




My name is ,Melina. I graduated from Florence Dee High School in the year 2013. My father, Hanry, abuses me for me being the reason of my mother, Evangelines, death at my birth date. Ive been kiddnapped by a monsterous man by name of Manuel. I never truely believed in magic, serenity, or above all monsters... until now.


Class of 2013





"Melina, come take a picture with me!" I swing my arm around my friend, Charice's, arm and smile the biggest until my face began to hurt. I unglued myself from the group of girls I attached myself with. The twins ,Candy, and Brandie, as usual turned into they're little prissy, princesses little self's. Both wore blue matching dresses that poofed up at the end were your hips met and streamed down asthough they were trying to out mask Cinderella. The ironic thing was they weren't wearing any masks since this was a masquerade ball after all. I should'nt say much also I guess for I was'nt wearing one either. "I'm going to miss you, Mel, when I go to Princeton!" Candy, said tousling her short blond curls away from her face. I looked up at the ceiling, expecting to see white blank spacious place that I would always catch myself staring at for all four years but no. Not this time. Instead there hung a big, shiny ball that glistened among the other flashing lights and made the glitter on most girls dresses sparkled even more. I shifted my gaze toward the big clock that stood on the right side of the Gym. 11:30. Thirty more minutes till all of this is over. The Gym nolonger even looked like a Gym. It looked like a big old fashioned 50s dance you'd possibly see in Back to the future! That or its just really elegant I guess. The masks that stood out were'nt even near to the ones you'd see at Stop and Shop where I used to work. These masks had real feather, real looking jewls and didnt break ever time you tried to put them on. They stood out in a good way unlike me.



I spent the rest of the dance by chattering with my fellow 'friends' that would soonly abandon me at the strike of twelve as quickly as Cinderella did to her lonely lost slipper. Everything seemed to freeze on the the ten mintues of the dance. Even though it was a slow dance of course things were going to be slowing down a bit Im sure but it wasnt percisley like that. It felt empty but still all I seen were dozens and dozens of seniors waiting to disperse into there shiny cars or wait out by the front for a big long black limo for them to take them to another party or something. It could never be simple in this world. Nothing ever could. In the last five minutes they hung a random red sparkly banner where the disco used to stand. Now all the lights were turned on, everything was bright and making everyones eyes hurt as they all stared at what seemed to be the most important thing in this remainder of 8 mintues left. It said in sparkly silver letters "Class of 2013! Go Timber Wolfs!" Everyone cheered and some even began to cry on one anothers shoulder. As for me I stood there like a awkward fool in the middle of the dance floor and stared at the banner as though it was an alien from outter space. I wasnt the girl that was always into "Team Spirit" Just because you may act like you care about something. Doesnt always means you do after the outcome of it truely ending once and for all.

Fogging up my sight





For miles and miles I passed by cars that sped by a puddle and soaking up my silver see through shoes I also found in moms old brief case. They clanked and clunked in the air mixing in with the thick air and the echo it produced. The more I walked the more I wanted to stop. I was'nt tired, I was'nt bored of my thoughts. I just did'nt want to go anywhere it seemed like. I stopped and leaned against a tree that blended with the shadows surrounding it. The air made you want to faint and the smell made you want to frown. It smelt like rain but still no droplets of water I felt. I squinted my eyes toward the direction I was supposed to continue on walking on but I couldn't even see much of my hand. The fog fogged everything in its path as though it was darkness destroying the villagers in some old story book. The sky was nothing but dark. No street lights were even on. I picked up my phone from out of my denim jacket and read the text that my father, Henry, sent me. "Get your ass home or you'll be sorry!" I read the words in my head with his voice saying them as though he was say it to my face. I can imagine him now. On the couch in his dirty work, scrapping clothes with a beer in his hand watching the football game that has been playing for two days straight now. Even if I came home early I would still get yelled at, lectured at (IF he was in a okay mood) and hit if he was bored and had nothing better else to do. I sighed at my thoughts and put the phone back into my pocket and started to walk home once again.



Half way down the path that I was following, I kept hearing a whistle or hushing kind of sound you would hear if the wind swept by your ear fast enough. My heart began to throb once I seen a foggy figure on the side of the path. I wanted to turn back but my curiosity was getting to me. "Don't go, Melina. Turn back!" A whisper said close up to my ear. It was right. I needed to go back. As I turned around I jumped back in seen a man in front of me as though he was there behind me the whole time! How had'nt he gotten there? "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." His face was sort of muscular and his smile was sweet but a little snaky. You could tell with a face like his he was always up to something. "No its fine. I'm sorry I ran into you." I waved the worry away and smiled politely. "My names, Manuel." He held out a big hand for a greet with my neutral sized one. I hesitated and shook his hand quickly and said "Melina." We retrieved hands and stood there awkwardly for a few moments. "I don't mean to be so forward but you are very pretty!" His smile gotten wider this time. For some reason I wanted to hunch back but I didn't. I felt frozen in my place. "Thank you." I said in a mosey voice. He was quiet charming. Ill give you that but how old was he exactly? 25, 26? "Please don't be frightened." He began and caressed a piece of hair out of my face. I wanted to defend myself. To tell myself this was probably some weird perv that probably did'nt have enough money to go to a strip club so he rather hit on some hopeless girl by herself in the dark. People these days I swear. I stared at him with a blank face as he took my hand. "Are you lost?" I shook my head slowly yes. "WHY?! DON'T DO THAT MELINA! STOP!" I heard the whisper beside my hear screaming bloody murder for attention but I couldn't hear it all completely anymore. It felt like it was fading away. Like I was fading away. "Come with me..." He tugged onto my hand and made me follow him into the dark forest that all the trees lived in. Since when did I trust strangers???..

