
Chapter one

I walked into school and walked to my locker. Camron was fighting with the quarterback. He had him pushed against the locker. "Take it back, bitch." Camron yelled.
"No. Amber is fucking sexy and I wanna fuck her."
Camron pushed his head against the lockers and let him fall to the ground. Camron had black hair, dark purple eyes, great body. He was sixteen. And he was 6'4.
"Hey, Amber." Camron yelled in my ear.
I looked at him and glared. "Hi, Camron!" I screamed.
He put his hands on his ears and stood up straight.
He patted my head then grabbed his history book out of my locker. Yah. We share a locker. It helps when we're mad at each other. We have to see each other everyday.
I had brown hair, brown eyes, great body. Thats the only reason the quarterback wants me. I and 5'4 and I am fifeen. I am turning sixteen tomarrow.
"Tanner looked a little pissed when he droped you off today."
Tanner is my older brother. Our parents died three years ago and Tanner wouldnt let us be seperated so he lied to the judge about his age. Tanner looks like a male version of me. Though he is nineteen and he is 6'5.
"I dressed like this today." I said referring to Tanner's basket ball shorts and his jersy. And his Jordan's sandals.
Camron laughed. "Your brother got mad cause you wore his clothes?" he asked.
"He says I am acting like a pregnant women." I said.
"Well, you look hot, booboo." my cousin Marcus said.
I rolled my eyes. "Tan just doesnt want me being pregnant. He says I dont get to have boys over aanymore."
"I'ma boy. What about me?" Camron asked.
"I will murder him if he makes my bestie stay away." I said.
The bell rang and we went to class.

At lunch I had my iPod blaring in my ears and I had my head on the table. I felt like crap Camron and his slut sat down. He laughed and tossed his sweatshirt at me. I put it on and she glared. I pulled my iPhone out and texted Tanner.
Tanner: What's wrong, boo?
Me: I feel crappy.
Tanner: What class are you in?
Me: Lunch.... Mmmm. Will you get me some food?
Tanner: Yah. Meet me out front. Be there in ten.
I put my phone in the pocket of Cam's hoodie. Cam kissed my forehead before walking me to the front. "Feel better, sweety." he said then went inside.
Tanner pulled up and I got into his Tahoe. He put his hand on my burning forhead. "You wernt this hot this morning." he said.
"I wanna go home, Tanner." I whined.
"Calm down, boo. I gotta pick Jamon up."
I groaned. Jamon is my brother's idiotic friend.
"Stop. I wont let..."
"I dont care. Take me home, Tanner." I yelled.
He sighed.
He knows not to bother me when I am mad. It doesnt end well for him.
When we got to Jamon's place he made me get in the back. I layed down in the back seat and fell asleep.

Chapter two

When I woke up I was in my bed and Camron was laying next to me. He grinned. "Good morning, sister marry sunshine."
"Go ask Tanner where my food is?" I asked.
"Tanner, where is Amber's food?" Camron yelled.
I felt better. A lot better. I got up and walked downstairs. Jamon was eating an apple. I walked to the fridge. Jamon reached over and slapped my ass.
I looked at him and Camron came in and slapped the shit out of him. "No one touches that ass. Got it?" Camron yelled.
Jamon nodded, scared for his life.
Tanner came in and raised his brow. "What happened in here?"
"I slapped your sister's ass and this shit head slapped me."
"Dont touch my sister," Was all he said before hugging me then walking out the door.
"You feelin up to goin to the movies, girly?" Cam asked.
"What day is it?"
"The day before your birthday. Come on. I was gun take you to the movies no matter if you were sick or not. That made sense in my head."
"Ok." I said. "What about Jenn?" I asked.
"Oh. Shit. I gotta go, sweety. I'll see you tomarrow."
I glared. "Fine. Whatever." I said then walked out the door. I sat on the swings next to Tanner and grabbed his hand. "What's up, bro?" I asked.
"Makin last minute adjustments." he said.
"Tooo?" I asked.
He looked up and grinned. "You'll find out. Hey, dont you and Cam always go to the movies on the day bfore your birthday?"
I frowned. "He is ditching me for Jenn." I said.
He put his thumb in some mud then whiped it on my cheek. "Poor baby," he said.
I nodded. "I know. Now I am gonna be bored. Can Marcy come over?" I asked.
He nodded.
I got up and went inside. I called Marcus.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hey, bud." I said.
"Hey, booboo bear." he said.
"Wanna hang out? Cam ditched me for Jenn."
"Yah. I'll be there in a few minutes."
When I got off the phone with him Cam texted me.
Cam: I'm sorry, sweety!!!!!!!!! Plz plz plz plz forgivve me.
Me: Shut up! I am watching Futurama.
Cam: You and your futurama!
I didnt text back. Which only made him insainly mad.
Cam: Amber, text me back. I'm sorry
Me: *Yelling* I dont give a flying fuck, Cam. Fuck your chick oready and leave me alone. I'll see you tomarrow.
Cam:Noooooooooo. I'd rather moan for you if you're mad at me.
Me: Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Bitch!
Marcus sat on the couch next to me and kissed my forehead. "How are you feelin?" he asked.
Cam: Yes. Yes I am very beautiful. Pwease stop being mad!
"I feel hella a lot better." I said.
Me: Gottta go. Gonna watch porn with Marcus.
Cam: Not until you forgive me.
I turned my phone off amd put my head on Marcy's shoulder
"So he ditched you for his girl friend?" he asked.
I nodded. "Messed up right? Who ditches their best friend for a slut?"
He laughed. "I wouldnt ditch you for a slut, booboo bear." he said.
I put my legs on his. "Thank you, yogi." I said.
He nodded then turned the tv on

Chapter three

The next day around threeish Cam and I were at the park eating. I was giving him the silent treatment. "Amber, please talk to me. I dont like it when you're mad at me." he said.
He put his hand on my knee and something weird went through me. My heart stared to beat faster. What the hell?
"Fine, Cam, just dont touch me... I feel self consious." I lied.
"Not this again. Am, you are beautiful." he said.
I rolled my eyes. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
"No. Jenn yelled at me for being late and then she bit my neck for texting you."
He showed me the mark on his neck. "Ooh. Sexy!" I said.
He chuckled. "Are you ready to go? Tanner has something for you."
I nodded. We packed up our homework and stuff then walked to his car. Then he put a blindfold around my eyes. "What the fuck, dude?" I asked.
"It's a suprise, sweety." he said.
"Ok." I said.
When he helped me out of his car I yawned. "Dont act bored. You're gonna love your brother."
"But I oready do love my brother." I said. "We live in a mansion and I have my dream room"
"Oh, I love you too, sissy." Tanner said picking me up and spinning in a circle. "But you're gonna love me even more."
He put me down and led me somwhere. Then he took the blind fold off and we were in the garage. I looked at the black Mercedes Benz SLR and lost it. He got me my dream car for my birthday. I turned around and threw my arms around his neck and squealed.
"I love you! I love you! I love you!" I yelled.
He laughed then kissed my forehead. "I know, booboo, I love you too." he yelled back.
I giggled. Cam looked a little jelouse but his car was amazing.
"Come on, your family and friends are waiting for you inside."
They took me inside and I was bombed with a bunch of 'Happy birthday, honey' from my family and other stuff. Jake, the quarterback came over to me and whispered in my ear.
"It's your birthday and I have something for you."
"Mmmm. I'd love to, but I dont screw and dump. I dont screw at all." I said.
Cam put his arm on my shoulders. "That's my girl,"
I looked at him and he looked sexy. What the hell? I cant think about my best friend this way. Can I? "Cam, dont touch me." I whispered.
"What's wrong, honey?" he asked.
"I'll be right back." I said then went over to Tanner.
"You ok?" he asked
I shook my head. "I need to talk to you." I whispered.
He took me into the kitchen and handed me a bottle of mountain dew. "What's up, booboo?" he asked.
"I just called Cam sexy in my mind." I said.
He looked at me. "What's wrong with that? You're a teenage girl. You should think guys are sexy."
"He is my best friend, Tan. Do you think your best friend is sexy?" I asked.
"Actually, yes. Everyone does except you and Cam. He is the ruler of the school."
"I swear you and him are chicks sometimes."
He chuckled. "Nope. I have a dick. A huge one."
"Eeeewwwwww! TmI." I yelled.
He laughed.
"We'll talk about this later. Go back out there and give Cam a hug and enjoy your party."
I nodded then grabbed another bottle of Mountain dew. I walked out of the kitchen and sat on Cam's lap. I handed him the bottle and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Cammy, I am just annoyed."
He hugged me back. "You gonna let me sleep over tonight?" he asked after taking a drink.
"I guess."

Camron's POV

"I guess." she said putting her head on my shoulder. She is so damn beautiful. I will never tell her how I feel though. She'd never talk to me again.
I dont like how she is acting. It's like everytime I touch her she tells me not to. "Why you actin so weird, Am?" I asked her.
She shrugged. "Self consiouse, member?" she lied.
"Quit lying to me." I said as she rubbed my tan arm.
I fought the urge to moan. "I dont know, Cam. I just have this weird feeling in my heart."
"Does it hurt? Do you need a adult?"
She giggled. "No. Dont be dumb. It's just a feeling. It doesnt hurt. Well, it hurt yesterday."
"I said I was sowy." I told her.
She nodded.
After her party I took her out to my car and took her to the movies. We watched Snow White and the huntsman. She's been dying to see it. Then we went to eat at Dairy queen. "So tell me, what am I to you." I ordered.
She froze as if deciding. "My best friend in the whole wide world." she said shakily.
That had me wondering. "Did I do something?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No, Cam, you just make it hard sometimes."
"Hard doing what?" I asked. "Please tell me. You're driving me crazy."
I got a text and she glared. I turned my phone off knowing I would regret it later.
"Tell me," I ordered.
She sighed and got a lustful look in her eyes. She usually got it when she was around Jake. "Are you ordering me around?" she asked giggling.
I nodded.
She sighed. "I'll tell you later. Maybe." she said.
"Ok." I said.

Chapter four

Amber's POV

Cam and I got home around twelve. Tanner, his girlfriend, Jamon, and his girlfriend were sitting on the couch. "Amber, come here." Tanner said.
I pushed Cam to the stairs. "I'll be up in a minute."
He nodded and walked upstairs.
I walked over to Tanner and sat on his lap. "Did you have fun?" he asked.
I nodded. "Though my heart would go faster everytime he said my name or touched me."

