
Chapter one

"Makayla, dinner time, baby." My father called from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled at myself in the mirror. My life had been rough until my mom let my father be apart of the family again. They're closer then ever, and most importantly, my twin and I have a father.
"I'm coming, dad." I yelled down at him. I stood up and went to the door. My dad painted my room purple for being a dead beat and not calling at all.
"Mika, you too." dad yelled at my twin.
Mika has been spending to much time with his girlfriend. Everytime I go to talk to him, he tells me to go away and that I'm more worthless than a box of rocks. It hurt, but I'm not the one to show my anger or sadness. It annoys the hell out of my family.
I turned my light off and with a soft click I closed my door. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My four year old half sister glared at me and slipped me the finger under the table. I calmed the anger that was rising in my gut and sat by my mother. She smiled and brushed a stran of hair from my face. Ok, my life is still rough, but not so many boys are trying to get with me, and girls are almost done making me hide out in the girls bathroom until school is out. I was glad it was summer vacation.
Mika came in being goth and emotionless and offered the faintest smile for me. I wore dark clothes, but he had pure black clothes. My mom grimaced at his appearence. If Mika ever changed his look, I dont , know what I'd do. I was the only one he would talk to about his emotions, the only one he showed emotion around. Beneath his black hair, I saw a little bit of happiness in his light purple eyes.
I smiled at him and he sat across from me. Megan glared at us and I glared right back. I always had an urge to pound her head into the ground. She was annoying, bratty, small, and bitchy. "Your faces'll get stuck like that if you keep staring at each other like that." Mika said and raked a hand through his unruley hair.
I raised an eyebrow and snickered. Dad put food in front of all of us. Mika played around with his food and flicked peas at Megan. She whined, but mom never saw. Dad had to go into work because his employees are too stupid to do anything. My dad owns his own resturant, mom owns a hair and nail salon. I work at both. Mika works at dad's resturant, as a bus boy. I'm a waitress. I chop hair and give manicures at mom's salon. They both pay me two hundred each month, Mika only gets two hundred for working for dad.
Megan flicked a pea at Mika and mom caught her. "Megan Chase," she snapped
"Moma, he is flicking them at me." she whined.
"No he is not. He is eating. They both are. Eat then you and I are gonna go down to the salon."
"Mom, can I go to Kaysee's?" Mika asked.
Mom looked at me. "Will you be ok here by yourself, baby?" she asked.
"I'll be fine." I muttered
I dont date boys. Even though I'm the georgous one out of Malinda and I. She always gets the boys. And I'm totallly ok with that. I dont want to date. Malinda is my best friend, we've known each other since we were three. But I also have Robbie, we've been neighbors before we were even born. So technacallly he is my best friend. We hang out all the time, and do everything together.
"Can Robbie come over?" I asked.
Mom nodded. I put my fork down and took my plate to the sink. Mika flicked a pea at my forehead just as I walked by him. "Why dont you get a boyfriend, virgin?" he asked.
"I'd rather shake it for Malinda and Robbie." I muttered and took his iPod out of his pocket. "I'm gonna barrow this. I cant find mine."
Mika may be goth and depressing, but he doesnt listen to depressing music. He listens to LMFAO, Nicki Minaj, and alot more. He only lets me listen to his iPod though. So no one figures out what kind of music he listens too. I went into the living room and plopped on the couch. I put the buds in and blared the music. I took my phoneout of my pocket and texted Robbie. I told him to come over. Robbie absolutly hated his parents. He could get away from then whenever he wanted to.
I found it funny that he doesnt listen to his parents. But he listens to me. My phone vibrated and it was Malinda calling me. I took the buds out and answered. "Hey, yah umm, I dont know how to tell you this, I slept with Robbie."
Hurt and anger passed through me and I clenched my teeth. Robbie took the phone from her and said, "Dont be mad." he begged.
"Kay, dont come over. I'll just order a pizza and pig out." I said then hung up.
Mika came out and handed me some money. "I'll be back around midnight." he said then kissed my forehead.
"I'll be drunk."
He sighed. "I'm gonna have Ash come watch you." he said then left before I could argue.
I sighed then picked up my phone and ordered and large cheese pizza. When I was off the phone my mom was rushing out the door with Megan on her hip. "Bye, baby. See you around midnight, if you're still up." she said then ran out the door. I yawned and turned the tv on.
Ash walked in like he lived here. Maybe because he does. His parents dont want him and mine cant get enough of him. I wish he wasnt here all the time. But he is Mika's best friend. "There is a pizza guy outside."
I handed him the money. "You mind getting that for me?" I asked.
"Sure." he muttered and took the money and went back to the door. "I would love to be your guineua pig."
He came back and put the pizza in my lap. "Thanks." I murmmered and he sat by me.
"So what are we watching?" he asked.
I took a peice of pizza from the box and took a bite. He did the same. "Music vidios." I muttered. "Why are you here?" I asked.
"Mika wants me to watch you. He said you were upset and you tend to get drunk when you're upset."
I rolled my eyes. That wasnt fully true. I only dig into my dad's rum when I'm hurting really bad. I wasnt upset. I was mad that they broke our pact. "I'm not upset. I was kidding around with Mika."
He chuckled and put an arm around my waist. "Counsiler Ash is ready to see you, Makayla. Whats bugging you?" he asked.
"My best friend was doing my other best friend." I muttered.
He patted my side. "Robbie had to do something, he cant do you, so he decided to do your girlfriend. Now you three cant think the same way about each other because of that unholey moment, now you'll be longing to be sexed by a georgous, nice, boy."
I giggled and leaned against him. "Best counsiler in the world." I murmmered. Ok, I egzaggerated a little. This boy right here was so amazing and I always had to play it cool around him and Mika. They would make fun of me for being in love with Ash.
He put his hand over his heart. "I'm touched you think so. Why is there so much Gaga?"he asked.
"Cause I like Gaga." I muttered.
He rubbed my side lightly and my stomched leaped in excitment. "We should watch a horror movie." he said and his hand slid down to my hip. I stiffened and his hand slid back up to my side. I nodded and sat back into him. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel to a insainly scary movie. I dont get scared of horror movies, but this one was insainly scary. Robbie and I watched it a few weeks ago, and I was in his arms the whole time.
"No, please not this one." I said.
He looked at me. "Why?" he asked.
"I dont like it."
He blilnked. "Scared?" he asked.
I rolled my eyes. "No." I snapped.
"Then whats the problem? Ohhhhh, you're scared of the phrat girl that looks like you. Look, you have my arms if you get scared."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not scared, I swear."
"Makayla, its ok to be scared. Mika got scared when he saw that girl looked like you. He was literally in Kaysee's arms when we watched it."
I growled and got up. I went to dad's beer safe and opened it. "Why dont you go pesture them, Ash?" I asked and took a long drink. I winced then returned the rum bottle to the safe.
"Your brother is paying me for watching you tonight. He doesnt want to come home and find you shakin it for boys." he said crossing his arms.
"Get out and come back when Mika does." I snapped.
He smiled. "Damn, you're sexy when you're mad. Come on, kiss me."
I grabbed my phone and called Mika. "Whats wrong?" he asked in a soothing voice.
"I really hate you right now."
"Why? Whats wrong, Makayla?"
"He wont get out and I dont want him here."
He grunted. "I'll be home in a few. Just go up to your room and do something."
"Kay." I said then hung up. Ash caught me before I could escape.
He lowered his lips to my ear. "Whoa whoa whoa, where you goin? I'm offering you something great here. Come on, lets have some fun. You know you want to."
I did want to. I loved everything about him, but he wasnt good for me. His arms wove around my waist. "Let me go." I said trying to get out of his arms.
"Oh, I dont think so. I will get what I want. I always do."
Mika threw the door opened and took giant steps to us and grabbed Ash by the hair. "What did I tell you about my sister?" he snapped and pushed him out the door. Mika slammed the door and locked it then came over to me. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"
"No." I muttered then my hands went to my ribs.
He went and grabbed his car keys. "Liar." he muttered then carried me out to his truck. He buckled me in then went to grab my jacket and lock up the house.

Chapter two

Mika ignored my whining and he took me to the hospital. I couldnt argue anymore because a reallly sexy trainee took me to a room. Mika came with me but stayed in the room while I got x-rays. The trainee gently felt my ribs and I stared at him. He met my eyes and smiled. Flashing perfect white teeth. "Makayla Chase, two ribs are broken. How did this happen?" he asked.
"Umm, my brother's friend was watching me and I got really mad at him then he wanted something, but I wouldnt give it to him and he squished me."
He chuckled then we went back to the room. Then he talked to Mika. "We want to keep her over night just to be safe. A few of her ribs are broken."
Mika just nodded to everything he said. When the trainee left Mika made me lay down. Then he called mom and dad. When he was off the phone he covered me up and appologized.
I smiled and took his iPod from him. "I'm not mad." I murmmered, amused. "Did you see how sexy that guy was?" I asked.
"Makayla, he is like twenty something." he said.
"Mika, shut up." I whined.
He smiled and I giggled.
"You should do that more often, big goof."
He whipped the smile from his face and mom and dad came in. I sighed then pushed them away as they hovered to close. Eventually they stopped and I went to bed. In the morning the sexy trainee wrapped a bandage around my ribs then I went home. I got dressed in my work clothes then went to work. All of them wern't happy about it, but I told them I'd come home if it hurt to bad.
Mika wouldnt let me drive though. So he went upstairs and changed into his bus boy uniform then he drove me and him to dad's resturant. More men come into that resturant because it has a very sexy waitress. Mika is constently watching me.
One time when I was fifteen a trucker guy slapped me in the butt and Mika shaddered a plate over his head. He said, "Dont touch my sister, fat scum." Even dad had our backs on that one.
"Makayla," dad said yanking me back to the present. "are you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Will you go do your job then?" he asked softly.
"Grr, ruin my thoughts will you?" I asked and went to take peoples orders. "Hello, welcome to Big daddy's house of food, what can I get youtoday?" I asked a family. They told me and I went to take it to the cheif. My dad is weird. But we love him.
When it was time to close I was exausted, but I still went to the salon. I chopped hair and talked gossip with Tatiana. "So, I heard you were gonna get lucky with Ash last night. Give me the deets, babe." she ordered.
"Hmm, lets see here, welll I took a drink then told him to get out he told me I look sexy when I'm mad then told me to kiss him, then he broke some ribs." I said.
"You still love him, right?" she asked.
I smiled and looked at her. "Yes, I still love your brother. He turns me on everytime I see him." I said and flattened out some chick's hair.
She giggled. "Good, he is coming to spend the day with me. Promise me you wont chase him down with scissors."
I snickered then pursed my lips. "I promise. Maybe" I said then crossed my fingers behind my back.
"Makayla, I need to tell you something." she said stopping me from cutting more hair.
"What?" I asked looking up at her.
She smiled. "He was singing Beautiful last night when he got home. He said that he was singing it for you. Then I read what he put on his fb."
My heart sped in excitment. "What did he write?" I asked.
She put a flower in my hair. "She's so damn beautiful, wish she was mine. I love Makayla."
"Aww, you're not just doing that to push my buttons are you?" I asked. her.
She put her arms around my waist and I winced. "No, he really put that on fb. What did you do to him last night?" she asked.
"I told you." I murmmered. "Will you finish here? I need to sit down so I dont collaps." I said.
She took the scissors and I sat in the chair next to the one the custumer was in. "He also loves how you're dangerous and sexy. He loves how you are madly in love with Taylor Lautner and Diggy Simmons."
"Sexy beasts right there, Tatiana." I said and kicked off my heels.
She squealed then ran to her brother. I sighed then stood up and finished the girl's hair.
"What do you think?" I asked. "It screams sexy and independant." I said.
She giggled. "I love it. It does."
She gave me five dollars then left. "Whos hair do you have to cut now?" Tatiana asked. I bent over and looked at the paper.
I stood up and grabbed my phone. My dad was calling me. "Hey, baby girl. I found your iPod. Your sister had it."
"Ooh, thank you, daddy. Did she slobber all over it?" I asked.
He sighed. "No, but she broke it. I'm going to get you a new one soon."
"Ooh, thank you."
"You're welcome, baby girl. I got to go, Mika and I are going fishing."
I giggled. "Good luck with that. Love ya."
"Love ya too, kitten."
I hung up the phone then Mika called me. "Help me. He is taking me fishing."
"Mika, you've been ignoring him since they got married again."
He didnt sound to happy. "He made me a bus boy. I have to wear white. Happy colors." he shouted.
"I dont appreciate being shouted at, bastard." I shouted back then hung up.
My mom came up with Megan. "Baby, are you ready?" she asked.
"I have one more. I'll be home later." I murmmered.
"I dont want you walking home by yourself."
I giggled then moved a stran of hair from her eyes. "Mom, I'll be fine. You can thank Mika for this. He wouldnt let me drive."
She smiled then put a hand on my cheek. Then she took Megan home. I yawned then sat in the chair.
"There was a insainly sexy trainee at the hospital last night." I said to Tatiana.
She gasped. "Did you get his number?" she asked.
I glanced at Ash. "No, he's like twenty something. Mika didnt want me anywhere near him this morning. But he had his hands on me." I said.
She giggled. "Mika is so protective of you. What do you mean he had his hands on you?" she asked.
"He was setting my ribs and he gently, with long fingers, wrapped gauz around my skinny torso." I said and glanced at Ash for a split second. He looked really mad. Yes!
She smiled. "Was your top off?" she asked. I nodded. "How rude. You're the sexiest person I know. I would have my hands all over you in a heartbeat."
I giggled.
"I'm gonna go pee. All that water is going to my bladder." she said then went to the bathroom.
Ash watched me with warm eyes. I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. He just stared at me. I grabbed a hair clip and threw it at him. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked as he jumped.
"I dont know." he snapped. "Whats your favoret song?" he asked.
"Umm, Somebody that I use to know." I said.
He snorted. "Thats gay."
I picked up the scissors and aimed for his face. "Take it back."
He chuckled and held up his hands. "I take it back, your highness."
"Tell Tatiana she gets to do my haircut. I'm gonna go jump off a bridge." I said and grabbed my bag. I got up to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.
"Wait." he murmmered and got up. He pulled me back and kissed me. A light kiss. His lips were so soft. "Its the best damn song I've ever heard." he murmmered. I bit my lip and my heart sped in happiness and something else. "I'll see you later."

Chapter three

Ash slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "I'm sorry about your ribs." he murmmered in my ear. My heart leaped.
"Dont worry about it." I said tracing his abes. We wern't doing anything, I promise. He just came upto my bedroom and refused to leave.
He chuckled. "You like it?" he asked.
"Yah." I gasped.
He laughed. "Go to sleep. I didnt mean to wake you."
I glared at him. "I wasnt sleeping. I was counting how much money I have left."
He kissed my lips lightly. "You have no idea how much I want you. I've loved you since we were twelve. I dont know what happened. You just..." I shut him up with a kiss.
"I started loving you when Mika and I turned fourteen."
Mika came in and turned the light on. He squinted then became aware. "Ash, what did I tell you?" Mika snapped.
"Umm, that your sissy is off limance."
"Yes. Why are you in her bed?" he snapped quietly.
"Why?" Ash whined, not bothering to answer why he is in my bed.
Mika sighed. "I dont want you playing with her emotions."
"I promise, I wont. And sissy still has her clothes on."
Mika glared. "Get back downstairs."
"I'm starving." I said and got up. Mika's eyes widened.
Ash rolled his eyes. "Relax, she was like that when I came up here."
I grabbed my purfume and sprayed Mika with it. "You smell like fish." I muttered. "Can you two get out of my room now? My stomch is cold."
Ash and Mika left and I closed the door softly. I yawned and turned the light off, then climbed in bed.