Home sweet home






I woke up to the sound of rattling chains and a disturbing stench of rotting flesh. I was laying in dirt and the walls were all brick that looked like it was a lot older than I was. My dress was torn at the bottom and my shoes were no longer clear but grayish black from all the dirt they consumed. I looked around to see that the only light there was a little light coming from a lonely lit lantern on the other side of the tomb that sat on a lonely crusted rock. How did I get here? I didn't remember what happened. Where was I? I began to hear more rattling chains and got up from my new bed and stumbled over my heels that were sinking quickly into the dirt. I squinted my eyes and seen someone on the other side of the five rusted bars that kept me as prisoner from the life I thought I once knew. "What the-" I began and saw a familiar man holding long, hardy, strong chains in his hands. He looked up and smiled. "I see that you've woken up." "Yes I....I. Where am I?" I felt weak and dizzy. I couldn't hold myself up right so I leaned against the wet, scratchy brick wall and watched him fiddle with the chains some more.  "You act as though we have never met before...." He smirked. "I remember you sort of. I met you on the-" " On the path earlier." He finished my sentence  and laughed. "Yes I know. You seemed a little lost." I nodded my head again without even knowing it and than knocked my self out of the trance. "No." I said sternly. "I was going home!" My voice began to rise and echoed with in the tomb that slowly began to frighten me. "Oh." His gaze through the darkness began to soften. "Well I guess we'll be having a little sleep over than." He smiled widely and began to wrap the chains around the handle on the side of the bars. "What do you mean sleep over? I want to go home!" I wrapped my hands onto the bars like a pleading prisoner and watched him laugh in my face. "No worries dear, Melina. Everything will be well tomorrow." he reached through the bars and tried to caress my dirty cheek. I hunched back and pushed his hand away in anger and watched him walk away...


Memory Lane




The sun brightens the darkness they say. Mrs. Perkins English class, we always would say the sun is the greatest things in the world. We would be grateful because we believed it shooed away the darkness. I find myself as an idiot when I think of it now. The darkness always comes back and sometimes it wont go away. Ever. I should know from experience...



 The slamming of doors was always the worst. I cradle myself in a corner holding my old teddy bear Mr. Boo Boo. His big boots are coming toward me. I can hear them coming closer and closer. My heart begins to race and my skin begins to crawl. I want to escape, to go maybe to the Robinson's house like last time. I than remember, Henry, found out and well..lets just say things didn't end well. "Melina! Where are you!?" He pulls the door open and turns on the light that reveals my few belongings and my hopeless self in the corner. He runs over to me with a monstrous look on his face. "When I call you, you come to me!" He wraps his large hand around my little arm. Hes already made this arm a bruise. I pray he wont leave more. "I didn't hear you, daddy!" I began crying and become light. "You do not talk back to me! Ever!" He picks me up until my feet no longer touches the ground and throws me across the room. I slam into the wall and feel something wet on my face. I lay there and stay still to convince him that I have had enough. That I supposedly knocked out and its time for him to leave. He grunts bad words about me under his breath and stomps across my almost broken boned body. My limbs felt numb and so along with my face. I lay there for a remainder of 3 hours. Wondering what my life would've been like if my mother, Evangeline, was alive. Would I get more stuff? Better clothes? Be more healthy? Be happy? Would my dad love me? I silently cry as more questions begin to erupt inside my head. The more I cried, the more I felt weak. Who ever said crying is a good thing is plain out wrong. It just makes you look more pathetic.



I quickly awaken from my horrible dream that reflected of what I once knew of. What I was used to. I flip my hair to the other side of my filthy body and limp over to the bars. Manuel, was undoing the chains and taking them off. "What are you doing?" I mumble and rub my tired eyes. He didn't speak but just stared and opened the cage. He grabs my arm and leads me out and toward a darkened staircase. "Where are you taking me?" I stumble over my feet as her tightens his grip and rushes me up the stairs with his pace faster. He opens a door that leads to a room that is filled with old furniture and lit candles stinking up the room, making the room smell like cinnamon. I look around the room and find myself being impressed. "What did you bring me up here for?" I blink and watch his expression turn serious. "I wanted to show you around." I shrug at him and ask "Why?" "Wouldn't you want to get to know your new home?" He smirked at me and waited for me patiently to respond. "Wait..home?...Me?" I blinked. "But I already have a home!" "Now don't be difficult, Melina." He waved his finger as you would see with a strict parent. "This is for your own good! You must rest. Ill show you your new room. I decorated it just for you!" He tried to reach for my hand until I retrieved it. "No! What transitioning are you talking about?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" I screamed at the tip of my voice and balled my hands into fists. "You'll thank me once-" I pushed him aside toward the wall and ran out the door toward the black paved road that stretched on forever. Only one street light was on and I'm sure the next house is miles away. I stampers over my feet and look all around where to run. "Melina!"

Escaping is key word for freedom




I took off my shoes and held them in my hand as I began running as fast I could. Continuously I heard my name from a far away distance. The farther, the better! I didnt exactly know where I was going. I didn't know if I was going to the police, home, or even to some crazy mental hospital. I just wanted to get away from there. I suddenly felt out of breath. I was only a half a mile away. I was always a good runner. Whats happening to me?! My body began to feel heavy and everything began to blur. I thought of slowing my pace so I went to a lighter jog and prayed Manuel, had no idea where I was. I leaned up against a street light and saw my chest heaving up and down really fast. I tried to catch me breath so I could start running again. So I could truly escape from this world that I thought I could handle. I cant. Not anymore. I look to me left and see an abandoned car but no house. It looked sort of broken down but had keys inside it. Was it the home of a homeless person? A strike of luck? I huffed and puffed in a short breath and ran a little more down that street as fast as I could to reach to my goal. I opened the door and crawled inside.



I haven't really ever driven before. Ive always taken the city buses or the buses for school. Once in a while Id ride with friends but that would be about it. I turned on the old engine and miraculously heard it start. I pulled out and began to swerve onto the road. I probably looked like a drunk coming from some random bar in the middle of the night. I continued to drive and keep my concentration until I gotten those familiar feelings again. The nausea, the heaviness I felt. I felt tired, and suddenly my heart began to hurt. It began to hurt as though I had a really heart burn. I let out a loud moan and pressed one hand on my chest and closed my eyes from the pain. I looked right after that to see myself smashing into a Big. Black. Truck..




I opened my eyes to a beeping sound and a lady standing over me. "Well hello there, Melina." I opened up my tired eyes little bit more and studied the nurse that stood before me. "Your in the hospital." She announced. I looked down and saw tubes in my mouth. I try to shift myself before she placed her hand on my shoulder. "Don't move. Lye still. You need to rest. You've had a long night. You shouldn't have been drinking, Melina. Drinking and drivings a terrible thing to do. Especially if you don't even have your license yet." She scolded at me as she took my chart and went to the wooden polished door. "Your uncle, Manuel, is here to see you if you would like to see him." She said with out looking at me and turning the knob to let the man that kidnapped me, prisoned me and nearly made me kill myself come inside. He was holding a budget of flowers with a sincere look on his face. He knew how to play it. Ill give him that. "Oh ,Melina!" He set the flowers next to the little end table beside me and sat at the edge of the bed to caress my forehead. I tried to nudged away and to speak but they both just shushed me and looked at me as though I was a lunatic. "Ill leave you two alone for a little bit." The annoyed nurse nodded at  us politely and walked through the door unknowing what will happen next.



