

There was silence being held between us. No one talked but the old vicar, and he didn’t seem that interested anyway. My aunt was holding my dad’s hand, and my dad, well; his vivid, green eyes pondered the wooden box containing his deceased wife. Silver tear drops fell from his cheek and into the muddy, worn-out grass.
I’d never cried more in my life. I couldn’t talk, think or even hear properly. My mum had just suddenly taken over my life.
My best friend, Jenna, cried as well. She told me that she was like a second mum to her but obviously not like she was to me.
Everyone else looked half asleep, their eyes so tired and worn, and I knew how they felt. I hated being here. I didn’t want to remember my mum this way, and I had a feeling that my dad thought the same thing as well.
I looked at him through my drooping fringe and I swear he looked at me and gave a wince of a smile.
I rested my dreary head on Jenna’s shoulder and she rested her head on my head. I watched my mum sink into the ground.
My dad was the first to stand up, and he dropped a rose onto the coffin.
Then I stood up and dropped a photo in it. It was of my mum and dad and I, my mum was in hospital just after she gave birth to me.
Dad said that I was the perfect baby; I never cried at night, I was the quietest baby he’d ever known. Well, that all changed when I could talk. I used to, and still now, to talk all the time.
Everyone dispersed from the cemetery. Apparently I had to go to an after-funeral party. Why is there a party/get together anyway? So we can mourn even more. I told my dad that I wasn’t going. He understood so I walked to the car park with Jenna.
People on the way were saying to me, ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ and ‘how do you feel?’. Well, how do you think I feel? Happy, I don’t think so.
My dad was probably annoyed with people asking him all sorts of questions. I could tell that he was going to get drunk, again.
I’m so glad that Jenna brought her car because I couldn’t see out of my tear-filled eyes. I put my seat back and I felt the car being pulled out of the parking lot. I shut my eyes, hoping for all this to be a dream, but who was I kidding.
When Jenna parked her car into my drive I couldn’t be bothered to get out. She got out on her side, walked over to mine and opened the door for me. I still didn’t get out.
“Daisy, you’re going to have to move sometime. I don’t think my mum wants you to sleep in my car” she said with a small smile.
I groaned and got out. She shut the door behind me.
“Thank God I brought some ice-cream yesterday” I said with a relived tone.
“Daisy, you know I’m your best friend in the entire world ...” Jenna started.
“Yes, you can have a couple of spoons, but not a lot, I have a lot to mourn about” I finished. I kicked a rock and got a mark on my new $20 pumps.
“I know you do” Jenna said. She put her arm around my shoulder and kissed me on my head. I put my arm around her but then let go since I had to get my key out to get in.
My bungalow didn’t have any life in it any more. My mum used to cook random exotic foods and decorate them with very colourful vegetables. Dad said that it was the only way I would eat vegetable; if they were all fancy-looking. But now I just don’t see what was wrong with eating them looking plain.
Jenna went to go and turn the TV on but I told her that we would go to my bedroom. I got out the ice-cream while she got 2 spoons.
We both sat down on my bed and I turned on my laptop.
“I love Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough” she grinned.
“Yeah, it’s my favourite flavour” I said. I looked at my Facebook page and all that it said was ‘OMG Daisy i’m so sorry = (‘. Why were they sorry anyway? They didn’t do anything. I felt my eyes tearing up again. I’m so glad that Jenna could read my mind.
“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea” she suggested. She turned off my computer and put it on my desk. She picked out a movie and put it on. I didn’t notice that she had eaten most of the ice cream when I went for my second scoop.
“Hungry, are we?” I smiled.
She just laughed back.
“I’ll get some popcorn since I haven’t had any ice cream” I said, walking to my door.
“Yeah, you do that”. Her eyes were fixed to the screen.
I went to my kitchen, got a bag of corn out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave. As soon as I pressed start, the front door opened.
I was wrong. My dad wasn’t drunk. He looked at me.
“Are you OK?” he asked. Just then my aunt walked in.
“Been better” I replied.
“Ok, well, don’t eat all the food” He gave a small smile. He went to the fridge and got out a can of beer and went to living room and turned on the TV. My aunt came into the kitchen and started on my dinner.
“I’m not having dinner” I said.
“You’re not going to eat crap all night are you?” she asked.
“No, but I still don’t want dinner” I replied.
“OK. Jenna has to go by 10. You have school tomorrow” she said to me, then I walked down the hall and I could feel her eyes burn through the back of my head with guilt.
I walked into my bedroom and Jenna grabbed a handful of popcorn.
“If you’re that hungry then you can have my dinner” I said.
“What are you having?” she asked, with a serious tone.
“Greedy. You have to go by 10, OK” I said, sitting down on my bed and spilling some popcorn.
“Oh, I just texted my mum, I have to back by 8” she explained.
“8, really, your bedtime is at 7. Are you allowed to be up that late?” I said with a sarcastic voice.
She just chucked popcorn at me and we carried on watching the movie together.
When the movie had finished, Jenna ate the last bit of popcorn and left.
“If you don’t eat your tea, don’t tell your mum that it was because I gave you food” I chuckled.
Jenna laughed too. “Are you sure you’re going to be ok?” she wondered.
I didn’t say anything while we walked out to her car.
“Yeah, well, if I’m not at school tomorrow I’ll be in my bed, drowning in my tears” I replied.
“OK. Well, we have that school exchange thingy tomorrow” she shouted from her car. I watched her drive off and waved at her when she left my road.
I completely forgot that we had the school exchange. I signed up for the exchange weeks ago and totally regret it now. It’s not a foreign exchange, it’s just another school in the area and they sort of joined to our school in a way but they are on the other side of town. What I have to do is show one of their pupils around school and they do the same when we go to their school.
I walked indoors and heard my dad crack open another beer.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat, love?” my aunt said from the living room.
“No, I’m just going to go to bed now” I replied. My dad took a large swig of his beer, stood up and walked over to me.
“You don’t have to go to school tomorrow, you know” my dad said. He had an apologetic look in his eyes.
“Even though I would never put down an offer like that, I have to do this exchange thing at school so I have to go” I replied.
“What school is doing the exchange with you?” he asked.
“Um, South Fairfield High School” I said.
“Oh, OK” he muffled.
“Why?” I asked.
“Oh, you know David”. I nodded. ”Well, his son, Ben goes there. You haven’t met him yet have you?”
“No, but I met his older brother, Freddie. But that was ages ago and I’m sure he doesn’t look the same” I said.
“OK, good night” he said and went back to his chair and took another swig of his beer.
I started to walk into room and outside of my room there was a family picture of all of us. I took it down quietly and went into my room. I sat down at my desk and took out the photo. I put the empty frame in my wardrobe and folded the photo and put it in one of my drawers. I didn’t want to see it anymore. It held to many memories.
I turned on my laptop. I was thinking about getting rid of all my photos of us together. I went into one of my files:My family, and click slideshow. I don’t know why, but I wanted to see them for the last time. I knew I was going to cry. These were happy times, when I had a proper family, and when I could talk to my mum, something I obviously can’t do now. We used to get our nails and hair done together. We used to go shopping and we used to buy lots of nice clothes with my dad’s money. But just one phone call changed it all.
My dad was home from work, he’s the manager of the food store in the village and he didn’t know what we wanted for dinner. I know, he could have cooked anything but my mum is allergic to random foods, and being a man, he forgot them. He called her, not realising that she was on her way home early. She picked up her phone and didn’t see the red light. Dad thinks it’s his entire fault. I keep telling him it wasn’t, but he blatantly won’t listen. My dad’s sister is going to be a family helper from now on. She’s going to cook all my meals, wash all my clothes and buy stuff for school. She’s going to try and help my dad since he won’t be ok on his own right now.
I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, I saw the time; 8:17. I shouldn’t have been tired, but I just had the longest day in life. My slide show was still going when I closed my eyes.
I heard my alarm go off. My dad knocked on my door.
“Daisy, are you awake yet?” came my dad’s muffled voice.
I looked up and saw my laptop screen say; OUT OF BATTERY. Did I just sleep on my desk?
“Daisy, are you OK?” he shouted.
“Uh, yeah. I’m awake” I grumbled.
“OK, well breakfast is almost ready” he said.
I stood up and left my room. I walked down the hall to the kitchen. I could smell pancakes.
“Morning, sweetie” my aunt said with a chirpy voice, trying to raise the atmosphere, but it wasn’t working that well.
“Morning Aunt Julie” I mumbled. I was still half asleep.
“So, why were you asleep on your laptop last night?” my aunt asked.
“Um, I was, um, looking at pictures on my laptop, and I fell asleep” I replied.
“What pictures were you looking at?” she asked, putting a pancake on my plate.
I covered it with syrup,” Just of me and dad and my mum” I said. My aunt looked at me and went back to the stove. ”Sorry”.
I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t stomach the taste of the sickly syrup sliding down my throat so I only had one mouthful and then I left to have a shower.
“Aren’t you hungry?” she said.
“No” I said. I went to my bathroom and had a shower. I got ready for school and started to get a bit hungry. I went to my kitchen and grabbed an apple. I saw my bus come down my lane.
“Daisy, can I talk to you for a second” my dad said, coming out of his bedroom.
“I can’t I have to go to school now” I replied walking away from him. I didn’t want to talk to him right before I go to school.
I walked to the bus, and saw Jenna on it. I went to sit next to her, but someone stopped me on my way.
“Daisy, are you OK?” they said. I ignored them.
“Daisy, how are you feeling” I heard Jenna say. I went over to her seat and sat down next to her. ”OK, I love you and I think you should cry but not before we get to school. I hope you’re not wearing make-up”.
“No, I couldn’t be bothered. OK, I’ll stop crying” I replied. I lent on her shoulder. She lent on my head. Just like the funeral. I could see people looking at me.
“What are you staring at?” Jenna shouted. I love Jenna’s confidence in having a go at people. She was so protective of me.
I felt the bus stop and everyone got off. Jenna and I went to our home room. When I walked in every looked at me.
“Just ignore them” Jenna mumbled.
I sat down and then our tutor walked in.
“Any people that signed up for the exchange go to reception after registration” she shouted over the noise.
“Can’t wait” I said sarcastically.
“I can’t believe I signed up for this. I hate you for making me do this” Jenna sighed.
I just looked at her. The bell went so Jenna and I went to reception. Loads of people were already there.
“Come on, hurry up girls” one person said.
We just snuck in the back of the crowd. The teachers and the principal were talking quietly at the front.
“Alright everyone, we are now going to redirect into the gym. Be quiet, though, people are in lessons” my principal said.
We all walked to the gymnasium.
“Everyone from this school, go the left of the gym, and everyone else go on the other side of the gym” she instructed. Everyone did what they are told, but there was a loud echo from everyone talking.
“Right, this will take a long time if everyone keeps talking. Be quiet everyone” she shouted. Everyone stopped talking.
“OK then, let’s get you paired up. Right, Abbey Fosters and Esther Collins, Blake Nelson and Dallas Butler, Bria West and Tori May, Harry Mullins...”
“Ugh, I hate him” I sighed.
“... and Ben Campbell”
“He’s my dad’s friend’s son” I explained to Jenna.
“Oooh” she said. I just looked at her.
“Jenna Lee and Faith White”
“Ha-ha” I laughed silently.
“Shut up you bum” she groaned at me.
“Alvin Morris and Dustin Barnes, Daisy Cooper and April Evans”
I walked up to my principal and greeted my exchange ‘friend’. We walked the same way that Jenna walked. She was waiting for me outside the gym.
