
Chapter one

I peeked into my father's study and he sees me. "Anna, I'm sorry, darling. I didnt mean to scare you. Come here." my father said softly. My oldest brother, Josh is still sitting on the red sofa glaing into the fire. I wonder what he is thinking. Maybe about his girlfriend and their daughter.
Josh looked at me and offers a small smile. "I'm sorry, Annamere." he murmmered as I walked by.
My dad got up and came around to me. He softly places a neckalace in my hand. "Your gramps got it for you for your birthday. I told him not to come this year since your grams was sick."
I looked at the necklace and smile. It was my great grandmother's locket.
"Oh. I love it. It's the best of the best." I said.
He smiled then kissed my forehead. "Oh, Anna, do you wanna go see Camron?" Josh asked.
"Is Connor gonna be there?" I asked.
"I think so."
My dad kisssed my forehead. "Be back by elevin, kids."
Josh patted my back. "Go get ready." he said sweetly. I ran back to my room and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. As you oready know, my name is Annamere. Annamere Lynn Taylor. I turned sixteen a few months ago, in October, I think. I forget when my birthday is because my siblings are royal asses. I live in Los Angeles with my mom, dad, four brothers, and four sisters. My sisters take after my mom the most the rest of us take after dad. I'm in the middle. I have brown hair, brown eyes that always have thick eyeliner around them, tan skin, and kissable lips. Well, the picture pretty much prooves it. My dad has black hair, blue eyes, and he is very buff.
He kinds of scares me. My mom is blond, brown eyes, tan skin, she's very beautiful. LIke I said, my sisters take after mom, my brothers take after my dad. My sister's call me 'Half Breed' when they see me. My brother's call me pretty. My mom said that my sister's are jelouse because I'm prettier.
I walk into my room, re-apply more eyeliner, then smile. I love how my hair curls just thr right way. Josh walks in and frowns. "You look pretty, but Camron's dad will get the wrong idea."
I skkipped over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of loose jeans and slipped them on. I twirled for him. He took his jacket off and put it on me.
"There," He led me down to his 1997 Ford Mustang. He lets me in and closed the door. He got in the driver's side and started his car. I sighed at the rain. "My favorite day and and it rains."
"I know," I agreed.
He pulled out of the driveway and I watched as his windsheild wipers go back and forth. I'm weird, yes, I know. I get bored so I look out my window. I like rain, dont get me wrong, but I live in Los Angeles. I live in the sun.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just thinking." I whispered.
He took my hand and pressed his lips to it. "Anna, I know when something's wrong."
"He really scared me this time." I said.
"I'm sorry, squirt. It was my fault for upsetting him."
I nodded. He pulled up in front of the Swift house and turned the engin off.
"Are you ok?" he asked. I loved how Josh always cares about me.
I nodded. "I'm cool,"
We got out and lock the doors. I followed close behind him and he grinned. He walked in like he lived there. There was yelling and Camron Swift came out of the kitchen yelling, "Why not hit me and leave Connor alone?"
"He disobeyed what I said.
"He's Elevin." Cam yelled. I hid behind Josh and whimpered.
Josh brought me around to him and he hugged me. Camron looked at us and frowned.
"Now you've gone and scared Joshy's sister."
"I'm not scared," I yelled.
Camron grinned. "Josh told me about him getting your daddy all pissed and him almost hitting you while you were reading." he said.
"Where's Connor?" I asked.
"In his bedroom."
I looked up at Josh. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Careful, sis."
I nodded then went to Connor's room. He was sobbing into his hands. I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him. "Connor?" I asked.
He looked up at me and smiled. "Anna, what are you doing here?" he asked covering his right eye. I grabbed his wrist and gently pryed his hand off.
"Dad isn't in a good mood. Your brother is a jackass." I said.
He chuckled. I loved his puberty crackly voice. It was cute. "You know Cammy likes you."
I rolled my eyes. I stood up and took Josh's jacket off, then my loose jeans.
"You look cute," a deep voice said behind me.
I whirled around to see Cam and Josh. "And you look like you're lost. Conner is right there." I snapped.
"Oh. I know he is alright. He is strong. I wanna know why you hate me so much." he said.
"Because you're not supose to check out your best friend's sister. It's just un natural and I'm to young to be checked out." I snapped.
"You're sixteen. You're not to young. Connor, we're going to their place tonight. Get packed."
My eyes widened. "Josh," I snapped.
"Sorry, sis."
I rolled my eyes. I grabbed his jacket and my pants and walked out. I walked outside and stomped to Josh's car. I layed on the hood enjoying the rain hit my skin. Ok, maybe I was over reacting a little, but that boy get's on my nerves. He's just so Camrony.
Someone flicked my forehead. My eyes snapped opened and I glared at Camron. "Get in the back, Annamere." he said.
"You get in the back." I whispered.
"I'm older than you. Respect your elders."
"Camron, dont argue with her." Josh said.
"I'm soaking wet in this and you're gonna make me sit in the back? Hell no. Get your stupid ass in the back." I snapped.
Connor pushed Connor out of the way and he put his jacket on me. "Camron, quit being an ass." Connor snapped. I ruffled Connor's black hair. He took my hand and pulled me off the hood. I reached up and flicked Camron's head.
He smacked his forehead. "Owe. Damn, girl."
I rolled my eyes and kicked Camron in the butt. "Get in the damn car. I'm freezing to death." I snapped.
Camron rolled his eyes then got in the back. Connor got in after him. I threw my wet jeans at Camron. "Thank's, doll face. You dont need these anyway. They dont look good on you."
I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before getting in. Josh handed me my LG touch phone. "You left it in here last week."
I giggled. "I was looking for that." I said.
"Camron, dad has people over tonight. Only Anna is aloud in the study. So stay out." Josh said looking in the mirror.
"Yes sir." Camron said.
I turned my phone on and frowned. "Anna, you're not gonna get off without your seatbelt." Josh told me.
I looked at him and pouted. "Sofie died." I cried.
He grabbed my phone and looked at it. "You mean Keisha's baby?" he asked. Keisha was my best friend. Besides Connor. Keisha got pregnant and named her baby Sofie and she loved her so much. "Do you wanna go over and pay your respects?"
"Can we?" I asked.
He nodded. "Put your belt on first, little girl." he said.

