s in pain now is because her body still has antibiotics in its system so the only thing we can do is wait until it has passed.” Then with that she turned and walked towards the doors.
When she had slid the door open she looked back at me and said, “Once the pain has subsided enough you are free to sign out and go home.” Then without another word she left.
Erin and I sat in silence for awhile then without warning he reached out and touched my shoulder. I sighed happily as I felt heat flood through my body and the pain slowly faded into nothing. After the pain was gone I realized how tired I really was and lay back for a while.
I was almost asleep when I shocked awake. Standing by my window was the faery who had tried to kill me after the dance. I was careful not to look at him but I knew that Erin sensed my alarm. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Erin imperceptibly nod to the faery. Mr. Almost Murderer walked towards me and Erin scooped me up in his arms. Then I realized they’re in this together omigosh.
I jerked and writhed trying to get away but my eyelids were so heavy. I shook myself and continued fighting if I was going down I was taking somebody down with me. I considered screaming but decided against it I didn’t want anybody else to get hurt.
I finally gave up and became dead weight. Then I felt something strange then realized that Erin was a full faery he was just so strong that his glamour was closer to human.
When I stopped struggling Erin spoke to me as he dropped his glamour, “Cye, don’t worry I won’t hurt you.”
“Like hell you won’t,” I was fuming and felt… betrayed. I didn’t want to admit it even to myself but it was true without even meaning to I fell in love with this guy who was always kind to me. No, I thought to myself that was a lie he was only trying to get to me.
By the time of my realization we were out of the hospital and in the forest behind it. They moved so quickly that the trees were nothing but a blur but if I hadn’t had my eyes open I would of thought he was just walking.
“Why,” I asked myself exasperated. I rolled my eyes toward the sky ignoring Erin’s questioning look then I realized I was supposed to be asleep I wasn’t supposed to be totally awake and seeing what was going on. Erin thought that I was asleep when I stopped fighting because normally that’s what would happen.
“Okay, you know what I already feel enough like a freak without you giving me the what-the-fuck-is-going-on-look okay?” I snapped at Erin. I instantly regretted my words because his face fell and looked like a puppy that had been kicked. “I’m sorry,” I sighed then looked forward and didn’t speak again.
They ran for what seemed like hours and then they finally stopped in front of an ancient oak tree. Mr. Almost Murderer stepped forward and brushed his fingertips gently along the tree’s rough bark. Then to my surprise the tree shivered and an opening appeared that was just large enough for one person to fit through. Mr. A.M. disappeared into the darkness behind the opening and then Erin quickly followed after him.
We were surrounded by an inky blackness that made my skin crawl like a thousand bugs were scuttling along it. That thought made me shudder and as a result Erin tightened his arms around me. Then as quickly as the darkness descended it lifted to reveal a beautiful room filled with rainbow colored light and the ceiling was the bottom of a lake. I watched mesmerized as a faery with the likeness of a mermaid swam by.
A small noise drew my attention to the end of the earthen room we were in. Standing there was the most beautiful faery I had ever seen. I sighed with envy at her unearthly beauty and grace. I returned my attention to the lake over our heads and watched the seaweed swish back and forth with the current. All the while I listened to her light footsteps as she glided towards us.
“Hello Erin,” she said. I didn’t have to look at her to see the flirty smile on her face.
“Ughh,” I cried, “why don’t you just put me out of my misery already?” I threw up my hands in exasperation and lost control of my powers causing Erin to be burned. He dropped me and I landed flat on my ass. I became horrified when I realized that what I was wearing one of those hospital gowns with nothing covering my back and the only thing I had on underneath was a pair of hot pink panties with smiley faces.
I grabbed the sheet underneath me and wrapped it around my shoulders. I looked up to see all three faeries staring at me. Erin had a look of horror on his face, pretty girl had a look of immense satisfaction, and Mr. A.M. was grinning from ear to ear.
I swallowed then said,” I have a bad feeling about this.”
“She has the power,” cried Mr. A.M. excitedly. He grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet. He jarred me so badly I gasped, dropped the sheet, and slid back to the ground holding my stomach. Tears stung my eyes and I curled into a fetal position as the pain in my abdomen beat with my pulse.
“She will die if she is not given to the king right away,” said pretty girl. She motioned to Erin who picked me up and wrapped me in the sheet then walked forward with a masklike expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I whispered to Erin. He looked at me but his expression did not change and he did not answer my question. Then we burst through a huge ornate door into a long, large throne room and at the far end sat a faery who… looked exactly like Erin? I gave Erin a questioning gaze but he shook his head once so with a little bit of difficulty I put a leash on my curiosity and looked back to the man sitting on the throne.