Manuel, rested his hand on my bruised cheek. "You really shouldn't have left." He began. "You wouldn't have gotten hurt. I would've protected you silly girl." I squirm my hand free from underneath a pillow and forcefully pulled the tubes of air out of my mouth. "You kidnapped me. I was trying to escape! And what was that about transitioning?!" I said with a whisper that made any sound at all. I tried to act serious as I could but every time I did he would just shake his head and laugh. "Your transitioning, Melina. Your demonic system hasn't completed yet." "I don't believe you." I whispered again. I looked down at the little bracelet that they always put on you at the hospital. Melina B Forbes. I never really knew who that person was. Ive heard of her and met her many times but I never can say her and I really..connected. She sounded like a family member you hardly talk to and when you try to actually figure things about them you end up lost in your very own tracks. It was mostly pointless to try. "What did you do to do you know about this transitioning?" I whispered again. Not because I had no choice but because I didn't want to have the world hear me ask a question that probably had a worthless answer. "I gave you something the first night you slept in the tomb..." I looked up at him and watched his eyes reflect from the sun light from the huge window in my room. "Its a bond they call it. A ,Rugaru, that's what I am seeks for a partner sometimes and when they find one that is still pure as human they do a transition or a transformation your kind may call it. I mixed my blood and your into my mouth and did that same to you. We are now one that can not ever be torn apart." I widen my eyes. "Your insane! Why would you do that?!" I leaned up from the three pillows I was laying on. Manuel, reached down and grabbed my hand and showed my palm. It was black in the middle with a red swirl circling it as though it was a disease. I quickly close it and swallow away my fear. "What have you done?" I said slowly and felt myself wanting to cry. "Please don't, Melina." I shivered beneath his grasp as he caressed my cheek. "I would like to be alone. Please." I trip over my own words and begin to hear the cry inside it. He smiled lightly and said "Ill pick you up tomorrow. The doctor said you need to stay over night to rest more." I smile and nod at him. "Thank you." I smile wider and watch him walk out the room. I let go of the smile and look down at my palm with the black smokey darkness in the middle slowly decaying my flesh. "Now what?" I whisper.

Round 2




I stared at my hand for hours and hours as I laid there. Wide awake at one o clock in the morning whileall the other patients slept. The blackness looked as though it was slowly getting bigger. Was Manuel right? WasI going to become a Rugaru just like him? I shook my head of all these questions and looked out thewindow. Everything was dark outside. Pitch black. Just like my hand. "You need to get out, sweetheart."I closed my eyes and heard a soft whisper as though someone next to me just said it but very faintly. Iopened my eyes and of course seen no one. I sighed at the disappointment and looked down to see allthese IV needles in my skin. I slowly pull one out after the other and got off the bed. I still felt weak andheavy. My legs felt like jello and lankly. I shoked them to try to wake them up and limped over to thedoor. I peeked out and seen a group of nurses talking at the main desk just down the hall. I looked atthe emergency door  to my nearest left and back at the nurses. At the corner of my eye I seen a emergencylever you pull once someone thinks somethings wrong. I held my breath and broke the glass with fistand pulled it. Suddenly loud sirens exploded the silence along with the screams from other patientsand the nurses shock automatically. All the nurses went forward to the right while I went toward theleft. I sprinted through the cold air in my hospital gown. I pushed the big bulky doors open and beganrunning as fast as I could to the woods across the hospital to hide. "Forbes is missing!" I heard the sirensof the hospital echo to the outside. I backed up into the shadows a little more before they called the police togo on a random search for someone they're not even sure they'll find. The havoc across the street was my faultbut yet I felt completely innocent and shocked of the happening. 

Reversible Change



I watched the police partol all the streets around the place from close by until a car light flashed its light at me. "They've found me!" I thought and began running as fast as I could. The faster I ran the faster I wanted to faint. I come to a lonely street with a bus stop and watch the big blue city bus racing down the street. I placed my hand on the rail once the door was open and looked at the metal box next to the driver. "7.50 miss." He snorted. I dug into my pocket and found a 10 and slipped it to the slot. I ran to the back of the bus where it was the most darkest and sat in the far corner of the bus where no one could see me. "Looks like the police are busy tonight, Cheryl" I looked up a little and seen two little old laides speak through the hydrolic air whooshing sound from the continuousley from the opening and shutting doors. I put my head back down and stared at my night gown that used to be white and blue and smelt of old plastic but now looks completly black with grass stains on the sides. I hold my denium jacket closer to me but still no warmth supports me. I looked out the window once more and felt the bus coming to a stop. I figured it was just another spot to pick up people like me. Always trying to get to one place from the other without any trouble. Atleast thats what its supossed to be like.



The doors reaked open and everyone stopped and stared to watch a nice middle aged man come on the bus. He wore a blue police officer suit with a flashlight in a hand. I sunk into my seat and felt myself begin to panic. I cant go back. If they found me Manuel would come for me and make me become something probably far worse than him. I could feel it in my veins already. Whisperes began to erupt inside the bus through out the seats. He turned and began coming to the back of the bus and spotted me. I felt my insides want to decay. "Miss you have to come with me." He held out his hand gracefully. I shook my head and began to cry silently. "Im not here to hurt you. You can trust me." He reached for my hand and brought me to my feet to lead me to the car that had red and blue flashing lights outside.



"No!" I screamed half through the hallway and twisted his wrist until I heard a snap. He quickly brought out his gun and shot me directly into my shoulder. Everyone gasped and shrieked! I stood there and stared at it blankly. I watched it ooze out black tary gunk instead of thin red blood. More shrieking began to make my ears ache. I felt calm and suddenly cold inside. I wasnt afraid at all but why? My arm attatched its flesh back together as though youd see it on True Blood. I knew along with everyone else that wasnt normal yet I found myself smiling. "Demon!" Someone cried out. "Demon?" I repeated. "Ill show you demon." I felt rage inside and a sudden desire. I slowly stepped over the police officers body who was cradling his little hand like a hopeless baby and calmy walked out of the bus. Everyone was silent until I closed my eyes and imagined a bus on fire full of rotting flesh and decaying screams. I opened my eyes and my imagation came to life.