I knocked on Keisha's appartment door and sighed. Her boyfriend answered. He grinned. "Nothin like a soaked little girl to cheer me up."
I giggled. "I'm cold." I whined.
"I see. Come in." He moved and I walked in and shivered. Kevin picked me up bridal style and hugged me close to him. "You're so small."
"I am not. Put me down, meani." I yelled.
He chuckled. He took me into the livingroom to where Keisha was and he put me down. He wrapped a blanket around me. I walked over to Keisha and sat by her. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey," she said hoarsly.
"Hi, honey. How are you? I'm sorry. I left my phone in Joshy's car."
"I'm good. You left your phone in there for a week?"
I nodded. "And when I turn it on I find out that my little teaddy bear died. Why didnt you call me?" I asked with tears in my eyes.
She frowned and hugged me. "I tried, sweety. Your dad answered and told me that you were either fighting with Camron or sleeping. Are you feeling well?" she asked.
"I am now. Moma said I had a cold so she kept me in bed." I said. "Grrr. Stupid daddy. Who was the first to know?" I asked.
"You. We havnt been out all week. She insisted you know first." Kevin said.
"Aww. I wove you!" I yelled.
They laughed. "Baby, your teddiy bear didnt die. My sister did." she said.
I jumped up and ran to Sofie's room. She was awake. I sighed with reliefe and picked her up. She squealed and grabbed my hair. I smiled and walked back out to them. "You scared me, Keisha." I said.
She giggled. "Will you do me a favor?" she asked. I nodded. "We need a few nights alone. Will you take her?"
I giggled. "Yes. I will take her. Only because you scared me and I love you."
Kevin walked out of the room and I sat by Keisha and handed Sofie to her. She kissed Sofie's forehead. "She can crawl and she get's really excited when you give her a bath. She's just like you for some reason."
I giggled. "I rub off on people." I said.
"You do. She likes your wet hair." she said trying to pry Sofie's little hand from my hair.
"I like my wet hair too. It's wet."
Kevin came back out with her car seat, stroller, and two diper bags. "This one has dipers and formula and bottles. The other one has clothes and toys." he said.
"Yay!" I cheered.
"Your make up is all smeared." Keisha giggled.
I giggled and got up and walked to the bathroom. I fixed my make up then walked back out. Keisha said bye to Sofie. Then I grabbed Sofie and put her in the carseat. I said bye bye to Keisha then Kevin and I walked down to Josh's car.
"Bye, baby girl." Kevin said as I walked to the door.