Camron's POV

She nodded. "Though my heart would go faster everytime he said my name or touch me."
What the fuck? Who is she talking about? "Does little booboo bear have a boyfriend?" Jamon asked arrogantly.
"She was out with Camron, stupid." Amber yelled at him. "Why are you watching girls show off their butts?" she asked.
"The girls wanna see our huge dicks." Jamon said.
"Eeeewwwwwwww!" Amber screamed hiding her face in Tanner's chest.
"Ok. Bed time, squirt. No funny buisness." he said.
I walked to her room scratching my head. I took off my shirt and jeans and shoes and layed on her bed. She walked in and shook her head. "Messy boy. Do you make a big mess when you're all alone?" she asked.
"Nope. Only when I get caught." I told her.
She closed her door and changed her clothes. "That's gross." she said pulling on sweats.
Ugh! She is so fucking sexy. Why did you have to be so sexy? I wanted to ask her.
"So you dont sit in here at night and play with yourself?" I asked.
She looked at me pulling a tank top on. "No. I'm a virgin and it doesnt seem interesting." she told me.
I chuckled. "Come here. I wanna talk to you." Maybe I changed my mind about telling her.
"Ugh. You're gonna make me walk over there?" she asked.
I nodded.
She pouted. "Carry me," she ordered.
I got up and walked over to her. I picked her up bridal style and took her to her big bed. I layed her down then layed down next to her. We rolled onto our sides and looked into each other's eyes. She gasped. I dont understand why now it was diffrent.
I put my hands on her neck and leaned in and kissed her. She didnt hesitate. Her arms wove around my neck pulling me closer. Her lips were so soft against mine. I have wanted to kiss her since the beginning of sophmore year.
I nipped her bottom lip asking for entrance. She waisted no time to let me in. I explored her mouth before letting my toung dance with hers.
She pulled away for breath and I brushed my thumb across her cheek and smiled faintly. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?" she asked.
I noddded letting my arms go around her waist.
"I've been in love with you since the beginning of the year. I was scared to tell you."
"Why?" she asked.
"You're my bestfriend and I know you think it would be awkward if friends dated." I said.
"And you listened to me? I also told you I like it when you speak your mind. It's sexy. Crap! There I go callin you sexy again."
I pressed my lips to her forehead. "Speak your mind. It's sexy, babe." I told her.
She smiled.
"Hey, after I break up with Jenn and stuff will you go out with me?" I asked.
"After you break up with Jenn and she doesnt flip the fuck out." she told me.
I kissed her lightly. "I'll protect you from her." I told her pulling her closer to me.
"Ok. Turn the lamp off. I am sweepy."
I reached over and turned the light off. "Can I have another kiss?" I asked like I was a child in a candy store.
She found my lips in the darkness and kissed me passionatly. I nipped her bottom lip and she let me in.
I pulled away. "Why were you acting so weird?" I asked.
"Cause everytime you touched me it would make my heart beat faster and electricity ran through my bones." she said.
I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, sister marry sunshine." I whispered.
"Night, Cammycam." she whispered back.

Chapter five

In the morning Camron and I got ready for school. He has clothes at my house cause he stays here alot. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you!" he whispered then nibbled on my ear.
I rubbed his hands. "I wont love you until your single, boy." I told him. "Now let me finish getting ready."
He turned me around and kissed me. I kissed back.
"You know, this is considered cheating?" I asked against his lips.
"Just makes me feel naughty." he said.
I pulled away and finished getting ready to go. "You are naughty," I told him.
He grinned. "I'm tempted to smack your ass but you being my friend is stopping me." he said.
I walked over to him and put his arms around me. I put his hands on my butt. "Dont let that stop you. Please."
"Is this awkward for you?" he asked.
Tanner knocked on my door. "You decent?" he asked then walked in.
He looked at us like we were insain.
"Why you groping my sister?"
"She is helping me with somethin." Cam lied smoothly.
"And that is?" Tanner asked scratching his bare chest.
Cam let go of me. "Jenn is talkin bout leavin me and I dont want her too." he lied.
"Oh. Can you not do that on my sister though?" Tanner asked him.
"Yah, sure, man." Cam said then went into my bathroom.
I walked over to Tanner and huggged him. "You two are such liers. Dont be doin that alone in here. Got it?"
"So we can do it when you're around?" I asked.
"I dont want to see it but I dont want you loosin it yet." He kissed my forehead. "Do you need a ride?" he asked.
"Cam?" I yelled.
"I got it, babe." he yelled back.
"No." I told Tanner.
He hugged me. "I'll see you later then."
He walked away and I closed my door. Camron came out and pecked my lips. "You ready to go?" he asked.
I nodded then grabbed my hoodie. We walked down to his car and he drove to school. Jenn was waiting for Camron. "Nothin is diffrent," I told him then got out.
He pulled me back and kissed my forehead. "I love you," he whispered.
"I hate you," I whispered.
He grinned then punched me playfully.
I got out and so did he. "Why'd he kiss your forehead?" Marcus asked.
"I told him I hate him," I told Marcus.
He chuckled. "I'll see you in class, Am." Cam said.
I nodded then jumped on Marcus's back. "To my locker horsy."
He laughed then ran to my locker.

Camron's POV

I led Jenn into the school and to Amber's and my locker. Amber was listening to Nicklback. Jenn glared at her but Amber didnt seem to care. Marcus was texting someone. Amber looked at me through the corner of her eye and smiled.
"Quit starin at me, Cammy." she said.
I laughed then took Jenn to her locker. I leaned against her locker and looked her up and down. "So listen, my mom doesnt approve of you. And you've gotten really annoying."
She looked at me with tear filled eyes. "Is it Amber? Is she why you didnt text me back last night? You were having sex with her."
"It was her birthday yesterday and I ditched her the day before. We have a tradition every year on the day before her birthday."
"And you stayed the night and gave her birthday sex. Right? Is that what you did? Cause she smiled at you like you were something else." she snapped.
"No. I would never do that to her. She's a virgin and she's my best friend."
"How am I supose to believe you?"
"Ask her brother and Marcus."
"Who is Marcus?" she asked.
I rolled my eyes. "The red head that calls her 'booboo bear' and she calls him 'Yogi bear' you know?" I said calmly.
I was gonna stay calm and let her be all pissy.
"And Amber is gorgouse. No boy in this school deserves her. She deserves someone who is faithful and loving."
"I cant believe you're leaving me for her." she yelled.
Jake and his buddies came over. "Who who who?" Jake asked me.
"He is leaving me for Amber."
"Hey, I dont wanna touch plastic boobs. Amber is all real."
"Hell yah she is," Jake said. "I would stay faithful to her."
"Do you mind?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Not at all. You're talkin to my sister."
I sighed. "All I'm sayin is, she wont love me until I break up with you. And I really dont love you." She started crying. Jake brought her into his arms and smiled at me. "Good job," he mouthed.
I walked to history class and sat in the back where Amber was drawing and listening to music. I suprised her by kissing her then sat down. She put down her pencil and reached for my hand. I took her buds out then brought her desk closer.
I intertwined our hands then kissed her again. She pulled away and shook her head then took her iPod out.

Amber's POV

"Hello?" I asked.
"You stole my boyfriend. You're dead."
"Is that a threat, Jenn?" I asked. "Right now I am gonna fuck him... Hard."
That only set her off. I hung up and put my head on Cam's shoulder. "The day before yesterday we were making out and she got my phone and looked at my messages and stuff." he said.
"Did your brother buy it?" he asked.
"No. He says you cant grope me when we're alone." I said pulling out Fallen. He grabbed the book out of my hands and kissed my forehead.
"Fallen! Why is this chick covering her eyes?" he asked.
"I dunno. Hiding from something probably. Now give me my baby back." I love books. I absolutly love reading.
"Intense, babe." he said. He sounded like he was high.
"Look at me,"
He looked at me and I kissed his forehead.
"You sounded high for a second." I told him.
He shook his head then handed me my book back.
"What? Got a problem with high?" he asked.
I nodded. "Crack kinda killed my parents, you dip." I whispered.
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry, baby." he said then nibbled on my ear. "Will you love me now?" he asked.
I turned to look at him. "I love you, Cammy." I whispered.
"I love you more, Amber."
I opened my book and started reading. I didnt pay attention to the teacher cause I oready knew what he was teaching. A couple times I looked over at Camron and he was looking at me.