Alone and Clueless



Ive been walking for three hours now into the city and stop to look around to see flashing lights from streets, cars and buildings as one. I had no where to go.  I was soaking wet and very cold. I rubbed away the goosebumps from my skin and ran across the busy interstate miraculously and stopped in front of a small motel. You could tell it was still in business but you could also tell not many people went here. That sort of made scenes since there was a big fancy and cheap hotel right next door. The lights on the word Motel flickered as though it was going to go out any second and trash was flying in the wind in the drive way. I walked on the gravel toward the main entrance and peeked through the foggy window to see no one whats so ever but a turned on TV and a small fan that moved back and forth. I moved my sight toward where the TV was more and realized there was two other TVs that looked as though it was capturing the image of all the other rooms. "Cameras moron." I told myself and opened the door. I walked up to the front desk along with the two old rusted metal chairs in front of it and tapped on the little bell. It taken a while for someone to respond but as soon as I almost lost hope I saw a older man walk out of a shabby hidden room on the side of the office. "Yes?" He said and drank some of his 99 cent coffee. I said nothing at first but kept my eyes on the two TVs behind him. 



"Can I use your bathroom. It was such a long drive...I'm going to go see my father." I heard myself. "Hes ill." I shrugged and frowned fully. The man twitched his mustache and took another sip of his coffee. "Ya sure. Two halls down on the right." He turned around and went back into his little room where you could hear another TV on. I walked toward the bathroom and as I did I checked every bedroom to see if any were unlocked so I could sneakily sleep there for the night but none were. None were unlocked. Right next to the bathroom was a another door that read Laundry Room. I stopped for a second and looked my clothing. It smelt like smoke and felt stingy beneath my skin. I went through the laundry room instead and found no one there. Just lot of clothes half hanging on coat hangers. I quickly stripped off my hospital paper dress and went through the piles of clothes to find a very short, cropped shirt along with torn old jeans and torn converse shoes along with it.



A dark staircase was on my left far from the last dryer. I walked over to it and began to go up until the gate up there made me stop in my pace with a lock on it. I sat on the steps and tried to warm myself. As I sat there I began to think of , Henry. Is he even worried about me? "Of course." Said the familiar whisper. Do my friends even care that I'm most wanted right now possibly? Does anyone care whats going to happen to me? I looked at my hand and saw that it was much bigger now that before. It began to slowly now take over my fingers one by one. I closed it slowly and put it on my lap. I curled up against the walled cement and softly cried as much as possible. I lost my phone, my mothers belongings, everything! My mother. What would she think of me if she knew me truly? Deceitful? Impossible?....Monster? The more I though the more I felt myself slipping away into tears. I was homeless and had no where to go to anymore. Come to think of it I never really ever had a home. Ive been a prisoner all my life and the sad part is I just admitted it to myself now. I cried harder and harder and found myself falling asleep on the cold, cemented steps.




Helping the homeless get off the streets




I woke up with an extreme headache and a dry mouth. I rubbed my eyes and brushed off the dirt that stuck to my arms from the dirt on the ground. "Maybe you should go to the bathroom and wash up." Suggested the voice that I have never figured out who it came from. I guess they have a saying for something like that. Is'nt called a conscense? Like the little voice in your head that tells you whats right and whats wrong? I obey the voices request and go out to the door and into the bathroom next door. The bathroom is smaller than I expected. Theres mold growing on the side of the ceiling and the stench of irin is stronger than ever. I twitch my nose and go over to the mirror that had a dozen finger prints on it. I look closely and examine my face. My hairs all frizzy and looks as thought someone just gave me a noogie. My eyes have big black sockets at the bottom of them and..what is this? I put my face more into the mirrors veiw and examine my eyes more closely. An unfamilar purple streak is running along my water line. Its on both eyes. I feel my heart jump and look down at my hand. My entire palm is black. Pitch. Black! I heave in a cry and run out of the bathroom with light tears in my eyes. I walk down to the front where the main office is and again see no one. 



"Excuse me miss." I turn around and see an old hopeless man that had dirtier clothing on as I did with a cardboard sign reading "Give Peace." I cross my arms snobbly and ask what. "Do you mind loaning an old man a few bucks please. Just enough for something to eat?" His beard looked dirty also and it smelt as though he hadnt showered in weeks. I looked around the driveway and seen people talking amongst others . "I have some money inside but not in my pocket.If you want I can take you and give it to you?" I suggest with a little smile. The old man smiled and got up from the side walk to get his money.



"Where did you say it was?" The old homeless man said scratching his beard. I smiled wickedly and said without thinking "About that." The old man began to look confused. "Im sorry but Im broke." Before the man could say anything I lunged at him with all force and went for his throat and than began to eat his entire face! Through the gurling and the sticky blood everywhere i actually felt like I was enjoying myself. After an hour or so I let the corpse fall to the ground in the lonely hallway and wiped my face. I know I was supoosed to cry. I know I was supossed to say "Oh my god what have i done?!" but what exactly would that matter? What would that solve exactly? I felt a smile on my face and my eyes getting wider and feeling fuller. I went back to the bathroom and seen a girl with blood all over her face and shirt that wasnt even hers to begin with. She was laughing and looked free. That girl was me! I began to laugh by finally realizing the fact of what truly was happening to me. I was losing my humanity and it felt "Amazing." I said out loud and stared blankly at the mirror. "Melina...what have you done.." The voice sounded sad and broken. I laughed at that too and screamed "I was having fun! Get over yourself!" I smashed the mirror and fell on the floor laughing until tears came to my eyes.

Its all about balance




I laid there and closed my eyes to listen to the faint of driving cars and trees whooshing back and fourth outside. Everything seemed to go numb at the moment. I felt full but still entirely empty. "Your turning in to something your not sweetheart." I open my eyes and blink. I stand up and look all overr the bathroom. "Stop talking to me." I heard myself say and covered my ears as a child would to when he parents continulousey argue. "Please trust me." The whispering got louder and louder the more I heard it each time. If everything is silent it almost sounds as though that voice is screaming directly into my ear. "I trust no one!" I scream. "Than trust ,Manuel, he will help.." The voice eventually dies off and once again I am on my own. I wipe off all the dry blood and wash myself off in one of the filthy shower stalls. I wrap a towel around me as quickly as I can and run out the bathroom door toward the pay phone across the hall. I found two quarters in the bathroom by the sink and dialed the operater.