Chapter two

That night I was sitting in the living room watching Harry Potter and letting Sofie crawl around and play with her toys. I was eating Cheetos and drinking Rootbeer. Camron came in, picked Sofie up and his eyew widened. "You've got a wind up toy, Annamere."
Sofie started to get fussy. "Put her down. She doesnt like you, douch." I snapped and stood up. He handed Sofie to me. She grabbed onto my hair and squealed.
"Do you need something?" I asked. Ok, Cam was pretty hot. Black hair, tan skin, peircing gray eyes.
He nodded. "Josh wants to know why you're sitting down here by your self." he said.
"Because I'm a halfbreed. And I can." I snapped. "Go away now."
"Half breed?"
I nodded.
"If it makes you feel better, you are really pretty."
I giggled becuase he's never called me pretty. It did make me feel better. Stacy called me halfbreed then pushed me into the wall. "You dont have to lie, Camron." I said.
He shook his head and frowned. "Annamere, I know I'm mean to you all the time, but I dont mean to. You are pretty. Your sister's are jelouse that you have my attention and they dont." he said.
I grinned. "Thanks, Camron." I said then sat down. Sofie jumped happily on my lap while playing with my hands.
Camron smiled. "Do you want Connor to umm come hang out with you?" he asked.
I look up at him and nod. "Ugh! You're too tall." I whined.
He laughed. "Sorry. It's called umm... Nevermind. I'll go get Connor."
"I know what puberty is, Mr. Pubic." I said.
He huffed then walked away. I giggled. Sofie waved her little hand after him then she giggled. Connor walked in a few minutes later laughing. "You called him 'Mr. Pubic'?" he asked.
I laughed. "Yah. I feel like watching a baby show."
"Let's watch Dragon Tales." he suggested. I love Dragon Tales. I know you must think I'm a baby, well, some people dont grow out of childish things. Especially if you're the youngest. Well, act the youngest. I have one little sister and two of my brother's are younger.
I squealed. "Ok."
Sofie squealed too. Connor got up and looked for Dragon tales. When he found it, he put it in the dvd player. Connor sat down next to me and Sofie reached for him. I put Sofie on his lap and his eyes widened. Sofie rached for his hair, but she couldnt reach. Connor raised a brow. I giggled and tugged his hair.
"Is this what you want, Sofie?" I asked. She started to get fussy.
Connor chuckled nervously.
"Dont worry, Connor. She doesnt tug hard. Unless she's upset. But you're use to your hair being pulled."
"Yah. You pull it when you dont get your way."
I giggled. "I dont always. It's like once a month." I said as he let Sofie play with his hair.
"Anna, Camron told me to tell you you're a bitch."
I rolled my eyes. "So I was thinking about joining the dance team at school. I decided I dont wanna because Jeffery is on it and I hate him because he tried to rape me." I said.
He chuckled. "He groped you in the wrong place. I cant believe you're still calling that rape. My brother raped your mouth on your birthday."
I groaned at the memory. It was my sixteenth birthday and Josh made Camron get me something since he was always mean to me. After I'd opened all of my presents, Camron gave me a big wet kiss. I'd just sat there shocked until him and Josh were done fighting, then I stood up and slapped him across the face then I ran to my room and stabbed a picture of him and Josh and me. Only I didnt stab Joshy or me. Just him. He stole my first kiss. Jackass.
Josh and Camron come rushing into the room and so does Stacy and Courtny. I groaned again. "Half breed, why did you call Camron 'Mr. Pubic'?" Courtney asked.
I suck in a breath then stand up. This is one of those moments when I feel like running a mile. "I'm not a fucking Half breed. And he couldnt say puberty so I called him that. Dumb Bitches." I screamed.
Mom came in and glared. "Court, Stac, go see your father. I'm sick and tired of you calling her half breed. She is very beautiful." Mom said then hugged me.
Everyone in my family is taller, except my younger sister. Both of my younger brother's are taller than me. They're twins. My oldest brother is the oldest of all of us. He is my second favorite. He is all dark and cool, he isn't emo, he isn't goth either. He is a total ladies man. And he swears up and down, if him and I wern't bro and sis, then I would be his.
I thought it was weird yet sweet.
"Josh, Camron, if you're gonna bug Anna and Connor, dont. Alexander isn't in the mood for you to. He's watching her. I dont know why though." Mom kissed my forehead then made sure Courtny and Stacy went upstairs.
"It's obiouse. He's horny." Camron stated.
I grabbed the remote and threw it at him. "Come on, Connor. I want some peaches." I said.
He got up and walked over to me. I took Sofie and we walked into the kitchen. Alexander was sitting at the island eating peaches. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me. "What's up, Anna?" he asked.
"I want peaches."
He held his fork up and I opened my mouth. He put the peach in my mouth then gave one to Sofie. Sofie grabbed it and giggled. "Why do you have my daughter?" he asked.
"I'm baby sitting her for Kevin and Keisha." I said.
His face dropped. "Can I?" he asked putting his fork down.
I handed her to him. Sofie dropped the peach and grabbed his hair.
"She has an obsession with hair. When is Keisha gonna relize that why she acts like you is cause she's mine?" he asked.
I giggled and pulled Connor over. I sat down. "You can go over there and demand a test thingy. She wont be happy, but you're hot. She'll totally melt. But be careful. She just lost Sofie."
He smiled as Sofie yawned then put her head on his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" Alex asked me.
I shrugged. "Better. I guess. Camron is a jackass." I giggled.
He chuckled. "You wanna come with me?" he asked.
I looked at Connor. "Can Connor come?" I asked.
He nodded. He looked at what I was wearing. "Change your clothes."
I shook my head. "They're gonna get wet anyway." I said.
He tucked a stran of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "I'm just trying to protect you. Kevin is a fucking perv and he stole my daughter and Keisha was almost mine."
"You had sex with her. Doesnt that pretty much make her yours?" I asked.
He shook his head. "We had sex, but I kind of pissed her off." he said.
"Alex," I snapped. "Give me the baby. I need to get her ready to go. I'm not gonna be iiresponsible and leave her here. Unless mommy watches her and if I go to her place without Sofie, she'll freak out."
"Mom!" Alex yelled.
Momma came into the kitchen with Kenneth following her.
"Will you watch my baby?" Alex asked her.
Mom smiled. "Sure. Where you going?" she asked.
"I'm going to demand a peturnity test. And I'm taking the squirt and squirt's friend with me." he said.
Mom laughed and took Sofie from Alex. Alex kissed Sofie's forehead then took the peach off of his pants. He threw it at Kenneth then grabbed his keys. I jumped on his back and he walked out with Connor following. "Bye, loosers." I yelled at Camron and Joshy.
Connor laughed. Alex set me down by the passenger side and unlocked it. I opened the door and helped Connor into the back. Alex lifted me into the front seat. "You're so short, sissy." he said then closed the door before I could hit him.