“Who did you get?” she asked me, ignoring her friend.
“Um, Jenna she’s asking you a question”
“Oh ...” Jenna walked away to her lesson.
“We have Maths first” I explained.
“It’s very quiet here isn’t it” she said.
“Well, lessons have started” I replied.
“Oh, fair beans” she said. I just looked at her. I obviously didn’t get the smartest.
“What are we learning in maths?” she asked.
“Uh, probably adding stuff up” I replied, with a sarcastic tone.
“Oh good, I’m good at that” she smiled.
“I was being sarcastic” I said.
“I know...” she trailed off.
We got to maths and everyone was staring at me and my ‘friend’.
“Come in silently and sit down” my maths teacher said.


There were a couple of seats at the back and who do you know, Harry Mullins was sitting at the back. What a bummer. When I sat down he moved instantly to sit beside me.
“Hi Daisy” he said with an eager voice.
“Hi Harry, hi Ben. My dad told me that you are doing the exchange” I explained.
“Yeah there pretty tight with each other” he grinned. I grinned back.
“Oh, so do you two know each other?” Harry said with a worried voice.
“Sort of. Well, we haven’t really met before properly, so, hi I’m Ben and you are” he said, holding out his hand.
“Nice to meet you Ben, I’m Daisy” I laughed, shaking his hand.
“Ssssh” my teacher spat.
“OK that’s enough of that” Harry said, pulling our hands apart. “Daisy, I heard about what happened, with your mum”.
“Thanks for reminding me” I sighed.
“Well that wasn’t clever” I heard Ben whisper to Harry. ”Is your dad OK, Daisy?”
“He’s … hanging on” I sighed again.
“Yeah, my dad’s pretty torn up as well. She made the best chocolate muffins” he sighed.
I gave a small smile and got out my maths book.
“I’m really good at algebra” my ‘friend’ said.
Then, four more people from the exchange came in.
“Be quiet when you come in” he shouted again. He is so annoying.
I had English and Drama for the next 2 periods. Then it was lunchtime.
I specifically chose a place to meet Jenna so we could have lunch with each other and our ‘friends’.
“So, how have you been holding up” she asked.
“Well, I have now found out that she is a proper idiot. She made a complete fool out of herself in Drama. I was so embarrassed; everyone was laughing at me afterwards”.
“Oh, you poor thing. Well, Faith is OK. A bit, you know, out there, but then again, most of them are” she exaggerated.
We got in line for lunch and I saw Harry and Ben. Harry waved and Ben just rolled his eyes.
“Please make sure Harry doesn’t sit with us” I ordered.
“Just because he loves you” she laughed.
“I love the food here. It’s so much better than our food” April said, putting a load of pasta on her plate.
We all sat down together, me and Jenna on one side and Faith and April on the other side.
“Well, two more lessons and then I get to go home” I said.
“Daisy!!” came Harry’s voice.
“Oh my flipping god” I moaned.
“I feel so sorry for you” she said.
“Hi Daisy” Harry said getting really close to me.
“Hi Ben” I grinned. ”Hi Harry”.
“So, salad, that’s really healthy” he smiled.
“Yeah, well I’m not going to eat it” I replied, pushing the tray away from me.
Jenna put her arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug. I hugged her back.
I was silent for a bit after that. Faith and April just talked to each other. Harry and Ben rarely talked to each other. I just kept hugging Jenna. I tried really hard not to cry but I couldn’t help myself.
Jenna obviously saw that a tear fell on her lap because she got up and took my hand. She led me out of the lunch hall and into the girl’s toilets.
“I’m sorry Jenna” I cried.
“It’s OK” she said hugging me. “You can’t help it”.
We stayed in there until afternoon registration and we left the bathroom. We were really early so we got the back seats. Then people started to walk in.
“Do I look like I’ve been crying?” I asked.
“No you look fine” she replied. “I really hope that Harry is convinced that is was his fault that you started crying”
I tried to laugh but I wasn’t in the mood. Then Harry walked in with Ben.
“Please tell him to sit somewhere else. I don’t want to talk to him” I groaned.
He came over really slowly but he sat in front of us.
“Are you OK...” Harry started.
“Look, not to be rude to Ben, but Daisy isn’t in the best mood right now, I don’t know why” she gave a small pause as in to enhance the feeling as it was his fault “ so she doesn’t won’t to talk to anyone, and could you possibly sit not near her, thanks, and, no offense”.
I saw Ben smile.
“Um, yeah, uh” Harry started but then he just left.
“Ben” I moderately shouted. I gestured to him from across the room. Harry tried to come over with him but I think he said that I only wanted to talk to him.
“Yeah” he said.
“All I wanted to say is that I feel really sorry for you being with Harry” I replied.
“Yeah. After you left he was saying stuff like, ‘Shall we go and check up on you’. I wasn’t trying to be mean, you know, not going to see how you were but I didn’t want to go to the girl’s bathroom and I’m guessing you didn’t want loads of attention”.
“How did you know we went to the girl’s bathroom? What, you have like ten sisters or something?” Jenna asked.
“No, I have two brothers but I go with the stereo-typed ideas” he replied.
“OK, well I think Harry wants’ you back now. He looks a bit alone” I explained.
“OK, I’ll probably see you when my dad comes over, I’ll beg him to take me to your place if he decides not to” he said, with a grin, and then he walked away.
“Settle down everyone” our tutor said. Then Faith and April walked in.
“Jenna and Daisy, I want a word with you in a minute” she said across the room.
Faith and April came over and sat with us.
“I’m sorry that we left you alone, but my life is pretty messed up at the moment” I explained.
“Oh, that’s OK. We had fun just being lost” April said, and smiled a Faith, who giggled.
Our tutor took the register and everyone went outside but Jenna, I, April and Faith went up to the front.
“So, can you please explain why you left April and Faith” she ordered.
“Well, Jenna and I went to the bathroom” I explained.
“Why didn’t you ask them if they wanted to go with you?” she asked
“Because I was crying” I replied.
“Why were you crying?” she asked again.
“Because my mum has died recently” I muttered.
She didn’t say anything after that, so we just left.
“Are you OK?” Jenna asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be OK” I replied. We all walked out to the school field and Harry and Ben started to walk our way.
“What the hell is his problem” I groaned. I gestured April and Faith to come inside and we went straight to our lesson.
“What do we have next?” Faith asked.
“We have health class...” I replied.
“Fun” Jenna said with a sarcastic voice.
The bell went for the next lesson and we walked together. We were the first there so we got the back of the class again. I crossed my fingers for Harry to come in last. Thank god that he came in just before the teacher came in so they sat in the front. No one wants to sit in the front in health class.
“OK people, we are going to watch a video and can you all get into groups” he said.
“Ughhhhhh” I groaned really loudly.
Everyone looked at me. I could feel myself going really red.
“Is there a problem with that, Daisy?” he asked
“No, just can I go to the toilet?” I asked him.
“No” he snapped.
“Alright, keep your underwear on” I whispered into Jenna’s ear.
I looked forward and saw Harry looking at me with a smile on his face. Then I saw Ben and he looked at Harry and rolled his eyes. I smiled but I think that Harry thought I was smiling at him. Awkward.
“OK. We are going to talk about relationships today. I know this is very exciting” he said sarcastically.
He asked someone to turn the lights of and got the TV ready.
“Alright, can you now get into groups of eight” he asked, getting out a DVD.
“Daisy” Harry shouted across the room.
“I swear I’m going to hit him and then spit on him” I grunted.
“Down girl, down” Jenna laughed.
Harry came and sat right next to me and so did Ben. And 2 boys came and joined us called Cody and Nathan.
“OK everyone, calm down” he shouted. Everyone stopped talking and my teacher pressed play.
‘Relationships are very special but for teenagers they are very hard to keep unless you are emotionally ready. To prepare yourself for a teenage relationship you…’
I kept seeing Harry staring at me from the corner of my eye.
I was so tired that I didn’t realise that I started to lean on Ben’s shoulder.
“Um, Daisy” Jenna coughed.
“Huh, Oh, sorry Ben, um, I’m a bit tired” I said awkwardly.
“That’s OK, it’s just that my shoulder wouldn’t resemble to a real pillow, it’s kinda brick-like” Ben smiled, then took my finger and started prodding himself with it to define his point.
“Yes, it’s quite, um, hard” I said, then looked away to see that everyone on our table was staring at us, and Harry was doing his jealous glare that recently I had become used to.
“OK, in your groups I would like you to write down all the wrong and right things that could go wrong in a teenage relationship” he asked.
Harry got out a piece of paper and a pen. He looked at me as if he was only going to take answers down from me, whilst ignoring everyone else.
“Right, so, I think that the wrong things about a teenage relationship are that maybe that some people aren’t ‘emotionally ready’ they don’t… um…” I started.
“…they don’t treat people with as much respect as the other would like, so it’s better to be ready for a relationship” Ben finished with a small grin at me.
“That’s a really good idea, Daisy” Harry said and wrote it down straight away, completely ignoring the fact that Ben interjected the comment with the answer.
I looked at Jenna and started laughing and Ben joined in. Then everyone else, but Harry, joined in for the sake of it.
“OK, I know that this is really fun to do but can we keep noise to a minimum please” my teacher asked.
Jenna and I kept on laughing quietly and Ben kept smiling at me. I smiled back at him and I turned to Harry and the page was filled.
“This is so boring” I sighed.
“What are you talking about, Daisy, this is very educational” Ben said.
“Well that may be, I’m going to go to the toilet” I said, getting up.
“I’ll come with you” Jenna insisted.
“I can sit on the seat by myself” I smiled. ”Mr Jackson, can I go to the toilet please?”
“Fine, here’s a hall pass” he replied, handing me a hall pass.
I left the classroom and walked down the hall to the closest bathroom.
I walked in and a girl brushed past me on her way out. I went to the mirrors and checked my face. I had been using spot removal but being a teenager sucks bum.
I hate Harry. I felt so sorry for Ben.
Two girls then came in and stared at me so I left. I walked down the hall really slowly. I was looking in all of the windows of the classrooms. Then one teacher came out.
“Do you have a pass to be out?” she asked.
I left the pass in the bathroom.
“I did have one but I left it in the bathroom” I replied. I hope that she doesn’t give me detention.
“What class are you in?” she asked again.
“Mr Jackson’s” I mumbled.
“Right, come with me” she said.
I followed her to Mr Jackson’s classroom. She opened the door and everyone stared at me.
“Did you give Daisy a hall pass?” she hissed at my teacher.
I saw Jenna laughing and I smiled at her.
“Yes, did you leave it the bathroom?” he asked.
“Yeah, shall I go and get it?” I asked.
“Quickly” he said.
I ran out of the classroom to the bathroom I went to and then I heard the bell go. I grabbed the pass and ran back to the classroom. Jenna was waiting for me.
“Tut tut tut” she smiled at me.
I gave the pass to Mr Jackson and went to my next lesson.
At the end of the day I walked to the school bus with Jenna.
“So are you holding up?” Jenna asked.
“Yeah, you know, I hope my dad’s OK though” I replied.
“I’m sorry if I depressed you but I just wanted to know” Jenna said.
“It’s OK” I mumbled.
We got a seat on the bus and went home. When we got to my lane I got off, waved at Jenna from the window and walked to my house.