Robbie and Malinda were in my room when I woke up. I dont know why I was in such a good mood. But I was still mad at them. My ribs didnt hurt that much and when I went downstairs, I giggled. Mika and Ash were passed out on the couch together. I went into the kitchen with my hightops hanging over my shoulder.
"Hi, sunshine." dad said.
I kissed his cheek. "Hi, daddy." I said and sat at the table. I picked off all the sausage and bacon off my plate and threw it at Robbie. He caught it in his mouth. It was fun to do that, but I was still pissed off. "Daddy, do I have to work today?" I asked.
"No, I told you yesterday, you have the whole month off. So does your brother. By the way, what was going on in your room last night? I heard Mika snapping at Ash and Ash being quiet for once."
"Umm, I dont know." I said.
"Where you going today?" he asked. Mika and Ash came into the kitchen and they were fighting still.
"Robbie and Malinda are taking me to Cali." I said, jokingly.
Malinda shook her head. "Am not."
I picked up a handful of scrambled eggs and threw it at her. "Slut, why do you have to take everything so seariously?" I asked. Mika and Ash stopped and stared at me, wide eyed. "Why the hell are you two staring at me?" i snapped.
"Your languige, you've never used that word before." Mika said.
"Its sexy." Ash said.
I giggled and they went back to fighting. I sighed then pulled Ash out to the living room. "I'm going to get coffee." I yelled over my shoulder. I had Ash sit on the couch. "Why?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I dunno. Where you going?" he asked.
"Coffee." I murmmered.
"Can I come?" he asked raking a hand through his unruley black hair.
"You kind of need clothes on to go to a public place."
He chuckled. "I have clothes around here somewhere."
"I'll be back later."
"Can we make out when you get back?" he asked.
I nodded then walked out the door. I got in my mustang and sped to starbucks to get coffee. Then I went to see Tatiiana. "So, you and my brother. I love it! How late were you up last night?" she asked.
"I dunno. Ash wouldnt go away until Mika came in and snapped at Ash for being in there."
"God, your brother is a sexy beast. I pictured he was on top of me insted of Naulan last night."
I giggled. "I have to get home. I'll see you tomarrow." I said then left. I went to the store and got some pain killers for my head then went home. Ash was sleeping so I went into the kitchen. Dad was cleaning up the eggs I threw. "Here you go, daddy." I said handing him half of my coffee.
I went to the pantree and got the peanut butter out and went to get a spoon. "You going to your room?" he asked.
"Yah." I said. He grinned. "Why are you grinning?" I asked.
"Just cause."
I rolled my eyes then went up to my room. A husky puppy was sleeping on my bed. A very georgous husky puppy. It had a pink bow around its neck. It looked up at me and wagged its tiny tail. I put the peanut butter on my dresser then picked the puppy up. It licked my face and I scratched it behind the ear. Mika came in with an identical puppy. "Did it suprise you too?" he asked. I nodded. Mika and I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Dad looked at us and smiled
"Look at that little face." I said then kissed the puppy's head.
"Most animals are not adorable. But this is adorable." Mika said.
"They're both girls." dad said.
Mika glared. "Why?"
"We dont want tinyer puppies running around. And your sister and mother cant stand male dogs."
I smiled and scratched the puppy's ear again. Mika did the same. "Oh well, I'll name you Kayla."
I punched his arm. "Not fair. I'll call her umm Peanut butter."
They chuckled. "You and your peanut butter." Mika said. "I'm gonna go call Kaysee."
"I love you, dad!" I said then went to my room. I was reading a book and eating peanut butter while the puppy was sleeping when Ash came in. I looked up and smiled. He sat on my bed and smiled. He was still only in his boxers.
He took the spoon from me and ate some peanut butter. "Whatcha doing?" he asked.
"Reading Shakesphear."
He chuckled. "I dont know who that is." he said. I shrugged. He layed down and put his head in my lap. "You're being very boring right now."
"I'm sorry, I'm tired." I said.
My puppy jumped on Ash's stomch then walked up to me. I picked the puppy up and kissed its head. "That is a tiny puppy." he said. I brushed my thumb across his cheek. I put the puppy on my bed and it layed down and went to sleep again. "My pit itches."
"So itch it."
He raised an eye brow. I turned my tv on and changed the channnel to Spongbob. He took my hand and pressed it to his lips, then slowly made his way up to my lips. His hand cupped the back of my head and his other hand was tangled in my hair. One of my hands rested on the small of his back and my other hand had fingers dug into his shoulder. His lips parted and he slipped his toung in my mouth.
My heart pounded in my cheast and his was doing its best to beat out of his cheast. He pulled my hair and I pulled away and yelped. "Sorry." he panted. "My fingers were stuck."
I giggled then bit my lip.
"I love you!" he murmmered.
"I love you too!" I murmmered.
He smiled then kissed my forehead. "You so beautiful." he sung.
I giggled. "You're a weirdo."
"Why, thank you." he said. "You so dangerous."
"Stop it," I said giggling.
He layed me down smiling and brushed my hair from my eyes. "So damn beautiful." he said then kissed me lightly. "I'll see you at dinner." he murmmered.
"Oh, where are you going?" I asked, pouting.
He smiled. "I dont want to ruin this. So, I'm gonna go control myself then your brother and I are going to hang out in the bad side of town."
I bit my lip as he hovered over me. "Kay."
He kissed my lips one more time. "I'll be back." he said then left. Then the head cheerleader from school was calling me.
"Hello?" I asked hoarsly.
We hang out alot. I helped her get over her dad dying. "Hey, babe, I havnt seen you all summer, you should come to the party I'm having tonight."
I smiled. "Maybe."
She giggled then we hung up. I grabbed the spoon from the peanut butter jar and ate more peanut butter.
A little while later, Peanut curled up next to me and we went to sleep.

Chapter four

Someone gently shook me awake. "Makayla, honey, are you hungry?" mom asked.
"Yah." I murmmered and sat up. I got up and threw an arm around her. She helped me down to the kitchen and sat me in a chair. Mika and Ash stared at me with concern in their eyes. I took my shoes off and hurled them at them. "I'm not gonna get up and dance for you if thats what you're waiting for." I snapped.
"Mom, whats wrong with her?" Mika said blankly.
"She doesnt feel good. She has a fever."
I started jumping in my seat. Then I ran to the bathroom and puked. Ash rushed after me and held my hair for me while I puked. When I stood up I almost fell. He caught me and picked me up off the ground. He took me up to my bedroom. He cover me up then kissed my forehead. Peanut crawled under the blankets and layed on my shoulder. Ash brushed my hair out of my eyes and smiled.
"I'll come check on you later." he murmmered then turned my light off. I closed my eyes and he left.

In the morning I felt much better. I called Robbie and we talked for awhile. "Makayla, I'm sorry." he said as I ran down the stairs.
"No worrys, Rob." I said and switched to the other ear. Ash and Mika looked up at me. They were wrestling. "In fact, we should go to the movies." I siad sitting on the couch.
He sounded confused. "Why?" he asked.
"I dunno. Umm, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Going tanning with Malinda."
I rolled my eyes and clenched my fist. "Great, I got to go. My cousin is on tv." I muttered and hung up. I tossed my phone on the floor and looked at Mika. "iPod." I ordered.
He got up and grabbed his iPod off the tv table and tossed it to me. Megan came down the stairs and ran to grab my phone. "Meg, put it down." Mika ordered.
Megan ran into the kitchen. "Just my day." I muttered and got up. I went into the kitchen and grabbed it out of her tiny hands. "Little bitch, keep your hands off my stuff." I yelled.
She pouted then kicked my leg. "Fuck off, bitch." she yelled back.
Mom came in and grabbed her hand. "Megan, dont talk to your sister like that." mom snapped and took her out of the kitchen. I went back into the living room and layed on the couch. Ash and Mika went back to wrestling. Kayla and Peanut came down the stairs and ran into Ash and Mika.
Mika took them into the kitchen to feed them and Ash crawled over to me. I took the buds out. "What ya listening to?" he asked.
"Do it like a dude."
He chuckled then got searious. "Whats wrong?" he asked.
I put my hand on his cheek and brushed my thumb across his cheek. "Nothin."
He put his hand on my arm then pressed his lips to mine. Someone sighed then said, "Are we gonna wrestle or am I gonna watch you suck my sister's face." Mika asked.
Ash pulled away. "You can watch me suck your sister's face." Ash said smiling. I glared at him. "Na, lets do this." he said then they wrestled again.
I got up and grabbed the laptop off the coffee table. I sat down and opened it to find it on porn. I looked up and glared at Ash and Mika. I clicked off the porn and went on facebook. As usual I had a bunch of notifacations, messages, and friend requests. I took Mika's earphones out of his iPod and listened to music on youtube.
When they were done and gone and I was the only one home I turned the stereo on and listened to music. I danced too. I dont like dancing when my family is home. Well, Mika is the only one I trust. He says I'm really good and I should be a professional. But I always get embarassed in front of real people that are mean. Mika isn't a people, neither of us are. We consider ourselves sexy aliens from the planet mars.
Ash came through the door and I stopped and whipped the smile from my face. He chuckled then pulled me into his amrs. "Mika and I were watching you through the window." he said. I glared at him and he chuckled again. "You're really good. Especially with that butt."
I punched his shoulder. "Not funny." I snapped. His hands lazily slipped down to the small of my back.
He pecked my lips. "You're right not funny. Umm, Mika went to Kaysee's you should come hang out with me."
"I want to stay here."
He pursed his lips. "We'll stay here if you dance for me."
"Then lets go." he said pulling me to the door.
I pushed him away from me. "Or we can go up to my room and..."
"No." he snapped before I had a chance to finish. "I wont do that, virgin. You're only sixteen."
"And you're not?" I snapped.
He frowned. "Makayla, I've had sex twenty times since Tatiana made me get checked. If I have something I dont want to give it to you. And I dont want to loose my girlfriend or my bestfriend." he yelled.
He called me his girlfriend. I glared at him. "Dont yell at me." I yelled back.
He stopped and got an appologizing look on his face. "I'm sorry." he said sincearily.
A tear fell from my eye and he whipped it away then put his arms around me. "You're an ass."
"I'm gonna go get checked just for you, tomarrow, or when I get around to it. You're in a very bad mood today. Do you wanna get your belly button peirced?" he asked.
"No. Why cant I stay home?"
"We can, I'll peirce it."
"Noooo." I said quickly.
He looked at me confused. "Why not?" he asked.
"Cause you might kill me." I murmmered.
He chuckled. "You and your brother have major trust issues. I peirced your brother's eyebrow."
I shuddered. I hated Mika's eyebrow peircing. It annoyed me and I wished he only had his lip peirced. He has his eyebrow and his lip peirced. "I dont want my bellybutton peirced, though."
"Nipple?" he asked. I glared and he chuckled. "Eyebrow?" I shook my head. "Nose?" I shook my head. "Lip?" I nodded. He chuckled. "You know that hurts really bad?"
I shrugged.
"Right, I forgot you were Mika's sister. No pain."
"What?" I asked.
"Right, you're not gothy. Why your lip?" he asked. I shrugged. "Ok, you got a needle?"
I pushed away from him and went to get the needle from the table in the living room. Then we went into the kitchen and he peirced my lip.
"Sit still." he ordered and dug his elbows into my theighs.
"Owe, stop it." I snapped and kicked his knee.
He winced then stuck the needle through my lip. My eyes burned and I kicked him again. "Owe, why are you kicking me?" he asked and yanked the needle out of my flesh. "All done." he put his arms around me. "You're tall sitting up there he said and put his head in my lap. I was sitting on the table.
"You're... an.... Ass." I murmmered.
He chuckled then sat up straight. I leaned down and kissed him. His hands slid down to my hips and then he pulled me onto his lap. I felt his heart quicken beneath my fingers then he pulled away.
"No." I whined.
My ex step dad came into the kitchen. "Hey, kiddo, where is your mother?" he asked. I looked at him with hateful eyes. I made him terrified of me. He flinched.
"The hell if I know. Either with dad or at the salon."
He nodded then left.

Chapter five

"Makayla," Mika and Ash sung then burst into my room. They were both drunk.
"He's clean." Mika slurred. Peanut barked at them then jumped up. I grabbed her before she could run after them. I've only had her for a few weeks and she is my best friend. She growled at them.
"The doctor lied to me." Ash plopped on my bed. The doctor said that Ash had an std. I knew he read the test wrong. I can read doctor's tests. Dad taught them to me about three months ago. I closed my book and let Peanut go. She whimpered then curled up next to my theigh. "Can I touch you now?" he asked.
"No." I said smacking his hand away. He sat up then kissed my lips lightly. "Eww, gross." I said pushing him away from me. He chuckled then him and Mika kissed. I broke down laughing and mom came to see what I was laughing about.
She gasped and pulled them away from each other. "What are you two doing?" she snapped.
"I'm kissing Kaysee." Mika slurred.
"I'm kissing Makayla." Ash slurred then they went back to kissing. I started laughing again and mom came to sit by me.
"They're drunk, mom." I said. "They wont remember anything."
"Of coarse Ash'll think he is kissing you, Mikers is your twin. What are you doing up?" she asked.
"I was worried about Mika and Ash."
"Ahh, I'm gonna go back to bed. See you in the morning." she said then left closing the door behind her. I looked at Mika and Ash again and broke down laughing. They pulled away from each other and gaped at me.
"What the hell?" they said and pushed each other into the wall. Ash fell and passed out. Mika slurred a curse then he fell and passed out.
I grabbed my iPod and listened to Kiss the rain. I turned my light off then layed down. Peanut layed on my arm and went to sleep. I eventually fell asleep.
I woke up and didnt notice the boys on the floor and tripped over them. Mika just grunted. Ash opened his eyes then helped me up. He was confused but didnt ask until his head stopped pounding. "Ok, so I know we were in here before we passed out. What happened?" he asked.
"Umm, you and him came in here all drunk and talked to me."
He raised his eyebrows. "About what?" he asked.
"Taking me to see the hunger games today." I said smiling.
He chuckled. "Great, we have to be stuck in some chick flick."
I rolled my eyes and couldnt beleive that actually worked. "Its not a chick flick. Its a action thingy."
Ash kicked Mika. Mika grunted then jumped up. "What?" he snapped.
"We told Makayla we'd take her to the movies today."
"When did we say that?" he asked holding his head.
"Last night. Why do I taste years of pain and sorrow?"
I bit my cheeks to keep from laughing. "Why do I taste bad boy?" Mika asked. "Makayla? Did Ash and I..."
"What?" I asked when he hesitated.
He closed his eyes and stuttered. "K k kiss?" he asked scratching the back of his head. Ash closed his eyes and put his head on my shoulder. I hesitated, trying to think if I should tell them the truth. I just shrugged.
"I fell asleep."
I smiled at them and they laughed. Ash looked at Mika suprised. Mika stopped and scratched the back of his head. "I dont think goth is working out to well for you, buddy." Ash said.
"Yah, I think I dont like it. I love laughing. It makes Makayla happy."
Ash placed a big hand on my back. "I love seeing Makayla happy."
"Ok, now both of you get out. I need to get dressed."
They chuckled then let me push them out of my room. I went to my closet and took out a black silky dress then took out black stilettos from under my bed. I went down to the bathroom and took a shower.
When I got out and dried myself off I put the dress on then went to get my leggings from the laundry room. I put them on then slipped my feet into the heels. I dried my hair then braided it and curled the loose strans of hair.
When I was done I went into the kitchen and dad put a plate of food in front of me. He gasped and smiled. He sat next to me and said, "You're wearing it. Where are you going?"
"Ash and Mika are taking me to the movies then I'm going to dance with Rocel."
His eyes hardened. "You're in touch with your older brother?" he asked.
"Rocel loves me. He talks about you and mom alot. He misses you too."
He smiled then got up. After breakfest Ash and Mika argued with me. I took off a heel and threatened them with it.
"You two promised." I lied. I'm amazing.
"Why cant you go by yourself or with Robbie?" Mika asked.
"I'm not speaking to Robbie and I cant go by myself because that screams loaner." I whined. I sighed then grabbed my car keys. "Fine, we are now not speaking." I said then went out to my mustang. They came out and I drove away before they could do anything. I found a twenty in my glovebox then went into the movies. And I saw my two so called friends.
I sighed then took giant monster steps to the theaeter. After the movie I went to see Rocel. "Makayla, my dear, how are you?" he asked as I entered his resturant. A tear fell from my eye and he whipped it away.
"Will you come home with me tonight?" I asked.
He grimaced. "Why?" he asked.
"Because, mom and dad miss you." I murmmered and tears fell.
He put his hand on my cheek and made me sit down. "I'll come home for the night." he said whipping my tears. "Just let me close up here then we'll go home." he got up and went to grab his keys. Then we took my car home. Mom broke into tears when she saw Rocel and Rocel let her hug him.
I smiled then went up to my room. I grabbed Peanut and took her downstairs and into the kitchen. Mika and Ash were in there. I ignored them while I put food in the doggy dishes. Peanut sleepily leaned against my leg then woke right up when I put her in front of her dish. "Rocel!" Mika exclaimed. My phone vibrated and I answered it.
"What?" I snapped.
"Makayla, we can explain." Malinda said.
I sighed then stood up. "Leave me alone. When you decide to be real friends, call me." I said then hung up. I took off my heels and threw them under the table. I went up to my room and layed down. I didnt know why this was such a big deal.
My so called friends want to be friends then so be it. There was a tap on my door and Rocel came in and sat on my bed. I sat up and fiddled with my fingers. "Whats wrong?" he asked.
I shrugged. "My twin and my boyfriend are gay and my besties are intamate." I muttered.
He chuckled. "Maka, I'll be your bestie." he said. "And your brother and your boyfriend arn't gay, they're a bunch of drunken idiots."
I giggled. "I'm gonna move to a medow and hide in the long grass." I said then layed on my side. He put a blanket over me then sung my lulliby. I drifted when he was done.

