

Tyson sat in his chair next to the window. Elanor sitting at the table, looking over a cookbook, her stomach bulging in front of her.
“Mitchell is pronouncing that we should all name him king of Vrare. Can you believe this? He finds himself more worthy than all of our great noblemen. Chilles is upset at this new production he brought up. It was a great idea for our army to have someone to lead them. A king. He decides the army should choose, everyone knows it means himself, but he decided on several others as well. He should become king, he leads the army into victory every time.” Tyson said, staring out the window at the gathering of many people and in the middle, on a stage, Mitchell Carson.
“Mitchell is a nobleman. He has a thriving business and in the most decreasing times knows what the people want. He will know how to get the votes of many of the Zotat and the army and whoever Chilles has chosen to vote as well.”
“The Zotat do not matter. The army, and more importantly Chilles, chooses.”
“You do not think the Zotat have something to do with this? You are more a fool than I thought.”
“They may have something to do with it, but they do not have control over the votes, Chilles will not listen to the Zotat, he does not listen to anyone.” He walked over to the closet by the door grabbed his red coat with the stamped words “Army Of Vrare” over the right pocket. He put it on and ran outside.
“What is happening Chilles?” Tyson asked.
“Another rally for Mitchell. Tyson I would like to talk to you, over dinner for a proposal.” Tyson gulps loudly.
“Alright, would you mind dinner at my house?”
“That would be fine.”
“Do you need me here?”
“No. Just a rally, I don't even see why we are here.”
Tyson ran. He ran to his house. He ran inside to tell his wife to make the house tidy while preparing an impressive dinner. Chilles was an important man. He would be second until the king was crowned. The third was Mitchell Carson. The first until the king, was the Zotat. The Zotat were an important people. They were rumored to be chosen by the gods, they were the closest thing the island of Vrare had to an oracle. Jumalat was the god of gods. He was the Zeus of Vrare.


Chapter One: Proposal
“Chilles, how is your wife and son?” Elanor asked.
“They are fine, Vahvus just turned three a week ago. My wife is trying for a daughter to learn the cleaning and cooking and planting. We might even find her a job at the castle. Speaking of which I have a proposal to speak with you Tyson. I know we all do not wish for Mitchell to become king, but I also know we may not have a choice. I want someone else to run. Someone leading from behind the lines, someone in the army. So they know what they go through.” Elanor knew better than to be in the room while her husband and Chilles talked business. She didn't want to know what her husband would be doing next. She went to bed early that night.
“Did you try Creed? He knows a great deal of the army, he is the best warrior we have.”
“Which is why we don't want him to be king. He will be too aggressive. He will strike war with too many of our allies. I will have no other choice than to stand behind him.”
“Who do you suggest? Maybe under the circumstances you should run?”
“No. Never. The army is my priority. As you know I was behind the king idea, I believe I know who should run.”
“Well who? Who would dare run against Mitchell? The man would gain my vote if he did.”
“Well I was would run. Tyson I understand your concerns. We live on a dangerous island. Bless Jumalat, but he has put his trust in our aggressiveness. I think it would please him if you ran against Mitchell and against the Zotat's decision in him.”
“Against the Zotat?” He shook his head. “They are the real power behind the throne. I do not listen to the Zotat's word. I would not be fit to be king.”
“That is why you would be a perfect king. You listen to you, you do not stand behind a false group. You would stand for what you believe Jumalat would want, he sides with you, not Mitchell.”
“I must consider my family.”
“Tyson, I know what Jumalat wants, and you are what it is. Do not take long, Mitchell almost has the decision of most.”
“And you? Has Mitchell almost won you over?”
“Not to admit, Mitchell is not what I need, but he has a way of appealing to what you want.”
“I will talk to you in the morning on my decision, and I will go to the temple of Paatos late tonight. I must consult my family, I will put their lives on the line.” Chilles left and Tyson called his wife into the dining room.
“Elanor, Chilles wants me to run for king.”
“Well you will make a fine king. I do know Chilles would never allow the early death of a king. You would be well protected under his care.”
“I would.” He agreed. “It is you and the child I am worried about.” He touched her stomach delicately.
“We will be fine. I want you to become king. Think if this is a son he will be heir to the throne. We will ensure he will be important one day.”
“He is always going to be important. I want more than one child Elanor. He could go to war and his little brother would be king.”
“What if it was a daughter? Would she be as important?”
“Of course, she would be queen to some other island. Marry into the throne.”
“No. I want her queen of this island. She would be your heir. Queens to marry kings into the throne. I want her in control. Your sons, her protectors, would be in the army. Separate armies, one to protect the island, one to protect the queen, and one to protect the king. More people in the army, every man over sixteen and under forty would enlist. We would build barracks for the army and everyone else would live in the lower areas of the castle. Women would be nursemaids, planters, cleaners or cooks. And the queen would have one king, and the king one queen. Men over forty would be with women over forty in a separate castle. Two smaller castles built for those over forty and those younger than sixteen. You must have permission from the person the queen chooses to marry. No man in the army will marry. You must marry before age sixteen or not marry until you are forty.”
“Why? The men will want a woman to come home to after battle, I know I did.”
“Therefore the women in the queens castle will not be distracted. If they are under sixteen at marriage they will not be worried about the wedding, or preparations. I want them to focus on my daughter, or my daughter's daughter. Do you not want the same thing?”
“But step into the armies' shoes. If you were a nursemaid, a planter, a cleaner, a cook, and you wanted to marry me?”
“I would do everything for my queen!”
“You would sacrifice me for your queen? What of a rebellion? Allow marriage! No matter the age, I agree of a person the queen chooses to allow marriage or not, but not under sixteen.”
“You are the king, you have control.”
“I do not want it if it means the loss of respect from the people who allowed me to be king.”
“Alright, but the castle ideas and everything else remains.”
“I agree. I promised Chilles I would go to the temple of Paatos tonight.”
“I will pack you breakfast.”
“Elanor? What of the houses? The village?”
“Tear it down. Everyone takes what they can and brings it to the castle. Before we tear down the village, we will have everyone go to a table. There they fill out a form saying who they are, their age, and how many children they have and their ages, for the women. The men fill out a form saying who they are and their age. We will build five castles, one for those over forty, one for the males under sixteen and the nursemaids, one for the females under sixteen, one for those between, and the last and largest castle for the queen and king, their children, and the nursemaids. All the books from the library will be brought to the castle and read by the children. A school and hospital will be the only building besides the castles.”
“Alright, so it is said so let it be done.”

Tyson knew they had to vote for him first, but he put all the voting aside and helped the children in the schools build something to represent them in the castle. When it was time for his daughter to find a prince and the marriage quickly followed by a crowning the item the children make would be ceremonially given to the new king. If he was not crowned he would keep it as a reminder of what would have been.
They chose a staff made of sticks and rope. The young children would find the sticks and paint the rope, the middle children would choose the best sticks and make rope, and the older children would carve the sticks into the shape they were supposed to be and sand it with blocks of thin wood covered in flour and water and dusted in sand. And if he was crowned, the children would vote which child out of each class would be put in the finals. They would be asked a question and the crowned would decide the most moral child and they would attend the ceremony and give the staff to the new king.

The rally was amazing it was on the cobblestone streets and it had colors that accented Tyson's deep brown hair, that was almost black, and his light blue eyes. He spoke on the issues, but he appealed to the people on a sympathetic level. He had people step forward and tell him their problems and told them he would, if crowned, fix the situations. No one knew of his plans to build grand castles to house them, he did not tell them of his plans for jobs to everyone, and further more he told no one, not even his wife, the plans to make a separate place he called a prison and an army to guard it. When the day of voting came he knew he won them over, he knew he was going to be the king. He was part of the army, which appealed to Chilles, he never refused a neighbor in need, which appealed to the common people, the two things he did not appeal to was Mitchell and the Zotat. Standing right in front was Emily, she was dressed in her most beautiful red blouse, it drove Tyson mad.
Everyone was on edge. Chilles and the people he chose announced their votes.

“I, Kale of Vrare, place my vote for Tyson Chide.” The first man said. Mitchell was visibly shaken, he knew that Tyson had two out of ten votes, and he had no sure vote.
“I, Jody of Vrare, place my vote for Tyson Chide.” The next woman said.
“I, Krille of Vrare, place my vote for Tyson Chide.” It went like this three more times.
“I, Jones of Vrare, place my vote for Mitchell Carson.” The army had to step in to control the uproar of disgust, many were trying to get on the stage. When everything was calmed down the voting continued.
“I, Chilles of Vrare, General of the Vrare Army, place my vote in Tyson Chide and no matter the votes of the rest of the people I will announce the new crowned king. With the votes we have just heard, even if the last two vote for Mitchell Carson the votes would stand seven for Tyson and three for Mitchell. Tyson Chide please step forward.” Tyson stepped from the crowd dressed in a grand red suit complete with his army jacket. “Tyson, do you vow to uphold what is best for the people of Vrare? Do you vow to put the many lives in front of you ahead of your own? And do you, Tyson Chide, put the kid's needs ahead of your own?”
“I do.”
“The children have something they made specifically for you, in the chance of you winning.”
A six year old boy stood up on the stage with an ornately carved staff it had six long sticks balled at the top, and three strategically placed red ropes.
“We as the...k-k-k-kids would.....l-like to give y-y-you this staff we made for you. If M-m-m-Mitchell was going to b-be king we were n-not going to give it to him. It was made for you.”
“You know when I was your age I got scared a lot too. I used to stutter, but look at me now, I am going to be king, and it is partially because of you.” Mitchell had the look of defeat in his eyes.
“Stand Tyson Chide, King of Vrare.” He placed the crown with the three gems of the Zotat in it on his head. He grabbed a robe made from the finest clothe-makers in all of Vrare and placed it around his shoulders.
“My first decree, everyone will go to the tables tomorrow and file into two lines the women and the men. The children will be held by my wife, so that you may do this. Fill out the forms and in a couple of days, I will come to you again with news. Goodnight, sleep well.”
“Tyson, what are you doing? You know tomorrow everyone goes to the temple to give prayers to Jumalat.” Chilles whispered.
“And they will. I want you there, too Chilles and all of your men. As soon as they finish the forms they go straight to the temples. I need this done, Chilles. I am going to make a second decree in a couple of days and I want to know how many people there are.”
“Well why don't you have them count themselves?”
“No. This must be done this way, I am afraid.”
“You are making a decree against everything we have learned, and too early in the crown.”
“Please listen to your king, Chilles.”
“Yes, your highness.”
“Chilles, you will not regret your decision in me. I swear it.”
“I understand your highness.”
“You are the general, you have every right to call me Tyson.”
“Thank you your highness...I mean Tyson.”
“Goodnight, Chilles.” With that he walked straight to his home, past the whispers from the people on the streets.

“What are you thinking! It is too early in the crown to be making decrees!”
“Elanor, listen to me, we do this early, have them work on the castles and the new...production I would like made.”
“What production? We have agreed only on the castles, not on any other thing.”
“Please, I would just like it this way.”
“If you cannot discuss things with me, with who can you?”
“Everyone! You do not listen to what I have to say, you see what everything has to do with you!”
“Why do we have to go through this!? I see what is the good for our family! Our family!”
“No, not our family. The royal family and right now that is only you and me.” He grabbed her hands in his, he thought about Emily and her red blouse. “I want this production to go off with no problems. Is that not what you want? I know that as soon as our castles and the school is made our new production will be a minor blur to our vision of a perfect, happy, and productive kingdom.”
“Why have the minor blur? Will it pass? Or stay in our sights forever? What about our son or daughter's future? Will this blur their vision as well?”
“This will pass, when all chaos is gone you will thank me and our new building. I am only thinking of our son or daughter. As soon as you have a daughter and she becomes Queen of Vrare, this will only protect her more.”
“What is it?” She asked skeptically.
“It is a guarded castle...for criminals.”
“A prison? In our kingdom?”
“I knew you would object. I have already made a map of Vrare and on it a spot where our prison will go. It will be far from our kingdom. Far from our school, and our daughter.”
“Where? The dark forest no one dare enter?”
“Yes. But the other side of the dark forest. And I intend to name that something different.”
“Fine. Will our daughter and sons go to school?”
“Yes. So our sons may find women to marry.”
“What about our daughter? She has no reason for school.”
“Yes, she does. To learn the ways of Vrare and learn politics here and learn different languages and more important things from the school.”
“Why not have a private tutor?”
“She would have no friends. None to bring home.”
“Rakkaus bless she fall in love with a prince.”
“Rakkaus would bless us to even have her fall in love.”

For the next couple of months the preparations for the castle went on and the hospital built for all emergencies including the birth of the king's children, and so went when Elanor gave birth, much to Tyson's happy, yet somewhat disappointed reaction, to a son. They named him Soturin, the warrior. He was to follow his father and become a great soldier. And three years later, Elanor announced she was pregnant again. Eight and a half months later she birthed another son. His name was Opillas, he was the learner prince. When the castles were finished and the prison was already in construction, Elanor told Tyson, Soturin and Opillas would soon not be alone in the world, she was pregnant. The school was named the Nuori Veri Koulu. As soon as that was proclaimed everything was quiet. Elanor gave birth a while later to triplets. All of them sons. She named them Murskaaja, Sydan, and Jason. Jason was the eldest triplet and Sydan the youngest. Murskaaja was the middle child. Elanor and Tyson wondered if they would ever have a daughter.
“I am a freak of nature! No daughter! No heir to our throne!”
“Elanor, we are blessed with five sons. Soturin will follow in my footsteps, but any other prince can marry a princess. Opillas or Jason. Sydan or Murskaaja when they are older.”
“What if I wish Soturin to marry a princess? Is he not good enough for the crown?”
“He is. But a king in the army is not good.”
“You are a king and in the army.”
“I am saying that perhaps it is not wise for Soturin to marry a princess and spend his time not with her. I regretted it every moment I was away from you.”
“But we have gained the throne from those moments.”
“I am not in the army anymore, it has done it's purpose.”

But they spoke too soon, for Elanor was pregnant two years later. And she birthed her sixth child. A daughter named Semra.

“May I see my sister?” Soturin, who was now seven, asked.
“Yes, but be quiet.” Tyson said sternly. Soturin nodded. He walked into Semra's room and slowly peered over her crib bars. He softly began to sing.
“Beautiful is she not?” Soturin stopped singing and turned to face a man he had never met.
“Yes, sir, she is. But unless you are her milkmaid you had best be leaving her alone, and getting out of this room.”
“Protective of your sister, nice. I remember when me and your father were close. Sad that had to change.”
“Who are you?”
“Curious? I am Mitchell Carson.” He stepped closer to Semra.
“Do not step closer!” He tensed for battle. His hand clutched his blade on his side. Mitchell raised his hands in a sign of peace.
“Your a bit edgy. Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you.”
“It is not me I am worried about, back out of here, stay away from Semra.” She woke up from the noise and almost immediately Soturin eased up and, keeping his eyes on Mitchell, walked over to her, placed his knife in it's sheath, and picked her up and cradled her until she went back to sleep and he carefully and softly placed her back in her bed.
“I would leave, Mitchell, if I were you. Do not come back unless you wish to go to the prison.”
“I did not come here to fight you young prince, I already know no good would come of it, but honestly I did come here to take your sister. So you can leave and deliver a message to your father or you can stay, protect your sister, die, and I still win, but am a little inconvenienced, your choice.”
“Or third option, call my family, kill you and protect Semra. Leave Mitchell.”
“Courageous. It would be a shame. You know what, go ahead and save Semra now, but I will be back. Give your father this message. Tell him the little princess cannot be protected forever and he has to choose family or crown, he cannot have them both.” With that he walked out the door and ran outside the walls and into the forest.

“Try not to worry my son. You have done well in choosing to protect your sister.” After Mitchell left Soturin ran straight down to his father with his baby sister in arms.
“I would have chosen to die if that was the option he thought I chose.”
“You have done well. Far beyond my expectations of you. I am indeed proud.”
“I was not looking for praise, father. Semra is in danger! You think I did this for you?”
“No, I did not. I am proud of that, that you would choose Semra over yourself. You are going to be an excellent guard for her.”
“Father I would never forgive myself if I were to mess up.”
“You will not. Semra will be happy to have her brother looking over her. You protected her before it was your time.”
“I will protect her far after as well. I will not leave Semra until she is safe, and maybe not even then.”
“She is going to sleep in your room, until Mitchell is in prison. You can guard her there. Knives and swords will be in reaching distance of your bed.”
“Father, it would be the first place he would look. The whole army should guard her. A place sealed to only one entrance. All of the men should be standing right outside her door and her room just in case he shows up there.”
“Thinking like a true general. You will soon be the general and I will entrust you with the movement of the army.”
“Not until Opillas grows older. I will be Semra's guard until Opillas takes my position.”
“He is only four. It will take nine years, nine years you will not be training for the general. Chilles will move you accordingly. You will be sixteen, it will be four years before you move positions. Will you take that?”
“I will only allow one of our family to protect her, if I am twenty before I make it to second stage then so be it. I will be thirty two at the time I am general.”
“You will have to wait twenty five years from this point, and maybe longer.”
“No. You have always trusted Chilles, I will too. When he retires, I trust he will make me general in the Vrare army.”
“It is not Vrare anymore. I shall rename it Kafke. You will belong to the Kafke army.”
“Why are you renaming our kingdom? Vrare is what it was...Vrare is what it shall be forever.”
“No, it is not Vrare! We built this for our children and now our children are being threatened. Vrare was a place I was proud to represent! Kafke is a place of pride is not what I feel, pride is a distant memory, pride is back at the field where our home used to be. As soon as all the criminals are locked up, I will rename it to Krenarie. This place will never again be Vrare.”
“No! No more! Go watch Semra.”
“Yes, sir.” Soturin walked back to Semra. Tyson was not going to allow his son to give up his freedom or anything Tyson worked hard to ensure. He went over to a desk and grabbed a piece of paper, he wrote:
Dear Soturin,
I am truly sorry for yelling at you. I will never allow you to ruin your life because of Mitchell. I have gone to find him, to kill him or put him in prison for the rest of his life. If I succeed you will go to the army and start your training right away. If I fail protect your sister, go through with your plan to wait until Opillas is thirteen and he will watch over Semra. Do not allow Mitchell to succeed in tearing your future apart. He knew this would come and I chose family over crown, I will, and I did. Mitchell will find another way. Be wary of his son, Jakob. He might avenge his father and kill Semra, always have someone protect her. If your mother has more children, if it's a boy beg her, if necessary, to name him Sielu. If it is a girl name her Nebbia. Tell her I love her and tell your sister stories of a man named Tyson and how he left to protect the baby princess from a jealous man. Tell her to behave and go to school and learn a lot. What more is there to say? Oh, tell your brothers, especially Sydan, that their father always loved them. He and Semra won't be as close as I know you two will be, but him and her aren't far in age and he can go do child stuff with her. I know he is only two and she is just a bit older than one month, but I may not make it back. I will never forget you Soturin, you will always make me proud like you did today.

Your father,
Tyson Chide Aka King of Kafke

He folded the paper and wrote Soturin on the top and left it on the desk. He sighed and turned around, he scanned the room, not looking for anything in particular just memorizing and imagining his children there. He knew he was not going to be coming back for a while and maybe not at all, but he refused to think about that. He refused to think about never returning to Elanor, never watching Soturin become head of the Kafke army, and never seeing Semra grow, never holding her in his arms again, not shaping her into the great queen he knew she would be. He was not leaving her unattended, Soturin would shape them right, but he was only seven. Why would he do this to him to all his children? To save one child? To save his daughter? Why wouldn't he?

By the time Soturin had made it to the note, his father was gone. He was alone in the world. His mother could never understand why he would do the things he would, how far he'd go to protect the ones he loved, what he would do to see his brothers and sister be the best they could.
“Father. Why? Why would you do this to me? Throw me into the endless river, thrust me into parenthood?”
“Soturin? What are you doing out of bed?” Elanor walked behind him and rubbed his hair.
“Mother, he is gone. Father has left to go after Mitchell.”
“No. No! He wouldn't. Mitchell and him were always together when they were younger, they fought over who got me and of course your father won. Mitchell thought everything was bought, Tyson knew that everything was caused by making an impact in peoples lives. He wouldn't kill Semra and your father certainly knew that. He wouldn't kill Mitchell.”
“Sounds like a reassurance for a life and not for who it should be.” Soturin went to cradle Semra. When he held her close he felt his father, he felt that he would walk back in and say 'just kidding' and they would smile and talk about how to deal with Mitchell together. He knew he wouldn't but when he held Semra nothing seemed impossible.
“He will come back, don't worry Semra. He is going to tuck you in and kiss your cheek and hold your hand when you first go to school. You won't feel the dried out hands of someone who has been practicing for the army on your first day.” The teardrops starting dropping from his face. “You should never have to.”

“Mitchell? Why did you threaten my Semra, you know how much I love her.” Soturin woke from a dream to the voice of his mother.
“You know that I had to do that to get Tyson to abandon you and your children. They will, in time, find me their father. I know that you had to choose him, but now you know who you will choose to protect you over anyone else. I will always choose you.” Mitchell? He was there? Had his father not left to protect them from him? That is exactly what ran through Soturin's mind.
“Did you have to threaten Semra? Couldn't you have challenged him to a duel on some distant island?”
“I did this for us. I knew that your son would never back down. Courageous. I will be proud to watch him grow. He will go into the army as soon as possible.”
“He is everything I thought Tyson would be as king. He is going to be a great king to some foreign kingdom.”
“Excellent I am sure.”
“What is this?” Soturin could not lay and listen to Mitchell who took his father away from his side, talk as if he was always his father.
“Soturin. I am sure you have guessed that I am not here after your sister. Semra is safe.”
“You threatened her! For what?”
“I had to. Your mother loves me and if she left Tyson, your real father...”
“My only father!” Soturin interrupted.
“...your father would have taken the throne and left your mother to be a commoner, maybe even a prisoner. This way I am the new king, and you and your brothers and your sister will remain in the castle.”
“Who says he would have left us out of the castle? Do not talk about my father as if he is a distant memory. He is, was, and will always be our only father, and Kafke's only king.”
“Soturin! Never speak like that to your new father and king!” His mother scolded.
“Funny, I knew you were concerned for Mitchell. You threw away our future as responsible and kind and caring people of this country! I will never accept Mitchell! He is a temporary replacement until our father returns.”
“Soturin he is gone, never to return. He was cast a drift in the ocean. He will never find his way back.” Mitchell said.
“Then I will find him.” He said softly and he smiled at the thought.
“Goodnight. You will find me your father in time.”
“Goodbye, Mitchell.”
He ran back to his room and gathered clothes for the coming trip, he wouldn't go alone, though. He was taking Sydan with him. Sydan was young but a fine companion. They ran down to the harbor. They took the largest and fastest ship The Vengeance the name seemed a little coincidental.

“When things happen, it's always for a reason, okay, Sydan?” Sydan nodded his head, “We aren't going to go back for a while okay?” Sydan nodded again. The boat creaked off the dock and they lurched forward. An hour past and the dock was gone, in another hour the castle was out of sight. Their home was gone. “We will find our father and bring him back. Let's just hope in our absence the people of Kafke will not accept Mitchell as their king.” The vengeance and the eldest and youngest prince were gone to find the missing king of the old island, Kafke.

