
CHAPTER 1 friend or not

Have you ever belived in somthing that was not real but it was. Then one day it came true?
On friday after noon a regler day as every friday.I came home got my key out of my pocket and unloked the front door befor i steped in i looked at the drive way and my dads car was not ther.That was strang but a good thing at the same time . I steped in and kicked my shoes off and threw my backpack on the coutch and started up the stairs the all of the suden i herd "AMY ARE YOU HOME YET " I jumped and jumped down from the steps and said "Ya dad iam home" my dad hade a huge smile on his face and said "ya i see that Amy " then i walked to the dinnig room and sat down on the chair then i asked " Dad how was your day at the fire stashion " my dad was still in the hall way and walked in and said " good as every day . so what did you do in school to day?" I looked up and said " good me and lester smashed a frog in scince class .Mr. Jackson was not happy about that at all . but the rest of the day was fin ." My dad looked up at me and said real am i going to here that when i go to the conference "i hade a smirk on my face and said "i hope not it was gross" my dad was looking at me and now he was grinnig then he said miss .Amy Jay are you going to lester's tonight as every friday " i replided quick " NO dad he said he was bisey to night i dont know with what but i know he cant" my dad looks at the front door "shore about that Amy? i looked at him like he was from mars and said " ya iam shore why" my dad was smilling agin and the looked at the door and he put out his hand and his one finger was out like he was telling some one to be quit . i real had no clue then got up wile my dad had his back ternd tordes me and i was standing their like some one was robing the howes but then my dad ternd tords me and said " are You REALY SHORE AMY " i was still looking at him like i was befor and awnsed ' right now iam not shore dad." then lester walk out from the kitchen and i looked at him and said" no scrach that he not bisey tonight " then i looked at lester and said " you toled my tou where not going to be home tonight " he smiled and looked at me and said " well me and your dad planded this " i was shoked and looked at my dad and said " realy dad realy " my dad smiled and trend away and walked up staires and me and lester where now alone my dad never dose that inless there is someting that he was hiding . I think ther was . lester looked at me and said " so Amy what do you whant to do to night ?"i was still in the same spot as befor and looked at him and said " i dont now how about a -" befor i could finish i herd from lester " a movie ?"he hade a smile on his face and his hade was tilted a little. I then smiled and said" lester is that what you whount " H them said " ya if thats ok with you" i was still smilling and awnsed " ya its fine with me i looked at the clock and it said 3:00 still earily i thought then lester said " what its still early yet how about we go to my howes and go bike riding for a bit and see if one of us will not bite the dust " he giggeled and i gound along then he walked closer to me and put his arm around me and wisperd in my ear " your every thing a guy whounts .but your to close to be that your my friend"I puled away and said "what .. what do you meen ... ohh i see you like my well to bad iam not yours haha "then i ternd with a smile on my face and i could not see but i think he was up set . Then lester put his hand on my sholder and spone me around and said ' I know that Amy and i realy dont but i think you do so ha" i looked at him and said "well you better be dreaming then lester my friend " He looked at me and i know he was about to chang the subject and he said " well lets go now " i said "ok lester" and i got my shoes on and yelled up the stars and i said 'DAD IAM LEVING . IAM GOING TO LESTER THEN THE MOVIES OK ILL BE HOME AT CERFUEW" then i her my dad say " OK BE SAFE .. LESTER IF SHES NOT IN ONE PEACE WHEN YOU TWO COME HOME I WILL SEW YOU !!!" lester got all tence and his eyes widend and said " AAA OK MR.JAY IALL MAKE SHORE PLEAC DONT SEW ME "HE YELLED UP . my dad then said "I WAS ONLY KIDDING SON DONT POOP YOUR SELF " i gigel and said ' bey dad " then my dad said "bye Amy" lester was out side all ready and i was loking the door and then got in the truck and lester dove me to his howes 3 minuts later we where at his howes and we got out and we got the bikes out of the gradge and we rode them then all of the suden this big gient moose ran in front of me and i swered out of the way i sall a tree coming up and the brakes would not work then i screamed "LESTER HELP IAM ABOUT TO HIT A TREE THE BRAKES ARE NOT- " i did not finish i hit the tree i hit my had on the tree and my hand hit this caled man like person then i harldy dont remender. I then woke up but i could not here a sound. Then i sall this tall man standing ther with his ares crosed looking at lester . lester was freaking out this strange man looked like a creature form a movie a ah VAMPIRE ya thats what he is a Vampire . I thought then iam like iam knocked out coled iam probly dreaming. I cont remender any thing after that .only geting picked up and droven to the hospitel. THEN I THOUGHT WAS HE A FRIEND OR NOT THIS STRANG CREATURE.