When I woke up I heard Mika, Ash, and Rocel talking. "What are you doing to her, Mikers?" Rocel asked.
"Nothing, its this idiot."
"Well, what is he doing to her?"
"Hmm, I dont know. Lets ask him. Ash, what are you doing to our Makayla."
Ash chuckled. "Nothing, yet." Ash said with a selfassured tone. I fought back the urge to tell him he had his hands on my brother's ass last nigh or the night before.
"You two need to be more careful with her. And I see her lip has a ring in it. Explain why my baby sister has a needle in her lip."
"That wasnt my fault." Mika said and put his feet on my bed.
Ash chuckled. "Yah, umm definatly my fault. She didnt want to be a good girl so I had to do something."
"She never wants to be a good girl thats why she doesnt want a boyfriend." Rocel said. "So, what have you been doing to her? And dont say nothing, the look on her face was just horrifying."
"You would say that,Rocel. Preciouse, wake up." Mika said shaking me gently.
"Mmm." I groaned. I didnt want to get up. They were in my room and I was tired. "My ribs hurt." I murmmered into my pillow.
Someone patted my back. "What happened to her ribs?" Rocel asked.
"An idiot managed to break em." Mika said. I got up and stumbled out of my dark room with Ash on my flanks.
He came into the bathroom with me and I sat on the sink and he pressed his lips to mine. I clung to him fisting my hands in the front of his hoodie. He pulled away and chuckled. "You had your hands all over my brother the other night." I said clinging to him. His arms pushed me into him.
"Like this?" he asked and a hand slid down to my butt. The other came around to touch my breasts.
"Yah." I said and my hands slid beneath his shirt. I dug my fingers into his back. He smiled and pulled me closer.
"Never close enough." he said against my neck. I put my legs on his sides and pressed closer to him. He chuckled against my neck. "I love you!" he murmmered.
"Love you too!" I said putting my arms around his neck.
Someone tapped on the door. "Come on, Makayla. I have to pee." Megan said. I sighed then he picked me up and took me back to my room. I flipped Megan off on the way by. She pouted then started crying. I giggled then put my head on his shoulder.
He set me on my bed then sat by Mika. "And why are you three in here?" I asked and turned the light on.
Rocel shrugged.

Chapter six

"Ash, let go. I need to get to work." I said giggling.
He chuckled then kissed my neck. "I want to come." he said between kisses.
"You cant be annoying like your sister." I murmmered pushing him away from me. He rolled over and Peanut yealped.
He rolled back over and snatched me in his arms before I could get out of bed. I was fully clothed. He just came in here around mid night last night then refused to leave. "Not me. I would never." he said trapping me. There was a soft tap on my door then Megan came in.
"Ok, what is up with this family?" I snapped. "You knock then just stroll on in like you live here."
Ash chuckled then rolled on top of me. Megan sighed then jumped on my bed. "Mommy said the salon was closed today. Roger said that the resturant is closed."
"Ok, get out." I snapped at her. She pouted then left. I reached up and kissed Ash with passion and desire. His lips parted then he slipped his toung in my mouth. I pulled away then his lips kissed my neck. I sighed then relized he was taking off my shorts.
He pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes. "Can I paint your toe nails purple?" he asked then he pulled my shorts back on.
I laughed then said, "Sure."
He chuckled then rolled off me. I grabbed the purple polish from my night stand and handed it to him. I sat up and turned to face him. He put my foot on his theigh then painted, very carefully. "There," he said when he was done. "now your toenails are sexy. Not that they were sexy before."
I rolled my eyes then got up. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap. He lightly kissed my neck. "I cant stay in bed all day, Ash." I murmmered.
"Yes you can." he murmmered against my neck.
I rolled my eyes. "No."
"Yes, virgin."
I sighed then pryed his arms from my waist. "Out." I ordered. He pouted. "Out." I snapped. He sighed then got up raking a hand through his hair. He hesitated at the door, he looked back and his eyes opened wide. He wasnt staring at me, he was staring at my window. I turned around and jumped.
Robbie was staring at me. I looked at Ash and got a begging look on my face. He nodded then plopped on my bed. I went to the window and opened it. Robbie framed my face then pressed his lips to mine. I was trying to pull away and slap him. But struggling with Rob was useless. Ash jumped up and pryed Robbie's hands from my face and Robbie shook my wet hair.
"Hey, sexy thang." Rob said to me. I whipped my mouth then spit at Robbie.
"Are you an idiot? Oh wait nevermind, why am I asking that?" I asked. Ash hovered close but didnt do anything unless I said so.
"Umm, duh, I missed you." he muttered. He raked a hand through his black hair. "Seeing you hang out with your brother and his friend all the time is annoying. You should start hanging out with me again. Malinda moved to Italy."
I ran a hand through my unruley black hair then glared at him. "Rob, you cant just kiss me. I have a boyfriend."
"You do?" he asked.
I nodded. "And he tells me EveryThing."
Ash chuckled. "My pit itches." he murmmered in my ear then kissed my shoulder.
"So itch it." I muttered.
Robbie rolled his light green eyes then came in my window. He slipped his arms around my waist and hugged me close. I put my arms around his neck and pulled his hair. "Owe" he snapped then drew away from me. "Damn, girl, you got a temper."Please?" he asked. "I dont like hanging out with other people." he said quikly. I had a weird feeling when he said that.
"I'll call you later." I murmmered.
He smiled then flipped his hair back. "Yah, its kind of raining and I locked myself out of my house. Can I use your shower?" he asked. I nodded then closed my window. He grabbed a pair of my sweats then went to take a shower. I slipped into my bed and pulled the covers over my body.
Ash kissed my temple. "Mika and I are going to the bad part of town. Then I'm gonna go check on Tatiana." he said then turned my light off.
I rolled over and grabbed his boxers. He chuckled then leaned down and french kissed me. A few seconds or minutes later Mika said, "Come on, Ash, you can suck her face later."
Ash pulled away then chuckled. "I'll see you later, babe." he said then kissed the tip of my nose. I rolled over and closed my eyes.
"Bye bye." I mummbled groggily then they closed my door. Two minutes later I heard fighting. Robbie and Ash. I jumped up and sat at the top of the stairs.
"No, you'll take advantage of her." Robbie shouted.
"Actually," Mika said. "Makayla is still a virgin. And he listens to her."
"I listen to her too." Robbie snapped. "Ive been listening to her for sixteen and a half years."
I stood up and went down stairs. "Just curiouse, why are you fighting?" I asked.
"They're fighting over you." Mika whispered.
"Mikers, arn't you and Ash leaving?" I asked.
He shrugged and his head went in a circle. "I dunno."
"Ash, baby?" I asked softly. He looked at me and smiled. I bit my lip and admired him for a few seconds. "Go beat up some thugs." I breathed.
He chuckled then came over to me and took me into his arms. "I have you breathless." he murmmered then kissed my lips three times. Robbie winced. "Te amo!" he said.
I giggled and stared at him suprised. "Te amo." I murmmered. Then they grabbed two guns then left. Robbie grinned a painful grin at me. I sighed then said, "I'm going to Hawii with my mom." I muttered. He pulled me over to the couch. He put an arm around me placing a big hand on my hip.
I sighed and glared at him. "Sorry." he murmmered and his hand slid lower.
"Robin Hawk, get your hand off of me." I snapped. His hand slid up to my side. I layed down on the couch then fell asleep.

I shivered then threw myself off the couch. I was having the worst dream. I had absolutly nothing and I died the worst way to die. Ash and Mika looked up from the floor, Robbie jumped up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, hey, hey, get your hand off my girlfriend." Ash said easily jumping to his feet. Robbie tighted his hold on me and I cringed in pain.
Mika jumped up and Ash and him tackled me and Rob. I screamed and dad came out and helped me. "Hey, what the hell are you three doing?" he snapped. I painfully leaned against him. All three looked up at us.
"He was touching her then he hurt her." Mika said.
Dad looked at me. "Go pack for Hawii." he said.
Mika glared. "What, she gets to go to Hawii?" he snapped.
"She needs it, Mika. Mom and her are gonna be back in a week or so. Then you and I'll go somewhere." dad said.
Mika got up and walked out the door. I grabbed Ash's hand and dragged him up to my room. I grabbed thirty of my bakinis out of my closet and tryed them on for Ash. "Baby, you're going to Hawii, why do you need to look hot?"
I sat on his lap and he put his hand on my side. "Cause, I dont want to look pour hot." I said.
"You look pour hot?" he asked. "All of these are like a million dollars."
"Fifty to a hundred." I murmmered.
"Take half of them." he murmmered against my neck. I put my hand under his chin and tilted his head up and kissed him. I pulled away and got up. I grabbed his sweatshirt off my bed and slipped it over my body.
I went to my closet and grabbed my suit cases. I threw about ten bakinis in it then went to get really cute clothes. I put a couple weeks worth in it then put my suit cases by my bed room door. He came up behind me and put his arms around me.
"I have an alchol problem." he murmmered.
"No you dont, you barely drink." I muttered.
"For you. Ask Mika. If I wasnt with you right now I would be drunker than anything."
I rolled my eyes and kicked my door closed. "Go have fun with Mika. I need to finish packing."
He grunted then pulled me into him. "Will you be ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Ok." he said then left.

Chapter seven

"No, Rogger, I promise, we'll be ok. Makayla is just a bit jittery because she is a yellow thing." mom said. My phone vibrated and I answered it.
"Did you know I'm in a yellow thingy?" I asked.
"I did." Mika said chuckling. "Are you ok?"
"Sure. Where is Ash?" I asked.
Mika sighed. "He says he is sleeping until you get back."
"Ok," I murmmered. "I got to go. Love ya, bro."
"Love ya too, sis." he said then I hung up. Mom smiled and put an arm around me.
She sighed and I put my head on her shoulder. "I love you, mom."
She froze. I havnt told her that I loved her since I was ten. A tear slipped down her cheek. I whipped it away and she said, "I love you too, baby."

We finally got to Hawii. Mom made me sleep through the flight because I wouldnt stop jumping in my seat. I was sitting on a bench waiting for mom to call dad and find me and her some food and a georgous boy sat by me. I glanced at him and he glanced back. I grabbed my phone out of my bra and called Ash. "Hello?" he asked groggily.
"Hey, baby." I said.
"Baby, your plane didnt crash. Thats a releif. I was worried."
I giggled. "If I died I would haunt you." I promised.
"Ooh, I would love that. So whats up?" he asked.
"I dunno. I'm bored." I said glancing around.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Waiting for mom."
He sounded like he was smiling. "Where did she go?"
"Call dad and find food." I said and found her. "Babe, I gotta go. I'll call you tomarrow."
"Kay, bye." he said.
"Bye." I murmmered then hung up. Mom came to me and handed me a chocolate muffin.
"I know you dont like the yellow things, but we need to take one."
I grunted then got up. Taxi's were annoying and I didnt like them at all. I wanted to murder them all. "Ok," I murmmered. We got in a taxi then went to a insainly fancy hotel.
Mom threw her bags on her bed and a boy from downstairs put mine on a bed. The taxi man hit on my mom and a bunch of boys my age offered to carry my stuff. They said I looked exauseted. But I was wide awake, so my mom told me to let one carry my stuff. If boys were gonna hit on my all week, I'll go insain.
I smiled at the boy. "Thank you." I said.
He smiled and flipped his hair. "Anytime, sweetheart. You should come to the beach later. I'm gonna take my little sisters." he said sounding self assured.
"Makayla, can I see your iPad?" mom asked.
"Umm, maybe." I said to the boy and got my iPad out of my bag.
"Cool." he said. "See you then."
"See ya." I said then he smiled and left.
I looked at mom and handed her my iPad. She smiled and I smiled back. "You wanna go surfing with Gale?" she asked. My cousin Gale and his mom moved to Hawii when his dad died in a plane crash. Uncle Jason drove planes. but the guy driving the plane was buzzed and made them crash. Gale went into a depression and his mom became a royal bitch.
His mom met someone and they both liked him and then all three of them moved to Hawii. Gale teaches people how to surf and his mom is a very tan life guard. Gale is pretty tan as well. I know its weird to find your cousin hot, but my mother's side is very georgous. Even the old people are georgous. They barely have any wrinkles and some people mistake them for twenty year olds.
"Yah." I said excitedly.
"Kay." she murmmered. I grabbed a really sexy purple bakini with white poka-dots.
"I'm gonna go soak first." I said then went into the bathroom. I gaped at the bathroom. It was huge. The bathtub was big enough to hold fifteen people. I started the water and took my clothes off. I got in the bath and dozed off. When I came around I drained the water and put my bakini on.
I grabbed a towle and dryed myself off. I walked out and rummaged through my bag. Someone put their tan hands over my eyes. I gasped. "You know, you've really grown up since the last time I saw you. Your hair is longer and your taller. Aunt Amanda says you have a boyfriend as well."
"Gale." I squealed and turned around and hugged him. He put his arms around me and hugged me.
"But you're still the adorable little girl I left in Cali." he said then took a step back. He was wearing swim trunks and jordans. He put a hand under my chin and tilted my head up. "Purple eyes, redish and pinkish lips. Lip ring?" he asked. "Who talked you in to this?" he asked.
"My boyfriend was keeping my mind off of something." I said.
"Makayla Chase." Gale said playfully hitting my shoulder.
I laughed. "Gale Hawthorn." I said then punched him playfully. His dad was mom's brother. Mom's maiden name is Hawthorn. He handed me his shirt and I slipped it over me.
"Amanda, we're leaving." Gale said to mom.
We went down to the beach and he demanded to know about my boyfriend. "He is a boy." I said.
"Well, duh. Who is he?" he demanded.
"Ash Mellark."
Gale glanced up and glared. "Why does our gene pool have to be so damn georgous?" he asked feircly. He looked down at me and smiled. "You ready to surf?" he asked. I nodded. We surfed then we went to a bar and he got me a martini. "Why are so many boys staring at you?" he asked.
I shrugged and giggled. A really tan girl came up and Gale smiled at her. "What are you doing?" she snapped at him. Before he could answer she went on. "I tell you I'm going to get you a water and you leave to hang out with a tramp,"
"Natacha, shut up, this is my cousin. My mom told me to come take her surfing because she was here and stuff."
"Why is she here?" she snapped.
Gale rolled his eyes. "Her boyfriend and her best friend are fighting over her."
Natacha glanced at me and gasped. "She is prettier than me. But not as tan."
"Quit being jelly, Natacha, she is my cousin."
Natacha stalked away with her arms crossed. I looked at Gale again. "Umm?"
"She is my girlfriend. She gets super jelouse when I hang around other girls. Come on, lets get you back to your hotel room." he said.
We went back to my hotel room and my mom and his mom and three men were gambling. The men were in their boxers and my mom and his mom were in their bra and underwear. I glared at her then went into the bathroom. My phone vibrated on the sink. Perfect timing. I picked it up. "Yah?" I asked.
"Hey, Makayla." Robbie and Ash said.
"What do you want?"
"Ooh fiesty. His highness and I are getting along and,"
"I'm not his highness, stupid hobo." Ash snapped.
"It sounds like you're getting along." I said.
Robbie went on ignoring what we said. "we have plan." said Robbie.
"And that is?" I snapped.
"Since we're both loyal to you and we both love you, umm we were thinking you sleep with both of us and see who you love." Robbie said.
"This was his plan, baby." Ash murmmered. "He wouldnt leave me alone until I agreed to it."
"Thats the worst plan ever." I shouted. "Are you two that dumb? I'm on vacation, leave me alone." I said then hung up. Tears streamed my cheeks. I was tired of them fighting over me. I wanted to murder them. Gale came in and frowned then hugged me.
"Come on, lets go make you more tan." he murmmered.
"I dont want to, Gale. You should go make your girl un-jelly."
"Half naked people are gambling in there, you dont want to see my mom when she gets naked. Come on, please. Its fun laying in the sun having boys hit on you. Natacha says so. I get jelly when she takes her top off and lays on her stomch and boys stare at her. She gets violent when girls hit on me so I usually go by myself. Please?"
"Fine." I murmmered.

