











Time to us

Time, what is time? Numbers put in front of one another. A number that can tell you the duration within the day, Is time linear? Is time travel possible? September 16, 1965 was the day I began pursuing in time travel, that year alone I read over a hundred books. It all began that one morning, I set my alarm clock on a shelf over my bed, specifically over my head and every morning that clock rings and rings moving its way towards the edge falling every morning on my head waking me. But this time even though I knew that clock was going to fall on my head somehow I saw it freeze midway down, I stared at it with a confusing look on my face… looking around the room everything looking as normal as it should, staring back at the clock, frozen. Two seconds later it falls waking me up, I imagined that clock falling, stopping time, so it got me thinking what is time? As a physicist we think about these things more often than we’d like. Later that day my wife Jane talks to me about a spontaneous trip; she always wanted to go camping at Lake Crystal just north of San Jose, CA. I’ve never had the time always busy with work, so I took the time to spend it with my wife. Out on the road I had never felt better to know I’d finally got away from those books and papers, feeling cheer singing camping songs with Jane, had never felt happier. I been driving for hours and finally a gas station coming up to fuel up and stretch for once. Pulling up getting out the truck a car filled with hoodlums speed into the line I was walking in towards the pay station, immediately breaking half a foot in front of me “HEY! Watch it, I’m walking here…” the guy in the driver’s seat staring me down with a hate look on his face as if I had done something to him to piss him off. After in countering with them kids I pumped gas and got back on the road. Back on the road driving for forty minutes them hoodlums from the gas station appear behind our vehicle honking their horn trying to rush us on a single lane street, I signal them to go around me, they sped up in front of us keeping their distance he immediately brakes, I swerved to the left trying to avoid hitting their car. Another car was coming fast down the other lane I couldn’t swerve back right, so I went far left going of the road trying to break, the car began to spin, as it span I saw the look on my wife’s face screaming holding on tight, as I turned my head back forward the truck collides into a tree damaging the whole right side. About a minute later I gain conscious for about ten seconds glancing to my right, it all was a blur I saw my wife’s head down, bloody. I couldn’t remember exactly what had happened after that, than I woke up in the nearby hospital thinking to myself “How did I get here, where is Jane… Where is my wife…” the nurse walks in and sees I had waken and rushes to call the doctor. I had been out conscious six hours since the accident a cured, the doctor asking me all kinds of questions and all I wanted to know was where my wife was. The Doctor then explained to me what had happened; Jane took major damage to the body she died instantly. My wife was killed and all got out of the accident was miner concussion and bruised right knee. The Doctor said I was lucky to have not been taken major damage to my own body, but how lucky could I have been I lost my family. September 16, 1965 – 11:26AM that was the day I lost everything.

Planning for the Past

August 26, 1971 it’s almost been six years since I lost Jane, I hadn’t seen another women since she died I haven’t done much of anything really; socially. For the past four years I had been teaching at a local University advanced physics. I felt teaching can help me; help me find the reasons why things happen to one another. I spent most of my time at home working on a rather different type of experiment. About two years ago I was placing an alarm clock on a shelf over the bed, specifically over my head so it would fall off from its vibration and hit me on my head, I had remembered a dream I had six years ago. I took it as a sign, that night I began diagraming prints and documents on this theory of mine, time travel. September 16, 1971 – 8:05AM I was ready to see if the time I took to create a machine that can possible take me to a time of my choice. As I slowly sat in the machine catching my breath, setting the dials to a time that changed my life. As the dials turned the machine shuck, overhead disks turning faster and faster, a force of a globe circling the machine, as I press a single button sending me instantly back in time… I was off… I wasn’t quite sure if it had worked or not, the calendar on the wall said September 16 on the year 1965 and the clock on the mantle had 8:05 on it, it still hadn’t made a believer out of me, till… “Morning honey, nice clothes” she said then she saw the time machine in the corner of the room “What’s that?” I stood their frozen, speechless, I walk up to Jane slowly touch her cheek staring into her eyes I said, “Jane…” I hugged her so tight kissing her like never before, she then said to me “your acting strange, are you ok? And what is that machine doing in the living room?” I responded “umm… that’s, umm… That’s nothing” she than talked to me about a spontaneous trip she wants to take, I immediately interrupted her cause I knew already that was the trip that killed her and took her out for breakfast instead. While eating she excused herself to the restroom, a moment later a woman screams out at the top of her lungs, I ran up to the door of the restroom, Jane on the floor blood all over, she had slipped breaking the edge of the sink with her head killing her. Later that night I stood up thinking, why, why this had happened again, we didn’t go on the trip. So I got back in the machine and went back to this morning, “Morning honey, nice clothes” I grabbed her and told her, “You know I love you, rite…” she responded “Yes, I love you too…” so I took a walk to the park with Jane, sat on a bench and talked for hours, Jane heard the ice scream man coming so I told her to sit tight as I went for an ice scream. As I was walking back to her, a man in a car sped his way thru the park… I slowly turned over to Jane, the car rams into her pinning her against a tree behind the bench from where she was sitting. I dropped to my knees seeing my wife get hit, as I stared down to the floor, a piece of news newspaper lands in front of me, it read; Where there is death, there will always be death… as I took a look at my watch, tears falling down my face, 11:26AM. I went back to the machine and went back ten more times, I saw here die ten different ways, each more painful than the last. I still wouldn’t give up, each time she died was because I had left her alone, I decided to go back and give it another shot, so I went back once more. I felt afraid to go out with her knowing what could happen, we went to a local store to buy some things to use around the house, had carpet installed in the in tire house and placed rubber on  the tub floor to prevent her from slipping. The time had reached 11:26 and she still was here with me, from this moment forward I spent every second, every minute, every hour by her side, I began to worked from home to stay near her, I cooked for her every time she was hungry, I stood by her every time she used the restroom, when she showered and for all other things she wanted to do. I treated her as a Queen.

No Regrets

It’s been two years now, I haven’t left Jane alone for one second I know what would happen if I did. I feared every night something could happen in her sleep, but nothing ever did. One morning I hear her scream, I woke up quickly heart racing ran towards the bathroom, Jane standing over the toilet seat she said “Kill it, kill it, kill it…” I glanced over to what she was pointing and I laugh and laugh harder, all that screaming for a small spider. As I picked up the spider I saw a pregnancy test in the corner, I turned to Jane, “honey, are we…“ She responds “Yes” as I leaned to give her a hug she shouts out “No! Spider! Get rid of it” I had forgotten I had it in my hand. Eight months later, one morning Jane began to feel discomfort, she blacked out, I rushed her to the hospital as fast as I could I seen she still was breathing. Arriving to a hospital right away she was taken into the delivery room the doctors had me waiting outside in the waiting room for over an hour. This was the longest I been away from her since… I could not stand still nor sit at all; pacing myself back and forward in that room till finally, two doctors approach me… Jane couldn’t resist the pain she died 11:26AM – September 16, 1967 I had lost her again but that was all for our child being born, she gave it all to save a life… It was a girl I named her Jane, after her mother. Four years later September 16, 1971 – 11:26AM Jane and I visit her mother every year on this day and time leaving her flowers. This was the year that changed my life forever, a decision that changed the course of time; my time. I destroyed the machine, I had no need to travel back in time, even though I didn’t have my wife anymore she left me one beautiful child and I had no regrets on any decisions I’ve made in my life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2014

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