
My sister's crush.


I sit in silence as I try not and fall asleep in maths. Miss Watson my maths teacher has greasy grey hair and WAY too much lipstick. The bell finally rings saying that it was the start of the weekend and thankfully the summer finally. I stand up put my things and open the door to be drenched in a bucket of water.
I hear laughter and I spin around and look of death in my eyes.
If looks could kill he's be ten feet under.
When he sees the water hit me he's laughter disappears. I am known for my revenge .
"Watch it Alfie" I snarl
" It wasn't me "He protests
" No he's right it was me" I turn round and see my sisters and her friends.
"Oh okay then. I wont waste time on revenge" I say.
So I punch her in the face.
Then I walk out. I go to my locker and grab my coat and pull it round me. I put my hat over my wet hair and put my school bag on my shoulders.
I walk out of the school and see my bus pass me with alot of people laughing at me. I sigh and start to walk.
"Hey,Hey Skye wait up" Say most unfortunately Alfie.
He falls into step with me and I inwardly groan. I really dont want to talk to him.
"What do you want Alfie" I snap
"Nice to see you too" He laughs
"Well if thats all bye" I say walking faster.
"No thats not it. Can I ask you a favour Skye" His face turning serious and a bit embarrassed.
"If you must "I sigh
"Well you see .Uh um well ah" He stammers
"What Alfie." I snarl I dont like being messed about.
"Well I like this girl but she doesnt know I exsist so I need your help to be irrestible to women." He blurts out.
I laugh and he looks hurt
"Sorry Alfie. Irrestible to women really. You arent 12 you know" I laugh
"Well could you at least give me a few tips" He protests
"When" I sigh
"Now" He grins.
"Fine " I say and start walking to my house.
"Where are we going "Alfie asks
"You'll see" I say over my shoulder

We come into view of my house and he stares at it amazed. It is red brick with soft Ivy climbing up it. I walk around the house and into the woods.
He follows me and I go on further. We come to a cliff and he stops.
"We cant go any further .We'll fall" He states.
I jump off it and he screams. I land on a ledge and he peers over.
"Are you ok Skye." He yells.
"Jump " I yell
"Are you crazy, NO" He shouts
"Do it" I laugh and he mumbles something and jumps. He lands on the ledge with a thump.
He lands on his face. Which I laugh at. He groans in pain and hops up. he teeters backwards and slips and manages to catch the edge of the cliff. I gasp and he says "Pull me up quick. I grab his hand and heave. I manage to get him up and he lies against me breathing quickly both of us.
"Eat some vegetables" I pant
"Get a bigger secret place" He wheezes
After a while I sit up straight. Dangeling my legs over the edge .Alfie says way back.
"So what ya wanna know" I ask swinging my legs dangerously.
"How come I've never had a girlfriend" He grumbles looking at the sky.
"This might make you sad" I wince
" What" He whines
"Well Alfie I mean this in the nicest possible way. You are annoying " I tell him and he stares at me eyes wide.
"Mean." He says
"What's so bad about me." He grumbles
"Do ya Really wanna go down this road. Well okay.
1. Your hair looks like a demented hedge hog dont spike it thats for five year olds.
2. Chew your food dont stuff it in your mouth.
3. Stop with the pranks they are stupid.
4. Dont wear chinos and a t-shirt that looks is for grandas" I say that and nod.
He looks shell shocked.

"So whos the girl." I ask.
"Not telling." He laughs
"Describe her" I ask and he nods.
"She has blond hair and brown eyes. Pearly skin and shes kind of girly but shes gorgeus she just dosent know it" He says he eyes full of lust.
"My sister then" I say and he nods.
Even Alfie prefares my sister.
I dont know why it seems to hurt so much.


I wake up and sigh. The party is tomorrow .Me and my sisters birthday party. It's being held here at my house. Great. And worse still its a masked party. Yay.
I havent a dress or a mask.
I guess I'm going shopping .
I drag myself out of bed and look around my small polky attic bedroom.
Sasha cried for the huge master bedroom and she got it. Leaving Me and the rest of my family squeeze into the attic bedrooms. I feel sorry for my brother Jim his bedroom is a box. He is 17 a year older than me so of course he's coming to the party I need someone there I can talk too. Sighing I get dresses in a floaty summer dress which was red and blue. I leave my hair down but plait a few locks and put on blue converse. My make consists of pink lip gloss and mascara. I grab my purse which has 500 dollars (I have a rich aunt who dislikes my sister so she spoils me and Jim)
I grab my phone and leave a note. I walk outside and run down to the bus stop. It comes in almost a minute I get on board and look out the window it's sunny and bright kind of like my mood. What the hell is up with me today.

