
Chapter 1

September 1995
“Baby was found washed up on the river Foyle near Derry Area Alive but deadly pale seems to be about 5 months no name card.” A young news reader says

16 years later

I walk silently but quickly. Bright red hair flying (dyed of course)
“Chin up” I say licking my fangs
They were always there my fangs I mean but of course so was my chin. Oh God I’m going on and on again oops.
Starting a new school is always hard I don’t choose to but when you get expelled you don’t have much choice do you? So here I am At Martin Luther King secondary school. I bet the headmaster will have a fit when he hears my name which is by the way unknown . So you see I don’t have a name Or Parents or a parent so my life is sort of an epic fail. Headmaster’s office here at last knocks
“Come in,” says a sharp voice
“Um…………. My Name is unknown I am starting here today “I say
“Ah Yes so what exactly is your name” says this weird old man
“Um… sir I told you Unknown I was found sir I never had a name “I say
“Ah well sit down my name is Mr O Hagan I am the headmaster, hmm………………. I guess we could put you in hmmm……………. Mrs Briton’s class “Mr O Hagan says
“Um… sure, where exactly is it,” I say
He sighs, “I’ll get the secretary to show you”
“Audrey come here a minute “
5 minutes later a pale woman appears
“Yes headmaster may help you “says a short dark woman says
“Ah yes Audrey Take unknown to Miss Briton’s class please”
“Of Course sir” Audrey hastily repeats
So I follow her out into the dark hallway suddenly she turns her eyes bright teeth bared
“I know you, But do you know you” she snarled
“No that’s why I go by unknown” I say a little taken back
She circles me “Well I’ll better tell you then shall I” she says viciously
Before I can say anything there is a flash of light
And a squeal and she’s gone
Chapter 2

I eventually find my way to Miss Briton’s class
“Hello there and you are?” She asks
“Unknown “I mumble
“Really dear, what is your name “she repeats a little more firmly?
My temper flares I hate when people do this.
My voice raised “My Name is unknown I’m the girl they found in the sea as a baby”
“Oh dear, I’m sorry take a seat” she hesitates “Umm Unknown”
I walk down to the back of the room and sits down besides a boy who I felt drawn to sit beside. When I looked at him more closely he was pale and to my shock he had fangs too. I wondered if there was a connection between them as she could ignore the fangs.
“Forget it”, she thinks to herself
He turns to her and says “Hi, my name is Jasper Mullen”
“Hi yourself my name is unknown” I say.
I look down at my timetable just as the bell rings, maths next, not my strong subject. Jasper turns to me and says
“I need to talk to you alone after school” with that he turns and leaves.

Chapter 3
I wait impatiently for school to end, when it finally does I rush to the student car park and there he was standing beside my yellow beetle.
“They are something we need to talk about that is very important”, he says
“What then?” I reply
“You are not unknown to me, your name is Victoria and you are a vampire princess, I am your guardian sent to look after you as we share the birth date which is important in the vampire world, the reason you were found in the sea is because there was a war and your mother and father put you in a small boat , to save you from the evils that haunts our world and I was taken away to be trained as your guardian for the time when you would need it”
I am in shock, for the first time I am speechless and I remember the strange blacurrant juice .Blood.I just look at him.
“that is not all”, he continues” today you were almost attack by a female werewolf”
“The secretary” I whisper, suddenly a lot of things make sense for the first time in my life.
He states “that time is now”
“No “
I say a whisper at first but I can’t control it I start to cry shouting “NO. Your lying to me do not lye to me. Please”
“Victoria-“He says
“Don’t call me that my name is Tory” I gasp
“I told you” He says
“Don’t smirk at me” I snap
“Well do you believe me now” he snaps back
“No I don’t “And I walk away wounded and hurt
“Tory wait “he says in a much softer voice
“My name is not Tory, Victoria or anything else for that matter I do not and I repeat not have a NAME.
“Yes you do and if you do not believe me come with me” he says matter of fatly and he pushes me into a car.
“Where are we going “I snap?
“To your house, your real house” He add hastily
“I don’t have one “I say simply
“Ah just give over” he says
“ Jasper ,if this vampire thing was real , I’m not saying it is but if it was are you one – a vampire I mean “ I say
“Yes and so are half the people at the school “he says casually
“WHAT” I scream
“Right for the rest of the journey we will be quiet or ill bite you” he jokes playfully
“You can’t bite me if I’m already a vampire” I murmur
He grins