“Sire, she is the one we have been waiting for,” Said little miss pretty faery.
“You, mean—“ the king started but stopped when he focused on me. “She is a pretty little thing isn’t she.” I cowered into Erin’s chest as I saw the sharp teeth in the king’s mouth. The king saw this and smiled causing a shiver to crawl up my spine. I turned my face into Erin’s chest and closed my eyes. I felt tears of betrayal slip out of my eyes as I felt the presence of the king come closer but I didn’t look up.
I felt the king touch my shoulder then I felt my hospital gown and sheet transform into a strapless floor length gown. My eyes flew open as I felt the kings lips on my neck. I jerked but couldn’t even move much more than an inch because Erin was holding me so tightly that it hurt.
The king inhaled then sighed. “Mmmmm. She smells delicious.” Then he bit me. I felt the pain but refused to cry out so instead I settled with glaring at him. To my surprise the king looked amused and when he saw the look on my face he barked a laugh which caused me to glare even more venomously.
The pain in my neck where the king bit me then started to… feel good. It felt like I was sitting in a warm bath. I wrinkled my brow puzzled as the warmth spread through my body.
“There son she’ll make the perfect concubine.” The king said satisfied.
“Over my dead body,” I snapped outraged. I freed myself from Erin’s grasp and stood staring at the king with murder in my eyes. The king just chuckled.
“You should be honored, human,” said Miss Prissy Pretty Faery. I whirled on her and smiled cruelly.
“Well, unlike you Miss Priss I don’t dress like a slut and throw myself at anyone who’ll have me,” I said snidely. That really pissed her off because she lunged for my throat. I didn’t even try to sidestep her I just stood there and smiled when she crashed into the force-field I had surrounded myself in.
The field electrocuted her and threw her against the wall. I wasn’t worried though because I knew it wouldn’t of hurt Miss Priss just humiliate her.
“No,” the king said to Miss Priss,” Hellena, don’t hurt her she is very important to our survival as a race.”
“Huh,” I said brilliantly. Then I knew that the kings bite had taken my humanity. With that realization I collapsed in on myself. I slid to the floor and buried my face in my hands and started sobbing. I felt Erin put his arms around me but he was part of the reason that this was happening to me so I shoved him away.
“Stop that,” the king said.
“I’ll cry if I want to,” I shot back then an old song started to play in my head: It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry--- if I want to
I burst out laughing and everyone in the room looked at me like I was crazy.
“Hey, don’t look at me like I’m crazy because I’m not crazy I’m insane there’s a distinct difference,” I said trying to sound haughty and contemptuous and only succeeded in bursting into another fit of giggles. I sighed and dried my tears and gave them my best suffering look then stood with as much dignity as I could muster and said, “I’ll be in touch.” Then turning on my heel I swept from the room with way more confidence than I really felt. To be honest I was terrified that they were going to chase after me and luckily they didn’t until I was half way back to the hospital.
“Cyrene, you can’t run away from this,” Eric said as he matched his stride to mine.
“I’m not running away from this but I can’t just go missing from my life. And anyway I still need to get vicious dress for the summer dance. It is tomorrow isn’t it?”
“Yes, but—“, he started to say but I cut him off.
“Erin please don’t, I don’t want to think about it now. I can’t think about it now or I might just end up curled up in a ball and crying until the end of days so just don’t.” Eric understood so he shut up. He just didn’t understand well enough to know that I don’t want him to touch me. The second his skin touched mine I hissed like a cat and shied away from him. Erin’s face showed hurt and embarrassment and I didn’t have enough compassion left in me to apologize so I turned and left him behind.
When we walked into the hospital parking lot I saw a bunch of my friends getting out of Arnold’s car.
“Hey, guys!!!” I yelled excitedly as I jogged over to meet them.
“Whoa,” said Garrett a totally cute guy from the junior class who had always been really nice to me. I stared at him quizzically but shook it off and turned to Lauren and Tessa and didn’t hesitate to throw myself at them and start crying. Neither of them even batted an eye and hugged me tight letting me cry.
When I’d stopped balling Lauren said, “Soooo, are you gonna tell us the reason your balling like a newborn baby.”
“Mood swings, it’s that time of the month and Erin said something that would never have offended me if I wasn’t horny as hell.” I stood there for a moment with a straight face for a total of three seconds before my friends and I were doubled over laughing.
“I’ll take that as a no then,” Tessa finished for Lauren.
“Yep, pretty much,” I replied. Then changing the subject I asked, “So, what do your guys’ dresses look like?”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.08.2010

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