Chapter six... One week later

Cam's POV

"Hey, baby." I said kissing Amber.
She pulled back. "Hey, perv." she whispered in my ear. She was laying on her bed watching tv and reading when I came in.
"So what's up?" I asked her.
"I'm scared."
"Is Tanner at work?" I asked.
"Yah. He wont be back till next week." she said.
I pushed her over and striped my clothing besides my boxers. I crawled in bed and kissed her. "Ok. I'll be right here all week." I whispered hugging her tightly. She kissed me. "I love you, Cam."
"I still love you more than you know."
She pushed me on my back then straddled me. "If we were naked right now would you be able to control yourself?" she asked.
I shook my head fighting the urge to pull her shirt off. She put her head on my chest and rubbed my arms.
"I missed you," she whispered.
"Why wouldnt you let me come over?" I asked.
"Tanner had Jamon over the other day and..."
"Please tell me you're home alone now!"
"I am."
"Ok. What happened?" I asked.
She clenched her fists. "He was jelouse, Cam, that's it."
"Baby, I wont murder him. I wont be mad at you." I soothed her.
She sighed and I started stroking her hair.
"Tell me what he did. Please."
"He made me.... suck.... him. It was so gross. He was to big it hurt my mouth."
I felt something wet on my chest and I relized she was crying. I held her tighter then whiped her tears away. "Shhh. It's ok, Amber. I wont let anyone hurt you. I will be with you every minute until Tanner gets home. Even when you have to pee."
That made her giggle then she started crying again. I comfoted her until she stood up and pulled me up. "I'm starving. Let's order pizza and watch a horror movie."
I got up and grabbed a blanket out of her closet then followed her downstairs. I put the blanket on the couch and she draged me out to her car. I got in the passsenger seat and started shivering. It was cold.
She turned her car on then the heater. Her music today was Zendaya: Swag it out and Bella Thorn: Ttylxox. I know these things cause she tells me everyday and I've listened to them with her since she started liking them. They arnt bad and the chicks are hot.
She turned the radio down and shivered. "It's told." she said like a child.
I chuckled. "I know. I am in my boxers."
She put her hand on my bare leg and slapped it. "Right there isn't cold anymore," she said then giggled.
I held my leg like I just got stabbed. She slaps hard. She rubbed my back until I sat up and put my seat belt on. "Where are we going that's so important that I dont need pants?" I asked.
"We're going to wal-mart to look at movies. I aint got nothin good and neither does Tanner." she said.
"If you havnt noticed, I have just my boxers on."
She reached into the back and grabbed a pair of sweats. She handed them to me. They had her name on the right leg. "There now you're my property in the store." she said.
"I'm ok with that." I said then struggled into the sweats. "Colorful, cursive, and sparkles?" I asked.
"Cici sent them to me for my birthday." she said.
"Cici is talking to you? She is freakin ignoring me."
"I wonder why, babe." she said sarcastically. "She moved cause you wouldnt let her date Taylor Lautner. And you were too protective of her and I."
I laughed a cold laugh. "Phone," I ordered.
She handed it over theen opened the garage. I called Cici. "Hey, Chica. Oh wow. I havent heard from you since yesterday."
"I'm not a girl." I said.
"Cam," She said it like it was a bad thing.
"Who is it, baby?" someone asked in the back ground.
"Be quiet," Cici ordered. "What do you want, Cam?"
"I called to tell you I fucked our best friend. Hard."
"No you didnt. She would've told me."
"We just fucked. She's sleeping now."
Amber looked at me. "Cam, stop. Be nice to her."
"Where are you, Sissy?" I asked.
"I'm in Hollywood."
"With Taylor Lautner?" I asked. "What did I tell you. You're like my sister. I care about you, Cici."
She sighed. "How am I supose to know that when you're standing higher than me and yellling?" she asked.
"I have ADHD and dyslexia and ADD. I told you this when we were in fith grade. I dont mean to." I said sounding hurt. I was. She said she'd understand if I got stupid mad.
"But I wanted to be with Taylor. You wouldnt let me."
"You never gave me a fucking chance, Cici." I snapped.
Amber squeezed my hand.
"I'm sorry, Camron." she yelled.
"Come see me and my girlfriend tomarrow. You owe me big time, miss run away from her problems." I said then hung up. Amber parked her car then we walked into Wal-mart. She held my hand and led me to the movies.
"And party and bullshit," she sung quietly while she was looking at the movies. "Are you gonna help me or just stare at me?" she asked turning to look at me.
"Oh." I grinned pulling her close. "Let's watch The Covnent." I suggested. "I have it at my house."
"Ok. Let's go get candy. I love candy."
"You're gonna be up all night," I said as she pulled me to the candy.
"I dont care. I love candy."
Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. It was Jenn. "Please forgive me, Camron?" she begged.
I could see her nipples.
Amber jumped on my back. "Come on, horsey, I want candy."
"Hang on, baby." I said.
Jenn glared at Amber as she placed small kissed on my neck. "Why is she kissing your neck and why are you wearing her sweats?" Jenn asked.
"She's my girlfriend and she draged me out of the house with no clothing on." I said.
"No. I am your girlfriend. What makes you think you can just sleep with Amber?"
"I didnt. She's my girlfriend and I'll wait till she is ready."
"Quit groping her."
"I'm not groping her?"
I put Amber down.
"And I'll grope her all I want." I said then groped Amber. "Now I am groping my girlfriend." I yelled.
Jenn reached out and slapped me. I slapped her back then draged Amber away. "That went well," she mumbled.
"Ok. Let's get you candy, babe." I said.

When we got to my house my older brother pulled Amber on his lap while I looked through the thing. "Is my brother treating you right?" Jerimy asked.
"No. Not at all. Did he tell you that I am pregnant?" she asked.
Silence. "What tha fuck, Camron?" he yelled.
Amber and I started to laugh. "You're so gullibal." I said falling on my back. My dad came in and glared. "Do you mind? I am trying to get lucky."
Amber got a discusted look on her face so she hid her face in Jerimy's chest. Jerimy got a discusted look to so my dad smacked him across the face. Once my dad left I grabbed Amber and Jerimy and took them out to Amber's car. They sat in the passenger seat while I drove. Amber whiped blood off of his mouth and comforted him.
Our dad is a drunk and our mom left. Well, she said she'd come back for Jerimy and I as soon as she could. Jerimy is older but more sensitive. He doesnt have dyslexia or ADHD. Just ADD. I pulled into Amber's garage and we walked inside. "So why are you wearing girl sweats?" Jerimy asked.
"My clothes are upstairs. She's starving so we're gonna order a pizza and watch a movie." I said.
Amber was on the phone oready.
I took Jer upstairs and got him a pair of my sweats then Amber came up and cleaned the cut on his high cheekbone.
Then we went downstairs and started the movie. I held Amber close and rubbed her back. Jerimy fell asleep after we ate pizza.
"Do you ever think about me in a sexual way?" she asked out of the blue. Of coarse I do. But should I admit that?
"Promise you wont punch me. Yes. I do a lot. You're a sexy girl." I told her.
She giggled then pulled my head down for a kiss. It was slow and sweet.
"Do you still think about Jenn?" she asked.
"I never thought about Jenn in that way. I wouldnt even have sex with Jenn. I dont like plastic."
"You told me you did, big fat smelly liar."
I laughed. "I was jelouse of you and Jake flirtin all the time." I said.
She yawned. "It aint gonna keep me up all night. Maybe just a few minutes. Enough time for me to drag my ass up to my bed and go sleepy." she said sleepily. "Are you coming or are you stayin with your brober?"
"I'll be up in a few minutes." I told her.
She kissed me then walked upstairs. I layed my brother on the couch and covered him with the blanket. "Tell your girlfriend she is amazing, Cam." he whispered groggily.
"Ok, Jer, you get some rest." I ordered then turned the tv off.
I walked upstairs and walked into Amber's room. She was half asleep on her bed. I turned the light off and crawled in bed. She snuggled into me almost immediantly.
"I love you, Cammy." she whispered.
"Love you too, baby." I whispered then kissed her forehead.

Chapter seven

Cici's POV

"Why are we going?" Taylor asked me.
I kissed his cheek. "Camron has ADHD and he get's really really mad really easily. Though Amber has found a way to control it."
"And how's that?" he asked running a tan hand along my inner theigh.
"Kissing and letting him grope her." I told him.
He raised a brow. "Your best friends are..."
"No, Taylor, they are not having sex. Cam worked his charm on her and he is using her." I knew i was gonna regret that later.
"And why do you think Camron is using her?"
"Cam used me when we were in middle school."
"People change, Cici." he said standing up and going into the privet jet bathroom.

When we got off the plane we drove to Amber's place. Jerimy was asleep on the couch. Cam was half awake eating frosting in the kitchen. He glared at Taylor when we walked in. "Why is there another guy in my girlfriend's house? Tryin to make her cheat, huh? Just cause I aint no celebraty, right? I'm healthier for her than some poparazzi infested celebraty." He looked like he would break into tears.
Amber came in with just booty shorts and a bra on. Told ya, I thought.
"Man, it is hot today. Cammy cam, what's the matter, baby?" she asked.
"Cicici's all bringing a freakin celebraty here."
She kissed him lightly and whiped frosting off of the corner of his mouth. "Calm down. You wanted her here in the first place. Did you expect her to leave her preciouse poparazzi behind?" she asked.
Taylor snickered quietly.
"Now she thinks she is better than us." Cam looked like he would punch something.

Amber's POV

I hugged Cici then went back to soothing Camron. I hugged him tightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "I love you," I whispered in his ear.
I felt his body relax. "I love you more, booboo." he said then kissed me.
"You good?" I asked.
He nodded.
I kissed him then went upstairs. I jumped into the shower. When I got out I turned music on and got ready for the day. After I was done I called Tanner.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Hey, bub." I said.
"Hey, booboo, how are you feeling?" he asked.
"Great! Cam came over to protect me. But he doesnt like that Cici brought her snobby aditude and Taylor Lautner." I said walking downstairs.
Cici glared at me. "Dont belate for school, Boo." Tanner said.
"It's saterday, bub." I laughed.
"Oh, right. I gotta go. Jamon and I are gonna go out for dr..." I hung up.
Me: Bad connection. Sorry. Gotta go. Loves you, bub.
Tanner:Mmmmhmmm. You too.
Me: Jerk!
I shut my phone off then sat on Cam's lap. He sat back and put his hands on my stomch and my legs were parted so they were on either side of his legs.
Cici was sitting like she was the queen of England. Taylor Lautner was sitting there uncomfortably. "Sorry. My house isn't celebraty fit." I appologized.
"No. I love your house. It's smaller than mine. And your boyfriend is very..."
"He is being a prick." Cici blurted out and Jerimy shot up like the world ended.
"Do you mind, Ms thinks she's better than every one? Sexy Jerimy is tryin to sleep." Jerimy said really groggily. His words were all slurred together.
"I dont think I am better than everyone else."
"Yes you do." Cam said.
"You kinda do, Cici." I said rubbing Cam's hands.
She went beat red.
"You know he is just using you, right?" she sked standing up. "Look at the look in his eyes. It's pure lust."
"That's cause she is sitting on his ding-a-ling." Jerimy said.
I giggled.
"But he loves her. He talks about her all the time at home."
"Come on, Tay." she said and they got up and left.
I giggled.

Chapter eight... Three months later.

Cam and I were sitting on my couch fighting. Our first fight as a couple. He wouldnt leave until we got this settled. He's been sounding kind of high lately and I asked him about it and he got mad. But the doctor has him on new medication and I guess I cant be too mad at him. But he looked like my dad for a few minutes when he was yelling at Jamon.
"Babe, I'm sorry. I really am. This medication is..."
"I know. It's strong, Camron." I said holding my arms.
Tanner walked in and kissed my forehead. "What's going on, kids?" he asked.
"I made her angry,"
"I'm not angry. You scared me, Camron." I whispered.
Tanner kissed my forehead then went into the kitchen. I turned to look at him. He turned too. "How did I scare you, baby?" he asked.
"I dont think it's a good idea to have you on this new medicine." I whispered as he whiped my tears away.
"Cause when you're on it, you sound high, and when you're not on it you yell. Just like my father."
He pulled me into his arms. "I'll stop taking the pills. I was only taking them cause you said they would help me pay attention and my anger."
I kissed him. "Stop taking them. Please? You're scaring the living hell out of me."
He grinned then kissed me again. He pushed me down so I was laying down and kissed me rougher.
Once he forced his tounge in my mouth he stoped. I opened my eyes and his eyes were... I screamed and pushed him up. "Tanner call Fred, moom, Dad. Whatever number 911 is." I yelled.
Tanner came out and his eyes widened. Then he went to call the number.