Upside down

“How did everything go from perfect in a beautiful house to lonely in a large castle filled no longer with the laughter of my husband and children?”
“You are surrounded by children of your womb and a man you love in a beautiful castle, nothing could get more perfect.” He wrapped his arms around her.
“Except...” She took his arms off of her. “...I'm not surrounded by laughter, I'm surrounded by my own puddles of tears, I'm not surrounded by all of my children, I am surrounded by four, and my husband is not here, because a lapse of judgment I lost everything that made my world perfect.”
“I think you need time. We have loads of time.”
“I don't have time! I have perhaps seven months, and my world goes insane. I have someone besides my husband's child.”
“Your having my baby?” It came out almost a whisper. He was staring at the ground his mouth partially open.
“Yes, despite my wishes. I don't know it's yours, but who am I to blame if my husband is out in the ocean where he should not be, and I am already upset over two of my children disappearing?”
“Blame. That is the wrong word. Perhaps a little harsh for such a beautiful thing.”His smile was so wide.
“It might be his you know. It could be Tyson's.” His smile faded.
“You think I do not know that? How could I possibly neglect that? I just hate that he has six children with you and now, even as a memory, he is taking what should be mine.”
“He is not a memory! He is alive and he will come home, to his seventh child.”
“! He can not take you, my life with you, and my child with you as well!”
“How can he take what was not yours? You are taking what is his. You are the one stealing!”
“No, you are. You stole both of our hearts and your simply playing an eenie meanie miny mo game with them.”
“Games. Your right, now quit being a player and I will have to stop playing.”
“Oh, yeah, so I can be the only one whose life you ruined!”
“I will have to live with this! Tyson isn't just going to forget about this whole thing.”
“I had a wife, a son, and I traded that in for you. And the only sacrifice he made was you, to save his children. If I had done the same thing, eventually, we all would have been happy, but you weren't, so you ruined everyone's, including your own, life. What a terrible life! You have the deciding hand, you pushed him into the castle, you threw him out, you pulled me away from my family, to be pushed into yours, and you throw away everything now to do it again! You should probably make up your mind, before Tyson does for you.” He walked away. She stayed to watch Semra sleep, but retired to her bedroom with the next day, the next week, the next month, and possibly the next year without her husband, without her oldest, and her youngest sons, on her mind.

“Sydan! Sydan! Come away from there!” Soturin raced to the ledge to pull Sydan down from the railing, It had been six months since they had left Kafke. “Sydan, it is dangerous up there. I do not wish to lose a brother the way of my father...our father. Please, please, Sydan, do not ever do that again, do you promise?”
“I pomise.” He had not yet completely developed a good speaking habit.
“Do not be sad. I'm not angry, you scared me, okay? But it is all over now.” He ran his fingers through his dusty brown hair. “So what do you say I have the cook make you some soup? Or would you prefer a sandwich?” Sydan shrugged his shoulders. “What about both?” He shook his head ferociously. “Alright both it is.” Soturin watched over Sydan as his father did him. He was baking Sydan a cake with some ice cream for his birthday which was in two days time. “How is your sandwich?”
“I like it, thank you, Soturin.”
“No problem, so we are docking in a few days would there be anything you want?”
“Can I go with you?”
“Sure, but on one condition, you stay by my side. You do not wander off, absolutely no wandering, if you want something you tell me.”
“Okay, Soturin.”

“No! No! Mitchell!” His blood pooled on the tile before her his faded black hair turning deep crimson. As she stared deep into the red a familiar face appeared behind her his brown hair somewhat uncut from being gone for a couple months.
“Tyson?” But when she turned around to find Tyson was not anywhere, she looked again and found her son, Soturin, his eyes closed and his eyebrows creased with something...was it sadness? She turned around to find the same scene, just not red with the blood, she was still concerned about the emotion his eyebrows held, but at the moment his eyes opened she knew the crease was pain as his eyes were red and bled like a waterfall of red tears.
“Soturin?” He lifted his hand to point behind her. She turned to see her husband Tyson, she didn't look at him long, she was too concerned about Soturin.
“The death of a loved one, would signify so much hatred for one of the men you love, your choice may kill them both. Or they wouldn't have to die, but you must choose your ticket to the crown...” He looked down to the blood stained hands she never looked at, and he was holding her baby girl, Semra, it didn't seem like her, though, she was shaped differently. “...or Mitchell or Tyson, but one of them dies and another two pay the consequences. What do you choose?” He walked to the window turned around and he closed his eyes and reopened to the brown eyes he inherited from his mother, he mouthed the words “I love you” and fell back.
“No! Soturin, I know my choice. Soturin come back! I choose Mitchell! Please!” Her eyes turned red as she cried the waterfall of red tears.

“Elanor? Wake up.”
“Yes, I am here.” He grabbed her hand and helped her sit up.
“Mitchell, I am sorry.”
“There's nothing to be sorry for.”
“Yes, there is. I am going to have to kill you.”
“Mitchell, I have a choice to make and that choice involves your death.”
“No. Elanor you have destroyed us, you do not need to threaten me. I am gone! I just came to apologize for yelling at you yesterday, and I heard you crying and screaming in your sleep, so I woke you up, I am going back to Mira, she and Jakob are moving with me to Tesat in the east.”
“No, Mitchell you do not understand! I am killing you, because if you live either Tyson or Semra dies. Your life is forfeit.”
“You make no sense!”
“Do as your queen commands! You will die by beheading at midday.”
“You are no longer my queen, you have no control over me.”
“Yes, I do.” She snapped her fingers and two men grabbed Mitchell and tied him to a chair. “You will die by beheading at midday.”
“No! You cannot do this! You loved me once, just let me go back to Mira and Jakob. Please, Elanor!”
“I cannot let you go to kill my daughter and Tyson in the mix.”
“You never seemed to care about Tyson until I got rid of him, and your stupid little son drags his little brother out to find him.”
“I cared about him before, I just never knew what I had until I lost it. I thought I was doing best by my sons and my daughter more than anything, but I see now, that everything I did was selfish and cruel. I have become what Tyson had tried to protect me from becoming. I have made a mistake. And I will let Tyson punish me for that, but not until I get rid of you and accept the consequences for it.”
She walked down to the office and wrote something on two sheets of her finest paper. She came back to the room.
“You are playing a dangerous game. Jakob will never let this go. Mira will tell him of the father who was manipulated into loving the queen, who in the end, she might add, murdered him in cold blood.”
“No. I have written a letter to her from you. She will receive the letter and forget about you in time. She will move on and maybe go to Tesat without her dear Mitchell, the second place king.”
“She would never believe that. She will look for me and understand I never wrote that.”
“You do not believe that! You know she will believe that letter and the truth I created in it.”
“What did you tell her?”
“Oh, nothing. I just told her about how Mitchell Carson no longer needs her or her son and how she should take Jakob to Tesat without you. I cannot have Mira and your son snooping around your death. And Mira already knows about your beheading. She knows about your crime, too.”
“Crime? Heaven forbid I be beheaded without fake reason. What crime have I not done that you accuse me of?”
“Why you planned and went through with the, attempted or otherwise, murder of Tyson Chide, king of Kafke.”
“Ah, you needed someone to blame for Tyson's disappearance, and it works out perfect for you to murder me with.”
“Of course. I also taped this to remember this moment forever.”
“The moment you decided to murder me?”
“Keep mentioning murder, getting multiple strings of emotion for the mixer I will show the public will make it more realistic.
“A mixer? You are going to show...”
“Your confession.” She interrupted.
“Yes, the confession of a mad man who wanted me all to himself, and went to murder to gain my love, not that I had asked you, you just knew that with Tyson in my life I would never want you.”
“Silly me.”
“Of course I searched into the death of Tyson, one night you told me that you had known that Tyson would never leave me and you took matters into your own hands, when I asked you what you meant by that you said that you had taken Tyson far away from here and left him there to die.”
“Oh, my what did you do after I told you that I, Mitchell Carson, murdered your husband almost at least. I mean it was an attempt, you did try to find him didn't you? You, his wife, did try to find him alive or dead and bring him back?” He gasped imitatively. “No, the queen, our queen after finding out that I had left your husband to die, stayed in her castle not trying to find her beloved, the love of her life, knowing he may still be alive.” She laughed.
“Of course I searched for him, at least sent my sons out to find him while I kept Kafke with a leader. My son will lie to protect me. He will tell the public that I had sent him out, teary eyed over losing my husband and now losing my eldest and youngest sons, to find Tyson and bring him home.”
“Why would your son lie after you chose me over him? Why would he do anything to protect you? You breath the lie, and he shall shout the truth.”
“My son will lie for me, because I have faith that Tyson will come home alive and Soturin will do anything to protect his father.”
“You are not right for his father!”
“Still delusional that I will wake up and decide that you are the one I need?”
“No. I know that you are absolutely no good for Tyson, that he is too good for you, that is why he is still alive on that island. I told him that you sent me to do that, at first he didn't believe me, but then I told him that you loved the both of us and that you thought I was good for the crown, so it was a whole game you were playing. I left him with everything he needed to survive until Soturin decided it was time to find him. I told him Soturin would be there to find him, and by that time I would have the life that I had always wanted. All I wanted was a month with you, and he could have you back, we all know what happened then. Soturin left for his father not to return at the time he should have, but he will soon dock at Tesat where I have left Tyson.”
“You were planning to go there with Mira and Jakob.”
“Yes and you happened to mention in that letter that they should go to Tesat without me, if Soturin doesn't find his father and fix this for me, Mira will. You kill me and you shall soon follow. I was going to do a favor for you: go to Tesat and send my ship back with Tyson and tell him it was all a big mix-up. Everything would have been fine. I would be gone, you would have Tyson, the only loose end would be your son. He would be easily taken care of.” The flash from her dream rang in her head, it wasn't Semra who was in danger, it was Soturin. She released Mitchell and Soturin would die, she would always have that guilt on his head, and Tyson would grieve for his lost son. She killed him, and Soturin would still pay for it, he would think it was his fault, no matter what she hurt Soturin. But what more could she do? She could put Mitchell in prison, she would have to pay the price like she said before, but could she? Could she do everything she never would before? Would everything turn upside down?
“Take Mitchell to the prison.” They turned to grab him. “Wait! Lock this room down, tie him to the chair, and I will be back with more guards.” The three guards tied him to the chair, his legs, his arms and his neck tied back. Two stood outside the door and one inside watching over the prisoner. Elanor arrived back with seven more guards.
“So much care. And you say you don't love me anymore.” He teased.
“I know what I have to do. I must protect Soturin and I must bring back Tyson.”
“Tesat is in your control...perhaps you could command the men and women to form two different lines, the man who stands out will be your husband.”
“Why would you suggest anything? Why help me, I am placing you in prison?”
“Because, I still love you, I always will. Ever since we were children and my mother took me and Tyson to play at the park, and we both saw you. We knew it was war, but what brothers do not fight?”
“Brothers? You were such great friends back then, but brothers....?”
“I should have assumed, of course he never would have told you. You would have taken advantage the way Tyson never could. I am Mitchell Chide. I took mothers last name after the divorce, Mitchell Carson sounds much better, but legally I am Mitchell Chide, son of Martha Carson and Frederick Chide.”
“You are...brothers?” She laughed hysterically at the word brothers. “You two who fought over every achievement, but were so different, opposites almost. Tyson was so caring, generous. You were selfish and never cared about anything.”
“Yes. Brothers. I never wanted things to be the way they are, but while I am telling the truth Jakob isn't mine, technically he is Chilles'. Mira and him had an affair, I covered it up for Emily. Why did she have to suffer for Chilles' mistake, and your husband looks up to him.” He scoffed. “So there. You know two secrets that I have hidden, to protect all involved. Selfish, no. Misunderstood, yeah. It is all an act, I thought you loved me enough to see through it.”
“Loved you enough? I have no love for you. I...did, but that is it, nothing more.” A tear ran down her cheek and smacked the floor. Another rose up and threatened to pour over but she caught it with her hand.
“Could have fooled me. I did this to you...not out of love, either, I did this out of jealousy and power. I know that now. In the middle somewhere I got caught up in the moment and I lied. Do you know the difference between a white lie and a regular one? They are both wrong. The white lie is wrong because eventually someone gets hurt when the truth comes out. The other lie is wrong because no one is trying to protect anyone else. Either way someone loses.”
“Guards take him to the prison and I will have him in a double bricked cell with only a food hole to keep him alive. I have builders to tell.” They grabbed him by the ropes and pulled him away, but he got close enough to Elanor to sneak a kiss in.
“I have always loved you, Elanor, and I always will.” She stared into his eyes as he did her, and when the moment ended and she realized, yet again he was a monster and she was doing the right thing, the guards whisked him away to the prison where he would spend the rest of his days.

“So Sydan how was the trip into the city?”
“It was fine, thank you.”
“Tesat is a fine place, not as grand as our other islands, but fine. We stay docked here for a couple more days, while the crew assemble more materials for our trip. I think I am going to search around for father, would you come with me?”
“Alright.” They started out asking crewmen if they had seen a strange man they had never seen before washed up. They all said they had not. They asked more people who lived around the shore if they had seen a man who claimed to be king of Kafke and the other islands. They said no. Things went on like this until Sydan and Soturin came upon an old lady who walks the entire island in search for a beautiful flower that is so rare, but grows on Tesat. She said she had come upon a man who claimed he was king of Kafke, she brought him back to her hut and cleaned him and gave him food, but he left to go to another hut like hers. Soturin searched the entire village and they had all seen a man who stayed for one night and left to another hut, finally they came upon the hut he had slept the previous night in and the man led them to the hut he was in.
“Father! Oh, I have been searching for you since the day after you had left!”
“Soturin. Why have you brought Sydan? Why is Opillas not with you?”
“Opillas is one of the guards looking after Semra. He wouldn't leave his post, he was ready to accept Mitchell as his father and king.”
“Why take the youngest? I have five sons, four not including you, three not including Opillas, and two older than Sydan.”
“By seconds, father. In any case, I have come to bring you home.”
“Soturin, I cannot return. Mitchell, your mother, they are ruling Kafke now.”
“No, father. You were declared king, not Mitchell. You were declared royal, not mother. Father if they had wanted them, if they had needed them, would they not have voted for them?”
“I understand, Soturin and you are right, but I reason to go back.”
“You have us and our island needs you. Mother might accept that she was supposed to be with Mitchell, but father she doesn't belong in the castle if that is the case.”
“Let us go.” Tyson, Soturin and Sydan started the long journey back to Kafke.

“Mitchell's son, how is he today?”
“Mitchell's son?”
“Oh, right. I forgot I had a child with him.”
“Or should I say Chilles' son. How is Jakob?”
“Who told you about Chilles and I?”
“Answer the question Mira.”
“Jakob is fine. I assume he and Mitchell's real son will play together someday?” She motioned her head to her stomach.
“It may not be Mitchell's, but yes I believe they should play together be it a boy or girl.”
“So Tyson may have a seventh child?” With no answer she continued. “What have you to discuss with me?”
“Tyson may have a seventh child.” She held back the tears. “How old is Jakob? Two years? Another one on the way I see, Mitchell's or Chilles'?”
“Chilles'. Jakob is two.” She hung her head “Did you have me come here to insult me?”
“No. I have come to tell you to keep Jakob and the baby on the way, if it is a boy, away from Semra. If my baby on the way is a girl they can have her to love, but not Semra. She is going to marry a prince and live happily ruling this kingdom, not living on the streets of Kafke with a commoner or a commoner coming to live in the castle to be king.”
“You cannot control your daughter as much as you would like.”
“I will, if not from a prison cell.”
“You or her?” Elanor walked away from Mira, the doubt of love not creeping into Semra was written into her face, like a big sign screaming insecurity. She ignored her last question, it would be her, no question, no doubt etched. She was clearing the way for that.

“Soturin, is home much changed from since I was...there last?”
“Not much. Semra has to have hair now, mother probably says it is the color of yours, but I could not tell with how thin it is.”
“She probably has your color, sandy with touches of brown and black.”
“Father before we get there...mother had tried to keep it from me, but I heard her speak of it...” He paused.
“Speak of? Come now, speak.”
“Father she is pregnant.” His face turned down. “She may have had the baby already.”
“So it could be mine?” His voice symbolized hope.
“Would it matter? I have high hopes that they are over, and with that any piece of him. That baby, be it yours or his, should be treated like our family.”
“But with that, if it is not mine, we will always be suspicious of his habits, that he or she will always feel like royalty and take advantage of that. With you and your brothers, I can tell I was your father because you behaved like such, but then again the parents don't affect the child's heart. Mitchell is a great reminder of that.”
“You knew Mitchell's parents?” Tyson laughed.
“Yes, I suppose you could say they were like family to me.” He continued laughing. Soturin didn't get the joke, but was amused by his father's laugh. They were within two yards of the dock when Soturin and his father stopped laughing and realized with sudden urgency that they were home. A home that seemed unfamiliar and disturbingly foreign. To Soturin it was unfamiliar, because he was gone so long. For Tyson, it was much worse, for his home had been taken, his wife had been taken, and possibly even his daughter, it was as if he was stripped of his identity and it was given to another.
“Home at last.” Soturin said with joy.
“Home at last.” Tyson replied with sadness, not of being there, but of losing what was once his and having it thrown back to him, crumpled and written over. They docked and helped the crew bring things ashore. Afterward they walked back to largest castle and walked back into there lives as the royal family.
“Elanor? Opillas? Anyone?” The maids and the planters carrying plants scurried to find Elanor or the boys.
“Perhaps they cannot hear you, the castle is quite large. Come, we will find them.”
“Perhaps they do not wish to be found. I hope nothing has happened to them or Mitchell.”
“Mitchell? You are worried about the man who would threaten your children?”
“No. I am worried of family.”
“You said that his parents were like your family, Mitchell not included.”
“No, me and Mitchell...”
“Were great friends and it is hard to let a great friend go, right Tyson?” Elanor, arriving at the end of the conversation, interjected.
“Elanor, where are my sons?”
“Opillas took them to the quarry, Jakob and Mira wanted to learn about the things the quarry gives us.”
“Soturin, why don't you take Sydan down to the quarry with your brothers?”
“Yes, Father. Before I go may I ask the cook to prepare a feast in honor of the king's return? And maybe a snack for the boys?”
“Yes, but be quick.” Soturin nodded and walked away.
“Elanor, Mitchell told me what you did. Any reason why I should not throw you into the prison after you have the baby?”
“Tyson, it is me. It's Elanor, the love of your life. Your wife, the mother of your children, I made a mistake, do not punish me for that.”
“After I divorce you, I must marry another within the month and I cannot marry someone whom I do not love and who does not love me. That is no reason to be happy for yourself, in public we may act like we are happy and dedicated to each other, but at home, you will have your own bedroom and we will not discuss things as husband and wife. In my mind you and I are over, but in the public's we are together, and we are happy, and perfect and celebrating my return.”
“But you admit you love me? You said that you do not love anyone else, but marriage is, in your eyes, all about love and trust, since trust is out the only thing left is love keeping you in this marriage.”
“First, I have admitted to nothing. I said someone who does not love me and whom I do not love. Second, I have no one to love, there is more love between us than anyone in the village and I. Don't expect it to last forever, I will be trying to find someone to love and, hopefully soon I will. You will remain in the castle, just on your own floor, the kids will visit, and I will have new children with my new wife.”
“Please, give me one last kiss.”
“I can't do that. I will fall into the same pattern we have made for years, now a more pressing matter, where is my...Mitchell? Where is Mitchell?”
“Your brother Mitchell? Or someone else?”
“You know. He told you?”
“Yes, he was explaining his good heart. Mitchell is in prison, until you bail him out.”
“Alright, I will be gone for a while, expect me back for dinner and remember that is a public event. Sit next to me and we will hold hands, and maybe at the end of the night a kiss, none the sooner.”
“Tyson, I still love you.”
“I...must tend to my brother. What cell block is he?”
“Tyson, please talk to me.”
“What cell block, Elanor?”
“C. Cell block C, cell 25.”
“Thank you.” Tyson walked away.