Chapter 6

We drive up and stop at a large house easily triple the size of the school
“Wow” I whisper
“Come on then “He says
“Wait – “
“What” He asks

“Aren’t you going to ask me out” I smile
“umm ….. Embarrassing “He grins
“Awe that’s why I came “ wink at him
“Maybe Later .. If your good” He smiles again
“Maybe later I won’t want to” I say
“Well then that’s your loss since I’m utterly brilliant on dates” He says
I can’t let him away with that “Your very modest
Aren’t you” I tease
“Come on “He says
“All right stop your whining” I say but it comes out high pitched
Jaspers face goes from teasing to soft
He puts his arm around me
“It will be fine” he whispers
I flinch away “How do you know I’ve had 9 foster homes in the past 6 months” I say
“These are your parents they give birth to you they will love you “
I can only murmur “Will see”
That’s when the door opens and 2 middle age people walk out

Chapter 6

“Victoria” They woman says . She has light brown hair twisted into a bun and she was wearing and pale green skirt and a white shirt.
“Um Hello “I say nervously
“Jasper, Its too early ,you know the dangers of our world if they find out where she is who knows what they will do “ Says the man
“Yes I know your majesty but she would not believe me” Jasper says
“Really ,honey we raised you more than that” says the woman
“Actually you didn’t raise me at all” I say a little more boldly
“Well I’m sure your adoptive mum even taught you little manners” This person says
“Yes why don’t I show you? Jasper as you can I’ve had so much fun but id very much appreciate if you take me home . There enough manners for you. “I say very boldly now
“Tory wait” Jaspers voice comes through the door
“What “I snap
“What happened to me asking you out” He mumbles
“Well I wasn’t good was I” I smile
“That’s one of the things I love about you your never good” he murmurs
“You –You love me” I say shocked since I’ve known him only about 7 hours.
“I never said that” he says quickly “ So me and you at the movies on Saturday “
“K but I pick the movie” I smile

Chapter 7

Its Saturday and I’m still waiting its been nearly an hour .Whatever it hurts that Jasper stood me up but he will pay bad No one messes with me and goes away empty handed. I see him come up the street he’s red faced and tries to turn around.
“What happened to you “I snap “ I was there an hour if you didn’t want to be seen with me at least text. I’ve now got the whole cinema giving me pitying looks” And with that I turn and walk away.
Seeing the hurt on his face was good enough ill spare him the rest I had planned.
*************************************************I’m never good on Mondays especially morning not that I’m really good on any other days. But to make it even worse I have to face jasper so what who cares it’s his fault he just had to stand me up and think he could get away with it. Ha but you know maybe I shouldn’t because he did show me my parent right well I argue with him a bit to show that I’m not happy about it but still .Oh no ( sound old fashioned doesn’t it) Right I’ve found the class .I flop down in my seat .Good he’s not in yet . Here he comes he sits sown beside me.
“ Hey about Satur-“ He manages to say
“Don’t mention it “I but in
“So you forgive me” He says hopefully
“Nope ,I just don’t want to talk to you” I snap
“Oh, Jasper and the new girls having a tiff. Says an idiot down the back
“Shut up or ill break your legs “ I say fiercely
“Feisty , I like it “ He retorts
“ Okay you asked for it “I snap getting up
“Jeez Tory sit down” Jasper tells me
“My names not Tory “ I scream into the stunned silence
“oh look like Uny’s got a real name” Says the idiot down the back
(Looks like I’ve got a nickname)
“Oh would you shut up or I really will break your legs I’ve done it before” I snap
“New girl principles office now” Says miss Briton

