
An unwritten love story between Vishous & Butch. Characters, Names and places belong to J.R.Ward content created purposely for fan fiction only. ADULT CONTENT





Dawn was vastly creeping of the landscape of the mansions grounds. Butch aka Brian O'Neal finally home after a long cold bitter night. He finally entered the pit also known as his new home where he shared with his best friend and perhaps the only man, vampire what the fuck ever, he could ever really connect with on any level. Vishous, a vampire warrior known as a brother a real bad ass fucker, lethal with his hands as well as his mind.

Butch had been busy baby sitting Bella Rempoons home, ever since she had been taken by those baby powder smelling evil bastards the lessers he visited the home, also checking on Mary's home, Mary was Rhages shellan, a top quality female of worth, Rhage was another member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, biggest and most powerful of them all and that wasnt including his party surprise, he was also cursed with a beast that resided in him and when that motherfucker came out to play no one could resist setting up shop and praying for their life.

Butch was also on watch duty over Zsadist one of the darkest broken souls of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Just one look at that brother made any mans balls retract in hiding.

Butch went back every night just as Z had, mostly because he was hoping that one of those Omega fuckers would return. And he guessed by the way Z had been lately he was hoping the too.

Butch looked up at his vampire room mate who was leaning against the door frame, ESPN blarring from the flat screen, gym gear littering the floor, what caught Butch's attention was the look on V's face. The brother was hiding something as usual, he knew V had been having nightmares and that was when teh fucker had actually tried to sleep, ever since his best friends visions dried up V was like a case of dynamite ready to explode at any given moment.

“What's doing V?” Butch asked as he walked past his red sox buddy heading for the leather couches that seemed to dominate the room.

“I'm cool true, better than you cop, you look beat” V answered swirling the red contents of his glass as he walked over to join Butch on the sofa.

Butch let his head roll back against the cool leather, watching over Zsadist was becoming a full time fucking job. That brother was a lethal essence of power which seemed to be almost nuclear ever since Bella had been abducted, no one understood the sudden change in Z he wasnt the sort of male to show any emotion especially over an high class female such as Bella.

Vishous leaned back too passing his glass over to Butch offering him the drink he had been nursing since Butch walked into the pit.

“Here this will perk you up, feel me?” Vishous offered.

Butch looked at the glass “Naw man you know I don’t do the red, perhaps something with a bit more kick after I’ve showered.” He countered with his Boston southen slang.

Vishous urged the glass back into the cops hand, his latest and only vison recently was that cop was to drink from him, as in that red flowing miracle of life that ran through his veins. And sure as shit this would be the only way he knew he would take it. He didnt know the why's of his vision but like all those before there was no way of ignoring them, they were there for a reason and sure as hell he was going to make sure that this male drank from him, one way or another.

Butch couldnt quite grasp why V was being so insistent, but with a shrug he rolled his eyes and necked the contents in one go, anything to keep V his buddy happy fuck that he knew V wasnt the sort to take no for answer.

“Hmm not bad, Merlot?” The cop asked as he poured the last droplets into his mouth, the taste was something out of this world, deep and rich and mind blowing.

“No, not exactly” Vishous answered though his eyes were glued to Butch as he drank deeply.

Vishous's actions didnt go unnoticed and Butch slowly lowered the glass as he spoke hoping that his room mate for once in his life would fess up his shit rather than bottle it. Vishous was never known to get cosy and pour out his shit like those fuckers on Dr Phil. But dam the make needed to open up soon as whatever was doing was going to end up in castrophic results.

“V? is something wrong?” Because sure as shit the vampire was acting odd.

“Nope. Everything is cool true. Everything is going to be ok now, feel me?”

Butch knew the brother well enough to know not to push, but he hoped none the less “Hey V, about your visions? You had any yet?”

Vishous sat forward as he lit a blunt, pulling a long drag on the cancer stick thankfully vampires didnt get cancer, as fuck he would have been dead decades ago by the amount he puffed on, watching the end glow bright as he inhaled, he exhaled slowly as he answered

“Well I had one just before you came back.” He shrugged as he took another long pull “So I don’t know maybe they are back”

Butch sat forward looking down at the glass, if anyone else had started this conversation it wouldn’t even gone so far, not with how Vishous was about keeping shit tight and even though they were both close, practically as close as brothers it still felt awkward.