Yes operator?... Yes can you please connect me to Manuel Jens?.." I swallow away the big lump of air in my throat and wait. "Hello?" Answered a rough, husky voice. "Yes! Manuel?!" "Who..who is this?" He asked softly and yawned. It sounded as though he just woke up. "Its me, Melina! Look Im sorry for running, okay! I am sorry! Please I need your help!" I feel myself shaking inside as I wait for his answer. "Melina? Oh yes I remember! That brat that dissed me and treated me as monster!" "You are one". I thought to myself and held in the words I actualy wanted to say. "No! I didnt mean that! Im sorry! Please Ill do anything!" I heard a distant sigh on the other side of the line and heard him say "Okay." softly. "Where are you?" I look around at signs and find one that says 21 Avenue Street. Mount Pola. I repeated the words to him and heard him say okay once more and to wait for him there. I hung up then and crawled up into a little ball against the wall so I couldnt hurt anyone else.

Only Exception




After I while I began to feel my palms sweat and my breath making me feel hotter than it already it. "Melina." I bring my head up and stare at ,Manuel. You could tell he didn't want to rescue me. You could tell by the look of his face that he probably had better things to do. Like..picking up girls from the side of the streets in the middle of the dark. I stand up and continue to stare at him. I clench on to my towel and frown at him. "I'm sorry." I whisper. He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me and guides me to his car.



"Melina, what happened to all your clothes and everything?" I looked at him for a second and almost said "You made my mothers stuff get dirty, I was than in the hospital and had a stupid paper dress on that smelled after I blew up a bus, I stole clothes from the Motel that were already torn to shreds and were covered in to some hopeless mans blood AND now I'm practically naked with you in your car with a see through,thin towel on!" I shook my head from a desire of day dream and said "Ive lost them." I shrugged and looked out the window. I quickly gotten annoyed with the headache I begun to have once I started to see everything flash before my eyes. Literally. I turn my focus back on to ,Manuel, and realized how serious he looks when he drives. It looks as though he is the only person that matters right now and no one else. I wouldn't be to surprised if he only wanted to help me for self pity.



"Thank you." I say still staring at him. He shakes his head at me. Don't apologize to me, Melina. Apologies are far more said as other words than they're true meaning." He squeezes harder onto the steering wheel and sighs. I bite my bottom lip with caution and look down at my feet. "Well believe it or not. I am." I say slowly and move my fingers randomly. "Whatever. This no longer matters." He began and than stopped to think for a few seconds. "I'm just saying!.." "You don't need to say anything, Melina. Lets just leave it at that." He turns a corner and pulls into a dark driveway. He goes out first and goes around the car to open my door and take his jacket off. He grabs my hand and leads me out and wraps the coat around me like a very generous gentleman. "Back to where it all started, huh?" He chuckled and laughed.

Don't underestimate things you don't understand




I sat on the ,Manuel's, bed as I watched him pull something from his closet. "Its not much but it'll have to do for now." He handed it to me to study.   It was nothing more but a simple white dress you would see someone wearingin the summer. "It was my moms. I hope it fits." He said with a blank face and went out side of his room to leave me to change. I slipped the fabric over my body and watched it fall to the ground. I sort of felt elegant but again hopeless and homeless. I slowly opened the door and walked out as though I was a shy little school girl on the first day of school feeling even uncomfortable underneath her own skin. "Nice." was all he said. I shrugged and went into the bedroom across the hall. The one he was wanting to give me before I ran off two nights ago. Right before I entered the room I heard him say "You need help you know. Your transformation's getting worse. I can see it." I turn around to see him on the big black sofa of his drinking a cup of scotch. "I'm perfectly fine." I lie and try to go into the room without getting caught again by my actions. I shut the door behind me and hear footsteps coming toward the door.



Without a simple knock he opened it in front of my face and scrunched his face full of frustration. "I mean it. You need to be protected from yourself. So do others." I look down solemnly and began to think about the poor homeless man I have take the life of. "Exactly." He said as though he was reading my mind. He gets up from the sofa and walks down the hallway where Im at and grabs my hand. "Come on." He directed me toward where it all started. The black tomb that made me feel like a bigger prisoner than I already was. He brought a chair down and chains along with it. He strapped me down as though a werewolf was ready to about burst out of me. "These hopefully will hold." He said while securing the lonely chain around my ankle. He lit a lantern and sat it next to me onthe ground. "Good luck." He said and nodded. He walked toward the bars to let himself out until I spoke through the short distant silence between us. "Wait...your leaving me here!?" I heard my voice echo through out the tomb but at the same time I thought I could hear nothing more but the sound of our heart beats pacing faster and faster. "Its better this way, Melina." I twitched through the bars and tried to free myself. "Please! I cant do this on my own!" I began to plea pathedicly and heaved in and out cries. He said nothing more and just shook his head and walked up stairs.




Hours began to pass by like a tumble weed in a desserted dessert. My insides soon began to tingle and twist. My stomache constantly made me moan in agony. My head pounding as though ,Henry, was once again banging it against a brick wall. I curled up my fingers and began to cry out for help as loud as I could. Im sure ,Manuel, could hear me perfectly but like every other thing on this Earth: He did nothing. I wanted to vomit and scream all at once. I twitched every five seconds and began to hear my bones crack on the inside. I screamed louder and louder! "HELP!" My cry got louder and louder. Wishing to be heard! "Please! Im sorry!" I began to repeat these words over and over again as though it had a purpose. I didnt know who I was apologizing to to be honest. Manuel? Henry? My deceased mother that continued to taunt me to do the right thing? My old broken self? God if there was ever one? I couldnt be so sure anymore. I felt my jaw wideing. It felt like my teeth were now to big for my mouth. I stretched my mouth open and began to taste blood. Razor sharp teeth expanding my jaw more. Constantly making it ache with pure intense. My eyes began to feel like they were on fire. I clenched them tight as I could and put my head down. I opened them up slowly and saw my hand. The blackness was covered on my entire arm. I look at my other arm and gasped. Both were pitch black. Before I could react more I felt like I was sufficating inside my own body. I could nolonger taste air nor even feel it. I was gone....




