
Chapter one

"Ash Leanna Mere, get down here. Now!" Jake screamed at me. I was sitting in my bedroom crying because of his bitch ass. Why would I listen to him now? As you've heard the dip shit say, my name is Ash Leanna Mere. Yes, my last name is Mere and my first name is Ash. I know it seems like the other way around, but it's not.
Anyway, I have black hair and dark green eyes. I have a face that you cant say no to. I am sixteen. And I am 5'6. I have bangs that go straght across my forehead and my hair is natuarly straight. I am Indian, American, and a little australian.
As for the jackass that is yelling at me, he is Jake James. He has brown hair and adorable brown eyes. To me, he is an ok lookin guy. But to every girl in the world, he is oh so smexy. He is eighteen and he has a perverted personality. He is more indian than american.
I whiped my cheeks and made my way out of my room and down the stairs. I moved in with my brother and his friends when my mom told me I was worthelss then smacked me across the face. "Oh, you fucker. You made my sister cry." Daniel yelled at Jake, getting up from his place on the couch.
Daniel looks a lot like me only, he has lighter eyes, he is twenty one and he is 6'5.
Daniel got up and walked over to me. "Are you ok, Loca?" he asked.
"I'm fine," I said then walked out the front door.
"What is wrong with you?" I heard Daniel yell at Jake. I sighed then sat on the swing thing. Derek Williams came out and smiled at me. He has black hair with blue tips, adorable blue eyes. He is my age and my height. He is more or less my best friend even though he is Daniel's friends. He is also bi sexual. Shh, dont tell.
"What did he do this time, sweetheart?" he asked me.
"He ruined everything between Austin and I."
He grinned. "I knew you and him were dating. You know, he is way older than you. He is twenty and..."
"Fucking smexy." I blurted.
"Cant deny that, sweetheart." he said.
Austin came outside. "Can I talk to Ash, Derek?" he asked.
"I dunno. She is a little...."
"Please, Derek. You can watch Wrath Of The Titans with Ash tonight. I wont take over the livin room." he begged.
Derek hugged me and whispered, "He is like twenty... with a sexy Italiano ass." in my ear.
I giggled. "You got that right, Derek. Can you get me cookies?" I asked.
"Of coarse, my princess." he said as he went inside. Austin has brunett hair, greean eyes. He is twenty, but can you see I dont care? He is 6'4 and he is Italian, Australian, and american.
He sat down next to me and I was so tempted to kiss him. "I'm sorry, Ash."
My lip twitched slightly, meaning I was going to lie on the next thing I said. "I dont care,"
He chuckled codly. He is also perverted and short tempered. "Ash, please listen to me. I know you wouldnt sleep with my brother." His brother is Shane. Austin's twin.
"Why would I? He has a diffrent personality than you. And even if I did, it would be a mistake cause you both look alike. And kiss alike."
His eyes narrowed. "And you would know?"
"Spin the bottle at Daniel's thirteenth." I said in a duh tone.
"He let you be there?" he asked.
"Yah. To bad you were sick. My sissy took her shirt off for Daniel's little friends." I said.
He sighed. 'I dont wanna see your sissy strip. I wanna see you strip." he said.
Crap! I blushed hard and he saw so I leaned forward and put my hands on my face. I chuckled coldly. I sat up and put my head on his shoulder.
"Dont be hiding from me, Ash. Your beauty needs to be seen." he said.
"Austin, nock it off." I snapped.
"Nock what off?" he asked as he reached up and stroked my cheek. "I'll pick you up, baby, if you fall."
"Austin," I whined.
He laughed.
"Ash," he whined back. "I think it's sexy when you dont whine. It's sexy when you do, but not my point." he said in a whiny tone.
I giggled. "I dont forgive you unless..."
"I love you with all my heart, baby." he said.
"No. I cant think of anything. You're not forgiven." I said then stood up. I kissed his lips lightly. "See you tonight." Then I went inside.
Daniel came over to me. "Did you fix things with Austin?"
I paused. He wasnt supose to know about that. No one except Shane cause I usually get them mixed up and kiss Shane.
"Dont worry! I kind of figured out when Austin and you were talking a few weeks ago. I thought about telling you uh uh. But he made you giggle and I like it when you giggle."
"No. He isn't forgiven." I said. "And that is just wonderful, Daniel. Now go get me cookies."
He chuckled. "Yes, princess. Forgive Austin." he ordered.
"He didnt trust me. I get them mixed up but I wouldnt sleep with Shane. Shane has that scar on his back. I think I would notice a scar on a smokin body." I said.
He chuckled then went into the kitchen. He came back with my oreos. I smiled then sat on the couch and ate oreos. Austin came in and sat down next to me. I offered him some oreos. "Did you poison them?" he asked.
I nodded.
He took some. "You gonna be mad forever?" he asked.
I nodded. "Give me th remote," I ordered.
"Why?" he asked.
I looked up at him and gave him puppy dog eyes. He grabbed the remote and handed it to me.
I put it on Teen Mom. He kissed my forehead and I snuggled into him. "You dont seem mad at me." he said and Jake came downstairs. I threw an oreo at his head.
"I'm not mad at you anymore. I'm mad at him." I said to Austin.
"You're always mad at him." he said.
I sighed in frustration. "Austin, drop it." I snapped.
He kissed my forehead. "Kid," Daniel said coming into the living room. "what do you want for dinner?" he asked me.
"Top Ramen," I sung.
"Ok, sweety." he said before going back into the kitchen. Shane came in and grinned.
I grinned back. "Shane?" I asked.
He sat down next to me. "Hmm?"
"Daniel took my car keys away and Austin broke my heart. Will you take me to get movies?" I asked.
"Lazy," Austin whispered in my ear. "Take advantage of my brother will ya?"
"Austin," I whined.
He kissed me lightly. "What movies do you want?" Shane asked.
"Underworld awakening, The Journy island thingy, a thousand words, and Project X, and 21 jump street." I said.
"And where am I getting these?" he asked.
"Redbox," I said in a duh tone.
"You dont have a credit card," Shane said in a duh tone.
"Daniel. And you broke my heart too. Guess I'll just have to bug Daniel then walk. A lot can happen to an innocent little sixteen year old Ash." I said then tried to get up. Austin pulled me back down.
"Shane, you have your car, and your card. I dont want my boken hearted Ash to be walkin the streets now. That's time I could be spending to make her forgive me." Austin said.
Shane kissed my forehead. "Ok. Have fun, lovebirds." With tht he got up and walked out the door.