We went down to the beach again and tanned. The sun felt good and it took my mind off the boys until someone stood in front of it. I opened my eyes and glanced up. The boy that carried my bags for me was standing there with two little girls. I glanced at Gale for a second and he was eyeing the boy with a stare that said I dare ya. I looked up at the boy again. "Hey, sweetheart." he greeted.
"Hey, random boy." I said.
He glanced at Gale and chuckled. "Oh, relax, Gale, so uptight all the time. I told you I wouldnt."
"I'm having a hard time beleiving you. You touched my girlfriend when I told you not to. Just so you know, he brother is bigger than I and her boyfriend is ummm,"
"Beyond words." I said happily.
"And her friend? Umm is pretty buff." Gale said.
"Well, relax, I wont touch her. She is really georgous. And judging by just you, I wouldnt mess around with her. Your gene pool is just scary beutiful."
"Alexander, since you're taken with my cousin, after she is done tanning will you take her back to her hotel room then take her to dinner?" Gale asked. "I have to work tonight."
"Umm, sure." Alexander said, his gaze lingering on my face. Gale patted my back lightly.
"I'll see you later, Makayla." he said then got up and walked away.

Later Alexander took his sisters home and I went to change. I put a short purple dress that was tight on the top, loose on the bottom. My mom had my heels and demanded to know where I needed black stilettos. I grabbed them from her when she wasnt looking. Then Alexander came in a tux and took me to a very fancy resturant that was outside. While we were eating he asked me lots of questions. "So you live in California?" he asked.
"Los Angeles." I said.
He chuckled. "And you have a brother, a boyfriend, and a best friend?" he asked.
"I do. They're a bunch of idiots." I said.
He chuckled. After dinner we walked around and talked. Then he took me back to my room. We stopped at my door and I said thank you then he nodded and leaned down and kissed me. I was suprised then taken by how his lips were. Then he slipped his toung in my mouth then I relized I shouldnt do that. I pulled away and relized he had picked me up and I was against a wall.
I sighed then said, "I'm so stupid." I murmmered. "Please, put me down."
"I'm sorry." he murmmered and put me down.
"Maybe we can hang tomarrow." I murmmered.
He smiled. "Yah, I'll show you Hawii." he murmmered. I pinched my lips together to keep from kissing him again. I went into my room and called Ash.
"Hey, baby." he mumbled groggily. I couldnt hide the guilt.
"I'm sorry, baby." I said and let the tears come down.
"Why, babe?" he asked awake and alert.
I whipped my cheeks. "The boy kissed me and I was caught up in the moment." I cried trying not to disturb mom. Then he hung up on me. I sunk to the floor and my heart swealled in pain as I cried. Mom came in and gasped.
"Baby, what's wrong?" she asked as she picked me up. God, am I that light? I weigh a hundred and twenty pounds. Though I eat like I'm three hundred pounds sometimes. I love food. If my mom can lift me then that's ok. I guess.
"The boy kissed me, moma." I said as she pulled back the covers on my bed and tucked me in. She sat on my bed and took my head. "And I was caught up in the moment."
She kissed my forehead. "Honey, people make mistakes. And knowing my son, he will slip up because of the anger and jelousy bubbling in him."
I giggled at her talking. It calms me.
"You ok, honey?" she asked.
I sighed. "Yah." I whispered. "I guess.
When she was fast asleep I called him. It went to his voicemail.
"Ash,"I whispered shakily. "I didnt mean to. Call me. Or dont. It wont happen again. I lo... Bye, baby." I hung up and called Mika.
"Makayla? It's one in the morning. What's wrong?" Mika asked groggily.
"I screwed up, Mika."
Suddenly awake, he asked, "How?"
"This guy kissed me and I got caught up." I said.
"He'll forgive you. Are you ok? Did the guy hurt you?"
"I'm fine, Mikers." I whispered.
A door slammed opened. "Mika, get off the phone. Let's go." Ash yelled.
"I gotta go, sissy. Be careful. Lov..." He hung up. Or Ash did.

Chapter eight

Alexander and Gale kept my mind off Ash during the week. Gale and I surfed, drank margreatas and martinis, swam in the ocean, and water skied. Alexander and I ignored the fact that we kissed and hung out around. When mom and I got on the plane I felt like crying. Mom gave me a sleeping pill and I slept through the flight. Then I slept in the cab too. Mom woke me up about a block from our house.
When we pulled up in front of home, I got out and grabbed my bags then went inside and ignored everyone except Peanut. Peanut and I curled up and went to sleep.

Later I went downstairs grabbed ice cream and Snow White: A Deadly Summer, then started back up to my room. Mika and Ash were watching me carefully and it made me slip a few times. "You're really tan." Mika commented then punched Ash. I saw it through the corner of my eye.
I turned around then smiled a faint smile at him. "Wasnt that the whole point of Hawii?" I asked. My voice sounded weird, not like my own, crackily and hoarse.
Mika got up and came over to me. "He isn't mad at you." he murmmered under his breath. I clamped my teeth together then my knees collapsed. Mika grabbed me and pulled me up. "You know, you need a spoon to eat ice cream." he said then pulled my over to the couch. He put me by Ash. He took the ice cream and the movie. "You two are going to talk and make up or I'm gonna piss in both of your chereos. Literaly!"
Mika went into the kitchen. I layed down and pulled my legs to my cheast. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. I struggled at first then just relaxed into him. His hand rubbed my side lightly and I started dozing. His deep voice startled me. "Baby, I'm not mad." he murmmered into my hair.
"Mmm, yes you are." I argued groggily. He rubbed my side again.
He let out a soft sigh. "Mmm, no."
I opened my eyes and looked up at him.
"Why would I be mad?" he asked. "I slipped up after you told me." he murmmered.
I raised an eye brow. "Slipped up how?" I demanded.
He breathed in a deep breath. "I kissed Kaysee." he whispered so quietly I almost didnt catch it.
"Kay." I murmmered then let me eyes slip close. He put a pillow on his lap then made me lay on the pillow. Mika came out and covered me with a blanket.
"I'm going to see my girlfriend." he said then grabbed his sweatshirt and left. Ash slipped his hand in the back of my shirt and traced idle patterns on my back. I brought my hand up and slipped it in his shirt then began tracing his abes.
I opened my eyes then Robbie came through the door like he lived here. "Oh, good you're home." he said plopping next to Ash. "Soo?" he asked.
"Could you be any louder?" Ash asked.
"Yah." Robbie shouted.
Ash punched Robbie. "Shut up, shit for brains."
"Makayla, you look like a super model. But not the starving kind. The really sexy tan kind." Robbie said then flipped his hair. Robbie glanced at my hand tracing Ash's abes and got a painful look on his face. I hooked my hand on Ash's pants then Robbie went on bugging me. "Did you at least think about it?" he asked.
"I did and I told you its the worst plan in the world."
"I agree, virgin." Ash murmmered.
"Then why did you agree with Rob?" I snapped. He shrugged.
"I told you, he wouldnt leave me alone." he whispered.
I rolled my eyes. "I love you both!" I murmmered.
"Thats why you need to sleep with us." Robbie said.
"What kind of girl would that make me?" I insisted.
"A girl that is better than most girls." Robbie said.
I sat up then sat on Ash's lap. I looked Robbie in the eyes. "Come here, Robbie." I said seductivly. He leaned forward and I slapped him. "You idiot, that is still the stupidest plan ever. Ash chuckled and took his hand out of my shirt and slid his hand up my back then tangled his fingers in my hair.
Robbie rubbed his cheek then flipped his black hair. "Damn it, not givin up." he said then put his feet on the coffee table.
I bit my lip and thought of something. "No, Rob, it'll be the same answer, unless, you two make out."
Ash sat up straight and grunted. "I only make out with your brother, and thats only when we're drunk and I think I'm kissing you." he said tugging lightly on my hair.
"You want something from me, I get something from you." I said softly.
They sighed. "Makayla, I think Ash and I should get to know each other before we smooch." Robbie said then turned to Ash. "Will you go on a date with me?" he asked.
Ash looked at me and fisted his hand in my hair. I gave him a look that said do it and I kill ya. He sighed then unfisted his hand. "He would love to." I said smiling. "My kitchen tonight at midnight. Make sure your wearing something niceeeee."
Robbie smiled then grabbed Ash's hand. "Until tonight, my dear." he said then kissed his hand. Ash kicked Robbie's leg and Robbie backed off. "I'll see you later, Makayla." he said then smiled and left.
Ash glared at me then opened his mouth to say something but I kissed him before he could.

I quietly went into Mika's room and grabbed his dress clothes. Mika grunted, rolled over and grabbed his pillow and put it under his head. I went back in my room and threw them at Ash. Ash glared and I leaned down and kissed him. "Dont complain, you get me whenever you want when this is over."
"But you're going to sleep with Robbie as well."
"Yes. Its a compettion now. Robbie'll come in with a bang, then I'll blow your mind." he said.
"Get dressed, you have a date. And if you blow my mind, you'll be my boyfriend." I said and shrugged.
He stripped then said, "I didnt think of that." he murmmered then got dressed. "Your brother's clothes are tight."
"Sorry. You wanna wear my clothes?" I asked.
"Umm, nah, I'm ok. That would cut all curculation off from the waist down."
I sighed. "You and Robin need to be quiet, and dont complain about the food and stuff."
"I promise, babe." he said and I pulled him downstairs. "You know, high tops look great with your brother's dress clothes."
I nodded and made him sit at the table then went to unlock the door. I went back in the kitchen and dimmed the lights and lit a candle. We laughed quietly and he pulled me on his lap.
"Sexy waitrress." he murmmered. I nodded then kissed him.
I giggled. "You have to notice Robbie, not me. I'll make him slap you then walk away like a girl."
"He is the girl. Is he wearing a dress?" he asked.
I took my phone out of my boot and showed him a picture of Robbie in a dress. "Yes. I made him wear one. He promised."
Robbie came in and twirled. "Dont I look pretty?" he asked.
We laughed and I nodded. "Georgous, Rob. Ash, what do you thing about your date?" I asked and got up from his lap.
"Thats cute." Ash said then sighed.
"Ash, be nice." I said throwing a french fry at his head. Robbie sat down and smiled at Ash.
"Hey, what are you staring at?" Ash asked.
"Your beautiful silver eyes." Robbie said sighing happily.
Ash looked so happy right there. He glared at Robbie then softened his face. "You are very pretty." Ash said really fast.
Robbie put his hands on his cheast. "Thank you, you're very flattering." he said. I was very intertained here. Pinching my lips together I put tv dinners in front of them.
The night went on and I had to bite my lips to keep from laughing my ass off. When they were done they went up to my room while I cleaned up. I went up their and changed my clothes into pajamas. I sat on my bed and looked at them. "Whenever you're ready." I said.
"I dont want to cheat on Mika." Ash said.
"Who is Mika?" Robbie asked putting his hands on his hips.
"My boyfriend." Ash said chuckling lightly.
Mika came in and sat on my bed. "What are we doing?" he asked groggily. "And why does Ash have my clothes on and why does Robbie have a dress on?"
"They're gonna make out." I said.
He gasped. "Ash, bad, bad boy. So when is this happenin?"
Ash rolled his eyes then sat on my dresser. "Can we get this over with?" Ash said.
Robbie shrugged then walked over to him. Ash put his arms around Robbie's neack and Robbie put his hands on Ash's sides. Ash leaned down and kissed him. "Wait, wait, wait, no, no, no." I said. They pulled away from each other and looked at me. "Where is the passion?" I asked. "And dont forget the tounge." I said
They glared then kissed with toung and passion. Mika chuckled then said, "That looks great." he said sarcastically.
I giggled. "Yah, its adorable."
"Why are thay doing this?" he asked.
"They want something from me, and I want something from them." I said. "Plain and simple."
Mika chuckled then yawned. "Night, virgin." he said taking one last glance at the boys, who were all over each other now, then left.
"Night, Mikers." I said then he closed my door. They kissed until I told them to stop. Ash went downstairs and brushed his teeth and washed his mouth out. Robbie spit out the window then when Ash got back he literally used most of my mouth wash. Robbie stripped then climbed into my bed.
"I'm going to bed, babe." he mumbled tiredly.
I crawled on the bed and kissed him. "Night, baby." I said softly.
"Night, babe." he mumbled. I stood up and looked at Rob. "Dont get that look. You are not getting MY GIRLFRIEND tonight." he snapped.
"Of coarse not. You get her first."
"I do not. We agreed to you going first in a week."
"Do I get any say in this?" I asked.
They looked at me. "Oh, yah, sure." they said together.
"How about, umm, Robbie goes first, tomarrow night. Then a few nights later, Ash. Its simple. We will get this little compettion over." I snapped. "Robbie, couch is downstairs, you can keep the dress."
He nodded then went downstairs. I turned my light off then climbed in bed. Ash slipped his arms around my waist. "I'm gonna bang you so hard you're gonna cry."
I kissed him lightly. "Why am I doing this?" I whimpered.
He kissed my cheek. "If you dont want to do him first, it can be our little secret and then we'll just fuck after him."
"Ugh. No. The walls arn't sound proof and Robbie is probably listening now. Watch." I said then got up and opened my door. Robbie tumbled down.
"Ugh. Fuck off, Ash. Love you, Maka." Robbie said then got up and kissed my cheek. He walked down the stairs and I closed my door and locked it. I crawled in bed and straddled his waist.
"I love you, Ash." I said then kissed him.
"I love you too, baby." he said. We fell asleep like that.