“Mitchell, last place I thought you would be.”
“Last place I thought I would be. Come to take me away from here?”
“No. You probably already knew that. So I heard from Elanor that you told her about us.”
“I was explaining your good nature and how you are far too good for her.”
“If I didn't know better, I would've believed that you were trying to win me over. Aside from that, what have you done, while I was away?”
“Nothing. I kept up with your rules, basic attack patterns, did what you did.”
“I have something I must do, before we as the royals are most important. We have been controlled and denied by the Zotat, but no longer! I am going to rule the Zotat out. If the second and third and the rest overrule the first, it will never regain its power.”
“Who is going to follow you in destroying the Zotat? The rulers of our country before we accepted the king idea? They were chosen by the gods! We cannot overthrow the god's chosen ones. Rethink this, brother.”
“I am king! I am going to do this! If the gods chose them, they will not allow me to throw them out of power.”
“What are they to do? They cannot murder someone of clean heart! They have no choice, but to reluctantly accept.” That was the end of that conversation, Tyson's head couldn't clear of his pain.
“I cannot tell Elanor I love her. How can I? She betrayed me.”
“Ty, what can I tell you? I am sorry, I should not have done what I did. I know the pain of betrayal. I lived with mine, can you with yours?”
“I don't know. I might have the right answer in time, but with the child coming, my options are limited. She could run. She could leave after she has the baby, for fear of prison. She knows that I would be stuck. I have to have a Queen. I cannot rewrite the rules set in stone. I will have within the month to find a new Queen, but I cannot marry someone I do not love.”
“Then try to patch things up with Elanor. For a while, at the very least. Insist that she is not going to go to prison after she has the baby. Meanwhile, tell her you are not back together, and then try to find someone new to become Queen.”
“Thank you, Mitchell. I will soon free you, but I must insist you tell Mira that you are over and you move into the castle with Elanor.”
“She doesn't want me.”
“I will talk to her.”
“You say you do not love her, but why are your eyes wet at the mention of her and I?”
“I loved her once, I love her still, I just cannot say it.”
“You just cannot forgive someone that easily, it will take a while.”
“I forgave you.”
“You loved her, trusted her and she betrayed that. There was no trust between us.”
“You are right, I expected this from you, not her.”
“Well talk on my behalf or take her back, I understand either way.”
“I will see you when this is over.”
“Tyson? Where are your guards? Shouldn't they be here protecting you from me?”
“I came without guards.”
“You. Came. Without. Guards. What were you thinking?! Do you know the dangers of going by yourself, you are a king, someone who could be killed over something stupid. Take one of these guards.”
“I will be fine.”
“That wasn't a question, Tyson.”
“Mitchell, do not act noble and brotherly now.”
“A simple 'I am fine, thank you' would suffice.”
“Thank you, but I am fine.”
“Where are you off to now?”
“To find Chilles.” Mitchell's laughing smile now became a concerned grimace. Would now be the time Tyson would find that he had been cheating not only for Elanor, but because Mira had been to him? With Chilles? And poor Emily hadn't known. She had a fair chance to reassemble the marriage that was in pieces. Put together the puzzled life. The puzzle that now included Mira which linked to him and Elanor and would she find Tyson standing in the background in full knowledge or would she lean on him as one that was completely in the dark like she was?
“He may be with Mira.”
“Why would he be there?” He chuckled, but as soon as he saw the deep pain in his brother's eyes he tried to put the pieces together. “Mitchell is there something you are not telling me?”
“Mira has been....cheating on me.”
“What does that have to do Chilles?” He was struggling to accept the truth, he had to hear it from his brother.
“I...wanted to keep it a secret, it hurts a lot of people, Tyson.”
“Now! Tell me. What is going on?!”
“Mira had an affair with...Chilles.” He knew this was coming. A chain of cheaters had just been exposed and one of the two innocent had just been informed. Was this justice? For all that had happened to Tyson, there was someone who was going through the same thing, someone to understand his pain, because they themselves had felt it.
“How could this happen? How long has this been going on?”
“Before you became king.”
“Over all those years! Does she even know?”
“Tyson, don't. Don't go over there and tell her.” It was too late. Tyson was running out of the prison to go to Emily. As soon as he arrived he knocked on the door, he was going to demand Chilles to tell Emily. If he wasn't there, he was going to tell her himself. Emily answered the door. He gave her his best smile, she welcomed him in.
“Tyson Chide, or king...should I bow?” She asked in case she was out of line even calling him by his name.
“No. Emily you are our friend, you are practically like family.”
“Um...would you like something to drink?”
“No, thank you. Is uh...Chilles here?” He could barely say his name without puking, but he held it together for Emily. This is the one he used to care for, but as soon as Chilles went after her, he refused to think about her that way, Chilles was ten times the man he was. What he would give to have known that Chilles was a backstabbing cheater before, he would have raced to her side. Emily picked up his hostility, instead of showing confusion, it was understanding most apparent.
“No, he isn't.” Tears welled up threatening to roll over.
“You know, don't you?” Tyson grabbed her hand. She just nodded, the tears making distinguished lines down her face. “I wish I would have made a different choice.”
“What do you mean?” She murmured.
“I wanted to ask you out, before Elanor and I, before you and Chilles. Then Chilles said he thought he was falling for you and my heart sank, I thought he more a man than I.”
“You fell for me?”
“I loved you. I thought I was doing you a favor. I swear Emily, I wish I made a different choice. Even if you hadn't had feelings for me, I could have done something.”
“That's the sad part, I had feelings for you, but eventually you stopped coming around and I stopped hearing from you. Chilles showed interest and we had a lot in common, this is all your fault.” She teased. He laughed. Maybe it was the electricity between them or he was still holding her hand that led to his question or the answer.
“Would you be mad if I kissed you right now?”
“No.” She grabbed the hair behind his head and pulled him forward until their lips met, the table didn't even exist. It was as if she wanted the same thing he did, but with her it was payback to Chilles. Eventually they stopped for air, and Tyson had time to think.
“I am sorry, Emily.” He hung his head. What had he done? He was no better than the rest of them. He cheated on his wife, and he enabled someone to cheat on her husband.
“What are you apologizing for?”
“I shouldn't have even asked to kiss you, the only reason you kissed me back was because you wanted to get back at Chilles.” She reached for his hand and held it in hers.
“Maybe it was like that for you, but to couldn't have made me happier.” She put her other hand on his cheek. “I have been making excuses and blaming myself for everything. This isn't about Chilles, this is about us. We had something before Chilles and I did, I still love you, Tyson.” Chilles walked in and heard her say that she loved Tyson.
“Tyson, what are you doing here?! Have you been stealing my wife this entire time? Or has it been since you were king? Do you think you can have whoever, whatever you want when you want it?! Are you happy now? Are you happy knowing my wife loves you?” Chilles was stepping closer to Tyson with each word.
“Chilles, what have you to say about stealing hearts? Since you stole my brother's wife? And you aren't king, what excuse are you going to spout now? I backed down for you! I let go of Emily for you! I became king for you! And you spat in my face. So am I happy? No. Am I happy knowing your wife loves me? Absolutely. I have something to tell her right back, I love you, too, Emily.” Chilles lunged, and punched Tyson square in the jaw. Tyson slammed to the ground. He came back up, his lip was bleeding, but he was smiling.
“Tyson, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit you. I didn't want this to happen, I didn't expect this to go this way. I walked to Mitchell's house and Mira said he was gone, but I came in anyway, I should have walked away. One thing led to another. That morning I woke up with her in my arms, I got scared, she did, too. She loved Mitchell to the point of madness, she said we could keep it a secret and everything would be fine. She was pregnant and when Jake came out, things changed. I knew he was mine and I wasn't going to walk away from my own son. So at first I visited and Mitchell saw the care I put into Mira and Jakob. He started seeing things about Jakob that were mine. At that time there was no stopping it, it was like a train going downhill, nobody hit the brakes until it was too late to go back. Mitchell had the same confrontation with me, but that didn't stop it. He kept quiet to save Emily from the pain, but inside it was killing him. He tried to vent, but who understood? Trying to keep someone happy, by facing what hurt you the most. Who had the courage? The heart? Wait...” He said as he ran over what Tyson said before he decked him. “...your brother? I wasn't aware you had a brother.”
“Forget I said anything.”
“I was cheating with Mira and Mitchell is her husband.” He was putting together the pieces, he would come out with one of two choices. One: she was married to multiple husbands or two: Mitchell was his brother.
“Chilles, enough.” His eyes lit up as he got it.
“Your brother is Mitchell? You are his brother?”
“Chilles, enough.” He warned him. “I have enough reason to put you in prison, don't make me.” Chilles backed off, he wasn't about to dispute the king's decision.
“Tyson, let me fix your lip.” Emily came back with a cloth and some water.
“Um...Chilles, would you excuse me and Emily for a moment.”
“I was just leaving, going over to Mira's, before the feast and then I'm staying with her for the night.” He looked over to Emily and then walked out the door.
“Emily, don't. It's fine, really.” She dabbed the cloth and water on his lip.
“Tyson, why did you want Chilles to leave?” She stopped dabbing to look in his eyes.
“I love you, I meant what I said. Elanor and I aren't close anymore, well, beyond that, she told Mitchell to get rid of me, so they could be together.” She went back to dabbing.
“I...don't know what to do from here.”
“Let's get back at the world.” He grabbed her hand from his face and pushed it out of the way. He pulled her to him, and kissed her as he slowly laid her onto the floor. He slowly unbuttoned her top red shirt. His lips kissed her jaw, her neck, her shoulder. He lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom.

When Tyson woke up he had both arms around Emily, who was curled around him, her head laying on his bare, chiseled, and smooth chest. Her blonde hair smoothed back, her arm stretched over him, holding him next to her. He softly kissed the top of her head. She looked up and they stared into each others eyes.
“What time is it?” He broke the silence, he almost forgot about the dinner he was supposed to attend, in fact it seems a little funny for him to miss the dinner that's all about him.
“Five.” Great, he'll make it in time.
“We have to get ready.”
“Ready for what?” She was still a little sleepy.
“The feast? In my honor? I want you to attend, but first, I have to play happy with my wife, and I need you to portray my neighbor and friends wife, not the love of my life. Afterward I am all yours. We can go to the castle or back here...” His finger was tracing circles on her stomach.
“Anywhere as long as your there.” He got up and started putting on his clothes. “You sure you want to put on your clothes and go to that feast?”
“Yes, my son put it together. I am not going to miss that. Without him, I wouldn't have known how you felt about me or about Chilles or about Mitchell. All he wants from me is this feast.”
“I'm going. Is it formal? Or casual?” He understood the question behind those questions. Were they together now or was it just a fling, the answer was the same to both.
“Formal. You need me to get you a dress? I can.”
“You know what, yeah, I do. Most women would say 'no', but I really need a dress.”
“Well, I will get you one in your favorite color, red.”
“How did you know?”
“You think I don't notice what your wearing all the time?”
“Well, your always with your....Elanor.” She didn't want to think about Tyson belonging to someone else, especially Elanor. She had a hard time saying the small word,wife.
“My wife. Just because I am married to her doesn't mean that I stopped thinking about you.” He noticed how she couldn't say wife. He knew that she wanted to be. He stared into her eyes for what seemed like such little time.
“Are you going to get that dress or stay with me?” He was really torn. He felt so badly like taking her straight over to the bed again, but he couldn't miss the dinner. “We have all night, Tyson.” She couldn't read his mind, but she knew what he was thinking, because she had the same dilemma. He kissed her and then left to go find the prettiest red dress he could. He found the perfect dress and raced back to give it to her, when he walked in he saw Emily down to her underwear and bra. Her face was already dressed up. When she put on the dress and her earrings and her high heels, she looked like a red angel. When she admitted she was ready, he took her arm in his, kissed her, and then walked out together for the first time since they were young adults, the feelings never changed.

Grand Feast

When Tyson and Emily arrived at the castle he allowed her in first with Chilles, against his wishes. He stayed and greeted guests. When the dinner was about to begin he walked in and took his place at the head of the table. Elanor beside him and Chilles on the other side, Emily next to him. Moments after everyone sat down, the first course was set down. It was the appetizers, deviled eggs. When that was over, the second course was served. The soup was Beef and Cabbage, all homegrown ingredients. As soon as it was served Elanor reached for Tyson's hand. Tyson looked at Emily and her face was full of encouragement, she understood what they had to do, she was looking to him, because Chilles was doing the same thing to her. He suddenly had to eat with both hands. Then Tyson remembered he had a speech to make. He grabbed his wine glass filled with champagne, the kids of course had sparkling apple juice.
“Uh hum,” He cleared his throat. “Thank you all for arriving to this feast in the honor of my return, there is far more gratitude to my son. My son found me on Tesat, where Mitchell left me. I intend to release him, to get this whole thing behind me. To Soturin.” He raised his glass.
“To Soturin.” The crowd repeated. Tyson sat down and returned to eating. The servers came back around the tables and took away the food and replaced it with the third course. The salad. It was just a plain salad served with many dressings.
“So Chilles, when I, today, I forgot to ask how the army is doing.”
“Your army is well. The soldiers had to go to war while you were away. Moeds attacked. They were taken care of with little casualties.”
“Were they families consoled?”
“Of course, sir.” The salads had been completed and along with the main course, Beef roasted over a fire for a good hour or two and as many sides as you can imagine, and a gorgeous red wine.
“Is no one going to talk?” The crowd started talking, a slight pause and then he turned to Chilles and Emily. “Emily, how was the war on you? I mean having Chilles gone protecting our land must have been difficult.”
“It was easier compared to the loss of a great king.”
“Well, I can't say great, but I am a king.” He chuckled.
“Well, the island needed a king while you were gone. How again did Mitchell do this? He can't have acted alone. Did we find any accomplices?” Chilles badgered.
“We had found an accomplice, but he or she has vanished. Not heard from.”
“What of the rumors?” One townsman asked.
“Rumors? I wasn't aware that our town gossiped. I thought we had an island full of facts and feelings, not hear-say. What are the rumors?”
“That the Queen herself was the accomplice. That she was actually the one who planned it and she had Mitchell execute her plan.”
“That is things that criminals would say.”
That ended the conversation for the rest of the feast.

At the end of the feast, Elanor leaned in for a kiss. Tyson looked to Emily with fear, she looked back with the same expression. He moved around her and kissed her on the cheek.
“Tyson. What the hell are you doing?” She whispered in his ear. He came back and smiled at her.
“Goodbye everyone. Have a nice evening.” Everyone picked up and left. Soturin, Tyson and Elanor were the only one's left in the room.
“Grand feast, father?” Soturin asked.
“It was excellent, thank you. Would you mind leaving your mother and I to talk?” Soturin silently walked away.
“What the hell was that? Tyson what happened to the kiss after the dinner?”
“I kissed you.”
“On the cheek!”
“Yes. Elanor, I said that if I kissed you I would be thrown back, and I have someone that cannot be thrown back with me.”
“No. You have fallen in love? Already?”
“I am sorry, Elanor. And it wasn't recently that I fell in love with her, but she surprised me.”
“So it's bye bye Elanor? Hello...”
“I am not going to tell you, because it is no longer your business.”
“It is my business! I am your wife!”
“Not for long. I am divorcing you, as soon as I ask her if she will marry me when I do.”
“I hope your happy, Tyson.”
“I will be. I need you to do me a favor. I want you to marry my brother.”
“I owe you no favors.”
“Except the favor of not throwing you in prison or giving you away.”
“Goodbye, Elanor. Release Mitchell, send him over to Chilles' to sign paperwork. Do be good and do not do anything stupid. I would like to see my brother, alive.” He walked away, leaving her to ponder.

“Emily. My sweet Emily. You never answered me.” They were outside standing on his balcony, the crisp night air blowing over them. The stars assembled, the moon so large and bright in the sky, it was as if it was meant just for them.
“Answered what?”
“Would you like to come in or go home? I am with you wherever you go.” Their faces close together, eyes locked.
“I would love to come in.” He grabbed her by the hand and took her off the stairwell to his bedroom.
“Pleasantly surprised?” He asked.
“It's decent.” She chuckled. He grabbed his favorite CD off the counter and placed it in the CD player. A soft piano came on. He held out his hand to her.
“Care to dance?” She grabbed his hand and he pulled her to him in a swift movement. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he the small of her back. They moved in graceful flower petal motions. Then as the song subsided, a slower, more peaceful song came on and he pulled her closer.
“Emily, you must tell me the answer to a question I have. Do you swear to?”
“What's the question?”
“Do you swear to answer me in a yes or a no?”
“Yes, fine, what is the question?”
“Would you marry me?”
“Tyson. Where is this coming from? You are married and I am married.”
“Emily, we are married to liars and cheats.”
“As if we are any better! We are cheating now!”
“After they wronged us! Is it wrong to be with someone truthful and someone you love?”
“No! But...”
“No buts. Yes or no. You swore.”
“I would. Yes. If I was no longer married and you weren't either.”
“Excellent. Then we will be married within the month. After our divorce papers go through the court, we will wait and then we will be married.”
“Tyson, what if he changes? What if he changes for me?”
“Emily, he cheated once. You cannot trust a man who has cheated before, and what is a marriage without trust?”
“Tyson, what about you, you are cheating on your wife right now.”
“That's different. She tried to get me killed, are you not telling me something?” They laughed. The song ended. He grabbed her chin and pulled her forward until their lips were softly touching.
“Would you like to go see how much bigger my bed is?” He teased.
“I would love to.”
He picked her up and gently set her down on his bed.

He awoke to a knock on the door.
“Emily.” He shook her. “Emily, wake up. I need you to hide, just cover your face.”
He got up, pulled on a pair of pants and walked to the door. He peeked out his eye hole.
“Elanor. What do you want?” He opened his door.
“Why are you still in bed? You should be up and fully dressed.” She peeked around him. “Do you have someone here? Did you bring that slutty replacement here? You should be ashamed.” She paused. “Who is she? I'd love to meet her!” She shoved past Tyson. “You stupid little girl! You should not have come here to take my husband from me!Did you think I wouldn't notice?” She directed toward the hiding Emily. Tyson grabbed her by the arm.
“Elanor, we are done. This is none of your business!”
“It is my business, Tyson! I am still married to you!” Tears were pouring down her face.
“Not for long. I am divorcing you.”
“No! She did this?!”
“She made it easier for me.”
“Tyson, we are still in love. We can get past this. You just have to tell her to get out. We will fix this.” He shook his head.
“I don't think you get it. Elanor we are done. We are past getting back together. Now get out of my room.”
“I didn't come here to...fight with you...over...anyway Mitchell had followers and placing him in prison angered them, they are fighting the defenses of our prison guards. And they delivered this letter:
Release Mitchell Carson or pay the consequences.
The true king shall be crowned again or face that which will harm you and your kin.
What are you going to do? Are you going to release the one who tried to kill you?”
“One moment, Elanor.” He walked over to the bed where Emily covered up in the blankets. “I have to go for a moment, I will be back. Stay, please.” He kissed her lips and then left with Elanor on his heels.
“Elanor,” He said as soon as he had found a place quiet and solitary. “We both know my brother is no harm to me. He was confused. He kept me safe. I planned on releasing him anyway. Bring Chilles immediately. I will be in my room, tell him to knock.” He walked swiftly. He reached his room and ran to Emily.
“I am releasing Mitchell. Sooner than planned. He has to keep up his end of the deal. I have to go make a speech, would you like to attend, future Mrs. Chide?”
“Why not, Mr. Chide?” Her face lightened, then darkened in almost the same breath. “Will my husband be there? Tyson, I still love him.”
“But you love me. I can have him away, if it pleases you. I would give up anything if you wanted me to. Do not be afraid to ask.”
“Fear is for the weak. I would like it if Chilles did not attend.”
“Then it shall be so. Where would you like to stand? The crowd, the chair next to the podium?”
“Anywhere close to you, but far enough away that no one suspects a thing.”
“Next to the podium it is. I'll just say that Chilles is my successor and you will be the new Queen, which is the truth.”
“Maybe we are both making a mistake. Maybe we should stop doing this.”
“Are you saying that you don't want to be with me? That you want to go back to your cheating husband who will continue to cheat after you choose him? Are you saying all of that?”
“No. Tyson I just wonder if I am the right thing for you right now.”
“You will always be the right thing. I am sending out your divorce papers, I will get Chilles' signature first.”
“Tyson, let him down easy.”
“Would I do it any other way? On another note Chilles will be here soon, I must ask you to leave. There is no reason for this to become physical, but if it does you should not be in the room.” She nodded, put on her clothes, and went through the back door. A half hour and Tyson heard a knock on the door.
“Chilles. Please, come in.”
“Elanor wasn't specific about what you wanted. I have released Mitchell, he stopped by and signed the papers. He couldn't figure out where Emily was. I took Vahvus over with me to Mira. Tyson I think you are making Emily forget about the life she has. Vahvus is growing older and older, he still cannot watch himself and even I cannot watch him all the time.”
“Chilles, before we get into that, I would like to say you are my successor being that Soturin is not old enough yet. I have a speech to make and I wish you not be there.”
“I believe your army should be at every speech.”
“My army should be, of course. Just not you, not this time.”
“Anything else?”
“I have a paper for you to sign.” He grabbed it off the desk and passed it over to him.
“What is this paper about?” He looked it over. “Divorce?” He grabbed the chair and sat down. “She is divorcing me. What is this? Some kind of conspiracy against happiness?”
“No. Me and Emily, we are going to be happy. Believe me, if I had thought this would be easy I would have set up a double divorce.”
“Double divorce?”
“Me and Emily will get married. I have to divorce Elanor.”
“Breaking hearts everywhere.” He stood, grabbed a pen, and signed his name. “Find love and keep it, the island needs someone to look up to.”
“They do not know about you. You have a chance to change.”
“I will change for Emily. I will get her back before you marry her.”
“I hope you don't. You cheated once, what keeps you from doing it again over and over. She knew before I told her, she bore it in silence, begging and willing you to change for her. You let her down. I will not stand for that!”
“You do not have to, I will let you sit.” Tyson broke his composure. He lunged and hit Chilles in the jaw. Chilles hit the ground and bounced up. Tyson jumped on to him and hit him continually.
“Tyson!” Mitchell had just arrived. He pulled Tyson off of Chilles. Tyson straightened his shirt and Chilles spat out a bloody liquid. “What is it with you two? I come over to Chilles' house and he starts yelling about you...” He pointed at Tyson. “...and his wife.” Tyson looked over at Mitchell.
“He was yelling about Emily?! What is your problem?! You ruin her life and now she moved on and you can't take it?!” Tyson was pushing past Mitchell to face Chilles once more, but didn't manage to break him.
“Tyson, what do you mean moved on?” Mitchell asked him. Tyson looked down and up through his eyelashes.
“I am moving on...Emily is moving on...we are moving on with eachother, but do not make this about me. He is just as much to blame!”
“Tyson!” Mitchell yelled.
“Do not give me that! I wasn't the one sneaking out every night and going to see Mira, I was the one holding her hand when I figured out she knew. Without me. He broke her heart into pieces, I fixed it. Vahvus can move into the castle with my sons and live happily. You can come visit him often.”
“Ty, what have you done? Emily divorces Chilles, you divorce Elanor, you don't think that looks suspicious? Here's the deal, wait...spend time with her, you love doing that, and say you fell in love with a commoner while helping her through her divorce to Chilles. You and Elanor have had marital problems and Emily and you fell madly in love.”
“How long do I have to wait?”
“Tyson, you made a mistake, I am here to fix it. Trust me when I say you are going to be married to Elanor longer then you are going to want to.”
“That doesn't make me feel confident.” Tyson walked over to the door and walked out looking behind him. The last image in his head was Mitchell standing next to his back door, a scowl on his face, and Chilles bent over clutching his bloody lip.
Tyson walked straight over to his office. He sat down, poured himself a drink and picked up a pencil. He had absolutely no idea what he was going to write, maybe a journal to control his feelings, but before he had decided what to write, he heard a knock at the door.
“Come in.” He said barely loud enough for someone to hear. The door creaked open and Elanor squeezed through. “Elanor, to what do I owe this...pleasure?” He turned toward his desk again.
“I had a feeling you might want me here.”
“Now why,” He turned his chair to face her. “would I want that?”
“Chilles went to the medic, who I was visiting for our baby. He had a bloody lip, when I asked him why, he replied with you. May I ask why?”
“Nothing you should concern yourself with. How is your baby?”
“The baby is fine. Now talk to me, Tyson.”
“You really shouldn't go there. Now have you done what I asked of you?”
“Tyson! Can you...oh.” Elanor doubled over, one of her hands was clutching his desk the other was over her stomach.
“Elanor!?” He grabbed her and lifted her up and carried her over to the medic. “I don't know what happened!”
“She's going into labor.” The medic announced.

“A baby girl. Lanie. Lanie Elena.” Tyson said with pride, he held a second baby princess in his arms.

“A year! I have listened to you for a year! Do I get to marry Emily now?”
“Yes. Go get your divorce.” Mitchell had been waiting so long to tell Tyson, but it seemed to be soon still. Could he be sure, that Tyson was ready? Soturin was being taught by the man who hated his father. He was discriminated against for it, but instead of complaining, he pushed himself farther and farther. He was better than any soldier they had prepared before. Chilles was contemplating the efficiency of it. At the rate Soturin was going he would be the highest rank in a little over three years. Chilles had already promoted him and was pushing him far beyond his limits, how long could he keep this up before Soturin broke?
“I hear Soturin is a fine soldier. Already promoted with under a year's time on the books.”
“Finer than any previous before him.”
“But you have chosen favorites, brother. What of your son Opillas? Murskaaja? Jason? And never least Sydan? Have you no pride for them? And have you no pride for Semra?”
“I don't think I much like the name Semra. Kaylee? Kaylee Chide. Hmm, sounds beautiful. Yeah, I rename her Kaylee.”
“Do you have pride for Kaylee?”
“Of course. She shall make a fine queen in time. I must scout princes at her sixteenth birthday. Who could be an ally? We have the Moeds to think of.”
“Who would go to scout them? They are enemies.”
“Who could be turned to allies. Kaylee would be proud to bear that accomplishment.”
“Maybe you should scout early. She could learn to love the prince. Not forcing her would be excellent. This is years from now, of course.”
“Of course.” Thirteen? Is thirteen perfect? Ten years?

Young Love

“Father? Father?”
“Soturin? Is that you? My son.” They hugged.
“Ah, father, it has been too long. Kaylee in?”
“She is not. Suitors must make an impact.” Soturin frowned. Suitors?
“Soturin, not again, not now. You just got back. Tell me how is the army?”
“Very well. Our young soldiers have been trained by the best. After Chilles' training I admit I was surprised by the results. I used that and I turned my young soldiers into men. Plus the front line is so secure. A wise move was put forward. Kaylee has told me you sent her on a date with a Tarkington prince. I sent a soldier to chaperone the date.”
“We must make them believe we trust them. Call the soldier off.”
“Soturin, call the soldier off.”
“I said no. Would you rather me chaperone her. She is not to be without protection.”
“Soturin, do as I command!”
“Not when that puts the princess in danger, not my sister!”
“Soturin!” He said in disbelief. “She could be in more danger with protection and no trust.”
“No, father. Let her start trusting him, let her fall for a Tarkington prince and then we'll talk.” Soturin skulked away.

