
Knowing that I had to go out that day really put a downer on my emotions. The heavy rain pounded the roof of our house, it interrupted me watching T.V. Even though I wasn’t really watching the T.V, I didn’t really want to go out.
“Beth, get up. Help me today, please,” my mum shouted from downstairs.
I groaned and rolled off my bed. I turned my T.V off and threw on my torn up converses. I grabbed a jumper out from my wardrobe and put it on while walking downstairs.
“Shall we go see dad at the station after we’ve finished?” my mum asked.
“Ohh, how fun. Then maybe we could go make daisy chains” I said sarcastically. My mum just looked at me and carried on filling her purse. I grabbed my iPod from the dining room table.
I walked out of my house. At least it wasn’t raining anymore. I turned my iPod on to All Time Low and turned the volume up. It’s not like I was being anti-social, I just love listening to music, especially All Time Low.
We had to go shopping that day, not a little shop, a big shop. We went out of Forks to go shopping since our town was so small, it didn’t even have a decent grocery store. But more time in the car meant more time listening to music.
We pulled into the parking lot and it started to rain again. I wish I had brought an umbrella. To be even more anti-social I decided to take my iPod in with me instead of leaving it in the car.
We spent at least 2 hours in the supermarket; my mum spent 10 minutes picking out washing up liquid. She’s such a time waster.
We eventually got to the check out and paid and I helped her unload the trolley and put the shopping into the car. Most of the food got wet but she didn’t care so much; she just wanted to get inside.
We drove to the police station where my dad worked. It was still raining when we got to the half-empty car park. I still kept my iPod in. We ran to the front door and walked in.
“Hello Karen, Beth” Officer Sam greeted. My mum said ‘hi’ back and I smiled.
My mum nudged me. “Beth, stop being grumpy and be polite’ I just sighed at her. We walked into the big office room and we started to walk over to my dad’s desk. I was expecting to see just him but he was accompanied by a man in a wheelchair and a very tall man. I didn’t see their faces but the tall man was at least over 6 foot tall. He had long dark hair which covered the shoulders of his dark blue checkered shirt.
“Hello Andrew” my mum smiled. “Hello Billy, Jacob”
Jacob was the man’s name. He didn’t really look like a man; I’m guessing he was about 19. He had russet skin, tall, bulky stature, dark brown eyes and a really big, white smile. His skin looked so smooth; I just wanted to touch it. I took out my iPod to listen to his voice.
“Hello Karen, and Beth I haven’t seen you since you were 11” Billy smiled. He had the same smile as Jacob but not the same smooth skin; I guessed that he was Jacob’s dad.
I just smiled; I honestly couldn’t remember Billy, but I slightly remember Jacob, but he was smaller in my mind.
“You can’t remember?” he smiled. I smiled awkwardly and shook my head. I looked up at Jacob and he smiled at me. My dad, my mum and Billy went over to the coffee machine and made themselves coffee and were talking to each other. Jacob and I were left alone. We both awkwardly smiled at each other.
“So, do you remember me?” Jacob asked, he looked hopeful.
“Um, kinda. We used to play together when we were young, didn’t we?” I wanted so bad to remember but I just kept drawing a blank.
“Yeah, I remember we went to the beach one time and we made sandcastles together” he smiled. His smile was so dazzling, I couldn’t help but smile.
Then it suddenly clicked. “Oh yeah, that was probably the hottest day ever in Forks” I laughed at the memory, he laughed too. His laugh was so cute and funny, it made me smile more.
“So, you don’t go to Forks High…” I asked. I wanted him to now.
“No, I go to school on the reservation” he smiled. What a shame, I was starting to like him now.
There was a silence for a minute and I wanted my parents to come back over to start talking to us but I liked being with Jacob.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s your last name?” I asked. I felt myself going red.
“It’s Black, and what’s yours” he asked, with a bigger smile.
“Riley” I smiled. He was so charming.
My parents and Billy came back over and Billy started talking to me. “So are you coming to our dinner tonight?”
I just looked at my mum and dad and he started talking. “It’s just a get together, we’re going, you don’t have to come”
I looked back at Billy and saw Jacob’s nervous face out of the corner of my eye, “Yeah, sure” I smiled and I saw Jacob smile as well.
“Come on, Jake” Billy said and Jacob took hold of Billy’s wheelchair handles and started too walked out of the station.
“Beth, we’re going” my mum beckoned and I followed Jacob out of the station.