“I hate seeing you freaked out my man, makes my balls retract true. But that would be dam good if they were back”

The corner of Vishous lip rose slightly closest he got to a smile in centuries. “You're alright cop you know that.”

Vishous rubbed his gloved hand through his hair, relieved that his blood hadn’t killed his only real friend. Sure he was close to his brothers in arms, Wrath, Phury, Rhage, Tohr, Darius when he had been alive and even Z inbetween grunts, but Butch when he arrived last summer had some how managed to bury his way into V's chest.

Shaking his head hiding his relieved smile Butch caught a glimpse at Vishous's wrist putting two and two together looking at the red stained glass still in his hand he shot to his feet the smile gone now in place was pure panic.

“Jesus H Christ V what … what the fuck have done?”

And that was when the first spasm hit, Butches stomach rolled cramping hard making him fold almost in two. “Oh god...Vishous!”

Butch ran on shaking legs to the nearest bathroom at the end of the corridor skipping past weights and gym bags , ready and eager to empty the contents of his stomach. As he was just about to reach for the door handle he was tackled to the floor by V. Slamming his jaws together V held his mouth tight and looked into the deep hazel brown eyes of Butch

“Don’t fight it, keep it down! You need to keep it down , trust me” Vishous straddled Butch as Butch,s body began shaking and bucking. Vishous still amazed by the humans strength as he fought to throw V off him.

Butch was in a state of panic, as V's thick muscular thighs held his legs in place, tiny white explosions going off behind his eyes as he tried to focus on the brother, the vibrating hum that radiated through his body, straight to his cock, which pulsed and harden with each vibration that shot through his body.

V loosened his hold but Butch barely noticed, his mind consumed with the way his body was reacting to V's blood. His own body responding to Butches, his arousal punching hard against his leathers as he felt Butches cock brush against the inside of his thigh.

Butch arched his back V could feel each ribbed muscle of his chest through his silk shirt which sent a shiver down his spine curling his toes. He couldn’t help himself he leaned in closer needing to feel Butch closer to him looking into those fixated hazel eyes whispering against his jaw line.

“That’s it, let it ride through you, true”

Butch looked directly into V's silver swirling eyes and felt his arousal peak, even more so when he felt the heat from V's erection against his stomach as the brother leaned in close.

Vishous felt the cops hips jerking forward of their own accord, amazed and staggered as Butch reached for him looking into his eyes, brushing his hair from his face showing V's facial tattoos off.

With that Butch pulled V down thrusting his tongue into his mouth, moaning at the taste of his lips, feeling the sharp sting of the males fangs against his tonuge.

“Fuck I need and want right now V" His tone heavy and husky full of want and need, Butch couldn’t understand what was happening to him, and although Marissa was there in the back of his mind right here and now he wanted and needed V like he needed oxygen to breath.

Vishous responded without hesitant, he deepened the kiss ripping the silk shirt from Butch's chest buttons scattering across the floor as he scraped his gloved hand down his chest cupping his erection through his pants he nipped Butches lower lip.

Butch responded by moaning deeply into his mouth. His heart pounding about as hard as his erection. “God his hand feel so good on me.” He thought as if it was natural between them He couldn’t help but kept Running his hand through his hair and another running up his thigh.

“I want you V! Fuck I need you now!”

V broke the kiss hearing the plea from the cops mouth against his almost broke him in two, in record time they both stripped, ripping their clothes from their bodies all but the glove, shit kickers gone and clothes littered the corridor between the bedrooms and the toilet.

Looking over him heart racing Vishous couldn’t believe this really going to happen freeing his erection, swallowing hard as V crawled up his body, Butch's pubic hair brushing against his hips as his nudge his legs open easing his ass onto the tops of my thighs.

Not breaking the eye contact V lowered himself down, chest to chest, heat on heat, erection against erection. Needing to desperately to taste his lips again their teeth clashed, taking Butches cock in his gloved hand hating the barrier between flesh on flesh he palm him slowly, feeling his chest arch into his as his blood sends his arousal soaring.

Breaking the kiss V suck on his free hand, sucking the fingers in as he looked into those deep hazel eyes. Butches hips rotated at the seductive sight, he knew any minute now v was going to part his thighs wider and stroke between the cheeks, he did just as Butch thought it and almost came hard from the contact.