The bus slows to a stop and I get off smiling I look around and scowl. Alfie is coming towards me with his friends I havent seen them before I dont think they go to my school. I try and walk the other way but Alfie has some long legs. Well thats my day ruined. He manages to catch up .
"Hi Skye "He grins
"Hey" I nod.
His friends are cute and they are drooling at me until Alfie snaps his fingers at them irritably .Awkward.
I try and walk away but he catches my arm.
"You up here alone" He asks
I nod. Please dont come with me I say silently to myself.
"What you up here for" He asks
"A dress for the party and a mask" I say clearly
"Well most of us wont be any use for that so take John with you and meet us in the café and dont worry John wont try anything he's gay" Says Alfie. Sighing I nod and turn to start walking. I'm not being rude I just dont know who John is.
Yeah right .
I'm being rude.
The guy following me is tall with short black hair. He has pretty green eyes and he's pretty tall and buff.
I stop and look around me and he stops as well.
"Why we stopping"He says
" I dont actually know where I'm going" I mumble
He looks shell shocked.
"Well it's not like I have friends" I whine
He snaps out of his shock and says " Well you have 7 friends now"
"Who" I ask puzzled .Well you would be.
"Me ,Alfie ,and the 5 other guys" He announces
"You may be my friend but Alfie isn't neither are the rest of the guys. I'm just helping Alfie get a girl." I tell him gloomily.
"OOh who" He squeals
"My twin sister." I mumble
"Harsh" He says and my head snaps up.
"What do you mean." I say quickly.
"Well hun. It's obvious you like him" He says matter of factly.
"No I don't"
"Yes you do "
"No I don't"
"Uh huh"
"Uh uh"
"Uh huh"
"Uh uh"
"Uh huh"
"Uh uh"
"Uh huh"
"Fine okay .I like Alfie. Okay I do. I might even love him. But I cant have him and never will. Because he prefares my sister like everyone else.Okay." I scream tears rolling down my cheeks.
"You like me " Says someone behind me. I spin round and there is Alfie. Confusion all over his face.
Oh god.
And thats exactly what I say.
Before I run.
Alfie's is behind me but when I want to I can run fast. I manage to run to the bus stop and one is there I hop on and it pulls away.
Leaving behind a mixture of confusion and a hurt and extremely angry Alfie.

If the walls of the Attic could Talk What would it tell us.

It's 1 o clock the next day and it's exactly 5 hour to the party.
A party Alfie will be at.
Fan Bloody Tastic
Anyway I'm busy.I can't think.I wont think about him.I'm too busy. I won't think about how he has extremely green eyes with gold flecks.Or his desperate plea to be funny.Or the efact that he out of reach.Sigh . No I'm busy. I have some things to do.
Find a dress and either find or make a mask.
Decorate for a party.
Put a padlock on my room and my parents room.

So I have quite a few things to do .

Downstairs is blare you don't see people theres just a whoosh. A blur.
Everyones there .
Caterers ,Decorators ,Bakers. Anyone.

Well cross decoration off the list thats taken care of.
Next is the padlock.Mum thinks a shed would ruin the back garden so she keeps every thing in the attic above the attic rooms. I slip up the very back stairs in the victorian days it would have been the servants staircase. Cool right.
The attic is dusty and weirdly quite bright. I go to the box named padlocks as you would . And I look and see..................
Padlocks. What I was expecting.
But Something else catches my eye.
Tucked away in a corner of the attic is a slighly dusty chest. Like a treasure chest.
I try to open it but it won't give. I hook my finger round like little claws and pull . It groans and opens . Wrapped up in soft tissue paper is.................................
A dress .It was peach with bits of white and silver and jewels all over it. Also the was a half mask that was white with silver jelews. And delicate grey ankle boats.

4 and a half hours later i'm just ready and I have to admit I don't look half bad.
There is music going downstairs and the sound of laughing. I really don't want to go down but my friends zoey and Ella said they'd be there. Unfortunately they don't go to my school. But they might switch I hope.
There is a knock on my door and they are their smiling and laughing. We make our way down to the hall and for a minute I almost forgot about Alfie but then I seen him.
His hair is floppy and he's wearing jeans a white tee and a black blazer. He's smiling but the smile is forced. Then he sees me. His smile fades and he looks confused.
And sad.
I have to get away from those eyes. Me and Zoey and Ella head out the back garden where there is more music and more dancers. Within minute Zoey and Ella get asked to dance.
I'm hiding near the door .Ready to run to my room at the next possible moment.
Half the shadows are covering half of me. Alfie comes out of the door and looks around. He spots me and grins .
"Umm hey.Umm I don't know how to say this but I ah have kinda have had a crush on since the first time I saw you so Wanna dance sweetie" He says mumbling.
I confused since he told me himself he liked my sister.
I grab his hand and we dance long and hard. At the end of the night there a kiss. Which is good until someone shouts "he did it. He kissed the loner." .
I pull away gasping. Everyone is pointing and laughing and repeating he kissed the loner.
Alfie himself is laughing.
Tears are running down my face and I am humiliated .
"Why" I whisper.
"Shes actually hurt" Alfie yells.
"Leave her alone "someone shouts
"Noone cares about the loner" Alfie yells.
Some thing deep inside up me snaps and I a sick and tired up being called a loner a loser sick of being called anything remotely negative.
I punch him in the gut then the face. He falls to the ground and I continue kicking him in the gut . Some one grabs me and pulls me off him. I can see the persons face he has dark blond hair and green eyes . There is silence and and I realize that all the time I was beaten up Alfie I was shouting.
Tears are falling fast and flowing so I run. From my own house.
I keep running my feet pounding my heart racing i dont know where im running to or who im running from but im running and it has to end somewhere i trip over a branch and tumble i get up but i dont start running i curl up into a ball and hope that wolves might finnish me off.
2 hours later
I hear feet pounding and and a chorus of ''skyes''
Someone is looking for me.
Silent tears run down my face ,it starting snowing a long time ago and my body is starting to shut down a foot passes the tree i crawled under and slowly my hand creeps out and grabs it .
Its the boys who shouted at alfie and saved him from me killing him.
''Skye are you all right your freezing take my coat'' he says


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.03.2012

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