“Miss Unknown, I hear you were threatening another pupil “ He starts off “And I hear that you’ve been lying to us as a pupil now knows your real name , Yes Victoria Johnson was it?”
“I don’t know that boy, it could be lies “I cry
“Now Now don’t use that tone of voice with me young lady” Mr O Hagan says
“Well excuse me for trying to clear my name ,Not that I have one . So I’m leaving” I say
I walk out of school and towards the castle I was shown I’m getting lost oh crap, I am lost .
All of a sudden a car pulls up beside
“Need a lift” Oh no Its jasper
“Yeah ,just not from you” I snap
“Come on what did I do” He says wounded
“Apart from standing me up nothing much” I bite back
“Oh shit I completely forgot , it was my aunt 200th birthday “ He says
“Jeez I’m scared to ask how old my parents are” I say
“Well your mums 250 and your dads 256 years old” He mumbles
“ Jeez , Its freezing what about that lift” I grin
“Oh so you forgive me? “ He teases
“Nope well kinda I will if you give me a lift” and I jump in the car beside him
“Fine” He starts of “Ill give you a lift if we have a do over date?”
“Really, Okay but if you stand me up again ill personally torture you forever seeing as you cant die” I tell him
“Fine I agree I wont stand you up if you don’t stand me up “ He says
“Like I would, I like you” I murmur
“You do, I like you too” he mumbles
Now would probably be the time he dramatically stopped the car and clasped me close and kissed me passionately but he doesn’t of course he just keeps on driven
“You know that’s not me” He says out of the blue
“What “ I scream
How in Gods name could he know my thoughts
“I kinda can read thoughts” He says
“How do you kinda read thoughts” I say
“Okay I can read thoughts happy now”
I still want you kiss me I think
He laughs
I think about the time I walked in on the childrens home attendant Big Mary while she was on the loo
He retches
Job well done I think
“You are disgusting”
“ I know” I smile
“You know Ive done that loads of times”
He swerves into the lay-by reaches over grabs me kisses me full on swerves out again
“Sorry but im not going through that again” He shudders
“um er ah” I mumble
“First kiss “he grins
“No actually Ive lost count”I say
Ive lost my mind over you I hear but his lips didn’t move
“Did you say something” I ask
He blushes “No why”
“Yesssssss. I can read minds too. You like me ,You like me, Jasper likesss me . He wants to love me” I gasp “ HE WANTS TO MAKE LOVE TO ME ,omg y
I look at him “Do you know your extremely beautiful “I tell him
“well gee thanks am I really that girly” He says sarcastically
“No “I say my voice cracking
“I didn’t mea-“
He doesn’t get any further because I yank his face onto myn to kiss him
“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to” I mumur
“Er um yeah sure “ He mumbles
“I think Id better go” I say weakly
“Sure were you staying”
“145 culmore road the children home” I mumble
"What, hell no do you not have foster family"
I say nothing but he sees me cry
He pulls me closer
"Car crash" I sob "My foster brother never stopped holding my hand during it"
"Oh"Is all he manages
"He's only four" I say weaky
"He's still alive" He gasps
"In a way" I say and he looks confused "Life support"
"Ahh we can go visit him if you " He smiles
"Id like that" I hadn't visited him in a while so it would be nice but sad I decide
"Hi baby how you keeping" I say as I rush in
I expected no reply but I was suprised
"Tori"He gasps
"This is no foster brother this is your birth brother same way same reasons so he knows" Explains Jasper
but im still to stunned to speak but even so i rush to his side
"Y-You spoke you awake why didnt they tell me"I rush
"Tori calm down"He answee]rs well he really said "Towi calm down" cause his two front teeth where missing"
"My baby" I say hugging him "Ive missed yo- Wait hold oon Jasper did you say this was my real little brother"
Jasper looks uncertain but nods slowly
"I gasp
"Tor please dont freak ou-" Jasper started
"What else have you got secret I want to no"I snap
"Im kinda engaged to you" He says sqirming
"Fuck"I mumble sinking onto a chair
Josh slides out of bed takes a few uncertain steps and puts his arms around me
"Be strong for me"he whispers