“Why not you and I go and just take a walk?”
“Sounds great. It will get me away from the suitors.” She took his arm and walked out the door.
“I want you to love- not for the crown, for you. You can find a nice common boy, settle down. One thing to do, never tell them you are a princess. They will not fall for you, they will fall for the idea of being with the princess, of being king someday. Make a false name, false family. Keep the likes, dislikes, all that the same. When he finally says he loves you, tell him you are the princess, only if you wish, if you truly love him with all your heart.”
“Sounds brilliant, but Soturin, I have an obligation to the kingdom.” Soturin clenched his teeth.
“You. Have. No. Obligation to the stupid kingdom. I am tired of this family making sacrifices for the kingdom. Father has no room to talk. He didn't think of the crown in his search for love outside of his marriage. Even with what she did.”
“I will fall in love with who I fall in love with.”
“That is what I mean. I want you to.”
“Kaylee? What are you doing outside the castle walls? It is very dangerous out here.” Jakob said.
“Jakob. I am with protection.”
“I see. General.” He bowed.
“Jakob, you do not have to bow to me. I only expect that when we are professional.”
“Yes, sir. May I take Kaylee with me to the beach, it is a hot summer day.” Soturin looked up. Indeed it was. The grass was just a bit more yellow today, and the sun just a tad bit larger.
“How do you feel about this, Kaylee?”
“I would love to go with Jakob, if we are done, of course, general.” She smiled. He hugged his baby sister.
“I will take good care of her, sir.”
“I trust you.” He walked back toward the castle.
“Alright Kaylee ready for a hike?”
“You told my brother we were going to the beach.”
“I never said which one.” He took her hand and intertwined their fingers. Kaylee blushed. He picked up speed. Soturin was back at the castle and he saw Kaylee and Jakob running, holding hands, he smiled.
“Where are we going?”
“You'll see. You are going to be amazed!” They had stopped running.
“Jakob, this isn't dangerous is it?”
“Do you trust me?”
“With my life, apparently.” He laughed.
“You know I thought that...”
“Thought what?” He looked into her baby blue eyes.
“Come on, Jake. What?”
“Never mind. Kaylee, you remember when I took your hand for the first time?”
“Yeah, I was nine.”
“You blushed a bright red and I told you how much I loved when you did that.”
“What are you getting at Jake?” She chuckled at the memory.
“Well it has been almost four years since I first did that. You are still blushing, and truthfully, I still love it. Why do you blush when I hold your hand?” She just stood there. He stopped her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Why, when I touch your cheek like this,” He softly brushed his finger on her cheek, “Do I feel your heart race?”
“I don't have the answer to that.” He looked over his shoulder..
“We're almost there. Come on.” He held out his hand, she grabbed it in hers and intertwined their fingers. The hill towered over them. He grabbed his first tree and they started up. She grabbed in all of his footholds. He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. The came to a cliff face. He went forward and held her hand. He found a good hold and pulled her forward. She slipped and Jakob grabbed her and pulled her.
“Jake, don't let me drop.”
“Never.” He pulled her up, his muscles barely breaking a sweat. She continued and when they made it to the top of the hill he pulled her forward and eventually they cleared the brush and found themselves in front of a magnificent natural waterfall.
“Jake this is so...”
“Yeah.” She breathed.
“Ready for a swim?”
“Of course.” He took off his jacket and white shirt to reveal a chiseled chest. Kaylee opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
“Kaylee?” He waved his hand in front of her face.
“What are you going to swim in?” She looked down at her pants.
“I don't know. I really didn't plan for swimming when I went on a walk.”
“Here.” He grabbed his army knife. “Do you trust me?” She didn't say anything. He cut her pants just below the knees. “Better than new.”
“What is better than new? Like cut out the middle man or something?” They laughed.
“Down to the serious business. I do not know what is in that water, I have swam here before, though. If there is anything you are afraid of- fish, large or small, really deep water- anything, tell me and we will get out, we will head straight home and never come back.”
“If you believe rumors, I am a pretty girly princess.” She beamed.
“I don't believe rumors.” His breath hit her face. He looked deep into her eyes. He touched her hand.
“Race you in?” She swallowed. He looked down.
“Yeah. Beat you there.” He whispered. He took off running, she followed. He jumped off the tip of the lake. He came up and she was at the edge, laughing. He swam over and pulled himself up. He was inches from her, his breath was heavy from running. “So what's my prize for beating the lovely princess?” He whispered in her ear.
“Well, I can grant three wishes, that are within my power.”
“Well...” He teased. “What about three buildings in the deep forest? Nah, what about...” He stared deep into her eyes. “...a date with the lovely princess?”
“I don't know. I am pretty booked with my princes.”
“Well than we could play would you rather? Would you rather be with a prince or me?”
“Is that a wish, Jakob?”
“No, but you do have to answer this question. Would you rather say 'yes' to my date or get thrown into a lake that no one knows what is in it?”
“Who would throw me in the lake?” She gasped. “Is it Joseph from the kitchen? Man, I always knew he'd throw me somewhere.”
“That's it.” He grabbed her arms and threw her over his shoulder and jumped in the lake.
“Technically...” She paused. “You didn't throw me in the lake, you jumped in with me on your shoulders.” They laughed. “Yes. I would love to.”
“Love to? Do what?”
“Go on a date with you, but it has to be one of your wishes. This doesn't count as a date, though. I mean we're not dating. We are friends who are doing things together. I have an obligation to the crown, my family, my kingdom someday, I have to marry a prince.” Jakob moved out of the water and started putting on his shirt angrily. “Did I say something?” Kaylee was just getting out of the water.
“Yes, you did.”
“Wait, wait.” She grabbed his shoulder. “What do you want from me?” They stared into eachother's eyes. He grabbed her hands.
“Apparently something I can't have. One hour. For one hour I thought you stopped thinking about your duties as eldest princess. I thought...” He started pulling away. She pulled back with too much force and they fell to the ground.
“You thought what?” She said when he was holding himself over her, like he was doing a pushup. He stared at her. For a moment he thought she might feel the same way as he did.
“I thought you me.”
“I do. Your like my big brother.” He sighed. She stared at him confusingly.
“Tell me, what is wrong?”
“That I am the only one who feels the way I do.”
“And how do you feel?”
“I feel like I am walking on sunshine when I am near you, like the entire universe revolves around you. Like life is all about you. When I'm not around you I fall into a dark hole.” Her worries were far worse than they were before. For she had fallen for Jakob and his short brown hair and his hazel eyes. She had fallen in love with someone other than a prince, and liked it.
“Jakob.” She smiled.
“Jakob!” Soturin yelled. “Front and center.”
“Yes, sir.” Jakob pushed himself up and ran over to him.
“Jakob, you lied to your general. You told me you were going to the beach, this is not the beach. You also need to learn your place. The princess is obligated to marry a prince.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Alright. The climb down is much more dangerous than up, so I insist that you two come back with me.” Kaylee walked over and hugged Soturin.
“What brings you here, Soturin?” Kaylee offered as peacemaker.
“I had a report of two kids climbing the cliff face, some parents were concerned of their...innocence, others were concerned for their safety, and many townsfolk were worried of the private property line. They were pretty sure, but not positive that the princess was with a soldier, they were concerned a Moed had kidnapped the princess. Overall it was pure concern.”
“Oh. If I had thought the...that Kaylee was in danger of Moeds, I wouldn't have brought her. I thought the biggest concern was the cliff face, or what was in the water.”
“I know. Personally I was concerned for the first one, and with what I walked in on, I believe I was right in doing so.”
“Nothing would have happened, you know that, Soturin.” Kaylee said innocently. Jakob didn't comment, he wasn't sure she was telling the truth. Something could have happened, in fact something definitely would have happened. Kaylee was too beautiful to resist and she was definitely thinking about it. But he could lie good.
“Yeah, neither of us were thinking about that. I would never have even gone that far without protection at least.” Yeah, Jakob could lie good.
“And did you bring protection?” Soturin asked skeptically.
“No! I asked Kaylee over here for fun, not that.”
“How do I know that? You could've wanted something, that you weren't getting. I was your age once, I had a beautiful girlfriend, and I wasn't ready, but I pushed myself to try. I didn't because of the thought of a child I couldn't provide for, for an innocent girl who I ruined, for myself. I wanted to save that special moment for someone who I had married and wanted children with, for someone who hasn't come along yet. That girl was a phase, like this. I want her to have phases.”
“That kind of hurts, Soturin. You think I am just a phase! I am not going to be a phase. I am Jakob freakin' Tyros, I am not a phase!”
“Jakob, I didn't mean it like that. You know I didn't mean for it to come out like that.”
“No, you didn't mean for it to come out at all.” Jacob headed away, Kaylee on his arm.
“Kaylee, I...” She put a finger to his lips.
“You shouldn't say anything. You might screw this up.” They laughed. They scaled the cliff face and managed not to even slip once.
“I might be kicked out of the army, I shouldn't have done what I did. I was being stupid.”
“Not an uncommon occurrence.”
“Is that right?” He looked around to make sure they were out of eyesight.
“Yes. What are you going to do about it?” He picked her up. They stayed like that for a while, until he moved into the forest a little. He set her down on the ground and put himself in the same position they were in before Soturin interrupted.
“I made two crucial mistakes. One was yelling at him, and the other was lying to him.”
“What did you lie to him about?” She asked concerned.
“I lied to him when I said nothing would have happened. The truth is I always keep protection in my back pocket-safety thing, helps when your stranded without a water bottle. I can't resist you, if you had wanted things to go further, they would have.”
“I lied, too. When I said nothing would have happened. I know I am fifteen, but with you...I feel different.”
“But what about what your brother said? I don't want to be the one that 'ruins' you, I mean when your sixteenth birthday comes around, if you still want this, I have no right to refuse it.”
“I can't ask you to stay abstinent for a year, when you are obviously ready for it.” She felt split. She had two lives that couldn't touch, one where she was responsible and respected and honest, but the other was one where she had no responsibilities and she didn't need to be honest, but there was only one her. Could she let them not only touch, but join? Could she be what she wanted to be? That was a stupid question, she thought to herself.
“I can't,” He said. “ask you not to not stay abstinent. Making sure you don't make a terrible life decision is a responsibility I have taken on my shoulders.”
“If you still want to.” He nodded.
“Help me up?” He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Jake, I love your sense of judgment, but I met someone today and I forgot that he asked me out on a date tonight. I told him I would. He's a common boy, doesn't know who I am, never came to the castle before. I have to cancel our plans, not cancel but postpone for tomorrow night.”
“You are telling me you are going on a date with a commoner? What about our plans tonight?”
“Like I said merely postponed.”
“You are postponing our date for one with a common boy? That surely makes me feel special.”
“You know it is just a simple dinner, nothing more.” She soothed.
“I trust you. Can I at least get his name?”
“Sure, it's Kyle Mathews. You better not go talk to him, get him to back out or anything.”
“No, I wouldn't, but I couldn't live with this if your planning on settling with this common boy.”
“I wouldn't. I don't know what he looks like.”
“What do you mean?”
“It's a blind date set up with these girls who call me Lizzie.”
“Blind dates normally end up bad.”
“I guess.”
“Until tomorrow then.” He walked her home, not holding her hand. He grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it when they reached her room. “Until tomorrow, my princess.” He bowed. Tyson walked past him and Jakob bowed.
“My king.” He greeted.
“Jakob.” Tyson nodded. Tyson walked over to his daughter. “What was that?”
“Me and Jakob went swimming today, he was being a gentleman and walking me to my room. Besides I heard that the Moedian prince, Caleb Hensley, I believe, has a date with me in three days time?”
“Yes, King Johnathon was reluctant to try and create peace through marriage, but, as soon as he warmed to the idea, he agreed two of his sons in your age group. Michael is about Lanie's age and Caleb is about Sydan's age. He thought Caleb would be a better choice for you, so he's sending him first, Michael has a date with you in a week.”
“I believe I will like Michael more. Does he have any daughters older than me?”
“Nancy, Caroline, and Maria. Maria is closest to you and Sydan.”
“Well invite Maria to come with Michael on that date. Maybe Sydan can marry a Moedian princess and we can forget about my suitors.”
“I will invite Maria for a date with Sydan, but no guarantees on love.”
“Well then we can try Michael with Lanie.”
“Kaylee, what is with you tonight? You were fine with an arranged marriage to a Moedian prince earlier today, but now...your absolutely opposed. Is it some boy you met? Have you already fallen in love?”
“Father, I have fallen for a boy. I don't think you will figure it out, but just so you know I refuse to continually date someone if I think we aren't going anywhere.”
“I cannot believe this is coming from you. Lanie may be Mitchell's, I can't have her rule my kingdom.”
“Then allow Sydan. He is responsible, look at all he's done. He is a great scholar and can read ten times longer words than I.”
“Your mother always wanted a princess to bring kings to rule.”
“Mother doesn't rule the kingdom. She used to, and most of us know what happened. Sydan, Soturin, they found out when they trekked across a vast ocean to find you. I found out through Soturin. He only told me because he thought that the princess to inherit an entire kingdom should know about what happens to those who gain the crown.”
“It will not happen to you if you choose right.”
“And I have. If I think it's not going anywhere I am not going to try to work at it. I have to get ready, are you done now?”
“Ready for what?” He asked sternly.
“I'm going out. A friend invited me. Now, are we done?”
“Yes, don't be out after ten, and your bringing Jakob.” After her dad left and she closed the door, she laughed long and hard. Jake and her would finally have a date, but it would be a little three wheeled and how would she explain why she had an armed guard with her?
“Janette!” She called. Janette arrived and walked in. “Sorry for yelling, would you fetch Jakob for me? Tell him it's fairly urgent, but not life threatening.”
“Of course.” Janette was Kaylee's right hand woman. If Kaylee needed anything Janette was there to give it to her. Janette was seventeen, but married and had a child on the way. Any man would have been lucky for having known her. She was beautiful with her black hair and brown eyes. She was at a healthy weight for her height and condition. Her husband had known her for ten years and loved her for seven, but they weren't allowed to be married until her sixteenth birthday. So they waited. Jakob knocked and then came in. He was a bit cocky. Janette just stopped to ask if that was it, and left quietly.
“Couldn't stay away, huh?”
“This isn't about personal preference. Father asked me to do something and it involves you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know that date I have tonight? Well me and him got into a fight about my date with the Moedian princes. I told him that if I thought the dates were going nowhere, I wouldn't work at it. He knows I am in love with someone. So instead of telling him about a common boy that asked me out, I told him that I was going out with a friend. He told me I cannot go out past ten and I must bring you.”
“That is great! That means that I can make sure he doesn't make a move on you. And by your father asking me to chaperone this, he doesn't suspect me. This is perfect.”
“No, it's not. Either way, I cannot explain this to Kyle, I will hurt him. I bring you and say your my boyfriend and he gets hurt. I bring you and say your my friend and he takes it that I want to be his friend, too, he gets hurt. I bring you and say your my guard, he knows I lied to him and gets hurt.”
“What if I stay hidden and watch you from a distance, until he makes a move and I walk in say I'm an old friend and join you. He won't make a move while I am there. Just in case I'll sit in the middle of you and him.”
“Okay, and what if I make a move on him?”
“Then I'll have to hurt him.” He smiled maniacally. He was pretty tall for his age-he could hug her without moving his chin up. He leaned down and put both his hands on either side of her face, each palm on her cheek and kissed her. “I will never let him put his hands on you. I refuse to let you lose your innocence to someone other than me. I can't.”
“It won't happen, I promise you.” He smiled.
“I'm glad.”

“Are you Kyle Mathews?” She had already asked maybe ten guys the same question, she was asking the last of two guys who looked like they were even in her age group, this one was the cutest there, but she wasn't sure he was the one.
“I am. I am assuming you are Lizzie Miller?”
“Yes, I am.” He stood and pulled out her chair. He was cute, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, his muscles were huge and his tight shirt showed off his washboard abs.
“Well, you have huge arms.” She laughed nervously, he smiled and chuckled a little bit.
“Would you like to feel them?” She nodded and grabbed his arm, he flexed and she decided she better not go any further.
“So you work out a lot?”
“I wouldn't say a lot, I have quite a bit of time on my hands. It's my job as a carrier for the king and queen that require my arms to be big.”
“Is that supposed to impress me?”
“A little, yeah.”
“Have you ever met one of the princess'? Or any of the princes?”
“I met one princess. Princess Lanie. She was moving her room to the floor above, whether by her or her father's request, I have no idea. I think he might be trying to protect her from dating.”
“Well, I don't think he's protecting her from dating. I believe that his eldest daughter is the one he has it in for where dating is concerned. Have you ever met princess Kaylee?”
“No, but from what I hear she's pretty stuck up. She always has to have her clothes perfect, she has a slave right next door, I just don't think I would like her much.” She swallowed. He had hurt her, after everything she did to prevent hurting him, and he hurts her! She was outraged. Then she thought he wasn't trying to hurt her, he was telling it on how he saw it. He didn't know he was talking about her.
“Well, that's one thing I would have to disagree with you on. I worked really close with her and her family, and she only asks her friend to do important things for her. She happened to tell me about her really personal things. She was afraid of how the public viewed her, she thought that they would thing she was sloppy if she wore her clothes with wrinkles in them. Don't tell anyone I said it, but she's trying to act royal. Underneath it all she's regular like me and you.” He nodded.
“You must have known her well.” He commented. “So what do you do?”
“I'm in charge of helping the royals with anything within my power. And when I say in charge, I mean that I am privileged to be there helping them.”
“Wow. They have a lot of people working for them.”
“You call it working, I call it helping.” He put his hand on top of hers.
“Your amazing.” The door opened.
“Lizzie! Is that you? It's been a while.”
“Jake!” She got up and hugged him. “Kyle this is Jake. I met him while working with the royals, he's a soldier.” Kyle stood up and shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Kyle said.
“You too.” Jakob replied.
“Wow, Jake, why don't you join us?” Kaylee offered.
“I couldn't impose.”
“No, it wouldn't be an imposition.” Jakob sat down in the middle of them.
“So Kyle, I haven't heard a lot about you around the kingdom.”
“I'm not as great as a soldier, so I could understand why I haven't been heard of.” He stated. “A soldier, damn.” He mouthed to himself.
“What do you do? We are always looking for new recruits, I have a bit of pull, if you want in.”
“I can't, I am supporting my family.” Jakob was cussing in his head. A sweet person! A hot body! What the hell, Kaylee!
“That's great! Lizzie, you never told me, about Kyle's great personality.” They went on like that and the more Kyle said about himself, the more Kaylee liked. Jake couldn't believe it, Kaylee was his and she was giggling like she was three and she got kissed on the cheek by her crush. Kaylee was actually a little frustrated with Jake for having stopped where things were going.
“Lizzie, we should get out of here, leave Jakob to whatever he was doing. It was nice meeting you.”
“It was great seeing you, Jake. Yeah, let's go.” She was happy. Is it possible to fall for two guys at once? Jake was pissed. He noticed how happy she was with him. So when they left, Jake stood up and reconsidered his relationship, should he let Kaylee pretend to be somebody and be loved for it? No. He started walking toward the door, he opened them up, and ran. His legs moved silently, he ran faster than he had ever done in the army. He reached them in record time.
“Lizzie.” He grabbed her shoulder, turned her around and pressed his lips to hers. Her breath was sweet and minty. Kyle stood there. His lips moved over hers in Synchronization. When they stopped, he merely sighed. Then he kissed her again. He held her tight to him. She moved her hands behind his head and buried her fingers in his hair. When he stopped, he looked into her eyes, this was their first kiss. They kept their faces just centimeters apart
“Lizzie, could I talk to you in private for a moment?” They walked away several feet. “Lizzie, you guys obviously have feelings for eachother and I am a...I don't know. I say we should just break this off.”
“No, Kyle. I know he has feelings for me, but I think I am starting to have feelings for you.”
“Then kiss me.” She hesitated. He grabbed her face and moved slowly and she closed the gap. Jake was beyond furious, Kyle should have given up, in his mind.
“I can't let this go further, I am only fifteen.”
“I know. I just wanted proof. I trust Jake, the soldier, will get you home safely.”
“He will. I will see you, later?”
“Yeah, probably tomorrow around the castle.” He kissed her on the cheek and left. Jake walked towards her.
“What happened? I thought...I thought you said that this wouldn't happen! You fell for him! I have it in my right mind to tell your father and have him put your little lover boy in prison.”
“Jake, it's appearances. You know I only love you. Now, come on.” They walked home, hand in hand until they were within eyesight of the castle, he walked her to her room.
“Goodnight, Kaylee.”
“Night, Jake.”
Jake went down to his room at the bottom of the castle. He grabbed his laptop and went on his facebook. He typed in the search bar 'Taylor Stone' and up popped men. So he clicked people and entered in where she said she was going- Nashville, Tennessee. And there she was, but when he saw her he felt a hole deep inside him. It was raw, when he thought of her, it hurt like someone shot him in the stomach and he was still alive. Maybe took a knife and dug out everything until it reached the heart, it didn't touch there, he had the pain, but he had also moved on. He was just thirteen when he fell in love with her, he didn't even realize he was in love with her until she admitted she liked him. He got so nervous, he didn't tell her he had the same feelings. Then he got jealous when he found her with another guy, so he told her. When everything happened so fast he got caught up. They ended their relationship, but he still loved her. She didn't feel the same, though. He found out she moved away and dated some other guy, it hurt so bad, he didn't search her anymore. Until he thought of her. Was he betraying everything? But she had moved on. He moved on, sort of.
“What are you searching? Taylor Stone? Who's that?” Mitchell had been more of a father to Jakob than Chilles. When Chilles rejected Jakob and pushed him out of the house, Mitchell took him in and Tyson was so furious he fired Chilles and threw him out of the kingdom along with his wife Mira, who allowed it to happen.
“Yeah, just an old girlfriend, wondering how she was doing.”
“Does this have anything to do with a new girlfriend?”
“Yeah. I am just wondering if I am being a baby over this situation. I hurt her, but am I the only one still being hurt over what I did? She seems to have moved on completely and I never turn around without thinking about her. Jade was just a means to an end. I only dated her, because I tried to see if what I said was true. I lied to Taylor. I told her I was starting to like Jade. She broke it off with me, but I can't help but wonder if...I lied to protect myself from getting hurt and it happened anyway.”
“So your really trying to move on, but now you see her in your new girlfriend?”
“Yeah, but I like her for her.”
“You will, but your still suffering. You just barely lost Taylor.”
“How do I know if it's love?”
“You will know, when your heart hurts and aches when they are gone, when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. When you don't see other girls, all you see is her.”
“Pretty poetic, if you ask me. I hurt and ache since she left, I couldn't sleep, but that was because I was nervous she would decide she didn't like me. I didn't start seeing other girls, until I met my new girlfriend.”
“Yep. I have to go to bed, and you should be going there, too.” He smiled at Jakob and left. Jakob stared at Taylor's picture, and then smiled, closed out the page and shut the laptop. He crawled into his bed and tried to get to sleep.