Chapter two

That night I was laying in bed half asleep when Austin came in. "Did you and Derek have fun?" he asked.
I nodded then rolled over and closed my eyes.
"You mad again?" he asked. I nodded and shook my head. "Scoot over," he ordered.
I scooted over and he climbed in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
"Why you in bed so early, baby?" he asked.
"Hiding from Jake. Why is he so mean?" I asked.
"*Fake cough* Jelouse... *Fake cough*."
I rolled my eyes.
"Why?" I asked.
"Why'd you get that one but when I told you I loved you, you didnt get it? And you know Jake loves you."
I rolled over and pecked his lips. "He shouldnt. He is a fucking jackass." I said.
He chuckled.
"Did you lock my door?" I asked.
He nodded. "We cant fool around tonight. Jake is listening."
"So, you think I'm that easy? Me letting you grope my breasts is not foolin around."
"You're right. It just makes me horney." he said.
I grinned. "Is she outside the door?" I whispered.
He nodded.
I grinned evily. "Austin," I moaned.
"What are you doing?" he whispered.
I moaned quietly then whispered, "Play along,"
He grinned then nodded. "Suck me, Ash." he said aloud. I patted his sweats just above his dick. "Ash," he moaned loudly. Then the door flew opened and a very angry looking Jake was standing there. Austin and I laughed.
Daniel came in with a banana in his hand and he was just in his boxers. His slut came in next. Ew! Austin jumped off my bed landing on his front. "Oh, baby, you ok?" I asked.
He shook his head. "My dick hurts now."
I giggled. "I'm not gonna kiss it for you, babe." I said.
"Why not?" he asked sarcastically.
Jake was amused.
"Jake, I said leave her alone." Daniel said then pushed Jake against the wall.
I got off my bed and sat on Austin's back. I leaned down. "I love you," I whispered.
"I love you more, babe." he said.
Once the other's left, Austin and I fell asleep on the floor.