Chapter nine

Robbie intertwined our fingers and I hid my face from the tv. "Its not going to eat you. I promise." he murmmered and his hand slipped down my waist. "Can we go do this now?" he asked.
"No, I need to take a shower."
He got a confused look on his face. "Why?"
"I didnt shower yesterday or today." I murmmered.
He sighed. "Procrasitnating. Is it because Ash is here?" he asked.
I sighed then got up. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I let a few tears slip down my cheeks before I got out and wrapped a towle around me then walked out and took Robbie up to my bedroom. "You're clean, right?" I asked and crawled in my blankets.
"Yes, you're on the pill, right?"
"Duh." I said.
He stared at me dumbstruck for a second then he took his clothes off. He crawled in my bed and kissed me.

I got up and put my skinny jeans on and my holter top then threw a shoe at Robbie. "Get your clothes and out." I snapped.
"Nah, I think I'll stay here." he said raking a hand through his messed up hair. I grabbed my high tops and put them on. I grabbed an addidas jacket then raked a brush through my hair. I went downstairs and grabbed my car keys. I went out to my car. I threw my jacket in the passenger side. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and answered it.
"Hello?" I asked shakily.
"Hey, Makayla. Whats wrong?" Alexander asked.
I put my head on the wheel and sighed. "Nothing." I murmmered.
"Why are you up at one in the morning?" he asked.
"I should ask you the same thing."
He chuckled. "I was hanging out with Gale and David and I though about you."
"Aww, I miss you, Alex." I said.
"I miss you too, Makayla. Gale and I are coming down to L.A next month to see you. After you left Gale and I had nothing to do."
I giggled and Ash got in the passenger seat of my car. "Ooh, I gotta go, I'm gonna go for a drive."
"Kay, bye."
"Bye." I said then hung up.
I put my phone in Ash's lap then put my buckle on. "Are you ok, baby?" he asked.
I looked at him and offered a faint smile. "Sure, babe." I murmmered. He put his buckle on.
"Whats wrong?" he asked and I started my car then pulled out of the drive way then sped down the street.
"Worst plan ever." I snapped. "I wasnt ready for that. I wish I could take it back." I said and a tear slipped down my cheek.
He put his hand on my back and rubbed my back. "From this moment on, you are a virgin still." he said kind of loudly then whipped the tear away. I stopped at a beach and he was confused.
I got out then went around and opened his door. "Wanna go swimming?" I asked.
He raised an eye brow and got out. "The water is probably freezing. Are you sure you want to freeze to death?"
I rolled my eyes. "We live in L.A. The water is most likey luke warm. I doubt I'd freeze to death."
"We dont have swim attire." he said. I closed the door then put my arms around his neck. "You dont need attire to go swimming." I murmmered.
He raised an eye brow again. "Skinny dipping in the moon light. Hmm, fun. I've only skinny dipped in the sun light."
I giggled and he put his hands on the small of my back. "Yah."
"You didnt sound like you were having to much fun over there. I kicked Robbie out of your room for you." he muttered in my ear.
I pulled away from him and took my shirt off. "I'll race ya." I said smiling and took my pants and other stuff off. He shrugged then took his clothes off. "Go." I said then took off running.
"Wait, what?" he asked then started running. He chuckled then grabbed me before I got to the water and pushed my behind him.
"Hey, thats not fair." I said giggling then ran in front of him again.
"Your legs are shorter than mine, how the hell are you doing that?" he asked as I splashed in the water.
"You're just slow, baby." he said then splased in the water. He put his arms around me. "I win."
"Yes you do."
We went swimming until a time and it was fun. And fun I mean sexy fun.
We went home and got diffrent clothes on. I changed into very short shorts and a blue tank top. He layed on the couch in just his boxers. "Come lay with me, babe." he said then raked a hand through his hair.
"I'm tired." I whispered.
"My body is comfirtable. Come on, we can watch a movie and do what couples do when they're not having intercourse."
"Cuddle?" I asked.
"Yah. Please?" he asked.
"What do you want to watch?" I asked.
"Gamer." he anwsered. I walked over to the movies and grabbed Gamer then put it in the dvd player and turned the tv on. I walked over to Ash and he scooted and patted the couch. "Dont be scared, baby. I wont push you off if I get tired." he whispered.
I layed down and he put his arms around me. "I'll kill you if you do." I muttered.
"I'll enjoy it." he whispered in my ear.
Robbie came out of the kitchen and glared at us. "What the hell?" he snapped. "Why is he here. Today is my day."
"That doesn't mean I can't cuddle with my girlfriend." Ash snapped.
"Its my day to sleep on the couch." Robbie snapped.
"I live here." Ash snapped.
"I basically do." Robbie snapped.
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up you two, people are sleeping." I snapped quietly. Someone knocked on my door. I groaned then got up and answered the door. I punched the mexican kid with great abes named Alejando in the face.
He put his hands on his face then said, "Mamamia, I'm goin home."
I pulled a dollor out of my bra and said, "Wait, here is a dollar before you go."
He grabbed the dollar then ran a few feet from my house and sniffed the dollar bill. Then he ran back to the box on the curb. Ash and Robbie started laughing their asses off then I closed the door and went back to lay with Ash. "He loves you." Ash said then pulled my butt closer to his croch. Mika came downstairs with his shoes in one hand and his sweats in the other.
He raised an eye brow at Ash and I then came over to the couch. "Adorable." he whispered and put his hand on my cheek. "Ash, unless you're butt fucking my sister, loosen that up." he whispered and put his sweats on then his high tops.
"Why are you sneaking out?" Ash asked.
"Mom grounded me for beating up Alejandro."
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Kaysee's house. I long for her to touch me." he anwsered.
I rolled my eyes and Ash punched Mika playfully in the balls. But he still grabbed his croch.
"Not what I meant, stupid. I meant like run her fingers up and down my abes." Mika said laughing. Ash put his chin on my shoulder and kissed my neck. His lips were cold. Mika pulled something out of his pocket and threw it at Ash. "I didnt plan on using it." he said then pulled his sweatshirt over him.
"Neither was I. Your sister was crying over just being with Robbie. Why would I do that to her?" he asked.
Mika gave him a look. "Cause you're Ash." he whispered
Ash shrugged then Mika left. Robbie got his clothes on. "No you can not cuddle with your girlfriend. Unless..."
"Robbie, shut up." I groaned. "Cant you go do something?" I asked as Ash's fingers slipped down my waist. Robbie glared.
"I think I'm gonna go sniff money with Alejandro." he said sounding a little hurt then he left. I grabbed the dvd remote and pressed play then tossed the remote on the floor. Ash pulled me into him and kissed my neck, feircly.
It was like he hadnt seen me in forever and he was longing for my touch. "Ash," I breathed. "stop, you're gonna give me a hicki."
He chuckled then kissed my cheek. "You've never had a hicki, have you?"
"No, and I dont want one." I murmmered.
"Ok, I might be a sex addict too." he mumbled and put his head on my arm. I rolled over and kissed him. "Your sex to be specific." he growled in my ear. I laughed.

Chapter ten

Ash, Tatiana, and I sit in my living room watching tv. Ash was kissing my neck and begging Tatiana to leave, but she wouldnt budge. I was ok with it though. Alexander, Gale, and Natacha were gonna be here in a hour or so. Peeta came in with Alejandro. "Makayla, do you know who this is?" he asked. "He was following me asking if I had bra money."
"Yah. Thats Alejandro. He comes to the door everynight and I punch him then give him a dollar."
He didnt look so confused anymore. "Ahh." he said then kicked him outside. "Ash, will you come home and get your ex out?" he asked.
Ash groaned. "I'm kind of busy here. What does she want? And who is it?"
"She wants you and its Tanya."
Ash groaned again. "I'll be back later." Ash said then kissed my lips lightly.
"Maybe you'll get lucky later."
"Wait, your on that thing you explained. Isn't that when you can get pregnant?" he asked.
"Oh, yah. You're not getting lucky." I said then kissed him again.
"I promise I'll be back. Later tonight. I'm gonna go find Mika after I get Tanay out."
I nodded then all four of them left. I got up and turned the tv off and the stereo on. Dancing seemed more fun than sittin and watching tv. But having people walk in on you dancing to Sexy can I, isn't to fun. I glared at Mika, Gale, Alexander, Natacha, and mom. I turned the stereo off and Mika clapped. "Wasnt the appropriatest dance I've ever seen, but whoo. That was amazing." he said clapping. Kayla and Peanut came out of the kitchen and tackled me. They licked my face until I pushed them off me.
"They're getting strong. I told your father to get a dog that wouldnt kill my baby." mom said and went into the kitchen. Mika helped me up then hugged me.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"My ass hurts." I said and they laughed. I went over to Gale and we hugged.
"Hey, cutie. I agree with your brother. That was really good, even though it was innapropriate." he said and I giggled.
I spun out of his arms. "All of you will die before you leave." I said and pointed at them.
My gaze landed on Alexander. He smiled. "You cut your hair." he said and came forward to grab my bangs.
"She did it by herself. She was discusted with herself a few weeks ago and she grabbed a pair of scissors and cut her hair. Mom layered it." Mika said and sat on the couch.
Alexander hugged me, resting long fingers on the small of my back. He drew back and Ash rushed through the door. "She has a gun." he yelled then ran behind me. "Save me, baby." he said breathless.
Mika laughed. "What did you do this time, dude?" he asked lighting a ciggerett.
"Mika Chase, get that thing out of your mouth." I snapped.
"I, uh, sort of said no thanks to Tanya and told her I'm with a babe and she pulled out her father's handgun." Ash said wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned into him and put my head on his shoulder. "Alejandro wants more bra money." he murmmered in my ear then kissed my neck.
"Hey, no smooching on my sister. I heard enough of you last week." Mika said putting the ciggerett out. "Makayla, I'll clean your car if you be good for until, umm three weeks from now."
"Relax, Mikers. I have a friend this week and Ash is scared of getting me the P word. I'm gonna go get dressed." I said.
"You're oready dressed." Gale said.
"I'm going to see my rich brother." I said running up the stairs. I grabbed a skirt and a clack tank top and a diffrent bra and thong. I ran down the stairs and into the bathroom. I took a quick shower then put my clothes on. The skirt was short but not to short. Mom and Rocel would kill me for going out in a slutty skirt.
I went into the living room and grabbed my bag. I went to the closet in the living room. "What are you lookin for?" Ash asked.
"My phone and shorts and iPod and a bakini." I said. "Ooh, and my black stilettos."
"Most of your bakinis are at my house, your phone was in my boxers, I dont know where you iPod is, and Mika ripped your shorts."
I turned around and glared at him. "Thats not funny. I need all those things. Rocel is making me meet his wife to be today and I dont want to watch when they slip each other the toung."
Ash got up and came over to me. He put a hand under my chin and the other on my butt. "Ahhh, Mika, he is doing it again." Megan screamed.
I glared at my bratty little sister. Ash took his hands back and moved. I bent down and put my hand out. "iPod," I ordered. She sighed and handed me my iPod. "Phone." she handed me my phone. "Oh, and if you steal my shoes again, you'll see alot more." I snapped. She pouted then ran away. I stood up and went to get my shoes.
I came back out and mom handed me my bakini and shorts. "Dont do that to your sister." she said in a mom voice. "She is only five."
I rolled my eyes then went into the living room. I grabbed my bag and stuffed the stuff in. "Makayla, Ash and I are going to a party tonight, we're gonna take Gale and his chick too. You'll get all your footage if Ash and I are drunk enough."
"Kay, Alex, do you wanna come with me?" I asked. "I'll show you L.A." I said. He chuckled then got up and waited. I kissed Ash then we left. We got in my car then I sped down the street. I turned the music down and opened the windows.
"Crazy teenager." he muttered after awile. I looked at him and smiled.
"Correction, naughty teenager." I corrected him.
He chuckled. "Pay attention to the road."
We got to Rocel's house and I was hit by two enormus dogs. I almost fell back and a dog bit my wrist drawing blood. Alexander held me up until Rocel put them in the back yard. Rocel pulled my inside and Alexander followed. Rocel made us sit on a white couch and he wrapped my wound. "I'm sorry, my dear." he said and grabbed a stran of my hair. "Who is the boy?" he asked.
"Alexander. I met him in Hawii." I said crossing my legs.
"Ooh, he is tan. How did you meet him?" he asked.
I giggled and adored how much Rocel'll be himself around strangers. "A bunch of boys crowded me and said I looked tired and they wanted to carry my bags. Mom said she didnt want to be in the lobby all day so she told me to just hand my bags to someone and I did."
"I think I like him more than Ash." he said. "Tell me, my dear, what are you wearing?" he asked.
"Its hot and I've been in insainly tight clothes all day and I was sweating like I was in hell." I said. I raised an eyebrow. "I strongly suggest not giving me a lecture about creeps. I oready have a creep that wants bra money from me."
"Special friend?" he asked.
I nodded. "Ash didnt know what I meant."
He chuckled. "He doesnt listen to girl's problems. He takes advantage of them."
"He isn't taking advantage of me." I said appalled.
He laughed and I leaned against Alexander. "I guarentee he is going to leave you when you decide to sleep with him."
"Oready did that." I muttered. A tear slipped down his cheek.
"She is growing up. No you're not aloud to do that." he said smiling.
The door opened and closed. "Rocel, I'm home. Is your sister here yet?" a girl asked.
"Yah, she is in a mood. Dont do anything to piss her off, she'll tear your head off."
A slutty girl came in and smiled. I raised an eyebrow. "You've got to be kidding me." I said.
"Dont start judging, girl. She was at the beach."
"Rocel, get your butt off the coffee table." she snapped then went somewhere.
"I'm sorry, Rocel." I said.
He chuckled and grabbed my wrist again. "No worrys, little girl. I know how your brain works."
The girl came out in jeans a t-shirt and high tops. "She is sixteen." I blurted out.
She looked at me suprised. "What makes you say that?" she asked.
"For one your figure screams sixteen, two younger women turns Rocel on, and three you look sixteen. Doesnt she, Alex?" I asked. Alexander patted the small of my back.
"Yes, sweetheart."
I bit my lip remembering the day we met. "You look twenty." she said. Rocel gave her a look that said you're in for it now. I glared at her and got up.
"Excuse me?" I snapped. Rocel got up and stood in front of me.
"Ok, my dear, lets just calm down. You're sixteen and you look seventeen. Kay?" he asked.
I grabbed my bag and Alexander's hand. "You're coming home to stay the night when Gale and Natacha arn't in your room." I said then we left.
I giggled then asked if I looked twenty. He put his hand on my cheek. "No. You're the sexiest sixteen year old ever. The world would die without you." he said. I turned my car on and drove to mcdonalds. We got french fries and burgers. We went to the beach and sat on a blanket in the sand. "So, you've seen the hollywood sign?" he asked.
I giggled. "Yah, Ash and I went up there yesterday."
"That is epic." he said smiling. He flipped his hair.
"Yah, maybe I will take you up their before you leave." I said.
He chuckled. "You're not afraid I will kiss you again?" he asked.
"Why would I be?" I asked then leaned forward and pecked his lips. "Ash doesnt mind a peck on the lips." He was frozen from the peck on the lips. I threw a french fry at him.
"Well, why not?" he asked.
"Cause alot of boys randomly peck me on the lips. And just because Ash threatens them doesnt mean they'll stop." I said and shrugged. I stopped and looked at him. Something was diffrent. I felt something for him. I was confused. He met my eyes. He noticed it to.
"Relax, I'm loyal." I murmmered. "Do you wanna swim in my pool with me?" I asked.
"Your house is huge, you have an amazing car, and now a pool. What else do you have that I dont?" he asked and we got up.
"I have a hot tub."
He gaped and grabbed the blanket. We went back to my car. "Ok, I'm coming to live with you. Its way better here." he said and got in my car.
We went back to my house and got swim attire on then went put back to my pool. Ash came out back and fell in the water. He came over to me and kissed me. "You're buzzed and you havnt even left yet."
"I love when you talk dirty." he murmmered in my ear. He cupped the back of my head and kissed me, slipping his toung in my mouth. I pushed his away from me.
"Stop it, babe." I snapped.
"Sorry, I'm bored, baby." he slurred. "And wet."
I kissed him lightly. "Where is Mika?" I asked.
"Getting lucky with Kaysee." he said pulling my top off. I pulled it back on.
"No. You can wait two more days."
"Yah, I can. Lets hope I dont get too drunk and think with my croch."
I glared at him. "Do it I dare ya."
"I dont like that look." he said and put his hand on my face.
"Go bug Mika and Kaysee." I said.
"But they'll murder me."
"Ugh, Alex, I'll be right back. I said and got out.
"Kay." he said as Ash and I went up to Mika's room.
They were very into it they didnt even notice Ash and I. I went up behind Mika. "Are you and idiot?" I shouted.
He jumped then glared at me. "Damn it, bitch, do you mind?" he snapped. Ash and I laughed then I got into Mika's dresser. "Why is he wet?" he asked.
"He fell in the pool." I said and threw clothes at Ash.
"Baby, I'm gonna go lay on your bed naked. Your brother dont look to happy."
I glanced at Mika. He was glaring at me. "Stop it." I said and threw a comb at him. I went back downstairs and jumped in th pool.
I sighed then back floated. "Whats wrong?" Alexander asked towering over me.
"My brother is an ass." I muttered.
When we got out of the pool I felt depressed so I told Alexander I was gonna go to bed. He said ok then went to his room. I went up to my room and layed in my bed for awhile. Ash was laying naked in my bed so he whipped my tears away as they fell. I really hate my twin sometimes. I was really moody. I covered Ash's croch with a blanket than put my arms around his neck.
"Shh," he said soothing me. "you'll be ok. Mika is just a big ass."
I giggled lightly. There was a soft tap on my door then Mika and Kaysee came in. I picked up a remote and threw it at him. "Do you have any paitents?" I yelled.
"Shh," Ash said pulling me closer to him. "Do you want me to stay?" he asked. I shook my head and let my eyes slip close.
"I'm just gonna sleep." I whispered. Ash gently got up and put some clothes on. I dozed off before they left.