When we pulled up to their apartment building and we got out. Connor and I followed Alex slowly incase he decided to change his mind. He stood in front of the door for five minutes before I broke the silece. I hugged him from behind. "It's ok, Alex." I whispered. "You dont have to do this."
He turned around and bent down to meet my height. "Yes I do. I love Keisha and I want Sofie in my life as much as possible." he said not tearing his eyes from mine.
I patted his muscly arm and kissed his cheek. "Give me your keys in case she admits it and you tap that again." I said calmly. I pulled a condom out of my back pocket and handed it to him. "I stole this from Josh's glovebox. For some reason, he has condoms in his car."
He patted my head. "Oh, sweet, young, innocent Annamere Lynn Taylor."
I giggled and pushed him away. He turned around and knocked on the door. Kevin opened the door.
Kevin sighed. "Yes, Alexander?"
"Why you touchin Anna?" Alex asked.
"I didnt touch your sister." Kevin said dumbstruck.
I tugged Alex's arm and sent him a questioning look. He kissed my cheek. "Just go with it."
I rolled my eyes and lock hands with Connor. Alex pushed Kevin out of the way and walked in. I gave Kevin an appologetic look then pulled Connor and I after him. Keisha was sleeping on the couch. Alex was knelt by the couch admiring her. He wasnt joking when he said he was in love with her. I often see him sitting on his balcony looking at a picture of her and me.
He kissed her forehead and her eyes opened. She jumped slightly then ran her thumb across his cheek. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Umm. I forgot. I was playing peek-a-boo with Sofie."
"I'm glad you get along with my daughter. But why are you here?" she asked.
Alex looked at me. I pullled out my phone and quickly typed him a script. I handed it to him and he read it. "'Keisha, I've tried to get over you, but I cant. That one knite of sweet sex made me love you almost to death. Whenever I see you, I loose my breath and my train of thought. You're absolutly amazing. I know and you know that Sofie is my child. You didnt even have sex with Kevin until three months into the pregnancy. I want a perternity test.'"
He laughed softly and handed me my phone. Keisha was crying.
Alex whiped her tears away. "You're my sunshine on a cloudy day." he finished.
"Alex," she cried. "I dont know what to say."
He grinned.
"Screw this. I know Sofie isn't my daughter. And I was just using Keisha for sex." Kevin said.
I turned around and punched him in the face. I turned around again and held hands with Connor. "Umm, Anna, this is kind of his house. Can I come stay at your house for a little while?" she asked me.
I nodded then led Connor to her room. I grab a few suit cases and stuff as much stuff as I can in them. "You're really good at that, Anna." He took the suit casses.
"Thank you." I said as he walked out. Pretty much everything she owned was shoved in thosde suitcasses. I walked into Sofie's room and smile. I started packing Sofie's stuff and Alex came in smiling and touching his lips.
I giggled.
"I take it you and her are cool?" I asked.
He nodded and grabbed the bags and stuff. He came back and started unbuilding things.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Umm. Taking my girly and baby's stuff home." he said.
My mouth formed an O and he laughed. I started helping him. "I'm not babysitting while you fuck." I giggled.
He chuckled.
When we were done I layed on the floor and dozed off.