I look at Jasper "One Condition" I say
"Josh is pageboy"
"Sorry no can do ive promised it to my cousin"
"No Josh No Wedding simple as."
"My cousin has cancer and its killing him this is his wedding"He says sinking to the floor crying .
Slowly I get up and go over to him put my arms around him and rock him stroking his hair he looks at me
so I say " We're a right pair of sob stories arent we mate"
He grins through his tears
"Stay with joe a minute" I say
"Joe" He looks confused
"Josh" I reply walking out of the room
I go over to the secretary
"Hello my name is Victoria Johnson Iam Josh Johnsons older sister-"
She inturuptes me "Do you mean the little boy in that room there" She squeals
"Yes Im his older sister why" I reply puzzled and irritated
She runs and gets a doctor "Tell him what you just told me" She squeals
"My name is Victoria Johnson My little brother is Josh Jonhson-"
"Did you hear that thats his name we know his name" She starts dancing
"Well anyway when can we take him home" I snap
"NOW"the annoying secretary squeals
"K ill get his stuff" Be out in a min" And i run down the hall
"Pack your stuff babe we are going home"
"YES yay yay thank you thank you thank you" He says hugging me
I turn to Jasper "Do you think they will let us stay " I ask
"Course lets get out if here i have a bad feeling about this place" He shudders
The light flicker and go out and the already freaky hospital gets almost unbearable as the light go out. Josh slides his hand into myn andi swing him onto my hip.
"Come out and fight if you want to save your race" a voice reconisable as the secretary
"Werewolves" mutters Jasper
"We may have to kick some butt" I murmur into Josh's hair
He nods scared
"No way you two get out ill fight them" Jasper says bravely
"PFFT my hole you will im too stuborn too let you be the hero" I laugh I put josh down and walk confidently into the hallway. I survived alot more than this.
"Come on then or are you afraid" I say sweetly
Jasper rushes out
"They are too strong" He hisses and I smirk
They glide swiftly down
"Ah here they are" I say evily " You ready to feel proper pain"
The secretary swings her leg round aiming for my face I catch it jump up and kick her face causing her to real backwards
The dotor ran into me and I relised that Jasper had punched his face because there was blood running from his nose. I bring my knee up to his face and he blacks out .Result!
A sudden blow to the head sends me flying "Jesus" I mumble
Alot of dead weight falls on me causing me to fall on my face.
Eventully I get up and a screechy voice calls "You to werte to busy fighting to save the one you love"
I rush into the room to see a wolf like creature with a child dangeling from its mouth leap out of the window.
"JOSH" I scream and sink to the floor.
I wake up in a unfamilier room. I look around and Jaspers sitting beside me . And along with a few other guys.
Jasper jumps up and is talking in a minute but I cant hear him . I must look confused because he gives a tense high pitched laugh and pulls earplugs outta my ears.
The memories from yesterday come flooding and I jumped up and ran to the window which was big enough to climb outta. I open it and stick my foot out.
"What are you doing" Jasper says high pitched.
I motion to the window. "Leaving"
"You can't leave" He states
"I kinda am"
"In your pajamas" He smirks
I look down and realize I'm wearing a t shirt and boxers.
"Who undressed me" I snarl.
"Uh what" Jasper asked
I repeat it.
The boys murmur something and point to Jasper.
I glare at him and duck out from the window. I go to where he is standing and he backs up against the wall and looks frightened . I put my hand round his neck in a way if I squeezed he would most likely die.
I said most likely he might not.
He probably will though.
"You dont touch me unless I say so" I hiss
"Unless she says so" A boy hissed behind me.
I turn round so fast my hand still on Jasper's throat. I drag Jasper with me over to the boy who could be know more than 15.
Jasper was choking and gasping.
"No on touches me unless I say so. You got a problem with that Son" I say teeth gritted


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.11.2011

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