In the morning, Austin woke me up cause he had to pee. I groaned then kissed his shoulder. I got up and crawled in bed. I wasnt gonna fall asleep again because it was eight and Daniel is taking us up to the cabin for winter break. "Baby, I'm gonna go get ready to go." Austin said then kissed my forehead.
"Will you go turn my shower on for me?" I asked.
He nodded then kissed my forehead. Once he left I went and got in the shower. When I was done in the shower Shane was in my room. I knew he was Shane cause of the X scar on his back. He was jumped by some dude when he was twelve.
"Hey, bud." I said.
"Are you naked?"
"I have a towle on. But stay turned around so I can get dressed." I said.
After I got dressed I sat on my bed and slipped my high tops on.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I'm bored and Jake is being a douch."
I giggled. "He is on his manly period." I said.
He laughed. "So is Austin."
"Why?" I asked.
"He smells like you,"
I rolled my eyes. "Doesnt mean he is having a period." I said.
"He is also bitchen at Jake."
"Jake is on his man period." I repeted.
He laughed then kissed my forehead. "I made chocolate chip waffles for you." he said.
I kissed his cheek. "Thank you, bud." I said.
When he left, I blow dried my hair then straightened it. My hair is long. From my view anyway. It is down to just above the small of my back. I grabbed my suit case and took it down stairs and handed it to Daniel. "You look pretty without make up, sissy." he said.
"I packed my make up, bub." I said.
He kissed my forehead. "Go eat. Why is your suitcase lighter than the guy's?" he asked.
I shrugged. "I got everything I need to last me two weeks." I said.
"I also noticed how he follows you around like a little puppy." he said.
I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Danny." I said then went into the kitchen.
"No you cant." Austin yelled at Jake. Shane was laughing and shaking his head.
"Austin," I whined.
Austin looked at me. "What's wrong, baby?" he asked.
I put my arms up and my shirt lifted a little bit. "I'm cold," I said like a child.
He came over to me and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulder.
"Hey! No cuddling in the kitchen. Ashy needs to eat."
"Morning, loosers." Derek said coming into the kitchen. Derek looked at Austin and I and laughed. "How cute,"
"Ash, why do you have condoms?" Daniel yelled from upstairs.
Austin laughed. "They're mine, Daniel." he yelled.
"Why does she have birthcontrol?"
"Incase Jake decides to rape me." I yelled then Austin put me down. Before I went to sit down, Austin slapped my butt lightly.
"I love you're sexy ass." he said playfully.
I giggled then sat down.
Shane put waffles in front of me. When I was done eating I brushed my teeth in the downstairs bathroom. I jumped when Jake came in. "Ash, I'm sorry about yesterday."
"Do you want me to get out so you can change your tampon?" I asked after taking the toothbrush out of my mouth.
"I'm not having a period. I'm a dude." he snapped.
"It's always the women that have to go through pain. Let us go through pain once in awhile." Derek said coming into the bathroom.
"I dont need your two sense, queer fuck."
I spun around so fast it would hurt anybody else. "Dont you dare call him that ever again. You're a fat jerk. Get away from me." I screamed pushing him out of the bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it. I turned to Derek. "You ok, bud?" I asked.
He smiled then ruffled my hair. "Your accent is showing. Dont be mad for me, sweety." he said. "Finish brushing your teeth. I just came to take a shower."
I kissed his forehead then finished brushing my teeth.
"Eew! You got toothpaste on me." he said whiping it off his forehead.
I giggled and choked on tooth paste. Ew! When I was done, I smacked Derek's bare ass before skipping out of the bathroom. I ran into Austin or Shane and groaned. "You have a hard chest." I said then smacked him playfully.
"You ok, Ash?" Shane asked and hugged me.
I nodded. "Where is Austin?" I asked.
"Talking to Cicealia." he said.
I skipped outside to see Cici trying to kiss him. I skipped over to them and smiled.
"Hi, whore." she said to me before trying to kiss Austin again. Oh hell no.
"Umm! Do you mind, Cici?" I asked grabbing Austin's hand and putting it on my boob.
Austin squeezed my boob lightly. Cici looked at why Austin was grinning.
"Who wants your b cup boobs?" she snapped.
Daniel came up behind her. "And you know my sister is a b cup how. Dont tell me you were the one that ruined the expensive ass bras I gave her money for." he said.
Cici got a pained look on her face and turned around.
"Austin," Daniel said. "Hand,"
Austin intertwined our fingers then kissed my hand.
"Daniel, it wasnt me." she said seductivly while pulling her shirt down so you could see her clevege.
"Then how do you know my sister's boob size? She keeps that a secret from everybody. Except me of coarse. And you shouldnt fluant it. A guy could get the wrong idea and kill you. And I hate fake."
"Daniel," she whined.
Austin covered his ear. "Fuck! Whining is annoying."
Daniel laughed. "Now get out of here. Austin is clearly not amused with d cup fake boobs."
I giggled then kissed my brother's cheek. Daniel smiled. I know he likes his cheek being kissed. Especially by famly. Not guys though. "I put all my other stuff in Austin's suit case." I whispered in his ear. "Damn! You're so tall, Daniel." I said then hugged Austin. I looked down and screamed. Jake's pet snake was slithering around. And it was touching me.
I jumped on Austin and squeezed him. Austin chuckled. "Baby, it's just a snake." he said laughing.
"To you. To me.... it's a monstor." I whined.
"A snake is a monstor but a lizard isn't?" Jake asked coming outside.
I nodded as he picked up his monstor.
"Lizards dont choke me," I snapped squeezing Austin. I smacked Jake on the head when he stood back up.
"Owe. What was that for?" he asked.
"For calling Derek queer. He is bi not gay. And gay people are cool cause they get girls." I snapped.
Austin glared. "I thought I told you not to pick on him."

Chapter three

"Ok! Derek is ready to go. Let's go. If you have to pee. Do it now. We're not stopping until for a couple hours. And the cabin is six hours away." Daniel yelled.
Austin and I are in the very back of Daniel's black Saburban. I am leaning against him clutching my knee. Jake made me fall on a sharp rock and now my knee hurts. Daniel had wrapped my knee but it hurts really bad. Austin kissed my neck before handing me an ice pack.
He helped me put my leg up on the seat in front of us and I lightly put the ice pack on my knee. Shane jumped in the front seat and looked back. "What happened, squirt?" he asked me.
"Jake pushed me and the rock hurt me."
"Poor baby. Want me to beat him up?" he asked.
I nodded like a like a little girl. Austin kissed my forehead. Derek climbed in next. He got the side behind Daniel that wasnt closest to my foot. "Woah! What happened, babe?" he asked taking the ice pack off my knee and looking under the bandage. "Ouch. That looks bad. What happened?"
"Jake scared her and she fell off me landing on a sharp ass rock." Austin said.
"Damn! It ruined your good skinny jeans." Derek said.
I giggled.
Then Jake got in. "Hey! Move your foot!" he yelled.
"I cant. You broke it." I screamed.
He sits dont and slids my leg over. I whimper at the pain in my knee. "Stop being a baby, Ash." he said.
I grabbed Austin's phone cause I didnt know where mine is and threw it at him. Austin laughed as his iPhone bounced off his head and landed on the seat. Derek grabbed it and started looking at the pictures.
"He has a lot of you on here. One of you two kissing, you sleeping, you sitting at the park with that looks like my sister, you in nothing but, Oh my Fudge!" he yelled.
Austin grabbed his phone and looked at the picture. It was me though. "I thought you got rid of that." I said.
He blushed. Ok it is me. I was asleep and we were just starting out. "But you're gorgouse."
I blushed and put my head on his shoulder. Jake moves my leg more. I scream in pain.
"Jake, stop touching her." Daniel yelled getting into the drivers seat. "Derek, do you mind moving her leg gently so it's out of my way?"
Daniel rarely get's annoyed and when he does there is only one thing that can calm him. Me! Yay! "Daniel, I want McDonalds!" I said before screaming in pain.
"Sorry, sweety. Jake is fighting with me."
"How about we go to the hospital and I'll get you McDonalds there?" Daniel asked. "You might of broke my sister, Jake."
"Nooooooooo!" I yelled.
"Whyyyyy?" Daniel asked.
I pouted. "I wanna go to the cabin." I whined.
"We're going no matter what. I just wanna make sure you're ok." he said.
He doesnt get that I hate doctors. But to make him happy. I threw my hands up then winced. "Jake, stop touching me," I screamed. "I fuckin hate your bitch ass. Fuck get off the rag." I screamed.
Austin pulled my hair back and put it in a hair tie.