Chapter three

Two weeks passed in a blurr. School was over for the summer. Alex and Keisha are engaged and they live in a house three blocks away. For some reason, Cam is getting hotter. And he is being meaner to me. Sometimes I catch him making out with Stacy or Lillian. Connor thought it was absolutly hilariouse, I pityed him.
Someone plucked the head phone out of my ear and said, "Why you always reading?" It was Camron.
I glanced at him. "Because that's the only fun thing I can do." I said.
"Ok. Go get some clothes on. You're coming with Josh and I to a party. You're gonna be the designated driver."
"The hell I am." I snapped. "I cant drive."
"Yes you can. Just not very good." he said.
I stand up and he looks me up and down.
"Damn. You got a sexy body." He reached out for my breats, but I smacked his hand away. "Please, Annamere?" he asked.
I shook my head and grabbed a towle. I wrapped it around myself and took my mp3 out of my bakini top. I turned it off, grabbed the rest of my stuff then ran upstairs. I droped my stuff and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a gray tanktop, and my favorite green, soft jacket.
My dad got me a shiny black Jeep for my birthday, but no one's taught me to drive yet. Josh said he would, but he hasnt gotten around to it. I zip up my jacket then grab my keys. I hold them to my chest and sigh. Josh came in and hugged me. "What's wrong?" he asked.
I shook my head. "I'm ready to go when you two are." I whispered.
He kissed my forehead. "You dont have to, Anna." he said.
I giggled. "I wanna make sure you dont get in trouble."
A grin spreads across his face. "Sterling will be there. I know you have a crush on him."
I blushed and hid my face in his chest. I had a huge crush on Sterling. He was so dreamy.
He laughed. "I heard he was impressed with your show on the last day of school. Punching the teacher and stuff." Ok, I was pissed at the teacher. He was trying to get with me. So I punched him after he started following me out of the school. My phone vibrated and I went over to it.
Unknown number was calling me. Hehe!
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey, Anna, it's Sterling." My heart rate picked up.
"I dont know a Sterling." I lied and grinned. "Oh. That Sterling from school? Josh's friend. What's up?" I asked.
"Your brother gave me your number and I'm bored."
"How does Josh have my number?" I asked and looked at Josh. "Most importantly, are you a rapist? Or an eye rapist?" I asked.
Sterling laughed. Oh that laugh made me melt. "No. I'm not a rapist. Or any kind of rapist."
"Ok. So what do you need? I dont like talking on the phone."
"Are you going to the party tonight?" he asked.
"I have to. Josh and Camron are to stupid to drink and drive." I giggled.
He laughed. "Ok. See you later." Then he hung up.
I put my phone in my pocket and smiled big. "How do you have my number?" I asked.
He laughed. "Your phone was in my car for a week."
I shrugged. "If you wanted my number, why didnt you ask?" I asked.
He shrugged.
I got my socks on then looked around. "Will you get my hightops out of Alex's room?" I asked.
He walked off and Camron walked in. I rolled my eyes as he frowned.
"Dissapointed?" I asked as I walked over to my mirror. I grabbed my eyeliner and began putting it on.
"Yes. You're not half naked anymore."
I smiled and nodded. Josh came in and handed me my shoes. I put my shoes on then go back to finishing my eyeliner.
My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from Camron. Great! He has my number now.
Cam: I heard Steling Likes you. Do you like him? Of coarse you like him. Dont text back.
I put my phone back into my pocket and glared at Camron. "Come on." Josh said.
I nodded and followed them out to my Jeep. I make Josh drive there.

When we got there, Josh gave me my keys then they walked off. I jumped on the hood of my Jeep and sat down. Ugh! I was so bored. I closed my eyes and thought about Sterling. "Mind if I join you?" he asked.
I opened my eyes to see Sterling. I smiled and shook my head. I scooted over and he jumped up and sat next to me.
"You kind of looked turned on before." he said and looked at me.
"I was thinking about..." What am I gonna tell him. 'I was thinking about how sexy you woild look above me' cause that's always the way to go. I giggled. "My jeep. It's so sexy." I said.
He laughed. "With you on it, yah."
I smiled and sat up and his my face in my hands. "Dont do that," I said. It was muffled by my jacket.
He chuckled. "Do what?" he asked innocently.
I sat up straight to look at him. He was grinning. "I dunno. Why do you notice me all of a sudden?" I asked.
He took my hand and stared into my eyes. "I have noticed you a lot. I just didnt have enough courage or whatever to ask you out."
I giggled. "I dont go out with guys I barely know." I said.
He chuckled. "You wanna know?" he asked.
I nodded. He leaned forward and his lips touched mine. I was shocked then I kissed back. He put his arm around me and pulled me close
"Hey, if you're gonna suck Anna's face, you better want something besides sex with her," Camron slurred. We just got here, how are you oready drunk?
Sterling pulled away and looked at Camron. I smiled and bit my lip. I looked at Cam. His hair was a mess and he looked drunk. He was shirtles.
"Believe me, Camron. I want something, besides sex, with her." Sterling said.
Josh stumbled up to my car and grinned. "Come, Come on, Camron, the twins want more Cam and Josh." Josh slurred. "And be nice to sissy, Sterling. She's to innocent. She doesnt even know why I keep condoms in my glovebox." Josh slurred and put his arm around Cam's shoulders.
They walked away and Sterling brushed my hair out of my face and I looked at him again. I bit my lip again and he grinned. "Did you like that?" he asked.
I nodded slowly.
"I would kiss you again, but you wanna get to know each other. Want a drink?" he asked.
I shook my head.
"You sure?"
I nodded.
"I'm gonna go get some more. Dont go anywhere. I'll be right back."
I nodded. He pecked my lips then went to get more whatever he was drinking. I couldnt believe I actually kissed Sterling Grey. I'd been dreaming of him for weeks. I coulnt believe he liked me.
I sat there thinking about him until he came back.
"Hey," he whispered.
"Hiya! Why are we whispering?" I asked.
He shrugged then pressed his lips to mine softly.
"Because my ex girlfriend is here."
I raised my eyebrows. "And?" I asked.
"She is obsessed with me."
I giggled.
He grinned. "Just like I'm obsessed with you."
"If your obsessed with me, then.... Nevermind." I said.
He laughed.