“I can't believe this is coming from her, Emily.”
“Well, can't you? I think I can remember you telling me a tale about you and Elanor sitting and discussing your first born daughter. You told me you only wished she would fall in love with anyone.”
“Well, I regret that. She must! I can't tell you the consequences of choosing some commoner over a magnificent prince. Young, valiant, and already in knowledge of how to run a kingdom.”
“You can find some common boy who knows how to run a kingdom and is valiant.”
“But not the way that she will deserve.”
“Don't you think she deserves to make her own decisions? Let her be.”
“Fine.” He shut off the light and turned around.
“No kiss goodnight? Are you mad at me?”
“No.” He sighed. “I am mad at the situation I put myself in. I prayed to Rakkaus that she fall in love and she fell so easily. It cannot have been, but a month since she even went out of the house without an armed guard by her side. A month!” He paused. “Or maybe not.” He jumped out of bed. Ran out the door into the hall.
“Tyson! Where are you going this time of night?” But he did not answer. Tyson was already down the hall at Jakob's room. He knocked on his door.
“Jakob?” Tyson turned on the light, but Jakob was not there. Tyson went along asking whoever was up at the time if they had seen Jakob and they had all seen him go to the hole in the castle. He had never heard of this hole. He had asked the maid and she said it was just off the cook's station. So when he walked over to the cook's station he intended to find Jakob and he intended to ask him a few questions about his daughter.
“Excuse me?” Tyson tapped on a woman in her early thirty's. She was dark skinned. She turned around and, upon seeing Tyson, bowed down really low. He motioned with his hand for her to stand. “Can you tell me where to find Jacob Tyros?” She stood and immediately looked sheepishly to the ground.
“I am afraid, your highness, I cannot allow you to follow him.”
“It is too dangerous for a man like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“This night the boy you look for is dangerous. I would be tried for murder to allow you.”
“I am your king!” He paused. He never liked getting angry. The woman looked scared. “What's your name?” He composed himself.
“Kina I have to speak with him. It is very important. Why is he dangerous tonight?”
“My people have legends about boys like him. Some may say he's a man-eating beast, but I have known him his whole life and he has never eaten man, but only because I was a blacksmith's daughter and I was always giving Mira silver for Jacob. Bracelets with silver beads, necklaces, little rings for him to play with. Mira told me my thought was good, but not to do it again. He was having an allergic reaction to the silver, every month he would get super cranky on one day in particular.”
“This day? What about it? Are you telling me he's a female murderer or something?” She chuckled a little.
“No. Jacob is a werwolf. Tonight is the full moon.” He stared at her.
“Where's the hole?”
“Your majesty, I will not save you if it gets out of hand. I cannot risk everyone for you, I am afraid.”
“I would expect no such luxury. I must get out there, please, I don't have much time.”
“This way.” She frowned. She led him straight to a hallway with one door at the end. She grabbed a silver key with a full moon engraved in the end from her pocket and unlocked the door. She opened the door into a small dark room. She grabbed a torch from the wall and had it lit and she walked into the room, showed him the brick, put the torch on the wall and locked the door behind her. Tyson hesitated. After a few minutes he grabbed the brick and pulled each one out. Three bricks wide and ten bricks high. He went through the hole and he saw Jacob, he was cowered against the wall. The place he was in was large and it was a grassy circle, it appeared to be the center of the castle, a tunnel to the top.
“You shouldn't be here.” He gasped. “You have to leave.” He shoved Tyson. He didn't budge.
“Jacob. I need to talk to you about Kaylee.”
“What?! What about her? Did something happen to her? Talk to me!”
“Jake nothing happened to her. I just had to ask you- were you ever going to tell me?”
“Sir, can we talk about this later?” His eyes kept going from bright yellow to his normal color.
“No. I planned this well. Were you ever going to tell me that you covered for Kaylee and your buddy?”
“Sir, if I tell you the answer will you leave until tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Only if you give it to me before the moon fully rises. Or you'll be the one in danger.”
“She wasn't sneaking around with anyone. You let her go off with him. Now leave.”
“I need a name, Jacob.” He paused. His eyes turned blood red and then back. “Fast, you still have time.” He lied.
“It was...” He sucked in a breath. The veins in his head were bulging out. “Me.” Tyson lost it. His veins bulged and he exploded into a furry dog with deep red eyes. “Now we're talking.” Jake smiled. The red dog that was once Tyson growled. “I love her and I hope you can look past this.” Tyson showed his teeth. “Fine. You will only hurt her. If you kill me, she hates you. If I kill you, she lives without a father. Not to mention what will happen to the kingdom. Soturin, nothing against him, will run it in your place.” He seemed just to growl. Jacob suddenly burst into a black timber wolf. He let out a heart racing howl. Up above them another howl pierced the night. All they saw was a white blur racing down the tube. The wolf landed with a soft thud and growled at both of the wolves. Jacob was too weak and he went back to human. He laid on the ground sweat covering his face and he was breathing heavily. The white wolf walked over and softly nudged Jacob. “Taylor?” He was too weak to hold his eyes open, and he closed them. He felt Tyson and the other wolf change back. “He will be fine! Leave!” Jacob wondered what Tyson was so upset about. Tyson stayed by his side, the light from the sun hitting Jake's face. He must have passed out, because before he knew it he woke up in his bed.
“Tyson!” Jake screamed.
“Jacob?” Tyson frowned.
“What did you do to me?”
“Nothing. You collapsed. What did you do within the last forty eight hours of the moon?”
“I went swimming, watched Kaylee on a date, fought with Soturin.”
“Where did you go swimming?”
“A lake, pure, just up the cliff face.”
“Almost Moed territory, what were you doing there in the first place?”
“A stake out in case of an unsuccessful attempt in union.”
“The Moed's are vampires. That's why our countries fight.”
“They place silver in the waters.”
“No. It cannot have been. It would have burned me.”
“Yes. But you see, a small amount through the digestive system, it takes an increase in adrenaline to set it off. You were burning inside. Doctor!” He called.
“Adrenaline? I haven't done anything to have a major increase.”
“You said you went to watch Kaylee on a date. How did that go?”
“She has friends who don't know who she is, she hasn't made many public appearances. They set her up on a blind date. I went along with her and stood outside of the restaurant until he grabbed her hand and it was looking intimate, I went in, called her by her fake name and she acted like we were old friends. Then the guy just kept explaining all these really interesting things about himself and she...liked it.” He lifted his head and put it down on the pillow again and again, shifted his shoulders and perched his head up to look at the ceiling. “He suggested they leave and she went.”
“You didn't leave her alone, did you?!”
“No! I wouldn't do that! I raced after her and...I kissed her. After it was over he asked to speak with her and she did, they said some things, and after a little it looked like I had won. He looked like he was leaving and then she said something, he replied to it. She considered something, and he grabbed her face and she kissed him. I was furious. On our way back I threatened her.”
“You threatened my daughter?”
“Not like that. I told her that I had it in my right mind to tell you about him and have him thrown in prison.” He smiled. This, to him, was an intriguing idea.
“You wouldn't have though, would you? For you to explain it you would have had to implicate yourself.”
“I could have lied. Before this all happened you would have believed me over your beloved princess. You of all people would understand lying for love.”
“Lying? I never lied.” Tyson grew red in the face.
“Before you married Emily, you had an affair,” Tyson opened his mouth to say something, “But you did not lie to either one, you lied to the public. You went to Soturin's feast with Elanor so the public could not see flaw in the royal couple.”
“Would you have it any other way? Would you have me be hurt with Elanor? I, the man who saved you from the streets?”
“I would not have it any other way, but not because you saved me, but because I know the feeling of losing someone you love. I would never wish that on you.”
“I have already went through it. When my own brother sent me away so he could steal the one I loved, I lost everything. When my son, Soturin, came to find me I almost completely refused to come back, but in those moments I realized that I had not lost my oldest son. Or my youngest son.”
“You came back because of Soturin?”
“Not just. I came back because I saw that not everyone was corrupt. I owe everything to Soturin.”
“Everything? I mean even Trinity? Or Felton?”
“Yes, especially Trinity and Felton. I wouldn't be with Emily to have Trinity and Felton.”
“Yes?” The doctor came in, he was shaking with fear.
“Doctor Prevton is it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Doctor Prevton I need you to get the...are you the apprentice to Doctor Thayer?”
“One...of many, sir.” His breath grew faster.
“Did he entrust you with...royal saladus meditsiin.”
“Yes, of course, sir.” He cringed at some memory.
“Well I need you to use that on” He pointed at me.
“Yes, sir, but I do not have the ingredients.”
“Juniper!” A young lady with short red hair came in. “Please, tend to Doctor Prevton's needs. Doctor, Juniper will find those ingredients for you. Make it quick.” He growled.
“Y-y-yes, sir.” He bowed out.
“Well, that takes care of that.” He turned around to leave.
“Tyson. When you didn't know what to call me...Why don't you call me your nephew?”
“I can't. Nephew's don't move in on their cousins.”
“Sir!” He paused. “I'm sorry. If that's too bad, then call me your daughter's boyfriend.”
“I can't call you that either.” He sighed. “It pushes suitors away.”
“That would be excellent. Why can't you let your daughter make her own decision?”
“She has to make the sacrifice.”
“Well I have nothing better. Where's Kaylee?”
“Kaylee's upset about what you said at the field, she refuses, though, to tell me what it is that upset her.” Confusion quickly replaced by understanding and then fear and sadness. “What's that look? You know what upset her? Fix it, Jakob! She hasn't come out of her room for a month and no one, but her servant has went in.”
“What day is it?”
“A day?”
“Eight days?” Tyson shook his head. “How many days, Tyson!?”
“It's been twenty nine days, Jakob.”
“Twenty nine! This wasn't just collapsing, I went into a coma!”
“The moon brought you out. That's why I am having Doctor Prevton prepare the royal medicine. I think after the moon settles back, you will go under again.”
“For another month?”
“We aren't sure, but you have to be careful, because perhaps the silver has run it's course and any adrenaline might set it back.”
“Are you telling me this, because you don't want me near Kaylee?” His jaw set and his eyes looked close to tears.
“No, but don't get the wrong idea.”
“What do you mean?”
“She is promised to a prince.” Jakob's heart sunk. The corner of Tyson's lips twitched.
“She accepted?”
“It's not like that, Jakob.” Tyson chuckled. “She will be married in three years, to Prince Michael of Moedia.”
“Three? You are only giving me three years with her?”
“No. You are not to date her anymore. She is promised to another.” Tyson started to leave.
“Break your promise.” He grabbed his arm.
“I would never.”
“You've done things you said you never would, before.”
“The difference is this time I mean it and I will stick to it, for Kaylee's sake.” Jake sat up and threw on a pair of jeans and a tee. “Jakob what are you doing?”
“I am going to see why Kaylee is doing this. She would make you, if she wasn't so upset.”
“There's no point, Jakob, she isn't letting anyone in.”
“Then I will stand outside, you told me to fix it, but when I do, she is going to tell you to break your promise to Moedia.”
“She will never. Whatever you did, whatever you said, whatever you heard, it hurt her bad. All I know is that day she was telling me how I should make someone else obligated to the crown, the next she was begging me to allow her marriage to Michael.”
“I bet you were all too willing. When she came to you, you probably didn't waste time sending a messenger over to Moedia, you also probably didn't even recognize distress. Or her begging for your attention.”
“Go see her, Jakob! Don't be long, she has a date in an hour. See your little fling. Run. It's. Course.”
“It's not a fling.” Jakob ran out the door, around the corner and into the room there. He took a while getting his breath back. Then he exited the room, which he had noticed was a girl's, ran down the hall, took a right, followed it straight on through and then stopped at the door there. Do I knock, he thought. He knocked.
“Go away!” She screamed. He had a plan. He lowered his voice.
“I have news of Jakob Tyros.”
“Hold on.” He could hear her bustling about in her room. He smiled, his plan worked perfectly. He covered his face with his hood. She stepped out. “What is it?”
“Come closer this is secret information.” He said in his low voice. She moved within close range. He saw his opportunity. He threw off his hood and pressed his lips to hers.
“Why are you mad at me?” He said when he was done.
“What are you doing up? I mean, what are you doing awake at all?” She demanded.
“Answer my question first.”
“Who's Taylor?” Her red, tear-soaked cheeks, had droplets of tears coming down. He frowned. This is exactly what he thought it was.
“So that was you, in the hole?”
“Jakob. If...”
“You say a lot of if's.” He pointed out. “Taylor is the past. I went out with her and we are done now, I would let you marry Prince Michael if it wasn't.” She put her head down. “Kaylee?” He put his finger under her chin and made her look at him. “Why did you do it? I know the answer, but I need to hear it from you.”
“I thought it was over between us.” He smiled.
“It's not. I need you to tell your father that.”
“No.” He frowned.
“Why not? You want to be with me, right?”
“Yes, but I think I have an idea. Leave it to me, in three years, there will be two weddings. Michael and I will get married.”
“You think you can pawn me off on some other girl? I am only going to make you humiliated, I will only think of you.”
“No. I am going to marry you. Unless...that's not okay.”
“I will marry you, Kaylee Marie. One day.”
“Oh, Jakob, you've been asleep a long time.” She hugged his waist. He threw his arm around her. He kissed the top of her hair.
“I know. Your father came to see me. Told me that you have a date with me in an hour.”
“He did?” She asked in a suspicious disbelief.
“Sorta. He said that Michael had a date with you, but I am making it us.” He whispered the last word. He looked into her eyes. Kissed her cheek softly. “Let's go.” He whispered in her ear. He took her hand, walked into her room and jumped out her window.
“Don't you think this is a little dangerous?” Kaylee held a rock, looking down to see Jakob arms held up ready to catch her if she fell.
“A little,” He turned his head to the side a little, “but isn't that what made you love that much greater? That danger about me? Or maybe, I don't treat you like a little girl?”
“The danger was a cute factor, the recklessness, the criminal sneaking around, that was the frosting on the hypothetical cake.” She jumped down, landed gracefully. She walked up, took his face in her hands and shoved her lips against his.
“How could you treat me like a child, when I happen to be more mature than you?”
“I...” He pulled her close, his hands grabbed her back, his lips touched hers, then he moved his lips to her neck, shoulder. His head came up and he whispered in her ear. “I love you.” She pushed away from him and looked in his eyes.
“I love you, too.” He grabbed her and ran though the crowd.

“Elanor!” Tyson screamed. He slammed open the door to his study. “Elanor!”
“What is it Tyson?” He walked over to the window.
“Come here. Come, look out this window.” She walked over to the window and saw a couple of teenagers running through the crowd hand in hand. “This is what your daughter is doing when her fiance is waiting downstairs! She is running around with Jakob Tyros!” She put a hand on his shoulder.
“Send Lanie out with Michael and when Kaylee comes back I will talk to her.”
“What do I tell him? He is reporting everything to his father.” He calmed.
“Tell him Kaylee isn't feeling well, but to occupy him, until she is, is her sister.”
“Thank you.” He looked into her eyes. “How are you and Mitchell doing?” She smiled.
“I will never be his entirely.” He thought he saw a tear at the corner of her eye.
“I'm...” He coughed. “I will,” He stroked her cheek with his finger, “always love you. Things may have changed, between me and you, but that will never change.”
“I have to go, before you do something you'll regret.”
“Wait.” He grabbed her and hugged her, he whispered in her ear, “I'm sorry.”
“I am the one who's sorry. I am paying for what I did.” She whispered back. She pushed away and walked out.
“Are you okay?” Emily was standing in doorway.
“Emily.” He sighed. He bound over and pulled her into his arms. “I'm better, now. Come look at this.” He pulled her over to the window, only the two teens were at the beach.
“Is this why you were screaming for Elanor?” There was a hint of accusation in her voice.
“Yes, why else?”
“Well, I have to admit, I hated letting her stay here. I am saying that you were so hurt, you loved her so much, you might have healed and...” She shrugged.
“You make this seem so easy. You are accusing me of cheating on you.”
“No. I am merely saying that she manipulates you. You would...never, I know.”
“She will never do that again. She can't. There's a fire and there's the sun. You are my sun, she's a fire that is embers, to me.” He lied. She was still going, just not as hot as before.
“The sun is not always there, on a cold day, you might try to bring back the fire.”
“Let's stop this. I understand where your coming from, if I hadn't of banished Chilles, I would fear you and him...had an affair.” They sat in silence. Tyson left to tell Michael and Lanie that Kaylee was not going on the date.

“Mitchell?” Elanor had returned to the room and found him gone.
“Yes, Elanor?” His face lit up, he came in from the bathroom.
“Do you know where your son is?”
“Asleep, I would assume.” His face dropped, he was close to crying.
“No. Tyson is beyond furious, your son took off with his daughter. He is taking her from her fiance, Prince Michael.”
“He didn't come tell me? Jakob's awake?” He was practically jumping with joy.
“He's down at the beach, if you want to go see him. I was looking in on him headed that direction at least. We could go together, I need a talk with Kaylee.”
“I would love to.” They walked down to the beach, passing Tyson talking with Michael.

“Jake, no!” She laughed. “Let me down.” He had her over his shoulder, running to jump off the dock.
“What was that? Hurry up and jump off, no problem.” He threw himself off. Seconds later he pulled himself up onto the dock. His hair dripping and his shorts were beyond soaked. Kaylee came up, Jakob pulled her onto the dock. Jake and her stood inches apart at the edge of the dock. He pulled her close, kissed her and then plunged her into the water. When they came up, he pulled her close and pushed his lips to hers.
“Jakob?” Mitchell said in horror.
“Dad.” Jakob pulled himself onto the dock, pulled his hair back, and wrapped himself in a towel. “Please, don't...”
“You will listen to what I have to say!” Mitchell roared. Jakob was dumbfounded, this was the first time he had ever yelled at him. “She's your cousin.”
“Dad, you don't understand. She is not my cousin, not by blood at least, by adoption sort of. I love her, not by family either.”
“This is what that was about. This new girlfriend is her?” He was trying to piece it together.
“Dad, let's not get into this. Why don't you and I discuss this later.”
“Kaylee, you look cold.” This was the first time Jakob had noticed Elanor.
“You do, here.” He wrapped his towel around Kaylee.
“I'm not cold, it's hot out here. Uncle, why were you discussing his new girlfriend.”
“Kaylee,'s not important.” Jakob took her face in his hands, and stared into her eyes. “Please, don't.”
“He was...” Mitchell began.
“Dad! That was our secret. I trust you, don't screw that up, your the last father I have.”
“I'm the only father you have ever had! I am your father!” He retaliated.
“No. I am his father, and I have come back to take him away.” Chilles was dressed in a black cloak with a hood that, until now, he had over his face.
“Stay away from me.” Jakob wasn't scared, he was angry.
“Is that any way to speak to your...”
“Step-father.” Mitchell interrupted.
“Are you delusional? I mean did you really think I would leave without my son?”
“He is not yours, you kicked him out of his own house!”
“No. Mira did. She thought he was yours and wanted no memory of you. She hates you. I love my son.”
“Then leave.” Jakob turned his entire body towards him and held Kaylee in his arms. “I don't want to go.”
“Smart child. Let the princess believe you love her, get her to love you, take the crown from the royals. They don't deserve it.” He turned to Mitchell on the last sentence. Mitchell didn't reserve his anger any longer. His fist, clenched through listening to everything, threw in a perfect curve and connected with Chilles' nose. Chilles fell to the ground, but stood up.
“Is that all you have?” Mitchell kicked and Chilles grabbed his leg, threw him up, Mitchell did a back flip. He landed on his hands and feet, then he threw an uppercut, it connected with Chilles' jaw and sent him flying upwards, he dropped into the water with a splash.
“No. Your mistake was you fought for the wrong reason, you fought for pride. I fought for my son and I won the fight.”
“You think this is over? I'm going to demand you to be put in prison for this.”
“You were banished, if anyone's going to prison it's you.”
“Father, Kaylee's looking chilled, I am going to bring her back to the castle.” Jakob had his arms around her.
“This will continue, back at home.” Mitchell's hand rested on Jakob's shoulder. They walked away. Elanor followed close on their heels. “Um...Elanor, I don't think I should be left alone with...him.” Mitchell motioned his head to Chilles pulling himself onto the dock.
“Mitchell, I don't think the children should be left alone. Perhaps, as option number three, you come back to the castle, I will find my guard and tell him to bring Chilles to the prison.”
“Is he in the marketplace?”
“Yes. He is right there, one moment.” She stepped away, grabbed a big man, and pointed to Chilles. “Right there, Richard, bring him to the prison.”
“Mitchell, again, your majesty?”
“No. The old general, Chilles.”
“Yes, ma'am. Sorry sir, for the misunderstanding.”
“It's fine. Take Chilles to the prison, no stops, not one, you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.” He replied and grabbed Chilles and tied his hands and feet together. Mitchell took Elanor by the arm and walked to the castle.

“Do not think this is going unpunished!” Tyson raged.
“I didn't. This was his first day awake since the accident.” Kaylee had sat through a scolding about a complete dramatization of her sister's loyalty.
“Maybe she is my daughter after all.”
“Father, we have developed technology that allows us to see the parents of a child, why not test her?”
“So she can see that I doubt her as my daughter? Never!”
“Secretly. One of many things I have learned is that doing the things in secret, reveals a lot more about a person. She has a hairbrush, I will gather samples, some from you and some from mother. I will send them off to the lab myself.”
“Is there any other way?” Tyson sat in deliberation. She had successfully sidetracked him.
“Tyson, about Chilles?” Emily had just stepped into the room. She had, unsuccessfully, tried to hold back the tears.
“What about him?” He snapped. He paused for a couple moments.“I'm sorry. What do you wish to happen?”
“Let him go. Banish him again, threaten him if you will. Just don't keep him there.”
“Fine, find Soturin, have him release Chilles. Then bring him here. I can't allow him to leave so...late. He will stay here tonight.” Emily nodded and ran to find Soturin.
“Father? Why? You know she still loves him.”
“Of course. Like I still love your mother. I don't act on it and I beg she won't, either.”
“And if she does?”
“She won't, but if she did, I would forgive her right away. I have to deal with seeing Elanor day after day. What keeps me from her is she is married to my brother. I would never betray him, the way he betrayed me. I have high hopes I will be the only reason she'll need.”
“You didn't count her as a reason.” Kaylee pointed out. A wave of emotions, from anger to sadness to understanding to frustration, went across his face.
“Leave.” Is all he said. Kaylee walked away.

Jakob moved to his bed and layed down.
“Continue.” He motioned with his hand to a chair.
“She is your cousin. She is obligated to marry prince Michael. She comes with baggage. What else is there to say?”
“That she loves me and love overcomes everything. Every obstacle. Like fighting your son's biological father, to keep him.”
“That is different. I have a right to love you. You are my son, bio or not. She is a silly girl.”
“Speaking royally, she is everything this kingdom has left. She is the heir. She is his successor. She will never be a silly girl.”
“Is that what your in love with? The crown?”
“Is that what everybody thinks? I have been by her side since we were little. You-all of you, are to blame for this. Leave my room, please.” Mitchell left the castle entirely to stay in a little hut, outside the castle walls, outside running distance to kill Chilles.

“Elanor? Are you in here?”
“Yes. Reading. Do you need something?” Tyson stood for a moment deliberating. Then walked in and sat down on the bed.
“Yes. Elanor, I need to ask you something, but I have to know if you would answer honestly.”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Do you think Emily would...sleep with Chilles? I know I seem paranoid, and you and I are friends now, I mean at least I can talk to you about things, right?”
“I think that, well, you remember back when I hurt you,” She cringed at the pain brought back from that memory, “I told you at the feast that we should kiss to make the public think we were together. You kissed me on the cheek and you said that if you had kissed me that you would be blown back to when we were happy together. I think that, given the opportunity, Chilles will blow her back to when they were happy. So, yes, I do believe she would sleep with him if he kisses her.”
“Thank you for not sparing my feelings and telling me the truth.” She smiled and caressed his cheek. “Where's Mitchell?”
“He decided not to be in the same castle as Chilles.”
“Makes sense. Makes it harder, though.” He stated.
“Makes what harder?”
“Staying away from you. Emily being with Chilles, Mitchell away, makes it near impossible to keep from holding you in my arms again. Feeling your warmth. Tasting the sweet taste your lips had.” He traced her lips with fingers. She was crying.
“But you can't. You would never forgive yourself.”
“Watch me.” He pulled her to him. His lips softly touching hers, then he pushed harder. He softly laid her down. He kissed her cheek, her shoulder, her arm, her hand.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I should have been more careful.” Tyson held her close.
“What could you have done? I am the one to blame.” She replied.
“No. I did everything, but the funny thing is I regret only one thing- I hurt my brother. Why didn't I think this through? I could have done something else. I love you, I always will. This can never happen again, do you hear me? Next time, if there is, hit me.”
“I don't think I could.” She touched his face. He kissed her once more.
“I have to go. Emily will wonder where I am and...what I was doing to be gone so long.”