Cam's POV

"Cammy, I'm sorry." I hear Amber whisper. But I cant bring myself to open my eyes. Grr! "Dont die, pwease." she cried.
I lifted my left arm and found a hand.
She gasped.
Ha! I got my eyes open. But it was hard keeping them opened. She had tears runnin down her cheeks. I wanted to enclose her in my arms and hug her tight and kiss her.
She stood up and kissed my forehead. "Cammy, I am so so sorry." she said still cupping my face.
I cleared my throat and tried to talk but failed epically
She reached over and grabbed a cup of ice water. "You went into a random coma. Dont talk for five minutes." she said as she helped me drink.
She still looked so beautiful when her eyes were red and her cheeks puffy. Once five minutes passed I groaned and pulled her on the bed and kissed her forehead. "What happened?" I asked. My voice was crackly.
"Your so called doctor was a meth maker thingy and your dad did buisness with him. And your dad screwed him over. The medicine was meth. Your dad and the doctor is in prision. You and your brother are under Tan's custody since they can not find your mummy." she explained.
I smiled and Jerimy and Tanner came in. "You two will not be in the same room. Jerimy is going in the room right next to hers and Cam is going in the room next ta mine." Tanner said.
Amber pouted. "Ok, Choo choo train."
She kissed my forehead then got up and crossed her arms before trudging out of the room. Jerimy sat in the chair and clapped. I noticed the giant bruise on the side of his face. And he was slouching as usual.
He was wincing too.
Tanner put his hands on Jer's shoulders and Jerimy put his head on Tanner's stomch. "Your dad stabbed him and him with something. He is still shoked so he cant talk yet. He is gonna get insainly cold until he is fully healed so I am putting him in with Amber." Tanner said patting Jerimy's head.
"She seems like she is in a bad mood." I said.
Tanner nodded. "She was worried and Jamon has been harassing her while you were in a coma. I havnt been able to take care of it. I've been busy trying to get you two away from your father."
"You look tired. When can I leave?" I asked.
"Two hours from now. But your dad and Moe want to talk to you and your bro. That ok?"
Jerimy got up and shook his head. Then he started hypervenilating. "I'm good with it, Tanner." I tolld him grabbing Jer's hand. Jerimy glared at me before shaking his head again.
"It's ok, Jerimy, you dont have to see him." Tanner said.

Chapter nine... Jamon's POV

Fuck! The hospital is so boring when there isn't a janitors closet in sight and Amber isn't giggling on the phone with Marcus or Camron. She came into the waiting room and sat on my lap. Knowing she wasnt in the mood for my shit, I just put my right arm around her and let her cry on my shoulder.
She relized she was crying on me and jumped to her feet. "What the hell, Jamon?" she yelled.
I groaned. "Amber, come here. I wont do anything. I am bored. Entertain me."
She shook her head and Jerimy came in. He looked really worked up. Amber looked at him and smiled. "You ok, bud?" she asked quietly.
He shook his head and hugged her.
"What's the matter?" she asked then went over to get Tanner's Jacket.
She offered it to him and he shook his head.
Cops and two prisoners walked by. I was assuming one was Camron's and Jerimy's dad and the other one was the guy that hurt Cam. Jerimy started hypervenilating. Amber pulled him into a hug and calmed him. So much for just her and I... What am I thinking? I gotta stop this. She is my best friend's sister. And she is dating the baddest boy I know. And his brother was the baddest guy when Tanner and I were in high school.
Tanner came out and sighed. "I hate cops," he whispered then plopped down on the floor. Amber meerly glanced at him before locking fingers with Jerimy and walking away. "She's gonna be mad at me forever cause of your stupid actions." he pretty much yelled in my face.
"Geesh! You and your sister are in a mood." I said
"Well, I wonder why!" he yelled. "You've been harassing her. And I cant do anything bout it cause I've been busy."
"Woah, man, I cant help that I love your sister." I yelled back. We were standing and in each other's faces. Someone cleared their throat. We looked. it was Amber and Jerimy. Jerimy had her in his arms and I felt really jelouse.
Amber looked shocked. Then really angry. She came over to us and slapped us both in the face. "You cant love me. You're Jamon Black. And I'm underage. And I have Camron. Why the fuck are you in love with me?" she yelled.
Tanner shook his head and brought her into his arms.
"Let go of me, jerk." she yelled.
Tanner didnt let go. She struggled until she couldnt take it anymore. She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Tanner sat next to me and put her on his lap while rubbing her back. "Ok. We're getting somewhere." Tanner said.
I chuckled softly. "So how long is Cam visiting with his father?" I asked and Jerimy layed on the ground.
"Jerimy," Tanner said.
Jerimy looked at him.
"Come sit up here. We'll go home in a little bit so you can sleep."
Jerimy groaned then got up and sat next to Tanner.
"Ten minutes and they have a bunch of cops there." Tanner said.
"Cool," I said. "I hate cops,"
Tanner nodded in agreement.
"So wha's wrong with Jerimy?" I asked.
"He got caught up in the fight between his father and Moe. Moe hit him pretty hard and his father stabbed him. Plus he is still in shock. He wont be talking for awhile. Will you stay and help?" he asked. "I dont think I'll live with two sick people and a moody sister."
"Yah, man. Just dont get mad at me when I tease her. I love her wit all my heart, man."
"Yah. I know that feeling. I love the old Cici. The fragile helpless one that isn't in a bubble." he said.
"Hey, I tried to stop my baby sis from leavin to be with the frek show but she wouldnt listen."
"Amber hates her guts for leaving. The night Cici left I found her in the kitchen smashing hamburger with that one thing."
"That's why you left me in Vagas?" I asked.
"I got a weird feeling. Amber is pretty much my daughter. You know?"
"Yah. I know. You've pretty much raised her since you were six." I said.
He nodded.
"So how are you gonna support all these kids when you dont have a job anymore?" I asked.
He pulled a letter out of his pocket. "This is from Mrs. Price-Lolan."
"Price-Lolan?" I asked.
"Roman is her maiden name."
"Their mum?" I asked.
He took out a little peice of paper and showed me. It was a check for a million dollars. "I get one of these babies every two to six months." he said. "Plus I am having a few friends move in. It's another reason why Amber is mad at me. You wanna move in also?" he asked.
"Rules," he said before I could get really excited.
"Ok. What are they?" I asked.
"Do not go in Amber's room. If Amber says leave her the fuck alone, I suggest you listen cause you not escape without her famouse bite mark. Be careful what you're saying about her, Camron wont take it well. I gotta go check on them. I am sure it's been more than ten minutes." With that said the coppers and the two walked by. Then the doctor came in.
"Camron is ready to go home. I put him on some muscle relaxers and some ADHD medication. I can reasure you it is not meth infected." he said.
"Thanks," Tanner said.
The doctor nodded then walked away. I groaned then got up and picked Amber up. Jerimy glared at me. Tanner stood up and made Jerimy put his jacket on then we went to get Camron. He was fully dressed and when he saw me with Amber, he glared.
"What the fuck you doin with my girl?" he said angrily. Jerimy patted Camron's back.
"Calm down, Camron." Tanner said. "He is just carrying her."
Camron rolled his eyes and muttered, "Fuck," under his breath.

Chapter ten

Camron's POV

"Oh I'm gonna get you, baby." I said as I chased her through the house. Only her and I were home. It's been three weeks since we got home from the hospital. Ok maybe Jerimy was home. But he is still sick.
She stoped running and turned around. I ran into her then stedied her before she fell. She giggled then let me kiss her deeply. "Ok. You caught me. What are you gonna do with me?" she asked seductivly.
"Well, we'll just have to find out. Now will we?" I asked seductivly. My voice was a seductive purr.
I picked her up and ran up to my room. She giggled when I threw her on my bed then locked the door and took my shirt off. I layed on top of her and kissed her with everything I got. I nipped her bottom lip until she granted entrance. Someone knocked on my door making me groaned but I didnt pull away.
She pushed me off of her. "Dummy, we have to take care of Jerimy." she said.
She got up and went to the door.
Jerimy was there looking really pale. He handed a peice of paper to Amber. "'I'm gonna be sick,'" she read aloud. She looked back at me then took Jerimy away from my room.

Amber's POV

I took Jerimy into the nearest bathroom and put a cold wash cloth on his forehead. "I cant, Amber." he said as he bent over the toilet.
"I know, bub, but it's be so much better if you puked." I said rubbing hsi back.
He grunted. "I cant belive I need someone's supervision when I puke." he said.
"Honey, you could puke your organs out with how bad your dad messed you up." I told him.
"I dont think so," he said shaking his head.
"Do you want to eat something? You've been asleep almost all day."
He nodded. I led him down to the kitchen and had him sit before I made him Macaronie and cheese. "What was you and Cam doing?" he asked.
I looked at him. "...Kissing." I said.
"He was shirtless," he said holding his wound.
"Yeah," Then the stupid guys came in. There is Jamon, James, Daniel, Damon, Aaron, Kevin, Jake, and Gale. My brother was behind them. They were bein really loud. "Hey. Shut up." I screamed.
They all stoped then laughed. Anger rose in me and I threw the spoon at the wall then ran upstairs. "What the fuck, guys?" I heard Jerimy yell.
I slammed my bedroom door but didnt lock it since I have to share my room with Jerimy since his body isn't heating up right. Tanner came in two minutes later.
He opened his mouth but I said, "Go to hell,"
"I will! As long as you come with me."
"I dont want to! Get out of my fucking room before I grab a fucking knife and kill all of your little bitches."
I jumped up and went to my closet and grabbed short shorts, a tanktop, and hightops. I changed then straightened my hair. Tanner hadnt moved a muscle. I ignored him while I got ready. I hadnt gotten dressed all day and I promised Jake I'd go to his after school party. Not the one that lives with us.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"To drink until I make a huge mistake," I said. "Now, bye bye." I said.
He sighed then walked out of my room.