My dad wasn’t home for another three hours so I would have to occupy myself with homework, or call Jenna and talk for two hours. I opened the front door and put my stuff on the kitchen table. I got out my math homework, grabbed an apple and went outside onto the deck of our lake. I led down and started to eat my apple.
I wonder what my dad wanted to talk about. I didn’t realise the time until I heard my dad’s car pull up.
“Hey, Daisy, how was your day?” my dad asked. His eyes were red from crying probably. Or drugs, I’d better take a bit more notice to his actions from now on.
“It was OK” I mumbled, staring at the redness of his eyes.
“Did you get a chance to meet Ben?” he said.
“Yeah, he was in most of my classes” I replied. ”He’s really nice”.
“Yeah, he is” he said.
We walked to our house together in silence; things couldn’t have been more awkward.
He opened the front door and chucked his coat on a chair.
“Dad, what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked.
“I was … just wondering if you wanted to go to David’s tomorrow night. I know you might not want to since maybe you might not be up to it, but I thought you might want to get out a bit” he replied.
“Yeah, I need to get out and it would be a good chance to talk to Ben without Harry being there” I smiled.
“Oh, is that Harry Mullins. He’s a right...” my dad started. ”Well, annoying in your words”
“Of course dad” I agreed.
“Have you had dinner yet?” he continued.
“No, I’m not hungry” I replied.
“Look, I know that losing mum is a big impact on the both of us, but please, can you eat something. I don’t want you to become anorexic or something because I already worry about you too much” he explained.
“Dad, I like food to much, besides, I had an apple when I got home, but if it makes you feel better I’ll have some toast” I said.
He gave me a kiss on the head and a hug. I tried not to cry so I let go and I walked to our kitchen and got out two pieces of bread and put them in the toaster. I got out a plate and some butter and a knife. When they popped up I buttered them and sat down in the living room munching and watching some boring discovery channel that I couldn’t be bothered to change.
Then David Attenborough started talking about mating then I was bothered to change it to a music channel. I ate all my toast and then my aunt walked in.
“Hello, Daisy” she said.
“Hi” I said. She had obviously come to wash clothes and clean. Bless her, doing all the housework.
I walked into my bedroom and turn on my laptop. I went on Facebook and Jenna was online. I started to chat to her.
‘Hi Jenna’ I put. She replied straight away.
‘Hiya =)’ she put.
‘I’m going round to Ben’s house tomorrow’ I put.
‘Ohhh, how exciting, am I invited’ she asked me.
‘No =( but I really hope Harry isn’t there’
‘Yeah, I would laugh’
‘I don’t know what his problem is’’
‘I have to go now= (’
‘Well that was a good convo=L’
‘Yeah, I have to have my tea now’
‘Kk, I’ll see you tomorrow bye’ I put.
‘Bye, feel better babe xxx’ she put.
She logged off and I went on my profile page. There wasn’t anything on there but a notification of someone tagging me in a photo. I logged off and I shut down my laptop. I went over to my bed and got my iPod out of my bedside table and put the headphones in my ear. I pressed play and the music from my mum’s funeral was playing. I listened to the whole track and was thinking about her. I started crying but I kept listening to the track over and over again.
I went to change the track and realised that it was 7:06. I couldn’t believe that I had been listing to it that long.
I heard my dad knock on the door so I wiped my eyes and chucked my iPod on my bed. I opened my door.
“David just called and said that Harry is coming to the BBQ tomorrow” my dad explained.
I groaned and said “I hope that you don’t mind me killing him”.
“Don’t be mean, it’s the exchange, Ben can’t help it” he smiled.
“Dad, he wants to kidnap me” I shouted.
“Don’t over react. He just has a major crush on you” he laughed.
“I thought that being a dad; you would protect me from psychos like Harry” I said.
“You are old enough to stand up to him for yourself” he explained.
“He’s not bullying me, he’s stalking me” I replied.
“Just ignore him” he said walking away.
Why does no one believe when I say that he is stalking me? Maybe Ben could protect me. He would do a better job of it. With his hard shoulders.
I was started to reconsider the idea of going to the BBQ because of Harry but then I thought of my dad, who probably wanted me to go and get my mind off certain things.
School was going to be torture since Harry won’t leave me alone now. I put on a DVD and tucked into bed. I was so tired from the night before I didn’t realise that I left the TV on.
I woke up at 6 and looked at my TV. It was on the home menu. I got and turned my TV off. I went to have a shower and got dressed. It was 7 when I decided I was going to eat. I only had a small bowl of cereal, but my dad was watching so I forced it down my throat.
The bus came and I sat with Jenna. The day flew by. Harry still tried to kidnap me but Jenna is like steel. And Ben helped with his hard shoulders. He sat next to us at lunch but I just talked to Ben about the BBQ. Jenna kept smiling at me and April and Faith just chatted between them.
When I got home I had been told that the BBQ started at 5 so I took another shower and change into my nicest jeans and a grey vest top with a blue checked button over it. I didn’t button it up though. I didn’t want to act like this was a fancy thing so I put some converses on.
My dad got home 2 hours early and he had a shower and got dressed up quiet nice in a grey buttoned shirt, jeans and his Italian loafers.
On the way there we didn’t talk much to each other.
“Dad, David has 3 children doesn’t he?” I asked.
“Yeah, Freddie is the oldest, then Ben and then his youngest is called Adam” he replied.
“Cool” I said.
We pulled in to Ben’s drive and saw that people had already arrived, including Harry.
Ben obviously recognised our car because he walked towards it. He opened the door for me.
“Hi” he smiled.
“Hi” I smiled back. ”So, Harry’s here”
“Yeah, he forced me to invite him. He was saying that it would be a good way to mingle” he said.
“Does your dad know that he’s a potential stalker?” I added.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you” he grinned. ‘With your hard shoulders’ I thought, and I smiled to myself.
Just then Harry ran over to us.
“Hi Daisy, I didn’t know that you were coming” he chuckled.
He did know I was coming. Ben and I were talking about it nonstop at lunch.
“Yeah, well my dad said I needed to get out a bit, so here I am” I said, smiling at Ben.
I didn’t know if Ben was thinking the same thing as me, but I was hoping he did.
“So, what do we have to eat?” I asked Ben.
“Well, we have hot dogs that have almost gone so I would grab one now but if you don’t want a hot dog we have burgers that are almost ready” he suggested.
“I’ll have a hot dog now” I said.
So Harry followed Ben and I to get a hotdog. I ate mine instantly. Ben gave me a look.
“I’m hungry” I insisted. Ben laughed and then so did Harry.
“Uh, your dad said that you haven’t met all of my family before” Ben said.
Just then someone called Harry’s name.
“Oh, sorry guys, I have to go for a bit” Harry moaned.
“Oh, that’s ok. Catch up with us later” I said. Harry smiled at me and then walked away.
“I thought that you didn’t like him” Ben frowned, sounding confused.
“I don’t but I can’t say ‘Oh don’t bother coming to look for us. I don’t like you’ can I?” I said.
“Ok, fair enough, I guess you’re just too nice” he said.
We went to see his dad and mum who were with my dad.
“Dad, Mum, this is Daisy” Ben said.
“Hi Daisy, this is my wife, Elaine and I’m David. I’ve heard a lot about you” David said.
“Hi Daisy” Elaine smiled.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you finally” I smiled back looking at my dad.
“I’m just going to introduce Daisy to Freddie and Adam” Ben said.
“I wouldn’t take Daisy to see Freddie. He’s with his friends” David suggested.
“Oh, ok then. Do you know where Adam is?” Ben asked.
“He’s in the living room” Elaine said. “Nice to meet you Daisy”
Ben took me to see Adam and he was watching TV with a friend.
“Hey, Adam, this is Daisy, Jason’s daughter” Ben said.
“Hi” Adam muffled.
Ben shook his head and we walked to the kitchen.
“Sorry that he’s so rude. He’s 14 so” Ben explained.
“Oh, it’s ok” I agreed.
Just then a tall, big built, black haired man, about 20 walked in and went up to Ben and interrupted us.
“Do you know where the beers are?” he asked.
“Freddie, can’t you see I’m talking to someone” Ben said.
Freddie looked at me and said “Hey, aren’t you Jason’s daughter?”
“Yeah, Daisy” I replied.
“Nice to meet you. Anyway, do you know where the beers are?” Freddie repeated.
“No and I wouldn’t tell you anyway” Ben replied. I thought he was being a little bit childish by saying that.
“Why?” Freddie asked.
“Do you remember the last time you got drunk?” Ben started to whisper, facing away from me. Well, I guess that made some sense.
Freddie just walked away after that.
“Oh, look who is coming” I grumbled.
Ben looked up and then Harry came and stood next to me. Before he could say anything I interrupted him.
“I need to go to bathroom. Ben, can you show me where it is, please” I asked.
“Yeah, follow me” Ben replied and he led me upstairs. Luckily enough Harry didn’t follow us.
“It’s in there” Ben said, pointing to a door.
“I didn’t really need to go, I just didn’t want to hang around with Harry. That’s my nice way of telling him piss off” I said.
“Very cunning” Ben smiled. ”So what shall we do?”
“We could sneak out your window and go to the woods? I know it seems quite hard-core but my dad might see us if we go out the front door and get worried or angry, depends” I suggested.
“Yeah, we might break our necks and I don’t want to be responsible for you being in hospital or for your dad being angry or upset. That wouldn’t be good for our mutual relationship since he doesn’t know me that well, and then he finds out that I take his daughter on reckless adventures” Ben said with a hint of sarcasm.
“Ok, I get it and why would you be in trouble if it was my idea?” I wondered.
“Well, I’m the male, so I would be in charge in this situation of recklessness” Ben explained.
“You were so right when you said you are only stereo typed about women” I said.
“Well, shall we sneak out the front door? I don’t think your dad is even in the hallway so we could be sneaky” Ben asked.
“Yeah, let’s go” I smiled.
We went quietly down the stairs and peeped round the staircase to see if Harry was looking. He was standing to the side so when a few people walked by we quickly ran out the front of the house.
We kept looking back as we were running to see if anyone saw us but we were safe.
When we got to the outskirts of the woods we stopped and just started laughing. We walked a bit further into the woods. It was starting to get dark so we stayed near the edge of the wood. We didn’t want the chainsaw psycho
“I wonder what Harry’s doing” I said.
“Yeah, if we’re out here for too long they’ll send out a search party. I don’t think that we should stay out here to long, we’ll go back when it starts to get really dark” Ben suggested.
Though it was starting to get really dark, we just sat down on a tree stump and started to chat. We chatted a lot and didn’t realise the time or the lighting change until we heard someone shout our names.
“What’s the time?” I asked Ben, panicking.
“9:20” he replied.
We ran out of the woods and found Ben’s dad.
“Where have you been?” he demanded.
I looked at Ben and he looked at me.
“It was my fault dad. I said that we should go into the woods" Ben confessed. I looked at him, eyes wide, but also impressed.
“Well, at least you didn’t go far. Daisy, you might want to see your dad, he’s in the kitchen” David said.
I walked away on my own and I saw that Harry was looking at me through the window. He was frowning. Oh well. Like I cared what he thought. I walked into the kitchen.
“Where the hell have you been?” my dad asked, with a harsh tone.
“I was just in the woods with Ben. We didn’t go that far in” I replied.
“Please, don’t scare me like that again” my dad breathed. I hugged to say sorry and he said that we had to leave.
When we left the house Harry came running after me.
“Daisy, can I talk to you for a second” he asked.
“Sorry, Harry I have to go now” I apologized.