“Where is he?” Emily demanded. Tear soaked eyes drilled hard in the soldier's soul.
“Who, your majesty?” Frederick asked.
“You know well who! Chilles. Where is Chilles?”
“Your majesty, what of King Tyson?”
“I just need to see him.”
“Yes, your majesty.” He grabbed a key off of his belt, turned it in the lock and opened the door for Emily to walk through. “You have a visitor, general of the once known city, Vrare.”
“Frederick, go find Tyson for me.”
“Emily, pleasant non-surprise. Have you come to tell me that, let's see, you are happy with Tyson, but you love me. Am I close?”
“Yes. I love Tyson far more than you, though.”
“Would you mind a test then?”
“No.” He ran up and kissed her. She, at first detested it, but after a while she remembered that she used to be happy with him. She remembered that Chilles used to hold her close to him and make the problems go away. She remembered what it felt like to be his again. She is Tyson's now. She pushed him off. “See? Tyson loves me and he would never betray me.”
“If he did? What then?” He smiled.
“You would be amused wouldn't you? I would try to work things out, we understand eachother, Chilles. Something you and I never did.”
“So if he cheats on you, you would go back to the way things were before? When I do it, you hate me.”
“He would do it once. You did it over and over again.”
“He would never change the way I did. I will change for you.” He grabbed her hand. “I already have. Please stay with me. We can leave with my son or stay here with your children.”
“Chilles, don't make this harder than it already is.”
“Listen to me. Do you see what I have done? I have created a life for us. I have changed for us. All you can think about Is everything about Tyson? Isn't anything about you?”
“Things have changed. I have pull, I will manage to keep you out of prison, for a while. I can keep you out for maybe two weeks. Maybe Tyson will want you here for the wedding of his daughter, but he might send you away and wait two and a half years to bring you back. Chilles, I love Tyson. This is the same as when you walked in on him telling me he loved me, years ago. I was willing to go back to you, then, had you changed for me, but you didn't. You and Mira moved in together, threw out your son, and played house until the guards came to banish you, you threw every inch of that relationship in my face. I thought it was over, I thought your hatred for me had gone, but you trying to get me back, when I know that you will do it all over again.”
“Things have changed, I have changed!” He shouted. He threw his arms around her. “Don't make me get on my knees and beg.” He whispered in her ear.
“Chilles, I wish we hadn't of come to this. I wish none of it happened. That everyone would be with the people they're supposed to be with, but it won't. You were supposed to be with me, but you slept with Mira. Mitchell was supposed to be with Mira, but he found out, started cheating on Mira with Elanor. Tyson is supposed to be with Elanor, she gets Mitchell to take him to Tesat and desert him there. Then his sons risk their lives to find him and bring him back. He goes to find his brother in prison and goes to talk to you, finds me and tries to figure out how to tell me you were cheating and things go better from there.”
“Please!” He cried.
“No. I am...done with that. Tyson treats me right.” She caressed his cheek. “He treats me just like you used to, before things...”
“Don't. Don't bring up things like that. It's over. The pain, the...” He looked in her eyes. Then pulled her into his warm embrace. “The everything we ever had. Go back to him, because if you truly loved him more than me, that's where you would be right now. You would be in his arms, kissing his lips, holding him close and wishing that I would never have come here. But your here in my arms, you've kissed my lips, your holding me close and hoping that I never leave. I know you love him, I know he loves you, but we have the same connection.”
“I can't be doing this. When he first came to me, I begged you would tell me you will change for me. You never did and I admitted to him that I loved him before you, I settled for you, I always wanted him. Now I am not going to screw that up.” She paused. “Goodbye.”
“What's so good about it? You just admitted you loved me, but you settled for loving me, because you couldn't love him. That's what your entire life is based off of. All the men you have loved. What a great life! The men you love, they also love someone else, and they aren't all about the women they love. Tyson's about the kingdom, I am about children. You chose power.” He snapped.
“I'm sorry you feel that way.”
“So sorry.” She left the room. “Frederick, where is king Tyson?”
“Couldn't find him, my lady. I'm sorry.”

“Elanor! You had me worried sick!”
“I'm sorry. I didn't realize the time.”
“Where were you?”
“I hate being drilled! Can we go to sleep?”
“No. I can't sleep! Where were you that you don't want me to know about?”
“I was with Chilles!” She paused. “Is that what you want to hear from me?”
“Did you sleep with him?”
“Did you sleep with him?!”
“No. Why would you...” She cut herself off. “Where were you? You weren't here, because I sent Frederick to find you. Where were you, Tyson?”
“I was...doesn't matter. I am going to find...Mitchell. I will see you. Don't stay up.”
“Tyson? Please, tell me you weren't with Elanor.”
“I was. I regret to say, but I also...”
“Kissed her?”
“When we first got together I refused to kiss her, because I knew, once I did that, I would be taken back to a time when we were in love. I would have done anything to be with her after I kissed her, and I would have woken to her. I kissed her, but Emily...” He grabbed her arms and pulled her against his chest. She pushed him away.
“No. Tyson, don't say it. No. No, no,no!” Tears ran down her face. “You slept with her, didn't you?” It was more of an accusation than a question.
“I'm so so sorry, Emily. Please tell me, this isn't it. Emily, I will do anything to make up for this, I love you. I love you more than anyone! I will do anything you want me to.”
“Kiss me.”
“Kiss me, Tyson.” She chuckled, through the tears. He grabbed her and pulled her against him. He moved toward her face, she cleared the space and as soon as their lips were together, he shoved more force. He lifted her up and cradled her in his arms. He moved towards the bed, he laid her down and went around the bed and laid down next to her.
“Emily, I really am sorry.”
“I know. We will work through this.”
“I thought...well, you know. I was afraid of losing you.”
“Tyson!” The door slammed open. “ could you?!” Mitchell roared. He ran up grabbed Tyson from his bed and threw him on the ground. “What kind of brother...first you spit in my face by allowing Chilles to stay here! You know he is after my son, you know he stole my wife from me! But no that's not all, you actually sleep with my wife! Are you trying to be as bad as he is?” He hit Tyson in his face with his fist.
“Mitchell.” Tyson spit blood off to one side. “I'm sorry.” Mitchell hit him again.
“Your not, you never would have done this in the first place, if you were!” Mitchell hit him twice. “I love her!” He hit him over and over.
“What do you want me to say?” Tyson whispered.
“I don't know! I'm angry at you.”
“I know, what I did was wrong.” Tyson hadn't realized Emily had run for help until two guards and Elanor shown up. “No! Let him finish.” Tyson commanded. “I deserve this.”
“But Tyson...”
“No.” Mitchell hit him again, over and over and over. Then he stood up and walked away.
“Take me to the hospital.” Tyson said before he passed out. He woke up to a consistent beep beep beep. “Emily?”
“Dad? Oh my gosh, dad! I am so sorry. Did I do this?” Kaylee frantically apologized.
“No, Kaylee. There were things that went on that led to my brother hitting me repeatedly.”
“Uncle Mitchell did this to you?”
“Who...What did you think happened to me?”
“I thought you were in the middle of killing yourself and you survived.”
“No! I would never...why didn't Mitchell tell you anything?”
“I don't know what your talking about. He said that you did this to yourself.”
“I see. Where is Emily and Mitchell?”
“Uncle Mitchell is with Elanor is with Chilles.”
“Would you get a guard to get her?”
“I can go.”
“No. Get a guard.”
“Alright. I made a promise to...I have plans after this, and now that your awake I can go.” She kissed his forehead. “I promise to visit often, I will be back within a couple of hours.”
“Kaylee, I just woke up. Can't you stay a little longer?”
“I cannot, sorry. to go on a date with Prince Michael. I really have been slacking on those and I told him that today would be great, this was, of course, before you were laid up, so...I mean if you really want me to stay...?” She cut herself off.
“No. Go. Please, you need time with Michael.”
“Thank you. Like I said, a few hours max.” She ran out the door. “King Tyson would like you to find Emily. It is urgent. Find a nurse as well, he's awake and I want to make sure his vitals are in peak condition. So, find Emily, get a nurse, send them to his bedside.” With a nod he was off.

“Mitchell, you should go see your brother.” Elanor encouraged.
“I have no brother!” He retaliated.
“He forgave you. When you stole me, he forgave you. You did worse than he did. You took his life, all he did was take one night.” She said softly. She put her head on his shoulder.
“But...I don't get it. If he truly cared for you, he would have done what I did.”
“No. He cared for me, but he loved you. He understood you. How did you begin to trust me after I did what I did?”
“Because I knew that you were afraid.”
“He knew you were hurt. He knows your hurt now. What better time to apologize and admit that you understand, too? If you slept with Emily, would he have done what you did? And at least would he have apologized after you woke up?”
“Fine. I don't need your lecture. I just...he could have done something else. I wonder how Emily feels, was he even going to tell her? Do you know where she is right now? With Chilles. I mean, sure he cheated on her, but...two wrongs don't make a right.”
“Yeah, but two negatives makes a positive.”
“What getting revenge is the right thing to do?” He asked her. “If that is the case, why don't I get revenge? I mean, this entire time I have been pissed with Tyson, but I realize he was only half of what happened. You did it right back to him.”
“Mitchell, I thought you knew.”
“Knew he was going to sleep with my wife?!”
“No. I thought you knew that Tyson is the love of my life. I have always wanted him to do what he did. I know it sucks that I hurt you, I feel terrible, but if that's the worst I have to go through...I happily accept it. I wanted Tyson back. I wanted him to come through that door and say to me that he loved me and he would never leave my side again.”
“Great, no one loves me first. I thought that you were the one thing I had more than Tyson, the one thing I had he wanted. I see now he didn't want you, because otherwise you would be with him right now.”
“Mitchell, it's always been Tyson. I just can't have him. I love you, I really do, but Tyson's always been the one.” He wiped a tear from his cheek.
“The country, you, his kids, even our parents. How many times am I second place?”
“Why are you trying to be picky? Second place is an excellent achievement. Especially on someone's heart.” He took the room in five strides. He stood inches from her face.
“Is that how you feel? He put Emily first on his time line. Do you feel like you have achieved something great, being second? At least you were somebody's first.”
“Mitchell, what about Mira?”
“I never chose her first. It was like you and Tyson. He thought of Emily first, but when he saw somebody he cared about love her, he gave up. I chose you first, but Tyson wanted you. I settled for Mira. A mistake I should never have made.” He grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her to him. He felt her soft sobs, and she could feel his urgency.

“This is so much better than sitting with Michael.” She sighed. “How do you find these places?”
“Army drills. I go places and when I see beauty, I think about how happy you would be to see them.” She stood and looked over the side of the mountain. Her coat catching rock made her feel safe.
“Are you cold at all?” He constantly asked.
“I wasn't five minutes ago, I certainly am not now.” He laughed quietly.
“I was just looking for a reason for you to come off the ledge, so I could hold you close.” She blushed a little.
“You don't need to look for a reason, because you know I do feel a little cold now that you mention it.” She rested on his shoulder, his arms around her.
“Something beautiful is going to happen in exactly five minutes.”
“Wouldn't that ruin the surprise?” She sat waiting for it, Jake kissed the top of her head.
“This suspense is killing me.”
“Oh, here it comes.” He put his hands over her eyes. When he took it off, she saw beautiful lights and dozens of beautifully colored birds.
“What are they?”
“They are Animaux. An ancient bird supposed to be extinct.”
“Why aren't they?”
“They survived, but only on this island, they aren't anywhere else in the world. This is mating season for them. They just happen to mate when the Southern Tides meet with the sun and creates beautiful colors in the sky.”
Amazing, funny how nature works.”
“Yeah. I know you like the back of my hand. I knew you would love this. Sad it happens once every two or three years.”
“Will you take me up here in three years?”
“You'll be married in three years, exactly three years.”
“Take me up here in three years.” She kissed him and then watched the rest of the birds mating season.

“Emily. So interesting that you have visited me again.”
“So interesting that my husband is in a hospital bed at the moment. All because of his fear. He thought I had slept with you, so he slept with Elanor, which spiked his brother's anger, making him beat up him up.”
“So Tyson falls from grace. Never thought that after he had abandoned his trust in me, he would do the thing that had my position, my wife, even my friend, ripped from my arms.”
“As I have said before, repetition is what got you here, repetition was you ride from grace. Tyson will never repeat what he did.”
“So Tyson will never pay for his actions. Is it because he is king? Or is it just your denial of ever loving me more than him that fuels his boat into grace?”
“Neither. It is his heart. Pure, caring, and as much as he would hate to admit it, he is a great...”
“Excuse me, your highness. Miss Kaylee told me to tell you that King Tyson is awake and requested your presence at his bedside. Shall I send word of, your highness?”
“No. I will go right away.”
“Emily, he is a great what?”
“He is a great king and father. He just needs to remember that.”

“My, my, my. Look at the beat up king. His failure in thoughts apparent.”
“Mitchell.” He said with joy. His cut lips spread into a smile. “I am so happy your here. I was thinking of it and, well, Kaylee is my heir, but truth be told, she is far too young. So, what if I make you my heir? Just until Kaylee is old enough and married, of course.”
“Tyson, you know what I think?”
“What? I would love to hear it.”
“I think you feel guilty, we both know Kaylee is old enough to make decisions and run a kingdom.”
“You didn't think so, so many years ago, have we forgotten, brother?”
“She was just born, then. Have you forgotten that? She was a mere baby. I had no idea she would grow up to be a wise and mature queen.”
“She hasn't! If she was wise, she would marry a Moedia Prince. If she was mature, she wouldn't be throwing fits when I mention Michael. She is none of those things.”
“She is. She is wise in not trusting the Moeds. She is mature in not marrying someone who doesn't love her. She will be a great queen, because she makes her own decisions. Do not forget her individuality.”
“Is that a no, then?”
“Yes, I proudly decline your offer. Do not take this as a decline of forgiveness.”
“I have asked nothing of that. It shall take time for you to forgive me.”
“What about Emily? Do you think she will ever forgive you? Or is this the end?”
“You shouldn't concern yourself with it. I hope she will. I beg this isn't the end. She says she understands and she says she forgives me, but I know inside it kills her.”
“Well, why don't I have the chef prepare a private meal? Just a romantic dinner for the two of you. Rose petals on the floor, hiring private entertainers?”
“I feel like you are trying to win me over. Do you feel guilty?”
“No! Preposterous. I am not the one who should feel guilty. I mean, I don't. It's Elanor. She wants you back, she will make her play for you if it's over between you and Emily, and you will have no choice, but to marry her within the month. I will be tossed aside, if that ever happens. So fix things, Tyson! Make her love you so much more than she already does.”
“What?” Emily had overheard the last sentence and took it as Elanor making her move on him.
“Mitchell has decided that he is going to fix things.”
“Between whom?”
“You and I, of course.”
“But we are fine.”
“Exactly, I want us to be great! I want people to see us and see how much I love you and how much you love me not to be fine, but to be outstanding.” He stared at her in deep thought.
“I will follow our plan, excuse me, Emily.” Mitchell backed out of the room.
“Emily, where were you?”
“I was down with Chilles. Arguing with him the point of his leave today. It wasn't long, a few minutes at the most.”
“I see. Has he agreed to go?”
“No. I didn't get that far when the guard came to retrieve me. He said you were finally awake and requested my presence.”
“Well, of course I did. You are my wife, I love you. Plus this is the first moment we have had alone since the incident.” She leaned over his bed and kissed him.
“Won't it be great, when we have your bedroom to have alone?” He sighed. A nurse arrived behind Emily.
“Be careful my lady, you shouldn't have his heart pulse faster. We have no idea of the extent of his injuries.”
“Excuse me, Nurse? What is your name?”
“Tracy Greek, your highness.”
“Tracy, what are you doing here? I never sent away for a nurse.”
“No, your daughter did. She sent the guard for your wife and for a nurse to check your vitals. I am only doing my job, your highness.”
“I understand. Emily, I feel great, so I am assuming I will be out today.”
“You assume wrong, King. Your vitals aren't doing well. I believe your brother may have possibly broken your jaw, that will need to be set. Along with broken blood vessels, lowing your blood pressure and that will need to be fixed. I think you will be out in a few days, maybe longer.”
“Fine. Emily, I leave you in charge. Try to get Kaylee to go out with Michael finally, I know she lied to me today. Find her, scold her, then get Michael over here and force a date. Then tell her that I allow her to bring Jakob, if that will help. I just need this from her. Threaten her, if you have to. Tell her if she doesn't go on this date with him, she is to be put in a room with no windows and bars for a door.”
“I don't think I can do this, can you have Mitchell run the kingdom? Just for a few days?”
“No. Mitchell wouldn't do what I ask. I know you trust my judgment.”

“Jakob!” Her voice, so soft and delicate, cut by his wavering hearing. “Jakob.” He was passing out again. She had managed to get him down the mountain, but he was changing. The full moon that pulled him from his coma, had just returned him. He was, yet again, forced to sleep.
“Kaylee, there is no point in staying here. Come with me. We can go sit down on the beach, I know you loved that.” William Brooks, Jakob's old friend from the army, sat down on a chair, the chair itself was a treasure of sorts, but William Brooks was important to everyone who knew him.
“I can't, Will. I'm with Jake now. It's time to give up.”
“I won't give up on us. I think there's still a chance.”
“Is he waking up? Jakob? Jakob, can you hear me?”
“Kaye? So sorry.” Jake said groggily.
“For what? You were under for two months this time, I haven't left your bedside. Technically we have a little before the next full moon.” The next couple of days they spent together. Reading on the beach, even going up on top of the hill to watch the sunset.

“Tell me my father isn't going to send him to prison.” Kaylee raged. “He just woke up!”
“He's not. He had me, have the guards find him something appropriate to wear for tonight. Now stop fussing and find something to wear.”
“Unless that something to wear is going to be put towards a date with my loving, devoted boyfriend Jakob, I suggest you give up. My father will have to find somebody else to cater to everything he needs. He almost gave up everything to be with you. He could have even sacrificed us, in the wake, but he didn't, because he trusted that everything would work out. Why can't he do that now? Why can't he trust that me and Jakob were just as important as you and him were?”
“Importance is no factor. He just needs to see that you and Jakob, are just as in love as we were. He said that you can take him on your date with Prince Michael.”
“Oh, did he now?” She asked skeptically.
“Yes. He did. Of course you'll forgive him if it wasn't a peace offering.”

“Do I have to get clothes, I have clothes!”
“You know I don't make the rules. Anything the king says, goes.”
“What is this? Why can't I go in my army outfit?”
“Stop! Okay. This is a formal event that the princess must attend.”
“When did you get stuck with this, Will? Being guard to everyone?”
“Not too long after we climbed that mountain that started you and the princess' romance.”
“Is that why I didn't see at the drills?”
“Yeah, yeah. I signed up for this job. I thought it was too dangerous for me. Now come on, Jake find something.”
“What about a tux? If this is formal, isn't a tux mandatory?”
“Yeah, let's go to a tuxedo store.” Of course in the small town of Kafke the tuxedo store was right next door, and owned by the same guy. “It can't be hard to find a tux, now. Just find out what color jacket you want, the color of your shirt, bow tie, regular tie or no tie. It's mainly colors and style so...”
“That one.” They looked at the glass case with a suit inside. “That's the one, Will.”
“That's what you said about Tay. The first time you saw her.”
“She was the one, for me. Too bad it wasn't me for her. But this...this is the tux. I tell you Kaylee's going to love it.”
“Man, what happened to you? Kaylee this, Kaylee that.”
“Well at least I wasn't with her when her name was Semra, let's see you say that instead.”
“No, thanks.” Will pointed towards the cashier. “The king has ordered a tuxedo for tonight. This one.” He pointed towards the case.
“Yes, sir. What time shall I deliver it to the castle?”
“No, you shall hand it over to me now.”
“I can't, without a member of the royal family here.”
“There is one here, now. Him, over there, he is the kings nephew.”
“Mitchell's son?”
“Well, he is more adopted than...He is Chilles' son, thrown out on the streets, and having cared for him most his life, Mitchell brought him to the castle.”
“He is not going to believe you Will.” Jake stated. “He is a very wise man not to do so. Having not known me nor you, he is wise to deny us service. Please just send it to the castle room five, by seven. We have no money for this, and I know you allow all members of the royal family free clothes from here. So deliver it to the castle and I am sure Queen Emily or Queen Elanor will be there to receive it and I will find it with them. Thank you.” Jakob left the building.
“That is the guard for Princess Kaylee, he is going on her date with Prince Michael of Moedia. If he is late to her dinner...need I say more?” He threatened.

“Elanor, pleasant surprise. Had I known, I would have asked Mitchell over.”
“Hmm. Still don't trust him?”
“Elanor, Elanor. I trust my brother and I trust you, it's the situation I don't trust. I would much rather have him here as well, so he can see for himself I am not trying to win my ex-wife back.”
“No. Otherwise you would already have me. I told him this before.”
“You told him that had I wanted you, you would be mine? That was cruel.”
“The truth is often cruel. Need I offer examples?”
“No, but I would like it if you were with him and he could hold you, and love you, and look deeply into your eyes and...just go be with my brother and accept he is all of me your ever going to get.”
“One day your going to wake up, after Emily has died, and realize she wasn't who you were supposed to be with all along.”
“Nevermind your prejudice. What have you come for, hurry, say it and leave it in peace.”
“I wanted to ask something. Why is Emily watching over our kingdom?”
“Emily is Queen. She is second in command, she is someone who will trust me enough to do as I ask.”
“Mitchell should be running this kingdom! Or at least I should! You put Emily in charge, she has never run a kingdom before!”
“This is the first generation of royalty, no one here has any knowledge of running a kingdom! That's why we marry a royal prince in and he will know. And his eldest daughter will do the same.”
“I don't believe this. I am your third, only after Kaylee, who cannot run this kingdom at this moment.”
“I offered Mitchell the job of second, he refused. Told me Kaylee was perfectly capable, if you want to blame someone, blame Mitchell. For now Emily is running this kingdom and I will be out soon. Goodbye, Elanor.”
“Tyson, you loved me once...”
“Goodbye, Elanor.” He interrupted.
“Tyson! Shut up and listen to me. You loved me once, you love me still, your anger has blinded you into thinking Emily is the one for you. I am the only person who really understands you, Tyson.”
“And I beg to differ, Elanor. I am proud to say that, even when Tyson believed I had cheated on him, he didn't leave me. Sure he did a thing that, probably, feels worse than death itself.” Emily walked in and sat next to Tyson and held his hand.
“He did so with me, if you need help remembering. It is because he still loves me.”
“I didn't hear him deny that, but I did hear him when he tells me that he loves me more, he loved me first, he thought of my well being in every word he has ever said, and that he will continue to do so for all of our lives.”
“I hope that when he realizes I am the love of his life, he makes it painfully truthful. Because, I would hate to know he lied to you so much, to bring another lie in.”
“Elanor! Leave me and my wife to our own. I have never lied to you, Emily. That is why I suggest we leave, when Kaylee is wed, and we have no worries about her. So no one can cause doubts in your head, that I love you more than life itself, and that when I hurt you, it comes back ten fold.”
“Do not make her leave, I came to say I love you and Kaylee has agreed to go to dinner with Michael.”
“So I assume this means Jakob has agreed to dinner with Michael and Kaylee?”
“Of course. How to separate true love?” He chuckled a bit. Then they kissed long and hard. Emily eventually pushed away. “I have things to tend to, but when it is over, I hope this will pick up where it left off.”
“Not a doubt.” He smiled. Emily left to her room.