When we got to the hospital, Austin carried me in while Daniel looked for my birth stuff and medical stuff. "Owe. Austin, that hurts." I whined.
"I know, baby." he said then kissed my forehead. He sat down and kept me on his lap. "I'm sorry." he said as he rubbed my stomch. "What's your favorite song?" he asked.
"I oready told you that, babe." I said.
"Oh. I know. But I forgot," he mumbled.
"Requim On Water." I whispered. "Yours is Every Where I Go. Weirdo!" I whispered.
Daniel sat down next to us. "We'll be here awhile." he said.
I grabbed his head and kissed his cheek. "I hate you right now."
"Why, sissy?" he asked.
"I hate doctors." I whispered.
"Doctors hate you too," he said aloud.
I smacked him on the head. "Shh. They'll hear you!" I hissed.
They laughed.
After about an hour I got called back to a room. With a sexy trainee. "Ok, Ash, let's go get your knee x-rayed." he said.
I got off the bed and grabbed for his arm. "I'm sorry. It hurts and I refuse to sit in the chair that moves." I said.
He chuckled then put his arm around me to support me. Then we went to the x-ray room. He unwrapped my knee. "That looks bad," he said before going into the room. After he did the x-ray we went back to my room and I layed next to Austin again. "It'll be a few minutes before we know." he said.
"Thanks, doc." I said.
He nodded before leaving.
I hugged Austin cause he was looking a little jelouse. He hugged me back. I had a small smile on my face and I started dozing off. Austin is warm and confortable.
"Baby, wake up." Austin said then kissed my forehead.
I opened my eyes and looked up. He pressed his lips to mine lightly before lightly turning me to look at Daniel and the trainee and doctor.
"Welcom back, princess Ash." Daniel laughed.
"You're jelouse you cant cuddle with him." I said.
He rolled his eyes.
"Your knee is broken, Ash. We're going to put it in a cast from your ankle to your mid theigh."
I groaned. "Thank you, Prince Daniel." I said sarcastically.
"Dont complain, Ash, I'll get you all the McDonalds you want." Daniel said.
I crossed my arms.
"Ok, Mr. Doctor person." I said.
After they casted my leg we left. "Where is your CD, babe?" Austin said as he went through my suit case.
"In your suitcase," I said.
"Well, I understand why it's so heavy now." he said.
"Ash, is Natacha ready?" Daniel asked.
I pulled out my phone and called her. "Hello?" she asked.
"Hey, baby. Wouldnt it be awsome if everything was unusual?" I asked.
"Fuck yes! Shane called me and told me you died. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Jake is on his man period." I said.
She giggled. "What happened?" she asked.
"He scared me with that monstor and the rock broke my knee."
"Bitch!" she screamed. "I swear....."
"Tashi, are you ready?" I asked.
"Yeah." she said.
I smiled. "Ok. See you in a few."
I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.
Daniel looked in the reir view mirror. "Is she? Is she? Is she?" he asked excitedly. Daniel has a crush on my best friend. Well, not a crush. He is in love with her. I nodded.

Chapter four

When we got to the cabin, Daniel grabbed Natacha and went inside. Austin grabbed my krutches and handed them to his brother before picking me up and taking me inside. When he set me down Derek brought me McDonalds and then went to help the others with the stuff.
Natacha screamed before running out of the kitchen screaming. Seeing her screaming over what my brother did was pretty funny. I sat on the couch and put my foot on the coffee table. She sat down next to me and screamed again. I giggled and began eating delicious french frys.
"Tell me what my oh so horney brother did, baby." I said.
She sighed. "Ok. So a few pit stops ago Austin was complaining about being starving and Daniel kept looking in the reir view mirror to see him caring for you and at the thing he told me to go with him and I did, and when we were getting slurpies and he was showing off, and I thought it was cute so I kissed him. I didnt know why, but when we got here we went in there and he.." My eyes snapped to a red faced angry ass Daniel coming out of the kitchen.
"Did he tell you how he feels about you?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Bitch, he meant it. Daniel is crazy for your indian ass." I yelled.
Daniel kissed my cheek. "I'm gonna go..."
"Nothing stupid, Daniel." I said shoving a fry in his mouth. "I love you, bubby."
"I love you too, sissy." he whimpered.
I ran my hands through his hair. "Shh." I soothed him. He went up the stairs and then a door slammed.
"Shit. I'm sorry, Ash."
"Tonight you're gonna..."
"Smack his beautiful ass,"
I giggled. "I swear, you two are the weirdest, sexiest girls in the world. Ash is sexier." Austin said.
"I agree with that, dude." Natacha said. "Austin, let me see your phone." Austin handed her his phone. "You may not have sex with my broken friend." she said.
"Then give me my phone back."
"Give me...." she glared at his phone before doing somthing and handing it back.
"You bitch," Austin yelled.
She took off and he chased after her. "Hey! I dont wanna be a loner. Jerks!" I screamed. "I'm mad at you Austin."
He came back and sat on the couch. "Dont be mad." he whispered.
I ate a fry and smiled. "I'm not." I said then kissed him.