“It won’t take that long” he pleaded.
“Ok, what?” I said, quite harshly.
“Well, I was wondering, if, um, you wanted to go to prom with me?” he asked.
“Harry, I…” I started but Harry stopped me.
“Look, I know its ages away but I thought I’d better get a chance before anyone else does” He said, looking over at Ben. I looked as well, and he’d obviously been listening because he was staring at me.
It’s not that I didn’t want to go with Harry, well, it was, but, I thought, at that moment, I would go with Ben, so I had to come up with something.
“Harry, I’m flattered, but, it’s not a good time for me in my life right now” I thought I would have to start fake crying, but the feelings come back to me. My eyes started welling up. “With my mum, my dad and I are in a bad place, no, sorry”.
Tears had started to fall down my face, and Ben must have been watching because he came running over in the corner of my eye.
“What’s wrong, Daisy?” He said, putting his arm around my back.
“Nothing” And I walked away from him. My dad saw as well and stopped me.
“Are you OK?” he asked. He put his hands on both my arms.
“Yeah, I just want to go home” I said, opening to car door. I sat in and so did my dad. I looked up to see Ben and he was talking to Harry. I couldn’t make out what they were saying against the noise of the engine. My dad drove away from their house, the light from their porch was getting dimmer as we drove away into the night.
“So what did that kid ask you?” He asked, wary of my state.
“That was Harry Mullins, asking me to prom in April” I explained, looking out of the window, not wanting to make eye contact, since that would result in showing him how much I had actually cried then he would of anticipated.
“Oh, that was Harry. He’s a bit skinny, and spotty” he said, I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw he had his eyes crossed as if to enhance to grossness of his situation. “So what, were you saving yourself for someone, like Ben?”
I looked at him, “Dad!” I exclaimed.
“What, just saying if you were, you are Dad Approved” He smiled and laughed.
“Dad don’t, just don’t” I said, trying not to smile, but I couldn’t help myself.
“So, what were you both doing in the woods, in the dark? Because if I should be concerned...” He said.
I didn’t let him finish the rest, “If you must know, we were only talking about school and crap like that”.
“OK, so do you like him?” He asked.
“Dad, let’s set things straight. I like him … as a friend” I said, adding a bit of sarcasm to the sentence.
“Well, just saying, if you do like him, I think he’s a good guy. He’s smart, he’s charming, he’s funny, and he’s got a good set of muscles” he listed.
“Ok, first of all, how do you even know that? And if you like him that much maybe you should date him!” I practically shouted. I didn’t mean to, I was just shocked that those hard shoulders had some other friends.
“If you must know, I was round their house and he came downstairs looking for a shirt” He explained.
“When was this?” I asked, more curious.
“’bout two months again” he replied.
I sat in quiet for a moment. “So, does he have, like, a six pack?” I asked, looking hopefully at my dad.
He just looked at me, eyebrow raised.
He turned into our drive and parked the car.
“I’m tired” He said between yawns.
I moaned in agreement. He opened to front door and we walked inside.
That’s when it hit me, being inside my house, where I was brought up with my mum, is where all my feelings for her were. It made me depressed to think about it, so I went to bed straight away.
“Night” my dad shouted to me from down the hall.
I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed. I didn’t fall asleep straight away. I usually thought about my life, while snuggled up in the warmth of my bed, and that’s what I did that night. I thought about Ben, and what my dad said. Maybe Ben and I could go out. I bet Ben gives the best and warmest hugs with his tanned muscly arms. Then I drifted off thinking about Ben, the best way to fall to sleep.


I woke with a start and I had ended up on the other side of my bed from when I originally got into it. I hate when that happens. And my leg was hanging off.
I read the clock on my bedside table and it said 4:58. Surprisingly, I found it quite hard to get back to sleep. Maybe I had dreamed all I could from that night.
It was starting to get light outside, but I turned my lamp on anyway.
I led in bed for about 5 minutes then I got up to use the toilet and I made my way back to my bed I went over to the big window and sat at my window seat for a bit.
Then I decided I would put on my black daps and go outside and sit on the lake deck. I wouldn’t go out by the door since my dad’s a pretty light sleeper. He said that even though I didn’t cry as a baby, he would always be cautious and stay on guard since my mum used to get grumpy when she didn’t sleep enough.
I contemplated whether on if I should put a jacket on, so I opened my window and huge breeze came in and I instantly got goose bumps so I threw on a jacket and climbed out of my window, trying to be quiet for my dad.
I jumped down and closed it carefully and walked from my bedroom window to the lake deck and started to walk up it. The sun was just about to rise, since I saw the red light in the clouds. I sat crossed legged, at the end and watched the sun rise. It took longer than I thought, but it was still refreshing to be up this early and watch something as amazing as it was.
The sun had fully risen and I still was outside on the lake deck. I had thought more about Ben and how my mum would react to him. She would always try to act ‘in the crowd’ and say stuff that teenagers never said anymore. She learned from me, when I entered my teenage stage, that I always pointed out to myself or noticed some good looking guy I would always tell my mum when they walked past, and when she ever saw a fit guy she’d say it as well. It got kinda weird after a while since she was married.
“Daisy!” I heard my dad shout from inside the house. I didn’t move, he would have found me.
“Daisy!” I heard him again. I looked round and saw him coming out of the house and looking around. He spotted me on the deck and was starting to walk towards were I was. I look away, and eventually, I heard the creaking of the deck underneath my dad’s feet.
“What are you doing out here?” my dad asked.
I looked up at my dad. He was dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt and converse. I looked at I was wearing, black daps and my David & Goliath Sushi Pyjamas. “I just came come here to think” was my reply.
“How long you been out here?” he asked, now sitting down behind me.
I turned my head sideways, not looking at him directly. “Well, the last time I looked at a clock it said 5 so, what time is it now?”
“About 7:30” he replied.
I looked away, out at the lake.
“Daisy, I have something I want to ask you” my dad started.
I didn’t say anything; I didn’t really want to know what it was.
“If you want to talk to somebody after what happened, you know you can talk to me” he said quietly.
“I don’t want to talk to you dad. It would be harder than it sounds right now” I said back to him. I looked down and started picking at my scuffed shoes.
“I know, sweetie, so I did some thinking, and talked to a friend and your aunt and I think I should call for some help” he said, and he said wary, not knowing what my reaction would be.
I turned my whole body to the side. “Do you mean like, a shrink?”
“A professional who you could talk to, it would be completely confidential, and maybe someone I could talk to as well. It seems like your bottling it up and I don’t want you to be silent about this for the rest of your life”
“Can I think about it?” I asked, looking at him directly.
“Of course” he smiled. “I didn’t think I would have had to of ask you now Ben’s in the picture”
“Change the subject much” I grinned, putting my head in my hand, which rested on my knee.
“Do you think you would talk to him about this?” he asked. “He does seems concerned”
“I don’t know him well enough”
“You knew him well enough to run off to the woods with him” I just looked down, kind of guilty. I didn’t mean to scare him but I just wanted to have a civilised conversation with Ben without Harry butting in.
“Come on” he said, standing up. “I’ll make you breakfast”
“Thanks, I’m starving” I said, getting up too. We started walking back to the house, arms around each back, knowing that the happiest moment together after the funeral wouldn’t last forever. Then, we saw someone walking up our drive.
“Daisy, is that you?” he shouted, and then he came into view.
“Ben?” I said looking under a branch. I saw the person come towards me. He pushed the branch out of the way and then Ben came into view with a worried look on his face. He looked kind of tired and sweaty.
I looked round to see if there was a car behind, but there wasn’t.
“Ben, did you walk here?” I asked. My dad had already gone inside, obviously to leave us to alone.
“Yeah, I was worried and I wanted to see if you were OK, you know, last night” he replied.
“What, you’re telling me you walked ten miles, for me, what time did you leave?” I asked, as he panted. I didn’t mean to make the question about me so I tried to save it with asking another question.
“About quarter to seven, I ran a bit though. And it’s not ten miles, more like three and a half, give or take” he panted some more, with a smile on his face.
“OK, would you like some breakfast?” I offered gesturing inside.
“Yeah, thanks” he smiled, and we both walk into the house were my dad was starting to make pancakes.
“Morning Ben, what are you doing here so early?” my dad asked.
“I came to see Daisy” He replied looking at me. I looked at him, and then my dad and he gave me a raised eyebrow look, as if to say ‘I told you so, he does care’, so I just looked down at my plate.
I felt Ben looking at me so deeply, it made me blush. I think he noticed, because I saw him smile as my dad put a pancake on his plate.
“Thank you, Mr Cooper” he said politely. I couldn’t believe the manners he had. In the movies the jock/hottie comes off as an arrogant douchebag, but I’m guessing, since we aren’t in a movie, though Ben is a hottie, it doesn’t really count. Thank God for reality.
“Ben, call me Jason, it’s weird when you call me that” my dad smiled, putting a pancake on my plate.
He smiled and put syrup on his pancake, and I put sugar on mine.
Ben and my dad were talking all through breakfast while I just listened. I kept looking at Ben and he kept looking at me and smiling.
When I had finished I went to have a shower and I put on my grey skinny jeans and my ‘I Love Nerds’ top by David & Goliath. I love David & Goliath. I also put on my new Rocket Dog shoes on. I went out to the kitchen and Ben and my dad were still talking.
“Hey, I like you shoes” Ben smiled, looking down at my shoes.
“Thanks” I grinned.
“Are you two going out?” my dad asked, he started to wash the dishes.
“Um, we could go out, in town, do you want to?” I asked Ben.
“Yeah, do you want to go now” he said, standing up and putting his plate by the sink.
“If you’re going out, put a jacket on, you know it’s cold outside” my dad said.
I grabbed my pale red jacket from the back of a chair and got my wallet from my bedroom. I checked to see how much I had. 50 dollars. Sure that would be enough. I didn’t think I would need too much money since we were only going into town. Coffee doesn’t cost $20 a cup, thank God.
Me and Ben walked up my drive and out onto the road and turned left to go into town. We talked the whole time.
We went into the coffee shop and went to the local park. It was pretty much empty so we sat on the swings and drank our coffee. We’d just put the cups in the bin and then it started raining. We were too far away from any building so we had to make do under a huge willow tree.
We climbed the tree to get out of the rain and practically spent most of the day there. We sat on the same branch, me against the tree trunk and Ben in front of me. Even when the rain stopped we kept on talking. It wasn’t until we heard someone shout my name that we realised how long we were there.
“Daisy!” He shouted. He came running up to the tree carrying a dog lead.
“Hey Harry” I mumbled. Ben nodded. I could tell he was irritated about his arrival.
“Can I talk to you for a second, please” he asked, looking hopeful. I didn’t know if he wanted to talk to me or if he was trying to get me down away from Ben. I wasn’t going to budge no matter what he said.
“Um, I’m kinda busy at the moment” I replied, gesturing to Ben.
“That’s OK, I‘ll tell you at school. So what have you two been up to?” he asked. He directed the question to both of us but was staring at me. When he wasn’t looking at me he was trying to give a glare to Ben, but with his hard shoulders, Ben obviously had more aggression in him that Harry would never have.
“Well, we’ve basically been here all day” Ben said, lifting up his left hand gesturing the tree and then placing it on my thigh. I looked up at him and he looked at me in the eyes and grinned. Harry had noticed and tried again to get me down but this time he wanted me to play with his dog but I decided to stay on the tree with Ben. Eventually, Harry went, without his long goodbye to me that is, and left Ben and I in peace.
