
Hi my name is Izzie (short for Isabella ) and unfortunately I live with my older brother Jeremy and his 5 friends ,
My brother Jeremy is 6 ft 3. He has blue eyes and spiky blond hair and hes 17 ( we are twins )

Kaylinn is my brother’s closest friend and a huge flirt. He has fluffy brown hair that never seems to stay in the right so I call him duckling and he’s 17 (we aren’t twins I hope. Just friends we are not related what’s so ever). He is going out with this girl Janice ) but shes cheating on him but I cant tell him it would kill him.

Damien –This guy is the worlds biggest player he has green eyes and short black hair. He is 18 and says weird stuf

Eddie – An absolute cutie. His parents kicked him out because he got drunk at a party. He is 16 and he has been living with us for 6 months now and he could make you collapse with laughter ( which has happened)

Aaron – He has a mop of curly of Brown hair and aqua blue eyes which he hates but I LOVE. He is Damien’s cousin and he is 17. His mum and dad died and left him to fend for himself and that’s where Damien stepped in and helped out by taken him here he used to live in Britain so he has a bit of a british accent. I've always kind of fancied him but Im not gonna do anything about it because Jeremy would kick his ass.

Freddie - Soft brown hair with brown eyes. He lives in the room across from me and sometimes I wake up to him sleeping beside me (By that I mean I wake up cuddled up to him but we aren't dating .) I think hes in love with with someone cause he mumbles his sleep I love you t

Taylor – He is obsessed with music and always wears these hats and waistcoats. He is close to 18 its 4 months away. He is so cute with long dark curly hair and green eyes. But don’t be getting any ideas I think he’s gay.

Who’s left oh ME. YAY.

Izzie – Well I like my brother have spiky blond hair that come down round my face. I’ m around 5 .9 ft and I have apparently according to the boys have the sexiest body in the world. They also say I’m hot . Maybe. I play soccer.I'm kind of boyish I have a very short temper

My mum and dad left us to work in Australia but they send us half a million each month for food and they also send us 10 thousand pound each week for spending money so we have pretty much everything. Our house is so big people call it a mansion it has 11 bedrooms 2 kitchens 3 living rooms and 2 dinning rooms (which we don’t use) . And 9 spare rooms for whatever we want.
I suppose you could say we were popular our table is usually crowded sometime I leave it and go sit outside.
Anyways ……………………………………….

I wake up at 8 o clock to a ridiculous bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep . Arg . I forgot to bin my alarm clock for the summer. So that’s what I do. I go to my bathroom and turn on the taps of the shower and wait for it to warm up. After my shower I go to my room and put on a plain black vest top and a red and black and white checked shrt and black ripped skinny jeans with converse that reach my knees. After I dry my hair I straighten it . I don’t put on make up I leave it natural.

I walk downstairs only to get ambushed by Freddie one of my best mates he is as well as my brothers.
"Hey what we haven for breakfast Beautiful" He says
" Dont call me beautiful and we might be haven pancakes if you help." I laugh
" I dont wanna why dont you do it" He whine
"What about no" I laugh and move away
I walk away and dont look back but I can feel him pouting at my back. I laugh silently.I find Jeremy sitting groggily at the table spooning up coco pops.
"Hey sleepy" I yell in his ear.
"Arg" Is all he says
I starting getting supplies out if the cupboard and bang them down on the table .
"Will pack it in down there" Aaron from upstairs
"Im making pancakes and its will YOU pack it in not will pack it in " I reply
I try and make pancakes but fail miserably
"Do you even no how to make pancakes" Says a sarcastic voice behind me making me jump
"Well ...maybe..if I do this" I tell him hopefully
"So, No then" Aaron asks
"No" I agree
"Well you put all the ingrediants in a bowl and mix it" He says
"Mix it like ,this?" I ask
"Not even close" He says
Then he does something a bit weird
He puts his arms around myn puts his hand on myn and helps me stir.
After I think its done I turn around with his arms around still around me.
"Let go Aaron. I need to feed the dogs."
"There is other stuff you can do " He says mysteriosly
" I have food to make you have dogs to wake up" I say biting my lip
He leans his head down then ........................

