

I sigh as I here the one of the big girls pacing up down

That Day..............

I thought I was lucky Boy was I wrong....................................Its cold as we drive along the coast my dads driving angrily I hate it when he does that the car feels tense almost its dangerous and all that's keeping the car on the narrow cliff is a thin broken rail, suddenly there's a sharp corner and we are tumbling its like a dream i wish it was. We hit the water with a splash and the water shocks me into action. Looking at my mum and dad I want to cry .They are already dead. I look at Conner .He seems to be breathing. I unbuckle our seat belts my lungs bursting as I open the door and pull us out .I was always the best swimmer on the team and climber I think as we burst to the surface. Conner's unconscious but still breathing. I haul us onto the cliff hanging on to it and Conner for dear life
"Help" I scream while climbing up the cliff .....................................

I wake up in a sweat I'm now living in an orphange


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.12.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my family for supporting me even though most of my stories were about death :D

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