Cam's POV

"Tanner, why is Amber locked in her room crying?" I asked walking into the kitchen.
The guys were laughing and talking about Amber. "She is still mad about the guys," he said as he poured mac n cheese in a bowl. "She called my friends bitches and threatened to stab them if I didnt get out of her room. Now she thinks she is gonna go drink until she does something stupid."
"She wont do something stupid. I am her designated driver."
"Well, that makes me feel super." he said handing the bowl to Jerimy. "You ok, bud?" he asked him.
He nodded keeping his eyes closed.
"Guys, will you shut your fat faces?" Tanner asked.
They shut up. "What's your problem?" Jake asked him.
"Ohh, nothing, my sister hasnt locked herself in her room and she is most cirtenly not crying her eyes out." Tanner said sarcastically.
"Did we do it?" they all asked.
"Noooo! Not at all!" Tanner yelled sarcastically.
"Shut the fuck up already!" Jerimy yelled.
Things are so intense. I swear. The phone started ringing and I answered it. "Hello?" I asked.
"Camron?" mom asked.
"hey, mum." I said.
"Where is Tanner?"
"Yelling at the loosers."
"What happened this time?"
"Amber has locked herself in her room and she is crying her eyes out." I said.
She gasped. Tanner lets Jerimy and I talk to our mother once in awhile. "Why is she crying? My future daughter cant be crying. Cammy go comfort her." My mom is really rich.
"I have to find the key to her room." Someone put their arms around me. I looked back to see Amber. I smiled. "Tanner, phone!" I yelled.
Tanner came into the living room and took the phone. I turned around and kissed her while whiping her tears. She pulled away and giggled. "I'm sorry for locking you out."
"It is ok, baby." I said. "You still wanna go to Jake's party?"
"I'll take every chance to get away from these guys." she said.
I chuckled. "Ok. Let's go." I said grabbing her keys.
"I dont wanna drink that much though. Dont let me get passed buzzed."
I nodded. "Course, baby." I said. I went into the kitchen and patted Jer's back. "Come on, bud. Time to take a nap."
He looked up from eating and nodded. He put his bowl in the sink then stumbled upstrairs. I went upstairs to make sure he got up there ok. I peeked into Amber's room and he was oready passed out in her bed.
I ran to my room, grabbed a shirt and my phone then ran down to Amber's car.

Chapter elevin

Amber's POV

Once we got to Jake's place, it was insain. Jake was drunk and he was looking at me with lustful eyes. It made Camron a little mad. "Hey, Cam, you wann be on da foooootballll teeaamm next year?" Jake slured.
"Ask me when you're not drunk out of your mind." Cam said as we walked inside.
He didnt even glance at Jenn as she bounced up to him, butt naked. Eww! I screamed in my head. Cam looked back at me with a pleading look on his face. "Cam, why are you looking at her? I am standing right here. Look!" she demanded. He just looked at me. He didnt turn his head.
I jumped on his back. "Let's go have sex for the third time today, Cammy." I suggested. I was still a virgin. I was just playing with Jenn.
"I like that idea."
"Dont go in my parents room," Jake said. "You can use my room."
Cam pushed passed Jenn and walked up to Jake's room. I jumped down and locked the door. I turned him around and kissed him. He was suprised at first then he started kissing me back. He backed us up until I hit the door and he picked me up. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didnt give it to him.
He pulled away. "You ok?" he asked.
I nodded. "Just nervous." I said.
"You wernt being sarcastic about sex, were you?" he asked.
"No. I'm ready for you, Cammy." I said.
He brought his right thumb up to my cheek and brushed his thumb across my cheek. "I dig you. Everything about you sets me off. You make me good, you know?"
I nodded. "Promis you wont hurt me," I demanded.
He held up his pinki for mine. I locked our pinkis. "I swear I will never ever hurt you, Amber Leanna Lolan."
"That's not fair. My last name has something to do with meth. Mum and dad will haunt me if you put your name there."
"You're my wife after I make sweet love to you."
I shook my head. "Cammy, my parents still own the family buisness. Imagin what they'd do to me if the crack heads found out that my initials arn't A.L.C."
"I was talking to your brother yesterday while you were sleeping and he said I have his permission to change your name. He also told me only a family member can give permission."
I shrugged. "Tanner doesnt talk about that stuff around me." I said. He pressed harder into me. It was turning me on. I put my head back and moaned. "Camron?"
"Hmm?" he asked sweetly.
"I love you,"
He kissed me sweetly. "I love you too, babe." he said then I took his shirt off. He took my shirt off then walked over to Jake's bed.

Jake's POV

The guys and I stumble up to my room and it's locked. Then I hear moaning and I remember I let Camron and Amber fuck in there. I though they were bluffing. "Fuck." Amber screamed in pain.
"I'm sorry, baby." Camron said to her. I grabbed the key to my bed room door and unlocked it. I looked at the guys and we grinned.
"We gunna see Amber naked. Be quiet so we can get to the closet. I left it opened." I slurred.
I slowly opened the door and crawled in. While looking at Amber. Her face softened and she let out a soft moan. That made me hard. I made it to the closet and we all piled in.
"I love you, Mrs. Lolan." Camron said outa breath as he banged her.
"Cammy!" she moaned.
I imagined she was moaning my name. The guys had their mouths opened. Kev was vidio taping it on his phone. But mainly the parts where we saw Amber's ta tas or when he switched their positions.
They let out one last moan before he collapsed on her.
And I came in my pants. Ugh. They got up and got dressed before Amber said, "I feel like being nosey." as he threw the bloody condom away.
"Ok. I officially hate condoms."
She giggled. I panicked as she came twords the closet. "Turn the light on and I wont make you use a condom next time." she said.
He turned the light on and we're screwed. I looked at the guys as if trying to escape but to late. Amber opened the door. She looked right at me and glared. "What the fuck?" she yelled.
"What is it, babe? Is Jake some crazy rapist that has your picture all over his closet?" he said then came over to the closet. Camron is the kind of guy that everyone thinks it hott. Dont think I am gay when I think this but he looked great. His hair was messed up and he had a joyful look in his eyes. "Did you just watch us have sex?" he asked.
"Nah. I was taking a nap and these bo zoes followed me." I said tiredly.
"Ok. You have a warning. The next time I'm fuckin her and you're watching, I'll kill you." he said hostily.
"I didnt watch." I yelled.

Chapter twelve

Camron's POV

Hours later I carried my drunk girlfriend into the dark mansion. She was giggling and hicupping. The guys were watching a horror movie in the living room. They looked at us and I set her down. She put her hands in the air excitedly and jumped. "I am starvin. Unless you loosers dont make me some fuckin food, I'll go suck Cam's dick." she slurred.
"Save it, girl. You having sex is on YouTube." Kevin said.
She blinked. "It is? And I didnt have sex."
"I know. I was kidding." he said.
She crossed her arms and stopped jumping.
"Yo, sexy, why suck his when you can suck mine?" Jamon yelled.
I was to happy to beat him up.
"Jamon, leave sissy alone." Tanner said tiredly.
Amber put her arms around my neck and kissed me.
"Where you protected?" Tanner asked when Jamon got up and stomped up to his room.
"I dunno," she said and plopped down next to her brother.
"Yes. We were." I said then kissed Amber goodnight.
"Night night, baby." she said before I got to the stairs.
"Night night, wife." That made her blush.
I walked upstairs and went to bed.

Amber's POV

I put my head on Tanner's shoulder. I was gonna let sleep consume me when Kevin had to open his big fat mouth. "Can we watch porn now?"
I opened my eyes and Tanner glared at him. "She wasnt even asleep yet, doofus. And we're not gonna watch porn while she is sleepin in her living room." Tanner said and put his arm around me.
"I thought this was your livin room," Jake said.
"This house was her thirteenth birthday present." Tanner said.
I closed my eyes while the other guys were confused.
"What do you mean?" James yelled.
I put my hands on my head and whimpered. "If you havnt noticed, my sister is very drunk. And she isn't to nice when she is hungover. So shut up a bit?"
"Sorry, Amber." I put my middle finger up.
"Fuck off. I hate you all." I whispered.
"Why?" they all asked.
I stood up and stumbled up to my room. Jerimy smiled when I turned the light on. "Hey, girly." he said.
"Hi hi, Jer Bear." I said before climbing in bed. He kissed my forehead then we went to sleep.