Jeremy jumps on his back and pulls him off from around me and throws him to the floor and snarls " Don't make a move on my sister when I'm here" Then he add "Dont make a move at all"
and walks away.
I put my hand down and help Aaron up. I tell him to make the pancakes and Ill wake up the dogs.
I walk up stairs and walk into taylors room hes sleeping but beside him is a guy sleeping. F*** he is gay.Dear Lord Its freddie. I walk out even I aint evil enough to confront him. And I am evil. I walk into Damien's room and throw his alarm clock at him he groans and I tell him to get up and he groans. Next is Kalinn I throw a bucket at him and do it to the rest of the guys and walk downstairs and hear Jeremy and Aaron talking.

Jeremy: REALLY her her of all people you pick her!
Aaron : I dont choose you should know that
Jeremy : Yeah but. Jesus. her. Are you sure
Aaron: Yeah I think so. I nearly killed you but I couldnt because she doesnt know about it yet
Jeremy : She dosent turn till shes 18 she doesnt need to know till then
Aaron : Thats a week and a half away Jer times ticking we have to tell her
Jeremy :Next time I see her

Now I know it was me they were talking about me but what dont I know what about
hmmm ............. now it would be good time for me to walk in but what does he want to talk about. What was Gerard talking about

Oh I know ahh He thinks I dont know im a were wolf so are the rest of the guys ahh now it makes sense

I walk in now to have fun I plop down in a chair and say

Me : Hey guys what ya talkin about
They guys exchange nervous glances
Jeremy : Izzie we need to talk about something might scare you
Aaron : I need to talk to you about something aswell
Me : Really what is it ( I say this with a iniciont face)
Jeremy : Ill go first Izzie there is no other way to say this-
me: Dont worry I know Im a were wolf Geez Ive known since I was what 11 maybe 12
Then he erruptts
Me : Jeremy you are being rude stop shouting . Now Aaron what did you want "
Aaron : As you know as assume you are well aware of ah um soulmates.
Me: Yep what about them.
Jeremy : Maybe now is not a good time
Aaron : No Ive started it now
Me : What ? Oh! Did you find yours ! Who is it!!
Jeremy storms out angrily. I hear a loud bang and a few curses. He has broke a lamp. Or his hand . Possibly both.
Me again : Tell me pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Aaron stands up walks over and looks me in the eye " You" He says
Then he leans down his head down and kisses me. There are shocks of electricity running up and down my body. The kiss at first is gentle but then it deepened then gets more passionate and i'm taking part . I bite his lip and he gasps and my tongue explores his mouth. I tangle my hand in his curls while his hand strokes my face.I hear a few snorts of laughter and 2 people clearing their throats and a oh god with these to mates they wont stop sucking face. I cringe knowing we were being watched
Reluctantly we tear away from each other . I keep my gaze on the my shoes.
" Hi guys" I say my usual cocky attitude completely gone
"So you and him. Mates. Well thats rather weird for the rest of us " Says Eddie
Aaron just grinned
"Well you have our blessings just dont suck face in front of us" Says Damien
I look at them and say "Well what would you do if we did this"
I look at Aaron and he nods I grab his face and the kiss continues
Their is a mixture of ewws and and puke noises and one aww but I think that was from Taylor. Then Again Aaron is thrown across the room. Shit . Jeremy is back. And right now he's pounding into Aaron. I growl invoulitarly no one messes with my mate . Weirdly I feel myself changing. Finally I'm at wolf form. I have never ever wolfed before. I'm small with a light brown coat and black eyes, I have to admit I'm pretty cute for a wolf. But anyway I jump at Jeremy and he rolls off Aaron .I jump in front if Aaron protectively. Jeremy backs away and I de wolf.But embarassinliy enough I didnt know that when you wolf up lets call it your clothes dissapear . So I yelp and try and hide my naked body behiend Aaron who tried to hide me. Every one is still shocked by my out burst ( and part of me being completely naked). Aaron pulls off his t-shirt and hands it to me .I gratefully put it on.
Some of the boys aww and me, Aaron and Jeremy growl at the same time they look scared .
Finally Kaylinn breaks the silence " Umm Iz why dont you get dressed the rest of us need to talk."
I nod and walk up into my room and put on pants a bra and skinny jeans amd a overly large super man t shirt. I walk over to Taylors room where sounds of slurping and taylor says to freddie " What happens of they find out"
Freddie : I really dont know.
I knock on the door and hear oh shit and a hide in the closet quick. I think I might take the piss
Taylor opens the door hiding half beheind it
Taylor :Hi
Me : So who's the chick hiding in the closet
Taylor : I- I dont know what your on about
Me: Let in wanna see her
I barge in and cover my eyes
Me : Put clothes on
He shoves his jeans on
Taylor :Please dont look in there
But its too late I open the door to see a rather naked Freddie
He sqeuals
Me :Hi Freddie
Taylor : I can explain .I know you had feelings for me but Im gay
Freddie closes one door and peeks round it
Me : Dont flatter yourself Tay I actually have found my mate
Freddie :So you know
Taylor : Have you had your Formation
Me : I changed to wolf if thats what you mean
Freddie : No its when your full powers kick in you go all funny and all you want is to take your mate right then
Taylor :Wait, Whos your mate
Me :Aaron
Freddie: Unbelievable
Taylor :Yeah
Me : What do you mean
Taylor : Nothing Its just
Freddie : Jeremy does not like Aaron
Me : Why not
Freddie : He once found a photo of you to kissing in a closet when you were 13 and he didnt like it that your first kiss was with him.
Me : Oh is it that just that .That, that it was a joke. You guys werent there but me and the guys were playing truth or dare. It was my dare to kiss him