We got outside and my dad and Jacob helped Billy down the stairs. It was raining still and I stayed under the shelter until my mum got the car and drove it to the entrance so I didn’t get wet. I waved to Jacob as he drove past, he was still smiling.
I got into the car and my mum drove us home. As soon as we got home, I practically jumped out of the car and ran inside.
“Beth, help me with the un loading” my mum shouted at me.
I stopped at the stairs and went to the doorway. “I have to have a shower” I shouted back.
I ran upstairs and grabbed my towel from my room. I spent at least half an hour in the shower; washing my hair, shaving my legs and making sure I smelled nice. I got out of the shower and went back into my room. I switched on my iPod and started to get ready. I dried my hair and I curled some bits with my curling iron. I put on my nice, new clothes; a grey, long-sleeved under-top, a long, white cardigan, camel coloured high waist jeans and a pair of brown, brogues. I walked down stairs and turned on the T.V. My dad and my mum came walking down stairs.
“Oh, Beth, you look nice. You’re not trying to impress anyone are you?” she smiled.
“Shut up” I sighed. I turned off the T.V. We all got in the car and drove to Jacob’s house. I couldn’t wait to get to know Jacob. He seemed so nice, and his arms! I would like a hug from them any day. So he was about my age, about 6’3 I’m guessing, excited to be around me and is extremely good looking. All he needed was an amazing personality and it would be like I was living the dream.
We pulled into his busy drive and there were people outside his house and people inside. How many people were coming? I saw Jacob come out of his house to come over and greet us. He actually came over and opened the car door for me.
“Hey Beth” He smiled. I smiled as well because his smile was so contagious.
“Hi” I replied. I got out and shut the door behind me. “Jacob, I know this sounds weird, but can you not leave me tonight because I don’t know anyone apart from my parents but I don’t want to hang out with them”
He laughed, but not mockingly. “Don’t worry, I won’t” He walked me into his house which was small but then I realized only Jacob and his Dad lived there. I have to admit, there were loads of tall men there. I counted 9 people I didn’t know and they all looked at me when I walked in. I felt immediately awkward. But then Jacob put his hand around my waist and took me outside by the back door and onto the porch.
“So what are we having for dinner?” I asked. I hoped I didn’t sound like a pig.
“Ragu with pasta” he said. He then sat down on one of the deck chairs. He patted the seat next to him. I sat down and put my legs up. He spread his legs right out and they were huge.
“Um, Jake, how tall are you?” I asked. I had to ask because it was bugging me too much.
“Um, my best guess would be 6’5” he smiled. I just raised my eyebrows.
“That’s freaking tall” I laughed. He laughed as well.
“Well how tall are you?” he asked.
“Um, my best guess would be 5’2” I copied. No wonder why I getting a neck ache, I was tiny against Jake.
“That’s freaking small” he smiled. He was so cute; I just wanted to cuddle him.
“Guys, dinners ready” some called from by the door. We both got up and walked inside. There were 5 people sat on the sofa’s eating and 3 people in the floor. They took up all of the room. I went over to their stove to grab a plate.
“Would you like to go back outside and eat?” Jacob asked me. I nodded in reply. As we were walking out a boy who looked a bit younger than me followed us. He was tall like Jacob but not as tall as him and he was less bulky.
“Beth, this is Seth” Jacob introduced. I said hello to him and so did he. When we got outside Jacob and I went back to our original seats and Seth grabbed his own.
Seth and Jacob chattered lightly to each other while I eat silently and listened. They had stopped for a bit so I asked “Why are all of you guys so tall?”
“Good genes” Jacob replied and smiled. Seth smiled as well.
“What, are all of you related?” I asked. Why was it so funny?
“It’s … uh, nothing” He said. He looked up at Seth and he looked down at his plate. I obviously wasn’t welcome with the answer.
We had all finished our dinners and Seth kindly offered to take the plates in for us. He didn’t come back after that so Jacob moved his chair closer to mine. It then started to rain and I started shivering like mad. Why hadn’t I put on an extra layer?
“Would you like my jacket?” Jacob offered. He already started to unzip his jacket.
“Wouldn’t you be cold?” I asked. Bless him for offering but I wouldn’t want to be responsible for getting ill.
“I’ll be fine. I guess you could get closer so I wouldn’t get cold” he said whilst I put his jacket on. I just looked at him, confused by what he meant and he patted his lap. I smiled slightly.