Chapter evevin

Alexander came into my room and woke me up a few hours after they left. I turned my tv on and put Futurama on. He comfirted me when I cried and we laughed at each other. Robbie threw rocks at my window and I opened my window then told him to leave me alone. I didnt want to see him anymore. Sure he was good in bed, but he did that just to get in my pants. Then Alexander wanted to know why I hated him. Then around Midnight Ash and Mika burst through my door, drunker than shit.
Ash kissed me lightly. "Are you ok?" he asked his breath smelling strongly of boose.
I gagged then said, "Yah. But your breath is gross."
He chuckled then went over to Mika. I grabbed my phone and put it on the recording thing. Ash and Mika kissed with lots of toung. Alexander and I laughed. Then they passed out. "Night, Makyala." Alexander said walking to the door.
"Night, Alex. See you in the morning." I said and layed down.
"Sleep tight, hottie." he whispered and I turned my light off.
"You too." I said giggling quietly.
He closed my door and I went to sleep.

In the morning I got dressed in shorts and a blue t-shirt. I went down to the kitchen with the buds in my ears, listening to music. I love music. Some music. Everyone watched me dance around and grab stuff. Dad told me I didnt have to go into work today but Mika did. Rocel and his fiance came today and I escaped up to the hottub. The water was very relaxing.
Ash came up sometime later and got in with me. "I brought you a bottle of wine." he murmmered. and I opened my eyes then took the wine. He handed me two glasses and I poured wine for us. "Your dad told me to have you drink it."
I giggled. "Best wine in the world." I murmmered.
He took a sip. "Yeap. You ok?" he asked.
"Yah. I'm really relaxed. I dont want to get out." I said quietly.
"I can see. Come here and turn around." he said. I lazily sat up straight and turned around. He put his glass down then moved my hair. He masashed my shoulders and it felt relaxing to.
When he was done I sunk into him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me up. He leaned against the edge and we relaxed. Someone came in after awhile. It was Mika, Kaysee, Gale, Natacha, and Alexander. "Wow, I havnt seen her that relaxed in awhile." Mika whispered.
"I will keep her relaxed. If you do something to upset her you'll me my foot."
I giggled lazily. "I love you, Ash!" I murmmered.
"I know, baby. I love you too!" His voice vibrating in my ears. I giggled again.
"Is it possible to be too relaxed?" Mika asked.
"No. Its actually healthy to be really relaxed." Alexander said.
I opened my eyes and glared at all five of them. Then my eyes slipped closed and my shoulders sank. "Hey, hey." Ash said patting my stomch. "Sit up, let me get the kinks out of your neck." he said.
"I feel high." I murmmered. He chuckled and I lazily sat up. He got the kinks out of my neck and we got out.
"Where are you two going?" Mika asked obsessingly.
"Munchis." I giggled.
Mika rolled his eyes. "What did you do to my sister?"
"Wine and a masash. I bet you wouldnt do that." Ash said.
"You wouldnt do that for any other girl." Mika yelled after us. We went down to the kitchen and dad was putting food away.
He smiled at us. "Well, Ash, you're on my good side. Havnt seen her like that since she was three."
"Thank you, sir. I know ways to make women relax." he said and I layed on the table. Dad looked at him with a weird looke. Ash chuckled and put his hands up. "Not that way. A little bit of wine and a masash. She'll be just a bit tipsy for awhile though."
"Thank you, Ash."
I streched my muscles and yawned. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up in my bed. I felt like I could do anything. Ash was playing with my phone. He looked over at me and smiled. "How'd you sleep?" he asked.
"Great." I said and streched my muscles. "Do you think I could write a book?" I asked.
He moved my hair from my face. "I do think you can. I think you can do anything." he said a ran his thumb accross my forehead.
"Kay, I'm gonna be a dude today."
He chuckled. "Kay!" he murmmered. "Then you get to be on top and I'll moan like a girl."
I giggled. "No, we're still not doing that." I said and got up. "Ok, I swear I was wearing a bakini before I fell asleep." I said.
"You didnt go to sleep you blacked out. You wanted to be naked so I brought you up here and you took your bakini off and danced around until you decided to fall asleep." he said.
I yawned and put some clothes on. Black bra, purple thong, sweats and his button down shirt. I didnt button it though, it was really hot. He got up and put my phone in my bra.
"There you go, dude." he said then kissed my forehead. "I need to go see my dying mother. I'll be back in the morning."
I stood on tiptoes and kissed him. "Love you!"
"Love you too!" he said then grabbed his shoes and left.
I grabbed my high tops and a pair of socks and put them on. I ran a brush through my hair then my straightener then I went down stairs and plopped on the couch. I clicked the tv on and put it on a horror movie. Gale and Natacha came through the door and gawked at me. I had my feet on the coffee table and my legs were apart. Mika came out of the kitchen and said, "Nice, I'm gonna go get Alejandro. What the hell are you doing?" he snapped.
"Remember who is older, stupid." I snapped back.
My phone vibrated. I took it out of my bra and answered it. "Yah?"
"Why are you doing this?" Robbie asked.
"You should know why, boy." I snapped and slapped my stomch.
"Well, I dont. Please I miss you. I'll be honest, you're the best I've ever had, even though you were a virgin."
I rolled my eyes. "Come over. We'll talk."
Mika took the phone from me. "You'll love what she is wearing." he said then hung up. He threw my phone at me and it hit my lip. I got up and threw the remote at him.
"Retard, that hurt." I yelled.
Mom came out and asked what happened. Mika and I would just stand there and glare at each other. "Gale, what happened?" she asked.
"Mika threw her phone at her and it hit her lip. Hense the bleeding." he said shocked.
"Ooh, damnit, Mika, go to your room, she isn't Ash she isn't gonna laugh when you make her bleed." she snapped in a very mad mommy voice. When he didnt move mom went to the closet and got dad's belt. "Move." she snapped. He saw the belt then took monster steps up the stairs. I sat on the couch again and closed my eyes. "Come on, baby, lets go see dad." she said and pulled me.
"I dont wanna. I'm dizzy."
She sighed. "I got her, Amanda." Gale said and picked me up. He chuckled and I grunted. He took me out to dad's truck and put me in. He jumped in and I leaned against him. Mom drove to dad's resturant and Gale carried me in. He gave evil looks to people who stared at me.
"What happened?" dad asked dropping everything.
"Mika threw her phone at her." Mom said. Gale put me on the counter and I grunted again. "And I'm to dumb to take care of this."
"You're not dumb." Dad said and kissed her. "You're just to busy to do it." he said then dabbed paroxcide on my lip.
Then Gale took me home while mom stayed and helped dad. When we got home I jumped out of the truck and went inside like nothing happened. Mika and Kaysee were sitting on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. "You're the worst brother in the world. I hate you and I wish you..." I didnt finish because I was really dizzy. I fell and passed out.

I woke up in Mika's bed. He was sitting at his computer writing something. I got up and stumbled to the door. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Makayla, wait. Do you really hate me?" he asked.
"Yes." I mumbled.
"Why?" he asked.
"Cause, you're mean and that hurt really bad."
"I didnt mean to. I meant to just throw it at your stomch."
"God, you sound like Malinda when she hurts me."
I sat on his lap and hugged him. "I love you, Mika. But you're an ass and I have every right to hate you."
He put his chin on my shoulder and hugged me. "I know. You're always nice to me and I'm a big fat jerk in return. Ash called me and yelled at me. He told me that mom told him why you wern't answering his call."
I stood up and messed up his hair. "I'm gonna go call him."
He raised an eye brow. "You know he slipped up when you and Alexander left, dont you?" he asked.
I glared and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "I do now." I said and went out of his room. I called him.
"Hey, baby. Are you ok?" he asked.
"You slipped up how?" I snapped.
He paused. "Umm, you know this how?" he asked.
"I have a pretty amazing brother." I snapped. "You messed up how?" I snapped.
"Umm, you know that thing mommys and daddys do when they're in love?"
"Ok, we're done." I said then hung up. I leaned against the wall and sunk to the ground. "Gale," I yelled. He came out of Alexander's room and came over to me.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Sure. Umm, you know who he slept with?" I asked.
"Yah, my girlfriend."
I layed down and started crying. He rubbed my back and shushed me. Alexander came out and pulled me into his arms. "Gale, I got her. Will you go get something cold for her?" Alexander asked. Gale got up and went downstairs.
Alexander tightend his hold on me and I looked up at him. "Alex, I'm sorry."
"Shh, why are we crying?" he asked.
"Cause, I'm an idiot." I muttered.
"I dont think you're an idiot. You're smarter than me." he pointed out. "And you have me breathless." he murmmered and brushed a stran of hair from my eyes. I met his eyes again and I smiled. He smiled back and brushed a thumb across my cheek.
Gale came back up and handed me a cup of ice water. "Thank you!" I said normally.
Gale raised an eye brow then kissed my head. "I'll be in my room." he said then got up and went to his room.
Alexander and I sat in the hall for awhile then we went down to the living room to watch a movie. We watched Snow White: A Deadly Summer. Some parts made me jump so he tightened his arms and promised he would keep me safe. Alejandro knocked on my door and I got up and answered it. He was suprised when I didnt punch him in the face.
"Miss Chase," he said. "I would like to be your servant. I'm really good at cleaning stuff and I give great masahes."
"I'll talk to my mom when she gets home." I said then handed him a dollor from my bra. He ran a few feet from my house and sniffed it. I giggled and rolled my eyes. I closed the door then went to sit by Alexander again. He put his arms around me and I put my head on his shoulder. After that movie we watched a romantic horror movie. He layed down and I curled up next to him and went to sleep.

His voice vibrating in my ears woke me up. Ash was sitting in a chair glaring at us. I looked at the clock, it was midnight. I shivered and Mika came down the stairs. He smiled at me and my gaze went to Ash then back to him. He put his hand on his stomch and patted it then nodded. "Come on, Ash, its bed time. I'll kick Kaysee out of my bed and you can sleep with me tonight."
I found their friendship really weird. But if you've been friends since the beginning I wasnt gonna complain. I did the same with Robbie. "I'm fine right here, Mika. You and Kaysee enjoy yourselves."
"Na, man. She is mad at me for telling her to go home so I could take care of my sister so she wont mind."
"But, they're gonna do something."
Mika looked at us and shook his head groggily. "No, I'm pretty sure she wouldnt do that. Dad is gonna make her start taking pain medication in the morning and he doesnt want to have to clean the couch again. Come on, Ash, you two are over. You can go back to sleeping around and not caring about girl's feelings."
"Easier said than done." Ash said and got up. "I love that girl, so much. That stupid girl had to come and ruin everything."

Chapter twelve

In the morning Alexander and I went into the kitchen and I grabbed a note from the fridge.


Everyone is going to the beach, dad said you needed to rest and Alexander looked really tired. So we'll see you when we get home.


I giggled then opened the fridge. I pulled out eggs and left over chicken. I grabbed the bread and toasted some bread and ate chicken and fed some to Alexander while we waited for the eggs to cook. "Will you dance for me?" he asked then I fed him another bite.
"No, you're crazy."
"I know that, but please?" he begged.
"Dance with me then."
He got up and took care of the eggs for me. "I'd rather not get my face pounded in. Please?" he begged.
"That'll get your face pounded in." I said and layed on the table. He looked down at me and I wanted to sit up and make out with him. So I did. It felt great. He put his hands on the small of my back and crushed me against him. I tangled my fingers in his hair then my lip started hurting.
I pulled away. "Oops, I made your lip bleed." he murmmered and whipped the blood away with his thumb. "Got any paroxcide?" he asked.
"In the third dwoar." I whispered breathless and pointed at the dwoar closet to the refridgorator. He went and grabbed the paroxcide and a paper towle and dabbed paroxcide on my lip. Then he turned the stove off and we went into the living room and he danced with me.
Until Ash, Mika, and Kaysee came through the front door. Then Ash pinned Alexander against the wall. I grabbed dad's gun from under the couch and pointed it at Ash. He walked away from Alexander with his hands up. "Ok, Makayla, lets not do anything foolish." Mika said.
"How the hell does she know how to aim a gun?" Ash snapped.
Dad came in and nodded in approval. "Good job, honey. Dont kill anyone." he said then went into the kitchen.
I put the gun down and raised an eyebrow at Ash. "I told you, we're over." I yelled. Ash came over to me and grabbed me by his shirt.
"Why are you doing this? You would've done the same if I went off with a Hawian model." he said and took a step back.
I shrugged. "That isn't an excuse. My mind is very made up. I repeat, very made up." I said and glanced at the floor.
He tilted my chin up. "Your lip, what happened?" he asked. I smacked his hand away. I raised an eyebrow and my lip twitched.
"Who wants to know?" I asked
"Your loving ex." he snapped.
"I hit my lip on the table."
Mika grabbed Ash's shoulder. "You have no control over her anymore. If she wants to date or marry the guy who plays Peeta, you have nocontrol over that. If she wants to have sex in the hot tub with Alexander, thats her choice, no one elses." Mika said and smiled at me.
"Thanks, Mikers." I said. "But I dont want to do that in the hot tub." I walked over to Alexander and pulled him over to the couch. He put his arms around me and pulled me close.
Ash glared and started forward. I lifted the gun and he stopped. "I will rip your throat out, male model."
"Why do you think he is a male model. His brother is." I snapped. Alexander looked at me and pushed my arm down. I pecked his lips and he smiled then slipped me some toung. He pulled away so my lip wouldnt bleed.
Ash threw up his hands then went upstairs. Mika and Kaysee went up stairs then I kissed Alexander again. He pulled me onto his lap and I squeezed his hips with my knees. Then I pulled away and put my head on his shoulder. He chuckled then began rubbing my back. I yawned and listened to the soothing rum of his heart then fell asleep.