"Right is truth or dare " Says Damien
"Really are we nine" I complain
"We'll play the grown up kind" He whines waggling his eyebrows
" You only want to do that cause Amys here " I say gesturing toward Amy it was not unknown that he was in love with her.
He blushes and argues " Do not but come on answer"
I sigh "Fine, Fine Dare"
He laughs evilly " I dare you to go into the cupboard with Aaron and make out for 10 minutes"
Aaron looks at Damien as if he would like to kill him. ( I now realise he was crushing on me)
I sigh .Stand up and hold my hand out for him to take "Come on then"
I can see a faint blush which he tries to hide with a cough.
There are a few whoops and awws which makes me glare at them .
I grab Aaron hand which causes his blush to go full on beetroot. The boys are keeled over with laughter when I walk out the door . I lead him to the cupboard and slide in and he comes in after me. I close the door and he clanks heads with me and I laugh while he chuckles nervously.
" Come on your not nervous of ole me" I tease
" No its just t-" He starts but I inturrupt him by putting my arms around his neck. He looks at them and goes more red if thats possible. God hes got it bad for me . It kind of makes me nervous. Because I just realised

Im in love with him . Not just a crush .I love Aaron

He looks into my eyes and I just about melt. He leans his head down bravely and this time Im the one blushing beetroot .
And then he says cockily mocking me " Come on your not afraid of little ole me"
I lean up and kiss him since that was the dare not for personal reason ( Yeah right) He bites my lipsand I gasp and his tongue dances with myn.
Suddenly the door opens and there is a flash . Me and Aaron look over lips still locked . And there is the boys with a camera and a very angry 13 year old Jeremy. He growls and we spring apart .

"End of flashback"

Anyway back to the story

"Are you two mates" I ask
"Uh.. Yeah " Freddie stutters
Taylor Nodds
"But your males" I wonder out loud
"No shit sherlock" Freddie barks still in the cupboard
But Taylor the unrude one explains " We don't control it it's fate"
"Thank you Taylor Im gonna go downstairs and save my mate from being murdered by my brother." I say happily
"Wait don't tell them about us" Freddie and Taylor say at the same time and they look over at each other gooffily grinning
"Well it's either you or me " I sigh
"You then "they both bark.

I flounce out the door trying to look elegant but succeed in falling down the stairs.
I land at the bottom with a thump and an ouch . Immediantly all the guys come running out and taylor and Freddie come running down the stairs (Thankfully they are both dressed fully).
I'm still on my back but slowly I get up with a hand from Aaron who rushes to my side. I feel funny weird like. I get up and brush myself off and walk outside and sit on the porch swing . Only Aaron follows me out. He sits beside me.
" You okay ,love" He says
" No I feel funny." I look at him as I say it
"Whoa" He gasps " Your eyes are violet this is the the start of the change Ive already changed I should know"
I ignore him " Can I tell you a secret"
He looks confused " Uh.. Yeah sure"
I look at him in the eye and he shudders " Ooh maybe I can't trust you"
" But why you think that" He ask nervously
"So I can trust you but before I tell you my secret .. You must catch me" I say laughing. I run as fast as I can. I run to the park and skip through the trees. I stop and look around and Aaron's right beside me.
"Okay you caught me now here's my secret Freddie and Taylor are dating each other" I mumble before welcoming the darkness and falling into Aaron's arms.

NEW POV :Aaron's

Woah. I'm holding her in my arms .I know I have to get her to a closed space because what she will do when she wakes ups should not be seen. I can name a few though their is one I havent expirenced

1. She'll be all weird and will bark at strangers . Yes I said bark.
2. She wont reconise anyone but me .
3. She will try and take me their and then.
4.She will talk to her wolf out loud.