“I don’t think so, I’m a bit too heavy” I sneered.
“No, come on” he said and grabbed my wrist. His hands felt rough but caressing and I wanted him to hold my hands. He pulled me gently over towards and him and I decided to give in so I perched myself upon him. I rested my feet upon the other chair and he put his arms around me so I wouldn’t fall off. I just melted into him and he held me. I know it sounds weird because we only just met but I could tell Jacob was the kind of guy you would just want to hug all the time. I almost fell asleep until Jake re arranged his position.
I then tucked my legs up and put my feet on the armrest. I positioned my body to slightly face him and we started talking again. We started to get closer and closer.
“I’m so tired. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a long, relaxing sleep” I sighed. He grunted in response. I rested my head on his chest and sighed again. He felt so warm though it was so cold. Then there was a loud bang from inside and it made me jump.
“Are you ok?” Jacob asked. He laughed for a second but then looked worried.
“Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that” I smiled in shock. I looked at him to reassure him and he looked back at me. We kept looking at each other for about a minute, and then he leant in towards my face. He wanted a kiss!
I leant in as well and I felt our lips touch. He was so soft and caring with the movement of his lips. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled my face closer. He then put his other hand around the side of my waist and pulled my body closer to him. I put my hands around his neck and played with his hair.
We kept kissing each other until we heard another bang. We both jumped that time.
We looked at each other and then I started to feel a bit awkward. I started to get up and take off his jacket.
“Beth, I’m sorry if I pushed you” Jacob frowned. He got up as well and towered over me. That made it worse for my neck.
“No, it’s ok. I think my parents are calling me. You mind?”
Jacob gestured to the door. “Sure, you go.”
I smiled and turned, tripping on the leg of the chair. Jacob’s arm flew out to catch me. I looked from his arm to his face. He let go and took a step back.
“Sorry.” He murmured. “My reflexes are faster than my thoughts.”
I rubbed at my arm, bruises already forming. Strangely I felt at ease with the whole ordeal, apart from the look on Jacob’s face. “Chill Jake, it’s fine. I have to go. Nice hanging out with you, yeah?” I waited for a response. An attempt at a smile became a pained grimace. I instinctively felt drawn to helping him, but stopped myself. We’d only really just met, and things had already gone far enough tonight. Plus my parents were probably getting rowdy. Dodging the chair I made it back inside.
“Alright love?” My mum cooed placing a hand on my back. “Say thanks to Billy, ‘cos we’re going now.”
“Thanks for having me” I mustered a smile. Completely deflated I turned to the living room and uttered ‘bye’ with a wave of my hand. I got a chorus of ‘byes’ and ‘nice to see you’ back.
As I headed out I turned and saw Jacob staring, illuminated, by the front door. He looked at me with the same strained expression. A sudden burst of anger pulsated through me and I slammed the car door shut, shaking it from side to side.
The kiss I’d found so overwhelming, had excelled all of my expectations on what a first kiss would be like. The softness yet enthusiastic behavior of Jacob seemed to send my body into waves of desire. And yet he goes ruin it by making a simple act of helping catch my fall, into an evil deed on his behalf.

I entered my bedroom and clicked on the lights. I was so tired from the night that I went to bed straight away. Of course, though, I had to change into my pajamas. I was pretty numb from the cold, bitter evening that I didn’t even feel my cardigan coming off. I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my jeans. I grabbed my Snoopy pants and tugged them on. I started to take off my top and felt the tender spot on my arm. I examined it further. I turned to the side and saw the light purple patch on my arm. I brushed it with my hand and winced at the pain. Jacob was stronger than I had first thought.
Morning came after a restless night’s sleep. I must have woken 10 times in the night always with the same image; Jacob when I left him last night. To help me get back off to sleep, I’d calm myself by remembering what it felt like to touch and be touched by his generous sized lips.
I lightly brushed over my lips standing in front of my mirror mimicking Jacob’s last night. I looked in the reflection and read the time on the clock sitting upon my bedside table: 6:03am. I obviously wouldn’t go see him now, as it would be ridiculous, stupid, careless… My mind was set. I was going, now.
I hurriedly shoved over the cardigan sprawled over the floor from last night. A buzz of adrenaline shot through my veins. I was on a high, and it felt great!
All my senses were heightened so the slow breathing of my parents seemed amplified. Luckily, this was the only sound, other than the desperately in need of repair boiler’s whirring.