“So give me the specifics. What, when, and where?”
“I don't know everything, milady. I believe it's dinner, a movie, and then he plans to take you to a field where you can gaze up at the stars. He said it was your sister's favorite.” He smiled.
“Will, do you think he has a thing for her?”
“Well, when comparing princess to princess, no offense to Lanie, but I don't believe it's much of a competition. You are beautiful and truthfully, had Jake not fallen for you, I don't know if I could've prevented marrying you myself.” He stood face to face with her, his hand touching her cheek. They stayed like that for a while. “But he has,” He backed away, “and I respect his choice. He is a good man, Kaylee, trust me. Don't break his heart.”
“I would never...”
“You would. For your family, you would do anything, but I swear to you the payout on staying with him is worth the price. The gambling was never your thing, I know, but this is a guaranteed thing. I would never let you take a risk without that.”
“Is this you giving up?”
“I have to...Kaylee for you...and Jake. I just know that...he will take better care of you than I can.”
“I know this is hard for you. I'm proud of you, but the way this is, reminds me of Emily. She had two suitors, one she was in love with, and one she settled for. I am not settling, though. I love you both. In the end, she ended up with the one who was there the entire time. And that's not Jake. In fact it was my father who she ended up with and he backed away, because he thought Chilles was the better man. He was wrong, Will! What if your wrong? What if I end up back with you? Will, I...” He cut her off. His lips were soft and his breath sweet and warm. She forgot her worries and she forgot Jake. Until he pushed away from her. “Will...” Her breath was gone. She had forgotten what Will once, and still, meant to her. “Why would you give up?” She was close to tears, her hands instinctively reached up to her face. He grabbed her hands.
“I gave up, because you have enough pressure to last a lifetime. I don't need you to make decisions that you can't handle. If you end up with me in the end, you end up with me in the end, that's not so bad is it?” He put his hands on her cheeks. “But I don't think it will. I think this is pretty much set in stone, don't you?”
“No.” She whispered. “This isn't. I love you, Will. I love you.” She grabbed him and his lips, though eager, were cautious.
“I love you, too. I love you so much that it hurts, and I love you enough to let you go.”
“I love you just enough this is painful, but not enough to let you go.” She held him again, his breath warm, his lips smooth. She hopped on the bed, he knelt over her. He grabbed her shirt and pulled it off. He loomed over her, seeing deep in her eyes. He grabbed the small of her back and pulled it to him. Then he let her drop. He pointed his ear towards the door. “Under the bed! Go, go, go, go.” She whispered. She pushed him off the bed. The indistinct footsteps becoming louder. Than the thud of a fist against her wood door. She ran over and put on her shirt. “Coming!” She rushed over to the door, turned the knob, and pulled. It came with too much force and she fell back. She prepared for the hit, but it never came. She just felt pressure on her back.
“Are you okay?” Will asked.
“I'm fine. Let me up.”
“Kaylee, maybe you should lay down. You were nearly hurt. Will,” Jake pointed towards the bed. “Please.” Will moved her. He stared into her eyes the entire way. “Will, I was curious, how is your brother?”
“Craig is great, he isn't moving through the army like he'd like to, but...who can say they haven't been there?” They laughed.
“I was just coming to drop this off with you.” It was diamonds set in a heart locket on a black satin ribbon.
“Kaylee, I have to go. The new shift has started, I'm off tonight. I'll see you later?”
“Of course. I might have to make you take a double shift tomorrow.”
“A double shift?” He asked.
“I have a security issue with going out tonight. Moed prince. You know.”
“Kaylee if Will doesn't want to do it, I am part of the army.” Jake stated.
“I know, I just...don't know if we should...stay near eachother all the time. I don't want to get tired of you. A nice break would be easy, just one day. Then we're back to being together.” Will turned and started walking away. “You never replied.”
“You know I will always protect you.” He walked away. He had to face the hardest decision he was ever faced with.
“What was that all about?” Jake asked, concerned.
“You know my dating history, right? Or do I have to explain it?”
“What does that have to do with Will, Kaylee?” He asked suspiciously.
“I don't think it matters.”
“It's between my best friend and my girlfriend, I think it matters. Tell me that you and him weren't...close.”
“We were...friends, Jake. We were friends.”
“We were friends. Is that what happened? Did you two date?”
“Jake. You're kinda stepping into jealous boyfriend territory.”
“No. Kaye, I think his shirt was messed up and I saw yours-it was just put on. He's my best friend and you are my life, I can't lose you both.”
“You don't have to. Jake, it's you and me. It's us, nothing separates us, right?”
“Sleeping with my best friend might make a complication in your plans, Kaye! Say the words.”
“What words, Jakob?”
“Me and William did not date, we were not and are not in love. Please.”
“I can't, Jake. I can't lie to you.” She started to cry.
“You and...and...Will?” He put his hand to his face. “Which is it? Which is it, Kaylee?! Are you in love with Will?”
“I am, but it's not what your thinking.”
“You are in love with my best friend! Kaylee, do you understand, I can't go up against my...even for...I was fine going up against Prince Michael of Moedia, but Kaylee, Will, too?”
“Jake, we were in love. Me and him...we weren't good together. We kept it a secret, sneaking around, I was losing sleep. I begged him to tell my father and he said I couldn't. We weren't supposed to be together, that that was why Jumalat made royalty and classes. I was brokenhearted, he felt we were nothing. Something that wasn't meant to last. He prepared himself for it, planned it, Jake. He expected the day I would get married to a prince. I knew that we had to break it off. He wasn't prepared for that, so he joined the army, tried to push his class farther up the ladder. After we ended, he begged me not to, said he would do anything. Promised that if he was general, we could tell my father. We both knew he wasn't going to be general. He never gave up. Ever. That's when you and I started. He saw the happiness return to you after...and I was happy, he never thought it would happen. He just gave up, Jake. Just when I realized, I don't want him to.”
“Are you want him? Not me? After everything?” Jake had to step away.
“No. Jake. I don't, I just love him, too. I am asking you to be okay with that.”
“Another man to protect you, to love you, to be there to comfort you when I am not around. It sounds perfect. Just as long as I am the only one who holds you in his arms, the only one who sleeps in your bed, the only one you kiss and the only one you dream about at night. Can I get that promise?”
“Yes. I promise.” She lied. He crossed the room. Held her lips to his for a moment, let the feeling settle and pushed away.
“What time is the date? And where are we going?”
“I think it was seven and it's a surprise.”
“Hmm. Six fifty. We better get ready. I have a tuxedo down in room five, waiting most likely.”
“Jake. Don't expect me to be perfect.”
“Why would I want that?” He left.

“Emily? Have you been to your room lately?”
“No. I just got back from the hospital. Why?”
“I had a tuxedo dropped off, I'm supposed to have it here at the castle. Mind if we...?” He ushered her towards her room.
“Of course not.” They walked over and there it was, the tux from the store. He rushed back to his room with no more than a 'thank you' said over his shoulder. He placed it on his bed while he took a hot shower, by seven he was downstairs fully dressed. Not minutes after he stepped onto the first floor, Kaylee was stepping onto the stairs. Her dress was fantastic black, with makeup that accented her eyes and lips, and black heels that seemed to shimmer. If he hadn't been looking for it, he wouldn't have seen the locket, but it was there, hidden just behind her hair, long and straight. It seemed to belong there. They seemed like they had spent hours coordinating their outfits. It must have been fate. When she stepped down she noticed the same thing about him, he was wearing a black tuxedo with no tie and a simple button down shirt. He was handsome. And she felt a giddy sense of pleasure at that fact, he was all her's, he would always be.
“Well don't you look...” He shook his head. “...amazing, like always.”
“I could say the same thing. You are so handsome.”
“That's a good thing.” He turned to the guard on duty. “Where is the prince? I expect him to be here on time. I need you to call him and confirm it was at seven.”
“You should settle down. You haven't come as my guard.”
“Tell your father and prince Michael that, I might get thrown in jail.” He smiled. “I know. I just hate that this is supposed to be the man you marry and he's late to your first date. It's stupid on his part. He is supposed to win you over. Where's the appeal?”
“This is supposed to be an arranged marriage, not one for love, otherwise...I would be married to you.” He froze. What if she wanted to marry him? Could he do that? Trust her so completely to marry her? “Jake. Are you okay?”
“Of course.” He settled a little more. “Just a little nervous.”
“What is there, for you, to be nervous about? Come on. We can do this.”
“I know, I can.”
“Princess, the prince is here.”
“Ready?” She asked.
“Beyond ready.” He touched her lips. “I can deal with anything, as long as you are by my side.”
“Right now, I am. By the way, I think you might make him a little jealous with how wonderful you look, tonight.”
“I think you may have mentioned that already.”
“That just makes you double the amazing.” They walked onto the flat pavement. The sun setting, but the moon wouldn't be out for another hour.
“Princess. You need no protection. This is merely a date.” She first noticed his hair, it was blonde and somewhat short. She noticed his eyes, green with an inlaying blue-green. Then she noticed his teeth, the fangs she was looking for, weren't there. He noticed she was looking for them. He leaned in close. “I don't have fangs.” He whispered in her ear.
“I-I-I wasn't...looking.”
“It's fine. But as I have said before, you will need no protection.” He looked concerned.
“He wanted to join us, because he is a soldier and I don't think it's you I need protecting from, but I need it everywhere I go.”
“Everywhere? How do you live a normal life if you have guards everywhere you go?” I looked at him skeptically.
“I am a princess, and being a princess comes with the consequence of not being able to have a normal life.” She could tell he wanted to say, 'not your sister', but he didn't. He just opened the car door and motioned for the princess and Jakob to get in the limousine.
“Give up so easily, prince?”
“Only when I know it's pointless to fight over it.” Jakob stepped in. It was roomy. He moved to one side of Kaylee, while Michael sat on the other side. Jake bent over to whisper in her ear. “If he sits any closer, I am going to rip his legs off.” She laughed.
“Don't kill him, my father will be even less pleased with you.”
“I don't think that's possible.” He looked into her eyes.
“So princess, do you like Italian food?”
“You don't have to keep calling me princess. You can call me Kaylee, and I do love Italian food.”
“Well, Kaylee, we are going to a wonderful Italian restaurant, I hope you love it, I know your...I mean I hope your going to love it.”
“I think you just said that.”
“He did.” Jakob said coldly.
“Sorry, I am a bit nervous.” Jakob laughed stiffly. “Do you have something to say to me, soldier.”
“I can tell you belong to titles, prince. I just have a feeling that every time you do something like that, you want to say that Lanie loved it, or Kaylee's sister had a normal life. You keep wanting to bring up princess Lanie. Have her dates grown on you, prince?”
“I can't say that I won't miss them, but I am a man of my word. Know things about that, do you, soldier?”
“Why don't we get over this little prince-soldier thing, my name is Jakob, and I know you are Michael.”
“I would prefer prince, but I can call you Jakob if you prefer.”
“I guess soldier isn't bad, just wanted to get over formality.”
“Sorry, but I prefer to stay in formality with the help.”
“I believe you two have forgotten about me.” Kaylee tried to break the fight.
“I don't think I could ever forget about you.” Michael stirred. “I have been sworn to protect you, Kaye, I can't forget about you. Just getting to know your husband-to-be. Seems like formalities remind him, marriage is for love, not for command, not for duty, and certainly not for country. As if he knows a thing about that, though. You can tell, through his eyes, he has fallen for a beautiful princess, but not the one in front of him right now. The one back at the castle, who is most likely crying at the thought of the prince she loves, not allowed to love her back. She was never allowed to love him, but she defied the rules for him, unlike he who hadn't.”
“You know that's not true! She...” He paused, then took on a tone of sadness. “She couldn't love me. I am...not for her. Why do you have a nickname for the princess?” He tried to change the subject.
“Me and her have known eachother all of our lives. Ever since I was two.”
“Interesting. How did the princess, beautiful and capable of great things, come into contact with a peasant? I mean how do royals, have peasant friends?”
“I am not a mere peasant. My biological father was a general, my adoptive father is brother of the king. My mother was a slut, and slept with the both of them. Now, enough about me, where did the prince, find it in his stone-cold body, to obey his father's order?”
“No offense, but us vampires can love. Do you know how to?”
“We wolves like to keep to a single mate.” He looked over at Kaylee. The prince just laughed.
“Wolves. I know that wolves traditionally like to stick to one mate, but the condition of human-wolf form change creates the lesser amount of mates, but humans don't tie down easy. So, no offense to your saying, but you werewolves stick to a low number of, but not just one, mates.”
“You seem to do a lot of research. Although, not all of your facts are right. Just as I can say you may be able to walk in sunlight, despite rumors. Honestly, I can say things that are rumors, but none of them may be true.”
“Why don't we clear this up then? I can walk in sunlight, I sleep in the normal bed, at the normal time of night, we live and die the same as humans, just longer time, we are born, not made. The only things separating us from regular humans is our capabilities of very long lives and our diet of strict animal blood.”
“So why do rumors say you burn in sunlight?”
“We don't like to socialize. So when we stick to ourselves, we tend to go out when not many people are around, at night. Also stringing along the rumor of drinking human blood. It all started when the first vampire didn't go out, because of our light skin, he got a sunburn. He told his neighbor, he didn't go out in the sunlight, because he burned easily. His neighbor passed it around that when he went out he burned. Therefore, the rumor. Most of our rumors are tied together in reason. When people don't see you die, they expect you are already dead and dead people can't die, they live forever. Dead people sleep in coffins. There's that reason.”
“I see.”
“The connection in drinking human blood is also stretched to animals having blood. There are some things that animals and humans have in common, one of them happens to be blood. When people understand you drink animal blood, it's not a far stretch to drinking human blood. Blood is blood, but we have an allergy to human blood. Our bodies die faster when we drink it.”
“Well, we don't die for a long time. We have a timeline of living a thousand years. After eighteen we stop aging, every hundred years we age one. We change in the full moon. If we stay inside away from it, we don't change. There isn't much rumors of werewolves. Oh, silver, affects us. Thanks a lot to your family.” Kaylee paled.
“Are you all right?”
“Fine.” Kaylee said. “Just remembering a terrible memory.”
“Maybe you should try not to remember terrible things.”
“Well have you had someone's family, the person who your supposed to marry, technically poison someone you love?”
“Talking about one of your family, I presume.” She said nothing. “No. I haven't. No one knows about our allergy so to speak. I probably shouldn't have even told you, but you seem trustworthy.”
“Speaking like a true Chide, we prefer not to share our deep, dark secrets until we are sure about their trustworthy quality.”
“Well, I'm pretty sure about you.” He looked in her eyes. They heard a knock from behind them. “We're close?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Get ready.” Jake leaned in close to Kaylee again.
“He had better not try to take you from me. I won't be afraid to tell him our secret. He better become unsure fast.”
“He's clearly just trying, Jake.”
“That's the point, he's trying. He will try and he will succeed.”
“I forgot one thing when I was mentioning things about us vampires. We don't fall in love easily and when we do, we never unlove, unless we make love to someone else. We must be virgins and when we fall in love it's forever, because we normally consecrate it right after.”
“That's good.” He turned to Kaylee and smiled. He whispered in her ear again. “No one, but me is taking your virtue, I made that promise, I intend to keep it.”
“Our hearing is no better than a normal human's, though. So, I wish you would stop whispering.”
“If wishes were horses, prince.”
“Can't we get over this hostility, the pr...your aggravating.” Jakob laughed.
“Prince, I don't have the ability to read minds, but I don't need it to know you were thinking of Lanie, and how she accepts you for you. She wasn't afraid, was she? The first time she met you?”
“Of course she wasn't. She knew we vampires aren't stone-cold killers.”
“That's my girl. I thought you were going to get under my skin, because she said you loved her, but the truth is I shouldn't be jealous of you. Lanie loves me more. She always will. She told me I should come, I listened for her.” Michael leaped out of his seat and hit Jakob in the jaw.
“I admit it, okay. I love her, and if you love her, too, I am going to have to fight for her. I will.”
“Despite your date with princess Kaylee?” Jake asked.
“I am really, truly sorry, but I love your sister, Kaylee.” Jakob laughed.
“Then let's have a fantastic dinner.”
“What is going on?” Michael demanded.
“I don't love Lanie. I had to get you to admit your feelings for her so I could tell the king. He won't make you marry Kaylee.”
“No! You can't tell king Tyson.”
“Why not, you can't possibly believe you can go on with this charade?”
“I do, I can, and I will. If not for me, for Lanie. I must do this for her. My family won't let me marry just any princess, I must marry the one who will deliver the crown. By not love, by duty. By love of Lanie, I myself cannot love Kaylee until our wedding night. Truth is, I wish I had met Lanie when our family was feuding. I could've loved her and, my parents can't separate us when we have done the dirty deed. That's one more thing-we cannot harm our own kind. We cannot make a vampire marry someone else, when they have already found the one.”
“Just do it now! Kaylee get out of the car. You make it back to her and you love her. You do this so Kaylee can find love, with someone who can love her, right!”
“You're right, Jakob. I will, tonight, but be warned, I have brothers.”
“Who cannot touch Kaylee if you marry Lanie. They will be like brother and sister.”
“I will.” Jakob got out of the car and ushered Kaylee inside the restaurant, he heard the door shut behind him and drive away.


It wasn't until Jakob and Kaylee got inside that they realized what it looked like. They looked like a couple. They sat down across from eachother.
“Lizzie?! Is that you?” Kaylee cursed under breath.
“Kyle! Oh! It's been a while.” Jakob held his breath when she stood up and hugged him. He got up from his seat and shook his hand.
“Kyle, what a pleasure.” Jake smiled an earnestly happy smile.
“I bet.” Kyle growled.
“It is. If I had seen you around the castle, I would have told you the good news.”
“What good news?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Lizzie and I have made it official.”
“Have you, now?”
“Yes, her and I are a couple now.”
“That's great for you two.”
“It is, and I hope you will find someone who makes you as happy as Lizzie makes me.”
“Oh, Jake. Stop pretending, I don't need it anymore. My name is Kaylee Marie Chide. I am princess of Kafke. Jake is merely here to keep me company while my arranged husband runs errands, Jake is also my guard and trusted friend.”
“I never would have guessed.” Kyle sat down.
“I know. Before I had an arranged husband, I was trying to have a normal life, but I couldn't. Jake tried to protect me from having to let a loved one go, when I was destined to marry another.”
“I-I see. Jake-it's really Jake, right?”
“Yes. My real name is Jakob.”
“Well, Jakob, can I have a word with you?” Jake looked confused.
“Yes. I suppose.” They walked outside. “What did you want?”
“I know you love her. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. That can't feel pleasant.”
“You know? I...I-I-I don't...we're just...I'm just her...soldier, I don' her.” He stammered.
“If that's what your trying to pull, you should hide it better. She loves you, too, but she's bound by duty, I'm real sorry.”
“I underestimated you, Kyle. I do love her, she loves me back, but she's trying not to have anymore duties to her country. Her arranged husband loves someone else, too. That's where he is, right now. She is trying to make us an actual couple. I thought she was actually falling in love with you, that date. I have never been more afraid, than I was in that moment. I a ring. I was going to propose to her tonight. So no one else can have her.”
“Wait. They have a camera here, let me get a picture for them to put in the paper, then take her out here and propose in the moonlight of the full moon.”
“It's going to be a full moon, tonight.” Jake's heart fell. His breath kicked out of him. He couldn't make his feet run like he wanted them to. Luckily his lips could move.
“Get that picture, fast, then get Kaylee out here.” Kyle frowned, then went inside. Minutes later, Kaylee came out.
“Jake? Jake, what's wrong?
“Kaye, we have to leave.”
“What? Why?”
“They didn't check the moon phase for tonight.”
“Jake, is this a precaution?”
“No. It's going to be a full moon in thirty minutes. We have to get back to the castle.” They ran as fast as they could, but Jake kept having to stop. The full moon was affecting him again. He didn't make it to the castle in time. He heard voices, he didn't know how long they had been going, but he couldn't make out who they were, or where they came from.

“Will! He's been out so long.”
“Kaylee, it has been two months, yet. Give it time. Keep talking to him, maybe he'll recognize your voice and wake up to kiss the lips making the sound.”

Jake's dream took him far into the reaches of the castle. To the hole in the wall, and then he was running, but the walls were different. They seemed to be darker, the lamps hardly illuminated them. He couldn't tell where he was, until he heard voices. It was Kaylee and Will's.
“Jake your going to have to wake up soon. Will is seeming hard to resist.” He followed the voices to find Kaylee's room. He stepped inside and found Kaylee and Will kissing.
“What are you doing!” Jake ripped Will from her.
“What you never could. You were afraid, I” He shook his head. “I'm never afraid. Her father approved, me and her are getting married. I am taking what you held back from her.” As he said this, Will ripped Kaylee's shirt from her.
“Ooh, so sexy. You will be a very nice werewolf when we get married.” She bit her lip and leaned up and kissed him. Will threw his shirt off.
“Will! We are best friends.”
“Jake, you practically allowed this to happen. You let me watch her, alone, at night, oh, the things I would do.” Jake went to hit him in the face, but he dissipated. Jake stood dumbfounded, then he heard another voice behind him.
“Hey, Jake. I figure you have found out about the wedding. Well, since me and Will have really had a chance to get to know eachother, I don't need you as a son anymore. So your moving out of the castle. Oh, hey, cheer up, now you'll be with that Taylor girl.” Mitchell smiled. Jake turned, he looked at the bed, Will and Kaylee were there, Kaylee's shirt layed at the end, along with Will's shirt. Then he turned he couldn't watch it. Soon he heard crying, a baby's crying. He turned around and found a crib. He walked over and peered inside, he found a little girl. He looked around, no one was there. He picked up the girl and looked into the eyes. The changing eyes. She stopped crying the moment she saw him. Then he heard voices shouting “He's got the baby in here!” the he felt a sharp pain his back.
“Jake, why did you do it? My poor Mia.” Kaylee picked up the little girl. Then she ran over to Will's arms and they cuddled the baby together. Jake couldn't see anymore, he couldn't feel anymore, he felt perfect. There was no pain, but also no love. He wished to have it back. He didn't do it for Kaylee, or Will, or his father. He came back for Mia, who obviously, saw past his wrongs. He opened his eyes and was blinded by so much light.
“Jake? It's been six months. He's awake!” Will yelled.
“Don't tell her I am awake, yet. Please, Will, I need to talk to you, alone.” Jake shut his eyes as the door slammed open.
“I'm so sorry, Kaylee, I saw him move and his eyes twitched...I really believed he was awake. Forgive me?”
“Of course, I can't stay mad at you.” She touched his lips lightly.
“Um, Kaylee, I don't want to take chances with...I mean if he woke up and he saw what we just did, it could send him back.”
“Your right. Oh, damn it! Jake if you can hear me...please come back. I need you. Jake your going to have to wake up soon. Will is seeming hard to resist. Please wake up.” Her tears hit his chest, where there once was white, was a light gray. She just got up, stopped crying and ran out.
“I heard those my dream, more like a nightmare. Do you know what happened in my dream, Will?”
“Jake, it means nothing. I gave up, I know it doesn't seem like it, with the...kiss and everything, but...”
“Will, I lost her in my dream. You took her from me. You married her, my own father disowned me for you, and slept with her, and you had a beautiful baby girl. And I picked her up and I could see Kaye in her. She looked at me with the most gorgeous eyes, she stopped crying, and then they barged in, the army did, and shot me for kidnapping her. And Kaylee looked at me, with fear and disgust. I can't see her, right now. I settled for seeing you, I wanted to ask you. Do you want her?”
“Jake, it's not like that. Kaylee will never leave you.”
“Answer me, do you want her?”
“No. Jake, I couldn't do that to you.”
“So, if I was out of the picture? You would make your move?” He hung his head in silence. “You would? You would, wouldn't you?”
“If you were out of the picture, I don't think it matters.”
“It does.” He patted his pockets. “Where's my jacket?” Will turned and grabbed it off the chair beside him. “I know this is a good thing,” He started feeling in one pocket. “And that dream was everything I feared, because I was always afraid she would choose someone else,” He reached in the other pocket. “That's why...” He tugged to get his hand out of it. He finally got the little black box out. “...I got this.” Jake and Will stared at it for a long time.
“You were...” He cleared his throat. “...going to propose?”
“Yeah, but I can't compete with you, Will. It seems the only way, to me. I am giving this to you, don't make the same mistakes you did last time.”
“But I...what about your dream?”
“I realized that that dream is going to happen, whether I let it or not. I can be destroyed and hurt everyone, or I can allow it and prevent bad things from happening. Just promise never to hurt her.” Will just stared at him for a long time, as if measuring his sanity.
“I promise.” He finally said.
“Give me a few moments, by myself, please, then tell Kaylee.”
“Yeah.” Jake dropped the box into Will's hand. Will walked a little, but stopped at the door and turned. “Thank you.” He turned the knob and exited the room. Jake turned, grabbed some paper off the table next to his bed and wrote a letter, folded it in half, then addressed it to Kaylee. Then crawled off the bed, put his shoes on and climbed out the window. He just had to make it to the marketplace and then he could escape to the boatyard and sail away. He could come back in five years, see what became of her, if the beautiful Mia from his dream existed. He made it to the marketplace, found the hat shop and bought one.