Two days later they were going back to Hawii so Alexander and I did the naughty in my bathroom. He put my shirt on me then kissed me. We both had tears streaming our cheeks. Not from sex, but because he was leaving. The sex was pretty great. "Very great. I dont want to leave." he murmmered and brushed through my hair. I felt a little exausted.
"Very." I muttered and leaned against him. He slipped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
We went out of the bathroom and up to his room. I layed on his bed and watched him pack. When he was done he layed down and pulled me into his arms. "Since we're going to be miles away from each other, I dont care if you sleep with another one." he said.
"Ok, I kind of do care. But you have needs to, so," I took a breath then said, "I d-d-dont care."
He chuckled and brushed a thumb across my cheek. "Lets just say we wont and will." he whispered in my ear.
"I like that idea much better." I said sarcastically. Someone knocked on the door then came in.
"We're leaving in a few minutes, Alexander." Gale said then closed the door. Alexander pressed his lips to mine until it was time for him to leave.

Chapter thirteen... September

School started today. Super fun and I had sex ed first period. The teacher wanted us to sit by a boy if we were a girl and a girl if we were a boy. I sat at an empty table in the front and Mika and Kaysee sat behind me. Ash sat next to his new girlfriend. I was happy for him. I didnt care if he was trying to make me jelouse. I turned around to glare at Mika. He swatted at me. "What did I do?" he asked.
"This sucks. Its to hot in here. You think the teacher would care if I took my clothes off?" I asked.
A boy sat next to me. "No, Makayla, this teacher looks like a giant perv." Kaysee said to me.
I sighed. "I hate you now, Mika." I said randomly.
He handed me a pack of gum. "Why?" he asked.
"Its your fault he was my boyfriend. If you didnt have him baby sit me that night, I would be single, a virgin, and a hottie." I said.
"You're very much a hottie." Jake said putting his books on the table. "What do you say we get together later?" he asked. "Watch a movie, order pizza, wine, and make out a little."
"Sorry, Jake, I'm busy tonight. Why dont you find another girl to take advantage of?" I asked.
"You're still mad about that?" he asked.
"You tried to rape me." I snapped quietly. The dark boy glanced at me when I said rape.
Jake rolled his eyes then went to his seat. I turned back around to glare at Mika. He kicked my leg and glared back. "What the hell was that for?" I snappped.
"A little love." he muttered. We chuckled then locked pinkis. My stomch started to feel queesy. Maybe or cramps. I shivered then put my head down. "Hey, hey, hey, you ok?" Mika asked and brought my head up.
"Its to hot in here."
"Take your jacket off." Kaysee said.
"She cant. I say so." Mika said acting brotherly.
"Stop being so protective of her. She can hold a gun and beat the shit out of someone." Kaysee said.
"Thank you, Kaysee. You are my favoret person today." I said.
She laughed. "So you talked to Alexander last night. What did he say? Is he coming down here anytime soon?" she asked.
I pouted. "No, I'm going up there during summer vacation. If Mika doesnt rat me out."
We giggled then the bell rang. I turned around and rested my legs on the table. The boy had his legs rested on the table as well. The teacher got up and walked in front of the class. "Good morning, class. I'm Mr. Jessi. We're going to talk about sex this year." the teacher said.
I raised my hand. "Uncle Brian, why are you teaching sex ed? You're a perv." I said. Kaysee and Mika laughed quietly behind me. Uncle Brian is only a perv around my mom.
"Oh, yay, I get the trouble making twins this year. I'm teaching sex ed because I want to make all you scared of sex." he said.
"I'm not scared of sex. My ex and my best friend were fighting over me so I slept with both." I said cheerfully.
"Makayla, honey, do you want me to call your father?" he asked.
"I dont care. Daddy wont care. He doesnt want me in this class anyway."
"Then why are you here?" he asked a little annoyed.
I rolled my eyes. "Mom wanted me to learn about sex. Though, what can you teach me that I oready know?"
"She knows alot." Ash blurted out. I shot him a evil glare. "Love you too, babe." he said and got a punch from his girlfriend. I pouted a little bit and pulled out my phone.
"Brian, I'm not feeling well. Can I call my dad?" I asked.
"Yeah. Go ahead, sweety." he said.
I got up and walked out and slid down the wall. Oh how my heart ached for Ash. I miss him so much. I got a text from Mika.
Mika: It's Kaysee. You ok?
Me: No!
Kaysee: What's wrong?
Me: I miss him so fucking much.
Ash came out of the classroom and looked at me. Her: He would mis behave for you. :)
I put my phone away and sighed. Ash sat down next to me. "You ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "Just made the worst mistake of my life last month."
He looked at me. "You slept with Alexander?" he asked.
"I did do that. I dont regret that."
"You told your brother you hated him?" he guessed.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "You!" I whispered.
Lots of emotions passed over his face. "Me?"
I nodded.
"We got together in june, Makayla."
I sighed. "We're talking bout last month, Ash." I whimpered.
He straghtened his legs and pulled me onto his lap. "You smell good."
I turned around, sitting on his theighs, with my knees up and my hands between my knees. I smiled faintly. "You smell good too."
"Your make up is smeared. You dont need it." he said whiping it away. "Crap! I think I just made it worse."
I giggled. I whiped my make up off and pulled out my make up mirror. I fixed my make up and caught him looking at me. I straddled his lap and hugged him.
"You scared me yesterday." he whispered clutching me to him. "First rain of the year and you go street race."
"I wanted to feel good." I whispered.
"I could of made you feel good. I know that's what you want." he said.
"And you know how?" I asked.
"Mika," he whispered.
I smiled. "How does he know?"
"He was listening to your convorsation with Alexander yesterday." he said.
I sighed. "I miss you, Ash." I whispered.
He put his index finger under my chin and tilted my head up.
"Dont hurt me again."
"I promise," he whispered staring deeply into my eyes. "You're so beautiful," He pressed his lips to mine softly.
Someone cleared their throat. We pulled apart and looked to our right. It was Mika and Kaysee. Mika was grinning and Kaysee was giggling. Mika handed me my handbag and my sex ed book. "Brian told me and Kaysee to take you two home so you dont fuck in the hall." Mika said.
I looked at Ash. "Will you carry me?" I asked.
He nodded then kissed my forehead. We got up and I jumped on his back. We stoped by my locker and Ash put my book away before we went out to Mika's truck. Ash and I didnt bother buckling up. The windows were dark so we just layed down and made out. "Ash, you're not fucking my sister till you get checked." Kaysee snapped.
Kaysee became my bestfriend a few weeks ago. Ash pulled away. "What do you mean till I get checked?" he asked annoyed.
"You need to get checked."
"No shit. I aint gonna mess up this time. I never thought I'd miss your sister so much, Mika." Ash said looking deeply into my eyes. Oh, I missed his peircing silver eyes so much. "You ok, babe?" he asked me.
I nodded. "I need to call Alexander." I said then groaned.
He pressed his lips to mine softly. "And I need to tell back up girl to back off."
I raised my eyebrow.
"Elaborate," I said in a duh tone.
"I dont know what that means. Damn your smart words." he said smiling.
"It means explain," I whispered.
"I was trying to make you jelouse. I thought you knew that."
I nodded. "I did. Did you really have sex with her?" I asked.
He nodded. "It had to be real."
I punched his shoulder. "Never ever do that again, jerk." I snapped. "That was gross. It sounded like pigs dying."
"It did?" he asked.
I nodded.
"It's the way cheerleaders sound. Dirty plastics." Mika said.
I nodded. "Mikers, I'm starving." I whined before bringing Ash's lips to mine. His stubble was annoying me but I didnt care. I missed him so much.

Chapter fourteen

That night after I took a shower, Ash came into my room and kissed me. "Goodnight, baby." he whispered seductivly.
"Goodnight, babe. But it's only seven. Do you wanna hang out?" I asked.
He nodded. "I was saying it incase I fell asleep." he said.
"I'm gonna call Alex real quick."
"Do you want some privacy?" he asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"I dunno. I'm trying to get on your good side."
I giggled. "Go find my puppy?" I asked.
"She is sleeping with Kayla downstairs."
"Grr! Ok."
He kissed me lightly. "I really missed you, baby." he whispered against my lips.
I chuckled and pulled away. "I gotta call Alex."
He layed on my bed and I grabbed my phone. My heart started beating fast. I dialed Alex's number. "Hello?" Gale answered.
"Hi, Gale." I said normally.
"No phone sex." he snapped. The phone sex was fake. I would just moan and say dirty things so he could jerk off.
"No more," I said.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
I sighed. "I dont want to be with him. I cant."
"Woah! Why cant you?"
"I dont like the fact that he let's me sleep with whoever just cause he is to many miles away for me to count." I said.
"Oh, honey, I totally get it. But could this have to do with Ash?" he asked.
I nodded and said yes at the same time.
It sounded like he was smiling. "I get it, babe. It's love. You cant deny that."
"Gale, who you talkin to?" I heard Alex ask in the background.
"Your girlfriend."
Alex snatched the phone out of his hand. "Hey, baby, I'm sorry. I was taking a shower."
"With..." I heard Gale say in the background.
"Who were you showering with, Alex?" I asked in a surgur sweet voice.
"My daughter," he said.
I choked. "You have a daughter and you didnt tell me?" I snapped.
"I thought I told you."
"I'm not stupid, Alexander, who the hell were you showering with?" I yelled.
Ash sat up and grabbed the phone. "Answer tha question, dip shit. I dont know where you live, but I'll find you and I will beat you to a bloody pulp." he said then handed me the phone.
"Was that Ash?" he asked.
"Why are you hanging out with him?"
"I'm sitting in my fuckin living room. Is that against the law?" I asked. "Now answer me."
"I was showering with Natacha. I dont have a daughter." he said.
I stood up. "Why'd you lie to me?" I asked. Ash grabbed my hand and pulled me back down. I instinctivly giggled. He kissed me lightly.
"I wouldnt lie to you anymore." he whispered.
"I lied because you lied." he said.
"About what?" I asked.
"You loving me." he snapped.
"Look, Alex, I meant that I loved you."
"Loved?" he squeaked.
"I love you still. But, you're being a child."
"I am not, babe. Listen to me: I love you with all my heart." he said.
"You just showered with Natacha. That doesnt show you love me. I'm a fuckin seinor in high school. I dont want this shit. I want someone that loves me and no matter how far apart we are would keep it in their pants." I said.
"Let me guess; Ash fucked you and blew your mind."
"Stop acting like a fucking child." I snapped. "I didnt fuck Ash. I just relized how much I love him. And you know what? He is here, he might have changed, and you're not." I hung up and Ash laughed.
"For you I did, babe." he said. I hugged him and Alex texted me.
Alex: Please listen?
Me: You hurt me. I fuckin hate lyers.
"I believe you, baby. Move in here with me." I said.
He pulled back to look at me. "You sure?" he asked.
I nodded. "I want you to hold me and keep the dreams away." I said.
"Dreams?" he asked.
"When we broke up, I started having nightmares. Bout you." I whispered the last part.
He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me passionatly. "Tell me,"
I shook my head. They were terrible. And it's Ash's fault. He had to talk about the bad part of town so much.
"Counsiler Ash is ready to hear this." he said.
"I'm horny," I lied.
"Tell me and I'll suck your pussy." he whispered.
"Ugh. Ash, I was lying." I said then turned around and straddled his lap.
"Your hair had purple in it." he whispered.
I smiled and hugged him. "It does that sometimes." I said.
"It looks like purple fire. It's fucking sexy." He pressed his lips to mine so hard I thought my lips would bruise. Mika came in and screamed.
I pulled away and threw my phone at him. "Mikers, this is my room. I dont barge into your room." I yelled.
"Yes you do. You did it this morning."
"Who has sex in the morning?" I asked.
"Kaysee and I do. Ash does too."
I looked at Ash, glared, then got up and went into my bathroom. I slammed and locked the door. "Damnit, Mika."
"I'm sorry, Ash." he said. I knew what Mika was doing. "Makayla has a key. See?"
I groaned then went through Mika's door, yes we share a bathroom, and out his door. I walked into my parents room. Megan was sleeping in my dad's arms. I crossed my arms and looked at the lot of them. "What about me?" I asked.
"Sorry, honey, Megan was having a nightmare."
I started to cry. It was fake. I was hurt that MY dad was holding HIS baby. I'm dad's baby girl. Mom got up to go to the bathroom and dad put Megan down and looked at her with discust. Theres my daddy. "Come here, baby." he said in his sweet dad voice.
I walked over to his side of the bed and sat on his lap. "I broke up with Alex." I whispered.
"Why?" he asked.
"He was showering with Natacha and I want Ash."
He kissed my forehead. "I put him as a waitor at the resturant."
"And you didnt tell me?" I asked. "If you did that and we wermt together now, your resturant would be toast."
He laughed. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Your mum is pregnant."
I smiled. "Really?" I asked.
He nodded. "And she's probably in there doing another pregnancy test."
I giggled.
"So are you and Ash back together now?" he asked.
I nodded. "I want him to move into my room so he can hold me and keep the stupid dreams away."
"What dreams?" mom asked.
Dad was the only one that knew about it. "I dont think I can trust you since you didnt tell me you were pregnant. Ooh, I hope it's twins. You can name them Ying and Yang." I giggled.
"That's you and your brother, though." she said.
I laughed. Ash and Mika burst into the room and sighed with reliefe. "You scared us. We thought you climbed out the window and went to Robbie's house." Ash yelled.
I kissed my dad's cheek then walked over to him. I stood up on my tiptoes and pecked his lips "It's Mika's fault. He left the window opened." I yelled. "Mommy is pregnant." I whispered in Mika's ear.
"What?" he snapped.
I giggled. "Ash, I'm bored. Let's go harass the neighbors." I said.
He picked me up and we went into his messy room.
"What the fuck, Ash?" I asked. "Is that a fucking used condom?" I asked looking on his floor.
"Sorry. I havnt gotten around to cleanin. And you stoped being mad at me before I put my plan into action." Scared of what might crawl out of the wall and bite me I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"My lord. You have a black widow in here." I said looking at the black spider in the fish tank.
He laughed. "And she is feisty like you. So I named her after you."
I shivered. "Anything else?" I asked.
He nodded. "I have a Mouse named after your brother."
"And why'd you name the damn spider after me?" I asked.
He kissed my temple. "Tatiana wouldnt let me keep her at her house and Peeta hates spiders." he said. "I'm sorry. It wont bite you."
I laughed. "It?"
"I meant she."
I groaned. "I'm scared of your room, Ash." I whispered.
"Why? You were in here this morning."
"To ask you if you were ready to go. And my mind was on your naked abes." I said then blushed. I put my head on his shoulder. "And your pecks, and your ten inches." I whispered.
He laughed. "Am I that sexy?" he asked.
I nodded. "Beyond words," I whispered.
He kissed my neck. "I love you, baby." he said softly.
"I love you more," I whispered and looked up. He was grinning.
"Really?" he asked.
I nodded then kissed him. My legs squeezed him and he smiled against my lips.
"You make me so hot," he groaned.
I sucked in a breath. "Good," I whispered seductivly.
"You and I should go somewhere." he whispered.
"Where?" I asked against his lips.
"Where ever you want."
"Let's go to Hawii. I know you wanna go there."
"We'll go there is you wash my car." he whispered, breathless.
I nodded. "I will this weekend." I said and squeezed his waist harder.
"Ohhhh," he moaned.
I giggled. "I'm sleepy." I said then pulled away.
He carried me to my room and Peanut came in. She jumped on my bed and curled up next to me. Ash kissed me. "I'll see you in the morning." he whispered.
I grabbed his arm and kissed his hand. "Night, baby."
"Night, babe." he said.