Chapter thirteen

Jamon's POV

I sit in my room thinking about the fact that they had sex. I have no chance now. But I have more expeiriance than that looser. I think I can win her heart. And he has ADHD. He is scary though. He could protect her. But so could I. I know she doesnt like players. But Camron is a player too. I've just had more sex than he has.
I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Tanner came in and raised a brow before sitting at my computer desk. He logged in then turned around. "What's the matter?" he asked. "You only cry when something really upsets you. And that's like never."
"They had sex, Tanner, you were too tired to notice how happy they were." I yelled.
"They were just at a party. And sge is drunk." he said tiredly.
I shook my head. "They had sex. I havnt seen him smile since..."
"I know they had sex, Jamon, it's the newest thing that's goin through seinor year. She was probably drunk when they did it and I have Cam permission."
"You did? And how did you find out?"
"Kev sent me the vidio of it. If she wasnt my sister, I would love to be hers."
"Ew. Who else did he send it to?" I asked.
"Not many people. Me, you, Jake, and Jerimy."
I fumbled my phone out of my pocket. "Fuck! It's dead!" I yelled.
He grabbed my phone and plugged it in. "Go check on Amber. You're being loud and she's a light sleeper when she is drunk."
"But I wanna see," I groaned.
"I'll let you watch you watch it on my phone." he said. I got up and bolted out of the room. I opened Amber's door and she was sitting at her computer typing something.
"Hey!" I whispered in her ear.
She looked back at me. "What do you want, Jamon?" she asked.
"Tanner wanted me to come check on you and make sure you were going to bed."
"No. I'm talking to Kev." she slurred.
A thing popped up.
Kev: That was hot. You're hot. I spent two hours sitting on Jake's bed thinking about you and me.
Amber though for a second then typed: I hate you all. That was wrong! I swear, I thought my first time would just be between Cam and I. But you had to go sending it to my bro, Jamon, Jerimy, and Jakey.
Kev:Ugh! Your bro hasnt killed you and when Jamon watches it he'll freakin jerk off in his room for hours screamin your name. I bet all the guys in school scream your name when they's havin sex. I did when I had sex with Jenn tonight. She doesnt get why the guys like you so much.
She didnt hesitate to answer.
Amber: Why do the boys like me?
Kev: Amber, Amber, Amber, what am I gonna do with you? You're rich, nice, sweet, sexy, everything a guy wants. Jake told me never to tell you this but, he wants a personal cheerleader. So you're his imaginary personal cheerleader.
Amber: Eeeeewwwwww! I knew guys only like me cause I am rich and sexy! I officially hate guys. Cam is the only guy that understands me! He is the only person!
Kev: Ok, sweety, I'm gonna go to bed. I need help with my college things.
Amber: But we dont have to start on those till next year, dummy.
Kev: I do, drunky. It'll take me all year to do.
Amber: Night night, boy.
Kev: Nighty night! Sleep tight!
She logged off and turned around. "I heard you yellin. Are you ok?" she slurred.
I nodded. "I'm horney," I whispered.
She patted my dick then walked over to her bed. I wasnt but am now. Thank you, Amber. "Good night, Jamon."
"G-good night," I said then walked out closing the door behind me. I walked into my room.
"What's with the smile?"
"She touched my dick cause I told her I was horney."
He laughed. "She punched Jake's dick for saying that out loud. I laughed then sat on my bed.
"Phone," I demanded.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened his messages. They were empty. "Deleat it after you see it," he told me.
I opened his vidios and found it. "Warn me what I am gonna see!" I demanded.
"It didnt turn me on but it'll turn you on. Do you want some privacy?"
"I supose," I said.
He got up and walked out. He must be really tired if he's letting me watch this. Or he knows I'm gonna keep it on my phone. Oh well.
I pressed play and immediantly my jaw dropped. I jumped up and droped the phone. I ran to Cam's room and slammed the door opened. He was sitting in his bed watching tv. He wasnt even affected by the door.
"What, Jamon?" he asked after yawning.
I walked in, closed the door and turned the light on. "How many girls have you slept with?" I asked.
"Amber oready knows how many. I tell her every time I get laid." he said in a duh tone.
"I want to know, Cam. Since you're dating the love of my life, may as well get along with her boyfriend. Right?"
"Sure. Can you turn the light on. Dislexia kind of sucks." he said.
I flicked the light off and sat on the floor.
"Thirteen," he said. "Not counting Amber."
I've slept with more. That means I'm more expeirianced. Does it?
"What bout you?" he asked calmly.
"Beats me. You're a player, right?"
He turned the lamp on. "Nope. I like having girlfriends. I just have a diffrent way of pleasuring them."
"What is it?" I asked.
"I dont know. How would I know. And it's Cammy property. Amber knows, along with the other girls I've slept with."
"I dont understand how you make a girl moan like that. How was Amber?"
"Best I've had. She can probably turn a gay man straight."
Amber opened the door and groaned. "Cammy, my room is too dark and Jerimy rolled on me."
"Come here, baby." he said.
She walked over to his bed and he laughed. "To lazy to change?" he asked.
She nodded. "Why is Jamon in here?" she asked putting her head on his bare chest.
"We're just talkin bout the vidio." he told her sweetly.
She rolled her eyes. "I really hate Kev right now. My sex life is gonna be the high light of seinor year."
He stroked her hair. "Not with me there. Jake get's the first beating." he said. "Then Kev and the others that were in the closet then I'll beat up everyone else that talks bout us having sex."
"Oh, Amber," I sung.
"What's so special about the way Camron fucks?" I asked.
She shrugged. "It's amazing. Gental yet rough. It feels like I'm falling but flying when I reach my point."
"Falling? Dont all girls feel like that when they have sex?" Camron asked.
She shook her head. "Cici feels like she is gonna barf when she comes to her point." she slurred.
"Falling but flying? How does that feel?" I asked.
"It feels like your flying in the sky but it's hot not cold. Hotness makes me feel like I'm falling." she said.
"It does?" Camron asked.
She nodded. "I take cold showers half the time."
I stood up. "I'm gonna go watch something." I said then left.

Camron's POV

Once Jamon closed my door I sighed and layed Amber down. I turned my lamp off and layed down next to her. "Cammy?"
"Yah, babe?" I asked as I watched South Park.
"Are you ok?" she slurred.
"I'm fine, sexy." I whispered in her ear.
She smiled and turned to face me insted of the wall. I pecked her lips.
"You're the sexiest women in my life."
She giggled and someone knocked on the door. Tanner walked in. "Behave yourselves." was all he said before he walked out and closed the door. She put her arm around my neck and kissed me. She faintly tasted like alcohol but I didnt care. In the morning, after she eats toaster waffles, she'll taste like strawberries again. Then mint then strawberries again.
Her hand travled down my chest until she stoped at my sweats. I put my hand on hers and she pulled away. "I'm waiting for your permission. I'm not a slut, Cam."
"I know. You can do what ever you want with my dick as long as I can have you and yo pussy."
That made her blush. "Ok, Cammy." she said like a child.
That made my heart race.
"Just promise you wont die in your sleep," she said.
"I promise I will not die in my sleep. Why do you think I would?" I asked.
"My dream. I was only asleep for a few minutes but it was clear that you died in my dream."
I kissed her lightly. "You aint gettin rid of me that easy." I whispered.
She let her hand go into my pants then my boxers. My dick immediantly got excited. She latched her hand onto it and I smiled.
She started moving her hand and I had the urge to moan. "No moaning. Tanner's room is right next to yours member?"
"Kiss me. No promises." I whispered.
She kissed me but her hand never faultered. I was thinking about how much I love this girl while moaning into her mouth. It made her giggle and put her hand over my mouth. "You're gonna get me in trouble,"
I shook my head and bit my lip from screaming her name as I came. "You made me make a mess, baby." I said then got up and went into my bathroom. I took a quick shower. When I got out, Amber was fast asleep. So I crawled in bed, butt ass naked and fell asleep.

Chapter fourteen

Kevin's POV

"Tanner, your sister wont wake up. I dont know where your sister is. I want waffles." Jamon screamed.
I rolled my eyes and lunged out of my bed. I stumbled downstairs and fell on my face. Camron laughed. "Where is Amber?" I asked.
"She is nursing her hangover." he said.
"Oh. Yah. Forgot she was drunk last night. What was with the moaning last night. I heard Jam, but you too."
"I saw Amber's boobies." he said handing me a cup of coffee.
I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Do you know where Amber is? She promised she would make me waffles." Jamon asked.
"She is giving Cam Cam a blow job." I said knowing it would make them mad.
He pouted. "I want one,"
"We all do. Just not from Amber." Tanner said.
I chuckled. "I want one from my step sister. Dat chick is sexy man."
"You oready got a lot from your step sister." James said coming into the kitchen. James is more of a mommy in this house. He cleans, cooks. A lot of things a mother would do. "You want chocolate waffles or regular, Jam?" he asked Jamon.
"Chocolate, chococlate, chocolate," Jamon cheered like a child.
I sat down at the table. "What bout you, Kevin boo?" He is like a mother. He is gay. Along with Gale. I catch them kissing all the time. Gale came in in just his boxers and James blushed beat red.
"Hey, sexy boo." Amber said comeing into the kitchen and kissing my cheek.
"Hey, hot lola." I whispered.
We've flirted ever since we were twelve. Camron knows it means nothin so he doesnt care. She looked at Gale and James kissing and grinned evily. She walked over to them and put her arms around Gale. "Oh, Gale, I like the way you kiss me. Kiss me harder." she mocked James.
"You heard that?" James asked referring to two nights ago when they were having happy humping time.
"Everyone heard that. Even the dead cat heard that." her and I said together.
We laughed and Cam came in. She walked over to him and put her head on his chest. James went about his buisness and I grabbed the phone and called my step sister. "Ello, love," she whispered seductivly.
"Ey, sexy mama." I said. "What are you doing?"
"Listening to Gwen Stafani and helping your brother nurse his hangover." she said. "What are you doing?"
"Watching Gale try and grope James. Haha. James blushed."
"Dont pick on him."
"I'm not. Come over later. I love you, sexy mama."
"I love you too," she said seductivly. I hung up and Tanner ran into the room and picked his sister up.
"We need to go to Italy, ASAP." he yelled. "Go pack. All of you."
"I havnt got my waffles yet. James is to busy being groped by his boyfriend while I starve to death."
"Tanner, put me down. I need to take a shower." Amber said breathless.
He put her down and she pulled Camron upstairs. "Make me foor, mr. groper." Jamon yelled at James and Gale.
"Someone make the damn kid some food before my family's buisness gets here tonight." Tanner said annoyed.
"Kevin, since you're not doing anything, go pack. James will get out of grope town and make food for you all."
I walked up to my room. "How much am I supose to pack?" I yelled.
Tanner appeared in the doorway. "Enough to last you a month. This happens once a year." he said tiredly. "Since you're more mature, I want you to make sure you get off the jet with everyone and protect Amber."
"Yes sir," I said saluting him.
"Ok. Thank you. Amber loves swimming in the ocean at the beach house and she always gets first pick on rooms. That is my house and they're my rules."
"What are the rules?" I asked grabbing dufflebag out of my closet.
"Keep an eye on Amber when she goes outside, Dont let the maids sock Amber in the eye, Dont let the maids in the room Amber has, Cam and Amber always share a room when they go out there, If they end up having sex, go bud them after ward, Make sure Cam and Jerimy take their meds. And Amber will go over them when you get there. And One Direction often stays there."
I nodded.
"And dont boss Amber around to much. She told me she'd start soon."
I nodded and continued packing. "Why'd she tell you?" I asked.
"So she could get more tampons, duh!" he said.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I said.