Daniel's POV

God! I cant believe a girl can do this to me. Someone kill me. Suddenly I wanted to wrestle. But didnt get up from the water bed. I got up and ran out of my room and I ran into Natacha. She almost fell back but I caught her before turning around and walking back to my room.
It's rare for me to admit I love anybody. Someone knocked on the door. "Daniel, I command you to let me in this instant." Jake said.
Thank god! Just Jake. I unlocked the door and opened it. He shoved a McDonalds bag in my hand before barging in.
"You want a hooker?" he asked.
I shook my head and layed on my bed.
"Oh come on, man. Shane and Derek does. Austin doesnt but he'll change his mind."
"I just told Natacha I love her, man." I said out of breath.
He sat down next to me. "Do you want Ash?"
I shook my head. "No. You broke her knee and she doesnt like people carrying her upstairs." I said.
"Then go down there." he said.
"Is Natacha down there?" I asked.
He laughed. "Yes. Man, you're obsessed with this girl. I havnt seen you act like this since Ash showed up on your doorstep beaten to a bloody pulp."
"That was a good reason to freak out. She is my baby sister."
"You know, she can dance." he said laying down.
"Who?" I asked.
"Your sister. I caught her giving Austin a lap dance a couple days ago. It made me love her more."
I chuckled. "I know my sister can dance. Remember when I told her what a stripper was?"
He laughed. "She can be my personal stripper."
I punched his arm playfully. "No. That is my sister, dude."
He laughed.
"Why'd you break her knee?"
"So nothin bad happened." he said.
"It's gonna happen sooner or later. And when it does, you may not kill him. She's happy and I like seeing her happy. When'd you find this out?" I asked.
"I saw her kissing Shane a couple times then Austin. Then I figured it out when she gave him a lap dance. When'd you?"
"Couple weeks ago. I was fuckin your sister."
He punched my arm. "I said you could date her not fuck her."
"Technacally she raped me then. I enjoyed it though." I said.
"You better had. My family is great at it."
I nodded. "I know."
"Umm, Cici hates me right now. What did you do?"
"I told her she was fake."
"Why?" he asked.
"She fuckin messed with my sister's expensive ass bras. I had to sit through hours of that to make sure she had sexy, comfortable lingera." I said.
"I wanna see." He pouted.
"Steal Natacha's phone. Natacha has pictures incase something happens to her."
He sighed. "I'm tired of the fake bitch's, Daniel. I want your sister so much." he said
"You know, she isn't interested in sex. She wants a good, stedy relationship."
"And you know this how?" he asked.
I sighed. "We're very close. She told me after she almost had sex with Alejandro."
He looked at me. "She almost had sex with Alejandro but she wont have sex with me?" he asked.
I laughed. Talking to my best friend helps somtimes. I can trust Jake. And I know he doesnt mean to when he trys to sabatoge Ash's relationships. We sat up awhile later and started eating. "I see why your sister loves this so much." he said.
I nodded. "She is addicted."
"I'm addicted to her, damn it." he yelled.
I threw a fry at him. "Dont yell. Damn! She's right, you're on your man period."
He laughed. "My dick isn't bleeding." he said.
"You gotta let up a little bit. You're doing nothing but driving her away from you. Why'd you follow her into the bathroom then call Derek queer? I told you not to pick on him. And he is bi. Big diffrence."
"I wanted to appologize. And it's not fair, Daniel. I swear, I was angry when I called him that."
I choked. "You appologize? To Ash?"
He squinted then punched my chest making me fall off the bed.
I jumped up and acted cool. I was foolin him. My chest is my weak spot. "Sorry, Daniel."
I clutched my chest. When I was a baby I had a bruise on my chest from my mother not wanting the pain anymore. I coughed and rubbed my chest.
"You ok? Meds? Ice pack?" he asked.
I nodded then shook my head. I groaned then punched him in the nuts. "Ass face,"
He groaned in pain and Ash came in. "Why you two yelling? Daniel, can I sleep with you tonight? Austin just ticked me off." she said then frowned. "Why is she gripping her balls?"
I laughed. "I just punched him." I explained. "Why dont you have your brace on?"
"I can walk fine without it." she said proudly.
I rolled my eyes. Jake layed back and looked at her. "I'm sorry, Ash, stop being a hero. I know your stron but your beautiful fragle knee wont get better if you dont keep the thingy on. My dick hurts."
She rolled his eyes. "I dont kiss dick."
"Me neither. I kiss pussy." Jake said looking her up and down.
She grabbed the remote and threw it at him. "I dont let no boy near my no no square besides the doctor."
I looked at her proudly. I love my baby sister more than anything in the world. "I wanna be your doctor." Jake said.
I kicked him off the bed.
Ash groaned and put her arms up like a little girl. "Daniel, carry me to my room." she demanded. I walked over to her and picked her up bridal stlye. "Natacha is sorry." she whispered when I layed her down on the water bed in the master bedroom.
I kissed her forhead and tucked her in. "Sleep," I commanded.
"Love you, Daniel." she whispered.
"I love you too, sissy." I said then walked out of her room.
I walked into my room to see Jake talking on the phone. I ddnt bother listening I just walked out and went downstairs. Austin was glaring at everything. Natacha met my eyes. I looked away and walked over to sit by Austin. He looked at me. "Is she sleeping?" he asked.
"I think so. Jake might of pissed her off though."
"He always pisses her off." he said.
I nodded.
"Shane," I snapped.
He looked away from hugging Natacha.
"Let's go see some strippers. I dont wanna be here when Jake get's drunk."
Natacha's face droped. I grinned. "Naked girls!" Shane squealed.
"I'll strip naked and put on a fucking strip show for you loosers." she said.
Austin leaned against me and whispered in my ear. "She wants you, dude."
I rolled my eyes. "I want her more," I whispered back.
He laughed.
"My sister wants you,"
"I want her more,"
"Well, that solves how much you love my sister's body."
"I dont just love her body. Dont take him to a strip club. He'll get all grabby with Ash. And she'll think it's me."
"I wasnt gonna. I'm gonna take Derek and him to get something."
"What's that?" he asked.
I laughed. "P-O-R-N." I spelled it out like Ash would've done.
"Girl on girl porn!" Shane said angrily.
I rolled my eyes. "I dont wanna see a fuckin dick."
Natacha broke out of Shane's arms and came over to me. She sat on my lap and pulled me down to her lips. "I'm more flexable than strippers. And I am hotter than porn." she whispered seductivly in my ear. That turned me on. She was way hotter than any stripper and the girls on the porn. "And I aint fake. Pure real softness."
She took her shirt off and I couldnt help run my hand over her perfect, soft, tan skin. I put my head back and moaned in pleasure. "That's our cue to leave, my brother." Austin said getting up.
"But she took her shirt off," Shane stuttered.
"Horney fool," he muttered before grabbing his brother's arm and pulling him upstairs.
Natacha ran her hands down and pulled my shirt off. "Natacha," I breathed. "Stop."
She stoped. "Why? I thought you wanted me." She growled in frustrasion.
"I do. I just want you first."
"Ugh. You and your sister never make sense. You want me but you dont want me. What do you want?" she whispered. I looked at her and kissed her gentlly.
"I want you. With your clothes on."
"You wanna dry hump?" she asked.
I hugged her and shook my head.
"Ohhhh. Your sister wasnt pullin my chain when she said you loved me."
"I love you, yes." I told her. "I want you and your beautifulness. I wanna wake up next to you every mornin with your clothes on. No sex until I know your not gonna ditch me afterwards. I'll change my evil ways for you, Natacha."
She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I have a problem with comitment, Daniel. I was raped. That's why I ran out of the kitchen when you told me you love me. It scared me cause that's what he said before he raped me."
I hugged her close. "Who?" I asked.
I felt something on my neck and i relized she was crying. "Keep my secret, Daniel. This will never work if you tell. Promise you will."
I nodded. "I swear. Now who?"
She looked at me. I reached up and whiped her tears away.
"You're safe here, Natacha." I whispered.
"My dad." she said then baried her face in my chest.
I rubbed her back.
"Daniel, why is your chest red?" she asked.
"Jake punched me in the wrong spot."
"I thought the wrong spot is your dick." she said.
"My mom..."
She sighed. "Say no more. Ash told me this when we were six."
I chuckled but got insainly seariouse. "Babe, dont you still live with your dad?" I asked.
She nodded.
I leaned down a bit and whispered in her ear. "Move in with me. I'll get down on my knees and beg."
"My dad wont have it. He'll die if he looses his... sex monkey." She choked on the last part. My brotherness kicked in and I tightened my arms around her a little bit.
She giggled.
"Dont worry. I slip sleep pills in his dinner when we have sleep pills. Ash buys them for me when she can."
"You're moving in with me. End of that discussion."
She groaned. "What are we gonna discuss now. My period?" she asked sarcastically.
"If you want to."
She sat up. "No guy wants to hear about my period."
"Well, I listen to Ash's every month. Hearing about girl's privacy really doesnt bother me. It bothers me when a girl calls themself fat though. Ash does it a lot when she is on her's."
Natacha giggled. "Well, with how much food she eats, I would feel fat too."
"Well, she lives with my friends. We tend to get into the food before she does. Lately she's been beating us." I said.
She ran a hand up my chest and wove it around my neck. "I like you, Daniel."
"I love you." I whispered.
She smiled. "No porn?"
I shook my head making her face light up. "Daniel," Ash screamed. Natacha got off my lap and darted upstairs. I was two inches behind her.