“Fuck!” Butch moaned, reaching for V's cock he stroked slow but hard knowing the brother favors the pain, he squeezed the tip as he brought his hand back up and felt the brother shudder under his touch.

V took the tip of his cock and lowered his hips to Butches firm ass, he couldn’t break the eye contact as he pushed slowly, at first the tightness had him moaning out loud, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he eased in slowly, leaning his weight on my hand he began to palm him with his ungloved hand feeling his smooth skin as he slid his hand down Butches impressive shaft feeling the tip bounce off his own abs as he filled and stretch him, taking a minute to let him get used to the evasion V pulled back a touch biting his lip the sensation sending ripples down his spine.

Unable to fight the feeling V thrust hard and deep into him, squeezing his cock as he work Butch against himself rhythm of his hand.

Vishous growled and bent down capturing his lips, feeling his muscles roll down his back, their thighs rubbing against each other as their hips move in time with the thrusts, feeling Butch's firm solid grip of on his shoulders urging him to pound harder, the sweat breaking over his brow, the slight distinct scent of musk in the air .

“oh god........Butch................. oh fuck!!”

“Oh fuck this is really happening” Butch thought as he felt V lower his weight on him, his hand and stroking him he couldn’t fight the feeling.

He felt him slow and pull back for a second letting him adjust to his invasion, the feel of him as he stretched him wide sent shivers throughout his whole body.

As he starts to thrust in him harder and squeezing his cock working it as he starts to pound in him. kissing his lips and moaning into his mouth Butch reached under his ass to gently grab V's damaged sack and pull.

His other hand reaches up and takes his nipple between his fingers and twist and pull on them.

“Fuck me V... You feel so good.” He gasped his throat husky and breathless.

Vishous was lost in the moment, just being there with him like this felt so right, from the gentle touches of his hands on him, something that was foreign to him, the feel of his tight ass as he thrust everything perfect the way V had been imagining it for ages, feeling him lean a cup his ruined sack, if it had been anyone else he would have backed away, fuck if it had been anyone else they wouldnt have been swininging freely for them in the first place, with cop it was different always had been with the cop it felt right.

Vishous felt his sac tighten his cock harden, Butch's responded in the same way, the heat radiated off Butch and could feel him as if they were one, hell at this point they had become one.

V felt his heart pounding as if it was trying to escape his chest, beating so hard against his rib cage. Moving his leg up closer lifting Butch higher V pounded with everything he had against Butch's hips and just as he began to climax hard, feeling the hot pulses of his cock filling Butch he caught a glimpse of Butches thoughts, him kissing Marissa on the veranda, amongst the love making Rissa was still there, Butch was imagining being up inside Marissa's gown, her taking his vein as he pumped that perfect shaft deep inside her glistening core, he had a deep affection and longing for her.

V felt his cold heart shatter, the splinters like ice piecing his lungs, he moaned from the orgasm which in turn became gasps of air as he thought the pain deep inside, the feelings he hadn’t realized he had been suppressing.

Butch was lost in V's touch and scent he still couldn’t believe this was really happening. It was better than he ever could have imagined fuck he hadn’t even thought of it not really no matter how close he knew they were sex wasn’t part of their deal It was Marissa he always had fantasized about, hell he felt dirty and betraying her each time he had, but she was the perfect female, she was everything he longed for and hadnt relised he had wanted. From the sound of her voice, the outstouding beauty, her scent fuck there was nothing about that female that wasnt worth dropping to your knees and worshipping.

The feeling of V's skin on his. Their sweat making their body’s slick as their bodies moving against each other. Their lips swollen from the most passionate kiss they have ever been on the receiving end of and he couldn’t help but feel that this was an ultimate betrayal to the one woman that had stolen his heart, Marissa.

Vishous pumped hard, Butch felt his cock throb as he filled him, he knew he was close to cuming. The feeling of him swelling inside him brought him closer to the edge.

As Butch heard Vishous gasp for air from the orgasm Butch's body reacted to the feel of his warm juices filling him. His head swimming in the overwhelming ecstasy he felt his sack tighten. Cuming at the same time, V's hand working Butches lengthy erection , Butch felt his release spill onto his stomach and chest.

It felt like this is how it was supposed to be. Even with having thoughts of Marissa in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but feel that they were where they were supposed to be. Right here. Right now

“V...” Butch whispered his name through a pant as he tried to get his breath back.