JESUS. I need to get her home. I pick her up bridal style and run as fast as I can to the hose. I get there in 10 minutes and sit her still sleeping .Beautiful and she myn. I run in the house and shout "She's turning" with that I turn on my heel and run out to where she was.
She's gone.
"Iz, Izzie where are you, Come back Izzie." I yell panickly
The boys are behind me in an instance .
"YOU LOST HER!!" Jeremy screams
"Not on purpose" I whimper
" Why are talking about me" Whispers a silvery voice behind
We all turn round but shes gone with a blur and a yell. ( From us).
Then she beside us and shes fainting .Again.

+ + + + + + +

Izzie's POV#

I wake up to someone shaking me and saying my name.
The worlds brighter.
But I really couldn't care.
I want my mate.
I look around and he's in the corner with his head in his hands mumbling sorry to A male.
There is other male's around us and a female. I take one sniff. No no no. That's a bad female .No no no. Dont like her. I need to protect my mate from her. I jump in front of my mate and hiss a long slow hiss. Everyone's head snaps in my direction including the bad female. I hiss again at her.
And then I have a vision.

It's blood all up the walls and along the grass. They have someone I know someone I love dearly But it's not my mate. I hear a scream a wail. They want me because I have some thing to do this with this world the skies will fall and blood will be shed. Remember the ones you love. Keep your friends close and your enemey closer.

It's over .
There is a pain in my head which is so painful I just want to curl up and die.
I hiss a warning and fall into the welcoming darkness and my sob echoes through the air.

Aaron's POV

She fainted yet again but none of us move. We are all too shocked at what she hissed
"Evil walks among us .Don't be afraid the riser will come all but soon."
I mean she didn't even do the first steps of changing that only happens if
If she is the RISER.
The riser is the to save us all
The riser is the daughter of Perditus and Capell. The most powerful creature in our world.
well second most. After their children.
Perditus was her father he was half werewolf and half wizard amongst other things. He was alpha of all the packs. Everyone respected him.
Capell was her mother. She is half shape shifter and half healer again amongst other thing.
They had every power .
Just like the riser.
But what about Jeremy.
They are twins .
Are they not .
But the legend says the riser shall face her own blood.
Jeremy will go bad.
Jeremy is the lower.
I know I know it sound really lame. But I was trying to sound cool.
I think everyone must be thinking the same thing as me because we all look at Jeremy and he look's down at himself shocked.
Finally Kaylinn breaks the silence
"So shes the riser"
"What about me" Jeremy yells " Am I gonna turn bad .Will I be the one to ruin our world only hope."
"No" Eddie says queitly " Your brother"
Jeremy's face darkens
"What about him" He snaps
" Blood will face blood" Eddie says " He has your blood"
Jeremy has another sibling none of us knew that.
How did Eddie
So I pipe up " Then if it's your brother then who is the evil that walks among us now."
"Her" Izzie mumbles eye's still closed " Get her OUT" She yells the last part sitting up fully her eyes wide with fright.
Then she to the corner rocking and sobbing. I cant see her like this I love this girl and she is sobbing and rocking . Her attitude and weirdness gone just gone.
I stand up and yell at Janice to get out. And she smirks and says gladly in a weird mysterious voice.

Izzies POV

She scares me.
Her voice scares me .
Not out loud.
She screams in my head. Loud threatening voices that slice through me like knives.
My mates arms are around me and I stop sobbing though I'm still rocking and sobbing. I cry as she says one last thing in my head before she leaves my head " Be careful we are always watching "
I look at them my eye's wide with fear and I see a face . My brother's face. I scream and run to my room. Lock the door and resume my rocking and sobbing.

Aaron POV

I run to her door and knock on her door " Love you okay, Can I come in"
"Is he with you" Says a whispery voice
"No It's just me " I reply not really knowing who he is.
The door opens and Izzie peers out her eyes dull her face pale. She grabs my arm
and drags me in. She then goes to the corner. I follow her and put my arms around her. I turn her head towards me and take in her tear stained face. I dont hae long to do so because she kisses me with such power that I didnt no was possible. One of her hands is in my hair another on my chest. My hand is cupping her face another is round her neck.
I dont want to let go but I have to.
Because yet again she fainted.
Fantastic! (Note: That was sarcasim)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.02.2012

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To my Guinea pig for sitting on my shoulder when I needed her

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