Chapter fifteen

Amber's POV

Once we got to the house in Italy, the guys tryed to walk away. "Wait!" Kevin yelled. "Amber get's first pick."
"What?!?" they all screamed.
"She's gonna get the biggest room though."
"What is with all the yelling?" Louis asked.
"Lou!" I squealed in excitement. I ran over to him and hugged him.
"Hey, short stuff." he said excitedly. "Wait till Harry finds out you're here."
"Are you on vacation?" I asked him when I pulled back a little bit.
"Mmmhmm," he said.
"Cool. If one of you is in the room I want, you're outa there." I said in a threatening voice.
"Of coarse. Brother's house. Brother's rules."
I giggled.
"Wait! We have to stay here with the..."
I turned and gave Jamon a evil look.
"Hey, these guys are cool." Camron said. "Now, go choose our room so I can take a nap."
I kissed Louis' cheek then went to find a room. In the biggest room Harry was sleeping peacefully. I giggled quietly then skipped over to the bed. I layed down and stared at Harry. A few minutes later he opened his eyes and screamed. I laughed, falling off the bed. I groaned and Harry smiled at me. He jumped off the bed and began kissing me.
I pulled away. "Nu uh. We broke up, Mr Styles." I said.
He frowned. "But friend kisses, Amber."
"I have a boyfriend."
"Who?!" he yelled.
"Camron!" I yelled back. He groaned.
"Harry, I thought you were tired." Niall said coming in. "Why is Amber on the floor? Harry, I thought we went over this? Amber and you broke up." he said helping me up.
"Thank you, Niall." I said. "Harry, get out of my room." I yelled angrily.
He pouted. "But why cant we share a room?"
"Cause. I want to cuddle with Camron." I yelled. "And I cant do that with you here."
"Cuddle? Or sex?"
Louis and Camron came in. "Harry, get out of her room. Kevin is in charge and I wanna screw her before he can invaid her room." Camron said.
"Get out of my room." I screamed.
They all got out. Camron crushed his mouth to mine and five minutes later we were naked and under the blankets.

Harry's POV

I walked into the kitchen blocking out the moans while Tanner's friends rush to the door to listen. Niall came into the kitchen with his girlfriend. "Harry," he said watching his girl walk out thr front door. "Mandy had some earplugs and she gave them to me to give to you. I know how tired you are."
"I dont need to sleep. I just need coffee." I said through clenched teeth. "I just wish that was me making her feel good." I snarled.
Zayn came out and chuckled. "They're not fucking, Harry. I have a camera in her room. Well, technacaly Tanner does but whatever."
I ran out of the kitchen and into Zayn's room. On his tv was Amber and Camron. They wern't fucking though. Only oral. Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Though I couldnt draw my eyes away from it. She was so beautiful. Niall came in and patted my shoulder.
"Now get out," he said.
I shook my head. "Switch rooms?" I offered.
"Fine." he snapped.
Later that night I was watching Amber talk to her brother on the computer. "What do you mean we have to stay here for a year?" she asked.
"Rodriguz is coming up there to tell you. I'll be up there in a month. You know I love you, honey."
"Seinor year," she yelled.
"I know, baby girl."
"You better send all my favorite books and movies with him. The hell if I am gonna fucking sit here and be annoyed by fucking Harry, Jamon, and Kevin."
"What did Harry do?"
"He hates me cause Cam and I..."
"Shhh, honey, he'll get over it. Look at Jamon. I gotta go. I'm going to war."
"What?" she screamed. "You didnt mention anything about war. What the hell, Tanner? I hate you!" she closed her laptop and started crying. Cam came into her room and tried to comfort her but it didnt work.
Someone knocked on my door. I turned the tv off and opened the door. "I know you know what's going on. I know about the tv in here. Why is she crying?" Cam snapped.
"Tanner is going to war." I said.
"Oh," he whisepred.
I nodded. "Why dont you go talk to her?" he asked.
"She is angry with me." I said in a duh tone.
"I'll let you kiss her." he said.
I sucked in a breath. "Fine," I said then walked to Amber's room. I opened the door and frowned. She was crying hard. I walked over to her breath and sat down. "Shhh! Sweety, it's alrigh." I soothed.
She sat up and hugged me. "Harry, he is leavin me." she cried.
I rubbed her back. "Shhh."
"Did you see?" she asked.
"See what?" I asked like I had no clue.
"Camron and I!" she said impatiently.
"Liar," she said then giggled.
"You're body is very pretty. I just wish it was me."
"My body is is fucking hott." she said.
I couldnt deny that. She was the hottest girl I've ever dated. And I respected her body. And her virtue. "Yes it is. It's weird the way Cam does that."
"It's sexy and amazing. Best in the world."
"He's the only one you had sex with, Amber," I was getting a little mad. Dont blame me. This girl is the best girl in the world.
"So? Who else is better?" she asked.

Chapter sixteen

Amber's POV

Two days later, I was watching Twilight with Louis, Niall, and Camron when Harry burst through the door. "There is a very muscly guy outside. And he is not One Direction body guard."
"Rodriguz," I squealed. Rodriguz is a friend of Tanner's. I jumped up and went outside. On the beach was the family plane.
Rodriguz was standing in a army uniform thing looking searious. I jogged over to him and hugged him. He laughed then hugged me back. "Hey, shortstuff." he said then kissed my cheek.
"Why are you wearing that thing?" I asked.
"He was assigned to go to war with me." Tanner said getting off the plane.
I turned around and crossed my arms. "I'm not talking to you, meani." I said like a little girl.
"Why are you wearing that?" Tanner asked.
No answer.
"Why are you wearing that?" Rodriguz asked.
"I'm watching Twilight and I was up all night last night. I didnt feel like changing." I said.
Tanner grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Dont be mad at me. It'll make it hard."
The thought of Tanner dying was killing me. "I'm not mad. I'm just scared, Bub." I said.
"I know. Me too. But I'll be fine, baby girl. Just trust me. When I come home I'll be more of a hero."
"You are a hero, Tanner." I said. "In my eyes, you'll always be a hero." I whispered.
He kissed my forehead. "I know, kid." he said.

Once Tanner and Rodriguz left I sat on the couch and Camrin came in. He sat down next to me and kissed me lightly. "Harry get's to kiss you," he blurted out.
"What?" I snapped.
He nodded. "A couple days ago, I told him to go talk to you and he said no and I didnt want you..."
I kissed him lightly. "Ok, Cam, never do that again. Kissing Harry might bring back feelings I havnt felt for him in awhile. If it goes to far, it's your own fault."
He kissed me. "I know what goes on in your head. I wont be mad."
"By the way, I know about Cici."
"What about Cici?" he asked nervously.
"You owe me," I said.
He smacked his forehead. "Baby, it was a mistake."
"Damn right, babe."
"Do you wanna sleep with Harry?" he asked.
My head snapped to him. "You slept with Cici?" I screeched.
His eyes widened. "I thought you knew."
"I thought you kiss her."
I grabbed the popcorn that was on the table and threw it at him. I then got up and ran to Harry's room. I stayed just outside the door taking deep breaths. "Amber?" Louis asked.
I jerked my head to the right. Him and his girlfriend were coming in from the deck. "Hi, Louie." I said.
"What is wrong? Plan on suprising Harry with your super hot body?" he asked.
I shook my head. "I'm not a cheater but he cheated on me." I whimpered.
Louis glared then pulled me in for a hug. "Well, dont do Harry." he said.
"Louis," I whined.
"Amber," he whined back.
"Where is Harry?" I asked.
He sighed. "He goten drunk with Liam and Zayn last night so they are nursing his hangover."
I rolled my eyes. "Can I stay with you?" I asked.
"Of coarse. I always want a pretty Amber in my bedroom."
I hug him close. "Thank you, Louie." I said.
He nodded. His girl cleared her throat. "Sorry, Natalia, Amber is like a sister."
She kissed his cheek the ruffled my hair. "I was just worried because she is prettier than me." she said in a small brittish accent.
"Me prettier?" I snorted. "I'm sexy not pretty."
"You're gorgouse, Sweethart." Niall said coming in from the deck. "Harry is begging for your pressence."
Louis kissed my cheek then sent me to the deck. Harry was half asleep and Zayn was throwing popcorn at his head. Zayn looked at me. "You ok, Taco?" he asked then patted his lap.
Harry's eyes popped opened. "No! I want her to sit on my lap." Harry growled.
"Fine, fine. Your ex girlfriend. Do what you wish. Just dont fall asleep fucking her." I smacked Zayn in the chest. "Owe! You're to strong. You killed me!" He played dead.
I straddled Harry's lap and hugged him. He rubbed my back. "Did you find out about Cici?"
I nodded.
"The bitch! Isn't one man enough? Gotta go and make Taco unhappy? Amber, give me your phone for a few seconds." he demanded then reached into my back pocket and grabbed my phone. He called someone and put it on speaker.
"Hi, Amber." Taylor said.
"Hi, Taytay!" I said back.
"Why so sad?" he asked.
"She is sad becuase Cam put his pecker into a grapefruit." Niall giggled coming out.
"Oh. You found out about that?" Taylor asked.
"Why is Niall at your house?"
I sighed. "We're in Italy." Harry said.
"Oh. What's up?"
"Where is Cicealia?" Zayn asked.
"I broke up with her. I dont wanna be with a cheater."
"Is she still there?" Harry asked.
"Yah. She's going back to Los Angeles." Taylor said.
"Booo!" I whimpered.
"You better keep Cam on a leesh, Amber, Cici wants him."
"We're in Italy for a year. I'll keep him under my wing."
I caught sight of Cam go into our room. I kissed Harry's cheek then got up and went to my room. I opened the door and smiled at Cam crying. I closed the door and went over to him. I hugged him. "Cammy, I love you. So much. I wouldnt do it. If it was a life or death matter than I would."
He looked at me with loving eyes. I whiped his tears. "I love you with all my heart. I did it because I was being a horney fool. You'll always be my number one girl." He kissed me lightly.
I nodded. "Who's better?" I asked.
"Me!" he said like a child. "Her? No! You? Beyond words!" He kissed me passionatly. "I'm glad I have you and your sex. I'm not glad, I'm one of those smart words that you use."
I giggled. "You want my sex now," I whispered seductivly.