“Where is he!? Will!”
“Kaylee, I told you everything I know. Wait, here's a letter addressed to you.”
“Let me read it.” She snapped. He handed her the letter and she unfolded it.
Dear Kaylee,
Take this letter as a resignation. Sounds funny doesn't it. Resignation of loving you, of kissing you, and what not. I had to leave, hope things pan out. Hope I make it to the boats before you find this. I'll make it back in five years. My dream was everything I feared would happen in life, so I couldn't watch it a second time, doubt Will could dissipate this time. I don't want to hurt anyone. I especially don't want to force you to make choices you neither can nor will. If you love me you will marry Will. He loves you. Even if the best you can do is say yes for me, remember that is the ring I was going to give you, but you clearly want Will. I am not making this the blame game, just merely giving you reasons to take the ring. Every time you look at it, think of me. Who knows, maybe I'll be back sooner, so don't do anything stupid and marry Will. Have kids. Name the first girl Mia. It's the best for us. I will be back, if you don't want Will then, then I will accept you with open arms, heart, and soul, but don't be too irrational. No doubt I am on the boat now. Don't marry Prince Michael. Love, if it be true, will remain over time and distance.
Love always,
Jakob Tyros- your first love

“Get a man to the boats! Find him!” Kaylee screamed. “Will, he isn't fit for this, he shouldn't be up. Who knows if, if we don't give him the cure, he will permanently be like this? How do we know he won't end up slipping under again? You said in his nightmare that he woke up because he was shot, what if dying in his dreams is the only thing to bring him out? Besides the full moon.”
“Kaylee, if you don't find him...”
“I will.” She interrupted.
“But, if you don't, will you marry me?”
“I will track him down, if I don't. I personally won't be manning the boats, but I will find him, but in the meantime, because he said to, I will marry you.”
“There is a lot of what if's floating in this room, right now. So let's start with the first one, shall we? What if he comes back just after we are married?”
“I will divorce you, if I still love him as much as I do.”
“But say it will take a month or two. What then?”
“I will wait.”
“Things get steamy, real quick with you. What if that happens, will you cheat on me?”
“Will, it won't technically be cheating.”
“But would you sleep with him, while we are married?”
“So you loving me, was all a lie?”
“No. I love you. I love you so much, but Jake is my true love.”
“You can be happy with me. Why won't you give him up, he certainly has.”
“He hasn't, he is just doing the best he can to please everyone around him, by cutting himself out of the picture and inserting you. He's a martyr.”
“What if we have that daughter?”
“We will name her Mia and raise her the best we can.”
“What if Jake shows up?”
“I will divorce you and split custody.”
“What if, when you can't find him, you end up hating him?”
“There will be all that love for him under that, and he will end up uncovering it.”
“Kaylee, I love you, but what if Jake doesn't try to uncover it?”
“Then his giving up will only uncover it more.”
“What if he doesn't come back at all?”
“He will, now stop all this pesky questioning. I have Jake to find.” Will said no more on the subject. After Kaylee had left he stepped to the window.
“Where would you go? You knew she would never let you go, but you left...what are you up to? Damn it, Jake!” He whispered to himself.

“So what if we couldn't find him today? We can start work on finding ships to go out and find him, tomorrow. Tonight we can rest up, but tomorrow things are going back to find him. He isn't safe, father. He could do something stupid, end up on the wrong ship, or what if he ends up getting mistaken for dead when he is in a coma?”
“Kaylee, I am doing everything in my power to find him. Most of my own family is freaking out over this, when the press get's a hold of this-” He cut himself off. “Just don't worry, I have to find him, I will do anything, even if it means...letting him marry you. I had every boatman with a flier saying as much.”
“Are you serious? You are going to give us your permission?”
“Yes. Don't think this allows every guy you bring through that door the same privilege.”
“I won't. I...I'm going to go to bed, I can wake up early tomorrow. I'll see what ships have left the harbor and where they're going.” She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, which she noticed made him blush a little, before heading for her bedroom. She got undressed and put on her night clothes. She had barely gotten it on, when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder and soft lips kissing her neck. “Will, I can't.” She turned and faced Jakob. “Jake?” She whispered.
“Shh. You have to be quiet.” He had tears at the corner of his eyes, but smiled.
“Jake? Your back. Did you hear the good news? My father is allowing us to be married.”
“Kaylee. I'm not coming back, I just had a promise to keep.”
“What? What promise?” She started crying.
“Kaye, don't cry or I'll have to leave again.” He comforted as good as he could.
“I can't let you go.” She grabbed his hands. She sat on the bed and led him there.
“Not for tonight, you don't. I made a promise to you, I almost forgot to keep it.”
“What promise?”
“It dawned on me when I thought of you, of holding you and...for the first know, right?” He looked worried.
“You mean the one you made almost a year ago? Right at the base of the hill?”
“Yeah. I realized the one flaw in my plan, if you get married or even accept his proposal you are bound to do what I think and I would break a promise. One that I would never break, intentional or otherwise.”
“But you said...”
“I know what I said, but I was a...coward. I'm not afraid of being with you, I was afraid that wasn't what you wanted, that you were nowhere near ready. I realize now that that was a cover, to keep you interested in me, but I was awake when you kissed Will. I heard everything, but Will knew I was awake that's why he stopped. Who knows what would have happened had I not been awake. That's why I ran away, I lost you, I lost every hold I had of you, because I wanted to keep you interested. I promised, so this is the one night you have left with me, at least for a while.”
“Do you think me a whore?”
“No! Is it a one-night stand if you love the one who you are doing it with? One-night stands, I thought, were things you regretted the next day. Will you regret this tomorrow?” She turned pale.
“No. No, no. I would never regret being with you. Never. You don't understand my problem, I do this, your gone tomorrow. I will regret it if I don't have the chance again.”
“Kaye, I have only tonight, I have got things...I have an idea. I will be back every night, but you must tell no one and I have to keep you from being taken by a stupid prince. I have things to take care of everyday. So I cannot marry you, yet. I will leave letters if you lay sleeping when I leave. I will be back in the dark of night, and leave in the dawn of morning.”
“Then lay with me.” She kissed him. He layed her on the bed and kissed her more. She removed his shirt and lay it on the end of her bed. He removed her pajamas and threw them there as well. Only the shirt's lay on the end of the bed.

She opened her eyes. The light barely coming through her windows. She just layed there happily. Then she sat up with a jolt. She flipped her blanket up. Was it a dream, she thought. But laying there was a sheet of paper.

Dear Kaye,
Last night was the best night of my life. Sorry you hadn't found me there this morning. You really are peaceful when you sleep. I miss you, even at the thought of having to leave you. I will be back sometime tonight. Don't wait up if your tired, I'm tempted to wake you as it is. I love you. I hope when I return I will find only you, please keep me a secret. They won't allow what I am doing, it seems wrong, but it isn't. I hope you'll trust me to wait. xoxo, your Jake.

“Will!” She folded the letter neatly and tucked it away in her dresser drawer.
“Yes?” he entered.
“I must talk to father, but I will marry you.”
“You will?” He seemed to jump up and down.
“It isn't guaranteed, but if my father allows it, then I shall.”
“Then it is decided, I went to your father this morning, he told me as long as you consented. Although, his condition may have you changing your mind quickly. If I marry you, the search for Jakob will be stopped, immediately.”
“If Jake wishes not to be found, then I trust his judgment. We will be married in two months.” Will stood with a blank expression.
“You are willing to let go of Jake? For me?”
“I never said I would let go of him, I merely said if he wishes not to be found then I won't force the issue. His last wish of me was I marry you, and it isn't that hard of a request to carry out.” He rushed to kiss her. She pulled away. “Just a little too early.”
“I respect that.” He smiled. “What changed your mind?”
“An angel came to me and revealed his plan.” She smiled. He looked at her with a thankful expression.
“That angel should come more often.” He laughed.
“I hope he does.” She smiled.

“The school wishes the princess would do a play the high school students have put together.” Emily smiled. “Do you think she would do it? As a surprise gift for the school?”
“She may be quite busy or even maybe grieving, but ask her in any case. Who knows, she may well surprise us all.” She walked out of the study and went to Kaylee's room. She knocked on the door.
“Come in!” She opened the door. Stepped in. She found Kaylee tidying her room, in a joyous mood.
“Kaylee are you all right?”
“Perfectly fine. In fact I couldn't be happier. Have you heard? I'm an engaged woman.”
“I heard, but your father put it in a way that he said you would never accept. He said he made you choose finding Jakob or marrying the soldier Will. He said your love for Jake would trump your love for this William, none of us have heard of.”
“Will and I go way back. We snuck around for a while, before Jake and I. Did you read the letter Jake wrote before leaving?” She dug into the dresser drawer she stored her letters from Jake. She pulled one out and handed it to her.
“Kaylee, what does Jakob mean when he says last night was the best night of his life?” She grabbed the letter from her hands.
“Damn! Nothing. Here's the letter.” She pulled out another piece of paper. Handed it over to her.
“Tell me what he meant! Did you two sleep together?”
“I told you he meant nothing. Now read this letter.” Emily read it.
“So he asked you to marry Will.”
“Yes. I loved Will, so marrying him isn't really a...punishment.”
“Which letter came first?”
“Please, Emily, drop it. I can't tell you anymore. And your spoiling this wonderful day.”
“You know where he is, you slept with him last night, and he asked you not to tell anyone, why?”
“I can't tell you!”
“I promise it will remain a secret. If I tell, I personally will owe you ten things.” Kaylee sat silently judging whether she could take a risk this big or not. She finally agreed she could tell her. She needed someone to tell about all her joy, anyways.
“He sails by day, to where I have no idea, he has kept me in the dark. He says he cannot marry me, yet. And I thought he had gone, so I was prepared for bed to search for him early this morning, but I felt someone kissing my neck. I thought it was Will, but I turned around and faced him. Jake told me he had a promise to keep, he made it almost a year ago, when we climbed a cliff together, that was the first day he and I said we loved eachother. Soturin came and took us down, but Jake came to my room to usher me to a date with a commoner. He told me he would not allow someone other than him to take my innocence. So I slept with him on a promise, I have no intent on telling you. He wrote a letter for me this morning when he left, to tell me that I couldn't tell anyone, because what he was doing was against the rules, but it was nothing bad.”
“Well I will take this to my grave. So last night was wonderful?”
“Beyond wonderful!”
“I guess then, you would be in a good enough mood to perform in a play the high school children have set up?”
“Yes. Have them send over the script...and a student, female preferably.” Kaylee had an idea.
“What for?”
“I want to make sure the script and the characters won't offend me, I want to help with this production, in fact bring all who worked on it to the audience room.” Emily made a point in saying that Kaylee could trust her. That Monday school was in, everyone who worked on the play was invited to the audience room in the castle. No one declined the opportunity. Kaylee announced for everyone to sit down. She was about to deal a blow to their pride. “I brought you all here, because I need you to create another play. I can create a storyline and put in three characters, but I need you to write it.” An uproar rushed over the crowd. “I don't think you quite understand. I will do your previous play, but I have an idea and I thought you, as my people, could help me. If I was mistaken, if I misjudged you, tell me.” It was a handsome young man from the back who stood up and spoke.
“Of course, I don't speak for everyone, but I know you. You are truthful and I know you are suffering right now. So, tell us, what was the storyline?”
“Kyle? You wrote part of that play?”
“Yeah, I forgot to mention that before, didn't I? We didn't have much time to talk, though.”
“Yeah. Well the storyline is- a girl becomes lost and finds a man who always wears a cloak and hood to cover his face. At first she is frightened, but he helps her find shelter and a town. He doesn't speak, yet. He comes and visits her often, but she finds her family has promised her to another man from a rich family. She doesn't love him, and despite the hooded man's silence, she comes to count on the visits from the hooded stranger. She tells her family she loves the hooded man and she wishes to marry him, but they refuse her request. So she pretends to commit suicide, and when the hooded man finds her, he freaks out and goes to commit suicide himself, for he loved her. She stops him and he tells a tale of himself as a handsome and courageous hunter, who was chased by so many young woman who were vain and selfish, so to hide himself he goes to an old witch who casts a spell on him. He would never again be seen or heard, unless he could find a woman who could hear his unspoken words, and see his beauty without him being seen, in other words a woman who loved him as he loved her. He never once reveals his identity, until the wedding day and he takes his cloak off and kisses her. The parents still do not approve of their marriage, so the two lovers leave together.”
“I love it. Of course we will put in some more characters. Some background people, walking through the town, friends who leave when the hooded man arrives. And some townsfolk who try to eradicate the hooded man, a narrator so the hooded man doesn't talk until he says “I do” at the wedding and an “I love you” to the girl at the end of the ceremony when he takes off his cloak. She of course says it in return.” Replied Kyle. Everyone else shouted ideas to add.
“Yeah, we could probably add real props, like trees when she get's lost and rocks for the cave. Maybe do it outdoors in the grass and have it right next to the beach for when they go to leave.”
“When he goes to commit suicide have the narrator say for him, “As you have joined my heart in life and love, I shall join yours in death.” And have her hand stop the knife from stabbing him.”
“Since the princess is really getting married, maybe have the man she is engaged to get married for real in the play.” Kyle looked up from writing the ideas down.
“What do you mean? Jakob is gone, disappeared, left. You aren't marrying the prince are you?”
“No. Jake left me a letter saying I should marry another soldier named William.”
“So Jake told you to betray him?”
“I'm not betraying him. Can you just focus on writing the play?” Kyle nodded and went back to writing ideas down. He looked up again.
“Does marrying this William guy on a stage in front of people seem like something you would do?” She smiled. Her idea was going better than planned.
“Yeah, I’ll see if my fiance would mind doing something like that. I'll get back to you tomorrow on the subject. I will also check how much time each of you have to write this play, when were planning on doing the original?”
“In a month. We could postpone up to four months.”
“I will see the best day for the second and if we could, put them one after the other in a single night.”
“We'll see. Everyone back to the school, we have great ideas here. We have the storyline, the date will determine location and production....wait, let's make this a movie. It would be a major play. And then we zone into the real thing at the wedding. Like end the movie where we begin the play. I have a vision. Let's get the script ready.” Kaylee smiled, but at the same time had tears of sadness. What if her idea never made reality? What if it was too impossible. “Kaylee!” Kyle yelled. It broke her from her stupor.
“We'll send you a rough script here soon, just to let you know we are working on it and how far we've gotten.”
“Sure. I'll go over it. I'll tell you when I know more about the date, if I can provide all the characters and if he's willing to marry for real in this.” Kyle nodded and his band left. He stayed behind and wrote a little more.
“So you miss him a lot? I can tell by the alternative expressions of sadness and happiness you are remembering your fave memories.”
“No. I was thinking about this movie-play thing, and the final production.” Kyle laughed.
“You trust me, so you know this will end up fine. You're thinking about Jake. You were thinking of memories when you and him were having fun. You were also thinking of what could have been. He ran out on you and you hate it.”
“Why are you trying to lie to me? I saw past that, I saw past you two when he tried to deny your love. When he told me he was going to propose, but the full moon got him freaked out.”
“Wait, he was going to propose the day of the full moon?”
“Then...why did he give his ring away to Will?”
“Don't know he seemed pretty solid in his decision. Can't believe you're getting married to this Will guy.”
“It's happening, whether people accept it or not.” Will stated at the entrance. “Who are you to judge me?”
“I wasn't judging anyone. Just trying to figure out why true love would bow out for an imitation.”
“You want to take this outside?” Will threatened.
“Sorry, but I already took the trash out.”
“He was my best friend! You think I don't wonder about why he would give up when he was winning the race!?”
“Perhaps he was being a good sport. You wouldn't let go for him, so he decided to be the better friend.”
“I was letting go. I was dropping out, but he took the tumble.”
“Maybe that's how he's going to win, by taking the forest undetected, until the final stretch.” Kyle shoved past him through the door.
“Who was that?” Will demanded.
“A piece of my past, a very important milestone of a history between Jake and I.”
“Jake is going to be missed, but why can't we focus on us?”
“Kyle's doing a play for me, he wants us to get married for real in it, you think your up for it?” She changed the subject.
“That's the tools name? Kyle? Yeah. As soon as humanly possible.”
“I will deliberate on that.” Will moved in, she ducked away. “Why do you keep pushing?”
“Why do you keep ducking away?”
“Jake was my love. You don't get over love in a weekend, or a week, and sometimes not a month or year. I am moving on, because he asked me to, but I won't do anything like that until I have fully, emotionally moved on.”
“You and Jake were still together when you offered me your body. Now that he's not there, what? Did we lose our attraction, because there was no danger left? No forbidden kiss?”
“Jake will be the only one in my bed. You and I would never have gotten that far.”
“But Jake and you? Did you?”
“I am not in the mood to tell you and you clearly need to learn how to treat me, especially before I am absolutely yours.” She threatened.
“You will never be absolutely mine as long as Jake lives.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You are always going to be part Jake's, until his life is over.”
“You are acting crazy!”
“Am I?!”
“Yes! What has gotten into you?”
“I...” His eyes lost the flame of anger. “I...I thought I was going to lose you. It's just that...Kyle guy got to me. He was speaking to you like he knew you, like he was once in love with you and,” He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, “I thought he was trying to convince you to break up with me and try to find Jake. To rekindle something that you've buried for him. Can there be just us? You're always thinking about Jake or this Kyle guy.”
“I don't think there can be, but would you want me to be anything besides the caring me you know?”
“I guess not, but I want to kiss you and hold you without you thinking of betraying Jake that way.”
“Then stop bringing it up. Stop trying to force me to move on, then maybe I can.”
“I guess I am forcing. Well, the army has to do some drills, just stopped by to see how you were doing. Catch up to you, later?” He bit his lip. Obviously he was fighting the urge to try and kiss her.
“Yeah. I'll be at the beach, probably a long time. After the drills, you should probably get something to eat, give me a little free time. If my dad asks, I might be out after dark.”
“I...” He had his eyebrows creased. “I don't want you out after dark. Crazy people are out at night.”
“Then I will find my friends and have a beach party.” She laughed. “No. I'll grab a friend and have them hang out with me for a while.”
“Fine. Have a...guy with you. I can't believe I am saying this-have Kyle go with you.”
“Really? Why?”
“If you have him with you,” He paused. Then a sadness broke over his face. “I know you'll be safe.”
“Nothing bad will happen to me. It's okay.” She soothed.
“It's not that. That's why Jake had me stay with you, because he knew you'd be safe with me. Look what he's done! He traded me shoes.” He took a deep breath to control his shaking. “I gotta go. Kyle, remember.” He kissed her forehead and ran down the hall. She backed up against the wall and started laughing. The laughs became sobs. Tears traced lines down her cheeks. She wiped them away with the back of her hand. She stood up, not even noticing she had gotten on the ground, and went to her room. She opened the dresser drawer. Pulled out the letter and read it over maybe ten times. Then put it back and grabbed her shorts that Jake cut. They were hugely sentimental. If she wore them she would get cold later. She put them on and went to the beach. She thought it was better than the thought of not wearing them. She planned to meet Jake when he got back to the harbor.

“I think this line here is amazing: 'Love cannot be explained by science, but we who have it, know it exists. Faith in love and faith with which we cannot see are the same thing.'”
“Well we thought adding a bit more conflict to the story makes it worth watching.” She was reading over the rough-cut of the script. She had picked up Kyle right after school.
“So the rich kid is a science-based idiot?”
“Yeah. It shows why the girl can't fall for him, because she knows he won't fall for her, because he doesn't believe in it.”
“But love doesn't discriminate. She could love him and he could change beliefs. No, she doesn't love him, because she loves someone else. She won't move on from him. She doesn't want to, either.”
“Kaylee? Are you okay? You just freaked out there.”
“Yeah, uh, just things between me and Will are getting difficult.”
“Jake stands between you?”
“More like a statue or ghost of him.” He looked at her suspiciously, but dropped it.
“You going to come swimming with me?”
“Yeah. I was planning on that, actually. By the way I'm glad you came.” He laughed. He took off his shirt. She saddened.
“Doesn't look like it.” He looked sympathetic.
“I am. Just damning guys with hot chests in my mind right now.” He laughed.
“Been a while since you seen one? I mean William seems like he, being a soldier, should be ripped.”
“I've never seen his chest.”
“Really? What's up with that?”
“Just never had the chance. We never go swimming, I mean I came close to it once, but we were interrupted, thankfully.” He laughed once. A hard, cynical tone hit his voice.
“When was this?” It seemed more accusatory than a serious question.
“I don't want to talk about it.” His lips turned up, an almost forced smile appeared on his face.
“Well let's not damn the fortunate. Some get opportunities others couldn't possibly dream of.”
“Are we still talking about chiseled chests or are we talking about something else?”
“Chiseled chests, but the quote still applies to most situations.” He held her eyes for a moment. He then ushered for her to go first.

“It was great, thank you. I appreciate you getting my mind off of things.”
“It wasn't that hard.” He was panting. “Just a little, maybe.” He hadn't put his shirt back on.
“I don't think we had to...get so competitive.”
“I don't think it was a decision either of us made.” He laughed. “You want to do it again.”
“No! I am out of breath. Let's race again, like, tomorrow.” She laughed.
“You're right. Tomorrow after school, again?” He stood up.
“Yeah, but where are you going?”
“It's getting dark.” He pointed up. “I'm going to go home.” He held out his hand.
“I can't leave, yet. I am waiting for a friend of mine.”
“What friend?”
“No one. This person just came for tonight, he or she heard about the wedding.”
“Why won't you tell me if it's male or female?”
“Because I like to keep secrets.” She laughed.
“Well, I'll stay with you until he or she gets here.”
“Nah, you should go home. By the way, you did get paid for this.”
“What? I wasn't working.”
“Yeah, but you were. You see babysitting the princess, although not in your job description, comes with a little money. I would have had to have had a guard, who wouldn't have put in the effort and most likely would be in trouble for missing the drills.”
“Thanks. Catch you around?”
“I need a babysitter tomorrow.” She laughed. He walked back towards the city, he looked back twice. Once he stopped and looked like he was coming back, but shook his head and went on. Kaylee headed towards the harbor.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2011

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I dedicate this to anyone who believes in me.

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