Chapter five

Ash's POV

"Hey, baby, I'm gonna take Shane to town. I'll be back in a bit. Want anything?" Austin asked laying next to me.
I kissed him lightly and shook my head. "I'll miss you!" I whispered.
"Have you been crying?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry, baby."
"It wasnt you. It's my stupid parents."
"What happened?" he asked.
"Oh, nothing. I caused my mom terrible pain. You know, it's gross to hear my parents say the word sex. They act like fucking teenagers."
He kissed my lips lightly.
"You smell good." I whispered.
"I just took a shower."
I giggled. "I wanna take a shower." I said pouting.
"I'll help you when I get back."
"Thank you, babe." I said.
He whiped my cheeks. "No more crying. Ok?"
I nodded.
"I love you."
"I love you too, baby." I whispered. I smiled seductivly. "Wanna fool around?" I asked.
He nodded and shook his head. "Damn! You're so tempting." he growled then attacked my mouth with a rough, passionate kiss. I was pissed I couldnt wrap my legs around him and grind until he was oh so hard. Stupid Jake! "Natacha took her shirt off for Daniel and now they might be having sex."
I pulled away. "Daniel," I screamed.
A few seconds later they both came in shirtless. I shrugged then kissed Austin again. "Woah, baby," he moaned against my lips. "They're standing right there."
"They can leave. I wanna make out." I whined.
He looked at them. "Leave!" he comanded.
"No." Daniel snapped. "I thought you were leaving."
Austin kissed my neck. Sucking softy making me giggle. "I am. After I'm done with my baby." Austin groaned.
"No! You're getting all horney and then you're gonna have sex and her knee is broken." Daniel was starting to freak out.
"I'm not gonna have sex, dummy." I snapped.
Austin kissed me lightly one more time before grabbing his socks and shoes and putting them on. "I love you, baby." he said.
"I love you too," I moaned in pain as I sat up. He crashed his lips to mine before walking out the door. "Now get the fuck out. Both of you!" I growled.