“I thought he’d never leave” Ben smiled, resting his arm against the tree trunk and above my head. This move made him closer to me; his face was closer to mine.
“Ben, I…” I started, but Ben’s strong but tender lips met mine and I joined the movement of his. It only lasted for a few seconds, and then Ben put his hand on my cheekbone and stroked it, then he stroked my lips with his thumb; I smiled at him then raised my hand to stroke his cheekbone, and then his lips. I then leant in to kiss him; he reacted by grabbing my waist, pulling himself closer to me and my body.
He put his hands on my waist, then he slowly felt down my waist to my hips were he gripped them. Then to my thighs, rubbing up to my waist and down my thighs continuously while I put my thighs over his, propping myself up. I reached for his neck and stroked his hair. His jet, black hair felt unbelievably smooth under my fingertips. My hands then reached down his chest to feel his stomach muscles. They felt amazing I had to stop kissing him to feel them properly.
“What do you think?” he breathed, grabbing my hand and he started to put it around his neck.
I drew back, “Apparently, you have a six pack” I whispered, smiling. He gave a smirk. He then sat up straight and pulled up his shirt to reveal the amazing display of his, correction, eight pack. I didn’t obviously look that subtle with my reaction, because he gave a soft laugh and put his top down. I blushed and smiled.
“Shall we leave?” He asked.
“We could go back to mine and hang out” I offered.
He smiled and carefully removed my thighs from his and jumped down, even thought it was like 10 feet.
“Um, a little help” I shouted from the branch. How could Ben of left me up here? Was he trying to embarrass me? I was starting to doubt his manners.
“I hoped this would have happened” he grinned. I looked at him confused. If he was in my position, I would be laughing so hard at him. “Just hold onto the branch to your left and step onto the one down a bit further”
I grabbed the branch like he said and made it to the other designated branch, “I’m still not jumping, and it’s still quite high”
“OK, jump into my arms” he smiled, reaching his arms up.
“You know, I’m not as light as you might think” I hesitated.
“Just jump” he shouted. I put my arms out and jump, and what do you know, he caught me!
“You OK?” he asked, clearly not aware he was the one who should be in pain right now.
“Yeah, but just to be clear, this doesn’t make me a wimp, it makes me sensible about my own safety” I said, my eyebrows raised.
He nodded and we started walking. He put his hand into my butt pocket and practically felt up my bum, so I did the same. It was probably one of the best days of my life.
We didn’t say much on the way back, but I couldn’t help but smile. I just couldn’t believe that someone like Ben would like someone like me.
When we turned into my drive, I saw another car there, my aunt’s. We walked inside and my aunt Julie was putting things into the dishwasher while my dad was on his laptop. They both looked up at us.
“Hey” I said to both of them.
“Hello, Jason and …” he trailed.
“Oh, I’m Daisy’s aunt Julie” she said, shaking his hand. “You’re Ben, right?”
“Yeah, nice to meet you” he said, with a smile.
“Hello, Daisy, Ben. You were gone for quite some time” dad said, checking his watch and looking back at us.
“Yeah, we got … side-tracked” I grinned, and looked up at Ben, and he smiled back. ”We’re going to go to my room”
My dad and aunt just looked up as Ben and I walked to my room.
As I opened my bedroom door, Ben grabbed my waist with one hand. As I closed my bedroom door he gripped my waist with both hands and pulled me closer and started to kiss me just as vigorously as before.
He pushed me with his body to get to my bed and I sat down, Ben still attached by the lips, he sat down too. Then he started to reach above my waist, under my top. Just before he reached my bra I pulled away.
“Ben, stop” I moaned. Ben dropped his hands and I pulled down my top.
“Daisy, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of even …” He started, with regret in his voice.
“No, its fine, well, I’m just confused. Are we together?” I asked. “I just don’t want to have one of ‘those’ relationships, based on sex”
“That wasn’t what I had in mind at all” he exclaimed. “And, only if you want to be together, I think we could make a good couple” he grinned.
I grinned back “I think so to”. I went to hug him and he kissed my forehead.
“Don’t know what Harry would think of this” Ben laughed.
“Yeah, what did he need to talk to me about, do you know, it’s just I saw you two talking as I left last night”
“Well, he asked me ‘Do you think that was my fault’. And I said ‘Probably not, she’s having a hard time at home with her family right now, I shouldn’t worry about it’ but my best guess is that he is worried and will badger you until he finds out why you did start crying, even if it has nothing to do with him”
I just buried myself into his chest as he hugged me tightly. I was right, his hugs were warm but his russet skin made me look like a ghost.


We decided for the rest of the evening we would stay out in the living room where my dad could see us and not get in his dad state and worry. We just sat closely on the couch and watch Two and a Half Men. He had his arm around me and I cuddled into him.
Instead of cooking, my aunt ordered a Chinese take-away instead, so it was a pretty good evening. My aunt took him home around 10 since his house was on her way home. My dad started grilling me about what happened while we were out and what happened in my bedroom.
“So where did you guys go?” he asked.
“We went to the park and when it started raining we climbed a willow tree and spent our day there”
“And how were you situated whilst on this willow tree” he asked, trying to sound smart but coming off nosey.
“Well, I sat with my back against the tree trunk and he was in front of me”
“And…” he said, trying to get me to spill the beans.
“Harry Mullins turned up and Ben touched my thigh on purpose!” I said sarcastically. My dad gasped, again in sarcasm.
“And what did poor little Harry do about some guy touching his lady?” he asked, adding dramatic gestures and actions. I laughed so much.
“Well, he saw it and tried to get me to come down and play with his dog, but I wasn’t having none of that” I screwed up my nose disgust. My dad smiled.
“He eventually left … and well …” I stopped.
“Well what?” he asked, looking more curious. I started to walk to my bedroom.
“I’m tired, I think I’ll go to bed” I fake yawned, my dad followed me.
“No, you can’t stop it there, tell me” he pleaded, putting his hands together.
I went into my bedroom and led on my bed, my dad joined me and I told him everything. There were a few ooo’s and aaa’s and a laugh, now and again. Once I had finished he asked me to come to his room.
When I walked in, he was fumbling around in a draw but pulled out what seemed to be a small red box.
“Since you and Ben seem like you’re getting serious, I want you to have this” he said and handed over the red box, which turned out to be a box full of condoms. I had never been so embarrassed in the whole of my life.
“Dad! I don’t need these!” I exclaimed, trying to hand them back to him but he declined.
“I want you to be safe, whatever you do, keep them. And just because you have these doesn’t mean you’re more ‘up for it’, it means that you are being the sensible young woman you turned into” he explained.
“OK, I’m going to bed now” I said with a blank expression on my face. I left his room and practically ran to mine. That was a weird moment I wanted to abort quickly.
I put the condoms on my bedside table and changed into my pyjamas. I got into bed and got out my iPod. Even thought it was like 11 I thought I would listen to a bit of music to make me sleepy.
Turns out, I was more tired than I thought since I woke up with an ear phone in, the another one was strewn across the pillow, I had obviously moved whilst asleep. I took it out of my ear and I checked the time on my iPod; 9:04. Crap! I’d been asleep for about 10 hours. I placed my iPod on my bedside table then I noticed the condoms.
I started to think to myself, ‘would Ben go all the way with me?’ He seemed pretty upset with himself when I stopped him touching my boob. To be honest, I think he was trying to more gentlemanly than anything. Bless him. He is so sweet, and charming. Dad was right. But he also gave me condoms so I have mixed feelings about my dad right now.
I walked out to the kitchen and found my aunt Julie wiping down the counter top.
“Hey, morning, or should I say afternoon” she smiled, continuing to wipe.
“Hi, and it’s only 9” I said, looking in the fridge. “Where’s dad?”
“He had to go into work” she replied. “Do you want breakfast?”
“Um, just toast please” and I sat down at the table, looking at the newspaper but not actually reading it.
“So, what are your plans today?” she asked, whilst putting some bread in the toaster.
“Well, I haven’t seen Jenna since Friday, but I think she’s going out today” I replied, not sure of the facts.
“Well, we could go out shopping, if you’re up for it. You know they opened up that mall a few months ago and we haven’t been there yet”
“Ok, I don’t have much money though”
“That’s OK, we could just browse and then get a Starbucks, like usual” she smiled, placing two slightly burned pieces of bread on my plate.
I opened the Nutella jar and started to spread generously. The parts of the bread I didn’t eat, I licked off the Nutella, so none went to waste.
I said thank-you to Julie and went to have a shower. I changed into my tan jeans, my rust coloured boots and a buttoned up grey cardigan with a plain top underneath. I grabbed my brown side bag and put in my phone, wallet and other things to fill up space.
We talked some on the way, but most of the way I listened to my iPod. Not to be anti-social or anything, I just liked music. We spent ages looking for a parking space, but eventually we found one, it was the furthest away from the mall.
When we walked in, we were greeted by the hustle and bustle of hundreds of people shopping. We looked in the shops on the bottom floor first then the second, and just as we were about to go to the third, I saw a food place and we grabbed lunch which was a slice of pizza and a slice of cake. Ironically, the place was called ‘Slices’, not referring to the drinks of course.
We started on the third floor and I actually bought something. The 30 Second to Mars CD, This is War. I thought I’d add to the collection of my iPod these songs since I hadn’t heard them before. We kept looking around but we ended up leaving, but before we did I bought a large coffee Frappuccino, and Julie had a medium Cappuccino.
We got home about 5 and Julie started to make dinner of pasta with pesto. My dad got home just in time for dinner and we ate together, my dad and Julie talking to each other, occasionally asking me things to keep me interested.
After dinner I went into my room with my CD and downloaded it onto iTunes and put the songs onto my iPod. Just as I disconnected, I heard my phone buzzing. It was from Jenna. The text read:
‘So you and Ben got cosy at the park!’
I kept texting back after. ‘Yh, we were hanging out’
‘So, you were on a tree branch, really close, like really close’
‘So it’s true, oh joy!!! And people have eyes, you know’
‘So, what else do you know??’ I hoped she didn’t know about me and Ben getting ‘intimate’.
‘You were making out, and you felt his abs :D’
‘Yeah, so we did that, and since you know that I might as well tell you. We went back to mine and we made out again, then he started to feel me up’ I hesitated sending it but I did anyway.
There was a long pause between that text. What the hell. You just don’t text something as crucial as that information was and not text back. Rude. Then my phone buzzed.
‘Sorry, what happened after that …?’
‘Sorry? What took you so long???’
‘I was hyperventilating. HE FELT YOU UP!!!!, lucky xx’
‘Ok, well I stopped him saying, I don’t want this to end up being based on sex, then we got together :)’
‘Aaaaahhhh, happy endings xx’
‘And my dad gave me condoms. He said because Ben and I were getting ‘serious’, we would have to take precautions’
‘Oooh, awkward turtle, much xx’
‘Tell me about it’
‘So, are you going to have sex with him???’
‘Not at this moment in time, I don’t think’
‘Right, I’ll see you tomoz babes xx’
‘Yh, xx’
I turned off my phone and put it on my desk. I got into my pyjamas and put on my iPod to 30 Seconds to Mars. It was probably one of the best CD’s I’d ever listened to. I put my iPod away at exactly half nine and went to bed.
I woke up at 6, had a shower, got changed and went out to breakfast. My aunt wasn’t there yet, but my dad was up.
“Hey, morning” he smiled, looking up from his paper, but then looking right back down.