I finaly woke up. My dad was sleeping i looked to my left and sall the tall vampire like creature. He did not say much he just looked at me with his brown hair and his deep dark golden eyes . I thought " wow sutch a buteful man " then he said " dont freak out . my name is jake i helped you hen you got hert ." i was shoked he hardly said a word but then i tryed to replie but all that came out was" who are yo-" he quikly awnserd "jake you are amy right " i shoke my had but when i did it hert i lefted my right hand and found a baneg wraped around my had. then lester walked in and looked at jake and said" is she awake yet ?" jake looked at him then ternd and said " ya look shes up "lester turned and looked at me like he was a bout to cry he walked over to me and he sat on the bed . Then jake got up and taped my dad and he starlteld him . my dad looked and got up and said" lester what did i say to you at my howes 3 howers ago " lester put his had down and awnserd whith a vary guilty like sond he said" iam realy sory mr . jay i did not now the brakes didn't work iam realy sorry ser if that was me i probuly would of died but jake saved her faster then i could " my day was grinnig and started to ter a little then said.Thank god Amy isent realy hert and lester if you where in her position i whould be here the same way your like a son to me lester." then lester lift his had up and said "realy mr.jay thank you vary much" then he got up and huged my day . i was happy now and then my dad and lester walk out and i was with jake . he then looked at me and i ternd and said " so jake were do you live?" jake simled and said north Dakoda ." i was still in shock and said " i live in North Dakoda to . what school do you go to ?" jake was looking down now and said" james polk home of the falkins why ?" i looked at my hand with the ive in it and said " i go to the same school ." he then looked up and smiled witch made me look and he said " realy are you new this year ?" i replied back " no i was there for 2 years now are you new?" he was still looking at me and he said "no ive bin there two years also in less we didnt bother to meet each other " i looked at him and said "ya poboly . thanck you for saving my life i owe you jake."
he then looked away abd said " no you dont ." lester owes you more then you owe me ." i giggeld and said " ya thats true but still thankyou jake . what do you know when iam relsed out of this place?" jake looked down and said " ya tomorow saterday ." i then looked down and started to frown and then jake said" Amy dont worry every thing will be fine i promise ill make shore"then he put his hand on my sholder and i ternd and looked "thankyou jake." i wisperd then he looked at the door got up and said" i will promis to keep the promise ill be her tomorow to gert you ok ?" a smile was coming i felt buterflys in my stomek and said" ya no problum bye jake thankyou agen ." he looked at me and said" no problum bye Amy ." he walked out after that i was sad like a unnown pice was missing like a prte of me was not here. I did not know what to do . then a knok was at the door then i herd " AMY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE ?" it was lester i knew his voice from any were then all of the suden that pice was back and the it was filled i had to awnser lester befor he pooped him self . i said" YA LESTER IAM UP." he walked in and said " sorry for what-" i cut him off i said " lester i know just sit down and give me a huge it will help you fell better." he looked at me like if he was shoked that i was alowing him to . " come on " i said he started to walk and he sat down next to me and huged me and he sat like that for 2 miunits i felt butter flyes agen but i know he whount leve me . my dad came in and said to me wilel lester fell asleep next to me " Amy iam going home ok lester is here for you . lester and jake r droping you off tomorow i have to work and both of them will stay with you ok amy" ya no prob dad love you " then he huged me and walked out . lester was still sleeping buy now has a good grip arond me like he dosent whount me to lleave . then i felt a deep warm breath on my neak . lester hade his face nere mine , his hade was resting on my sholder. then i fell a sleep at 10:00pm. the next mornig at 6:59 lester was no longer next to me he was on the chare be side me he had his feet on the windo sell and was sound a sleep i was awake then the doctor came in and said" miss. Amy Jay your relesed at 10:00 this after noon ok just telling you .. " ok i said then the doctor said" your father lookes tired " i was shore she said father then i carected her" my beast friend lester" then she looked at me and said" sorry ... what was he the one next to you last night ?" i giggeld a little so she would not her then i awnserd " ya hes like a brother to me ." the she smiled and said the butifel man how waled you in was that your fother deer?" i giggeld a alittle " no hes a nother friend of mine ." then the doctor started to giggel to then that other gentel man was your father the one in the fire man alfit?" i replid "ya thats him " she looked at lester and said " is he ok " i looked at lester he had his feet up and one arm down on the floor and the other over his face . I then looked back at her and said" ya he was vary tierd last night he whent throw a lot " she said " he poblly did .. well ill let you reast now get some sleep." she walked out , lesters foot was sliding down the wall then fell that scared him he jumped to his feet rocking back and forth try to keep him self baliced then he said " Are you ok amy " i was laughing really hard and then i stoped and said " ya iam fine . your foot fell down " he looked down and said "oh ok" then he sat next to me and wraped his armes aroung me agen and fell a sleep it was rainnig out . 