I made it out the house, with the light slowly making its way over the tops of the mountains in the vast distance.
I slightly memorized where Jacob lived so I had to use my instincts and go with the best way possible; guessing.
I trudged up the long, winding, endless roads. A few cars splashed past and I had to run out of the way so I wouldn’t get soaked. I thought that I was lost and going completely the wrong way, but then I spotted the recognizable never ending driveway owned by the Black family. I dodged all of the brown, muddy puddles. I walked past their home made garage but heard a clunk from inside. I hesitated for a moment but I had to check.
“Hello?” I shouted. I started to walk inside the garage.
“Hello? Who’s there?” a voice barked back.
I could tell that it was Jacobs’. His tone had a familiar huskiness that could be easily recognized. I felt glad that it wasn’t his dad but with just Jacob it could be just as awkward.
I opened the garage door and was met by Jacob’s stomach. He obviously was going to see who it was. At least we didn’t crash into each other.
“Oh! Hey Beth” he gasped. He then changed to a quiet, difficult tone. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy to start with.
“Hey Jake” I smiled. He stepped back into the garage and carrying on polishing some tools he had laid out. I saw an empty chair to the side of the room so I sat down and tried to compose myself. I saw him look up from his work to look at me several times and I think he was waiting for me to start talking, I don’t think he had anything planned to say.
I did try to start talking but I couldn’t word my sentences correctly. I hoped he could tell I was struggling.
“How’s your arm?” he blurted out from across the room. I looked up to see his chocolate, puppy eyes glancing at me, worried and afraid, looking for answers.
“I … well, it was, um, well, hurting last night, but, uh, it’s ok now” I half smiled. I lied though. The lilac patch had now grown into a solid purple bruise. I didn’t want him to worry though.
He just looked at me for a minute, still polishing away but not really paying attention. He then dropped his tools on the bench and walked over towards me.
I was uncertain on what he was planning. He knelt in front of me. Even though it should make him smaller than me, being on his knees, I was actually ended up face to face with him.
He lifted up his slighted black hands and reached towards my wounded arm and put his hand upon my bruise. I flinched slightly at the pressure he applied and he stood me up immediately.
I got slightly light-headed. I swayed a little and Jacob grabbed my waist to help my balance. I was afraid he was going to get all psycho on me again. He surprised me actually.
“You need some ice for that bruise” he said sternly. He led me out of the garage and into his house. All the time though I was thinking about how calm he kept himself. He must have sorted himself out last night. I had to admit, though, he did seem kind of protective. I mean, compared to the boys in my school, who are completes idiots, Jacob was very different.
He opened the squeaky front door slowly. “You’re going to have to be quiet, my dad’s still asleep” Jacob whispered. He led me over to his undersized kitchen and placed my upon his counter.
He got out a plastic bag and put some ice in it. He gestured at my cardigan and I slid it off, he placed it on the back of a chair. He took my right wrist and daintily brushed his fingers up towards bruise. I saw his eyes widen and the size of it and I saw him shudder faintly.
He placed the packet of ice upon it and gasped suddenly. I was bad enough that it was February in Washington, but to make it worse, I now had ice on my arm. Brilliant.
He drew the ice pack away in fear.
"Oh, don't worry" I reassured him. "It's just cold"
Wow. Could I have sounded any more dumb.
Jake smiled slightly. "Yeah, it's ice" I mustered a hinder of a smile and I think that the tension became a little lighter.
He held it there for about 5 minutes. During those five minutes we didn't talk much. I could see that Jacob was feeling a little awkward obviously because of last night. I felt really sorry for him. I wanted to apologize but I couldn't get the courage, though I should say something before I leave. That's why I was here in the first place.
Jake took the ice pack off and chucked it in the sink. I started to poke my bruise and I couldn't feel a thing, though it was freezing.
"So" Jake started. Damn. I was just about to talk as well. "You came over pretty early"
I nodded in agreement. I looked down and started to fiddle with my fingers. I didn't feel like telling him that he was all I could think about. That would be weird. "I felt like we left on bad terms yesterday. I wanted to come here and apologize. I didn't mean to be so stubborn"
I looked up at him and saw him grimacing. I could tell that he felt bad too.
"Yeah, I'm sorry that I gave you that bruise" he swallowed. For some strange reason he couldn't even look at it. He then came closer to me. My kneecaps touched the top of his legs when he had finished walking.