I grunted in my reply. I didn’t particularly like Monday mornings. I poured myself some cereal and started munching.
I had time to wash the dish and spoon before the bus came.
“Have a good day” he shouted at me, as I left the house. I saw Jenna on the bus and went to sit by her.
“Hey, babe, do you know what Harry wanted to ask you on Saturday?” she asked.
“Jen, how do you know everything? And yes, but it’s none of your business” I replied, looking at her shocked.
We talked on the way to school about our weekends and stuff and we were still talking when our teacher walked into our homeroom. Then along came Harry, but the bright side of that was that he was with Ben. Ben tried to make his way over to me but Harry pushed him out of the way.
“Hey, Daisy I wanted to ask you if it was I that upset you on Friday night” he asked, kneeling next to my seat. I looked up at Ben who looked down at me, widening his eyes, than he sat next to me.
“No, it wasn’t you” I replied. Harry nodded at sat in front of me but turned around so he could look at me.
“Hey” Ben finally said, smiling and reached out to kiss me on the lips, I followed him. As I drew back I could feel Harry about ready to burst and Jenna smiling out of the corner of my eye.
Harry was about to say something but Ben interrupted. “So, did you sleep well on Saturday?”
“Yeah” I smiled. Then I bent closer to him, I could feel Harry’s rage. “I have to tell you something in private”
“OK, when?” he asked. He looked over at Harry for a second then back to me, enhancing the point that we might not be able to keep Harry away.
“Stay behind after registration” I said to him, and then I went back into my chair. I saw Jenna smiling and I smiled back at her. Again, Ben interrupted Harry. Ben grabbed my hand and held it. Stroking the front bit of my hand with his thumb.
“So have you reconsidered my proposal to ask you to prom?” Harry asked, with exhausting from what he was seeing, looking up at me and my hand attached to Ben repeatedly.
“No, sorry Harry” I replied. I saw Ben glaring at Harry and he just turned around, embarrassed.
After the register was taken, my teacher dismissed everyone for their lesson, but Ben and I stayed back.
“I’ll wait for you outside” Jenna said, before walking out.
“So what did you want to tell me” Ben said standing up, but still gripping my hand.
“Well, I tell my dad everything, right, and I told him what happened on the tree and in my bedroom” he looked at me, horrified. “Not in great detail” I reassured him.
He sighed, “So”
“Well, he took me into his bedroom and gave me a pack of” I started. I bent closer to his ear. “Condoms”.
“Oh” he said, smiling and looking at the wall. “Are we going to use them?”
I just looked at him, stunned. “Not at this moment” I smiled.
He laughed and guided my hand and I out of the room. Jenna, Harry, April and Faith were waiting and we walked to lesson together. We got to the designated English room and all sat at the back, Ben’s hand still in mine.
“OK, settle down” my teacher said, as she walked into the room.
Throughout the whole lesson, Ben didn’t let go of my hand, even when I needed to write something, he wrote it for me. If Harry’s eyes were lasers, there would be several burning holes in my hand, plus Ben’s. I think he was worried that he had missed his chance.
At the end of that lesson, Ben and I had to part ways. He gave me a kiss, well, a few actually and left me to go to my next lesson, smiling like the Mad Hatter.
“So you and Ben seem to be getting serious” Jenna pointed out, ignoring the history lesson.
“Yeah” I sighed. I was so happy to have Ben in my life.
Jenna smiled at me and so did April and Faith. I daydreamed about Ben throughout the whole lesson. And through the next lesson.
When lunch came around, I started to look for Ben but Jenna said that we should meet him in the lunch hall. So we stood in line for lunch, I spent my time looking around to see if I could see him. Then someone whispered ‘looking for me’ in my ear. It’d better not be Harry. I turned around.
“Hey” Ben said, beaming down at me. Harry was behind him, sulking.
“Hey” I said, smiling back at him. I couldn’t stop staring at him.
“Um, Daisy, your next” he said pointing at the lunch lady.
“Oh” I turned around. “Sorry” I apologized. Ben was laughing behind me.
We sat down together, Ben next to me of course and Jenna on the other side, to block Harry, even though he tried to talk to me. I replied a few times, not to be rude, but Ben kept talking to me so I wouldn’t have to talk to Harry. Ben put his arm around me waist and throughout lunch time so we half cuddled. We weren’t snuggling together but we weren’t just sitting away from each other.
We started to talk to Jenna as well, because she started to look a bit left out. We finished lunch and went outside, even though it was cold. I started to shiver but Ben gave me a warm hug. Harry couldn’t have looked angrier but Ben didn’t seem to care and he hugged me more tightly. Jenna joined in the hug as well.
The bell went and we had the next lesson together. Harry walked behind us, scuffing his shoes as he walked. Ben and I spent the afternoon together, talking and not paying attention to the lesson.
The bell went to signify the end of the day.
“Do you want to come over to mine?” Ben asked, as we walked out of school.
“Um, OK, I’ll have to tell my dad” I said and got my phone out of my bag. He didn’t pick up so I left a message.
“Just leave me then” Jenna said, frowning.
“Sorry” I apologized.
“It’s fine, do you have the condoms with you?” she smiled.
“Jenna, too far!” I exclaimed and I walked back to Ben.
“My brother’s picking me up today” Ben said, whilst we walked out to the car park. Freddie saw us coming and his facial expression looked confused.
“Hey, Daisy, you coming round ours then?” he said to me as I climbed into the truck. His truck only had three seats in the front, and Freddie was huge, not fat but big as in tall and muscly and Ben was no different. I squished in at the end and Ben put his arm around me.
“Yeah, Ben invited me” I replied, looking at Ben, as if I was worried that he might have been doing something.
“OK” he said, and pulled out of the parking space and started to drive back to his place.
It was pretty much silent for the rest of the journey. I re-positioned my head so it was more comfortable to Ben’s arm position. I saw Freddie look over a couple of times and smile.
Eventually, we made it to Ben’s house. Ben’s dad was in the garage and saw us drive in so he came to meet us. I jumped out.
“Hello, Daisy didn’t know you were coming over” David smiled and put his arms on his hips.
“Hi” I blushed. I turned to face Ben.
“Hi dad, come on Daisy, we’ll go somewhere private” Ben said, and gestured inside.
I followed Ben inside and Freddie went into the garage with his dad. Elaine, Ben’s mum saw me from the kitchen.
“Hello Daisy, this is a nice surprise” she said, gleaming as she walked towards us. “Didn’t know you were coming over”
“Yeah, we’re going to my room now” Ben said to his mum, trying to shake her away.
“Are you staying for dinner?” Elaine asked, ignoring Ben. I just looked at Ben.
“Yeah, she is, bye” he said quickly, and took my hand and led me upstairs, Elaine watch. “Play nicely” she said.
I giggled and Ben opened the door to his room. It was a relatively average size room, a double bed in the corner, a wardrobe that was built into the wall and a T.V on top of a cabinet which I could only guess was full of DVD’s and games since I saw an Xbox.


I started to walk around his room and Ben went to sit on the bed. I was pretty nosy so I opened his wardrobe and saw an array of clothes hung up and shoes scattered everywhere on the floor.
“Found what you were looking for?” Ben asked, sarcastically. I peeped around the wardrobe door and looked at him; he was smiling at me, eyebrows raised.
I closed the doors and walked over to him slowly. I stood really close to him and he looked up at me and I bent down to kiss him. He kissed me back, his arms around my waist, my hands around his neck. He grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed. I was on top, and then he rolled over so he was looking down at me. He kissed me repeatedly all over my face and it made me smile. I stroked his cheek and kissed it, and then Ben bent his head for heavier kissing.
He stopped and stroked, with his hand, my chin down to my waist slowly, not breaking eye contact with me. My top had risen up a bit from the movement and I felt Ben’s warm hand touch my waist. Still not breaking eye contact he brushed his hand underneath my top and up to my bra. He massaged my breast whilst tenderly kissing me.
He then reached for my back and undid my bra with ease. I helped with taking it off, and then he took his top off, revealing his impressive display of muscles. He threw his top on the floor and leant back down on me, kissing my cheek, then my neck, down to my breast. He hesitated and looked up at me. I looked down to see him looking at me; he then took off my top and threw it next to his. He rubbed my chest continuously, I kept arching my back, and then his hands went for my jeans and he started to unbutton them.
There was a knock at the door. “Dinners ready!” a man shouted, and knocked again.
Ben stopped instantly and looked at me. He sighed. “Sorry” he said and started to button up my jeans.
It was so embarrassing to be sat in front of him half naked. He got off the bed and handed me my bra. I put it on quickly, facing away from me. He’d obviously noticed.
“Are you embarrassed?” he asked, putting his arms around my waist and hugging me from behind.
“No” I lied and walked away from him and picked my T-shirt off the floor.
“You shouldn’t be” he said watching me put my top on. He then walked over and cupped his hands around my face and his nose touched mine. I put my hands on his waist and closed my eyes. I wish this moment could have lasted forever.
“BEN!” he shouted again. I jumped and he opened the door. We both walked out and down the stairs. He led me to the dining room and everyone was sat down.
There were two seats left and Ben pulled out a chair for me and I sat down in it. He sat down next to me.
“Who are you?” Adam asked, looking confused.
“Um, Daisy” I replied.
“The one you ignored on Friday night” Ben said, quite harshly.
Adam looked at my face, then my boobs, then back to my face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so rude on Friday” he said, giving a weird look at me but looking impressed when he looked at my boobs.
Ben stared at Adam and he got the message. We had lasagne for dinner. I didn’t talk much, I was too embarrassed about what happened and I could feel Ben looking at me several times, a bit anxious.
I didn’t have dessert, nor did Ben so we went back up to his room.
“Are you OK, Daisy?” Ben asked, and he walked up to the window were I was, looking out at the part of the forest we ran to on Friday night.
“I just wished we couldn’t have been disturbed” I said quietly looking outside, hoping he would have the same idea as I did.
He stood quietly for a minute and then said, “come on” and took my hand and led out of his room. We walked out of the back door and to the woods. We were silent the whole time. He took me to the same place as we went to Friday night and sat me down on the tree stump.
“What do you want to do?” he asked, kneeling in front of me. He opened my legs so he could get closer to my face.
I sat in thought for a second but he reached out to kiss me. He put his arms around my waist; I put my arms around his neck again. He pulled me towards him and he led my on the leafy floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he paused.
“Do you want to continue?” he asked lightly, brushing hair out of my face. I bit my lip and nodded. He took his top of, and then he took mine off and placed them on the tree stump. He went for my bra but I stopped him.
He looked at me for a second and then understood and led me back down again. He moved back and started to undo my jeans. He pulled them off slowly and went back to take off my lacy, white knickers.
I could feel myself going red but I had to calm down. He wanted to do this so he wouldn’t mind what I looked like. The sensation of his warm breath on me made me shiver. What the hell was I thinking? I’m pretty much naked lying outside on the ground at the end of one of the coldest months, January. At least the snow had disappeared. I groaned and moaned in reaction to what he was doing. Then the sensation became more intense. I was breathing more heavily and groaning harder. I had to be more quite. Only 50 yards away from where I was, Ben’s parents were. But I couldn’t help myself. Then a weird feeling stung through me. I was so cold.
Ben had stopped and looked up at me. I could see what he could see in my mind. He quickly put on my underwear and helped me with my jeans. I put on my top and he put on his. He led me back down and he led next to me, upright, leaning on his elbow. I buried my face into his chest, trying to get warm and he put his arm around my waist pulling me closer. He kissed the top of my head.