After an hour, we were done with the 'getting to know you' part. Camron and Josh were asleep in my backseat, and Sterling and I were making out on my hood. I pulled away. "I have to take them home," I said looking at the time on my phone. "Shit," It was almost midnight. I've never been out passed elevin.
"Can I call you or something?" he slurred.
"Call me. Not something. God knows what that is."
He laughed then pecked my lips. "I had fun, girly." he whispered in my ear.
I nodded. "Me too," I said tiredly.
He jumped off then helped me down. "You're so short." he whispered.
"Gee, thanks." I said sarcastically.
He pressed his lips to mine lightly. It was a little sloppy because he was drunk. He nipped my bottom lip for entrance. I decided to stop then. I pulled away and patted his chest. "Go home and get some sleep. We'll hang out tomarrow."
"Ok. Call me in the morning to remind me."
I nodded then got in my car.
Josh woke up when I shut the door. He climed into the front seat and grinned a lazy, lopsided grin. "Camron is right. You are pretty, sissy." he said.
I raised my eyebrows. "Thank you?" I guessed.
He laughed and I started the engine. He turned on some country music and tried to sing along. I giggled. Ok, I was doing my best to drive. But it was hard.
"Go on the back roads." Camron yelled.
"Shut up!" Josh yelled back. "Sissy, go on the back roads. I wanna have some fun."
I shook my head. "If you would shut up, we would get home faster and I wouldnt be scared for my life." I yelled.
They did shut up. They didnt say anything or make a sound. I finally found our way home and I parked my car carefully in the garage. Kennith and his twin, Liall were in the garage. As soon as I got out, they grabbed me in their arms.
"Anna, we were so worried. You wern't in your room, or Alex's room." Liall cried on my shoulder.
"Alex has drunken three bottles of rum, and Keisha has locked her and Sofie in your room. Mom went to bed hours ago, but dad is going to drill Camron and Josh." Kennith said then squeezed my little waist tighter.
"I'm fine. I was their designated driver." I said.
"You dont know how to drive." Liall cried.
I giggled. "I'm not dead." I told them.
I kissed their cheeks then walked inside. Dad was in the kitchen eating ice cream. I smiled and walked over to him, dipping my finger in his ice cream, and putting my finger in my mouth. "Mmmm! That is so good."
He laughed. "You want some?"
I shook my head. "I spent all night sucking face with a drunk god. I'm exausted." I said.
"Did you have fun?" he asked.
I did. Until I had to drive. I nodded. "Until I had to drive."
He looked at me. "Are you ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "Just a bit tired. I'm not use to staying up this late. I'm gonna go to bed. I love you, Daddy." I kissed his cheek.
"Good night, darling." he said.
I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some Jello and grabbed a spoon, and a bottle of water and went up to my room.
Keisha was sleeping with Sofie on my bed. I smiled and covered them up with a blanket. Sofie had my favorite bear, Bucky in her arms. Alex gave him to me when I was twelve. Alex was convinced he would make my dreams happy again. They did get happier.
I sit at my desk and eat my amazing Jello. I love Jello. My phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled. It was a text from Stacy. I wondered what insult she would throw at me tonight.
Stacy: Stay away from Sterling. He's myn.
I giggled quietly.
Me: You dont own him, dumbass.
Stacy:... Stupid Bitch
Me: Mmmmmhhhhhmmm. Yawn. Good night.
I erased her number and grabbed a blanket out of my closet. I layed on my floor and went to sleep.