I hung my head low facing the floor with my eyes closed and only seeing darkness until I hear footsteps coming closer to me. "Melina?.." Everything was faint from me. It was all a blur. Nothing was real. "Melina?.." I open my eyes wide open with a shut mouth and turned my head over to where the sound was coming from. A dark figure glistened lightly through the darkness and stood as still as it could. "Yes?" I mumble and squint lazily. "Are you alright?" The voice began to grow. I knew that voice almost anywhere. Manuel. "Better than ever." I smile and close my eyes. I began to hear feet shift beneath the dirt and chains begun to rattle. "I brought you food..." The dark figure moved into the little room and knelt in front of my slowly decaying body. I stared down to see a plate of gray mush. "It'll help you get strong." Manuel said. I smile a little and look up to his face. I knew it was his because his green eyes stood out as though they were two little fire flies. I'm already stronger." I mumble some more and watch his gaze get full of concern. "Melina I don't understand." I smile and felt my jaws get wide.



My eyes begun to sink into my eye sockets. His face got different as well. It grew with fear and supremest. I lunged at his throat and heard the fast pace of his beating heart. I had my jaws dig into his flesh more until I tore out a huge amount of skin from his neck! Clashing him against the wall and ripping his limbs off one by one. His growl was strong and so was his strength but still it was against his own will. "This wasn't how it was supposed to happen!" A loud cry rung in my ears as I covered them with my hands. "Stop it!" I scream with blood dripping from my mouth and onto what remained of Manuel. "Meli-!" I cut the voice off by letting out a long screech as though you'd hear it from a annoyed and angered demon. I looked at the bars that imprisoned me for the last time and placed both hands them. I gritted my teeth as pull them apart as much as I could. With a smirk of gratitude I slipped out through as though a cat would. I dashed up toward the stairs and ran out the door toward the street.

Daddys little girl




I race down the street and feel myself heave up and down. My insides feel numb and my heart felt light. I looked around to see no one but a black strayed dog. You could tell that he was stranded. His ribs stuck out and every time he snarled at me his teeth were a dark yellow with chipped teeth on the side. I stepped back a few feet and began to examine the dog more. He and I had something in common. We were left behind. We are invisible now to the world. I sigh and watch the dog growl at me more. "I'm not going to hurt you." I whisper and take a few steps toward it. The dogs back hair stands up like a cat and his teeth become more bare. I feel myself getting anxious and anticipated with myself. I open my mouth also and feel my razor jaws coming out once more. The dogs copies me and steps on back and runs off into the woods with a little helpless whine attached to it. I feel myself smirk. "Did I do that?" I asked myself. "Apparently so dear." The wind whispers to me softly. I turn around, always expecting to see someone behind me but as always no one was there. Making me feel more of a lunatic than I already am.



I run across the street toward the path that no any other intersection built in with it. I turned around a dark corner and noticed a lonely house that still had its porch lights on. I followed of what i had left with my mind and sped down the driveway. I pondered the wooden door with worry and yelled. "Help! Please, someone open the door. I need assistance!" After a few moments I watched a young blond woman open the door wearing a purple Victoria Secret short lingerie dress. "Can I help you?" The woman spoke softly as she crept her face through the slit door. "Please.." I heaved in another breath. "Help me. I need medical assistance!" The woman frowned a little and nodded in agreement. She opened the door slightly more just enough so I could slip through. "Babe, who is it?" I come around the corner from the kitchen and seen a brown headed mans head poking out from the black sofa while staring at the little black television. "Babe?" The man turns around to see he so called "Babe" and me enter. His eyes widen as he turns on the little lamp right next to him for a better view. He slowly gets up off the couch and stares blankly at me. "Melina?" His horse voice asked. "Dad." I hear myself say with a distant cry in my voice and run up to hug him. I wrap my arms around him as though a child would to a father that has been away in war for many, many years. I could feel his stare as I squeezed tighter and embraced the light peppermint smell coming from his white shirt. "I didn't know you had a kid, Henry." I unfold my arms from him and turn around to see the blond woman in her early 20s light a cigarette and take a small puff out of it. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here!?" Henry clenched his fists and shoved me onto the couch. "I thought you'd-" I began to protest until he quickly cut my off. "You were BETTER to me when you were gone! What makes you think I want a mistake like you!??? EVER!?" I lean up and watch his expression turn more into anger. I stood up and spoke for my defense "I thought you would be HAPPY to see your only daughter! Never less your only child!" "Um excuse me!? Only CHILD?!" I turn to the woman and see her manicured white finger tip rise up in protest. She points to a photo on the wall to her left. I follow her gaze along and meet a picture with her, my father and a little boy all smiling. All nicely groomed and looking chipper as ever. "Little Billy." The woman announced as she caught me staring at the small child between them. "But, dad..." I felt myself becoming fearful with myself as everyone directed there attention toward my so called father now. "I wanted to move on, Melina. You were gone and I can honestly say that I never ONCE thought of you as a daughter. If anything... a pest." His eyes began to look small to me as he spat out that was even more vigor as you could imagine.




"Just for you APPEARING in my presence, I should teach you how not to interrupt a family like this. One that has no problems or any PESTS!" I felt my heart becoming light again. It felt like nothing was no longer inside of me. I was an empty vessel. "I did everything you ever asked me to do. I have tried for years to impress you. Just so you could love me and show the affection I have always shown you..." I said slowly and seen his face turn serious. "Why would anyone love an annoying pebble in there shoe?" I heard both laugh with anticipation and randomly wrapped my hand around his throat. I lifted him off of his feet and watched them dangle hopelessly in the air. I focus my gaze onto the man I once called father. The one that I once believed would maybe, hopefully love me as much as he loved my mother before. "Its not my fault shes dead..." I heard myself say and watched his face slowly turn purple from a lack of air. The woman started to annoy me by constantly screaming "Stop it!" "Ill call the police!" My only answer for her though was " I don't care." The sad part was...I really didn't. I shifted my face into its Rugaru form. "Demon!" They both said to me. I hated that word. I shifted my hand until I felt his collar bone and ripped it out of his throat. Blood spiraling all over the carpet and screams filling the silent house. Even though all of this was happening I still felt nothing, not even desire. I chewed off the woman's 5 star, super model face into bits of pieces of mush and through her decaying corpse onto the couch. In the corner, Henry, was in the corner heaving for his few last breathes. "" He said and heaved again. I walked over and looked down at him. "No...I'm your daughter." With that I placed my shoe on his face and smashed it just like his hussy wife's. I walked to the kitchen and cleaned myself off with a rag and went into Henry's and his wife's room to steal a black leather jacket in the closet that caught my eye automatically. I slipped it on and opened the front door to let myself out. "Mama?" I turn around and watched a small little boy with blue plaid pj's on carrying a small brown bear. "Mommy? Daddy?" He looked around before at me and seen the damage that I caused. I frown and look at his eyes fill with tears. "What happened?" He looked at me and welled little more. "A mass murderer killed your family, Billy." I begun and stared at his little feet. "I'm sorry." I took a long breath and headed out the door. Leaving it to slam behind me. Leaving Billy, to witness something no child should ever witness....not even the monster that caused it.