I don’t know how long we spent out in the woods but it was like we were in a bubble, no one could see or stop us being together. But then we heard muttering.
“Daisy, are you here?” It was my dad and David. They came into view and saw us lying on the floor together. They stared at us and I sat up.
“Daisy, why didn’t you tell me you were here?” my dad scolded, his eyes flickering to Ben and back to me.
“I left a message on your phone” I said, confused that he didn’t get it.
“Oh” he said. I felt Ben sit up behind me. He propped himself up with his arm that touched my back. David and my dad were still looking at us wearily.
“What are you doing out here? On the floor?” he asked, now looking at Ben.
I stopped Ben from talking. “We were just talking and stuff”
“Stuff” my dad repeated. He glared at Ben then said, “It’s freezing out here, why were you lead on the floor”
I was about to talk but Ben said, “It was more comfortable”
Again, my dad stared at Ben, “You coming home?” he asked.
“It’s only half seven” I pointed out. I tried to make out the fact that I didn’t want to leave, and I was going to get want I wanted.
“Well, I’m dropping your Aunt off, then I’ll be back, and we will leave” he said sternly, looking and me then he stared back at Ben. What was his problem? We didn’t do anything that bad, from my point of view.
“Come inside, I don’t want you to get a cold” he said, putting out his hand to help me up. I didn’t take it.
I got up on my own and Ben followed. I walked in front of him and Ben followed me inside.
“Ben, can I talk to you?” he asked, though he knew he was going to talk to him, whether Ben wanted to or not.
“Um, sure” he looked at me and I looked back, “I’ll catch up with you in a minute”
I walked on slowly, trying to see if I could hear them, but they probably waited till I couldn’t hear, or they were whispering.
I saw my aunt on the porch at the back of his house, she was talking to Ben’s dad and mum and I could see Adam and Freddie looking out of a window at me. My aunt saw me and started tapping her foot. David looked round at me and seemed pretty concerned
“Daisy, what were you doing out there with Ben?” she shouted from the porch. She walked down the porch steps and towards me. I ignored her and looked behind me, I saw my dad walking in front of Ben who was frowning.
He looked at me and gave a small smile then frowned and look down whilst he walked.
My dad looked at me when he walked past, then looked back when I didn’t follow him and waited for Ben.
“Is everything OK?” I asked when Ben reached me.
“I’ll tell you later” he frowned and he put his arm around me and walked me to his house. My dad was staring at me as we walked into the house.
“I’ll be back in a minute” my dad said and left with my aunt. Ben started to lead me upstairs.
“Where do you think you two are going?” David asked, following us. I looked at Ben.
“I’ll meet you upstairs” he whispered and went over to his dad. I walked up the rest of the stairs and walked slowly to his room. I could kind of make out what they were saying.
“Don’t do anything …” David started.
“None of your business” Ben said firmly.
“Bad time” I think David said.
I sped up my walk when Ben was coming up the stairs and he started to follow me into his room, but then Freddie opened his door and started to talk to Ben.
Ben told me to shut the door and I heard Ben talking quite harshly and a crash sound, then Ben opened the door and walked over to me.
“What’s wrong, what did your dad say?” I asked, worried but more concerned.
“Well, it started with what your dad said to me” he sat me down on the bed and he sat beside me.
“He said that if I tried anything with you” he paused, “Like what we just did, he would stop us seeing each other. He said I shouldn’t be messing with you at this time”
“What the hell, but he gave me condoms and he seemed fine with it yesturday!” I was so confused.
“Maybe he didn’t actually think we were going to try anything so soon and maybe your reaction to him should have been a little different”
“What do you mean?” I asked. What was my dad’s problem?
“Well, you look pretty upset, and spacey. My dad asked if I had forced you to do anything, like what we just did. He thinks I’m taking advantage of you because he thinks you’re venerable right now”
I just looked down onto the floor.
“Daisy, I’m not taking advantage of you, am I? Are you OK with what I did?” he sounded worried now and he bent down to try and look into my eyes. I looked at him and hugged him.
“No, you’re not, just …” I started.
“What, tell me what’s wrong and I’ll stop it. Did I take it too far?”
“I don’t think we should do anything like what we did for a while, and come to think of it my dad is slightly right, I should be pretty messed up but you seem make it a bit better when I’m around you but I think I do need to think some things over” He hugged me back.
He got up and put on his T.V and led on his bed. I sat crossed legged on his bed. Ben then started poking me in the side. Damn him. That’s where I was ticklish. I started to giggle.
He sat up and continued to tickle, I turned around to try and make him stop but he was a bit strong for me. I loss feeling in my knee and fell onto his lap, near his jean buttons, and he stopped. Just then the door opened.
“Dai …” My dad was standing there with David. He saw and I immediately got up.
My dad frowned and crossed his eyebrows. “Were leaving” he said, fiercely.
“I want a talk with you” David said to Ben as he got up from his bed. Ben started to give me a hug good-bye but my dad grabbed my arm and dragged me out of his room. I saw Ben go after me since I winced. My dad was stronger than I thought. But David stopped him.
My dad pulled me down the stairs and out the house. The worst bit was the Elaine and Adam were watching. I looked back and saw Elaine looking at me as if she was sorry for me.
What was her problem? I’m fine and Ben didn’t do anything. My dad practically pushed me into the passenger seat. He slammed the door so hard it made me jump. I put my seatbelt on slowly; I’d never been so scared of my dad before. He got in and slammed his door. He started the car and sped out of Ben’s drive.
I just looked out of my window. How could my dad be so unreasonable? I was ready to have a go at him but instead I started to cry. I know it was immature but I’d never been treated like a kid this way before. It was as if my dad didn’t trust me anymore.
“Daisy, I’m sorry, I’m not mad at you” my dad finally said.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?” I sobbed.
“You haven’t done anything” my dad replied.
“What makes you think that” I asked. Why did he think Ben was up to this? I can make my own decisions.
He paused for a minute. “Look, if Ben’s making you do … things” he started.
“Well, he’s not, so I don’t think you should have been so unreasonable” I interrupted. I looked at him with my red eyes and he looked at me.
“I was just thinking about your safety” he said quietly.
“You gave me condoms didn’t you” I said, sarcastically.
“Look, I just don’t think I trust Ben” he said, quite loudly.
“No dad, he’s fine. It’s just you” I said, just as loudly.
“What have I done now?!” he said, louder.
I shouted, “Ever since mum died, you have been on my case, intruding my life. I just want to be left alone!”
He stopped suddenly half way down our drive.
“I only care about you!” he shouted.
I undid my seatbelt and got out of the car, my dad copied me.
I started walking up out of my drive.
“Where are you going?” he shouted at me.
“Out” I shouted back at him. I heard my dad slam his car door. I turned right to go to Jenna’s house.


It took me 10 minutes to get to her house, I was crying the whole time. Jenna obviously saw me out of her window because she came running outside.
“Daisy, what’s wrong?” she asked, hugging me.
“It’s my dad” I said between sobs. She took me inside and up to her room and sat me down on her chair. She knelt in front of me and asked me what happened. I explained everything to her. She hugged me more then she stopped and looked at me.
“So, you went to 3rd base with Ben, in the woods?!” She asked. “Sorry, I know you’re having a hard time right now, but, you said you weren’t going to do anything”
“Jen, that’s not important” I said firmly.
“Sorry, so his dad thought he was taking advantage of you” she sighed, “dumb-ass”
“Jen, it wasn’t David’s fault, it was my dad’s, and he is getting into my business, my business with Ben”
“You’re going to have to go back. I love you, just you know what my mum’s like on school nights”
“I know, it’s just” I paused, “I want to be alone with Ben, where no one can tell us that we couldn’t do anything, without my dad telling me I’m not ready for a relationship, even though he practically said he was fine with it by giving me condoms”
“Well, why don’t you?”
“What?” I knew that Jenna was a bit dumb but this time I had no idea what she was talking about.
“Well, just go through this week and go away for the weekend”
“What? Where would we go? It’s not like I have loads of money on me”
“Well, talk to Ben tomorrow and if he agrees go to the bank and take out some money”
“OK, where would we go?”
“We could look at hotels on my laptop, near here of course” she said and grabbed her laptop and led on her bed. She switched it on and I joined her, lying down next to her. We started looking at places in Des Moines and found a few nice country hotels. We’d only be staying for the one night but the prices were pretty expensive. I’d hoped that Ben was relatively rich.
“I’ll drive you back” Jenna said closing her laptop screen. I looked at the clock on her wall, 9:48. I hope my dad was killing himself worrying about me. To be honest I didn’t care what my dad thought anymore and he shouldn’t even be worrying about my life. If mum was here she would have left Ben and I alone and would have told him to lay off. She would say ‘they’re teenagers, the get up to stuff all the time. The best thing to do would be to leave them alone’. I wished so hard for her to be back home, but all the wishing in the world would bring her back. Dad wasn’t going to leave me and Ben alone. Kind of like an adult version of Harry, with more rage.
Jenna drove slowly since it was dark and I got back at 10. She drove away and I just stared at the lake. I found it funny that just a couple of days ago, me and dad were OK with each other, him making breakfast for Ben, taking interest and not caring that we made out, trusting me to make decisions, like to have sex with condoms. But two days later he was angry and I felt like crap.
I looked at my house and I saw the living room light on. I could just make out the shadow of my dad, walking back and forth in the room and he looked like he was on the phone. I started to walk slowly towards the door, dragging my feet along the floor to waste time.
I opened the front door and walked towards my bedroom.
“Daisy” My dad started walking over to me, phone held in his hand.
“Leave me alone” I said harshly. I completely ignored him and opened my bedroom door. I looked behind to see him crying and looking down on the floor, and then he continued his conversation on the phone. I had a feeling he was talking to David.
I fell onto to my bed, exhausted. Correction from my mum’s funeral, this had been the longest day of my life. I was so tired I just curled up in my bed sheets and closed my eyes, dreaming of the hopeful weekend I would spend with Ben.
I woke up with a start; my alarm clock was ringing continuously. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked down to see myself wearing the clothes, and shoes, I wore yesterday. I groaned and went to have a shower. I didn’t get dressed till late, spending my morning on my laptop, doing late homework and waiting for my hair to dry. I eventually got dressed and heard the school bus come into my drive. I grabbed my bag and ran outside, not picking up any breakfast or speaking to my dad or aunt. I went to sit next to Jenna like usual and she asked me how last night went.
“I just said to him, ‘leave me alone’, but I looked back, to see what his reaction was and I swear I saw him crying. I’d never hurt my dad like that before, I’m a horrible person” I frowned and I leant into Jenna feeling sorry for myself.
“Well, I think it would be a good idea to stay away from your dad for a bit, hence the weekend” she said, stroking my arm with her hand.
“I still have to ask Ben” I pointed out.
“I think he wouldn’t need much persuading” We stayed silent for the rest of the journey.
We got off the bus and I saw Ben walking out of the parking lot. I walked towards him.
“Ben!” I shouted but he gave me a shake of his head. I looked behind him and saw his dad and Freddie. They looked at me and then started shuffling and talking to each other, occasionally looking back at me.
I followed Ben inside, who met up with Harry on the way. He kept looking back at me and talking to Ben but it seemed like Ben didn’t have much to say. I saw him smile to himself and looked back at me. He stopped walking with Ben and stopped to join me. Ben looked behind for a second, and then carried on walking inside.