Chapter four

I woke up in the morning with someone poking my face. I opened my eyes to see a smiling Keisha and a smiling Sofie. "Ugh! Go away." I groaned. xcx
"Sofie wants to play." she said.
"I got home late and I slept on the floor. Go away." I said.
She got up, walked over to my desk and grabbed my phone. "Ooh! Who's Sterling?" she asked.
"A guy,"
She giggled. "'Good morning, beautiful. I really enjoyed our time together. You have a really beautiful smile. I'm goin to play hocky at ur house with your brother. Hope i see you.' Aww. You can tell he is nervouse. Aww Aunt Anna has a boyfriend."
"Anna has a boyfriend?" a male voice came from behind me. I rolled over to see Alex with a bowl of cereal.
"No. We just got to know each other. And we kissed."
I got up and walked to my closet. I pulled out a white summer dress and grabbed a pair of white flats. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a white laced bra, and matcing panties. I walked into my bathroom. I take a quick shower, then get out and wrap a towle around myself. I brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, curled my hair, added eyeliner, then got dressed. I walked into my room and smiled.
The three of them were gone. I love them, but I was sleepy. I grabbed my phone and put it in my bra then skipped to my father's study. Josh, Cam, and their friends were in there. I walked over to dad and sat on his lap. "Daddy, I slpet on the floor last night. I dont feel good. Can Cammy and Joshy get me ice cream?" I asked and gave him puppy dog eyes.
Dad chuckled. "You can try to presuade them. But they have hangovers."
I pouted then kissed his cheek. I got up and walked over to the books. I looked around and found what I was looking for. 'Memories of Summer'
I glared at the boys surrounding the sofa that I sit on. "Joshy, go away. It's time to ready." I said making myself look like a child.
Josh looked down at me and pouted. "Anna, stop it. You know I cant argue with you when you do that."
I stuck my toung out at him. I looked at the time on my phone, then I looked outside the window. "Why the heck is it raining in the summer?" I yelled.
"Because, it is. Why are you here?" Courtny asked.
I smacked my forehead. "I dont know. There is absolutly no reason why I come in here everyday and grab a book and sit down and read." I said.
"Courtny! Room! Now!" Dad yelled.
Her eyes widened. "But, Daddy."
"No buts, Courtny Kennidy Taylor. I said room. When you're ready to appologize to your sister you may come out."
Courtny tried to pull the puppy dog eyes.
She trudged out of the room. Josh caught a curl. "Are you ok, Anna?" he asked.
I smiled. "I think I need something." I pretended to sob.
"What do you need?" he asked.
I looked up at him and smiled. "Ice cream. With lots of chocolate sauce and gummy bears." I said.
He nodded then jogged out of the room. Cam shook his head then ran after him. I grinned.
"You're stupid too, Camron." I yelled after him.
Sterling came up to me and grinned. "You look cute today." he whispered.
I smiled wider. "Thank you. You look, umm, nice?" I guessed.
He chuckled then placed a small kiss on my lips. I smiled in my head and kissed him back. Dad cleared his throat and I pulled back.
"Sorry, Sterling." I whispered. "This is your own fault." I said and patted his chest.
He kissed my forehead. "Sterling, may I see you a moment?" my father asked.
I grinned and pushed him my father's way. I pushed through the boys and layed on the sofa. I opened the book and began reading.
Joshua came back and gave me my ice cream. I sat up and smiled. "Love you, Joshy Washy." I said happily.
"You're welcome, Anna Bananna." He kissed my forehead.
Cam sat next to me and poked my forehead. "You look hot," he said.
I rolled my eyes. Being nice I fed him a bite of my ice cream. "And you still look cute. I'm to young to be hot." I giggled.
He grinned.
"Am I hearing a miracle?" Josh asked. "Is Camron and Annamere really getting along?"
I looked at the fire and blushed. I pulled my phone out and texted Keisha.
Me: Are you still here? If so tell Alex to come read to me. If not, ya'll suck dick.
I giggled then hit send.
Keisha: He's coming. And I do suck dick. His dick.
Me: You made me puke up my ice cream. Dick liker. :|
Alex appeared next to me with Sofie in his arms. Sofie reached over to me and dipped her little finger in my ice cream. She started to get fussy because it was cold. I giggled and put a little on the spoon. I fed it to her and she clapped. Alex whipped her finger on his pants then grabbed my spoon. He scooped some on the spoon and put it in his mouth.
"Kay. I was told: Go read to your sister dick licker. Why am I a dick licker?" he asked.
"Cause you ate my ice cream." I cried.
He scooped more on the spoon and ate it. Sofie grabbed the spoon and put it in her mouth. She whined and took it out of her mouth.
"I want my spoon back." I cried. "Daddy," I yelled.
"Dont mess with your sister, Alexander." dad said lazily.
"I dont have her spoon. My baby does." Alex said grabbing the spoon and handing it to me. He put Sofie on the ground and she crawled over to the boys. She got on her knees in front of Josh and held her arms up. She was smart for nine months.
Josh looked down at her then looked at Alexander.
"Dont drop her. Keisha will shun me for your stupidness."
I giggled and kicked off my flats. "Hey. Your kid is really squirmy. And she drools on me."
"It means she likes you, Joshy." I said and leaned against Camron and I put my feet on Alex. "Read, oger." I yelled at Alex.
Alex grabbed my book and started reading to me.
After awhile I got tired and my ice cream was gone. "I want carrots smothered in ranch." I blurted out.
Alex grinned. "Me too. Let's go get some and pester mommy." he said.
I looked at Sterling, who was sitting on the floor next to me holding my hand, and pecked his lips. I gave my bowl to Camron and took Alex's hand. He stood up and I jumped on his back. He grabbed Sofie from Joshy then walked over to dad. Dad was asleep.
Sofie squealed at him and he opened his eyes. Sofie clapped her little hands and Alex rewarded her with a kiss on the forehead. "Bye bye, daddy." I said like a little girl.
"Bye bye, darling. Send your mother up to our room when you see her." he said.
We nodded then Alex walked out. "Well, it looks like we cant bug mommy."
I giggled and jumped down. I grabbed Sofie and skipped to my room. "Dont forget the ranch." I yelled over my shoulder.