3 and a half pased and now its 9 : 30 i was still in the same posithing so was lester . then the doctor came in the same one and she said" now hes back in the same spot as before " then i looked at him "ya i know" i said then lester moved and i said" you missed it be for when he hade his feet up and they slid down he junmed up sacerd half to death but it was funny." she giggel and said wake him up and iall be back in a few iall take off the gauze and see if you cut on your hade is good then you can go." she left and i woke up lester he walked to the bathe room and the doctor came back and toke of my gauze and she said " good it looked better... you can go home now hers you papers and have a good time home if you fell bad come back ok?" " yes " i repiled lester got me in the car and i was lookeing for jake but he was now where to find . i got home and then lester got all tence and his deep brown eyes got deeped o got worryed then i asked " whats worng lester ?" he did not awnser and i said " lester wates roung ?"he shoke his hade and said" nothing still all tence . he got out and opend the pasenger door and helped me out and said " i cant go in Amy sorry" i looked at him confuesd and said" WHY?" he looked at me and said" my dad toled me not to " now he was looking at the door and said " we cant go in some one is her that we dont know Amy get in the car " he stated i got in and locked the doors and sat ther scaerd when lester was on the phone and he was talking the 3 miunts later, koda and echo,volixy, storm ,midnight and lupus came then two big men walked up i think the one with handsome goleden hair and greenish blue eyes was Demetri with no shert and then a handsome brown hair ,perpel blue eyes man with no shert was timber and they all stode there scary lookeing. but it was scary but true. then edho and volixy whent in side and brong out a nother person like jake. with the dark golden eyes and the hunger to .lester then unloked the car and i looked at him and he said " its a stranger all right ." i looked at this person and asked" lester who is she she lookes like jake with the golden eyes and the hunger to ?"lester was concered but he looked like he was un shore to tell me then he said " its jayde jake sister.she whating for you its fin come out ."jake looked un shore if it was he then steped a way from the car and caled jake and lester asked jake in a quit tone " is jayed your sister jake." jake replied bake" no why shes part of the blood or therst why?"lester awnserd him and said "becuse shes in Amys howes i have the hole pack here come her as fast as posibel " ok ill be ther lester" they hung uplester looked at me and said come her i have jake coming to get her . jake is bring is 2 brothers. Damon and Drake and his 2 sisters Willow and Emma are comming. i looked at him like there was some thing i did not now what to say but the i did" lester why are all of your friends here and who is jayde ?" lester looked down i hoped out of the car and said " tell me lester what is going on tell me i know you know whats going on so tell me " i pulled his hand to stope him frome walking away and then he put down his hade and closed his eyes and said" i will ask the pack in a few "i was so mad i felt the fire in my vanes and i could tell my eyes where a diffrint coler i was so mad at him for not explaning any thing . then i exploded and said vary angerly " WHAT the pack .... tell me now lester who are and jake you guys are vary diffrent he has gloden eyes and you have deep berning coloerd eyes " lester still had his eyes closed and did not awnsed so then i relesd lesters arm and waled toreds Demetri and asked him ." hay demetri i am asking a simpel qustion and lester is not awnsering me are you guys non humen . pleas tell me ?"
Demetri looked at me and did not responed so i gust stode there ready for him to tell me. them he finly spoke " i will tell you what we are and jake is but you cant tell a singel sole if you do we will -" lester butted in " selverwind i got it sr." Demetri looked at lester and said " go on lester . but frist bring her to a safe place and tell her ok son " lester looked down and said " yes sr.siverwind ." and he then grabed my wrist and puled me along to a lake side and he spoke " Amy sorry for making you all mad . i was not aloud to tell you inles i got permishon from the alpha male " i got all confused and said " you alpha leader are you like a group of -" lster butted in "WereWolves " he then looked down and sat down on the coled damp grass then said " dont freak out but iam a werewolf so is every one eals it a wolve to -" then i interuped " even jake and them""no they are vampires "i was shoked and said i was right i thougt so but i thought i was dreaming becuaz i thought i sall him when i got hert standing there nexto you well you where freaking out " lester tuged my wrist carfuly and i sat down nexto him " this is a long story Amy but there is tow parts of it one from us were wolve and the vampires " i was shoked and said " realy IS THIS A DREAM OR REAL LIFE"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2010

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