Camron's POV

She giggled her amazing, sexy giggle and said in a seductive manor, "You want my sex now," It turned me on a lot.
"Fuck yah, I do." I said. "Do you wanna be on top?" I asked seductivly.
She shook her head. "No! You get violent when I'm on top. I wanna have sex in the kitchen." Oh my wonderful, wonderful Amber. Always wanting to be wild.
I laughed. "Let's got make brownies." I said.
She giggled. "Stand up," she commanded. I did and she jumped on my back. "To the kitchen, sex monkey." she comanded.
I laughed and ran to the kitchen. Harry was playing with her phone and Kevin was looking for something to eat. We started making brownies but it led to exactly what we wanted. We didnt care Kevin was there.

Kevin's POV

Woah! Brownies and sex. Camron put her on the table and my mouth droped. "Fuck! Watch it. I'm trying to eat." I snapped.
"Then leave!" Camron snapped groping her now bare breasts.
"Fuck no! This is somehow better than porn." I said.
He went back to squeezing one breast and sucking on the other. I ate my sandwich quietly while then did whatever before...
Damn. He is alien. I looked up to see Jamon crying in the doorway. Crap! Why'd Tanner put me in charge? I got up and took Jamon into my room. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. "Shh." I soothed him.
When he was done crying I looked in his eyes. He looked back then looked away and... Blushed?
"I'm bi," he blurted. "But I'm totally in love with Am."
I nodded and patted his head. "I think she's in love with you too, but she doesnt know it." I explained.
He sighed.
"Want some dirt?"
He nodded.
"Camron has been sleeping around with Italian chicks." I said.
He jumped up and started for the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down on the bed and wrestled with him until I was straddling his waist. Not gay. He cant go beat the shit out of Camron. I'd get in trouble.
"Why didnt you tell her or something?" he screamed. "They were just out there fucking. Let me up!"
"Jamon, shut the fuck up!" I snapped.
I waited until he calmed down until I let go of his hands. "I didnt tell anyone cause Camron gets scary." I snapped.

Chapter seventeen


"Hi, booboo." Tanner said when I clicked on accept on the vidio chat thingy.
I layed on my stomch on my bed and smiled faintly. "Hi, Tan." I said.
"How are you and everyone?"
I smiled. "Cool. I think. Jamon caught me and Camron doing stuff today and he is pretty upset. I made him cookies and everything." I said.
He kissed his finger and put it on the camra. I did the same. "I was just talking to him and he told me something very stupid. Something that Kev told him."
I sighed. "What is it?" I asked.
Someone jumped on his back and looked at the screen. "Woah. Is this your girl?"
"She's my sister, Lyall." he snapped. "Now, go away. We're talking."
Lyall blew me a kiss then went away. "Goooo on," I ordered.
He sighed. "I only tell you this because I love you so very much. Kevin told me that Camron is cheating on you with a bunch of Italian chicks."
Bam! I just died. Camron walked in and smiled. I shook my head and put my head in my hands. "How are you, Tanner?" I asked and looked at him again.
"I'm fine."
I smiled. "Liar," I whispered.
"Neither are you. Wanna talk about it?" he asked.
I shook my head. "I need to sleep. I love you, bub." I said.
"LOve you too, sis." he said. "I'll talk to you in a few months."
I nodded then clicked off and closed my lap top. Camron sat down on the bed and hugged me. "What's wrong?" he asked when I pushed him away.
I shook my head and crawled under the blankets. "Let's just cuddle, Camron." I whispered.
He nodded and crawled in bed. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. "Something bothering you?" he asked.
I nodded.
"What?" he asked.
"I know your dirty secret, pig." I whispered harshly.
"What secret?" he asked.
"Italian babes?" I snapped.
He sighed and kissed my lips. "I didnt sleeo with anyone." Dirty Liar!
"I just wanna be friends again. I missed when we'd just hung out without kissing." I said.
He kised me again. "No. I didnt. Please dont." he begged.
"We have to, Camron." I whispered. "You obviously need more than one women." I said.
He shook his head. "Please, Amber." he begged pressing himself against me. I couldnt think when he did that.
"Camron, we have to. You cant keep it in your pants."
He hugged me. "Fine," he whispered after a long silence.

Camron's POV

Then next day, I was sitting on the beach when Jamon came out and sat in the sand with me. I shook my head and pulled my ear phones out. "Man, I'm sorry I judged without the facts." I didnt have sex with the girls. They just payed me to make out with them, and I didnt feel like being bothered.
I snorted. "She's not with me anymore. You can go back to trying to get with her filthy scum." I whispered.
He shook his head. "Her and Harry went shopping today and she had your phone and some girl in the store called you and she answered. She's looking for you." he said the last part through clenched teeth.
I shook my head. "Maybe it's better if we are just friends. I mean, she..." I trailed off.
"She what?" Am asked kneeling behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"She is flippen amazing," Jamon finished for me.
She giggled. She handed him a pop cicle and he left. She slipped on in my shirt and kissed my cheek. She took her colorful converse hightops off and her socks and wiggled her toes. "Toes are really weird," she said as I layed on my stomch and started massaging her left foot.
She giggled. "Cammy, stop, that tickles."
I kissed her foot and she laughed again.
"Cammy, you're squishing your pop cicle."
"Nu uh," I said showing it to her.
She layed down next to me and smiled. "Hello, dear." she said making me remember the first time we met.
It was a muggy day, likt this one. "Ello, darling." I whispered as she kissed me. I pulled back and pecked her lips a couple of times. "What happened to being friends?"
"Screw that. I know money is tight."
I nodded and kissed her passionatly again. "I'm done with any other girl, baby."
She smiled.
"Good. Cause I love you and I cant live without you."
"Marry me," I ordered.
She laughed and kissed me lightly. "And if I dont?"
"I'm gonna chain you in my basement and love you to death."
She laughed and snuggled into me. "Ight. I marry you. Under one acception,"
I nuzzled her neck and nodded.
"On our honeymoon we have to go to Tanner's Island and we have to play."
I smiled. Her parents gave Tanner an island on one of his birthdays and she told me that when she gets married she wants to go there for a week and play.
"I love you, baby." I said and kissed her forehead.


"Leah, Leah, Leah, Leah. LEAH!" my two year old daughter squealed as Tanner put his newborn baby on the couch next to Lilly. Camron jumped up and down as I made chocolate pudding for him.
"Dont you have a daughter to control?" Tanner asked him as he dipped a finger in the pudding, ate it, then kissed my cheek.
"Hey!" Camron said as he ran to get Lilly then ran back into the kitchen. "Uncle Tanner is eating our pudding."
"Put me down, daddy. I wanna play with mommy. I dont want to play with you." she yelled as she kicked and thrashed her arms.
"Owe. I'm sorry. But you need to learn how to sleep not with mommy. I dont like sleeping on the floor."
She hit him on the head then put her head on his shoulder. Jerimy came in and grinned at me before kissing my forehead. "Hey, sexy mama. How you doin?"
He turned into a total player after Italy.
"I'm doin, fine, dude. How you doin?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes. "I got a baby on the way. I've finally found a girl."
I nodded. "I'd love to meet this girl." I said.
He kissed my forehead. "Someday."
Camron showed our brothers to their rooms then him and I went to our room where the twins were fighting over Cam's boxers.
"Ok, kids. Nap time. Leave my boxers out of your tissy fit." Camron said. Camron Jr. pouted then walked over to out bed. He climbed up on our bed and took most of his clothes off. He was only in his diper. I've got her pody trained, but not him. He is a little slow.
"Ew," Lilly screamed and ran over to me. I picked her up and walked over to the bed. I layed her down then layed in the middle of them.
Camron layed down on the other side of Camron. Camron being a momma's boy cured into my side and closed his eyes.
LIlly crawled over me and layed on Camron's chest. "Why do we always find them in here at nap time?" he asked then kissed my forehead.
"Cause C.J always gets tired at this time and so does Lilly. By the way. How do you feel about more kids?" I asked.
He sighed. "More kids," he murmmured. "Umm, more kids. As in more kids?" he asked.
I nodded. "Like another baby or whatever." I said.
"There isn't a whatever unless you fu.." He stoped when Lilly hit his mouth. "You did that with an alien. And I dont know. The twins are starting pre-school in a few weeks and it's gonna be hard getting C.J to go cause he has seperation issues. Lilly doesnt like strangers and... Wait. Are you pregnant?" he asked.
I am. "Finish what you were saying."
"I wouldnt be able to be here twenty four seven to help you and..."
"Babe, there isn't another baby yet," I said.
He sighed. "How are you gonna run around with the twins when your stomch is all..."
"Camron, C.J and Lilly listen when I scream. Especially when I get annoyed."
He kissed my cheek. "I guess another baby would be ok. But they are always in here at bed time." he said.
"No worries there. I'm oready pregnant."
He choked. "When?"
"Umm. Two months. Remember when Tanner and Jamon had that party for the twins."
"Mmm. Ok. I thought you were on the pill. And I've noticed you getting a little fat."
I hit him upside the head.
"I didnt wanna mention it cause I love you." He laughed.
"Ugh! Pregnant women get fat, you idiot." I whispered.
He nodded. "Yah. I know. Now go to sleep. Jamon is coming over later, and his children are like... really hyper."
I nodded. "Love you," I said then kissed his lips softly.
"Love you too," he whispered.

The End!

Book two

Book Two

Chapter one

  "So you're pregnant again?" my brother, Tanner asks and looks at Cameron.

  I nod my head and Cameron takes my hand.

  "Whatya gonna name it?" Jamon asks.

   "We don't know," Cam says.

  "Well, why not?" Kevin asks and kisses my cheek.

  "Because I'm fat," I say.

  "Oh shut up," Tanner says.

  "You still have a sexy body," Jamon says and winks at me.

  I make a weird face at him. "Momma," Lilly says walking outside where we are. "I had a bad dream." she says.

  "Ohh, baby. Come here." I say and she walks over to me. I pick her up and put her on my lap. Cam brushes her hair out of her face.

  "What about, Princess?"

  "The boogy man eated you and mommy then squished C.J."

  I kiss her temple. "It's not real, baby girl." I say and she looks up at me.

  "Are you sure?" she asks.

  "I'll never let anything hurt you. And neither will mommy." Cameron says.

  Lilly falls asleep on me and Cameron takes her and holds her. "Princess?" Cameron asks.

  "She's sleeping," Lilly says, cutely.

  I smile and Tanner smiles. "You have adorable kids." he says.

  "Right?" I say and Cam shushes us.

  "Princess is trying to sleep."

  We laugh.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.06.2012

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