Daniel's POV

I know she wouldnt but that doesnt stop me from worrying. "And dont fuck Natacha. And, Natacha, dont smack some indian ass." she said. Ash was getting pissed so I grabbed Natacha's hand and pulled her out of the room. I closed the door then Natacha pulled me close.
I hugged her back. "Thank you, Daniel." she whispered. I smooched her neck lightly.
"I cant put you first. I'm Ash's legal guardian."
She wove her arms around my neck. "I know. She got so pissed when you stupidly fell for Cici."
"Stupidly?" I asked. "What do you mean by that?"
She giggled. "Come, Daniel." she said draging me to her room. We sat on her back and she sighed. "Ash has a attention problem. Especially when your parents dumped her. Before they be rid of her, she wanted to be left alone all the time. I was the only one that could get through to her when she had a razor on her wrist."
"Woah! Razor?" I snapped.
"Life was hard for her. Beyond what I'm goin through. It's hard when your parents dont love you, your dad abuses you, your mom sits back and laughs. They didnt dump her on your doorstep, I did. She fell unconsiouse from a bad beating from your dad and that night I couldnt take it anymore. She likes that my dad actually loves me."
"What? I thought he rapes you!" I snapped. This was a lot I didnt know.
"He does. But she has it glued into her head that it's some kind of love. And I let her believe it. She tried taking me away, but I wanted her to believe that there was still love in the world. She doesnt want to think of sex as sex. I glued it in with super glue that it's love. That is why she is like she is today."
I kissed her. "Thank you. But I'm taking you away from him. I'll show her all the love she wants. Even if that means ditching you in a mud puddle."
She giggled. "I would love for that to happen. As long as she is happy. Now," She smiled seductivly.
I smiled and hugged her. "Naughty girl," I groaned.
"What can I say?" she asked like a little girl.
"You're not gonna get your way." I whispered.
"I wanna see it. Ash told me that you hang out with big dicks. I know she was talking about them being mean but I was kind of wondering since my dad made me look at his. I could erase it from my memory."
"For someone who gets raped, you're sex cheery." I said.
She shrugged. "Please?" she asked.
"What made you change your mind today?" I asked suddenly.
"I loved you from the beginnin, Daniel. I just panicked." she whispered.
I smiled at her and Jake bursted in. "Dude, I just saw your sister naked," he said excitedly.
"What?" I yelled.
"I didnt knock. I'm sorry. Fuck! She is sexy." he said. I looked down, I wish I didnt.
Natacha got up and walked over to him. "You better not hurt what her and Austin have again. Austin is fuckin perfect for her. Austin is a man, you're a boy." she spat.
Jake gulped. "Where do I get your number, shirtless sexy young women."
She grabbed his nipple and twisted. "This good enough for you, bad boy?" she asked seductivly. "I'm not fucking fake. This," she said grabbing her breasts. "is all real. And it's all his." She pointed at me.
Jake grinned. "You made my nipple purple. Sexy! Come here, girl. I wont try anything."
"I'm not stupid." she growled. "I know when a man is horney."
He grabbed her arm, whispered in her ear, then licked her breast. She screamed and I got up and punched Jake in the eye. He laughed. "I told her to come here," he said.
I busted out laughing.
"No, Daniel, dont laugh." Natacha said. She was sitting on the groung crying in her hands.
"Go away, Jake!" I screamed. I slammed the door on his face and picked Natacha up. She started to struggle. "Shh," I soothed and layed her on her bed.
"Whip it off," she begged in a whisper.
I whiped Jake's spit off of her boob and whiped it on my jeans. I whiped her tears away and pulled her into a hug. "You got small boobs." I said.
She giggled. "Plastic surgery can suck it. I aint changin my sexy ass body for you."
I kissed her breast playfully. "Wouldnt ask you to. If I go to far, let me know, baby." I whispered.
She gasped then giggled. "You're the only one that did that and I didnt have the urge to cry to death." she whispered. I jumped and layed on top of her.
"Is this to much?" I asked.
Her lip quivers a bit then she smiled and shook her head. "I see you. Not my..." I kissed her lightly.
"Be mine," I whispered.
She shook her head.
I frowned the grinned. I gave her the 'Ash' look. "Please?" Ash uses those dark green eyes to get her way. She taught me to do it and she thought I looked adorable.
She smiled. "Please dont get all Ash on me." she whispered. "I'm weak when she gives me that look. Curse her for teaching you."
I grinned then kissed her. "Pwease? You're gonna make a man cry."
"It's sexy when men cry." she said.
I licked her neck. "I think it's sexy when you do stuff."
She flipped us over and kissed my neck. "Oh yeah?" Damn she's strong.
I nodded.
"Like what?" she asked.
I groaned. "Everything. But you're gorgouse. When I see you skipping around my fat mansion with my skinny little sister, my heart melts."
"We dont skip around,"
"Then what do you do? Fool around?"
She giggled. "Only once," she said in a low seductive purr.
I raised my eye brow. "You fooled around with my sister?"
She nodded. "Austin and her first started dating and I wanted to mess with him. So me and he snuck into his room while he was in the shower and we fooled around. That's why she isn't afraid of Austin seeing her naked."
"What were you wearing?" I asked.
"Lacy panties and a matching bra." she whispered in my ear. "The one's I'm wearing right now."
I kissed her softly until she put my hands on her breasts. Oh god. I threw my head back and moaned loudly.
She giggled then moaned when my erection his her core. Fuck! This is hot! I flipped us over and took her pants off. Her body was beautiful. We made out for a little bit until we were completly naked. "Fuck me, Daniel." she begged.
I shook my head. "Are you sure?" I asked.
"I want it. I need you. You're the only one that doesnt discust me. Please?" she begged.
I moaned and she smiled.
"You like it when I beg?" she asked.
I nodded. It is insainly sexy when she begs. Any other girl, it's annoying. When Ash does it it's cute. It's kind of like Austin, he thinks whinning is annoying but when Ash does it it's sexy.