Vishous closed his eyes hearing his name leave Butch's lips on a heavy gasp and mentally bereft himself as he felt the hot jets of cum hit his chest off Butch. He pulled out slowly and hated the distance that was already forming, he slowly lay next to Butch and reached for his ripped shirt, wiping away the residue of their short time together. The mess cleared away he threw the garmet across the way and looked back at his best friend, Vishous stole one last kiss from him knowing that their time together was coming to an end. Though Vishous was a lethal bastard and lived for the pain and was known to be just as selfish as most bastards were he couldnt deny what his cop, fuck not his cop, his friends heart long for. Butch wanted Marissa more than life itself, and no way was Vishous going to get in the way of that, no matter how it crumpled his six chamber heart of ice.

Butch was still panting and weak from the aftermath he watch V with heavy hooded eyes as the brother lifted and carried him to his room placing him on his bed and covering him with a blanket, Butch frowned not fully registering what V was doing as he raised his hand in front of Butch's face, fuck why did V look as though someone staked him, what just happened felt right like it was meant to happen, even though Marissa’s image bouncing around in the back of his head this felt right he thought.
Vishous read the cop’s thoughts and it tore at his heat, he could smell the scent of dark spices and musk, ah shit bonding scent, knowing that butch wasn’t down like that, not truly and not wanting to change his path of destiny Vishous began wipe his memory of what just went down between them, taking him back to the beginning of when he first drank V's blood, and even though it will haunt him till the day he would go unto the fade at least Vishous had this moment with his trahyner. Covering him with a blanket, he slipped his leathers back on as he shook his head knowing he won’t notice him dressing, Vishous slowly and reluctantly turned headed out of his room.

"Why v why?" thoughts dazed Butch asked, sharp pain went through his head as he tried and recall what his body went through even though right now he felt stated like he had the best sex of his life, his heart hurt like he lost something tremendous. "maybe it was the blood" he thought.

"it could of killed me V" Butch added.

Vishous stopped short of the door, placing his hand on the handle he turned eyes glowing as he looked upon him, laying there his hair still ruffled his lips swollen from their kissing he tried to answer, his throat dry, he cleared his throat and continued.

" The why of it I don’t know, but I saw you needed to drink from me" smoothing his hair back, needing to do something with his hands he added "and I wouldn’t have given it you if I weren’t sure, all I know is, you either drink from me or you will be put in the ground, the second wasn’t an option"

Butch looked up at V and felt a strange sense of longing for him, an odd sensation of bonding flowing between their bodies, like a steel chain forged from the oven that just cooked his blood and flowed straight from his heart a miracle connection.

"what does this make me?" Yes even Butch couldn’t quite hide the hope that his tone suggested he had become something more than just an old washed up cop.

Vishous as almost out the door pulling a blunt from his back pocket he lit the dam thing watching his hands shake he turned and fully faced his trayner exhaling a cloud of blue smoke he answered

" nothing you weren’t before, you’re still just human, sleep, and you will be fine by night fall true"

Sighing wishful thinking on Butch's part, thinking of Marissa again he was hoping he could be more for that female of worth, hell even if he could become a fully fledged fanger he still wouldn’t meet the mark.

" Just let me know next time you pull a stunt like this and" he paused a frown across his sweaty brow "we still ain’t dating"

He let out an awkward laugh, frowning as a sharp pain went through not only his head like the start of a mother fucker killer of a migraine but also through his heart.

V felt the same pain reflected in him as he heard Butch's words, he laughed though he didn’t feel like it, turning away to hide the look on his face he called over his shoulder.

"True I will, now cop, the after affects are going to still wanna play a little, nothing you cant handle feel me"


He closed the door before Butch could throw another smart comment and leaned his head against the door, his hand went to his chest as if he was trying to hold his hammering heart in place. Thank the scribe virgin he could wipe and alter memories, knowing he couldn’t have Butch as a lover was one thing, losing that male as a friend was something else.


He pushed off the door and headed to his room, making swift effort he showered and changed and decided to head up to the training centre and hopeful burn off some of the shit he was feeling, sure as shit no point trying to sleep ever since his visions cleared up all that was left was the nightmare that haunted him.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.04.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

An unwritten love story between Vishous & Butch. Characters, Names and places belong to J.R.Ward content created purposely for fan fiction only. ADULT CONTENT

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