Major creeping




I walked off the creaking porch and turn around a bush to once again end up on the path that seemed to lead to no where. "Your making a mess in everywhere you go." The voice for once didn't sound so sincere. It sounded serious and somehow knew what was always happening toward me. I couldn't help but ask How or more importantly Why? "You've just noticed this??" I grit my teeth and feel suddenly stupid for talking to things that are not there. "No. I'm starting to believe that you have though.." I stopped and closed my eyes in the darkness. I sigh and turn around expecting nothing as always but to my astonishment I see something I have never seen before. A woman with sliverish/blondish hair stood before me and was completely see through. She smiled lightly as I dropped my jaw. Of course she could smile you must think but could she still do it when her smiles broken? I guess so...I should after all should know from the experience.



"You don't know who I am, do you?" She frowned and shook her head with her long, wavy locks. "My dearest, Melina. Your stronger than this. Your stronger in digging into this...temptation." She began to choke over her words as I used to do. I smirked at the pithiness she has shown toward me. "Pitiful." I spat out and felt a heart drop. I couldn't figure out though if it was mine,.. or hers?..."I told you to trust, Manuel." She said and crossed her arms at me. "I did." I announce. "I did exactly what you told me. I trusted him and found out he was no use to me but for being a meat sandwich." I bite my finger and tease. I knew she was trying to be serious. That's the thing though shes 'trying'. "Child you killed him. You did not trust him,..not enough." She held her head low and shook her head. "A daughter of mine will NOT be the one of mine to become.."A monster?" I finish her sentence and watch her nod slowly. "Wait...daughter? My mother died when I was born." I arched an eye brow at her of uncertainty. "Yes I know." She smiled and nodded again. She stepped a little bit forward up to me, her white dress floating behind her like a little cloud. I gulped quietly in a fear I have never felt before. First impressions? I believe so.




She grabbed my hand gently. It felt numbing, cold and very light all at once. It was like I was hand shaking with the wind itself. She looked down just as I did at both of her hands and said "Your much better than this. What Henry's done to you I know has affected you greatly. You never felt good enough and you felt like you were always at competition to get your fathers love. Let me assure you of something, Melina." She was quiet for a second and looked up to me and stared at me in the eyes. "You were ALWAYS loved by others. No one has ever though of you as less than you may think. Your love is great along for others, your trust is baring but still low of a cause of pain. You going off killing those who have done wrong to you or even the innocent" I lowered my head and thought of the people on the bus and the poor homeless man. "No one deserves that pain. Not even you. Making people live and die in pain will not cover over your pain. The guilt will eventually grow and it will kill you from the inside out." I felt a few tears slide down my cheek and stared at her ghostly hand coming for my cheek. Slightly wiping the tears away just like a mother would. "Remember who you are. Remember that you are still human...not just a monster." I began to cry more. The more I did, the more uncontrolled I felt inside toward it. This made me cry out more. Resisting the pain inside for all these years have finally grown on me and taken over me all completely. "Melina, I love you." I looked up through my welled up eyes and watched her smile and slowly disappearing right in front of me...

Love of one another




I started to walk along the path wondering around like a lost child. I will admit I did feel like a child again. Unlike this child though I honestly never thought I needed anyone. I usually took care of myself. Now I want my mother more than anything. Even though I just truely met her for the first time, I felt like Ive known her forever but never really craved for her. "Ma'am are you lost?" A lonley police care pulled up next to me and started flashing his lights at me for a better clear picture. "Yes." I hear myself. "Do you need help? Are your parents around????" I walked up to the car and shook my head at the man in the fine outfit that made him look better than anyone else. "No. My parents are dead..." I stared at the path and turned back toward him. "Its just me." The man put down his window more and dimmed his lights for me. "Whats your name young lady?" His eyes shown concern and thoughfulness. You knew a man like him cared for others. Even for the people he did not know. " My names, Melina." I smiled a little at hime for politeness. He looked down at the buttons on the sill of his door and pressed one that quickly unlocked the back door. "Get in. Ill take you somewhere where theyll help you." I nodded and said thank you. I opeed the door and climbed in the back. He swerved around the corner and drove down a few streets eventually driving into a huge building that a few other cars and all the other lights were on. I sat in and waited patiently for him to open the door for me. I stepped out slowly and stared at the building. "Come on." The police officer directed me toward the big two red doors that had the sign Entrance above it. We both walked in and seen a nicely dressed black lady at a polished desk with a golden name tag reading Brenda Biggs. "Hello there, Brenda!" The officer said cheerly as he signed a chart on the desk. She smiled and said hello back I stood awkwardly behind the officer that stood over me like a giant. "Officer Andrews, who is this!?" Brenda laughed and pointed behind him at me. I shifted my feet and smiled shyly at them both. "This is Melina. Shes going to be staying with us for a little while." He winked at me playfully that made me laugh. "Wheres here?" i say still laughing. "Florence Dee Orphanage! One of the finest orphanges in the country!" Brenda smiled widely. The kind of smiles in this building were the kind that made you smile as well. They were just that friendly I guess. Officer Andrews had a nice old man take me up to the third floor and brought in two suit cases along with him. "Oh um, I didnt bring anything." I said again shyly and suddenly felt embaressed. "Oh no worries, dear. We always give clothes to new comers. Try on some of these and tell us the ones that fit. The others that dont you will leave in the suit case and take it to Mrs. Biggs in the main office so she could give it to me!" He smiled so much it made to look as though his wrinkles were dancing the night away everytime he did. I smiled and said "Thank you."