He looked at me attentively. His eyes were dark brown, almost a black colour. I could feel a deep connection between us and no one could break it. He lifted his hand up my arm, not breaking eye contact. His rubbed my bruise softly, his warm hands heating the icy surface of my skin. I shudder at the sudden temperature rise and then he placed his right hand along my cheekbone. My pink shades of bitterness upon my cheek soon turned to the shades of a warm fluster.
I just left my arms limp, resting on the counter top.
He moved his head forward. Our lips connected again. Warm shocks of electricity journeyed through me. Shudders appeared all around my body again. His lips caressed mine. I couldn't help but melt.
We disconnected our lips and he leant back to view my face. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I could tell that the truce was made. We went outside and sat on the porch because we heard noises in Jacob’s dad’s room and Jake said we shouldn’t disturb him.
It was cold outside and I started shivering. I tried to get close to Jake.
“Do you want to go into the garage?” He asked. “I have a plug-in heater and that should be better than hanging around outside here”
I couldn’t have agreed quicker. I linked my arm into his as we walked over on the crunchy, pale grass. We chattered lightly and when we got into Jake’s garage he flipped on the heater and I sat right in front of it. Jake laughed at me but I didn’t care; my toes needed warming immediately.
Jake sat next to me and rested his weight on his right arm which made evidently made him closer to me. I snuggled up to him and his warm skin heated me up straight away. We chatted some more and the light from outside became stronger as we sat there.
We didn’t know what the time was. We sat together undisturbed for what felt like hours. Then Jake’s dad called from his house.
“Do you want to stay for breakfast?” Jake asked. We had left the garage and we were walking across the now dewy grass to Jake’s house.
“Sure” I agreed. “I might need to ring my parents since they might have noticed I’m gone”
Jake smiled and opened his front door. Billy was greeted with a shock when I walked through the door.
“Oh!” he gasped. “I didn’t know you were here Beth” He was making toast when I entered the kitchen.
“Yeah, well I wanted to talk to Jake” I smiled and then looked at Jacob who was smiling at me.
“Do you want me to make you some toast while you call your parents?” he asked. I nodded then I started to look round his house for the phone. Jake pointed at it and I walked across the room and dialed my home number.
I only rang once.
“Beth! Beth!” my mum shouted down the phone.
“Yeah, what’s wrong” I asked. There should have been a simple explanation on why she was shouting.
“Beth where the hell are you?” she shouted again.
“I’m round Jake’s place, please calm down” I explained. I looked over at Jake and he was watching me with rapt eyes, like he was watching every millimeter move I made. He couldn’t have looked more in a trance. I couldn’t help but smile.
“What the hell are you doing there?” she yelled again.
“I had to … talk to Jake, uh, about something” I answered.
“Ok” she began. “Well, are you having breakfast there?”
“Yes, I am. And I’ll get Jake to take me home when I have finished talking to him”
“Ok, well, I’ll see you later then” and then she hung up. I put the phone down and went back into the kitchen.
Jake had my toast ready on a plate and he handed me the butter. I spread the butter in my toast and Jake beckoned that we’d go in his room.
It was down the little hall of their house. I looked back at Jake’s dad and he was staring at us vacantly. I entered his room after Jake.
It was relatively small. The huge king-sized bed took up most of the room and then adjacent to the door way was a medium chest of drawers with a T.V on it. He sat up on the edge of his bed and turned on his T.V.
I joined him and crossed my legs. We munched on our toast whilst watching the oh-so-classis Friends. We didn’t say anything, the silence was unbearable and I liked talking to Jake. His deep, husky voice soothed my insides. Jake finished his toast way before I did.
“You ok there?” he asked, with a grin. He looked down at my food and then back up at me.
“Yeah, I’m good” I looked back at him. “Do you wanna piece?”
“Nah, it’s cool” he sighed.
“Seriously, I’m not that hungry and it’s gunna go to waste otherwise” I offered again.
“Ok, fine” He chuckled. “If I have to”
He picked up the piece of toast off my plate and chomped on it furiously. He must have been hungry, even though he already had four pieces already.
I smiled out of the corner of my eye. Just watching him be is one of the best views. He is so strikingly handsome it’s unreal. But then, at that point I just realized that I was still my Snoopy pajama bottoms. I suddenly felt really uncomfortable and I could also feel my cheeks turning a light red shade.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2011

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