Chapter five

That night I was home alone... Or so I thought. Camron came in and plopped on the couch. "Come on, Annamere," he said tugging my hand. "We're going for a walk." he whispered.
I shook my head. "It's rainning and I need to find a way to kick Sterling in his fat arse." I whispered. I'd caught him kissing Stacy.
Camron stroked my cheek with his thumb. "Come on. Go dress pretty and I'll take you out for ice cream or something."
Ice cream with Camron? It would make Joshy happy, but would it make me happy? "I am dressed pretty. And why?" I asked.
He grinned. "I have something to tell you."
"Why not just tell me now and let me watch my Rugrats?" I asked.
"Ugh! You're so stubborn. I just wanted to tell you you're pretty."
I patted his cheek. "If you wanna make me feel better, watch tv with me and hold me." I whispered embarassed.
He thought about it and put his arms around me. He whiped my smeared make up away and kissed the top of my head. "He doesnt deserve you anyway. You're to sweet and innocent. He would have destroyed you." he whispered.
I nodded. "Thank's Carmon." I whispered as I fell asleep.

In the morning Stacy woke me up so she could watch something bout vampires and shit. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. I walked into my room and layed down. Ten minutes later Camron woke me up. "Come on. We're going to the beach and Josh told me that you're coming. And he is slightly drunk and not very pleasnt."
I groaned.
"I'll let you sit up front."
I shook my head and rolled over. The next thing I know is I am being dragged out of bed and into the bathroom. He started to strip me and I wasnt having that. I screamed and Courtny rushed in. "Camron," she screamed and pushed him away.
She helped me up and pulled my dress back up.
"Get out, Camron. I'll go to the fucking beach with you." I screamed. He grinned and kissed my forehead before walking out.
Courtny hugged me. "I'm sorry, Anna." she whispered.
I patted my little sister's back.
"Why are you so small?" she asked. 5'4 isn't short, but in my family it is. These people are monstors. I'm just the runt.
"I'm not small. I'm just the runt." I said. She laughed. She left and I got in the shower.

When we got to the beach I hugged Josh. He was a little sticky from it being so hot. Josh stumbled a little bit then noticed my distress. "Sissy, what's wrong?"
I shrugged. "Just tired, I guess." Cam pretty much violated me in the bathroom this morning. But I couldnt tel him that. He would beat the shit out of Cam.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "I just need a hug." I said softly.
He enveloped me into a bear hug. He picked me up and carried me somewhere. "Cam, towle. Down." Josh ordered. "She is our princess today."
I giggled and kissed his cheek. Cam did as he said and Josh set me on my towle. "I'm gonna go find food." Cam announced then droped all our crap and took off.
Josh droped down next to me and sighed. "He was up all night last night thinking bout stuff and staring at you. He took you up to bed before dad came home. I think he has a crush on you, sis."
"Nope," I said popping the P.
He rolled his eyes. "Are you against dating Cam or somthin?"
"Both," I said simply.
He laugh. "Dear, sweet, innocent, Anna, you're gonna break someone's heart, bad." he said.
I giggled. "I wanna stay innocent forever. I feel protected that way." I said.
He laughed. Camron came back with Cheese Burgers and frys. "Sorry, Anna, I couldnt find any of that healthy shit you eat."
I rolled my eyes. "It's called fruits and vegtables. You should try some, it would make you actually attractive." I said.
He sighed and Josh went to talk to babes. Cam sat down in front of me. I had to admit, he is sexy. "Why do you hate me?" he asked.
I nibbled on a fry. "I dont hate you, just what you did this morning." I threw the fry at his head and frowned. "You actually made Courtny go crazy."
He chuckled. "I'm sorry bout this morning, I really wanted you to come." he said, earning himself a questioning look from me.
"Why couldnt you just let me sleep? Crying over a peice of shit made me very tired." I said.
"Cause we were tired of you sleeping." he whispered glancing at a blond girl that was oogling him. He made a discusted face.
I patted his cheek. "At least she isn't... I jinxed it. I'm sorry, Camron."
He laughed. "You owe me, Taylor." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "Hi, I'm Taylor."
I winced. Camron looked up. "Sup? I'm Cam."
She sat down and handed him a peice of paper. I snatched it out of his hands and unfolded it. "'Call me if you want a good time, Taylor.' Wow!" I said and threw it at her. "Sorry, my man isn't interested in trash."
"Oh, baby, I love it when you do that." Cam said going along with whatever I was doing. "Come here and kiss me."
Damnit! I leaned forward and kissed him until the girl left. I pulled back and wiped my mouth and stole his pop. "Never ever do that again," I snapped. I actually enjoyed it.
He grinned. "You taste good."
"It's called the minty stuff my mommy buys every month."
He laughed. "No. You taste like..." The thought for a second. "Mike n Ikes."
I giggled. "I was eating some this morning."

Chapter six

Three weeks passed and Camron and I were actually getting along. One day he came into my rooma nd locked the door. "We need to talk." he said. He looked really scary so I smiled and put my book down.
"About what?"I asked.
"Us," he said.
I looked at him confused. "Camron, are you feeling alright?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Then why do we need to talk about us? If you want, I can hate you again." I suggested.
He glared. "No. That's not what I want."
I sighed and got up. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Then what do you want?" I asked.
"A sandwhich?" he joked.
I giggled. "Go make me one then."
He laughed. "I dont know how." he said.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2012

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I dedicate this book to my brother Joshua and Camron. I love them both with all my heart.

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