Chapter fifteen

"Hey, Makayla!" Jake said seductivly when I was at my locker.
"I"m not interested, bub." I said popping another fruit snack in my mouth.
He rolled his eye. "So.. you did have sex. But when we were dating back in freshman year, sex was at the bottom of your list."
I nodded. "I was pretty much raped my first time."
"Ash told me you were great." he said. It's been a few weeks into school. Ash and I are gonna ditch school and go to Hawii for a couple weeks after this week. It was the end of school day and the halls were empty. Goody me!
"Listen; I gotta go. I have to wash my boyfriend's car in booty shorts and my bra." I lied. Ash wasnt gonna make me.
"I wanna watch." he whispered.
I closed my locker. He grabbed my hand and draged me into an empty classroom. I saw Ash and Mika on the football feild. Mika looked in the window. 'Help me!' I mouthed. I swear there is twin telempathy here. He started running. Jake began kissing my neck.
"I'll get what I want from you. You better enjoy it. Or else."
"Dont," I spat.
"Please, Makayla. Dont make this hard." he whispered and pulled rope out of his pocket. Mika began banging on the door. Distracted and scared I didnt even notice he was tying my hands together. He put me on the teacher's desk and unbuttoned my pants. I tryed to stay calm and kick him but her had me pinned. I started crying. "Dont cry, beautiful."
He tugged my pants down then took his pants off. I started hypervenalating. "If you're going to rape me at least put a fucking condom on." I cried.
"Oh, right." He bent down to grab one out of his pants. I could see Mika and half the food ball team bhind him while he tried to knock the door down. He stood up and put the condom on. Kill me now! I screamed in my head. He brought me to the edge of the desk and slammed his stupid dick into me.
I cried. He unzipped my sweater and groaned. Mika and the team busted the door down and Mika grabbed Jake and punched him. "Dont ever touch my sister again." he snarled then punched him in the face. Ash came over to me and redressed me. He untied my hands and I put my arms around his neck.
"I'm so sorry I left you alone, baby." he whispered in my ear and he clutched me to him.
"You smell," I whispered.
He whiped my tears. "I love how you make a joke of everything." he whispered. When he let go to run after Jake the football team enulfed me into a huge hug.
"It'll be ok, Makayla, we're here for you." Devin said then kissed my forehead.
"Thank you. But..."
"No buts. Anything. And we mean anything, you can come to us." Javier said then kissed my cheek. "You're like our sister."
I giggled. "Thanks, guys." I said and kissed their cheeks.
"Ok, guys. Watch her. I'm gonna change then take her home. Watch her." Mika said. He hesitated then jogged out of the room.
I started crying again. Ash came in and took his jersy off. "Guys, move." Ash said shakily. The moved and Ash crashed his mouth against mine. It felt good. But I felt dirty. "God, I wish that was me." he whispered.
"I would enjoy it more." I said against his lips.
He pulled away and hugged me. "I'm clean by the way." he whispered.
"We can fuck when we get to Hawii." I wanted to but I couldnt right now.
"Ash," Mika said coming in. "suck face with her when I dont wanna kill every boy that puts a hand on her."
"But I'm gonna marry this girl some day." Ash said. "And I'm not sycking her face." he snapped.
"Whatever. Let's go."
Ash got off the desk and took his football stuff off. Mika handed him his clothes and he put them on. "Bye, Makayla." the guys said.
"Bye, boys." I said then jumped on Ash's back

When we got home Mika Punched a wall. Making a hole. Ash put me on the couch and my dad came out of the kitchen. "What's going on, kids?"
Mika grabbed Dad's collar. "Makayla got raped. That's what's going on." Mika said in a very pained voice.
"Mika, let go of dad." I snapped. My voice sounded like when I had a cold.
Ash rubbed my back. "Bye who?" Dad asked pushing Mika away then pulling him into a hug.
"That bastard Jake." he said. Ash kissed my temple.
"Can I go shower now?" I asked.
"Go ahead, baby girl."
I grabbed Ash's hand and pulled him upstairs to our room. It's not a mess. I dont let him make a huge mess. I wouldnt let him keep his spider in here though. It scared me to death. I let him keep his mouse since Peanut kicks him off the bed sometimes. It annoys me when him and Mika sit in the closet and knock on the wall.
I kissed him. "I love you,"
"I love you too, baby." he said back.
I got into the shower and started to feel better. Showers usually make me feel a lot better. I got out and wrapped a towle around myself and walked into my bedroom. Ash was playing with his mouse. He looked up and smiled at me.
"Oh. You're naked. Take it off and come fuck me."
I giggled. "Later," I said then got dressed. My room got bigger because Dad kicked Megan into a smaller room so Ash and I had room for everything. So there is no longer a wall in between my room and Megan's old room.
"Come cuddle then. I think you should give that dog it's own bed."
I glared at him for calling her and it. "She's been good about not kicking you off the bed. She's actually been sleeping outside with Kayla."
He nodded. "But I love sleeping with you. Not just sexually."
"We havnt slept sexually since the beach."
He shook his head. "No. There was that slip up a few weeks after we broke up." he said.
"You really wanna get into that. It was rough and hard. We knew we had what we couldnt have in our grasps for one night of passionate sex." I said and sat on our bed.
"Ok. I really thought you were forgiving me. I relized you wernt when you said you couldnt do this again and I said I need you. I really needed you."
"I know. We were home alone that day so I didnt have Mika to run to. And I needed you." I said then kisssed him. "I still need you."
The door flew opened. "I knew you had sex," Mika said excitedly.
I rolled my eyes. "Do you mind?" I asked.
"Not at all," he said happily. "I'm mad, Kaya. Entertain me."
"We're talking," I snapped.
Ash took my hand and kissed it. Mika closed the door and sat on Ash's dresser. "It'll be like I'm not even here. Keep it PG13."
"You're sixteen," Ash snapped.
"And a half," he said in a matter a fact tone. "Fine keep it PG16."
I rolled my eyes. I kissed Ash lightly. "Why couldnt you do it then but you can do it now?" Ash asked me.
"Cause you hurt me. Bad."
"Well, I'm sorry for hurting you. Bad. But you gotta admit, that sex was better than the first time."
I nodded.
"When'd you have sex?" Mika asked.
"The night her and shit head had sex. Now shut up, I'm talking to my girlfriend."
"Drama mama. You two are boring. I'ma go call Kaysee and fuck her brains out." he said then walked out slamming the door behind him.
"I love you, baby. Are you ok?" he asked me.
I nodded. "I'm tired and sore. My crotch hurts."
He nodded. "I know."
"And you know how?" I asked.
"Tatiana was raped."
"Tatiana raped? Naulan is like on top of her like every night." I said mocking Tatiana's gossip tone.
"Makayla, I'm being seariouse." he said.
I kissed his forehead. "And I am just kidding. I know Tatiana was raped. We work together and she is my bestie."
He sighed. "I'm done talking about my sister."
He kissed me lightly.
"You sure you still wanna go to Hawii?"
I nodded. "Go take a shower. You smell."
He laughed. "Ok, baby." He got up and went into the bathroom. I layed down and turned the tv on. Futurama was on. I love that show so much.

Chapter sixteen

"You sliped up?" Tatiana asked when she came into the room for employees. I was helping my mom today.
"Damnit. How did you find out?" I asked sipping on my pop.
"My dear, loving, crazed for you brother." she said. "I cant believe you didnt tell me." she snapped.
"Well, back then I was ashamed. I still am. And a little embarassed." I said.
She giggled. "Why embarassed? My brother is hot and he has ten inches."
"I love to hear how you know this about your brother."
"You texted me on the first day of school freaking out. O my fucking Ash. He has ten fucking inches. You should have known that when you fucked at the beach. You were freaking out over his dick. Why?"
"He was naked and I love him."
"Not tell me about the slip up, Elmo." she demanded.
"We were home alone. Need I tell you more?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Ugh. I just came home from the beach and I was being lazy. Ash was being a pig being bored and I was watching Elmo cause it was on the tv when Megan took over the living room. He just sent his girlfriend home and I was jelouse so after about an hour I couldnt take it anymore. Need I say more?"
She nodded.
"I draged him up to my room and we fell on my bed. More?"
She nodded smiling.
"He began kissing my neck and removing clothes. I told him I couldnt do this anymore he whispered roughly that he needed me and we had sex."
"Ugh. Wow! My brother's never admitted he needed a girl before. You must be special."
I rolled my eyes. "What was that for?" Ash asked in the doorway.
"What?" I asked.
"You rolled your eyes."
"She called me special." I said.
He came in and kissed me. "You're more than special. Are you ready for our trip?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Trip? What trip? Damnit, bitch, stop hiding stuff from me."
"We're escaping to where Gale and her fucked up ex lives."
"You were a fucked up ex," she mumbled.
"I heard that, bitch." Ash mumbled back.
Tatiana kicked him in the butt with her foot. I giggled as he put his hand on his back and groaned.
"I hate you, Tatiana." he snapped.
She smiled and grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini fridge. Ash pressed his lips to mine softly. "Get a freakin room!" Tatiana snapped. It sounded like she was smiling.
"Oh you wouldnt want that at all. Even if we decided to fuck right here and now."
"You're right. I would love to see my brother screw my bestie."
"You," I said pointing at her. "Get to work. Now!" I snapped the last part.
Ash kissed my cheek. "Baby, can we go home yet?" he asked.
"After your sister cleans up the hair. It's what she gets for coming in late." I said.
"Just go. I'll close up. Tell your mommy sex isn't sexy when you're fourty."
"That's what I said." Ash said. I smacked his arm playfully.
He grinned then pecked my lips. "I'm gonna go wait in your car." he said and grabbed the keys. "Hurry up. The faster we get home and go to bed. Then we'll be at Hawii and we can..."
I nodded. "Why cant we just..."
"Cause, I wanna rub it in Alexander's face. And I wanna show you I have control over my manly emotions."
"Fine. But it better be worth the wait, doofus." I whispered.
"As long as I got you, babe." he whispered back. I pecked his lips and handed him my pop. He looked at it and groaned. "You're gun be up awhile tonight."
I nodded. "Now go." I said.
He pressed his lips to mine softly. "I dont wanna,"
I bit my lip. "Go! Before I kick you. I love you!"
"Please hurry? I dont wanna sit out there all night."
I nodded.
When he left Tatiana laughed. "Lovestruck dumbass."
"Jelouse?" I asked.
She nodded. "But it's what I get. Naulan wants some time alone."
Just as she said that Naulan came into the room out of breath. "Tatiana, I was wrong. I dont want time. I want you."
She pouted and looked at me. She pulled her blond hair into a hairtie. "What do I do here?" she asked me.
I shrugged. "Sweep up the hair." I comanded.
She giggled and Naulan smiled lightly.
"Why'd you want time in the first place?" I told her.
She looked at him. "What she said." Tatiana said.
"I thought you were cheatin on me. I didnt know you got raped."
Her head snapped to him. "How'd you know that?"
"I read your diary, baby. I took it before I left yesterday morning."
She turned to me and pouted. Naulan ran a hand through his black hair. "Lovestruck dumbass." I giggled.
She nodded. "Tate," Naulan took off his shirt and everything else and walked over to her. He got down on one knee. I find this weird. She looked away from me and gasped. "Marry me?" he asked.
Now I remember. Tatiana wanted her love to be naked when he proposed. It's weird and her. "Yes I will fucking marry you. Damn I thought you'd never ask." she yelled.
He chuckled and grabbed her hand. He kissed it.
"Why the fuck am I watching this? Tatiana, go do your job so I can leave."
She pouted. Ana came out of the bathroom with a towle around herself. Crap! I forgot she was here. "Holey shit, there is a naked boy in here." she said.
"Ana, why are you still here?" Tatiana asked.
"No reason," she said as Kevin came out of the bathroom. I giggled.
"I forgot you two were in there. Enjoy yourselves?" I asked.
Kevin nodded. "Oh yeah! Best make up sex ever."
I glared. "You two are the weirest couple. You're only twenty and twenty one. No make up sex. Just sex."
They shook their heads. I nodded. I grabbed my bag and my phone.
"I'm leaving. Lock up when your done doing whatever." I said then walked out. I got into the driver's side of my Mustang GT and looked at Ash. He was texting. "Who are you texting, baby?" I asked.
He jumped. "I was texting you, babe." he said.
I giggled. "Why?"
He smiled. "Cause, I'm starving and tired."
I kissed him. "You wanna go out?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I dont care. What ever you're in the mood for."
I kissed him lightly. "Wanna go to taco bell and pig out?" I asked.
He grinned playfully. "You know, I've falled for my bestfriend's twin. I'm pretty much calling him sexy when I call you sexy."
"Well, we are very sexy. Just he has amazing abes and I have a soft amazing stomch. And he is buff like you and I'm tiny."
He kissed me. "If you wanna be huge, then you're huge."
"Shut up!" I yelled.
He laughed then kissed my forehead. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."
"Who is the prettiest boy?" I asked.
"Your brother," He hesitated a little bit. "But I'm not gay."
I giggled. "I am. I like boys." I said. "One out of everyone in the world."
He framed my face lightly and pressed his soft lips to mine. I love times like these when his hands never leave my face and the kiss is soft and he isn't trying to shove his toung in my mouth. It makes my heart warm.

Chapter seventeen

"Bye bye, Makayla." Mika whispered quietly in my ear. He looked like he was gonna break out crying.
"Why cry, Mika?" I asked.
"You're leaving for two weeks. It hurts to be away from my favorite person in the whole wide world."
"We're leaving for two weeks and I thought Kaysee was your favorite person."
"Who and no."
"You, me, Ash, and Kaysee. And Oh." I said.
We laughed. "Ok. We, as in the four of us are going on a plane to Hawii?" he asked.
"First class," I nodded. "Just for you." I said smiling. Mika has always talked about going on a plane and first class too.
He picked me up and kissed both of my cheeks while saying, "I love you," over and over again.
I giggled cause I like seeing bubbers happy. "Just hold me when we get in the yellow thing." I said.
"I dont like the yellow thing either. I'll hold you if you hold me."
I nodded.
"Makayla, I really appreciate this, but I aint got clothes to take with me." he said.
"Ash got your stuff. So did Kaysee. Admit you love your birthday present."
"Love it? I more than love it." he said. "I think it's more amazing than you, you adorable little girl."
I crossed my arms. "Really now?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No,"
I giggled. "Baby, are you ready to go?" Ash asked coming up behind us. I nodded. "How bout you Mika?"
Mika hugged me and nodded.
"Where the heck is Kaysee? I told all three of you to wait here." Ash said.
"I had to pee." she said pulling Mika off of me.
"Hey! That's my sissy."
"And my girlfriend. Back off, bud." Ash said playfully, wrapping his arms around me. "That Alex guy isn't gonna be happy you and I are..."
I shushed him. "And Gale has mrtinis and muscle relaxers if he is an ass."
He smiled. "Come on, let's go." He pulled me out the door


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.07.2012

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