Chapter six

Ash's POV

Austin came in and woke me up after awhile. I kiss him softly then let him take me to the bathroom. I whimper when he took my jeans off. "I'm sorry, baby." he says soothingly.
He starts the bath and waited for it to fill before taking the rest of my clothes off and put me in the tub. "Austin," I said.
He looked at me. "Yeah?"
"I want bubbles." I said.
He laughed then went to get bubbles. When I got my bubbles. "Why bubbles?" he asked.
"I dont want you to look at me." I said sweetly.
He laughed then kissed me. "You're oh so surger sweet." he whispered.
I looked over at him and kissed his lips. He laughed at my suddenness.
"How's your leg?"
I shrugged. "It hurts a lot."

He pouts and kisses my head after sitting on the edge of the bath tub. "I got some pain killers when Shane and I were in town. and i rented a few movies. Do you wanna stay up with me all night?" he says.

I smile and nod my head. "Isn't there wine in the kitchen? And food?" 

He chuckles and nods. "And the couch turns into a bed!"

We laugh and I kiss him passionately. "I love you so much, Austin." I say.

"And i love you way more. Do you want me to wash your hair?"

I smile and nod.


Austin holds my hand as we walk into Daniel's room. Daniel and Natacha are eating ice cream out of the box. "We are going to watch movies in the livin room tonight. And eat a lot of food." Austin says.

Daniel smiles at us. "You two are perfect. Have fun, kids."

Austin gives me the look. The 'Your brother got laid' look. I glare at my brother and Natacha. Then Austin and I walk to the stairs. He picks me up and walks me down the stairs. We walk into the kitchen and I start cooking cheesy rice a roni and he puts fries and fish sticks in the oven. Then he grabs the wine from the pantry and smirks at me. 

"Wine. For my baby."

I giggle and kiss him hard. "I was kidding. But.. get the glasses." I say.

He kisses me again and laughs against my mouth. Then he grabs me and pulls me against him and kisses me again. He pulls back and goes to the cubboard and gets out two wine glasses.

"What movies did ya get?" I ask and scoop rice onto two plates. 

"How the Grinch stole Christmas, Guardians of The Galexy, If I stay, and The Cat in The Hat." he says.

I giggle. "Fun! I love the Grinch and the kitty!"

He kisses my head. "I know." He takes the cookie sheet out of the oven and gives me some fries then we walk into the living room. "What would you like to watch first, princess?" he asks as he pulls out the bed from the couch.

"Guardians of the Galexy." I say and hop over to the light. I dim the lights and the I pull my hair back. He grabs me and spins me around. I squeal and giggle.

"Why are you so God damn cute?" he asks and kisses my face all over. "And beautiful? And gorgeous! I love you!"

I smile and kiss his lips. "I love you too, Austin." 

He kisses my cheek on last time before he sits me on the bed. He puts the movie in the dvd player and grabs the remote then he lays on the bed with me. We look at each other.

"What do you want for Christmas, baby? I promise I'll get you anything you ask for."

I smile again. "I want you for Christmas!" I giggle.

He smirks. "You can have me anytime you want." He kisses me softly. "But I want to know what objects you want."

"I don't know what I want." I whisper.

"Okay. Well, when you decide what you want, tell me. Anything. I don't care how much it is, if you want it, i'll buy it for you."

I kiss him. "What do you want?"

"I want a new pair of basketball shorts."

"Anything else?"

"Avenged Sevenfold's new album." 


"Thats all. From you." He kisses me.

"What should I get Derek and Shane?" I ask.

"You could pay for Derek's boyfriend to come home for break. And Shane likes dirty magazeins." he says.

I laugh and he holds me close. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." he says back.

Chapter Seven

 Austin's POV


I wake up to Daniel and Jake staring at me. Ash is still sleeping on my chest. We fell asleep at six this morning after watching all the movies I rented for her. I blink a few times then close my eyes again. "What?" I mutter.

"Its one in the after noon." Daniel says. "We're going to get a tree soon."

"Ashy." I say. "Ashers. Wakey wakey."

"Shut up." she whispers.

"Do you wanna go get a tree with your brother?"

"He can screw himself." she mutters.

I peek at Daniel with one eye. "What's her problem?" Jake asks.

"She didn't want Daniel and her friend to fuck and they did and we stayed up until six this morning." I say and stretch my legs.

"Oh. Good job, Daniel." Jake says.

"Shut up." Daniel returns. 

"Will you two go away!" Ash screams sitting up. She takes my pillow and puts it over her face the screams into it. I pull her back down.

"Wait until tomorrow, Daniel." I say and take the pillow away from her. I set it under my head again. "Just let her rest and be angry today."

"Fine." Daniel says. I turn onto my side and Ash cuddles into me. 

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Ya." she whsipers. "Just sleepy and annoyed."

I kiss her head. "Shh."


She wakes me up a few hours later. "Good morning," she says smiling.

"Good evening, beautiful." I mutter. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. How did you sleep?"

I sit up and hug her. "Fantastic with you in my arms."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2012

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