I ruffled through the distinguished clothing and heard a distant banging coming from the closet. "Oh..,wow!" A screech filled the closet and faintly expanded through out the entire room. "Get off of me!" The closet door began to shake against its ridges and before my very eyes a girl about my age flew out of the closet and painfully landing on her face. She stood up unsteadily and rubbed her little button nose. "Stupid coat hanger!" She screeched and brought out a coat hanger that was looking as though it was stabbing her directly into the ribs. She threw it onto the floor and gave an evil stare like a child would do there brother or sister during a fight. She turns her glance toward me who has a completely disturbed and confused look and mimics my expressions. "No,no,no,no,no,NO!" She scrunched up her face and threw her arms around in anger. "Who said that YOU could come in here??? This is MY ROOM! NOT YOURS!" She clunked her chunky boots against the carpet and got in front of my face with a disgusted look. "I was assigned here.." I said all scared and tried not to look directly into her eyes. They reminded me of pearls you would see from a Jewelers window at night or on an old ladies neck. All white with a few tints of baby blue and lightish pink.  Her face gotten completely blank and serious. Moments went by as she than began to laugh hysterically. "I'm only kidding bro!" "The names, Abbz!" "Abbz?" I repeat as she randomly shakes my hand. "Short for Abigail! Wasn't my idea of course!" She chuckled and retrieved her hand. She picked up a blue plaid shirt, examined it and said "Soo let me guess you have some weird back woods name like ,Candy, or ,Annie, right??" I rolled my eyes in frustration and said "No. Actually its not. I'm from the city.." I began and continued to watch her examine the shirt so passionately. "Uh huh, sure!" She said annoyingly and continued on freely. "So I'm guessing, ,Dolores, than. Something old fashioned and 'elegant'?" She quotation the word Elegant with her fingers as though it had a more better meaning than it has even had before. This made me annoyed but strangely interested into talking to this girl even more.



I tried my best to smile and say "Its ,Melina." I watch her drop the blouse and smile widely to have her dimples stand out clear as day. "Better than  anything Id ever think of!" I smile and giggle that was until she quickly kissed me on the lips. Once she retrieved her lips she watched me stare in horror with my jaw wide open. "Come on!" She giggled and took my hand and led me outside toward the counseling room where no one stood. She easily walked up to the Coke machine and put in a dollar to award herself with a Coke a Cola. "Want?" She licked her lips and held it up in there air. "No thanks. I waved away." She shrugged and took a sip. I would have to admit it even though she randomly kissed me on the lips..kissed a GIRL on the lips that's completely straight, even though she is socially awkward and a little bit mouthy toward her actions Ill say this at least she has the type of spirit that is ready for anything unlike me. That is something I know I will always admire from the lights of my new friend, Abbz.

Play Mates <3




"You should totally go to the bathroom with me!" Abbz says with glee. "We could talk while I pee!..Unless you have to also?" She put her hand to her mouth and giggled like she was just complimented by the biggest popular guy in school or in my words the biggest ass in the entire school! I bite my bottom lip and suddenly feel uncomfortable. I hated when girls said that. I hated just by thinking about it! "Are you sure you want me to go in with wont be....skittish?" I gulp and watch her shake her head no really fast. "Of course not, Mel! Your my bestie so you and I do everything together!" She clings to me and wraps her arms around me as though I was someone she truly missed and hasn't seen in years. I slowly wrapped my arms around her too and started to think of what she just said to me. "Bestie." I repeat and feel her detach herself from me. "Yes, Melina." She smiles warmly and grabs my hand "Come on. I seriously have to go!" She squeezes my hand and drags me along with her while I hear myself laughing hysterically.



She and I zoomed pass random people through out the hall ways and finally stopped in front of a door that read "Mildren and Franklin" She winked at me and opened the door to find a boy about our age on his bed doodling something on a sheet of paper. He looks at us for a split moment until his eyes look as though they began to sparkle. "Abbz!" he chimes in and drops the note pad on the little bed he was relaxing on. He went past me and picked her up and slammed her against the wall as though no one else was there except for him and Abbz. I swallowed away my humiliation and asked "A friend of yours?" I laughed slightly and watch both there gazes turn to mine all at once. "Something like that." She giggled and had the boy set her down from his grasp. Even though she tries her best to come to me and stick by my side the boy latches his hand around her waist from behind and starts digging into her neck and kisses her repeatedly. She taps his hand and makes him jump and stop from what hes doing. "Danny, this is my new best friend, Melina. I have a feeling shes going to be staying with us for a little while." I smile as he stares at me. He lets her go completely and slowly walks up to me. "Pleasures all mine." He stuck out his hand for me to take. I shake it slowly and try to retrieve it until he kisses he lightly. "Sorry, love. My mother taught her boys to be well toward beauties as yourself." He winks at me and lets go of my hand. I feel myself turn a little red and put my hand behind my back. "I thought we were going to the bathroom." I interrupt once again. Abbz wraps her arms around ,Danny's, neck and says to me "Oh that was just to get out of that dreaded room! You have to be careful of what you say around here. They have cameras that hear 'everything.'" She whispers the last word and slides her tongue into ,Danny's, mouth.




They begun to awkwardly make out in front of me again as though I wasn't there. I clenched onto my shirt awkwardly and started to twist it around over and over again. I turn around to stare at the wall as I hear the bed squeak beneath there grasps as they collapse on to each other and begin to laugh. "Would you like to join?....Beautiful?" I gulp and turn around to see ,Danny, staring at me all sexy while hes trying to take off Abbz shirt at the same time. "I don't mind sharing, Mel." Abbz giggles once shes only in her bra and panties. She takes down her pony tail and lets her long red hair slide down to her shoulder. I suddenly feel my mouth slowly begin to dry and the big lump forms in my throat as though I was going to cry any moment. "No thanks." I laugh and say with a squeaky voice. Both shrug and go back to what they were doing. I turn my gaze to the door and say "I'm going to just go and unpack more stuff...have fun!" I chimed in higher and sped out the door as fast as possible. Leaving Danny kissing Abbz neck and Abbz randomly moaning his name softly.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.01.2014

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To everyone's whose ever been abused and whoever wished they've been somehow stronger and more meaner toward there opponent...Melina was just like you..please understand that you are you for a reason. Being stronger isn't always best.

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