“Hey Daisy” he said, still smiling.
“Hi” I said bleakly.
“What did you get up to last night?” he asked. He was entering very dangerous waters. I wasn’t going to tell him a thing about me and Ben.
“What do you mean?” I sighed, trying to act koi.
“Well, word is that you and Ben were found in the wood together, on the floor. And apparently Ben can’t see you anymore” he said, and was obviously over-joyed at the new because he gave a small laugh at the end of the sentence. I looked at him and he tried to disguise it as a cough but he couldn’t help smiling.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business, Harry, and I don’t think you should be spreading rumours like that, it could really hurt some people” I said, more harshly than I expected my voice to be. “Anyway, they’re lies”
He was about to talk when I started to run towards Ben. “Hey, Ben”
Ben turned around and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.
“Sorry for ignoring you outside” he apologized. “My dad thinks I’m, quote ‘leaving you to your life’”
“I have to ask you something and it’s kinda random” I started.
“OK, I’m ready” he said sarcastically.
“Well, you know our parents are being annoying as hell” Ben nodded. “Jenna suggested that we’d go away this weekend, like to a hotel in Des Moines”
He looked up in front of him. He was obviously thinking about it, but Jenna was right because he replied almost immediately after that.
“How much are we talking about?” he smiled.
“Well, the cheapest one was about $100 a night but it was only 2 stars, so we might have to spend quite a bit, but we’re only staying for the one night” I reassured, smiling back at him.
“OK, I don’t think we should talk too loud” Ben whispered, looking behind to see Harry walking quite close. I turned around as well and he looked quite embarrassed and started to walk slower.
“OK, we’ll talk at lunch, don’t mention it in lesson or anything, you know people around here talk” Ben whispered as we walked into registration together.
I spent the morning lesson talking to Jenna, trying to not mention the weekend. Though I did tell her I wouldn’t be going to lunch with her and April and that and Harry had heard. He was questioning me about why I wasn’t going to lunch.
“Harry, just leave me alone for once!” I said loudly in his face. I said it a bit too loudly since people around us looked back at me. Ben looked at me and sighed. I hoped that sigh was for Harry and not me for acting out.
Harry reconciled and looked to the front of the class. He didn’t speak to me for the rest of the lesson.
The bell went for lunch and Ben and I went outside to sit on a bench.
“So Harry was trying to figure out what you were doing at lunch” Ben said, putting his arm around my shoulders.
“You weren’t annoyed with me getting angry were you?” I asked. I would have hated to have pissed Ben off.
“No, if you didn’t shout, I sure of would” he smiled. Thank God. I don’t think I would have liked to see Ben get angry. It could be scary. I’m pretty sure those hard shoulders had a bad side as well.
“So we’re really going to go away this weekend” I asked.
“It would be the rebellious thing to do” he said. He looked at me, I looked back and he smiled kissed me on my forehead.
“How would we get there? A cab would cost a fortune” I asked.
“My dad and I have been working on a truck from scratch. We’ve finished it and we use it for fishing sometimes, we could use it. I’m sure he won’t mind it missing for two days”
“What time are we planning to leave?” I didn’t want to leave too early, I wouldn’t even be up.
“About eight, nine in the morning”
“Oh, that’s not too bad” I said to myself.
“I’m guessing you have issues about getting up early” he said, smiling.
“No it’s just, I would have to get ready in the morning since my dad would find me packing and he’s quite a light sleeper so he would hear me in the morning if I sneak out with bags and stuff in my hands. It’s better that we leave at nine or something like that since he leaves for work around 8” I explained.
“OK, I’ll pick you up at nine”
We sat there for the rest of lunchtime; we didn’t even get up to eat anything. We talked about what we would do whilst we were there. We figured out we wouldn’t have much time to look around Des Moines.
Our plan was to get to the hotel by four; we’d check into the hotel and go out for dinner. We’d get up at about nine or ten and look around for an hour or two then head back, planning to be home for about six in the evening. I would tell my dad I’m going away camping with Jenna and Ben’s going to tell his parents that he’s going away with his friend to visit his cousin. Hopefully it would work out perfectly; if not then we were screwed.
The rest of the day went slowly, since I wasn’t paying attention to classes but daydreaming. Everyone knows that if you don’t pay attention in any class, it goes slower, especially if you try to take a nap. I didn’t have any lessons with Harry so that was the upside, but the downside was that Ben wasn’t in my lessons. Jenna talked to me about the weekend and I told her to hide away for the weekend to act like she was away as well. She agreed but I had to buy her something at the mall to compensate. Though she liked the idea of us going away she did say to be careful. Ben and I have only really known each other for about a week and already we were taking ‘weekend breaks’ together. I wondered what she was talking about since we had gotten quite far in our relationship.
“Just, use the condoms, OK” she said before the bell for the end of the day went. I just looked at her and smiled. I had agreed to meet Ben before we went home so we could say goodbye. It’s not like we could be seen together in front of his brother or his dad so being in school was better for us.
I met him at my locker and gave him a hug. It was sad for my dad to say that he wasn’t good enough for me. I loved Ben and I knew I could trust him with my life. I know it seems a bit sad and soon since I met him a week ago, but I had never felt that way about someone before in my whole life. I just hoped that he felt the same about me.
We left two minutes later. Though we didn’t hold hands like we were together, Ben thought it would annoy his dad if we walked out together acting happy.
“I don’t have to act” I smiled. He put on his usual charming grin and we headed out of the school. We stood fairly close to each other when we both saw Ben’s dad waiting by his truck. I looked up and he had the biggest frown on his face. It was a good feeling to piss people off.
“Is that the truck you were talking about?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I know it looks pretty bad but it runs fine since I re-did the engine”
“So, you’re a grease monkey?” I smiled.
“Only if you like it”
“I think it’s cool that you can build a car. It’s a good piece of knowledge”
“Wow, is that your view on people that can build cars? Sorry but that’s pretty lame”
“Thanks” I said grimly, he didn’t have to be so mean about it.
“I said sorry didn’t I”
“Yeah, because that made me feel loads better”
We stopped walking before we left each other to go home. Ben turned to face me.
“Well, this is where we part” he sighed, frowning. “I’ll see you tomorrow” He bent fore ward and kissed me on my head. I was surprised at Ben and looked straight over at David. He looked like he was going to have a lot to say we Ben walked over. I was just scared he was going to come over and shout at us. I hate parents. Always in the way.


We walked away from each other and I joined Jenna on the bus.
“I’m so jealous of your relationship, you both seem pretty happy together, even though you aren’t meant to be together” she smiled at me. “What did Ben’s dad say to Ben again?”
“That he wants Ben to, quote ‘leave me to my own life’ it’s pretty pathetic” I replied.
“When you get back next Monday, you have to tell me every detail, down to the gas prices. Not that I actually care about gas prices, I just want you to be thorough” We both smiled.
“I’m sure there will be a lot to talk about. Most hopefully a chance to use the condoms”
“You’re such a slut, Daisy!” She practically shouted it out.
“Jenna, shut your fat mouth! Besides, I don’t see point of labelling me ‘slut’ since it’s only sex and it’s not like I’ve had sex, yet” I said sternly to her.
“I will only call you slut if you make it this weekend. What if your dad finds out?”
“He will only find out if you surface from your house”
“I will only come out of my house if an emergency rises in town, if not, I’ll be on Facebook”
“Thanks. I can’t wait till we just get out of here”
We then heard someone shout something and the back of the bus. We both looked round and sitting right behind us was Harry. I couldn’t have been more shocked, paranoid and worried in my whole life. I looked back around and hid behind my seat, Jenna did the same.
“Do you think he heard?” I whispered.
“I hope not” Jenna whispered back.
“He was listening to his iPod, he couldn’t have heard us”
“You know, if he did hear us, he would probably tell your dad”
“Oh, God I think I’m going to cry. The only time Ben and I can spend time together and it’s already ruined!”
“You don’t know that, Daisy! He might not of heard us” She looked behind her quickly and turn back around. “He looked straight at me!”
I was silent on the bus ride home. I just hoped to God that Harry didn’t hear any of it. I would have had to kill him otherwise. Or Ben would, he would do more damage than I would.
When I got off the bus I looked back at Harry and he was staring at me with a hint of a grin. I walked inside and went to my bedroom. I got my phone out of my bag and called Ben. It only rang for two seconds.
“Hi, Daisy” he said.
“Hey Ben, do you have time to talk?”
“Are you somewhere your parents wouldn’t hear us?”
“Yeah, I’m in my room”
“OK, well I was on the bus and Jenna and I were talking about the weekend, but Harry was sitting right behind us”
“What?!” He sounded pretty angry.
“Well, he was on his iPod though, I don’t think he heard us but I’m not sure. Ben I’m sorry, I didn’t no he was behind us”
“It’s OK; we just shouldn’t mention it for the rest of the week”
“OK, what if Harry asks any questions? What should I say? ”
“Tell him you’re going camping with Jenna”
“What if he knows I’m lying?”
“Well, you don’t even know if he heard you” he sighed.
“OK, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow”
“Yeah” he was silent for a second and I thought he’d hung up on me. “See you tomorrow” he finally said and then he hung up.
I wonder why he was silent. Maybe his dad was there or something, but that would mean he was lying to me. I wouldn’t ask him since I didn’t think it was that important, if it was he would tell me tomorrow.
I decided to do some homework, but I couldn’t get my mind off the weekend away with Ben. Sometimes I just stared at the wall and daydreamed. I stopped daydreaming when I heard my dad’s car in the drive.
I was prepared for if he walked in; I would be busy doing homework so he wouldn’t have to talk to me. I tried to make it look like I was doing homework but I was so distracted by my dad, I was trying to make out him moving around in the kitchen, seeing if he would come to my bedroom. Then I heard his footsteps and they were coming for my room.
He knocked on my door and I started writing crap. “Daisy, are you in there?”
“I’m doing homework” I replied.
“I need to talk to you” he sounded pretty concerned and worried. I knew he was going to talk about Ben and I didn’t want to hear it.
“Dad, this has to be in for tomorrow” I shouted, I tried really hard to sound distracted but my dad persisted.
“Please Daisy, it’s important to me”
“Fine” I sighed. He walked in and sat down on my bed. “I want to talk to you about last night”
I sighed. I really didn’t want to talk to him, didn’t he get that?
“I just want to say, whatever’s going on with your life, if you want to tell me or not, just don’t lie to me. I don’t care if you don’t tell me, but if you do please don’t lie to me”
I just looked at him. He got up and walked over to the door. Then he looked over at the condoms on my bedside table, “And about you and Ben” he looked over at me, I was expecting the worst, “just be safe, and no lies” then he left.
Crap! Did he read my mind or something? I’m going to have to lie to him to go to Des Moines with Ben. And be safe!? Seriously, he knows me. Well, since Saturday I think he must think differently of me. This is all Ben’s fault, if I hadn’t of met him none of this would of happened. Making out in the tree, being caught in the woods. If we had never met, Harry would still be taunting me though, Ben hopefully scared him off by now.
I got out my phone and texted Jenna.
‘Jenna I need to talk to you’
She texted back immediately. ‘What!!!!’
‘My dad talked to me just now and told me to be safe with Ben and to not lie!!!’
‘There are no words that can describe the situation right now’
‘Jenna, I hate him so much! >:(‘
‘Well, are you going to tell him about Des Moines????’
‘Ok, calm down. Well, have you booked it???’
‘Yh, I did that already’


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.01.2012

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